#xue meng was my favorite
acaiis · 1 year
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some sketches! after reading the entirety of erha in... 11 days. i don’t think i’m mentally well lmao
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yumemiruuuu · 8 months
Shi Qingxuan: 🤔
Xie Lian: 🤔
Lang Qianqiu: 🤔
Lang Qianqiu: ….
Lang Qianqiu: (confused) What are we looking at?
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raddestrose · 3 months
Imma be honest, I don’t really know much about Xue Meng. But i love that little dude, if he ends up dead or evil then I’ll support him i guess but i don’t know
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akashiayakashi · 2 years
HAPPY ERHA EN RELEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love 2ha so much okay BUT it comes with a lot of trigger warnings. Like is it the worst? I feel like for most people who don't normally read dark fiction, it's very bad but for those that do, it's not as bad as others can be/are.
if youre interested!! here is a good reddit post on deciding whether you should read it or not.
im putting this out there bc the 7seas DID NOT put a warning label on the book so this is a warning if it happens to land on anyone's TL that doesn't know about it.
tl;dr of tws : noncon (BETWEEN MC AND ML and sometimes explicit so!!!!! pls take that into consideration), dubcon, graphic violence, implied child abuse, underage (pls dont come into 2ha complaining about this bc...this is literally in the premise), there are more but i think these are the major major ones that come to mind rn.
if you are willing to read it, you are in for a good ride <3
BUT!!!! there is no shame in dropping it or not even starting. don't let the hype get to you because it really /IS NOT/ for everyone, not even for most of the adult demographic.
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askew-d · 3 months
Hello again....if you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from MDZS? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the novel? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks....
sure! its no trouble at all. sorry i am embarassingly late and thank you for the question, i loved making this list :)
1. wei wuxian, our selfless yiling laozu
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alright, you can call me cliché, everyone loves him, right? but kendrick lamar said it’s all about love and hate in the game so let me tell you, i love this man. i love the way that he walks, the way that he kills, the way that he dresses, the way that he mocks others, the way that he protect those he loves, the way he’s unbearably and so utterly good to the core (no irony or pun intended), regardless of everything he’s been through. because let’s come clean: other characters, such as xue yang and meng yao, did have their reasons to be evil, i comprehend them! i validate their motives to be who they are, but it does not, for the love of god, excuses their actions.
and that’s the thing! because wei wuxian has been though hell and back, way worse than them, yet he chose to continue doing good things. it’s just who he is (unbelievable, right?). he is, essentialy, someone who pursues justice. he sought revenge for what he suffered, that he rightly did, but he didn’t lash out on innocent cultivators who had nothing to do with his injuries. and the amount of strength, resilience, kindness and sheer wisdom that resides in this makes my admiration for him grow as deep as the ocean. he’s the ultimate main character of every fictional world. no one’s doing tragedy, revenge, inteligence, selflessness, love and being a troublemaker like him, ok. he’s one for the history books. and with that we go to:
2. lan wangji, our beloved hanguang-jun
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i said this before, but i will say it again: i feel like wei wuxian might kill me every time i go around saying ‘lan zhan’ or even start worshipping him too much. however, who wouldn’t worship him? he’s a god among humans; a superhero in a novel about cultivators. if wei wuxian’s considered by some an antihero, he’s the true, righteous captain america right here. and it’s not just the looks, he’s a whole package: a terrific father, a dedicated brother and nephew, an esteemed cultivator, a marvellous husband and a fair human being.
most of all, i dearly love him for the fact that he’s been loving wei wuxian since the beginning and never let that go. this man fought for his love like no one else did. he remembered wei wuxian when no one else did. he tried and tried, for him. he waited thirteen years, for him. in fact, if wei wuxian had never returned, he’d just have been waiting and waiting, living his life in grief, watching the moonlight alone…… but that’s a thought for another moment.
the amount of love this man carries is unbearable, really. it’s who he is too. and i also adore the fact that he has a lot of personas: he’s a serious senior for the disciples, a feral animal in bed, silly in some moments and painfully romantic in others. he’s just unreal!
3. lan jingyi, the most atypical lan that has ever lanned
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if this boy was in the modern times, im sure i would make friends with him. hes everyones spirit inside this story. he is one of hell of a representation: he can judge, yell, put some sense into other peoples minds, act even more senseless and tell truths without caring for the consequences (and then crying when faced with the punishment of headstands). and the best part of all: he is, oddly, a lan! i love him! best boy ever (alright, perhaps after lan sizhui, but i relate to jingyi harder).
put him in a modern school. can you disagree with me that he would be the one student lurking in the far away desks acting all angelic when the teacher comes close only to act like a little devil, screaming, laughing loudly and hiding food in his backpack during activities? can you disagree with me that he would be the one to run and jump like a maniac when its time for p.e class and sleep out of boredom when the teacher starts explaining serious stuff? can you disagree with me he would pretend to enact the rules only to receive bad grades and pull the most stupid facades to hide it from his parents?
in some ways, he does have similarities with wei wuxian. but wei wuxian is a genius who wouldnt even go to class when he didnt want to, sleep instead of play-pretend and even so receive the best grades ever, annoying everyone. theres this difference. but lan jingyi isnt a genius, he is just one of us. and i love him for it.
4. wen qing, my beautiful doctor
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wen qing, my beloved, you didnt deserve that backlash.... this woman deserved to have a happy family, alright. she deserved a little bit of happiness! she deserved to have her brother with her! she deserved to be well and to not have suffered so badly just because of her surname. if there is one thing i agree with (and i dont remember exactly who said it, but it was from twitter), is that the girls from mdzs are underrated, underappreciated and deserved tons more love. but anyway, let us mention wen qing!
this woman protected wei wuxian and jiang cheng, did a procedure to give jiang cheng a golden core, never killed anyone, ran from fighting in the war against innocent people because she does not share these wicked principles, and still ended up watching her family get tortured, his brother dead and was burned alive. the sheer cruelty of what they put her (and them) through is unbelievable. i wanted her to have a lovely family and to continue being a great friend to wei wuxian, seriously, they were such a great duo. i cannot get tired of aus in which they are rommates or something! she is usually sarcastic, fierce, bossy and so responsible. how could someone not like her?
5. a-qing, the girl who went to her limits and beyond
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this girl went over the limits of heaven and hell, in fact. i love her determination and how clever she is! look at how long she managed to trick xue yang! who else who could that? i believe not even wei wuxian could have topped it. she deserved to continue living within that world with xiao xingchen. i also cannot avoid to point out that she was not a cultivator. she was a simple girl, left to struggle in the streets, who still achieved what she achieved. she lived with an esteemed rogue cultivator, manipulated one of the most essential antagonists, returned as a ghost to protect people from this specific antagonist, used a lot of her spiritual strenght to show wei wuxian the truth, continued to give wei wuxian and hanguang-jun directions to find xue yang, and received many support, compliments and faith from the main group of our story.
personally, i cannot think of another female character in the story who did more than her. wen qing did a lot, sure, but she came from a big sect. jiang yanli too. mianmian was a cultivator too. a-qing was not, and nonetheless, this girl rocks! unbelievable. if i went through what she did, i would have lost all will to persist long ago. that is another thing mdzs brought me: the perspective that, even when you are kind and did nothing wrong, you might still have tragedies happen to you. people will die anyway. including you. kindness is important, and sometimes it may save you, but sometimes it may also cause you harm. are you strong enough to have all the kindness and all that tragedy and still endure?
because a-qing, wei wuxian and so many of them did.
well, now onto my favorite parts from the novel! i will try and make this quicker. haha, lets go.
when wei wuxian and lan wangji were stuck (stuck? not actually, i believe, wei wuxian caused it) in that farm and our main character just simply laid on top of lan wangji. and he still dared... to call himself.... not a cut-sleeve. yeah, sure, bro, no homo and all that. and thats definitely not a boner beneath your clothes, huh.
when wei wuxian starts falling real hard and he wonders if he will ever be able to sleep in a bed without lan wangji again, and later on after they have sex, he f i n a l l y realizes that there is no wei wuxian without lan wangji. in a dramatic mood, even. like, seriously, dude?? what a way to pine, but ok. go get your man or something, we all waiting for it.
every extra. i just... love every bit from the extra.
in the scene where lan wangji is drunk and they start playing hide-and-seek. and lan wangji just hides himself behind smth. and shows only a bit of his face. he nods, pouts, begs with his face to continue. i died right there.
the confession. the confession. the tear. the confession. the shock from everyone else. the 'hug me tighter!' after. the confession. the hug. THE CONFESSION.
hahaha i admit it, for me everything is about them. is it not about them? you cannot tell me otherwise. i love wangxian with all my heart. also, your asks are all lovely, i love them, feel free to always send whatever you want :) hope you have a great day and week ahead of you.
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atarinke · 1 year
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My favorite peacocks, Jiang Xi & Xue Meng from Erha
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old-danmei-fan · 21 days
Just finished book 4 of 2ha this evening and I think it's my favorite in the series so far. Mo Ran and Chu Wanning are giving Hualian a run for their money on obliviousness.
Once CWN saw that Mo Ran was ranked #1 in the biggest dick contest, his horniness level went from 0-100 in nothing flat.
Shi Mei is still sus as fuck.
Do I detect Xue Meng having a slight crush on Mei Hanxue?
I have a feeling Mo Ran playing match maker at the wedding is gonna backfire horribly.
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starcrossed591 · 9 months
CDrama Year in Review 2023
I'm still very much a CDrama beginner--I just started watching them in the summer of 2022--but since this is the first year I got into them in earnest, I figured I might as well do a year in review a la @dangermousie (whose lists I have found incredibly helpful in deciding which CDramas I really, really need to go back and watch as part of my CDrama education--so thank you!). So, without further adieu, here is my ranking of 2023 CDramas, in order of least enjoyed to most enjoyed*.
(See also: KDrama Year in Review 2023)
*Disclaimer: *not* a measure of objective quality
10. Royal Rumours: This drama was not great? Meng Zi Yi and Jeremy Tsui were fun, but the story started out messy and got messier. For some reason I still finished it, I think because I had a lingering cold and it was all my brain could handle at the time *shrug*
9. Gone with the Rain: I actually really enjoyed this one! The pacing was inconsistent, but Zhang Nan was fun as the irreverent Mo Xi, and we love a grizzled general. Special shout to the teacher who was not actually evil, just a sad lesbian whose gf disappeared on her
8. Love You Seven Times: Intriguing concept, not a strong enough FL to carry it through. The reincarnation stuff really worked for me at first, especially in their first mortal tribulation (as people, not CGI animals), but I got tired of it pretty quickly. I admit, the gifs of Ding Yu Xi as a sexy cat demon *did* pull me back in, but not enough for me to actually finish the thing, alas
7. Destined/Chang Feng Du: Started out really strong, and then stalled out on me. I think I only got up to about episode 22 or so, after their epic desert crossing and new start in a new state--they lost all narrative momentum for me there. I stopped watching and then just...didn't start again. I do, however, remain a big Bai Jing Ting fan, and will be keeping on eye out for whatever he does next
6. Hidden Love: (Contemporary) Age gap romances are hit or miss for me, but Zhao Lu Si absolutely stole/carried the show for me in this one. Although more fun imo when the main couple are in the the will-they-won't-they phase than in the family melodrama after they get together, still the only contemporary CDrama to get me to give it a go this year--and I'm glad I did
5. My Journey to You: Featuring my favorite murder girlies Esther Yu as Yun Wei Shan and Lu Yu Xiao as Shanguan Qian! Gorgeous costumes and sets, sweeping cinematography, and plot that kept me on the edge of my seat. Full disclosure, I have not actually watched the last two episodes because I got busy and then saw weird chatter about them, so I have no comment on the allegedly weird ending
4. Till the End of the Moon: Look, I know the ending wasn't ideal, but for the majority of its run, this drama owned my entire soul. It also introduced me to Bai Lu as Li Su Su, who inspired my first actual tumblr post (that wasn't a reblog) because I was so obsessed with her. And everyone knows that Tantai Jin is the CDrama ML of the year. 10/10, no regrets at letting it take over my life (and the OST my Spotify) from April to May of this year
3. The Story of Kunning Palace: More Bai Lu is always a good thing, and she's extra fun here as the transmigrated former evil empress and totally-over-your-nonsense Xiang Xue Ning here. The reverse haremness of it all totally shows why Bai Lu is the chemistry queen, especially with the princess (Liu Xie Ning) and cranky, morally grey, would-fail-gym-class strategist Xie Wie (Zhang Ling He). So glad this drama made it out of the CDrama vault and didn't languish indefinitely in censorship hell
2. A Journey to Love: Finished this one two days ago as of this writing and am still not normal about it. Ren Ruyi (Liu Shi Shi) and Ning Yuan Zhou (Liu Yu Ning) lead an exceptionally strong ensemble cast in this wuxia that explores the complicated relationships between love, duty, loyalty, loneliness, and companionship. Ruyi and Yuan Zhou are far and away one of my fave OTPs of the year, but just as compelling are the relationships between friends/brothers/fellow assassins Yu Shisan, Yuan Lu (ugh my heart), Qian Zhou, and Sun Lang. This drama definitely has one of the strongest ensemble casts of the year. And the character growth of Yang Ying from little princess abandoned in the cold palace to who she becomes by the end will stick with me for a long time. Plus another 10/10 OST!
1. Lost You Forever S1: I'm not normally a reverse harem girl, but the longing, loss, and hard resolve portrayed to perfection by Yang Zi as Xiao Yao really did it for me here. This whole drama struck an emotional chord for me, and where TTEOTM consumed my soul, LYF took over my heart. Xiao Yao's relationships with her power hungry, overprotective cousin Cang Xuan; hot snake demon Xiang Liu/playboy archery shufu Feng Feng Bei; and perfectly devoted Tushan Jing are all equally compelling to me, and while I may know who she ends up with in the end, who I *think* she should be with changes based on who's on screen at any given time. And A'Nian, my favorite bratty princess who really just needs some strong parenting, holds a special place in my heart. I know we may never get S2, and even if we do, censorship means it probably won't be what the drama makers are capable of, but I'm so glad for this little piece of absolute perfection. And, again, a top notch OST!
Fave Drama: Lost You Forever, by just a hair over A Journey to Love. See above.
Least Fave Drama: Royal Rumours--truly why did I finish this, what was past me thinking
Biggest Disappointment: 2023 is also the year I read Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir, my very first CNovel! But then I didn't even bother checking out its adaptation, Romance of a Twin Flower, because it got rid of everything that made the novel such an addicting read, including a brilliant, strategic, ice cold FL and an ML who actually kind of sucked at the beginning, only to grow on you very, very slowly over time. I'm grateful that the chatter around the drama is what brought the novel to my attention, but other than that, hard pass.
Favorite Male Character: Lots of good ones this year, but I'm gonna go with Cang Xuan (Zhang Wan Yi) from Lost You Forever. The conflict he faces between getting enough power to protect the people he loves the most and that power making him incompatible with those loved ones is so compelling, and his yearning for Xiao Yao even when she's right in front of him is wrenching. Full disclosure, I also just really love the sound of his voice
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Favorite Female Character: This could easily have gone to Li Susu (TTEOTM), Xiao Yao (LYF), or Ren Ruyi (AJTL), but I'm gonna go with Bai Lu's Xiang Xue Ning in The Story of Kunning Palace. Something I really loved about this character was just how jaded Xue Ning really was, even in her second go round at life. Yeah, she wants to make amends for the harm done in her previous rise to power, but that has hardly turned her into a good--or even pleasant--person. Instead, she's incredibly skeptical and still plays most things ice cold, especially with her family. As a bonus, we got plenty of Bai Lu's fantastic side eye as she basically had to do high school all over again when she gets called into the palace despite her very best efforts not to be.
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Favorite Ship: Ren Ruyi and Yuan Zhao from A Journey to Love have got to be it. They balance each other out so well, and over the course of the drama, learn to communicate effectively with each other whenever they have a problem. They also recognize that not all problems can be solved by ~love~, which makes their relationship even more compelling when they decide to prioritize each other in a way that respects what the other wants from life.
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Favorite Secondary Ship: Little princess Yang Ying and Yuan Lu absolutely broke stole my heart in A Journey to Love. Doomed love even more than the main OTP, these two's youthful romance was such much fun to watch, especially as they egged their respective mentors on in their own romance. Yang Ying's recognition that her first love did not have to be her only love is also something I always love to see, even as it broke my heart that (spoiler) she and Yuan Lu never really had a chance at an HEA. Their relationship really exemplified a key theme of this drama: that you should love the people you love while they're still with you because tomorrow is never promised.
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Non-2023 Dramas that I Watched: Two non-2023 dramas I watched that deserve a special shout out are Love and Redemption and The Sword and the Brocade. Love and Redemption prepared me to really appreciate the big swings that Till the End of the Moon took, and The Sword and the Brocade went a little way to filling the Story of Ming Lan shaped hole in my heart. The Sword and the Brocade also had absolutely searing critique of the concubine system, even as it featured one of the most genuinely good-hearted FLs I've seen. Would recommend both!
Most Looking Forward To: Yes, I'm a sucker and the censors (not to mention the characters) will probably break my heart, but I'm still crossing my fingers that Lost You Forever S2 will live up to the promise of part one. See above: still a CDrama beginner, have not yet had all the optimism knocked out of me. Sue me.
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its-ezraaa · 1 year
You know what's actually my favorite part about 2ha? Of course I could list things like the humor, the characters or the writing style, but what really makes it as great as it is... is Meatbun's obvious love and passion for the characters, the world and.. well, everything. It's so blatantly obvious how much she loves the story she created - just look at her unhinged 3AM tweets where she can't stop drooling over her own characters lol (same)
Or the funny little mini theaters at the end of every chapter. There is no reason to write them, they aren't even included in the official English translation. Sometimes these mini theaters are just an elaborate build-up for a silly joke, sometimes she's just bullying her own characters a little, one time she even wrote half a page about potential fanfic AUs for 2ha. I repeat: this is just the author's note and all the fans who only read the official English translation will never see this.
And let's not forget the bonus chapters. At this point it's obvious but I adore these chapters. Xue Meng trying to find a date through some form of magic tinder (and consequentially wrecking havoc in the whole cultivation world), Chu Wanning celebrating his birthday or you know... Ranwan being canonical soulmates who will always end up falling for each other in every universe possible? The bonus chapters are a love letter. Written by Meatbun to Mo Ran, Chu Wanning, Xue Meng and the whole cultivation world she created.
Seeing a writer loving their own work so much just fills me with joy. How proud she must be, how much love and time she must have put into this. It just makes being a fan so much more enjoyable because at the end of the day, I have the feeling that the greatest 2ha fan is actually the author herself.
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makedonsgriva · 5 days
Finished reading Erha volume 1 and here are my thoughts so far:
1. I still don’t like Mo Ran. Not just for his actions but he lacks depth. There are only two things going on in his internal monologue. One is how much he lusts after Chu Wanning and hates him at the same time. Second is how pure and perfect Shi Mei is and how much he loves him. Like I get it. I get it Mo Ran, I’m not as stupid as you are. Now please, for the love of everything, talk about something else
2. Chu Wanning is… something. I adore him, don’t get me wrong, but he is something. I actually low key want to study his brain under a microscope. My sweet little freak of a Shizun fr
3. Xue Meng is my favorite so far. He is the realest mf and someone I can actually relate to. He is pretty cool. I really like him.
4. I still do not like Shi Mei at all. I don’t know why but that guy just rubs me off the wrong way. Something is not right about him.
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1-xo-xo-xo-7 · 4 months
Do you ever imagine an AU where Shen Qingqiu, Meng Yao/Jin Guangyao, and Xue Yang/Chengmei are besties?
I don't know, it's just an idea permeating my brain since I discovered MXTX...
[And not because THEY'RE my favorite characters, nonono...]
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yumemiruuuu · 7 months
“2ha moments that tainted my mind like how the Flower of Everlasting Hatred tainted his heart”
Part One because there is NO WAY that I will not have any more thoughts after re-reading and reading volume 5 like what the fuck, what the actual fuck.
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“Chu Wanning, watch me fuck you to death”
Butterfly Town corpse procession where they both switched places and STILL ended up getting paired up and “married off” together, like just fucking kiss already LAWD.
The way Chu Wanning LITERALLY HAS THEM IN HIS ARMS???? WITH TIANWEN IN HIS OTHER HAND??? BECAUSE HE LITERALLY LOOKS OUT FOR THEM????? AND PROTECTS THEM???????? anyways, I love Chu Wanning. Chu Wanning my beloved. He is literally so gorgeous and I don’t care what everyone says in that universe about him because like if I saw him, I would literally also pull off a Mo Ran and beg for him to be my shizun.
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The Xia Sini arc. That’s it. Literally my favorite arc, I WILL NOT fucking shut up about it. That arc healed something in me if you exclude the murder mysteries slasher movie elements to it. Ask me about it and I will answer every single one of your questions including the meaning of life.
MengMeng. Just… MengMeng because he occupies 28% of my thoughts following closely to Jiang Cheng who occupies 37%.
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“Ah, JIANGUI!!” and then everyone clapped.
The Lake Jincheng moment when they get drugged and put to sleep and Mo Ran having that incredibly vivid dream about Chu Wanning getting violated by someone else and so he’s enraged and is like “I’M THE ONLY ONE WHO GETS TO VIOLATE CHU WANNING”??? Like, what the hell was that?? Actually, what the hell was that whole Lake Jincheng arc????
On the topic of the Lake Jincheng arc, that whole bit with Xue Meng and him getting crushed over the fact that not only does he NOT get a holy weapon because everything was a lie, but also the fact that his previously orphaned nephew who came from such… horrible background got the only remaining true holy weapon?? I felt his pain so hard, dude. Like, Xue Meng, I feel you. I understand your pain.
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Shi Mei feeling up Mo Ran because he wasn’t paying attention to him and was being extra nice to Chu Wanning instead???? Like… what??? Can’t you be normal please???? I’m so sorry, I genuinely dislike the “sweet like honey” type characters because they always turn out to be assholes and I just can’t trust them maybe it’s also trauma and my trust issues but like goddamn Mo Ran literally have bad tastes if he liked Shi Mei I’m so sorry for saying this
Mo Ran having SUCH anxiety with his food to the point that he would literally WOLF IT DOWN in less than a day, and anything else, he hides because he’s so used to having his things taken away from him, and the relief he felt when Chu Wanning told him that there’s no need to rush because there’s always more for him when they’re eating together and just… brb I am genuinely going to cry.
The chapter title change from “This Venerable One…” to “Shizun, Won’t You Pay Attention To Me, Please Pay Attention To Me.”
Chu Wanning not knowing how to react to Mo Ran (seemingly) suddenly manifesting in front of him: “who the fuck is this child and where did he come from” ←this is totally a canon quote
“…he came with a low guttural roar.”
Mo Ran’s pronunciation guide
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Anything beyond this point is Volumes 3/4 Spoilers so…
You’ve been warned (lol)
I am never getting over looking up Yuwu and 2ha connections, ONLY TO COME BACK FROM GETTING SPOILED THAT CHU WANNING IS MADE FROM WOOD?????
On a similar note, I was looking up Nangong Si because I wanted to see official art of him and found out that not only A) does he die (I actually went through a whole bit of copium this morning in the shower ober this because I randomly remembered it and was like “no he doesn’t… wait… does he… noo.. no… nooo…) but also B) Ye Wangxi is a female????
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Now that I know about Chu Wanning literally being carved from wood, I can’t stop agonizing over Chu Wanning’s thoughts where he would compare his features to someone like… say, Shi Mei. How pained must it feel for him to have these thoughts knowing that he was MADE BY HAND. The facial features on him such as nose, jawline, chin… EVERYTHING was deliberately carved to look that way. That would honestly fuck me up so badly, especially since I also have my grievances about my appearance.
Although,,, to be honest, I actually don’t know if Chu Wanning is even aware of his own origins but IF HE DID, it probably fucks him up a ton. And I agonize over this every. single. day. Oh god, I just also remembered the part where Mo Ran specifically says to him: “Chu Wanning, are you made of wood?” Ohhh OHHHH OUCHIEEEE. VERY. OUCHIEEE.
Another thing that drove me insane is the scene in volume 3 (I’m pretty sure?) with the wontons where Mo Ran is narrating and lamenting over how he couldn’t remember what his shizun’s expression looked like when he shoved off the wontons Chu Wanning made… because he just…. couldn’t care less….. and just…. Knowing that Chu Wanning was the one who has been making Mo Ran’s wontons this entire time knowing that he would like them?? I literally CANNOT even begin to imagine the types of expressions that he could have possibly been making.
Just… like… Imagine being Chu Wanning, and you care SO MUCH about Mo Ran to the point that you are willing to sacrifice your own feelings for the sake of his happiness knowing that he likes your other disciple that is “much better looking”, and despite that, go out of your way to make him spicy wontons, even though you are not that good at making food AND dislike spicy foods. And then you make his favorite food to try to get him to cheer up even a little bit when one of your disciples (and your crush’s crush) dies and you proooobably blame yourself for it and not only does he essentially say “fuck you and your food” but he blames you and basically tells you that you’re a horrible person (which you most likely already blame yourself for and agonize over so now it also feels like someone else is confirming your sense of guilt) . Like, I would NOT be okay after that. I’m usually good at not showing my feelings but this would truly devastate me and fuck me up a lot to the point that I wouldn’t even know what to do.
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lttawnymadison · 3 months
Danmei most highly rated/loved
This list is based on my poll of people's favorite danmei novels. They're also the ones I've heard about multiple times. Many are licensed for English.
MXTX – Heaven Official's Blessing (Tian Guan Ci Fu) 
MXTX – The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (Mo Dao Zu Shi)  
MXTX – The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong) 
Meatbun – The Husky and His White Cat Shizun (Erha He Ta De Bai Mao Shizun)
Meatbun - Remnants of Filth (Yu Wu)
Meatbun - Case File Compendium (Bing an Ben)
Meng Xishi - Thousand Autumns (Qian Qiu) 
Meng Xishi – Peerless (Wu Shuang) 
Priest - Stars of Chaos (Sha Po Lang)  
Priest – Lord Seventh (Qi Ye)
Priest - Faraway Wanderers (Tian Ya Ke), sequel to Lord Seventh
Priest – Drowning Sorrows in Raging Fire 
Priest - Guardian (Zhen Hun) 
Shisi - Little Mushroom (Xiao Mogu) 
Feng Yu Nie - Mistakenly Saving the Villain 
FTYX - Dinghai Fusheng Records
FTYX - Legend of Exorcism (Tianbao Fuyao Lu) (loose sequel to DFR)
FTYX - To Rule in a Turbulent World (Luan Shi Wei Wang)  
Tang Jiu Qing - Qiang Jin Jiu 
Tang Jiu Qing - Nan Chan 
Cang Wu Bin Bai - Golden Terrace (Cang Wu Bin Bai) 
Cang Wu Bin Bai - Chun Feng Du Jian 
Qing Se Yu Yi - Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know  
Man Man He Qi Duo - Those Years In Quest Of Honour Mine 
Lu Ye Qian He - The Wife is First (Qi Wei Shang) 
Yi Yi Yi Yi - How to Survive As a Villain (Chuanyue Cheng Fanpai Yao Ruhe Huoming)  
Zhìchǔ - Fan Service Paradox (Ying Ye Bei Lun)  
Mu Su Li - Global Examination (Quanqiu Gaokao)  
Wei Feng Ji Xu - Mist (Bowu) 
Xue Shan Fei Hu - The Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish 
Wu Zhe - Run Wild (Sa Ye) 
bafflinghaze - Dao Of The Salted Fish (Salted Fish Cultivator) 
Lin Qian - The Fallen Merman 
Feng Liu Shu Dai - Quickly wear the face of the devil 
Yin Ya - The Legendary Master’s Wife  
Wú Yì - The Killer of Killers (Sha Qing) 
Bing Kuai’er/ICE (冰块儿) - After Dawn/Dawning 黎明之后 
Jiang Weiji - How to Feed an Abyss! 
Lei Xu - The Grave Robbers' Chronicles
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greenandhazy · 1 year
okay this is random but I find it really funny how neatly my favorite MDZS/CQL ships fit into a very distinct pattern and I got curious about, like, broader fandom opinions.
So. there are TWO instances in canon where you have a trio of people--Person A is widely considered to be very kind and just, and basically his main/only flaw is trusting the wrong people. Person B is his longterm friend, who is a little grumpier/angrier/slightly more judgmental, but also fundamentally good, and equal to him in power (and fairly close in height). Person C is a Villain with a traumatic childhood past marked by rejection and physical injuries, associated with the Wen and later the Jin. He is devoted to(/obsessed with) Person A more so than anyone else in his personal storyline, and he murders Person B via tricky means and conceals that fact from Person A. (And then, depending on the 'verse, C is also then murdered by B's fierce corpse.)
I filtered for the relationships on AO3 and got some fun results. In both cases, the most popular two-person ship from these trios are A/C, followed by A/B, and only then by B/C--although, interestingly, A/B/C is the least popular combination when it comes to 3zun, whereas SongXueXiao is in third place, being more popular than SongXue.
Statistics!! as of 5/26/2023
Lan Xichen/Nie Mingjue/Meng Yao:
there are 4,115 fics tagged for Lan Xichen/Meng Yao
if you exclude 3zun as an additional ship tag, that drops to 3,808
92.5% of XiYao fics lack the 3zun tag (which makes it the most "independent" of any of the ships mentioned in this post)
there are 1,969 fics tagged for Lan Xichen/Nie Mingjue
if you exclude 3zun, that drops to 1,718
87% of NieLan fics lack the 3zun tag
there are 1,581 fics tagged for Nie Mingjue/Meng Yao
if you exclude 3zun, that drops to 1,286
81% of NieYao fics lack the 3zun tag
in total, there are 1,002 fics tagged for 3zun, compared to 6,812 fics that feature some combination of the three but not all of them, a 6.8 to 1 ratio. (although I didn't filter for fics that featured all three 2-person ship tags without also featuring the 3-person ship tag because... idk, seemed like a pain.)
Xiao Xingchen/Song Lan/Xue Yang:
there are 2,817 fics tagged for Xiao Xingchen/Xue Yang
if you exclude SXX, that drops to 2,367
84% of XueXiao fics lack the SXX tag
there are 2,328 fics tagged for Xiao Xingchen/Song Lan
if you exclude SXX, that drops to 1,897
81% of SongXiao fics lack the SXX tag
there are 744 fics tagged for Song Lan/Xue Yang
if you exclude SXX, that drops to 313
42% of SongXue fics lack the SXX tag (which makes it the least "independent" of any of these ships by a LOT. XiYao is only 8% ahead of the next most-independent ship, while SongXue is 39% behind the next most-dependent ships.)
in total, there are 1,015 fics tagged for SXX, compared to 4,577 fics that feature various combinations between them, a 4.5 to 1 ratio.
I think it's really interesting looking at the ways these break down similarly and differently! like, for 3zun, there is a VERY big gap between the most popular pairing and the second most popular one, with 2nd and 3rd place being very close, whereas for SongXueXiao, there is a muuuuch narrower margin between between the two most popular ships, and then the greatest gap is between the second-most-popular duo and the least popular duo.
I also think it's noteworthy that I've been in fandom for half my life and have never managed to have the strongest feelings about the most popular ships for my favorite characters lol, but there's no fun statistics for that.
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darlingpwease · 1 year
ok im once again here telling you my thoughts about shi mei and when i tell you that he would make love to you and whisper possessive words to you after he has seen you talk to somebody else like xue meng or mo ran, it doesnt matter if it was for one minute, the second you two are alone, he is latched onto you, touching you everywhere. KFJDJTRIGFHJFKGJJ
oh person of culture I see~ <333 hihi again~
CW petting, crying [shi mei]
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looking at SHI MEI, it's hard to imagine how he can be jealous — even when you were awkwardly circling around him, as if around a delicate flower that will wither if watering is untimely or the sun is too much or not enough, as if you were growing the most important treasure in the history of the world, SHI MEI seemed more like a gentle pure fairy, refined and delicate as white jade, with almost transparent but bright eyes and chiseled facial features, and every day his beauty became more and more inhumanly overly attractive.
flexible as a willow, thin as a stalk — you really try not to be the "I like you because you're beautiful" type, but the way SHI MEI almost shamelessly subtly teases you that he knows that you think he's beautiful, constantly makes you wonder if it's really teasing or he's innocent.
he subtly manipulates emotions and people, but he is not the best at understanding how to "hold", "get" what he is looking for and craves — given his own weakness, SHI MEI knows that he can only seek outside help, even if it is potentially harmful. he is not a proud beauty and not a self-confident idiot — if bamboo has to bend down to endure, then only to then hit with more force, and SHI MEI prefers to associate himself with this "bamboo". even if he does not have an understanding of how to move on, but there is a goal, he will come up with something — or find someone who will help him come up with and fulfill his goals while he is their trophy butterfly.
SHI MEI understands his value and knows that his body is valuable and useful — besides being eaten, he is as soft and beautiful as the lovely maiden, and dual cultivation is not something he is disgusted with, especially when his fingers slide over your body, rougher than his, hotter than his, more sensitive than his, but he only purrs in an unusually pleasant voice that he... takes care of you, drawing lines of constellations on your skin. after all, he is a healer, and since you are protecting him, protecting your butterfly, it is only natural that he helps and heals you. "different methods of treatment have different appearance," he whispers hoarsely in the dark of the room, when only his eyes shine like two lakes, the depth of which you do not want to check, "your wounds need deeper diagnosis and treatment. everything will be fine. you and I are already connected, so everything will be fine."
and you are not an idiot — all the more grateful that he did not erase your memories of that night, but you are sure that this is not because he is "cute", but because he knows that in the future you will still find out about this sprout inside, and wants to make sure that nothing will threaten your 'love' for him. you don't mind — SHI MEI, although looks like a gentle, pale-faced maiden, sitting only under the caresses of moonlight, is persistent and confident (or wants to look like that), and you know that you are achieving what you wanted while next to him, proving loyalty and loyalty again and again.
but that's not enough. it's never enough.
"he touched you." his fingers are cold when they slide, sitting on your hips, as if taking care that you do not escape, although you doubt that this is how butterflies treat their favorite flowers. "and talked to you. what were you talking about? was it really necessary to approach this dog?"
his thin, delicate fingers slide to your neck, placing his thumb and index finger on the skin with an elegant and unobtrusive movement, as if his very presence relaxes like a dope of poisonous flowers, and you know that at any moment you can throw him off and press him to the bed — and he will not be able to do anything about it — but you still allow his fingers feel your pulse while his burning eyes look into you. "you shouldn't be talking to them. neither with the first, nor with the second, nor with shizun. we have another mission, another goal. don't get close to them. don't look at them."
his whisper is hot, almost hard, but you don't react, holding him by his thin, fragile waist.
"I'm worried. we never know what's in their heads; they are dangerous. and the less you get attached to them, the better. you are the only and most precious thing I have, and when we start, I can easily leave, but can you?... or will you leave me? will you leave me alone after everything that's happened?... it's not safe for you and it's stupid. we should be together."
his warm fingers touched the pads of your fingers to your almost indecently exposed skin.
"we're together. you and me. I am your butterfly and you are my master. I am the owner of the flower and you are its bearer. we have chosen a goal together and together we will achieve it, as we should. this is a fact. don't create attachments with others. our goal is much bigger and higher than they can ever be, and you understand that too."
SHI MEI'S body is soft, flexible, slender, tender — used to suppressing tears, but when you squeeze his waist hard, pinching, his eyes shine with golden tears, which, like a molten sun, slide over his fluffy long eyelashes and glue in the corners of his eyes, falling on his cheeks with amber streaks, gliding like a morning ray, and, flowing down his elegant chin, fall on your naked skin, forcing you to exhale raggedly. his pearly delicate skin glides over the drop of a tear, rubbing into your skin and staining the skin around when the stain still remains. "it's a sign. it's a mark that you're mine. you can only be mine and I can only be yours. don't look at anyone else."
his hot trembling fingers slide over your skin teasingly slowly while the intoxicating whisper sounds right in your head, and the glitter of drunken eyes with dilated pupils touches and excites even more.
"my. my. only mine. the butterfly has only one patron and the patron has only one butterfly. You don't need anyone else — I am completely perfect and ready to become even better. you don't need anyone but me. don't be offended with anyone else. not with a spoiled one, not with a dog, not with a shizun — not with anyone. no one is worthy of you and our mission. we should be together.
no one else.
just us."
his kiss tastes like blood — not your blood — but you just hug him tighter around his slim waist, feeling his short fingers dig into your body before sliding lower while his lips are a few millimeters away from you.
"I am enough for you, and I will prove it to you."
his eyes intoxicate you, but you still allow it, shamelessly removing the now teasing fabric of clothes from him, exposing beautiful soft shoulders and pretty tender chest with seductive lines, even if his lips are already caressing you along with thin delicate fingers, purring.
he is like maiden.
... no, he's even better.
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akatsuki-shin · 9 months
Hi, @akatsuki-shin thanks so much for sharing your wonderful fanfics. I love to read them...🤩
I found your blog, cause I saw a lot of your JJK posts. Then I realized that you're also the author of quite a lot my favorite fanfics (sorry for being late in realizing it)....
Wow, now that you mentioned it, one of my twitter moot also like to post paralell between SatoSugu and HuaLian, somehow I felt it's not quite fit to their dynamics, and you worded them perfectly....
After reading your previous ask, do you mind if I ask you danmei questions? Can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from 'X'? And why you loved them? And your top 5 (or top 3) favorite moments from the novel? Thanks if you want to answer and sorry for the long ask....
'X' can be Qiang Jianjiu, Can Ci Pin or Mo Du, feel free to pick either one that you want to answer....
Aaaahhh thank you so much for reading my fics! 🥺 Hopefully I can post in the future for you to read hahaha
Yeah, I mean, for a ship to be similar to SatoSugu, I think one of them has to at least give off that Mom vibe like Suguru. Ngl, if Gojo were to marry Geto, he's not only going to get himself a wife but a Mom, as well, because he can be pretty childish and unhinged while Geto is there to make sure he doesn't run off somewhere. 😂
For your question, I'll go with Qiang Jinjiu.
My favorite character is definitely Shen Lanzhou. He's so pretty and smart. If he weren't so sickly, he would've been super strong when it comes to fighting. I love the fact that despite him often being looked down due to his looks and status, he ends becoming the most fearsome character in the story. Like, if you slight Ce'an, you may get off with just a few punches from him, but if you slight Lanzhou, you'll probably disappear that very same day. 😂
Next one is Xiao Ce'an. I love to see his change from wanting to kill Lanzhou on first sight then ended up becoming the most dedicated and loyal lover as the story progressed. Considering how precious Lanzhou is to me, I kinda share Ce'an's adoration for him and it just makes me happy to see him trying to spoil Lanzhou in every way.
For the third place, I'm not sure if I should say Papa Xiao Fangxu or Qi Zhuyin. They both definitely have a special place in my heart because of how strong and cool they are. Maybe I'll put Papa Xiao on 3rd and General Qi on 4th because I really love how we can see Xiao Fangxu's personality in Ce'an, especially with the way they both love and adore their partner. Qi Zhuyin is super awesome, though. Despite everyone's doubt on her as a woman, she proved to be a great and strong general (I think her troops are the most crucial there because she leads, like, 300thousand soldiers or something?).
I think it's pretty weird to put this one as a favorite character, but for some reason, I really love Ce'an's horse, Lang Tao Xue Jin. This horse always has the coolest description whenever it shows up and it's so funny when CeZhou had sex that night while riding the horse. The poor thing, LMAO. Also love Meng the gyrfalcon. I love them both. <3
As for my favorite moment, my number one is definitely when Ce'an resurrects the Libei Armored Cavalry after his father's death, that battle when they caught the Scorpions off-guard bytheir weapons and tactics upgrade in winter and pushes them all down to the Chasi Sink Hole. What I love the most about QJJ is how cinematic the battle scenes are and that one, followed by how Lanzhou desperately jumps into the sink hole to chase after Ce'an like a scene straight out of his nightmare is so uuurrgggghhhhhh 😭😭😭
Next one is the huge decisive battle with Hassen. Like, man, I didn't think I sleep at all until I finished that entire arc until Ce'an came and finished Hassen for good. From the very start when the invasion has just begun, to when the old commander (Yin Chang?) sacrificed himself outside the gate, when Fei Sheng rode all the way to lit the tower, when Tantai Hu came with reinforcement, and when Ce'an shot his arrow right before Hassen killed Lanzhou. I truly have no words; that must be the coolest battle scene I've read in my whole life.
The third one goes back a bit further to the earlier part when Lanzhou lets Ce'an go and locks him out of the city gate, so he could confront the guy who killed his teacher (Han Cheng, I think). But then Fei Sheng opened the gate for him and let Ce'an brought Lanzhou with him. That was so intense and the following hurt/comfort scene is just heartbreaking aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I'm not sure what to put as my fourth and fifth favorite scenes because there are so many interesting scenes throughout the story. I do remember two scenes that I still remember to this day.
One is when Qi Zhuyin's vice commander(?) sincerely told her that even if nobody were to remember her after this, then he would be the one to always light a candle for her, and after his death he would make sure his children continue to do the same. Qi Zhuyin really deserved that recognition after all her struggles and this show of sincere loyalty really just strikes me in my weakest point hhhhhhhhh
The other one is when Lu Yizhi came to visit Lanzhou to see what kind of man his brother-in-law has fallen in love with, but Lanzhou has no idea about it at all. And then at the end, Fei Sheng inadvertently opened the gift Lu Yizhi left for Lanzhou and went "mother of god it's a dowry" or something. xD
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