#xavier social archive
lisharchivez · 1 month
Day 2 Adventure Above Clouds event⭐ Xavier moment post : ALL possible outcomes
The posts will appear in social on the 2nd day of Adventure Above Clouds event's debut in game (regardless if you finish Mystic Adventure prologues/chapters with LIs or not )
⭐He posts this
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Jeremiah hasn't interacted with this post. Is this the same for you?
⭐Here are your comment options
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Option 1. Option 2. Option 3.
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more from the event : Adventure Above Clouds
For more chat and posts all possible outcomes check my pinned here .
thanks for the support
The end ;)
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kevinsdsy · 3 months
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bonus: tweets & messages inspired by the one shot hehe
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the trojans social media au – the archives (pt. 5): so Y’ALL @problemduetest4life wrote a short oneshot about shawn/jean and it’s just so very cute and lovely and i just wish for y’all to not miss it hehe anyways i included some messages & tweets inspired by the one shot in this so pls enjoy <3333
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muzzledjaw · 11 days
I have a lot of headcanons I've posted to @coffee4harper Discord server in the past couple hours and I was holdnto post them here so :]
**Ianto James Bond Headcanons**
- Ianto has *atleast* five copies of his favourite James bond movies.
- Lisa started the "Jones. Ianto, Jones." Joke.
- After the events of the season 1 finale, ianto had been referred to as 007 multiple times.
- After Ianto's death, Jack went to every opening night showing of a James bond film, then went to Ianto's grave to tell him about it.
- Ianto use to have a framed picture of every James bond actor in his childhood room.
**Torchwood Social Medias**
During slow days at work, the team goes on:
*Owen* - Reddit. He absolutely loves Reddit and frequents many subreddits
*Tosh* - YouTube. She probably watches in depth YouTube tutorials on both things she's interested in so she can learn, and things she already knows to silently judge
*Ianto* - Tumblr. He's not very active, but he does some scrolling during slow days in the tourist office.
*Gwen* - Instagram. She comments on every one of Rhys' posts and watches instagram reels.
*Jack* - do you really think this man knows how to use social media? Owen probably made him download snapchat and got him hooked on the fitters like every grandparent
Owen's reddit account was also linked to his torchwood email
The team once came into the hub really late to find Jack sleeping on the couch under the "TORCHWOOD" sign hugging ten's hand jar
One of the last things the face of bo sees is a suited figure crouching down infront of him and just holding him. He can't remember the figure's face, or who it is, but the face of bo feels safe to die, knowing he's in this unknown figure's arms
Jack reaches out to ianto's sister after the days of miracle day and offers finance support to her until the day she dies, saying ianto would've wanted his family to be safe. This continues for generations, until eventually the children are stopped being told of their late relative Ianto and the odd man who gives them so much money in his name
Owen fucking loves Melanie Martinez - specifically Cry Baby
Sometime in season 2, Jack once again started feeling guilty about suddenly leaving Torchwood for the Doctor for like a year, so he surprised Ianto with a spontaneous road trip. They drove across Wales for a week and it was one of the last peaceful moments the two ever had
**Post Death**
Owen's spirit haunted Dash-Con
After the events of House If The Dead, Ianto's spirit ended up at Canary Warf. Tourists and people who work in the area often talk about the suited Welshman who sits at the fountain all day, everyday, waiting for a woman to arrive
Tosh's spirit, somehow, ended up in Glasgow. She haunts Torchwood 2 and helps old Archie with tech. Archie doesn't realise she's a spirit. He's just happy to have company and someone to help him with all the email stuff
Mitski became popular and Jack locked himself in his office for a week straight and sobbed to her songs, thinking about ianto and all he lost in the past few years. He made sure to keep her music safe until his face of bo era. He never played miski for the guests of his events. She was just for him and his cat maid
The doctor's hand was destroyed in the torchwood bomb, and after learning about it, Jack just sobbed. He's lost tosh, Owen, and ianto. And now, he can't even keep track of the doctor. He's lost in his eternal life with nothing. This later leads to his decision to leave earth
Jack absolutely loved the x-men comics when they were first released, and when X-Men First Class was released he'd watch it on repeat imagining him and his team in place of the characters. The roles would shift around sometimes, but Jack always sees himself as Charles Xavier
Jack had a fling with Wilfred Owen during WW1. He keeps original copies of the man's work close to him. After Ianto's death, he donated what he could scavenge of the papers to the London Archives, not wanting anymore reminders of the men he loved that died too young
After CoE, and realising she never actually knew Ianto, Gwen sat Jack down with a cup of tea and asked him to tell her everything he could about the real Ianto before his funeral. Jack just.. sighed.. and said to gwen, "he was many things" and never explained further
Before the coffin was closed, Jack started a stopwatch and placed it in Ianto's hand. Like the ring that John threw in with Jack when he was forced to bury Jack alive, the stopwatch was a tracker with a special battery to allow it to run for centuries. When he felt lonely, Jack would check on the tracker, just to know that ianto was still there and the stopwatch was still ticking away, timing their time apart. He was not ready for the day he checked on the tracker and the screen was blank
(Based off that one scene in greys anatomy) after the service, Jack and gwen found a quiet spot to sit, and Jack just burst into laughter. And because Jack was laughing, Gwen was laughing. And they laughed together until it morphed into a comfortable silence between them as they held eachother
Ianto was buried with a sobriety coin in his pocket. Only Jack knows about this.
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the-harvest-system · 5 months
Hello! We're the Harvest system, welcome to our blog/public system journal! 
Our collective name is Harvey (very creative, we know /sarc) you can call us Nico too though! Please use he/they(plural) pronouns on us! 
Keep in mind, we're bodily a minor, and while we may make some dirty jokes, we do not want to have an nsft interaction/view nsft posts.  
Both our simply plural and pronouns.cc are a WIP however, they'll be linked as soon as we finish them. 
Autism, adhd and possibly social anxiety - so talking to/interacting with people is hard. 
We're a traumaendo/mixed origins system of 60+. We form new headmates easily. Like, very easily. Fictive + nonhuman heavy. Disordered, probably DID.
We won't be sharing everything about our system, since we'd still like to keep some privacy for safety reasons. (You never know on the internet, it's even worse as a system)
Collective interests include: hermitcraft, empires smp, life series, The magnus archives. That's it, yeah.
Most of us are dogkin/caninekin, almost all of us are non-human in some way, and we're collectively foxkin.
Follow our spotify for amazing music recs ;3
Spotify - LemonMuncher
Stances, DNI, tagging system, blinkies/userboxes and system members below the cut.
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Pro endogenic (we're critical of the community but think that endogenics do exist)
Anti Radqueer
Anti TransID
Anti proship (we won't harrass people, we just find the whole proship thing very weird and uncomfortable personally)
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
Pro good faith identities + we're mspec mono ourselves (pansexual gay)
MAPs, Zoophiles, etc.
Israel supporters
Singlets that can't be normal about systems 
Transphobes, homophobes, racists, ableists etc. (Surprising there's any on this site but...)
harvestposting - original posts
harvestinfodump - system infodump
harvesthottakes - opinions, mostly syscourse
*emoji* writing - the headmate that wrote the post
harvestfandoming - fandomposting
harvestsillies - stories from headspace + quotes
note: updated barely at all, not all headmates are featured here, "neos" stands for neopronouns
🍁Maple/Harvest - they/fox/He, gatekeeper and the headspace personified
👁️Xel/Cyrus - they/neos/it/he, protector
🌞Grian/Sunny - he/sun/other neos
🌈Neon - they/neos/it
📼Tubbo/Tobias - he/neos, archival assistant
💥Inni/Tommy - he/him, adhd holder+social headmate
🪻Ranboo/Cranberry - he/they/neos/xe
🦷Lennox/Lynx - he/they/neos
🔑Karl/Grayan - he/him
🔪Wiktor - he/him
❄️Scott - he/aer/neos
🐟Jimmy - he/him, memory keeper
🏺Kaian/Joel - he/him
🫧Lizzie/Meri - she/sea/they/any
🌻Peril/Pearl - she/neos/they
🍄Shrub - any/all
💐Katherine - she/neos
🎆Gemini - she/they
🧨Fwhip - he/him
🌙Pearl - she/they, junior gatekeeper
🔦Grian/Elliot - he/they, archivist
🪦Cleo - she/they/it, protector
🌲Gem - she/neos/it
🐺Ren - he/paw/neos, caretaker
🌱Bdubs/Oakley - he/neos/it
🎙️Etho - he/neos, no role
📻Oscar/Scar - he/xe
🌿Jellie - she/xer, sassy shit of a cat (affectionate)
⚙️Mumbo - he/they/it/neos
🔥Tango - he/flame/it
🍃Joel - he/him
📟Doc - he/any
🧊Cub - he/ve/it
🪽Angel/Halo - they/he/she, comforter
🐅Cassian - they/he, protector
🌼Will/Finn - he/star/shark/bloom/⭐️/🦈/🌼
🥕Brownie/Arvey - social anxiety holder
🕯️Kit - he/they/it, traumaholder
⛓️ Icarus - he/it, comforter
📀Cyn - xe/they, mood booster
✨Milo - they/them, former host
🐾Alex - he/they/it
🦴Amaranthus - he/they, traumaholder
🪵 Cedar -they/them
✴️Felix - he/neos
🐾Alex - he/they/it, therian identity holder
🕓Bdubs - he/him, gatekeeper
🌸Lizzie - she/they
🎀Minx - he/she
🌊Raffy - he/it, animal headmate
🫚Ginger - he/him, animal headmate
🥀Valerie - she/her, protector, caretaker
🕊️Ophelia - she/her, caretaker
🎸Xavier - he/him
🦝Bastian - he/it
🦅Phenic - mirror pronouns, protector
🧸Scout - he/paw/it?
🐕Cody - he/him
🦊Fern - they/them
🍄Faye - they/them
🃏Finley - xe/ve/fizz
💻Alistair - they/them, social protector
🪶Grian - he/him, architect
🌳Scar - he/him
   + Jellie - she/her, non-fronting
♦️Max - he/him
🧪Zedaph - they/he
🌷Stress/Sylvie - she/her
👾Xisuma - they/he
🪓Fallon/Faolan - they/she/he
🧳Antique - they/them
☁️Ghost - she/hxr
+Two littles we'd rather keep private
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It Will Come Back
Fandom: Wednesday (2022) Summary: There's something lurking in the woods outside of Nevermore. Something that drips with bloodlust and hurt. Warnings: Taxidermy, hunting, animal death, violent/possessive sex, underage sex, minor unhealthy behaviors, and canon-typical gore Word Count: 6,353 Ship(s): Wednesday Addams/Tyler Galpin
Archive link!
A/N: So I had this idea sneak up and attack me during the middle of the night and then spent the next several days bothering all my mutuals about it while I wrote it. I edited this during the last couple of days that I had The Plague so there's a chance that I missed some things. If you liked this fic and want to talk to me about it (once you've finished reading it of course), send me an ask ! I hope that you all enjoy. Stay sissy and bitchy everyone &lt;3
You know better, babe, you know better, babe
Than to look at it, look at it like that
You know better, babe, you know better, babe
Than to talk to it, talk to it like that
Don't give it a hand, offer it a soul
Honey, make this easy
Leave it to the land, this is what it knows
Honey, that's how it sleeps
Don't let it in with no intention to keep it
Jesus Christ, don't be kind to it
Honey, don't feed it, it will come back
The first time that she saw it, she was in Xavier’s art shed. He had a portion of it covered in a tarp just for her so that she could do her strange little rituals without scraping any of the lacquer on the floor, just as he had done for himself. He got painters fabric, thick waterproof stuff that didn’t matter if he dropped even an entire bottle of paint on it, and she got the tarp so that it was easy to dispose of. She really enjoyed the fact that her childhood friend had made a space for her within the space that he had carved out for himself, not that she would ever tell him that.
Night was beginning to creep closer and closer to its apex the longer that she was out there, the cool chill of midnight leaking through the cracked windows and half-open door. The only reason that she was out in the art shed was because when she had come back to class, Casper Shepherd and Echo Finnigan had been in her room with Enid, giggling about something inane so loudly she knew she wasn’t going to get anything done. 
Wednesday was pissed that she had to put aside her writing time for the night as her typewriter was going to be far too heavy for her to lift on her own. She decided that if she wasn’t going to be able to flex her mind creatively through dissociating into the world that she had created for Viper, then she was going to do it somehow. So she had decided to work with the taxidermy kit that her parents had left her for her birthday.
That had been a terrifyingly dreadful event that was only saved because Xavier had known her since they were six. That meant that he assured her birthday was spent in almost total solitude, keeping Enid out of their dorm until eleven o’clock at night. Afterwards he let her back in and Wednesday endured an hour of socializing with the friends that Enid had been able to convince to try and give Wednesday a surprise party.
She had gotten a myriad of little gifts for her birthday, but the ones that her parents had left with her after Parents Weekend was her favorite. Enid wouldn't let her do it in the dorm room because she felt faint at the sight of blood and taxidermy wasn't usually a clean hobby, so it was probably a good thing she was doing it out in the shed. She enjoyed the feeling of night anyway, the creeping dread that the shadows on the walls were inches from reaching out and returning her to death. She also got to feed the innards of the mice she was working on to the local owls, who were far more fun to toy around with than the intelligent corvids that followed her around during the day. 
She let the feeling and sounds of night lull her into a near-dream state where all she could focus on was the chemicals and sawdust that went into making her newest creation. She wasn't like the woman that made the stuffed squirrel and mouse figures sold in the shop in town, but she did think that it was imperative to have physical crafting hobbies and nothing was better than taxidermy for that. 
She had been up for most of the night when she heard some scuffling from the slightly open door. It was only then that she realized how late she had been working. She was going to be so deliciously miserable tomorrow, she could already feel the exhaustion settling into her bones. 
Wednesday knew that whatever was at the door was one of the critters that she had been feeding. She didn't want the unused part of her craft to sit there and rot, especially when giving it to the local wildlife meant that she kept the ecosystem flowing even though she was killing a large amount of the prey animals for her practice. Owls were her favorite to feed the mice and voles to, but sometimes foxes came and asked her for something. Her favorite fox was one that looked like it would shiv her if it had thumbs, scruffy and clearly recovering from mange. 
They could wait for the time being, though. She wasn't quite finished with her last vole of the night and she wanted to get it done before her hands were stained with blood again. 
Wednesday tried focusing on the task in front of her, ignoring the sound of leaves being crunched as whatever critter was outside stomped on them. She did follow the sounds as it circled the shed once, twice, three times before it stopped once more at the door. 
The steps sounded heavy whenever they hit the ground. It rattled the very earth just enough that she could tell where it was stepping because of the way that the poorly installed windows rattled noisily. When it reached the doorway she took a deep breath in, in the hopes that she would be able to pick up on some kind of clue as to what it was. Foxes smelled like thick, rich earth and the oils that prevented them from getting hurt in the snowy months. Skunks smelled like their spray, very faintly but distinctly enough that it overwhelmed all other scents that they might have. 
There was nothing coming from this creature, though. She could faintly smell the coppery iron of the blood from the bag of guts next to her but the only other thing was the remnants of Xavier's aftershave. Whatever he had switched to was far stronger than his old stuff, so Wednesday made a note to ask him to switch back as soon as possible. 
She rose, now curious. She walked to the door and then placed her hand flat against it before she pushed it open to reveal whatever it was that her gifts to nature had summoned. Her fingers loosened on the bag full of viscera for just a moment as she took in the sight in front of her. 
She had been expecting a bear or even a wolf. The silent yet heavy way that it moved had made her inclined to believe that it was a predator. What she found was leaning towards that assumption but still so unique and knew that it actually managed to surprise her. 
A monster had found her, a kind that she had never heard stories about or seen before. It was about the same height as the shed, or it would be if it stood to its full height instead of hunching as it was. The skin was a sickly shade of gray that was stretched over the bones so tightly that it looked painful. The monster's limbs were gangly and disproportionate to its body, with the arms hanging long below where they should have been. Its claws were massive, almost as long as its palm. The face was almost human but had large yellow bug eyes and a maw full of sharp, serrated teeth. It was completely in the nude, shivering from the night air as the only thing keeping it insulated was the wiry brown hairs springing from its shoulders and down its back. 
It didn't do anything, just hunched over while staring at Wednesday. She couldn't really blame it, even though she hated it when people stared at her like she was somehow stranger than they were. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the monster either.
"What are you doing here?" she asked. A creature such as this had to have some kind of master, a being watching over it to make sure that it didn't kill enough civilians to make people antsy. Even the werewolves generally found people to watch them in the forms of their packs (though that was usually to distract themselves rather than to have a proper watcher). 
The monster gave a soft wuffling sound in the back of its throat and inched towards her. 
Wednesday cocked her head to the side as she tried to figure out what it wanted from her. She had encountered every type of person in her two years at Nevermore and life amongst the Addams, yet this creature intrigued her more than anything had before. She took a small step toward, clenching her hand a bit tighter around the bag of guts and muscle as it threatened to slip from her long, skilled fingers. 
That caught the monster's attention. Wednesday noted how immediately brilliant he seemed to be. She hadn't seen that much intelligence in a creature since she had come to Nevermore. About half of that could be blamed on the fact that she was surrounded with underdeveloped, hormone fueled teenagers, but it was disgruntling nonetheless. 
"What? This?" she asked as she brought the nearly dripping bag up in front of her. She had gotten so lost in her work that she had done far more than she usually did, which meant that the waterproof canvas of the bag was being tested. 
The monster followed the path of the bag with its eyes. Curious. 
"I usually reserve this for my owls and foxes," Wednesday informed it in a rather clipped tone. She blew out a small breath and then tossed the bag so that it slid open in front of the beast. Guts, bones, and muscles slid out of it and into the dirt. 
The monster tracked the bag with a sickening accuracy. It stared at the viscera for a moment longer before it turned back to her.
Wednesday crossed her arms in front of her as she met the sallow yellow of its eyes. "Well?" she asked, gesturing with her head over to the bag.
The creature immediately lurched towards the mess in the dirt. There wasn't a lot of food there for a beast of its size. The monster had to pick up the tiny mouse remains with only two of its claws before it could bring the meat and guts to its mouth. She longed to feed it something bigger, something that it had to gnaw at with those terrifyingly large teeth instead of just swallowing it. 
She didn’t have anything that she could use for that in this current moment, though, so she just settled on watching all the remnants of her crafts slide down the beast’s throat. It was beautiful to watch the way that it would hunch over the viscera while grabbing the newest bit that it wanted to eat. She could hear the snapping and crunching that came with every bite that it gave the bones and the sickly wet noises that the blood made as it dribbled down the monster’s face. 
When it had finished, it turned around so that it was facing her. She raised an eyebrow at it. “I gave you a meal, what do you want from me now? I have nothing else to give you. That was the last of the mice that I can catch this week.”
She was going to be busy with classes and the clubs that she had been forced to join when she had first showed up to the school. It had been a good idea of her parents to enroll her in Nevermore instead of letting her go to a public school where all the adults would be too worn out to try and stop her from getting up to mischief. Wednesday was of the opinion that the principal of the private outcast school was overcorrecting just a little bit, however. She was forced to socialize and join several clubs even in her freshman year before she had gotten up to anything that might be frowned upon. Just to stick it to Weems and her overbearing nature, though, Wednesday made sure that she still wrecked havoc whenever she could.
The monster leaned forward, closer and closer to her until she could feel its breath on her hair. She supposed that was the point, as the great beast took in a couple of deep breaths before it turned and loped back into the forest. 
She had just allowed a monster, one that she didn’t even know the type of let alone the name, scent her like she was a dog. She was marked by it, especially now that she had given it the attention that it so obviously wasn’t getting from whatever master that it had.
You know better, babe, you know better, babe
Than to smile at me, smile at me like that
You know better, babe, you know better, babe
Than to hold me just, hold me just like that
I know who I am when I'm alone
I'm something else when I see you
You don't understand, you should never know
How easy you are to need
Don't let me in with no intention to keep me
Jesus Christ, don't be kind to me
Honey, don't feed me, I will come back
It wasn’t often that Wednesday let her friends drag her into town, but when Enid was particularly good for a day she thought that it was a nice reward. It meant that she got more days where she was permitted to stay sequestered away in their dorm room while working on her novel without interruptions, because that meant that Enid got more time in the cafes and tacky shops of Jericho.
They were trying out somewhere new today since Xavier insisted that the last cafe that they went to had to be cursed or something. That had only intrigued Wednesday to want to go to it more, since she wanted to experiment with the bad luck that they inevitably had whenever they patroned there, but it had freaked Enid out so bad that she refused. Wednesday made a mental note to force her childhood friend to take her into town next week so that she could poke around The Brewed Witch as much as she wanted.
This time, though, they had decided to get their morning coffee before Enid dragged them all over town at a small coffee shop called the Weathervane.
It was nice enough, if not a little too perky for Wednesday’s tastes. The walls were an unoffensive shade, just dark enough that she didn’t feel like she was being suffocated. Most of the staff looked like they had already been to Hell even though they worked in a small coffee shop in an even smaller town and it was only nine o’clock in the morning. She supposed that could have been because it was one of the weekends where Nevermore students were unleashed upon the town.
Suddenly she felt a lot better about being dragged away from her first choice option if it meant that her very existence in a place that wasn’t meant for her was going to be causing other people displeasure.
They walked up to the counter of the cafe and Enid rattled off her order. It was something with way too much sugar and not nearly enough coffee, but after two years of living with the other girl for the majority of the year, Wednesday had learned that it was better that Enid lay off the caffeine. Xavier ordered a plain black coffee and a poppy seed muffin that Enid would end up eating the majority of. Then Wednesday stepped up to the counter so that she could give her order. 
She made eye contact with the barista that was serving them and felt a shiver run down her spine.
He was a regular-looking normie, but there was something about him that she couldn’t place. His hair was a flop of caramel-colored curls that hung evenly over his forehead. He had a well proportioned face other than the scowl lines that were being brought forth by the frown he was currently sporting. He was taller than Wednesday with light skin that was covered in a smattering of freckles and moles. His arms seemed just a little bit too long for his body but he was holding them upwards as he wrote down when they were ordering on a pad of paper, so she figured that she just wasn’t seeing it right.
Her eyes flicked down to his nametag and then back up to his face so that she could lock eyes with him again. She desperately wanted to be able to name the emotion that was swimming in the depths of his eyes but she knew that she wouldn’t be able to, even with her massive vocabulary and ease of reading people from afar.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, his voice low enough that her friends wouldn’t be able to here. They had already left so that they could find the perfect booth where they could watch people while they ate and talked.
“I’m getting coffee with my friends,” she replied. She would have said something more cutting and abrasive, she didn’t much like it when people questioned her before she even did anything, but something about him made her treat him more tenderly. “Do you have a problem with that, Tyler?”
He glanced down at the nametag hanging off of his apron and then back at her. “No,” he choked out. He forced a smile onto his face as he then asked, “What can I get you?”
Wednesday gave her normal order: a quad over ice with no creamer, milk, or sugar. She watched him as he wrote it down and then slowly turned around so that he could begin making the orders.
She trailed her fingers over the edge of the counter as she walked towards the booth that her friends had chosen. They were talking about one of the classes that they shared but she didn’t have, which allowed her to eavesdrop on the employees cleaning up the table two booths behind them. 
“I can’t be put on another shift like this, man,” the first one groaned. “I was working until closing last night with Tyler and now I’m up super early.”
“Shut up. You got to close with Tyler. I had to close with Vivian last week and let me tell you, she does absolutely jack shit. If I was being paid even the slightest bit more then I would report her and get her written up at least,” the second one snorted.
The first one spoke again, their head turning towards the counter where the aforementioned barista was still working, “Getting written up doesn’t do anything. Before whatever the fuck happened last Tuesday, Tyler used to get written up all the time and nothing ever happened.”
There was silence for a moment and all Wednesday could make out was the crumpling of a wrapper and some napkins. “Something did happen to him, didn’t it?” the second employee asked.
“Something had to have happened. Someone doesn’t have a complete change in personality like that overnight. I mean, I used to think that he was going to bite me every time I came behind the back to get another cup or make tea,” the first said. “Something happened and now he’s like… a person.”
“He was a person before. It can’t be easy being the sheriff's son in this town. Not when he hangs out with the mayor’s kid all the time. He probably had to watch his bestie never get in trouble for the same shit that he got slammed down for,” the second said.
“God, Kylie, keep it in your pants. You can’t go crushing on that guy when he had that total one-eighty. What if he goes back to being a dick?” the first employee grumbled.
Usually the implication of a crush or some kind of romantic attraction between anyone was enough to make Wednesday lose her appetite or at least stop paying attention to what was going on around her. She didn’t care for the overexposure of affection that she had gotten from her parents while growing up so she wasn’t going to subject herself to it more now.
The strange thing was, she didn’t feel disgusted or even put off by the implication that Tyler could be romantically involved with one of his coworkers. Instead she just felt angry. 
The anger that erupted in her stomach and flushed throughout her veins was unlike anything she had ever felt before. It was possessive and verdant green with jealousy. It made the muscles in her legs and back twitch with the anticipation of getting up to protect what was rightfully hers. Her hands clenched in her lap so hard that they left crescent shaped bruises on her palm.
She realized then that there was no reason that she should be thinking like that. She had no say in Tyler’s life or care about what he did with it, she had only just met him.  
“Yoohoo, Earth to Wednesday?” Enid asked as she waved her hand in front of the other girl’s face.
Wednesday often got lost in thought, so this interaction was one that they had many times before. She reached up and grabbed Enid’s wrist before she tossed it back over to her. “I’m still here, unfortunately.”
“We tried to talk to you like three times and we got no response,” Enid whined as she cupped her wrist to her chest like the other girl was at all capable of doing damage to her werewolf-enhanced body.
“What were you thinking about?” Xavier asked casually. He was flexing and unflexing his hand over the napkin that he had been doodling on. She knew that he only did that when he was seeing something that had been bothering him in his dreams. Being childhood best friends with him was something of a double edged sword. She knew him better than anyone else, even his now ex-girlfriend Bianca, but at the same time he also knew her more intimately than even her own family did.
She let out a small sigh as she turned her head towards Tyler. “Does he seem off to either of you?”
Enid groaned and placed her forehead down on the table. “Please don’t be stirring up more shit with your weird murder mystery fetish stuff. I just got over the trauma of Laurel shooting Ajax because she turned out to be an anti-outcast normie,” the werewolf pleaded.
Wednesday couldn’t help herself. A smile crept onto her face as she leaned back in the booth. That was a rather fond memory, for her at least.
They didn’t get to continue their conversation as Tyler walked over to their booth with a tray in hand. He set down Xavier’s black coffee and muffin in front of him and then Enid’s horrific concoction of sugar and milk in front of her. He took care removing Wednesday’s quad from the tray as he set it down in front of her, leaving the receipt at the edge of the table.
She turned her head to watch him go, her eyes transfixed on the way that his shoulders and back rippled with every little movement that he made. He was such a curious person, so almost wrong while still being wholly and completely normal.
“Weds,” Xavier kicked at her leg under the table to get her attention. She responded by stomping on his foot and he just rolled his eyes at her for it. “He didn’t charge you for your quad. That shit is usually just as expensive as Enid’s garbage.”
“Strange,” Wednesday commented as she took the receipt from him to check it over. She did the math in her head, her eyes flickering every so often to the pricing on the menu hanging behind the counter, and it was true. For some reason, Tyler had charged everyone but her for their drinks. He didn’t even tack on the price of her coffee to the other three things that they had purchased.
“Maybe he likes you,” Enid squealed excitedly. She was practically vibrating in her seat as she said it and Wednesday just rolled her eyes. Enid had been obsessed with the idea of relationships and romance since the two of them had first met when they were fourteen. At first, Wednesday had found it to be the second most grating fact about her, directly following her obsession with color.
The day followed in its strange pattern, because for some reason, Wednesday didn’t find the idea of Tyler liking her romantically as disgusting as it should have been.
It can't be unlearned
I've known the warmth of your doorways
Through the cold, I'll find my way back to you
Oh, please, give me mercy no more
That's a kindness you can't afford
I warn you, baby, each night, as sure as you're born
You'll hear me howling outside your door
Don't you hear me howling, babe?
The idea of romance was disgusting to her. How could it not be, after she had to watch her parents interact with each other every time they were in the same room together? She did care for her family, she treasured them in the place where her heart should have been. She just hated the way that her parents seemed to be magnetically pulled together.
It hadn’t gotten any more appealing even after she got some space away from them. Enid adored the cheesy romance novels that shops usually kept away from the front of the store in fear of scaring away their customers. She had a very specific idea of what romance and romantic relationships had to be and also refused to shut up about it. When she had been vying for Ajax’s attention, Wednesday had been about four whining sentences about how he hadn’t asked Enid out yet from throwing herself out of the window.
When she came out to Xavier’s art shed so that she could work on taxidermying something new, though, the idea of romance was illuminated with a completely new light for her. 
She found a perfectly killed deer laying on the doorstep to the shed. It hadn’t been shot, none of the small bullet holes from the buck shot were present on the hide. The only thing that she was able to identify as a cause of death was the slash along the abdomen, right where she would have had to cut the skin to work with it anyway.
She immediately dragged the carcass into the shed so that she could work with it. Xavier had left early so that he could spend some time with the Nightshades and Enid was out in town with Ajax, so Wednesday knew that she was going to be left alone as she got her work done.
The night crept further and further on as she allowed herself to be consumed by the project that she had laid out in front of her. The meat, bones, and guts from the deer lay beside her, limp and useless now that she had the skin removed and hanging to dry. It was going to take a lot longer than it would have if it was a smaller animal, but she had never had the opportunity to work with anything this large.
The moment that she had finished getting everything prepped for the next stage as much as she could, she heard the now-familiar wuffling. The monster had come to visit her several more times since the first night that she had fed it. She enjoyed when it came back, more than she probably should have.
It was a terrifying beast and despite all of the time and energy that she had put into researching what it was so that she could better accommodate it, she had been able to find hide nor hair of what it might be. That drove her forward more than anything else had before in her life. She had the chance to research a new species, to dissect it and study it until she was able to write her own book about it.
She also enjoyed the attention that it gave her whenever it came to visit. It would sit patiently by the door and then refuse to go to the bag of viscera that she now always saved for it until she permitted it to do so. She enjoyed the loyalty and obedience more than she knew that she could enjoy anything.
She grasped the two legs of the buck that she was able to and then began to drag it towards the doorway. She knew that Xavier was going to be upset about the fact that she had smeared blood all over the floor, but there was very little she could do about that now. Her monster was more important to her than her friend’s feelings, especially when she knew that he would get over it quickly enough.
She dropped the deer down to the ground and then opened the door so that she could see her monster.
It was standing there, hunched over and sniffing at the air like it always did when it came to be fed. The last couple of times that it had visited her it had also let her thread her fingers through its hair and brush over the fur that lined down its shoulders and back.
The creature was holding itself as if something was wrong, though. Wednesday immediately wanted to soothe any anxieties or worries that it might be having but she also knew that if she got to close then there was a chance that it could take her hand off. She wouldn’t mind if it attacked her, she might even think that it was fun, but she needed both of her hands to finish her novel.
“What’s the matter with you?” she asked.
That snapped the creature out of whatever it had been thinking about. She watched as it stood up to its full height, something that it had never done around her before. She watched, completely transfixed, as the body of her creature began to shrink down.
By the time that the height finished decreasing, it was still much taller than her but not nearly as tall as the monster had been. The skin that had stretched over bones too big for its own frame began to turn into a milky white, covered in moles and freckles. The massive claws changed so that they were eerily long fingers. The teeth reduced down so that they fit back inside of its mouth. The wispy, wiry fur reduced down so that it was a mop of caramel colors. The yellow, bulging eyes turned so that they were smaller and hazel.
“Tyler,” Wednesday breathed, so low that she was sure he hadn’t been able to hear her.
He took a step forward, both of them ignoring the fact that he was completely naked. He reached his hand up to the side of her face and leaned forward so that they were a few inches apart from each other. “Did you appreciate the gift that I left you?”
She smirked. She knew that there had been something off about him when she had met him for the first time in the Weathervane. She had let Xavier and Enid talk her out of it since neither of them wanted to deal with her being obsessed with some mystery and drag them into it again. She had dropped it in favor of focusing on her book and digging more into what her parents had done when they were attending Nevermore.
She had just watched Tyler change from her monster back into his human form, though, which was all the confirmation that she needed to know that he was just as strange as she had thought he was.
She smirked as she leaned into the touch of his hand. “I did. I brought the carcass out for you to have, but I don’t think that this version of your body would appreciate it very much.”
“I have some other plans for what I want to do tonight,” Tyler whispered as he leaned a bit closer to her.
Don't you hear me howling, babe?
She surged forward before he had the chance to. He had come to her and basically made her his master (though she’d have to check and make sure that there was no one else in his life that had the kind of relationship that they did). She wasn’t going to let him think that he could take the lead just because he had brought her something that she enjoyed. She was still the one in control here and she was going to remind him of that as often as she could.
Their lips connected together like they had been made by the gods for one another. They only pressed together in a kiss for a moment before tongues and teeth joined in the mix, biting and licking into each other’s mouths like they were trying to eat each other’s souls.
She was happy with this, more than she ever thought that she would be based on how she had considered romantic and sexual relationships up to this point. Arousal furled in her gut the longer that they continued to pull at each other. She could also feel Tyler’s cock growing hard against her leg, a siren song and a promise all at once.
Don't you hear me howling, babe?
He pushed her up against the side of the barn wall. His long fingers wove through her dark hair, something that she had never let someone do before. He wrenched her head to the side and then began to bite and nip at the skin on her neck.
She could already feel the slow heartbeat that usually fluttered in her chest moving so that it was fueling the bruise that was beginning to form on her skin from his ministrations. 
She threw her head back against the wall and let out a moan to tell him that she wanted him to keep going. Her hands were roaming over his back and neck before she finally settled on tugging at his curls as well. 
Don't you hear me howling?
She began to pull at her clothes while he was busy. She busted several of the buttons on her art shirt, which was annoying since she was going to have to sew them back on but she didn’t mind at the moment. She pushed the shirt off and down onto the dirt beneath them. Her bra came off a moment later, and she only realized that Tyler had used his claw when she felt the blood dripping down her back.
She groaned as she rocked her hips upward to let him know that she wanted him to go faster. He continued to work on her neck like he had before. He moved down to her chest and collarbones a moment later. Tyler bit at the skin as much as he sucked hickies onto it, being non-discriminatory when it came to what kind of marks he was leaving on her as long as he was leaving some.
The only time that he stopped worshiping her skin was so that he could pull down the skirt and panties that had remained untouched up to that point. She was left bare and naked while the world around her bit at her skin. The prickling pain on her back from where he had gotten her earlier mixed with the ache her skin immediately felt when the cold air snapped onto her.
Wednesday knew that the air was affecting her more than it usually was because of the flush that her normally dead and tacky skin was taking on. She was hornier than she thought possible for one single person to be. She wanted so desperately for him to fuck her already, but he insisted on marking her up for a time being first.
Don't you hear me howling?
When he finally slipped inside of her, she felt like her entire body was burning in the best way possible. She remembered the jealousy that she had felt overhearing one of his coworkers hitting on him behind his back. She groaned and smirked as she knew that none of them were able to have this side of Tyler. This was only for her, and it would also only ever be for her. 
She scratched at his back with her nails so that he was just as marked up as she was. Wednesday could feel the way that he was twitching inside of her every time that she moaned a certain way or caught part of his hair in her nails.
They bucked and moved against each other, his thick cock sliding in and out of her every time that he moved his hips. They were drowning in a sea of pleasure and possessiveness, both of them coming to the apex of their interaction. He lowered her down onto the pile of clothing that she had dumped while scrambling to get him into her.
“You’re mine, Tyler. I’m going to come and visit you and we’re going to talk about this,” Wednesday said as she looked up at him menacingly. Her body was aching in the best was possible, she could get addicted to this.
“Is that a promise?” he asked with a small smirk. She could already see the way that his height was increasing and his skin was turning ashy as he shifted again.
“It’s a threat.”
Don't you hear me howling, babe?
A smile crept over her normally stoic features as she heard the sound of her monster howling into the night.
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ao3feed-wenvier · 1 year
Carnally Caffeinated
by GoodMourningCoffee
Drip is for people who hate themselves, but it’s the only thing served in the Nevermore Dining Hall. Xavier is a wonderful classmate and introduces Wednesday to Glicker’s Double Espresso canned coffee. It’s an acquired taste, exactly like Wednesday.
Senior year is filled with a host of minor annoyances: Enid’s new obsession, social pressures Wednesday does not subscribe to, these strange new heart palpitations caused by too much caffeine, and Xavier potentially not being the type of outcast everyone thought he was.
Words: 11181, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Wednesday (TV 2022)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Wednesday Addams, Xavier Thorpe, Eugene Ottinger, Enid Sinclair, Ajax Petropolus, Kent (Wednesday)
Relationships: Wednesday Addams/Xavier Thorpe, Ajax Petropolus/Enid Sinclair
Additional Tags: Coffee, Canned Coffee, Dirty Jokes, Social Issues, Social Commentary, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Hand Jobs, Verbal Humiliation, Praise Kink, Size Difference, Size Kink, Humiliation kink, Referenced childhood SA (nongraphic), Dick Jokes, Xavier Thorpe Needs a Hug, Xavier Thorpe Has A Big Dick, Wednesday Addams Mistakes Love for Coffee Related Heart Palpitations
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iamfandomcrazy · 1 year
When Enid begs her to attend the Nevermore reunion for their class, Wednesday refuses. So she compromises by agreeing to come to Jericho, along with Tyler and Dean, to socialize at the Weathervane while Enid and Ajax are in town
As always, Xavier ruins it with his presence
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allthingswenvier · 2 years
Xavier allowed his darling some time to settle in and unpack while he pretended to have something to do in the living room.
Truthfully, he sat, fidgeted, and waited for Wednesday to join him there.
Eventually, her curiosity forced her to leave her room and find her friend.
“........It is very quiet here.” She said as she walked into the living room.
Xavier blinked as he glanced up at her.
She had changed clothes.
Her original dark outfit had been traded in for a gothic black and white dress.
Xavier silently wondered if that held any meaning before he shrugged and said, “Told you……You can hide from the entire world out here if you want to……No one will know.”
Usually not fond of socializing, Wednesday didn’t mind spending a bit of time with Xavier.
As she cautiously approached and sat across from him on the sofa, the two continued to chat.
“I’m surprised you came.” Xavier smiled.
“..........Why?” Wednesday asked.
“I never imagined you were a……..beach person.” He chuckled.
“I wasn’t aware you had to be a ‘beach person’ to visit the ocean.” Wednesday quipped.
“You don’t, it’s just…….It doesn’t seem like something you’d be interested in.” He shrugged.
“Mother and Father brought me and Pugsley to the seaside many times when we were children.” Wednesday revealed.
Xavier listened as he studied her beautiful, dark eyes.
“...........It’s not the worst place.” Wednesday determined with a shrug as memories of stomping around the sand in her frilly black and white striped swimsuit while Pugsley ran squealing along the rolling tide faded.
The room quieted until she asked, “I assume your parents spent time here with you?”
“Dad didn’t build this house until I was already at Nevermore.” Xavier shrugged, “But I guess you could say I was at this beach with them, yeah.”
“What do you mean you ‘guess’?” Wednesday scowled.
“Dad’s told me a hundred times I was conceived here.” Xavier chuckled.
“........Here?” Wednesday blinked as her dark eyes widened, “Right here?........On this beach?”
An awkward tension filled the room before Xavier broke it with a laugh, “Yeah, that’s why he built this house. It seemed kind of cringe at first, but the more I think about it, the more I think he did it as a sort of memorial to my mother……Which is probably why he never bothers to come out here. I think he doesn’t want to face her memory, even though he tries to preserve it.”
“That invokes more tragic romance than ‘cringe’.” Wednesday said flatly.
“I mean…..” Xavier shrugged as he laughed at the facts he had presented.
“Why are you embarrassed?.....Everyone’s conceived somewhere.” Wednesday replied, “My parents claim I was made on top of my grandfather’s grave.”
Xavier’s eyes widened as his eyebrows raised, “Oh, that’s um……that’s interesting.”
“It’s an old family tradition, but I’m not inclined to believe them.” Wednesday went on.
“And why is that?” Xavier asked, eager to purge his mind from the image of Gomez and Morticia defiling someone’s final resting place.
“Have you ever seen my parents?.....When they’re around each other?” Wednesday asked.
“Uh, I don’t think I have, no.” Xavier shrugged.
Wednesday scowled.
“They’re always…….affectionate.” She slowly explained with a nod of her head.
“Yeah, actually, now that you mention it, that kind of makes sense.” Xavie nodded as he thought back to the school functions Gomez and Morticia had attended.
It had always broken his heart to see them.
If only his mother could have lived, maybe his father would have been that way with her.
Maybe his father wouldn’t have stayed gone all the time……..
“It becomes disgusting when you have to spend your life seeing and hearing them together.” Wednesday grouched, “That’s why I don’t believe them.”
“About where you were conceived?” Xavier asked.
“How could they possibly pinpoint the place?” Wednesday asked.
Xavier smiled for a moment before he let a chuckle escape his lips.
That chuckle turned into a full blown laugh and although Wednesday abhorred the sound of others’ laughter, a small smirk graced her lips as she listened to Xavier’s amusement.
New chapter!
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bestwenclairfics · 2 years
i don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush - Chapter 1 - TooGucci4You - Wednesday (TV 2022) [Archive of Our Own]
Hahaha Wednesday, you are so oblivious....
Yoko, we love you... You need to help this useless gurl
Sneak peak:
So, here she was, scouring the school library for information on werewolf social customs.
Wednesday had never courted anyone before. Tyler and Xavier didn’t count, Tyler she had felt like she owed, and Xavier, well. He couldn’t read the stop sign if it was painted on the inside of his eyelids. She only had the most basic, paltry understanding of how it worked between humans, thanks to the loathsome displays of affection her parents so loved to assault her with. Courting a werewolf? Wednesday didn’t even know where to begin.
With a frustrated huff, she shoved back a journal that had looked promising, only to be full of nonsense about vampires and werewolves. Completely off topic. From behind the shelf, she heard a thud, followed by the sound of soft pattering across the tile floor. Peering behind it, she saw Thing attempting to drag a large, leather-bound tome towards her.
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linkon-city · 4 months
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In sun and rain, he waits. Through days and nights, his waits. Reading, writing, he's there… waiting. Until dreams take him away. Don't keep him waiting, go meet him now!
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📌 world building and lore references for my muses (offline)
✧˖° — XAVIER : @starsfrombeyond ✧˖° — ZAYNE : @dreamsfinale ✧˖° — RAFAYEL : @everlasting-melody ✧˖° — SYLUS : @risingfromchaos ✧˖° — CALEB : n/a
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This is a Love and Deepspace world building and lore archive for my rp characters, but everyone is welcome to enjoy and reblog these transcripts. I reference the game and their official social media accounts. Custom coloring and edited graphics here were done by me for a cohesive aesthetic. I don't take ownership of anything. All of the information and graphics featured on this blog were pulled directly from the mobile game. ©2023 Infoldgames.
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lisharchivez · 1 month
Everything looks so big-⭐Adventure Above Clouds event Xavier moment post : ALL possible outcomes
Finish Xavier's chapter 1 of Mystic Adventure in Adventure Above Clouds event to get the post in your socials
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⭐He posts this
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⭐Heres your comment options
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Option 1. Option 2. Option 3.
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2nd pic cr : @relentlessconqueror
more from the event : Adventure Above Clouds
For more chat and posts all possible outcomes check my pinned here .
thanks for the support
The End ;)
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performingborders x Central School of Speech & Drama Collaborative Doctoral Award
Border-artists: Critiquing border logics in transnational digital performance Supervised by Dr Diana Damian Martin (Royal Central School of Speech and Drama) and performingborders (Xavier de Sousa, Alessandra Cianetti & Anahí Saravia Herrera)
Fully funded by London Arts & Humanities Partnership (LAHP)
The application process is now concluded and the award recipient as been selected. More to be announced soon.
performingborders and Central School of Speech and Drama are proud to announce a new fully funded Collaborative Doctoral Award (PhD), now open to application by any prospective student interested in borders, digital performance, live art and transnational research. This PhD looks at the reproduction and revisioning of borders in contemporary transnational digital performance. Its objective is to develop a method of analysis — ‘border work’ – that captures the complex artistic and political processes that shape contemporary transnational digital performance, its production and curation, advancing new imaginaries for migrant-led social change. Starting from the performingborders archive, this CDA examines the development, curation, and outcome of digital performances by migrant artists of colour working in the UK and internationally, exploring how borders are experienced and how they become a space of fluidity and agency, rather than violence and separation. As the focus of this studentship is on border-work, this application is open to candidates with lived experience of migration.
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dailyrugbytoday · 2 years
Super Rugby Pacific Chiefs vs Crusaders - 24 February 2023
New Post has been published on https://thedailyrugby.com/super-rugby-pacific-chiefs-vs-crusaders-2023/
The Daily Rugby
Super Rugby Pacific Chiefs vs Crusaders - 24 February 2023
the Chiefs opening match of Super Rugby Pacific 2023, star halfback Brad Weber has revealed the two players to watch across the season. The Chiefs will begin their 2023 campaign on February 24 when they take on the current title-holder Crusaders at Orangetheory Stadium.
Despite making the semi-finals of the 2022 edition last year, the Hamiltonians have struggled to produce consistent performances since their last title win in 2013 and will hope to make 2023 their year.
The return of Damian McKenzie and the leadership group of Sam Cane, Brodie Retallick and Anton Lienert-Brown will boost their chances; however, it is two young players who have caught Weber’s eye the most as they prepare for the upcoming competition.
“The good thing for us is that we don’t have a lot of turnovers this year, there’s a lot of guys (staying on),” Weber told SENZ Breakfast.
“I think we’ve only lost maybe one or two so a lot of continuity which is good, but I certainly am excited by our two backup halfbacks.
Here’s how to watch the 2023 Crusaders vs Chiefs broadcast on TheDailyRugby.
The 2023 Crusaders vs Chiefs broadcast starts on Feb 24, 2023. Stream or cast from your desktop, mobile or TV. Now available on Roku, Fire TV, Chromecast and Apple TV. Don’t forget to download the FloSports app on iOS or Android! If you can’t watch live, catch up with the replays! Video footage from the event will be archived and stored in a video library for FloRugby subscribers to watch for the duration of their subscription.
5 teams all in one place for 4 games of rugby…. Pre-season doesn’t get much better 😤🔥
Tickets on sale tomorrow, keep an eye out on your emails and social! READ MORE HERE ➡️ https://t.co/D2LpZYQNYE pic.twitter.com/rmdt1KV4kS
— Gallagher Chiefs (@ChiefsRugby) January 25, 2023
While the rookie had strong competition for the No.9 role in veteran Brad Weber and fellow substitute halfback Xavier Roe, Ratima was rewarded for his impressive season with selection in the inaugural All Blacks XV Northern Tour squad.
There, the young scrum-half was named on the bench to face the Barbarians and while New Zealand suffered a narrow 35-31 defeat, Ratima gained his first taste of international rugby.
Having caught the attention of All Blacks selectors after only one season of Super Rugby, Donald believes Ratima stands out as the player most likely to have a breakthrough season for the Chiefs in 2023.
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September 20th, 1977. A nenonazi organization called Alianza Apostólica Anticomunista (Spanish for “Apostolic Anti-communist Alliance”, known as the Triple A) sent a bomb to the editorial office of the Catalan satirical magazine El Papus in Barcelona, Catalonia. As a result of the attack, the janitor of the building was killed and most of the magazine’s workers (17 people) were injured.
El Papus was founded in 1972 as a humour illustrated magazine, which often made fun of social topics. Those were years of turmoil. In 1975, the dictator Francisco Franco, who had led a fascist dictatorship in Spain since winning the Civil War in 1939, died of old age. Then, a slow period of transition between the dictatorship and the supposed democracy started, in which the powers of the fascist dictatorship worked to structure the new state in a way that allowed them to keep as much power as possible. At the same time, the dictator’s death led to an explosion of protests and freedom of expression, that was met by a huge wave of far-right-wing violence with the approval of the Spanish state. Fascist terrorism against bookshops, newspapers, thinkers, political parties, neighbours’ associations, pro-Catalan meeting places, and even individuals for expressing opinions in favour of the independence, cultures and languages of national minorities (especially Catalans-Valencians, Basques and Galicians) and leftism, was at an all-time high.
El Papus had already been threatened before. As the receptionist Rosa Lores explains, a famous member of the Falange (Franco’s fascist party) called Alberto Royuela had shown up to the editorial office and threatened them that, if the magazine didn’t change its contexts, his people would come deal with it. On a different occasion, the building’s entrance door and façade had been spray-painted with the message “Sons of bitches, either you change or we will burn you down”, signed by the Francoist organization Juventud Española en Pie.
Many of the fascist terrorist attacks of those years were either left unpunished, had very small sentences, or the investigation wasn’t carried out correctly. In this case, the investigation was muddy. Three people were arrested for the attack, but they were members of Juventud Española en Pie, not the Triple A. And the trial sentenced for the crime of belonging to an armed group, not for being guilty of this terrorist attack. During the trial, the investigation was obstructed on purpose. Someone in power took the decision to not allow further investigation, and this decision is still protected nowadays: Spain’s Supreme Court has documents related to this case, but they are under secret summary and nobody can have access to them. Journalists who have tried to investigate the case, like Xavier Vinader, assure that the far-right groups and the Spanish police were deeply connected. It was never known who set the bomb.
The victims, workers of El Papus, did not receive the full monetary compensation that they were due nor any help from the authorities. Quite the opposite, they report being stigmatized for fear of reprisal. As an example, Rosa Lores explains that she had a young son who had to start school that year, but the school decided to not allow him to attend because they were scared of reprisal from fascist terrorists. The state did not recognize her full disability as a result of the injuries from the attack, nor paid for the rehabilitation, and the victims still suffer from psychological aftereffects to this day.
The first photo is a picture of El Papus’s editorial office after the bomb. (Source: Ajuntament de Barcelona).
The other pictures are a demonstration of journalists against fascist violence that was called as a response to the attack on El Papus. (Source: Manel Armengol / Archive on Flickr).
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gatefleet · 2 years
Family Legacy
Wynonna Earp: Wynonna Earp, Waverly Earp, Doc Holliday, SSA Xavier Dolls Word Count: 1,131 (T)W: Supernatural events, Guns, Violence, HIstorical Violence Request: No A/N: Sutoritaimu archive transfer.
There was a legend about the well in the garden.  No one truly believed it.  The legend was almost like a family secret that only came about in the last hundred years or so, through my great, great grandmother and, to be honest, she probably wasn’t the most reliable source of info.  According to my grandmother anyway.  She always claimed that her grandmother was just a crazy old lady.  My great, great grandmother had always believed, or claimed, to have been the Common-law wife of THE John Henry ‘Doc’ Holliday, before his demise anyway.  That we were direct descendants of Doc friggin’ Holliday.  I really wanted to believe that we were related to Doc, I guess I felt that it would help explain why we were always pulled back to Purgatory whenever we tried to leave.  Why we had this unexplained pull towards the Earp family.  The reason your family couldn’t seem to sell the Holliday Ranch.  Surely your great, great grandmother wasn’t that crazy.
Oh, wait… I just realised that I got side-tracked and never actually told you what the legend about the well in the garden was… My bad.  The legend says that Doc Holliday.  Yes, that Doc, the legendary gun slinger, was trapped at the bottom of that well, trapped by a spell from a witch that didn’t quite like Doc.  Growing up with those legends and stories as kids, my cousins and I naturally let ropes down into the well in the hopes that we could release good old (gramps) Doc from his welly prison.  Obviously, it didn’t work.  The older we got, the less we tended to do this.
Purgatory has always been a strange town, full of supernatural phenomenon and events, full of strange people and even stranger traditions.  When my cousins and I were younger, we’d re-enact the scenes from O K Corral and I’d always be Doc, while my best friend Wynonna Earp would pretend to be her great, great grandfather, Wyatt Earp, and my cousins would be the bad guys that we’d ‘hunt down’ and deal with, like in the old history books we read in school.  Rumours surround Purgatory, those who have never lived in the town believe that it resides in the centre of something called the ‘Devils Triangle’, whatever that means or refers to.
People used to say that the town was filled with the ‘revenants’ of those that Wyatt Earp killed with the gun given to him by Doc around a hundred years ago, but that’s impossible… right…?  Wrong.  How do I know this?  I know this because, one night, when I was younger, my big sister, Josey and I were staying with Wynonna, her big sister, Willa, younger sister, Waverly and their father at the Earp family ranch when we were attacked.  To cut a long story short the end result of this attack was that Wynonna had shot her father in the head to save him, both of our older sisters were missing, presumed dead, and Wynonna and I were left emotionally, physically and mentally scarred, we were just kids and we were left to look after poor, sweet, innocent Waverly and each other until the sheriff could come out the next day.
When the sheriff did arrive the following day, he didn’t believe Wynonna and I about the events of the previous night.  No one did.  Thinking back, I don’t think I would have believed it either.  But these events got me thinking and questioning everything I was taught about Purgatory, everything my great, great grandmother said.  After that I often found myself walking out to the well in the garden and talking to great, great gramps, Doc, about anything and everything, what I saw, how I felt, everything.  When Wynonna and I were fourteen we were institutionalised because we refused to stop believing and telling people what we saw that night, for not letting it go.  We missed prom, we missed a lot, became social outcasts.  We soon became the two most hated people in Purgatory, so, naturally, we decided to live up to our reputations.
Shortly after this we both left Purgatory, went our separate ways, yet we were both drawn back to Purgatory at roughly the same time.  We hadn’t realised it until we bumped into each other in ‘Shorty’s’ bar, it was the local bar which pretty much everyone in Purgatory went to.  I had just begun to forget what had happened to me in Purgatory, but it all came back.  Fast.  I still had the supposed Holliday gun.  It was a gun which was passed through the family, generally to the oldest male heir, but with there being no male heir in my generation it fell to me, since Josey disappeared that made me the oldest, the heir. 
After sitting in Shorty’s for a couple of hours with Wynonna catching up, we both suddenly bolted up and raised our guns (she had Wyatt Earp’s Colt) and aimed at the guy who, very quickly, approached us.  He stopped dead and raised his hands, he was dressed like he was from the Old West.  And this guy had the audacity to claim that I had his gun!  No way!  The gun was mine, it felt so natural and like it belonged.  I was not going to give it up to anyone!  The stranger had an almost impressed look on his face at how fast I had drawn the gun, how well I could handle it, how natural it looked.  When he introduced himself as John Henry Holliday, I swear I laughed, Wynonna just looked between the stranger and me.  Although there was something about him, it was like he was but wasn’t familiar, all at the same time.  I know, it doesn’t make sense, believe me, I’m still trying to wrap my head around it.
When this guy from some secret government agency (Black Badge or something) turned up, he enlisted Wynonna’s help, along with mine, to help fight the supernatural beings and people in town.  This ‘Special Agent Dolls’ claimed that this guy was the real Doc Holliday and that DNA confirmed that he was a genetic match to me.  That meant that I truly was a Holliday, that my great, great grandmother wasn’t crazy, it helped to make sense of some things and also helped to explain the pull between the Earp family and ours.  It also meant that Wynonna and I couldn’t keep each other out of this ‘supernatural war’, we were both in this together, no matter what, left to live up to our legacies, to help clear the ‘Devil’s Triangle’ of revenants, to clean up our grandfather’s messes from a century ago.  The only difference is that we technically have one of our grandfathers to help us.
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GIF Credit: @domprovosts
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ao3feed-stony · 2 years
by Jami_e29
Just as the title says, if you're looking for a new beta reader or editor for your fanfics, I'm here. Contact me @hrleily on Twitter or [email protected]
I'm an experienced freelance writer and editor so you can trust my work.
My fandom are listed above. I'm open to new fandoms and pairings. I can edit basically anything from the fluffiest fluff that melts your insides to the dirtiest smutty fic. I have no limits and I definitely don't kink shame.
No matter how bad you think your kink is, I've probably read something similar to it.
Please contact me, I'm home from school and have nothing to do rn.
Words: 150, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005), Sherlock (TV), Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), The Social Network (2010), X-Men: First Class (Comics), X-Men - All Media Types, Captain America (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Heartstopper (TV), The Beatles (Band), Encanto (2021), Hannibal (TV), One Direction (Band), Teen Wolf (TV), Squid Game (TV 2021), James Bond (Craig Movies), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Endverse Castiel (Supernatural), Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charlie Spring, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, John Lennon, Paul McCartney
Relationships: Harry Potter - Relationship, Castiel/Dean Winchester, John Lennon/Paul McCartney, Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, Jack Rollins/Brock Rumlow, Ali Abdul/Cho Sangwoo, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe, Smut, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Not Beta Read, Age Difference, Age Regression/De-Aging, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/39087903
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