#wulf ... :)
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1936 Focke Wulf FW-44 getting airborne at Duxford
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may12324 · 1 year
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did you miss my sketch dumps? I have been reading A Day of Fallen Night, ohohohoh boy. so many hot ladies in this book. Also Canthe is terrible but I love hate her <3
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hugsandchaos · 2 months
Wait, I have an idea!
So y’all know those prompts and stories where Clockwork or Pariah Dark, or even Vlad look at Danny and go “That is a child.” because of his core? What about Frostbite? Or Wulf?
With Frostbite, I imagine it’d be bittersweet because he does see that thing is the Great One who defeated Pariah Dark in the prophecies, but his core hasn’t even finished developing properly! His ice powers haven’t come out yet! This is a cub! And one seemingly without a proper guardian at that. He is in no way suited or prepared to fight such an old evil like Pariah Dark, let alone succeed!
He tries to take Danny in and avoid the prophecy, or at the very least prepare him for it, but Danny just goes “I’ve actually already fought that fruitloop. He won’t be bothering us for a long time. Preferably forever.”
But my point remains. Danny’s core betrays him and makes everyone see him as a cub. Actual ghost yeti cubs see him as a potential playmate and someone who’s either slightly older or slightly younger. Adults want to keep an eye on him.
As for Wulf… I just desperately need some Danny and Wulf content! Especially the ones where Wulf is a little protective of Danny and is something of a big brother to him.
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satoshy12 · 8 months
Dani and her Friends and the Hero Phantom who looks away
Dani smiled at her friend Waylon as both were imprisoned.
"Have no fear! My template will get us out!"
Croc:" You know we are in Arkham, right?"
Dani: " No fear... Wait, it started. Be careful."
The walls of Arkham Cell started to glow green as it started to go like a horror movie. Dani just pulled Waylon with her to the portal.
Waylon looked before were a massive werewolf and young men.
"Template, I knew you would save me!"
Danny just gave me one look: "You are grounded."
Dani: " Stupid Hero Template, won't do any fun! Come Waylon. I want to show you my room and then your new room!"
Waylon:" A Hero..." Dani: "Yeah, he is a hero, but I am well me. And he would never get angry at me!" Waylon said to himself, " It's not often a hero would save their villain's child. So it's kind of nice for her."
Danny looked at Wulf and said, " Thanks again. Make sure both are okay. I will have to talk with Batman about this."
Danny already had the excuse why he broke into Arkham.
Batman knows how Danny is feeling so no hard feelings. Just make sure he doesn't do criminal stuff
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tourettesdog · 7 months
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My sixth color piece for Green With Envy!
These lines were made by @mysteryhat21!
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pinatadoodles · 7 months
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Now for some baddies (these are some of my favs, but man this show has so many 😥)
Ko-fi | Patreon
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mossydoodles · 1 year
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they r hanging out
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wingedflight · 7 months
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It's @furiarossa's lineart of Wulf for my next @green-with-envy-phandom-event colouring!
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plazmawulf · 5 months
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Dannymay day 4: Wander
Wandering... trying to find a safe place, bound to be free.
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eirian · 1 year
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the promised danny phantom doodle requests: wulf, tucker, and valerie!
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tofuingho · 2 years
I want a story where DC learns about DP because of Wulf.
Wulf is just chilling when Damian comes across him.
Maybe, at first, he assumes Wulf is like Killer Croc, but when he gets closer Wulf stays calm.
Of course, Wulf only/mainly speaks Esperanto. This leads to Damian deciding to learn the language, so he speak to his new friend.
But also, Damian is his father's son, so he ends up trying to sneak Wulf into the manor.
Eventually, Danny comes looking for Wulf because he's worried and that's how the Bats end up finding out about ghosts and the Anti-Ecto Acts.
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maniacwatchestheworld · 7 months
DPxDC requested prompt #8
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( @zylev-blog Heyo! I did the thing! Hope you like it! Obviously the Esparanto was run through Google Translate because like... Yeah... I don't know how to speak that... >.> )
Wulf couldn't remember how long he had been on the run for anymore. He had broken free from Walker's imprisonment, sure. But it wasn't long until someone else found and captured him. He wasn't sure who they were. Humans, certainly, but he couldn't understand the words they spoke, nor did they care to try to understand him. They had bound him in chains he could not break nor phase through, and somehow had been able to negate his abilities. It was only through luck that he managed to find an opening to be able to escape.
He had been running for a while now, but he knew they were always hot on his tail. He couldn't return to the Ghost Zone anymore. Too dangerous. Walker was surely eager for Wulf to return home and would certainly be well prepared for such an event by now. He would surely capture the runaway prisoner again if he did flee to the Ghost Zone, even if only for a moment, and he would have little chance of escaping the ghostly jailer again. No. He had to stay in the human realm. He didn't know how these humans were following and tracking him. But as he approached this massive and ominous city, he figured that this could finally be his chance to try and lose them.
At least he had successfully snuck his way into the city, but Wulf knew that he had to stay out of sight until he could find a proper place to rest. He had tried to hide his massive and inhuman build under clothes, but after a single accidental run-in with some little old lady who had clearly been startled and frightened by his size and appearance, he decided that it would probably be for the best if he stuck to abandoned alleyways and the sewers for now.
He didn't expect to find much down here in the sewers, especially not in the way of someplace to rest, so he thought that he was surely hallucinating when he came across what was seemingly something akin to a living room here in the depths of the sewers. He had been following an odd scent which was then followed by a warm light that seemed to dance only for him in the darkness, and it somehow led him here. This living room-like place was in a raised area of the sewer where it wouldn't get wet, even if the pipelines flooded. Arranged neatly throughout the room there was a couch, a television, a dining room table, and several chairs all of different kinds and makes scattered throughout the room. Attached to this room there was even an area where a fire blazed, keeping it and the rooms around it dry and much warmer than the rest of the sewer had been, and cooking utensils that had seemingly been set up to resemble something of a kitchen around the fire.
There were passageways deeper into this place, but Wulf was not about to dare to explore them. He had been running on empty for days now, and the apparent sight of this couch was too much for him to resist. Perhaps this was a trap set by the people pursuing him. But if that was the case, he would have to deal with that issue later. For now, he collapsed on the couch and let rest and unconsciousness take him.
"So you're finally awake?" A deep and growling voice greeted him the moment he shifted to open his eyes, but Wulf could not understand a word the voice said.
"Saluton? Pardonu, se mi entrudiĝis, mi nur bezonis iun lokon por ripozi…" Wulf began to sit up only for something to shove him back down again. The source of the voice, certainly.
"What was that? Couldn't make out a word you said there. Now tell me who you are, why you're here, and how you found my hideout."
It was only in that moment when Wulf remembered where he was and how he ended up here. He opened his eyes fully to look at person standing over him, but whatever he expected to see, he didn't expect... This...
There was a large... Creature...? Standing over him. It was standing on two legs like a man, but its skin was nothing like what he had seen on a human before. The creature was large, probably a similar size to Wulf himself, but was covered in a thick hide of scales. While it wore pants, it was not wearing a shirt, and it had the pointed teeth of a carnivore and eyes that ominously reflected the light of the fire.
"Uh... Saluton! Pardonu, kio estis tio denove? Pardonu, mi ne tre bone parolas la anglan. Se vi povus paroli iom pli malrapide, tiam eble mi povus… Ĉu vi diris, 'hideout'...? Pardonu, se mi entrudiĝis en vian kaŝejon, mi ne celis… Pardonu. Vi vere kaptis min senpripense ĉi tie. Lasu min rekomenci. Mi estas Wulf. Mi estas forkuranta kaj hazarde renkontis ĉi tiun lokon. Mi ne intencis transfuĝi. Kiel vi nomiĝas?"
The figure standing over him just stated blankly at Wulf. Clearly not understanding a word he said.
"Do mi opinias, ke vi ne parolas Esperanton…?" Great...
"So I take it that you're not from around here. No matter. I'm Killer Croc. And I'm a big deal 'round these parts! So who're you, and what's the deal with... All of this...?" The lizard man poked a finger at one of Wulf's arms. Wulf could gather that the stranger was asking him about his fur and who he was.
This time when Wulf tried to sit up, this 'Killer Croc' didn't stop him. However he did find that his wrists and ankles had been bound with some kind of rope. For now Wulf decided to ignore it. "You. Killer Croc?"
"Oh hey, look at that! You can understand me some!"
Wulf took the positive tone of the creature's voice as a yes. "Via nomo estas Killer Croc." Wulf motioned towards the creature. "Mia nomo estas Wulf."
"Wolf...? That's rather on the nose..."
"I. Wulf."
"Got it, got it! So what's with the fur? This just a costume for some weird gimmick, or are you just a mutant freak like me?" Killer Croc let out a small chuckle.
Wulf was having a hard time making out what Killer Croc was saying through his accent, but given the tone of a question and how he pointed at him, Wulf figured that the lizard man was asking what he was. "Mi estas estaĵo de la Fantoma Zono. Tiel mi aspektas… Uh... I ghost from Ghost Zone."
"Ghost...? You're supposed to be a ghost...? I've never heard of ghosts lookin' like you before!" The lizard man laughed.
In response, Wulf turned his wrists and ankles intangible and phased through the ropes binding him before holding the loose ropes out to the lizard man.
Killer Croc was taken aback by this for a moment before grinning. "Alright. That's a neat little trick there. What're you? A criminal like me?"
"Criminal?" Now that was a word Wulf understood all too well. "You criminal? Hiding?"
Killer Croc let out a light laugh. "You really don't know anything about this town do you? Yeah, I'm a criminal." He nodded. "You?"
Wulf felt a little more relaxed. "Yes. I criminal ankaŭ."
"Well then. I suppose that I can let you stay for now, Wulf. It's good t'meetcha. I'm sure we have a lot to talk about." The lizard man held out his hand to shake. Wulf wasn't entirely certain what Killer Croc had said, but happily took the man's hand and shook it anyway, a big grin on his face.
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evilfarmin · 16 days
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Hello hello again!! Chapter 3 illustration for "Once in a while, you get shown the light in the strangest of places" by @surelysilly :p Be sure to check out my partner artist, @mysteryhat21art, for chs 2 and 4
(ch1 of fic)
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hugsandchaos · 7 months
Anyone else think Wulf deserves more attention in DC x DP crossovers? Or is it just me obsessing over the idea of Danny’s parents not taking well to his secret and he has to run away and Wulf finds him, so he decides to help his friend by looking after him and they eventually get discovered by the Justice League?
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satoshy12 · 1 year
Medic Danny + DC
Danny doesn't to Phantom , as it would stand out that while Fenton is gone Phantom is at same place. And he doesn't want to fight.
While on a vacation in the States, Danny utilized his ghost ice to freeze his parents' portal, ensuring the safety of Amity Park during his absence. Just to make sure Amity Park is okay while he is gone.
With the help of Wulf's teachings, he traveled around the world using a portal, eliminating the need for a plane or expensive travel costs.
However, his travels were interrupted by the constant need to provide first aid to injured individuals in cities such as Gotham, Metropolis, Star City, Coast City, and Detroit.
Danny had to perform first aid on many people while visiting the cities.
He could say he had helped more than 200 people already. He stopped to count after helping so many people that it kind of happen so many times while the summer vacation. But was happy to be able to help them all.
Upon returning to the border of Amity Park using his portal, Danny discovered that the entire town was at peace, as the ghosts had stopped causing trouble.
As he returned home, he noticed the whole town was doing a Ba Sing Se.
Although his parents were irritated with their frozen portal, Amity Park was happier. And while his parents were angry and didn't give up trying to melt the ice. Amity Park was happier, and Danny could use his own portal to visit the zone. So he left the portal and lab on ghost ice.
However, when Danny suddenly vanished, people began to search for the small but skilled first-aid provider.
After Danny was suddenly out of the radar, people noticed and started to search for the tiny, thin boy.
The people who had met Danny were really distressed by the amount of first-aid skill he possessed. It spoke of experience that someone so young shouldn't have.
Amanda Waller was pretty interested in him. After all, the boy had helped her and her daughter when they almost became casualties of a Superman vs. Brainiac fight. So she called her agents to search for the boy.
JL meeting
Green Arrow called DIBS on him, and he would sponsor him for the future when he wants to study.
Bruce himself said the same as he noticed they all talked about the same boy. Superman wanted to thank Danny because he saved many lives while Kal was busy fighting against Brainiac.
Flash only met him once, and because of how fast Barry was, he just brought the wounded to the hospital because it was much faster.
The few heroes who didn't meet him listened to them argue.
Having no idea that few villains who Danny helped too, as civilians were having a similar moment.
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tourettesdog · 7 months
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My second coloring for Green With Envy!
These rad lines were done by @furiarossa
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