#y’all want me ded
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itadoreyu · 6 months ago
jay do u think yuuji cries when he eats pussy …
it’s overwhelming how heavenly your puffy folds and slick walls feels against his tongue, he’s so painfully hard it makes him whimper and on the verge of tears, especially when he’s restraining himself from releasing before making you cum
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asteroidtroglodyte · 2 years ago
[I haven��t seen Nimona yet. Y’all have me sold on it though, def gotta check this out. But. Hold up. This guy here, Mr literal golden boy]
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Ambrosius. Goldenloin?
(Pffffffft that has to be a fandom name
What’s his real name-)
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{You want Meaningful Names?}
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Food of the Gods!
A Fruity, Cream-filled dessert!
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Ya Boi is a Snack!
[I’m dead. Dying. Laughing. I have to see this. Holy shit. I can’t breathe. Losing my shit. I can’t breathe! Fucking gold. Wait. Literal Gold! Fuck’s sake. Ded]
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drewlyyours · 1 year ago
Nancy Drew Games’ Dark Subplots
(I wanted to make a collection of the theories people had about game subplots, and the proven subplots y’all forgot about)
spoiler and trigger warning ⚠️
SCK - (this game just IS dark) the m*rder of a high school boy by an adult - teens on steroids
STFD - BOMBS! (@this-story-of-dreams)
MHM - homeless young adult (Charlie)
TRT - child abandonment (Dexter)
FIN - aggressive behavior attributed to dementia
SSH - m*rder via s*ffocation (the Whisperer)
CAR - Dissociative amnesia and childhood trauma (Joy)
DDI - animal ab*se and human tr*fficking
SHA - capital punishment for theft (Dirk)
CUR - child abandonment and burning at the stake (Elinor) - emotional ab*se - extramarital affair (Hugh and Renée subplot, thanks @canutecollege) - generational trauma
CLK - psychological manipulation and emotional ab*se of a child - the Great Depression threatening everyone and Black Tuesday on its way
TRN - self-neglect resulting in death (pretty obvious Jake arranged to die where Nancy found him)
DAN - Sonny and Minette had a one night stand after Minette got a drunk tattoo of an alien, also why she left Dieter (@nancynancydrewdrewdrew) - and of course, literal war and nazis
CRE - purposeful corruption of an entire community’s food source - human sacrifice
ICE - childhood trauma (Yani)
CRY - elder ab*se
HAU - child abandonment and trauma (Fiona)
RAN - just hate crimes and kidn*pping
WAC - bullying and either su*cide or mansl*ughter (Rita)
SAW - su*cide (Kasumi)
CAP - r*pe and pr*datory behavior (the original “monster”)
TMB - attempted m*rder - child abandonment (Daughters of Nefertari, @pisoprano)
DED - m*rder of course
GTH - r*pe and inc*st (Clara’s mother and grandfather) - slavery and neglect resulting in mass m*rder - just plain old mansl*ughter/m*rder (Charlotte)
SPY - m*rder - terrorism
LIE - threats (Niobe) - gang violence
SEA - mansl*ughter vía mob violence (Alda Lawrence) - kidn*pping
MID - lots of burning at the stake
It’s just so interesting to me that I played these games so often when I was young and never picked up on some of these (kinda like all the dirty jokes in Disney movies you only notice as an adult) but they make a fuller, more human story imo.
Please let me know if y’all have more!
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barneysbigstompers · 7 months ago
I was born in the wrong generation I should've been born in the same generation as patrick swayze so I could have married him but now hes ded and I wanted him he was so fine ugh 😫 I wanted him so bad and grew old with him but I had to be born in the 2010s ugh this game is rigged
If y’all ever see me tweaking like this over a man SHOOT NE
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jacquesthepigeon · 2 years ago
Can anyone recommend me a good comedic manhwa with a female lead that I haven’t read? How do you know I haven’t read it? Take a guess, I ain’t listing them
EDIT: how dare y’all suggest useful platforms for finding exactly what I want instead of suggesting things I’ve either already read or know I won’t like so I could shoot u ded with a water gun 🔫
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theuniverseawakens347 · 4 months ago
So Vivicca what are used to be my God mom are used to come over to the house and it was like three times after I met you at the Renaissance Hotel when Li was doing the SAG after board Director with Morgan Freeman Fairchild not freeman but I’m a leave that shit in there because like I told you hold a speech text hi Lala Milan when I say that part
But you come over to the house right I said I wanted you to be my God mom because you don’t only black person I’ve seen so far and his goddamn family so it makes sense Black people we gotta stick together when we in the white wash land of business in crime to make it to the top
But then Vivicca it was just like a mental thing whatever you around is meet you and Lee why she start acting like a black girl now and doing the mannerisms and Ebonics
And I called her out about it in front of you one day I believe and I said why are you doing all that shit with Vivicca come over and I think that’s when you started to observe your relationship from a foot away with Lee Orlie asked you not to come around anymore or that’s what some weirdo shit on the back and started to happen about me being a horrible fucking child
And then I don’t know Howard are y’all in because Lisa jealous and grab me a weird she probably told you some bullshit about me and Vivicca or Vivicca loan and Angela and Christina C. most Elena Carter how are you doing over here bitch
Like I said Speech sex with SHAQO! know exactly who the fuck I’m talking to
( speech text lol YAS WE A BLACK QUEEN - SASSY)
Butler you do the whole mannerism antibiotics or at least try to because you wanna be dominated by a black man you wanna Blackman to look at you like you a fucking piece of shit and braid you sexually
So now I ask my LGBTQ community
Bret Rockman you were up and you had to find your self Mark from Paul Mitchell
But like I don’t know if it’s all of your community or somehow just the more feminine Tapton gays or gender is it still gay!? - we ain’t talked bout it in full (yes) .. but you’re taking back autonomy over your body and your feminine energy
In history 1920s women got the voting rights after the flapper girl era
But it was still divide between white and black women you’ll have more rights than us what made you sit at the top with white men and then Blackman made that climb above us so now the black woman got a fight for her fucking write her autonomy over her body to be seen as more than just a house for fucking children and to be sexualized by any pair of fucking eyes
So we do what we do to claim what is ours our strength
And he crosses over to the gay community those who are more feminine leading in the masculine bodies and it don’t matter what fucking color you are because at the end of the day you want your strength back in in history who did it the best for your understanding and your relation to your pain is the black woman
But like I said now you gotta check the route of why you are claiming that black woman’s mannerisms as your own two per claim your strength and the autonomy of your gender fluidity energy that you choose
Because some people just wanna be fucked by a black man. And that’s OK but you don’t need to act like a black woman to get that
Because now that’s where you lose the whole purpose of owning your strength and now you walk border racism and now somebody gonna check you how fucking full and racism are you going
Bret Rockman we love you but I see you switching up some things sign living in Hawaii .. we all young lost n need a role model - Nicole love urs but it’s material things - ded baby me .. YA NOWN WAN LISTEN TIL NOW. 2024/5

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awardenandacrow · 26 days ago
I don’t know why it took as long as it did but all of a sudden I remembered this gifset Lucanis swap from @forsakenwitchery and I had a snippet idea! I hope y’all enjoy :3
SNIPPET 48: [Spite is looking for doors]
CW/TW: suggestive dialogue
[PLEASE NOTE: this snippet occurs before Taash comes out to the team as non-binary. As such, she/her pronouns are used for Taash in this snippet.]
Naimeryn started down the stairs, but a crash in Taash’s room caught her attention. Hadn’t she gone to Minrathos with Neve? She retreated back up the top step and set down the basket of laundry before turning down Taash’s hallway instead.
“Taash?” She asked at the door, pushing it open slowly. “Are you already ba — oh.”
A pile of weapons and other gear lay on the floor just inside the door, where they’d been knocked off the table. Lucanis — or, rather, *Spite* — was maneuvering around the room half-crouched, apparently searching for something.
“Spite?” She said, stepping fully into the room and shutting the door behind her. “Whatcha looking for?”
“DOORS,” he growled. “WANT. OUT.”
“You keep saying that,” Naimeryn said, picking up a heavy pair of axes and setting them back on the table. “But it’s not fair for you to just take Lucanis wherever you feel like. It’s… strange, for a mortal to wake up somewhere they didn’t fall asleep.”
“IT’S STRANGE. BEING. TRAPPED!” Spite snapped at her, moving around to the other side of the room. Naimeryn’s heart ached as she finished returning the gear to its rightful place.
“I imagine it must be,” she said gently, walking further into the room opposite him. “I really *am* sorry that this happened to you.”
“Promised what?” Naimeryn asked him. He suddenly spotted the broken Eluvian and headed for it. She quickly stepped into his path.
“Spite, this Eluvian is broken. It won’t work,” she said, holding up her hand, but stopping short of touching Lucanis’s chest. She didn’t know how Spite would respond to being touched while in control of Lucanis. “Why don’t you just talk to me?”
“ROOK.” Spite looked up at her as though seeing her for the first time.
“Yes,” she said. “I’m here.”
He straightened up and started walking fast, and Naimeryn, startled, instinctively stepped backwards. Her back *thud*ded against the cold, dead surface of the Eluvian a moment before his forearm, next to her head. Spite leaned in close and sucked in a deep gulp of air through his nose.
*Blight and… lavender* he’d said. Did she smell like that now? Or did being clean erase the scent of Blight? Spite was studying her face, curiously, it seemed. Naimeryn took a slow breath, unclenching her jaw and relaxing her shoulders. She didn’t want to give him any reason to think she was afraid — and therefore weak — or combative. Regardless of their history when he was Determination, he was a demon now.
“LUCANIS SAYS. KEEP HANDS. TO. OURSELVES,” Spite said, lifting Lucanis’s other hand and looking at it intently as he flexed his fingers. Naimeryn reached up tentatively put her hand over his newly clenched fist.
“He’s right,” she said gently. “We don’t want to hit people who aren’t our enemies.”
“NOT. HIT,” Spite said, his tone strange. Before he could say anything else, Lucanis stumbled, his eyes squeezing shut. Naimeryn released his hand immediately. He pushed away slightly, though his hand and wrist still rested on the Eluvian, and pinched the bridge of his nose. Naimeryn held her breath, afraid to startle him as he awoke. As his eyes fluttered back open, he winced.
“Stop yelling,” he murmured, she could only assume to Spite. His nose began to bleed, and on impulse, Naimeryn shuffled her sleeve over her hand and reached to wipe it away.
Lucanis’s hand snapped down from by her head to grip her shoulder in a crushing grip. She sucked in a breath, but by the time she had, his eyes had focused on her, and he released her with a startled step back.
“Rook?” He croaked.
“I’m all right,” Naimeryn said quickly. “Spite was… looking for doors.”
“I could have hurt you,” he said stiffly.
“I shouldn’t have startled you,” she shook her head. “But you’re in control.”
“Am I?” He snorted out a half laugh.
“Lucanis…” Naimeryn frowned, worried she’d said the wrong thing.
“*Please* tell me I didn’t move into your secret hookup room,” Taash said from the door, her arms crossed over her chest.
“What? No!” Naimeryn felt as though her whole body had turned red. Lucanis cleared his throat and excused himself, all but running past Taash to leave. Naimeryn blew out a breath and rested her head back against to Eluvian. Great going, Naimeryn.
“You reek,” Taash was smirking when she looked back at her.
“What?” Naimeryn straightened up, pulling her collar to her nose. “But I just bathed…”
“No, dummy, not that,” Taash laughed, putting a bag down on top of the gear Naimeryn had set on her table before. “*Adaari.*”
“I’m sorry?”
“Let’s just say I now know *exactly* what Lace was talking about,” Taash chuckled. “Seriously, you guys do it here?”
“*No!*” Naimeryn flushed again. “This room wasn’t even here until you moved in. That’s kind of… how the Lighthouse works.”
“So you guys go into our rooms once they show up and use ‘em?” Taash asked. “That’s messed up, Rook.”
“*No!*” Naimeryn squeezed her eyes shut and waved her hands, flustered. “It’s not — we’re not — he doesn’t — I —“
She ground out a frustrated growl.
“*That* sounds true,” Taash chuckled again. Laughing at her.
“How was Minrathos?” Naimeryn decided changing the subject was the only way she was going to get through this.
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Taash to Lucanis swap
Looking at it know I feel like maaaaybe I should have put Spite here... idk I still think a threesome with Spite should have been an option 😂
All my DATV gifs
Bonus gif:
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zumpietoo · 2 years ago
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Snorty!!! You must be positively exhausted from
A) scrounging everywhere for non-existent bullshit to be pissed off about (and is weird, cuz no shortage of actual, low-hanging fruit)
B) Endlessly repeating you same few standard, non-existent talking points!
Who hates the trailer/why is it “laughably bad”? I actually kinda like it (past wardrobe’s abysmal phoning it in)
Ooopsss!!! Miss Fanfic Writer/Total Shakespeare----a double negative! Plus, again, SOME of us doooo....
Agreed the tagline is lame/weak, but tells you nobody can write copy for shit.
This IS true, buuut.....don’t watch? Also, I thought RAS was your savior, having wrested the helm from evvollll Babyman and would give you jizzy endgame? Guess not, then?
Waiittt....I thought y’all were insisting the poster was amaazzzinggg cuz you edited and squinted to pretend it was, in fact, all jizzy, all the time....it’s like you looked at it and saw BAV(&C) tri-quadrangle and Jabiiiiii (oh right, you’re mad the black lady who Jug likes to kiss IS there, as a main)
Umm....then, again, they’d just cancel it. Or give it 6 eps to wrap up shit...not 20. And while, yes, RAS is a total hack, he has another show in production and this made his creepy ass a millionaire. Plus, again, the CW? Is a ded network, now...
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OML....duuuuuddeee....it was never a work of genius/high art, etc....and don’t watch, then. And it’s entertainment....it doesn’t need a “purpose” per se and never did that shit before, anyway.....
I would actually love to read that article....also, apparently, berrypee sends me mouthfoaming  hate both in German and English....(and I’m told by another native German speaker, aka the person who sends me stuff, “ it’s immigrant/ lower income youth vernacular”...lolzzzz)
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I might not entirely like that, but I wouldn’t say it’s remotely “weird”, in fact, it’s kinda the show all along....where TF have you losers been?
OML, Izzy....
A) he’s old, he can retire if he wants to
B) hardly.....and trust me, he did way worse on other shows he wrote
C) this isn’t even his fault (tho he IS an ass). The problem here is you refuse to accept this was RAS’s vision, all along. 
And nobody’s given a fuck, brainfreeze
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gender-euphowrya · 3 years ago
i started watching yugioh yesterday but i didn’t have time to watch more than 1 ep and the first episode is so fucking funny
#they explain Nothing#it’s just EGYPTIANS PLAYED GAMES… *opening credits* HERE’S YUGI HE’S PLAYING A CARD GAME WITH HIS FRIEND#‘ohhh i’m not good at the game i just have good cards because my grandpa has a card shop which is a real thing i guess y’all can come visit’#oh but he shouldn’t have said that because paul mccartney overheard and is like HMM RARE CARDS ????#we’re at the shop now hi grandpa WOAH gramps you have the super duper rare card of the game we haven’t explained the rules of#‘YEA only 4 exist yoogs it’s fucking lit’ oh no here comes ringo he wants to trade for the card or pay but gramps says NO#it’s a gift from my fwiend i’m keeping it 4eva go home osomatsu-kun#except he doesn’t go home he comes BACK with minions and fucking kidnaps grandpa to force him to bet his card#ring ring it’s phone AY YUGI IT’S ME JUSTIN BIEBER I HAVE YOUR OLD MAN C’MERE#Oh No ! let’s go rescue master yoda he’s somehow dying because he lost at a card game Shit#WE MEET AGAIN YOGA I HAVE THE SUPER DRAGON NOW GUESS WHAT ? I DON’T EVEN WANT IT LOL#noooo cabbage how could you rip grandpa’s speshul caaaaard#aaagh yugi i’m old and dying take my cards and kick his aaaasss cough#DON’T WORRY YOGHURT WE’RE YOUR FRIENDS WE’LL TAKE CARE OF GRAMPS HERE I DRAW ON YOUR HAND#YUGU IT’S TIME TO FIGHT ME IN THIS VERY EXPENSIVE AND HUGE ARENA THAT MAKES THIS CARD GAME COME TO LIFE WITH UNEXPLAINED TECHNOLOGY#alright coconut head just give me a sec this medallion i have that was never mentioned before is now glowing#and i’m A DIFFERENT BOY NOW I’M TALLER AND MORE CONFIDENT YOU DON’T KNOW HOW OR WHY THAT HAPPENED#I’M SUDDENLY REALLY GOOD AT CARDS. yeah but i have 3 dragons lol whatchu gonna do#WELL I’M GONNA ASSPULL THE LUCKIEST DRAWS AND GATHER ALL 5 PIECES OF SUPERSTRONGMAN WHICH NOBODY HAS MANAGED TO DO BEFORE#BUT I AN AMATEUR 10-YEAR-OLD PROBABLY WILL PULL IT OFF ON MY FIRST MATCH WITH THIS DECK I’VE NEVER TOUCHED LOL DRAGONS DED#NOOOOOOO HOW COULD I LOSE I HAD KEWL DRAGOOOOOONS…#ohhhh it’s me i’m grandpa i’m better now thanks to FRIENDSHIP#The End ending credits NO EXPOSITION WHATSOEVER
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years ago
Devour Reaction:
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
Bby Ackles  [bby Ackles :)]
[Realizing that the entire movie is contained in the startup and you just.  don't realize it yet.  but anyway]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
God his kids look just like him
Anne Kilton 👀🤣  [I KNOW! When I tell you this film has SPN vibes… Not a lie]
Sir, that’s not- Leave.  Run!  Your white is showing
THE FUCK IS HE DOING WITH THE GUTS  [The fact that you haven't gone hunting before is showing]  ☠️☠️☠️ Blechhhh
Now a baby???  BUDDY GTFO.  FLEE
Mysterious cabin in the woods
Nekked crying person
[The end.  He ded. Sorry, did you think Jackles was in the whole thing?  Oh wait :)]
The voice
[Weirdo monologues are back: Max-coded]  Talking in circles
Oh nooo drugs  [Dean-coded protective streak pt. 1]
TF [Dean-coded protective streak pt. 2]
[His jacket tho... Dean-coded]  RIGHT?!  But also… Wtf?! The kid was just gonna shoot them?!
Oooo, bitch
Wot.  Is happening.  [She was getting the champagne and intentionally being provocative]  Oh shit
She favors Kirsten Dunst  [Yup, agree]
Yeet.  You just gave the lagoon monster a weapon
Ma’am  [You mean that’s not how computers work?]
You burn candles on your laptop?  Again... Ma’am
“YeH, I pushed a button.”  You idjit.
“Watch your fucking language”  ☠️☠️☠️  [I hate his boss btw]
Alan Ackles has arrived
Bruh his dad reminds me of your dad 👀☠️  [ASDFASDFADF YOU'RE NOT WRONG]  Lemme find out you’re related to the Ackles  [I would pass the frick away]  I would too! ☠️☠️☠️
[Dean-coded protective streak pt. 3]
BRUH ITS WILD CHARLIE  [Dean-coded protective streak pt. 4]
[Buddy, I love you, but please ask why your friend is demanding your personal info and typing on a computer]  ☠️☠️☠️
Wait is this uncoolness again  [His friends are very uncool throughout the film: you'll see]
Huh.  Uh, y’all run.  HE CRAZY
[I love his acting in this scene.  The turkey line is so well done too aalksdfj]
BRUH  [Did I mention friends putting personal information into random computer programs = not good idea?]  LIKE… dude!
Ohhh noooo
Bruh… I’m tripppinnn lol this movie is wild  [I KNOW RIGHT]
[Get ready for hate-his-boss hours]
["You wouldn't have let Conrad sign you on" HE DIDN'T KNOW?!!?!?]  RIGHT?!?
Can this dude keep a mom!!??  [I say nothing… I love them tho]
[Dean-coded protective streak pt. 5]  😭😭😭😭
Say you want him in your pants/skirt without saying it ma’am
[This mom's better at the love-life-meddling than Mary]
He’s so cute thoooo  [I KNOWWWW]
☠️☠️☠️☠️ Buddy
[I love Jackles in this whole scene… His smirk/fist pump thing alskdfj *chef's kiss*]
He’s too cute… I can’t even  [I KNOWWWWWWWWWW]
It’s. Not. Like.  This.  What is she.  DOING.  TO HIS HEAD.  WHAT.  AM I WATCHING WOMAN???  I HAD TO TURN THE VOLUME DOWN.  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  [I did warn you about this scene]  
[Okay, two things… a) I love Jackles playing the romantic type.  And b) the promised friend-uncoolness]  *huff sigh*
Bruh why does the voice on the phone sound like him 🤔🤔
Jump scareeee ☠️☠️
Bruh that’s the devilll run  [Okay, but.  To be fair.  His entire life is vaguely concerning rn.  Buddy's head ain't even safe]  
The smileeee!  Isss too cute  
Ooooof  Wench’s dad, run!
Oh shit  [He didn't run]  Reverse daydream???
Ah!  A k!  Ack!!!
Nope. I almost passed out for that one.  Bruh.
[Dean-coded protective streak pt. 6.  And continued friend uncoolness.  At least he apologized immediately, unlike SOME people] 🥺🥺
Uh ohhh he in trouble
Or something
[Oh, I forgot that intercourse bit, sorry.] Oooooof.  They ded.  [They did the deed in a horror movie; isn't that, like, a cardinal rule?]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️ Fair.  But they didn’t even get to finish
[Dean-coded hug right there.]  WITH JODY  [And guilt complex.  Poor buddy getting blamed by other people again, too]  RIGHT!?  ["You coulda brought the gun to me" Yeah, you see how me reporting someone else's crime went this time; of course I could have]
Oh no sad music  [Buddy's friend just died; I think it's deserved alkdsfj]
Buddyyyy 🥺🥺🥺  Oh noooo
Oh nooooooo  [Wot?]  The little "son" got me
The way he says “Ok” *dissolves*
[I do like his "play it cool" line.  Is so cute alksdjf  Help]  
Clothes change  [Jonathan/Wayne Stranger Things jacket]
Oooop look at that he’s drinking  [also Wench's dad-coded]
[Jake's look when daddy grabs his arm is a bit.   Concerning.]  🥺🥺🥺🥺  Yep
*sigh*  Poor Jake/Tom/Dean
“Marisol”  Like aerosol  [alskdjf]
[Frecklessss!!!  That's the most pronounced I've ever seen them]  I KNOWWW
BRUH She got that crazy look in her eye.  Don’t go.  DONT BRING YOUR FRIEND.
[Did I mention romantic!Jackles is so great compared to the emotionally-repressed character he usually plays?  Like, nothing against those roles — I love them, too — but it’s a nice change.]  I KNOWWWWW!  IMAGINE.  JUST FREAKINGGGG IMAGINEEEEE.  HIM WOOING CAS LIKE THIS.  Poor buddy would combust!  [Is trueeee]
Aight… I’m calling it the pathway is them.  At least their voices.  They are calling themselves.
[Love her ringssss]  I knowwww
Blech.  Blechhhh!  Fingers
I am Native American; I can confirm they probably do weird shit like that
Buddy only been with this girl 10 mins and she’s already pouring his coffee; I’ve been with my husband 15 years and he pours his own shit ☠️
the cat  🤣☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ Tf
👀👀👀  I seeee you
[Get ready for more Dean-coded]
Well damn Jake can’t catch a break-
“Give rest o christ… cause you have took half our town already.  Please chill out”  (I’m going to hell)
[btw, SPN-coded lore-gathering session]  Right!  [The lights are pretty tho.  He be pretty too]
The priest is like this is ABOVE my pay grade
i just kept the tat… ya know… cause- ☠️☠️☠️
☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  [My dude slandering Metallica]
[The dog's name is Sammy asdlf *Now* who's getting replaced with a dog?!]
[I am waitinggggg for your reaction to the ending of this film btw; seems like is gonna be gold]  🤣🤣🤣🤣 [Edit: I was right. Be warned about the increase in cursing alskdjf]
Well shit.  Poor devil guy
Ooooooh the plotttt thickenssss
[Early Jackles films has him brooding and staring at things a lot]  🤣🤣🤣
More sitting, more staring  [tbf, buddy pulls off the Heathcliffe aura real well]
Ahh!  It came in handy!
Oooooooh!  Devil shit!
why Jake gotta go to hell?  He’s so sweet  [You'll see]  And cute ☠️☠️
[WAIT OH HOLY SHIT OH MY GOD THAT’S AMES WHITE FROM DARK ANGEL]  What?!? 👀👀  [You'll understand the significance later… for now, @witchy-writer-lady and I shall keep the secrets]
[aka: this entire movie is trying to sell us on the fact that this lil ray of sunshine is the spawn of Satan laksfdj]
[btw, um.  You thought that twist was something.  Wait for the next one.]  WAIT.  Is tarot girl ANNE?!?!  Pls Say- [I say nada]  Womannnnnnnn she gave him the smooches!  That’s not ok  [I DID NOT CONFIRM]  Like I know he is foineeee but it’s not ok! If it is the case
Oh shittttt
WHY WOULD YOU GRAB THE BLOODY KNIFEEEE??! BUDDY, WHATCHA DOIN THERE?!?!  [Okay but horror movie, weapon = good]
This fucking movieeeeee-  [Is not done yet] Is wilddddd
Ohhhh shit… That’ll do it.  He gonna snap [aslkdjf]  And start killing with the pick axe  [ALSKDFJ]
How type?  I can’t
[Sam-letting-Dean-turn-into-a-vampire-scene-coded.  Which is kinda concerning given the.  Undertones.  of that scene.]  BLEHCH
– – –
Endpoint Reaction:
Wench: I want you to know that I've been cackling at your reaction this whoel time
Wench: asdk
Jezebel: I’m just- Yeah.
Wench: I'm dying of laughter rn
Jezebel: I just…. What.  Why.  His mother.  She was his mother.  “I can be anything you need me to be”  HOW ABOUT A DECENT FUCKING MOTHER YOU MANIPULATIVE DEVIL BITCH
Wench: One of the few films where Jackles comes out with two parents still alive, and it’s only true because he had four at the beginning and lost two along the way aldskfj
Jezebel: Well, three, ‘cause he killed her too
Wench: Nah, she didn't die
Jezebel: Wtf.  But she was dead at the end, wasn’t she?
Wench: The human vessel was.  And that's a maybe.  We don't know for sure.  But she's definitely alive enough to force-feed him blood and shit, so
Jezebel: Oooh.  Blech.  His MOTHER.  Who wroteeee this shit.  Bleach.  I need bleach for my eyessss
Wench (aside to the audience): She’s never forgiving me.
Jezebel: I just  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  Ok I’m good I think
Wench: aklsjdf
Jezebel: It was a pretty good movie.  Until the end.  That happens a lot in Ackles case.
Wench: Do you see what I mean by, his acting was actually, like, really good?  Especially in that context?
Jezebel: Yess! Buddy just couldn’t get a good ending if it was standing right in front of him…  Ten Inch Hero next, so I can be equally pissed at the ending but in a happier tone.  Maybe tomorrow?
Wench: YEAH.  FINALLYYYY. Sandwich shoppe, here we come!
Jezebel: Ending note.  SHE WAS HIS FUCKINGMOTHER!?!?
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elysianslove · 4 years ago
heaven on your lips; matsukawa smau
synopsis; he finds refuge in that no matter what, you will always come back to him. he finds refuge in that he’s the sole reason for your pleasure and happiness. whether that be from the sidelines, or from within the four walls of your home, in the confines of your bedroom. no matter what, you’re his, and he’s yours, even if neither of you seem to notice it.
pairings; matsukawa issei x fwb!reader
genre; fluff, smut, humor
warnings; cursing and inappropriate language. nsfw and suggestive themes.
note; thank you guys for voting on the outfits!! 8 and 9 were taking the lead at first, but then a bunch of votes for 6 came in, and it was the winner! but don’t worry, if y’all really want them to make an appearance, i can make it happen hehe. ALSO! disclaimer that ‘y/n’ does not necessarily have to be fair skinned if you don’t want to imagine her as so! i only used this picture because of the dress!!! but i avoid specific character and trait descriptions because i want everyone to feel included :) yes that’s all hope you guys understand i love you all kiss kiss mwah 
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end note; last time i made my mc wear a green dress to a party i killed her off lol ,,, anyways,,,, 
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i’m sorry if tumblr won’t tag you :( let me know if i misspelt any @’s or missed some!! 
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bunnie-the-lighthouse · 4 years ago
𝒫𝒶𝓂𝓅𝑒𝓇 𝒰𝓈~
Pairing: ATEEZ Choi San, ATEEZ Jung Woo-Young & Reader
Warnings: The Kinkiest And Most Suggestive Thing I Have Possibly Done. Kinda Long Too (I Think). This Is Kinda Experimental, I Made The Reader Dominant And It’s The First Time I’ve Honestly Done That. If You Don’t Feel Comfortable At Any Point Of The Reading -- Do Not Continue. 
Inspiration: Constant State Of Ded + Constant Loss of Braincells.
Basic Idea: Kinda Cursed. San, Woo-Young, And You Have An Established Polyamorous Relationship. They Go Back Home Exhausted And Demand To Be Pampered. But Make It ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Type: Suggestive (The Suggestive Overpowers The Fluff.)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Wait, isn’t it like this instead?” San danced slowly in order to show Yun-Ho bit by bit how he remembered the performance to bit, “No, no, before the hip thrust you have to stand still, cross your arms over your face, and…” Yun-Ho trailed off and showed San the move.
“Ah!… Ok, ok,” San said as he then copied Yun-Ho’s move. He then practiced a bit more in order to engrave the pattern in his brain. Afterward, he sat down on the floor, panting out — tired from having to control every bit of his body in order to execute the dance correctly.
“Tired?” a voice asked as San looked up and saw Woo-Young sitting down next to him. “Yeah…” he whimpered out while laying down. Woo-Young then patted San’s head softly, “We’re almost done,” he reassures as the other nods.
The entire group then did one last final practice, San going down hard while Woo-Young made sure that his moves showcased his vibe while also making sure that movements were sharp enough.
Soon after practice, San and Woo-Young were on their way back home. Woo-Young leaning on San’s shoulder as San leaned his head on Woo-Young’s. They were both exhausted and beat, their muscles aching after practice — it was a harder dance than Fireworks, for God’s sake.
“San-Ah, Woo-Young-Ah, we’re here,” their manager called as the two woke up from their short nap. “Ah… Thank you Manager-Nim,” San thanked as Woo-Young bowed his head.
The two then sluggishly went into the apartment complex, going up to the third floor, where your shared apartment was.
You were sitting in bed, reading a book. You got a little carried away, not noticing that it was already two AM — you couldn’t deny — that was an addictive book. Shocked at the time you quickly placed the book away reluctantly, placing it on the nightstand as you stretched in order to relieve your muscles from staying in the same position for hours.
The door lock then chimed, signaling that the door was unlocked. You then decided to wait for the boys to enter the room, to see them before you fell asleep.
“_____-ie?” Woo-Young asked as you waved, “Hi guys, tired?” you asked as they both were pouting. San nodded as Woo-Young immediately crashed on the bed, face first. “Young-Ah?” you asked worriedly while crawling over to put your hand on his back.
“We’re tired~” San whined while sitting down on the floor grumpily, like a toddler throwing a mild tantrum. You smile while shaking your head, amused at the scene.
“Come, I’ll cuddle you,” you said while sitting back down on the bed as the two scrambled over to you. San hugged your waist while Woo-Young laid his head on your lap, as it was more accessible when he rolled over.
You then played with their hair, that is until Woo-Young looked at you. 
“Can you pamper us?… I had a dream the other day…” 
He trails off while tiredly tugging on your shirt, “What is it, Young-Ah?” you asked as he then whines.
While you were trying to figure out what Woo-Young wanted, San groaned, catching your attention. “Sannie?” you asked as he then made you lean back, raising your shirt up.
Blood flew to your cheeks as you gasped, “Sannie?” you asked again with a slightly concerned tone as he then blinks slowly and attaches his lips to your breast, sucking on it softly as you squeal softly.
As San pulls back, Woo-Young musters up some strength to pull you down, so that you lay down on bed. You squeak at his move as he then licks your sensitive bud, to later suck on it. San does the same on your other as you then realize.
They wanted to be breastfed...
Moaning and whimpering while sucking on your breast, a motherly essence overwhelmed you. “There, there, no one is going to steal from you two,” you said while running your hands through their hair.
San mews at you softly, as his tongue flicks your bud. Woo-Young then pulls away and trails kitten licks from your collarbone to your neck. Meanwhile, San also started to take off his shirt and unbutton his pants.
Woo-Young then crashed his lips onto yours as you moaned in the kiss. It was sloppy, but it definitely turned you as he rubbed circles on your tummy. San then nips your bud, making you gasp with pleasure. He then holds onto your hand and trails it onto his toned abdomen.
Woo-Young pulled away from the kiss, taking off his shirt. As San guided your hand to his buddy, the other looking at his partner mischievously. “Mommy.. Please,” San whimpered out as you coo, wrapping your hand around his friend. Woo-Young then pouts and crosses his arms, whining.
“Why does he get more pampered than me, mommy? Don’t you love me too? Mommy~ Please pamper me too~”
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hi Everyone. 
I want to commit auto-dead.
This is like one of the kinkiest and dirtiest things I’ve typed, I honestly feel fjaskdlfjalsd about it. 
Kinda worried how people are gonna react.  Kinda worried if I should even keep this.  Kinda worried if I’m going to get killed.  Not gonna lie. I just feel *ouch*. 
I’m sorry if it made you uncomfortable by the way! It’s the first time I’m typing a Dominant Reader imagine so, it’s kinda an experiment for me. (I am a sub... And it’s embarrassing to say that lol).
Please do tell me if this is too much. I’ll immediately get to deleting the post if I see that it is making lots of people uncomfortable. 
And I am sorry for being offline for some time -- I have been... Procrastinating in everything lol. 
I also have been using some of my time to work on assignments -- both for the Summer Program and a Summer Assignment. 
They are both quite lengthy, so please bear with me. (╥﹏╥)
I do have some other stuff in store, so do not worry! 
On the other bright side, we also reached 100 fellas! 100 of y’all followed me and T_T it makes me emotional. 
Thank you so much for supporting me in this small hobby of mine, it really makes me happy to know that y’all are enjoying the stuff I type :D
If there are any requests, the inbox is open! 
Have a great day y’all, stay safe, drink water, eat, take breaks!
I’ll catch y’all next time!
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1-800-i-ship-it · 3 years ago
Hi friends!!
Update yeah I’m sorry I’ve been ded lately again jfjfjd basically for my major in order to get in I have to get a certain gpa for my prerequisite classes, and right now I’m taking the notorious hardest one (last one I have to take in order to get in) which is basically designed to kick people out of the major soo I am dying a bit (what am I saying it’s a lot tbh bahaha) LMAO but after finals I should be back finally!! Ah i miss u guys so much sorry I’m so bad at replying but I’ll def get to stuff after! I know I’ve said this multiple times but I just had a lot of crap going on in addition to this annoying weeder class haha xD
So I’m going to announce official hiatus until ~dec 11/week after :’) asks will be answered afterwards!!
Hope y’all doing well! If u want to talk to me still while I’m out send me a message and I’ll check for next couple days and u can add me on discord bc I check that pretty much daily haha
Gl to yall with whatever you’re doing!! Take care <33
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altcrcd · 3 years ago
hi guys
i’m not ded
after having c*vid i started college and my stress levels skyrocketed and i had no motivation to be here
i wanna come back tho if y’all want me
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unabashedrebel · 4 years ago
mofugga tell me your thoughts damn it!
I don’t want to sound like a dick or anything because I do actually very much value your opinion both when it comes to IC stuff and OOC regarding this weird world we occupate.
In reaction to this one; https://thalsianiii.tumblr.com/post/656528772481400832/demon-hunters-vs-warlocks
Just on some of the hardlined facts I didn’t quite agree with. Or like in particular the banishment, I think that was just something that fit for our RP and we bent it rather then a fact of the universe. DH’s aren’t physically demons, despite the similarities thus banishing can go either way depending on the players thoughts. Their physiology is different, yea, but when it comes down to it warlocks have plenty of demonic energy, most RPers I met play some degree of body modification toward the demonic. If we followed the logic we followed then heck warlocks could get the banishment treatment as well(or it could be argued at least) Again, I’m of the opinion that that particular thing was just something that worked really well in the scene we did. I’m not sure I’d let it play out indefinitely if it was someone else. There’s two ways it can go in those wonderful grey areas we RP in.
Second was that I do understand that they’re your demons but like if a DH eats a demon that demons ded ded. Dems just the rules. Now I get that they become secondary characters but I’ve also always seen that as kind of a cop out. You’re a low morals warlock go bind another, or are you just really attached to your tools. It’s a weird gotcha to me, not that I don’t understand it but idk I see so much potential in that, it adds a reason why your bad guy wants to actually fuck my anti hero up for reasons that aren’t slapstick. Why it doesn’t happen is because it’s more so very poor taste to do something like that to another OC without asking. I think actually in a roundabout way that would be the same thing with banishment, you should probably get some type of go ahead before attempted because it’s just grey and left open to interpretation, or you know someone might feel some type of way about it.
Idk I get why you’re weary of most DH’s (if I had a nickel for every Dreadlord bound with a fluffy personality I’d put them in a sack and beat them with it), bias aside, I am too >.> but I wish I saw less of that and more things to push these two classes together. There’s a lot of potential and background that makes them good fits to spring onto eachother. Both sides oocly are just way too interested in having a pissing contest about it lmao (i get it, I get it, y’all lost meta like 4 years ago)
@thalsianiii you just haaaaaaaaad to ask 😜
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peanutpinet · 4 years ago
Nine Percent scenarios my brain thought of when I first saw their pics
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SCENARIO 1: Kun saw you attending an event that he was also attending (let’s say mafia/gang meeting, which you have no idea of) and he asked for one of the staffs to guide you to another place so he could meet you and ensures your safety
“Please ensure her to the other room, I’ll be there shortly”
SCENARIO 2: So, second scenario, I can imagine Kun seeing a guy eyeing you from afar (let’s say it’s still the same meeting he was attending) and other men were either trying to come up to you/flirt with you (which, Kun does not approve whatsoever) and he requested permission from the staff so he can go to your side.
“I want them, in a room. Alive.”
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So, I imagine that Nongnong and you were very close, working under the same company and all. Then, our precious nongnong (because of his hardwork and sunshine smile) was promoted into the CEO of the company and he appointed you to be his assistant. THEN!!! Y’all had to attend this meeting with a business partner which was fine and all until the freaking representative of the business (a guy) was eye-f*cking you, would even discuss the business more with you instead of Nong (because let’s be real here, who would’ve thought this soft boi is the CEO). Time skip to after the meeting, Nongnong requested to meet this representative, alone!! 
Then, Nong was like “How about we talk real business here. Like how you were eye-fucking (OMO CURSE NONG) my assistant-girlfriend”
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This pic, I imagine, something happened to you and Cheng was not going to let it slide that easily. After taking care of you and making sure you were safe and rested, he went out and hunted searched for the very people who hurted you. Not letting any of them to catch their breath, putting them down (not permanently, but feel free to imagine this), making sure they know who they were dealing with when they went out to hurt you, even if it means that he’s risking his own life.
“They should’ve gone for the head when they had the chance. Oh well, their loss. What’s done is done”
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Alright, this may be slightly similar to Chengcheng’s scenario but not really. Let’s get to it!!
So, when I first saw this, I immediately thought of both you and Justin were held captive by another gang (9% is a gang of their own and Justin was just so happen to be with only you, not the others, and was busy protecting you, being outnumbered by a lot, hence why you both ended up being held captive). Both of you were in the same room and though it was just Justin getting beaten up for information at first (which he does not leak whatsoever), it wasn’t long before the gang decided to beat you up for information as well, or even to break Justin, making him leak something. INSTEAD!! What they got was a very pissed off Justin who eventually broke free (specifically, when his geges have arrived to save them and it distracted everyone).
Justin then had a one vs one fight with the one that beated you up and the building was starting to collapse. The opposite gang thought that maybe Justin was done for. BUT NOPE, CUE THE PICTURE!! HE SURVIVED
“I’m going to give you a light head-start. By the time I count to five, you better hope that you’ll be able to find an exit because, you’re nex7 (LMFAO CAN’T HELP IT)”
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So, I imagine that (again, 9% was a gang/mafia of their own, that is for a good cause!!) Yanjun was supposed to meet up with a “business partner” which he was not excited to begin with. But when he heard the news that you were hit on by the “business partner”, something in him was just burning up that he decided to invite them to his (more like 9%)’s bar and have a nice talk fight.
“I heard that you like playing with people’s feelings and emotions. Well, I like to play too. I like to play with pool, drinks, *shifts to dark gaze* the items in this bar that will soon fly around and not to mention blood”
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Alright, first things first, let us ignore the yellow fluffy jacket he has and imagine he was wearing a suit XD But alright, just like Kun, I have 2 different scenarios for Mama Ting!!
Scenario 1: He was fighting with a bad guy/person that “accidentally” hurt you and the guy ended up being limp, trying to escape Zhengting. Buth oh ho no boi, you mess with the wrong person. Thanks to his long flexible legs, he managed to get through every obstacle and following the limp guy in the escape stairs.
“You should really save your energy to say your last words instead of escaping from me. Because, let’s be real, you can’t escape. I (actually the whole 9%) own this building”
Scenario 2 (a bit darker/yandere-ish): you had just found out that your boyfriend, Zhengting was basically “obsessed” with you. He doesn’t mind if you were with your friends that are girls. No, he’s actually happy that you have a good social life and maintain it. However, when it comes to guys, that was definitely not the case.
Sure, it seemed that he was the typical “jealous” boyfriend and he tried his best to not let it get the best of him. But when he found out that you and one of your best friends (that is a guy) went out together with your other friends and play an escape room together, to say Zhengting was jealous was an understatement. 
He felt slightly betrayed that you didn’t at least let him know that you were going to play an escape room with your friends and one of them just so happened to be your guy best friend. Ho-hoh, beware my friend because you were in for a treat.
What seemed to be a fake horror/thriller escape room quickly shifted to a real one the minute you and your friends heard screaming, realising that the scream came from your guys friend, all of you decided to run for your life. Shouting for help. When you saw Zhengting in the escape room, you were first relieved that your boyfriend came to save you. But when you found out he was the one that killed your guy best friend, you knew you had to escape. Unfortunately, escaping Zhengting after what you had done was nearly impossible.
“Sweetheart, where are you going? You know you can’t outrun me. I think it’s best for you to just give up. I wouldn’t want to harm you”
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First and foremost, can someone cast Ziyi (along with his bros) in like an action movie or something like dayum!!!
Alright, this is going to be a short and sweet one. You were basically held hostage and Ziyi finally came (with his bros, don’t worry) to save you. He looked at the situation and quickly diverse a plan so you wouldn’t get hurt anymore.
“Alright, Xiaogui, Cheng, create a diversion. Once they’re distracted, Jun, Justin, take them out but not kill them, we need information to what it is they want from (Y/N). Then I’ll try my best to release (Y/N). Afterwards, Nong and Zhangjing, quickly take her to safety”
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Can I just say, dayum Xiaogui!! Boi skipped motorcycle, car, truck and straight for the plane (JK)
Alright, for Xiaogui’s scenario, I feel that him and the others managed to rescue you and some other hostages/victims from the enemy. However, the enemy manages to “escape”. Well, not really, since Xiaogui and Zhengting already devised a plan just in case if the enemy does manage to escape. Which is basically hijacking their system and transport. In this case, their plane 😎😎
“Hi, yes, captain Linkai a.k.a Xiaogui speaking. Do fasten your seatbelt as we prepare to head to prison shortly *cue him putting on those shades*” 
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The scenario I thought of when looking at this pic of Zhangjing is that he was spying on you and your friends (who were out partying) when the opposing enemy of 9% were at the same bar. At first, Zhangjing would be subtle with the situation. Not really showing himself and all. But when he saw you sitting at the bar and an enemy of the boys decided to hit on you (out of all the girls/guys in the bar), he just bluntly went behind the counter (because let’s be real, I’m sure the boys have enough money to buy a bar, LOL).
“Hi, welcome to our bar. How would you like your drink? Hot? Cold? Or punch? Like what I’m about to do to you if you do not get your hands off of her”
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