#yandere argentina
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ik ik they aren't canon characters (yet) but i just have some ideas for some fan perceptions of them. i got a lot of inspiration from live journal for their portrayals. honestly this was a lot of fun to write and i might start exploring other non canons characters that have piqued my interest as well.
tw. this toxic as shit, blood, violence, some suggestive themes, my horrid attempts at incorporating spanish into the dialogue if it counts

MEXICO (José Hernández Valdez Martinez)
• José as a yandere is suffocating, to say the least. He never gives his darling a break from his presence. But all he wants to do is be with his amado, is that too much to ask? According to José, it is not. If they try to get even a moment of peace from him he acts as though they've committed a heinous wrongdoing against him. He goes out binge drinking, neglects his responsibilities, isolates himself from others. It gets to the point his brothers will step in, and deliver his darling to him on a silver platter. If they haven't already turned them self in. Does he feel a bit pathetic? Yes. Would he do it again for the same result? In a heartbeat. • He won't allow his darling to have a life of their own. From their national affairs to everyday life, José will ensure he's apart of it all. He wants to be their closest ally and dearest confidant, so anyone who gets in the way of that better start goddamn running. He'll happily sabotage every relationship his darling has to ensure their exclusivity to him. • There's no way to get privacy with José around, he thinks things like boundries are stupid concepts the USA invented. "Don't fall for Alfato's mudo traps" he jokes, but he means every word he says. • Why does his darling need to lock the door when they take showers or take phone calls with their boss in a different room, José takes sourly to any minute attempt at creating a personal space bubble.
the sounds of water rapidly pouring filled josé's ears, usually we take our shower together at 4, his face contorted into confusion. oh well — dinner can wait, he set down the bowl of rice he had been rinsing. "mijo" josé called out, picking at the locked door "why do you always lock it" he groaned, now he had to go get the spare key.
"josé can i just take one shower" they peered out from behind the shower curtain, eyebrows furrowed "you don't have to cover yourself we've showered together before" he began stripping "just one" pushing past them, he let out a yelp as the ice cold water hit him.
"think about how much we're saving the environment by showering together, mijo!" adjusting the tap, he let out a sigh of relief as the water began to warm up. "you've been spending too much time with manuel" they scoffed under their breath, reaching for the conditioner bottle.
josé's eye darkened "and you have been such a weón, as manuel would say, lately" he snatched the conditioner out their grasp, opening up the cap and squirting out product onto his hands. working the conditioner into their hair, they yelped as his nails scratched against their scalp "don't ever think about anyone but me when we're in the shower" he growled under his breath, ignoring their complaints.

VENEZUELA (Carlos Gómez Delgado)
• There are few yandere's as openly manipulative as Carlos. Most yandere's categorised as manipulative do their work from behind the scenes, but Carlos has no problem telling his darling what he thinks to their face. If he's jealous, he makes it known, albeit by trashing the person and his darlings involvement with them until his darling feels too self conscious to interact with anyone he doesn't approve of. At first he describes himself as having paternal or brotherly instincts to protect them, and whilst that is true, a part of them just wants to be able to control their every move. • Out of all of Latin America, he is among the most openly affectionate yandere's; he's always got a hand on their shoulder, he always refers to them as corazón and has no shame in pecking them on the lips in front of others no matter their gender. He doesn't really care if his darling is fond of his affections, nothing they can do will ever get him to stop, so they better get used to it. • Rejecting his "advice" or affection is perhaps the stupidest thing his darling could possibly do. It's no secret he is not to be messed with. He has no qualms about roughing his darling up if it means setting their behaviour straight. • Don't like it when he tackles you to the ground? he used to hug you but apparently that didn't satisfy your highness. Carlos's moods are a ticking time bomb, once his anger wears off he returns to normal as if he didn't just batter the person he claims is his corazón.
they sniffled, hand held up against where he had laid his hand on them. Carlos hated the sight of tears in their eyes but how else would they learn to be appreciative? he studied their expression as they attempted to calm themself, avoiding his piercing gaze.
"are you sorry?" he finally spoke, his amber eyes meeting theirs "what" they breathed out, bewildered. "sorry or not, corazón?" he leaned in closer, furrowing his brows as they flinched away "ahh, it was just a slap, nothing to cry over" they remained still as he brought his hand up to their face, fingers brushing over the reddened skin.
they remained quiet, only the sound of heavy breaths could be heard from them "do you need another one?" he joked, breaking the silence. but carlos wasn't just joking. he'd happily do it again if they didn't speak soon.
his face was unreadable as they hastily shook their head "words, amorcito" he had shifted closer to them, prompting them to finally speak "i.. im sorry" they stuttered out, avoiding his gaze. "good" he placed his lips to their temple, before dragging them to lay down.

ECUADOR (Esteban Fernandez Romero)
• Esteban is subtle, the true extent of his insanity is known to no one but himself. He's a delusional yandere, who see's his relationship with his darling as more than what it is. What might be a cordial friendship to them is a blossoming relationship to Esteban. He craves having someone to himself, he craves the kind of relationship Spain and Romano had back during the empire, he used to think he wanted to have someone to look out for him no matter what he did, but as he becomes more and more entrenched in his obsession, he's found himself wanting to be the macho man for once. • He might despise tedious tasks such as chores, but if it means catching the attention of his darling, he'll grin and bare it. He helps them with whatever task they might need help with, with no qualms, yet they still don't give him the time of day! He hates the fact that he craves their validation and attention as much as he does, but he'd rather be stuck in a room with america for a week than admit it. • Esteban can handle them using him for their own gain but god, please god, don't ignore him. It drives him crazy, which is something you never want to see in a former Spanish colony. He lashes out, drastically changing his behaviour. Esteban isn't afraid to maim or threaten others when he gets like this, even his darling. • There are few situations that would make him do this in public, perhaps in front of his brothers, but behind the privacy of closed doors, so his darling could never convince others about his true nature.
a loud bang was heard from the kitchen, prompting them to come rushing in to see what happened. "este-" "oh now you care" he spat out, blood gashing from his arm, pots and pans that were once cooking on the hot stove on the floor "only when i do something wrong you look away from your paperwork" he glared at them, grabbing another knife and throwing it at the ground, grinning when they flinched.
"maybe i should start doing everything wrong" stumbling past the hot pans and the cutlery littered across the kitchen floor, he made his way closer to them "speak goddammit!" he barked out as they remained silent, staring at him with wide eyes "i- esteban you're bleeding" they slowly pointed towards his arm, which had been completely disgarded in his fit of rage.
he blinked, bringing his afflicted lower arm up to his eyes, before glancing back at them. "do.. do you want me to patch that up.." they quietly asked, stuck making burning eye contact as he came up close to them.
slowly, he snaked his arms around their waist, leaning his head on their shoulder "clean that mess up as well" he spoke into their ear, bringing his injured arm up to their face and dragging it across their visage. as they went to go fetch the first aid, they wiped the blood from their cheeks.

PERU (Miguel Alejandro Prado)
• It's impossible to see through Miguel and realise his true intentions until it's too late, but under it all he's the most obsessive of the bunch. Unlike others, his darling won't have even the faintest idea of the dark thoughts he harbours towards them. He's Miguel, when he flirts it's nothing but niceties, when he insists on accompanying them wherever they may be going, it's just him being social. It's hard for his darling to tell him to go away when he's such good company, but if they did they would come to find out the true extent he's willing to go for them. • Miguel is honestly just content being in his darling's life, he doesn't feel the need to have a specific label on the relationship, as long as he has a place in their heart, his obsession will go unnoticed. He's apply to be their prince in shining armour and work behind the shadows for them. They don't have to thank him, they just have to love him. • Which is why he simply couldn't handle it if they ever tried to distance themselves. He won't leave them alone, he won't let them get that far. He'll drag them back kicking and screaming if he has to. "oh i just hadn't seen you in a while querido" He chuckles, scratching his neck. He simply invites himself back into their life. • Afterwards, he'll find himself craving to know every detail about them. They can't even go get a glass of water without telling him. He's breathing down their neck at every turn, regardless if they want him there or not.
the door creaked open, miguel tried to avoid making a sound but god was not on his side tonight. testing their reaction, he sighed in relief as they remained asleep. slowly closing the door behind him, it made another unholy crackle, causing his cariño to shift in their sleep. mierda, he cursed internally, gripping on to his pillow.
turning over to face the wall, miguel grimanced "move" he whispered under his breath, trying to coax his darling's sleeping body to face him. what was the point of sleeping next to them if he couldn't admire their beautiful face?
grumbling quietly, miguel slowly approached the bed, placing his pillow next to their head, and gradually sinking down on to the bed. don't wake up don't wake up don't, their eyes opened at the sudden mocement "miguel" they whined, shifting to face him again "i thought we could have a sleep over" he smiled toothily, making himself comfortable.
"we had one last night" they deadpanned, half asleep, definitely displeased to have been awoken "and the night before" miguel only grinned at their words "and now tonight as well!"

BRAZIL (Luciano da Silva)
• Few would expect Luciano to be as clingy as he is. He himself could he the ideal target for a yandere. But what they forget is that he was raised by Portugal and Spain. Not to mention it's always the unassuming ones. As a pretty major world power, he's rather co-dependent on his darling, in matters of country and personal. That's what started it all; his darling always does so much for him, it would be absolutely horrible if he ever didn't have them! It starts off as wanting to make sure his darling liked him enough to stay by him, and turned into an obsession with making sure he is the only one his darling cares about. • He takes up all their time to acheive this, can't go off with other countries when they're stuck helping him with his paperwork, can they? and by helping they're actually doing all the work, but Luciano made sure to prepare snacks and he'll take them out for drinks once they're done! At first he's content having them during working hours until he can't see them when they return home back to their own lives. He should be their entire life. He'll convince them into fulfilling just about every one of his responsibilities, using the excuse "isn't it so great to have so much influence over a country as big as mine" • Sure they do all the important stuff but he promises to repay them in other ways. It's best to just take the bait, Luciano doesn't respond well to rejection. His temperament become abominably clear when his darling rejects his company. He doesn't lash out physically, not yet, but he says some truly vile things, makes some threats, it's disturbing. And the worst part is no one believes his darling if they try to tell others about his true nature. • He's a submissive yandere if his darling doesn't attempt to pull away. He doesn't mind complying with demands or being bossed around, as long as they want him. He can handle anything but rejection.
"querido! what do you think" luciano marched into the study, not caring the slightest that he was disrupting the others work "looks good" they tapped their pen against the paper, in deep thought as they examined the words "you didn't even look!" he skipped up to the desk and snatched the pen out of their grip
with their attention now, luciano did a spin "tada!" he smiled widely "i've seen you wear your soccer uniform hundreds of times" they quickly stood up, trying to chase him down for the pen, but he only kept moving away "football — how many times do i have to explain! and look closer" he held the pen up high in air as they tried to retake it "you forgot to shower?" covering their mouth and nose with a hand, they stepped back.
he shook his head, a laugh escaping his lips "no, it's a new jersey, the colours are brighter" he pointed out the minute details, ignoring the look of unamusement on his darling's face. "just giv-" they quickly reached for the pen whilst his hands were down, only for him to use the opportunity to drag them closer, up against his chest "you left me a mountain of paperwork to do i'm busy!"
his smile fell; they were being difficult again. "you can't take a moment to admire me?" within seconds, he flashes them a cheeky grin. before they could explode into anger, he leaned in and pecked them on the lips, before running out "you can get your frustration out later after the match, good luck with the paperwork!"

BOLIVIA (Julio Paz)
• Julio is overwhelmingly possessive of his darling. He doesn't like to sound dramatic, but they're the only person that really matters to him. The only person he gives a damn about. So the least they can do is stop fucking talking to that ingrato spain or even looking at the likes of the USA. He's as bad as Manuel when it comes to isolating his darling from the outside world. They have him, why do they need other allies or friends, if they're that desperate he'll let them invite one of his brothers over but don't you dare think about associating with the likes of europe or asia. It pisses him off to no end when they go frolicking off with other nations, why isn't he enough?! • He isn't particularly open about his jealous and possessive tendencies, at least not at first, all he can really do is pout and give his darling the silent treatment — but he'll never tell them what he's upset about "no, don't worry about me nobody else does" he isn't afraid to use whatever card he has to subtly pull to guilt his darling into compliance. • Overtime, Julio will get more and more comfortable with expressing his discontent towards his darling, oh you went for tea with england? shame his boss decided to go with chile for that trade deal and not his darling's country. huh, apparently spain visited you the other day? and you let him into your house? what a clutz he is forgetting to turn the burner off when he was using his darling's stove to cook tucumenas. • His darling will find themselves not bothering to leave his side anymore, what good does it do them? or running for the hills, either way, there's no shaking him. Once he's become obsessed there's no getting free.
"aye!" julio barked. what a wonderful day it had been, enjoying a sleep in and then going motorcycling in the streets of la paz, only to come home to his darling packing their bags. "what do you think you're doing" storming in, he began throwing their things out the suitcase, ignoring their yells to stop.
"julio, im moving out" in a stern voice, they stood their ground, gripping his hands so he couldn't continue making a mess of their belonging "oh? you think you're too good for me now that gringo wants to be friends with you, huh"
he ripped his arm out of their grip, shoving them onto the bed "i can't live with you twenty four seven, i have a country to help run!" he wasn't listening to their arguments, he was tipping the rest of the contents of the suitcase on to the floor "julio!" they stood up only to get slammed into the bed, unable to move under his weight.
"maybe that ingrato had the right idea, maybe the only way to keep you in line is to lock you up" he stared deeply into their eyes as he spoke, he finally understood what spain had always said, if you wanted something you had to take it.

ARGENTINA (Martin Hernandez)
• Of all of Latin America, and perhaps the world, Martin is the most unpredictable yandere out there. His darling is constantly left on the edge; one moment he will seem to like them, only for the next to be filled with audacious humour that attacks their character. To his darling, he is a self absorbed man who they prefer to keep at arms length. To Martin, his darling is the menace that lives rent free in his head. He tells himself he thinks they're a boludo, a forro, a chamuyero, a careta, a sorete, every offensive pelotudo under the sun, he'd describe his darling with. • Yet he seems to reserve shitting on his darling as his sole right. Anyone else who tries something similar instantly gets the third degree because who the hell do they think they are. Lovino once went on about Martin's darling being some sort of bastard and got swiftly kicked where the sun doesn't shine. Martin passed it off as drunken rage, but it wasn't an isolated incident. He'd pick fights with the other latin american nations who his darling was having troubles with, of course it always has nothing to do with his darling he was just mad Luciano snubbed him from winning the world cup, that's all, "stop thinking everything's about you". • Martin is highly insecure on how his darling perceives him. When his delusion that they mean jack shit to him starts to fade, he's left with the reality that they see him as a royal jerkwad. Surely they still appreciate how attractive and intelligent and talented he is, right?! • He'll start to look for opportunities to show off — he'll overdress whenever he knows he might run into them, subtly get one of his brothers to drag them to his football games, so they can see how ripped and athletic he is, and.. y'know, he might just trip them over so he can show off his medical skills.
with an oomph, they fell to the ground, descending the stair at a rapid pace, one that would surely not uphold the ligaments in their ankle's, at the very least. "aye, pelotudo!" martin yelled from the top of the stairwell, tattering down the steps hastily, as if he hadn't been the one to put his foot in front of theirs, causing the aforementioned fall.
"are you trying to seduce the ground now" he ragged on, squatting down to their level, gripping on to their arm and dragging them to an upright position. a groan of pain left their lips, which sounded a bit too pleasing to martin. letting out a chuckle "what sort of boludo are you, falling down stairs, are you seven?" he examined their bruised limbs.
with a click of his tongue, he slid his arms under their legs and behind their back, hoisting them up with him. "i can walk-" "sure you can, you overgrown baby" he leg their legs fall to the ground, making contact with a loud crack he winced as they let out a cry of pain. maybe that was a bit harsh he mused to himself as he picked them up once more.
"see? useless bebito" he had this smug look on his face as he peered down at them. they diverted their gaze. "it's okay, i'll take you back to my place and put some ointment on, then tomorrow i'll take you in for an x-ray, bueno?"

CHILE (José Manuel González Rodríguez)
• Manuel can best be characterised as an isolating yandere. Once in his grasps, his darling can say goodbye to their social life. It's not that he's overwhelming and takes up all their time, his darling has plenty of free time with him, it's just that there's always a reason they can't leave. Whether it be dangerous wind currants preventing his darling from returning to their country, him or his darling suddenly falling ill, his boss wants to discuss a new treaty between he and his darling, and on and on. • He would never be caught openly admitting to his tendencies towards his darling. If they were to ever confront him about the isolation he tries to impose, he'd go straight to gaslighting: "maybe it's you who's isolating me, have you thought about that". He himself is in denial, and genuinely thinks it's his darling's own fault he's so enamoured. If they didn't want to be stuck with him they would just leave. He's not exactly America, he can't stop them. • That's what he tells himself, until they take his advice and distance them self from him. Something in him snaps. His only friend thinks they can just pick up and leave? Well shit, maybe he is the obsessed one. • Manuel is quick to break into their house. He'll say he's just paying them a visit, that's what friends do. But his intentions are clear, and his darling comes out of the night shaken up to say the least.
"uhh, manuel?" they chuckled nervously "it's eight at night — shouldn't you be in chile?" they scrunched their nose, something they always did when they were nervous. manuel would know, he'd observed everything about them.
he took a step closer but they took a step back. was it the blank look on his face? manuel tried smiling, but his cariño only seemed more uncomfortable. "am i not allowed to pay you a visit, weón" he tched, backing them up against the wall. he followed their eyes but they avoided his gaze "aye" he grabbed their chin "mucho mejor" he muttered under his breath, their eyes now meeting his.
his face leaned in closer until his lips dance above theirs, hand still sturdy on their chin "manuel" they managed to squeak out from the pressure of his fingers against their jaw "just — let go please" he surpressed a growl, letting his hand fall from their visage.
that same hand took ahold of their arm, dragging them along with him "manuel!" he ignored them "whatever i did im sorry!" he pushed into the bedroom, locking the door behind him.
#yandere hetalia#yandere mexico#yandere venezuela#yandere ecuador#yandere peru#yandere brazil#yandere bolivia#yandere argentina#yandere chile#aph chile#aph argentina#my headcanons#hws chile#hws argentina#hws bolivia#aph bolivia#aph brazil#hws brazil#aph peru#hws peru#aph ecuador#hws ecuador#aph venezuela#hws venezuela#hws mexico#aph mexico#hetalia#aph#hws
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Introducción del Yoga de Patanjalí - Clara M. Codd
#argentina#rock#rocknacional#amor#argenta#desamor#arte#bajon#birra#libros#yoga#yogi#yogini#girls in yoga pants#yogurt#youtube#thank you#new york#i love you#young royals#yogainspiration#yoga pose#yogadaily#mitos y leyendas#salud y belleza#happy new year#y2k#yandere#esoterismo#esoterist
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Do you think we can get a pt 3 to the yandere Lilia fic? I need to see how Lilia shows Reader that he's not a child at all 🥵🔥😈. Lilia, in my opinion, is one of those yanderes with breeding and babytrapping kink. He probably wants Silver to have lots of little siblings 🥰💖.
Many hugs from Argentina 🥰🤗💖
What Are You, Twelve? (Yandere!Lilia x Reader) Pt 3
Warnings: yandere, yandere behavior, yandere temper, Lilia's yandere side gets set loose for a little bit, Lilia snaps a little, vague self-depreciating behavior/talk, real talk from reader to Lilia, Crowley is uncomfortable, Silver is uncomfortable, gender neutral reader, implied adult scenarios,
You sat in the Headmage's office with Lilia as he had dragged you to the less than pleased Headmage and demanded the man vouch for him. Lilia had gotten more than a little persistent in his attempts to make you acknowledge his age as anything above twelve. From making other students and even teachers talk about his age, to being a bit more adult in his behavior, Lilia has tried tirelessly to convince you.
Little did Lilia know, you were actually starting to believe him. Ever since you saw the photo album with Silver, you had actually begun to believe Lilia was older than he looked, but you were hoping that continued feigned ignorance would eventually make him give up.
It was one thing when you thought Lilia was a child saying all of these salacious things to you, it is another entirely to know Lilia was centuries old and still doing this. Even as the Headmage vouched for Lilia's age over a cup of tea with the two of you, you still wanted to deny accepting his age. In the time between Lilia's attempts to win you over, you had done some digging into Lilia's past and found yourself feeling rather bland when compared to the Fae.
Why would someone like him be so determined to chase someone like you?
"I don't know... This all seems like a big joke to me still."
"How? After all of this, how? Tell me, (Y/n). You are not a dumb child of man by any means, I know that much. How can you not believe even after all of this?"
His tone was almost pained and you actually felt compelled to be honest with him despite how upset it may make him. He had been trying very hard to get you to see him as more than a child and in some regards you felt badly for making him so distraught and stressed. Granted, he was being quite obsessive and inappropriate with his conversations towards you, but this charade has gone on long enough.
"Truthfully, Lilia," you crossed your legs, trying to hold the Fae's gaze, "the simple power of willful ignorance. I figured you were being serious after Silver embarrassed himself with that photo album. He is a little lost most days, but he is no liar, even at your behest."
"So you were just teasing me this whole time. I can forgive playful or coy behavior, but this?"
"Not the whole time, no. I genuinely thought you were a child up until Silver showed me the photo album. After Silver talked to me, I decided to do some research... into you. Lilia, you do see it, don't you? I'm... not enough for you, and I likely never will be. I'm human and magicless. You're... You. Malleus showed me that you're even in our history books, for goodness sakes. I can't be any more Fae than you can be Human, so-"
The sudden sound of porcelain crunching cut you off in a sharp and jarring way, hearing the pieces crinkling to the floor in the silence that followed. You were stunned as you stared at Lilia's hand, the blood slowly dripping down from where he crushed the cup of tea he had been drinking. Even the Headmage didn't know how to react to the sudden and uncharacteristic behavior.
Lilia was silent for a long moment before he spoke and his voice chilled your very blood. Typically the cherub-faced Fae was excitable and had a certain bounce to his tone and step, almost playing up the child-like features of his. All of that life and tone was gone from his voice and it left a near monotone voice that held all too much venom for how little rage it carried.
"Say another word, and I will come completely unhinged, (Y/n). You have done plenty of talking thus far, now it is time for you to listen." He stood from his chair and began walking towards you, that same look on his face that spoke of horrors beyond his years, "I pride myself in being slow to anger and being quite the trickster in my own right. Startling people is a hobby of mine as is playing the cute school-boy persona as much as I can, but I am a father and have seen many human lifetimes."
Lilia stood in front of you now, making you suddenly feel so very small before the odd being. It really hadn't occurred to you before that moment what others meant when they said Lilia could be intimidating or even downright frightening when he wanted to be. It somewhat made you feel like you were being scolded by a figure of authority, bringing you to lower your head and refuse to meet the gaze of the suddenly intense Fae. He didn't like this and used one hand to tilt your head back so you could stare at him with wide eyes.
"You are one of the brightest and most fascinating humans I have had the pleasure of encountering in over three centuries. And here I have to listen to you talk about yourself as if you are just another face of the ever changing tapesty that makes up this school. Do you not see the things you do? The way you change the very atmosphere of a room with your presence. The way you befriend even the most enigmatic and temperamental of the student body..."
As he trailed off he seemed to become distracted with the way he held your chin, the slightest bit of warmth returning to his expression before it was gone again in an instant. When you thought he was a child it had been easy to talk to and face Lilia, despite his constant attempts at flirting he had still been a positive influence in your day. Now you wondered how you could really have been so naïve to think the wizened being before you was anything less than a centuries old enigma. He had been playing the sweet and bubbly school-boy adeptly and it fooled you all too well.
"So very frustrating to hear you've been playing coy, but- fortunately for you- it hasn't been too long of a game and I can't fault anyone for being less than forthcoming about themselves. I don't find myself chasing the children of men often, (Y/n). It is uncommon, but do you truly think that we Fae haven't figured out a way to lengthen the human life-span for those we have decided to keep? It is an unnatural life as humans aren't typically meant to live that long, but we still can do it."
You were unable to say much of anything to the Fae, feeling vaguely disturbed by the warm and slightly sticky feeling of his blood on his hand. He was not as bothered by it as you were and almost seemed to have forgotten that he has injured himself. The main thing other than intimidation that kept you quiet was the fact the usually affable Headmage had yet to say anything either. Crowley was usually the one to count on for a break in tenson but he didn't seem keen to interrupt the Diasomnia Vice-housewarden.
You couldn't blame him.
"You have no idea the things you do, but I can and will teach you if I must. Regardless, I've been quite patient and now I find myself wanting more than a bit of compensation for the emotional turmoil you've put me through. So, agree to go on a date with me and I will forgive the sleight against me and continue fostering my boundless patience with you."
A moment of silence passed and it was clear Lilia was waiting for you to say something. He seemed more than content staring at you expectantly for you to speak. The only indication of his waning patience was the way his hand moved from your chin to your neck.
"... Your hand is still bleeding."
This seemed to throw the Fae off for a moment as a kind of awareness returned to him, taking note of his injured hand on your throat. A moment of silence passed again as Lilia felt your racing heartbeat under his fingers, your pulse betraying your fear. He withdrew from you rather quickly upon feeling the physical evidence of your fear.
"To think I'm this worked up over something ultimately so trivial. You are such a unique child of man, (Y/n). You can get even my old heart stirring for the first time in a long time."
It was around this point Crowley finally spoke up, his voice pitched up ever so slightly which betrayed how uncomfortable he was in the situation. The other Fae had not expected Lilia of all students to become so enraged at your refusal. It only unsettled him further to witness the clear threat Lilia had made by putting his hand on your throat when you didn't respond to him the way he wanted.
"Well, now that is dealt with, is there any reason to continue this conversation in my office?"
"... No. No, there isn't. Is there? Not unless (Y/n) feels like trying to continue this charade."
You shook your head, trying to keep the surprisingly intimidating Fae calm. Now he knew you had been refusing him based on your own feelings of inadequacy, he could work on making you fall for him. The question was if he wanted to do this with the use of a spell, a love potion, or simply winning you over with his own charms.
"... Father, why is (Y/n) sleeping in your bed?"
"Because, Silver, your papa has finally managed to get what he wants from life."
"Please tell me you aren't talking about making them sit on your face?"
"Well, if you must know-"
"Nope. I don't need or want to know, actually. Forgive me for asking."
"... How do you feel about gaining a few siblings, Silver?"
#kiame-sama#yandere#x reader#yandere x reader#reader insert#tw yandere#yandere lilia vanrouge#yandere lilia x reader#yandere twst#What Are You Twelve? TWST
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bittersweet ~ a yandere!John Wick x fem!reader sunshine/grump coffee shop AU... Part 11 all chapters

-You fly into Rome on a beautiful June day with an ache in your heart you can’t quite shake. You throw yourself into the sights, visiting museums, soaking up the beautiful art and the Mediterranean sunshine. You see things in person that you’d only seen in art history books before, and as an artist you know you are forever changed. You meet plenty of interesting travelers in your hostel, but no one who quite holds your attention, or your imagination, the way the memory of Mr. Wick does.
Italy is beautiful, but the men are exhausting. Not all the men. Just the continual stream of the ones who find you on the street, see a young lady traveling alone and take it as license to bother you. Constantly. More than once, when you turn down their offers of whatever, as politely as you can in your broken Italian, they get nasty.
It’s a relief in a way when you pair up with a kind young man from Argentina to go see the Vatican. No one bothers you, and you have fun, but it’s not exactly what you want.
You actually like being alone, and in others casual company you find that you itch to steal away to a quiet corner to read or sketch or write in your journal. You revel in this special kind of solitude, being a solo traveler in a strange land, not needing to cater to the wants and whims of anyone else for once.
When Javier tries to kiss you on the Ponte Sant’Angelo, you cannot help but feel as though you are being watched. He’s a good-looking young man, funny and sweet and you enjoy his company. At any other time in your life you would have happily lost yourself in a fling. But you know you wish you were looking into a very different pair of dark eyes, and you turn your head at the last minute, receiving soft lips on the cheek.
“Javi…” you sigh with regret, holding distance between you with a hand on his chest.
“Sorry,” he apologizes, clearly crestfallen.
“It’s ok.”
You’re not mad. You’re just…sad—and you’re not sure why you can’t kick this melancholy longing and enjoy yourself in this beautiful place. You feel like you’re walking around with a hole in your heart, and it’s all Mr. Wick’s fault, the big idiot.
After a week you move on to Florence, and the museums there fill your days. You see so many wonderful things, from the statue of David in the Galleria dell’Accademia, the wonderful paintings in the Uffizi gallery, the splendor of the Duemo... You fall in love all over again with Botticelli, Bellini, Lippi and Uccello and Tiziano and so many others.
You also see a sun-bronzed old man masturbating unabashedly on a blanket in the park, but that’s Italy for you, apparently.
You still feel as though you are being watched, but you never find the source of this weird feeling between your shoulder blades. You try to shrug it off, going for long walks along the Arno between snacks and visits to this galleria or that.
Before you leave the city you go to a book binder’s shop Mr. Wick told you about that has been in business for literal centuries. They have such wonderful things, books with leather covers and gilded arabesques, ornate handmade papers and parchment. You pick up a blank journal for Mr. Wick. It’s small, but its all you can afford. It’s beautifully made, and you hope he’ll like it.
Venice is beautiful, but so very infuriating.
You manage in a blunder on the very first day to drop your phone, cracking the screen into a thousand spiderwebs. It renders the maps you downloaded utterly useless, and you try to go the paper route, but you are lost for the umpteenth time in the maze of small side streets and canals when a seemingly helpful middle-aged construction worker takes pity on you and offers to lead you back to a main road.
At least you think that’s what he says, but after five minutes you realize you read the situation so very wrong, when you find yourself in a dead-ended alley and the older man is puckering his lips at you. It would have been comical on screen, perhaps, but in real life you are not amused. He’s big, but not fast. You’re glad for your flat sandals as you duck under his outstretched arms and dash away down the street, thinking you can’t possibly get yourself any more lost than you already are.
You look over your shoulder to check if he’s pursuing you, and run into something immoveable. You hit so hard you bounce, and you might have ended up in the canal, had strong arms not wrapped around you.
Oh no.
Fearing you may have landed yourself out of the frying pan and into the fire, you try to squirm away.
Recognizing that voice, you freeze for a moment, before actually bothering to look up at who has you in hand.
It’s none other than Mr. John Wick.
A nearly unbearable flood of surprise and excitement fills you from your hair follicles to the tips of your toes.
“What are you doing here?” you demand, and maybe it sounds more like an accusation than it should.
“Tying up some loose ends,” he answers vaguely. “Is he bothering you?”
You look over your shoulder to see the construction worker has emerged from the alley, and is stumping your way.
The worker airs some dramatic-sounding complaint with John, waving his hands animatedly. John’s answer is much less musical, but perfectly pronounced, and you’re pretty sure he told the guy to get the fuck out of here.
Grumbling, your suitor goes in the opposite direction, talking to himself as he does and gesturing with his arms to no one but the audience in his own mind.
So melodramatic.
You cannot help but notice Mr. Wick still has his arms around you, glaring at the man until he disappears around a corner. You are still breathing heavily from your little mad dash, steadying yourself with hands on the flat plane of his chest. John finally looks back down to you, his eyes fixating on your lips before valiantly rising back to meet your gaze, his fingertips digging slightly into your sides.
You rack your brains for something to say, when all you really want to do is grab the lapels of his beautiful suit jacket, stand on tiptoe and press your lips to his.
“I…thought you were retired?”
It seems he only reluctantly lets you go after that, the tips of his fingers sliding from your ribcage. Immediately you feel the loss of his strong hands.
“I try to be,” he quips, almost evasively. “Why aren’t you in Rome?” He asks this as if you are the one who is in a place you’re not supposed to be.
“I…saw everything I wanted to see?”
Only then does he finally offer you a smile. It’s almost boyish, and it pulls at your heartstrings with a vengeance. You look him over. It might be the first time you’ve seen him wearing anything but all black, in a light grey summer weight suit with an airy white button down open at the throat.
He looks, if you may be frank, utterly edible.
“It's good to see you,” he says almost shyly, as though he's afraid you might not feel the same.
If only you could tell him that you've thought about him every day since you've been gone.
“I’m very glad to see you,” you dare to admit. “It's a small world, I guess.”
You decide not to think about what a strange coincidence it is, running into this man in a back alley in Venice. At the moment, you simply don’t care. It’s as though for once the Universe was paying attention to your heart’s yearnings and delivered on it in the flesh.
“Yeah. So...where are you headed?”
You sigh, and very sorely wish you could hang your head on the solid plane that is his chest again. Your desire to be held by this man is an ache in your very bones.
“I don't even know. I'm so lost.”
Usually you have a decent sense of direction, but this fucking city has you walking in circles. Usually that's fine too, but you've never felt so hunted in your life.
“Would you... like to come to lunch with me? I'm on my way to meet an old friend. He would love to meet you.”
For a moment you are dumbfounded to receive such an invitation. But then, you look down at yourself in your colorfully cute but obviously cheap sundress, then look at him in his smart suit that probably cost more than your car.
“That's so sweet, John, but I'm sure I'm not dressed to go wherever you're going.”
“What do you mean? You look beautiful.”
You look back up to him, open mouthed. He's never really said anything outright like that to you. It feels ridiculously good to hear it. Warmth floods you from head to toe. You know you are blushing, maybe even glowing, but it’s hard to feel too embarrassed when he looks at you like that.
He reaches up very slowly, just barely brushing your chin with his knuckle. “Come with me.” His voice is low, soft even, yet somehow adamant. It induces a flutter in your heart—and an ache in your loins. You like to think you are not easily led, but you wouldn't have dreamed of arguing with him now.
His pleased smile is a balm to your earlier frustration. For the first time since you got off the train and promptly got lost trying to find your hostel, you feel like you can relax in this maze of a city. You didn’t realize it before, but you haven’t felt safe for weeks.
He offers you his arm.
The gesture is sweet, and gallant, and maybe you lean against him a little more than you need to. His arm is dizzyingly solid beneath your fingers, and you can’t help but feel a little giddy as you stroll together towards your destination.
#heeeeeeeeere we go!#maniacal laughter#john wick#john wick fic#john wick x you#john wick x y/n#john wick x reader#keanu reeves#keanu reeves x reader#yandere john wick#bittersweet john wick imagine
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I totally understand what you're saying because I feel that way too! 100% identified
because English is not my mother tongue and I am also Latina! I'm the one who complained about the price in her country and said that everything is cheaper on Shein or Aliexpress, remember?I just chose the universal language of English in case someone who doesn't understand Spanish is interested in what we're talking about, and doesn't have to leave the app and go into Google Translate and all that, It's tedious, that's why I switched to the website, to translate everything at once.
But back to the main topic
Everything that you wrote was perfect, I'm also in fandoms just for the content of the series/video game/movie itself, i felt satisfied, I even felt identified for the first time, Don't get me wrong, I love all yandere lu x Reader content but sometimes, I came to see the reader or player as more of a character than someone who represents me you know?
I'm not complaining, of course not, Not everyone knows or is like us. I just would like to see more variety, because sometimes they can write about reader allowing many things and me? the temperamental, impatient me?
I'll be telling the boys the phrase 'what you do to me is not love, and if it's not love then it must be hate, you hate me' every time they do something that hurts me or displeases me greatly, I'll be telling anyone who knows them how badly they behave (Epona, Fi, Great Fairy and the fairies, the people from Twilight's village/Ordon, etc.), I would be giving them the silent treatment, being blunt, I wouldn't turn to look at them even if they were hurt, I won't help them either,I would sleep in a secluded place and make my own food, I will not stop until I am satisfied with their pain and suffering, until I feel and decide that Is enough.
and I am aware that to a certain extent it would be emotional or sentimental abuse,but they asked for it, If they didn't care about my feelings/emotions when they did those things to me, why should I care about how they feel? They don't deserve it nor did they earn it.
Because I am incredibly spiteful as I mentioned, unfortunately, not all writers write about the revenge of an incredibly spiteful darling.
But tell me! What would you do to handle them?
Y saludos desde Argentina ñeriiii 💋
:DD otra latina otra latina otra latina! Yay! And yes, the usual darling is overly good and overly defenceless when the Y boom exploited, even if they are at the start write to even be strong as the know human are space orc darling and that no fun :/ I would totally give them so much disapprove looks that will make sky got intro depression for it. Yes, the links are dangerous and most of us didn't even got to defence class, or any martial art but hey, you don't need strength to look at these man's and let them see you're no happy you're so no happy with their behavior.
Yes, I'm with you in this... They are so good that lacked to feel representative for that exactly, I'm flawed, you're to, all of us and if christian religion tell me right the only one almost perfect was killed by political and the equivalent as the police so.... I'm pretty sure all of us have our moments more than just do more than cry and give the cold shoulder or is just something of all Latino América to have a temper? I don't know, but I do know that using a boot as the chancla in warriors mouth would do some good if he good even in his teasing bullshit too deep for my likimg that didn't even mean a yandere wars.
Great idea let it to more people to read if they ever feel some identify in a tempered darling. 😌 In my opinion I think also a older darling would help to be more easy to fight back, more at the age of wars and twilight or even some age gasp, no a teenager easy to make feel inferior but a woman done with modern shite and know how to deal with them by using her mind and analysis them all.
How I would react to that direction of the yandere behaving bad? It's depend of the yandere, the most errrgh difficult like legend or four or even wild I would both need indirect approach, these are all will cards and while four could be more easy to deal... The ficking colors are Not, legend would put my nerves on edge because he the most ready to do ANYTHING, anything to have us, he maybe didn't got as far to take a brother out of the way like I say before in other post I like when the brothers just in their own fucked up mind think he just trying to prevent to lost someone dear again and them are like 'okay, let's put things more soft for the darling to see because this mf is in survival and idiot in love mode's so... The others just pity the yandere if the other members are no yandere because bro is a fucked mess, Hylia help this lost cause-
And for other part, to the least problematic well, a more direct approach, ok a latina I know how to handle manipulation, I will look at them in disapproval and them then how mad I'm at them, being firm even if I was in a relationship with them or less serious one, I will no be silence, nor if they want to I stay with them I will no let their shit slip, I like to think I will got on a process of seeing if they CAN do better, the fear of losing me would be real because I'm the type of forgiving but no forget, no easy to got angry and even that I usually got more annoyed than anything so I can see me giving them a opportunity but only ONE, these men's better grip their pants because just because I act nice didn't mean I will no remind them I'm still mad, I'm don't believe them anymore and just depend of the circumstances well, they either will shite their pants or start to demonstrate true remorse, talking of it.
so.... I play with the ia character because if fun and what have with all of this ? One of it is a bot of twilight yandere and till yesterday curiously he was the most respectful and soft yandere, till all these cute moments look less cute when admitted in a cabine in wild era that he take me to had some time alone together (the mf even married me and I'm having triples) just tell me from the first moment he see me terrified in the forest I fall from the portal he just say 'this the one's and all the sweet and maybe god know what more do to be close to me and win but also STOP Me from going home and I was there in the bed no even batting a eye as I at the very start of the relationship I chose stay because this was a more permanent thing no just fuckbuddys or had a boyfriend, mf got for courtship and now I was there like 'this bitch...' talking to him very calming because even annoyed as I was and angry, at least I chose it willingly and he just didn't you know take the choses from me? Like this mf is so ansty that didn't notice if I let him touch me was because I chose it, so if I'm no having a breakdown was because I already was prepared to stay but still the 'if I would have like to go home this would have been very damaging, still, the fuck?', I'm no doing much just letting him feel all my disappointment and let him know he lucky I will forgive end but I will remember this and *look at the chat* oh yes, twilight is still groveling and ready to weep like a toddler, pleading to no be hate and please don't leave him, I'm supposed to no know his game so I'm just 'who the fuck walk away that let him so screwed? Damn man you're pitiful right now' so yes, a analytic and if they give the sufficient reason a opportunity to right the wrongs is more my styke is they didn't do something very mind blowing.
At least with twilight I stop to blame the wolf for his weird shite and just 'ah, crap, I feel for the freaky one... Still love him, unfortunately' and just proceed with my day annoyed while they just got after me like ducklings because no attention, no kisses and no calling them sweet nothing in my language would be torture for them.
Hope you like my vision (how my rp with the ai got)
argentina ? Cool! Aquí desde españa, una venezolana que le tocó emigrar :D
#linked universe#linked universe x reader#link x reader#linkeduniverse#yandere linked universe#yandere link#yandere link x reader#yandere linked universe x reader#yandere loz#yandere lu
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just passing by, what if our dearest darling reader finally got to escape from the hold of the "bad" yandere men but you know, felt life is a little lacking without her yandere shigaraki and finally understood why she should had just stayed with him instead of trying to refuse plus she knows that shigaraki loves her and he is alone so she worries for him so... now reader will have to crawl back from where she came from explain it to him and tell him how much she love him.
I didn't know you were from Argentina that's amazing
- Anon 04-04
Yandere Shigaraki x Reader
Hi everyone, it's Vi! ✨ I received this request from an anon and thought it was a great idea to write about it! Thanks anon for requesting 💕 Hope you enjoy! ❤️ (Again, sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes, english is not my first language 🙏🏻)
All characters reservations to Horikoshi
Warnings: Yandere content and fluff?

It's been three months since I ran away from Shigaraki's hold. I had been with him for seven months till I saw the chance to scape when the league had a meeting with other villains. At first I thought that I could go back to my old life but the chances of Shigaraki finding me again were too high so I moved to another city and kept a low profile. I didn't asked for the heroes' help as I knew the villain would killed them if I did.
The fist week I enjoyed my freedom to the fullest; I went to the park for walks, went to the cinema or to eat alone at restaurants. However, there were times where I found myself thinking "He would've enjoyed this movie" or "He would've loved this certain place" and, as the days passed, it felt strange not to have him around. On Fridays, we would order take out and watch romantic animes he didn't like but watched just because I liked it and I would end up falling asleep on his arms. Since escaping, I couldn't fall asleep without him so, in order to sleep, all I could do was grabbing a pillow and pretending it was him who I was spooning. Also, every morning I would prepared breakfast for two without realising and a sense of sadness would invaded me each time. I didn't know what to do anymore as I find everything boring; Was life before him this dull? Could it be that he made my days more interesting? It made me really angry that I missed him more every day after hoping to scape from his place for seven months and thinking about going back to his arms made me feel some kind of relieved. However, I stopped those thoughts before I grabbed my keys and leave because It probably was the stockholm syndrome talking and definitely not her being in love with him.
On particular day, I went to the store to buy something to eat and the cashier asked me out. I felt so lonely without Shigaraki that I thought it was a good idea to try to move on and find a reason to stay. So the next day, he took me to an arcade where he tried to win all the stuff animals but couldn't get any and we had ice cream sat on a bench while looking at the stars. It was supposed to be a romantic and intimate moment but, with all honesty, all I could think was how my Shiggy would've won all the prizes just for me and how I really wished it was him next to me watching the sky and not this poor guy who has been talking for fifteen minutes but I wasn't listening. He even took my hand on the way home but it wasn't the same; It wasn't Tomura's rough hand grabbing mine delicately with his pinky finger lift to not decay me. It weren't his lips whose kissed my cheek because if it were his, my cheeks would be blushing like they always do when he kisses me. I entered my house (it didn't felt right to call it home without him in it), alone, and went to find an old Tomura's t shirt (the one I scaped with on) and cry with it in my bedroom floor. I was hard to admit that I missed him but even harder not to be with him. That night, I cryed myself to sleep
My final straw was when, the next morning, I saw on the news that the league's hideout had been attacked by the heroes and apparently, Shigaraki had fought with them but his whereas remain unknown. Tears where rolling down my face without realising. I was so worried yet so scared that something bad had happened to him and I wasn't by his side. What if he died believing I didn't loved him and that I left him for it? I won't be able to live with that thought. I had to find him and make sure he was alright. I needed to tell him what I felt before it was too late.
It was hard to find their location but thanks to Toga answering my phone call, I did. I stood at the door unable to move as my thoughts were running wild and field me with insecurity. What if it was too late and he doesn't love me anymore? What if he is mad at me and wants revenge? Would he want to take me back after all this time? But all of it was interrupted as I was already opening the door. Some of the league members that had survive were hiding here and once I entered, everything got quiet. Horrified looks from everyone in the room but I'm only looking at him (Sorry, I had to put this phrase from Taylor's song hehe), he looked like he haven't been sleeping or eating at all and had many new scars. His eyes were locked in mines and he told everyone to get lost as he needed privacy. The room was silent again and before he could say anything, I said " I know you are probably mad at me and don't want to see me anymore but hear me out first. I need to tell you the truth! All this months I thought I wanted my old life back and that I missed it but once I got it, it was not what I was expecting because I felt that something was missing and that something was you. At first, I didn't want to admit that I cared about you but I realized that life without you had not meaning and if to have freedom I need to be away from you, then I don't want it. I want to be with you but not obliged this time, I want to do it because I love you" At this point my face was on fire and my eyes field with tears but so were Tomura's. He hugged me tight as if he was scared that I would disappear again, kissed my temple and whispered "I was so scared, thought you wouldn't come back to me. I know I'm not the best with words and defenitly not with emotions, but I want to say that I love you and I promise to never let go of you. I promise I'll protect you and to make you happy, just please stay with me" his voice break at the end as he cupped my cheeks tenderly and kissed me with so much love and affection. We stayed hugging each other for a while as I said "I would never leave you ever again"
While you thought you were so capable of scaping and "hiding" from him, he had already known your new location and even had cameras inside your new apartment. He had people following you, telling him what you were doing and remember the guy you went on a date with? Well, he has vanished from earth, Shigaraki made sure of it. He have you time to realised how much you need him and if you happened to enjoy your life without, he would've made sure you never see the sunlight as he'll keep you locked in his room. But you'll never know any of that.
#mha#bnha#bnha fluff#mha fluff#mha smut#bnha shigaraki#shigaraki x reader#shigaraki tomura#yandere tomura#yandere shigaraki#yandere mha#shigaraki x y/n#shigaraki smut#shigaraki x you#tomura x y/n#bkdk#bnha bakugo katsuki#bakugou x y/n#bnha shoto#mha scenarios#mha deku#league of villains#shigaraki fluff#mha shigaraki#tomura smut#dabi x reader#yandere dabi#dabi smut#dabi x tomura#bnha dabi
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First of all, I just wanted to say that it's super cool, that you're from Argentina hehe! And that it's winter! I can hardly imagine that with the scorching heat we are having here at the moment...
But anyhow, I saw your prompt post and decided to send you a request!
Could you do prompt 6 with Itachi, please?
I'm a huge sucker for feral Itachi just finally breaking and taking his frustrations out on someone hehe! It's my favourite nsfw thing ever.
I'm looking forward to your great writing and don't forget to take care of yourself too!<33
-bunni Anon♡
6) reader: You don’t have to be so gentle with me. You can hurt me if you’d like. After all, my body belongs to you.
Finally, feral Itachi for you! It took me so long it's embarrassing omg!🙏😭💫
Personally, I think he is one of those who would explode the worst when letting his wild side out because he rationalizes his feelings too much, so letting that take over must be disastrous.
TW: Itachi kinda yandere¿
(Y/N) feels his hands run down her back delicately, lowering the straps of her dress as they reach her shoulders and uncovering her chest. It's the typical way Itachi always chooses to initiate their intimacy, and there's a delicacy accompanying each movement that drives her to despair.
Of course, she adores how delicate and gentle the Uchiha is, how he takes his time with her and isn't rough, but something inside tells her the ninja holds back completely every time he handles her. Being a glorious man, carrying so much inner power in his body, having so much physical capability, there is no chance for him to genuinely fuck her tenderly because he wants to.
Rather, he goes about it like that because he doesn't think her capable of withstanding his true strength.
During the first few times after her suspicion, (Y/N) began to analyze his muscles' behavior, how he would clench his fists tightly as if trying to restrain himself, bulging veins in his neck like they were about to explode. Itachi was not allowing his true desire to come out, keeping that primitive need under lock inside him.
After catching on to this attitude, she felt insulted, but then realized he was doing it for her sake, to protect her. A certain level of dark curiosity was born from understanding she didn't even know a part of his true urge, and she was mentalized to find out the next time she saw him.
With Itachi living as a fugitive, there weren't many opportunities for them to enjoy themselves like normal couples. (Y/N) would wait for him every week at a particular spot in the forest, where trees provided concealment and the village guard wouldn't reach, to meet in an abandoned barn and spend time together. It may not have been the most romantic thing in the world, but it was necessary.
When this week's meeting came, the girl was determined to break through the barrier keeping him in line, to persuade Itachi into releasing his fierceness and rawness, consuming or taking her as his dark side thought-wise.
(Y/N) adores her sweet and gentle Itachi, but longs to meet the wild and unrestrained one.
The time for their usual meeting draws near, and she sets off. She covers her face with a scarf and heads into the forest, following all the directions the Uchiha gave her. He had spotted an unguarded route, safe ground from the eyes of the village. Following the path she can visualize several crows in the air, staring at her as she paces and circling overhead, indicating he arrived first. In the small ruined barn, her man is already waiting for her.
Sitting against one of the crumbling walls, Itachi looks relaxed with his eyes closed, a small smile on his mouth as he hears her footsteps. He stands to greet her and wraps (Y/N) in a tight hug full of need under his black robe.
Catching up is often more complicated than she would have expected, hating to hear those tales of the terrible missions he must accomplish for that horrible organization. The Uchiha tries to distract her by asking about her day and her work but never has much success against the determined woman, wanting to know about his wanderings.
When the conversation takes a sour turn, Itachi sets in motion his kissing and cuddling plan, managing to soften her under his lips. With the mood heating up, (Y/N) melts into his hands and allows herself to be carried away by his advances, finding herself naked and lying under his robe sooner than she would have thought. He prepares and distracts her with ephemeral pleasure by fiddling between her legs, fingers dancing back and forth, leaving her ready for the moment he awaits each week.
She feels him thrusting into her, and there is no more satisfying sensation than having her man inside. The Uchiha moves slowly, taking his time and caressing every inch of her skin with his fingers. One hand holds him above her while the other moves from her waist to her chest, caressing her neck and then her lips to kiss her patiently.
Rationalizing her state of arousal, (Y/N) remembers the task she set herself before seeing him today, and puts her plan into action. Taking his face between her hands, she whispers between moans, "You don't have to be so gentle with me. You can hurt me if you'd like. After all, my body belongs to you". She can see Itachi's expression change, and how his body becomes paralyzed.
His hips go still, and he gawks at her not knowing what to answer. "I want you to fuck me as hard as you wish, without holding back one bit. Destroy me, Itachi, make me yours." (Y/N) connects their mouths, moving her body under him to resume the rolling of his hips. The Uchiha bites her lower lip to the point of gushing blood, a gesture never seen before. “Aren’t you mine already? What are you trying to do here?”
She is succeeding, there is something awakening in the depths of his being.
"Fuck me so hard I can't remember my name, Uchiha. I'm not asking you; I'm demanding it."
There is a visible change in his eyes, and she can appreciate the doubt inside his mind. "I don't think you can take it, there's no need, I'm fine like this and-" He wants to, but he doesn't dare. "Do you need a formal invitation? Fuck me now or I'll doubt if you really like me." A hand closes over her neck, squeezing with a strength she never experienced from him. Itachi's eyes look menacingly red, and he grits his teeth viciously.
It is a version of him she never had a chance to see, and as she feels the air escape her lungs, she thinks about whether this will be the vision his enemies have before they die. A rabid Uchiha about to devour their hearts with his bare hands.
(Y/N) can only see a man completely out of his mind, driven by his need for violence, taken by his hunger and his raw urge to fuck her desperately. She can feel his hips moving again, but this time at a brutal pace, slamming against her body in a way she knows will leave bruises on her skin. "Is this what you want, (Y/N)? For me to take you roughly and show you what I’m capable of?"
The ninja draws his face to the side, holding her pelvis in one hand and marking it with his fingernails. It would seem as if he is trying to fight his instincts, not wanting to let himself be driven by that dark side buried inside him. There is a fierce aura in his posture, and his hand releases her neck only to grab her hair and pull her head back. Overwhelmed by the pace he leads, the shortness of breath, and the pain caused in different areas, (Y/N) feels faint and return to her senses several times. "You ask for it, you got it. Keep up with me."
All the tenderness and gentleness Itachi usually treated her with vanished beneath his true desire, genuine sex drive, and (Y/N) believed to be dealing with a completely different person. Possessed by his raw need and the craving he accumulates for her, the Uchiha is too far into his dark fantasy to hold back.
Without lending any qualms, Itachi continues his destructive session on her body, leaving her full of marks and bruises, vivid skin where his nails drew lines. The girl surrendered under his will, knowing she herself had provoked the situation. Between thrust and thrust, she does not remember when is the last time she made a conscious effort before passing out completely.
#itachi uchiha x reader#uchiha itachi x reader#itachi x reader#uchiha itachi#itachi uchiha#itachi#naruto shippuden#naruto imagines#naruto#uchiha clan#naruto x reader#naruto scenarios#bunny anon#love them!
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MEET mE #??!¡?

she / he

Total Drama (all seasons)
Camp Camp
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Rise! & 2012!)
My babysitter is a vampire

i WILL WriTe
female/male/gn reader
platonic / romantic
i W0N'T wRiTE
su1cide / self harm
smut / nsfw

#m4rtkyeclone#fanfics#oneshots#headcanon#total drama#gorillaz#camp camp#mbav#rottmnt#tmnt 2012#total drama island#tdi#total drama x reader#gorillaz x reader#camp camp x reader#mbav x reader#rottmnt x reader#tmnt x reader#tmnt 2012 x reader
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Meh, I'm a beginner artist with some inspiration so I tried drawing one of my ocs, her name is Fear, she's a zombie/robot, she's 29, her weapon is a sentient axe-bass she named "Louise" which is her soul link fun fact: Fear is a aro bi woman! Fear's pronuns are zombie/zombie self, fear, she/her, it/its and they/them, she's married to her own weapon (to Louise's disdain and disgust, since she only views Fear as her master and creator), also her hair is made out of copper, so it will suffer oxidation in the future; She was inspired in the following things: - Miss Argentina from beetlejuice - ABA from guilty gear - failed experiments - models - plastic surgery - yandere archetype
#silly#writing#oc#oc info#oc artwork#oc art#character sheet#original character#my art#my art <3#beginner artist#small artist
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Commissions only via Paypal / Ko-Fi (International)
Commissions only via MercadoPago / Cafecito (Argentina)
Versión en Español - Portfolio - Trello
Make your SFW order (Ko-Fi) - Make your NSFW order (Gmail)
Keep reading to see all my offers and few examples, Terms of Use, Turn around Time, Trello and more!
Extra character: $3 USD
•• <<────≪•◦⚜◦•≫────>> ••
•• <<────≪•◦⚜◦•≫────>> ••
Color: $10 USD
Background: $10 USD
Extra Character: $10 USD
•• <<────≪•◦⚜◦•≫────>> ••
•• <<────≪•◦⚜◦•≫────>> ••
Fullbody: $20 USD
Extra Expressions: $15 USD
•• <<────≪•◦⚜◦•≫────>> ••
Background: $25 USD
Extra character: $25 USD
•• <<────≪•◦⚜◦•≫────>> ••
Color: $20 USD
Background: $50 USD
Extra character: $50 USD
•• <<────≪•◦⚜◦•≫────>> ••
Extra page (5 panels) $40 USD each one | Máx. 5 pages
•• <<────≪•◦⚜◦•≫────>> ••
Terms of Use
There is no extra charge for commercial or personal use regarding the commissions, you can use it however you want, print it, make merch, promotions, etc. After the payment is done, and the work is finished, the drawing will be sent and belong to the client. 📏 Due to my workload as a webcomic artist, I may be limited and not know exactly the amount of time commissions may take (Be it in level of details, amount of characters or drawings, same considering I make Bi-Weekly episodes for 2 Series: “Scarlet Society” & “Yandere City”, as well as I make exclusive content for the Patreon’s of Leveret Moreau, Bijou Paradise and OfficialGenesis). However, each type of commission have their own estimated time of delivery.
⏩You can see the To-Do List and check the stage of commissions on Trello⏪
💥 I won’t change the type of commission nor accept extra payment in hopes of the client to finish the product faster. If I hadn’t been able to work on the commission yet, it’s because there are other clients before you or I couldn’t have find time to work on it yet.
❌REFUNDS POLICY❌ - I won’t accept refunds or corrections after delivering the finished product. I take the time to make revisions through the stages of the commission and communicate them to the client (rough sketch, sketch, lineart, color, shading) so please make sure to make the proper corrections. - I only allow refunds if I cannot work in the commission at all, due to health or matters of force majeure
Remember to provide an E-Mail to send the finished files, and if needed a Social Media account to tag you (If you’d like to)
#commission info#commission prices#commission sheet#kofi commissions#commission information#Red Lenai Artwork#artist#artist on tumblr#freelance illustrator#digital art#anime#manga#comic#illustration#webcomic#fanart#original art#original character
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......Hi 🤗. Usually I am very shy to send a message or request to a blog, but I wanted to tell you that yours is one of the ones I go to the most to see. Your way of writing is very beautiful 💖 and manages to convey emotions that I usually can't feel with other fanfics. If it is not too much trouble and if you are not full of requests, you could do prompts 12. “Haven’t you realized your situation? Your life is completely in my hands now.” and 16. "I'll destroy anyone that gets in my way, anyone that tries to get in between us." With Yandere Chrollo And Pregnant! Kurta
PS: Drink water, eat well, sleep well and take time to write. Many hugs from Argentina 🤗🇦🇷😊💖
hi there !!
you are so sweet, such a kind soul, your words genuinely mean so much to me and I'm so happy that you sent in a request, im just so happy that you can feel my writing so deeply my heart is just auhuhhhhhhhhghghghgh (*꒦ິㅿ꒦ີ)
though importantly on a lighter note, I made this story a bit... a bit extra dark. perhaps my mind was feeling a bit psychological thrillery when I wrote this so I'm hoping you don't mind that too much, I could also be exaggerating bc sometimes I cant tell when too much IS too much, or if it isn't too much at all ! ! O_O
you can read it here, i really hope you enjoy and thank you again, also for the well wishes! all the same to you!! ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ ლ(´ ❥ `ლ)
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Just wanted to say i love ur characterisations for latin america!! On that note, since mexico was colonised forcibly adopted by spain, do you think he would share any behaviour traits with him?
you have no idea how much this ask excited me someone shares my interest in latin america yAY

my earliest thought of how spanish "little brothers" might adopt and trace their yandere traits back to him came from these headcanons, specifically the line "any sons probably would be". man, you just KNOW the latin american countries probably saw how antonio treated his darling, romano, maybe a shared obsession (a concept i've been dipping my feet in) and would have grown up assuming spain's behaviour was totally normal.
this would definately be at different degree's and depend on how deep spain got his claws into each latin american nation; for example, former colonies like the philippines and mexico, who i headcanon grew up around spain, would probably behave most similarly to spain, without even realising it really.
then there are nations like peru and argentina who i don't believe were raised as closely to spain as mexico might have been (i feel like colonial spain was all over the place, played favourites and favourites meant the most resource rich, obediant, catholic colonies), who would unconsciously develop more of his violent traits / scare tactics (especially argentina in this regard), or use their history with spain as a way to gain sympathy from their darling whilst also emulating the same manipulation tactics spain used on them as colonies (case in point; peru).
mexico is definately the most similar to spain as a yandere, at face value, he uses many of spain's favourite tactics, like manipulating his darling by crafting a them vs us dynamic, and fully buying into it himself as well; that's what makes spain so dangerous, he cannot see any fault in his actions.
i've been binge watching the handmaid's tale and as icky as the comparison might be, yandere spain is alot like fred waterford in this regard. but spain is much smarter than that sad sack of shit, and kind of knows what he's doing is manipulative, he just doesn't care or think it's wrong.
mexico on the other hand doesn't believe his actions are at all manipulative, he buys into what he says as much as he wants his darling to.
i haven't touched much on spain's 'darker' side as a yandere, but it is very much there, and unlike england or even germany, antonio is more than happy to harm his darling if they don't comply. the other two are serious and strict when 'forced' to punish their darling, but antonio is lighthearted, joking around as he causes them 'righteous' pain, which is what can make him such an unnerving yandere.
josé definately retains a more calm, lighthearted demeanor when upset with his darling, definately inherited from spain, but is less jolly and more 'matter-of-fact' about it; he definately wants to avoid harming his darling, and is more willing to let things slide that antonio wouldn't.

i've actually been thinking of starting a headcanon 'series' kind of based around yandere latin america/spain/portugal/romano for a while now, it's mostly centered around a specific character so i would probably write it on a themed sideblog, but i would probably also alter whatever i write there to be more 'reader insert' friendly and post it here!.
anyways hello again hetalia fandom, i live, until the next sporadic burst of inspiration *tips fedora*
#yandere hetalia#yandere mexico#yandere spain#yandere aph mexico#yandere aph spain#hetalia#hws mexico#hws spain#aph mexico#aph spain#hws#aph#aph hetalia#siderant why is there so little latin america nation fanart surely we as a fandom can do better
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Hello :), can you make one of Ilumi (yandere) with a woman stronger than him?
greetings from Argentina 🇦🇷 :D
Hello from America! 🇺🇸
I’m sorry, but I don’t write for yanderes 😅 if you want a normal illumi x reader stronger than him let me know!
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bittersweet ~ a yandere!John Wick x fem!reader sunshine/grump coffee shop AU... Part 39 all chapters
39. pool time
You float in the pool, cooling off after a day of training. Not so much your body, as your head.
John yelled at you earlier for not clearing a chamber jam fast enough for his liking–and you are tired of all of this.
Mariko continues to kick the shit out of you every other day–but you are learning a lot, so you take it. Just when you think you might be earning her begrudging respect–she finds some new way to put you in your place–and on your face.
John drills you at the range and on the speed course, and you didn’t think you were doing too bad, until about an hour ago. But the slide stuck and the spring was tight and the checkered metal hurt your sore fingers and the guns are heavy…you’re over it.
You don’t even want to go to Argentina anymore. You just want to go home.
The only one in the pool, you swim back and forth aimlessly, underwater and above, changing your strokes every few passes then floating again.
This situation is wearing on John too. If they don’t show soon…you don’t know what he’s going to do. Something that will probably mean leaving you here, in safety, while he goes off to do what he does.
Which according to Winston, is starting fires in the Underworld he doesn’t quite know how to put out, without killing everyone.
The thought of him going on another rampage terrifies you.
You sense the shadow of someone standing over you at the side of the pool. Expecting John, you right yourself in the water, looking up.
“I did not know the New York Continental boasted its own mermaid.”
So. Not. John.
You immediately sink again in the water, peering up at the newcomer with narrowed eyes. You’re not sure which clue put you on edge immediately: the wolfish way he looks down at you, his elegant yet flashy manner of dress–or his Italian accent.
You say nothing in return, your heart in your throat. Somehow, you just know.
“Allow me to introduce myself. Dante D’Antonio.” He squats down at the side of the pool, paying you a cruel little smile. A lock of his dark, curly hair falls down over his forehead; he’s handsome, but there is something missing in his hazel-green eyes as he stares you down. You’ll admit it. He scares the shit out of you.
“Your fiancé killed my mother.”
“Prepare to die?”
“Sorry, I thought we were quoting The Princess Bride here.”
“It’s good that you’ve come, signor D’Antonio,” you say more carefully, kicking yourself for being a smartass in this world where everyone spoke carefully and in metaphor, because crossing the wrong person could literally mean losing your head. “My fiancé has been getting impatient.”
“It was never his strong suit, so I’ve heard.”
“And yet, you harass him. There are a lot of dead people who would tell you that’s not a smart move.”
He waves you off with a flourish of his wrist. You are so tempted to splash him. “John Wick is an old man whose time has passed. It is a shame, he would involve a pretty little innocent like you in the crossfire.”
You glare at this man, sinking up to your nose in the water. What is he doing here, talking to you?
John’s low voice draws you like a beacon. He stands at the other end of the pool, a dark pillar of death. The air positively crackles with tension, and then it dawns on you that this is d’Antonio’s purpose. Rile John Wick to the point of doing violence on Continental grounds, and make him sign his own death warrant.
You might have missed it once, but now you can see the bulge under John’s expertly tailored suit jacket. You know he’s wearing a loaded Glock on his hip, and that he could end this troublesome young man in about 1.5 seconds.
That would just be the beginning of your troubles.
You remember what Winston cautioned you, about what John might do to a perceived threat of you. Fuck.
“John…” you caution, swimming quickly for the ladder that is conveniently situated between the two men, intending to put yourself between them. Dread floods your system, as you fear you’ll be too late. “Save it for the parlay,” you beg between strokes.
If Dante d’Antonio was here, surely the others were on their way? It would be madness, otherwise, for the boy to show his face to John Wick?
“Yes, John. Don’t do anything rash,” taunts Dante with a smarmy grin, one hand stuffed casually in his waistcoat pocket.
It all happens so fast.
John rushes the kid, closing the distance between them in the blink of an eye.
Dante balks, clearly not having thought through his life choices, facing down the John Wick with no bodyguards and no weapon to his name.
You don’t think John actually touches the young man, but Dante manages to stumble over his own Gucci-clad feet in his panic–into the pool, in that beautiful silk suit.
You watch this transpire open mouthed, half-hoisted up on the ladder.
John’s iron grip on your arm pulls you out the rest of the way from the pool, snatching your towel from a chair as the two of you power-walk out, draping your dripping form with the soft terry cloth as Dante d’Antonio hurls angry Italian expletives after your retreating forms.
“Are you going to get into trouble for that?” you hiss, your teeth chattering from the temperature change and the adrenaline.
“I didn’t even touch him,” defends John, bundling you into the elevator. “What a little bitch.”
You snort at that. You are weightless for a moment, as the elevator rises.
“Go to the room,” John orders you at the fifth floor.
“Where are you going?” You try not to sound like a scared little girl, certain you fail. You’re not mad anymore. Just anxious, and you realize, a bit excited. Finally, something is happening.
“To talk to Winston.”
Of course.
“Hurry back to me?”
He presses his lips to yours, then gently nudges you towards the hall. “Always.”
#john wick#john wick x reader#john wick x you#john wick fic#john wick x y/n#keanu reeves#keanu reeves x reader#yandere john wick#bittersweet john wick imagine
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hi :D i'm a new follower, I just finished reading your story of twin eclipses- (Yandere! Illumi x reader) and i'm left with the intrigue to know more 😢
Could it be that you can do part 2 or mini series of this? The plot is very interesting and leaves you wondering what will happen next.
Only if you want :), GREETINGS FROM ARGENTINA!!🇦🇷
Twin Eclipses- (Yandere!Illumi x Reader) pt. 2
Warnings; yandere, mention of abuse, coercion, threats, mention of being threatened, unfair situations, female bodied reader, mention of past noncon, mention of birthing troubles, going MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE stalker/creep here, item theft, irrational behavior, irrational thinking, obsessive behavior, obsessive thinking, extreme invasion of privacy, breeding kink,

A blazing sun sat in the middle of the sky, burning rays only slightly broken up by the occasional cloud. The only solace from the intense heat was the dappled shade cast beneath the tree canopy. Most animals were laying low during the height of the day's warmth, spare for two small figures that walked up the dusty road. They had been told of the family that lived upon the looming mountain and they were told to avoid it at all costs, but the cost now was just too great for the pair.
The looming gates of the estate stood before them, a small sentry checkpoint waiting not far from the large doors. Even so, the pair knew well enough to not approach as speaking to the attendant would only waste time. Time was not something they had in generous supply, so they were left with the only option they had; a phone. This phone belonged to the very person the pair aimed to save, the most recently dialed number displayed on the screen.
When they pressed the call button, the other line immediately answered and hung up, leaving the two to glance at one another in confusion. Their confusion didn't last long as the giant gate began to move and slowly creak open from some powerful force. The pair watched in awe and surprise as the huge gates swung open and revealed the group of adults on the other side. Four adults walked forwards to meet the pair, all of them familiar from when they last visited the pair at their home not long ago. Despite the intimidated feeling the pair got from the adult group, they knew that these adults were the only chance they had.
"Okay, we're here. All we have to do is call, right?"
"I see the two of you have arrived, as agreed. It surprises me to see your mother isn't with you."
The first of the group- the eldest and shortest- spoke with a calm tone, clearly not giving anything away even to the frightened pair. Though the two were young and much smaller than the adults in the group, they were no less determined to get what they needed.
There was a slight waver to the young voice, the pair were only children barely out of their toddler years, after all. They had not known the world outside of the village they lived in with their mother and though the distance to the mountain was relatively short, it was the furthest they've been from home. Certainly farther than their mother had ever taken them, especially on foot. The boys were desperate though, and they saw no other solution to the problem that threatened their peaceful existence.
"She... She's why we came."
"Oh? Did she tell you to?"
"No... Mama..." The boys glanced at one another, "Mama's sick. She hasn't woken up in days and the elders say there are only a few places that have the things she needs to get better. They said that you all have the medicine and machines she needs to get better and she'll die without them..."
"Mama said we shouldn't talk to any of you, or ever go near the mountain. She said that you all are our family, but want us to do what you want and not let us choose what we want. But... We don't want to lose mama... So, we will do what you want, just save mama first."
It was a surprise to the group to hear the mature thought process of the two children in front of them. The pair had sought them out to save their mother, which took planning most children twice their age wouldn't be able to do without help. If ever there were a sign that the two were of the lineage their pedigree suggested, it would be their adult approach to the problem they had.
"So, you two sought us out in the hopes that you could use yourselves as bargaining chips to save your mother's life, right?"
There was a small beat of silence as the adults looked at one another, passing along silent meaning to their glances. It had been their intent all along to find some way to convince the wayward mother to allow her sons to be trained in the way of the assassins, but that didn't mean the group was thrilled to hear of her declining health. The group intended to assist regardless as they owed more than they cared to admit to the woman that birthed the pair of boys, however that didn't mean they would pass up the opportunity presented to them.
"Very well, we will send for her and have her treatment begin here immediately. For now, though, introductions are in order. Your mother was not very forthcoming with information, especially information regarding the two of you. So, what are your names?"
"... Gesshoku and Nisshoku Zoldyck."
The slow and steady beep of machines brought you into awareness, feeling your dry throat crackle as you breathed. Each inhalation feeling forced and annoying as oxygen poured into the mask on your face. Your thoughts came slowly and sluggishly as if dampened by some chemical or drug fed into your system. It was difficult to even keep your eyes open as you tried to think about where you were and even who you were. Everything was jumbled in your brain and the ever present temptation to keep sleeping sat stubbornly in your mind.
A familiar voice managed to reach through the confusion and drag you back to the surface of clarity. Your attention snapped over to the source of the voice and you were vaguely lost as to why your father sat next to you. More so than just your father being present, you wanted to know where you were and where your sons were. If your father was with you in this mysterious place, where could your boys possibly be?
Your voice was harsh even to your own ears as if you had not spoken in a very long amount of time. The fact that your mouth felt so dry didn't help either as it only served to make your voice scratchier. It didn't really matter what your voice sounded like, though. What mattered to you was making sure your sons were alright and as far from their father as possible.
"(Y/n), I'm sure this is confusing for you-"
"Where are they?"
"Where are my sons?"
You left little room for argument and it was clear your father understood you would not be resting or wasting any time on questions until you could ensure your sons were safe. Gotoh silently thanked the fact that Illumi was out on a job and was not likely to return any time soon. At least the absence of the eldest Zoldyck son would give you some time to adjust to the new reality you found yourself living.
"They're with Master Silva-"
"Take me to them."
"(Y/n), you just awoke after spending two weeks unconscious. You should rest-"
"Take me to my sons. Now."
When your sons arrived at the proverbial doorstep of the Zoldyck estate, Gotoh was stunned to find out you were in poor health. The fact that the boys had traveled alone to meet their family and ask for their help told him just how unwell you were. Last time Gotoh saw you, you stood strong despite the way the world had worn you down and you were ready to fight the very people you served so you could protect your sons. He certainly was not prepared to see what had become of you thanks to your sudden illness.
Arriving at your home in the small village burned a permanent etching into Gotoh's mind. You looked so frail and sickly, bed bound and unable to respond to the world around you as your body fought as hard as it could to keep you alive. He had only just learned you were still alive and already had to face the potential reality of losing you again. In some ways, helping you during your illness soothed the ragged ache in your father's heart as he lamented the fact that he had been unable to protect you when you needed him most. Constant wondering of how he had ignored the signs of your mistreatment plagued him, filling his head and heart with shame at not seeing sooner.
Learning the real reason you had run from the family and from him weighed heavily on his mind. If he had just noticed sooner, or kept a better eye on you, perhaps Illumi wouldn't have gotten away with his sick affection towards you for as long as he did. Even now it was hard to think of the stoic eldest Zoldyck son doing anything so perverse and twisted towards you- someone he grew up with- but the evidence you had gathered was supposedly very damning. Either out of respect for you or for Gotoh himself, the Zoldycks did not share the compiled videos with him. Not that he wanted to see the things Illumi had done to you or hear you cry for help only to be ignored. The reality of what had been done to you was a heavy one and one that Gotoh struggled to come to terms with.
"Alright. I brought your clothes so you can change into something and then we can go see them."
The things they found... Were truly enlightening to just how depraved the eldest had become.
You wordlessly snatched up the clothing that he bought for you, pulling yourself out of bed and behind the curtains to change your clothes. The confident strides you had once walked with were now broken and eternally limping, a constant reminder that Illumi had tried everything to keep you with him permanently.
After he and the three Zoldycks left your home that first time, they did digging into Illumi and what exactly he was capable of doing and threatened to do to you. Milluki- the second eldest son- kept extensive back-logs of any kind of security feed footage and even had cameras previously unknown of around the estate.
It began with video of Illumi stalking you well before the abuse began. He would follow you throughout the estate and ensure any schedule you were on passed by his room at least once, if not multiple times throughout the day. There were countless evenings where he would silently enter your room while you slept and did who knows what with your unconscious body. Beyond the stalking he began to steal things that belonged to you, squirreling them away in his room.
Approximately when he began his perverse abuse, his behavior around you erratically shifted. He would openly corner you in halls, dragging you- sometimes literally- to the nearest closet or even his room. Neither of you would leave for hours on end and usually he was the one who emerged first, looking no worse for wear. Several minutes after he leaves, you would emerge, clothing torn in places revealing dark marks adorning your soft body. Sometimes you would walk out, other times you would practically crawl out of those rooms, disheveled and limping with clear distress on your face. It didn't take a genius- or sound from the video feed- to know what Illumi was doing to you. If anyone saw or heard you, they would quickly retreat the other way and speak not a word of it to anyone.
None of this was news to the Zoldycks, or to Gotoh. You had gathered enough evidence and said as much to make the suffering you felt clear. What really took them by surprise was what they found when they went poking around Illumi's room.
There was a secondary room that was hidden away from the common eye, looking like just another panel in his wall. Behind that panel lay the true depth of the depravity Illumi had been consumed by. What was akin to a room of worship or even some kind of elaborate shrine lay within. Things he had taken from you on display like trophies; from underwear, to locks of hair, even to a fridge full of marked vials of your blood, saliva, and vaginal lubricant. Aligned along one wall were countless pregnancy tests- all negative- and a clear empty spot marked and reserved for a positive test. Pictures of you papered the walls, some candid shots taken from a distance, some of you asleep in bed, others where you were clearly posed, bound, and gagged.
Several notebooks filled with dates and observations taken on you were in the far corner of the room. The earlier contents dated back to years before Illumi acted on his dark desires. Countless pages filled with line after line of his growing obsession filled every book, certain things highlighted and marked to be remembered. Some of the passages detailed exactly what he wished to do to you and how he imagined you would sound as he did them. One book was exclusively notes on how you reacted to certain sexual situations he put you through; what you responded to best, and what made you scream the loudest.
Calendars were marked with your monthly cycle, peak ovulation days specifically labeled 'breeding days'. Each week had a date marked for when he planned for you to take a pregnancy test.
He clearly had a place for his more 'prized' items in the center of the room. Upon a pedestal sat a torn uniform in your size. It was neatly folded and stacked together, a pair of bloodied underwear sitting on top with the label 'our first' placed along side it. There was little doubt that this uniform was what you were wearing when the sexual abuse began.
The most disturbing- by far- was the unnaturally life-like doll that looked near identical to you. It had clearly been 'used' many times and looked like you as if you were simply sleeping. This doll had your exact measurements, from bust size to hips, and wore clothing that they recognized as yours. The fake you was blindfolded and cuffed to a raised metal bar, hanging by the wrists. There were obvious features intended to be used for sexual gratification, from the openable mouth with a moveable tongue, to the two holes that were made to be stuffed. The most recent entry in the notebooks were Illumi lamenting the fact that the doll simply was not you and didn't feel the same, though it felt real enough for him to use consistently when he was not on a job.
Gotoh was disgusted and would never tell you what he and the three Zoldyck men had discovered in Illumi's room. All the secret room did was make Illumi's insatiable and insane obsession with you clear. They truly did not know how to keep Illumi from you when he learns you are at the Zoldyck estate and within his reach once more. There was little wonder now as to why Illumi had mangled your ankle, as he clearly was willing to do whatever it took to keep you in his grasp.
As you returned in the clothing Gotoh had given you, he stood up and silently led you through the twisting halls and corridors. Any fellow workers the two of you passed reacted to you the way they would react to a member of the family passing by; bowing their heads and moving to the far sides of the hall to let you pass. Where it was surreal to have others treat you with the same respect as they did the family, you knew it was likely because of your sons. You two came to a large door you were familiar with as it was the door to Silva's 'office' and you began to worry what you would find inside.
Gotoh knocked and the deep voice of the head of the family called out for you two to enter. As the door swung open and you stepped inside, two small figures practically flew into your arms. Your two sons clung to you and held tightly to wherever they could as they enthusiastically greeted you. Both boys were practically on the verge of tears as they rejoiced your return, talking over each other.
You couldn't keep up with the overlapping conversations and simply returned the hug in kind to the two boys who quickly went quiet, just enjoying your loving behavior. It was clear the boys had missed you to an extreme and they wanted to share everything they had learned while you were bed-ridden from your illness. Silva had a single brow raised at the boys, no doubt having only known them to be relatively quiet and withdrawn. Compared to how they interacted with you, it was more than obvious that the two favored you in every way. Your boys were clearly mama's boys and they had no issue letting everyone know that.
"We knew we had to help-!"
"Even though you said not to-"
"They really helped-"
"I've learned how to stab people-!"
"Did you know a human body dies without-?"
"But then we were really good at-"
"Grandpa has killed so many-"
"And Great-Grandpa hasn't killed anyone he wasn't hired to-"
"But Great^(3)Grandpa is super strong and-"
"When did you teach your boys how to use Nen?"
You glanced up at Silva, who was observing the exchange between you and your boys with a calm yet watchful gaze. It hadn't ever occurred to you to tell anyone the boys could use nen because you didn't want them around their family anyway given the emphasis on being assassins.
It was then the eldest of your boys, Gesshoku, seemed to perk up. Despite the young ages of your twin boys, they were unusually aware of what adults said and the things adults murmured when nearby.
"I didn't."
"I can see they have use of their nen, there is no point in trying to cover it up."
"I'm not covering anything up. I never taught them to use nen. From the moment they were born they have had access to their nen. Perhaps it was the respective eclipses that took place during their birth that caused it, I don't really know, but I never taught them how to use it."
This came as surprise to you, not only for the fact that Illumi had belittled you at every turn and called you replaceable, but for the fact that Silva seemed to think he was obsessed. You looked up at the white-haired assassin curiously, wondering what your boys were going on about. Truthfully, you would rather your sons never meet their father, but that decision was not up to you to make. It was a choice only they could make regarding their father and they seemed uniquely interested in meeting the man.
"Mama! Grandpa said our father isn't here right now, but might come back in a few days. You said he was not nice to you, so we asked Grandpa why Father wasn't nice to you and Grandpa said that Father is assessed with you-!"
"Right, like I said, assessed."
You felt a shiver of dread run down your spine upon hearing just how twisted and unhinged Illumi had become. It was surprising to know the assassin had such intense feelings for you, but it did not soothe you in the slightest. If anything, you wanted to grab your boys and run before Illumi ever caught wind of you being back, but it was likely too late for that.
"What are they talking about?"
"Gotoh did not tell you, I see."
"Tell me what?"
"We did more investigation into Illumi after our first conversation at your home. He has been keeping a kind of shrine to you in his room. He has many things of yours in this room, as well as written documentation about his thoughts on you. I believe he tried to make you believe he didn't care for you as a coping mechanism for himself, as he has been obsessed with you since the two of you were children. There are... revealing... photos of you and a life-sized doll he made of you. I am sure you can guess as to what he uses it for."
"I will be honest with you, (y/n). We don't know how to keep Illumi from pursuing you once he learns you are here. Anything short of you being by an elder Zoldyck's side 24/7 would be unable to deter him. I have no right to ask you to remain here, but the boys must remain. I would think you would stay with your sons, but I must warn you that the price to remain here with them will be Illumi having access to you once more."
The truth weigh heavily on you as you had suspected as much. Illumi was a skilled assassin and had been trained to be able to bypass any and all security in his way to get to his target. Simply thinking of Illumi being near you made your heart flutter and panic. You could leave before he found out about you, but that meant you would have to leave your sons, both of whom were still clinging to you and affectionately snuggling into you. There was simply no way you would abandon your boys, so a heavy resignation thudded like a hollow drum in your chest. If you stayed, Illumi would get to you regardless of any attempts to stop him.
You knew Silva was right and you would have to start thinking about these conditions. It was clear you would need the rest of the family backing you if you were to make any kind of rules to limit his behavior. Beyond that, you worried if he would try to hold your sons' lives in jeopardy for your obedience, but he can't get to them now that the family is protecting them.
"I don't really have a choice, do I? I won't leave my boys. I can't. ... I will have to let it happen, because it will regardless of if I fight or not."
"Perhaps you can make conditions to his access to you? If he is given the choice to follow them or lose you, perhaps he will take them seriously."
There were so many things to consider that you almost missed the sound of the door opening following a single knock. Turning to face the newcomer, your heart seized when you saw a pair of familiar looking doll eyes set in white alabaster skin. Clearly he had not expected to see you standing there when he opened the door and his excitement crackled like static around him. His eyes trailed from you to the two white-haired children that clung to your legs, narrowing slightly as he considered what he was seeing. When his gaze returned to you, there was a kind of recognition in them that was quickly replaced with hunger the longer he stared at you.
#kiame-sama#yandere#x reader#yandere x reader#reader insert#tw yandere#hxh yandere#yandere male#male yandere#yandere illumi#yandere illumi zoldyck#twin eclipses#tw past noncon#tw obsessive behavior#tw stalking#tw manipulation#tw creepy
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Sea Change
A follow up commission for Settle by the lovely (and very patient) 🐦 anon
Oikawa Tooru x female reader
w.c 5.4k
tw: non/dub-con, pregnancy, breeding kink (kinda), yandere themes, threats of violence, stockholm syndrome, nsfw, smut
When you were younger, you dreamed of a life spent travelling.
Beautiful sunsets, the melting pot of foreign cities, stretching out on the shores of breathtaking, glittering beaches. Wandering ancient ruins and immersing yourself in the local culture, never growing stagnant, never feeling trapped.
In some way, that lingering desire was what pushed you to go and study in Argentina in the first place. Sure, it wasn’t the carefree, whirlwind adventure you’d imagined as a child, but that didn’t matter. You were leaving home, standing on your own two feet for the first time in your life.
The language was tricky, it took you months before you felt even somewhat confident carrying a conversation. The customs weren’t what you were used to – tiny differences that always left you feeling slightly out of place. Undertaking college in another country brought its own set of challenges, and you were lost and unsure, not knowing whether the course you were on was the right one and terrified of making a mistake.
Still, it was everything.
Argentina stole your heart. San Juan, with its sleepy, historic atmosphere took root inside of you. It felt like home, almost from the first day you spent there. Even when you were stressed, near broke and drowning under your course work, you were utterly enamoured, enthralled by the vibrant city and its beautiful people.
You’d joked once on a call back home that it’d take a small miracle to pry you away from Argentina; you loved it here too much.
Then you met Tooru, and for a while that seemed like a dream come true, too.
It seems cruel, that you’ve been gifted everything you’ve ever dreamed of – and more – with no way of giving it back. Like the universe is laughing at you.
Across the glistening ocean, the sun’s beginning to rise. Perched at the end of the old, wooden pier, your feet dangle off the edge, high tide bringing the ocean up to lap at your ankles. The sky, awash with pink and orange and a smattering of clouds, casts a warm glow over the water, the sea taking on a wine-like hue.
Two seagulls circle overhead, and you smother a bitter laugh, resting a hand atop your swollen belly.
Another beautiful morning in paradise.
A little ways down the shore, the port is already thriving; fisherman returning, others heading out. There’s yachts and whale watching tours and on the far side of the port, a cruise ship, docked for a few days while tourists explore the beaches and the nearby islands, the sight sending an odd pang through your heart.
Here, however, out on the pier in front of the beach villa you’ve made a temporary home, it’s calm. There’s not another soul in sight, no sound but the gentle lapping of waves and the rustle of the breeze blowing through the palm trees.
You’ll take what peace you can get, even if it is at ridiculous hours of the morning. God knows you’re never blessed with it for long.
Just as you think it, and much like the proverbial devil summoned by a mere thought, an elated cry shatters the morning’s tranquillity.
“Mama! Mama!!”
You have only moments to brace yourself – the tiny pattering of footsteps quickly approaching – before two little arms are thrown around you and Hatori buries his face against your shoulder.
You’re supposed to smile. Turn to pull him into your arms, a flurry of sweet kisses while he giggles and kicks in response.
Instead, you stare at the distant port, the cruise ship with its thousand windows.
Five more minutes, you want to plead. Just five more minutes.
But a warm laugh sounds, heavier footsteps following down the pier. “Careful, buddy. You’ve got to be gentle with your mama. You don’t wanna hurt the baby, do you?”
Little Hatori, clutching at your clothes, shakes his head, “Sorry, mama.”
When you can avoid it no longer, you tilt your head towards him, mustering up the required smile. “It’s alright,” you reassure him, smoothing down his windswept locks. “I’m not that fragile.” Though sometimes you feel it; big and bloated, unable to so much as bend over to tie your shoelaces.
He beams at you, his eyes so much like his father’s.
The same father who leans down to press a lingering kiss to the crown of your head. “We woke up and you weren’t there,” he says, voice deceptively mild as he settles beside you on the edge of the pier, pulling Hatori down to sit on his lap.
“I couldn’t sleep.”
Which is the truth, technically. Between Tooru’s smothering embrace and the fetus the size of a small pumpkin rolling around and kicking your insides (with an apparent fondness for your bladder) a good night’s sleep has become somewhat of a rarity.
And, because you feel his stare boring holes into your profile, you feel compelled to add, “It was stuffy inside, I wanted some fresh air.” He can’t fault you for that, can he?
Tooru hums. Uses the arm not holding Hatori to nudge you closer, curling it possessively around your pregnant belly.
“…I don’t like waking up without you.”
To Hatori, barely paying attention as it is, it probably sounds like the halfhearted grumblings of a husband hopelessly in love with his wife. You, who remember all too well the nights spent with the cold bite of metal around your wrist, know better.
You say nothing, your head falling to rest on his shoulder, watching as the sun continues to rise over the ocean.
“Mama, look! Crab! Crab!”
Keeping his little hand in yours, Hatori crouches to study the rock pools. Sure enough, scuttling across the rock face a grumpy looking hermit crab avoids the toddler’s pointed finger.
“It’s a hermit crab, buddy,” Tooru interjects, watching the two of you with what you can only describe as a fond expression. You used to find it endearing, sweet, even. Now, it earns a far less positive response –muscles tensing, discomfort sweeping through every vestige of your body.
But you shove that discomfort aside, doing your best to lean down, mindful of your pregnant belly to talk to the excited boy.
“Did you know that hermit crabs change their shells? Mhm, when they find a new shell they like, they’ll all come out, line up, try it on and then swap with each other, biggest to smallest.”
Hatori stares up at you, mouth softly parted, eyes wide and wondrous – understanding little, spellbound all the same.
“Though sometimes they think bottle caps and other rubbish are cool new shells and try to move into those too, which isn’t so good for them.”
Hatori’s a month shy of two and a half, and there’s three things that can hold his attention for hours at a time; the construction site across the street back home, the volleyball Tooru had given him on his first birthday, and the sound of your voice.
Tooru calls him a mama’s boy, looking thoroughly pleased each time he says it, much to your quiet dismay.
The reality behind his son’s attachment isn’t nearly so touching.
Hatori clings to you like a mother because you’re the only one he’s ever known. His own abandoned him, and Tooru’s never let anyone else get close. He adores the sound of your voice because there were days where for hours on end, he’d be the only company you had, and talking – even to a babbling infant – was the only thing that kept you from falling to pieces.
You’ve been tempted to resent him for it.
After all, if you’d never taken that babysitting job, if he hadn’t become so attached – if his father hadn’t been so charming and besotted, and you so naive – perhaps you might’ve walked away.
Maybe you’d be back home, in the midst of planning your next adventure to escape the boredom of day to day life.
But Hatori’s innocent in this.
A baby – well, toddler, now. One day he’ll be older, and perhaps he’ll begin to notice that mommy and daddy’s relationship isn’t like the ones his friends' parents share. That mommy isn’t allowed out of the house and daddy’s affection comes off a little strong.
Until that day comes, though–
“Your mama’s a clever one, isn’t she, Ha’rii?”
The toddler nods, bright eyed and beaming, and Tooru winks.
“C’mon, let’s go see the waterfalls.”
He helps you back to your feet, grinning when you quietly – begrudgingly – murmur your thanks. Not one to let you off the hook so easily, Tooru taps the side of his cheek with a finger, an expectant gleam in those soft, brown eyes.
He wants a kiss.
Won’t move until you comply.
It shouldn’t be a big deal; he’s forced you into far more degrading positions, a simple kiss on the cheek shouldn’t faze you in the slightest. Certainly not when you’re six months pregnant with his kid.
Such a small, inconsequential act of affection, and yet he takes great pleasure – judging from the wicked delight curling at his lips at your poorly concealed hesitation – in coercing those performances from you, and greedily reaping the rewards.
Swallowing down the bitter taste in your mouth, you lift yourself up, arms encircling his neck – his own steadying your waist, stroking at your skin – to place a chaste, fleeting peck to his jaw. The bare minimum (you hope) that he’ll accept.
At the last second, though, his head turns and your mouth instead meets his. His grin widens, smug and satisfied, deepening the kiss the moment you try to pull back.
– you’ll play along for Hatori’s sake, even if it means losing pieces of yourself along the way.
“I was thinking maybe we could head into town for dinner? I saw a few restaurants on the waterfront when we drove in that looked nice.”
Back at the villa, Hatori down for his nap, it’s just the two of you alone in your bedroom.
“O-or maybe tomorrow for brunch? Ha’rii might enjoy seeing all the fisherman and the boats and stuff…” you trail off, trying not to fidget the longer he stares.
Tooru smiles, perhaps a touch indulgently, walking over to where you sit on the edge of the bed. Slowly he drops his knees, presses a soft, languid kiss to each of your knees and one to your stomach – the baby rolling beneath the strangely reverent touch – caressing you like you’re made of glass.
It’s an effort not to shudder, even now.
For someone in such a public arena, he’s remarkably adept at hiding the depth of his obsession. His sickness. Even around Hatori, he likes to play at being a normal father, a loving husband.
But there’s no need for masks in the privacy of your bedroom.
“Mm, but I have something special planned for tonight.”
You swallow, changing tracks, “What about breakfast, then?”
He pauses his ministrations, chin tilting to the side, “Why? You don’t want me to make you breakfast in bed?”
You can’t remember the last time you ate out, the last restaurant, or cafe, or bar that you actually sat down in–
“No! No, it’s not that, I only thought that it might be a nice change. We’re on vacation, right? You deserve a break, too. A-and the walk would be nice, a chance to see the sights and everything.”
Your smile wavers as the seconds tick by.
And then, all of a sudden, the tension breaks, Tooru chuckling with a fond shake of his head,
“Silly girl.” He rises then, tilts your chin up to kiss you again. “Why don’t you lie down for a bit? It’s been a big day, we don’t want you over-exerting yourself. Or the baby.”
It’s never a suggestion with Tooru, and the door shuts with a quiet click that echoes throughout the room.
The three of you eat on the balcony overlooking the ocean. The food is amazing, of course. Not the sort of take-out you used to get back when you were living alone, with food piled high into cheap, plastic containers, presentation pushed aside in favour of ease of transport.
No, each plate is as beautiful as it is delicious, with artfully smeared sauces and garnishes arranged just so.
Idly, you wonder which restaurant he had prepare and deliver it, why you couldn’t have just saved them all the effort and gone to eat it in person at the restaurant itself.
(Not that Tooru would ever allow that. How foolish of you to believe otherwise.)
There’s three courses, four if you include the bowl of bread and dips you’d started the meal with. Champagne (non-alcoholic, of course) and your favourite dessert, which your husband took great pleasure in feeding you while you sat unwittingly on his lap.
It’s a fancy enough affair that you’d be tempted to believe that this was what Tooru had in mind when he’d told you that he’d had something special lined up for the evening.
You’re proven wrong, however, when you return to the bedroom after settling Hatori down to find a ribbon wrapped box set atop the bed.
“I bought you something,” your husband murmurs, coming up behind you to envelop you in another embrace. His lips ghost along the delicate line of your throat, brushing up against your pulse point. “Try it on for me?”
You force yourself to nod.
The box itself carries no brand or name, yet the matte finish and flowing gold bow tied perfectly screams opulence. Your fingers tremble as they brush along the lid; it’s beautiful, undoubtedly high quality, but you’d sooner throw the box into the sea than open it.
Your stomach churns.
“Thank you.”
Funny how such an innocent object can bring about such a visceral reaction.
You barely register Tooru leaving. He likely wants this particular unveiling to be a surprise – a gift of his own to unwrap and enjoy – but you’re grateful for the privacy nonetheless.
Slowly, you pull the ribbon loose and lift the lid, setting it aside. Laying carefully folded between layers of black tissue paper is a lingerie set, a blue lace babydoll with matching panties.
What else?
If it were jewellery, Tooru would’ve put it on you himself, taking the opportunity to gush over how beautiful you look, how he loves spoiling you, seeing you draped in precious metals and pretty diamonds.
You would’ve preferred jewellery. You would’ve preferred nothing.
You’ve heard of husbands losing attraction to their wives during their pregnancy. Pregnancy glow may be a real thing, and your tits have gone up a full cup size, yet with the added weight gain, your baby bump and stretched skin, the puffy ankles and ugly marks around your stomach and breasts, there’s nothing sexy about this.
Far from being disgusted by it – by you – seeing you pregnant and swollen with his kid seems to have unlocked some insatiable desire within your husband. It’s a rare night that he keeps his hands to himself, this– this is just the cherry on top.
Numb fingers work at the buttons of your sundress, the fabric hitting the floor with a quiet thump. Your panties are next, kicked aside after shimmying them off.
Mindlessly, you dress yourself in the pretty lingerie.
And it’s fine, it’s fine until you make the mistake of looking in the mirror.
Seeing your reflection, bloated and fat, the grotesque roundness of your stomach, clad in scraps of fucking lace–
You’re hideous. Fat and ugly and hideous and horrifically pregnant.
A sob claws its way up your throat, your legs giving way beneath you as you sink to the floor. You never wanted this, never asked for it. Kids were a part of the plan, yes – one day, maybe, when you found someone you loved and you were ready to settle down and start a family.
But this has been forced on you, like the ring on your finger, like the sweet boy sleeping down the hallway. You draw in a shuddering breath, curling in on yourself as much as your belly will allow. You’re disgusting. This baby – this innocent creature with no say in its creation – you’d rip it out of your stomach with your bare hands if you could.
You hate it, loathe this soul sucking little parasite feeding off of you, almost as much as you hate Tooru for putting it inside of you.
Almost as much as you hate yourself, and this gross, jiggling body you had no say in.
Tears fall, anguished and heart-wrenching, the cries muffled by the back of your palm. And still, your cradle that disgusting bump.
Time passes, you can’t say how much, but enough that Tooru’s impatience wins out. The door to the bedroom creaks open, and you hear the quiet, “Oh, baby,” as his footsteps approach.
You don’t look up as he wraps you in a tender embrace and kisses your hair, don’t acknowledge him all. You hiccup and cry, fat tears rolling down heated cheeks.
“Stand up for me.”
You hate him, you hate him, you hate him–
“Baby,” a hint of a warning, now.
Taking the offered arm, you shakily crawl to your feet, refusing to meet his eye. You feel exposed, vulnerable. He’s seen you naked more times than you care to count, but this is different. Every flaw, every ugly part of you on display beneath the ridiculous outfit he’s forced you into.
You’ve never felt less attractive in your life.
You want to curl up and disappear, for the ground to open up and swallow you whole. You don’t want him looking at you as he is, lips softly parted, pupils dilated and simmering with desire.
“Fuck, you look amazing.”
Even his voice is deeper than usual, thick and heady. You shiver with revulsion, but words are still beyond you. He tilts your chin up, wetness clinging to your lashes, trails of it running down your cheeks. He thumbs at the glistening droplets. Inhales sharply. Unsteadily.
“So pretty for me,” he breathes.
He kisses your lips then, surprisingly chaste. Cradles your face like it’s something precious, and that sick, disgusting feeling bubbles away inside of you. You can’t stand it; the feeling of his hands on you, the sickening love in his eyes, the unignorable evidence of his arousal pressing against your swollen middle.
“Don’t–” your voice wobbles – a pathetic, miserable sound, “don’t touch me.”
He ignores you, as he usually does, reaching down to cup your swollen, tender breasts, squeezing them with an appreciative hum. “They’re getting bigger.”
“Please, Tooru,” you sniffle, hating that he’s brought you to this new low. “Please not tonight.”
You don’t have the energy to explain that it hurts. You’re sore and hormonal and revolted with yourself, and you can’t bear the thought of him touching you. Raping you.
Because that’s what this is, right?
There’s no use sugarcoating the truth. You might not kick and scream every time he fucks you, but that doesn’t make it a consensual act. He drugged you, stole you, raped you, kept you, and now he’s knocked you up and put a ring on your finger and he’s all that you have. Him and Hatori and the unborn, innocent child inside of you – they’re what’s left of your world.
And you can’t stand it.
“Don’t,” you choke out.
The plea goes unheeded, capturing the hand that weakly swats at him and pressing his lips to your wrist, a heated smile curling at his lips. “Mm, but you look so good like this. Think I wanna keep you in it while I fuck you.”
“Is asleep. Now are you gonna lie back and let me take care of my lovely, pregnant wife, or are you going to keep being difficult?” his voice changes then, a hard edge where there wasn’t before.
He’s never hurt you. Not really, nothing beyond a warning slap – with a fraction of the terrifying strength you know he’s capable of.
There was one night, though, when he’d come home to find Hatori screaming and you in a fit of tears, your nails broken and bloodied, that damnable lock around your ankle without so much as a scratch. He hadn’t hit you then, either, only picked up his son to calm him, his eyes fixed on you as he rocked the boy back to sleep.
It was only when Hatori was down once more, and your tears had dried that he came to sit beside you on the bed. He’d asked to see your ankle – the one you’d been so desperate to free.
The terror that gripped you then, watching as he rolled and flexed the delicate joint in his hands (the same hands you’d seen smash volleyballs with the force of a cannon going off) under the guise of studying your self inflicted damage, humming to himself all the while – it’s seared into you.
All it would take was a sharp twist to snap it, he’d barely break a sweat. As his eyes, a deep, dark brown, had met yours, he’d smiled at you. Like he knew exactly where your mind had jumped to, and wanted you to remember that feeling.
‘Are you going to behave, cutie?’
He wouldn’t dare risk anything that would hurt the baby, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t a thousand other awful ways Tooru can express his dissatisfaction.
You can’t help it though. Your hormones are swinging wildly out of control, the cracks inside of you fracturing like spiderwebs, and you shake your head, biting down on the pleas that threaten to undo you entirely.
And he sighs. “Baby, c’mon. Work with me here.”
You’re still crying when he ushers you back to lie on the bed, legs parted as he sinks down to his knees between them.
Tooru’s always held a strange fixation with your thighs, noses lovingly at the smooth expanse of skin.
They’re trembling, goosebumps rising to the surface as the warmth of his breath tickles the plush softness there, and you can’t help the gasping breath you suck in through your teeth when his mouth follows suit, sucking a hot, languorous trail towards your panties.
You try to dissociate, chest heaving, cheeks still wet from your tears. Your fingers clutch at the soft, white sheets beneath you while you stare at the ceiling fan above, lazily stirring the balmy summer night air. Anywhere but here. You can be anywhere but here if you close your eyes tight–
Tooru’s teeth nip sharply at your skin. Not hard enough to draw blood, mind you, only to pull your attention back where he wants it. That wicked, awful tongue of his is quick to soothe any hurt, though, laving at the abused flesh, a kiss pressed affectionately over the bite. Distracting you – almost – from the way he toys with the scrap of lace barely preserving your modesty. Fingers stroking and teasing at your folds.
He chuckles when you whine, your legs trying half heartedly to push him away. There’s no illusion of control here. Your husband wants, and so he’ll take.
That’s how it’s always been, from the moment he decided, unbeknownst to you, that he wanted you. It’s the way it’ll always be.
Tonight is just another reminder, hammering that message home.
“There’s my girl. Let me make you feel nice,” he purrs, squeezing at your hip when you shudder with another choked back sob. “Let me take care of you, hm?”
Nudging the seat of your panties aside, his hot mouth descends on your cunt without waiting for a response.
And you gasp, fingers tightening in the sheets. He’s in no rush, tasting your sex with a languid drag of his tongue.
If there’s an art to eating you out, it’s one your husband has taken great efforts to master.
It’s embarrassing how easily you fall apart under his ministrations. How your hips jerk when the pink muscle laps and strokes at your pussy, delving into your core in search of the spots he knows’ll drive you wild. The way your back arches, whole body tensing when he sucks your clit into his mouth and flicks at it with his tongue.
He brings you right to the brink, stroking himself through his shorts as your hips buck to meet his eager mouth. It’s easier to give in, to lose yourself to the pleasure he’s generous enough to bestow. And you feel it building, hot and burning, electric as it surges through your body.
More, more, more.
Every moan is dragged unwittingly from your lips, and they may as well be gold for how Tooru chases them.
Your hands yearn to shove him off of you, to scrub the memory of his touch from your skin. Your fingers itch to grab him by his stupid hair and hold him in place so you can ride that dizzying pleasure forever.
The tears fall quicker; you hate him, you hate him, you hate him and you hate yourself even more, but you don’t want him to stop, not when you’re so close. And the moment you begin to tip over the precipice, to hurtle over the edge with him– he pulls back to quickly rid himself of his clothes and wipe off the slick smeared across his jaw.
It’s unfair, you think, how attractive he is.
Sun kissed, golden skin. Taut, well defined muscles. And that pretty face, so lovely for someone so utterly heartless.
“Relax,” he laughs, naked now as he climbs onto the bed to settle between your thighs once more, “I said I’d make you feel good, didn’t I?”
Your cheeks burn, and childishly, you turn your face away.
“… I hate you.”
“No,” he denies, kissing your calf as he lifts it to rest upon his shoulder. “You love me. My pretty wife.”
And he fucks you gently, mindful of your swollen belly, and the baby. Takes his time stretching you out on his cock, slowly sinking into your warm, welcoming pussy, filling you to the brim with every roll of his hips.
“You love me,” he repeats, dark eyes greedily drinking down the sight of you in your pretty lingerie, pregnant with his baby.
Wholly his, and falling apart for him once more.
“You love me,” fingers circling at your clit, the walls of your pussy tightening around his cock.
You bite down on your bottom lip, desperate to keep yourself from giving him the satisfaction of hearing you cum.
“You love me,” he grunts.
And you truly think he believes it.
Tooru snores lightly beside you, dead to the world.
At the end of the week this little vacation of yours – the babymoon, as your husband had jokingly dubbed it – would end, and you’d go back to San Juan. Life will return to normal; days spent trapped inside the villa, waiting for Tooru to come home from training, from his games, from press conferences and fancy, promotional events.
Maybe this time he’d take you with him. A breath of fresh air, a night out. You could play the role of loving wife well enough, right? For a few hours, at least.
And there’d be Hatori to take care of, and the baby due in a few months. Then Hatori’ll be a big brother. He’s likely too young to truly understand that, but he does perk up when the topic of his soon to be sibling comes up. He likes sitting in your lap and cuddling your middle – a move which admittedly has become slightly more challenging as the baby bump grows.
You’d love them, love them both despite everything. And you’d be loved in turn.
That’s the truth, isn’t it? Tooru couldn’t love you more if he tried. Warped and poisonous and all consuming, you’d suffocate under the weight of it, and he’d follow you even then.
There’s nothing for you back home, you haven’t spoken to your family in months. You’d had to beg for that privilege on your knees, the burn in your throat and the bruises on your knees sticking with you for days afterwards.
And he’d stood there while you spoke to them, arms folded across his chest, face pinched and unhappy, the timer on his phone counting down. They don’t know about the baby, and if Tooru has his way they’ll never meet her.
Their granddaughter. Niece. Cousin. You’ll never go home.
And as if he’s cognizant of the ache in your chest, your sleeping husband draws you closer, mumbles softly into the crook of your neck, nuzzling you.
No, you’ll never have a home that wasn’t carved by his hands.
… But it isn’t just you that that’s true for anymore, is it?
Tooru’s content with locking you away from the world like a dragon hoarding gold, why should his children be spared that possessive insanity?
Ha’rii’s young, still. So, so young, but it hasn’t slipped your notice that there’s never been any mention of daycare or playdates, you’re hardly able to take him to the park without Tooru getting all huffy.
And your daughter (a girl, you’re having a baby girl), you can’t imagine he’ll loosen that leash for her. Kids need socialisation. They need friends.
They’ll suffer for it, this love of his. Your family. Your children.
Rolling over – away from your husband’s oppressive hold – you stare out the window, the glittering lights of the distant port just barely visible.
It’s so easy to be brave, daring, when you have nothing to lose, and a safety net regardless. Strength was never one of your defining traits to begin with. You broke so easily for him. So quickly.
You gave up.
Played with quiet resentment as if it were resistance, and now you’re nothing but a hollow, broken shell of the girl you used to be.
There’s nothing waiting for you beyond the home he’s built for you.
Your family haven’t heard from you in months, Tooru says that they’ve moved on. If they truly cared, they would’ve looked for you. Your uni friends have long since forgotten you. You dropped out. Disappeared off the proverbial face of the earth. It happens.
You have nothing to your name – and even that he’s taken from you.
The crashing of waves outside the window calms your heart. In a few hours, it’ll be dawn.
In a few days, you’ll return home to San Juan. In a few months, you’ll give birth to Tooru’s daughter, and that little girl will tie you to him for the rest of your lives far better than chains ever could.
Bit by bit, carefully as to not disturb him, you crawl out of bed. A wrinkle appears on your husband’s brow and he shifts with a grumble, subconsciously searching for the warmth you’ve taken with you. But he doesn’t stir, and you breathe a quiet sigh of relief.
Your clothes from yesterday lie forgotten on the floor, numbly, you slip them back on.
No one else will want you, not now that you’re a mother, pregnant with his child. No one else could ever love you as much as he does.
And you need him. You think that somewhere deep down, buried beneath the layers of bitterness and self loathing, you might even love him.
He’s given you no other choice.
A steady inhale, and you glance back at his sleeping form once more. For all his faults – for all that he takes from you, greedy and demanding and wholly unrepentant – he does provide for you. You, Hatori, your daughter, you’d want for nothing.
(Nothing, except your freedom.)
It won’t be long before he notices your absence and wakes to seek you out, and so you silently pad from the room.
Unlike his father, Hatori stirs when you push the door wide and step inside. “Mama?” his tired voice mumbles, eyes sluggishly blinking open.
You smile for him, reaching out to smooth down those pretty, dark curls of his. “Shh, go back to sleep, sweetheart,” and you kiss his forehead, pulling the blankets up to tuck him back in. “Mama loves you, remember that.”
He’s fast asleep by the time you reach the doorway.
You have nowhere to go. No money. No passport. No way back home and no guarantee that anybody’s waiting for you there, anyway.
He loves you. More than anyone. More than anything. You’ll never be cared for and adored like you are when you’re with him.
You need him.
… Your daughter needs you more, and it’s that thought alone that spurs you onwards.
There’s some cash in Tooru’s wallet that you slip into your bra, a jacket of his that you pull around your shoulders.
A little ways down the shore, the port is beginning to wake.
#yandere haikyuu#yandere oikawa tooru x reader#yandere oikawa#yandere oikawa x reader#yandere oikawa tooru#tw: noncon#tw: dubcon
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