#Thank you to the community in general for being so kind and welcoming too! ❤️❤️❤️
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luckyyyduckyyy · 4 months ago
Happy thanksgiving y'all! And a good time zone to all my non-US/non-Turkey day havers lovelies!
Tis the season of thanks and I'm a very thankful goober this year! I only started getting active on Tumblr about half a year ago and there's already so many people and things I'm grateful for from this site alone! I've enjoyed so much art and events, participated in yap seshes, tag games, and ultimately felt pretty welcomed and at home on this site, and it's thanks to all you! <3<3<3
Special thanks to the DCA fandom in its entirety as well! All the discussions, artists, writers, and shared reposts with all the silly notes are awesome! Y'all inspire me all the time and make me wish I was more outgoing than I am just so I can say hello to each and every one of you!!!!
The list gets long, so for the sake of those scrolling by, I have put it below! Have a lovely day everyone! <3333
@midnight-mourning Your writing is just wonderful. It's everything!!! I adore it so much and your CS boyos have wormed their way into my heart and refuses to leave. Some of my favorite songs even remind me of them! (Don't tell Moon this but I am very attached to CS Sun-)(Honestly gotta be my favorite Sun I've read fr fr) Also! Thank you for just being so supportive, thinking about me in tag games, and giving ALL the tag notes! They're a wonder to read and have me bounce off the walls! I'm always so happy we're mooties! ❤️❤️❤️ (Also, fun fact, you're my first mutual too! It's insane to me HOW DID THIS HAPPEN GUAHPHIAHDKA)
@pointyfruit You! Your art? Muah, wonderful. I don't even care if it's not dca related because it's so good. The shape language, art style, and just unique takes on just anything and everything blows my mind! Let's not forget COLORS. Oml they are so PRETTY. It's like an explosion I never want to end. 💥💥💥 Also! So goofy, so silly, and COTL enjoyer! Let's GOOOOO!!! I don't engage with the fandom much but I DO love the game and honestly I almost beat it, but still have not because I don't wanna do the final boss fight. It can't be over bros... Anyways when I see your posts I always wanna just wave like a neighbor seeing ya blow up 10 boxes of fireworks on a casual Tuesday afternoon. 👋👋👋:D
@divinit3a SPINS YOU!!! 🐶🐕🐶 Heya silly meister! In the midst of reading your work, gotta say? Muwah, Perfecto! The sillies are putting me on a rollercoaster and I'm stuck on the ride! While my ability to yap is a coin flip every hour, you happen to bring the yappening out of me with all the fun notes and posts you do--We've already had so many fun convos! Speaking of posts, the art is peak and will STAY peak! The designs? Muwah. The colors? Muwah. You make even the creepiest of goobers hauntingly beautiful! We've may not have known each other for long, but you're someone I look forward to seeing on my dash/notifications every time I open the app! ❤️❤️❤️
@sinister-sincerely Hi!!!! I'm still sometimes in awe realizing we're mutuals! I really love your work and if I'm in the mood to read something but I don't know what, I tend to turn to Aftersome often, even though I've read both the og and the rewrite! It's like you're the master of writing angst, bitter unrequited feelings, and the strange tenseness but want of confusing relationships. It's gut wrenching and I wish I could write something so evoking! All your stories are amazing and I seriously hope you know that, they're such heavy hitters that they have marked a place in my memory. ❤️ Your art too is wonderful! They don't pop up often but when they do it's a real treat! I love that you use grey scale in a lot of your works and the style is just so pleasing to look at. Whenever I see the DCA in your style I wanna give them the biggest hugs, even if they'd pry me off seconds later! ✨✨✨
@r0b0s-robos / @r0b0-wannabe Waving at you excitedly!!! It's always a pleasure to see your reposts, you always find the good stuff! Plus, you always are trying to help out others and it's amazing to see, your efforts are able to make great impacts. :333 You're also another writer I appreciate immensely, and I'm so invested in your botanist au. The sillies and their botanist who is desperately trying not to fall in love with them!!! ADORE THEM!!! I can't wait to read more! ❤️❤️❤️ The times you post about writing ideas or silly things about the DCA has me nodding my head with a smile. Also, the little notes you leave in tags, despite usually being brief, always makes me so happy! It's like seeing the kind stoic look at you from their seat, let out a small smile, and say "I love this"- and then suddenly it's a blast of blinding white light of endearment straight to my heart. K.O.!
@chickenchirps27 Welcome back!!! I've noticed you've been much more active recently and it's always fun to see what you got goin on! Obligatory art mention, but it would be criminal to NOT mention it. ITS!!! AMAZING!!! THEY LOOK LIKE ROCK CANDY!!! Colors!!! I love it so much, the goobers look delicio- I mean they look adorable and masterfully crafted in each piece of art! And your sona, ugh, she's so gorgeous and alien in the best ways possible. I've never seen anything like her and I am in awe of how you came up with all her little details. Those mantis arms are SICK and I want them!!! (Though drawing may be a little hard if I had em-)✨✨✨
@amarynthian-fortress / @amarynthian-chronicles Hehehe! Boops you! >:D Honestly, thank you for always being the biggest sweetheart around and being so welcoming. You're one of the people that made me feel able to crack my shell more and be more active on here! Your writing is whimsical, your reposts and comments are always so kind and feel-goody, and you just always show you care and the randomest times! Catch me off guard why don't you! I love all the snippets and treats you post, and I'm saving many of your stories to read for rainy days! ❤️❤️❤️
@ping-ski My reaction to us becoming mutuals was- 💥💥💥:OOOOO💥OO💥💥 I think I've followed you right when I started getting active on here and gah, your art is wonderful. So lovely, stylized, and colored so simply yet so appealingly that I can't stop looking. Your aus make me want to read them and their designs are always top tier! Also, I cannot forget to mention you are SILLAY!!! So silly! Your comments on reposts are goofy and I love to read them whenever they come up on my dash! Not to mention your own posts- I will never forget the 3-in-1 solid block of dca encased in ice. I was in awe of seeing them encased and I suddenly wanted my own dca ice cubes to put into a drink and try not to choke on. ✨✨✨
@quilteddreamz Your writing. Oh my GOSH your writing! It's wonderful, beautiful, gah, I can't wait for your advent calender! I wish I could do something for it but I got 3 more weeks of large projects tapped to my back. I am sending much luck your way and know that I am excited to enjoy some daily dca! Don't break yourself over it too! I may adore the goobers but you're most adored first! Take care and keep being such a whimsical person! Muwah! ✨✨✨
@flowysgonemad You are also! Silly!!! You are so fun to see popping around my dash and your doodles just make me go :333 every time! I love your aus and you're a very kind/goofy person! I don't even remember how we became mutuals but garsh diggity dang it, it's awesome to see ya and anything you yap about!
There are MANY more mooties I want to appreciate and show off, but I fear I am currently omw to go to a large thanksgiving dinner and I'm expecting to be there for the rest of the day. SO! If you weren't listed, please know that I AM thinking of you! Have a wonderful time zone, and just know that my heart is so full knowing that you're all there! I can't believe there is that many of you to begin with that I can't fit you all within the time frame! (Would you believe me if I said coming up with all the right words to say here took me 2 1/2 hours?)
So! To all my beloved writers, artists, and sillies alike! From the bottom of my heart, really, thank you! For being here, even reading this, and appreciating the things I do as much as I appreciate you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️✨✨✨✨✨✨
39 notes · View notes
vibratingskull · 1 year ago
Hello hello! happy new year 🎊🎊🎊!!! I was just wondering if you could do a part two to the stranded fic you wrote for Thrawn (totally optional ofc ignore this if you want‼️‼️‼️) I think it would be interesting to see the aftermath of their relationship like are they rescued or not? If they're not do they just say fuck it let's start a family? If so do they eventually get discovered by the rebels/empire (sort of like the plot for Ahsoka ig???) And they're like yo look at me and my family haha fuck y'all I'm not going back to civil society I love my partner and our children! (If you can't tell I have been thinking about this situation for ages it's making me go crazy with the possibilities) Your fics feed my soul tbh I'd actually die for your writing I go feral when you update the JC series or just post something in general 💞💞💞 (idk how to end this lmao I barely request stuff LMAOOOO idk if I'm even doing it right 😭) (also feel free to make it as horny as you want you can literally make it the sexiest of smut or just make it completely cute and tooth rottingly sweet!!!!!) (Again ignore this if it's something you're not interested in or if it breaks a rule or something!!!!!!)
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw thank you love ❤️Happy new year to you too❤️Thank you for your support, my dear. I hope you will love this one too❤️
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Part 1
Tag : Non descriptive birth, cunni, P in V, creampie
You open your eyes, your face bathing in a ray of sun. It is already quite hot outside, but the hut retains the freshness of the night quite well. You rise in a seating position, on your mattress of hay and palm tree leaves in a sheet of linen. Next to you Thrawn’s spot is cold already, he must be awake for some time now. You wince as your baby hits your tummy.
“I’m sorry darling, you must be hungry.” You gently caress your swollen stomach. “I will find something for us to eat.”
You stand up on your feet, a little bit unbalanced by your pregnant stomach and head for the main place. You wave at your neighbors that go around their business, greeting you in return.
A month after escaping the cannibal village you crossed paths with another alien species, beings you can at best described as frog people with their globulous eyes and slimy greenish skin, but full of kindness and a strong community sense. They welcomed you in their village, feeded you and soothed your wounds, and contrary to the cannibal village Thrawn did not detect any ill intent or habits in their art. He analyzed that they were former peaceful wanderers of the universe that crashed on the planet like you did millennia ago. In fact, the village is right next to the destroyed carcass of the ship that brought them here, the survivor took everything useful from the ship and built a new community.
They now speak a bastardization of Basic, permitting you to communicate with them quite well, even if there are still some mishaps here and there. You came to discover the cannibals took them regularly for preys and they had the greatest difficulties at repelling them, their former peaceful ways led to a more armed culture but they are still not efficient soldiers. That’s when Thrawn intervened. He trained with their warriors to get used to their different weapons and tactics and convinced the chiefs to let him lead their warriors on the next attack. 
And he did.
For the first time in the millenia of conflict between the two species the frog people didn’t lose any lives or children to the cannibals. The party that followed that night was grandiose and flashy, the frog people warmly thanked Thrawn and offered you both to stay at the village.  
You accepted, given they weren’t murderous cannibals. Thrawn pondered the question longer, still focused on the possibility of finding a way to come back to the Empire.
There wasn’t.
The frog people spreaded all around the globe of that planet and established colonies on all the continents and kept a tight diplomatic bond between each colony. The chiefs proposed you remain in the village to relax for while they sent messages to the other colonies to ask them. You have been in the village for some weeks now but Thrawn decided he would go to meet the other colony and have the chance to ask for himself. And you would not let his politically incompetent ass go anywhere alone unless you wanted him to create chaos, so you decided to go with him. But the morning of your departure you started puking and couldn’t walk without feeling weak so Thrawn carried you bridal style to the healer of the tribe, deciding to postpone his travel until you knew what was going on.
And you didn’t have to wait long.
After examining your body and checking your hormonal balance with some reactives plants the healer determined that you were pregnant! You had a moment of silence, brain frozen, taking in the news and asked for other tests to be conducted immediately, she obliged, and ended up with the same results. Thrawn wasn’t in the hut, politely waiting outside while she examined your body.
You were at a loss of words. A multitude of contradicting emotions raging in your brain and heart.
You were pregnant? Chiss and humans are compatible?
How would Thrawn react? How should YOU react? It was one thing to share a night of passion with your enemy turned ally while you were stranded, carrying his child and heir was a complete other matter!The healer noticed your clear lack of enthusiasm and asked if you wanted to terminate the pregnancy now.
You had no words. Should you do it? Should you not? How would your comrades react at the sight of you bearing the child of the Grand Admiral Thrawn?
Should you even tell him? If you took the preparation she was handing you and terminated the pregnancy in its early stage, was it even worth informing Thrawn?
You decided that yes.
It was.
You called for him and he entered the hut, kneeling down next to you he gently put a strand of hair out of your face with his fingers in a reassuring gesture. You smiled at him gently and warned him to stay seated for the news. He turned to the healer, squinting his eyes in concentration and maybe some worry.
“Is it a dangerous illness?” He asked, “Is her life at risk?”
“Her life is at risk, but not by an illness. This is simply the circle of life.”
He tilted his head, clearly not understanding the healer's words. You took his hand and squeezed it, looking at him in the eyes.
“Thrawn…” You started, deadly serious, “I am pregnant.”
He fully turned to you in complete silence, his eyes barely rounding up in surprise, his control remaining total. Will you one day be able to surprise this man?
He remained mute for a full minute, eyes fixed in yours, before opening his mouth.
“Do you want this child?” Was his only question, his only worry.
“I… Do not know.” You confessed. “What if we find a way to go home?”
“I would not impose you to follow me in the Empire’s ranks.”
“Then could I deprive this child of their father? Could I tell them their parents are mortal enemies?”
“Maybe you could send them to me.” He proposed.
“And have them in the Imperial system? Out of the question! My child will not be an imperial pawn!” You exclaimed resolutely.
“I could send them to the Ascendancy.” He proposed again.
You pondered that possibility. You live a dangerous life made of battles and combats, constantly on the run. Thrawn has more stability, but you will not make your child and Imperial citizen, they will be free and nothing else. Sending them to the Ascendancy, to Thrawn original worlds however… might be their best chances. He talked to you about it for long hours, revealing to you his memories, maybe… Maybe this is the best you could offer that child.
Of course it would mean being separated from your own flesh and blood, but the life you would give them isn’t a life for a child.
“That’s a good idea.” You finally nod. “It would be a more stable environment for them.”
Thrawn squeezed your hand approvingly in response
“But do you even want this child?” You raise your head to him, “We never talked about it. We don’t even know what we are.”
Since that night you shared, you didn’t leave each other's side, living, sleeping, bathing together, just spending the days hand in hand. But you are not in a regular situation, is a relationship started in such extreme conditions as of a crash a stable basis for a healthy couple? Do the standard relationships apply to you? So far away from all laws and civilization do putting a label on your situation even make sense?
He looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
“You are the one carrying the embryo, you have the final word. But if you ask me : yes. I want that child.”
But you are still unsure. Are you ready to be a mom? Delivery in those conditions could be incredibly dangerous for you and the baby, what about infections, complications? The frog people kept some techniques and technology from when they still traveled the universe but a lot of machinery simply died for lack of energy source or repair pieces. Could you give birth away from the comfort and security offered by a hospital?
The healer took the powder and poured it in an envelope that she handed to Thrawn.
“Take the time to think about it.” She simply said, giving you a bay to eat to help with nausea.
You exited the little hut in silence, the envelope pressed against your chest. Thrawn circled your shoulders with his arm.
“We need to talk.” He said very seriously, “Let’s put you to bed, first.”
He guided you to your hut and helped you lay down, putting the traveling gear in one corner of the room.
“I am sorry.” You breathed, “I’m slowing you down.”
“No need for excuses. You are forgiven.” He responded by coming back to you, kneeling at your side.
He put his hand on your forehead to take your temperature very delicately.
“Are you comfortable?” 
You nod, the nausea slowly subsiding. He remains silent for a long moment, only caressing your forehead, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. But he is never lost, merely reorganizing his brain like a computer.
“What?” you asked with a little voice.
“Nothing.” He said.
“You are fixing me so intently.”
“I am simply thinking, I thought about what you said: “We don’t even know what we are”.”
You purse your lips. It’s true you said that.
You were content about what you had all this time but the prospect of a child put everything into perspective and demanded clarifications.
“I am not wrong. We never really discussed about us, just lived in the present moment.” you argue.
“You are right, it was not a criticism.” He tampers with his deep melodious voice, “Were you happy during those times?”
“Yes.” you confess.
“Me too.” he admits too, “Do you envision yourself pursuing this relationship seriously?”
“I… Is this what you want? We talked about keeping seeing each other and all that, but… Does being a couple make any sense here? Does going official have any weight in our situation?”
“To me it does.” He tilted his head, “I want to be with you. Live with you, build a family with you.”
“And when we get rescued?” You ask, “You didn’t renounce that possibility. What then? We go our merry way, tearing the family apart?”
“I am afraid we will be blocked here for some time.” He responded, “If we ever get rescued.”
You frowned.
“You think there is a risk we stay stranded here?”
“This is a possibility to keep in mind.” He ominously said
You sighed, suddenly exhausted. You closed your eyes, trying to clear your mind.
“Do not take the medicine, please.” You suddenly heard him murmuring so low you almost doubted you heard him.
You reopen your eyes to look at him interrogatively.
“I want this baby. I want to be a father. I want to live with you and see our children grow. Leave me a chance to prove to you I am worth it.” He said, looking into your gaze with sparkly eyes.
His tone was assured and affirmative but you saw so much hope in those red eyes, all the dreams he had to leave behind when he became a Grand Admiral, he could live them here. He could restart anew, fresh,  become the man he dreamed to be deep inside himself.
You raised in a seating position with a grumble.
“I do not doubt your worth, nor your capacities to be a father, but… There is so much uncertainty, so much fog… I cannot take that decision carelessly.”
“I understand your doubts and difficult position. And whatever you do, I will respect your choice. But, if I may tell you my opinion, again, please do not take the medicine. I will be here for you and the child, I want us to live all together. As a family”
“I will think about it…” You clench your fist around the envelope.
“Of course, Cha’cah.” He leaned forward to capture your lips in an infinitely soft kiss that you would have never believed him capable of, “The final choice is yours only.”
He caressed your cheek, kissed your forehead and left you alone to nap and gather energy.
You didn’t sleep, a headache threatened you all day long. And as usual, when night came you felt his arms wrapping around your form, tighter this night. You were pressed against his broad chest, his warm body, shielding you from the rest of the world.
You never took the medicine.
You pondered it during long weeks before one day standing still in front of Thrawn and handing him the envelope.
“Get rid of it.” you simply said.
He looked at the envelope, squinting, before grasping your arm and pulling you in a tight hug.
“Thank you.” He murmured, nose buried in your hair.
And that is how you ended up giving birth to your daughter. A healthy little girl in a rush to come into the world.
You woke up in the middle of the night like someone stabbed your womb before realizing your waters broke. Thrawn, awakened in a flash, helped you to the healer and she woke up all the women of the village, all came in the middle of the night to help. A birth is a matter of the entire community here.
They helped you to get rid of your tight clothes and enter a bath, trying to help you relax and relieve any tension. Thrawn was pushed outside the hut unceremoniously at first, “it is a women’s affair only.” They said to him, you don’t know what he responded but he was finally authorized to stay after a back and forth. He came to your side and took your hand, circling your shaking shoulders with his long arm.
“You got this, Cha’cah. I know you can do it.” He praised and supported you.
He talked to you during the whole process, taking your mind off the pain, kissing your temple, squeezing your hand.
Until finally, you heard her first scream.
She was as blue as him, with the same red eyes, but she inherited your hair. You immediately took her in your arms, still shaking and full of sweat but so relieved and happy.
Your little baby.
Your daughter.
Thrawn cut the umbilical cord with the fang dagger he gave you and came to your side to admire his daughter, delicately caressing her head still full of blood.
“She looks like you.” You say out of breath and the heart spilling love.
“Indeed. But she has your features. She will be as beautiful as you.”
He hugged you both like you could vanish at any second.
“Welcome to the world, little one. I love you so much.” He murmured, taking her in his large hands.
“What should we call her?” You ask. “We should pick a Chiss name.”
He looked at you with a hint of surprise and gratitude.
“What do you think of… Thaishi?” He proposed with a thin smile, eyes fixated on the baby.
“Taishi… Little Thaishi.” You make the name roll on your tongue, “I like it a lot.”
“Welcome Thaishi. My daughter.” He let out still incredulous, but the love and warmth was unmistakable in his voice. He immediately initiated skin-to-skin contact, trying to appease your daughter’s cries before the healer took her to examine her.
It was four years ago.
Thaishi speaks and sprints everywhere now, she is unstoppable, making you run after her all day long under Thrawn’s amused loving gaze. 
She is already at the buffet this morning when you arrive at the center of the village. The frog people cook for the community and not for individuals, hunt together, fish together, gather together and they eat all together. But today is not your day to cook so you slept late.
You caress Thaishi’s head who doesn’t even take the time to sit with others to eat, she just picks what she wants and eats it immediately. She looks up to you with her mouth full, making her look like a hamster.
“Go sit with the kids, little terror.” You kiss her forehead.
She picks up three other fruits and runs to the kiddos and sits with them.
“(Y/n), we could have brought the food to your hut!” The lady in charge of the cooks today chastises you.
“No, it’s better if I come to eat with everyone.” You respond with an appeasing smile, “Did you see Thrawn this morning?”
“He was out hunting with the youngs early, they should… Ah! Talk about the wolf!”
You spin on yourself, your plate in hand, to see the hunters entering the village with their games. Thrawn stands out with his deep blue skin against their green ones, you notice him immediately. Everyone comes to them to inspect the meat and congratulate the hunters.
“How is my wife this morning?” Thrawn asks, pulling you in his arms immediately.
You giggle as he presses you against his large body, your pregnant belly in the way. He leans forward to kiss you tenderly and then kneels to caresses your belly with enamored red eyes.
You feel your baby giving a kick against his palm.
“They are full of energy.” He notes satisfied.
“Thaishi is too! I have trouble containing her sometimes.”
“Thaishi, listen to your mother.” Thrawn takes his daughter's shoulder in his hand, “It is important to obey adults, young one. We do it for your protection.”
“But I can’t help it, I want to run and jump everywhere!” She responds with her mouth full.
“Young lady, your table manners are lacking. We need to correct them.” He boops her nose.
She gulps her bite down and smiles at him with all her teeth.
“Go play, we will study Cheuhn later.” He smoothes her hair and pushes her gently towards the kids.
You both look at her running again to her comrades, the only blue skin and red eyes in the green and globulous eyes. 
You sigh, the heart so full of love it could explode any minute now, when you feel Thrawn arms circling your shoulders.
“She’s four already.” You let out.
“Yes. She is growing quickly.”
“I feel like I gave birth to her yesterday and now look at her… Running all over without losing her balance. Maker… Tomorrow she will be a fully grown adult.”
“She will not, do not worry. She will remain our little lady whatever happens.”
You glance at him with a little grin.
“Are you becoming sentimental, Thrawn? What’s happening to my tough warrior?”
He chuckles lowly in response, amused.
“I have always been sentimental since she was a baby. Do not tell me you never noticed?”
“Oh I did notice! It was quite endearing to see you melt before her by the way! Seeing your facade cracking before your own baby…” You lay your head on his shoulder, caressing his cheek. “You have a good heart, Thrawn.”
“When it comes to you three, I always do.” He puts a hand on your tummy “What did the healer say yesterday?”
“They are growing quickly and well. I gained plenty of weight, my hormones are balanced and she didn’t notice anything wrong.”
“Yes, but she doesn’t have the correct equipment, so much could escape her.” He argues, suddenly frowning.
“Thrawn… Women have been giving birth here in those conditions for a millenia! So much they spread all over the continents, their death rate is really low. She knows her stuff.” You comfort him, holding his cheeks in your hands.
He slowly nod.
“You are right, as always.”
“I already gave birth, I can do it. I know I can.” You insist.
He kisses your palms delicately.
“I trust you, Cha’cah.”
“Good.” You raise on tiptoes to brush your nose with his. “Did you eat this morning?”
“I did, right before the hunt.” He squeezes your hand, “I will be on the ship if you need me.” 
He kisses your forehead and grabs and carries Thaishi on his shoulders making her scream laughing among the children. 
You go back with the others, sitting on your ankles, observing your husband and daughter as you eat your fruits. Your minds start wandering back to the night you wed Thrawn, you remember being in his arms, heavily pregnant with Thaishi, laying on your mattress. He was caressing your hair as your cheek was pressed against his chest, listening to his beating heart.
“We should get married.” He suddenly said in the dark of the night.
“Why?” you asked, yawning.
“We have a baby on the way. We should do it for them.”
“For them? Not because you’re so in love with me you could feel your heart explode?” You tease him with a light laugh.
“Do you doubt my love?”
“No Thrawn, I was simply joking. I do not doubt you.” You brush your cheek on the skin of his pec to reassure him.
Something you picked up on is Thrawn's low self esteem, or rather poor view of his own person. You realized it listening to him talk about his time in the Ascendancy, he measures his self worth though his capacity to serve and obey his people, completely ignoring his innate value as an individual being. He thinks of himself as a tool, a cog, in the great scheme of things. Just a usable asset to throw away once he has served his purpose. And maybe the most terrifying thing in this situation is that he was contented by this. To him he isn’t deserving of respect and love if he fails his duties. It is a completely normal situation to him, something he has internalized and never questioned.
So he didn’t understood you throwing yourself at him to hug him tight and reassuring him that you loved him. He stayed still, like frozen, listening to you declaring your love to him so suddenly he had nothing to say, maybe a bit shocked.
From this day on you took care to tell him everyday that you loved him, hugging and kissing him, showering him with your love, proving to him that whatever flaws he had or whatever failures he may have committed, he was worthy of unconditional love.
“I love you, (y/n). It is a fact that I cannot deny. When I realize you are in my presence, my heart tightens. When you speak, my heart seems to jump. When you are in my arms, it races. I daresay those symptoms point to love.”
“I know, my love.” You grazed your finger on his chest, “I love you all the same. I am truly at ease and relieved when you are at my side. I worry when I do not feel your presence.”
He took your hand to kiss your knuckles.
“I will not leave you. I am whole and appeased only with you.” 
You raised your head to kiss his jaw tenderly.
“I want to tie my legacy to yours, be a family.” He continues. 
You looked intently at his laying form silently.
“Because you miss yours?”
He remained silent and his gaze fixed on the ceiling seemed to harden.
“There is no need to hide it, love. It is natural to long for the presence of your family, whoever you are. It means you have a heart and a home to go back to.”
“I have a duty towards them. I will not go back to them until it is done.” He finally said with a hard tone.
It wasn’t directed against you, you knew it, it was simply a testimony of his resolution.
“So you truly want it?” You questioned gently.
“It would fill my heart with bliss if you bestowed yourself to me.” He confessed with a tone of  confidence, caressing your cheek.
“If you promise to love me for all eternity, I accept to be yours.” You said.
He kissed your knuckles again before putting your hand on his beating heart.
“For all eternity, Cha’cah. You have my word.”
You lowered yourself and kissed his lips gently, he responded lasciviously, deepening the kiss.
He stood up, helped you rise on your feet and you sneaked away in the night to the Chiefs hut like children who would have stolen a cookie jar. The chiefs performed the ceremony according to their traditions and you were married to Thrawn.
To your Grand Admiral.
And him to his Rebel.
You shared the decisive kiss with the chiefs benedictions and felt your heart tightening with love. He kissed your forehead tenderly while caressing your cheek and you hugged him tight.
Now, with you pregnant, your destinies were intertwined forever.
And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
You never told the rest of the community, they didn’t need to know. You were together and that is all that mattered.
But there was one dark stain on the canvas.
You made peace with the fact that you wouldn’t get rescued by now. That is also why you carried the pregnancy to term and accepted his hand in marriage. Because deep down you felt you would never get out of this isolated planet.
But Thrawn didn’t.
Thrawn keeps fighting everyday to go home. 
And you’re not sure how to feel about that.
Was it his loyalty to the Empire or his relentless devotion to the Ascendancy that pushed him so much? He refused to answer.
But coming back signifies saying goodbye. And that’s tearing your heart apart. When you realized he was tempering with the ship communication device to send messages to the Empire you badly reacted, you had your first real fight. He refused to stay arms dangling when his duties called for him and you refused to help go back to his murderous Empire.
In the end you remained a rebel and a Grand Admiral.
And it created the first cracks in your marriage.
A chance Thaishi was still a baby and couldn’t understand why her parents were arguing, but she did pick up on the bad vibes and your cracked voice and started crying. Before Thrawn could pick her up to console her, you took her, shouting he better get used to not seeing his family if he wanted to go back to the Empire so badly and ran off to the hut of friends and remained here for a full week.
You regretted those words. So badly. He never once raised his voice against you, remaining calm, but also so cold, so calculating, his determined gaze terrified you so you preferred to flee with your daughter.
He came to your friends’ hut everyday to see his child and everyday you refused, hugging her against your heart. You were so mad, so terrified, so… So betrayed! How could he dare do that to your family?
When you accepted to receive him, he sat down in front of you in silence, just observing his baby in your arms with a loving gaze.
But he was actively trying to tear his family apart and you couldn’t forgive him just yet.
“How is she?” he asked
“Can I hold her?”
“No.” you placidly answered
He simply took a deep breath in response before opening his mouth again.
“We should talk.”
“Indeed we should. You have a lot of explaining to do.” You frowned.
“I had good reasons to try to go back to the Empire.”
“Yes, evidently you are still very much attached to this tyranny.”
“You do not understand. I didn’t tell you everything.”
You raise an eyebrow, what could he say to save his image now?
“If I am so attached to this tyranny, as you call it, it is to save my worlds.”
And he explained everything to you, all the secrets he kept hidden all this time, secrets nobody’s outside of him and a certain Ba’kif knew about. The true reasons of his mission and allegiance to the Empire, anything he didn’t tell you before.
You just listen silently, eyes round and mouth agape.
“... You may hate me now, but I will demand to keep seeing my daughter. This is all I ask for.”
“I…” You just manage to say, lost “I am sorry, Thrawn.”
He remained silent, sounding you with his inquisitive red gaze, awaiting your reaction once you gathered your thoughts.
“I shouldn’t have reacted like that.” You concede, “But I couldn’t turn a blind eye either…” You try to show him where you come from.
But he is determined.
“I know. But my success depends on the success of the Empire.”
“The success of the Empire implies the subjugation of all races and slavery.”
“Not when I will have taken control of it. This is a necessary evil for now.”
“This is horrible… How can you say that?” You said, pained.
“This is war, casualties are inevitable. ” He insisted, “But when I will lead it, everything will end. You need to trust me.”
You lower your gaze to observe your daughter’s face. She is peacefully sleeping in your arms, soothed by both of your voices. She is as blue as him, with the same red eyes…
You already tied yourself to him, for better and for worse…
You sigh, closing your eyes. You hear him getting closer and circling your shoulders with his arm.
“I need you to trust me, cheo Cha’cah. I do it for the greater good.” He murmurs soothingly.
You purse your lips.
“I will not hinder you, but do not expect me to help you in any way!” You annonce with tenacity.
“Alright.” He gently kisses your shoulder, “Are you still mad?”
“Yes! A lot! But… I understand better now.” You say giving him a side glance.
He looks deep into your eyes, squeezing your shoulders against his body.
“I love you…” He confesses like a secret.
“Me too…” You reassure him. “But I will need time.”
“Will you let me hold our daughter?”
You gently give him your baby and she opens her eyes to meet his. He presses her delicately against his chest, a skin-to-skin hug so important for babies. She grabs one of his fingers in her little fist and starts babbling, smiling at her father.
“Hello you.” He gently says, “I missed you.”
You purse your lips, feeling like a heartless monster for depriving him of his child, and her, her father.
He slept with Thaishi in his arms that night and you pressed yourself against him, looking at your baby, cheek pressed on the chest of her father, sleeping soundly, at peace.
And you cried, knowing that this could come to an end one day.
You’re being brutally called back to reality when Thaishi sprinted into your laps to smash into you.
“Leys proposed to me to spend the day with her!” She exclaims joyfully as you try to catch your breath after that hit.
You turn towards Ley’s mother, slowly nodding.
“You need some peace and quiet at that point in your pregnancy, (Y/n). Relax for the day, we will take care of the kids.”
You turn back to Thaishi, eyes full of hope.
“Alright, but you must promise to behave well when you are with them! And don’t forget your Cheuhn lesson with your father.”
“Yes, mom!” She already sprints back to her friends group, barely listening to you.
She only listens to her father. You sigh, shaking your head.
You yawn and decide to use this newfound liberty to take a nap, even if you just woken up. You were soundly sleeping for some hours now, back at your hut, when you felt a warm body pressing itself against your back and strong, large hands caressing your pregnant belly.
“Welcome back, sir…” You yawn.
Thrawn kisses your shoulders, pressing you tighter against his large body.
“How are you feeling?” He whispers.
“Heavy!” You burst out laughing “And fat! This belly gets in the way of everything, it’s impressive.”
“You are beautiful like that.” He insists, “I found you more and more hypnotizing as your pregnancy advances” He keeps caressing your tummy tenderly.
“Are you sure you are the most objective person in this situation?” You argue back with a side grin.
“I need not to be objective, I only need my eyes to witness your bewitching beauty. And I can confidently say you are the most beautiful of all.”
“Even when my body is limp and bloated like that?”
“Especially like that. You being pregnant is a real… Temptation.” He breathes lowly in your ear, “I have all the pain in the world to maintain my control.”
“You? Struggling to keep your control in check? I do not believe you sir.” You laugh.
“And yet, such is the effect you have on me.” He starts kissing your neck, slowly going up. “You mesmerize me in every possible way.” He licks your ear with the tip of his tongue.
“You are really touchy today.” You squirm in his embrace, brushing your soft body against his muscles.
“I have been struck by a real vision.” 
“Well thank you sir, I take care of myself!” You joke. “You are quite handsome yourself!”
Your hair has grown too by the time and he buries his nose in it to inhale your scent.
“I want to eat you up.” He says with a growl.
“Aren’t I delectable?” You keep joking.
“You are. Exactly to my taste, but you misunderstood me.” He leans again, blowing on the shell of your ear, sending shivers down your spine, “I want to eat you out until you are a shaking mess in my hands, until you can not remember your own name.” He gives another quick lick to your ear.
His deep voice has such an effect on you, you can’t help but shudder in response, much to his satisfaction. Thrawn proved himself physically affectionate, not shy to express his love physically in public or in private… Especially in private! And even though Thaishi’s birth didn’t stop your sex life, it is true it slowed it down a bit. Your last sexual relationship was some months ago and the new pregnancy didn’t help, even though… Thrawn looks at you differently when you’re pregnant.
You're convinced it teases something deeply buried in his psyche and entrails, it excites him, always looking at you wherever you are, always holding you in his arms in some ways, keeping you to himself…
You remember your first pregnancy, he had his hands all over you all day long, drinking between your legs for long hours, getting more and more unhinged as your tummy started to get bigger and bigger. 
Maybe it is one of his kinks… You have the occasion to verify it today…
You turn to face him with a cheeky grin.
“So you like me pregnant.” You state. 
“It is a wonder of nature.”
“Is that it?” You innocently pull on your shirt to reveal your belly to his eyes.
The light growl emanating from him was unmistakable. His gleaming eyes seem to shine brighter and you think you see him gulp.
“Just a wonder of nature?” You insist, blinking your eyes naively.
“I wonder what kind of reaction you expect of me, flashing your pregnant belly to me.”
“I don’t know… Maybe I am simply curious?”
He raises an eyebrow in response, not buying your innocent act.
“Curious?” He repeats cautiously.
“Curious about the fantasy of my man… What titillates him, what excites him, what drives him absolutely…” You keep your act, drawing sweet circles with your nail on your heavy tummy. “... Crazy.”
He takes a deep breath, eyes locked on your round belly, clearly interested in what you have to offer. His growl takes a dive in the deeper tone, squinting his eyes, trying to maintain his cool in front of your insolent temptation allurement.
He remains very set back in his fantasies, never truly revealing his true taste, preferring to oblige yours instead so you have only an unfinished portrait of his kinks.
But this…
This caught his attention well and you intend to play a bit with it.
“I feel like I have your full attention.” you smile cheekily.
“You do.” he says, cautious of your little game, but so tempted.
“My belly is so soft and warm, if only you could feel it like I do.” You tease mercilessly. “Do you like me pregnant with your child?”
“Yes. A lot.” His voice is no more than a growl now.
He extends his hand to caress your tummy and you slap it immediately. He groans, displeases, and frowns in response.
“No touch. You can only admire.”
“You have no mercy.” He mediates, “Will you really deny me?”
“Maybe. After all, physical exhaustion is really bad for me, I don’t know if letting you do what you want is good for the baby.” You clap back without pity for him.
“I do believe what I have in mind is really good for both of you.” He insinuates lowly.
“You have no proof of what you say.”
“Really? We can go ask the healer right now and we will know where we stand.” He responds without missing a bit, absolutely serious.
You observe him haughtily, like you’re not believing him and don’t intend to give up. He presses himself tighter to you. You wonder how it would get if you pushed him to his limits… 
He has always been soft and tender to you, but you’re curious. How is he when he is mad? When you push his dominant tendencies? 
You refrain from smiling like a deviant.
“Let me show you what I mean, and you will judge for yourself.” He proposes.
“I do not know if I will let you, mister. I am not convinced.” You put your hand on his mouth to push him back with a grin.
He licks your palm to get rid of your hand with a dark gaze.
“Do not play with me.” He warns.
“Or what? What will you do to your heavily pregnant wife?” You tease.
He flinches imperceptibly at the mention of your pregnancy, growling deeply like an annoyed animal.
“You couldn’t hurt a fly. I am not afraid in the slightest, mister.”
He looks at you intently and suddenly his Intense gaze melts into sparkling eyes and he lets out a sneer.
“You will not gain what you want by playing with my ego, Cha’cah.”
Oh Makers damn it!
“Come on!” You insist, pressing yourself more against him, “Humor me!”
“No.” He chuckles, amused like he would with a child, “You will not win that fight.”
“Pffffff… You’re no fun.” You purse your lips, sulking.
“On the contrary, I can be a lot of fun.” He embraces you tightly, “You just need to find the right levers.”
“I had one! You clearly were hanging onto every word when I showed you my belly!” You contest.
“Indeed. And you would have won if you kept playing with this strategy, but you made the tactical error of changing the point of pressure.”
You grumble, frustrated. You were really curious, how is sex with him when he’s mean and overly dominant?
“Do not frown, cheo cha’cah. You need not to play the temptress to seduce me, your innate charms work wonders.” He tries to soothe you.
“I wanted to see how it would go if you were mean and harsh.” You pout.
“Being mean and harsh to you is not appealing to me. I would rather honor you than demeaning you in any way.” He kisses your forehead.
You’re still deadly curious.
“I will find a way, one day.” You promise, seething.
“Do not sulk, my love.” He smiles, entertained, “Let me take care of you, it will ease the tension between your eyebrows, my darling.” He continues, lowering himself to kiss your clavicle and going more south.
He kisses your tummy reverently, leaving sweet kisses all over it while caressing it. You feel the baby giving him a kick and he responds with a final, loving peck.
“They too are quite energetic.” He notes, satisfied, “You keep giving me healthy and strong children. Thank you.”
He then reports his attention to your skirt that he slides down your hips and legs with ease. Still pouting, you close your legs shut to deny him, he chuckles again, sliding his hands between the flesh of your thighs and successfully opening them for him.
“Come on now, there is no need to be difficult, sweet thing. I know you love it when I go down on you.” 
It’s true.
With him being so good at it, you can only love it in return. But he doesn’t want to entertain your fancy so you won’t entertain his. You cross your arms over your chest with a grumble.
“You are unbelievable, cheo Cha’cah. You act like a spoiled child.” You hear his smug smile in his voice, hidden behind your stomach. “But I know how to make you react, I know everything about you.”
You feel the cold air on your pussy as he slides your panties on the side, he blows on your clit playfully, sending a shiver down your spine again but you refrain from the whine that threatens to pass your lips.
“I will have you sing soon enough, my love.” He says with his usual confidence.
He takes a sloppy lick at your pussy and you greet your teeth together. 
Do not make a sound! Do not make a sound! Do not make a sound!
Unimpressed by your headstrong attitude, he keeps licking your pussy lips lazily, like a tired, lascivious king, moaning his own pleasure for you.
He also knows that you absolutely love hearing him moan and groan, vocalizing his pleasure out loud, it goes straight to your empty pussy that starts to signify to you that it is scandalously empty.
He laps at your cunny slowly with the flat of his tongue, trailing your slit with his tip and sucking your nervous clit. You bite your lips and dig your nails into the flesh of your arms to maintain control over yourself.
“Your pussy is more honest than you are.” He notes, “It gets wetter to my touch while you childishly refuse to indulge.”
Oh, he’s one to talk about indulgence, mister frugal lifestyle!
“You do not! I am a dry ice cube! In fact I’m starting to get bored!” You manage to let out in a hurry before any tremors come to shake your voice.
Again he simply chuckles at you.
“You will break, my love.” He simply announces, kissing your sweet pussy between each word. “That is an absolute certainty.”
You’ll show him you can maintain control over your own person. You will not break!
But he is right on one point, your pussy does get wetter by the seconds, at you great damn.
You keep your jaws closed shut, froward. He resumes laving at your soft pussy that gets softer and softer as your blood travels south. You feel him spread your pussylips with his fingers to lick your hidden, tender flesh.
You feel your abdominals contracting at his sweet touch, and it didn’t escape him.
“Oh? Are those the first shivers of your undeniable pleasure?” He teases.
“I’m just cold.” You bite back
“Not for long, sweet thing. I will make sure of it.”
As he keeps licking your now dripping pussy you start hearing his purr resonating in the hut. He enjoys himself very much. He loves eating you out as much as you do, if not more. You suddenly feel his tongue entering your wet cavern and start tonguefucking you.
A single moan escapes you before you press your hand on your mouth. His purr drops down to deeper tones, sending shivers through your puffy, wet, walls, raising your hardly refutable pleasure…
“My little bird does not wish to sing for me? It is alright, I will have you crying, Cha’cah.”
And he starts fucking you harshly in retaliation, his tongue waving and grazing your G spot with such ease it is almost comical. His hand comes to flicker and press your clit, puffy with blood. He makes it roll between his fingers, titillates it consciously as he drinks your slick as he would drink water.
Maker those debauched sounds…
How the wet sounds of your little pussy and his grunts sound to your ears… This is highly depraved and debaucherous.
So exciting… Argh! Get a grip of yourself! Do not let him win!
He is… motivated, to say the least. He must have taken your vow of silence as a personnel challenge because he seems determined to have you cum hard and rapidly. He is eating you out with energy and a will you only encountered when you fought him in battle.
Despite your closed mouth, your uncontrollable whimpers can be heard well in this little room and it is the sweetest melody to his ears, only encouraging him to double his efforts. He eats you out enthusiastically, nastily, roughly, abusing your tender flesh with his swollen lips. He continues moaning without any shame, letting you know that he has no qualms enjoying himself to the fullest while you hold on to a childish pride.
Your dripping pussy convulses around his wet, flexible limb as he brushes your gummy spot with his tip expertly, making your pleasure rise more and more until it comes crashing down upon you. Your little cunny clenches painfully around his tongue and you come against his mouth and against your will.
“What a remarkably honest body you have, cheo Cha’cah. Letting me know everything I need to know without a fuss. Guiding me through your true desires so eagerly.”
“You’re full of yourself!” you spit out.
He gently kisses your thighs, licking you soft, plump flesh with a deep moan.
 “Abandon your immature act and just enjoy yourself. Why deny yourself like that, little rebel?” He asks curiously
You do not respond like a mutineer.
“Sometimes I do not understand you.” He sighs.
He kisses your pussy reverently, like he gallantly kisses your hand before rising up to free his erection of his constrictive pants. You look away, stubborn, refusing to look at the member that used to give you so many orgasms before.
“You looking away will not impede the inevitable.”
You feel him coat his shaft with your essence, brushing his cock between your slit back and forth, soaking it with your slick. It brushes against your erected, nervous clit and you have to fight another mewl rising in your throat.
“Your body gives me so much pleasure, I am thankful to you, my love.” He lets you know with a tone of secrets, “We should indulge more, sharing such intimate moments is so important to build a healthy relationship. I know our sex life slowed down since we became parents, but I still look at you as a woman first, not only a mother, with all the desires and craving it implies.” He continues.
He’s trying to win you over! To make you lower your defenses! You’ll not surrender for some sugary words, you have more will than that! He sighs lasciviously and unfastens his long hair, letting them frame his handsome face and draping his large shoulders. You gasp at this gorgeous sight.
“I know you think I am trying to sweeten you. I am simply telling my truth.” He brushes his noses in the crook of your neck, caressing your full tummy so tenderly. “Even if you obstinate yourself to deny yourself pleasure for an infantile vagaries, it will not prevent me from doing my best to satisfy you as it is my duty, cheo Cha’cah.” He informs you as a sentence.
You close your eyes shut as he pushes himself inside you, his size making it difficult for your little pussy. You press your lips in a thin line as he splits you in two with his massive member.
“I missed how your little pussy strangles me.” He gasps, deeply satisfied.
He keeps pushing further, pushing your inner flesh apart until you feel his tip brushing your cervix deep, deep inside your most secret place. 
You gulp, bracing yourself for what is to come.
“You are so tense, my love. You should relax.” He says tenderly, “There is no need to make the experience uncomfortable for you.”
“I am 8 months pregnant, I do not simply "relax "." You mock.
“A deep and warm orgasm should help you get more comfortable, my sweet. You can count on me.” He keeps offering you sweet words.
He starts moving, with shallow thrusts, taking it easy on your sore body. You breathe deeply through your nose, trying not to focus on the delicious sensations his ridges give you, how wonderfully full you feel with him inside, how right it feels to have your husband like that. A strangled yelp escapes you as he resumes teasing your clit with his hand as he thrusts into you.
“Give me your hand.” He orders softly.
You feel him trail your arm until he reaches your hand and intertwines your fingers together.
He deepens his thrusts, going deeper, slipping out almost entirely leaving just the tip inside and pushes it back in languorously, undulating his hips against yours.
You try so hard to fight back the waves of pleasure, tensing up your muscles under his inquisitive gaze, but he gives you so much, it is so hard to shield yourself completely when he puts so much energy and love in each of his thrusts, forcing you to endure the delight he offers. You feel tears building up behind your eyes.
You hiss as he rocks his hips with a quicker pace, sliding in and out easily thanks to your first orgasm, the waves of pleasure poisoning your veins and nerves ending.
“You are so reactive for someone who refuses pleasure.” He placidly notes, “You can try and hide as much as you want, you cannot lie to me, my love. I know you too well. Your body is an open book to me. Denying it is… useless.” He says, modulating his deep, melodious voice as he knows you prefer.
You shake your head vehemently.
“I experienced your body for years, sweet thing. I know it as well as mine. I studied it carefully, each and every single one of your reactions. I know how to please it, I know how to bring it to the verge of an earth shattering orgasm.”
He is so confident in his capacities to please you, you’ll give him that. He keeps rubbing your clit and you try to escape his sweet touch but he grasps your hips and impales you back on his cock, burying it to the hilt. You whine.
“You will not escape it.” It is as much a promise as it is a threat.
He accelerates his pace again, bullying himself into you without any mercy. Your cunny desperately tries to accommodate his size, clenching pathetically around his girthy shaft.
“Those are the reactions I like.” He says smugly. “Kiss me, cheo Cha’cah.”
He lowers himself to reach your lips but you turn your head away.
“Are you so cold hearted to deny me your lips?”
You grumble and swiftly kiss his cheek.
“Satisfied?” you bare your teeth.
“Thank you. But I hoped for more.”
You purse your lips but let him kiss you, you feel him purring against your mouth. You open your mouth and he enters it with his tongue to dance with yours. He squeezes your hand with his as he deepens the kiss, looming over your body. You growl in the kiss but feel his lips draw in a smile.
So you bite his lips in retaliation.
He licks the little bead of blood away, looking at you with a pleased expression.
“I love when you defy me.” He says lowly, keeping his hard pace, “I love it even more when it is clear you will lose.”
“I am losing nothing!”
“I have the clear memory of making you cum two minutes ago. And you will suffer another defeat in less than three. How does it feel, little rebel? Knowing your greatest efforts go to waste against a superior will.”
“Imperial dog!” You spit.
“Keep that energy up, my love.” He kisses your cheek.
He accentuates his hips action, making you squeal uncontrollably.
“Ca-Careful the baby!” You warn indignant.
“The baby is fine.” He replies with a mocking tone, “In fact, they can sense how good their mother feels. I reckon they must enjoy themself thoroughly with you squirming so desperately under my touch.”
“I… Fuck you!”
He snickers and raises on his knees, forcing your hips up in the air. He digs his fingers in the flesh of your plump hips to keep you in place, doing so he removed all control you had over the action. Now you are truly a victim of his will.
“Such foul language. I better understand Thaishi’s manners.”
He slows down the pace to give a circling motion of his hips to vary the sensations, making sure his girth rubs every sensitive spot in your vagina. You tremble terribly in his hands, like struck by lightning. You bite down your lips terribly to not moan.
To no avail…
“Ah yes, the sweet moans of my muse. It only motivates me to work harder for you.”
He plundges his cock deep, scratching every itch, making you sing against your will. You feel tears rolling on your flushed lips as you try to catch up your breath under such physical exercises.
He leans forward to lick your tears away, the salt tingling on his darted tongue deliciously.
“You are beautiful, my sweet. Crying your pleasure out loud like that.”
Embarrassed, you hide your eyes with one arm, only for him to grip it immediately to take it off.
“No, Cha’cah. You do not get to hide from me.”
“Pl-please finish soon…” You beg.
You have enough of this trial and humiliation, you’re too tired to get this beating. Something snapped in your stomach, begging for him to reach his climax and yours with it.
“Finishing this early? But I feel plenty full of ardor today, I had in mind to keep going for one or two hours more. Just to be sure you orgasmed correctly, I would hate to have you unsatisfied, my love, your enjoyment is my priority.”
You tremble, shaken by spasms, convulsing in pleasure, stiffness reaching all of your limbs as the waves of pleasure incapacitate you as they spread in your veins. You feel your little pussy gaping around his shaft desperately trying to keep him in.
“Okay… You won, I surrender. Please, finish soon..” You say panting, gasping for air at each of his powerful thrust.
“My, my, you are giving up so easily, my dear. But your wish is my command.”
He adjusts his position, and installs a break-necking pace. You’re being pushed against the mattress without mercy and you bite your tongue in the confusion. You cannot help the squeals escaping your pretty mouth while he moans in tandem with your plaints.
Your pussy clenches hard as you come, trying to retain him inside, strangling him just like he loves sending him over the edge. He slows down his pace and comes undone inside.
You’re shaking, crying, getting back from your high as he puts his forehead against yours, caressing your cheek.
“Cha’cah?” He calls in a whisper, “Are you alright?”
You nod, your visage hidden in your hands, catching your breath. He kisses your hands before taking them off your face and pecks your cheek and nose.
“Breath deep, cheo Cha’cah. Easy.”
He holds you tight, cradling your body tenderly.
“There… Breath. Everything is alright.”
You gasp, wiping your tears away.
“Oh Maker…” You whimper.
He brushes his nose with yours, his long hair framing his gorgeous face. 
“Everything is fine, you are with me, my love.” He keeps soothing you. 
A sigh mixed with a gasp escapes you as you feel your heart calming down in your chest. Thrawn keeps kissing your face tenderly, holding your cheek in his warm palm. He slips out of you, leaving you intolerably empty and slides to the side where he takes you in his arms to hold you close. You bury your face in his neck and breathe in his musk to calm down, his hand comes caressing your hair gently, appeasingly. 
“I love you.” He murmurs. 
“I love you too… “ You respond, exhausted. 
“We should bathe.”
“I'm too tired… “ You complain, nudging against him 
“Come on, ch'eo vir. Let me help.”
He rises with 8 months pregnant you in his arms and heads towards the river where he bathes you both conscientiously, laying you against his naked chest, surrounded by fresh water. You doze off, too relaxed to keep your eyes open. 
You were playing with Thaishi when you heard a familiar sound resonate through the air like a loud bang. Immediately, the sky darkens, the sun disappears and a weird silence takes place in the village, everyone looking up.
You raise your head, gulping, and Thaishi points to the large object in the sky. 
“Mum, what's that?” she asks, as fascinated as she appears terrified.
Massive and large,  the ISD floats over the village like a dark presage, brining death and fire with it.
“This is…” You start, feeling panic rising, “This is…”
The two headed serpent leave no doubt who’s ISD it is.
They’re here for Thrawn!
You pick up Thaishi in your arms precipitaly, making her yelp in surprise and run to your hut, hugging her tight. When you arrive you see Thrawn passing the doorframe in his white uniform, hair cut and black boot unsoiled. 
You almost hit him with your speed, but you stop just in time.
“I know, Cha’cah. Do not worry.”
“But… Where does this uniform come from? Why are they here? Why-”
“I managed to contact them.” He drops the bomb.
You look at him completely dumbfounded, at loss for words.
“What? But… How could you…”
He put his hands on your shoulders to ground you.
“Cha’cah, we are going home.”
You feel like the ground just opened under your feet and would swallow you whole. Your legs give up under you, in shock, but Thrawn catches you and Thaishi expertly.
“(Y/n)! Are you alright?”
“Mom?” Your daughter calls for you in the hands of her father, afraid.
You close your eyes.
You cannot believe it.
The day you feared the most came. You will be separated, torn apart, never to see each other again.
Some villagers came to you when you fell, Thrawn let you in their care, kissing your forehead and heading towards the Chief huts.
When you reopen your eyes, you are in the healer’s hut. You discard the wet fabric she placed on your forehead and go outside.
The ISD is here.
Ominous and threatening.
You reel for some steps before straightening yourself. Here you find Thrawn holding Thaishi, the Chiefs and a woman in an imperial uniform.
Where did he hide this perfectly neat uniform? During all those years he hid it from you, well tidied in a box, awaiting its hour. You suddenly feel a spick of ire in your vein at the sight of that clean white.
Thrawn turns towards you, and a light smile comes lightening his face.
“There she is. Commodore Faro I want you to meet Lady (F/n). My wife.”
Faro slowly bows to you, but something in her eyes displeases you.
She knows who you are.
She doesn’t recognize you as a crew member of Thrawn ships and the only other people present that day were Rebels.
She knows.
She gives a side glance at her Grand Admiral but abstains from any comments.
“Lady (F/n).” She politely but coldly greets.
“Everything is taking care of, Cha’cah.” Thrawn continues, “We will embark everyone on board and exit that planet.”
You turn your head to the chiefs, interrogating them with your eyes.
“We agreed to let your husband temper with the ship if he promised us to take us with you.”
“But.. You’ve been here for a millennia… This is your home… Your planet.”
“We are wanderers at heart, our place is flying through space, not remaining on a single rock.”
You turn back to Thrawn, mouth agape and tears behind the eyes.
“Thrawn… You cannot be serious…”
“Cha’cah.” He cuts you softly, “Our place is not here, our home and duties are away from this planet. It is time for us to go.”
You want to slap him across the face, scream at him, telling him that he will never know the child you bare, that he is killing this family.
“Leave me here with Thaishi.” You just say weakly.
You cannot resume your combat, you cannot fight your husband even if you know you’re in the right, you cannot say goodbye to your children and leave them alone.
“I am not leaving you on this backwater planet, love.” He warns, “We discussed this subject matter and agreed. Thaishi and the baby will be sent to the Ascendancy and live a safe life while we will go back to our responsibilities.”
“How can you say that?” You feel ire rising in your veins.
“We are both warriors. We both know our duties would supplant everything in our life.”
“Thrawn…” You beg.
He caresses your cheek and his thumb swipe one silent tear that rolls on your skin, you sob.
“Those four years have been a blessing. The miracle I stopped hoping for.” He presses his forehead against yours, looking you in the eyes with a sigh, “But the dream must end. It is time now to wake up and advance.”
“Thrawn…” Your voice is no more than a pathetic plea.
“I know, Cha’cah. I will never stop loving you and will cherish those memories I have with you both. But it is time…”
He extends his hand to you with a comforting smile while your image of him gets blurry with tears.
“Come home with me, my love?”
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heyhoneyfox · 2 years ago
Figured I should just make a post about my blog so I'm not just,,, this unknown entity. This is gonna be a bit of a mess but stick with me.
Also- I was previously milomilesmib, so if you know that name, yeah that's me. If you know me personally, just pretend you don't :)
First of all- introduction. You can call me honeyfoxfae, fox fae, honey fox, honey, fae, fox, etc, or you can just call me Milo or Autumn, and my pronouns are he/him. I'm trans, queer, and arospec, currently in a relationship. I am diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety and diagnosed with and treated for PTSD (thanks EMDR!). I'm a hellenist dedicated to a few deities, primarily showing my dedication by carrying around gemstones they like, saying prayers, and giving assorted offerings. I'm a Leo and an INFP-T. I joined tumblr on April 15th, 2023.
I am happy to talk about my sexuality/gender. I am happy to talk about light personal topics. I am happy to talk about my mental disorders. I am happy to talk about my religion. As long as you're being respectful, you're welcome here.
Also, a brief warning: I'm a victim of abuse (which caused the previously mentioned PTSD), and although I try not to get into it, it is brought up sometimes, since it's affected me greatly. I'll try to remember to put trigger warnings, but I sometimes forget, and I apologise sincerely for that. (Also I am no longer being abused, that person has been out of my life for years but it still affects how I interact with people and how my mind works)
This blog is a safe space for:
The 2SLGBTQIA+ community
Anyone with any mental, neurological, or physical disabilities or other struggles of that sort
The BIPOC community
Anyone who has been abused or assaulted in any way or has any sort of trauma
People who are suffering from or recovering from any kind of addictions, whether that's drugs or self harm or alcohol or sex anything else
People of all shapes and sizes
People who are recovering from bad habits/harmful views
People with kinks
Furries and therians
Everyone of every gender, sexuality, religion, ability, race, sex, etc. who wants to hang out and talk about their interests or hobbies or anything!
This blog is NOT a space for:
Homophobia, queerphobia, transphobia, aphobia, ableism, sexism, racism, fatphobia or any kind of discrimination whatsoever!
Bigotry and hate in general I guess?
Zoophiles, pedophiles, rapists, abusers (unless you recognise it's wrong AND are actively trying to be better)
Overly political topics (some are okay but over all I'm trying to avoid anything too political on this blog) (if you saw me reblog something, it's probably fine to talk about it)
Also, I don't have a DNI list! You curate your own experience, I will just ask that you're civil and respectful while you're here.
This is supposed to be a fun and safe space and I intend on it being so. If you have any concerns, drop me an ask, anonymous or not, and I'll answer to the best of my ability.
I should also mention that I don't censor things. I put trigger warnings when I remember to, but I see no point in censoring things when the words hold the same meaning either way. It's just like saying "despair" instead of "misery."
Now for ✨the fun stuff✨
In this blog, I mainly talk about whatever little subject is eating at my brain. Usually this is:
The Owl House
Stardew Valley
Game of Thrones (I'm only half way through the first book 😭)
Good Omens
The Song of Achilles
Greek Mythology
Percy Jackson
Queer shit
But I have other interests!
My OCs ❤️✨
Hades (Supergiant)
Magnus Chase
Creatures and critters!!!
Candles and cute decor things
Sewing (I'm just like Hunter fr)
Whatever games I'm obsessed with on my phone (bitlife and among us at the moment)
Probably more that I'm forgetting!
If you have an interest you wanna talk about, leave an ask or send me a message, and I'll happily listen to you talk about it (as long as it's not on the above list of things that aren't for this blog and if you're not sure if it is, ask politely and I'll tell you whether or not I'm comfortable talking about it) and please, be respectful! We're strangers on the internet, I don't want to feel like I'm being interrogated when I talk to you!
If you ever wanna listen to me ramble about any of the above interests you will be my best friend forever and I will always love you because my infodumping ass likes being listened to or even just heard.
I ship:
Sebastian x Sam (idk their ship name)
My OCs ✨ (I'm not elaborating)
I'm obsessed with the following characters (platonically/aesthetically/familially/sometimes romantically);
Jon Snow, the biggest fucking wet cat in the known world
Leo Valdez 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Nico di Angelo ❤️
Alastor (not as much anymore but I had a phase where I adored him)
Lityerses (I too break down in tears when shown basic human kindness)
The Collector ✨
MY OCS ✨❤️
Aaaaand we're pretty much done! Sorry a lot of this was just "NO BEING MEAN" but I just wanted to get it out there.
Hope y'all have fun here, and thank you to everyone for being so amazing and kind thus far!
I'll probably edit this over time but this is a good start. Thank you to anyone who read the whole thing or even just some of this, it means a lot. Welcome to my TOH/PJO/Stardew Valley/queer/shitpost blog ❤️
Last edited: 11:42 p.m. Pacific time. Basic edits (but they were all pretty important)
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1d1195 · 1 year ago
It’s nice to be noticed and missed! That so sweet of you. Always make me feel welcomed like a long lost relative when I pop in. ❤️
I absolutely understand about the engagement between readers and the stories, I think as a reading community we could stand to show you guys the writers more love, praise and engagement because these amazing stories and worlds you guys conjure are really great. And help as entertainment as well as just something nice to look forward to once or twice a week. But for you Sam, I think you’ve got to take yourself out of the equation here. If I’m understanding you correctly it seems that you’re attaching the engagement a post or story will have with you worth and that’s just not it babes. If one of your stories “fails” (and I use that term very very lightly) it’s honestly just timing. You’ve got a Taylor Swift wide catalog of stories both new and old masterlists and your writing, character and world building has only gotten better as each new piece comes out. You do every thing right, every single time. If it’s not working out it’s just the timing. I’d be willing to put money on it. You yourself are amazing. Your blog is such a safe place for people. And yeah maybe it’s the stories that brought them here in the first place but we—at least me—stay cuz you’re awesome, kind and generous. No matter what’s going on in life, I know that I can count on at least one story either on Monday or Thursday depending and having that to look forward to is such a small and kind gift that you give to people like me.
Who you are and what you’ve got to give is absolutely good enough.
I hope all of that made sense I just wrote and wrote. As for myself I’m doing okay. Told my dad he can’t come to my wedding and he sent me a goodbye and good riddance letter. I think he thought it was going to make me feel guilty or something but I’m so immune to his games now it’s hilarious. But other than that. I’m hanging in there. Trying to take care of myself and be happy, whatever that looks like. And doing some of my own writing (little short love stories) but I’m pretty rusty so it’s not quite what I want but I’m liking rebuilding that muscle.
I hope something I said in all that is helpful. If you take anything away: you’re perfect as it, everything else is just noise. -🐱
You're so logical, I wish I could. You would think as a math person I would be MORE logical but I just get all wrapped up in being emotional I get all flustered.
Everything you said made perfect sense. I'm extremely grateful to you and how kind you are. I am definitely not too kind to myself almost ever so I get very emotional when people are kind to me. Also, I'm a pretty big push over in the real world so people just expect me to be kind and do things for them so it's really overwhelming that you just pointed out like REALLY nice things about me and are making me feel valuable even if I don't see it myself. I'm glad I created a safe place here, that's what I really want more than anything 💕
That's extremely sad about your dad but I'm so proud of you for doing that. Your wedding is about you and you deserve it to be all you want and more. I'm so happy for you 💕
ALSO ALSO YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY I wanted to ask about your engagement/wedding plans but I didn't know if that was still a plan and I think I would have jumped into traffic if I asked and you weren't getting married still.
If you feel comfortable, I would love to hear more details about your wedding! Color, theme, location (nothing specific--beach, barn, backyard, church, etc). I love to hear wedding plans! If my bf ever proposes we will NOT be having a wedding (we are poor-poor) so I love to live vicariously through others and their plans 😍 ALSO I'm so excited to hear you're writing! Writing short little love stories was how I got my start here too so I'm sure it won't be long till you're writing Harry stuff with the rest of us 😉
Thank you for your sweet message. I adore you 💕
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icysab · 2 years ago
Helloo!! <//3
I would like to request enhypen match up, if u are still taking it of course!! I just recently got back to Tumblr and just saw you come back and was hesitating to send this ask 😭 I hope you are doing well and back in good health love!! ❤️ School and life are stressful 😔 Also Welcome backkk!!
Myself: I'm a 16 yr old girlie and turning 17 soonn!! A taurus intp here and is 163 cm tall. I'm on the logic side but quite imaginative. Realistic and optimistic. I'm usually quite and just like to observe everything around me. If I'm with my friend group and I just lay back and listen to them chatter on. I love listening to them and honestly don't mind taking care of them since I'm the eldest one in the friend group by a yr older than them. I tend to take care of people around me unconsciously and I get flustered and taken back when someone mentions it. I deny it cause I'm bit on the grumpy side. If I'm alone with one of my friends i tend to chatter alot. I ramble alot on my favourite topics and theories i make up myself. I'm bit of a people pleaser, overthinker and tend to be a perfectionist. I isolate myself from others when I'm too stressed. I don't depend on people cause I'm scared of what if I'm being too much and do things by myself. I'm not really an emotional person. I don't cry much but if I wanted to cry the tears won't come and it makes me fustrated. I tend to pile up my negative feelings. But I do not let others negative words get to me. I rationalize people's words alot and ask myself questions if it's worth believing such words. If I fall down I get up on my feet quickly. I don't dwell on mistakes and think with a positive mindset that I'm gonna do better next time. I read lots of webcomics, read books, and listen to music. Also I love to draw, writing a little and play badminton. I don't watch movies and series much. I'm a huge fan of cycling. I like cycling around at night and it's peaceful. A coffee lover here. I love the smell of cofee beans. I am a quality time person. I'm not much of physical touch lover but I don't really mind them. I like the thought just being in the same room as them. I'm not really clingy and tries to understand everyone's pov. I don't really get jealous much and I'm rather chill-this-is-nothing kind of person. I hope this much will be enough 😂
Ideal type: Hmmm I'm not really sure what's my ideal type is. I'm a hopeless romantic. But I tend to like people who are opposite of me?? Quite the bright and puppy energy and lovable. Idk if that makes sense. PRETTY SMILESS!! I will be up in the moon when they flash their smile!! Communication is a need for me. I hope they can be open with me and it's alright for them to vulnerable with me. I wanna take care of someone and also be taken care but I'm quite unsure and shy when I'm being taken care of. 50-50 give and recieve. Also someone who listens me to ramble alot of my stupid theories. I also like us having silly secrets between us. I want to go on to amusement park, beach, star gazing and aracde dates!! Someone who can reassure me cause I really overthink quite a lot. A person who is mischievous but also mature?? Like they can be sweet and cute but also they have their serious moments?? I find it hot- But anyways what else... someone who understands me in general and respects me. Laughs alot with me for no reason. I also love a person who is such a gentleman!
I hope this wasn't too long. Take care of urself and be healthy!! Have a good time!! <//33 Also can I be 🐝 anon??
i am sososo sorry it took so long to get to your matchup i dont even know why it took like six months? im glad you sent this ask though because i had matching you, and hopefully it was worth the wait? also also thank you for the kind wishes !! please take care of yourself and stay healthy as well <33
anyway, i match you up with…
who screams puppy love more than our very own jake sim?? no one, that’s who.
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yukidragon · 2 years ago
Happy Sunnyversary Sunny Day Jack!
It’s hard to believe it’s been a full year since the demo first came out, isn’t it? I know that I’ve only been a part of the fandom since April, but the past 8 months for me have been such a treat that I feel a little sad I wasn’t part of it on day one.
Thanks @channydraws for posting about this sun shiny clown and getting me curious enough to give the demo a try despite my wariness towards yandere stories and games.
It’s been quite a ride. I started off like I normally do in fandoms, just being a quiet lurker, occasionally posting bits of my own content. I’ve struggled for a long time to be more social and talkative.
Then I saw all the posts made by the creator of Sunny Day Jack, Sauce. They were so active and friendly with the fandom, leaving such passionate comments that made me think of how grateful and happy it made me whenever someone did fan art based off my work. They gave me the courage to start leaving my own comments to others in the fandom.
The more comments I made, the easier it got to make them. I found it was fun to just say how I felt about all the lovely art, writing, and just general creativity in this fandom, as well as all the lovely people in it. It allowed me to make so many wonderful friends, and made my love of this fandom grow.
It also helped inspire me to draw and write more. I did my first art trades in years, four of them in a row. I was so proud I was able to be so active with creating things in a way that I hadn’t in, well... I’m not sure ever, really. I’ve always been so slow creating things, and somehow this fandom and all its kind and lovely people and creativity just sparked something in me.
When I started struggling with art again because of my health, and my writing on Sunshine in Hell slowed down, I was frustrated. It always frustrates me when I dip into my lower points when it comes to my creative works, especially when I was doing so well for such a long time. Yet, it didn’t sting so bad this time because the community was just so kind. I still felt welcome even when my ability to create stalled because everyone is just so friendly and are always happy to hear from me.
Then I started making headcanon posts. I’ve seen people do them sometimes and they intrigued me. It always excited me to see people so invested in a creator’s stories that they asked questions and wanted to know more about the worlds they create. The fact that people were asking about my story, AUs, and characters on twitter made me feel so happy, and after I started making posts here on tumblr, the flood gates opened.
Suddenly I was writing again, most every day. Sure, most of it was rough and unpolished, so many what if scenarios and analyzing, but it was so fun to play around with these ideas. It was so encouraging that all of you like them so much. You like my ideas, my writing, my art, and my characters. I’ve spent most of my life struggling to talk with others, being left to feel like no one wants to hear me talk so much, but you all proved that wrong. It all makes me so happy, and I’ll be forever grateful to you all for letting me know that you enjoy what I create and for being such kind and patient people.
Thank you for being here. Thank you for being a part of such a wonderful fandom. Thank you for encouraging me to keep creating in it. Thank you, Sauce, for creating such a wonderful story. Thank you for encouraging me to open up and grow in a way I thought I was too old to. Thank you to the entire SnaccPop Studios team for all the hard work you put into this game that I’ve fallen in love with. Thank you, everybody. I love you all so much. Happy sunnyversary! ❤️💛💙  
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maiaphaelsource · 5 years ago
thanks for tagging ❤️❤️ i'm happy to know this blog is getting more people into the pairing. i do love some of these ideas, i hope you don't mind if i explore them a bit further
#1 in particular is super sweet i think? we usually write thinking “maia and raphael co-running taki’s”, but i had never thought about raphael helping her with recipes and etc before, even if he’s not taki’s’ cook (maybe before? it has to start somewhere, after all) 
and yes raphael just knows a lot about food and he’s always honest with her and she appreciates that, and it helps her trust him that he doesn’t beat around the bush, but is also never rude, you know? he will give her suggestions or concrit sometimes, and he will always praise her for the good parts (of which there are plenty! she is very good at her job, after all), and sometimes when he gets excited he even brings her to the kitchen and they try tweaking with it a bit
also, soon the rest of the clan becomes interested, after they’ve built some trust with her, so soon enough she has a lot of people to test out her drinks. which helps keep her menu varied, and plus the clan turns out to be quite fun once they’re not tearing each other apart, so she always enjoys it. there’s a lot of bickering over which of her ideas was the best. someone criticizes her and someone else boos. raphael rolls his eyes and hides a smile, and she’s like “hey, all opinions are welcome here” and whoever booed goes, “not if they’re wrong” 
#2 makes me so happy inside like yes the vampires having a safe place at taki’s/hunter’s moon is an absolute favorite! i love the idea of the vampires and maia becoming friends and how she goes out of her way to make sure they have a place to stay and don’t have to worry about the sunlight is very sweet. the bar has accomodations for all kinds of downworlders, of course, but this one is particularly sweet. also, more reasons for the clan and the pack to grow closer!
and #4.... ABSOLUTELY. i just love the idea of them helping each other out as leaders, not just on their obvious conjoined project of improving relationships between vampires and werewolves, but just in general? maia can get insecure, because even if she is a great leader, it’s hard and she’s young and the pack has a lot of issues to deal with after being broken up so many times. so sometimes she’ll show up unceremoneously at the dumort, just, frustrated? and asks him for help. she tries not to give too many details because she knows it certainly wouldn’t make matters easier if the pack knows that the clan knows about their issues, but raphael gets it and keeps his mouth shut and other vampires who could potentially want to start drama away. and he always not-so-subtly gives her an example from the clan itself, so there’s something of a balance in information trading. maia doesn’t need it to trust him, but the fact that he does only helps her trust him more
and honestly soon they’re both going to each other, because maia is a great leader and they have a lot of shared issues (trying to rebuild a community that was almost torn to pieces by infighting and previous leaderships) that could really use some thinking together. soon these meetings become official, and something of an alliance is born, and even other vampires and werewolves that aren’t them are attending and it’s almost like a council or something. and it’s nice and only helps strengthen them all and aaa i love this
lastly, i love wingman simon! i like the idea that he calls both of them to his gigs and then is like “shame i can’t spend a lot of time with you guys, since i have to play, but have fun!” and proceeds to sing songs that he knows the both of them like/would like (or hate! nothing like some mutual eye rolling to spark a conversation), romantic songs, etc. he’s watching them out of the corner of his eye the whole time, and it’s really unsubtle, but the two of them are too engrossed in their talk to realize what he’s doing. and when they do, well, it’s a little too late, as you’ve said
he asks them if he can sing for them on their first date and gets a simultaneous eyeroll so powerful he almost falls back. worth it, tho
Top 5 headcanons about maiaphael ?
I am making every last one of these up because to be honest? I never really thought about them much until very recently (this past week?) when I stumbled across @maiaphaelsource and went ‘WELL NOW I SHIP IT’. So we’re absolutely winging this. HERE WE GO: 
1. Raphael helps Maia come up with creative new drinks for the vampires that stop into the Hunter’s Moon, and then Taki’s. When she perfects a new mix she brings a round of it to the Dumort to test it out. 
2. Bonus to #1, no one questions why first the Jade Wolf, and then Taki’s, have blackout curtains. (It’s far enough across town that if the vampires can’t make it back to the Dumort by sunrise they know they can always find safe haven there if needed.) 
3. The first thing fledgelings are warned about (after The Essentials like not killing mundanes, Accords Laws, etc) is who Maia Roberts is and that you do NOT start trouble with her or her pack.  
4. When Maia wasn’t sold on her ability to lead her pack as Alpha, she couldn’t deny the impact her relationship with Raphael would bring to the table as a way to form a proper peace (or at least better tolerance) between the vampires and werewolves. It was a factor that eventually helped sway her to agreeing to the role. 
5. Simon not-so-subtly nudged them together. He invited both of them to his gigs all of the time, invited the two of them to his place to hang out, when he was somewhere with Saphael casually mentioned to Maia that she should show up, and vice versa to Raphael if he was somewhere with Maia. He just knew they’d hit it off and threw them into each other’s paths until they realized it, too. (Thanks to @skylar102 for bouncing ideas with me for some of these, #2 and #3 particularly
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