#wymack: he's parents would mind
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ravlykpavlyk · 2 years ago
10 year old kevin: hi dad!
wymack, opening the front door: uh kevin? who is it?
neil behind kevin, covered in bruises and cuts: I'm neil
kevin: he's neil. he likes exy! I'm gonna keep him
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allforthegaymes · 6 months ago
Andrew sat in the fbi interrogation alongside Neil, stuck between trying to decide wether to keep his wary eyes on the agents sat across from them or to keep his eyes locked on Neil, as if he’ll disappear again if he loses sight of him at any point.
Instead he keeps a finger hooked around one of Neils belt loops and sets himself to memorizing every word out of Neils mouth, keeping a watch on the agents to make sure they dont make a sudden attempt to go back on their words.
Which means he gets the first hand sight of how other people would react to hearing about what Neil’s gone through. And while he’d accepted every word from Neils mouth without a facial reaction, watching how the agents react make him think maybe he shouldve.
(The whispered thanks from Neil afterwards about Andrew not looking at him differently changes his mind)
The only part that really makes him freeze is when Neil begins the talk of his mothers death. Andrews all too familiar with dead mothers in cars, but hearing about the gun wound, the vinyl seats sticking to a half burnt away body, the bone burial along the beach. Neil stutters only once during his recounts, where he slips and mentions the smell.
He compares it to the scent of cigarettes, used Andrew’s one marlboro reds as a reference and suddenly all those rooftop rendezvous together makes more sense.
Neils half smoked cigarettes, never stubbed out but left to continue burning on the concrete next to them while they sit and talk. The way he only does stub them out when talking about his parents, or when Andrew mentions something about his own mom, or when Andrew says anything about the earlier days with Aaron.
Neil stops talking for a moment after that. Lost in thought.
And as always, Andrew follows him half a step behind.
Neils adamant claims during their zombie apocalypse walks with Renee around the track that he would always burn their friends bodies to make sure they dont come back from the dead.
The way he always leaves the room when they watch the newest episode of that stupid viking show that Aaron and Kevin like to watch and theres a burning boat funeral.
The way he-
And then Neil starts talking to the fbi agents again and Andrew is forced to tune back in and tuck away those thoughts till later.
He tells them about what happened in Baltimore.
The torture from Lola. The dashboard lighter pressing seared wounds into his skin. Over the tattoo, scattered across his arms, the faint marks from where she tried to burn holes through his jeans to get to his thighs. Saved only half as well as they were by the fact he’d worn a pair of the carhartt work pants Andrew had bought for him and not a pair of the threadbare thrift store jeans he usually wore.
Andrew makes the mental note to stop using his own dashboard lighter to light the cigarettes he smokes in the car. And to swap cigarette brands. And to stop smoking in the car.
And then its about the trunk of the car, the way Lola had held onto him and the comments she made in the car, the basement, the offhanded mention about how Nathan was barefoot when he walked down the stairs.
The little details that only someone who’s truly grasping for any recollection in a traumatic moment would retain. The way even when Nathan was walking down to tear Neil limb from limb, Neil still couldnt bring himself to look at his fathers face. The face that Neil shares. The face Neil still avoids looking at when he walks past the mirror in the hall in Columbia.
And he thinks about the way Neil shied away from Wymack in the beginning, the way he now searches for Wymacks face whenever they get separated from their coach at away games.
The gun shots during the Hatford raid, the way even though Neil was bruised and battered he still found himself with a smile on his face when he saw Lola’s body get blasted apart by silenced guns.
The way he knew even if they got a proper funeral no one down there would get to have an open casket. The evidence in their bullet shattered bones that their bodies would never rest peacefully. That people in a thousand years would know from the unmarked graves and their remains that they deserved whatever ended them.
And then he claims it goes dark, he says it with the same way Neil lies about everything else, with his body forced relaxed to not twitch and give himself away, but he breathes a little heavier when he calmly tries to describe the way he came to and found himself being helped by the emergency services, feigning he doesnt know what theyre actually called, playing into the runaway kid sent on the road too young and not knowing completely how the world works still.
Andrew wishes he didnt know Neil well enough to know its only half real. Wishes he didnt know Mary probably only taught Neil how to recognize and run from EMT’s, and never actually explained what EMT was meant to stand for.
Andrew knows first hand how hard it is to gain sympathy from government officials, but Neil’s got them eating out of his hand with the way he words his story, their final nail in the coffin to take down the Wesninski trails in Baltimore and beyond.
Neil knows they need him and he knows how to play them to believe whatever story he deems they’re worthwhile to hear.
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aledethanlast · 1 year ago
Sometimes at night I dream about an au where Wymack is Nathan's twin brother.
Bear with me.
David and Nathan are identical twins, but still look eerily alike until they grow older. David is older by twenty minutes, and the one who leaves their shifty parents first and is all too happy to leave his twin behind too. He's quick to change his name and they lose track of each other's existence long before either of them move to America.
He doesnt recognize Neil, when the file lands on his desk—he doesn't look too much like his twin as an adult, not that he would know that, having last seen the guy when they were 16—but something about Neil's photo is enough to get him curious.
Neil, of course, sees Wymack irl for the first time and freaks the FUCK out. Kevin being there Does Not Help, and Neil says a lot of shit that sends everyone's alarm bells ringing, just because he thinks he's already been caught. Except Kevin is as Kevin does and won't shut up about exy, and Andrew sticks out from the rest of this nightmare like a sore thumb, and eventually they manage to calm Neil down enough for him to realize that his father never had those tattoos. Or dressed like that, not even when he needed a shirt he didn't mind ruining.
Neil can just barely bring himself to look at the tattoos while he signs the contract. It's the only thing keeping him calm enough to stand in Wymack's presence. The offer to live in his house is refused so loudly it makes Neil jump at his own voice. Andrew thinks this is hilarious. Kevin is already exasperated.
But the itch at the back of Wymack's head is getting more persistent, more familiar, tracing back years tics and habits and what faint serene memories he has of childhood, doing the math and...oh shit is this my kid?
Well, according to the paternity test he discreetly sends out a few weeks after Neil arrives at Palmetto, yes.
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wilhelminyard · 2 months ago
part 3 of the foxes being brutally honest and insulting people to their faces because they are SAVAGES
"I figured he was an egocentric maniac who was so desperate for his own glory he refused to see the potential in anyone else"
"tell me you're not that stupid"
"I might have been a little more considerate if I'd known how stupid you are"
"you being an asshole at heart means I was right about your chances. you do understand by now that your cowardice is what's keeping you and andrew apart, right?"
"you're a spineless asshole. you let the world happen to you and don't bother to fight back. you let other people dictate how you can live your life and who you can spend your time with. remind me why you put up with your mother's abuse for so long. did you actually love her despite her madness, or were you just too afraid to walk away?"
"what do you think?" "I think fuck you"
"your false bravado helps no one" "neither does your cowardice"
"you already walked away from him once knowing what riko would do to him in your absence. don't do it again. if you don't protect him now, his death is on you"
"die free or die a failure. the choice is yours."
"I'd ask you how it feels but I guess you've always known what it's like to be second, you worthless piece of shit"
"is your learning curve a horizontal line?"
"a privileged child like you has never seen the real world"
"I've had enough of your stupidity to last me a week"
"I'm volunteering my opinion" "don't. children should be seen and not heard"
"you're stupider than even I gave you credit for"
"you have a problem wherein you only invest your time and energy into worthless pursuits"
"you're a different kind of suicidal. didn't you figure that out in december? you're bait. you're the martyr no one asked for or wanted"
"I hope you two are miserable together"
"anyone have ideas on how to make neil look a bit less like a battered wife?"
"I can't tell if you're being obtuse to fuck with me or if you're really that dumb."
"I need you to derail that one-track fucking mind of yours for two seconds"
"great. kevin's turning into another you. that's just what I needed."
"get washed up before your stench kills me"
"we need you on the court but not if you're going to drag us down with you. in the shape you're in right now you'd be a complete waste of our time."
"even if you'd stepped it up when I told you to a year ago, you would have no chance of beating them. there is nothing at all you can do this late in the year. they are better than we are and they always will be"
"stop acting like a spoiled child"
"you've got a thing for controversial teams, I think, but I like this one much better than the last one" "they're mediocre at best but they're easier to get along with"
"do you get off on being such a debbie downer?"
"it wasn't the drugs that made him crazy"
"I'm walking away and pretending I don't know you"
"I want to drink and pretend I don't know any of you"
"good to see you're still fuck-all crazy"
"one of these days you have to let me hit kevin."
"you are on messed-up child. you come by that naturally or did your parents do that to you?"
"seriously you guys? it's like you don't know us" "we try not to"
"I tried taking you off his hands at one point. andrew refused on the grounds he wouldn't wish you on anyone except a mortician"
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foxstens · 6 months ago
can't stop thinking about the au where riko kills kevin instead of breaking his hand
would riko have done it intentionally? would it make him finally start seeing the consequences of his actions? or would it do the opposite?
would he take his guilt anger and grief out on jean and the other ravens? or would he shut down? or would he keep going somehow because after all kevin was never his equal?
would he even survive tetsuji's wrath in the first place?
what about jean? would he somehow make it until graduation as he does in every other universe? or would grief consume his already bleak existence? maybe he'd allow himself one moment to be truly furious with his parents, with riko, with the situation before he ends things
what about thea? at that point i don't know how long it would've been since she graduated. but even if they didn't have a lot of time together, even if she already started building a life outside the nest, she would not be unaffected
what about neil? without kevin the chances of wymack wanting to recruit him would be very slim, and the chances of him accepting would be almost non-existent
but he's already barely holding on by a thread in millport so maybe kevin's death would be his breaking point. maybe he'd give up playing before wymack even saw his tape because he no longer feels alive on the court
what about andrew? he probably wouldn't really care but i think he would always remember kevin's words in that dingy locker room. he'd also probably never repair his relationship with aaron and without neil and kevin around to inspire him to keep going every day, he'd have a very boring life after graduation
what about wymack? he loved kayleigh and losing kevin too would be devastating precisely because he never got to truly know kevin. i can't decide what's worse, if he never finds out that kevin is his son or if he finds out too late (never mind how he would feel if he found out the truth about evermore)
what about the foxes? presumably janie would live and seth would get to graduate, but the current generation of foxes would never grow as close and they probably wouldn't win championships either
what about jeremy? we see he considers kevin a dear friend and if fan theories that he lost a sibling are correct, he would not get over it easily
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falafels · 7 months ago
i am thinking once more about how Wymack is from Baltimore. and Nathan Wesninski presumably has been in Baltimore for a decent portion of his life to get the city in his Official Murderer Title. The EC (if i remember right) says Wymack left home at 14 and eventually dropped out of high school (later got his GED to go to college), but he was probably not doing great all things considered: violent household, parental neglect, homelessness TLDR schoolwork not really a priority or maybe he just told someone to fuck off. and Nathan is an asshole who knows when that started.
ANYWAY all this to say I think they were in the same after school detention. maybe even just once. and Wymack doesn’t really remember, maybe it comes back to him in Neil’s third year, when Nathan’s posthumous trial is public and Wymack sees a photo in the papers with a cruel smirk and a forehead scar that looks so familiar. He tells himself it must just be resemblance to Neil, but the memory does come back.
The boy at the desk by the window, twirling his pen with the absentminded smugness of somebody who knows they’re the smartest in the room. The boy who had watched intently as Wymack had pulled the his too-small scruffy hoodie over his face, not quite enough to hide the black eye he was sporting. The boy who has offered him gum once, seemed to recognise the two of them as the same in some sort of way, maybe the violence, maybe the detention. Maybe he’d just been entertained by Wymack’s squirrelly nerves and jumpy disposition.
And I don’t think Wymack would ever mention this to Neil. He doesn’t like to talk about Baltimore, neither of them do. But just to check, double check, he digs out an old yearbook and there’s the photo he was looking for. in the back, with miscellaneous candids of the school’s nobodies, the dropouts, assorted photos. black and white print, a few others in the background, one tall and scrawny boy startled, scruffy, and clearly uncomfortable, sat near a boy with wavy hair, a cutting smirk and air of relaxed confidence, twirling that pen in his left hand.
Wymack closes the book, pours himself a stiff drink (changes his mind and slugs down half the bottle), and never opens it again.
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fandomtrash-whataboutit · 17 days ago
Binge read the Raven King yesterday (+ the beginning of #3), some notes:
Me and the foxes are so in sync cus I also want to murder riko slowly
On the topic of that tho it is really interesting to see yourself exactly reflected in the characters like your on of the group. As in
I too want to throw up seeing Neil this broken. The random passing out the way he can barely move at the beginning im going to be sick
Im v excited to see how andrew acts once we get over this initial anger at neil for putting himself thru this technically for andrew’s sake
Excited for andrew in general
Even in the early chapters you can see neil recovering a little so i really need him to punch riko one more time bc seeing him this broken makes me want to kms
Im excited for mafia stuff cus ik it happens in book 3 but lets nor forget just exy: matt should permanently maim riko on the court
I do have to say the kevin wymack twist feels, just, insane; i suppose it makes why kevin would be able to muster the courage to leave at all, but im still just like what
Nice to see aaron commit murder. I try to avoid sa in media so this really freaked me out but i also read tRK all thru the evening and then went directly to bed so it wasnt my smartest move. But still: aaron, murder, lot of fun
The aaron murder kinda reminds me of the whole ‘props ro Rick Riordan for straight up murdering the abusive parent’. Props to nora sakavic for introducing the rapist and having him die painfully in the same two pages.
Im just losing my mind over these books in general. But also enjoying them in a very normal, neurotypical fashion. Like the normal neurotypical person that i am
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ryah-wolfe · 11 months ago
I’ve read the first Percy Jackson book for the first time and this crossover came to mind. I only know PJ universe through a quick and vague wiki search, so sorry if this is inaccurate.
The Foxhole Court x Percy Jackson and The Olympians
The message came in a sealed scroll, all formal and shit, asking for aid. Wymack wanted to burn the damned thing. But he knew a war between the immortals meant his foxes -his kids- would be dragged in anyways. Chiron asked for peace talks, wanting a reconciliation between the main camp and its runoff.
Most modern demigods are born for the modern aspects of their Godly parent, some kids though, are born from war for war. Their godly blood boiling in their bodies. Making them volatile, and perfect when in ancient times, there was always enemy forces that need slaying but in these times of peace? It made them more likely to lash out at those around them. Most burn up before hitting their teens, their blood consuming them. The few who make it to Camp Half-blood end up being sent away, being too dangerous to be around the other campers.
Chiron asked to send an envoy to Palmetto Academy.
Dan- daughter of Nike
Matt- son of Dionysius
Allison- daughter of Athena
Seth- son of Ares
Renee- daughter of Iris (edit: I can’t believe I forgot her)
Nicky- son of Aphrodite
Aaron- son of Apollo
Andrew- son of Apollo
Kevin- Won’t Say
Neil- unclaimed (favorited by Hermes)
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otdiaftg · 2 years ago
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The Foxhole Court - Chapter Eight
Day: Saturday, June 17th (*Saturday, June 15th in TFC) Time: 5:05 PM EST
He hoped Wymack couldn't speak German and switched languages to lay into Andrew. "What the hell is your problem? How can you threaten Nicky for coming onto me but condone drugging me out of my mind against my will? Why can't you just leave me alone?" That wiped the irritation off Andrew's face. It was forever before Andrew answered in German. "That's unexpected. Did no one tell you I hate surprises?"
Neil swallowed hard, trying to clear the tightness from his throat, and forced himself to explain.
Andrew said nothing for so long Neil thought he'd blown it, but finally Andrew moved. Wymack shifted his weight, ready to intervene if things turned violent, but Andrew only came to stand right in front of Neil. "Then why did you come here?" Andrew asked. "Because I'm tired," Neil said, trying to sound defeated. It didn't take much effort. "I have nowhere else to go, and I'm too jealous of Kevin to stay away from him. He knows what it's like to hate every day of his life, to wake up afraid every day, but he's got you at his back telling him everything's going to be okay. He has everything, even when he's lost everything, and I'm—" Neil didn't want to say it, but the word was already there, broken and pathetic between them, "—nothing. I'll always have and be nothing." Andrew reached up and forcibly uncurled Neil's fingers from his mouth. He pushed Neil's hand out of the way and stared Neil down with nothing between them. Neil didn't understand the look on his face. There was no censure over Neil's crooked parents or pity for their deaths, no triumph over having backed Neil into admitting so much, and no obvious skepticism for such an outlandish story. Whatever this look was, it was dark and intense enough to swallow Neil whole. "Let me stay," Neil said quietly. "I'm not ready to give this up yet." That strange look left Andrew's eyes. His expression cleared to stony indifference and he let go of Neil. "Keep it if you can. You and I both know it won't last long."
Art used with permission by Jordanshenessy. Thank you so much @jordanshenessy !
*In The Foxhole Court, Nora wrote the date as Saturday, June 15th which would be inaccurate to the dates stated, both previously and later on in the story. I have changed it after researching which date would be more accurate to the story and current time frame.*
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madelinesapling · 1 year ago
The foxes as random things I’ve overheard pt 2
Neil: I cry because my dad isn’t dead
Andrew: I guess if you have a soul it could be
Kevin: Are your parents very attached to you?
Aaron: “It’s sad that half of the US doesn’t believe in global warming” I don’t believe in half of the US
Nicky: Here I got it I’m skinny and limp
Allison: I could walk in here naked that’s a look
Renee: Penises scare me
Dan: He’s volunteering by force
Matt: I think you would look better without the face hairs
Wymack: Are you guys working or are you working hard? Never mind.
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cough-ii · 2 years ago
aftg as quote book pt 4 !!
“its just a silly little twerk of mine” - nicky
“i wouldn’t mind being called woke. im awake arent i?” neil/wymack
“enter hot take on kevin” *drops the mic, takes a bow* - neil
“Just a reminder we are HALF WAY THERE and we are LIVING ON A PRAYER” - renee @ games
“Led by you hoe” - Alison
“i physically cannot play with my balls in my bedroom” - neil?
“Fuckin this, fuck that fuck fuck fuck” - wymack
“Porn is a genre” - nicky
“Reading porn is better than not reading at all” - nicky
“We are all bussin” - nicky
“Don’t shoot the prime minister…please” - everyone @ andrew
“He gave himself a DIY circumcision” - be creative
“I live under a rock. It;s very warm” - neil
“The only way youre getting out of maths this year is if you kill yourself” - neil
“Don’t kill yourself” - wymack
“Tomorrow we’re going to learn how to be better bullies :)” - dan
“I have nothing important to say ever” - aaron
“I am wrong in the head” - kevin
“Some people say lots of things to get off” - nicky
“It was such a delicious luxury to have a warm drink” - matt
‘I got my pussy waxed’ - alison
‘i feel so much better without my pants’ - matt
“neil you’re flirting” - dan “oops…” neil
“Impact on the victim… DEATH” - andrew
“Stop doing magic in class please” someone to andrew
“‘You look good enough to eat,’ Andrew Minyard had said, the first time he came to pick him (Neil) up. When they got home again he did begin to eat him”
“Hey hoe 💅” alison
“That is tighter than a fishes ass hole” - matt
“Are you ok you look like a drenched rat” - dan
“If I get your name wrong, blame your parents” -wymack
“I was on drugs I didn’t know what I was doing” andrew
“I have thousands of dollars to my name” neil
“why did you threaten me?” kevin “because i wanted to” neil
“Dragons have pronouns too” renee
“i very much enjoy getting renee wet” - Alison, dunking water on renee
“andrew is a crack up” - nicky probably almost got shanked for this
“talk dirty to me” andrew “What if I tied up all your hands and legs and then threw you down the stairs and you died, but we were friends who liked practical jokes, would that be murder?” neil
‘Who was humping the statue?’ - dan
“Little red riding hood in bed with the wolf” - Alison
“His eyes are penetrating you” kevin @ neil unironically
“There are a number of ways you can skin a cat” andrew when one of the cats piss on the bed
‘Just shake ur ass and no one will notice’ nicky
“Why is it always mother fucker this, mother fucker that? Why is it never father fucker” neil
“I’m very private with my fists” dan
“I had some guy in my car and he said ‘i want to commit suicide’ and i said ‘no, not in my car get out’” - twinyards
“Girls, you’re semi-hysterical” wymack
“I touched your boob im sorry” matt @ dan
“Not just jumping off the religious sculpture, they were humping the religious sculpture” - renee, traumatised
‘DANCE you idiot, D-A-N-S…’ - kevin
‘We’ll talk about the sex party another time’ dan
‘I have a gin and tonic every night, it keeps me young’ wymack
“I was in a rage and i broke his nose” neil ab kevin
“Some people need to be chemically castrated” andrew
“Don’t chew gum in front of Jesus” renee
“I’m hearing plenty of smashing noises over here” allison in the cabin
“Oh why don’t you crawl back into your hole” andrew @ neil
“Legalise recreational use of cannibalism” aaron in a presentation
“Stabbing them 3 or 4 times is plenty” andrew
“My brother got dropped on his head” andrew
‘Comparing sizes’ nicky
‘Ive been stalking you all’ kevin
“Shit, Shit, SHIT, Oh my god, SHIT. That’s fucked” nicky
“She called him gay so i threw the chair at her” neil
“I’m gonna die” aaron “Don’t care.” neil
“Get help please” dan
“Young people’s music today, I just don’t get it” abby
“We all have the homosexual gene” andrew
“I’m not going to get you to go around class and looking if people have homosexual characteristics” andrew maybe
‘i saw this really big tombstone and i asked ‘is that where jesus was buried?’’ andrew @ renee
‘What if I worked 55 hours a day?’ matt?
“now that i’m your legal guardian i guess i should look after you” dan a/o matt @ neil
“lesbians are people too” neil
“Charisma test? caress my balls” nicky
“Do you want to do a quickie to de-stress” andrew
“If you are interested in any horizontal refreshment” andrew
“Spit on your hand and stroke my cock at a medium pace, play with my balls and tell me how big they are” (…….. i have second hand embarrassment) - allison
“Do you think Jesus had daddy issues?” alison
“We all get stressed sometimes but cursing is not fucking ok” dan
“I'm working, im twerking and im jerking” nicky
‘It’s a good kisser it’s so smooth and soft and warm’ neil ab his homework
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dayurno · 11 months ago
while this is not necessarily an entirely bad take (and no offense to you op!), i do think there’s a bit of a misunderstanding going on regarding kevin’s intentions here
1. kevin using french in front of riko was explicitly described as a panicked impulse. it wasn’t premeditated or a conscious effort to fuck jean over; even because jean himself says “Kevin had damned them both.” why would kevin have done this on purpose, with a clear mind, if he was also going against riko’s rules? you can say it was because jean’s punishment would be more severe than his, but that implies a level of callousness towards jean from kevin’s part that doesn’t exist, and furthermore he knew riko would punish him too. the french was at both their expenses. it’s one thing to interpret kevin as selfish, but at least believe that he’s not dumb enough to implicate himself
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2. kevin very famously tells neil to run! he says it in-text! he tells neil to leave because “at least you’d have a chance”! saying he let neil stay because he wanted to win is a blatant misunderstanding of that scene, because the reason kevin “lets” neil stay is because neil wanted to, and kevin had no way to stop him. the only way kevin could have forced neil to run would have been to share neil’s secrets with the foxes, which would have been unforgivable to neil. kevin wanted neil to live more than he wanted to win. blaming him for neil’s choices makes no sense
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3. kevin never had to tell wymack a single thing, but he did it (and announced the very complicated and painful matter to the public) because it would help stir attention away from neil. this is by far the most uncharitable interpretation of the situation i’ve seen: kevin, who depended on coach wymack’s goodwill to not be tossed back to the ravens, obviously did not want to share something that could have made coach wymack kick him out. you and i know wymack wouldn’t have done it, but kevin had no evidence it wouldn’t happen. i don’t know about you, but i find that the grown man who lived a fairly comfortable life up until this point shouldn’t have his feelings worried about more than the child who grew up captive in a cult without any family at all. coach wymack can deal with his guilt and his betrayal towards kayleigh later; kevin lived his entire life in that place! it is not the child’s responsibility to fix the relationship with the parent!!!!
the only thing that holds water is that kevin left jean in the nest, which kevin acknowledges on his first appearance in tsc and apologizes for. it was selfish and it was horrible but it was his only option, and he spends the rest of the book trying to help accommodate jean into a better life. kevin has many flaws; he’s volatile and headstrong and narcissistic and insensitive and yes, selfish at times, but he’s not a master manipulator. he’s a traumatized and abused child just like jean is
Kevin and Jean’s love for each other is just SO. Kevin’s postcards and magnets to Jean; his learning French for him; the promise he made Jean make to him; his sending him to his favorite team, the team he knew was the kindest.
His inability to express it is also so heartbreaking to me. Like Jean said himself that they just couldn’t talk but he also said that “the best Kevin could manage was bottomless guilt.” And Jean saying that he once would’ve done anything for Kevin and, even worse, that Kevin knew just that and that’s how he managed to escape Evermore.
Kevin at his core is a selfish person. He used French at Jean’s expense to try and get Riko to stop hitting him, he left Evermore without Jean, he let Neil keep playing for the Foxes despite knowing that it could cost him his life because he wanted to win, he didn’t tell Wymack he was his father until he absolutely had to.
Jean at his core is a giving person, conditioned to not know when to stop. He takes whatever happens to him and is convinced he deserves it, no matter what. He does what people tell him to do. He protects Riko even when he’s dead. He still loves the Ravens. He saved Zane’s life, Zane who betrayed him so thoroughly and deeply, without a moment’s hesitation or even thought. At age 14 and probably for years before, he protected and parented Elodie. He would do anything for Neil. He would STILL do anything for Kevin.
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liveyourlastbreath · 2 years ago
Neil Josten’s adventures in Exy as an (unwilling) Amputee (PT4)
Welcome to book two things are only getting worse from here. Also sorry about this taking so long, I'm not gonna pull an a03 level excuse, this series is just hard to write as I have to write it as I read the book and ya girl has bad adhd
Sunday morning, Neil wakes up to pain shooting up his missing leg. A strange sensation of throbbing and burning racing around in bones that had long since rotten down to dust
Seth’s death is a blissful distraction, something Neil clings onto to push the pain down
Wymack tries to get the team together that afternoon, which ends in a flat out brawl between Matt and Andrew
Neil knows better than to stand against Andrew, but when the blonde's knives are out and aimed at Matt's eyes he steps in, hands out to the both of them but not touching
"Neil, Neil, Neil," Andrew grind. "Surely you're not this dumb?" It hurt to stand but the idea of loosing Matt at the start of the season was enough to keep him steady.
"Andrew." He wasn't ordering him around, threatening him, Neil was simply asking him to stop. And Andrew listened.
By Wednesday the pains had subsided and he was able to deal with the upperclassmens confused glances with a clear mind
"Last I checked Andrew doesn't like you.""He doesnt." And Nicky butts in, "we needed someone to match Kevin don't worry about it" and then gets told off by coach
Pratice starts happening and then when Wymack gets the phone call the conversation is as follows: "Andrew Joseph Minyard, what the flying fuck have you done this time?" "It wasn't me it was the one legged striker!"
Blatent Harrasment, actually just bullying
Life goes on as normal, honestly the beginning of the Raven King is a bunch of exposition we already know
Allison shows up for the game Friday, the line gets switched up, and Neil highly doubts it’s gonna end well. Especially with Andrew going a full game without his meds.
Also in case you’re wondering, Neil brings both legs to his games. He always has his black slip on so changing the bottom half of his gear out is pretty easy. If he ever has to change the slip, he’ll do that in the stall. He doesn’t ever play on his day leg, the blade runner is a lot more comfortable and is better to run with on the court.
When Neil asks Kevin for advice against the Terrapins, Kevin’s response is. “I want you dead on your foot by the time the buzzer rings.” Just little changes like that happen a lot because everyone in this story is in fact a dickwipe
Herrera, Neil’s mark for that game, keeps making comments about him and his leg. At one point Herrera “accidently” slams his racket into Neil’s leg and it sends vibrations all the way up his stump. Then Neil is given permission to destroy him and does just that.
Ya know that cool move he does and nearly gets killed in the process? Yeah imagine that, but he slips his blade runner in there at just the right angle to send Herrera flying into the wall. He doesn’t get carded. Instead lights the goal up red and a triumphant smile breaks across his face.
At half time Kevin is chewing Neil out, ya know, “Injuries are not joke-“ “Oh my god really? *looks down at his leg* woah crazy, would have never guessed that one.”
Once again the story goes on, Neil feels joy for the first time, gets a phone again and flashes back to the beach party gone horribly wrong, same as the cannon series
Also can we just stop and talk about the phone scene in the locker rooms? It has to be one of my favorites, not gonna lie. It's just so them ya know? Like just the dialogue, the subtle "do we need to" before diving into their game again. AGH I love it soso much
"your parents are dead, you are not fine, and nothing is going to be okay. This is not news to you. But from now until May you are still Neil Josten and I am still the man who said he would keep you alive."
The USC game happens, and THEN DUN DUN DUNNN the Fall Banquet is here!!what!!a!!fun!!time!!
It's at moments like these Neil is thankful for his missing leg. Riko last saw him with two functioning appendages, and on top of the hair dye, contacts, and time apart, he could almost find hope in the fact Riko wouldn't recognize him
As the teams are sat across from each other, get talking, and this conversation happens:
Andrew: I'm Andrew. We haven't met yet."
Jean: For that I am grateful. The Foxes as a whole are an embarrassment to Class I Exy, but your existence is unforgivable. A goalkeeper who doesn't care if he is scored on has no right to touch a racquet. You and Josten both should stay on the sidelines like the publicity stunts you are."
Renee: That's a bit out of line, don't you think?
Raven 1: If someone like that replaced you in goal, you must be downright terrible. I can't wait to watch one of your matches. I think it will be entertaining. We would make a drinking game of it but we don't want to die of alcohol posioning.
Dan: Yeah, that'd be a shame
Renee: This is the first time our teams have met, do we have to start off so poorly?
Raven 1: Why not? You're poor at everything else you do. Even down to picking players like the cripple over there. Is it honestly fun to be so terrible?
Renee: I imagine we have more fun than you do, yes."
Jean: Fun is for children-(has a moment of crisis upon looking at renee) A this level it is supposed to be about skill, and your team is sadly lacking. From an unstable goalkeeper to a lame striker with a bum leg to a couple members with deadly drug addictions. You have no right to play with us.
Allison: Fucking excuse me?
Matt: No one wants you here, you can leave any time.
Raven 2: You took something that does not belong to you. You brought this year's humiliation on yourselves.
Dan: We didn't take anything, Kevin wants to be here.
AND THEN, Riko: Is that why the cripple is so quiet? Or did his vocal chords go missing too? He was very spirited the last time we met, or maybe that was just a show for the crowd? Hello, I am speaking to you. Are you really going to ignore me? Hey, deadweight, over here.
THE HOLY MOTHER WYMACK OF ALL LINES Riko: What a coward, just like his mother.
You know, I get it. Being raised as a superstar must be really really difficult for you. Always a commodity, never a human being, nor a single person in your family thinking you're worth a damn off the court—yeah, sounds rough. Kevin and I talk about your intricate and endless daddy issues all the time. I know it's not entirely your fault that you are mentally unbalanced and infected with these delusions of grandeur, and I know you're physically incapable of holding a decent conversation with anyone like every other normal human being can, but I don't think any of us should have to put up with this much of your bullshit. Seriously, is 'cripple' the only insult you know? Maybe next time be a bit more creative, it really shows what little vocabulary you have. Try looking it up in a dictionary maybe, hm? Find it right between the words 'jackass' and 'dickwipe'. But don't feel bad, there are a lot of people who didn't pass the bar exam and they still get somewhere in like, all be it through charity alone. Pity only gets you so many concessions, and you used yours up about six insults ago. So please, please, just shut the fuck up and leave us alone.
aND THHEN our little tin foil ball of a sass master is outed as the Butcher's Son to Kevin, Kevin's face doing all kinds of complex emotions as he examines Neil
Also I love the little things like Neil staring only at Andrew because he doesn't trust himself to look at anyone else
Neil's freaking out, ready to grab his blade runner and book it. But he doesn't really regret most of what he's said, because here's the thing
Every single person up until this point has gone out of their way to call him a 'cripple', to write him off as someone who can't do anything anymore just because he's lost his leg
Nobody, except for the Foxes, believes he's anything more than an amputee. Up until this point he has been torn to shreds because of something he had absolutely no control over. Yeah, okay, it was stupid to put himself in the limelight as someone on the run, but it had nothing to do with being an amputee.
Neil Josten may be an idiot, but going off on Riko was completely justified, something many of the foxes later agree on. And if the Foxes start snapping at anyone, reporter or another team, who singles Neil out for his leg, that's something they just don't talk about
Neil Josten is so much more than a lost leg. Anyone really is more than a lost limb or physical limitations. That's the whole point of this AU and the message I really want to get across.
To the people reading this who may be in the same situation as Neil, you are so, so much more than your physical limitation. This AU is for you, someone who may have been bullied or targeted just because you're "not like everyone else". I see you, and I believe in you.
SORRY AHEM—I just wanted to ramble there for a second because I felt like that was something that needed to be said
So YEAH, Neil doesn't regret what he said, and goes forth after dinner is done, the Foxes have a team bonding moment over protecting the two exy-holics and their blonde bodyguard
Neil gets dragged away to go get screamed at by a little baby bird
Neil: My name is Neil
Riko: Do not lie to me again. You will not enjoy the consequences. Imagine my surprise when the results came back. Your fingerprints, Kathy gave me your glass as a souvenir. All it took was a smile and a kiss. It seems she is growing up to be quite the cougar. Nathanial, explain a few things to me. One, Jean says Kevin did not know who you are. After seeing Kevin's reaction I am inclined to believe him. Perhaps I can understand, as I know how blind Kevin can be when it comes to Exy. I might even forgive him for sheltering you from me. But you must know who you are, so I am very, very curious to know what you think you are doing.
Neil: I'm just trying to get by. If I'd known our families were business partners I wouldn't have signed the contract.
Riko: You're lying
Neil: I am not. I don't want to cause any trouble for your family. I don't want you to cause any trouble for mine. I'm just here for a year and then I'm gone, I promise.
Riko: You don't want to cause any trouble for my family? You have already cost my family a sizable fortune and eight years of trouble.
Neil: How? The money I took was my father's.
Riko: If you think acting stupid will save you, you are sadly mistaken.
Neil: I'm not acting, my mother said it was my father's money. She never even told me about you. If I had known the money was your's—
Riko: Nothing your father owned was his! I refuse to believe she never told you. All that time running and you never asked why?
Neil: Have you met my father? I didn't have to ask.
Riko: You were not running from your father, Nathaniel, you were running from his master. Which brings me to my second question, what happened to your leg?
Neil: Take a wild fucking guess
Riko: (beat) You do realize why don't you?
Neil: Because he's insane?
Riko: You're an even bigger fool than I thought. Running from the master and the money he took, there could have been one thing that paid them off. You, Nathaniel, and yet he chose to take your leg. Your father cost my family a fortune and cut off any way of paying it back.
Neil's head is spinning by the time Matt shows up. He barely remembers the rest of the night, his mind too consumed by Riko's words and the implications of who his father really was.
He takes his leg off on the bus, digging his knuckles into the knotted flesh of his father's work, thinking. He had always known his father was a monster, and this just really put it into perspective.
A text shakes Neil out of his half-asleep state, hand still digging into his knee. A single text is on the screen, from Andrew.
"Shocking, just how many issues such a small body can have."
Neil glares at the back of the bus. "Could say the same thing about you." And that's the end of it
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palmettoshitposts · 2 years ago
seth (finally) gets what he deserves (seth lives kefu style)
for all that seth claimed he wanted to leave palmetto, he found leaving really hard. he may or may not have ended up drunk on wymack’s couch one time. he’s down the road in columbia as a trainee social worker; he feels so out of his depth, it’s harder than he thought to see these kids in the worst situations imaginable and parents who just refuse to fucking learn.
he’s started confronting the fact he grew up around a shit tonne of prejudice and that he’s been a dick to people who have stood beside him. he knows he’s made progress when allison - who’s become a bizarre sort of friend - reveals she’s dating renee, a trans woman, and he doesn’t feel the disgust he used to. he’s genuinely happy for her and happy she’s moved on from the unhealthy shit they had together. it probably hurt both of them more in the long run than any kind of enjoyment that had at the time would let them believe. again, he’s maturing.
he ends up with a lot of lgbt kids on his caseload and begins to really hate himself for being just like people who’ve hurt these kids. parents and siblings who acted like he did that have hurt them, made them runaway or even hurt themselves. his mentor, carmen, is a very brusque older black woman who tells him it’s in the past. he needs to leave it behind and recognise the fact he doesn’t do it now and actively hates it as progress. matt comes down every couple of weeks and they work out together. seth rants about all of this. he’s so fucking angry and matt’s just smiling. when the rant is over, matt just says he’s proud of seth. seth tells him to fuck off.
there’s one particular case that seth cant get his mind off of. he knows he should do what carmen says and just leave the cases at the desk but seth just cant. dante is twelve year old who is so fucking angry at the world because of how its treated him and everything he’s seen. every placement seth finds for dante lasts no longer than 3 weeks and time and time again they end up at the office, dante with his singular bag in tow and pissed off expression firmly on his face. one night, they cant place him at all and seth resigns himself to a night in the office with this now thirteen year old.
“god, you little asshole. maybe i’d be able to sleep if it wasnt for you,” seth sighs at one point, entirely exhausted. dante just genuinely laughs for the first time since seth has known him.
dante eventually just refuses to speak to anyone other than seth. the next morning, he’s refusing the singular placement the entire team have been able to find. seth’s like fuck it, and becomes his temporary foster parent. dante lives with seth for two weeks, and seth has no clue how to be a parent, but dante doesn’t care. he has a bed and a door that locks (andrew hands seth a lock that weekend in columbia - something thats become a tradition for all of the foxes from the canon year to attend. he just goes ‘for the kid. trust me.’ and seth does it without question. he and dante work together to screw it to the inside of his bedroom door), food and clothes. some dude that will play video games with him and call him a loser and buy his favourite foods and doesn’t expect him to be polite or ‘normal’. he promises seth he’ll try at his next home. it sort of breaks seth’s heart because he’s fairly certain the issue is the foster parents, not this damaged kid who reminds him of a fox in almost every way.
it lasts six months before dante runs away. he shows up at seth’s house with a black eye and a duffel bag, and a nonchalant attitude that is entirely fake. he begrudgingly tells seth the foster father found out he’s gay and ‘didn’t like it’. seth wants to kill him. dante is 13 and a grown man has raised his hand to him because what? he likes boys? fuck that. when dante is in bed that night, seth gets the closest to relapsing he’s been in years. he didn’t know dante was gay and it doesn’t fucking matter at all. he’s so fucking angry at the world and at his past self. there isn’t an ounce of disgust directed towards dante but seth is too fucking mad to see that for the progress it is. after a text to matt, he passed out on the sofa, exhausted from sheer anger. matt arrives then next morning to help them both out for a couple of days and seth realises he has a fucking family.
seth is still fuming the next morning and isn’t going to hide it. he makes it very clear it’s not directed at dante, though. dante is touched at how angry seth is about this. because it’s on his behalf, and in his defence. and the fact that seth allows him to see that anger, and that this isn’t okay. dante hasn’t had that before.
after that point, seth becomes dante’s long term foster parent. he sits dante down and offers to have him live with him until he ages out of the system. the ball is entirely in dante’s court. dante thinks seth is mad if he thinks theres anyway he’d pass up on that offer. seth is the best thing that’s ever happened to him and he tells him as much. it’s the first time in as long as seth can remember that he cries in front of someone else. dante is stunned and in awe of the sheer vulnerability of this scary looking asshole. dante is so fucking glad he doesn’t have to leave.
lilly devi is a bad ass family lawyer who’s been on the edge of seth’s social circle for years. a proud south asian trans woman with deep purple hair, a range of facial and body piercings and cochlear implants she takes off as soon as possible - shes about as unlikely a lawyer as seth is a social worker. shes close with renee and allison and comes to seth when a bunch of allegations about a foster parent appear on her desk. it turns out dante was just one in a line of kids abused by the same man. seth spends that night at the gym with matt, furiously working out until he can no longer think about how broken the system is.
lilly seems to keep her cool while dealing with the case. seth cant understand it - he’s still so fucking angry (something matt and dan seem to find weirdly endearing when they had dinner together?) - but he can appreciate her hard work. with minimal disruption to dante’s new, calm life, lilly navigates a successful motion to remove the bastards fostering licence and hands over the evidence she’s collected to the criminal courts. it’s out of their hands now but it’s been so swift and successful that seth is slightly in awe of this woman.
lilly swings by his office that night with a wicked grin. seth has privately thought shes stunning for a long time but hasn’t acknowledged it properly. it wouldn’t have been appropriate. besides, she knows about his shitty past attitudes.
but lilly surprised him.
“ren’s swinging by to see dante if you fancy a drink,” she says.
“to celebrate the case?” seth clarifies, a bit dumbfounded.
“as more, if you fancy. ball’s in your court,” she said, that grin still in place.
(for the record, dante has always thought lilly was a fucking badass and was thrilled when he found out they were dating)
(seth begins learning sign almost immediately. the first time he tells her he loves her, it’s in asl. it’s not lilly’s first language because of a shitty family who refused to learn for her but it is her preferred one. lilly gets down on one knee then and there, proposing with a random ring off her own finger. seth cherishes it forever)
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fuzzballsheltiepants · 3 years ago
Hi,.....if you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from AFTG series? And why do you love them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the novels? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks....
ooh asking me to narrow things down, I love your bold choice! Thanks for the ask!
here goes, top 5 characters (I kind of hate that they're all men but oh well):
Andrew Minyard. I know he's an asshole; I know he's morally grey; I know he's violent at times. But he has an internal logic, an internal morality that does not match that of the world around him because his life has absolutely sucked. Though he rarely lets himself care, when he does, it's passionate and with his whole soul. He's a survivor, an endurer, probably neurodivergent, and that's something I can understand. He's also funny as hell, something I try to lean into when I write him!
Neil Josten. A survivor in a totally different way from Andrew. Where Andrew shuts down and endures what he must, Neil fights - often to his own detriment. He's so quick to pick up on things, he's so freaking smart in so many ways, he's complicated and messy in a way that is so real. I love the wry awareness in his voice because he knows when he's being a dumbass and yet he does it anyway. Plus, y'know, he was one of the first voices that resonated with my own when it came to attraction or lack thereof and made me go hm, perhaps I am ace-spec...
David Wymack. Look, the man's heart is far too big, he loves broadly and without judgement or fear. I know he's gruff, like the rest of the Foxes he can be kind of a dick, he's ableist at times at least in his language. But he believes in his little crew of fucked-up kids, he believes they deserve a chance not to prove they can be normal, but to prove that they deserve respect and love despite the fact that they're not.
Jean Moreau. We see so little of him, but he's just as much a survivor as Andrew and Neil. He's dramatic in a way that makes me suspect he's whistling in the dark - he's finding a way to be himself despite the abuse he endures. And while some of his taking care of Neil at the Nest was because he had to, there's reason to suspect that part of it was because he gets something out of caring for another. Maybe it reminds him that he's human.
Nicky Hemmick. He reminds me so much of queer kids I grew up with, people who leaned into and embraced stereotypes as soon as they were free of their abusive, homophobic parents because it was a way of asserting their identities. I know he seriously fucked up at Eden's, and he doesn't understand Andrew at all, but he suffered so much abuse, he went through so much, and he came through just wanting to help others who are also suffering. He gave up a good, happy life to take care of Aaron and Andrew, the former who he barely knew and the latter who he'd never met. He's a Fox through and through.
Top 5 moments in the books, in no particular order:
When Andrew came back for Neil when Neil called him during his panic attack, culminating in the kiss on the roof. Andrew's steadiness in that entire scene, the way he's just there for Neil while Neil is shutting down, and then the "I am not your answer, and you sure as fuck aren't mine" line... It shows how hard Andrew is working on his mental health and recovery, that he understands that as much Neil means to him he can't be everything because nobody can be everything for another person. But it also is when Andrew first makes it clear how much Neil means and just, oh, my heart.
Wymack picking up Neil from the airport and the entire scene afterward. Wymack being the one person Neil knew he could call, who he knew would pick him up and give him what he needed in that moment, after Neil was so afraid of him at the beginning. The fact that Neil looked totally different, and yet Wymack still instantly knew who he was. That Neil let himself fall asleep so deeply that he didn't wake up when being carried into the fucking apartment, because he knew he was safe. It's a huge breakthough and gets me in the heart every time.
The Baltimore reunion scene in the motel. Not sure I need to explain this one, but I think the line "I have to go, I don't trust them to give you back" sums it all up.
The shower scene. The intimacy they allow themselves there - not just physical, but emotional; the reconnection; Neil's desperation to know that Andrew still wants him, his need to just make Andrew look at him, his relief when Andrew opened up to him. Then the tenderness after, Andrew being careful when drying him around his injuries, and Andrew wearing his clothes, it's too much.
Nicky and Neil in the library. Nicky telling some of his story, us (and Neil) getting to understand more of what he went through and why that makes him so desperate for Neil not to think he's all on his own or to become too dependent on Exy. This is where we get the sense that Nicky understands at least the edges of Neil's mental health struggles, where he makes the connection between his own depression and suicidal tendencies and how letting other people in and finding people he could trust saved him. He sees Neil struggling and wants the same for him, and it always moves me. Then there's Neil immediately thinking of Andrew as being someone he can let in and trust and then going, no no, I can't (HA! you thought)
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go-foxes · 3 months ago
"That's probably putting it mildly," he says. It feels like a privilege of being the new kid: he can talk like it doesn't apply to him, like he wouldn't have been one of the people who was off if his dad showed up, and no one can call him on his bullshit. Mateo could, but he wouldn't go around spreading TK's secrets like that. TK honestly isn't even sure if Kai could or not, if he paid that much attention when they were back in California to know anything at all about TK off the court.
Because TK is supposed to be the responsible one, but he was also the one that hatched the plan to hide in Mateo's house indefinitely rather than go live with his father.
And it's not like Mateo's any better: TK still can't decide if Mateo's at his most reckless when his dad is away, to try and see what will get him to pay attention; or if it's when his dad is actually around, to drive him away again; or if it even matters at all.
But while he might be glad to leave Parents Weekend in the rearview mirror, he isn't against getting a little recognition for his goal, especially one that came in a one-goal victory when every point counted.
Especially when, up to that point in the game, his play hadn't felt very inspired. Kent hadn't needed his help to score; and he couldn't make up for whatever the fuck was going on with Kai. If Claudia hadn't gotten him the ball in the dying minutes of the half, Wymack would have had enough reason to not let him play a full half again.
"Couldn't have done it without your assist," he says. "I wouldn't mind if you kept setting me up like that. I've gotta try and win the freshmen point race." Because Mateo would lord it over him forever, and it's not like he's going to let Kai win it.
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Claudia wouldn't say she's relieved the parents are gone, but it's nice to be back to business as usual. Without her own parents there, she focused on more of making it a good game for the other parents and for the season in general, because she wants to win regardless. Parents can be distracting and add extra stress though. At least, they all get free pizza out of it.
She hasn't talked to her own parents since before the game. Sometimes, they call and talk after, but it doesn't go much further than a check in and an update on whether they won or lost. Claudia honestly prefers it that way.
Claudia's usually one of the first ones on the court, but she's a little behind TK today after she spent time this morning planning out practice. She looks up at him with a smile as he holds the door for her, hugging her clipboard to her chest.
"Thankfully," she says with a laugh. "Everyone gets a little...off when parents are around. Oh, hey! Nice score too!" She didn't forget they worked together on that one.
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