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m-u-n-c-h-y · 11 months
I spent about 4 hours learning how to do this...
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aloharyda · 11 months
My partner @itsmewahoo and her family lost their home and all their possessions, including their vehicle, in the Lahaina Wildfires. I'm sharing their gfm in hopes they can replace the things they lost. Any and all help is super appreciated!!
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In A Rut (Monster!Hawks x Black!Fem!Reader 18+ One Shot)
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Pairing: Keigo “Hawks” Takami x Black!Fem!Reader (Coworkers to Lovers)
Synopsis: You haven't seen your boss around the office in a while ever since he started feeling "under the weather", but when you decide to visit him one day to cheer him up with some soup, you realize that this isn't a normal spring cold. Your boss is in heat and you, his good little assistant, are the only one who can help him cure it.
Warnings: Monsterfucking; Monsterfucker!Reader; Mild Power Play; Boss x Assistant; Mild BDSM; MDom/fsub; Marking; Heat Symptoms; Hawks Has a Big ol’ Dick; Deepthroat; Cunnilingus; Sloppy, Rough Sex; Scent Play; Overstimulation; Ownership; Multiple Orgasms; Multiple Creampies; Multiple Positions; Cum Play; Aftercare
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: Happy spring, y'all!! 💐💐🌼🌼🌻🌻 Fucking FINALLY winter & the cold is gone! Now that the weather is heating up, I wanted to write something about my favorite birdman suffering from heat. Enjoy! -Jazz
You’re worried about Mr. Takami. 
Or “Hawks” as he’s told several of his employees, staff, and interns to call him around his agency time and time again. But as his personal assistant for over a year, you take respect and professionalism very seriously. 
Hawks is one of the most laidback bosses you’ve had in your professional career. He doesn’t make you fetch coffee unless you’re getting some for yourself, he’s flexible with deadlines, he lets you go home early despite the workload, and has all of his employees take off on Fridays…which he also pays for. 
Though it’s a nice change, you also can’t help but be wary of Hawks. It isn’t that he’s a bad guy. He is considerably nice––always greeting you in the mornings; checking up on you in the afternoons; letting you use his office when he isn’t in it, etc.
But he is also extremely cocky. It comes with the territory of being pro hero #2, you suppose, but the way he saunters into the office every Monday through Thursday in his designer clothes and Rolex watch always rubs you the wrong way. 
Not to mention he’s a humongous flirt. Your friend calls it being “overly friendly”. She also says he doesn’t flirt with any other woman at his agency like he does you. He always gives you those charming smiles that seem to irk you to no end and puts that flirty lilt in his voice when he speaks to you. Not to mention the constant compliments on your outfits and work that stick with you until the end of your shifts. 
Last week on Monday, the last day you saw him, was no different. You were sitting with your friend at your desk that morning, sipping on your iced coffee before the 9 AM meeting. Your friend was giving you the latest gossip on two employees hooking up in the stairwell during lunch last week when you both saw Hawks sauntering into the office. 
“Shh, shh!” she hushes you even though you didn’t say anything. She straightened up and smiled at your boss, bowing. “Good morning, Mr. Takami,” she chirps. The blonde, in his navy blue suit and red bottoms, gave you each a smile that lingered on you for too long. “Ladies,” he greets. 
You looked away, busying yourself by checking your email. “I’ve got your schedule and plans for today’s meeting for you,” your friend said, passing him a folder. “And your coffee, made by yours truly.” She nudged you, making you narrow your eyes at her. 
“Ah, thank you!” Hawks happily sighed. “And I told you before: just call me Hawks. I don’t need all of that ‘Mr’ shit.” His golden eyes then trailed down to you, his stare making you feel uncomfortable in your long-sleeve blouse. “Thank you, Ms. L/N,” he purrs. “See you at the meeting?” 
He gave you a wink, a hint at his joking manner, and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. He was always picking on you like this. “I’m required to be there as your assistant so, yes,” you replied, blandly so.
He didn’t think anything of it. “Good,” he hummed happily. “I’ll need my right hand when I get tired of talking or my coffee doesn’t kick in fast enough. Carry on.” 
He gave you a flitting wink before walking off to his office for some time alone. Once gone, your friend fanned herself. “Oh, my God, he’s so fucking fine!” she groaned. You shushed her, hitting her arm. “Come on, his office is right there!” you hissed. “He might hear you!” 
“But isn’t he so fine?” your friend went on, ignoring your warning. “You have to admit that he’s fine!” You chose your words carefully, stirring your straw around in your coffee. “He’s…okay,” you weakly replied. “But he’s our boss! Whatever I think of him doesn’t matter.” At least you told yourself that. 
The meeting was about new anti-discrimination policies in workplaces and merging with UA High and Indeed to create a special job website for aspiring pro heroes and those with quirks. 
You sat across from Hawks and Rumi, his friend and co-owner of the agency, who sipped on her coffee free of cream and sugar. “Took you long enough,” she grumbled to Hawks. “What, you forget to fluff your feathers this mornin’ or somethin’?” 
You giggled to yourself at her joke before the meeting started. You met with Principal Nezu who happily bowed in front of the laptop personally set up to meet his eye level. “Good morning, everyone!” he exclaimed. “I appreciate all of you for your time today, including the Indeed associates, and for Hawks for allowing me to take you away from work for a moment. Now, Hawks, if you would like to share your opinion first?” 
The pro sat back in his chair, legs crossed and glasses perched on his eyes. You secretly liked it when he wore glasses. “I think it’s a perfect idea,” he said with a shrug. “As I’m sure all of you know, my agency is open to all new talent, whether they graduated from UA or not. We don’t discriminate against anyone with a particular quirk or education. As long as they are willing to learn, respect our rules, and participate in training, we will hire them.” 
“But what if the public has concerns about who we hire and whether they will be able to effectively do their jobs with no UA education or license?” one of the Indeed associates asked. Hawks smiled. “I’m glad you asked that.” He nodded at you, smiling warmly. “Y/N, would you mind answering this question? After all, it’s your wonderful brain that came out with such a well-thought-out plan for this.” 
Though you flushed at the compliment, you pushed those butterflies away and stood. “This agency is not new to the scrutiny of the public,” you explain, poised and calm. “Hawks and Nezu-san are proposing the opening of a new pro hero license program for those who cannot afford UA or are over the age of 18. This program would include…” You continued just as you rehearsed, not looking at Hawks who looked dead at you, almost as if he was staring through your clothes. 
When you finally finished, you sat and Nezu thanked you for your well-spoken words. “What is your opinion on that, Hawks?” he asked. The pro didn’t answer, too busy staring at you. Now his eyes were hooded and looked slightly sharper than they were before. You squirmed uncomfortably in your seat, mostly because of how warm his stare made you. 
“Hawks!” Rumi hisses in his ear. The blonde blinked, snapping out of it. “Huh?” he dumbly asked, looking up at the screen. “Are you alright?” Nezu worriedly asked. Everyone was staring at him, including you. He had never acted like this before. “Yeah, just…” He paused, clearing his throat as a flush appeared on his cheeks. “I’m sorry, what were you saying?” 
Nezu repeated himself, asking for Hawks’ opinion on the internship program and when he’d prefer to announce it. “It is the spring already, but I believe the summer is when most of my student body will be looking to do internships,” he explained. 
You watched as Hawks’ eyes grew wide at the mention of spring, but he did his best to keep it lowkey. But you noticed. “U-Uh, yeah,” he said, clearing his throat. “I’ll do it in April.” You also noticed his body language for the rest of the meeting: his knee bouncing anxiously; his eyes flicking from yours to back at the screen or down at his papers; his cheeks flushed red. 
Was he sick? Was it the coffee you made? After the meeting, Rumi confronted him on it, grabbing his elbow. “Hey, what the hell happened in there?” she asked. “You looked like you were about to deck Y/N!” 
“I…sorry,” he huffed. “I just…” He paused, seeing you and his eyes roamed over your lower body in your pencil skirt. “I need to go to the bathroom,” he quickly replied before rushing off to his office. You followed him. You don’t know why you did. Maybe you felt obligated to do so as if his assistant. Maybe you just needed to make sure he was okay. 
So you knocked on his door, tentatively so. “Come in,” he raggedly said. You opened the door and automatically closed it behind you. Hawks leaned against his desk, his back to you, breathing concerningly hard like he just got off the treadmill. 
“Mr. Takami?” you questioned. Your heels clicked against the hardwood floor as you walked farther into his spacious, high-rise office. “Hawks, is everything alright?” Hawks didn’t look at you as he spoke: “Y-Yeah,” he replied, still sounding winded. “What’s up?” 
You stood two feet away from him, afraid to get near. You didn’t want to spook him or cross any boundaries. “I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be writing a ‘thank you’ email on your behalf to Nezu-san and the Indeed associates,” you lied though you were planning on doing that anyway.
But Hawks shook his head. “Don’t bother. You did a good job today, Y/N.” His voice sounded so off. It was usually light and syrupy, but now it sounded deep and raspy. It did things to you. 
“Did I do something wrong?” you blurted, confused at his strange behavior. The blonde quickly shook his head, turning slightly towards you. His sleeves were rolled up, showing off his forearms and the feather tattoo on the inside of his left wrist. “No, no, of course not!” he protested. “I’m just…not feeling well.” 
“Well, you know you can always go home,” you said. “We can hold down the fort here like we always do.” Finally, Hawks turned around and you saw how flushed he looked, his cheeks a rouge hue. He gave a smile that felt too intimate. Too adoring. “Thank you,” he sighed. “That’s so like you. Always so professional. Always so sweet.” 
He took a step toward you and instinctively, you took a step back. “M-Mr. Takami?” you weakly asked. He continued to walk to you until you finally stood with your back to the wall, unable to escape him. His cologne clouded your senses, the scent of sweet and spicy invading your nostrils as he stopped in front of you. 
“Y/N,” he began, his voice breathlessly and soft. “I…” He stopped, raising his hand to touch you. And then he stopped, dropping his hand and using it to cover his mouth instead. “I-I’m sorry,” he muffingly said. “You should go. I don’t wanna get you sick.” 
Quickly, he reached beside you with his free hand and opened the door. The sound of chatter, coffee machines, and ringing phones smacked you back to reality. “You should go,” he said, his eyes willing you to do so. So you did and he shut the door in your face, leaving you feeling breathlessly and hot. 
That was over a week ago. After the work day, Hawks headed home and sent out a staff meeting the next morning about being out because of a “spring cold”, but he’d be back soon. “Soon” hasn’t come yet. You haven’t heard anything from him in days! 
It’s starting to worry you. A spring cold can’t last this long. Is it the flu? Is it something else? Plus, no one can seem to get in contact with him. What if something bad happened to him? 
These worrying thoughts swim in your head all week every time you see Hawks’ empty office. 
Finally, you reach your breaking point. You’re not going to call, text, or email him. You’re going to be a good assistant and instead, bring him something to let him know that you’re checking on him. Something to make him feel better. So on Friday, you leave work after your shift and stop by your favorite cafe to buy a bowl of their best chicken noodle soup.
You then drive to Hawks’ penthouse on the Upper East side of the city having kept his address to deliver things from work to his house if need be. When you park your car, you walk to the front door and click a button to buzz to his room. At first, nothing happens, so you press it again. Finally, on the third buzz, someone answers. 
“Yeah?” a deep, raspy, growly voice barks. It startles you. “Uh…I’m sorry, do I have the wrong room?” you ask. “I’m looking for Keigo Takami.” The other end of the line pauses and you think that they left. “Y/N?” they ask, sounding shocked. “Why are you here?” 
You blink at the speaker, shocked that this is your boss talking to you. Why does he sound like that? Is he that hoarse? “I came to give you some soup,” you say, suddenly shy. “I haven’t heard from you in days, so I bought this just to let up your spirits. That must be some cold.” 
You wait for a response, but when he never gives it to you, you begin to feel stupid. This was a mistake. “Well, I’m gonna go now, but I’ll give it to your doorman so he can–” 
“Don’t,” Hawks interrupts though he still sounds strained. “Come up.” You scowl in confusion, wondering if you misheard that, but then his doorman is meeting you at the front door to guide you to the elevator up to Hawks’ penthouse with the soup. 
You take the elevator up, your heart pounding and your hands shaking slightly as they hold the soup. You almost explode from your nerves when you finally make it upstairs and the doors open, revealing Hawks’ beautiful, luxurious, and empty penthouse with an included gameroom, private gym, balcony, pool, mini bar, and expensive-looking kitchen. But he is nowhere to be found. 
You walk further into the living room, your heels clicking across the hardwood floor. “Hawks?” you call. You don’t get any answer right away. The home is uncomfortably silent, making you feel paranoid. “Hawks!” you call again, louder this time. “Where are you?” 
“Upstairs!” he rasps from the staircase leading to the upper floor. “Don’t come up here!” He sounds so pained. In such agony. You place the soup on the counter, confused and worried. What’s going on? Why does he sound like he’s in trouble? 
Not listening at all to your boss’ warning, you slowly head up the steps, taking each tentative step further up in your heels. The hallway is dark when you finally make it upstairs, the only door open being the one at the end of the hallway. It is cracked and through it, you hear the sound of your boss’ soft pants and grunts of pain. Hawks’ bedroom. 
Though something inside of you is telling you to turn around, you persevere and walk towards the bedroom. Slowly, you push the door open, revealing a dark masterbedroom with drawn curtains blocking out the outside world. “Hawks?” you tentatively question. “It’s just me. I just came to–” 
“Go away!” he bellows from inside. “I told you not to come up here!” You jump, startled by the volume of his voice. He’s never yelled at you in such a way. You poke your head inside and gasp at the absolute mess of his bedroom: furniture askew; clothes and empty water bottles discarded on the floor; a rumbled mess of red sheets on the bed.
The smell in the air is thick with sweat and something else. Something tropical. Coconut oil? You look towards the king-sized bed where a heap sits hunched under the sheets which move up and down as it pants heavily. You thought it was just a pile of clothes at first, but no. There’s something under there. 
“Hawks?” you question, your voice wavering in fear. The strange heap stirs, reacting to your voice. It breathes raggedly, almost as if it can’t get enough air in its lungs. “Hawks, what’s going on?” you demand. “Tell me. I want to help you.” 
But he turns away, the sheets shifting as he does. “You can’t,” he whines. “You can’t.” Not being able to take how he sounds anymore, you storm over to the bed and snatch the sheets off of him. There, under the covers, you see your boss with your own two eyes. “H-Hawks?” you whisper. “Is that you?” 
You almost can’t believe it. He has gotten much bigger in the past couple of days since you’ve last seen him, his muscles almost bulging. His pecs are ridiculously big, his nipples hard and perky, and veins protrude from his forearms and hands. Speaking of hands, they barely resemble human hands anymore. Red feathers sprout from his skin and long, sharp talons have grown out of his fingernails like knives. 
When he looks at you, his face is flushed and his eyes are nothing more than red slits, those warm, golden irises gone. But all of those things aren’t even the most shocking to you. You are more shocked by the size of his wings. They have doubled in size, nearly taking up the entirety of the bed, and are red as the purest blood. His feathers shake and ruffle as if someone has run their fingers through them, disturbing their peace. 
He looks shocked to see you and then embarrassed. “I didn’t want you comin’ up here,” he pants. “Didn’t want you seein’ me like…this.” He shifts and sits up so the sheet falls off of him, revealing his naked body to you. He is flushed and coated in sweat all over his tan skin and toned muscles. Your eyes trail down his abs and V-line to his cock which is way too obvious to look away from. 
He is big and throbbing, the head a blush red and dripping in precum. One mouth-watering, angry vein trails from his shaft up to the head of his cock that twitches. Hawks winces, not looking like he is enjoying this at all. In fact, he looks like he’s in complete agony. You can’t be embarrassed or mortified by this when he looks so awful. “W-What happened to you?” you softly gasp. 
He covers his throbbing dick with the sheet, but it’s no use. You can still see it protruding from underneath it, creating an obvious tent. “I’m in heat,” he sighs. “It’s what us mammals go through around this time. A spring thing.”
He wipes the sweat off of his forehead, his blonde hair soaked in it. “That’s why I’ve been hiding,” he explains. “I’ve been here tryna get through this, but I just…can’t!” 
He grabs at his hair, running his hands through it. Now you understand it: his absence; the transformation; the smell of coconut oil in the air. You feel yourself blush, feeling hot in your clothes. All of this because he’s horny?
“How long does it last?” you curiously ask, but you’re not even sure you want to know. Hawks sighs, looking doomed. “Either a day or months depending on if my heat is satisfied.” 
“Months?” you gasp. “Are you in pain?” 
Hawks’ face screws up, triggering something in your core. “Terrible, baby,” he groans, wrapping a hand around his cock, his talons long enough to curl around the entire thing...and he’s at least 12 inches. “I can’t even sleep. I’ve been up for days, sweatin’ through my sheets and tryin’ to cum as many times as I can.” He releases himself and looks down at his hands, clenching them. “But my hands don’t do it for me anymore and I broke my fuckin’ toy.” 
He nods at the fleshlight you didn’t even notice lying near his nightstand, completely broken in half. He completely tore that pussy out the frame, you realize in shock. What the fuck could he do to a real one? “O-Oh,” you exhale. 
“Yeah,” he sighs, running his hand down his sweaty face. “I’m sorry about this, Y/N, really. I didn’t want anyone seein’ me like this.” He looks away from you, appearing so utterly humiliated and ashamed that it pains you. You find yourself not liking him like this: so utterly downtrodden and hopeless. “What can I do?” you blurt. 
He faces you, his slitted eyes widening. “What?” he gasps. “What do you–” 
“I wanna help you, Hawks,” you cut in, already taking off your cardigan to reveal your pretty, pink blouse underneath that you paired with a skirt. “What can I do to help you get through this?” 
He watches you, looking completely stunned and mortified, but his cock also twitches at the sight of your outfit. “No, no, baby, no,” he protests. “Y-You can’t…you don’t need to do this.” But you stand firm on your decision, refusing to leave him like this. “I know I don’t need to,” you firmly respond. “I want to. Just look at you! I can’t let you go on like this.” 
Hawks still doesn’t move, but his cock begins to leak pre for you, dripping down his thick thighs and onto the mattress. The sight is so lewd but so arousing, making your pussy throb indeciently in your panties. You shouldn’t be doing this. There are so many consequences you could face from this…but you also find that you don’t care right now. “Let me help you, Hawks,” you whisper. “Just tell me what I need to do to help you. I’m your assistant, after all.” 
A fire explodes behind Hawks’ eyes, lit with lust and need. A low growl leaves his chest and you find that he has fangs in his mouth. The sight scares and thrills you. “You wanna help me?” he asks in his low, deep voice. “Then take off your clothes.” 
You swallow hard, feeling like you just dry-swallowed a gigantic pill. You start with your blouse, your painted fingernails teasing the buttons before you begin to pop them open one by one. You expose your lacy bra to him, one of your favorites because of how it makes your breasts look: pretty, juicy, and appetizing with the lace trim of the cups adorning them. 
You peel off the blouse and let it fall to your feet. Hawks barely notices it, too busy staring dead at your chest. He slowly begins to pump his cock with his hand, lewd, wet sounds of his pre and coconut oil acting as lubricants drifting to your ears. Under his laser-eyed gaze, you feel like an animal being watched behind a cage. A specimen. It makes you feel slightly uncomfortable, but also hot and bothered to see that you’re affecting him so deeply. 
You then move to your skirt and begin to unzip it, but Hawks puts a hand out to stop you. “Slowly, mama,” he raggedly says. “Don’t rush this.” Biting your lip, you slowly drag the zipper down and then slide the skirt off of your waist, leaving you in just your matching bra and panties. You go to take off your stockings and heels, but he stops you. “Leave ‘em on,” he demands. 
So you stand there, arms at your sides and trembling like a leaf. “Turn around,” he orders, his pink lips parted as he continues to fuck his hand nice and slow. You listen and turn, exposing your ass to him. “Ah, shit,” he hisses, soft pants leaving his lips. “I knew you had a nice ass.” 
You bite your lip, feeling your pussy flutter and throb impatiently. “Sit on the bed and bend over for me,” he orders. “I’m not gonna touch you. I just wanna see you rub that pussy for me, okay?” 
You turn around, staring down at your shoes. “Yes, sir,” you whisper and flush at your words. They just came out of you, as naturally as breathing. 
Hawks shudders, affected by your reply. “Such a good girl,” he sighs dreamily. “I’ll definitely take that over just ‘Hawks’ right now. But ‘Keigo’ works too.” Your face grows hot with a blush, having never referred to him by his first name before. Not wanting to waste his time, you slowly get on the bed and face away from him, your feet tucked under your butt. 
Then you bend over for him, your back arched. “Yes, that’s it,” he encourages, softly panting and the move bouncing slightly from his ministrations on himself. “Pull those panties to the side, baby. Let me see you.” Biting your lip so hard that you’re sure to draw blood, you pull the thin strip of cotton covering your sodden, wet, puffy pussy to the side and expose all of you to him. 
Hawks shudderingly moans at the sight of the wet strand of your arousal connected from your pussy lips to your panties. “God, mama,” he groans. “You have the prettiest pussy. Look how wet you are!” He growls once more, sounding so much like an animal. “You like what you’re doin’ to me?” You can tell he’s started to stroke himself harder, faster, his pants and heavy breaths becoming more intense. “Keigo,” you softly whimper. 
You’ve never been this horny before. Your pussy is about to slide off the bone with how wet it is. 
“That’s right, say my name,” he groans. “Play with your pussy, baby. Don’t let me do this alone.” 
So you do. You sneak your hand down your ass, teasing him before you begin to rub your cunt for him in time with his strokes. A weak moan leaves your lips as you rub your clit in tiny, firm circles, your ministrations impassioned by the sounds leaving Hawks’ lips. He sounds so desperate. So slutty as he pumps his cock, imagining that he’s doing so to your pretty, little pussy. “So fuckin’ cute,” he says, agonized at your beauty and sexiness. “How the fuck are you this adorable?” 
You want to look back and see him, but you get the feeling that he doesn’t want to be watched, so you instead close your eyes and drift away at the sounds of his moans and his lubed cock fucking his hand, making the bed bounce slightly underneath you. You imagine that he’s fucking you like that, his big hands gripping your ass and talons digging into the fleshy part of your ass cheeks. You can almost feel his cock stretching you out, pumping you full again and again as he uses you, doing his best to not break you like he did his fleshlight. 
Finally, you can’t take it anymore. “K-Keigo!” you whine. “Fuck, I’m about to cum!” Hawks groans at your warning, happy to hear this. “Uh-huh,” he pants. “Do it for me, baby. Cum all over those fingers for me.” 
And you do. You rub and flick your clit until it can’t take any more stimulation and explodes all over your hand. Your sweet moans of release push Hawks over the edge. “Fuck!” he bellows, his voice bouncing off of the walls as he cums in his hand, shooting warm cum all over his thighs and stomach. Your moans and whines mix with one another, creating a symphony of pleasure as you both cum together. 
When the high of your orgasms finally fades, you both sit there for a moment, panting and sitting in the reality of your situation. “I…I’m sorry,” Hawks awkwardly huffs.
You don’t answer, unsure of what to say until you turn around and find that he’s still hard. “Keigo!” you gasp. “Y-You’re still–” 
“I know,” he sighs, frustration evident in his handsome face. “Like I said, my hands ain’t doin’ it for me at this point. I need more.”
His slitted eyes, red as crimson blood, narrow at you, a deeper meaning in his words. You gulp, weighing your options but only briefly. You realize you’re thinking more with your pussy than with your head, but the curiosity of feeling Hawks’ wings wrapped around you while he fucks you is too tempting. 
“Keigo, it’s okay,” you softly purr, putting a hand on his thigh. He flinches as if your touch burns him. “We can do more if you need it.” You then dip your fingers between your thighs and come back with them dripping in your cum. His cock twitches at the sight, but he doesn’t have to imagine how you taste for too long. 
You lean forward and put your fingers to his lips. “Use me,” you say, a plea in your voice. “I’m all yours.”
Right then, something in Hawks snaps the moment he wraps his lips around your fingers and greedily sucks your cum off of them. He is no longer entirely human, his animal instincts taking over. He snatches you up and places you in his lap, emitting a small gasp from you at being yanked up so forcefully. “Just tell me ‘no’ if you want me to stop,” he orders. “And tap my thigh three times if I got my cock in that mouth. Understand me?” 
Unable to reply, you wordlessly nod. That’s enough for him. Immediately, he’s on you, pressing a rough yet passionate kiss to your lips, nibbling on your bottom lip and swirling his tongue with yours. His kiss is brutal yet hot; forceful yet careful as he wraps you up in his arms and soft wings. It’s the best kiss you’ve had in your life. 
And the sex he gives you by far trumps all of the other bedroom adventures you’ve had. You’re so glad he gave you a non-verbal safety precaution because Hawks takes the “use” thing literally when he finally gets his dick down your throat. He is as big and thick as he looks, your fingers barely being able to wrap around his girty, throbbing shaft. 
You have to cover his cock in copious amounts of spit and coconut oil just to make it easier to stroke him, Hawks’ crimson, lustful eyes and soft moans encouraging you. “That’s it, baby bird,” he growls, one clawed hand in your hair. “Take me nice and easy.” Though he allows you to slowly take his cock down your throat, it doesn’t do much to ease the stretch of your jaw. 
Unfortunately for you, Hawks’ heat gets the best of him and his impatience rises, making your time to adjust to his size shorter. When he grabs your hair and begins to fuck your face, you have no choice but to take it. He shoves his cock so deep down your throat that your eyes burn with tears and embarrassing, wet gagging sounds leave your mouth as you gurgle around his cock that throbs and pulses in your mouth. 
“Thaaat’s my girl,” Hawks grunts, staring down at you throating his dick. “You’re takin’ this dick like a champ, baby bird, y’know. You could make this a profession if workin’ as an assistant don’t work out.” He takes his cock out and taps it against your tongue, loving how slutty you look for him with your tongue hanging out and makeup a mess. 
“Or you could add this to your duties of bein’ my little assistant,” he hums, smearing his cockhead across your plump lips. “You could fetch my coffee and take this dick over my desk every workday. How would that sound?” He doesn’t allow you to answer as he grabs you again and forces you down onto his cock, groaning at how amazing your wet tongue and soft mouth feel. “God!” he groans. “I hope your pussy is this fuckin’ tight.” 
His curiosity gets the best of him. After a few minutes of fucking your throat like it’s a toy, he pulls out with a moan, giving you heart eyes at the image of your messy hair and sloppy mouth dripping in spit. He holds your face in his big hands, his talons gently caressing your cheeks. “On your back,” he orders. You must go too slow for him because he tosses you down onto your backside himself and quickly ducks between your thighs, his big, feathered hands parting them. 
“K-Keigo,” you stammer, but that’s all you can get out before he’s cutting the waistband of your panties off with his teeth and sliding his big, fat, wet tongue all over your slit.
All words cease to exist as pleasure washes over you which only builds the more his tongue swirls against your clit and inside of you. Your eyes widen and your hands dig into the skin of his muscular back that flexes as he dips his head low to eat you out. His soft wings caress your skin as they wrap around you, making you feel like you’re being pampered from all ends. 
Hawks knows how to run his mouth, but also knows how to work it. His tongue moves magically inside of you, slurping up your juices as his nose and soft lips bump against your clit. You grind your hips up into him, meeting his tongue thrusts while his talons dig into the fleshy parts of your ass.
You can’t keep quiet, too enveloped in the ecstasy you’re feeling. “God, yes, Keigo!” you whine, bucking your hips up. “That feels so fuckin’ good! Keep going, please, ooooh, shit!” 
Hawks gladly takes all of those lovely sounds, moaning into your cunt. He is a rapid, ravenous animal, slurping up your pussy like he’s yearning for it. “So good,” he whines into your clit. “So fuckin’ good.” 
Your orgasm comes rather quickly, that knot in your core threatening to snap as he continues to work his tongue in and out of you. “Fuck, Kei!” you sob. “I’m gonna fuckin’ cum! Please let me cum, sir please!” 
“Mmm-hmm,” Keigo hums, sucking gently on your pussy lips. “Do it for me, baby bird. Cum all over my fucking face.” He goes back to eating you out, moving his tongue against that little spot up and inside of you that makes you see stars. “Do it,” he growls in his deep, gravelly voice. “Fuckin’ cum for me. Give it to me now!” 
A scream erupts from you–”Oh, shit!”–as you explode all over Hawks’ tongue. He moans in release with you as he slurps and laps you up, drinking in all that give him while you buck and writhe under his hands. Even when the orgasm high fades, he doesn’t stop. He continues to eat you out even as your pussy and body twitches. “O-Okay, Hawks,” you stammer. “Please, ah, please stop. I-I can’t…oh, my God!” 
Tears prick your eyes as the agonizing pleasure continues, swallowing you whole. His crimson eyes stare up into yours between your thighs, loving how desperate and pathetically horny you look as you writhe against his tongue. But as good as you taste, he needs to know how you feel. So he hikes himself up on top of you, his big body covering your smaller one, and his wings creating a curtain around you. 
“I’m gonna be honest with you, baby,” he pants. “I need to fuck you now and when I do, I ain’t gonna be nice. I need to cum as many times as it takes to ease this heat and that could be hours. You sure you’re okay with that?” Despite his obvious need, he is holding back, his cock throbbing against your thigh. 
Knowing that, you nod and press a kiss to his lips. “Yes, Keigo,” you purr. “I want this too.” You give him a smile, pretty and seductive. “So fuck me.”
The pro doesn’t need to be told twice. He starts by fucking you on your back, your knees tucked up into your chest. You’re happy for the lubricant and orgasm because it is a stretch. His cock stretches your pussy out in a way it didn’t do to your jaw, making your mouth go slack and your eyes widen. “Relax, mama,” he coos, pressing a kiss to your face while he rubs your clit. “You’re doin’ so well takin’ me.” 
After a few minutes of adjusting and slow strokes, Hawks feels you relax around him and finally begins to pound you like he needs to. He fucks you into the mattress that shakes and bounces beneath you, making your tits bounce in time with his thrusts. Each pump of his thick cock sends sparks of pleasure throughout your body as your soft, spongy pussy walls stretch and mold into his shape. 
“O-Oh, my God!” you cry, grasping his shoulders as he takes you straight to poundtown. “Fuck, Keigo, yes, baby! Fuck me just like that!” 
The winged pro grips your thighs and pins them down to the bed, giving you a stretch that yoga couldn’t even do. “Just like that?” he teasingly asks, smirking down at you. “Look at you takin’ this dick like a champ, baby bird. Bet you couldn’t wait for your boss to fuck you, huh?” 
You whine in response, earning a tongue shoved in your mouth as Hawks gives you a wet French kiss while he pounds into you. He nuzzles his nose into your neck next, covering himself in your scent and you in his.
You’re so deep in the pleasure that you don’t even realize that Hawks’ feathers, sharpened to the touch, cut off your bra until you feel the cool air on your nipples and then pleasure as he stimulates them with his feathers. 
When he begins to get closer, his crimson eyes glow red and the black rimming his eyes grows sharper like a hawk’s. You feel scared yet aroused at the same time, your pussy clenching around his cock. “I’m gonna cum, baby,” he grunts. “Gonna fill you up. Want you to fuckin’ cum with me too!” 
“Fuck, Hawks!” you whine, tossing your head back against the pillow. Your second orgasm erupts and sends you on a trip while Keigo fucks you like he’s trying to hit a home run. When he cums, he does so with an animalistic grunt and grips your hips so hard that they bruise. He tosses his blonde hair back, every muscle in his body tense from the pleasure. You gasp as he fills you up with his cum, feeling warmth flooding inside of you. It feels good to be full, you realize. 
But even when the orgasm fades and he has successfully filled you up, Hawks looks down at you with an increased level of need and lust that shakes you. “I ain’t done with you yet,” he growls. 
And he’s not. He fucks you in every single position imaginable. He fucks you doggy style, his cock pumping into you again and again while he yanks on your hair and dirty talks in your ear.
“You my little slut?” he pants, his hand grabbing and smacking your ass. “You love gettin’ fucked by me? You love this number 2 pro hero dick, don’t you, baby?” You can only whine in response, words and logical thoughts completely gone as he turns your pussy into mush. 
He fucks you on your side, his big body spooning yours and red wings wrapped around you as his throbbing cock drives inside of you. In this position, it’s easier to rub your clit and tilt your head back to kiss him, the two of you sharing breath as you hotly pant and moan into each other’s mouths. 
He fucks you with your head hanging off the bed and your leg pinned up to get a better angle at your G-spot and to drive himself deeper into you. 
He fucks you in mating press, his feet on the bed as he mounts you and drives himself inside of you like he’s trying hard to breed you. 
He fucks you in full nelson. 
In prone bone, his hands massaging your ass. 
While standing up, you bouncing like a cute little fuck bunny in his arms on his dick. 
From the bottom while you ride him, both from the front and the back, his hands groping your bouncing tits and jiggling ass. 
“Mine,” he growls to you in every position known to bed that he puts you in. “You’re fuckin’ mine, baby bird. Only mine.” 
And in every single position, he makes you and himself cum. He seems to always know how to trigger your orgasm so you cum again and again. He then uses your tight walls to chase his orgasms, cumming inside of you and filling up over and over again. He makes you sweat out your hair and your makeup, making you look like the sexiest Goddess to him as you take his cock like it’s your job. 
By the time he finally finishes, hours have passed and you are spent. Your body aches. You are wet with sweat and cum. Your pussy twitches and is sloppy with his and your cum mixed together, all of it dripping down your thighs and through the crack of your ass. 
Hawks, finally back to his normal self, lies down next to you and snuggles you into his chest. “Thank you for doin’ that,” he sighs, pecking you on the forehead. “You did so, so well for me, honey. I hope a dinner date can make up for that workout.” 
You only mewl tiredly in response, but you wrap your arms around him and snuggle into his chest. He chuckles, the sound pleasant to your ear pressed against his heart. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he sighs.
And then you sleep, satisfied and comfortable finally. 
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shreddedparchment · 3 months
The Garden Gate
Pairing: Medieval!Loki x Reader Word Count: 6,514
Warnings: smut, mentions of infidelity, language, bodily fluids, jealousy, Loki in a poofy shirt
A/N: Well, I haven't done this in a while. I had to go look for an old post to see how I used to do these openings. LUL Anywho, y'all can thank @darkficsyouneveraskedfor for this one. She sent me a picture and then I asked her for three characters and three scenarios and this one is the one that spoke to me the most. I did put my own spin on it but that's just me. Anywho, I'm not sure how many of my old readers will read this but I hope y'all like it. Anything y'all have to say about it is also greatly appreciated. xoxo
Please DO NOT repost my stories on any other sites or blogs!!
REBLOGS are always welcome!
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Your family’s fall from grace had been nothing short of spectacular.
It had started first with the crumbling of respect from the men and heads of other houses. The gentry had taken offense to the shame of your father and eldest brother’s retreat at the battle for Carmine Valley, so named for the blush of trees that peppered the expanse of lush green and the strange but beautiful red waters of the central lake.
Had Lord Odinson’s own knights not been flanking from the western ridges, the valley would have fallen into the hands of the northern enemy forces. A great loss seeing as the valley was the largest producer of grain and vegetables in the kingdom.
The fallout had been catastrophic. Both your father and brother had been sent to the wild woods to the southernmost parts of the kingdom to work off their shame and languish in the dangerous labor camps where men were said to be torn into shreds by beasts as large as a carriage.
Even though you loved them very much, you couldn’t help the anger within your veins at their betrayal to not only the kingdom, but to your very family. The abandonment that their retreat meant. They knew what doing so would do to you, your mother, and younger brother.
If it were not for the King’s good nature, you’d have no doubt found yourself working in some brothel alongside your mother leaving your younger brother, at the tender age of seven, exposed to the worst parts of society.
The seediest brothels were not above selling children, you knew. No matter that the King had signed a death warrant for anyone known to sell or buy said company. It was the worst of sins and it breaks your heart to know that one man’s generosity saved all three of you from that life when he could have very well condemned it.
Knowing this–knowing how bad it could have been–doesn’t change the fact that your life now is still torture. Torture of a different kind, but torture all the same.
The King’s kindness came in the form of service. While your family was stripped of all titles and wealth, you’d also lost your beloved.
That is the true source of agony in your chest as you struggle with the bucket of waste water you’re holding, trying desperately not to slosh it around too hard. The last thing you want to do is to go to bed smelling of someone else’s bodily fluids.
The thick wool of your simple navy dress and the apron you keep tied over it are both great for absorbing disgusting materials. Already in need of a wash, the white ruffle along the neckline is frayed and yellowing despite the gown being only a few months old.
Edging along the courtyard wall, you try not to rush. The exhaustion in your body begs for sleep. Even months later the labor of working in the castle as a servant to former peers has not grown easier.
Wincing as the rough rope of the bucket burns the center of your palms, you almost sigh but instead freeze at the sight before you.
You’d know his silhouette anywhere.
The light is low here, a small lamp just beyond the open garden gate illuminates them from behind and hides their expressions but you don’t need to see to understand.
Her lips are parted, head pressed back against the door, hand braced against the warm brown and ornately carved wood. Her legs are parted a little too wide, a subtle motion of his left arm and the bunch of fabric around his forearm tell you enough of what you’ve stumbled upon.
You’re embarrassed and try to fade back into the darkness of the small courtyard behind you.
His shoulder length hair, black as a raven’s feather, is disheveled. You notice her hand gripping it tightly as his arm pumps.
A wispy, sultry moan slips through her parted lips and you stumble, gasping your own bit of surprise as you try not to spill the bucket’s contents.
A small splash, luckily away from you but the shuffle of feet and the rustle of fabric tells you that you’ve been noticed.
You look up, Lord Loki stands facing you, hands fisted as she hides behind him quickly adjusting her skirts.
“Oh, it’s you,” Lord Loki says, disdain in his voice.
Everyone here hates you. You already know this. Your father’s sins are your own. Nothing can change that.
“Finally where you belong,” the girl says and you recognize the voice with a small shock of pain in your chest. “You smell like piss.”
Lord Loki chuckles and you shrink just a little. More embarrassed by your own situation than catching them in the act. In fact, you’re disgusted by both of them, not only because of their audacity to do this at all, but because the woman whose fingers Lord Loki were just in is also your once beloved’s fiance.
Your former confidant. Lady Amora Antress. You’d once considered her your closest friend. Now here she stands, betrothed to one brother while fucking the other. The venom she spits at you is also unappreciated and painful to hear.
How long had she hated you before your downfall? How long had she waited before pursuing Thor?
“Aren’t you going to reply to her ladyship, servant?” Lord Loki asks, gleeful mirth in his voice as he takes a step towards you.
You bow your head even more, holding the bucket in your hands as still as you can while your hands struggle with the burn of the rope.
Amora scoff, “Pathetic. Leave her be, Loki. She’s where she deserves to be. She’s not worth the breath in our lungs.”
You don’t mean to cry. The utter betrayal of your once friend hurts more even than the loss of your once future husband.
“Are you crying?” Amora laughs, moving around Lord Loki, her shoes clicking against the brick of the courtyard. She stops in front of you, arms crossed over her ample bosom, still exposed more than it should be from what she and Lord Loki were just about to do. “You’re pathetic. The least you could do is be invisible while you serve.”
You say nothing, fist tightening around the rope. Pain shifts into rage at the cruelty in her words.
The wind blows and you can smell the scent of their near copulation. Luckily, it’s driven away by the vines of jasmine that creep along the tops of the brick wall.
She doesn’t deserve Thor. But you know that he never deserved you either. The rate at which he moved on…
Almost as if she’s sensing your thoughts, she takes a step closer and drops her voice to a whisper. You know Lord Loki will still be able to hear.
“Poor little flower, so careless and trusting.” She smiles. “You know it was so easy to seduce Thor. Even before your disgrace of a father betrayed his kingdom, Thor came to my bed often. Such a chaste little thing you were. You had no idea that every night after he whispered sweet promises in your ear of a happy future, he was burying his cock deep in my cunt, whispering how glorious I felt around him. Promising that even after you married, he would slip away and fuck me because no cunt could be as good as mine.”
Whore. Your heart shattered. Finally your eyes met hers.
She took a slight step back at whatever she saw in them. The hatred coursing through you set your teeth on edge. You wanted so much to rip her hair from its roots. If you could gouge her eyes out with your fingers without the consequence of a beheading, you would.
Perhaps she could see that promise of death in your eyes.
She scoffed, a reaction to whatever fear she felt in that moment.
“Now, now, ladies.” Lord Loki chastised, “Let’s keep things civil.”
“Civility? From a servant?” Amora looked at him then back at you, her hateful smirk twisting her pretty face into an ugly mask.
No…this is her true face. Her long blonde hair, pale skin, and green eyes might make her superficially beautiful, but you can see the true ugliness in her now.
“Trash knows no civility.” She spits.
Done with this encounter you make to move around her to finish your duties. You need rest. Body and now soul exhausted, the sanctuary of your quarters beckons like a beacon.
She steps in your way, smiling cruelly as she does.
You make to move around her again. She blocks you once more.
Body shaking with rage, you don’t bother stopping this time as she steps in front of you. Instead you let yourself fall against her, your bucket sloshing loudly as you angle the wide opening towards her.
The smell of piss and shit slices through the scent of sex and jasmine.
Amora screams, stepping back quickly until she bumps into Lord Loki who quickly pushes her away from himself, a wrinkle of disgust on his handsome face.
The green damask pattern of her silk gown grows slowly darker as the piss soaks into the fabric. A dark brown stain sets in towards the bottom.
“You probably should have moved out of my way, my lady.” The casual tone of your voice, the respect you can now fake like a professional grifter sounds so real that your taunt sounds like an apology.
“You bitch!” Amora growls.
Lord Loki catches her by the arm before she can move towards you.
“Perhaps, Lady Antress, you may want to go and change? If what you say is true and my brother will seek you out, I doubt very much he’d desire your company if you smell like shit and piss. No matter how delicious your cunt may be.” Lord Loki’s smirk gives away his delight at Amora’s distress.
Almost as soon as he’s grabbed her, he drops his hand and angles himself away from her slowly to avoid being soiled as well.
“Forgive me, my lady,” you curtsy, a perfect bow. “It was an accident.”
Amora glares at you then looks at Lord Loki who has taken to pressing the fingers of his right hand against his nose to shield from the smell, affixing her with a look of amused disgust.
Amora huffs, “Fuck you.” Then turns and stomps past you across the courtyard and disappears into the castle.
“That was nicely done,” Lord Loki says once you’re alone.
You give him a quick curtsy and move towards the gate to toss the remaining waste where it belongs in the river just past the far end of the large hedged garden.
Ignoring the sound of his following footsteps against the gravel and footstones, you wander through the fragrant rows of flowers.
“If anyone had been watching, no one would have doubted your sincerity with that apology.” He declares, hastening his footsteps to catch up with you, settling in to your right as he matches your pace. “I’m impressed. You never gave me the impression that you even knew how to lie let alone be deceptive.”
Grinding your teeth, you attempt to ignore him. You don’t engage.
He reaches out to grab your arm but you stop and twist away from him, disgust on your face as you stare at his left hand pointedly.
For a moment he looks confused and then laughs once in realization and takes his hand back.
“You won’t tell my brother, will you? About my…meeting with Lady Antress?” Lord Loki doesn’t sound like he actually cares.
You know that he and Thor never truly got along once they were of age. As children they had been inseparable. You’d followed them around and they’d welcomed you into their company as a playmate despite your gender.
Not until you also were of age did you realize that your parents and their parents had seen your friendship as an indicator of good fortune for a future marriage.
As the elder brother, Thor had been chosen. Your heart, having been devoted to Thor even as a girl, had been so full. Eagerly you’d thrown yourself into the arrangement of your marriage. Only now did you begin to realize that perhaps your heart had been the only one truly invested in the promises that Thor had made.
Agony cuts you again, tearing your heart apart a little more as the feeling of stupidity makes your eyes prick with tears again.
“Did you truly not know that Thor and Amora were fucking?” Lord Loki asks, voice devoid of anything but genuine curiosity.
A tear slips down along your cheek as you turn and resume your walk. Lord Loki follows.
“You wound me.” He says, voice low. “Were we not also friends before?”
Scoffing, you readjust the bucket and wince at the pain of the rope as you feel your skin break. You drop it, Lord Loki stepping back quickly but nothing splashes out this time. Most of the contents were currently soaking through Amara’s gown.
You lift your hand up, staring at the peel of skin and the slick of the pink muscle beneath as red begins to pool along the edges of the tear.
Just another wound. It’ll seal and heal and scar, joining the others on your once smooth hands.
The bite of pain gives you a reason to let your tears fall. You don’t hold them back as you sob quietly, uncaring of the audience to your humiliation.
“He’s an asshole,” Lord Loki states, stepping up in front of you. “Always has been. Arrogant, proud, and foolhardy. Thinks with his cock more than his brain.”
Again, you scoff. The irony of Lord Loki, whom you just caught fingering your former best friend in the garden, telling you that Thor thinks first with his cock does not escape you.
Lord Loki clears his throat, embarrassed?
“If I’d been your betrothed,” Lord Loki continues. “I’d have worshiped the ground you walk on.”
“You’re a liar, and just as susceptible to Amara’s games as he apparently is. Does it make you feel happy to sleep with your brother’s fiance? Does it give you pleasure to betray him?” You spit at him, angry at yourself, at Thor, at Amara, at your father and brother.
You’re just so angry. You’re always angry now. Even when you’re sad, you’re angry.
“Are you really worried about my betrayal against him when Amara just exposed him for the hypocrite he is?” Lord Loki demands, a little affronted by your ire.
Biting down hard on your lip, you squeeze around the wound on your hand.
“You’re all hypocrites. All of you deserve each other.” You realize and reach down to take the bucket again but are stopped by Lord Loki’s hand as it takes hold of the bucket for you.
He doesn’t wait for you to say anything and instead moves towards the gate at the end of the garden.
Quickly, you hurry after him, eager to take the bucket from him before anyone might look out onto the grounds and see him interfering with your duties. The punishment you’d receive would be painful.
“My Lord, please,” you finally beg, unable to really catch up with his long legged stride. “I’ll be punished if they find out.”
Lord Loki says nothing but strides out through the gate into the wooded expanse behind the garden.
Expertly, probably from the many hunts he’s gone on around the castle, he winds through the trees towards the rushing river whose roar you begin to hear.
“My Lord,” you hurry after him, nearly catching up but then he turns and disappears behind a tree only to emerge before another one. “Please,” you beg.
Taking a quick glance behind you towards the castle and its countless illuminated windows, you don’t see anyone watching but panic has begun to take hold.
He shifts and turns, stomping over the wild grass, the occasional crack of twig or fallen branch as he steps onto it, eaten by the rush of the water now louder.
You’re almost running now to keep up with him and still you lose sight of him when he turns around a particularly large tree. You stop beside it, scanning the area for him desperately.
The dungeons are so damp this time of year. You don’t want to get locked up if you can help it. Illness is something you don’t have much experience with and with your body weak and unhealthy now compared to the grace and flush of perfection you’d been with money and a constantly full belly, you might succumb to any serious illness.
You don’t want to die, despite the hardships you face.
With no sign of him, you move towards the section of river you always go to empty your buckets.
Minutes later you break through the treeline and spot Lord Loki crouched by the water, damp bucket set beside him now empty and rinsed.
Breathing heavily, you try to catch your breath and press your hand against your thundering heart, forgetting for a moment about the wound there and hiss.
Lord Loki rises, turning to look at you with a furrowed brow as he shakes the water from his hands and dries them on his dark emerald jerkin. He pulls down the puffed sleeves of his black shirt, fastening them around his wrists again but only finishes one before he’s holding his hand out for you.
“Come,” he orders. Not a request.
You don’t move, holding your wounded hand still as you watch him, pale skin nearly glowing in the light of the moon.
“Come here,” he orders again and this time you move towards him only a step. He steps towards you once, his hand held up again with more emphasis. “Shall I say please? Am I wrong? Were we not also friends?”
He smirks, amused by your hesitation for some reason.
Asshole. How dare he throw the past in your face. It’s coercion to remind you of your bond as children.
Unwilling to let him get the satisfaction of seeing you be defiant, you close the distance between you.
He takes your hand, holding it up close so that he can see it clearly. The moon is bright enough that he can and he pulls you towards the river’s edge. Squatting down again, he pulls you down with him.
You kneel, inching towards the edge as he pulls your hand into the water.
A hiss escapes your lips as the water coats the wound, tugging at the bit of skin still holding on until it tears free.
He holds it under the water for a minute then brings it back up to examine, pulling your arm so that you shift to face him and he does the same, kneeling before you.
“It’ll scar,” he realizes, but notes the other small scars that now cover your palm underneath the base of each finger.
You watch him as he traces each scar with his thumb, the golden emerald ring on his finger cool to the touch after being submerged in the cold river water for a bit. It feels nice against the heated skin of your palms. The friction of the rope burning them both.
“I remember when your hands were soft,” he notes.
Self conscious, you make to yank your hand from his grip but he tightens it and meets your eyes in silent order not to try that again.
Holding your gaze, he brings your palm up towards his mouth. Heart hammering against your chest, you try again to yank it from him but his lips close around the wound.
A strange tumble of knots in your stomach work their way up into your chest and constrict your heart.
More strange than that, a shift between your legs has your face and neck burning. Ears so hot that the breeze of the late spring air feels cold in comparison.
“Stop that,” you tell him, voice weak from shock at both his actions and your body’s reaction to it.
He does. Pulling your hand away from his mouth to look the wound over.
“The bleeding stopped,” he states, then reaches for your apron.
The tearing of fabric sends our heart seizing but more arousal pools between your legs. Embarrassed, you look away from him as he wraps your hand tightly. He must have dealt with many small injuries on his hunts because he ties the wrap around your palm securely and nothing save for cutting the fabric away will undo it.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me?” He asks, voice low and deep. Almost dark in the way it slithers across your skin in a sultry embrace.
“No.” You answer honestly. “And it’s probably only because I caught you and you didn’t get to stick it in Amara.”
He releases your hand as you pull against his grip but he reaches forward to place his hand on your cheek. His left hand.
You almost pull away but remember him drying his hands on his vest. He’d deliberately washed both hands. Why?
“I meant what I said,” he whispers. “I would have worshiped the ground you walk on. I still can, if you’ll let me.”
“I’m a servant,” you spit, turning to look at him with anger and betrayal. “Anything you do to me will be forced merely by the fact that I cannot deny you anything you might want.”
Lord Loki frowns.
“You think so badly of me?” He wonders, hurt in his green eyes.
Your mind flashes back to your childhood. You, Thor, and Lord Loki running to the stables of his estate. You fall. Both Thor and Lord Loki stop but it’s Lord Loki that rushes back to you, helping you up and dusting you off as you cry loudly.
Thor rushes away, laughing in his eagerness to mount his horse.
More memories of your childhood assault you with images of Lord Loki and his kindness. Frequent acts of compassion and what you might have once considered friendly love. Thor’s are fewer and mostly contained to the days after your betrothal had been agreed upon.
“You will never be a servant to me,” Lord Loki assures you.
“It is what I am,” you counter. “You cannot simply ignore it.”
Lord Loki sighs, “You’ve always been so stubborn.”
He lets his hand glide down along the side of your neck, over your shoulder, down along your arm, and then he settles it along the side of your waist, the shape stiff thanks to the corset underneath.
It’s almost unbearable that he’s here, in your shame of servitude. His touch is confusing. You almost ask him why it feels so strange but instead focus on what’s most important.
“Is it true?” you ask, voice wary and quiet.
“Is what true?” There are so many things you could mean, you realize.
Part of you almost doesn’t want to know. So you hesitate.
Something softens in Lord Loki’s eyes as if he suddenly knows what you’re going to ask.
“Were…did Thor and Amara…?” You shake your head, trying not to let the pain show.
“Yes,” he answers, voice firm. He wants you to know that it’s true. No hesitation in his answer. “A few times even with you nearby. You almost caught them a handful of times. Were you only a few moments earlier or later.”
Head falling, you can’t help the tears that spring forth. So much of your past had been a lie. The strength of your house. The friendships you held dear. Your betrothed hadn’t truly loved you. If he had, he would not have betrayed you.
“My brother paints a pretty picture. Despite what he wants others to think he is changeable. He is impatient. Clearly that was his undoing with you. He is rash and prideful. He doesn’t think about what he does before he does it and because he would be insulted by it, would it not be sweet revenge to dangle what he wanted most in the open for all to see?” His words are slow and sure.
The last bit of his speech is careful and calculated. You can hear the manipulation in his words even though he tries not to let you. You’ve known him too long. Lord Loki also changed when you were betrothed to Thor. A shift of his usual kindness had taken place and the sneering Lord had been born. Intent on his own machinations to pry forth the dreary truths of his life.
He’d never been cold and harsh but he became so after your engagement. Thor had called him a snake and even then you could see it. The skill with which Lord Loki had developed his manipulating tactics and the precision with which he enabled them are known to you.
So you know what he’s saying even if he won’t say it clearly.
He takes hold of your chin and slowly lifts your head until he can see your eyes. There’s a strange eagerness in his own greens as he tries to read you. There’s a question there, an uncertain probing as his hand at your waist grows tighter, wrapping around to rest on your back, arching your body towards him.
That strange feeling between your legs surges. It’s Amara’s sneering face that breaks down your defenses. It’s the pride in her words as she’d bragged about being with Thor while you were still betrothed to him that shatters your will.
You do want to get revenge. You want Thor to know that you don’t care anymore. That he means as little to you now as you did to him then.
And what better way to show him that than with the one person he’d hate it happening with the most?
He might overlook some random stablehand. He might ignore some merchant’s son, even if he were above your station.
With Lord Loki…the bite would be as harsh as the sting of Amara’s venom was to you.
“Loki…” you whisper and he surges forward.
His lips are over yours, moving and massaging as you at first merely take his kiss.
He hates it. He pulls back and tilts his head the other way, kissing you more enthusiastically, trying to draw some type of reaction from you.
It’s taking you longer to submit than you thought it would take.
He pulls back one final time and tilts his head back again before this time pressing his lips against your own slowly. He doesn’t move then but instead waits, puckering against yours as he tugs you towards him instead of shoving himself onto you.
Strong lithe arms wrap around your waist and pull you up onto your knees and against his chest. He holds you so close, so tight. It isn’t rough or demanding but needy. As if he can’t get you close enough to his own body and he can only draw you closer and closer in the hopes that it’ll fill something in him that needs filling.
You place your hands on his shoulder as you tilt your head back with his kiss.
Finally, you find the strength in your body and pucker your own lips and return this gentle kiss.
Shock flashes in his eyes as he opens them to look at you. You watch the confusion bloom in them but then shut your own and give in.
Loki’s lips part and envelop yours. It shocks you the way it sends those knots back into your stomach. In response you do the same, enveloping his lips with your own.
Loki’s hands splay out against your back and he groans as he opens his mouth and the tip of his tongue slides against the crease of your lip in question.
In answer, you open for him and welcome his searching tongue with your own. The taste of him, the scent of him, it overwhelms and you gasp as you lose yourself in the moment.
You feel his hands drift around to your front, his right sliding up along your bodice until he can cup your breast, a groan slipping through his lips as he breaks your kiss and traces wet open kisses along your jaw, neck, and shoulder.
“Loki…” you gasp without ever having given your mouth permission to speak.
He bites your neck when you say his name. You moan and he licks the spot to soothe it.
“Loki…” You whisper again.
He’s driven mad by it and before your mind can understand what is happening, he’s laying over you, hands moving wildly underneath your back, running along your sides, fumbling around until he finds where your dress is fastened and he pulls at the ties.
“Should I stop?” He asks, breathless and looking as if he would like nothing more than to keep going.
“Mm,” he moans and kisses you again, tongue claiming your mouth as his own.
You can feel him tearing away your apron and then your dress. Too eager to pull it off you completely, he merely shoves it down so that he lays spread out along your waist.
He looks down at you, the corset you wear hiding very little of your breasts. He kisses them each in turn, the soft fleshy bits that pool up above your undergarment.
You shudder at the touch of his lips.
“Has anyone kissed you here before?” He wonders. You’re not sure if he wants  an answer or not but you shake your head anyway.
As he nuzzles the soft flesh, his hands work on the corset, pulling at strings blindly until it gives way and he pulls it off of you exposing you completely.
The cool air of the night perks your nipples more than his touch already has and he takes both breasts in his hands, pushing them together as he stares to the point of embarrassment.
Before you can cover yourself, he takes one into his mouth, suckling softly to draw soft moans from your open mouth.
He sees it, your gaping mouth, and seals it with his own, his tongue nearly in a frenzy as he devours your whimpers.
Cool air hits your suddenly exposed legs. You gasp sharply as he thrusts suddenly and the hard press of his cock rubs against you, shielded only by the fabric of his pants.
“Shall I stop?” He asks again, hands running down along your torso where he takes each breast in hand, massaging them slowly before rolling each of your nipples in slow deliberate circles.
“Don’t stop.”
It’s almost torture when he removes his hands from your overheated body. But you enjoy the sight as he removes his jerkin, followed shortly by his shirt. His body is sculpted but tight, not bulky. Lithe limbs hard and eager as he reaches down beneath your skirts in search of what he desires.
He hisses when his fingers touch you, soaking wet, and you reach down to hold his wrist not to stop but simply to hold on.
The thought crosses your mind that he’s already had someone else like this tonight and it almost makes you pull away. You’re so close to stopping but he sees the thought in your eyes and leans over you, removing his hand he leans over you, pressing his chest against yours and silencing your thoughts with a slow kiss.
It burns through you, the meaning clear.
“Shall I only touch you from now on, darling?” he whispers, kissing your chin then suckling along your throat.
He’ll leave marks…
“Tell me and I will only touch you.” He promises.
“Don’t make me promises you can’t keep, Loki.” You chastise him, mood nearly breaking again at the memory of the endless promises Thor had made you.
“I will never break a promise to you. Tell me to refrain and I will. I meant what I said,” he kisses his way up to your ear, licking the shell of it before hot breath sends your skin prickling. “I will worship the ground you walk on if you will only let me.”
He thrusts again. You shut your eyes, gasping at the cock straining for freedom.
“H-How do I know I can trust you?” You ask, unintentionally letting him see how desperate you are to do so.
He kisses you again, genuine and hungry for it.
“Give me a week and I shall truly prove it. Trust me until then and you shall see the depths of my willingness and devotion.”
He thrusts again and maybe you’re a fool for allowing yourself to consider this when he’s got you right where he wants you, but you nod.
“Only touch me,” you order him.
He smirks. He reaches down between your legs again and with one finger slowly strokes from the bottom of your cunt to the top, the lurid sounds of your wetness poignant despite the rushing river beside you.
“I’ll go slow,” he promises.
One finger. He uses only one finger and the pressure is intense. Sensations you’ve never felt before awaken every nerve ending in your body. His thumb presses against your clit and you nearly sit up with the shock of pleasure that rushes through you.
He adds a second finger, moving slowly as he pumps them in and out.
“Shall I stop, darling?”
“Never stop,” you gasp, still gripping his wrist.
Another smirk on that handsome face, his green eyes dazzling you as he shifts back to his knees.
He licks his lips as he pulls a tie free at the front of his trousers and slowly pushes them lower and lower until he can kick free of them completely.
The length of him is breathtaking. He reaches down and strokes his cock, slowly running his thumb along the shiny pink head before he scoots closer, your skirt blocking him from view.
He rubs himself against you, slicking himself with your own arousal.
There he waits, watching you as you brace your hands on the soft grass beneath you but open your legs wider.
Your eyes meet and both of you know that there will be no coming back from this choice. Nothing either of you do will ever erase this line you’ve nearly crossed completely.
He pushes in slowly, leaning over you as he gets deeper and deeper until he’s buried completely. Chest to chest. Face to face. He grunts deep, face twitching as he settles within you.
It’s so much pressure it’s painful. The feeling of him is so foreign. You’re not sure whether it feels good or not.
“Fuck,” he whispers and tenses then shudders. You feel a wave of heat within you, followed by the sensation of slow moving drippage. “You feel…”
He seems lost for words. Do you feel terrible?
He pulls his hips back just a bit and pushes back in.
You whimper, pushing against his chest to look down where your bodies connect.
“Loki,” you fret.
“I’ll go slow,” he promises. “Be calm my sweet. I will ease you into this.”
Each thrust into you, his pelvis pushes against your clit and each time you moan, wishing he’d do that more. The feeling of him is filling, strange, but not unpleasant. Just different.
As your body relaxes a bit more, Loki’s thrusts grow faster. You smile unintentionally as he presses against your clit more often.
“You like that?” he wonders, stopping as he pushes all the way in and then rolls his hips against you.
Your responding moan gives him confirmation and he settles himself over you fully.
As he thrusts he presses harder against you, lingering for a moment before doing it again and again. The slap of his skin against yours grows louder and he finds a rhythm that has you both breathless and moaning.
“Loki,” you plead, feeling the build up of tension within your body.
“Come for me, darlin,” he kisses you, subduing your voice as he pumps into you.
You’re unsure for certain what he means but your body seems to listen. You wrap your legs around him, holding him as close as you can as he continues to thrust into you. The sweat of his body glistens in the moonlight. The soft silk of his hair tickles your skin as he arches up slightly so that he can take your breast into his mouth again as he keeps pumping into you.
You feel it…so close.
“Loki,” you whimper, wanting to reach the end of this tightrope.
He growls once and brings his hand down between your connected bodies. His thumb presses against your clit firmly. He presses and presses, rolling it in small circles with such precise pressure.
Your body explodes into endless fuzzy light. You arch into him, trembling as his thumb continues to draw pleasure from you in spasms as he keeps moving his cock in and out.
“Fucking hell,” he grunts and thrusts one final time his whole body tight in its release as that same sensation of heat fills you again.
Both of you seem to have stars in your eyes as he collapses on top of you, kissing you slowly with his eyes wide open to watch the expression of pure bliss on your face.
“I think-” Loki says, pulling back as he slowly helps to pull your dress up a bit to cover your exposed breasts. He kisses each one before he does so. “-it goes without saying that I would appreciate it if I was the only one allowed to touch you.”
You’re floating, swathed in golden light, unable to process anything he’s saying because of the pure escape from and yet complete connection to your body Loki’s cock just gave you.
You hear him chuckle. He pinches your cheek, drawing your attention back to him.
“What?” You gasp breathlessly.
“No one may touch but me. And I will touch no one but you.” He declares. “Is that understood?”
The authority in his voice draws your legs wide as that throbbing from before is renewed.
Loki’s face twitches at the movement.
“Show me again,” you plead.
“Tell me no one else will touch you,” he orders.
“No one else will touch me,” you agree.
“If you betray me,” you begin.
Loki’s eyes soften. He leans down to press a kiss to your lips.
“I promised you that I would worship the ground you walk on.”
He kisses you again, slowly, feeling every inch of your mouth against his.
“One week, my darling. I’ll prove to you my devotion.” He promises.
The sincerity in his voice has your legs spreading again and he hisses as you shift. Inside you, you feel him harden.
“Show me…” you beg.
“You’re going to be insatiable.” He realizes.
And revenge against Thor aside, you realize that being with Loki might be the smartest thing you’ve ever done.
“Do you have any idea how long I have waited to make you mine?” Loki wonders, stroking your cheek.
“How long?” You wonder, reaching up to take hold of his hand.
“I’ll show you.”
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You're the Only Girl for Me - May 200 Word Challenge (2)
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
*It's more than 200 words... but who's counting?*
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“Soo..” Airielle trailed off as she walked into the living room holding a bag from their favorite chinese takeout spot. 
“Sup bae?” Josh asked her, putting his phone away so she could have his full attention. 
“People have been asking me to get you on my TikTok soo..” She trailed off again, holding up the bag. “Wanna film a Mukbang with me?” Her TikTok comments had been filled with people asking her to do the ‘calling my boyfriend my husband’ challenge, so she figured why not, given that they were both home and had nothing else going on. 
“Hell yeah,” He smiled. “I’m down. We eating here?” She nodded and sat down next to him. She grabbed one of the centerpieces on the coffee table and set her phone up to where the both were in view.  “So what do we do? Just eat?” 
“Just eat and talk. We can talk about our day. I feel like I haven’t seen you all day.” 
“I missed you too baby.”  He smiled as he placed a kiss on her cheek as She leaned forward to press record on her phone. 
“Hey guys, so i’m here today with my husband..” Josh stopped sharing their plates and paused his smile brighter than it even had been before. He sat up more straighter and turned his body to face hers. 
“Husband huh?”
“Mmhm” She smirked, turning her head to face him. “You got a problem with it?” 
“Hell nah,” He said, feeling his cheek heat up, loving the sound of her calling him her husband ,pulling the velvet box out of his cargo pants. “You just beat me to the punch” 
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I've been working on Chapter 7 of Rebuild and Restore and this just popped in my head. Hope y'all like it. 🫶🏽
🏷️: @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @jeyusos-girl @empressdede
@harmshake @paigereeder @li-da-savage @nbanenefrmdao @alyyaanna
@jeysbae @theninthwonder @bonni-98 @raya-hunter01 @abadbitchblogs
@qveenmikaelson @black-yn @mzv11 @shantinextdoor @sheydnni
@zillasvilla @thatone-girly @xmonetsworld @bebesobrielo @kill-the-artiste
@wrestlingprincess80 @yana3sworld @bookuce @that-one-anxious-mango @mersers-moonypadfoot-prongs
@sageispunk @rianasixx @heathetherlamont30 @amandairene88 @vebner37
@mindairy @trashbin-nie @saintaquarius @adoreesun @meggylynnloves
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fushiguroshotwife · 10 months
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╰┈➤ 𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 uses every opportunity to give you ass a good spank he can, Like when you bend over, when you tie your shoes, ect. But honey to the very first time you lay on your stomach on your bed with shorty Shorts on was day he got an interest in it, you'd swear he'd be leaving marks on it and it felt like hell once you touch them.
╰┈➤𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 would have loved Fucking you raw, like this man just gets right into it without warning too.
╰┈➤𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 Cums in your mouth often, like he never lets you to be the one who came first, even though you wanted to and we're going to. [ Toji's a meanie :( ]
╰┈➤𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 would have never let you protest about it. Like he'd shut it and make you suck on his finger all day until you stop.
╰┈➤𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 isn't the type to do aftercare, like I'd see him just like resting with you and maybe just talk with you and take a shower with you? ..
╰┈➤𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 loves it when you are so horny you want a round two (or whatever one y'all were on) and I'm pretty sure he'll never get tired of it too soon, like, you're the first one to pass out or quit.
╰┈➤𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 loves it when you beg for him to stop, (or for more 🤭) cus this man loves to see you plead and wimper at the hands of him.
╰┈➤𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 is a big meanie. If you haven't already guessed.
╰┈➤𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 loves making you cry, like in the middle of sex, you cry, not really of sadness but you get it.
╰┈➤𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 always fucks you from behind or from inside of you. He has you feeling dizzy or even drossy whenever he's "done" with you.
╰┈➤𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 loves to see how hot you look whenever you're sucking his fingers or his cock, you still look fine as always to him.
╰┈➤𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 doesn't care if you wanna cum, he'll make you hold it till he's in you.
╰┈➤𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 has a daddy kink and didn't leave you alone since the day you called him daddy while he was screwing you from behind.
╰┈➤𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 is VERY over protective of you and the saying that goes smth like "you can't touch her, only I can hurt her/touch her." Kinda fits him too.
╰┈➤𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 loves wet kissing yo ass for some reason, you can try to stop em' but he gon pin your hands to the bed with one of his hands pinning you to the bed and the other stroking your pussy.
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FUSHIGUROSHOTWIFE2023/2024™ all rights reserved, do not translate, copy, use my layouts or ideas, do not repost my work even on different sites, do not steal any of my work. Do not claim any of my work as yours, like shit ain't nice.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝐃𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤.
𝐃𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬.
𝐃𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐦 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐫.
𝐁𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨, 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥.
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠.
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misserabella · 1 year
stray pt2
joel miller x fem! reader
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< previous chapter next chapter >
summary; after saving Joel and Ellie from the brink of death, you get caught with having to live with two more strays.., and you don't do strays.
REMINDER: english is not my mother language so i apologize if there are some mistakes <3!¡ either ways, i hope y'all like it. <3
warnings; eventual +18 content! MINORS DONT INTERACT IN THE CHAPTERS WHERE IT IS IMPLIED IN THE WARNINGS. and smut, mentions of death, possible deaths, blood, fighting, angst, fluff.
warnings for chapter 2; guns, blood, fighting, clickers, wounds, weapons, tension, arguing, cursing, a very sarcastic ellie, angst, mourning, reckless activities…
Please, under no circumstances, repost my work on any other sites. I do not consent to anyone taking my work and posting it as their own.
You came back home the next night, your keys jingling and fumbling with the locker ‘till you finally managed to open it.
“Fuck.” you stumbled inside with wobbly legs and heavy shaky breathing. You silently groaned as you closed the door, ignoring the crimson staining left on the handle. You were sweating heavily, whole body aching and heavy. You hissed when you stumbled on your feet and leaned on the wall to not fall, your scrapped forearm and elbows all scratched up and bloody. “Shit, fucking hell.” you cursed, your bad side hitting the hard surface and making you see colors in the dark from the pain.
“y/n?” your cursing stopped when a voice called out for you. “Is that you?” gruff, deep voice.
The stray. Joel. Shit.
You ignored him, quickly dragging yourself to your bathroom and collapsing onto the sink. The light made you squint your eyes. Your blurry vision took in your hands, stained in the blood that seeped out of your side.
You quickly pulled up your white tank top, looking at the big and deep slash that decorated your skin. It was bleeding. Bleeding a lot. And it hurt like hell. You had been lucky, making it out alive through an emergency scape after having been surrounded by clickers.
“y/n.” you heard Joel’s voice on your left as you fumbled with the first-aid kit, getting out the alcohol and stitches. His breathing got caught up on his chest when his eyes met your beaten up body.
“Pretty sight, huh?” you sarcastically said as you bit down onto your tank-top, keeping it up for your to clean the wound.
“What happened?” he inquired as your shaky hands took the bottle of alcohol and opened the cap. You didn’t answer, instead taking a sharp breath as you quickly poured it right onto the the cut. You hissed at the feeling, your already dizzy mind spinning due to the pain that shook your bones. Your legs buckled and you stumbled to your right.
Joel was quickly to catch you, and you pushed one of your hands onto his chest, getting upright once again. “I’m fine, fuck.”
“You are not. You’ve lost too much blood.” Joel fought with you.
“Get fucking lost. I can take care of myself.” you spat and he sighed.
“I’m sure you can.” and he truly believed it. “But right now you’re barely standing up and you’re gonna pass out if we don’t stitch the wound up.”
You scoffed. “ ‘We’? I don’t need your help.” you pushed him away and sat down on the toilet seat, your muscles aching at the effort. You had the needle and the thread of the stitches on your hand to start. But as you tried and pass the the thread through the loop of the needle’s head, you found your hands unable to stop shaking, making it really fucking hard and making you curse out loud. “Fuck.”
Your hands got suddenly covered by a much big and rougher ones, your tired eyes finding Joel’s. He took the needle and thread for you, passing the thread through it with his calloused and calm fingers. He got on his knees with a careful look in his eyes, disinfecting his hands with the alcohol. Your own stopped him with a pant. “I’ll do it.” you swallowed, your vision blurring and head pounding.
“You can’t.” he answered, simply, truthfully. ‘Cause it was true. You couldn’t do it in this state.
“I can.” but you were stubborn, and didn’t want any type of help. His help.
“If you don’t let me do it you’ll bleed out.” and he was right. You had lost too much blood already. He rose his eyebrows at you. He was calm. Trying to make up your mind.
You gave him one last look before you relaxed against the toilet and let his hands go with a pant and he silently got closer.
You tried to keep your eyes open, but when the needle pinched your skin and the pain flourished on your body your vision turned black.
When you woke up, you had been softly placed on the sofa, all your wounds disinfected and bandaged up. You could hear the flip of a lighter, the sizzling of a cigarette.
You groaned when you sat up, the sting on the wound on your side making you grip the blanket that covered you.
Your eyes bumped with the side profile of Joel, who was smoking a cigarette on your balcony, seating on the same chair you had left him the other night. His cheeks hollowed as he took a hit, his jaw tightening and chest rising as he breathed. You took your time to take in his hard edges and his softer ones, his hair, his arms…
“You got a spare one?” his eyes found yours when you spoke up.
“You’re up.” he noticed, more like stated.
You hissed when you got up, still just the slightest dizzy. “Barely.” you muttered as you stepped out onto the balcony, taking your spot on the leftover chair.
“You should eat something.”
“Yeah, yeah. Just give me the fucking cigarette.” you huffed, and he shook his head, taking them out of his pocket. He even lit it for you.
“What happened?” he inquired and you sighed, your eyes on the dark streets. You could hear some dogs barking in the distance.
“A mistake.” you answered. “Got surrounded by fucking clickers for it.” you took a hit of your cigarette flicking it to let the ashes fall from its end.
“Did you at least get what you were looking for?”
“I did.” he nodded, tapping his own cigarette. “Why were you up?” you asked after a couple of minutes in silent.
“Couldn’t sleep.” he simply answered and you nodded, falling back into silence.
You finished up your cigarette and got up the table, entered the flat and took a shower.
The next day rolled up pretty slow. Long hours of reading through pages of work offers and talking through your walkie-talkie for new missions from the nearest and biggest city.
Eddie had woken up at about 9AM, finding you seating on the floor with your braided wet hair and working on a little electricity generator that you had found on the mall, where you had sneaked into and been attacked.
If you managed for it to work, and found a way to hook it up to the solar plackets on the town houses, you’d be able to maintain the fence electrified at all hours without having to burn off all your gasoline on it. Then traveling would be easier, you’d get faster to the city.
“What the hell happened to your face?!” Ellie suddenly screamed, spitting out the water back onto the glass she had grabbed. “And your arms… And you body…?” she pointed at your whole body with furrowed eyebrows and you looked at her with a disgusted look by her spit all dribbled up in the cup.
“Oh, just wanted to change up the avatar a little bit…” you sarcastically said just to go serious again. “What do you think happened, brat?”
“What’s an avatar?” she said, confused.
“Forget it.” you said, going back to your screws. “Don’t you have anything to do? I don’t know, like learning how to read or something?” you asked her.
“Haha. Funny.” she rolled her eyes, jumping on the sofa on behind your back and slightly to your right. “Where’s Joel?”
“Hell would I know.”
“What are you doing?” you rolled your eyes.
“Jesus Christ kid, you really talk, huh?” she shrugged her shoulders.
“You don’t like it when I talk?”
“Fuck no.”
She nodded, clicking her tongue. After just a mere seconds she started to hum, singing an eighties song.
“I don’t like you singing either.”
“Man, you’re rude!” she groaned, melting on the sofa and slowly falling onto your side, all really theater-like.
“And you’re annoying.” you sent back. Ellie crossed her arms on top of the tea table you were working on, looking at you putting the broken pieces back together and fixing the generator.
“I think you meant ‘charming’.” she smiled.
“I meant what I said.” you huffed.
“Where did you go?” she suddenly asked, and you understood she must be referring to last night.
“What did you buy?”
“A gun.” you lowly said, a hint of a very loudly ‘shut up’ hidden behind your words.
“Woah, you know what? It’s been a great chat. But I…, I gotta go. See you later!” she rushed out the door, closing it behind his back.
You smiled when you hear her quickly run down the stairs, but mostly to the fact that she has looked at her wrist while excusing herself… She didn’t have a clock on.
“Slow down Ellie, you’re gonna choke, Jesus Christ.” you heard Joel said as you approached Larry’s house, bag on your shoulders and the generator on your hand, ready to be plugged and completely fixed.
Ellie was basically inhaling her food, filling her cheeks with more bread even if she hadn’t finished munching on the one already in her mouth.
“Let her choke. At least then I won’t have to hear her talk.” you said taking a seat on the garden’s table, where everyone was seating. Ellie gave you a dirty look before going back to eating.
“What the hell happened to you?!” Larry, who was exciting his house with a pot full of soup in between his hands. Soup. Of course Larry would make soup on a day as fucking hot as this…
“I cut myself shaving.” you sarcastically answered, what made Larry roll his eyes.
Since it was this early on the morning, Lizzy was still on class at Mrs. Murphy, who was a teacher long before the infection and had insisted on giving classes to the kids in town. ‘Knowledge is power.’ That’s what she had said. You believed she was right of course, but without a gun and a lot of knowledge you wouldn’t make it real far in a world like this.
“Goddammit y/n.” you pushed his touch away when he tried to look at the side of your face, where a plaster stood hiding a cut, and later on at your beaten up and scratched arms.
“I’m clean. I’m clean, Jesus Christ.” you mumbled, calming him down.
“y/n, you can’t keep doing this. You’re gonna get hurt if you’re not careful.” Larry frowned and you huffed.
“I am being careful.”
“Yeah? This doesn’t look like careful to me.” he pointed at your wounds.
“They are just simple scratches. Besides, look what I got.” you placed the electric generator on the table for him to see. “It’s what you needed, isn’t it? If we connect it to the sun plackets we can use solar energy to keep the fence electrified at night instead of wasting gasoline.”
He took it in between his hands, a shocked expression taking over his features. “But- y/n, how did you get this? Where did you go?” you fell silent, avoiding his gaze and he gave you a serious look. “You went to the mall, didn’t you? God, y/n, you know that’s a restricted zone, it’s infested with clickers!” you sighed.
“I know. But I made it out perfectly fine. I brought some more bullets and guns from the police station, some clothes… Even new paint for Lizzy. For her birthday.” you said, and his eyes softened. “Larry. I’m fine.” you promised, and he sighed, rubbing his face. “Oh my god I think you just got a new white hair.” you pointed at his greying hair, and he smacked your hand away. “You, brat.” Ellie looked at you just to be smacked on the face by a pair of clothes that you threw at her. “Need my clothes back. Found this on the mall. Don’t care if they aren’t your size.” you said, looking the other way to completely ignore the smile that she gave you or the way Joel hadn’t stopped looking at you the whole time since you’ve gotten there. “Where’s my food?”
You dug in as soon as the food was served.
The afternoon passed on a blink, and before you knew it the night had come in. You were back at your apartment after having installed the generator right beside the fence, ready to start working when the last beams of sunlight disappeared.
You were sitting on the salon, Ellie right beside you reading a fucking comic that she must have found somewhere. It seemed to be that she had taken your ‘gift’ as a way you had to tell her ‘you’re not that bad’ —which it was absolutely mere delusions from her part— since she was now leaning against you, her head on your shoulder, which you pushed away every single time.
“Brat, use a fucking cushion will you?” you huffed, and she ignored you, humming as she read.
Joel left the bathroom with the same clothes that Larry had lent him two days ago, his hair still damp and dripping just the slightest.
“Ellie. It’s late.” he said after a look at the clock hung on your wall.
“But it’s only 10PM!” she whined, and Joel simply looked at her, making her huff and get up to go to your room.
“Ellie…” his voice warned her when she tried and sneak her comic with her, cursing a little ‘shit’ before bitterly turning around and handing it to him. He looked just like a father.
You didn’t speak, didn’t give him a word as you stood from your place and put down the book you were reading to go to the balcony. Sitting down.
After a few minutes, he too came out, his hands on his pockets to take out his cigarettes, but he stopped when his eyes met something on the table.
“ ‘S for you.” you said as you looked at the moon, lit cigarette in between your lips. Emotionless, detached. There they stood, new clean clothes, along with a new gun and bullets. “You need to get rid of your old ones, they fucking stink. Even after three washes.”
“Thanks.” he said nonetheless, kind of sarcastically too. “For your sincerity.”
“Always a pleasure.” you took a peak at him just to see him unbuttoning the tight stupid denim shirt Larry had lent him two days ago. You swallowed the cough of surprise that bubbled up on your chest. Your eyes took in the expanse of his chest, the strength of his arms and broad shoulders, his stomach…
You looked away as fast as you could. Ignore it. Smoke your goddamn cigarette and ignore him.
He put on his new shirt, this one a greenish color that matched perfectly with his sun-kisses skin and brown eyes. It was a perfect fit, not too loose but not too tight. Perfect to move around.
He sat on his chair, cigarette on hand. You had taken out the first-aid kit from the salon — where Joel had left it last night— to disinfect and redress your wounds. Joel stared at you, not making a face as you poured alcohol on your knees or elbows, even though he knew it must sting and hurt like a bitch. He looked at you with curious eyes. You were the first person he has ever met that was so… cold. Cold stone. Not even Tess was as hard as you were. So detached. You were like a shadow in the dark, like a ghost amongst a crowd of people. What must have happened to you to become like this? Where you always like this? Had this fucked up world made your skin thicker?
The last wound you had to take care of was the one cut on your cheek. It wasn’t really deep, just a mere scratch you had gotten when you had to break a window to scape from the mall and the glass had made contact with your skin.
Joel watched you struggle since you had no mirrors near to clean the cut.
Your eyes met his when he silently took the damp gauze from your hand, asking you with the brown of his eyes if it was okay. If you were okay with it.
You didn’t answer, instead, looking to your left to give him a better reach.
You closed your eyes when the gauze met your skin, the sting on your cheek just as powerful as his soft careful touch. It was as if he was cleaning porcelain. He took the liberty to even dress it, a white plaster on your skin to make sure no dust or dirt would get into the wound. Had he done it like that last night? Had he taken care of you so tenderly? So softly?
For the first time in years… Your heart felt the same ache you promised yourself wouldn’t give into again.
You got up from the chair when he had finished, his touch once again away from your skin. It was rushed, as if he was an infected and you needed to get away from him as fast as possible.
You put on your jacket on your way out, before you could open the door, your eyes meeting Laura’s room white one perfectly closed shut. You looked away with a bitter taste on your tongue and left your apartment with a stray left behind once again.
@bubbles-for-all-of-us @hiphopdancer101universe @amethystwonders11 @mmeerraa @azxulaa @euovennia @twilightsbiggestfan @dabria14
joel miller playlist
pedro pascal playlist
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satellite-evans · 2 years
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Summary: Chris and his family :)
Word count: 1.2k words
Warnings: fluff, rushed ending
A/N: I don't know what it is with me and dad!chris, but I wrote another one lmao. The ending is rushed and kinda sucks but I hope y'all enjoy it xxx
English is not my first language, So I apologize if I made any (grammar) mistakes. Feedback, requests, questions or just vents are always welcome.
love you all, happy reading <3
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site.
Many people have different answers to the question, 'what is the most important thing in your life?'
The reason is simple; not everyone is the same. People had different lifestyles, different tastes, different religions, and different friends. It would be impossible for them to give the same answer. And sometimes, people change, so their answers change. The important thing in a person's life could be a dog at first, but can switch to their career once they work.
Chris changed as all humankind did, but his answer never did. It was always the same. Maybe it was because he didn't get it until he was 38. Perhaps it is because that is all he knew in life.
One thing he knew for sure: the essential thing in his life was his family—especially the one he created with you.
It was like one of those fairytales in Disney movies he used to watch when he was little. Everything about you was surreal. You were a princess who couldn't be more beautiful: your eyes, hair, and smile. The cure to his problem was you. But he knew that if he drank you in too much, it would become poison, like all things do when you do it too much. He didn't care. It would be an honor for him to die because of you.
His family. He still couldn't wrap his head around it. Chris' family was his whole life, and everything else came around second regarding what was important to him. His wife, the Dinsey princess, his dog dodger, his wife's best friend, and his son, the little troublemaker.
"He is a troublemaker because he is just like his dada." That is what you kept responding to Chris every time he called Ry that. It was true. Rayan was exactly like his father, not only in his looks but also in his character, which scared Chris a little. He didn't want his son to become an anxious person who was too stubborn for his own good.
Hopefully, he wouldn't be.
Because the more little Ry grew, the more he showed he was the perfect mixture between his parents. Sure, he was a troublemaker like Chris. That made you pull your hair a couple of things for the things he did, but he was more than that.
Rayan was patient. He could accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. If Chris was a little later, he just sat on the couch, watched his show quietly without fuss, and hugged his dad when he arrived.
The quality that you liked the most about him is honesty. He never lied about if he accidentally spilled something or did something he shouldn't do.
"Mommy, my apple juice spilled all over the carpet, but I promise I didn't do it on purpose. Dodge came into my room and wanted to hug me. I think he got too excited, and I spilled mommy. Please don't be mad at him; he also didn't mean it."
You cleaned his carpet and gave him and Dodger both a treat. The fact that he explained to you what happened and protected dodger made you proud of being his parent.
When you told the accident to Chris while you were both in bed, he couldn't hold his tears at how good of a person his son was. At that age, he thought about even Dodger's feelings and how he was innocent. That was all you. It couldn't be him. Chris wasn't even considering his brother's feelings, pulling pranks all the time and making him cry when they were little. He was immensely grateful that he was becoming more and more like you. God knows how Lisa was tortured by Chris, sneaking out of school and doing stuff he shouldn't be doing.
Your daughter Hira was a whole other story.
When she was born, everyone complimented her, saying how much she looked like you. Chris couldn't be more proud. The more he looked at his daughter, the more he fell in love with you.
When Rayan was born, that was the first time Chris cried from happiness. His first child. He had so many priorities, but maintaining his son was first.
But when his arms held his daughter after she was born, It felt more miraculous than Chris could have imagined. He was beyond happy that he had a daughter.
And that daughter may look like you, but she was Chris' twin. Rayan was a mommy's boy, and Hira was a daddy's girl. They were inseparable. She was a little monkey, trying to climb places, always making a mess in the house and painting the walls with her favorite marker.
And she loves to tease her big brother—a lot.
Rayan was the happiest boy on earth when his parents brought his little sister back home. He went into her room at night when she was crying to calm her down, he was quieter around the house so she could sleep better, and he made sure to help you out by cleaning his room by himself.
But now she was growing up, and he didn't like her as much.
"Mommy, Hira ruined my painting again!"
The only sounds from your son's room were his cry for help and your daughter's mischievous laugh. There was also coming laughter from your husband, who acted like his two-year-old daughter.
"You know, instead of laughing and cheering her on, go there and tell her it's not okay to bother her brother like that."
Chris was Hira's biggest supporter. She couldn't do anything wrong with his eyes. Even when she posted herself on Instagram with a weird caption, he laughed it off and tickled her.
"Ah, come on, it's a little funny. It toughens you up. Besides, every person needs an annoying person while growing up. I always thought Rayan would be that sibling, but it's Hira. It's not a big deal."
This whole banter between the two siblings continued for a while. The only reason was that Rayan was so patient with Hira. He never pushed her, never pranked her back, or never said something hurtful. But she saw this as an opportunity to bother him even more.
Deep down, you wished he did something back, teased her a little too. It felt like you were the worst mother, but you hated seeing your son crying about the paintings he loved to draw for you getting destroyed by a little monkey.
You asked him one day. Why was he so patient with his sister? Why he did nothing back?
"Because, mommy, if I do something back, she will stop. I don't want that. I love spending time with her, even if she teases me."
Right there, at that exact moment, you saw Chris in your boy. His love for his family was immense, and he wouldn't change it for the world, just like Chris.
He listened to the whole conversation right after he put Hira into bed. You were kneeling in front of Rayan with your back to Chris. He didn't see it, but Chris knew your eyes were probably full of tears and your heart was full of love. He felt so proud of his son.
Family is a unique gift that needs to be appreciated and treasured, even when they’re driving you crazy. As much as they make you mad, interrupt you, annoy you, curse at you, try to control you, these are the people who know you the best and who love you.
And Rayan knew this because he had the best role model, his dad.
You couldn't be happier about it.
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ermespop · 1 year
Hi, I'm Sanam!! Could u do some Kei Tsukishima x fem! reader headcanons and kinda just what u think dating him would be like? You can ignore this if you want though.
Heya, Sanam !!! well this is gonna be sum,, whenever I think of tsuki i have the sudden urge to knee his kneecaps... I just wanna see him falling n make fun of him ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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something every tsukishima x reader HCS have in common is that at first he is always in denial, and you know what? all of 'em are right
but that's not relevant here and now
dating him.. dating... h i m ok well
y'all are sarcastic, w eachother and the rest of the world. y'all are a menace
bickering. all. the. time.
strawberry shortcake is a theme
ever since you found out that's his favorite pastry you've been getting him it every once in a while along with stuff that resembles it
also applies to dinosaurs
imagine his keychain having a strawberry and dinosaur charms plsss that's so cute😭
dino stickers everywhere. everywhere
Grrrr museum dates Grrrr
y'all would take time to visit the exhibits that interest you both
i really can't get over tag teaming some1and roasting them w him... aaah~ love is lovely, lovely love 🥰
if you go to a different school the other 1st years would probs never find out you're dating (sans yama)
if you don't... they'll pester you to convince tsuki to do stuff
cuz he may be able to say no to you, but will he ever? hmmm, no he won't 😋
akiteru is the wooooorst he's always making fun of y'all. really what's gotten into him 😭
tsuki in one knee tying your shoelaces
akiteru: omg SAY YES, SIS‼️
but he does it with luv 🫶 (love for embarrassing you)
y'all have this thing where you'll watch a movie and roast every single actor's performance
like "his voice is so monotonous is he acting or directing a funeral" "the female lead could've rejected the job offer if she was gonna look like that the whole time"
one time your self deprecating humor got a little too much for tsukishima and he started getting concerned, it all ended in a heart to heart and a cuddling session so good on you ig
y'all outfits slap
you're like your guys photographer and social media manager
your guys intas look more like fanpages of eachother with how much you post candids
overall rate for tsukishima kei is A for Amazing boyfriend
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author's note: i might just give up on following a format fr... also this took mo se long i really didn't know what to write. I'm not really happy with this but i'll get over it so yeh
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© ermespop | Please don’t ever copy, translate, edit or repost my work on tumblr nor any other social media and/or site.
• Likes, comments, reblogs and follow are so greatly appreciated ๑´ᴗ`๑
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lxclerc · 1 year
hi, everyone, coming on here to talk to you guys about plagiarism...again. it's been brought to my attention that my fics have been plagiarized and translated to spanish and reposted to another site without my permission. this person is under the username _casiopeaaa on wattpad.
i was first informed that this person stole my work called ten seconds, when i pointed out the clear plagiarism, this person deleted the comments and blocked me but they deleted the stolen fanfic. the next day, i received another message telling me that this same person stole another fanfic of mine called fiery when i used another account to call them out, this person insists she didn't steal anything and i'm just spreading hate and negativity.
but let's review it, shall we?
their fic: "Era Obvio por como miraba fijamente el brazo de su cita rodeoándola, el hundimiento en mi estómago y la ira que crecía en mi pecho, esteba muriébdome" translation: It was obvious by the way he stared at her date's arm around her, the sinking in my stomach and the anger growing in my chest, I was dying of jealousy. my fic: "Charles is jealous. He isn’t too proud to admit it but if the sinking in his stomach and the anger rising in his chest isn’t jealousy from the sight of your date’s arm around you and the bright smile painting your face then he doesn’t know what it is.”
their fic: "Una brillante sonrisa iluminaba su rostro. No tengo derecho a estar celoso. Mila y yo solo somos amigos, cómo se lo hemos repetido a cualquiera que nos lo haya preguntado. Amigos. Amigos que se suelen besarse. Amigos que comparten la misma cama algunas noches. Amigos que parece que no pueden quedarse quietos sin que partes de su cuerpo se toquen. Pero definitivamente solo amigos." translation: A bright smile lit up his face. I have no right to be jealous. Mila and I are just friends, as we have repeated to anyone who has asked us. Friends. Friends who often kiss each other. Friends who share the same bed some nights. Friends who can't seem to sit still without parts of their bodies touching. But definitely just friends. my fic: "Not that he has any right to be jealous. You and Charles are only friends as you’ve repeatedly told yourselves and anyone who asked. Friends who share the same bed nearly every night and can’t seem to keep still without parts of your skin touching but definitely just friends. It doesn’t matter if he spends every hour of every day wanting to kiss you silly till your lips are swollen or if he wants to rip this man’s arm off its socket for touching you because friends are what you’ve always been and perhaps it’s all you’ll ever be.”
those are just the first two paragraphs but as you've probably guessed, the entire thing was copied.
first thing's first, i'd suggest checking out their works because their "drive to survive" one shot compilation is full of stolen work so maybe see if your work is one of those.
honestly, i don't even know what to say. i'm genuinely considering quitting tumblr all together. this is my FOURTH time having my work stolen and i am tired y'all. the last time this happened, it completely drained me from any inspiration to write anything. and now i don't even see the point of writing and publishing it on here anymore knowing i'll probably have to keep dealing with this shit.
i've tried to be nice, i've tried to be forgiving. i'm just really really tired of this shit that i don't even know what else to say. if you can, please report that user on wattpad.
also thank you to @itsgxsly for informing of this. i really really appreciate it.
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thecryingastrologer · 2 years
Astrology observations pt22🚬
Disclaimer: all these observations are based on my personal observations ❤️
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💪okayyyyyyyyyy story time,
Sooo i recently started going to clg and i started liking this guy. Were gonna call him spikeyhairman. Ik. Bear with me 🥲😂
It was like i started liking him at the very first sight. Idk how to explain it, it was like i felt so drawn to him and got a little obsessed with him. So i just checked his chart out of curiosity���️👁️ and found out he had Leo sun and Aries ascendant with Scorpio mars. Yes. Ik. That mars also had y'all👁️👁️💧😫 and then i saw my chart and i have Leo in 12th and mars in 8/Aries.
It was like we know we like eachother but aren't making any moves. I'm not cause i dotn wanna get rejected and ik he's not cause he doesn't either.
When i tell you, I've NEVER gone out of ym way to see a guy, I MEAN IT. he just brings out something in me, like i want his attention i want him i dress up for my self but a part of me also wants him to notice me. Y'know what i mean????
ok sooooooooo 🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♀️
I didn't meet him for 2 days. Like i didn't take the usual route to the other block of my uni and guess what? He started cmg around on my floor and came around to see me, not once but 6 times. Ik. Ik. Some shit out of Wattpad ik. Let that sink in.
Since I'm still an amateur, I'm trying to figure out this type of astrological side. So bear with me and if any other person who has exp, feel free to engage ☺️💗
My point is, the planet/sign in your 8 house can bring out sides in you that you may never have thought and you may attract that theme into your love life or relationships in gen.
Like im my case, i have mars in 8 house which traditionally rules Scorpio and Aries.
Aries is alot abt passion, quick attraction, chase and guess what? It s all there. I didn't even know his name for like 1 month but i still fell for him cause of his piercing. It was on site attraction.
Scorpio is abt passion, intensity, secrets and being guarded too. And once again, guess what??? I want to see him all the time but when i do get to see him, i look away cause ik he knows i like him but neither of us have verbally said it. It's like you feel it. It's intense.
So pay attention to your 8 house and 12th house too cause it is the house of hidden. You may secretly feel attracted towards those themes or may attract people with those themes.💗💗🕵️‍♀️
💪 you may attract alot of people with he same rising signs as yours. Like i have Libra rising and i have attracted quite alot of libras in my life atp.
💪 i Never believed that venus risings could be charming as fuck but GOD DAMMMNNNNNN the way my Libra rising ass gets compliments and somewhat misinterpreted as flirty just because I say thankyou or speak to them in a warm and sweet manner😂😂. It genuinely confuses me cause i have my eyes on one guy but i don't even speak to him 👁️👁️💧
💪 pisces men don't let go of arguments easily. More specifically sun, moon and Mars. Sometimes even mercury. Ik it. Cause my dads. One.🥲🙏
also babies sorry for the long break, all this uni shit had me 👁️👁️💧
Love you guys🤍❤️
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Served On A Platter (Sanji Vinsmoke x Black!Fem!Reader 18+ One Shot)
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“Aren’t you my good birthday boy?”
Pairing: Sanji Vinsmoke x Black!Fem!Reader (Established Relationship)
Synopsis: In which you give a very special surprise breakfast to your favorite love chef for his birthday...and you make pancakes too.
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+; Bimbo!Reader; Food Play; Oral Sex; Titty Sucking; Deepthroating; msub switch!Sanji; FDom switch!Sanji; Kitchen Sex; Birthday Sex; Sanji Eats You Out On The Table; Bent Over The Counter; Doggystyle; Covering Mouth; Unprotected PIV Sex; Creampie; Mutual O; Aftercare; Almost Caught
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: A very happy, wonderful to my love chef, my 200th baby daddy AND favorite Strawhat member, Sanji Vinsmoke!! Enjoy, y'all & happy March! Let's all make it a good month now that spring is coming! -Jazz
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It’s a beautiful Saturday morning out at sea. 
The sun is pouring through the curtains and you’re snuggled up underneath your man with his arms wrapped tight around you in bed. 
Usually, you’d be giddy at the chance to spend the morning in bed with your handsome and cuddly boyfriend, cuddled up into his hard chest and breathing in his scent after a night of amazing, passionate, mindblowing sex that had you screaming and Zoro knocking on the wall to shut you both up. 
Usually, you’d spend time watching him as he sleeps, tracing his skin with your fingertips and admiring how the sun makes his lashes and hair look like spun gold. Sanji is such a pretty, pretty man––all long legs and a body lean with muscle and an even prettier dick. You couldn’t be happier or luckier to have him for your own…and yet he says he’s the lucky one! 
Saturday mornings are reserved specifically for cuddling and morning sex (exclusively in that order)...but not today. Today, you have a plan. A plan that involves keeping Sanji asleep until that plan is complete. 
So after pecking him gently on the cheek, you slip out of bed and tip-toe to the bathroom for your silk robe to throw on. You then walk to the bedroom door and silently slip out, closing the door behind you. As you creep to the kitchen, you can hear sounds of the Strawhats sleeping: snores from Luffy and Zoro; Chopper adorably talking in his sleep, etc. 
The sky is not yet alight with the sun which peeks ever so slightly over the horizon, making the water glitter like it’s made of diamonds. The crew is usually asleep around this time which means you have about two hours before everyone is awake and feening for homecooked meals…specifically Sanji’s homecooked meals. 
But today, you want to give him a break and cook for him and the crew for a change. Today is his day, the very day he was brought onto this beautiful, blue planet. His birthday! You originally had no idea what to do for him as Sanji isn’t a “birthday person”. You were shocked to hear that he didn’t even want a party. 
“Don’t strain yourself, mon chéri,” he chuckled, kissing your cheek. “Every day is my birthday with you on my arm.”
Though the sweet talk worked for a little while, you still felt bad for not being able to give him anything for his birthday. Then one night, you came up with the perfect idea. Your man loves to cook for those he loves, so why not you cook for him and show him how much you love him? 
It’s the perfect idea! Though you aren’t a master cook like Sanji, you can read a recipe and you’ve helped in the kitchen many times before. You want to show how much you appreciate him sweating over a stove to fix meals for you and the crew. How much you adore his passion and his loving nature. And the way to man’s heart is ALWAYS through his stomach. 
So you tip-toe into the kitchen and begin to set up shop …but with a twist. Before you start cooking, you strip yourself of your robe and put on Sanji’s “Kiss The Cook” apron, tying it around your waist. It only covers your naked front, leaving the completely exposed so your thong and delectable asscheeks show. You giggle excitedly as you skip to the fridge for ingredients. Sanji is going to be soooo surprised! 
You figure pancakes, eggs, and bacon are good enough, so you begin making those. You play music softly on the stereo that Sanji usually plays his music on, either something jazz-related or French, wash your hands, and begin to cook. 
You butter up your pans. You pour milk into the bowl of beaten eggs and whisk them before pouring the yellow mixture into a nonstick frying pan for fluffy, scrambled eggs. You fry the bacon in a pan, loving the way it sizzles and snaps in the grease. You pop some yeast rolls dusted in flour and glazed with butter in the oven for twenty-five to thirty minutes. 
Then you start on the pancake mix, humming to Michael Buble’s “Sway” as you do. You find yourself swaying your hips and naked ass beneath Sanji’s apron as you add eggs, flour, milk, vanilla extract, and cinnamon (Sanji’s secret ingredient to sweet pancakes and waffles) to the mix. 
Though you find yourself multi-tasking to make sure things don’t burn, you also find yourself loving every minute of cooking. You love the many delectable aromas in your nose and the joy of doing something well. Is this what Sanji feels like every time he cooks? After placing the fluffy eggs on a plate and turning the bacon over in the pan, you begin to whisk the pancake batter with a firm hand like Sanji has taught you before, holding the bowl in the crook of your arm. 
You sway your hips without a care in the world, humming happily to the music and smiling to yourself as you picture your boyfriend’s face once he gets a look at this delicious birthday breakfast…but little do you know, he is already getting a look at his breakfast by the door and it has zero to do with the food. 
You hear a slight clearing of someone’s throat and it’s enough to make you jump and nearly drop the bowl. You whip around, finding Sanji leaning against the kitchen door. He is in the silk matching PJs he bought for you and himself though barefoot so you get a look at his big ass feet. Your eyes trail up to his crotch where you see the outline of him, meaning he’s freeballing this morning. 
You practically foam at the mouth for a piece of that dick this morning, but you know that comes later. Sanji gives you a crooked smile, nodding at the stereo. “Nice song.” 
You slowly inhale and exhale, slowing your hammering heartbeat. “What are you doing up?” you curiously ask. “I thought you were sleeping!” You turn to the counter, lowering the bowl of pancake batter down.
“Well, I woke feeling cold and I realized you weren’t in bed with me,” Sanji says as he wanders into the delicious-smelling kitchen. “Plus, somethin’ smelled good and I knew the others weren’t cooking. I initially thought I was just dreaming.” 
You giggle, turning off the fire for the bacon and scooping them out with a spatula before placing them on a plate beside the eggs. The butter in the pancake ban has begun to sizzle so you carefully scoop a bit of batter into a spoon and pour it into the pan in an almost perfect circle. But shape doesn’t matter. You just hope it looks and tastes good. 
“You’re up early,” he points out. “What are you doing out of bed, mon chere?” You feel him push himself up behind you, making you feel every outline of his muscles and his dick in his silk pants. You swallow hard, trying to focus on the sizzling pancake as he wraps his arms around you. “Cooking for the crew…but mostly for you.” 
“For me?” Sanji questions, sounding confused. “You’re cooking for me? Why?”
You pause, flipping the pancake over to reveal a golden brown surface with crunchy, brown edges. The best kind of pancake! “Because…” You twist around in his arms, wrapping your own around his neck. “Today is a special day.” 
You watch as your beautiful boyfriend’s face, still twinged with sleep and laziness in his eyes, scowls at you with a cute, confused pout. “Your birthday!” you exclaim. “Hello?! Did you forget about your own birthday, babe?” You run a hand through his unruly, blonde hair, too tempted to ignore. 
Sanji shakes his head, still looking adorably befuddled. “No, I just figured it wouldn’t be a big deal for all of this.” You turn to take the pancake out of the pan and place it on a big plate to stack up late with pancakes. “All I’m doing is making pancakes,” you giggle as you pour another circle of batter into the pan. “It was supposed to be a surprise, but it still can be.” 
Though you wanted to surprise him with breakfast in bed or even a beautiful spread of flapjacks, eggs, bacon, coffee, and fruit at the table, you know he is pleasantly surprised and overjoyed when he hugs you to his body oh-so tightly. “Oh, darling,” he coos. “Thank you, but you didn’t have to go through such trouble. You are my birthday present.” 
After you flip the second pancake over, you flush at his sweet talk and twist around to face him. His lips are on yours immediately, claiming them in a kiss that is passionate at first but then quickly becomes passionate and heated. Soft moans travel into each other’s mouths as the hold you have around his neck grows tighter and you have to stand on your toes to reach him due to how tall he is. 
Sanji’s hands begin to sneak around your waist to give your ass a squeeze and then trail up o the ties of his apron and your naked back. He briefly stops kissing you to look down at you in shock. “Wait….are you naked under here?” He looks down at your chest where, sure enough, your luscious breasts and hard nipples push through the apron. “It’s another surprise for you,” you purr. 
Sanji nearly gets a nosebleed. He has to cover his mouth with one hand while the other quickly snatches at you, pulling you into his hardened cock under his pants. “Ah-ah,” you giggle, smacking his hands away. “No nookie until after I serve you.” Sanji’s eyes gleam with lust at your words. 
“You know what I mean!” you whine, ignoring the throb in your panties as you push him towards the small breakfast table on the other side of the kitchen. “Now stop trying to turn me on and go sit down. I’m putting the pancakes on now.” 
With a groan and a pout, Sanji does as you say and sits down, stretching his long legs out in front of him. You smile, feeling frisky and sexy after you pour the third pancake into the pan. 
“Lemme just check on the yeast rolls,” you loudly announce before opening the oven door and bending forward, giving your man the perfect view of your ass. 
“God!” he groans, making you giggle to yourself. “You’re killing me over here, baby. Please don’t tease me.” You close the oven and turn to him, finding him stroking himself through his pants, his face twinged with a red blush that makes him look absolutely adorable. You love how it’s so, so easy to rile him up. 
“I don’t know what you mean,” you mock innocently say as you begin brewing some coffee. “I’m only checking on breakfast so I can serve you, sir.” At the mention of his favorite nickname in the bedroom coming out of those pretty, soft lips of yours, Sanji has to grab several napkins to clean up the drops of blood that have begun to ooze out of his nose. 
You strut over to him once more, bringing a coffee mug and a pot of freshly brewed coffee with you. “Would you like some coffee while you wait for your food, sir?” you ask, staring down at him and slowly batting your lashes. 
“You sure I can’t just have you?” he purrs, one hand sneaking sound your waist to smack your ass. The delicious sound of his hand making contact with your asscheek nearly makes you moan. “I don’t think he can wait until the pancakes are done.” He nods down at his cock that is throbbing in his pans. You think about throbbing in your mouth instead. 
“Oh, he’s gonna!” you scoff, putting a hand on your hip. “I’ve been sweating in here since 7 AM doing this, so until then…” You sneak a hand up Sanji’s lap and give his cock a squeeze, gasping him to gasp. “You can just watch,” you seductively whisper and give his earlobe a nibble before skipping back over to the stove, much to his dismay and torture. 
You can feel his eyes on you, your thick ass, beautiful legs, and award-winning, jiggly, soft titties as you move about the kitchen, flipping pancakes, setting the table, and preparing an ensemble of fruit. Finally, you finish cooking the pancakes and have a stack of them, golden brown and sweet smelling, that you’re proud of. 
After bringing the plates of bacon and eggs over to Sanji, you also bring him the pancakes and a tray of sliced strawberries, mangoes, cantaloupe, pineapple, and freshly picked grapes from the fridge. In addition, you add a plate of soft butter for spreading, whipped cream, and a bottle of blueberry-flavored syrup for dowsing his pancakes in.
After putting an empty plate in front of him, you step away with your hands behind your back and respectfully bow. “Here we are, sir: a birthday breakfast just for you.” 
Sanji looks at the food spread in awe as if you just roasted a hog and a turkey. “Darling,” he coos. “I still can’t believe you did this!” He smiles up at you, making you feel all warm and gushy inside. “Well, don’t be shy,” you giggle, nodding at his empty plate. “Dig in!” 
Happily, he begins to stack some pancakes and eggs onto his plate. You watch with bated breath as slathers his pancakes in butter and drizzles it in syrup before cutting a bit of the fluffy, flat cakes and chewing into them. He chews once, twice, three times, and then swallows, not saying much for a moment. He just stares at the pancakes, making you anxious. “Well?” you nervously ask. 
“It’s…” He slowly turns to look at you and a smile stretches across his lips “Baby, this is delicious!” he declares. He gazes up at you adoringly and gratefully, his eyes twinkling. “I’ve never had anyone do this for me before. Thank you.” 
You feel relief and happiness overflow you, so glad that you didn’t fuck this up. “I’m so happy you love it,” you sigh. You bend down to peck him on the cheek, giving the curl on his forehead a flick. “You’re very welcome and happy birthday.” 
You then turn to walk back to the stove but Sanji stops you by taking your wrist. “Aren’t you gonna sit down with me and enjoy this delectable breakfast too?” he asks. You shake your head, nodding at the pots and dirty pans stacked up on the stove. “I have to clean up first before the crew wakes up and…” The rest of your sentence dies when Sanji pulls you over and has you sit down in his lap. 
With you now so close to him, he begins to pepper your neck in kisses, coaxing you to lean your head back and enjoy them. “What are you doing?” you giggle.
His one hand moves to the ties keeping the apron on your body, playing with them. “Enjoying my other birthday gift,” he murmurs against your skin. “The pancakes are delicious, my love, but I believe something else is just as yummy.” 
He then pulls on one string, causing the apron to fall off of your body and expose your naked breasts to him. Attracted to your hard, brown nipples like a moth to a flame, Sanji attaches his lips to one of your nipples while he plays with the other, rolling the little bud between his thumb and index finger. 
You gasp, arching your back and pushing your chest into his touch despite your protests. “B-But, Sanji,” you weakly protest. “Your food…” 
“I have my food right here,” he softly growls before standing up with you in his arms and sitting you up on the table. “Don’t worry, I can heat it up later. I’d never waste such a meal you took the time to make me, mon chéri.” 
A mischievous and lustful twinkle appears in his eyes as he spreads your legs and presses a hot, passionate kiss to your lips before ducking down between your legs to get rid of your soaked panties. “But I need to show you how much I appreciate such a gift, don’t I?” he asks, his voice much deeper and breathier than before. 
Minutes later, you are gripping your boyfriend’s blonde locks for dear life as he spreads your thighs wide and laps at your gushing pussy like a hungered man despite the food spread on the table. He eats you out like you’re the best thing he has ever tasted, alternating between fast flicking and slow strokes on your clit and dipping lightly into your pussy.
Your eyes roll back and your back arches, your body completely seized with pleasure. “Shit, Sanji!” you moan. “S-Slow down! Someone could–oh, fuck–someone could come in and see us!” 
“I don’t care,” he growls into your pussy, still licking and slurping away. “Let them see me kneeling before such a beautiful woman.” He moves his pillowy-soft lips to suck gently on your clit, making your toes curl by his ears. “Look at me,” he roughly pleads. You do, looking down to stare into his eyes between your legs. “Grab my hair, gorgeous. Put me where you want me. Let me know how good I’m making you feel.” 
And you do, unable to hold back as he continues to eagerly, hungrily lap, suck, and slurp at your pussy, giving you ultimate pleasure. “Fuck, baby, yes!” you whine. “You’re so good at this! Such a good boy for me.” At the sound of praise falling upon his ears, Sanji moves his jaw faster, wanting to take you to the peak of ecstasy. 
You giggle, loving how much of a switch your man is. The moment he gets some praise, he’s falling putty into your hands and turning into the cutest subby boy who only wants to please you and make you cum your brains out. “Aren’t you my good birthday boy?” you coo, stroking his hair back. “You love eatin’ this pussy?” 
“Mmm-hmm!” he moans, still eagerly lapping away at all that you give him. 
“Let’s make it even sweeter for you then,” you purr and reach over to get the bottle of syrup. Already aware of what type of time you’re on, Sanji stops eating your cunt to watch as you begin to drizzle some of the sugary, sweet, blueberry syrup onto your pussy lips. He is transfixed, loving the way the substance drips down your delectable, heavenly honeypot. 
He digs in immediately, making you moan and swear like a sailor at the way he works his tongue and mouth. “Fuck, darling!” he moans into your pussy. “You taste so fucking good! I could eat you out for days! So fucking delicious…” 
It doesn’t take long for his ministrations, mouth, tongue, and nose bumping against your clit to bring you close to the edge. Your thighs begin to shake and you can feel that knot in your core about to snap. “Sanji!” you whine. “You’re gonna make me cum, baby boy! I’m so close!” 
Sanji hums happily into your pussy, looking up at you with his soft lips sticky with syrup and wet with all that your pussy gushed onto him. “Do it,” he begs. “Cum for me, mon chéri. Give me all that honey. Please!” 
He continues to beg and plead for your cum until, finally, you spill all over him with a moan of his name. Bliss engulfs your senses as you cum deep in Sanji’s mouth much to his delight. He laps at your cream, cleaning up every spot that you could have possibly left wet until you are sensitive and twitching. With a soft sigh, he pulls away and licks at his lips, looking at you as he does so. “Definitely sweeter than the pancakes,” he sighs. 
You don’t waste any time recovering. You don’t need to do that. All you need right now is him…preferably naked. So you slide off of the table and plant one on him immediately, catching him by surprise. He doesn’t stop you when you begin to get him out of his PJs, making him laugh when you quickly unbutton his top and untie his pants. You take his pants and undies down in one sweep, leaving him naked before you. 
Your eyes hungrily trail over his toned, tan physique, blonde wisps of chest hair that always make you wet, and his hard, throbbing, leaky cock hanging like a third arm hanging from between his legs. He watches with literal heart eyes as you lower onto your knees with the syrup and the whipped cream, giggling mischievously as you do. 
“Your turn,” you giggle before applying the whipped cream and syrup on his dick and slurping it up. He tosses his head back and moans as you suck and gag on his cock, quickly becoming messy with the sticky syrup and whipped cream dripping from your lips. You stroke his cock and fondle his balls too, loving how your pretty, long, pink nails look against his skin and his veiny cock. 
Sanji praises you endlessly, nothing but sweet nothings and love talk dripping from his lips as he watches you give him neck on the kitchen floor. “Fuck, darling,” he sighs. “You’re such an angel, my love. I’m so, so lucky.” 
You pop off of his cock, spit dripping from your mouth and your throat feeling tingly. “Put your hands on me,” you pant, lightly dragging your nails down his thighs the way he likes. “Grab my hair and fuck my face, Sanji. Show me how much you love my mouth.” 
And he does. He grips the back of your hair and proceeds to fuck your face, pumping in and out, in and out, of your sloppy, eager throat. His handsome face flushes red as he watches you, his perfect woman, turn into an absolute slut for him as he rails through your throat like it’s your pussy. “S-Shit, Y/N!” he loudly groans. “That’s so fucking good. You take this cock so well, fuck!” 
He allows you to pull away to breathe, but you still stroke him with your hand, pumping his cock in your face. “Not so loud, baby,” you giggle. “You don’t want the others to hear, do you?” 
But you can tell Sanji is past the point of caring, his eyes dark and jaw tight. “I don’t give a fuck,” he growls, gently pushing you away from him to avoid spraying your face with his cum. “Stand up. I’ll be damned if I cum down my birthday gift’s throat instead of inside of her where I belong.” You giddily stand with a stupid smile on your face, loving it when he gets like this with you. 
But then you smell it: the smell of burning bread that invades your nostrils. You know Sanji smells it too and turns to the oven immediately. “What’s that smell?” you wonder aloud and then gasp, horrified. “The rolls!” you squeak before hurrying over to the stove, naked. You open up the door and cough as a plume of smoke explodes into your face. 
You quickly get an oven mitt and take out the tray, sighing in relief at the fluffy, golden rolls sitting there that are unharmed. You feel Sanji come up behind you, looking over your shoulder as you put the rolls on the kitchen counter. “They’re okay,” you reassure him. “That was a close call.” 
“Good,” Sanji replies. “Now I get the perfect angle to do this.” His hand is suddenly bending you over the counter, forcing you to bend your knees, and his thick cock is sliding inside of you, stretching out your soft, soaking-wet pussy in the best way possible. “Oh, my God!” you gasp when you feel his dick begin to pump inside of you at a merciless, quick pace that steals your breath and feels so good that it hurts. 
“Ah-ah, darling,” he chuckles, holding your hips still when you begin to squirm about. “No running from the birthday boy, especially when you’ve been teasing me for so fucking long.” He bends his knees to fuck you faster, harder, before slowing down to tease you, rolling his hips in a way that has you wanting to curse the stars and swear to God. 
“Sanji!” you cry out before clamping a hand over your mouth. You even sound slutty! And you’re sure the rest of the crew would agree if they heard you. “Now look who’s loud,” he softly laughs in your ear, leaning in to coat your cheek and shoulder in kisses. “Fuck, darling, you feel so good wrapped around me. Go ahead, fuck me back.” 
You do, tossing your ass back into him and fucking yourself on his thick cock, making both of you quietly moan and gasp as you do your best to keep your voices down. But it’s just too much. His dick is just too good! Sanji just knows exactly what to do to you too, cupping your tits and squeezing them as he fucks into you. “That’s it, good girl,” he praises you. “Such a good fucking girl takin’ that dick like that!” 
You feel your second your orgasm rising to the surface and uncover your mouth to warn him. “Fuck, Sanji!” you whine in time with his thrusts. “I’m gonna…I think I’m gonna–” 
“SANJIIIII!” The sound of Luffy’s voice scares the shit out of both of you, causing the urge to cum to fade. You gasp, covering your mouth again. 
“Shit!” he hisses, looking toward the kitchen doors where you can hear Luffy padding around outside. He looks at you, putting a finger to your lips. “Shh, shh!” He clears his throat, making himself sound normal. “What, Luffy?” he calls. 
“Is breakfast done yet?” the captain whines. “I haven’t eaten in hours and I’m staaaaarviiiiing!” Sanji begins to slowly roll his hips against, gliding against your G-spot. You have to bite your lip to keep from moaning. “Luffy, you were eating in your sleep last night,” he says, his voice strained. “And no, breakfast isn’t ready yet. Y/N is helping me and we have a mess in here.” 
He speeds up, fucking you at a pace that nearly makes you scream your head off. “Don’t stop fucking me,” he demands. “Keep covering your mouth while you take this dick like a good little slut.” Your pussy clenches around him, making him groan as ruts into you like he’s trying to nail your G-spot until it’s mush. 
“Y/N is awake?!” Luffy excitedly asks. “Let me come in and say hi!” You swear you’ve never felt such immense fear in your life until you hear Luffy’s footsteps. 
“No!” Sanji yells. “I just said we’ve got a mess in here. We spilled some eggs and I don’t need you coming in here to make it worse.” He hand hooks underneath you to rub your clit, making you sob into your hand. “Just wait outside, alright?” he huffs. “Tell the others the same or no pancakes.” 
“Awww,” Luffy groans. “Fine, but I get the first plate!” Sanji slows down a bit to listen until all traces of Luffy outside are gone. 
“He’s gone,” he sighs, relieved. He pulls out of you and gives your ass another smack. “Get that ass up on the counter. We don’t have much time and I wanna see your pretty face when we cum together.” You turn around, legs wobbly and pussy tingling with need. “Yes, sir,” you breathlessly giggle as he scoops you up into his arms. 
As soon as you’re up on the kitchen counter, Sanji slides between your legs, lines himself up, and slides himself back inside of you. He grips your hips and proceeds to fuck you stupid, pounding your pussy into the counter and getting you back to that edge of another orgasm in a snap. You grip his shoulders, sinking your nails into his skin, as you moan and sob in pleasure at his dick. “I-I don’t think I can keep quiet,” you squeak.  
“Lemme help you then, my darling,” he pants before putting a hand on your mouth. Now you are free to moan, whine, whimper, and sob as much as you want, making all sorts of muffled sounds that only get louder the harder and faster he fucks you, his sweet girl. “So pretty…so fucking cute.” 
Sanji stares deep into your eyes, forcing you to keep eye contact as he dicks you down in his kitchen, quickly becoming riled up at the look on your face. “You’re my girl,” he moans. “My woman. Only I can fuck you this way, you understand me?” You frantically nod, taking your hand off of your mouth to place on his cheek. “Yes, Sanji, please!” you sob. “Shit, I’m gonna cum! Please cum with me!” 
“Gonna cum with you, baby,” he moans. “Gonna fill you up.” Sanji’s handsome face contorts in pleasure as he gets close with you, slamming his hips into you and causing the sound of skin slapping against the skin to mingle with the stereo music. “Cover my mouth!” he demands and you do just as he lets out a long, loud moan and explodes inside of you. 
He covers your mouth too as you clench that tight, wet pussy around his addictive cock and cream all over it with a shudder and a silent moan as your orgasm drains all energy out of your body. You feel warm as Sanji fills you up, giving you so much that it spills out of you and down your thighs. His cock pulses and throbs inside of you as he holds you to him tightly as if he is afraid that you’ll disappear. 
You embrace him back, cradling his head, damp with sweat, to your breasts and beating heart. You become one, panting together as you come down from your highs. Sanji finally pulls himself out of you, his cock soft and glistening with your mixed cum. The sight makes your pussy twitch excitedly. “I change my mind about not celebrating my birthday,” he pants. “You’ve convinced me, mon chèri.” 
You give a smile and press your lips to his. “I’m so happy,” you softly laugh. “Now let’s get cleaned up before Luffy comes in here and sees us naked.” He laughs, agreeing with you, and helps you off of the counter before you gather your clothes. You sneak off to toss your silk PJs on before inviting the Strawhats to the dining area where they all give Sanji their happy birthday statements as they sit before the pancake feast. 
Their wide eyes and joyous smiles fill you with warmth as Sanji comes to stand next to you, putting an arm around your waist. “Bon Appetit!” you exclaim, presenting the crew with your breakfast. 
Luffy is already stacking a heaping load of pancakes and bacon onto his plate, utter happiness in his eyes. “Wow, thanks, Y/N!” he exclaims. “This looks amazing! Wait…where’s the rest of the syrup?!” 
You and Sanji share a secretive smile as his hand creeps down to give your behind a squeeze. 
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barbararomance · 2 years
Can i request quackity x reader, where they are in a late night driving, singing and being all cute, and quackity realize he's really in love with reader? Pls and thank u
words left unsaid, quackity!
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synopsis! it was a late night cruising round the city; with love sparkling in his eyes looking at you as he thinks you're so pretty.
read me! likes, feedbacks, and especially reblogs are highly appreciated; come talk to me if you wanna repost my writings on other sites please. so sorry this took so long, i'm really really sorry for the long wait anon - i hope you'll like this <33 // leave a request here!
word count! 0.4k
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yelling at the top of your lungs simultaneously, you and quackity "singing" along the taylor swift song playing on his radio - it mattered not if the song was beautifully sang for the meaning was heard by the way the two of you were screaming out loud. quackity had invited you to a spontaneous getaway to who knows where.. wherever really. he had sent you a message:
[ messages ]
alex <3
hey y/n, i'm bored
wanna get out? lol
kk pick me up x
and with that, you find yourself here. next to him, "singing".. if you could call it that. and enjoying the view of the ethereal night sky, once the yelling died down - you rolled open the window to just feel the breeze of the cold air and let it find itself brushing your hair out of your face; it was peaceful. especially with the calm song playing on the radio, you had failed to realize with your eyes closed that the car was slowing its pace. you hadn't noticed the way quackity had been admiring you the whole night... he had been secretly stealing glances of your pretty smile, it was legitimately difficult to keep his eyes off you and keep it on the road but he somehow managed, he joked around just to make you laugh for he absolutely adored the sound.
and after stopping by a 7-11 and acting like kids outside the store, it felt as though the night was coming to an end since quackity was driving back the direction to your home, and you had arrived. "we should do this again, man" you say whilst unbuckling your seatbelt and preparing to leave but you come to a halt feeling his soft hand circling your wrist; stopping you. "y/n..." he speaks your name nearly whispering - "yeah?" you respond waiting for him to say something.. "i.. uhm.. nah man, nothing. yes yes uh we should do this shit again, next time i'm gonna record your beautiful singing voice." he teases you and lets go of your wrists altogether giggling.. you playfully hit him before getting out of his vehicle. you waved goodbye to quackity and walked home as his car drove away into the night.
in quackity's car.. he sighed heavily, he got too scared.. he stopped his car near the 7-11 y'all had visited and he rested his head on the steering wheel of his car dissapointed with himself, he looked up at the gleaming moon that judged him. quackity was so inlove with you.. but tonight was not the time to say so, but what if it was and he just fumbled his only chance with you? he messed with his hair frustrated with himself when suddenly..
[ messages ]
y/n :)
alex, i think i love you too.
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nightfallgazer · 3 months
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I really like the idea of Adam; I really do but the show fumbled the bag when it came to his anything. Charlie and Adam would have been the perfect foils of each other and his time as a villain was way too short like he appears in three episodes and dies is the third one like what? but this post is not about Hazbin’s wacky writing choices.
Adam is my favorite character and I hyper fixated on him for some reason, you should see my Etsy purchase history. Please send help.
All my thoughts on his canon design, me yapping about his backstory, and my take on Adam's personality is under the cut.
By the Way: ❌🔥I do not support Vivzipop🔥❌and if you do not like fans redesigns, block the tag and scroll along.
Do not repost/edit/steal my art, thank you.
Also, during my drawing process, my iPad froze for first time, and I became so worried. Procreate is getting tired of my Adam shenanigans.
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My handwriting is ass but anyway, green text is what design elements I like and blue text is what I do not like.
My version of Adam:
I actually made him fat. Drawing fat characters is not that hard y'all. If you cannot draw some chub, you need to work on that.
According to Viv, Adam's outfit is "vaguely letterman jacket". Letterman jackets are associated with bully jock characters, Adam wearing one makes sense. As a jacket enjoyer, I love me a good letterman jacket. They are my favorite piece of clothing. I went full blown letterman jacket instead. I put the 'A' on the left-hand side of the jacket like vintage college letterman jackets [yes, I know they can be on the right-hand side too] and put a four-pointed star one of the sleeves because having patches on letterman jackets are not uncommon and it just a place holder for If I ever come back to this redesign, I would make it his band logo or something else.
I made his outfit an actual two piece. He is still wearing a robe and I gave him long gloves because why not.
I know there is [was?] a controversy about Adam having white skin. I do know why people were surprised like Lilith has white skin so him being white did not surprise me and his VA is white too. If Hazbin had better racial coding for the characters that are supposed to be black/have darker skin, I would be annoyed too but I am just neutral about it.
Back to my redesign, I gave my Adam a sun kissed skin tone. I kept the dark rings around his eyes but gave him stress lines under his eyes. There are small stress lines under his eyes when the helmet is on his head, but they are not on his actual face in the show. I keep his hair almost the same because I love big hair.
His backstory become too long that I put it on a different site, these are just ideas that I had in my head for a while now, so it is a pure infodump. I will probably keep going to back it in the future to make everything flow better or change some things.
His personality:
He is still a huge misogynistic asshole. A lot of winners know that Adam is a piece of shit but keep their mouths shut because he is clearly Heaven's golden boy, to the point he was awarded with golden wings for being the first winner. Some view him as Heaven's first spoiled brat instead.
Adam has the biggest ego of all time; he is the one who started humanity after all [Eve who?]. He is the most important thing to ever existed. Without him, the human race would not exist. Speaking of Eve do not bring her up when around Adam. You will probably end up in a body bag if you do. Her disappearance is still a sore spot for him all these centuries later. Same goes for his sons, just do not mention his immediate family at all actually.
After doing exterminations for so long, Adam picked the habit of swearing like sinners. He thinks swearing makes him seem cool and edgy but in reality, it makes him come of immature.
When meeting with Charlie, to give her a false sense of security, he did not swear when speaking to her until she started to tell her idea of the Hazbin Hotel, which made him laugh and he calls her a 'dumb bitch' in response to her idea which surprised Charlie, making her understand why her mother always badmouthed his sorry ass.
Thanks to overseeing the history of humanity and its cuisine, he became a bit of glutton. There was no ice cream, cake, cookies, and other type of junk food during his time. The man was super happy when ribs were invented back in the late 18th and early 19th century, and they are his favorite food of all time. He is the father of humanity after all, he deserved that dad bod and do not make comments about his body or yours will end up in that body bag mentioned earlier.
Wears his helmet to intimidate sinners and to hide his true face, thanks to his lifestyle of partying, performing concerts, and having s3x with woman on a daily basis, he has permanent dark rings around his eyes. He runs off of adrenaline and rarely sleeps, it takes power naps instead, eight hours of sleep is for bitches after all. Speaking of performing concerts, his band mates also hate him. The only person that can tolerated him is Lute. [Once I redesign her, I will go more into their relationship dynamic.]
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 10 months
all can we get a part 4 of all i wanted was you when they have a baby 😩😩 that would be so cute
Love - Chapter 1
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
Janelle is played by Justine Skye
Hopefully this is only 2 chapters but you know me lol it might be more.
Sequel to All I Need Is You: Read Here
Taglist: @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci24 @jeyusos-girl @jeyusosgirl @melaninsugababy @baconeggndcheez @bemybabiibish @jstarr86 @nbanenefrmdao @purplehairgawdess @arination99 @alyyaanna @m3llowww @gomussy @jeysbae @hennyyybarb @babysyhsy @bebesobrielo
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“I think I'm pregnant.” Janelle said out of the blue, causing Trinity and Sefa’s wife Maya to choke on their drinks and look over at her. 
“Girl what! What do you mean you think?”  Janelle sighed and looked over to where Josh was playing football with his brothers and some of his cousins. Josh and Janelle had just moved into a new house and Josh had wanted to throw a housewarming party. 
“I mean we haven’t been able to keep our hands off each other lately and my period is late.”  Trinity sat up in her lawn chair and stared at Janelle. 
“Did you take a test?” Janelle shook her head. “Why not?” 
“Because..” She said trailing off and shrugging her shoulders. 
“I mean you and Josh moved into a bigger house for a reason right?” Maya asked, arching her eyebrow. Janelle rolled her eyes. 
“Yeah, better schools in this county for Xavi and more backyard space for stuff like this.” She said, nodding her head towards the backyard, where damn near all of Josh’s family had gathered. 
Trinity rolled her eyes. “Ok if the last part was true y’all could’ve gotten a house with 4 bedrooms like the old house, instead yall got 6 bedrooms. What y'all need 6 bedrooms for?” 
Janelle sighed and looked back over at Josh. “I bought the test. I’m just scared to take it.” Trinity jumped to her feet and grabbed Janelle pulling her into the house and Maya followed them. 
“Come on, take the test.” Janelle let Trinity lead her to the bedroom. 
“Lock the door behind you.” Janelle said to Maya as she walked over to her dresser and pulled the pregnancy test out. She looked over and Trinity who pointed to the bathroom door. Janelle ground as she made her way to the bathroom. 
What if she was pregnant? She wanted to have kids with Josh but what if she wasn’t a good mom? What if she actually turned out to be like her mom? 
She jumped when the timer on her phone went off. She wiped her palms on her tights before standing up off the toilet and grabbing the test. She let out a gasp when she seen the plus sign. 
She jumped again when Trinity called her name . “J? What's taking so long?” 
Janelle opened the door and handed Trinity the test. “I’m pregnant.”  Maya gasped and tried to contain her smile.  Maya looked between Trinity and Janelle. Trinity had a wide smile on her face and was bouncing on her toes. Janelle looked scared. Her eyes were wide and she was shaking a bit. 
“Janelle, calm down.” Maya said as she grabbed a hold of Janelle’s hands and let her over to the bed. “Here, sit down.” Janelle sat down and stared down at the test in her hands. Pregnant… She was pregnant. 
“What am I going to do?” She asked looking up at Maya and Trinity. 
“Well for now we’re going to go back outside and continue on with the party. Then you’ll tell Josh and you guys will decide from there.” Maya said rubbing Janelles shoulder comfortably. “Everything is going to be okay.” 
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Josh’s face was scrunched up in confusion as he looked around for Janelle. Maya and Trinity were missing too. 
“Hey, have you seen Janelle?” He asked one of his aunties who shook her head. Josh shrugged and made his way into the house, needing to use the bathroom. He decided to use the one in his bedroom. Before he could open the door he heard Trin, Maya and Janelle talking. 
He knew that It was wrong to listen in on their conversation but Janelle had been acting off all day. His eyebrows furrowed when he heard Janelle ask what she was going to do. He was about to walk away when the door opened and Janelle stood in front of him. 
“Josh. What are you doing?” She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Me? I was coming to use the bathroom. What are you doing?” He asked, peeking into the room. 
“Talking.” She said as Maya and Trinity walked out of the room, giving them privacy. 
“About what?” He asked and she sighed. It was now or never. 
“I’m pregnant.” She blurted out. He froze mid stride. 
“Josh?” She said when he didn’t move. She got off the bed and walked towards his placing a hand on his shoulder, breaking him out of his trance. 
“I uh. I have to pee.” He said pointing towards the bathroom and walking in, shutting the door. Janelle stared at the closed door, she honestly didn’t know how to feel about his reaction. She sighed and plopped down on the bed, resting her head in her hands. She looked up when the bathroom door opened and Josh walked out the bathroom. 
“So” He said, coming and squatting down in front of her. “We’re having a baby.” She nodded. 
“Yeah I think.” She whispered. “Are you okay?” 
“Are you okay?” He countered with. Grabbing her hands and squeezing them. She nodded again. 
“Yeah I'm just..” She trailed off shrugging. “Scared I guess.” He placed a kiss on the back of her hand, 
“That's understandable J.” He stood up and pulled her to her feet. He placed his hands on her stomach and smiled at her. “I love you.” She smiled and placed her hands over his. 
“I love you too.” 
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“Are you okay?” She asked placing her hand on his knee so he would stop bouncing it. He nodded and shifted in his seat. 
“Yeah, I just wish they hurry up.”  She laughed and looked back at the magazine she was reading. 
“Josh, we only been here for 5 minutes, relax.” He huffed at her and shifted in his seat again. She let out a sigh of relief when she heard her name being called. She and Josh stood up and followed the worker into one of the exam rooms. 
“So I see you’re here because you took a pregnancy test ?” She asked typing on the computer. 
“Yes. We just wanted to make sure it’s not a false positive.” The nurse nodded her head and typed something else. 
“Completely understandable.” She turned in her chair and smiled at Janelle and Josh. “I’ll be right back.” She said getting up and walking out the door. 
Janelle nodded and let out a breath that she was holding. She looked over at Josh who smiled at her. “You good?” He asked her and she nodded. 
They both looked towards the door when it opened and the nurse walked in handing Janelle a urine cup. “The bathroom is this way, you can follow me.” 
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“How long does it normally take?” Josh asked once Janelle came back in the room. She shrugged and sat down on the chair next to him. 
“I don’t know.” She said chewing on her bottom lip. “It shouldn’t be that long.”  He grabbed her hand and squeezed it. 
“No matter what. I love you Janelle.” 
“I love you too Joshua.” She said as she leaned over to kiss him. They broke apart once the door opened and the nurse walked in. 
“Hi Ms Porter. So I have your results and you are indeed pregnant.” Janelle let out the breath that she had been holding. “I sent some prenatal vitamins over to the pharmacy we have on file just make sure you take one every morning, preferably in the morning and make sure you take it with food, never on an empty stomach.”  Janelle nodded and smiled at Josh when he placed a hand on her stomach. 
“Let's set you up for a follow up appointment.” Josh leaned over and kissed Janelle on her cheek. 
“We havin’ a baby Nelle.” 
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Hey guys. I've been working on this for a minute. Hopefully you all enjoy ❤️
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mousegirlballs · 4 months
Letting folks know that I won't be actively using my tumblr and may be deleting it in the next few days. I stopped using it because of the current issue regarding trans women that continues to plague the site before and after the current hammer related incident. Said incident only drew attention to how little this site cares for me and I refuse to give them my money.
The final straw that marks me never coming back is their recent partnership with openAI and Midjourney to scrape the site for AI training data (there is a setting to turn this off but it is on by default, if you plan to keep using the site please turn it off for me.) Because of my mild dislike of AI and active distain for these companies specifically I'm not coming back. I doubt even a cancelation of these deals and a change in management can bring me back at this point.
I have a cohost, it's been slowly being set up over the last few weeks, https://cohost.org/MouseGirlBalls you can follow me there. It's an independent tumblr like website funded by plushy sales and a subscription that increases the image size limit (and nothing else, which also BTW links to other image hosting websites are not limited to my knowledge and the site previews said images very well.)
And the site is hosted by people who respect my right to exist.
And for my fellow freaks it also allows NSFW, which is set to "hide content" by default. So if you aren't looking for it you should disable it, and if you are, set it to be shown. I will be reposting said things while there. So uh. Hope that's incentive enough to follow me for some folks.
This feels like a breakup with an abusive partner, which is how I know it's good for me but it still sucks. I'll miss all y'all who don't make the migration. I might open a bluesky sometime but I don't plan on doing it at this moment. I'll post the link to it and any other social media I start on cohost if I do.
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