hungerun-a · 1 year
continued from here! // @wyrding .
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miko gasps lightly, realizing who exactly this new visitor of hers is, she had been told of a surprise, a gift for her good behavior as of late--not sneaking out, no back-talking, so forth so on. it was undercut with tired ness, of a rebellious-natured girl slowly being broken down, but, well.🔥
at least there was still enough life in her to be excited ab -out a new toy, an actual playmate, loneliness no more!🔥
" oh, yes! mother told me all about you, come in. come in, sit with me, please. " she gestures the other closer, closer, smiling bright as she took the other's porcelain hands in her own gloved ones.🔥 " oh, let me take a look at you... " she says with an awed tone, lightly cupping the other's cheek in her palm, other hands fingers wandering, taking in all his little details.🔥
" so pretty...! " she says quietly, a pause, before she giggles, suddenly clapping her hands together instead, " what shall we do first, hm? " " color, perhaps? play dress up? dance together? " miko hums in thought, lightly tapping her chin in thought, then, a sudden idea!🔥
" would you like to see my most favored item? my music box, it's very dear to me...--oh, don't be jealous! i'm sure you will be, too. "🔥
" here, hold it gently, i will wind it up for you. " carefully, she winds up the music box, and as it begins to play it's song, she places it in seimono's lap, " ...do you like it? " a gentle smile, blooming.🔥
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threadus · 2 years
     ch..n..ey . . . a..nth..ny! w..keup . . . pl..sepleaseplea..beok..ay . . . st..ywi..th..m . . .
    yo..ucou..ldve..k..lled..h..m! y..ouh..ve..t..h..lphimhelphimhelphimkilledhimkilledhimkilledhimkilled
    voices echoing around you. in these woods, it’s impossible to tell where they’re coming from. 
    where am i? ( you know exactly where you are. )
    s..aaaaam! s..to..y..rhu..rti..n..h..im!
    you were alive, once. anxious and messy and desperate for something bigger than you to make you whole again, but god, you were completely and painfully 
    w..ke..up..ant..ho..n..y . . . p..l..e . . .
    but now, everything is so
    a sharp inhale as dead man walking is reanimated once more. dull eyes snap open, and anthony is greeted not by trees, but by the cracked garage ceiling. dim light filters in through the singular grimy window, casting shadows across the pathetic excuse for a ‘bedroom’. vision blurs at the edges as he sits up, a spark crawling up his spine and blooming at the base of his skull. gaze falls to the bloodied bandages on his arm, and he remembers 
breakitbreakitsmashitbreakitdownsmashitdestroydestroydestroydestroyd e s tr o yd e s trrrrrrrr
#WYRDING SAID: s ta  y  w ith  m e,  an t h on y. . . 
    a sharp chillllllllchillcoldcoldcoldcold as his feet hit the floor. he has half the mind to lay back down, but davey’s voice on the other side of the curtain is 
    rising steadily with his temper. when davey gets like this, you’re the only one who can get him to 
    ' STOP. '
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cephalopod-celabrator · 4 months
Nanny Ogg and Granny Weatherwax of Discworld are the iconic old lady duo of all time, for many reasons. One of those reasons being that Nanny Ogg has had sex with countless men both within and outside marriage, and is still bragging about it as an old lady. And at the same time, Granny Weatherwax is explicitly a virgin (and possibly asexual) for all of her life and is proud of it. And that was both of their choices, and neither of them regret a thing. Sure, they make snide remarks at each other about it, but they make snide remarks at each other about everything. And as an extra bonus Magrat only sleeps with one man after she marries him and that is also considered perfectly alright. That's not even going into the fact that Nanny Ogg is both maternal and horny, that Granny Weatherwax is handsome but was never pretty, and that Magrat is idealistic and femme but also filled with violent rage. I just love them so much.
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fangirl-erdariel · 3 months
I'm rereading Wyrd Sisters, and fuck I had forgotten how good Terry Pratchett is at making things simultaneously hilarious and actually kinda dark and disturbing as fuck.
Like, it's been years since I last read Wyrd Sisters, and yeah I sorta remembered the running gag about the duke trying to scrub the blood off his hands with increasingly destructive method, but it had only really stuck to my mind as something to giggle at like, yeah dude I think there might be a reason your hands seem to continue being bloody if you're trying to scrub them with sandpaper, haha what a funny joke
and I mean don't get me wrong, it is still funny to me now. But at the same time there's just this layer of like, okay wait actually that's pretty fucked up, like it's funny but also holy shit dude you really went there huh, that hadn't really stuck to my memory from my previous time reading the book so it's smacking me full force in the face now
I've said it before, but genuinely, Terry is just so good at playing with the balance of silliness and darkness and leaving those implications in there that just snag your attention all of a sudden
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stellarmeals · 11 months
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Discworld inktober day 22 - Esmerelda Weatherwax
Granny Weatherwax was the strongest witch in the Discworld books. When Sir Terry Pratchett found out he was dying, he needed to say goodbye to his fans. He did that through the passing of the beloved character of Granny Weatherwax in “The Shepherd’s Crown”
Even though when he was already gone when I started reading the discworld books, it was still very heartbreaking. She also kept bees as part of her specialty and after she passed, her protégé had to tell the bees. I’ve always felt like us the readers were Sir Terry’s bees.
RIP Mistress Weatherwax
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longearedhare · 1 month
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chebits · 8 days
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I don't think I ever shared this! So let me do that now! This was a piece I did for @nightinthewoodszine a couple of years back! I had so much fun drawing these three and getting to play with the funky colour palettes from the game! I should mess with weird colours again.
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a-d-nox · 21 days
web of wyrd: annual energies and relationship milestones
my best friend is newly engaged, as i said recently, which has inspired me to focus a little more focused on love and romance posts than you typically would see from me. i previously covered annual energies and some broad themes associated with them, so i thought lets look a bit more at the romantic themes seeing that it's over a year later (since that post) and i have seen WAY more webs at this point and picked up on some other trends.
something to keep in mind though - these are COMMON energy markers, any of this can happen any year. these are just the best case scenarios in my opinion.
for instance you can get married in a 22 year, but i feel like it may not last long term or it might be an elopement that upsets the couple and those around them long term...
or you could have a baby in a 12 year but need a c-section.
just some examples. by no means should you feel limited by what i say below!
let's get to it!
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energies that indicate meeting your person
3 (the empress): finding a relationship where both people feel nurtured. it's a loving connection with a great potential to become something beautiful. this is a connection where you can dream about a life and a family together.
5 (the hierophant): meeting someone who shares your values and beliefs. this often leads to a conventional, committed relationship, often marriage.
6 (the lovers): friends to lovers energy for sure - it starts with simple conversations and evolves into love. it more often than not leads to meaningful and deep connections.
10 (the wheel of fortune): suggests that meeting your future spouse / person could be a part of your destiny, often through unexpected or "serendipitous" events.
17 (the star): the relationship is blessed/guided by a higher power. destiny seems to bring you both together. you can sleep well knowing you're on the right path and that the universe is bring you a significant relationship.
19 (the sun): a connection will bring happiness, warmth, and a sense of completeness.
21 (the world): finding a partner with whom you feel whole, a sense of completion, and/or a deep understanding. this leads to a long-term, potentially lifelong partnership.
energies that indicate moving in together
4 (the emperor): moving in together often requires a stable and organized environment, which aligns with the themes of the energy such as establishing a solid foundation and practical arrangements.
5 (the hierophant): moving in together can be seen as following milestones in a relationship leading towards a more traditional or serious commitment (like shared housing).
7 (the chariot): directly linked to movement and travel. represents taking control of one's life and moving forward, which can include physically moving to a new home or location.
energies that indicate becoming engaged
4 (the emperor): suggests that a relationship is entering a phase of solid commitment, usually it's the formalizing of a bond through engagement if that is the next phase of commitment in terms of your relationship.
5 (the hierophant): suggesting that a relationship is moving toward a more traditional and committed phase - if you are in a relationship, it is likely that the next step will be an engagement.
6 (the lovers): this energy is all about love, union, and making choices that align with one's heart. it can symbolize making a significant commitment, like being engaged.
11 (justice): there is a desire to make things official, usually this is an engagement leading to marriage. this is the most common marker i see in the years where people get engaged to one another.
19 (the sun): suggests a joyous occasion, like getting engaged, where both parties feel a sense of fulfillment and happiness surrounding their future together (there might be a large engagement party to celebrate).
21 (the world): signifies reaching a milestone. it can indicate that a couple is ready to complete one phase of their relationship and move into the next one, like engagement.
energies that indicate a wedding/marriage
4 (the emperor): often this is a sign of "securing" the partnership, which can extend to the formality and structure of marriage.
5 (the hierophant): represents tradition, societal norms, and formal ceremonies. this energy can signify a traditional marriage or commitment in the eyes of the community/law, suggesting a formal union. all of the events of a wedding are ticked off: engagement party, bridal shower, bachelorette, bachelor, rehearsal, ceremony, reception, send off, and honeymoon.
6 (the lovers): the union of two individuals. it doesn’t always spell out marriage ceremony, but it often comes up in the context of a relationship oriented commitment.
11 (justice): this can indicate making things official through marriage.
13 (death): this could be a symbol of a brand new era in your relationship (aka marriage).
19 (the sun): this energy can symbolize the happiness and celebration of a wedding, suggesting that marriage will bring joy and fulfillment to the couple.
20 (judgment): like 13, this could be a symbol of a brand new era in your relationship (aka marriage).
21 (the world): indicates that a partnership has reached a stage where marriage feels like the natural and fulfilling next step. symbolized a long-term commitment.
energies that indicate having a child
2 (the high priestess): often this energy shows up when a couple has been trying to no avail to become pregnant and suddenly does. this is because this energy signifies hidden or secret aspects of life (like the early stages of pregnancy). the energy is also connected to the moon and other feminine mysteries.
3 (the empress): the most obvious energy linked to pregnancy and fertility - it symbolizes motherhood, creation, and nurturing. there is a strong possibility of pregnancy in these years
17 (the star): symbolizes hope. this is a time of fertility and holds the possibility for new beginnings. may suggest a blessing or a dream come true (becoming pregnant after a period of trying or waiting).
18 (the moon): deals with cycles (ovulation), intuition, and hidden aspects of life. like 2 energy (but more common in the outer ring) this energy signifies the mystery of pregnancy and the feminine cycles. sometimes i see this in the ring where people weren't trying and tested negative or they don't show (physically or publicly) when pregnant.
19 (the sun): can signify a healthy, happy pregnancy, and the birth of a child (come on it's a kid on a horse). suggesting a positive outcome (you test positive hCG on the stick or with blood).
20 (judgment): suggests the arrival of a new life / the transformative experience of becoming a parent. this could also be a positive sign for couples looking to adopt or foster a child (as it could be a sudden and somewhat unexpected change of events (the list is often long)).
21 (the world): symbolizes the completion of a cycle, such as successfully conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to term (if not beyond the "due date"). can represent the fulfillment that comes with creating life.
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hungerun-a · 1 year
🤝 fr mono, obvsies !!
@wyrding // send 🤝 to hold my muse’s hand
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sat upon a roof's cracking edge, the two children watch as the mal -formed city struggles to function, to breathe. the tower, ever present, looms in the distance, it's blinking light reflecting in single six's eye. 🔥‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎
six let's out a sigh, one she hadn't realized she'd been holding, just quietly taking in the scenery--or what's left of it, anyway. fallen bodies decorate the otherwise empty streets, there's a light buzz, the static of old TVs, a light breeze cards through hair, clothes.🔥‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎
quietly, she takes the other child's hand in her own, interwinding their fingers together, a silent gesture of care, something she can't quite express otherwise. but still, she tries. so, she says--🔥‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎
" it's, uh... pretty out here, at least, right? " (i care about you, so much.) 🔥 ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎
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atomicwrongs · 2 months
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"Summon us once, summon us twice, you gamble it on the roll of the dice" woaw. Lords in Black TTRPGers real
Anyway, just my personal onion about their habits at the table. Spoiler: you do not want any of them at the table (except for Webby who is a delight and we're all so happy she's here)
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cephalopod-celabrator · 3 months
I think it's really funny that reading the discworld witch books (at least the ones that are Weatherwax+Ogg+Magrat), Granny immediately seems like the scariest one by far. She seems like a terrifying force of nature accompanied by a jovial old grandma and an insecure young woman. But as the series progress, the times when Granny holds back and Nanny and Magrat jovially engage in brutal physical violence add up. Now I'm not saying you *shouldn't* be scared of Granny, I'm just saying that she has a rather strong conscience in her way, whereas Magrat and Nanny will both sucker punch you, kick you between the legs and happily step over your groaning body. Granny is to be feared, but Nanny doesn't fight fair and Magrat will kill a motherfucker. Terry Pratchett really knew how to write female characters.
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bakedbakermom · 10 months
goddammit terry 🤣
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thelonepeanutsblog · 2 months
Honestly, I couldn't tell you how many times I've read Wyrd Sisters, I got a signed copy in the 90's, yet I read this bit today and totally got the feels.
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kojtolina · 10 days
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Good Omens/Discworld cross-over because I wanted to draw ineffable wives and also I'm reading Wyrd Sisters.
Hello! I've been on a mental health/taking care of ill family members hiatus. I tried to reblog some fundraisers for a while, got scammed, went full offline, went back, checked up with the scammer in case they were legit, got ghosted. Whatever, I'm just sad the money wasn't sent to someone in need. And I'm sorry if some of you also fell victim to them because of my reblog...
Scams happen. I'm going to keep reblogging and donating. But from now on I'll stick to vetted fundraisers and el-shab-hussein is my go-to source. I'm sorry, but I won't be sharing campaigns from direct messages/asks anymore :(
I'm also planning on opening Good Omens themed commissions with 100% profit donated to families fleeing Palestine. But first I need to get everything together.
Oh and In Love's Secret Domain will be back. I promise. I just need more time.
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wil4x · 2 months
It's finally done! My favorite witch coven!
The wyrd sisters
Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg, and Magrat Garlic!
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shin-slayer · 2 years
🦔78 💚 Gytha Ogg 🧙‍♀️ Nanny 🐈‍⬛ thighs that can crack coconuts 🥥 Lancre 🍹
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