#yandere record of ragnarok hades
Competition | Yandere Hades
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Yandere Pantheon College AU (1/7) | Master List
Providing guidance to the up-and-coming youth was a privilege not awarded to many and for that Pantheon College put a substantial amount of its budget toward its counselors. Allowing said counselors to manage the health of the students and staff at their discretion. 
Since the grand split of the social classes, unofficial titles were given to the counselors. Dubbed the Average counselor and the Elite counselor staff and students divided themselves in turn. This wouldn’t have been a problem if the Principal didn’t find this funny enough to make a game of it.
“Hohoho whoever gets the most votes from students will get the lion’s share of the budget! Hohoho!”
Forcing the students and staff to submit their votes in a poll on a specific day would decide where the money would go and thus began your many bouts with the Elite counselor: Hades. 
“Feel like giving up yet, (Y/n)?”
With his winnings from last year, he’d assembled an impressive display. A nationally acknowledged catering buffet in the courtyard. Separated by quality, the more upscale side needed identification as an elite student to even get a plate. It was downright degrading.
“Never in a million lifetimes.”
You were always rushing around busy trying to fundraise or stretch the tiny budget you did to help the average students plus they guaranteed their votes. The only problem was that the elite students were well aware of the predicament of the guidance counselors they did their best work to stunt the polls.
“(Y/n), you look so much more cross today what seems to be the matter?” 
The smile on his face told you everything you needed to know. 
“Another one of your students has been bullying mine out of voting.”
“Oh really I’ll have to look into it.”
His stupid smile was still on his face as he twirled the glass of wine in his hand. He always looked so unbothered it reminded you of the things that did get under his skin. 
So you tilted your head pretending to rifle through files before faking a disappointed face, “I wish I could stop pitying you though.” 
He stopped twirling his glass to pointedly stare at you, his single eyeglass catching the light. You continued, “It’s a little more demeaning that you can only win through sabotage. But I don’t have to live with your pride, right?”
He seemed like he wanted to argue but you ducked into your office, filing the manila folders away. Keeping your gaze fixed on your desk and the various items on it, pretending you don’t see the counselor waiting for you to acknowledge him.
“For your information, I am completely faultless for what my students do besides it’s just regular teasing–” 
A student being held by a peeved security guard continued to head out of the office. The student looked up at the man outside of your office, letting a smile spread on their face.
“Hey, Mr. Hades! Make sure your votes stay up there, just like we talked about, even if I am getting suspended!”
“That’s enough out of you brat, out the door!”
It couldn’t have happened more perfectly than that, you looked at the counselor who was hiding his expression behind his gloved hands. Stifling your giggles you twirled in your chair over the small triumph. 
“I wished I’d taken bets on how likely it was that you did convince your students to compete with the majority on a contest that doesn’t concern them.”
Letting his hand fall as he looked exasperated at you, “Why don’t you share the exact predicament with the students? It would certainly keep you in the running.”
“Because there’s already enough animosity between the groups and this is more about finding activities and events that benefit all students.”
He walked deeper into your office, languidly stepping closer to the edge of your desk.
“But the professors know, doesn’t that go against your….morale?” 
He let the word on the end drag. Allowing that prideful smile of his to spread across his face as he leaned over the trinkets on your desk.
“Professors aren’t my main priority, it’s the students that I really need to worry about. It’s helpful that they know but I didn’t tell them. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if you included your professors in the same briefing that your students did.”
Hades quirked his eyebrows, in neither confirmation nor denial. Instead letting his grey-iris eyes glaze over as he stared at the different memorabilia on your desk picking up. Landing on a picture of your child he picked it up, dodging your grasp that tried to put the frame back in place.
You only could watch as you watched his eyes roam over the small picture as he walked around your office, casually taking in the art and graduation photos from various graduates. The smallest bloom of envy built in his chest when he saw the picture of a graduate hugging you. Thinking about his own office the sterile look was meant to maintain professionalism for his people. The only exceptions were the picture he had with his brothers and the single photo he had of his first day—the only picture he actively had with you. 
“If you’re done looking, I’d like my picture back. I have an appointment in fifteen.”
At your voice, Hades turned from your wall still clutching your picture while he went behind your desk. Leaning on your side of the desk he came in close, still wearing that prideful smile.
“How do you say we have lunch together?”
You scoffed,” I doubt I could afford wherever you want to go.”
“No worries. I’ll pay.” 
“And be in debt to you? No thanks.” 
You took the frown on his face as a chance to swipe your frame back looking pridefully at the family photo before putting it in its proper place.
“Besides I’ve decided I’ll be working through lunch so it’d just be a waste of time.”
“Working through lunch? Our office hours are required to be closed then.”
“They will be and it’s a budgeting meeting. So yeah.” You took advantage of the shamed roll of his eyes while you turned your attention forward, looking down the hall and waiting for your appointment to walk through the door.
“Then how about dinner?”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, “Hades–”
“I’ll pick a kid-friendly place it’ll be a private thing.”
“Do you even know what it’s like to have a toddler in a fine-dining atmosphere it’ll be a mess!”
“I’ll get us a booth tucked away, let the owner know in advance. It would be fine.”
“That sounds like an awesome dinner plan, (Y/n)!”
Walking in was one of the art professors: Apollo waving off the enamored office workers and secretaries to enter your office. He casually sat in your chair across your desk spinning it as he waved at Hades. You let your head rub against your forehead, mildly aware of the annoyed gaze Hades was sending.
“Apollo, you booking an appointment under a student’s name is an issue. This time is for students who need to talk to me.”
“But (Y/n)! I do need to talk to you!”
“If it’s anything about what you offered before I want no part of it.”
“Come on (Y/n), you’re supposed to be open to making the staff and students happy!”
“Going to a party with you to take psychedelics is not research to make anyone happy.”
“It’d make me happy! Plus you’d get yourself a bunch of new votes!”
“No Appollo.”
Hades watched with growing disinterest as you went back and forth. It occurred to him that as the Elite using whatever methods to reach their goal was natural. He was aware of this when he told a select group of students and staff. He wasn’t aware that attempts would be made for you directly not that that’s what Apollo was doing. Not among the few he told, he must’ve been told by one of his ‘friends’ who gave him the courage to take advantage of your situation.  Hades really hated that.
“--If you want to do it privately we can—”
All he had to do was step beside him and put his gloved hands on the professor’s shoulder. The sight of Apollo was the Elite guidance counselor looking down at him, his single eyeglass glinting with his usual smile. For whatever reason it was darker than usual, letting a healthy set of chills run down his back.
“How about you try again another time, Apollo? (Y/n) and I were talking.”
The question wasn’t that. Just as abruptly as he entered Apollo was waving goodbye to you both before skipping out of your office quickly. 
Vaguely aware of the veiled threat, you turned your attention to the smiling counselor. 
“So, about that dinner.”
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yandere-daydreams · 10 months
Title: Sacrifical Bride.
Commissioned by the very lovely @yanmaresu.
Pairing: Yandere!Hades x Reader (Record of Ragnarök).
Word Count: 3.0k.
TW: Fem!Reader, Non/Con, Forced Marriage, Unbalanced Power Dynamics, Emotional Manipulation, Rough Sex, Unprotected Sex, and Mentions of Kidnapping/Prolonged Captivity. Not Canon Complacent. I Have Never Met Canon But I Hear She's Very Nice.
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The wedding was a solemn affair.
Not dull, because nothing that had your heart beating so violently could ever be considered ‘dull’, and not dreary, because despite the many, many things you could say about your kidnapper-turned-husband, he wasn’t one for bland affairs. No, your dress was of the finest and most vibrant silks, your veil lined with pearls and rubies and the gown’s train long enough to swell and ebb behind you as you walked down the seemingly never-ending aisle, unaccompanied by any escort. Wreaths of shining ivory lilies and blooming chrysanthemums encircled marble pillars, low-burning lanterns casting the chapel in long, wavering shadows. The pews were empty. The only guests were his ghastly servants, and they’d never once said a word to you.
There was no officiant. Hades waited for you at the brimstone altar alone, a gentle simper playing over his lips as he watched you drag your feet and fight the urge to bolt, to run, to do the very thing that’d left you trapped in his arm in the first place. It was tempting, albeit pointless. You’d always been swift footed, but there was nowhere to escape to in Helheim. At best, you’d spend a few days hiding and struggling to survive in the empty plains that surrounded his looming fortress of a home. At worst, you’d find yourself without direction and beyond the reach of his control, hopelessly lost and stumbling through fields of fading dead and gnarled beasts and things that would make the man in front of you look hospitable, in comparison. You tried to remind yourself of that as your body begged you to flee.
As you reached the altar, his smile grew into something that could’ve been convincingly genuine, had it been able to reach the pits of lifeless ice that were his eyes. Rather, the gesture only seemed to add to the coil of dread growing tighter in the pit of your stomach as you stepped beside him, clutching your bouquet to your chest in a white-knuckled grip. He’d let you pick that out yourself, at least, and you’d taken a truly irrational amount of joy in picking wildflowers and trimming roses and breaking every rule of decorum your mother had ever taught you. Now, though, the shadows of his hall seemed to dull your vision-searing colors, and it was difficult to take joy in such a simple pleasure knowing the man in front of you sought to ensure you’d never braid daisies or sleep beneath open skies again, when he was staring you down like yet another precious gem he planned to add to his ever-growing collection. It was a cruel comparison, but not quite as hyperbolic as you would’ve liked.
There was a shallow sigh, a hand brought to the edge of your veil. He toyed with the fabric for a long moment before taking the hem in both hands and pulling it away from your face. If he recognized the terror stitched into your expression, he only deemed it worth a slight shake of his head. “Oh, beloved.” His hand fell to your cheek. “You’re as radiant as the day we met.”
The day he plucked you from your mortal life and dragged you into the depths of the earth, the day he’d forced the awful seeds of that terrible fruit down your throat and promised you would never see another living soul again. You swallowed back your nerves. “Please, don’t draw this out.”
You were lucky you’d fallen into the hands of such a mild-tempered captor. He let out an airy chuckle, turning back to the altar. It was decorated sparsely; an overflowing cornucopia posed in one corner, a standing thurible slowly releasing nauseatingly sweet incense into the stagnant air sitting in the other. Between them was only a bottle of dark wine and two twin chalices, crafted of only the finest bronze and polished until they shined in the low lighting. He filled both to the brim before looking towards you, a glint in his remaining eye as he took a chalice in either hand.
You’d been wrong when you assumed they were identical. Where one had a line of aimless, curling thorns following the rim and plunging down the length of the handle, the other was embellished with roses, abstract and nearly shapeless, forming neat columns across the body of the cup. He extended the latter to you, its contents threatening to spill as you took it in your trembling hands. You’d managed to talk him out of the more elaborate ceremonies he’d suggested, but it was difficult to remember that this was a preferable alternative now that could feel the chill of his wine seeping into your palms.
You brought it to your lips, held it there for a moment, then pulled back at the hint of a more familiar scent than that of his dizzying incense. “Pomegranates?”
“I thought it would be a nice touch.” For him, maybe. He’d always struggled to see things from your perspective. “Forgive my sentimentality.”
You wouldn’t, but you were smart enough to keep that to yourself. When he raised his chalice, you did the same, mirroring him when your own will failed you. “To us, darling.”
You nodded. “To us.”
He took a long sip from his chalice, seeming to savor the rich wine, while you drained yours in a single breath. Try as you might to enjoy it, you could only seem to taste ash.
A few vows were exchanged, a kiss pressed into the back of your hand when you flinched away from his attempt to communicate his affection more directly. Finally, he took your arm and guided you back to your shared chambers, lingering in the doorway while you collapsed onto his bed – your marital bed, now, you supposed. You buried your face in the silken sheets, letting out a soft groan. There would be a celebration later on, a feast with all of his many gloating brothers and prying sisters in attendance, but the worst of it was over. You were bound to him, for better or for worse. All you could do was weather the consequences.
You’d hoped he would be kind enough to leave you alone while you consoled yourself, while you took all that you knew and all that you didn’t and recontextualized it with yourself as the mortal bride to the God of Death, but a hand on your shoulder dispelled that fleeting fantasy. With no small amount of reluctance, you pushed yourself upward and turned your attention back to Hades. This time, without the pretense of custom, he didn’t settle for your hand. His mouth found its way to the dip of your shoulder, then the crook of your neck, his teeth scraping against your skin as he pressed wet, open-mouthed kisses into his chosen targets.
When he started to move towards the curve of your throat, you moved on instinct – your hands finding their way to his hair as you dragged him away from you before he could do anything you wouldn’t be able to forget as soon as he left the room. “Please,” you said, not for the first time that day. “I… I’d rather be alone, right now. If it’s all the same to you.”
His smile didn’t waver. “You know that, if it were up to me, I would bend to your every whim,” he spaced the words out generously, as if worried your feeble human mind might not be able to understand. “But we aren’t done.”
Your expression fell. “I’ve done everything you’ve asked of me. I wore the dress, and—and I took your vows, and—”
“My love,” he cut you off swiftly, bringing his hand up to cup your cheek. “Our union will have to be consummated, eventually.”
You felt your throat begin to swell shut.
“I know that, but—” You laid your hand over his, trying to call upon whatever pale imitation of sympathy might’ve existed in his heart. “—does it have to be consummated now?”
You watched as his gaze softened, as his head lulled to the side in that endeared-yet-condescending manner he seemed so fond of. Slowly, with a painstaking gentleness, he brought you closer to him, ghosting over the top of your head and lingering there, even as he started to speak. “I think,” he started, his voice muffled by proximity. “that it would be in your best interest not to keep me waiting any longer.”
It wasn’t a threat, but it was posed like one, dredged up from somewhere deep in his chest and accompanied by his hand on your waist, nimble fingers slipping underneath the sash binding your gown together. When you jerked back, reflexively trying to escape his advances, he was quick to chase you, to let his softened smile spread into an amused grin as an arm wrapped around your midriff and dragged you, willingly or otherwise, into his lap. “I don’t want to hurt you.” And yet, your safety didn’t seem to cross his mind as his blunt nails bit into your waist, as he dragged you close enough to feel his chest press into yours, to become uncomfortably aware of the stiff outline against the loose fabric of his pants. “If I rely on my own self-restraint for another day—” Another kiss, this one to the tender patch of skin above your jugular vein. “I’m afraid I might end up doing something we both regret, when the time comes.”
“Less than a day,” you pleaded as he buried his face in your neck. There was a blur of movement, the ghost of his touch along the curve of your spine, and your bodice fell away in tatters, the ruined fabric collapsing to your waist. When you moved to cover yourself, Hades clicked his tongue and you froze, letting your arms fall back to your sides. Begging him to change his mind was one thing. Going against him so transparently would only make things more difficult. “Half a day. An hour. I just— Hades, I can’t do this right now—”
“My love.” Swift, blunt, merciless. You’d been a fool to ever think he was one of the kinder gods. “I think I’ve waited long enough to claim what belongs to me.”
Any protest you might’ve had died in your throat.
You’d been a fool to ever think he was anything less than the cruelest of his kin.
You wanted to scream. If you couldn’t run, then you would yell, raise your voice and tell him that he already had you, that he’d gotten everything he could’ve possibly wanted, but anything you might’ve said was torn away and ripped to shreds as his head dipped low, his teeth latching onto the vulnerable skin of you collar bone and sinking in. He didn’t draw blood, but he didn’t have to. A bolt of pure, stinging agony shot from your chest to your core, only dulling as he pulled away with a low groan. “Have I ever told you how much I adore the sound of my name on your tongue?” You felt his hand on your hip, then your thigh, the remains of your dress cut through and disposed of with little fanfare. He gave your bridal lingerie (pure white and so obnoxiously lacy, you’d had to wonder if this was all some sadistic joke as you slipped it on) more attention, his thumb running along the delicate trim before his fingers slipped underneath it, tracing the length of your slit before doing away with the barrier altogether.
Dread and panic dulled your reactions, but it would’ve been a lie to say the feeling of his mouth on your skin had left you completely unaffected. He chuckled as he gathered your slick on his fingertips, two of which were soon pressed into your clit with a brutal sort of precision. “And you tried to play coy.” He teased the sensitive bundle of nerves mercilessly, the patterns he traced into your clit too slow and too fleeting all at once. You wished he wouldn’t touch you at all, but if he was going to, it was the least he could’ve done not to draw it out. “That must’ve been why you seemed so rushed during our ceremony. If you’d asked me to make love to you on that altar, I happily would have.”
Hot, humiliated tears welled up in the corners of your eyes. You attempted to deny it, but a cracked moan slipped past your lips instead as two of his fingers were forced into your cunt and spread, splitting you apart. Your hands shot to his shoulders, trying to stabilize yourself, but he only saw your desperation as an invitation – bowing his head and pumping his fingers into you at the kind of languid pace that left you fighting not to rock against him, not to make up for the urgency immortal creatures so often lacked. “You’re a vice,” he muttered, his breath ghosting over the shell of your ear, his tone low and lecherous. You wondered, briefly, if words that fell from the lips of a god could be considered sinful. “To think my own wife would’ve had me neglect her so severely for so long.”
You shook your head. You were married to him, sure, bound to him. But you couldn’t afford to think of yourself as his wife. You couldn’t afford to think of yourself as something so limited, something so purely an extension of him. “I’m not—”
“Don’t try to spare my feelings. I can see that I underestimated just how much attention my little mortal would need.” His wrist quirked, another digit pushing past your entrance and stuffing your pussy full as his fingers curled and ground inside of you. Against your will, you felt a tight heat begin to twist and writhe in the pit of your stomach, pangs of burning pleasure coursing from your cunt to your core. Now, you cried unabashedly, embarrassment and shame burning in your cheeks and fueling the unsteady stream of tears that Hades was so agonizingly quick to coo over, to kiss away as your hips bucked unsteadily against his hand. “What a sensitive wife I have.” That word – that awful word – was enough to earn a ragged sob, but if he recognized the connection, he didn’t deem it worth his concern. “I promise, you’ll never feel so unloved in my care again.”
You would’ve given anything to be able to pull away from him, to be able to shove at his chest and swear to all the gods you’d once worshiped that there was no part of you that could ever feel loved with him, but in the end, he was the one to let you go, to throw you onto the center of his great bed and leave you whining involuntarily at the sudden loss of stimulation. He’d never been one to deprive you, though; in a moment, he was in between your open legs, one hand wrapped loosely around your thigh while the other pulled feverishly at his own clothes. His coat fell away first, then his shirt. You heard fabric shift and metal clink and, in a daze, saw him wrap his fist around something he could not have possibly planned to fit inside of you. Half out of terror and half out of instinct, your gaze flickered from his cock to his face – to the wide, fanged grin he’d been wearing for as long as you could remember.
He moved to kiss you, and you drove your heel into his stomach.
The blow would’ve been weak by human standards, but it caught him off-guard. Out of reflex, he reeled back, and you took the opportunity to scramble off his bed and towards the door, to any part of this forsaken place where Hades wasn’t. You made it a step, maybe two before something caught your shoulder, before your body buckled under a weight greater than your own. You were dragged onto your knees before you could so much as think to slip away from him, your cheek forced against the cool marble of the floor before you could hope to make your descent more dignified. You felt his broad chest press into your back, his snarling lips against the curve of your throat. You wondered if the insult would be great enough to warrant taking your life, but the thought was dismissed quickly.
Hades had never been the kind of god capable of showing such mercy.
“I would’ve made love to you like a queen,” he spat, his tone all manic venom and overdue obsession. “But, if you’d rather be fucked on the ground like a whore, I’m more than happy to oblige.”
You weren’t allowed the luxury of bracing yourself, this time. In one brutal movement, he thrust into you, splitting you open on his cock with the kind of harsh, unforgiving force better suited to a wild animal.  There was no time to adjust, no time to sob, only Hades groaning against your neck as he bucked against you, never daring to pull out completely. Whatever agony his fingers had sparked was now ten-fold. Your legs shook, your body threatening to collapse entirely, but Hades kept your ass raised and your thighs spread, his focus entirely on bucking into you as deeply and as roughly as he could.
It almost surprised you when one of his hands shot to your head, his fingers tangling themselves in your hair as he forced his mouth against yours. You tried not to cooperate, but two fingers pressed into your clit and your mouth fell open in a guttural cry, providing an opening he seemed content to take advantage of. It was a deep, lingering, messything – all tongue and teeth – but his cock ground against something soft and vulnerable and you failed to suppress the wave of pure heat that flooded through your battered body as you clenched around him, as you came undone around the cock of your kidnapper, your captor, your husband. Hades wasn’t far behind, his composure shattering no more than a second after the walls of your cunt clenched down around him. You could only choke on your misery-tinged pleasure as his hips pressed into your ass and he came inside of you – his awful warmth soon tainting every fiber of your being.
You tried to tell yourself that, at the very least, it was over - that he’d had his fill of you and now, you’d be free to console yourself elsewhere, but your hopes were once again dashed when Hades failed to release you, failed to pull out of you, failed to do anything but press himself into your back and trail his lips idly down to the nape of your neck. “Once is a pitiful amount for a king. Don’t you agree?”
You felt his hips move back, then rock against you just as quickly.
“You can forgive me when we’re done, love.”
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chaostroberry1 · 3 months
Can i ask for Yandere Beelzebub, hades, and Poseidonas. It was soulmate and reverse harem AU. What if the three of them had same soulmate and their soulmate is demigod and sister of Brunhilde and going fo fight in Ragnarok as opposite side? The three seen her getting beaten and hurt. What story and what would they do?
Thank you, sorry for the grammar and asking this. If you are uncomfortable with the theme is okay. Have nice days ahead of you ❤❤
YES!! ID BE HAPPY TO! 😭 Thank you for the idea!
Token of love | YANDERE ROR × soulmate READER
Hades + Beelzebub + Poseidon × fem!reader
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The gods have never felt pity towards the human race. Most of them despising the mere thought, it disgusted them. All the sins humans have committed against them and the very earth, truly disgusting.
That was until you came to valhalla. Born as the offspring of a human, and a god. That god being, Susanoo. At first, they just thought of you as a lower being, it didn't matter if you had the blood of Susanoo, you also had a mortal's blood within you. It meant you were still weak in their eyes.
Susanoo had fallen for a beautiful woman, who bore him a child, that child being you. So you were raised in the human world. But things didn't go so well for you, ever since they found out you had abilities that slowly started showing, as well as how you stopped aging. That resulted in many townsfolk chasing you down until you stumbled across a young Valkyrie named Brunhilde, who took you in as her sister.
You were brought to valhalla, being introduced to a few of the gods there. Growing up, you had Odin as your father figure, incredibly protective of you since he thought of you as his own daughter, that's why he didn't let you out of the Norse pantheon, which explains why you haven't met the other gods from other pantheons.
But you had friends to keep you company there, a few being Loki and Thor. Loki who loved to chitchat with you and probably make a few sly comments about Thor's little crush on you which would immediately be interrupted by Thor's glare. Luckily for him though, you were a bit oblivious to it.
When you started growing to be strong and pretty, you set out on your journey to know more about everything, still making sure to visit the Norse gods multiple times.
Beelzebub was the first to have met you, when you introduced yourself to him as a demigod. Then Poseidon, who you left with a bitter taste in his mouth from having to face a being that was lower than him. The last was hades, who instead of Poseidon, greeted you formally instead. More mature minded, but that doesn't mean he'll treat you any differently from the rest.
Until you started showing up more and more, getting your name engraved into their heads, which grew overwhelmingly annoying.
Everytime you passed by them, their hearts would beat fast, and they feel a strong connection towards you...it was sick. How dare you make anyone feel that way?
Hades, had heard about it from his dear brother zues, who wouldn't stop talking about it, making Poseidon listen in as well to all his annoying bickering about "soulmates". Beelzebub on the other hand, had read about it after some thorough research in a library, unable to believe that such feelings could even exist, especially inside him. He knew that if his love were to grow too strong, then he'll end up going on a killing spree.
But...it was different...this wasn't just simple love that he felt..it was obssession. An obssesssive type of love. Which is why he hasn't killed anyone yet, making everything more surprising for him. He was never able to love someone so freely without having to face consequences, which is why the feeling that lingered in him..made him long for you. Since you were the only hope he had for love.
Hades, was full of joy that he could find a queen to love and care for. Someone who he could take with him to the lonely place he had to call "home". There was finally something new for him to look forward to, something that could always brighten up his world.
Poseidon... Poseidon was unhappy about the fact that he had to bear feelings for someone... especially the offspring of a human...you were a deity of lesser status, if he ever had to marry anyone, it would be a woman of higher status, but that would mean the marriage was loveless. This however, was a new experience, being able to love someone so much, it was pathetic. Anyone who bore feelings like that were pathetic...but oh how desperate his body ached to see you.
When the Ragnarok came into place, Brunhilde had convinced you to fight as a representative for the human race. Which you kindly accepted, she was your sister after all. How could you ever turn her down when she needed you most?
You walked into the arena, hoping to win for the sake of humanity. As cruel as humans were, there are still a few exceptions who deserved to live. And to your surprise, you saw the faces of Poseidon and hades, as well as Beelzebub. Their eyes watching you like a hawk, they hated how you had to be a representative. It meant that if you ever lost, you'll be gone..forever. that mere thought was enough to make them grit their teeth in anger. What kind of scum would even think of putting their filthy hands on you?
Sadly, you were paired up with a god who was too strong for you to defeat. Your body already covered in bruises and wounds. Your legs grew weak as you pathetically dropped to your knees, throwing up blood. Your weak state...those sad eyes that lost more and more hope every second that passed...
They were enraged.
Luckily for you, you were able to throw one last move in a desperate attempt to kill the god, and it brought you to victory.
Your body immediately slumping down, trembling in pain. Before your eyes shut, unable to remember anything aside from hands carrying you to get treated.
A few hours had passed and you saw three men surrounding you, all of them exchanging glares at each other while you stared weakly.
"can I...help you..? Are you here to...kill me... because I...fought for the humans...?"
Hades was the first to speak, caressing your hair, a sudden spark igniting within his body when he felt you for the first time. "No, not exactly."
Poseidon left the room, gritting his teeth in annoyance as he tried to get some air. Suppressing his urge to kill whoever was in charge of putting you in such a dangerous situation, forced to be talked out of it by zues. Ending in him letting out a "tch" before leaving his brother to soothe his nerves. Oh how good it would feel to kill that skank, but his pride wouldn't let him. He was a god, if he killed a Valkyrie, that would mean he was pathetic and afraid of losing to the challenge.
It's most probably that the gods would force you into a safer place. Believing that it was best for you to stay away from the dangers outside, especially Odin, who caught on to the gods and their 'feelings' towards you.
Odin was incredibly enraged by not only the fact that you nearly lost your life, but, adding salt to the wound, also had a bunch of males trying for your love! That's why he got Loki and Thor to guard you, knowing that it was best. Not uttering a word to the others about your sudden disappearance.
The other gods were pissed when they couldn't find you anywhere. The love that swelled in their chest made them desperate to find you, but they had no idea where you were put after your match.
But don't worry, once they get rid of all the possible threats to you, they'll find you. They'll find you, and take you back to where you belonged. With them.
But for now, you can play your little hide and seek. But beware that it won't last very long once they've got their hands on you.
After all, it was your fault they felt that way, isn't it?
So don't go wondering why you woke up to knocking on your door, and don't be surprised if it wasn't Thor, or Loki, nor Odin...
You have to pay the consequences.
@kuroi19-blog Hello!!! I'm finally finished with the story. Thank you for requesting! I hope this is good enough for your liking 🥹
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vandal-flower · 11 months
Light and Death
Yandere!Hades x Reader
Warnings: Manipulation, kidnapping, feelings of guilt, betrayal.
Notes: I was casually letting this just mold in my drafts. I took reference on Hades 'n Persephone, to make the story 🤌.
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"(Name), have I ever told you about how much I loved you?", asked Hades, the infamous King of the Underworld.
"No, but there is no need in telling me that my king. I already know you love me.", you answered, with a flustered look on your face.
"But I would love to tell you. To tell you how I would do anything for you, and anything to have you for myself."
"Anything to have me?"
"Anything my beloved."
That was a conversation you had a few months back with Hades. You often look back on it, and wonder if he was lying. His brother, Zeus was infamous for his various affairs. And in some cases, Poseidon as well. But no one is bold enough to speak about it - in fear of being skewered to death. And even Apollo had a few cases of these said affairs.
To your mother, that was more than enough evidence that the gods in the Greek Pantheon were absolutely scum. They only act solely on their desires and nothing else.
But Hades is different. Hades was different in your eyes.
Sure, he was terrifying at first, but he's kind, caring, loving, and...
Well, you could go on about how he great he is.
According to him, many maidens wished to have his hand but were fearful since he rules the Underworld. Not the beautiful seas, or the bright sky like his brothers. Aphrodite suggested that she could match him up with someone, but he kindly declined the offer.
He said he wanted to find his one true love, unlike the other gods who just pick up a 'suitable' partner for the moment and call it a day.
What he said months ago was running through your mind. He would do anything for you, he would do absolutely anything to have you. It made your heart flutter.
Those were the thoughts you had those few months ago.
You were currently lying in bed - in a bed that wasn't yours. Beside you was the King of the Underworld himself. Hades.
His arms were wrapped around you tightly, but gave enough space to let you breathe. But also that ensured you couldn't get yourself out of his grasp.
He looks so majestical when sleeping, you note to yourself. It reminds you of the time he had kidnapped you, taking you for himself. He looked just as beautiful, if not more beautiful. It's hard to admit it, but it's the truth. You found him beautiful even when he committed such act.
You recall how he took your trust and used it against you. He used it to lock you in the Underworld with him. Those secret meetings with him, those precious moments filled your stomach with guilt.
You went behind your mother's back just to see him. She must be worried sick. Devastated. You feel like a hypocrite. Hades used your trust, and you used your mother's trust.
You miss her. Her smile, her laugh - even her torturous long lectures. You were able to see her.
Before you even realize, tears have already fallen out of your eyes. The droplets stain the bed beneath you and some drop onto Hades' arm, causing him to wake up.
He sits up and tries to comfort you, wiping your tears and whispering sweet words in your ears. But it's all nothing to you.
"I want to go home.", you mutter, hoping that he would listen to your pleas. Hoping he still has a heart after what he has done to you.
He pauses for a moment, as if contemplating if he should fulfill your request, wondering if he would get something in return. "My beloved, home is where the heart is. You belong in my heart, so it's only right for you to live with me."
"But, I want to see my mother. She's worried about me. She has to know where I am, she-"
Hades interrupts by placing his finger on your lips, silencing you.
"Your mother needs, time to process the situation at hand before you can go see her, my dear. So please, dry your tears and go to sleep."
"What situation?", you ask, confused at his words.
"I'll tell you in the morning.", he answers.
"But, there isn't any light in the Underworld, just darkness and death.", you urge.
"Exactly, I'll tell you when the time comes."
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Ngl, there is not bad picture of Hades. Every one is just beautiful.
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bunji-enthusiast · 4 months
Hello, can I request Yandere Thor, Odin Poseidon, and Hades from the record of Ragnarok, please? Those four are my favorite characters in the show.
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• Yanderes || Thor (couldn’t think of anything else for the other characters my apologies).
• CW || nothing major, general non-specific headcanons.
• note || absolutely!! It’s been a while since I wrote for this character so I’m a little rough. Thank you for sending in this request ♡︎
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- 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐫
♥︎ Thor is unusually quiet, uncharacteristically quiet. It wasn’t his usual demeanor, yet, if not for Shiva’s watchful eyes. He never would’ve figured out the trepidation that lied between you and the thunder god. He wondered how this came to be, this unhealthy chains of a bond had borne.
♥︎ Thor casts off worry to the god of destruction, underlying despair as if he was waiting at any moment for something to be ripped away from the very foundation of his being. Shiva wonders what is happening between the both of you, those watchful eyes of yours alluring to each and every shadow, as if you were afraid and waiting for someone to come out of them. Shiva is wonderful when it came to relationships, he would like to think so, he was considered a very good husband by his wives after all. So he considers how he could be of help to the two of you. Shiva simply wonders what is wrong, you are a friend of his after all. He worries.
♥︎ This side to the thunder god had somewhat given Shiva surprise, he sneaks in, and around to check on you. He checks every corridor of Thor’s place of residence, he usually sees you here every time he comes by. ‘How odd’ He thinks to himself. It takes perhaps a considerable amount of time before he finally finds you, shouting your name across the hallways. Hearing audible shouts for help.
A cough, another one follows.
He was wide-eyed in surpise, even given pause in his steps before he continued forward to find the source of your voice. "Hey [Name]!" The destruction god shouts, stopping in his tracks once again to strain for your voice.
"Here! Please help me." He followed your plead without a second thought, finally finding where you found yourself in trouble. Shiva's second pair of arms open the door while his first pair had him scrambling for you, seeing your deflated form on the floor. He finds his heart tightened in pain, seeing one of his dear friends like this was no fun way to meet.
His first pair of arms lift under your own, lifting you up and sitting you on the ground now. Shiva's lips pursed in quiet concern, his expressed tone coming off in tendrils of worry, "What happened to ya?" He finally asks, his second pair of arms crossing together as he steadied himself to find calm.
Your face appeared to be oh so, tired, tired of about everything at this very moment. Even if you wished, you couldn't escape it. You didn't want this at all, that thunder god's twisted love. That heart of his was so soft and sweet in the beginning, now it had bone-crushed, into something worse. Your hands find purchase in his legs, trying to upright yourself without feeling your body dragged down by mental weight and back-handed words. Too much had happened, far too much.
Shiva winces as you suddenly almost fell, his two upfront hands coming to fence you from it actually happening in the process. He sighs, "Take it easy."
The words were hard to find, your voice coming off weary and cautious. "He, didn't let me off easy." A brow raises, his emotions swirling tremendously in the pit of his stomach. Worry makes room for fear, and soft anger at the subject you mentioned. "Thor kept me here for far too long."
The god of destruction inhales a sharp breath, seeing your worn and weary state, as if it were exploded by the thousand shards of shrapnel.
Now it suddenly made sense.
The thunder god's behavior, the snappy remarks at the mention of you. Why you had been left at the word of a disppearance for quite some time now.
"Hey, you don't gotta worry about him anymore." He says after the moments of silence, settling you between his arms as he carries you in the manner of a bride. Shiva shoots you a tiny smile, "You hear?"
The god of destruction was gonna have a serious talk with Thor, no matter how powerful he may be.
- 𝐎𝐝𝐢𝐧
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yandere-lotus · 5 months
Yandere!Hades Headcanons {Record of Ragnarok Version}
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Another repost from my previous blog!
I wanna sit on his lap fr
One of the safest ones, I can tell you that.
Hades is loving, protective and loyal. A bit possessive at times as well.
He'd never force himself onto you, but the thought has come to his mind once in a while when you refuse.
Of course he'll spoil you. He is the king of the underworld, and his queen deserves only the best, right? From beautiful clothing to sparkling jewellery, you name it, he'll gladly give you it.
You were probably told to deliver something to him by Zeus. Hades may have liked you the first few times he met you.
Of course, Zeus notices his brother's likening towards you and purposely sends you to him and only you.
Hades could've sworn he felt his heart flutter at your beauty the first time you both met. And you were so kind to him.
Now he expects to see your pretty face every time he hears about someone entering the underworld.
He knew you were starting to develop feelings for him so he thought of an idea.
He purposely slipped some pomegranate seeds in some of the food he offered you, to which you politely declined.
You gave in when he wouldn't stop insisting. You ate the food, not knowing the loving smile he sent you. When you tried to leave, you couldn't.
You tried to convince Hades to let you go, but to your surprise, he pulled you into his arms and stroked your back.
"Won't you spend eternity with me, my beloved?~"
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kanroji-san · 8 days
Kyojuro: *Floating down the river Styx on an inflatable donut and high-fiving all the lost souls*
Hades: *Watching him high-five the lost souls*...
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flaresemily · 30 days
The past rewritten itself (Qin Shi Huang)
This is actually one of my drafts that I have been keeping for a long time now so...ENJOY!!
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Being an emperor has its perks. And being forced into a marriage well…that doesn't fit right. But that's what happens to Qin Shi Huang.
He doesn't really love y/n but he doesn't hate her either. Well…just imagine them as…friends yeah! Friends after all friends don't betray each other right!....right?
You were walking towards your husband's room to give him the homemade mooncake you made with the chef/baker in the kitchen.
As you get closer, you hear some…uh well what they call the unholy sounds.
You were shocked and you dropped the mooncake. Qin probably heard the thud quickly get up and rush to the ‘door’.
As he opened the ‘door’ he saw the mess on the floor and saw your figure running away.
He realizes his mistake and quickly runs after you. (after he clean himself)
From them on,you never talked to him. Making him well…obsessed on getting you to pay attention to him. (You don't know he kill the woman he slept with)
The more days passed he always saw you talking to that one guard. He was so jealous he decided to accuse you of cheating.
It was your birthday that the whole of China is celebrating.
As you were sitting there drinking. Qin Shi Huang suddenly stood up and stand In front of the others.
“My dear beloved country, I have something to announce.”
Everyone was waiting.
And finally…
“The empress is cheating on me”
A lot of ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ can be heard.
You were shocked.
That's when people started to ‘boo’ at you.
Throwing you things and insulting you.
For a few days or weeks you have mental breakdowns; he even accused you of being pregnant with another man's child.
But what he didn't expect is for you to get kidnapped and be tortured by his people. He didn't know that they were so loyal that they dared to kidnap the empress and give her a ‘taste of her own medicine’
He realizes it when one of the old couples came to his throne room and reported it to him.
He asks his guard to check your chamber. But you were nowhere to be found.
Then, he received another news that you are getting executed In front of others.
He quickly left his palace and went to the town's square.
There…the people tied you up to the poles they made just for you. They put on a small flame to burn your legs.
You were screaming and crying and begging to be let go. Trying to tell them you were innocent.
But they wouldn't listen and continue to torture you slowly and painfully.
Then, the final punishment came.
He saw what was about to happen and quickly shouted
And stab you were stabbed already. Not once….but multiple times.
And finally your eyes as if looking at him…look at him with hurtful betrayal eyes.
You love him so much and yet…this is what you get all because you just want to give him a mooncake. Then, if you didn't bring the mooncake would you still be alive?
You were left there…dying slowly as blood started to spill out of you.
He manages to get on ‘stage’ and cradle you in his arms sobbing.
“No…y/n sob don't please!” The man cried.
As the crowd begin to lessen he carries you in his arms but he was stopped by the guards who later on snatched the corpse from him.
All he can do is watch you get taken away again.
This…is what happens when you frame your own wife. Saying that she's been sleeping with a lot of men and accusing her of carrying another man's child…
When in reality…it was you (talking about himself not readers) all along.
In Valhalla
He was walking around searching for his room when he came across a beautiful woman…
She looks exactly like you.
And she was holding a child that looked exactly like him.
But the thing is, someone else wrap his arms on your waist pulling you closer.
And it was…none other than
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lilys0evil0twin · 20 days
Part 2 of RoR characters reacting to their darling meeting their old crush.
Oh absolutely, I've been itching to make more yanderes in my series... Or well
Some guys don't really need it...
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You're surely NOT smiling so widely while talking to someone that NOT him
He doesn't know what you are doing, but he doesn't like it
At all
He's sure to stand right behind you, leaning on his walking stick and we'll over your form towards the individual
Studying even the smallest details, the smallest imperfections on their face, skin, clothing, whatever excuse to feel justified for his disgust
He also voices them, just random input to the conversation that doesn't even concern him
"Your eyes are slightly uneven", "I don't like your style", "Your hair looks unhealthy"
"I don't know why my s/o even likes you"
The encounter left a bitter taste in your mouth, his as well, liking someone so imperfect even if it was in the past
You'll be the death of him once, surely... Maybe, that's not so bad after all
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Loki was... Confused is probably a good word
He doesn't understand why you got so bubbly all of the sudden, he hasn't said any joke has he?
Oh you ran off
And he after you naturally, only to see you jump around someone
So, obviously, he had to go join in on the fun
He introduced, making sure to state your relationship loud and clear, then proceeded to question the individual
Treating each and every answer as a competition and he simply had to win
Everything was followed with a snarky response, downcast or a mockery
All to make this what's-their-name worthless, and himself to stand in better light in your eyes
Was he jealous? Yes
Was it obvious? Yes
Were you uncomfortable? Yes, along with the other individual of course
The encounter had to end with you pulling Loki away, thank whatever god you'd like that he was floating, making it easier for you
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Hades simply does not care
He doesn't know who you're talking to and he doesn't want to
Your expressions and lovely words mean nothing, sure he's a little hurt they're not directed to him but... As long as you're happy he suppose
But the longer the talk lasts, the more uncomfortable he gets
He's never felt something quite like this, it's like he's about to vomit
No doesn't like this feeling at all
Good thing you're all sitting, at least he can pull you to his lap
He'd never admit he's jealous and will deny it as if his life depended on it if you ever asked
He'll let you be and finish your talk, just holding you as if you wanted to leave
Surely you'd never want to, and if you did he'll just feed you one of his pomegranates and everything will be as lovely as before
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⚰️Yandere Hades Headcanons (Record of Ragnarok version)⚰️
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I want to sit on his lap
And hold his hands
One of the safest ones, I can tell you that.
Hades is loving, protective and loyal. A bit possessive at times as well.
He'd never force himself onto you, but the thought has come to his mind once in a while when you refuse.
Of course he'll spoil you. He is the king of the underworld, and his queen deserves only the best, right? From beautiful clothing to sparkling jewellery, you name it, he'll gladly give you it.
You were probably told to deliver something to him by Zeus. Hades may have liked you the first few times he met you.
Of course, Zeus notices his brother's likening towards you and purposely sends you to him and only you.
Hades could've sworn he felt his heart flutter at your beauty the first time you both met. And you were so kind to him.
Now he expects to see your pretty face every time he hears about someone entering the underworld.
He knew you were starting to develop feelings for him so he thought of an idea.
He purposely slipped some pomegranate seeds in some of the food he offered you, to which you politely declined.
You gave in when he wouldn't stop insisting. You ate the food, not knowing the loving smile he sent you. When you tried to leave, you couldn't.
You tried to convince Hades to let you go, but to your surprise, he pulled you into his arms and stroked your back.
"Won't you spend eternity with me, my beloved queen?~"
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Yandere Pantheon College AU Master List
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The Pantheon College has had a withstanding rivalry among the social classes within the college. In one corner: the Average. Composed of those with scholarships, those of the lower middle class, and those who fund their tuition with hard work. In the other corner: the Elite. Who cruise upon the life of inheritances, birthrights, and on the hardbacks of those beneath them. The school’s peace hinges on the relationships that endure within the campus walls that halt the complete shutdown by the divided board of educators. Whether you stand in the way, are actively a part of the process, or are a neutral party your presence is necessary for the ultimate paradise Pantheon could be.
1. Competition - Yandere Hades
2. Bad Boy and His Babycakes - Yandere Loki
3. Nark with a Fish - Yandere Poseidon
4. Emperor - Yandere Qin Shi Huang
5. Guardian of the Library - Yandere Raiden Tameemon
6. Wait with Me - Yandere Hermes
7. Silent Love Story - Coming Soon
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trafalgarlogy · 2 years
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TW !? Possessiveness, Yandere Themes, Abuse, Gore, Violence, Obsessive Behavior
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How Did You Meet ?
⟶ Hades was tired of being in Helheim with no work. for once he decided to take a walk around the mortal realm out of boredom ⟶ Every village he walked in he would sense the aura of fear under his presence, though he certainly did not care about them bowing down to him ⟶ Until someone from behind dared to bump into him, in annoyance the god turn around to see a young mortal terrified stood there infront of him, for what came to his shock he could feel his heart melt seeing (h/c) human's beautiful features.... ⟶ At that moment he could not hear any of those crowd of people shouting and cursing the young woman/man, all he could focus was on the beauty standing infront of him ⟶ He couldn't understand this odd feeling, he questioned himself what was so special about this human?.... ⟶ (e/c) eyes of the human was full of tears and fear as (s)he/they kneeled begging the god for forgiveness, he didn't know why he held the woman/man's shoulder to make him/her/them stand up ⟶ Getting a closer look at his/her/their face to meet the pearly (e/c) eyes, he asked his/her name, it seemed shocking for him/her/them but hesistantly introduced herself/himself/themselves as (Name). ⟶ He very fascinated by (Name), but he didn't express it infront you and the crowd that was whispering and judging (Name) internally, he kept quiet and walked away speaking a word leaving (Name) standing.
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⟶ Hades never thought of getting so obsessed over a human, a person coming from the race he look down upon or gave a single damn about... ⟶ Everyday the desire to have you for himself would grow like a hunger ⟶ He would dream about you, think about you, see you in the butler/maids passing by... ⟶ He made up his mind to marry you even if it meant to kill anyone coming in his way, he knew he was the only man worthy of you ⟶ He would always send spies too look at your every action and report to him ⟶Until he lost his patience, he wanted his desire of having you for himself come true, he sent his guards to bring you to Helheim.
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How Would You Be Treated By Him ?
⟶ He would force you to love him, though he would you give your private space but not too much. ⟶ Hades is one of the most possessive yandere's demanding love and attention ⟶ He would call you names like :- love, darling, queen/king. ⟶ He always make sure you are not seeing any man behind his back when he is gone due to some important matters. ⟶ The only sweet thing he would do is gift you dresses and rare jewels, cause after he is the king of Helheim its nothing but a piece of cake for him to get most beautiful and rare jewels. ⟶ He tries his best to treat you with best things, but even after that you try to escape he wouldn't hesitate to even to give you punishment for your ungrateful act. ⟶ In punishment he would get you tied up and then order guards to hit you with a whip, he wouldn't stop until you faint or bleed too much but it depends on his mood or else he would just spare you. ⟶ No matter whatever you do he would always be his playdoll,if he loses interest in you he can throw you whenever he wants (like that would happen, chile anyways so...)
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chaostroberry1 · 3 months
Hi! Can I Request a dom! Poseidon and or Hades x female sub!wife reader who is sweet/shy, and kinda oblivious, and they just got married and are trying to navigate their life together as newlyweds. I think logically they would have na age gap as well because I believe (could be mistaken in Poseidon’s case) that their wives were younger than them in the myths. If you could make them dotting towards reader too (bit colder than the depths of the sea/Underworld to everyone else), I just really want a sweet obsessive take on their relationship without them being too ooc if this makes sense. Kinda like they fell for reader and they fell harder almost Yandere level obsessed with her. I really loved your Hades x male reader but really want to see you take on this if it’s not too much to ask. I hope my word vomit makes sense.
This is such a cute idea 😆 thank you!
Note : hades and Poseidon are not romantic/ or shipped to each other! ⚠️ I do not support incest. They are only romantic towards reader, but not each other. Cus they are brothers. They only have love towards their darling.
Hades + Poseidon × reader headcanons.
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- tbh, how on earth did you bag not one, but TWO of the strongest gods there is? That's crazy...😭
- not only did you get hades, but Poseidon??? Now you must have accomplished some sort of feat to earn him. Or you were just very loved by the gods. Let's all nod our heads in agreement.
- Considering that there are two of them, gotta say that you take turns being with each of the two.
- it's not very tiring, at least you get a free ride to the underworld and the sea each time you are transported. For example, one day you go to hades, the next day you go with Poseidon. Easy.
- but, it's not always like that. They've insisted on taking you into their own place. but to make things fair, you'd be staying in a completely different home.
- actually, you know what? To make things funnier, what if you were Odin's daughter/daughter figure? You'd be staying with him instead. You have your own room in his place, away from those...bastards..or that's what he liked to call it.
- Like imagine the faces of your beloved darling's when they find you missing. Now that? That really sent them berserk. Harsher and colder than usual, and absolutely will not stop until they found you. Until they did. In Odin's place.
- Bro they all had a staring challenge I swear on my left toe. Like imagine Odin's face when he opens the door to find two gentlemen standing there pissed. And he just responds with "what can I do for you?" With a bitch face.
"I'm here to look for my wife"
"OUR wife, Brother."
"same thing."
- Odin took that personally.
- he was about to say that you weren't there, until you immediately showed up. Your presence filling the room to be more breathable and fresh. You ran over to them happily, embracing them with open arms.
- but let's just say you were pretty oblivious to the death glares they all pointed at each other, a silent warning not to touch you.
- but now let's move on to random ass headcanons I thought about.
- one time a guy called you cute and you never heard from him again. I wonder what happened..
- naughty time with these two is literal heaven. You'd be full in all holes bruv. Do not lie to me, I know what y'all are 🙄
- there would be times where they both have to combine their interests to pick out a dress for you. Believe me, your room is full of so many gifts from both the gods. Trinkets, dresses, jewelry, fancy useless stuff that you find pretty. ANYTHING.
- I can just imagine how sweet and nice they are towards you. someone else tries to talk to to them, they are as cold as the deepest depths of their realms. The moment you enter, they turn their whole personality 360 degrees from what they just displayed earlier.
- and no they will not take flirting from others lightly. A nymph approaches Poseidon? He'd be like, "I'm not interested." Hades?"I'm busy, kindly do not disturb me."
- they aren't really fond of wearing rings, but they do anyway. It's proof of their hold over you, and how they love you lots. You cook for them (or at least you try) and clean around the place.
- you were literally housewife material, maybe a mother one day. At least they hope.
- and as long as you stay, they won't inflict too much harm on anything or anyone. Unless it did smth to you. Let's not talk about it though.
- and yeah.
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bluetooththereptile · 2 years
If you're going to do yandere ror could you do Poseidon, Hades and Qin Shi Huang(I think that's his name?) Like they feel in love the moment they see reader (G/N) *I really like Poseidon, it's kind of sad that Sasaki Kojiro slice him like he was going to make a sushi 🍣🍣*🥹🥲
Yes! I will! You are early and I'm in the mood! So consider yourself lucky! Though I'll just do the two brothers since I don't know Qin much.
Also thanks for requesting dearie! Feel free to ask for more, I'll be doing headcanons/short stories for them though.
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Let's be honest, for a man like Posideon it's not strange of him to be interested in someone just with a glance, just like Zeus he has his fair share of a large harem of lovers, his precious wife giving birth to so many nymphs for him, locked up in their castle under the sea while he, well, enjoys himself with the beauties of the surface. But no one will think of him as a player at the first glance, the blonde is emotionless and cold, but beneath that mask is something more, a beast hidden behind the mask, and most of the time that beast is not so gentle.
He killed his brother, he forced himself upon Medusa and cared less about what it did to her, his wife is locked up by him, he doesn't have an ounce of empathy for creatures that are beneath him, which is mostly anyone, yet he cares, his family is important to him, he does care about them, he let his brother live after he nearly destroyed his body, showing even if he's ruthless, he's not entirely mad. He has his wife under control since he fears for her safety, he cares for his children, and many wars happened because he was enraged by their deaths.
But it's not good news for you, no my dear, the moment the reflection of your pocket watch catches his eye, and he notices your frame, his whole head turns around, his attention now fully focusing on the little human that is witnessing the battle, Ah, you must have been a little more important in the society of those pathetic ants since you were there, your soul still wandering the afterlife, he had to admit, now in flesh, he hadn't had seen a dead soul could interest him. He had expected of his brother Hades, he lived with the dead daily.
Without his intention the corner of his lips curled upwards in a smirk as he beckoned for one of his guards, whispering in his ear to let him know you are not allowed to leave unless you are brought up to him, the tyrant didn't care about your opinion, he had to have you in his presence.
"Up!" "No dear...not right now...I have to put the eyeliner on-" "Up!" Looking at your reflection in the mirror you groaned as you picked up the little nymph and put her on your lap. "Happy now?" The little one nodded as she hugged you close, sighing as she inhaled your scent. "She picks up after her father...if he didn't demand you on his lap all the time you wouldn't have to hug the little ones one by one throughout the day. " Amphitrite said as she walked into your chambers, raising her hand to stop you from standing. "Put the formalities aside, young one, I have gotten used to my husband's shenanigans a long time ago. Now that you are trapped here just as I am, I can't add to your misery, can I?"
You smiled at the queen of the seas, though your smile faltered as the tall shadow of your "lover" appeared on the balcony, his habit of not coming from the doors was bothersome. "Look at you two...my meek little darlings...such a blissful sight" You couldn't help but blush at the words, earning a sympathetic glance from the queen, who could see how time had worn you down, making you vulnerable to posideon's words. He walked up towards his wife first, kissing her forehead gently as he touched her swollen belly, before shifting his attention towards you.
His eyes softened even more as he leaned closer, putting his hand on the eyes of his little daughter and making her groan, he kissed you on the lips, letting out a satisfied hum as you leaned into it, If your new attire and look didn't show him, your eagerness was enough for him to know you were anticipating his attention. After years of solitude now you were another treasure on his staff, now you were his, safe and secure, only for him.
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Hades is a passionate man, the amount of respect other gods bestow upon the oldest of the Olympian brothers is immaculate. He is the true king, having the end of the cycle of life in his hands he rules the dead. The most wealthy of the gods, yet, he seems to lack something. Even if he has the love of his life, Persephone beside him. There have been tales of him looking for someone else to fulfill his desires yet Persephone's jealousy had proven to be disastrous.
For thousands of years, Hades tried to refuse the urge to look at the "gifts" of the world above, where nymphs and mortal beauties danced and sang. Persephone, the pale queen, had noticed it, and now that he was under so much pressure with his realm and family, she knew she had to change the pace of their relationship. They both needed something new, or rather someone new. She wanted to spend some time alone with her mother, away from married life, yet she couldn't leave Hades on his own, if he was left alone he'd come and kidnap her again! So she thought of a solution, And what was better than looking through the souls that were in the like of resurrection?
Hades dwelled in his thoughts without noticing a figure in a robe approach his seat, not until their voice made him snap out of the trance. He picked the goblet from the tray, noticing the alluring aroma that the cupbearer had around them, he turned his head, his eyes widening slightly as the most delicious looking being bound their head at him. Persephone knew that her love potions were strong enough to fascinate Hades, but she didn't think much of the consequences of giving such a delicacy on the verge of starvation to a man like Hades, his passion burned like fire as he took in the scent of the cupbearer again and again.
He asked for your name, and the mortal in front of him spoke, telling him that the queen had assigned them his "personal" cupbearer. You dared to look at your master in the eyes after you finished your sentence, your heart nearly leaping out of your throat as you locked eyes.
"Y/N" Hades's voice echoed in your ears as he gently held you closer, you tried to push back the fog that was clouding your mind from the sweetness of his words that were filled with magic, you didn't want to lose your last chance at making him get over his "love" for you, you tried to reach out to the bottle of the antidote by the nightstand, but Hades's strong arms held you in place. "Shhhh...little one, don't bother with moving, let me care for you...I have been away for oh so long!" You cursed under your breath as you tried to not inhale much of the scent of the flowers that had filled the air, but you couldn't help it, you needed to breathe and that made you hate Persephone's filthy games even more.
The silver-haired God buried his face in your hair and took a good sniff of your scent, his mind now completely off of its logic as the potion was now fully activated by the pollen of the flowers of lust. You had thought that hades had let go of you months ago, forgetting you had existed, but no, he had to come back and ruin everything with his "love" for you. "Please! It's for both of us! Snap out of it-!" Hades only sighed at your words and shook his head, combing his hair with his hand as his weight held you down, ignoring your struggles, with a sigh he kissed you deep, muffling your protests as the pollen made your mind go blank. He wasn't going to leave you, ever again.
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Can someone be my
↓ To my ↓
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kanroji-san · 8 days
Hiiiiii lol now after watching the Wisdom Saga I wanted to ask many questions, tho I hope these don't overwhelm you.
What would happen if all the Hashiras partners met the Demons who tried/Killed them?
2) What are their (ROR Characters) reactions upon meeting those Demons?
3) What would happen if Penelope of Ithaca was the great granddaughter of Reader!Y/N!Giyu and Poseidon?
4) Do the ROR Charcters ever see their wives train with their breathing styles? If so then what are their reactions to it?
No pressure! If you don't want to do this all at once then it's okay, if you don't want to do this then that's alright. As long as you are comfortable doing this then it's alright
Thank you ♥️
Thank you for your request, dear.
Well the answer to number 4
Ofc, they have.
For example Poseidon and Hades love to see Rengoku and Tomioka training their breathing stiles. Usually Okita is training with Muichiro!Y/n and Tokito sometime teach him the breathing style (same goes for Sasaki with other Hashiras).
About number 1 and 2
If they ever met the demons, Hashiras will just drag them away.
But me watching Karl and Gary, so I would say Poseidon will have neutral feelings towards Kokushibo. Just because Kokushibo is His Pearl's best friend.
About Akaza... Well he have this strange obsession for Kyojuro!Reader, which Hades (obviously) don't like.
Douma... Do I really need to say anything?☠️
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