#wrote everyday no matter the craziness
scully-loves-ruthie · 2 years
Fictober Day 31
Prompt: I'm not alone and neither are you
Fandom: The X-Files
          Mulder looked over at her as he shifted into park.  The gravel driveway was a welcomed sight after dinner with Maggie.  He spent all night looking to qualify what he was feeling. Just now, this moment in front of their house watching Scully a little wine drunk doze in the passenger seat, parked in front of their house he knew what it was.   He was finally happy.  Just happy.  He didn’t have any new obsessions or conspiracies to fuck it up.  They made it all the way out.  Together.  It was their life now.  Theirs.  I’m not alone and neither are you he thought as Scully swayed against him on the way up the porch stairs.  They were finally home.
@fictober-event @xffictober2022 @today-in-fic
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just4koo · 11 months
Hii! How are you doing? Can you please write hurt to comfort with Jungkook, when he walks out to cool off after an argument and Y/n thinks he left her? :)
i'm doing well, i hope you are too! i kinda got carried away on this request and wrote a lott of angst haha... (it hurt my heart)
never go to sleep angry - jjk.
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summary: one of the most important rules of your relationship was to never go to sleep angry. when the rule was ignored, it led to an argument and a huge misunderstanding.
word count: 5.0k
genre/warnings: established relationship, a lot of angst, comfort, misinterpreting words, argument between them, y/n feels really shitty, mutual confusion, cute ending though
-- ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ --
There was one rule that you and Jungkook always had set up in your relationship. It was one of the reasons that you two were able to stay together for so long. How you had gotten through so many tough times, arguments, and disagreements. One thing that you two agreed on for the past 4 years you had been together.
Never go to sleep angry.
Even though it seems like something that may not matter too much, it had always worked for you two. Being in a relationship meant disagreeing on things. Relationships could be hard, but loving Jungkook was always easy. He made all of the hard times worth it. There weren't many things the two of you fully argued about because of this one rule. Communication was key in your relationship, and the two of you were always able to deescalate the situations so they wouldn't blow up.
It was the rule until now, it seemed.
If you had realized the way that you were making your boyfriend feel, it could've turned out so different. He hadn't spoke up about it because he knew how stressed you were. Later hours at a job meant that you didn't have time for the things you used to. After covid wiped through the world, your company had taken a huge hit. Budget cuts meant people being laid off of their jobs, and the ones that weren't fired got their work loads doubled, or even tripled.
Your job was a work at home -- returning late from work hadn't been the problem. Even if it was, Jungkook knew. He understood how consuming work could be, but he had been working crazy hours everyday since he was 13. He knew how his schedule worked and how to arrange things to make time between the two of you. This workload was new for you, and so he didn't get angry when you were stuck to your laptop for hours after your scheduled workday ended.
It was more of the way you dealt with the stress that got to him. Being stressed meant that you had been getting more irritable. If he tried talking to you when you were working, he was met with a dry "mhm" or a short look that told him you weren't interested. If he tried actually getting your attention, he would just receive snippy answers. He was trying to be understanding, but that also meant ignoring the most important rule of your relationship. Just like you tried to prevent, everything blew up.
"I've just been stressed out, Jungkook! I thought you said you understood!" You shouted at your boyfriend. What had turned into a simple conversation about him asking if you could spend your free day going on a date for the first time in a couple months had turned into this argument. You wanted to take the single free day off to rest your fingers from typing until your fingers locked up, he finally felt the festering irritation out, and it wasn't turning out pretty.
"I do understand, _____! If anyone does, it's me! You've been thinking about yourself this whole time! I try to be nice, I try to be understanding. You just shut me out! Just because you're stressed out or having a hard time doesn't mean you're allowed to treat me this shitty!" You were almost speechless as you listened to him vent to you about his feelings. You had been trying to justify yourself, but the longer this argument continued, the more you realized how you had been treating him.
"I tried so hard. You only try to push me away now. I've always had draining schedules, but I never took it out on you. I knew that this whole thing was new for you, I gave you time to adjust. But I just can't stand this anymore!" Jungkook groaned, putting his face in his hands. You had become ignorant about how your boyfriend felt, trying too hard to explain why you were treating him this way. He had enough of this. You were angry right now, and anger led to you being irrational.
He knew that he needed to get out of the house before the two of you said anything else you regretted. He didn't want the two of you to be blinded by anger and the best thing to do was to cool down. He tried to take in a deep breath as he turned around to walk towards the coat rack. You watched in disbelief as he started to put on his coat and lace up his shoes. Was he really walking out on the argument?
"Are you serious right now!? You started this argument, and now you're just trying to walk away from it?!" You accused him, crossing your arms over your chest. All Jungkook did was shake his head to himself. If you wanted to be petty, then it was only fair for him to do the same. He wasn't going to let himself be a personal punching bag anymore.
"You're right, I am walking away. I can't do this, ______. Get your shit together." You only scoffed at what he said, rolling your eyes in annoyance. Too consumed by your own pride, you didn't say anything as he left, didn't try to stop him. If he wanted to walk out, that was his problem. You felt like you had an excuse for the way you had been. You hadn't even realized how badly your treatment had gotten.
You spent most of the day grouchy now, too sidetracked to focus on your work. The argument happened pretty early in the afternoon, meaning you got most of the day to think about it. You knew he was going to come back before it was bedtime, or at least you thought you knew. Because it had been the most important rule, right? So you spent the whole day trying to formulate an argument to use against him.
The longer you thought about it though, the more uneasy you felt about the situation. It was growing later and later with every passing minute, and there was no sign of your boyfriend. No text or call, no jingling of his keys in the doorway, not even a text from his brother asking what had happened. Him and his brother were very close. He was usually the person Jungkook went to whenever you got into arguments, and his brother had even helped the two of you. He always texted when Jungkook showed up at his place, but there were no notifications.
You had already taken your nightly shower and was sitting on the bed in silence, huffing to yourself. He was being too petty, you thought. Why couldn't he just understand that you were busy? He was one of the busiest people in the world after all, he should be understanding that you didn't have hours of the day to dedicate to your relationship anymore like you used to be able to do.
While stuck in your thoughts, you sort of froze. He was one of the busiest people in the world. He had countless shoots for music videos, songs, magazines, variety shows. Your boyfriend was a member of one of the most renowned music bands. He spent almost everyday practicing and even spent nights in the studio trying to perfect things. If anyone knew what it was like to live a busy life, it would be him. You'd seen how busy his schedules, how full they were. He had something almost everyday. 
Yet he still made time for you.
You recounted all the times he had come home tired from work or exhausted from a performance. The days he returned with a frustrated or irritated expression from something that happened at work. Not one of those times did he ever take it out on you. He never let things that happened outside your relationship affect how he treated you. Before covid happened, he would be gone even more. Even though he had more time after the pandemic, things were getting back into motion.
He shared how overwhelmed he had been with everything. 2020 had been a break that he didn't even know he needed. He loved his fans, loved his band. But even then, he was still human. Not a machine that could work and be pushed through his schedules. When everything shut down, it meant him also being locked in his house and quarantined from everything. Now that there had been vaccinations and the urgency of the virus had died down, he was thrown right back into everything he had gotten used to being away from.
He had an album releasing soon, and it was taking a lot from him to get back into the flow of things. But he never blamed you for it. Before your job had you working crazy hours, he never got angry whenever you called him during his practices or came to surprise him at his workplace, taking away from his rehearsal time. Because it wasn't your fault for wanting to spend time with him or see him.
A pit was beginning to form in your stomach as you stared down at your lap. All of those times where you interrupted him from his work, you never realized how frustrating it could feel. Not until now when you were also working hard to produce quality work. You thought about all of the times he might've been irritated because he was trying to practice or so close to getting something right, and you came to stop him.
Yet every time he saw you, he was so excited and treated you with love. Even if you were distracting him from his job of performing in front of millions, even billions. Yet you had been doing the exact opposite. You were blaming him for wanting to spend time with you. Mad at him just because he wanted some time with his girlfriend. Fuck, you had been an idiot. Created an unnecessary argument just because you forgot to appreciate him.
You immediately reached for your phone, pressing the contact at the top of your favorites list. It was late now, almost 9pm, and you were worried. You wanted to at least see when he was coming home so you could be sure to stay up until then. You wanted to follow through with your number one rule and wait for him. You wanted to be waiting by the door when he came through to apologize to him.
Frowning when the call immediately went to voicemail, you were almost sent into a stupor. He always answered your calls, no matter what. It was strange for the phone go straight into voicemail, because in his car he always had a phone charger. One quick glance out of your window was the confirmation you needed, he did take his car. 
He had his charger with him. Did that mean he was ignoring your calls then? The phone didn't even ring before it went to voicemail, quicker than any person could decline a call. You weren't someone who worried too easily, but whenever something didn't feel right it made you extremely anxious. This was one of those moments right now. There was something off about the whole situation and you didn't know.
You tried his phone at least two more times, and the same thing happened. Not even a single ring. Every time you were met with the voicemail the two of you had recorded together a couple years ago, the giggling one you recorded with him saying that if he wasn't answering the call, he was probably too busy with his beautiful girlfriend. Your heart hurt when you heard that. How much things had changed scared you.
You went to text him, sending a few messages asking if he was okay. You stared down at the notice that the message had failed to send, the frown in your face getting even deeper. You went back into your contacts app, calling his brother instead. To your short relief, the phone was ringing. But after a few long rings, the phone also went to voicemail. You felt the urge to throw your phone at the wall but instead just cursed under your breath.
You weren't even sure how slow or fast the time was passing right now. All you could do was blankly stare down at your phone, hoping for a call. Had the argument been that bad? Was he really not going to come home after 4 years of sticking to that rule? The clock was nearing 12AM now and you were fidgeting nervously. Going over the argument over and over in your mind again. One particular line suddenly caught your attention.
"You're right, I am walking away. I can't do this, ______."
Your heart practically dropped as you remembered that. It was something you overlooked in the moment because you had been so angry with him, so consumed by your own pride. Those were words he never said to you. Sure, he had left the house a few times to cool down when arguments got too heated. But he would always leave with a reminder that he would be back before dark, that he was going to his brother's house.
Did you really ruin the relationship? All because you had been too focused on your work? You could feel your heart beginning to pound in your chest. He told you that he was walking away from you, that he wasn't going to do this anymore. This, as in the relationship? And you didn't do a thing to stop him when he left. You were so stupid.
Now all of the worst thoughts were going through your mind. Any rationality was leaving you. The calls weren't going through still. Had he blocked you? That was the only conclusion you were believing at the moment. You had been treating him like he was a nuisance for the past few months even though he had always been nothing but loving towards you no matter how crazy his schedule became.
You had been ignoring him whenever he wanted to do something with you or tell him something that had happened during his work. You had taken the small amount of free days you got and spent time relaxing and focusing on yourself rather than spending time with the person you loved more than anything, the person who loved you more than anything. You forgot that a relationship was about loving someone even through hard times.
Any hope you had for yourself was draining as you dug yourself into an even deeper hole. You were someone who worried a lot, but it was something that Jungkook had always helped you work out. Without him here, the problems were coming right back. Especially because this was about him. You had been an asshole of a girlfriend and he had enough. He left, walked out, and blocked you.
All of the years in your relationship felt like they were coming back at once. All of the years you spent together. Loving each other unconditionally. You comforting him whenever he was anxious and insecure, him surprising you with date nights or coming home from trips early to spend time with you. Spending his free days surprising him with things like his favorite dinner. You guys argued as well, but it was what happened in any healthy relationship.
This didn't feel like an argument anymore. Usually they would be resolved, this just felt like the end. You were a shitty girlfriend and he could probably find anyone much better. There were so many girls out there who admired him like a god, who would treat him as such. Girls who didn't take who they got for granted until it was too late and they had already gone.
He left. He was really gone. Those words kept repeating in your mind, and yet it felt like everything was a dream. It felt like you couldn't breathe at the moment. You were the reason this happened. The panic attack was coming quicker than you could stop it, and it was hitting at full force. The clock read 2AM by now. You had been sitting in the bed since 8PM waiting for him to walk into the bedroom. He wasn't coming.
Your whole world was crashing in on itself. Tears were welling up inside your eyes as you laid back on the bed, not feeling enough strength to hold yourself upright again. As you laid down on the bed, you were greeted with the smell of your boyfriend. Was he even your boyfriend anymore? His scent flooded your senses, the familiar smell you'd grown to love so much over the years. It was your breaking point.
With shaky hands you grabbed the blanket, hugging it to your body as the sobs started. Your whole body was trembling with them, curled up as you tried desperately to grasp onto what you felt like was the last of your relationship. The only thought in your mind was that all of this was your fault. Like the ignorant person you were, you lost the most important person to you.
You felt like you would do anything to fix this. To just get one more chance to see him. You would beg at your knees if you needed. Anything to promise him that you would be a better girlfriend to him. But he wasn't going to give you another chance. You only realized now how insignificant your work seemed when he left you. You'd been too distracted by your work that you forgot about the one thing that was more important.
You wanted to do so many things. Scream, throw your laptop at the wall, go out and look for him. But you just couldn't. The realization you felt, the pit in your stomach, the overwhelming sense of guilt. It was all too much for you to move a single limb. You felt overly nauseous, like you would throw up if you moved. 
You weren't someone that was completely dependent on Jungkook. You didn't need him to go about your day correctly. You could spend time apart with him. It was something you actually got used to with him going off on tours. But at this moment, it felt like your world was caving in on you. He was the one person who was always there for you no matter what, and now you had to come to terms with that changing. You sobbed even harder as you realized that.
This was the state that Jungkook saw as he walked back into the house. He knew that he had been gone for a long time, well over 12 hours. He had been cooling off by himself. He didn't even know how long he'd been out. His brother had been gone on vacation, meaning that he didn't have a place to go to. He didn't want to bother his bandmates with his relationship problems, so he could only think of one thing.
He spent the whole day hiking. One of the things he had done as a child growing up in Busan, it was something that helped him clear his mind. He drove a couple hours to the mountains and spend a big majority of the day in the nature. He had no service when he was out there, which helped him refrain from calling you before he had the opportunity to sort out his thoughts.
It had been well past nightfall when he got back down the mountain and he hadn't even realized how late it was. Not until he gained his signal back after he spent even longer at the small village by the bottom of the mountain. He had spent quite a while speaking to some of the elders that he lost track of time and saw it was nearly midnight. He had quickly said goodbye and promised to visit again before leaving.
It was only when he had gotten back onto the main highway that his signal returned and the notifications flooded his phone. He frowned as he looked at all of the missed calls from you, the worried texts. Your most recent one was the most concerning one, one that you had sent just twenty minutes prior.
"i'm sorry i was so shitty. i can pack all of my stuff and be gone in the morning."
He was confused as to why you were texting him that. Why were you packing your stuff and talking about leaving? He tried to call you multiple times, but none of the calls picked up. His own panic was building up as he stepped on the gas, speeding more than he would've liked to admit. It was a two hour drive back and right now he was cursing himself for picking a place so far away. 
You usually never called or texted him when you were separated to cool down from arguments, so he knew that something was different this time. He couldn't think of what was different this time, what had happened that led to you saying that you would be packing up to leave. Was he too harsh on you? Should he have just pushed the problem off even more?
You didn't even register the sound of the door opening, too consumed by your grief. Jungkook had rushed into the apartment, looking around for you. He checked the living room first, and then went straight to the bedroom. He stopped completely in his tracks when he saw you. Curled up on the bed into a ball, clutching your shared blanket to your chest, shaking with quiet and violent sobs.
For a few moments he could do nothing but stare at the sight. Wondering if he really had been too hard on you. He didn't think that his words were too harsh when he was saying them. He had only been speaking his feelings. But as he watched you right now, he felt his heart shattering. He never wanted this. He regretted ever saying anything.
You jumped as you felt a hand lay on your shoulder. Your eyes were swollen from all of your crying, you could barely make out the sight of Jungkook knelt down beside you, frowning with immense concern. You almost couldn't believe that he was right in front of you. Your sobs died down a bit as the two of you stared. You were the first one to break down.
"J-Jungkook, I'm so sorry. I was too consumed with my work and I didn't realize how shitty I treated you. You were right. You've always been so busy with work and you never treated me the way I treated you. I was so stressed by my job that I let it out on you. I was such a bad girlfriend, and I understand why you don't want to be with me anymore. I'm just sorry I didn't notice how bad I was." The way you spoke with small sniffles almost broke his heart and distracted him from what you said.
After he processed his words, his frown only deepened. Why were you speaking to him like this? Saying that you would pack all of your stuff, that he didn't want to be with you anymore, that you were a bad girlfriend? All of his anger was completely gone now and at the moment he just felt extremely confused along with distraught from how destroyed you looked.
"Baby, what are you talking about? Why are you saying all of this?" Jungkook asked with pure bewilderment in his tone. This made you look back at him with an equally confused expression. You weren't expecting this response from him. He seemed like he genuinely didn't know what you were talking about and it made you question everything.
"But.. you blocked me. You said that.. that you couldn't do this and were walking away?" You questioned, your voice cracking with how weak it was after sobbing. Jungkook tilted his head a bit as he tried to recall when he ever said that. After going through the argument in his head, the realization hit him. His eyes widened as he recalled what he said in the heat of the moment. He hadn't clarified what he meant and you had been left alone for however many hours thinking that he had ended the relationship.
"______, I know how those words seemed, but that's not at all what I meant. I was saying that I couldn't do the argument, not the relationship. I would never end things off. I only said I was walking away so I could cool off." Jungkook explained as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Not at all irritated by you, but instead angry at himself. He had only said what he was feeling in the heat of the moment and left.
"What about your phone..? None of my calls went through." You asked him, your voice still full with hurt and doubt. He felt terrible for even making you think for a moment that he wanted to end the relationship. Even though he had been pissed off, he would never end the relationship like that in the heat of the moment. Even enraged he knew it would be the worst mistake he would ever make.
"I went to the mountains to hike and get everything off my mind. My brother is on vacation so that's why I didn't go to him. The place I went had no service and so none of the calls or texts could've gotten through." He told you, and your eyes slightly widened. He was really telling the truth? He didn't want to break up with you? At this point you just felt like you had fallen asleep and this was all a dream.
To confirm this was real, you couldn't hold yourself back anymore and reached out for him, and he wasted no time. He sat down on the bed next to you and pulled you right into his arms. Your body froze as you felt his familiar warmth, smelled his scent with the addition of the smell of nature he'd been around all day. This was real. He wasn't leaving you.
The tears instantly started falling from your eyes, but it was different this time. It was relief. You spent so long crying because you thought he had broken up with you, but it all ended up being a misunderstanding. He wasn't leaving you and you had nothing to worry about. In the past 12 hours it felt like your life had completely ended, but it hadn't.
Jungkook held you closely to him, his fingers carding through your slightly tangled hair while his other hand rubbed small circles into your back. He rested his head on the top of yours, knowing that it was better for you to just get all of your feelings out. Even though nothing made him feel worse than knowing he was the reason that you were crying like this, it was better for you to just let it all out so it didn't bottle up. He had been doing that for the past few months and it turned out like this.
You didn't know how long you had been laying like that in his arms, but when you were finally able to stop crying, you noticed the beginnings of light peeking through the windows. The whole time Jungkook was there for you, whispering sweet things to help you calm down. How much he loved you, how he wasn't going to leave you, that he wasn't angry with you. Anything he could think of to help you calm down.
When you finally had a level enough mind to fully process everything, you felt so much relief. But you still felt the same guilt from before. You were the one that disregarded what he felt and now he was comforting you after an argument that was your fault. You needed to say something to him, to apologize and promise that you would be better. There was no way that you were ever going to let your work consume you again.
"I know I already said this, but I want to say that I'm so sorry. I was so stressed out with my new hours that I got angry and irritated whenever you just wanted to spend time with me. I never should've done that and I realize now how much I took you for granted. You've always made the time for me and I should've done the same for you. I know now how wrong and unfair I was being to you, and I want to be better." You said to him, your voice filled with regret.
Jungkook smiled lightly when he heard your apology. There was no longer any anger in his eyes. No resentment. To him, that was all in the past now. He could hear the sincerity in every word you said. After all, this was the reason that he had started dating you. You were so sweet and considerate towards others. You just needed to realize what you were doing wrong. You were distracted and didn't know you were bring rude.
"It's okay, my love. I know how stressful it's been for you and I'm not angry anymore. I understand how you feel and I accept your apology. I know you didn't realize how you were treating me." Jungkook replied, putting his fingers under your chin so he could tilt your head up to look at him. Even with your red, puffy eyes and runny nose you were so beautiful to him. He gently kissed the tip of your nose before resting his forehead against yours.
"I love you so much. Thank you for always being the best." You mumbled, closing your eyes as you took the time to let yourself bask in the moment. Letting go of all doubts that you felt previously. There was no reason to dwell on this argument, because you knew that you wouldn't make this mistake anymore going on.
"I love you too, always. No matter what happens." Jungkook replied with a bit of reassurance in his tone. You smiled as he said those words to you, leaning forward to close the small gap between the two of you. You were fully calmed down as your lips met and any thoughts that you had melted away in the moment. Everything was okay in this moment. 
Even though this argument had been rough, the two of you had stuck to your most important rule. The two of you went to sleep shortly afterwards, no more feelings of anger or resentment. You would never go to bed angry anymore, realizing just how important that rule was.
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cobragardens · 11 months
5 Good Omens Timefucks that Haunt Me
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Why is this here? Why is this line included? Is it just to add texture, to imply that larger world of corporate fascism of which Crowley and Aziraphale are subjects and victims and little worker bees? If so, why "They've started early" specifically? Why not "I wouldn't have expected that shrub to be the first to go" or "Aw, I liked that rock formation"?
Crawly doesn't make this comment in an offhand way: he sounds a bit taken aback and not thrilled that things have kicked off sooner than he anticipated. But it doesn't ultimately seem to make any difference to this scene, so why do we, the audience, need to know Hell started early?
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This one I'm not as confident will turn out to be significant, because iirc it appears in the book, which was a complete story when written, and because it serves a narrative purpose: it puts Agnes Nutter in charge of the situation, not her murderers. By backfooting Witchfinder Major Pulsifer, Agnes startles him enough she's able to walk past him without Pulsifer seizing her and discovering the extra 80 lbs of gunpowder and roofing nails in her skirts.
But. Agnes Nutter's sense of time is Nice and Accurate, and she notices the witchburning party are late and remarks on it to herself before she says anything to Pulsifer. So assuming a few minutes to position Agnes, tie her to the stake, and read the charges and conviction against her, Pulsifer and Agnes' neighbors are 12-15 minutes later than they should be. Why?
If the book answers this question, I don't recall; the show does not. And again, it seems to make no ultimate difference to this scene.
I'm not saying this was even purposely included in S1 as a timefuck. I am suggesting that as Gaiman seems to be fucking with time or timelines in this story, even if he and Pratchett didn't plan it like this when discussing the sequel, a retcon is hardly out of the question.
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As others have pointed out, Shostakovich's Symphony No. 5 is 45-55 minutes long. If you're listening to it on 78s instead of LPs because you are a CRAZY PERSON, it's going to take you more like 1 hour 5 minutes, because one side of a 78 holds, at most, 5 minutes of music, so every 5 minutes you have to get up and flip or switch the record.
Shostakovich wrote his 5th symphony in response to criticism in the state newspaper (possibly penned by Stalin himself) that his previous work didn't suck the Communist Party's dick hard enough--the kind of criticism that put him in danger of being sent to prison or killed. At the time it was first performed in 1937, Symphony No. 5 was considered a massive triumph, walking the line perfectly between Shostakovich's artistic standards and the Communist Party's demands of him.
The choice is symbolically significant, but it's a symphony, so whoever's censoring it isn't censoring lyrics or information. Again, why? Why is a 45-55-minute symphony only 21 minutes long? What did the time thief do with the 24-34 minutes?
Here's the rug that covers the portal to Heaven in Episode 1:
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Here's the rug in Ep. 2:
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Aziraphale does not change this rug for the party. We know this bc we see it in Episode 5 when Mrs Sandwich enters the bookshop and the party is in full swing:
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Now here's Aziraphale moving the circular rug to expose the portal to Heaven:
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But here's Crowley, putting the rug back:
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Why are there two different rugs?
Every end credits track has the first line of "Everyday" embedded in it But after the line from "Everyday," at the end of Episode 4, the theme skips twice like a vinyl record, and then is stopped by whoever controls the turntable and restarted, with several seconds of music having been skipped over.
This is not the first time it has mattered to a character in Good Omens what we in the audience see and hear. I argue here that God asks Aziraphale what he did with the flaming sword She gave him in order to show us the audience who Aziraphale is. God also addresses us the audience directly in S1, not only narrating about characters omnisciently but speaking to us about Herself in first person.
Now we evidently have a second character who has gone meta and is changing what we the audience experience of this story, and--indications are good--the story itself.
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mapileonxputellas · 11 months
Beckham II: 1 New Beginning
Please find instagram aesthetic here.
Post here explains how I've wrote it, I think it's quite simple.
This is the first part of my new series and I hope you enjoy xx (3k words)
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“Do you ever think about how crazy it is that you’re an icon in Barcelona and yet your dad played for Real Madrid?”
“I try not to think about that. I think that bothers him more than me.”
“Does he have any Barcelona shirts?”
“Of course he does.”
“David, how does it feel watching your daughter play for Barcelona?”
“It’s the best feeling in the world. I’m guessing you were expecting some kind of rivalry but I’ll always support my daughter.”
Barcelona, February 2023.
One down, nine to go.
It was like clockwork in your brain. Training would finish, everyone else would rush to get back into the training room and get back to their everyday life. Yet here you were, on your own, just how you like it. You and the ball. Free kick after free kick after free kick. Ten in total, all from different areas, all with different aims but each one just as equally important in your brain.
Barcelona was a dream. You were here with the best players in the world but you hated letting anyone down. Every little mistake was over-analysed, picked at all because of who you were. At the weekend it was a wonder save which stopped one nestling in the top corner but that didn’t matter. It hadn’t gone in and therefore didn’t meet your expectations.
The expectations you put on yourself, multiplied by that moment four years ago.
You loved your father but many people probably didn’t understand that there wasn’t a gene for taking good free kicks.
Unbeknownst to you, all of this was about to change. “You’ve got a visitor.”
“If it’s another journalist, tell them I’m not interested.”
You couldn’t be bothered with whatever reply the press officer would tell you. It was the same every day. Someone wanted to speak to you, you said no. They came back the next day.
You’d think they’d get bored after four years of consistent turn aways but that was never the case. You did the press conferences, the interviews after games but a sit-down full-length interview was not something you felt like you could ever handle.
So you carried on, resetting the ball in the correct spot. Back to just you and the ball.
For February it was a sunny afternoon in Barcelona, the sun was still shining for the mid-afternoon with minimal wind. Perfect conditions to practice and as your teammates had pointed out you hadn’t needed any more persuasion to get that training vest on, your tattoos on full show. Along with football they were your biggest passion, your phone was full of tattoo inspiration and little doodles you did when you were bored, they were a big part of you and maybe the image you wanted to create for yourself.
You took inspiration from everything, football, the environment, your father. Growing up many would say you were already a carbon copy of him but the tattoos were the icing on the cake. Your mother may not have been as happy about them but they promised to accept all your passions and that included turning up every few months with a new collection of tattoos to show off.
“Maria, is she copying you?”
“You’ll have to ask her. No of course not, I would say we take great inspiration from each other. We’ve got a few matching ones, I’ve done a few on her and she’s done the same to me. That’s kind of what started our friendship.”
“You both have ‘looks can be deceiving’ on your necks, is that true for her?”
“Depends on what you think of her. Maybe some find her scary but you have to find out if that’s true yourself.”
You could hear someone approaching you, watching as you took the next kick nestling it into the bottom corner underneath the imaginary wall.
“Y/N, have you got five minutes?” The unmistakable voice of Sarina. Many people would love Serena Weigman to turn up at their training session, not you. Not now.
Shit. You almost didn’t want to turn around. Maybe if you stayed facing the other way she would leave. Leave you be in the bubble you’d created for yourself, nothing good could come out of this conversation.
But of course the Dutch woman wasn’t going to leave that easily, edging closer to you. “I only want to talk.”
“I gave you my answer a year ago.”
“Lots can change in a year. Five minutes. If you still want me to leave after, I’ll leave.”
Maybe it was worth hearing what she had to say. Nothing could change your mind anyway, you’d hear whatever she had to say and then she could leave.
You knew what she was here for and it didn’t surprise you what came out of her mouth next. “I want you back, I name my squad next week and I want you ready to play for us at the World Cup.”
“And I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“The fans are not that accepting, the players don’t deserve to be drawn into that drama because of me.”
“There’s always drama in football.” Maybe she had a point but off the back of the Euro’s success the lionesses have had nothing but positivity from the media and public. “We’ve lost Beth, we’ve lost Fran and I think the players would welcome your experience in that position. It’s your decision but I know deep down you want to prove people wrong and I want to give you that opportunity.”
“Some would say I don’t deserve that.”
“It will be different this time.”
“It’s been four years, everything’s changed. We protect you guys, you have support systems in place, we have support systems. It’s not individuals anymore, it’s a team.”
“I made that decision to protect myself.” Almost four years ago you’d sent that letter, asking not to be selected for international duty again. They had no choice but to accept it and when Serena came into the role she approached you but you told her a tournament on home soil was not something you could mentally cope with. Not yet. “Why would now be different?”
“I’ve watched every game you’ve played in the last 18 months. I know you may not see a difference in yourself but I do, the interview after you lost to Lyon showed your spirit, your drive. I need players like you, it won’t be easy but I don’t want something that happened four years ago to stop you showing the world how talented you are.”
You were conflicted. Of course you’d love nothing more than to prove all those who bashed you before wrong, to make a difference on the world stage after winning every trophy you could with Barcelona. On the other hand it was just opening a can of worms you’d hidden all those years ago. Although you were only in Spain it felt like a different world, you turned your comments off on social media and they never came back on. Interviews were a no-go and your former friends were now distant acquaintances.
“Can I think about?”
“Of course you can. Like I said, the squad goes out on Tuesday so I need an answer by Monday. Any questions, I’m coming to the match on Sunday, maybe I can speak to you after?”
“Thank you.” With a soft squeeze to your shoulder she was off, except now you couldn’t focus knowing you were about to make a decision which would change everything.
“You seem distracted.”
In hindsight it probably wasn’t the best idea to accept the dinner invite from Maria and Ingrid but you knew your best friends wouldn’t take no for an answer. The three of you along with Frido were sat at their dinner table, tucking into the tapas you’d ordered from your favourite restaurant and it wasn’t lost on any of them how your mind was elsewhere. Casually picking through your food was a total opposite to the way you usually devoured this.
You’d been debating on the way whether to speak to someone about it.
Maybe your dad? He’d gone through something similar but he was in Miami and would only just be getting up.
Your mum? She was the most rational option but she would never understand that pride of pulling on your national shirt.
Your therapist seemed the best option but the earliest session she had for non-emergencies was tomorrow.
“Y/N!” In your own little world you’d even forgot to answer their questions. “Are you alright?”
It could help speaking to them, couldn’t it? “I had a visitor after training. Sarina Weigman.”
“Shit man, I thought you said no.” Maria Leon was your best friend from the moment you stepped foot in that training room, you bonded over everything from tattoos to food. You’d been her wingman in getting with Ingrid and had a mutual understanding of each other’s situations with your respective national teams even if the circumstances were very different.
“She wants me back but I don’t know, this feels different from last year.” If Bonnie, your 5-year-old beagle, adopted 3 years ago to signify a new chapter in your life, wasn’t by your feet they would definitely be anxiously tapping the floor right now.
“They probably feel your absence more because they’ve lost other players.” Frido added some context. “Not that you wouldn’t have always walked into that team but now you definitely would. You’d be their main player.”
“I can see you’re considering it.” Ingrid pointed out. “When she came last year I could see you were like, definitely no, now you haven’t turned it down immediately.”
“There’s no right or way wrong to feel,” Maria tried to comfort me. “Only you can decide if you want to go back there.”
“I miss it.”
“Of course you do.” Ingrid agreed. “You wouldn’t watch all their games if you didn’t.”
“It’s just the fact that I’m comfortable here, I have been for so long and now I’m going to throw myself back into four years ago.” Four years ago when you’d been forced to move away from your club at the time in Chelsea and accept the fact that one mistake had changed everything. “Plus the media attention, no-one wants that in the lead up to the world cup.”
“They were your friends, I’m sure they’d understand.” Frido tried to make you see that side of things. “Shit happens in football but what happened to you when completely over the top of that.”
“I isolated them.” Of course you had friends in the squad at the time, in fact best friends. But as soon as you made the move to America you slowly distanced yourself from them as they did to you. You hated letting them down and completely understood that being associated to you meant unnecessary exposure where perhaps they would not want it.
“So you’ll make friends again.”
You’d changed as well, grown into a completely different person in that time. Your appearance and attitude on the pitch were a distinct opposite to the crippling shyness you had yet to shake off. “Maybe.”
“You will,” Maria assured you. “Plus I think Bonnie told me she wanted a sleepover with me.”
“Oh did she?”
“I’m not swaying you either way but if that’s what you want, I’ll support you all the way.”
“We all will.” Frido added wrapping her arms around you to bring you into her side. “We love you.”
“Thank you, I love you all too.”
“Speak to your dad, maybe even your mum. I’m sure they’d want to help.”
One of the funniest moments in your life had to be watching your teammates introduce themselves to your parents when they came out to watch your first match in the Blaugrana. Watching their nerves dissipate when they realised how down to earth, especially your mother was, when it came to their children. Of course their name brought so much extra attention to you but you couldn’t have asked for a better upbringing.
Maybe it was their words that made you do it but subconsciously you knew the best thing to do was to ring them. So as you got into bed that night, once you got back, Bonnie at your feet watching, you rang the number you’d had memorised for years.
“Hi baby.” His voice almost brought tears to your eyes. Although you tried to be as independent as possible, wanting to be your own person, you sometimes wished you could just go back to spending every night in his arms.
“Hi dad.”
“What’s wrong?” You hated how easily he could read you, how those two words were enough for him to know something was wrong.
“It’s nothing.”
“You know you can tell me anything.”
“I know dad.” Out with it. “Sarina Weigman came to visit me today, she wants me to go and join them in the next international break.”
“And what do you want?”
“I think I want to.”
“You think?”
“I just know that if I do I’m just going to be brought back to that moment.”
“Then you’ll go back to a moment where the referees made a terrible decision. Football fans are fickle you know that as much as I do but you’ve watched it back enough to know that nine times out of ten nothing happens. The commentator did you no favours, Phil didn’t stand by you as he should have and the media hung you out to dry.”
“I know.”
“But as awful as it was it made you the person you are today and your stronger now then you’ve ever been before. If you want to go back then you’ll make it work. I know you will.”
“Thanks dad, now how is…”
“How many times have you watched that tackle back?”
“Over a thousand times.”
“Do you think you should have been sent off?”
“Of course not.”
You loved Barcelona, from the moment you stepped through those doors 3 years ago you’d been welcomed in and never looked back. In 2019 you moved to America but your year out there was plagued with depression and homesickness resulting in a lack of game time, when Barcelona came calling it was a difficult decision with your family ties but they had a project, they had a good set up and you knew the onus wouldn’t just be on you. The first six months were still tough, working out Spanish football to both play with your teammates and counter the opposition but by the end of the season you felt at home for the first time in 2 years.
Your role this year had been heightened by the loss of one of your midfield partners in Alexia, but you were adaptable and that’s probably how you found yourself 4-0 up, having just scored a second goal in the second half.
“It’s almost like you’re trying to impress someone.” Mapi whispered giving you a half hug as you walked back into your own half.
“Shut up.”
“I bet she’s panicking that you might turn it down now.”
“She’s got other players Maria.”
“But none of them are you.”
The match stayed at 4-0, some of the youngsters coming on to see the game out.
You’d never been in a team like this, of course you had little arguments and there were small groups within the team, but everyone worked so hard for each other. And with that came the protectiveness, when you joined you were only 21, now 24 and the older ones took you under their wings. You’d been daunted a lot at the fact of playing fellow English players in the Champions League but they’d been your shield for those moments.
It blew your mind when the younger age groups joined you and they speak about that moment. Most of them staying up late to watch it making you feel old. But that meant they came to you for advice a lot of the time. Maybe this time though it was time to get advice from them.
“Hey little one.” Maria Perez was the first one you spotted in the changing room. “You played really well today.”
“Thank you.”
“How are you feeling about being called up?” It was only yesterday that the Spanish squad had been leaked and she was once again in it.
“Excited, another opportunity to prove myself.”
“I like that you see it that way.”
“Everyone should, it’s no different to playing here, as long as you be yourself you can never be disappointed.”
@jillsmithjournalist: Serena Weigman is present at the Barcelona match. No current England players are playing however star player Y/N Beckham scored twice. Beckham has not played for England since she withdrew from selection in August 2019 amid public backlash and a rumoured feud with England manager Phil Neville. Could a return be on the cards?
@newlionesses_x: Surely she can’t just pick and choose when to come back.
@wslfan: Fine without her last year
@england123: Liability for England
@barcelonafan: All you hating on Beckham are crazy, one of the best players in the world and you don’t want her back because of something that happened 4 years ago, grow up. Could tell she struggled when she joined us but this past year she’s been exceptional, people change, mistakes happen (even though she should never have been sent off in the first place)
You’ve known your decision for a long time but you still delayed giving it as long as possible before you could wait no longer. You could see she was the only one left in the hospitality area as you entered, the table she had chose overlooking the pitch you’d just performed on.
This was what you wanted and now it felt only right to give yourself that opportunity again.
“I’ll do it.”
724 notes · View notes
chaniceroses · 3 months
Bad Boys Ride or Die (Armando x Reader): Part TWO
“May I get three shrimp tacos with lemon water, please.”, you stated in front of the waitress. You watched as she wrote down your order. Short, middle-age white woman with light brown eyes and brown hair. She had a scar across her lip, probably from when she was a little kid. 
“That’s an interesting scar. If you don’t mind me asking, what happened?”, you asked, examining it, allowing curiosity to win.
“Oh this  scar was from when I was a kid. Fell off a bike and landed in a ditch filled with branches full speed. Thank God I didn’t die.”, she laughed looking at you and then turning her attention to Marcus and Mike.
“You two are here all the time. Same orders?”
“Yes ma’am.”, they replied in unison
“Okay, I'll bring your drinks shortly.”, she replied, leaving and heading to the back.
You watched as she left, examining the restaurant and families that were enjoying themselves. You must’ve been staring too long because when you shifted your eyes back at Marcus and Mike, they were already staring at you.
“What is your problem?”, Marcus laughed, staring at you as if he had just seen something suspicious.
“What do you mean?”, you replied, straightening your posture.
“I mean, you’re always staring at people. People who always stare at others tend to be some crazy motherfuckers, I read that in the newspaper.”
“Now where the hell did you read that at Marcus, because it sounds like you’re just pulling that out of your ass.”, Mike scoffed looking at him with pure disgust.
“Look, I'm just saying.”
“Well..you don’t think it's odd that you invited a “crazy motherfucker” out to have lunch with you and Mike.”, you mocked leaning into the table. 
“I like to observe people, so sorry if that’s a problem.”, you continued
“It’s fine, but anyways…you should tell us a little about yourself.”Mike suggested grabbing the drinks from the waitress and passing them out. “We’ve been around each other for a while now and you haven’t told us much about yourself.”, he continued.
“Pay.”, you pointed while holding up a drink. They’re already getting on your nerves so they might as well pay for your lunch.
“Of course..he will.”, Marcus answered while side-eyeing Mike. 
“What, you’re the one that was born rich, might as well take advantage of it.”, he laughed, shrugging his shoulders and then turning his attention to you.
You looked down at your drink and then back at them. You weren’t comfortable with sharing things when it comes to yourself. You never genuinely know people nowadays, no matter how long you’ve known them.
“What do you want to know?” you asked, looking at Mike.
“Where are you from? Are with anyone-”
“How many people have you killed?”
“How am I supposed to know that?”, you asked confusingly. You sometimes wondered about them. Were they special? Maybe sexually frustrated? You wanted to figure out a way to flip the conversation onto both of them.
“We asked because we’ve had several huge moments where we had to kill A LOT of people. Two of them being drug lords and their crews, and one of them being a part of the cartel.”, Marcus continued, turning his attention to Mike.
“Yeah, I had several head shots…bodies were thrown everywhere. We even nearly died.”, Mike added as if he was reliving through the whole operation again.
“What about your son?”, you asked, turning your attention to Mike. “I’m sorry if this is too personal but remembering how he had shot you that night and being the reason Captain isn’t here anymore. How are you taking that?”, you continued taking a quick glance at the waitress that was heading towards your table.
“I think about him everyday. Knowing that I missed out on watching him grow up and the kind of relationship that I had with his mother. Even though she didn’t know that I was an undercover cop and me not knowing that she was pregnant. It’s hard to think about.”, Mike explained, grabbing his plate while smiling at the waitress as a “thank you” gesture.
“He had a baby with a cartel witch bitch. Can you believe that!”Marcus yelled excitedly. “Gotta be the freakiest shit you’ve ever done.”, he continued laughing while patting Mike on his back. 
Mike was in his head, you could tell. Although he was rubbing the back of his neck and had a slight grin on his face, you could see that the whole situation between him and his son bothered him. Especially knowing that he may spend life in prison or be on death row because of him.
“Yeah, I heard about it a little after the operation ended. Everyone was talking about it.”, you replied, taking a bite into your taco. It was creamy and very good. You could taste the shrimp, onions and lemons that were in it.
“Yeah, Armando is one strong son of a bitch.”
“Hell, he’s just like you. Ignorant and have one big ass ego. I could tell when he had helped you lift me up when I almost fell into that fire.”, Marcus laughed, shoving his food into his face. You could see crumbs fall onto his t-shirt.
“So that’s his name…Arman-”, before you could finish your sentence, you were interrupted by Marcus' phone going off.
“It’s the wife calling, hold on.”, he said, picking up his phone and answering.
You and Mike continued eating until you noticed a shift in Marcus’s voice, causing the both of you to look up at him. You didn’t know what was going on but you knew that something wasn’t right.
“Marcus…”, Mike whispered looking at you and then back at him. You didn’t want to say anything because you knew that at some point the conversation would end. You looked around to see if anything was odd with the place, however everything seemed to be normal. You watched as Marcus hung up the phone and looked at you and Mike with a worried and concerned look on his face.
“What is it?”you asked, throwing your hands up in a, “hurry-up-and-answer” manner. 
“Captain. The news.”, Marcus answered, looking at both you and Mike for a response.
“Captain, huh?”
“Yeah, what’s going on?”, you asked moving your food to the side to lean towards Marcus in confusion. 
What the hell does “Captain” mean? And what does he have to do with the news?
“We have to figure out a way to turn on the tv up there.”, he replied pointing at the television that was hanging on the wall.
All three of you guys moved your head and scanned around the restaurant to see if you could catch a worker’s attention. Eventually a worker saw one of you guys and was asked if he could put the news on. Although the waiter was only gone for a couple seconds. The silence made it feel like forever. A word wasn’t said, but the conversation that was happening through our eyes was saying everything underneath the sun.
Mike took a deep sigh and you all turned around to face the TV to see what was going on. It was about Captain Howard. He was being framed for smuggling millions of dollars and for working with the Cartel. You watched and you  listened. Your breaths felt hitched and the tension in the air became thick as the reporter showed a picture of Captain Howard. Even though the picture of him was nice, the words that were being said about him weren't. It felt like betrayal and you could tell through Mike’s body language that was what he felt.
“Howard wouldn’t have done that ... .not smuggle money  nor be a part of any connections with the Cartel.”, Mike whispered, turning back around to face you and Marcus. You were silent until you remembered the meeting that was happening this morning.
“The meeting…this morning. That is what the meeting was about!”
“Meeting?”Mike questioned confusingly.
“Remember when we first walked into the station this morning. The cop told us about the meeting that was happening, remember…!”, you explained getting up.
You watched as Marcus and Mike face lit up, confirming that they remembered the conversation between you and the cop. After having to leave lunch early due to finding out the situation with Captain Howard, you rushed back to the station to find everyone standing around talking about the news. Marcus and Mike never said a word but through their energy, you could feel it. Each step that you three took felt heavy and the hallway felt like it was getting longer every stride. Once you reached the door, you opened it and allowed Marcus and Mike to walk in first.
“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!”Mike angrily yelled making his way through the room.
You could tell that everyone that was sitting was timid, except one guy. The table looked way clearer than earlier and the tension that was in the room this morning, left. 
“I’m sure you’ve heard about the news, Mike.”, the guy at the head of the table said.
“Hell…The whole damn world did.”, Marcus scoffed looking at you. You looked back at him in pure confusion. You felt that what Marcus said was true but was wondering why no one was answering Mike’s question.
“No seriously, what is going on? Why is Howard on the news?”, you asked walking  towards the guy at the head of the table.
“We’ve found evidence of your former Captain Conrad Howard smuggling millions of dollars while working with the cartel.”, the guy explained, holding up a folder and pointing at a drive filled with “evidence”.
“WE ALL KNOW THAT’S BULLSHIT! I MEAN C'MON, THE MAN IS DEAD!”Mike yelled looking back at you, then Marcus and then the guy.
You stood there in disbelief. What kind of evidence did they have on Howard? What was “going on” behind closed doors? Millions of questions started going through your head, that you felt needed to be answered. You felt the need to say something however you know that this will be more personal for Mike and Marcus rather than you.
“I mean…c’mon Rita…you believe this?”Mike sighed, turning to look at Rita while walking towards her for answers. Rita took Captain Howard's place once he was killed. A Hispanic woman who stands around 5 '6, who can be mean if she has to,and  knows how to take charge without being easily influenced. However the way it looks now, you felt differently. You watched as Rita got up and walked towards Mike.
“Seriously Rita. It’s obvious that our Captain is being framed.”, Marcus added, looking at Rita. You could tell that Mike wanted Rita to side with him, he was searching her face for an answer but hell even from a mile away, you could tell what she was about to say.
“Look, I am your  friend. But I am your boss before I am your friend and I have to still do my job.”, She explained looking at Marcus, then at Mike. She took a quick glance at you, and in return you examined her up and down. 
“And my job is to always do my job regardless of my beliefs. So I will go through with the FBI and the charges, I'm sorry but the evidence is clear.”,  she continued crossing her arms and then turning her back to go sit down.
“What happened to “Innocent until proven guilty "?" Marcus asked, looking around the room, no one answered.
“This is bullshit and you all know it. Captain is being framed and we’re going to prove it.”, Mike replied in disgust while looking at every face in the room.
“And if he is innocent…We will clear his name.”, the guy replied, sitting back down.
“Mike lets go.”, Marcus whispered. 
You knew that Mike was hurting by what had just occurred. Someone that he loved was killed and now being framed for a crime that he didn’t do. You, Marcus and Mike turned around to walk out when you noticed a woman walking in. 
“You have a lot of nerves.”, the woman said with a mug on her face.
“Look Judy, I loved your dad. Marcus and I can prove that he’s innocent…trust me.”Mike pleaded, towering over her.
You watched as pure hatred filled her eyes. She looked at Mike as if he had just spit in her face and slapped her.
“TRUST YOU?! YOU’RE THE REASON THAT HE’S DEAD! YOU AND THAT FUCKING BASTARD SON OF YOURS!”she yelled, straightening her back while pointing at him.
“Look…Judy.”, Mike whispered, trying to calm her down. It was obvious she was on a different planet, she was filled with pain but this gave her no reason to be this cold towards him. Especially after the fact that she was just at his wedding.
“NO! You look.”, she demanded, shaking her head in disapproval. 
“If I see your son…When I see your son. I will kill him. And I mean it, I will make him pay. This is my state and I run it, I will make sure that he’s dead and that’s a promise.”, she whispered, tilting her head to read Mike’s face.
“Mike, c’mon.”, you whispered, grabbing his hand while guiding him out.
“You give us a chance, we will show you that Captain was innocent.”, Marcus demanded before shutting the door.
You were standing outside of the room between Mike and Marcus. Beyond the shockness, there was hurt and betrayal from all ends. The people in that room knew who Captain Howard was.  He was a leader. One minute he would cuss you out but in the same breath give you advice. He was always there. You met him before you met the boys and although it wasn’t very long until he died after you met him; the moments you spent with him made it feel like forever.
You could tell that they were on the verge of tears, which was understandable but you also knew that time was ticking before they tried to frame the Captain that the three of you both knew.
“Look, I know this has to be extremely hard to endure. Knowing that the three of you were close and I can’t change that. I will never be able to and I’m not trying to.”, you explained turning around to face Mike and Marcus.
“But.. If you allow me to help you guys out, I can for sure play a role in proving his innocence.”, you continued pulling out your phone to show them your call logs.
“Connections, already?”Marcus laughed, grabbing it.
“Allow me to help, I’m not as “new” as the both of you guys think.”, you smiled, grabbing your phone back and putting it into your pocket.
It was a short silence before Mike agreed and Marcus followed suit. 
“We will need to go visit the prison first.”, Mike replied looking at Marcus and then back at you.
“For what?”Marcus replied, looking at Mike for answers.
     “Armando. He’ll be able to help.”
You’ve heard of the stories about how they like to run their operations, "Russian Roulette Style”. Pulling the trigger until it bangs, especially now knowing that you have to go see Armando, who you’ve never met before nor know much about with his history of crimes. However, with what’s at stake now, Howard being framed and the kind of support that Marcus and Mike needs, Russian roulette it is.
207 notes · View notes
One Love (2)
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Hello everyone!
After several requests for Luna, here again. The requests can be found here, here and here. I know I haven’t answered all the suggestions you’ve made, but it gives me more ideas for other stories/chapters so it’s pretty cool right?
Also, I have absolutely not reread what I wrote, apologies if there are mistakes.
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8)
Lucy was looking at her girlfriend with pride. She was gutted when she learned that her team wasn’t qualified to play the Olympics Games, which was quite understandable. But now in her WAG era, she can’t be anything except proud of her girlfriend. She just has to shoot a glance at Lia to know that she’s proud of her own girlfriend too. Her friendship with her was unexpected to be honest. But when Ona mentioned that she could assist the final of the UEFA National League with the Swiss Woman, Lucy didn’t refuse. She didn’t know personally Lia, but some of her friends did and she always heard good things about her.
And since they had a great time together at Sevilla, Lucy proposed at Lia to watch the game together. They weren’t in the family section, but Lucy is wearing a Spanish jersey with the number 2 and O. Batlle written on the back. She couldn’t be more obvious than that. Lia chooses to be more subtle and was wearing a bracelet with Spanish color and Mariona’s number writing in white.
“She’s looking for you” Lia says to Lucy.
Ona was actually in the pitch, her eyes scanning the crowd. Lucy told her where she will be sat, but it’s difficult to see when the stadium is full like today. Laia Aleixandri came to hug Ona and exchange a few words with her, before starting to look at the crowd too.
“They are so bad at this” Lucy laughs.
“Mario didn’t find me either” Lia smiles.
But it doesn’t really matter, both know that they will find their girlfriends later for the celebration. Ona is disturbed in her research by Aitana, coming to jump on her back and taking her to go to the ceremony and be cover with her gold medals. Another one to add to the Spanish collection.
With a pout on her face, Ona let Aitana take her by the arm, leading her where they’re supposed to be. But Ona turns her head one last time and that’s when she saw her. Her face light up in an almost funny way and Lucy just wave at her. Ona wave back, making a heart with her hands before following Aitana, her heart lighter now.
Almost two hours later, Ona can finally go to the room where their family and friends are. She just out of the shower and her hair are still wet from it, but she just wants to see her girlfriend. She thought that now that they both live in Barcelona being away from her will be less difficult. How was she wrong. Being apart from Lucy is harder everyday and she can’t remember how she survived the long-distance relationship at first. Her being in Manchester and Lucy in Barcelona, they were way more apart than together. Even if they managed to have quality time, like the day when Lucy went to see her play, it was hard. And she was missing Lucy a lot.
Lucy’s smiling when she saw Ona and the younger one can’t resist and almost jump in her arms. She saw an edit of her almost crashing in Lucy’s arms at each beginning of games and Lucy teased her a lot about it.
This time, the English woman pick her and squeeze her hard in her arms, lifting her feet off the ground a few centimeters. Ona laughs and put a kiss in her neck, before being putting on the ground again.
“You were amazing. Like always. I’m so proud of you Ona, I swear” mumbles Lucy, stroking Ona’s cheek.
The brunette blushes, unable to keep looking at her girlfriend. Her smile is wide anyway and Lucy has to work on herself not to kiss her like crazy right now. She knows those kinds of kisses will come later, in their hotel room. Or Ona’s hotel room, in which Lucy intends to impose herself tonight.
“I love you” whispers Lucy in Ona’s hear after taking her against her one more time.
Ona looks at her this time, still with her big smile on her face.
“I love you too, Luce. I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Wouldn’t miss it for one million. Plus, I have my new bestie now.”
Ona follows Lucy gaze on Lia and Mariona, standing a few meters from them, and chuckle lightly. And, because she’s still in her girlfriend’s arms, she lets herself go a little more against Lucy. The dark hair woman kiss her hair softly before releasing her.
“Go say hi to your family, your brother is here and I think he misses you. I’ll try those margaritas. I see you later superstar.”
Ona pouts but let Lucy push her in the right direction. To be honest, she missed her brother, her sister-in-law and her parents too. She went for them under Lucy’s gaze, before the English woman went to the bar.
Lucy let Ona enjoy her night with her teammates and family, even if she knows a lot of them. She’s happy for the Spanish team, a lot of them are her friends too after all. She talks with Jenni with whom she hasn’t had much exchange since her departure for Mexico, but which she is happy to meet again.
She talked with Mariona too, Cata and Aitana. It’s only when she’s talking to Alexia about the new restaurant in their neighborhood that she feels a twist in her stomach.
“You’re not watching your girl, Bronzey?” asks Jenni with a smirk, cutting their conversation.
Frowning, Lucy immediately looks for Ona’s figure in the crowd. She spots her quickly in a corner of the room, talking with someone. Well Lucy wouldn’t have a problem with Ona talking to someone, but this someone having their hand on her girlfriend, it’s something else.
“Who’s this?” she asks Alexia.
The blonde looks in the same direction before answering. She frowns too and it piques Lucy’s curiosity. Usually, Alexia knows everyone, even from afar. No matter who this girl is, she still has a hand on Ona’s shoulder and holds her hand with the second.
The English girl feels her blood bubbling in her veins. She was never jealous before Ona, she was more the kind of girl who can let her girlfriend for a two weeks journey without her. She can’t even imagine this kind of things with Ona. It’s not that she didn’t trust her girlfriend, she knows Ona would never do anything like that. But she didn’t trust the world, who doesn’t seem to be able to resist Ona’s charm.
Lucy’s jaw is tightened when Ona looks up in her direction. But Lucy realizes immediately the look of distress from Ona. She didn’t need more, putting her glass in Jenni’s hands before crossing the room to take her girlfriend back.
“Hola” Lucy says when she’s next to Ona.
She heard them talking in Catalan and thanks to Ona, her Catalan is way better than it was before. Next to her, Ona seems to be relaxing and it’s only now that she’s by her side that Lucy realizes how uncomfortable her girlfriend was.
“Hola mi Vida” Ona smiles, before turning at Lucy’s opponent “Lucy, this is Maria. Maria, you know Lucy?”
Lucy can’t say if it’s because of her burning look, but the named Maria release Ona almost immediately, to their relief. Still keeping her eyes on Maria, Lucy takes Ona by her waist, dragging her against her body. But Ona let her do it, knowing how much Lucy can struggle with her jealousy sometimes.
Lucy learns that this Maria is here because she’s a great friend from Atheana and as Ona and Maria talked, she didn’t let Ona go. Ona’s hand finds their way to Lucy’s back pocket, the English woman smirking at the movement.
Atheana finally comes to take her friend back and If Ona says goodbye, Lucy only responds with a vague gesture of the head. Ona let a sigh of relief go, sticking against Lucy.
“Thanks for coming for me” Ona whispers.
But Lucy only grumbles, still looking at Maria who is now talking to Teresa. She only takes her eyes away from her when Ona kisses her jaw.
“Who was this bitch touching you?”
Ona flinches a little at the question, dragging Lucy’s attention once again. She doesn’t want to hide anything to her though, so she answers with all her sincerity.
“Maria. We… Well, we had a thing, some years ago” Ona confesses, looking carefully at Lucy’s face.
Lucy knows she doesn’t have the right to be jealous, Ona had a life before her, and she knows it. But still. Having her brain picturing her girlfriend with someone else is always something very disturbing for her.
“And why your ex thinks it’s ok to touch you the way she did?” Lucy groans
“I don’t know. I try to escape her grip but when I took a step back, she moved forward by two.” Ona answers, still looking deeply at Lucy, before asking. “Do you maybe want some fresh air?”
“Yes please”
Without waiting a little more, Ona takes Lucy’s hand to drag her outside. It was cold now that the night is well advanced and Ona shivers almost immediately. Lucy sees it, of course, and opens her arms in invitation for her girlfriend. The younger one doesn’t hesitate to stick to Lucy, who then tightens her arms around her, locking her with her in her jacket.
Rocking themselves lightly, Lucy let her lips slide along Ona’s temple. The Spaniard has her face against Lucy neck and really thinks she can fall asleep just like that. She can smell and feel Lucy everywhere and it’s her favorite place to be.
“When was it?” Lucy asks suddenly.
“What?” Ona mumbles almost sleepily, pulling her face out of Lucy’s neck.
“You and this… Maria”
“Oh. It was way before you.”
“Well, I hope so. I’d have to kill her otherwise.”
Ona giggles lightly, kissing her girlfriend softly on her lips. She missed this feeling too, Lucy’s lips are way softer than she expects at first. And she loves it.
“It was before Feli. In like 2018, 2019 I think” answers Ona after the kiss, playing with Lucy’s baby hair on her neck.
“And why didn’t it work with her?”
Her tone was less aggressive now, Lucy being genuinely intrigued by the answer. Ona almost never talks about her past relationships; Lucy isn’t even sure that she can name all of Ona’s exes.
“I don’t really know” Ona answers “We were young and the long-distance relationship wasn’t really for us. At the end we were just fighting for everything, anytime. It was really tiring honestly. She was the one who broke up, but it was definitely better this way.”
Lucy hums, looking at her girlfriend with a thoughtful gaze. Ona didn’t take hers away, her arms still around her neck. But then Lucy seems to come back to herself and tighten her arms around Ona’s waist.
“Well, she had her chance. Now you’re mine.”
Hours later, Lucy’s watching Ona came back to reality under her, a smirk on her face. They had their personal celebration after the official, Lucy following Ona in her hotel room. They didn’t really ask the permission to be honest, but as soon as the door was close behind them, nothing mattered.
Letting Ona catch her breath again, Lucy kisses slowly her cheeks, her nose, her neck and every part of her face. Soon after she can feel Ona smiling under her lips and that’s the moment when she kisses her lips.
“You okay Princesa?” she whispers against her lips.
“Couldn’t be better” Ona mumbles. “You?”
“More than that” Lucy assures her.
Ona smiles but doesn’t let Lucy gets up from the bed when the English woman try to, wrapping her hands around Lucy’s body. Even under the explanation that she was just going to get them a bottle of water, Ona doesn’t release her.
“I had to live almost a month without you. Don’t hope to take a step without me being less than fifty centimeters from you.”
Lucy laughs, lying again with the Spaniard in her bed. She lets Ona’s hand stroke her body, with much more tenderness and much less eagerness and almost despair than some minutes ago.
They look at each other, each of them in her own head. Ona is thinking about their time together from the beginning, the first time they really talked at Lucy Stanisford’s wedding. How she blushed when she cross Lucy’s eyes an awful number of times during the night, before Lucy came to talk to her. They immediately click together, like to part of the same orange. Lucy was everything she always wished for and she never has been so happy in her life before her.
In Lucy’s head, however…
“I’m going to marry you, one day.”
In fact, Ona perfectly understood the words that have just passed Lucy’s lips.
“I’m going to marry you, one day.”
Lucy does not hesitate to repeat herself, without leaving Ona’s face. It’s not a question, rather an information she gives to Ona. The brunette didn’t answer at first, before biting her lips.
“Don’t say that” she whispers.
“Why?” Lucy says, a little louder than Ona “I thought you wanted to get married?”
They had this conversation some weeks ago and Ona confessed her desire to get married with Lucy and having a family with her too. It was something Lucy wanted to too, so Ona’s reaction is a little hard to understand for her at this moment.
“I do” the Spaniard answers, taking one of Lucy’s hands in hers to play with her fingers. “But my abuela always said not to talk about the things we want too often because it attracts the evil eye or bad luck. And what you just said... there’s nothing I want more than that."
Lucy holds back from rolling eyes in front of so much superstition, content to deposit a delicate kiss on the lips of her girlfriend.
"There is no evil eye, no bad luck, no one who will stop us. Don’t worry about that."
It’s hard for Ona not to believe what Lucy just said. Although the words were whispered, there is such a strength of conviction in each of them that Ona cannot doubt it.
"I love you, Ona. I love you so much and I swear I will fight for us every day of my life if I have to. You are my everything, no one will ever take that away from you."
Ona’s crying now, overwhelmed by so much love. She takes Lucy’s face between her hands and kiss her with all the love, the affection and the passion she has for her. She’s not sure that it proves almost the half of all her feelings, but she try.
And she will try maybe a lot of time more this same night.
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in-hav3n · 9 months
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 ✮ 𝓘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 - 𝐋𝐨𝐯�� 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
❘❘ NSFW - sex scene - unprotected sex - age gap
Here's finally the 4th part! Took me ages to finalize this but seriously I wanted to write a good smut, and wrote something I haven't done before so I hope you'll like it as much as I do. Thanks for all the kind and lovely words I receive everyday from many of you and for all the positive comments about this serie. Love you all and enjoy <3
Previous parts
Standing on one of the VIP platforms, with a shoulder leaned against one of the metallic poles, you were enjoying your 5th Metallica show since the beginning of M72 Tour. The staff only needed help before and after the show, offering to roadies free time in between to do whatever they wanted to do. No matter how many times you'd watch it, each time was different. It wasn't the same setlist, neither the same atmosphere or energy coming from the crowd but tonight, the show was different and for another reason. 
Each time your eyes landed on James, butterflies were tickling your lower belly and your lips couldn't stop forming a smile. The way he was moving around the stage, playing his riffs or just interacting with the fans, everything was absolutely captivating. You couldn't stop admiring him, still not believing you both shared something last night. You were probably looking silly, smiling like an idiot, but you didn't care. You were in your own bubble, enjoying these amazing feelings you didn't experienced for a long time now. 
After being alone for a while, you had to admit it was truly pleasant to have someone being attracted by you. Of course, you didn’t forget you had to be careful and shouldn’t put on too much hopes in that little adventure. You were just a roadie, he was a rockstar. Nothing else would come up out of these two nights you'll spend with him. Was it bad to enjoy it then? Absolutely not, and you decided to take your chance. 
But what to expect tonight? That was a million-dollar question. You had absolutely no idea. He said he wanted to spend more time with you and he was the one that came back in the first place. You didn't run after him like a crazy groupie. He did the first step and asked to see you again. A little voice inside you dared to say this may be positive...but still, better be careful.
Your phone buzzed in your back pocket and get your attention off from the show. Another smile crossed your lips as you read the message coming from your best friend. "Go on girl! Take care and carpe diem! Love ya <3". Of course, you had to tell her what happened earlier in the backstage and seeing she was as excited as you were made you feel more confident about all this. 
The show went on and a few minutes before the last part of "Enter Sandman", which was the last song they'd play, you left your point of view to run into the backstage area. You didn't really know where to meet James - even if you assumed he meant at his hotel room for more discretion - but you wanted to tell him you couldn't join him now. You had some tasks to do before you were allowed to leave the stadium. You waited maybe ten minutes or more, pacing around near his door. You knew the band was spending a bit of time around the stage for the fans and you didn’t mind waiting. 
Suddenly you heard some heavy steps and voices echoing. You got up, recognizing the voices, and saw a sweaty James coming over you. He was drying his forehead with a towel. Your heart beat fast when he was getting close and you didn't have the time to say anything that he opened the door with a fast move, pushing you inside to not be seen by the staff who was going to be very busy in this area in a minute or so.
"James, I-...", you started but he shut you off with a rough kiss. A mixture of sweat and deodorant hit your nose. Your lips tasted once again his salty sweated lips and you couldn't resist to place your palm on his cheek while his hands rested on your lower back. "James, I can't join you straight away. I have work to do", you explained with a sorry tone, looking deep into his eyes. He looked back at you, like if he was searching for a solution. "They'd be suspicious if I leave now and even more if I leave with you". You added to show him you cared about your both private lifes as well.
He simply answered to your idea with a nod and leaned to kiss you again, deeper this time. Your heart was pounding so fast and those butterflies in your stomach seemed to have turned into a whole colony now. His two hands pushed your pelvis against his, making you moan against his lips. 
"Do what you have to do and meet me as soon as possible", he groaned, adding another peck. You nodded frantically at him, gasping of pleasure as his pelvis hit yours once again.
✦ 𝟑𝟎 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 ✮
You've never finished your tasks that fast before but you really wanted to leave as soon as possible. Luckily, the guys did most of the job and were kind enough to say you could go, since you did a lot in the afternoon to prepare the gig. You thanked them and ran over the mini vans ready to drove the staff back to the hotel. At 1am, there was absolutely no traffic in the city and it was for best. Before joining James, you got the idea of grabbing a few things from your room since he asked you to stay over.
Ten minutes later, you were knocking softly on his door, hoping he didn't fall asleep but some voices coming from the TV told you he was still awake. You looked around, in the corridor, hoping no one would show up so late at night but soon, you heard his reassuring heavy steps behind the door. 
"There you are", he smiled, opening the door and leaning on it.
"I'm sorry I did as fast as I could", you apologized, blushing slightly with a little smile. You came inside as he gently gestured you to come in. James was already wearing a bathrobe and you supposed he showered already.
"Luckily, they had enough support and didn't need me....OH!", you couldn’t finish your sentence that he jumped on you to attack your lips for a hungry kiss. Your bag fell on the carpet in a thud as you wrapped up your arms around his neck, standing on your tiptoes. 
"Oh I-...I think I don't smell good. I need a shower first", you giggled. James had left your lips in a hurry to attack your neck’s skin now. His mustache tickled the hollow of your neck but this answer didn't satisfy him. He groaned and pulled away, looking deep into your eyes. 
"Then this a good reason to join me", he whispered, his fingers caressing your cheek. You blushed again under his touch, playing with the opening of his bathrobe.
"And where to?". 
"To a place...", he said with a smirk and a playful tone before grabbing the edge of your black tank top. He slowly lifted it up, exposing your belly, “"...where this…”, he threw it away and when he finally took it off, he said, “…won't be necessary". 
A shiver crossed your spine as you helped him to get rid of the rest of your clothes. You quickly kicked off your shoes and stood in underwear in front of him. Last night, you'd have been quite shy to expose yourself to him but curiously he was able to help you having this confidence. Maybe it was the fact he was older or more experienced than you? You didn't know but you appreciated it.
"Then show me this place", you whispered, leaning against his lips, teasing him with a kiss. James chuckled with interest as he slowly pushed you over the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He wanted to keep the room warm. You realized he intended to share a shower with you making a smile curved on your lips. You adored the idea. 
"Make yourself comfortable", he told when he walked over the shower. He turned the water on and checked on the heat with his hand until it was on the right temperature. You nodded at his ask and proceeded to unclasp your bra, remove your thong before you grabbed two towels you placed near the shower. James opened his bathrobe, exposing his naked body and you bit your lower lip at the sight of his gorgeous body, wondering how come you could be so lucky. 
"Come", he went into the shower first, offering his hand to make you join him inside, just in case the ground would be slippery. You accepted it and closed the shower's door behind your back, smiling up at him. He went underneath the hot water first, letting it run on his head and body. You chuckled softly when you saw him shaking his head like a dog to remove the water drops running over his eyes. 
With eyes closed, he ran his hands over his face to refresh it before he declared, "Don't be shy...come closer".
He wasn't looking at you but you guessed he noticed you were staying in the corner. You were more confident to show your body but still, you weren't feeling that confident to make the first steps already. You didn't really know what was on his mind – after all, you thought he just wanted to have fun last night and nothing else - and honestly, it rattled you a little sometimes. So, you really preferred him to take the lead.  
You stepped closer and immediately your chest hit his in a shiver. You giggled of surprise when you felt the water landing on your head and embraced the heat brought by the hot water. It felt so good to finally get washed after a long day running around.  
"God bless this shower...", you whispered in ecstasy as you closed your eyes, enjoying the sensation that embraced you. You didn't see James pressing the soap bottle on the wall to get some and you realized what he was doing only when you felt his hands on your shoulders. 
"Oh...", you whispered, your eyes opening quickly to look up at him. He gave you a smile back and put foam on your body to wash it. "That smells good". 
"And feels good, I hope?", he wondered and made you turn over to have an access to your back. He washed this new skin given to him and whispered a "good" to your hummed "hum hum". 
For a couple of minutes, no words were shared. You both only enjoyed each other's company and James' magical touch on your skin. You never imagined he’d have done such thing with a stranger like you. Sharing a shower was something so intimate that this envy surprised you a lot. But you felt good, you felt comfortable. It was like living a dream and you intended to enjoy it till the end. 
"Oh yes, there", you moaned of pleasure when he reached a painful place over your neck. Pain caused by repetitive days of lifting up some heavy boxes. He insisted on this area, in a very kindly way, when his hand ran along your body. They stopped on your bare breasts that he gently massaged with the same softness. You smiled, eyes closed, appreciating the gesture - as well as your nipples who hardened straight away - when you felt something hard bumping on your lower back. You bit your lower lip, opening your eyes. James couldn't see it but your cheeks flushed red as you realized you probably caused this erection. 
You decided to show a slight of bravery and moved your hand up your body. Once at the right level, you moved it backwards and wrapped your hand around his hard length. James’ chin was resting against your head and you heard his groan behind you. He was okay with it even if the contrary would have surprised you, but you wanted his agreement. 
Slowly, but with precise moves, you started to stroke him back and forth, hearing his groans and feeling his short breath on the hollow of your neck. You keep going, your thumb sometimes rubbing his tip but you felt the water wasn't a good help. So, you turned over again to face him, forcing him to move his head. He looked down with a curious glance as you collected some foam on your body before cupping his hard member again. 
This time, the soap helped you to provide perfect strokes and you increased your pace, stroking it a bit faster. You decided to tease him, leaving his hard cock for a while to wash his tough chest and arms. The air in the cabin was getting thicker and the temperature was increasing faster. There was something very sensual with your two wet bodies stuck to one another. You looked up at him with desire and made an eye contact with his lustful gaze. You smiled to see he was pleased and decided to move on the next step. You were burning of desire to do that and nothing could have stopped you now. 
Now that the foam disappeared with the water, you slowly went down on your knees, your eyes still locked with his, and when you arrived at the right level, you opened your mouth teasingly. Your hands rested around his member and your tongue went out to just suck his tip. 
“Mmh…”, he groaned while his hand went down to caress your wet hair, slowly. You could tell James was enjoying this pleasant surprise very much. 
You let out a moan for the first time as your mouth wrapped around his tip only, sucking it in a sensual way. Feeling you wouldn’t be able to stay too long on your knees, you changed your position to stand on your heels. With your legs wide open now, you felt some water drops running along your wet hair on your body and on your wet folds, making you shiver and moan. Your mouth kept sucking his glans and your right hand went back around his member, gripping it but it wasn’t enough for you. You wanted more and to hear his groans, you understood he probably wanted the same thing. 
Then you held James’ cock and placed it horizontally, letting your tongue licking from the base to the top. You took advantage of this move to lick his balls, even sucking one between your lips.
“Oh yes baby…”, James moaned more, his hand pushing your head slowly. This encourages you to take him fully now, bobbing your head up and down on his venous cock. “This way…yes”.
You followed his instructions and moved further and faster, your hands following your mouth’s moves. 
“It feels good, uh?”, you pulled away to tease him with words for the first time, twirling your tongue over his tip before your lips enveloped his length again for another ride. 
“God…fuck yes”, he mumbled between moans and whines, gripping your hair tighter as he pushed your mouth deeper on his dick. You went as deep as you could and pulled away when you couldn’t take it anymore. With enough saliva on it now, you could pump it faster with your two hands as you looked up at James.
His eyes were closed now and you could tell he was focusing on his pleasure. A proud smile appeared on your lips, proud to provide him such pleasure. You weren’t a blowjob expert but you did it a few times before, memorizing the moves your partners liked.   
You stopped pumping him with your hands to suck him off again, already addict to his perfect cock. You sucked harder, placing one of your palms on his upper thighs for a better support. Your other hand couldn’t resist to reach your already throbbing pussy that needed a bit of attention. James’ groans and whines were more and more precise as he looked down at what you were doing.
You wouldn’t be surprise if he’d cum soon but surprisingly, he pulled you away with a firm grip on your hair, making you shiver. With a sexy look and attitude, you opened your lips, his dick letting out from your mouth and hit his pubes. 
Without a word, he made you get up by grasping you by the shoulders and quickly, his rough lips met yours for a passionate and hungry dance. His hands started to explore your body making you shivering hard.  Even more when his fingertips draw a path along your spine before his both hands cupped your ass cheeks, groping them.
“Oh…”, you moaned of surprise and pleasure at the same time, feeling a pressure into your core. You knew you were completely wet and you wondered what he had in store for you. 
You were both totally rinsed now and when he shut down the shower, you understood he was ready for the next step. But did he got enough energy for a love making session now? After all, he just spent two hours on a stage, rocking hard. But when you stepped out of the shower and dried yourself, you could see his erection didn’t disappear and you guessed you got your answer. He was ready for anything. You quickly dried your wait hair with another towel as James finished to dry his own body, leaving the towel on the floor. He walked into the bedroom and you heard his body landing on the mattress. You smiled and chuckled silently. 
You walked out of the bathroom, leaning against the door frame. James was shutting the TV with the remote when he caught you with his peripheral vision. He smiled at you and extended his hand. 
“Come here pretty girl”. You took his hand with a shy smile and followed his moves. He made you climbed on the bed, passing by on top of his body to make you roll on your side. When your body hit the mattress, he captured your lips again for a sensual dance, his tongue quickly searching for yours.
Naturally your arms wrapped around his neck and each other's legs intermingled. His body was hot against your shivering skin. It felt good and those butterflies came back into your core. 
James’ hand soon found the place between your thighs and when he gently pushed them open, you pulled away your mouth with a slight moan.
“Mh…can I-..”, there your shyness came back, your cheeks flushing red again but you gulped to give you courage to ask him what you really wanted tonight. “Can I be on top?”, you finally dared to suggest.
James answered first with a loud groan of satisfaction. He quickly rolled on his back again, griping his hard cock to get it ready for you. “Come baby, it is yours”.
Those words aroused more than anything and you felt your pussy squeezed at the thought of what you were about to do. You carefully got up and moved one of your legs to straddle him. You did that position for maybe twice and you hoped he wouldn’t be disappointed. But James was the best when it comes to make you feel comfortable and confident, that’s why you decided to take your chance to do it tonight with him. 
Before sinking on him, you checked first with your fingers if you were wet enough and with no surprise, you were. James gave you a help as he spat in his hand, spreading the saliva on his tip. When you felt ready, you moved backwards a little, lining up your entrance with his hard cock. 
“Wait…hold on me”, James suddenly said when he saw you unsure of your moves. He sat up on the bed, lining up his dick better and guided it between your wet folds. The touch made you whine of surprise and when you felt his tip at the right place, you slowly push yourself on him with heavy breaths mixed with moans. His shoulders were a good support as you slowly sunk on his length, going inch by inch, your tight pussy being stretched out. 
“Oh fuck…”, you whispered in a gasp, when he was completely inside you. 
“That’s it, baby. Go at your pace now”, James groaned and massaged your ass to make you feel relaxed before he laid down on the bed again.
Your hands didn’t leave his shoulders and when you felt ready and wet enough, you started to move your hips, up and down. Moans and groans escape your mouth as you leaned further on his shoulder, feeling his tip hitting your walls. 
“You love it, don’t you?”, James whispered to you, forcing you to look down at him. You nodded with a shy moan as his hands spanked you hard. "You love riding that old man's cock, I know you do". You moaned louder this time and allowed yourself to move a bit faster on his hard cock. 
“Feels good”, you breathed between your whines, your hands finding a comfortable place on James’ chest. He couldn’t leave his eyes off of you, watching you taking pleasure, your breasts jiggling as you were bouncing on his cock. It was arousing him more than ever. He decided to give you a little help, knowing you’d enjoy what he had in mind. 
“Lean a bit more sweetheart”, he suggested as he gripped your both hands with his. You listened to his advice and leaned as he asked you to, arching your butt. “Great, now bounce on my cock. C’mon”, he encouraged you with another spank and you realized this position was far better to make you bounce easily on his hard member. 
“Oh! Fuck yes James”, you cried of pleasure, feeling new sensations arousing you. You could tell your pussy was getting wetter each time it was sinking on James’ cock, your wet folds enveloping it with ease. Your ass cheeks were hitting one another at each moves making you feel sexy. And when you felt his dick hitting your spot, you whine of surprise, opening your eyes before they rolled back in your head. 
“That’s it, baby. Fuck yourself on my cock. Make yourself cum hard on it”. You whined at every praise he told you and squirmed faster on his dick, feeling this familiar and powerful sensation growing up inside your lower belly. But this time, it felt like it was growing stronger and faster than ever. You panted hard, thrusting hard up and down to reach this amazing feeling you wanted to feel. It was a strong need, a strong desire. 
James could feel you were about to cum, he could tell by your moves. He noticed you were going deeper and faster, trying different paces in search of your release. He even hesitated to take the lead cause he could have grabbed your ass and pounded hard into you but he finally decided to let you move the way you wanted. And honestly, it was better this way. James couldn’t stop watching how sexy you were in that position, bouncing on him. 
“Oh James…I’m gonna-…God…I’m gonna cum”, you begged and whined, your breath increasing as well as your moves.
“Let it go baby…let it go…breathe”, James whispered as he didn’t stop watching you from beneath. His glance going up at you then glancing down at your pussy enveloping his hard dick. He would cum soon too if you kept going on this pace but he was holding it, wanting you to reach your climax first. His hands gripped tighter your wrists and when he saw your face contracting, your teeth biting your lower lips and your pussy squeezing around his cock, he knew you were cumming.
“OH FUCK!”, you almost screamed of pleasure when you finally reached the object of your desires. “Holy fuck, yes. It feels good”. Your pussy contracted around his member as you freed one of your hands to rub your clit. 
“Yeah baby…C’mon, fuck yourself. That feels good. Yes!". You heard James’ praises but it was like he was talking from afar. Your legs started to shake and you struggled a little to hold on to the position. Your fingers shook frantically your clit as you keep bouncing on his cock to ride your orgasm till the end. It was completely overwhelming you and nothing could compare these amazing sensations.
Your whine soon calmed down, the pleasure and pressure going down slowly but you breathed loudly, leaving your used clit and pussy recovering from this orgasm. 
“Oh my god”, you panted in a whisper as you came back to your senses. James smiled, looking at you and let you enjoy this pure moment of ecstasy after the orgasm, when the sensations are going through your whole body, making you feel complete and happy.
Meanwhile, he grabbed his dick and stroked it slowly, waiting patiently for you. When you opened your eyes again and met his, you both smiled at each other. Then he pulled you down to kiss his lips in a tender way. It surprised you how relaxed and how easy you were showing yourself to him but you guess he was helping you a lot. 
“Can you take it for another ride baby?”, he requested with a grin and you don’t hesitate a second. 
“Oh yes”, you sighed of pleasure as you positioned yourself again. 
“There you go. Sit on that cock again”, James helped you line up with his dick again and this time, you sunk on him faster. When all his length thrusted into you, you bounced up and down. James' right hand rested on your lower back for a while as your moves started to be more sloppier and easier now that you had cum hard on him. “Oh fuck baby, keep going”.
You smiled proudly at him and leaned on him to take back the position that made you cum. You adored it so much that you wanted to do it once again. Maybe it would be the last time trying this with him so why not enjoy it till the end? James understood what you were doing and held your hands again with his, gripping them firmly on his chest. 
“Go on, sweetheart”, he commanded as he looked at you arching your back and butt.
Very quickly, you bounced again on his cock, your wet lips squeezing, making you moan like crazy again. James closed his eyes, enjoying these sensations as he felt his core burning. But he wanted to look at you, looking at how your body were moving and reacting. He looked down again and spanked you harder, admiring how his dick was disappearing inside your pussy with so ease.
“You’re so fucking tight. Jesus, it feels so good”, he growled with his hoarse voice as he groped your ass hard, opening wide your two tight holes. This made you squirm again with a loud whine and when he felt your pussy contracting around his cock, James felt it was the right time to cum.
“Oh yes baby, don’t stop moving this way…I’m gonna cum”, he warned you in a groan, his face contracting under the pleasure coming. 
“Fuck me James…please…cum on me”, you bounced a little more on his tip and when you realized with his screams he was about to released his load, you thrusted out your pussy, leaving him space so he could stroke his dick against your ass. He stroked it so his cum could land on your ass cheeks and ran over your folds before dripping on his stomach. 
“Oh fuck…yes!”, he groaned like a beast, arching his pelvis a little, his head hitting the pillow as he jerked off his dick with pace, his orgasm making him tremble a little.
He had closed his eyes and you smiled, watching over your shoulder all the mess. He panted hard when he stopped growling and you looked down at him, still straddling his hips. You smiled and hesitated a moment before you allowed yourself to run a fingertip along his sweaty chest. He giggled at the tickle, his eyes closed as he was just enjoying his post orgasm feelings and you smiled. 
Leaving him recovering, you got up to go to the bathroom, searching for a towel to clean you. You picked another one for him before you came on the bed. But first, you couldn't resist to suck his dick one last time to clean him. Surprised by your gesture, James opened his eyes in a moan and looked down at you with a grin.
“Sorry, I couldn’t resist”, you said with a tease, wiping a drop that left on your lips. 
" I won't complain", he chuckled softly and grabbed the towel you were handing to him. "Thanks for the towel".
"You're welcome", you replied with a warm smile and while he was cleaning his stomach, you walked in the other side of the room, picking up your bag to peeped inside. James frowned at your attitude as he placed the towel on his bedside table.
"I hope you don't intend to leave me alone again tonight...", he asked as he sat down on the bed. You looked up at him and your gaze met his piercing blue eyes...
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Author in the Making
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Words: 3,286
POV: 3rd Person
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Male!Reader [Preestablished]
Warning(s): None
Summary: The reader loves to write, and he has kept it a secret from his book-loving boyfriend for the longest time, fearing his reaction. What happens when his boyfriend accidentally stumbles upon the document that the reader had been working on for the past several years? How will he react?
The time was 11:53 PM. 
The Winchesters had long since retired to their rooms for the night, leaving (Y/N) alone in the library. His laptop rested on the wooden table in front of him, a small notebook open to his right with a variety of pen colors scattered over the pristine white paper. (Y/N)’s fingers worked rapidly against the keys on the keyboard, his eyes glued to the screen as the words appeared on the Word document. 
For years, (Y/N) had a dream. That dream was to become an author. He had been interested in books ever since he was a little kid, the first book he had ever read was Of Mice and Men when he was in the second grade. Ever since, he introduced himself to a wide array of authors across different genres, taking in all of their writing styles and techniques. As he got older, he knew he wanted to be just like the authors that wrote some of his favorite books. He wanted to have his name on the shelves of hundreds, potentially thousands, of people around the world. He wanted to be the inspiration for another young writer, just like the authors before him. He wanted to be the reason people got back into reading and writing. 
However, being a hunter meant that (Y/N)’s schedule was random. He never had a set time where he could sit down and write what he wanted to. The book that he was working on was a couple of years in the making, after all. With all the cases and personal issues that seemed to pop up constantly around himself and the Winchesters, he knew that he would have to improvise at times when it came to his writing. While nothing was set in stone, he had made some adjustments to his everyday life so that he was able to get some writing done every day. 
On long car rides, when they were driving to or from a case, he would bring out his phone and jot down any ideas that he had. Occasionally, he would get up early in the morning to guarantee that he added something to his word count. Some nights, if the day had been busy, he would stay up later than Sam and Dean to get his thoughts onto paper as quickly as he could. 
Sure, it was exhausting at times. He craved the warm feeling of his bed underneath him and the soft sensation of a pillow resting beneath his head, but he knew that if he didn’t write, he would go insane, and he would rather be sane and tired than energetic and crazy. 
After what he assumed was, twenty minutes of non-stop typing, (Y/N) leaned back in his chair, reaching his arms above his head to stretch his back. He clenched and unclenched his hands, feeling the muscles in them tightening from being overworked. Then, he did something that he had promised himself before his writing session that he wouldn’t do. 
He looked at the time. 
The time was 1:40 AM. 
It had been longer than he thought. When he saw the time, he felt a yawn building up inside of him. Suddenly, he comprehended just how tired he was. His eyes began to droop and his entire body felt as if there was a weight of a thousand pounds resting on it. He glanced down at the writing in his journal for a moment before another yawn escaped him. He cursed under his breath. 
(Y/N) turned back to the computer, placing his hands on the keys for a moment to read over the paragraph he had just completed. He read it a couple of times, yet his fingers would not move, no matter how much he tried to convince himself he knew what he should write next. Nothing was coming out. So, all he did was stare at the screen in front of him. He sighed. 
“(Y/N)?” A deep, tired voice came from beside him. 
(Y/N) jumped as he placed his hand over his chest, turning to look at the person who spoke. Sam stood there, clad in a long-sleeve night shirt and sweatpants. His hair was slightly tousled and he seemed as if he had just woken up. (Y/N) let out a shaky breath.
“Jesus, Sam, you scared the Hell out of me,” he said. 
Sam chuckled as he took a couple of steps through the threshold of the library. “Sorry,” he mumbled as he ran his fingers through his hair. “What’re you still doing up?” 
“Um…” (Y/N) trailed as he glanced between Sam and the document in front of him. He rubbed his hands together before he shrugged. “Couldn’t sleep,” he replied, which was followed by another long, dramatic yawn. 
Sam raised his brows as a small, amused smirk made its way onto his lips. He gestured behind him towards the room. “Come on,” he said. “Let’s go to bed. I can tell you’re exhausted.” 
(Y/N) inhaled deeply and ran a hand over his face, giving a small nod. “Alright, yeah, yeah, you’re right,” he mumbled as he reached forward, saving the document before closing the laptop. 
(Y/N) stood and grabbed his laptop, journal, and pens. He stuffed the pens into his pocket, tucked his journal underneath his arm, and held his laptop close to his chest. He pushed his chair up to the table before he tiredly shuffled over to Sam. Sam couldn’t help but smile warmly as he watched him. When (Y/N) moved next to him, Sam placed his hand on the small of his back and pressed a kiss to his temple. 
“What were you working on anyway? Research?” Sam asked as the two of them began to make their way down the hallway toward their bedroom. 
(Y/N) glanced up at him before shrugging his shoulders. “Something like that.” 
(Y/N) had never told anyone about his dream. It was always something that he had kept a secret. He knew about the history that Sam and Dean had with the prophet Chuck, he had even read a couple of the books that Chuck had written, and the last thing (Y/N) wanted was for them to think that he was just like him. Nothing that he wrote had anything to do with the hunting life. He needed an escape from the life at times, and creating his own realities was a way for him to get out of it. 
A part of him knew that, if he were to tell Sam and Dean, they would be supportive of his efforts. Even so, with the lack of schedule that he had created for himself, and with him being on only the first draft of his novel, he didn’t want any expectations put on him for them to read what he had written. Perhaps he was overthinking it. He had considered it a couple of times, but he always told himself that it was better to be safe than sorry. 
Sam gave him a smile before they entered the bedroom. (Y/N) walked over to the small desk that was located in the corner of the room and sat his laptop next to Sam’s, placing his journal and pens on top of the computer. He plugged in his laptop, ensuring that the charging light was on before he walked over to the bed. Just looking at the bed, (Y/N) craved the feeling of the soft comforter around him. His body felt heavier than ever. 
As Sam crawled into the bed, (Y/N) stripped himself of his shirt, tossing it onto the ground, vowing that he would pick it up in the morning once he was well-rested. He then crawled into bed next to his boyfriend. It didn’t take them long to press their bodies against one another, their arms wrapping around each other’s middles and their legs tangling together. (Y/N) felt a sense of relief hit him at the embrace. With a smile on his face, Sam pressed a kiss to (Y/N)’s forehead. 
“Goodnight,” he said in a soft tone. 
“Goodnight,” (Y/N) whispered back to him. 
It didn’t take long before exhaustion overtook him. His eyelids fell shut as he allowed his body to relax. His breathing steadied and he felt himself slowly drift off into a peaceful slumber. 
The next morning, (Y/N) stirred when he felt the bed shift underneath him. He inhaled sharply as a warm hand reached up and caressed his bare arm gingerly. He furrowed his brows and slowly opened his eyes. The room was still dark thanks to the lack of windows in the bunker, the only light being from the bedroom door, which stood ajar. Looking up, (Y/N) could see the dark outline of his boyfriend standing over him. 
“Sorry to wake you, sweetheart,” Sam whispered, a chuckle following his words. 
(Y/N) groaned. “What time is it?” He asked, his voice sounding as if he was still half-asleep. 
“About eleven. You can go back to sleep, I know you were up really late. I was just wondering if I could use your computer for research. I forgot to plug mine in last night and the battery is completely dead.” 
(Y/N) raised his brows as he reached over to the nightstand and picked up his cell phone. Turning on the screen, he squinted at the bright light and read the time. 
The time was 11:24 AM.
(Y/N) had slept for almost ten hours. 
“Holy shit,” he grumbled. He put his phone down and stretched. “Why did you let me sleep so late?” 
“You seemed tired,” Sam answered, and (Y/N) could tell that he was smiling by the way he spoke. Sam reached up and gently ran his fingers through (Y/N)’s hair. “Plus, you’re really cute when you’re sleeping.” 
“That’s a little gay, don’t you think?” (Y/N) smirked. 
“Maybe a little,” Sam chuckled before he leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lips softly. “Do you mind if I use your laptop?” 
“Sure, sure, yeah. I don’t mind.” 
“Thank you. Are you going to go back to sleep?” 
(Y/N) shook his head, yawning as he did so. “No. I need to get up. I’ll be out there in a little bit.” 
“Alright, I’ll be in the library when you want to join me.” 
“Sounds good, and just go ahead and leave the door open. The light will keep me awake.” 
Sam gave a slight nod. He stood up from the bed, walked over to the desk, unplugged (Y/N)’s laptop, and made his way to the door. He propped the door open a little bit more before he moved down the hallway. Once he was out of his line of sight, (Y/N) stretched his arms above his head, letting out a small groan as his muscles began to wake up. 
Ten minutes later, (Y/N) was awake enough to get up. He swung his legs over the side of the bed, stretched his arms once more, then stood up. He walked over to the shirt that he had discarded on the floor the night before and put it back on. When he was fully clothed, he left the room, closing the door behind him. 
The faint smell of coffee still wafted through the air as he made his way into the kitchen. He could see there was still a tiny amount of coffee left from the pot that had been made that morning and he thanked the Lord that he had been so lucky. He grabbed a mug from the cabinet and placed his hand on the side of the pot, feeling the warm heat radiating off of the glass. He decided that it was still hot enough to where he didn’t have to warm it up. He poured the remainder of the coffee into his cup before he walked over to the fridge. He put his favorite creamer and some sugar into the cup, stirring it lightly with a spoon until the color and consistency was one he desired. 
When he was finished making his cup, he turned his back toward the kitchen counter and leaned against it. He took a sip, a small shiver running down his spine when the warm beverage coated his taste buds. (Y/N) basked in the comforting warmth for a moment before he took another sip. He stood in the kitchen for a couple of minutes, enjoying the peaceful silence. 
(Y/N) pushed himself off of the counter and finally began to make his way toward the library. When he rounded the corner, he saw Sam sitting at the table, in the same spot that he had sat the night before. His eyes were glued to the computer screen in front of him, brows slightly furrowed in a concentrated expression. His left hand rested against his face while his right made small movements against the mousepad. A smile found its way onto (Y/N)’s face as he walked closer to Sam, moving to stand behind his chair. He placed one hand on his back as he leaned down and pressed a small kiss against Sam’s temple. 
“So, what’re you-” (Y/N) started to ask before he stopped abruptly. 
What he had assumed would be research on the screen at first was nowhere close to what was staring back at him. The smile slowly fell from his lips as he skimmed over the familiar words. 
It was his novel. 
He had forgotten to close it the night before. 
Sam looked up at (Y/N) and cleared his throat. “Uh, um…you, uh…did you write this?” He asked, his voice and expression matching that of a child who was caught with their hand in the cookie jar before dinner. 
(Y/N) licked his lips nervously as he shuffled a bit behind Sam. “Uh…yeah…” he said, his voice filled with uncertainty. 
“I didn’t know you wrote. I mean, I knew you liked to read and that’s one of the things that I love about you, but I never knew you wrote your own stuff.” 
“Well, I just…dabble here and there. It’s nothing really-” 
“I like it.” Sam interrupted. 
(Y/N) looked down at Sam, their eyes connecting. “Really?” He asked, surprised. 
Sam nodded. “Yeah! I mean, I’m only on the second chapter, but the first chapter pulled me in,” Sam gave a small smirk as he chuckled. 
Slowly, a smile made its way onto (Y/N)’s lips. He walked over, pulled the chair out that rested beside Sam, and sat down. He took another sip of his coffee. 
“You haven’t gotten to anything important, yet. Trust me. It’s still in the works. This is only the first draft.” 
“How long have you been working on this?” 
“Two years? Maybe three, give or take. I’m not able to write all the time and sometimes I can be slow, especially if I decide to write after we finish a hunt.” 
“You’ve got a lot written here,” 
“Almost ninety-thousand words,” (Y/N) gave a brief nod. “It’s still not what I want it to sit at, but it’s coming along.” 
“How many more chapters do you think you’ll need to finish it?” 
“I don’t know,” he chuckled. “I’m writing the finale at the moment, but I guess it depends on if I want to add anything. Of course, I’m going to be taking some parts out and putting some other parts in that I had written down and thought of as I was writing, so I don’t know what the final word count will be, but I’m impressed with myself so far.” 
“You should be!” Sam smiled as he reached over and placed a hand comfortingly on (Y/N)’s leg, rubbing his knee gently. “Why didn’t you tell me you liked to write?” 
(Y/N) stared at the table for a moment before he shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. I think the stories you told about your interaction with Chuck made me not say anything at first.” 
“I hope you know that I wouldn’t have given you a hard time about this.” 
“I know, I know,” (Y/N) nodded slowly. “Plus, I think that if I would have said something, I would have felt pressured to finish quicker than what I wanted because, knowing you, you would have asked to see what I had written.” 
Sam smirked and chuckled. “I would.” 
“And I would have to burst your bubble and say ‘No’ because I wanted to finish everything and go over everything before I let you look.” 
Sam nodded. “I understand…” he trailed as he glanced back at the page that he was on. “Were you ever going to tell me?” 
(Y/N) hummed as he took another sip of his coffee. “Probably. I do need help proofreading. Plus, I need an audience’s reaction. I already messaged Charlie and she said that she would give it a read when I was done.” 
“So Charlie knew about it before me?” Sam asked exaggeratedly, placing a hand delicately on his chest to feign hurt. 
(Y/N) snorted and rolled his eyes. “Yes, and she doesn’t bug me about it like I knew you would. She likes reading from time to time, but, and I’m sorry to say this Sam, but you are a book whore.” He chuckled. 
“You know what? I take that as a compliment.” Sam said, tilting his head up in a proud manner. 
“As you should.” (Y/N) leaned back in his seat, getting comfortable. 
Sam licked his bottom lip as he glanced between (Y/N) and the computer screen. After a moment of hesitation, he asked, “Can I finish this chapter?” 
(Y/N) pursed his lips in contemplation, furrowing his brows together. He reached over, saved the document, and then exited out of it. “No.” 
Sam’s shoulders slumped. “Come on,” he groaned. 
“Sorry, Sammy, but maybe you should read faster next time.” 
Sam sighed heavily and shook his head before he turned his body back towards the table. He paused for a minute. “Do you feel like writing right now?” 
(Y/N) smirked and shook his head. “I need to relax for a little bit. I stayed up late last night writing.” 
Sam nodded. “Do you promise you’ll let me read it once it’s done?” 
“Sam, as soon as I am finished with the first draft and go over everything, I will print out all of the pages for you so that you can read it. That way I can make my revisions while you read over it. Deal?” 
Sam smiled. “Deal.” He said as he leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the lips. “You’re going to be one hell of an author, babe,” 
(Y/N) smiled. “Thank you, Sammy.” He said. “I love you.” 
“I love you, too.” 
Sam never realized how much those words meant to (Y/N). Sure, there was a part of him that thought those words to be true, but the other part of him was doubting himself every step of the way. Still, he persisted, working as hard as he could toward the dream that he wanted to become a reality. In that moment, (Y/N) knew that, if Sam Winchester believed that he was going to be a good author, then he was destined to be. 
(Y/N) sat his coffee mug down on the table and gestured towards the computer. 
“On second thought, let me have my computer,” he said, the smile still present on his lips. “I think I found my new inspiration.” 
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marksbear · 2 years
can i request like literally any character/ set of characters x a male reader who based off of looks/his style, doesn't look like he'd have a southern accent or something like that, but does
idk if you know much about monster high, but yk kieran valentine? basically like him 💀 (bro is a handsome vampire with a southern accent like??? 💀💀) (also if you don't know what i'm talking about, here's a reference https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRsuuprH/ )
(also also, if u wanna narrow down what character(s) to write this for, i suppose anyone from cod, overwatch, or the boys)
Please I had the biggest crush on him. And because I'm cool like that I wrote one character for each fandom listed.
Tittle was gonna be long as hell, so heres a short version. Its gonna be Homelander, Simon (ghost) Riley, and Sigma.
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-Homelander is a judging person. He likes to criticize and study people. So when it came to you he didn't suspect you had an accent.
-In Homelander's defense you didn't dress like you were from the country. Or really like the southern stereotype.
-But once you spoke with your accent it caught him WAY off guard.
-Most definitely stared at you funny. I mean it's not everyday when he hears an accent like that.
-If you have a thick southern accent he'll always listen to your voice no matter how busy the room is or quiet. Your voice interests him so much to the point he wants to be near it.
-When (if) you both start dating he wants to be near you all times to hear you talk. Even when you read a stupid children's book he'll want to hear you read it.
-he hears your voice when hes injured or something It's like medicine to him. "Jesus darlin. You all bloody'ed up." Y/n says looking at Homelander's suit. "Only some were mine, but there's nothing to worry about."
-If you tease him or flirt with him he's already weak in the knees.
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-Simon had a feeling you were different from the rest of them, but you were hiding it well.
-You were like a chameleon. You acted and dressed like you were from one place The next minute you dress like you're from another one.
-But once Ghost heard your accent his jaw would have been on the floor if he wasn't wearing a mask. At first he thought it was one of your little fakes, but once he heard it more and more he realized it was natural.
-Everyone he'd met so far in war had their share of accents, but yours stood out to him. He hasn't heard an accent like that in a good minute.
-With your accent he can hear it over the gun shots or shouting. It just keeps standing out for him. He listens to your words when he isn't even realizing that hes listening until you're done talking.
-He heard Soap call you "cowboy" And the nickname stuck with him. "Cowboy..." Simon mumbles under his breath looking at you. "What is it darlin?" Y/n says looking at Simon.
-He glares at someone whenever they make fun of your accent or they look at you funny.
-Don't even start trying to tease him about him having a thing for your accent. He would be so red under his mask and embarrassed.
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-The way you dress and act doesn't give him the slightest thought that you have a southern accent.
-Sigma isn't the social man, so don't expect him to be all over you because you're new or something. But if you are different from the other people in your class he would watch and study you from afar. But honestly to catch his eye you at least gotta do something he doesn't see everyday.
-Once you two start hanging out more. And once he hears your accent it would music to his ears.
-Sometimes if you're shorter than him he would use his powers to lift you up in the air so he can hear you talk. Your accent enhances/ hypnotizes him.
-He doesn't find it as annoying as Cassidy's (Mcree) but hey gotta start somewhere.
-Sure he may be crazy for your accent, but it would be the healthy lie amount of it.
-Asks if you can sing to him. If you don't know how he'll teach you. Gives you a whole lesson about singing and music and how you can use your voice to make music to make it even better.
-He loves everything about your accent. He would study where you were born and the place history to understand your background more.
The end!
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peakyswritings · 1 year
Gilded Prison
Summary: She wanted nothing but love, and yet she found herself locked into a gilded prison.
Warnings: angst, Tommy being a jerk.
A/N: I wrote this for @runnning-outof-time ’s 3K celebration. Congrats again, darling💕
The gif is not mine, credits to the owner
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The soft night breeze run through (Y/) hair as she stood in her garden, the smell of jessamine and roses filling her nostrils. With her eyes closed, she could pretend she was still in her childhood home, barefoot on the grass, surrounded by the flowers her mother used to grow with so much care. There was love, and joy, and laughter. And freedom.
What else could you possibly want?
She couldn’t deny how those words stung. How much it hurt when Tommy spat them out, venom dripping from his lips.
You have fancy dresses and furs, more jewels than you can count, time to spend and a big nice house full of maids. What else could you possibly want?
How could she explain to him that she didn’t care about any of those things? None of that mattered if he wasn’t there with her. If he didn’t love her. She didn’t need the dresses, the furs or the jewels. She didn’t even need that big nice house. She needed to be listened to, to be understood, to be loved.
How could she explain to him that Arrow House had become a gilded prison? That he felt more like a jailor, rather than a husband?
Things between them were fine only as long as she showed herself to be nice, pleased and compliant. Because she had no reason to be angry or sad. They were perfectly happy, until she dared to disagree with him. Because he was always right. God forbid she told him a truth he did not want to hear.
That was the problem with him. Sometimes, it felt like to him she was nothing but an extra in his life, or a doll with no feelings or desires. But she had feelings, and desires, and thoughts, and there was nothing ridiculous about that. She was a person, and she had the right to be angry or sad, she had a right to her emotions. She didn’t have to always be nice. She didn’t have to be compliant. She didn’t have to be docile.
And God knew how tired she was of his condescending tone. Of the way he explained things to her as if she was a child who didn’t know anything about the world. Of the way he felt the need to illustrate to her all the reasons why he was right and she was wrong without even truly considering what she had to say. Without even listening to her. Every time they argued, he was either talking or thinking about what he had to say next, with little to no regard towards her point of view. And when he was the one to reach out to her after a fight, it was never just “I’m sorry”, it was always “I’m sorry, but I was right”.
And she was tired of feeling crazy or hysterical every time she snapped and raised her voice at him, even though she had her reasons. Because apparently, those reasons were not enough.
And she was tired of feeling useless.
She had been trying her best to keep everything together, to make that house a home, to prevent its walls from crashing down on them, but the weight was starting to become too heavy for her shoulders alone. The worst thing was that Tommy didn’t even seem to notice. He probably thought that her only occupation was tending to her garden and choose what dress to wear for the umpteenth dinner or event, while he worked hard. Because he was the provider, the one who granted stability and wealth. What he didn’t consider was that although she didn’t have a job, she was working everyday, every hour, every minute.
She was the one who took care of him when he drank his sorrows away to the point where he could barely stand on his feet, who tended to his injuries when he got caught in fights, who washed the blood off of his clothes, both his own and other people’s. She was the one who had spent countless nights waiting up for him when he was late home because of “business”. She was the one who held him through the night when the nightmares seemed too real, and the one who whispered reassuring words in his ear when the devils got the better of him.
But that was nothing to him.
So ultimately, she found the courage to stand up for herself, and she told him that if things were to be like that between them, then they would stay husband and wife only in name, but not in fact. They would conduct separate lives in the same house, and they wouldn’t be each other’s problem anymore. Maybe it was the best thing for both of them.
She quickly wiped away her tears as she heard steps approaching. Tommy came close to her, and she felt the back of her arm slightly brushing against his. Despite her anger, she was unable to withdraw from the contact, relishing the closeness she had craved for so long. But that only lasted for a moment, because all of the feelings she had been suppressing for months came to the surface again, causing her to take a step aside.
Clearing his throat, Tommy took a look around, taking in every detail of his surroundings as if he was seeing that garden for the first time. “Your mother used to grow the same flowers, didn’t she?”
“She did.” She nodded. “And now I’m growing them. It makes me feel home.”
Tommy opened his mouth to say something, but words seemed to fail him. For once, he was speechless. (Y/n) glanced at him, and she could swear by the look on his face that he was hurt.
“You are home.” He eventually said, after a few moments of hesitation.
Silence fell between them, and it was much worse than any fight they’d ever had. This time, there was nothing left to say. She was done taking steps back. She was done trying to make him understand.
“You can be so inconsiderate sometimes.” She just said, her voice almost too low to be heard. But Tommy heard it.
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“Sorry means nothing if you’re not willing to change.”
She sounded stern. Bitter, even. And she refused to give him another glance. Tommy moved closer to her, until he was able to tenderly take her face in his hands and force her to look at him.
“Please, forgive me.” He whispered. “I know that I’m a fucking bastard and that I don’t deserve it. That I don’t deserve you-” his voice broke, and he had to stop talking for a few seconds. “I’ll change. I’ll be better.”
There was desperation in his voice, and a fear in his eyes she had probably never seen. But they had been there too many times. She had forgiven him again and again, only for him to break her one more time. She shook her head, bringing her hands on his wrists. “I’m tired, Tommy.”
“I can’t lose you. I need you, (Y/n).” He slightly shook her, tightening his grip on her as if she’d disappear otherwise.
His vulnerability - his rare, unfamiliar vulnerability - made her heart clench. It didn’t matter how angry she was at him, she still cared about him. A thousand fights wouldn’t be enough to change that. But she couldn’t let him hurt her again.
“Give me another chance.” He pleaded. “Just one. The last one.”
She moved his hands away from her face, taking a few steps back. “You want another chance?” She asked, a serious expression on her face.
“Yes.” He nodded, and a glimpse of hope lightened his eyes.
“Earn it.”
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unlocktxt · 1 year
Labyrinth | Kang Taehyun
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Kang Taehyun
genre: fluff, kinda angsty
note: i wrote this for everyone who tends to overthink and believes they’re hard to love. it’s alright. the right people are out there, don’t push away the good ones (and yes i wrote this with labyrinth on repeat). this might be the first time i wrote something this way, but still hope it’s enjoyable.
come on
just breathe
breathe in, breathe through
breathe deep, breathe out
how many times have you had to tell yourself this? when reassuring yourself doesn’t work… breathing. all the thoughts in your head telling you to flee. your body seemingly pumping through adrenaline in a panicked state, but you only wanted things to slow down. now things are moving at an alarming rate.
what if he doesn’t feel the same way?
how could you be so stupid?
he clearly isn’t interested… conversations are dying. why can’t the two of you hold a conversation? panic.
it’s fine. it’s not too late to stop liking him. it’s no big deal… but damn you really do like him. no. it never ends well for you.
just text him.
then you’ll come off as pushy. what if you’re just overthinking?
come on… breathe.
you hate it. you don’t just like him.
“i think i’m gonna hurl.” don’t.
breathe. it’s okay, just admit it.
“i think i love him.”
what if he doesn’t feel the same way? text him.
“okay we got this.” this is scary.
just hit send.
the knock coming from the door sends your heart to your throat. you feel like you could choke, instead you clear your throat one… three times as you head to the door.
a deep breath and then the door is open and you’re face to face with your boyfriend. he looks scared. his eyes are wide with fear.
oh god.
“you said you wanted to talk?” he looks serious.
“yeah…” you swallow, “you can sit, it’s nothing bad…” hopefully.
his shoulders drop slowly as if the tension there had relieved itself. maybe he’s telling himself everything’s fine. hopefully it is.
you follow after him and sit on the couch.
“i don’t mean to jump right into it, but first i wanted you to know that it’s okay if you lose interest. i don’t mind really. if that’s ever the case i would just like to know. you don’t have to text me if you don’t want to. don’t feel like you have to spare my feelings or anything cause it’s fine. even if you changed your mind i could never blame you for it.” you watch as his eyes scan you with something… pity?
“y/n-” he starts, but you can’t hear what he’s about to say. you just want to get this over with.
“i… i love you taehyun.” holy shit. you take a deep breath, “and i don’t expect you to feel the same. it’s fine i told you. if you don’t see us going anywhere or you don’t feel the same way-”
“y/n, i love you.” he grabs your hands and you have to try not to cry as your eyes widen.
he loves you. your heart starts pumping fast again, but this is a different feeling. a smile adorns your face and you feel as if your whole body is on fire.
“if i have to remind you everyday i will. i love you.” he squeezes your hand, “i love you and i never want you to feel any other way.”
he sees you. it’s as if he had looked deep into your soul and wasn’t afraid to touch it.
“thank god.” you laugh, finally feeling relief. “i was beginning to think that i was crazy.”
“well… i never said you weren’t crazy.” he smiles as he leans down and kisses you.
you love him and that’s okay. you’d love him no matter what.
“you had me scared for a minute. i thought you were going to break up with me.” he chuckles, looking at you.
you gasp, “never.”
“good because i just planned this whole date to tell you that i loved you and now i won’t be stressing out the whole time.”
“lucky you.” he understands you.
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jinkoh · 2 years
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Keep you safe
Seungcheol x reader
Tags: angst (a lot), hurt/comfort, ex-boyfriend!Seungcheol, g/n reader, y/n & sc both work in science
Warnings: fire, fear of a loved one getting hurt, vague mentions of injury/death (no one actually dies)
word count: ~1,5k
a/n: pls heed the warnings before reading (also if you think I should add anything lmk). I honestly don't even have an explanation for this story. I was listening to angsty music and thought "wow yeah, imagine if ex-bf cheol thought something might have happened to you" and then just wrote this down in one go.
Things had been fine, really. Seungcheol was over you.
Of course, he still doubted that he’d ever fall in love like that again. Of course, he still thought that you were his one true love. But that didn’t mean the two of you were meant for each other, were meant for forever.
You hadn’t spoken in almost a year. Both of you had tried to make it a clean break up; no further contact unless necessary. He still saw you from time to time on the hallways of your faculty, but he never spoke to you. Neither did you approach him. It was for the better.
And yet, when he heard about the fire that broke out at the university, you were his first thought.
There were other people at the faculty that he talked to everyday, who should have come to mind first. But they didn’t. No matter how much he cared about them, when he heard about the fire, his only thought was you. Were you safe? Had you been at the faculty that day? 
He knew you were supposed to be— if your times at the lab hadn’t changed. Mondays and Thursdays, those had always been your lab days. It was Thursday.
The whole situation felt like a weird twist of fate. He’d been about to drive to the faculty himself, meaning to check on some samples. But then Jeonghan called him, out of breath, asking if he was okay, if he was still home.
There wasn’t much information on the fire yet, at least Seungcheol didn’t have much. All he knew was that it broke out in one of the laboratories about an hour ago and that the firefighters were on site. He’d gotten several more messages after that, asking if he was okay. He also wrote some himself, checking on the people who hadn’t gotten in touch with him yet.
And despite the radio silence, despite the fact that he wasn’t supposed to care about you anymore, he sent a message to you too.
It did nothing to ease his worries. You weren’t replying. The message didn’t even get marked as delivered.
He tried to bargain with his restless mind. Maybe you hadn’t been there today? Maybe you’d left earlier? Maybe you’d been outside for a smoke break when it happened? Surely, you’d just forgotten to charge your phone, the way you did sometimes.
The bitter truth was though, that you never missed your lab days. You also never left early. You weren’t smoking either, not when you dated, and he doubted you had started now. Chances were that you’d been in that building when the fire broke out and that you’d been close to the source too.
Seungcheol kept staring at his screen, refreshing the news page every few seconds, but to no avail. There was no information other than that the firefighters arrived on the scene forty minutes ago and that it wasn’t clear if or how many people were still inside the building.
He knew it was a terrible idea to go there now. He wouldn’t be able to help anyone. If anything, he’d be in the way of the first aiders. Hell, he disliked onlookers himself. But now, he started to understand the urge to go and see. Maybe you’d be there, safe and sound. Or maybe you weren’t. Not knowing drove him crazy.
His heart kept hammering in his chest and unable to calm down, he started pacing his flat. Whenever his phone vibrated with a message, he hoped it’d be you. But it never was. All the people he’d asked about you said they didn’t know either.
After what felt like an eternity, he got a call from Jeonghan. Seungcheol didn’t even bother with a greeting when he picked up.
“Any news?” He asked, his voice hoarse and out of breath.
“Nothing definite,” Jeonghan replied and the way he leveled his voice made Seungcheol feel unsettled.
“What does that  mean?”
“I managed to get a hold on Wonwoo. He was at the lab this morning.”
“And?” Seungcheol wasn’t feeling particularly patient.
“He said y/n was there and that they’d planned on staying until late.”
Seungcheol wasn’t surprised. After all, he’d known from the start that this was likely. But hearing someone say it out loud, having someone confirm his worries made it really hit him. You were there.
He couldn’t breathe.
“I have to—”
“Cheol,” Jeonghan interrupted, trying to calm him down.
“No, Jeonghan, I have to go there— what if they—” He didn’t dare to finish his sentence.
“Cheol, you can’t do anything, even if you—”
But he didn’t have the time to listen to Jeonghan being logical and reasonable. He simply couldn’t wait a second longer, he had to do something.
So, he slipped into his shoes and rushed out, not even bothering to put on a coat despite the biting cold. Getting to the university wasn’t as easy as expected. The closer he got; the fuller were the streets. Sirens kept cutting through the traffic noise; ambulances and fire trucks trying to get past the other cars. Guilt  crept up in the pit of his stomach. He knew he wasn’t helping the situation; he knew driving there meant one more car blocking the streets.
But how was he supposed to wait at home while you could be hurt? Or worse?
He parked a little further off from the university in an attempt to not disrupt the access road for the rescue workers. As soon as he got out of his car, he started running, not even remembering to lock the car behind him. 
He saw the clouds of smoke from afar and noticed the stench in the air. It made him feel sick to his stomach. 
As he reached the building, there were several fire trucks and ambulances around it, the firefighters still working on extinguishing the fire. Around it, a crowd of people had formed, some just looking at the burning building, others pushing through the masses in search of someone or something. All the while firefighters were shouting to stay back.
He swallowed. How was he supposed to find you in this chaos? His eyes kept scanning the crowd, stopping at every white lab coat they caught onto, in hopes that it’d be you. His heart was pounding so loudly, it almost drowned out the never ending sound of sirens.
Two first aiders were pushing a stretcher past him, and his eyes automatically scanned the face of the person lying on top. It wasn’t you.
The more he looked for you, the worse he felt. Why weren’t you anywhere to be seen? The crowd of people started blurring in front of his eyes. He wiped away tears he hadn’t even noticed he’d been crying until then.
He heard himself calling out your name, his voice barely sounding like his own, as he kept pushing past the people around him. No matter what, he needed to know you were okay. Even if you weren’t his anymore, just for today he needed to hold you in his arms and keep you safe.
Suddenly a voice cut through all the noise around him, sounding almost as desperate as his own.
He whipped his head around, his body recognizing your voice before his brain even registered it.
For a second, he just looked at you, unable to make a move. He felt as if time had stopped, the chaos around him disappearing for a moment.
You were standing there, your face stained with grime and tears, your eyes red.
But you were alive. You were okay.
He pulled himself out of his trance and ran towards you, hugging you close to his chest as soon as he reached you. You immediately hugged him back, your arms wrapping so tightly around his body it almost felt suffocating. Your shoulders trembled in his hold as you sobbed into his chest.
Resting his chin on the crown of your head, he ran his hands over your back in a soothing pattern. He wasn’t exactly sure if he was trying to comfort you or himself. Either way, it was working.
“I couldn’t find you,” you croaked, your voice hoarse from crying. “I couldn’t find you, but Chan said you were going to be in the lab today and—”
“It’s okay,” he whispered, tightening his hold on you. “I’m here now, I’m okay.”
“I thought you were still inside, I tried getting back inside, but they didn’t let me and—” You were interrupted by a sob that escaped your throat. “I thought you were still inside,” you repeated.
“I wasn’t, I wasn’t,” he mumbled into your hair. “But… I thought you were,” he admitted after a pause. “I tried getting a hold of you, but I couldn’t. And no one had heard from you—” He swallowed. “I was worried. I thought I’d lost you.”
Both of you ignored the fact that you weren’t his to lose anymore. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was that both of you were safe.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered.
“Don’t be.” He left a kiss on your hair. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”
“Yeah. Me too.” 
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acourtofmarvels · 1 year
Azriel x OC
Summary: Azriel's mate is Rhysand's sister. She died a long time ago by the hand of the High Lord of the Spring court. Something happens when the Inner Circle goes to Hybern...
(I should point out this is my first time ever posting something I wrote on Tumblr. I have wrote things before on Wattpad, thought I'm not very good. This is short but I hope at least one person likes it lol.)
I changed the ending of ACOMAF sorry not sorry. I liked the idea of this fic lol
Warnings: uh, murder and violence? (did i do this right?)
Word count: 2647
Azriel was never the same when she died. None of them were. She was family. A sister. A cousin. A best friend. His mate.
She was taken from them in such a surprise. The High Lord of the Spring court took her and her mother, for what? Hatred? Maliciousness? Out of pure evil?
Rhysand got revenge for his sister and mother. Azriel got his revenge for the woman who raised him, and his mate. Alongside the High Lord of the Night Court, who lost his life that day too.
Killing the High Lord and his sons, except for one.
Azriel and Rhiannon didn't find out they were mates for about 100 years. It was a shock to both of them. They never had the chance to accept the bond before she was killed.
"Tell me about her," Feyra whispered, running her fingers up and down her mates bare chest. Rhysand didn't talk much about his sister. None of the inner circle did. It was too hard on them. No one even mentioned her name, especially not in front of Azriel.
Rhysand had told Feyre what happened to his sister and mother long ago. And Feyre talking about Elain and Nesta reminded him of her.
Rhysand smiled as he remembered her. "She was kind, selfless. Stubborn and hard headed," he chuckled a bit. The sound of his laugh warmed Feyre's heart. "Her and Cassian were much alike. The two of them were always causing mischief. It drove our mother crazy..." Rhysand paused, trying not to get choked up. "She was strong. Hell of a fighter. We taught her everything we knew. Illyrian women weren't meant to be fighters long ago, thats why most of them got their wings clipped."
Just the mention of what they use to do in the past made his blood boil. He took a deep breath to contain his anger. "Father never wanted her to fight either. But everyday after training I would come home and teach her everything i learned that day. Didn't matter how tired and sore I was. And she would do it perfectly. Never faulting. She loved to fly. Father never clipped her wings but he didn't want her flying either. I always went with her or covered for her when she wanted to."
"Can I ask about her and Azriel?" Feyra was nervous to ask about the two of them. She knew they were mates but never got a chance to accept the bond.
Rhys moved the hair out of her face, staring down and admiring her. He loved that she got him to talk about Rhiannon again.
And he nodded simply at her question.
"Why didn't they accept the bond?"
"They were going to. There was going to be a wedding. Mother even made her dress. But then she... " He couldn't talk about her death.
"I don't know when the bond snapped into place for them but the night Azriel came to tell me, I knew something was off with him. I have never EVER seen Azriel that scared and nervous. Azriel is so good at hiding his emotions but that night..." A huge smile was on his face as he remembered. "I thought Az was going to shit his pants right in front of me."
"But I was so happy for them. Two important people in my life becoming mates... I envied Azriel for a while. That he found his person. I wanted that." Tears welded up in his eyes as he looked down at Feyre. He lifted her up so he could place a kiss upon her lips. "Now I have and when I look at him I... I feel guilty. His mate his gone."
"I understand. I feel it sometimes too. How can I be so happy when others are not? How is it fair?"
"We never got a proper sending for them. We never got their wings. I-I don't even know what he did with them." As Rhys began to cry all Feyre could do was hold him. She herself cried for her mate, feeling the pain he was feeling through the bond.
Azriel smelled it the second they entered the castle. He knew that intoxicating scent anywhere. No matter if it had been centuries, he would never forget. It had to be old. He knew she had been here before. Just two times in the past with Cassian for whatever mission it had been.
Azriel almost got sick to his stomach when they finally saw it. Right above the cauldron, pinned to the wall like a trophy... Her glorious wings.
Everyone knew who they belonged to the second they got there. Somehow Feyre even figured it out, never even knowing her.
"The trap was so easy, I'm honestly a bit disappointed you didn't see it coming." Faster than any of them could see, Jurian fired a hidden ash bolt through Azriel's chest. Mor screamed.
They had no choice but to go with the king.
"They are beautiful... Illyrian wings. I just had to get some for myself." The King smiled evilly. "I have your father to thank for that." He directed it that to Tamlin. He motioned his soldiers to remove the wings from the wall.
What more could he do? Azriel is dying. Cassian's wings shredded. He's turned the Archeron sisters into Fae. He plans to turn the human queens too.
"Daemati are hard to come by nowadays. Your sister was also one, wasn't she Rhysand?" None of them dared to move. Rhysand said nothing, curling his fingers into fists. "Daemati are powerful. To have one at my hands..." He ran his dirty fingers down the wings. He snatched them from his guards and without blinking he threw them into the cauldron.
The room filled with a piercing screech and a blinding light from the cauldron. The room shook as if there were an earthquake. When he light faded everyone stared at the cauldron, waiting. Just waiting to see what happened next.
Then it happened. A hand shot out, followed by another as a figure pulled themselves out of it. The King of Hybern smiled wickedly as his plans were coming all together.
Everyones eyes were wide, even the Kings own men were shocked. The woman who submerged out of the cauldron, a ghost, but never forgotten. Her eyes completely white and fogged over. Not a single emotion on her face.
"Come," The King's voice echoed, ordering the female to him.
"Rhia," Rhysand choked out. His sister didn't even look at him. She just went and stood by the King of Hybern, doing exactly as he said as if she were a puppet, and he were the puppet master. "Rhiannon, please. It's me." Rhys was pleading with his sister. To look at him. To show something, anything. Was it really her?
Mor screamed her name through her sobbing. With whatever strength he had, Cassian had to hold her back. He couldn't risk the King of Hybern hurting her too. Cassian pleaded for her also. But none of them could snap her out of whatever spell the cauldron put her under.
"Rhiannon," Azriel's voice was barely a whisper. He was going in and out of consciousness. Feyre watched as the white light flickered for just a second in her eyes.
"Call to her again," Feyre said to Azriel only.
"Rhiannon," Azriel said as loud as he could. Feyre saw that her eyes flicker again. Again, she spoke. "I love you, Rhiannon."
And just like that, her eyes turned back to her normal glowing purple and her hands were around the King's throat, her entire body pinning him down to the ground. Rhysand, Mor and Feyre, the only ones not completely hurt were up to their feet in an instance to fight off the soldiers running to their king.
"You will never be a god," Rhiannon hissed, squeezing onto the Kings neck as hard as she could until his head was separated from his shoulders.
She stood up slowly, rolling her shoulders back and cracking her neck. She turned around to see her family, dripping in blood but all alive.
Rhia looked down at her bloody hands, to her arms, her legs. Her body was completely bare. Her skin still glistening from the liquid of the cauldron. She was alive. She flexed her wings out as she realized she had them back.
She looked down at the ground, seeing Cassian and Azriel. Both of them bleeding out and barely alive. Her eyes met her brothers. He was the last thing she saw before she blacked out.
Rhiannon awoke with a gasp, clutching onto her chest, body flailing around in the bed she was in. She began to calm down once she realized where she was. Though the room was different, she recognized the townhouse anywhere. She couldn't remember how she got here or what happened. Darkness. She remembered darkness. How long has it been?
She looked around the room, only now noticing the many people sleeping on the floor and in the chairs. Cassian was hanging off the couch in the room, Mor opposite of him, her feet basically kicking him in the face. Below them layed her brother on a mattress, a woman unfamiliar to her tangled beside him. To their left was Amren, arms crossed over her chest and her head hanging back as she was asleep in the chair.
As she looked to her right she finally saw him. He was using his arm as a pillow as he was sitting in a chair but laying his head on the side of the bed she lay. She reached out to him, his shadows wrapped around her fingers. His eyes shot open and he sat up quickly. She gasped and jumped back, eyes wide.
They stared at each other for what felt like minutes but was only seconds. Azriel made the first move as he grabbed her hand, winnowing them out of the bedroom and downstairs away from the sleeping others.
Images of what happened circled in her mind as she began to remember what happened in Hybern. "I heard you," Was the first thing she said, a sob escaping her mouth. Azriel placed his scarred hands on the sides of her face, tears rolling down his face.
"You were here and I still couldn't believe it. Madja said you may never wake up. It's been weeks. We never gave up on you. I never left your side. I'll never leave your side again." They held onto each other for a long moment, taking in this moment. Azriel dreamed of holding her in his arms every night. Against all odds, against everything, his dream came true. His mate was alive.
There was a loud thud upstairs making Rhiannon jump out of Azriel's embrace. Running, loud, footsteps shook the house as multiple people ran down the stairs. Azriel grabbed hold of her again, needing that closeness.
"Fucking move, Cas!" Was the first thing she heard from her brother as him and Cassian fell off the bottom two steps. Rhysand pushed Cassian's body off of him, looking up at his sister. Matching smiles came upon their faces as Rhysand jumped to his feet, pulling her out of Azriel's grip and into his arms.
"I thought I lost you forever," Rhys whispered into his sisters hair, kissing the top of her head. He pulled away just looking at her face. They're matching violet eyes both filling with tears.
"I couldn't save her," She shook her head. "I fought so hard Rhys. If not save myself then save her."
"I know, I know." Rhys soothed her, stroking his hand down the back of her hair. Rhys found the aftermath of the people who took them. There was at least 20 dead Spring Court soldiers. He and his brothers trained her well. "You're safe now."
"Okay, my turn!" Rhysand was pulled away from Rhiannon harshly. She let out a yelp as Cassian picked her up and spun her around the room.
"Easy, Cass. Don't break her." Amren barked behind him.
He set her down to her feet, kissing her cheeks and forehead. A goofy smile on his face. "I missed you too, Cassian." She leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek also.
"Simmer down, Az. You're stinking up the room." Mor joked, making everyone else laugh. "Jealousy isn't a good look on you."
"Aw, Azzy you want a kiss too," Cassian reached for Az, only to get punched in the gut.
"Finally, come here my sweet," Mor laughed, pulling Rhia to herself now. Kissing her cheeks just as Cassian did. Everyone finally got their hugs and kisses with Rhiannon. Most going back for seconds. Even Amren wanted a hug.
Azriel always had to be right beside her, needed to be touching her always. Wether that was a gentle hand at the lower part of her back, or holding onto her hand.
"Rhia there is someone I want you to meet." Rhysand held his hand out to the woman who had been quietly observing the reunion from the side. "This is Feyre. My mate."
Rhia almost began to cry again but she held it back. "Your mate?" Rhysand's smile was so big. "You found your mate." She placed a gentle hand on her brothers face, seeing how happy he was just by the mention of the female.
Feyre waited patiently for Rhia to acknowledge her first. Rhiannon approached Feyre slowly. This was it. This is the moment Feyre had been nervously thinking about for the past few weeks.
"You're so beautiful," Rhia beamed, a bright smile on her face. Feyre and Rhys both let out a sigh of relief. Rhiannon's eyes immediately went down to the tattoo covering Feyre's arm. Her eyes wide at realizing what it meant. "High-" Her sentence was cut off short by Feyre hugging her.
"It is an honor to meet you." Feyre said to her. Everyone laughed at the look on Rhia's face, certainly not expecting that.
"The honor is mine, my High Lady." Rhia did a small bow to her, before taking Feyre's hands in hers. "I've always wanted a sister."
"Hey! What about me?" Mor barked loudly, making everyone laugh.
"Just ignore her, I have no idea who she is." Rhia 'whispered' to Feyre.
"Alright just cause you came back to life and shit, and this is easily the happiest day of my life, doesn't mean I won't kick your ass." Mor jumped toward Rhia who started to run away laughing loudly.
That laugh. That laugh is music to everyone's ears.
"Mother save us," Amren muttered, shaking her head.
As the moment came by, Azriel grabbed his mate, shielding her from Mor. A rare smile on his face.
"Ha!" Rhia laughed, pointing at Mor who couldn't get past Azriel's wings.
"So not fair." Mor pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. "You can't hide behind him forever. He'll have to walk away at some point."
"Who says I'm ever leaving her side?" Azriel challenged. Mor rolled her eyes dramatically.
"So are we gonna be planning a wedding soon?" Cassian spoke up, wiggling his eyebrows and sending a wink at Rhia.
She suddenly got nervous, stepping out from behind him so they could face each other. "Do you still... Do you still want to accept the bond?" Rhia didn't know how long it had been she she died, but she knew it had been a couple centuries. What if Azriel found someone else? What if he's already married and fallen in love with someone else?
It was if Azriel could see exactly what was going on in her mind. Maybe he felt her sense of nervousness and fear through the bond.
"I have loved only you for centuries, and I will love you for many more." Azriel cupped her face in his hands, pressing a kiss to her lips. "I am yours, forever."
"And I am yours."
Acotar Masterlist
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FROM THE NOTEBOOK *  assorted dialogue from the 2004 film, adjust as necessary
i am nothing special; just a common man with common thoughts, and i've led a common life.
you know you're not allowed.
it's against the rules.
they fell in love, didn't they?
i see you got my letters, finally.
i know that they happened, and they were wonderful.
they didn't agree on much.
don't do me any favors.
what am i gonna do in new york?
you wanna walk with me?
i'm not usually like this. i'm sorry.
i could be fun if you want. i could be pensive. smart. superstitious. brave.
the way i see it, i've got three choices. one, i can shoot him. two, i can kick the crap out of him. or three, i leave you.
please don't do this. you don't mean it.
wherever she is, that's where my home is.
none of those options get me to you.
look at us. we're already fighting.
you go back to your room.
stay out of trouble.
you just tell me what you want, and i'm gonna be that for you.
you're dumb.
come on. one date.
it was an improbable romance.
should i be worried?
they were crazy about each other.
it was real, wasn't it?
we were just a couple of kids.
get in the water.
you know what? i'm gonna do it. it's over. okay? it's over.
so what?
we really loved each other, didn't we?
i love to paint.
will you go out with me?
you leave me no other choice.
don't touch me! i hate you!
i'm sorry, baby. please just get in.
do you think our love can make miracles?
it's not about following your heart and it's not about keeping your promises.
you gotta be kidding me. all this time, that's what i've been missing?
why don't you just go then?
well, that's what we do. we fight.
it's not gonna be easy. it's gonna be really hard.
i'm not bitter anymore because i know that what we had was real.
what's that supposed to mean?
let's do it again.
just wait a minute. we're not really breaking up are we?
we can just finish out the summer and see what happens then.
will you do something for me, please?
it's not gonna be easy. it's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but i want to do that because i want you. i want all of you, forever, everyday. you and me... everyday.
it wasn't over for me.
you know that i want to give you all the things that you want, right?
science only goes so far and then comes god.
i was just going for a walk. i couldn't sleep.
what happens if a car comes?
money. he's got a lot of money.
i wanna go out with you.
i lost you once, i think i can do it again.
there are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten.
you smug bastard. i hate you for saying that.
do you think our love can take us away together?
i waited for you for seven years.
don't you take the easy way out.
you're bored. you're bored and you know it.
stay with you? what for?
what easy way? there is no easy way. no matter what i do, somebody gets hurt.
you have like a two second rebound rate, then you're back doing the next pain-in-the-ass thing.
i think our love can do anything we want it to.
you wouldn't be here if there wasn't something missing.
if in some distant place in the future we see each other in our new lives, i'll smile at you with joy, and remember how we spent a summer beneath the trees, learning from each other and growing in love.
i have to go now.
well, you can't have everything.
if you're a bird, i'm a bird.
would you like some breakfast?
i wrote you 365 letters. i wrote you every day for a year.
in one respect i have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who's ever lived: i've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough.
it wasn't over. it still isn't over.
would you stop thinking about what everyone wants?
would you just stay with me?
i couldn't sleep last night because i know that it's over between us.
the best love is the kind that awakens the soul, and makes us reach for more.
you tell me when i am being an arrogant son of a bitch and i tell you when you are a pain in the ass. which you are... 99% of the time.
i love you. i'll be seeing you.
that's my sweetheart in there.
why didn't you write to me?
you arrogant son of a bitch.
it's normal not to forget your first love.
i already know i should be with you.
i'm not afraid to hurt your feelings.
what do you want?
it's not that simple.
goddamn it, what do you want?
the doctor needs to see you.
don't you go away. i'll be right back.
i don't know any tunes.
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get ready, it’s a long one. and it’s probably not what any of you want to hear. sorry for any mistakes, i’m too lazy and upset right now to fix them.
truthfully ? i’m not sure what’s going on. i did what i said i would, talk to him whenever possible. but today was just different. H was all up on this other girl in my class and i just couldn’t take it. i wanted to command all his attention onto me but i just couldn’t, he wouldn’t let me sway him.
i hate him in times like this, because he knows how to resist. he knows how to say no, when things get to be too much. he knows how to react and that’s something i can never be comparable to. he’s so much better than me at everything and i know it just comes with being his age and me being my age but it’s driving me absolutely crazy. the age difference really never bothers me, it’s something that i enjoy like i’ve wrote on here before, but its this. i cannot catch up to him no matter how desperately i try to. he knows so much that i don’t, he knows about the things that really matter.
on days like this it’s hard to remain hopeful. he said something today that absolutely obliterated my fantasy. it made me remember he’s never going to actually love me and something about that was particularly devastating today. (it hurts every day of course, the constant feeling that i am wasting precious time with him, that our relationship exists mostly in my head, that i am just one out of the 100+ students he sees everyday.) and foolishly, i cried. i cried in class. in front of him. and i couldn’t stop. i would try to take a deep breath and work myself down but i couldn’t. each time i’d inhale and hold it in my chest, the silence there would sneak up on me and the tears would rip down my face again. and to make it all worse, he saw. he saw me sitting there, losing control over all the things i had been working so hard to keep a hold on, and he watched me. he saw the wetness glisten on my face with the sunlight coming through the window in front of me, and continued his conversation with that girl. i’m not exactly sure looking back now what would’ve been worse, him asking me why i was so distraught (because i would’ve had to lie and have the truth splayed all over my face) or him to just ignore me.
i’m really at a loss now about it though, and i know i’ve said that a million times before. but this might be the biggest loss i’ve taken so far. and for that girl, it all seems so effortless. everything i do around him is done with the utmost intent. i cannot breathe without thinking of how i might be appearing towards him. i know a couple of people who have crushes on their teachers now, but their crushes in comparison to mine are extremely different. theirs still feel fun and innocent, meanwhile mine feels like a black mold consuming every inch of my soul. there’s something evil growing in my rib cage and spreading everywhere. its hard to explain, but i feel like maybe i’m a bad person. i know somewhere deep down, this girl isn’t in love with H like i am, i know she thinks nothing of their interactions besides maybe a mild likeness. and that’s not me at all.
when you look at just the facts of H and i’s relationship, it sounds horrible. a 51 year old man and a 16 year old girl. a teacher and his student. a girl lusting over a married man. and i know that to everyone else outside of this perfect circle i’ve created for myself sees me as a victim. but i don’t feel that way about myself at all, in fact i feel much more closely aligned with the perpetrator. the villain. the predator. the possibility of H not returning my feelings towards him even a little bit is so grand that really i would be the one in the wrong. i mean i’m fucking losing my goddamn mind over here and all he’s doing is being nice to a misguided young girl.
and yet, despite my overwhelming self awareness, i’m delusional enough to hold onto that tiny piece of hope that maybe just maybe there’s more than he’s letting on. i suppose that’s all i have to do now. keep hoping. either that or i give up entirely. but i’m naive (if not selfish) enough to cling to that sliver of a chance. so here i am.
when i got home and looked in the mirror, i had distinct streaks of tears on my cheeks, it felt like a big damning slap.
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no-psi-nan · 1 year
In my post-canon fic series, Akechi becomes friends with Kusuke in adulthood, often visiting his lab to hang out and play games and chat. (This happens well past what I've posted so far though lol)
Akechi is openly non-binary, and makes a bet with Kusuke over a game, like they usually do, for custom hormone replacement treatment as a prize. Akechi wins and Kusuke studies pharmaceuticals and stuff to make him a course of hormones that will give him more feminine features while still keeping a lot of his masculine features.
Anyways I ended up writing this character introspective moment between Akechi and Kusuke that I thought was neat:
Akechi's quarterly physical is a boring regular affair on the couch at Kusuke's lab. It's just a simple checkup to see how well Kusuke's custom blend of sex hormones was working to give Akechi the perfectly ambiguously gendered figure of his dreams.
But for Akechi, undressing - even just to the waist - is always a grand production.
Off comes his suit jacket, and he takes the time to hang it up neatly to avoid wrinkles.
Then he unhooks his suspenders from the back, pulling the straps forward to tie in a neat little bow to keep them out of the way without having to remove them entirely.
The way he unbuttons his dress shirt is always so prim and practiced too, each twist of his wrists at once mechanical and dramatic.
Akechi's bright gaze meets Kusuke's then.
"It used to be that I only considered mirrors to be utilitarian things," he says, "useful for ensuring that my clothes were tidy and my hair neat, or occasionally for a closer perspective on some blemish or bruise. But lately, whenever I catch sight of myself in the mirror, I smile, and it's this unintentional, unbidden outburst of joy – a wild thing that I would never have considered possible at such a mundane occurrence. Had I felt 'wrong' in my old body? Certainly not– I was reasonably satisfied with it at the time. But these latest developments have, in a sense, elevated my everyday experience, increased the background baseline of my mood. And for that, I am truly thankful, Kusuke. We both know that our gambling antes are farcical, more of an excuse to share in an experience than a true wager. And yet you've granted me such an enormous boon, at no little cost of your own. I have some idea of how much time you spent studying human biology and pharmaceuticals in order to prepare this treatment regimen for me. Time you could have perhaps better spent developing your own inventions and theorems. Yet you have been nothing but professional and attentive with me throughout these years. I would like to thank you wholeheartedly for everything."
And of course, Kusuke would have complicated feelings about his closest and practically only friend, so...
Kusuke looks away from Akechi to the other side of his couch, uselessly hiding his expression from someone who knows his emotions better than himself.
"No problem," he says. "It's fun."
"You want more," Akechi states simply, no judgment in his tone.
Kusuke frowns.
It's true.
As much as he enjoys Akechi's company, and the time they spend fiddling with Kusuke's machines and playing crazy little games for mostly meaningless antes, there's something missing.
Kusuke doesn't know what it is, but he feels it in his chest when Akechi bounces into his lab like he's in his own home. He feels it when Akechi whips up a bizarre new treat as if his lab was a kitchen and offers Kusuke a bite right out of his fingers. He feels it when Akechi stays the night, snoring away on the couch while Kusuke silently writes journal papers and grant proposals.
Akechi's gaze is kind enough to hurt.
Anyways from here I wrote a fic where they settle into a friends-with-benefits kind of relationship but because Kusuke is still a big weirdo no matter how much he's calmed down, the resulting fic is extremely unhinged.
(The full fic is rated E and easy to find, but mind the tags, it's truly the wildest thing I've posted so far lol)
But I figured some people might enjoy reading the premise so here it is <3 This lore was actually explained previously in an Aikechi mini-comic but I think most people missed the punchlines so hopefully this is a clearer version of Nopsi's Trans Enby Akechi Lore!
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