#yandere malewife
suiana · 4 days
yandere! malewife who is indecisive and can't decide on whether he wants to love or hate (also love, just with insults added instead) you today.
imagine ur cute lil guy that you love going "you're such a horrible spouse i hate you, go die" out of nowhere then you bring up the divorce card and he goes all ballistic
"ugh i hate this. this is the third sandwich I've made for you today and-"
"let's get a divorce."
"if you divorce me i will fuck up your life so bad, manipulate you into thinking that I was the only good thing you had that you have no choice but to get back with me."
like this guy is actually insane. he will not leave you alone and he will actually commit all the atrocities he threatens to do.
"wow this guy looks hot af"
"who? this random on the internet? you like them?"
"yeah this guy is kinda cute ngl"
"why are you looking at him? i will steal his skin and wear it if you keep complimenting him. you only need me. actually, do you want me to look like him? huh? should i start working out? buy a whole new wardrobe? just say yes and I'll do it all for you."
you actually don't know why you married him if he was going to threaten you for every little thing you did. you can't even talk to someone else without him getting all mad and upset. maybe it's cause you secretly like the way he's obsessed over you.
or maybe he's just cute. you'll never know.
what you do know is that you like providing him with what he needs and being the person he relies on. well, tbh, you're pretty sure he's like some secret underground black market trader or something because he gets money from nowhere. money you didn't give him. but you trust what he says. if he says he didn't do it, he probably didn't, right?
"hey honey how come you have 300k more in your bank account? i haven't sent you your monthly allowance."
"i actually harvest people's organs and sell them in the black market."
"no haha just kidding! i just saved up physical cash that you gave me and forgot to put it in until today❤️"
"oh ok"
yeah, you love your malewife 😁👍
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luxthestrange · 1 year
TWST Incorrect quotes#428 ONLY RUGS
In Sam's Shop
Sam: kiss marry kill but it has to be the people in the room
Yuu, seeing Ruggie walked in: Kiss Ruggie, Marry Ruggie
Sam: No...
Yuu:-and kill whoever gets in my way
Sam:-one will get in your way
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Yuu Villain origin story when someone gets in their way...we want the male-wife
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what a therapist does to a mf
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saccharinosis · 6 days
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Different domestic Lovels I doodled on vc w/ the best homies in the world...
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pinkslashersimp · 2 years
moar domestic yandere hannibal hcs please? 🥺👉👈
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because you’ve asked so nicely:>
sorry for the delay on requests my parents have been out of town and i’ve been picking up after my brother and taking care of the dogs </3
TW: Yandere behaviour, implied false imprisonment/kidnapping, cannibalism, controlling behaviour, reader is GN
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Yandere NBC Hannibal domestic headcanons
Enjoys controlling you and almost every aspect of your life, he will cook your meals, decide your plan for the day, have your outfits picked out and prepared for you. He is so obsessive that he simply needs to have control over every part of you
Never let’s you cook, pushes you away to some other chore while he prepares your meal (which he either feeds you people or cooks your food in the same pan he cooked the “meat” in)
Has a strict schedule for both you and him, rise at 8am, breakfast at 9, he leaves for work at around 10 and supervises you as you wash the dishes (he can’t have you accidentally hurting yourself!), the kitchen stays locked whilst he’s out, as do the front and back doors, and all the windows.
You can entertain yourself with his art pieces or books whilst he’s out, and when he returns he discusses his day with you and prepares dinner, ready for bed at 10.
Definitely has a room separate just for you, he knows it must get so smothering having him constantly fuss and loom over you, so he lets you have moments of peace and privacy (so long as you are within his reach)
Absolutely goes into that room whilst you’re elsewhere to smell all your things and invade your space without you knowing
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alannybunnue · 2 years
I like the idea of a Manipulative Reader who marries Aenys and plans on subtly using him and influencing him with flattery and sex to gain some of the power of the throne
Only to her absolute shock, he just,,, literally gives her all the power
Being king is too stressful for him and it makes him anxious to try and please everyone all the time, but his wife is so so smart and helpful and he loves her so much, he's happy to give her all the power and live as her trophy husband
Poor Aenys 😫
He just wants to be loved while his wife wants power. (Honestly she reminds me of my Immortal!Reader, but in this case, she doesn't run away).
And it kinda makes sense. Aenys only became King because he was the oldest and Aegon's favourite son, but he was in no fit to rule, so giving it to his wife was like removing a lift of his shoulders, plus, he would get someone who would love and cherish him for it. He just admires his wife.
So while Aenys wears the Crown, the reader is the true ruler of the 7 Kingdoms.
But sincerely, i kinda like to imagine that she grows to love, or at least have some sort of feelings for Aenys. I just really want to give a good life to this baby boy. He is Malewife material and no one can change that in my mind.
Now...what this could change in the story is something that i really wanna think of...especially on Maegor's part...
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the-fo0l · 2 years
Ok so I’d like to condense my ask
I asked for 47 catching reader vape but what if she’s a total brat and I mean like somehow sneaked in vapes, slingshots her pearls from jewellery 47 got her at the cameras
Omg this is gonna be so good aaaaaa
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Yandere 47 with a rebellious/brat reader
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Notes: this took sooo long, didn't really know how to write this either. this slowly becoming a 47 fan account...
Warnings: fluff, kidnapped reader, gender neutral reader
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This. fucking. sucked
Getting kidnapped was just about the last thing you had expected when you took that vacation in Sapienza
By a seemingly emotionless, aloof contract killer nonetheless
Though you are far luckier than many others, since his aim wasn't to kill you, quite the opposite actually, he was crazy about you
That didn't mean you owed him any of your love in return
In fact, the last thing you were gonna do is make this easy on him
Whether it's by rolling your eyes at him, the silent treatment or just flat out bullying
He looks at you deadpan when you insult the 5 star michelin level food he made for you and then asks what he can do to make it better
Sneak into his weapons room and just rearrange some shit
Fuck it, unpack his breifcase right before a misson
You can only do this once though, 47 makes sure you can't get to that part of the house now, not cause you're messing with his equipment, but because you could possibly hurt yourself
Sometimes when you're bored in captivity and there's no hitman to berate, you make a game out of trying to hit the security camera lenses by throwing loose rings/pearls at them
Breaking the gifts he got for you, or just things around the house, doesn't really bother him either, since everything can be replaced
He let's do pretty much anything as long as it isn't a danger to your health
And, of course, he had expected this kind of behavior from you
He had literally kidnapped you after all
But 47 is incredibly patient, making him quite tolerant to the way your rebellious behavior
In fact, he finds it endearing in a way
Well...most of the time
It's pretty disheartening when you're actively making life as hard for him
And eventually it becomes clear that simply letting you act out like this isn't going to help you two become closer
But no impossible task is impossible for 47
We've all heard the witty little puns and honest murder innuendos he says his victims before they inevitably die
He can be quite quick-witted so any of your sly insults will be met with equally teasing remarks to catch you off guard
Never with any actual malice though, his chivalry is unwavering
Being a brat gets kinda boring when you never get a reaction out of him
It gets to the point where you simply forget you're supposed to be giving him attiture
'Well...maybe he isn't that bad.....'
It's kinda hard to be mad when he hasn't really done anything to you
All he does is make you food, buy you things, make sure you're comfortable and overall be a gentleman
Even if you manage to forgive him for the kidnapping, doesn't mean you'll stop teasing him
But this more playful way of teasing is very much welcome
He has to admire your tenacity
"...I had to impersonate the targets husband at a private masquerade", he'll tell you after you press him for what his recent mission was like
"You cheated on me????", you reply, holding back a smirk, knowing you just made his heart pause by implying that he would ever cheat on you (he wouldn't, he'd prob shoot someone if they didn't take the hint)
The fact you're sarcastic most of the time, makes the actually loving and tender moments so much more special
Overall, your combative personality and his stoic one clash in a way that, kind of works??
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cooler-ian · 1 year
This is about the "Diavolo isn't a himbo" post @midnightsunnyday He feels to me like he has no consistency, everyone reads him differently -
(More than the other characters, yes including Lucifer, ppl who hate Lucifer are usually aware of his “softer” character traits but choose to dislike his core personality, like me lol-). He's hyper intelligent, but he's a big dumby, but he's ~sexily seductive~ but he's a baby/manchild that is wildly incapable of taking care of himself without his malewife of a butler, but he's so “thoughtful” and """sees everything""". Barbatos sees him like a god apparently but he's such a dumbass-. All of these are true and contradictory traits that Dia shows throughout the events and main story (Events more so). He's a walking paradox, sometimes its jarring how he switches it up, so consistently. Do we remember how smooth he acted in the VR capture the flag event? (The one where Mc is the flag) all his “my dear” and smooth talking it came out of nowhere, I was pleasantly surprised but the way no other character was like "hey wait wtf?" No, they just act as if he's always acted like that, at least while he was being a menace they reacted even slightly naturally, but when he's just out of character they're just like, "ya there he is"
My theory is, Diavolo is a strangely multifaceted character in an anime dating game with 11 other characters. These other characters require their own characterization, you can't choose routes, so all of them have to be featured in every event. Speaking of- the events are short and to make this character fit in with these (surprisingly) equally multifaceted characters they pick out one of his character traits and flanderized it to hell and back for one event and pick another the next. But anyways ya I love him, what do you guys think?
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kachinga12 · 8 months
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Tonnio in maid outfit
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Would Spencer respect it if reader declined dating him in favor of Erin?
He'll be respectable, but-
"You got a thing for Rin? That's cute. Don't worry, I respect your decision... but he's not exactly the nicest guy around, y'know? Also, you haven't heard any of the things he's said about you?
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kalopsiavn · 1 year
the characters at some point would like to start a family with MC?
Cain would be down for getting married but he isn't sure about having children. He feels like he will be a bad father. But if you convince him enough, he might reconsider. Aiden is more than happy to start a family with you. His own family was...not the best. He will try his best to be a good parent and let his children live the childhood that he couldn't have. Isaiah is probably the most eager to start a family. His dad wasn't the best to him. He learned from his dad's failure to be a good father and will do anything for his family. Haruto would rather not get strings attached. But deep inside, he kinda also wishes to slow down with his lifestyle and have a domestic life. He would want one or two kids. Axel is also really eager to start a family. They would take all the responsibilities on themself and overwork :( but they will try their best to be a good spouse and parent .
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mitta-likes-moths · 6 months
Guys I think I’m almost ready to post my Trolls fan fiction
Guys I started writing yandere Trolls headcanons on a whim
Guys I think my marbles are straight up gone by this pount
Guys I’m gonna finish those headcanons and I’m gonna make them good
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minevn · 7 months
Hoshi the piercing twin and Habiki the tattoo twin...
Hoshi is alt and Habiki is goth? a slay period if you ask me
Hoshi might also possibly have long hair now, I got to them too(All my men gotta have long hair that I want to bury my hand and face into) When I finish all of the concepts I GOTTA post em
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Paths for the Crime Parents
CW: yandere, manipulation, cheating (it turns polyam in the end, but still… red flags babyyy)
The Mom’s Assistant at the shell company/her day job; she becomes obsessed with you. Firing her assistant and making you take their place, firing anyone who looks at you too long or gives you trouble. Her home life had been strained from her work, but now with her focus on you her work life was suffering too. It was becoming unbearable. The pressure, the guilt of her feelings for you… it feels horrible, knowing she may be betraying her kids and loving husband at home.
Live-in Nanny— the Dad falls for you, but feels less guilty about potentially cheating on his spouse then she does. He loves his wife, but she’s so “focused on work,” that he believes she’s already cheating anyway. So what’s the harm if he does too? Before he knows it, he’s head over heels and can’t imagine life without you. And your life is entwined with theirs, now. If you try to leave, he’ll shamelessly use his kids’ love for you to guilt you into staying.
Despite their more strained relationship towards each other in recent years, neither is angry when they find the other cheating with you. No matter who you met first or how you met them. The other understands immediately. You’re irresistible— of course their spouse was enamored with you. Their own feelings quickly follow suit. Together, the couple is an even more effective powerhouse, keeping you trapped, reliant on them… making you want to stay with them.
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dreamsforthedamned · 3 months
Something Something my faggy ass only being attracted to cool concepts of women making all my female ocs be completely insane
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2-dsimp · 2 years
Hi! If you’re still accepting requests for it, can I request chiffon cake with itto?
Chiffon cake is ready 🛎
Yandere Malewife! Arataki Itto x reader
Headcanons 🚨
💍 Feeling down? Never fear! The Malewife! Arataki Itto is here to quell you of your everyday stress.
💍 This himbo man will stop at no lengths to make sure you’ve been pampered and spoiled absolutely rotten with his dedication to carry out his duties as a exceptional oni malewife.
💍 His main go to would be cuddles. I mean who can resist his superior bear grip? Custom designed to secure his strong arms around you in a warm heartfelt squeeze.
💍 He will also try to smother you against his plump firm chest. Whilst cranking his neck over, to plant various amounts of smooches and pecks. Upon any surface of skin he manages to reach with his compromising height.
💍 Anything you want he will damn well try his hardest to get, wether it be asking random people or challenging which ever store clerk about the items they sell.
💍 He doesn’t care if he gets into a fight, since he would gladly kill anybody just to make you feel OK. All he wants is to make his darling the happiest they can be.
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