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sirjthered · 2 months ago
Finished my first Warhammer kit!
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clairehadenough · 7 months ago
Something else that I’m not sure is funny or sad.
The delulus, as usual, made up a “local” out of nowhere to debunk a fact they don’t want to be true.
Now they thought really really hard and worked their tiny tiny brains and thought to themselves that someone from Portugal should necessarily make lots of mistakes in english, right? 🤡 Because we know how much they look down at “foreigners” and anything coming from “overseas”. So here’s what they came up with:
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The green bits show us the mistakes that this “foreigner” made. But in red is the proof that this is all made up because never in the history of english learners did anyone make a mistake with the word “hi”. There is no way in hell that someone would writhe “hai” instead.
Definitely not someone who knows english enough to follow all english blogs and who manages to write a very clear message in english despite the mistakes.
This is how obsessed these xenophobic idiots are. Good thing that most of us are well educated and clever enough to see it. 🤮
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clairehadenough · 7 months ago
So Captregina chose her favorite servant today, aka Rogersstorm2005, to ask herself a question and answer as “CAA Anon”.
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Now, this ask is stupid on so many levels and proves one more time that she is CAA anon (among others). It also proves how wrong she is about everything. How?
Let’s dive in:
1) The point she is trying to make from beginning to end actually highlights the fact that this is NOT a PR marriage. She says that Chris hasn’t been pressured by anyone to get married, not by HW not by his family (she knows his mom, you see😆). She says that if he was forced to do it (which they claim as a fact from the beginning), he would have chosen someone who isn’t as “bad” as Alba (we’ll get back to this). She says people who fake a marriage for benefits do not choose the likes of Alba to do so. She goes on and on and on. What does this prove then? That this isn’t a PR marriage, because the bride isn’t PR material. She is literally saying this.
2) His “peers”. She mentions them twice, to say that he isn’t respected by them and that they’re dragging him on every platform. Really? Who? We all have social media and have yet to see anyone “dragging” him or saying they lost respect for him. Literally, non of his “peers” is doing such things.
3) The obsession with Alba. Alba is such a bad girl, she strips, she has “immoral beliefs”yadda yadda yadda… but also, Alba “wants to be an influencer”. Really? Alba who posts once every blue moon? Alba who only posted her husband once? Alba who never once baited Chris’ fans like one of his most famous girlfriends used to do? Please do enlighten us how she is she trying to be an influencer again? 😂
4) XENOPHOBIA. Captregina has always been xenophobic towards Alba and everyone who isn’t American or everyone who speaks “broken english”- her words not mine. In this ask she proves it once again by having the need to mention that Alba comes from “overseas”. Why? What does her being from overseas have to do with the whole thing? According to Regina, Alba has a footlong list of bad qualities, why use her being a foreigner as one of them? Why mention it altogether?
I guess we know who this woman is voting for in November 🤮
5) Punctuation and spacing. We have always said that one of the easiest ways to spot if an Anon is sent by Regina is to look at the spacing and punctuation in the ask. She doesn’t know how to use them properly so she always gets busted in a second. CAA Anon has ALWAYS had this problem. You can check. In every CAA anon ask prior to the one from today, punctuation and spacing weren’t used correctly. And we kept pointing this day in day out (@teamtouchgrass did it best). Today though? “CAA Anon” made zero mistakes. Literally zero, all the spacing, commas and full stops are used perfectly well. How strange!! All of a sudden, CAA Anon changed the way she’s been writing from day one. What a coincidence! It’s almost as if someone carefully proofread the ask before posting this time. I wonder why that is lol.
Conclusion, Captregina proved once again she’s CAA Anon, proved that she doesn’t even understand what she’s saying. She is a xenophobic 🐷, who is failing at absolutely everything. Same goes for her lapdogs and her friends, plus the 3 idiots who still believe her.
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byjove · 9 months ago
countries will be like “nooooo our birth rate is falling exponentially and it’s effecting our economy” and immigrants will be like “hey can you let us in so we can boost your economy and fill your empty jobs and raise our children here” and inevitably the country is like “the only thing worse than a large scale collapse of our population is letting foreigners live here”
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nando161mando · 5 months ago
Hier après-midi à Lille, l’extrême droite la plus violente était rassemblée, utilisant le prétexte d’un hommage à Kyllian pour diffuser son idéologie xénophobe.
Certains de leurs membres ont finalement été chassés par des militants antiracistes, puis exfiltrés par la police.
En cadeau bonus, ces images du fasciste qui faisait le malin cette après midi à #Lille, en train de se chier dessus et retirer ses lacets après avoir refusé 1v1.
Quand les flics ne sont plus là pour les protéger, tout de suite ça fanfaronne moins 🤡
🇮🇹 Ieri pomeriggio a Lille si è riunita l'estrema destra più violenta, con il pretesto di un omaggio a Kyllian per diffondere la propria ideologia xenofoba.
Alcuni dei loro membri sono stati infine cacciati dagli attivisti antirazzisti e poi esfiltrati dalla polizia.
Come regalo bonus, queste immagini del fascista che faceva il furbo questo pomeriggio a #Lille, cagandosi addosso e togliendosi i lacci delle scarpe dopo aver rifiutato l'1v1.
Quando non ci sono più i poliziotti a proteggerli, c'è subito meno vanteria 🤡
🇬🇧 Yesterday afternoon in Lille, the most violent far-right gathered, using the pretext of a tribute to Kyllian to spread their xenophobic ideology.
Some of their members were finally chased away by anti-racist activists, then exfiltrated by the police.
As a bonus gift, these images of the fascist who was being smart this afternoon in #Lille, shitting himself and removing his shoelaces after refusing 1v1.
When the cops are no longer there to protect them, they immediately brag less 🤡
🇪🇦 Ayer por la tarde, en Lille, se reunió la extrema derecha más violenta, utilizando el pretexto de un homenaje a Kyllian para difundir su ideología xenófoba.
Algunos de sus miembros fueron finalmente expulsados ​​por activistas antirracistas y luego exfiltrados por la policía.
De regalo, estas imágenes del fascista que se hacía el listo esta tarde en #Lille, cagándose y quitándose los cordones de los zapatos tras rechazar el 1v1.
Cuando la policía ya no está ahí para protegerlos, inmediatamente hay menos fanfarronería 🤡
🇬🇷 Χθες το απόγευμα στη Λιλ συγκεντρώθηκαν οι πιο βίαιοι ακροδεξιοί, χρησιμοποιώντας το πρόσχημα ενός αφιερώματος στον Kyllian για να διαδώσουν την ξενοφοβική τους ιδεολογία.
Ορισμένα από τα μέλη τους τελικά εκδιώχθηκαν από αντιρατσιστές ακτιβιστές και στη συνέχεια διώχθηκαν από την αστυνομία.
Ως δώρο μπόνους, αυτές οι εικόνες του φασίστα που ήταν έξυπνος σήμερα το απόγευμα στη #Λιλ, σκάζοντας τον εαυτό του και αφαιρώντας τα κορδόνια του αφού αρνήθηκε το 1v1.
Όταν οι μπάτσοι δεν είναι πια εκεί για να τους προστατεύσουν, υπάρχει αμέσως λιγότερη καυχησιολογία 🤡
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airconditioningbob · 2 years ago
Discord really went from 32 unicode characters + 9999 discriminators (32,000 printable unicode so 32,000^32x9999 = actually incalculable on a lot of calculators, essentially infinite) to presumably 32 english alphabet characters, periods and underscores
And at the same time alienated anyone and everyone who doesn't speak a language using a latin alphabet (most languages) - and languages that don't use the english character set (basically all of them) - made stalking easier, removed individuality, and destroyed their actually revolutionary username behavior
...to look like twitter.
EDIT: as pointed out, it would be 32,000^32 (32 characters, 32,000 variations) rather than 32,000 characters with 32 variations. that number is still incalculable by a lot of calculators, but it's a significant difference! here's the actual count (as it's thousands of zeroes less)
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hilacopter · 1 year ago
it's the way american leftists will insist on separating themselves from their government because, you know, a single governing force does not represent an entire country full of people with differing opinions. and then they absolutely refuse to apply that logic to non-western countries.
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too-much-tma-stuff · 10 months ago
Hyena!Danny AU Masterpost
Pairing: Jason/Danny
Warning: Descriptions of violence
Description: During a Pit flare up one of Jason's longest 'goons' reveals healing abilities he kept secret and offers Jason the chance to take out his anger on him. As this strange relationship unfolds Jason learns more about the man he previously knew as 'Fox'.
You can find the series on AO3 if you'd rather follow it there: https://archiveofourown.org/series/4130452
Main Story
Part 1: I Don't Trust the World with You
part 2: Caring Enough to Kill
Part 2.5: Flowers From One Bitch to Another
Part 3: Not Without Me
Part 3.5: I Want Better For You
Part 4: Lucky it's not Worse
Part 5: An Unwelcome Guest
Part 5.5: Tim Comes for Dinner!
Part 6: I Never Blamed You
Part 6.5: Double Date
Part 7: Healing is Slow, but Inevitable
Part 8: Will You Take Care of Her
Part 8.5: We Will Take Care of Her (Tim's POV)
Part 9: In the Light of Day
Part 10: Fear is a Dangerous Thing
Part 11: You Stay Away From Her
Part 12: Let's Fill Our Home With Warmth
Past 13: Reclaiming What We Lost
Part 14: Things Are Changing
Part 15: Never a Dull Moment
Part 16: This Isn't the First Time
Part 17: A Proper Fight
Part 18: Different Meanings
part 18.5: How Different Is It
Part 19: Beach Episode
Part 20: As Long as We Can Hold On
Part 21: The Other Shoe Drops
Part 22: Not-So-Common-Sense
Part 23: We Agree to Your Terms
Part 24: A Long Time in Coming
Part 25: What Does it Mean for Us
Part 26: The Start of the Future
Part 27: Happily Ever After
Part 27.5: Do You Love me?
Short asides
Love me, Control me (18+)
What the Workers See
Some of Them Want to be Used (18+)
Sharing is Caring (18+)
Please don't reply to this post
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borgialucrezia · 2 months ago
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"We were outsiders when we came here. Spaniards, Catalans. And we endured the insults. The taunts of Murano. The insidious invective of the Roman nobility. And you, dear mother, endured it most of all. But if we managed to triumph, and triumph we did, we did because of the warmth that we discovered around this table. The warmth of the Spanish sun, of our Catalan blood. That you recreated in your hearth, in your home. At this table. The huge, unstoppable, beating heart of La Madre." — JUAN BORGIA | THE BORGIAS (2.03)
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missycolorful · 11 months ago
i hope any non-english speakers on qsmpblr know that they are welcome here, and that they are not obligated to speak english to be part of this community. anyone who tells you otherwise can go fuck themselves. no one should feel scared or ashamed in speaking their native language. the qsmp is about breaking language barriers, forming bonds with people that we might not have communicated with before, and despite everything going on right now, that has not changed. we had a language day last month, where everyone wrote posts in their first language, and it was fantastic and maybe we can have another day like this in the future, but we should also encourage more people so they can feel comfortable doing this every day.
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jesncin · 1 month ago
I guess the new spiderman show had a "I'm upset I wasn't told about your secret identity as a superhero" arc. It's reigniting people talking about MAWS Lois again and how "she did nothing wrong for being upset that Clark lied to her" and just.
What do you mean "she's rightfully upset because her boyfriend lied to her" they weren't a couple yet!! They knew each other for less than a week!! "she's upset he missed out on important life events to run off and be a hero" WHAT LIFE EVENTS THEY KNEW EACH OTHER FOR 5 DAYS AT THAT POINT????
it's part of the show's wack writing but it's so upsetting that the later half of S1 has this whole "the city is xenophobic to Superman" shtick which is a huge justification for why Clark would keep his identity secret. And people are just like "no xenophobe Lois is right, he lied. lying bad"
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oobbbear · 2 months ago
Me standing here watching Americans praising China like it’s heaven on earth like you do realize the system is beyond fucked there right it’s important to me that you know that 🧍‍♂️
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damies-emmerly · 2 years ago
Elon's X is definitely for Xenophobia. No one can convince me of anything different.
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Do you think the artists who create alphabet books get to X and say, "Aww, man... I have to draw *another* xylophone?"
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susiephone · 2 months ago
it's always bizarre to me when americans assume that everyone living in a foreign (often predominantly not-white, non-english speaking) country must be in favor of the government there. like dude we live in a country where it's nearly guaranteed that 50% of the population fucking hates the president at any given time. why would it be any different for other countries?
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