#thank god env sci doesn’t have a pre major
1-800-i-ship-it · 3 years
Hi friends!!
Update yeah I’m sorry I’ve been ded lately again jfjfjd basically for my major in order to get in I have to get a certain gpa for my prerequisite classes, and right now I’m taking the notorious hardest one (last one I have to take in order to get in) which is basically designed to kick people out of the major soo I am dying a bit (what am I saying it’s a lot tbh bahaha) LMAO but after finals I should be back finally!! Ah i miss u guys so much sorry I’m so bad at replying but I’ll def get to stuff after! I know I’ve said this multiple times but I just had a lot of crap going on in addition to this annoying weeder class haha xD
So I’m going to announce official hiatus until ~dec 11/week after :’) asks will be answered afterwards!!
Hope y’all doing well! If u want to talk to me still while I’m out send me a message and I’ll check for next couple days and u can add me on discord bc I check that pretty much daily haha
Gl to yall with whatever you’re doing!! Take care <33
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