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graveyard-greenery · 7 years ago
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From finals week✌🏻The new semester starts in two weeks!! 
✨🌸Printable from @emmastudies 🌸✨
– ig - taelorstudies
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starlight-student · 8 years ago
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«june 27, 2017»
planning, studying, and watching.
I’ve been trying to learn some basic Italian, and I haven’t gotten very far but I’m trying!!
(special shoutout to @bookmrk who inspired me to take these pictures. She takes the most wonderful notes!!)
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getshitdonetbh · 8 years ago
How in the HELL do you tell a friend that they're being a class A prick. I'm going insane bc they think I'm not reliable enough. They also literally grab my stuff first then ask to borrow it so like what can I do bc they already got it. They also grab my seatworks and compare their answers to mine. [ViolENTLY SCREAMS]
Heyaaaa, well what makes it easier is that they are your friends. You can say - gently - (even though you WAnT tO SCreAm) that you don’t want them to use your stuff and then you can hide your stuff so that they don’t take it. OR BETTER, they think you’re not reliable? Next time they grab your sheet say no because apparently, you’re not reliable. Stand up against them and show them YOU DA BEST! If I did it last year with a girl stealing my work, YOU CAN DO IT. Don’t let them ruin your moods and your grades, it’s important. ✿
*✧・゚:* join us!! it’s sleepover time! *:・゚✧* 
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thesmartstudies · 5 years ago
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05.12.2020 | ミ★ 16/100 days of productivity ★彡
my may moodboard. i love my blue and orange theme!
these days i’ve been painting and reading a lot, which i enjoy! i have these white binders that i never used but painting lovely scenes on them makes me want to keep pretty notes in them! <3
normality is a paved road:
it’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow.
-vincent van gogh
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studylei · 6 years ago
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27 january 2019 | getting some calc done after a moderately busy week; apparently sunday is the only day when i work with the sun up
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pythgaoras · 7 years ago
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february 19, 2018 - follow my & my friend’s joint studygram !! studyingvevo studyingvevo studyingvevo ( i will follow u back if ur a studying acc just follow )
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laurajournal · 4 years ago
tagged 😍💜
Thank you dear @a-students-lifebuoy for tagging me 😊😊❤
Favourite genre?
Favourite song?
This is a very, very difficult question.. At least top 3 lol:
1. Taylor Swift- My tears ricochet  
2. BTS- The truth untold
3. Troye Sivan- Heaven
Most listened song recently?
Permission to dance 😎
Song currently stuck in your head?
Stay by Justin Bieber 
5 fave lyrics?
1.  Take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die I don't belong, and my beloved, neither do you Those Windermere peaks look like a perfect place to cry I'm setting off, but not without my muse No, not without you -TS, Lakes (as you can see lol I am a huge Swiftie)
2.  I wanna be a good man just for you I gave the world just for you I changed everything just for you But I dunno me, who are you? -BTS, Fake love but I wrote english lyrics
3.   I'm on my way Driving at 90 down those country lanes Singing to Tiny Dancer And I miss the way you make me feel, and it's real When we watched the sunset over the castle on the hill - Ed Sheeran, Castle on the hill
4.  I don't wanna be sad forever I don't wanna be sad no more I don't wanna wake up and wonder What the hell am I doing this for? I don't wanna be medicated I don't wanna go through that war I don't wanna be sad, I don't wanna be sad I don't wanna be sad anymore - Lauv, Sad forever
5.  Rain came pouring down When I was drowning, that's when I could finally breathe -TS, Clean 
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
Favourite book series?
Shadowhunters by Cassandra Clare
Comfort book?
Fangirl, Rainbow Rowell 
Favourite book
Poems actually, Sun and her flowers by Rupi Kaur
Perfect book to read on a rainy day?
I don’t quite know, honestly for me any kind of poetry books, but also fiction such as All the bright places, it is such a great book with a deep meaning and messae at the end
Favourite character?
Alec Lightwood
5 favourite quotes from your favourite book(s) that you know by heart?
oh god, I used to have a lot but now I just can’t really remember, here is at least my fav poem by Rupi:
This morning 
I told the flowers
what I’d do for you
and they blossomed.
( I am a hopeless romantic ;) )
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
Favourite tv/movie genre?
Action ,fantasy, comedy 
Comfort movie
10 things I hate about you
Movie you watch every year?
The one which is my comfort lol
Favourite movie?
Under the Tuscan sun, it reminds me of my trip to Italy so much
Favourite tv show?
Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Shadowhunters, Merlin, Why women kill, Shameless, Sex and the city, The Vampire Diaries 
Comfort tv show?
Sex and the city lol, a total classic oh oh and Jane The Virgin 
Most rewatched tv show?
5 fave characters?
Dean Winchester - Supernatural
The Doctor -Doctor who
Ian Gallagher - Shameless 
Stefan Salvatore - TVD 
Jane Villanueva -Jane the Virigin 
tv shows or movie | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online.
I tag: @xvistudies @badwolfstudies @writerjuliannaf and  @goodteastudies
and everyone who would love to do this 💖💖💖
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triestobeorganized · 7 years ago
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Thank you so much for 11k followers! I can’t even believe it! 
Anyway, I didn’t really do celebrations for my previous milestones so I’m pulling out all the stops: blog rates, recs, ask me anything and a GIVEAWAY!
Rules  💖 must be following the unorganized mess that is me  💖 reblog this post
Blog Rates blog rates: send me an ask with 💖 + something awesome in your life right now (make sure to include your url if it’s a side blog) Blog rate format url     i don’t get it? | nice | great | amazing | perfect!!! icon     default/selfie | nice | great | amazing | perfect!!! desktop theme     default | nice | great | amazing | perfect!!! mobile theme     default | nice | great | amazing | perfect!!! original content     not my style | nice | great | amazing | perfect!!! overall     not my style | nice | great | amazing | perfect!!! following     no sorry :( | i am now |  YES!!! |
Ask Box Things playlist: send me an ask with 🎵 + name (and a genre, if you want) + your superpower book rec: send me an ask with 📖 + a phone application you can’t live without movie rec: send me an ask with 🎥 + who would play you in a movie ask me anything: literally just go to my ask box and ask something lol
Giveaway I’m giving away three digital copies of calligraphy pieces by my friend, @hypomanicstudying (check out her calligraphy here). Choice of quote, phrase etc. will be up to the winner. reblog this post (likes do not count) if you are using a sideblog, put your primary blog in the tags you can have multiple entries winners will be picked on May 5, Saturday, 12pm GMT
I’ll be tagging everything with #triestobeorganized11k so you can blacklist that if you like. I also, got a snazzy new theme and I’ll start tracking #triestobeorganized from now on so please tag me in your posts 😊
I’ll be tagging my mutuals under the cut because they’re all just absolutely amazing and so this doesn’t flop
@acadeimc @academian @a-future-disappointment @alanstudy @alittlesucculentstudies @almostrebel @alqorithms @anascoldcoffee @anatomyandcappuccini @annalisacomacchio @anxiouscoffeebean @aoademic @architstudy @arkhaio-study @aspireng @astudyblrinblack @astudyin-rose @atemstudies @atomicalgeek @averageibstudies @beckigecko @bee-ok @bethkdino @bobastudyblr @booksandrevision @bookwormish-12 @bosho-study @bruised-brown-and-happy @bscn-studies @bujo-ie @bumblebeestudy @bunnstudies @caffeinatedsana @caffenotes @canadianstudieskorean @captaineifos @carriesstudies @charlenestudy @cherrienotes @chocoandcomm @chocolatea-studies @cielstudies @coffeeandteastudies @colesstudyblr @collegeoflawph @conaissance-florissante @confetti-studyblr @cosmicacademia @crosserkid @daisiestudies @dealingwithdani @delstudiess @dentblrstudies @dicahprihoe @dude-study @eatstudycoffeerepeat @ebristudying @eternaestudiante @excelesior @extraordinary-student @ffn-lzbth-hnsn @fitness-studies @fluffycupcack @fsstudies @gabs-studies @ghosty-studies @gradschoolorbust @griffin-studies @gweenichnotes @habin-studies @hanaiea @hashtagcollegelife @headsintheclouds-67 @heyhebeestudies @http-elize @huabei07 @hufflepufflaw @hunny-studies @hypomanicstudying @hypothec @illbestudying-ifyouneedme @incompetentstudies @infirestudies @intjstudies @jadestudies1 @jrstudys @justjasminestudying @kekelearns @kinderstudies @learninghowtopasta @learn-more-stuff @lifesci @linceestudies @live-n-studie @livinhealthylife @lucrestudies @ludostudies @luellastudies @martiestudies @materscience @mebstudies @melaniestudiesastronomy @memorisu @mercurysniffinghatter @microstudies @minimalismstudies @monibluu @muskankela @my-aesthetic-is-studying @nelnotes @neontint @neotunian @nephariax @neptunes-bounty @niha-studies @niikkiie-studies @noorhmariastudies @nosepticfreckle @notesxpens @notetoriouslylazy @olivercanticle @omgstudyblrqueen @onthestudyingspot @overworker @palestinianstudent @pastelstu-dy @phoebesstudies @plantlab @pleiadic-studies @polyglotpaws @popcorn-studies @productivebuddy @prodvctive @psychlu @psyduckstudies @queerfaerystudyblr @rainandpeppermint @rainbowlanguages @rannedomblr @rivkahstudies @rosestudiies @safetypinsnneedles @samsstudygram @scholarofstories @scinapses @see-nery @slytherinesquestudy @smartstudies @someplacewithanne @spendingalmytimestudying @srslystudying-wu @st0dent @stardewstudy @starttdayynotes @stitch-es @stormy-rains @studeyings @studies-galore @studjapang @study-acorn @studyblahblahblah @studyblrsoph @studybybia @studycris @studycuriously @studyelement @study-hoe-study @studyingkyu @studyingpassionately @studyjoyful @studylikemeredithgrey @study-matters @studymo @studymonday @studynotepad @studyofj @studyplan-devin @studysnooze @studystudysleeep @studytail @study-to-get-it @study-until-you-make-it @study-with-coffeee @studywithlavender @studywithmerika @studywithyashu @stxdywarrior @suikastudies @sunflowerstvdy @super-studies @suttondoescollege @tallgirlinphysics @teasconesstudy @techstudyblr @thatonesciencekid2 @theboldrevision @thecampusghost @thegreatstudyblr @the-mad-grad @thenewstudyqueen @theologianstudies @theonewhoeatscookies @thesmartstudies @thestudenhtlife @the-studying-coffee-addict @theyellowpapergirl @thisgirllovesmath @thoughtscholar @tianyiii @togidemi @ultrasunshinestudies @unovastudies @usuallysaltypeach @whatstheretodo @xsibe-stars-that-be @xvistudy @yomistudies @yourlocalcomputernerd @your-study-fan
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graveyard-greenery · 7 years ago
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Week 3 of the Summer semester☀️
—– ig - taelorstudies
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xviistudy · 7 years ago
Things to remember in Senior High
Well, it’s summer now and 11th grade is over. Next year I’ll be graduating High School, then I’ll be off to college. That being said, here’s everything I have learned from my first year in Senior High in a nutshell: 
#1: Don’t take sleep for granted 
When you hear your older sister/brother or your friends from the 11th and 12th grade telling you to sleep while you can, we actually mean it. The first quarter of the year is alright. There’s not much to do but when y’all really start to work, sleep is literally non-existent. Approximately, in a week, a student who strives for academic excellence will get at least 15-20 hours of sleep (since our school days range from Monday to Thursday and Friday is a free day, psyche it isn’t bc you still have to go back to school to finish whatever PTs and projects you have’t finished yet HAHAHAHHA). When the exams hit, it is what you literally call hell week since in the three days of the exam, I had approximately only had 8-10 hours of sleep. Imagine that? In three days. That’s why when we tell you to sleep, YOU SLEEP. It’s not fun being a coffee zombie all day, everyday. 
#2: Don’t take your mental health lightly 
I cannot tell you guys how many mental breakdowns I have had in this year. There was so much going on and it was so much. I went as far as telling myself that it was okay for me to faint/collapse, as long as I pass my exams. I would breakdown randomly in class for some apparent reason, I don’t remember it anymore. I would get so anxious and tired whenever I would think about all I had to do for that specific week and then proceed to have that breakdown. Please, my darlings, when it all gets too much, don’t push yourself if you can’t do it anymore. It will take a toll on your mental, physical and emotional health so much. You will regret it when the year is done, trust me. During the year, I repressed all my feelings bc I had to get all my work done in order to get a good grade. Now that it’s summer, I am an depressed, emotionally unstable and anxious mess bc all those repressed feelings are finally coming out. 
#3: Don’t forget to eat and stay hydrated
Coffee can only do so much. Don’t drink that like water just so that you can stay awake to do your homework. During the school year, I lost so much weight and that is not good. The weight I lost was due to stress and lack of food intake. The lack of food intake was caused by being too busy to even eat my lunch and we obviously couldn’t eat in class. So please, bring at least sandwiches and a huge waterjub so that you can eat and drink the water you need.
#4: Don’t put off your homework
This is a mistake I made frequently which caused me to stay up late since the deadline was already the next day. When the homework is given to you, do it on the day because the next day you will be given new assignments. This sounds standard but we still tend to do this because we rely on the fact that the deadline is still next week or next month. Don’t do that because the month will go by and the next thing you know, the deadline is already tomorrow. If you don’t understand, please ask for help from your classmates. That will help you finish faster rather than spending hours going over material that you don’t understand at all. On the other hand, if you’ve spent just 10-30 minutes reading and rereading the material, take a break and go back later. There’s a huge chance that your brain is too tired and you need to rest before it can function. After that rest, maybe to your surprise, you might understand the material. 
#5: Listen to your teacher
This is standard but you know when you get those days when you’re just out of it and you don’t listen nor copy the notes? Yeah, those days. No matter how out of it you are, you need to listen or else you will regret it. I suggest you listen rather than taking down notes because if you’re busy taking down notes, you might miss half of the lesson even if you did write it down because you might not even remember why you wrote it down or short cuts. If you can do both, then that would be great! If you’re the type to take down notes because you can understand it more, then go ahead! You do you, boo. If you’re being out of it is caused by your mental or emotional state, then please go to your guidance center. No matter how hard you try to listen nothing will happen because you’re not okay. 
#6: Surround yourself with people who make you happy
No joke, this is a big factor since when you’re surrounded with people who make you happy, then you will be somewhat happy if not completely happy. When you’re happy, you have the motivation to do your work because being happy gives you more energy. They will also make going to school easier since you’re looking forward to seeing these people. These people will also act as your support group. They will push you to do your best and push you to grab the opportunities that you’re to scared to do on your own. I swear, if you find the right people, no matter how stressful Senior High is, you will have the time of your life. 
#7: Get rid of the toxic people in your life
This is also a huge factor. If you still have toxic people in your life, get rid of them. All they’ll do is stress you out even more when there’s actually nothing to be stressed about. I started the year with a toxic person and it was hell. I felt like I was trapped and suffocated. I did not want to go to school and I did not feel wanted in school at all. All I was to this person was a personal slave. So when I decided to leave, this person got even more mad and gave my friends and I a harder time. You don’t need these kinds of people in your life at this point because you already have too much to worry about, you don’t need to add another one.This is why while it’s still early, get rid of them. To identify a toxic friend or relationship, click here. Click here to know how to deal with manipulative people. Click here to know the 10 differences between a toxic friend and a good friend. 
#8: Enjoy your time while it lasts
Enjoy all this while it lasts. You may not know it now but you will miss everything about whatever you have experienced in all your years in school. Next year, I will be graduating and I regret not spending enough time appreciating everything that I had when I was in the years prior. Appreciate your teachers, your friends,  your classmates, the lunch ladies/ janitors, the security guards you see and greet every morning and just anyone you see in your High School everyday because you will never find anyone like them in your new school for college. Appreciate how your school looks - the trees, the pathway, the parking lot, the classrooms, the canteen, the chapel - because you will miss the familiarity, how at home you felt in it, when you reach college. 
That’s all I have to say for what I’ve learned this year. I hope you guys enjoyed the read and took my advice into consideration! To all the graduates this year, congratulations! I am proud. Good luck on your next chapter in life. To the people who are still far off, enjoy it while it lasts. Graduation will be here quicker than you know it. To my batch, one more year and we will be off. I hate to admit it but I’ll miss you all. Curious and curiouser, it feels as if yesterday was the start of 7th grade. 
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einstetic · 7 years ago
here is some new favourite study blogs i've recently discovered!!
@studenting @delusionalcabbage @saflinstudies @sophic-student @kathiestudies @clarinium @elenas-studies @xvistudy @hannybstudies @tobeagenius @studysmiley
check them all out!! you won't regret it!!
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dusknotes · 7 years ago
Can you say some blogs like you?
Sure!@academla @apricot-studies @aestudier @bookmrk @botanical-studies @caffestudy @calmingstudies @castillos-co @cmstudy @damastudies @determinationandcaffeine @emmastudies @elkstudies @etudiaire @educatier @focusign @fuckstudy @flo-studies @floralstudent 
@goodgrades-goodcoffee @gloomstudy @getshitdonetbh @hufflepuffsstudies @hannhstudies @h2ostudies @intellectys @izzystudies @idcstudies @journalsanctuary @jiyeonstudies @juliasacads @jennystudy @janetstudies @kikkistudies @kiimbapnotes @kankenstudies @kuroristudies @livingthatlibrarylifestyle @lycheestudy @literary-sushi @lychiestudies @maryplethora @milkteastudies @my-studyblr @nightlystudying @nahstudies @noodledesk @noorstudy @organizeandstudy @ourstudyworld @orgnizedmess @paperandcaffeine @pianoandstudy @quotestudy @queernotes @rafstudyblr @rhubarbstudies @studyign @studypetals @studyblr @studyquill @theorganisedstudent @thecoffeedesk @tbhstudying @universi-tea @urbanestudies @uglystudies @undergradnerd @witchy-study @xiao-studies @xtinastudying @xvistudy @yume-studies
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honoraryzuko · 7 years ago
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courtesy of @xvistudy, here is your daily reminder to QUENCH! yourself
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arcistoria · 7 years ago
Get To Know Me!
Thank you @nanistudies  for tagging me, you’re an angel :’’’’)
Nicknames? - Ash, Ashi
Gender? – Female
Star sign? – Capricorn (although I don’t believe in that stuff ;-;)
Height? – 5'3
Sexuality? – Heterosexual
Hogwarts house? – Ravenclaw
average hours spent sleeping? – 7 or fewer hours...zzz...
Dogs or cats? - well, you don’t call a dog a man’s best friend for nothing, plus dogs are cute! I have a phobia of the...uh...other one :(
Number of blankets I sleep with? – I just sleep with one comfy and warm duvet :)
Dream trip? – Spain, Greece, East/South East Asia, Mauritius, any tropical island I guess ^.^
Dream job? – Travel journalist/working for UNESCO
When I made this account? – May 30th, 2017
Why I made this account? – To be motivated to study and in turn inspire/motivate others (hopefully!)
Number of followers? – 476 and I am grateful for/love each and every one of you ♥
I tag @etudiegogh @whataboutstudying @studyingkira @xvistudy @prismalicht :) if you’ve done this already then please ignore :’)
Tag 5 other people if you want~
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graveyard-greenery · 8 years ago
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New planner, new washi tape, and fresh flowers!🌼🌿
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xviistudy · 7 years ago
Y’all, if you know that you can’t handle any much more of the studying you’re doing TAKE A BREAK! 
If you feel like having a mental break down: TAKE A BREAK
If you feel like your brain is numb: TAKE A BREAK
If you don’t understand anything anymore: TAKE A BREAK
These are indicators that your brain and your body need rest. Don’t force yourself to do something because it’s an exam or it’s something you need to get done ASAP. Mental health plays a big role in how you study and if you are not stable by the least because of stress or other contributing factors, then don’t push yourself. Take a step back and breathe. Calm yourself and have a small snack. Through this you will be able to relax and because of that you will be able to go back to doing what you need to do and do it effectively.
Take care of yourself, hun. Grades matter so much less when you’re on the verge of collapsing.
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