#fictober day 31
Fictober Day 31
Prompt 31: "It's not your fault."
Fandom: Honkai Star Rail
Rating: G
Warnings:  Mild spoilers for Jingliu’s character quest
Stelle was concerned. First that mysterious letter for Dan Heng had arrived and then he had vanished. Himeko had told her he had returned to the Luofu that required his attention so the woman had let it go. She knew that if Dan Heng needed any help from the Express crew, he would have asked for it.
Still, it didn't rid her of her concern. Anything involving those from his past was rarely happy and anybody he might be going to see casually, such as Bailu or Jing Yuan, wouldn't require a secret letter and a vague explanation about leaving. Not that she could do anything about it unless he called for help. The Luofu was a massive ship. He could have been anywhere.
Stelle opened the door to the Archives, stepping into the now dimly lit room. A flip of a switch brought the lights up and she made her way over to the data bank. It was late by now but she found herself too keyed up to sleep. Perhaps reading would help quiet her thoughts enough to rest.
Was this what fear felt like? She didn't think so. Her friends and books had described the feeling of a knotted stomach, racing heart and an inability to think of anything. All she felt was worry over Dan Heng's wellbeing, hoping he was safe. Jing Yuan had revoked his exile but there were enough people who remembered his last incarnation. With a sigh she pulled up a number of entries on legends of the Xianzhou. Her friend might not have had much personal experience with the culture of his homeland but anything written down he had incorporated. She liked to think that her tendency to scavenge for anything that looked interesting contributed to his "dragon hoard"
Settling into the one chair in the room, she sat back to read. She must have dozed off given that she seemed to have lost some time since she had last seen the clock. It was very late, the lights once again dimmed from the lack of activity. Glancing about it was obvious that Dan Heng had yet to come home. What had woken her then if not the entrance of the room's resident?
Her phone pinged. Oh. That's it. Picking it up she squinted at the message and blinked in surprise. She knew that icon. Jing Yuan. Why was he texting her at this hour?
I'm sorry about my mentor's rude entry.
Mentor? Wait, hadn't she read something about this? Still staring at the messages Stelle struggled to coax the memory out of her mind. A name fluttered into view; the High Cloud Quintet, the Luofu's best warriors that had decimated any abomination of the Abundance. She knew that Jing Yuan was the last member that had managed to keep himself intact. Dan Feng had been another with Blade's former self alongside him. Another name fluttered in her mind's eye. Jingliu. The Trailblazer's eyes widened in realization. Jingliu, the previous Sword champion of the Xianzhou, erased from the records for her crime and Jing Yuan's mentor. But wasn't the woman dead? How, no, why had she come aboard long enough to drop off a letter for one of her former friends? Probably nothing good.
The hiss of a door brought her out of her thoughts and she looked over. Dan Heng stood there, looking absolutely exhausted. He so rarely showed what he was feeling that this heavy weariness was startling in its obviousness. Stelle immediately stood up causing the Vidyadhara to flinch back in surprise. He must have been beat if he hadn't noticed her immediately upon entering.
"Dan Heng..." She called out softly, walking over to him. A hand reached out to take his hand and for once he didn't protest. Carefully she drew him into the darkened room, the door sliding shut. "Are you okay?"
"I..." He hesitated, looking down to see that his fingers had closed around hers. The tight grip had to hurt but none of that showed on Stelle's face or even the smallest flinch. He forced his hold on her to loosen. "I don't know."
Stelle led him over to where his bed lay, books still set in haphazard piles around it. Sitting down on the futon she encouraged him to follow her. It didn't take much encouragement given how weak his legs felt. He was home, safe in his usual sanctuary, and yet nothing could protect him from his thoughts.
"What happened?" She kept her hand in his, shifting close enough so he could feel her body heat even if their only contact was their joined hands.
His answer was slow in coming, halting as he tried to arrange his thoughts enough to convey the events. It was harder than he could ever have believed. "Jingliu returned. She...insisted on visiting places on the Luofu that she remembered."
"I thought she was..." Stelle trailed off
"She fled the Xianzhou but chose to return to turn herself in and atone for her crimes."
The woman with him considered that. In any other circumstance he might have silently labeled her as cute. As subtle as her expressions were he had learned to read them. When in quiet moments she always took the time to think about what anyone said to her, absorbing it into the emptiness that was her memory up until she joined the Express crew mere months before. When she did finally speak it showed that she had pieced some of the puzzle together. "She called you to say that you still need to atone."
"Yes." He had a clearer idea now of what Dan Feng had done, even if the memories were hazy at best.
"Why? You're not Dan Feng."
He shook his head and then shook it again. "It doesn't matter. It's still my burden to carry. I have to do..."
Stelle reached up and put her hand over his mouth, stopping him from talking. He recognized that stubborn look, the glint in those gold eyes as firm as any rock. Despite that firmness, her voice was soft as she lowered her hand. "It's not your fault, Dan Heng. You are not Dan Feng. You paid enough of a price for what he did. No matter what anybody else says, you don't have to atone for any past sin."
"..." He opened his mouth but when she raised hand again, he promptly closed it again before she could force silence from him.
"You can help fix what happened but that isn't the same as making up for doing something wrong."
A hint of a smile played about Dan Heng's lips despite the situation. "When did you get to be so wise about this?"
She smiled gently in return. "I know I have a lot to learn still but I know this much." She stepped forward to angle his head down just enough so she could kiss his forehead. "No matter what Jingliu, Blade, or whoever else says, Dan Feng's crimes aren't yours. Make things better, help those that he hurt, but don't let it turn into an obsession, okay?"
He sighed again, his eyes closing before he reached out and wrapped his arms around her to pull her into a hug. "I'll try, Stelle. Thank you."
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scully-loves-ruthie · 2 years
Fictober Day 31
Prompt: I'm not alone and neither are you
Fandom: The X-Files
          Mulder looked over at her as he shifted into park.  The gravel driveway was a welcomed sight after dinner with Maggie.  He spent all night looking to qualify what he was feeling. Just now, this moment in front of their house watching Scully a little wine drunk doze in the passenger seat, parked in front of their house he knew what it was.   He was finally happy.  Just happy.  He didn’t have any new obsessions or conspiracies to fuck it up.  They made it all the way out.  Together.  It was their life now.  Theirs.  I’m not alone and neither are you he thought as Scully swayed against him on the way up the porch stairs.  They were finally home.
@fictober-event @xffictober2022 @today-in-fic
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randomfoggytiger · 11 months
"Sooner or Later a Man's Gotta Face His Demons"
(Fictober, Day 31)
An end to my first Fictober-- what a fun time it's been~.
They were on a stakeout, an aspect of the in-betweens, of the wait-and-chase, hunt-and-catch, nine-to-five that came with the job. More mainstream work-- the everyday kind excluding conspiracies and monster men, generally-- that required hiding in plain sight. It was an opposite set of skills to their usual modus operandi, a good exercise to knock the rust from their joints and reacquaint themselves with procedure. Less satisfying, but no less rewarding. 
The idling car was wrapped in fog, the yellow glare of the headlights splicing through the breathy autumn air. Warmth languidly settled on its passengers, coating them in a bone-deep relaxation that was battled every hour or two by fiddling with the temperature. No place to go but here, no other person in the world except the one on either side of the seat. 
Scully half-expected her breath to mark the air when she broke the silence. “Mulder, how come we’ve never investigated a case on Samhain?” 
“What do you mean?” The unspoken commandment now broken, he greedily cracked open a sunflower seed. The sacred dark was next to be disturbed: the driver side door popped open unceremoniously-- the window still fixedly stuck-- and a shell was spit across the frosty road. Maybe, hopefully, it would snow soon.  
“Samhain? Gaelic pagan tradition? Predecessor to All Saints Day which precedes All Souls Day? Men and women and children parading in masks, going door to door to ward off demons? The door to the spirit realm being opened once a year? Any of this--” she paused, accepted the shelled compact of salt Mulder handed her, “--ringing a bell?” 
“You got any fairies you want to catch up with, Scully?”
“Samhain, Mulder.”
He shrugged. “We just… never got around to it.” 
“There is a partnership here, Scully-- yin and yang, push and pull, give and take.”
She weighed his words, rolling the seed around in her palm. “So, we never investigated Samhain because I never brought it up.”
“And because you, the resident Irish Catholic,” Mulder reminded, pointing a finger in her direction, “never brought it up, I thought it was unimportant. Therefore, no Samhain.”
“I think you’re afraid.” Scully was surprised-- and pleased-- that she had so swiftly and so thoroughly appalled her partner.
“Afraid? We’ve already seen ghosts, Scully-- a few more spooks or spirits isn’t going to bother me. Besides, you seem to attract them in abundance, little Gaelic woman.” 
“And the ritualistic, celebratory bonfires have… no sway in your decision?”
The silence was back for a temporary pit stop, crackling with suppressed sheepishness and bubbling mirth as Mulder smirked, caught, and Scully grinned, amused. He reached forward to fiddle with the heater, and she sat back to avoid the expected colder blast of air. 
“Scully, did I ever tell you about the time we almost investigated a fire-breathing goblin in Minnesota?” 
“No kidding.” 
She shifted closer, letting her eyes drift to his recently razed hair. Remembered the patches over his surgical scars, remembered his determined eyes when he asked her to cut it shorter. Reclamation, they’d both thought; vanity they’d both bantered. Mulder the phoenix, brain on fire and rising from the ashes. Waited for him to dole out another of the hoarded secrets he’d been sharing since his recovery.  
“The locals called it 'the cinder leprechaun’ until an Irishman got into a public brawl over the finer points of Irish mythology. He was running for mayoral election; and you can guess how popular he was at the polls that year.”
“I see. And was he the first to witness this fire-breathing goblin?” 
“Almost; but not quite.” 
Mulder shifted closer as well, placing the sunflower bag in a coaster and scooping up his discarded coat from the back. Scully let him settle it around her, even let him tuck her in before nudging her partner back on track. 
“Mulder, who did see it first?”
“Two witnesses-- same time, different stories. Both sober or thereabouts.” 
She burrowed deeper into her new blanket. “Then what really happened?”
“Well, without being there to know for certain, I'd say it's the same as always, Scully.” Mulder left her in suspense-- not purposefully-- as he mulled over life, Samhain, and the pursuit of leprechauns. “The truth happened somewhere in-between.” 
Scully nodded, playfully tilting her head in his direction. "Where does my Samhain bonfire come into this, Mulder?"
As one unit they chuckled, grabbed another snack, and communed in the language of their own traditions.
Neither were disappointed.
Thank you for reading~
Tagging @today-in-fic and @xffictober2023 and @fictober-event
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elvendara · 2 years
Halloween cute or scary
October 31st 2022
Saeran sighed as he walked into Yoosung’s apartment. He’d decorated for Halloween at the beginning of the month, adding to it almost daily. It would have been fine except that Yoosung’s idea of decorating was adding the cutest things he could find. Adorable cats, cute witches, smiling pumpkins, and bats with big round eyes. Decorations at Saeyoung’s were a lot scarier and spooky, spiders everywhere, ghosts, ghouls, green witches with the biggest warts, and skeletons that might pop out at you when you least expected it. The contrast was sometimes jarring going from one to the other.
“You’re here!” Yoosung hugged his boyfriend and pulled him in, giving him a short peck on the lips, then he was off to the small kitchenette where there seemed a lot of activity was happening.
“Yeah…uh…how many people are coming over tonight?” Saeran asked. He ran a hand through his reddish hair nervously. He’d thought they would be spending the night alone just watching Halloween movies. Cute ones of course.
“Just you and me. I know, I went overboard. But you can take some back to Saeyoung and MC.” Yoosung laughed, his amethyst eyes full of anticipation. “Can you put this tray on the coffee table?" he asked and pushed a tray full of finger foods like pigs in a blanket, pinwheels, zombie and witch fingers, and a couple of dips. Yoosung picked up another tray full of fruit and a coconut fruit dip.
They set them down and Saeran noted that there was already another full tray of triangle sandwiches, cheese, egg salad, and tuna. There was also a bucket on the floor that had soft drinks and some beers. He knew the beers were for him, Yoosung tried not to drink alcohol since he was such a lightweight.
“Ok, I think I’ve got everything.” The blond set down another tray with Halloween cookies and pastries shaped like pumpkins. “Oh, let me turn the lights down. You can start the movie it’s already queued up. And just to let you know. We’ll probably get some trick-or-treaters. That’s why I got some candy.”
Saeran hadn’t even noticed the cauldron next to the door full of candy.
“Trick-or-Treaters? You sure? In this building?” Saeran raised an eyebrow, mint green eyes unbelieving.
“There are a few kids that live here. And sometimes kids from other places come by too.” Yoosung shrugged as he took a seat.
“What’s wrong?” Yoosung asked.
“It’s just…I thought it would just be the two of us, you know, kind of romantic and all.” Saeran said with a frown.
“Don’t worry, we have all night to be together. After a couple of hours, I’m all yours.” He said and gave him a long and soft kiss. Saeran sighed and relaxed. “This will be a great Halloween for us. And maybe next year I can talk you into dressing up with me.” He grinned.
“Maybe, Saeyoung’s already talking about having a Halloween party next year. Another holiday we were never able to celebrate that he wants to change.” The thought actually excited him. There was so much that they had missed growing up, and even into their teenage and young adult years. He knew he was still too raw to make that kind of commitment though and a nice quiet evening with his new boyfriend was much preferable.
Yoosung was already snuggled under his arm and the warmth that came from him was soothing.
“Sounds fun. We have a whole year to think about a couple’s costume.” He said.
Saeran grinned and settled into the sofa, the hand on his thigh sending a thrill through him. Maybe tonight they’d be able to have a nice long make out session. He knew Yoosung wasn’t ready for more, but that was OK. Slow was definitely better for him as well.
No sooner had the thought popped into his mind than the doorbell rang and Yoosung sprang off the sofa. With a sigh Saeran let him go. But as the younger man had said, they had all night and in fact, they had the rest of their lives.
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ghostofskywalker · 11 months
Loki Laufeyson/Fem!Reader
Fictober Day 31 of 31
Words: 1,220
Summary: Loki moved into the Avengers Compound, but the first time you saw him was at Tony's fancy Halloween party. Your brain stops working for a little bit because he's so pretty.
Note: today is the last day of fictober, happy halloween everyone! this was originally going to be based on the taylor swift song of the same name (one of my favorite songs from her!), but i think the story took control and we lost some of that along the way.
Loki Laufeyson Masterlist
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It should be illegal for someone to look that good was the first thing that ran through your head the moment you laid eyes on him from your seat at the bar. You knew who he was, it was hard to ignore the fact that Avengers Compound was now home to not one but two Norse gods, and that one of them had tried to take over New York a few years ago. You hadn’t been part of the team at that point, but you certainly weren’t in the dark about what he had done. However, that apparently didn’t mean you couldn’t appreciate how good he looked in a suit, and a lot of embarrassing thoughts were suddenly flooding your brain.
It certainly didn’t help that this was the first time you’d seen him out of his room since he had arrived. He wasn’t bound to a single room (though you were pretty sure he wasn’t allowed to leave the grounds of the compound), but he simply chose to stay away from everyone else.
A voice interrupted your thoughts. “Staring at someone?”
You blinked, slightly embarrassed that Natasha had caught you, but you could tell from the tone of her voice that it was all playful. “Maybe,” you admitted softly. “But in my defense, it’s not like I’ve ever seen him around the compound.”
She laughed. “You do have a point there. I think the only reason he’s here tonight is because Thor is making him.”
You looked back over at the god, catching the expression on his face. “Oh definitely. He’s absolutely miserable right now.”
“He’s just lucky that it’s not a costume party,” Natasha said. “He’d be frowning even more.”
You laughed, an image flashing through your head of Loki wearing a gaudy-looking Halloween costume, with Thor and Sam laughing by his side. “That’s very true,” you said. Although Tony took any excuse he could to throw a party, he hadn’t imposed a costume rule on you all this time, and for that you were grateful, because at least you wouldn’t have to meet an extraordinarily attractive god while wearing a silly outfit.
“Why don’t we go over and say hello?” Natasha said, grabbing from drink from the bar and heading over to the direction where Loki was sulking in the corner. You followed her, the whole time incredibly aware of the fact that you needed to figure out something to say to him, and your brain had apparently taken a vacation.
“What do you want?” Despite Loki’s words being standoffish, his tone was more tired, as if he wished he was anywhere else but here at this point.
“I just wondered whether or not you had met Y/N yet,” Natasha said, gesturing in your direction.
“Hi,” you said, really not sure what else to say. It certainly didn’t help that your brain had apparently not returned from its impromptu trip away. “It’s nice to meet you.”
A normal person might have waited for a response, but your fight or flight response kicked in at this very moment, and it chose the latter of the two options. If you weren’t embarrassed already, you certainly were now, because you just walked away. You could hear yourself mutter something about getting a drink, but you weren’t sure if anyone else had even heard it. And besides, the clearly full glass in your hands gave your lie away completely.
After at least heading back to the bar and lingering there for a few moments, you started to walk back around the party, saying hello to those you recognized. You knew a lot of the guests, so it was easy to flit from conversation to conversation, all the while thinking about how ridiculous Loki must find you. Maybe if saw each other on another day in the compound you could apologize for running off like an idiot and try to explain that you thought he looked nice and for some reason decided to act like you’re twelve about it.
As the hours passed and the party’s energy remained loud and joyful, you found yourself settled on a balcony. The compound boasted a different view than the one you were used to in the tower, and you found yourself missing the lights and sounds of the city, especially because it was almost completely pitch black (other than the lights from around the building itself).
The sound of the door opening behind you caught your attention, and you watched as Loki took one step onto the balcony, stopping as he noticed you. “I apologize,” he said, starting to pull back into the crowded ballroom.
“Wait!” you said quickly, hoping that he would at least be willing to hear you out for a few moments. You never wanted him to feel unwelcome, you just had terrible conversation skills around people you think are attractive, and in that moment your brain had fully sabotaged you.
By some miracle he stayed, and the door closed behind him as he stepped fully outside with you. It had gotten to the point in the year that the night air was bitingly chilly, but you didn’t mind the way it nipped at your face if it meant getting away from the chaos of the party for a few moments.
“I want to apologize for my awkwardness earlier,” you said, before he could question why you had called him out here. “I don’t want you to think that I’m afraid of you.”
“Then may I ask why you ran away before I could even say hello?” His voice didn’t sound like it held any malice, but there was still an emotion in there you couldn’t quite read.
“Sometimes it’s hard for me to talk to new people,” you said softly. “Especially ones that are dressed as nicely as you.”
It wasn’t an all-out confession, but it still seemed that he understood what you were implying. “I understand,” he said. “I also get nervous in this realm now.”
“I can help you if you need any kind of Earth Guidance in the future,” you said, immediately worrying that you sounded eager or overly-annoying to him before tempering the statement with an “if you want.”
He smiled, and you couldn’t help the way your heart fluttered at the sight. “I will keep that in mind,” you said.
The sound of your phone’s ringtone going off popped the moment’s delicate bubble, and you looked down to see a text from Natasha asking for your help with something. Loki understood this time why you were leaving, and he said that you that he was going to stay on the balcony for a few more minutes.
As you took a step closer to the door, you heard him say your name. “I think you’re dressed nicely too,” he said before turning back to look out into the darkness outward, and two things happened the moment you stepped back into the party and closed the door to the balcony behind you.
One was that you had to physically push down a giant grin from spreading across your face.
And the other was that your brain took (yet another) impromptu vacation from its duties. If you were going to spend more time with him in the future, you would really have to get a handle on that. 
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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allzelemonz · 11 months
Boys’ Night: The Van der Linde Boys X Male Reader
Dutch Van der Linde, Arthur Morgan, Charles Smith, Bill Williamson, Micah Bell, Sean MacGuire, Kieran Duffy, Javier Esquella
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Fictober Prompt: Day 31, Orgy Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Orgy, threesomes, kissing, anal fingering, anal sex, oral sex, blow jobs, rough sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism, Sean’s drunken mind, marking, viagra-esc tonics, almost everyone is passed around to everyone else, Reader takes both top and bottom roles Summary: Sean has an idea that leads most of the boys in the gang to a damn fun time.
Sean, in his mildly drunken wisdom, decided that a boys’ night needs more than just poker, five finger filet, and songs. With most of the older folks and women out of camp for a special con, Sean knows his only hindrance might be Dutch. So he enlists the best sycophant he’s ever met.
“Can’t tell me it won’t be fun.” Sean grins. “All a’ us-“
“I ain’t gonna be a part a’ some invert orgy.” Micah mutters.
Sean leans closer. “Oh, really? Even if a certain cowpoke’s involved?”
Micah glares up at Sean from his seat by the scout fire, then follows the Irishman’s eyes to the filet table. There you stand, arms crossed as you watch Morgan and Marston play. And Micah might be able to turn it down, let his senses say no again, but then Dutch leans a little closer and whispers something in your ear. Micah’s head swims with lewd images of the two men he finds himself pining for in his alone time despite his best efforts.
“Fine.” He snaps, holstering his gun and glaring at Sean. “But ain’t no one ta know ‘bout this, understand that?”
Sean grins with a little chuckle. “Ya mean ‘side from the boys fuckin’ ya?”
Micah’s fists clench at his sides, but he stops himself from punching Sean. He’s in too deep at this point, half hard in his pants and more frustrated than he’s ever been. “Shut yer damn mouth, cowboy, ‘for I decide ta leave ya with blue balls.”
Sean puts his hands up, giggling to himself. “Got it, big man.”
Micah stomps off and Sean watches him carefully. The blond makes his way over to Dutch, coaxing him away from the table and back to the fire. This might be easier than he thought.
Dutch is skeptical at first, concerned about how the gang might take such a proposition. But with Micah’s easy words, Sean watches the gang leader become so much more comfortable with the idea of the gang doing this for bonding and morale.
And the word spreads fast.
Folks are a little nervous at first, shuffling and unsure. Plenty of pining goes around camp on the average day, but being given the green light is a little daunting. So, Dutch being Dutch, he makes the first move. Shedding the hat from the blond’s head, Dutch pulls Micah into a kiss by the collar of his shirt. Most of the gang watches as he walks Micah back into the filet table and lets his hands wander. Sean gets the next burst of confidence, practically lunging to kiss Lenny. John bursts out laughing when they fall onto the ground together, but he’s silenced quickly by Javier. Then Bill sheepishly cups Kieran’s face before the former O’Driscoll puts his arms over Bill’s shoulders and kisses him as if he’s been waiting to for years. It’s only yourself, Charles, and Arthur left standing in the midst of the mess, looking around at the others of the gang in various states of intimacy and undress.
Arthur clears his throat, the red of his face only getting worse as he glances around. “Well… suppose…”
You look over at him, those pretty eyes staring back at you. “You…uh, you wanna…?”
There’s a weight on your shoulder and you turn to see Charles, his other hand held out towards Arthur. The workhorse dips his head, his hat hiding his face as he steps forward and takes Charles’s hand.
“We could go somewhere a little private.” Charles suggests, nodding towards Arthur’s tent.
The thought is comforting, making your pounding heart calm a bit. Most others have simply started at their partners where they happened to fall. Only Bill and Kieran have moved behind the chuck wagon. Sean nearly has Lenny out of his pants on the ground, Javier is shamelessly grinding into John against the tree, Dutch has Micah surprisingly whimpering at the attention he gets, Charles simply leads you and a bashful Arthur away from the others.
Arthur sits on his cot, rubbing a hand down his face as he takes a breath. You don’t blame him given the circumstances.
“We don’t have to.” Charles says, sitting next to him with a kind hand on his shoulder. “Just because Dutch said it would be a good idea, doesn’t make it true.”
Arthur shakes his head. “No… I been…” He sighs. “Been wantin’ somethin; fer a while.” His hand reaches up to hold Charles’s on his shoulder, his eyes finding yours as they scrunch from a smile. “Guess I got a dirty mind.”
You chuckle lightly at the joke, happily taking Charles’s hand again as he pulls you into his lap. Charles kisses you softly, one of his hands on your waist. You gasp, pulling back slightly, when he starts to rut against you with a half-hard dick. Arthur has moved behind Charles, kissing at his neck while his hands lift up his shirt. Charles’s chest is broad and built, firm to the touch when you rest your hands on him. You watch Arthur’s hand move, twisting into your shirt to pull you forward. You’re pressed flush against Charles as Arthur kisses you over the other man’s shoulder. It’s Charles’s turn to give neck kisses now, his hands firmly holding your hips so you grind down into him.
“I want ya.” Arthur mutters against your lips. “Ya wanna fuck me, partner?”
You nod, kissing him again.
“What do you want from me?” Charles asks, his hand tilting Arthurs head so they can look at each other over his shoulder.
Arthur’s breath hitches as he looks at the man. “I… I wanna suck ya off, Charles.”
Charles smiles and that in itself is a slight. “Of course you do.”
The three of you move, hands guiding and wandering as clothes are shed. In the distance, Sean can be heard begging and groaning, there’s some curse shouted in Spanish, and the camp echos with skin slapping skin and the slurping, popping, and smacking of spit. It’s all overwhelming and you try to focus on what’s in front of you.
Arthur’s on his back, Charles nearly sitting on his chest as his dick is sucked. You���ve already spread Arthur’s legs, the tube of gun oil feeling heavy in your hand. You open it quickly, spilling half of it before getting your fingers covered and entering Arthur. In front of you, Charles throws his head back with a deep groan as his hips begin to stutter and fuck into Arthur’s mouth. You can’t help your free hand pumping yourself as you watch, your other scissoring Arthur open. It’s premature, you know it is, but you can’t take it anymore. You should stretch him more, but your dick aches in your hand and you retract your hands to grip Arthur’s hips instead.
You press into him and hear a muffled moan as Charles shivers from the vibrations it brings. Both of you still, giving Arthur time. You watch his hand grip at Charles’s hip, pulling him forward. Charles sits up, propping himself on the box behind Arthur’s cot so he can get the proper angle to fuck down into Arthur’s mouth. You start your pace, rough and fast like Charles. Arthur’s legs shake as he wraps them around your waist, his hand squeezing at Charles’s ass. You wish you could see their faces, but you can imagine. Charles’s is likely twisted in pleasure and concentration, Arthur’s might be slobbery and tear stained.
It’s Arthur that comes first, his dick untouched as it releases a flood of cum onto his stomach, a few spurts hitting Charles’s ass. Arthur’s body goes still as he whines, being used as a set of holes by now. Charles is next and you watch the bounce of his ass lose its nice rhythm as he shoots his release down Arthur’s throat. Charles seems to bury himself deep and Arthur grips his hips as he swallows what he’s given. You double your efforts, wanting to fill Arthur from both ends. You gaze falls downwards to watch yourself fuck into Arthur’s tight hole. Charles catches you off guard, tilting your head up for a kiss as he straddles Arthur’s stomach. His hand reaches down, passing your furious thrusting to fondle at your balls as they bounce off of Arthur. The heat builds fast and you release just as Charles bites at your lip.
When you let go of Arthur’s hips, he falls back down to his cot completely. Charles continues to kiss you as you pull out, smiling into it. You can hear Arthur’s labored breaths beneath you and you’re so in your own head that you don’t register the footsteps.
“Mind if I try somethin’, fellas?”
You turn from Charles to see Micah leaning against Arthur’s shaving stand. He only has his red shirt on, half buttoned, and a smirk rests on his face. Charles’s hand has yet to leave your balls and you feel him squeezing slightly as his other turns your head back to him for another kiss, silently telling you to ignore Micah.
“Aw, come on, Smith.” Micah drawls. “Lemme have a turn.”
Charles pulls back, his lips wetted and dark from all the kissing. “A turn?”
You hear Micah take a step forward and Charles moves fast. He leaves you and you nearly fall onto Arthur, only just catching yourself before collision. You look over your shoulder to watch Charles push Micah down to bend over Arthur’s weapon’s chest. A new pool of heat starts when Charles sucks on his fingers before shoving them into Micah, eliciting a moan from the older man.
“Shit…” Arthur mutters under you.
You turn to look down at him, chuckling. “Don’t think it’s what he had in mind.”
Arthur smirks. “Yeah, I doubt it.”
His hand finds the back of your neck and pulls you down for a kiss. Micah’s whimpers and curses fill the tent and you feel yourself getting hard again. Arthur grunts against you, pressing up until he brushes his dick to yours.
“‘m gettin’ too old fer this.” He mutters, blushing at his still soft dick.
Behind you, Micah gasps and you look back to watch him bury his face in his arm as Charles enters him roughly. Charles thrusts like a beast, fucking every last pathetic noise he can out of Micah. Kind of serves him right.
“C-Charlie…” Micah gasps, his voice light and breathless. “Ah! Fuck…”
Arthur hisses, his hand wrapping around his dick and trying to get himself going again. You trail your hand down, helping him stroke himself, but to no avail. After a few seconds a bottle lands beside Arthur on the cot, a tonic bottle. You look up as Arthur cranes his neck in the same direction. Standing to the side is Bill, a timid looking Kieran right behind him. Both of them are bare besides a blanket draped over Kieran’s shoulders.
“It helps.” Bill mutters, his eyes trailing over to watch Charles and Micah for a moment. “Works fer whiskey dick at least.”
Arthur looks the other outlaw up and down strangely. “Thanks.”
Bill clears his throat. “Ya wanna trade, Morgan?”
You look down at Arthur who glances between you and Kieran. He catches your nod before looking at Bill. “Sure.”
Kieran steps forward, a sheepish grin on his face. You give Arthur a final kiss before standing. As you pass him, you chance giving Kieran a kiss and he accepts it, melting into you for the few seconds it lasts. When you pull away and turn to Bill, the large man has taken himself in his hand at the sight. Your eyes catch on that motion, swallowing thickly at the size, nearly as big as Charles. You find the sense to step closer to Bill and kiss him. Behind you, Kieran squeaks from something and Arthur mumbles an apology. Bill’s hands find your hips, pulling you against him well enough to smush your dicks together between your stomachs.
Charles practically growls behind you and you hear Micah gasp again. “How’s that for a darkie, Micah?”
There’s a thud and you imagine Charles let Micah go or maybe even threw him on the ground. A few beats later, Sean calls out to Charles with a drunken shake to his voice. Bill pulls you with him, keeping his lips busy on your neck until he turns you around to bend you over Staruss’s little table. Bill fumbles, finding a tonic on the ground and pouring it over his hand before he pushes his fingers inside. You spread your legs for him, raising your ass a bit now that you’ve lost whatever care for shame you had at the start of all of this.
“Gentlemen.” Dutch greets, settling himself against the tree behind the two of you. “Don’t mind me.”
Bill’s finger’s stall for a moment, likely nervous about fucking someone in front of his boss, but he continues after a few seconds. You try not to think about Dutch watching you, feeling that same set of performance nerves. Bill fumbles more as he moves, spreading your ass cheeks apart with one hand as he guides himself inside. Both of you groan as he enters and pushes himself in fully. Bill leans forward, pressing a kiss to your shoulder before he starts thrusting. You fix your feet steady on the ground when the table under you shakes from the combined weight. Bill’s thrusts are moderate and steady, hitting deep and brushing heavenly every time.
There’s a small groan, sounding like Kieran, that makes you shiver when you think about what Arthur is doing to him. A few more thrusts from Bill makes you grip the table tighter as your legs feel shaky. Then there’s a shout of Spanish with Charles’s name mixed in. Bill’s hands wander up your body a bit, caressing your sides as he keeps up his steady fucking. A low groan reminds you that Dutch is watching and you have half a mind to look back at him, but Bill picks up his speed and you bury your face into your arm instead. Bill’s climax pumps you full, the trickling feeling distinct as his dick already starts to push the excess out with a few final thrusts.
Only a moment after Bill has stepped back there are hands on your hips. Sean pulls you to him, falling to his knees in front of you and taking you in his mouth too fast for you to think. Your hands go to his soft hair and he relents immediately, letting you fuck his mouth without question.
“Arthur!” Kieran cries somewhere in the background.
Behind you, hands grip your hips as kisses are pressed to your neck. The tickle of a mustache tells you it’s likely Javier, but you’re too occupied with fucking Sean’s willing mouth to think further. You release for the second time, letting Sean take everything you have. In the midst of your high, Javier presses inside of you and starts fucking without inhabition. His hands on your waist hold you still, his lips beginning to suck in a mark to your neck. Sean stands, grinning at you before he runs over to Arthur and all but jumps on the older man’s dick. Javier wraps his arms around you, filling your ears with mumbled Spanish that is slurred by ecstasy.
Your eyes move around camp, finding several things to admire. Bill has Micah in his lap, stroking him with one hand and fingering him with another. John and Lenny each have each other in hand as they kiss, Charles watching them from the campfire. Dutch has Kieran on the ground, fucking him roughly as he mutters about O’Driscolls but Kieran moans all the same. Arthur stares from afar, Sean bouncing on his dick as he watches the sight of Javier finally burying himself deep and mixing his cum deep inside of you with Bill’s.
“You’re so warm, cariño.” Javier mutters in your ear before he chuckles. “Who’re you seeing next?”
“Not sure.” You take a few breaths. “Haven’t seen half of them yet.”
Javier pulls himself out, causing the mixed cum to leak out. “John’s a good hole, dirty mouth too.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
You turn in time for Javier to kiss you before he heads over to Arthur, teasing words spilling out as he climbs onto the older man’s lap to replace a spent Sean. When you turn back, Dutch is a few feet away. He beckons, gesturing to the ground and some part of wanting to please your boss makes you sink to your knees without question. Dutch guides his dick to your lips and, once again, you don’t hesitate. You only get a few bobs in before Dutch clutches at your head, beginning to use you without care.
“Shit!” Bill yells, not sounding pleased. “Wagons!”
Dutch pulls you off and you turn your head to peer through the trees. Glimpses of horses, a few colorful dresses… shit indeed. Everyone scrambles, hiding in tents, pulling clothes back on, trying to clean up cum from various surfaces. You all but fall into your tent, rummaging for at least a union suit or some kind of underwear. Pants, you find pants and pull them on.
“Dutch…” Hosea calls. “What’s gone on here?”
From your tent you can see Bill hiding behind a tree, not a thing covering him. Dutch comes out of his tent, somehow fully dressed, and greets Hosea as if he hasn’t fucked half of his men in the last hour. Miss Grimshaw looks around, sniffing with a crease in her brow for a moment. She’s distracted by Tilly asking a question and you take the opportunity to grab the union suit you know to be Bill’s on the ground in front of you before running over to him in the trees.
“Owe ya.” He mutters, pulling on the covering.
You nod, turning to leave, but Bill catches your arm and pulls you closer to kiss your cheek. You give him a smile before circling around the trees, acting like you’d gone out to piss. Passing Lenny and Sean hiding out by the lake with a single fishing pole as an excuse, you sneak as best you can to Arthur’s tent. As if expecting you, a half dressed Arthur with a bulge in his pants, hands you the clothes you’d shed earlier. You dress the rest of the way next to the munitions, eyes checking for onlookers on occasion.
The camp settles, the secret kept. Everything is well and most of the boys have elected not to bring it up, others whisper and snicker about it. It’s dark when Micah sits next to you and you look at him, finding flushed cheeks for only a moment before he kisses you. It’s surprisingly soft despite the chapped and bruised lips. He pulls back, glancing to see if anyone saw before looking back at you with a sparkle in his blue eyes.
“Didn’t get the chance, cowpoke.”
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richonneevents · 6 days
Richonne Fictober 2024 Rules, Guidelines, & Calendar
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Richonne Fictober 2024 is a 31 day challenge for fanfiction writers/creators to write/create and publish a Richonne-centric story or related content everyday for the month of October.
Fics should be between 100 and 5,000 words. Rick and Michonne must be the main pairing. Richonne is an interracial pairing, so be mindful of tropes and language that perpetuates racism and misogynoir. Rick is a canonically disabled character, so be mindful of using tropes and language that is ableist. Fanartists should be mindful of not whitewashing Michonne, Andre, and RJ in their pieces.
Please tag @richonneevents and use the tag: #richonnefictober24
Be sure to tag your prompt and which day you are filling.
In addition to Richonne-centric fanfiction, creators are encouraged to make fanart; playlists; edits; moodboards; rec lists; graphics; podfics; gifsets; photo sets; fanvids etc.
Day 1: Making Caramel / Candy Apples
Day 2: Seasonal Shopping (Clothes, decor, etc.)
Day 3: “The leaves are changing!”
Day 4: “Pumpkin spice...what?!”
Day 5: Autumn Breeze
Day 6: Overcast Morning
Day 7: Bobbing for Apples
Day 8: Pumpkin Patch Visit
Day 9: Rainy Day
Day 10: Scarecrow
Day 11: Haunted Hayride / Haunted House
Day 12: Horror Movie Marathon
Day 13: Jumping in A Leaf Pile
Day 14: Warm Apple Cider / Hot Chocolate etc
Day 15: Corn Maze
Day 16: By The Fire(place)
Day 17: Candles 
Day 18: Flannel
Day 19: Nestled Under Blankets
Day 20: Festival 
Day 21: First Frost
Day 22: Kissing In The Rain
Day 23: Baking Pies
Day 24: Cemetery Stakeout 
Day 25: Black Cat
Day 26: Dead-End
Day 27: Underneath The Sky
Day 28: Full Moon
Day 29: Carving Jack o’ Lanterns
Day 30: Costume Party
Day 31: Trick or Treat
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captainsophiestark · 11 months
A Bad Idea
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Star Wars
Day 31 Prompt: "It's not your fault."
Summary: Obi-Wan and his best friend/fellow Jedi are getting Hondo's help on a mission. Predictably, things don't go according to their plan.
Word Count: 2,045
Category: Fluff, Humor
A/N: That's a wrap for Fictober gang! Thank you so much to @fictober-event for putting this whole thing on and to everyone who's read one of my stories! Honestly can't believe the amount of writing I got done for this event
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"I think this might be the worst idea we've ever had."
"If you don't count ideas that Anakin came up with and we agreed to, then yes, it probably is."
Obi-Wan Kenobi and I stood shoulder to shoulder on the ramp of our ship, waving as the one and only Hondo Ohnaka came towards us. We'd recently gotten information that the Separatists were using a different group of pirates to smuggle things out of reach of the Republic, and together, Obi-Wan and I had decided the best way to infiltrate a pirate base was with the help of another pirate. On paper, it sounded perfectly rational, especially since we had a pirate contact we could go to. In reality, it was probably going to get us killed.
"Kenobi!" called Hondo once he got within earshot of us. "It is wonderful to see you again! And who is your lovely friend? A girlfriend, perhaps?"
Heat and embarrassment rushed through me, and I felt a wave of discomfort coming off of Obi-Wan in the Force too.
"Jedi don't typically date," he quickly explained, waving Hondo off. "And it wouldn't be any of your business anyway."
"I'm a friend of Obi-Wan's," I continued. "We grew up at the Temple together."
Hondo gave me a quick once over, then evaluated Obi-Wan the same way. Then, he smiled and held out his hand to me.
"Well, any friend of Obi-Wan's is a friend of mine! It is very nice to meet you, I'm sure!"
I forced a smile as I took his hand and shook it. I didn't think he'd meant to, but Honda had hit a very sore spot for me. I'd harbored feelings for my best friend for years now, against the Code, and I'd done my best every single day to hide them from him and from anyone else. A hundred Jedi who'd known me since birth couldn't tell, but this Weequay had hit the bullseye within moments of seeing me for the first time.
"Come on," Obi-Wan whispered to me, leaning in close to my ear so Hondo couldn't hear him as the Weequay moved past me into the ship. "The sooner we start this mission, the sooner it's officially over."
"Can't wait," I muttered. "And you said this guy was your friend?"
Obi-Wan shrugged. "More like... acquaintance who tries to kill me sometimes. Although I think he unironically considers me his best friend."
I smiled a little at that, especially as Obi-Wan moved into the ship after Hondo and Hondo immediately flung an arm around his shoulders and pulled him in. Based on the conversation I could hear as I brought in the ramp, Hondo was trying to convince Obi-Wan to sell him some of our Republic tech at a frankly ridiculous price. To no one's surprise (except maybe Hondo's), Obi didn't budge. He was remarkably gentle in his refusal, though.
After a brief challenge where Hondo insisted on piloting the ship and Obi-Wan had to convince him to sit in the passenger seat instead, we were on our way. With Hondo's help, we quickly found the pirate base we were looking for.
"Do you guys just constantly share locations with each other?" I asked as we came in for a landing not too far from the gates. Hondo shrugged.
"We do business with each other from time to time. Helps to know where your business partners are."
"Hm. Makes sense."
Hondo grinned at me. He clapped me on the shoulder and started walking down the ramp, and a moment later Obi-Wan took his place next to me.
"Don't turn your back on him," he warned. I turned, coming face to face with Obi-Wan. We'd known each other for most of our lives; I'd seen him a million times or more. But for this mission, we weren't in the typical Jedi robes, in an effort to go undercover. And seeing him standing next to me in a dashing pirate costume made my heart beat a little faster.
"Don't worry, I wasn't planning on it." Obi-Wan stared off after Hondo, his expression clouded, so I reached out and gently squeezed his shoulder. "We'll be fine, okay? We've survived everything we've gone through so far. What's a couple pirates?"
"The last time I interacted with pirates, Anakin and I ended up handcuffed to Count Dooku."
I laughed as we started strolling down the ramp together to catch up to Hondo.
"Well, if we find ourselves in a similar situation, I promise to make fun of Dooku even more than Anakin did with you."
"That, I would look forward to seeing." He sighed, nudging my shoulder with his just before we caught up to Hondo. "I suppose there's nothing left for us to do but dive straight in."
"Like you said. Sooner we start, sooner we get to go back to Cody and other, saner partners in crime."
"The fact that Anakin is significantly more rational and predictable than Hondo is... concerning."
I chuckled, and Obi-Wan and I shared a smile. Hondo clapped us both on the shoulders once we'd caught up with him at the door to the pirate's fort, and then we headed inside.
The next thing I remember, I was waking up on a concrete floor, my head pounding. I groaned, lifting one hand to my head, and to my surprise something dragged my other hand with it. I opened my eyes.
I was handcuffed. More than that, I was apparently handcuffed to someone else. I turned to my right to see Obi-Wan, already sitting up and looking at me.
"Good morning."
"What happened?"
"We were played." I sighed and flung my head back. All that talk about having each others' backs and not trusting Hondo, and it had been for nothing. "We were jumped as soon as we made it through the gates. Hondo turned us over and went to collect a bounty for us from the other pirates."
"Oh wonderful," I sighed, slumping back against Obi-Wan. My heart sped up a little bit at our close proximity, but unlike every other time we'd been close, this time I couldn't chicken out. It was lean against him, or very clearly, obviously, and uncomfortably lean away from him.
"I should've known we couldn't trust him," Obi-Wan said. "I just thought that this time we were prepared, so Hondo wouldn't be able to get one over on us. I should've known better."
"It's not your fault. Even I'd started to believe Hondo was honestly going to work with us for this mission. The fact that he'd already double-crossed us, before we even got on the ship..."
I trailed off, shaking my head. Obi-Wan sighed, and we spent a few moments leaning against the wall and each other, hands close together and heads resting against each other. I could've stayed like that for a long time, if we hadn't been sitting in a jail cell.
"So..." I finally started, still not moving an inch. "What did you do the last time you were in this situation?"
Obi-Wan sighed heavily. "Bickered with the Count, mostly. And made a few escape attempts. We would've been successful from the beginning had it not been for Dooku."
I huffed a small laugh. "Well, it's a good thing I'm here instead of him then, isn't it?"
"I truthfully can't think of anyone else I'd rather be stuck with."
We shared a smile, a warm feeling quickly dominating my chest. I couldn't quite stop myself from leaning forward ever so slightly, like Obi-Wan had his own gravity pulling me in. In this place, out of sight and temporarily forgotten by everyone else, being close to him didn't feel as scary as it did in the Temple or aboard the Negotiator.
To my immense surprise and delight, Obi-Wan leaned in too, a moment after me. He huffed a small laugh, his blue eyes sparkling.
"This is... probably a bad idea."
I didn't need to ask what he was talking about. I gave him a small smile and shrugged.
"No worse an idea than the one that got us in here in the first place."
"You certainly make a good point."
As one, we smiled and closed the remaining distance to each other, our lips meeting in a kiss I'd thought about a thousand times. It was even better than I'd imagined it would be, especially as I could feel Obi-Wan through the Force. My best friend, the man I'd loved a thousand different ways before I even really knew what the word meant, glowed with a happiness that matched mine.
No one had ever really found evidence that soulmates were real, despite all the mystical forces that did exist in the galaxy. But as I sat on the filthy floor of that cell and kissed my best friend, our energies twining together in the Force, I thought we'd come pretty close.
"Oh, this is very gross. And yet, it's exactly what I'd hoped to find."
Obi-Wan and I broke apart to find Hondo staring at us through the bars of the cell, a grin on his face. We fixed him with matching scowls.
"Come now, what are those looks for? You should be happy, look at the two of you!"
"Happy might be a stretch, since you double-crossed us," I said. Hondo's mouth dropped open and a hand flew to his chest.
"Double-crossed? No no no, I have done no such thing."
"Then why did we wake up handcuffed in a cell?" Obi-Wan demanded. "In my case, again."
"Ah, you see, it was all part of my brilliant plan!"
Obi-Wan and I shared a very, very skeptical look. Undeterred, Hondo pulled a ring of keys out of his pocket, still beaming at us.
"You thought the two of you, two Jedi, could actually sneak in here unnoticed? Ha! It never would have worked. So, I pretended to double-cross you, and while the two of you were in here admitting feelings for each other, I found your documents! After collecting the credits for turning you two over as prisoners, of course."
Obi-Wan and I stared, dumbfounded, as Hondo explained his plan and removed our handcuffs. We stood, helping each other up, both a little stunned that the Weequay had really outplayed everyone here.
"Come on, we must hurry," said Hondo, waving us after him as he headed for the cell door. "It won't take them long to figure out what we've done."
We spared one last shocked glance at each other, then hurried after Hondo through the winding halls of the pirates' lair.
"If you got your money and information, why did you come back for us?" asked Obi-Wan, suspicion dripping from his words. "Why not leave us to be cashed in for a bounty?"
I wanted to smack him for asking that question before we were safely back on our ship, but Hondo just turned to us, looking hurt and outraged that Obi-Wan would even suggest it.
"Kenobi, I am hurt! I would never do such a thing to such a good friend!" He turned, ignoring Obi's raised eyebrow as we at last made it out of the hideout. "Besides, there were no more credits to be gained by leaving you here. The only thing that would've happened was a profit for my competition."
I failed to fight off a smile. Now it all made sense.
Obi-Wan and I trailed just behind Hondo the last bit of distance to our ship, and cautiously, I slipped my hand into his. He gave it a gentle squeeze, turning to fix me with a small smile.
"You know this is going to complicate our lives beyond belief, don't you?"
"Yeah. But I think it's worth it. Our lives are already wildly complicated anyway."
Obi-Wan huffed a small laugh. "I agree."
"With which part?"
"All of it. But especially the part about this being worth it."
He gave my hand one last squeeze, and we shared another tender look before reaching the ramp of the ship and returning to business mode. I let Obi-Wan lead the way, and as I closed the ramp, I could already hear Hondo bargaining with Obi-Wan for credits in exchange for the information he'd retrieved while we'd been in the cell. Despite the exasperation on Obi-Wan's face and in his tone, I could still feel that glowing happiness radiating off of him in the Force, a mirror to my own. We were going to be just fine.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
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baronessblixen · 11 months
For the last time...
Prompt: 1. "It's not too late, let's go."
IVF arc, angsty fluff: They're supposed to go to the Gunmen's Halloween party, but there's something they need to make sure of first. (wc: 1,320)
Tagging @today-in-fic @xffictober2023
Fictober Day 31: Trick or Treat
When she asks Mulder what she can bring to the Gunmen’s annual Halloween party, she doesn’t expect him to say paper towels. But he does. She repeats the word, and he laughs, saying yes, paper towels and he’ll explain later. That is why she’s at the drugstore at 5 p.m., looking for said paper towels. Except she’s in the wrong aisle. In front of her are pictures of smiling women, chubby-cheeked babies, and blue skies.
Pregnancy tests.
At first, she just stares at them. She just took a wrong turn and now she’s confused as to why there are pregnancy tests. Then, she takes one from the shelf. Just to see what it says. This isn’t the first time she’s buying a test. If she’s buying one, anyway. She bought one once, when she was in college where she prayed every night that she wasn’t pregnant. Another one a few weeks ago, and this time praying that she was. In the end, she’d been pregnant neither time. Third time’s the charm, she thinks.
“Paper towels,” she mumbles, reminding herself why she's really here, but she’s unable to leave the aisle. Her period is late. Has been for a few days. She didn’t think much of it – still doesn’t. It’s been late before. With their job, it seems a given. And yet.
She stares at the boxes and she thinks of Mulder. They only just started being intimate. She can still count their sexual encounters on one hand. That’s how new it is. Just thinking of him makes her feel warm all over. Somewhere across town, he’s getting ready for the Halloween party at the Gunmen's, unaware of what she’s going through. ‘We don’t need condoms’, she’d said that first time. Maybe, she thinks, glaring at the boxes, she was wrong.
She decides to buy a test. An emergency pregnancy test, so to speak. She quickly makes her way through the store, picking up the paper towels, and a bag of candy corn, suddenly craving the overly sugary treat. She pays for everything and hides the pregnancy test at the bottom of her bag. It’s in there just in case, after all.
At home, she puts the pregnancy test and its implications out of her mind. But every once in a while, she glances at her bag, where the test remains hidden. She snacks on the candy corn while she gets ready and waits for Mulder.
“Trick or treat.” A voice that’s distinctively Mulder’s follows after a series of knocks. Scully smiles, opening the door to him. He’s surrounded by several small kids, all grinning up at her, some of them with missing teeth. There’s a little Batman, a Spiderman, and a witch. Luckily, she prepared a bowl with candy and she hands each child some of it, and every single one thanks her. Watching them, she tears up, her hormones overwhelming her.
“Have a spooky night,” Mulder says to them and they giggle as they make their way to the next apartment.
“Hey you,” he says, but his smile quickly fades. “Scully? Are you okay?” She nods, turning away from him because she’s convinced she will start crying any second. She hears the door click close and Mulder follows her inside. He’s gentle as he puts his arms around her from behind.
“What is it?” he whispers into her ear. “Did something happen?”
“No,” she replies truthfully. “I think I’m just tired.” She doesn’t want to burden Mulder with possibilities. Or pipe dreams. She isn’t pregnant. She can’t be pregnant. Buying that test was the worst idea she’s had in a long time.
“We can just stay in,” he says. “Hand out candy to the kids, go to bed early.”
“We’re not 80, Mulder,” she says, finding herself chuckling. She hopes they’re still doing this in 10 years, in 20. Maybe even when they’re 80.
“I know we aren’t.” He waggles his eyebrows at her. “I can think of lots of things we can do staying home.” He’s nuzzling her neck, his nose tickling her skin. She playfully pushes him away and he just grins at her with a dreamy look. What if their child smiles that exact same way? Her expression falters. There is no what if. There’s no child.
“Hey, what did I say? I know it’s Halloween, but you’re scaring the shit out of me.” Instead of answering him, she picks up her bag and hands it to him.
“Look inside,” she says quietly. He takes out the paper towels and then gasps. His eyes shoot up and meet hers.
“Is that- did you take it? Are you? Is it? Are you all right, Scully?”
“I didn’t take it. I don’t know why I bought it. I’m late, and I- I just stood there and I got it just in case. It was a dumb idea.”
“Since when do you eat candy corn?” Mulder asks and for a moment she’s perplexed. He points at the small bowl on the table. “You hate that stuff.” Unlike him, who stuffs one of the colorful treats into his mouth.
“I don’t know,” she says. “I felt like eating it.”
“Take the test, Scully,” he says, pressing the box into her hand. “I think… I think maybe today is a good day to test fate.”
“The Gunmen are expecting us.”
“They can wait. This can’t.”
“It’s not too late,” she says, trying to tug at his sleeve. “Let’s go.” He slowly shakes his head at her. It’s now or never.
“I’ll even hold your hand.”
“While I pee?”
“If that’s what you want,” he says solemnly.
“You can hold my hand after.”
And that’s what he does. His hand is sweaty, and she feels the restlessness inside him. If he weren't holding her hand, he'd be pacing. But she needs his strength, and he gives it to her willingly.
“Do you want me to talk?” he asks. “Or be quiet? I can do either.”
“You can talk, Mulder,” she says softly, smiling.
“I don’t know what to say.”
“That’s a first.”
“This is too important,” he says. “I don’t want to jinx it. Which one do you think did it?” She turns to look at him. “I think it was the second time. Not the first. We didn’t know what we were doing. The second time. I think that’s when it took.”
“Mulder, we don’t know what the test is gonna say.”
“When have I ever been wrong? About anything that’s important?” She wants him to be right. She’s never wanted anything as much as this. “Your hand is ice-cold, Scully.”
“I’m nervous.”
“So am I, but I have a good feeling. A very good feeling. How much longer?” A moment later, the alarm dings. Scully’s heart races in her chest. The next second will change everything. The greatest joy or the biggest disappointment.
“I don’t think I can do this,” she says, her voice breaking. “Can you look?”
“You want me to do it? Are you sure?” She nods, tears in her eyes. She watches Mulder reach for the test with trembling hands. Her eyes are on his face, trying to read it. He blinks at the small plastic stick before he turns to her. “Trick or treat, Scully?”
“What?” she asks.
“Trick or treat,” he repeats, trying to keep his face neutral. But there’s something. A glimmer. Her heart is still racing, but she’s going to take a chance.
“Treat,” she says.
He shows the test to her, his hand shaking. “We’re gonna have a child,” he says with a laugh.
“We’re,” she begins, breaking off. She takes the test from him and there it is. Clear as day. She’s pregnant.
“I knew it when I saw the candy corn,” he says, taking her into his arms. “You’re pregnant, Scully. We did it. We got our miracle.”
“We did,” she says, still in awe. “We really did it.”
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slusheeduck · 1 year
Casual Banter Masterpost
aka my Fictober 2023 drabbles! I figure I might as well get them all in one place on Tumblr, since I have them in one AO3 fic. Using the titles and descriptions from AO3.
Featuring my named Tav (Falerin), Tav/Astarion, a lot of Gale, and most importantly INTERACTIONS BETWEEN THE COMPANIONS.
Day 1: Smart - Astarion asks for a magic lesson. Day 2: Prize - Karlach wins a prize at the circus. Day 3: Fireside - One last campfire chat before the Shadowlands. Day 4: Cooking Lesson - Lae'zel learns to cook. Day 5: Mask - Astarion tries on a mask for funsies. It goes badly. Day 6: Sick - Gale and Falerin chat about friendship and illnesses Day 7: Anchor - Astarion regrettably holds Halsin's hand. Day 8: Good Taste - Gale shares a treat, and a good time is had by all. Day 9: A Talk - Just a little chat, in regards to some campsite romance. Day 10: Drizzt Do'Urden - Wyll, Karlach, and Astarion find some common ground. Day 11: Temporary - The campsite romance hits a snag. Day 12: Mirror - Gale makes good on teaching Astarion magic. Day 13: Lost Wizard: If Found, Contact Tara - Tara despairs over the state of her runaway pet wizard. Day 14: Clowning Around - Falerin uses a disguise kit. Astarion wants a divorce. Day 15: Proper Horn Care - There's no possible way to write this summary without it looking horny. Day 16: A Token - Halsin carves a little gift for Astarion. Day 17: One Nice Thing - Karlach shows Shadowheart something nice, when she really needs it. Day 18: 90% Evil - Why WOULDN'T the rogue be the one to talk to the death cultist? Day 19: Seamstress - No one in camp but Astarion would have survived Home Ec. Day 20: The Selfless Choice - Or, How To Be A Confidant To Both Halves Of A Couple In The Face Of World-Ending Catastrophe, By Gale Dekarios Day 21: Taste Test - Falerin is...kind of a fucking weirdo. This is Gale's burden to bear. Day 22: Curl-based Despair - Astarion experiences #curlygirlproblems. Falerin helps. Day 23: Hunger - Someone gets a little hangry. Day 24: Pact, Pt. 1 - Astarion finds out about Fal's illness. Day 25: Pact, Pt. 2 - Astarion finds out about Fal's illness. Day 26: The Cuddliest Foe - Lae'zel does some research. Clive assists. Day 27: Homecoming - Two resident Baldurians discuss coming home. Day 28: Date - Astarion gets some new clothes. Day 29: A Healthy Dose of Theatrics - Are you really best friends if you've never been tempted to throttle each other? Day 30: Starfall -The newly formed party takes a moment to enjoy a magical sight. Day 31: Epilogue - A quiet moment after saving the world. Post-Fictober Drabbles:
Stars in His Eyes - Fal learns about naming ceremonies--and why Astarion has the name he does.
Slumber Party - Astarion and Gale have a fun night of kicking their feet, giggling, and discussing the all-consuming power they both intend on taking for themselves. Kidnapped - Astarion's siblings succeed in getting him back to the manor - but he's stronger now. Plus he has a very, very pissed-off partner. Rewriting The Story - After defeating Cazador and a tryst in the graveyard, it's time for some relationship reflection. Happy - Surely being the lover of an ascended vampire is the happiest ending one could hope for. (Ascended Astarion AU)
Wild Heart - A brief moment, the morning after the almost ascension, where two early risers have a chat.
Matters of Balance - Withers performs a resurrection. Breathe Deep, and Move - You can never really go home.
Side-Tracked - As they're embroiled in a murder mystery, Fal decides to take Astarion out for some enrichment.
Late Night Thoughts - Astarion has some thoughts on Falerin's lie from earlier in the day. (Bonus chapter for Side-Tracked)
New Tricks - Astarion discovers a new trick while trying to herd a cat.
Party Favors - The ultra-self-indulgent take on the ever popular tiefling party.
Meet-Cute - Every couple starts somewhere. And sometimes that's on the ground, with a knife.
Five Good Nights - Four good nights shared before the tiefling party, and one shared after.
Rewinding the Thread - CB adjacent 3-shot
A chance conversation in Baldur's Gate leads to an unlikely visitor to Falerin and Astarion's home a year after the Netherbrain's defeat. She pleads for just one thing: that Astarion pays a visit to his family - his true family, the one that's mourned him for two centuries.
In The Weeds - Astarion decides to take in the sights of Baldur's Gate during the day, and has a nice conversation with a local.
The Invitation - A surprise visitor leads to a bit of arguing, an invitation home, and quite possibly Faerûn's most awkward tea.
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Hello! I hope youll have a lovely day.
Can you recommend some parentlock fics? Especially fics where Rosie is the child.
Thank you!
Hey Nonny!
FANTASTIC, needed another ask for Part 2 of my list! Last week’s Fic Rec list was huge, so I’ve had to split it up; your ask came in so I decided to use it for the next part of my 3 week Parentlock posting spree from my Marked for later list! Check out all these lists and the fics labelled "Post S4" for Rosie-fics, and this community recs post as well :)
PARENTLOCK Pt. 4B (MFLs, 25K+ w.)
See also:
Parentlock Pt. 2
Parentlock Pt. 3
Parentlock Pt. 4A (MFLs 0-25K w.)
Single-Parent Sherlock
Sherlock Soft With Children
By Any Other Name by EchoSilverWolf (E, 26,210 w., 25 Ch. || Post-S4, Parentlock, Fluff, Developing Relationship) – After rebuilding 221B, John and Rosie move back in with Sherlock. Sherlock tries to make life easier for John as a single parent.A shared love of John's daughter slowly brings the two to finally admit to secrets they've both kept for far too long.
A Week in November by JRow (T, 26,987 w., 8 Ch. || Post S4, Military John, Parentlock, First Kiss, Hurt John) – John and Rosie have been living at Baker Street for years. John works part-time at a nearby surgery leaving plenty of time to assist Sherlock with cases. Rosie is brilliant and becoming more amazing everyday. And, in addition to being John’s friend, Sherlock has become an amazing second parent to Rosie. John is happy. Mycroft’s request seems simple enough. Tedious even. So tedious that John can’t understand why Sherlock agreed to it so easily. John is the one with reservations – there must be ways they can help that don’t involve his having to appear as (former) Captain John Watson. But it turns out that questioning a potential spy and providing an "extra set of eyes" at the National Service of Remembrance will prove much more emotional and exciting than John imagined.
I Am His by Jaci4Narnia (E, 27,243 w., 12 Ch. || Omegaverse || Omega Sherlock, Alpha John, Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Sex Slavery, Sexual Abuse, Emotional / Psychological Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Slow Burn, Mpreg, Mating Bond, Abortion, Parentlock, Knotting) – John Watson, a 24-year-old soldier recently returned from service in Afghanistan, is gifted with a young, 17-year-old omega slave named Sherlock. This is the first of a hopefully three-part series dictating John and Sherlock's life together. Both are broken. Both need each other. There will be slow burn-like VERY slow burn. This is a rewrite of my To See a Smile omegaverse fanfic. Part 1 of Precious
A different kind of adventure by curiousbees (E, 27,340 w., 13 Ch. || Omegaverse AU || Omega Sherlock, Alpha John, Pregnancy, Parentlock) – A series of rash experiments at twenty-three left omega Sherlock unable to form a bond or have a child. He never particularly cared, even if he sometimes caught himself wishing after meeting John. Now at 36, this inability is simply another part of who he is, like his intellect or his tendency for addiction. So after one night's loss of logic with his married best friend, he doesn't think to question it. In hindsight, he really shouldn't have taken it for granted.
The mischievous fairies (Fictober 2018) by MorganeUK (G, 28,305 w., 31 Ch. || Magical Realism AU || Parentlock / Rosie, Mutual Pining, Clueless Sherlock/John, Texting, Kissing, Emotional Baggage, Fluff, Heavy Petting, Non-Graphic Smut) – Rosie is tired of how stubborn her dad and her god-father are! She's decided that it's time to do something and she's found the best helpers! Whether she knows it or not…
The mischievous fairies (Fictober 2018) by MorganeUK (T, 28,305 w., 31 Ch. || Mutual Pining, Parentlock, Devious Rosie, Background Lestrolly, Harry Watson’s in This Fic, Protective Harry, Kissing, Clueless Sherlock, Emotional Baggage) – Rosie is tired of how stubborn her dad and her god-father are! She's decided that it's time to do something and she's found the best helpers! Wether she knows it or not...
Catalyst by fortunatelykeendetective (E, 28,379 w., 16 Ch. || Post S3 Divergence, Major Character Death, Death in Childbirth, NICU, Referenced Homophobia, Soft Sherlock/John, Bisexual John, Mutual Pining, Eventual Romance / Sex, Grief/Mourning, Hurt/Comfort, Parentlock, Marriage) – The (canon-divergent) story of how John and Sherlock finally Figured It Out through a whole lot of grief and loss.
Ten Years by toyhto (M, 28,610 w., 5 Ch. || Post S4/TFP, Fake Relationship, UST, Getting Together, Love Confessions, First Kiss/Time, Virgin Sherlock, Parentlock) – A friend tells Rosie Watson that her parents aren't together for real, because they don't kiss. But we do, John says.
Beautiful Pictures by JRow (M, 28,713 w., 7 Ch. || Post S4, Parentlock, Case Fic, Angst with Happy Ending) – An adorable (but unacceptable!) photo of Sherlock and Rosie on the Mail online, a stolen Picasso, and a slip of the tongue force John to re-evaluate his long held assumptions.
Becoming Watson and Holmes by black_rose_blade (E, 29,900 w., 12 Ch. || Post-S4, Romance, Jealous John, Friends to Lovers, Experienced Sherlock, Confused John, Parentlock, Sherlock/OMC) –  A short story about Sherlock and John finally getting together.
Those Nights We Sought All The Words by ConsultingPurplePants (E, 31,740 w., 16 Ch. || Post-TAB, First Kiss/Time, Declarations of Love, Drama in the Rain, Parentlock, Sherlock Speaks French, Nightmares, PTSD, Mentions of Torture, Psychological Torture) – John has been living with Mary again for over a year with their daughter when he makes a discovery that changes everything. He seeks shelter at Baker Street, but after all this time, will Sherlock take him back?
Afghan Bullets, Beards, and Unlocked Bedroom Doors - The Sequel by addicted2hugh (E, 32,233 w., 9 Ch. || Post S4 Fix It, Virgin Sherlock, Fluff and Smut, Angst, References too Depression, References to Addiction, Reunion, Parentlock (Rosie), John’s Beard, Big Brother Mycroft, Alternating POV, Grief/Mourning, Toplock, References to Suicide, Friends to Lovers, Drug Use, Flashbacks) – This is the sequel to a fic that originally started out as a bit of fun and a lot of smutty fluff, but then ended up inspiring me to think about what might happen after the deed has been done. In short: The boys need to talk. Part 2 of Afghan Bullets, Beards, and Unlocked Bedroom Doors
The Man With the Cartier Frames by JRow (T, 32,447 w., 8 Ch. || Post S4, Friends to Lovers, Happy Ending, Case Fic, Parentlock, POV Sherlock, Sick Child, Pining Sherlock) – Sherlock's top priority is The Work, just as it's always been. His current case is a breeze and will surely be solved quickly. Frank Cleary is obviously having an affair and all Sherlock has to do is find him. And Sherlock will...in between trips to Putney to help with Rosie, collecting Rosie from school, and preparing for Rosie's sleepover at Baker Street.
Development milestones by HOverSeas (M, 33,266 w., 31 Ch. || Post-T6T, Sherlock Whump, Villain Mary, Child Abandonment, Parentlock, Explosion, Isolation, Stab Woind, Unconsciousness, Stitches, Scars, Asphyxiation, Humiliation, Recovery, Hurt/Comfort, John Whump, Happy Ending) – Takes after they come back from Morocco. Mary never died, but her bad decisions still follow her around. John, Sherlock and Rosie need to deal with the consequences.Written for Whumptober 2019. Each chapter is a prompt, posted every day of October.
The Case of The Boy & The Soldier by WhatLocked (T, 36,263 w., 18 Ch. || Alternate First Meeting AU || Sherlock POV, Sneaky Mycroft, Parentlock, Developing Relationship, Case Fic, Lists, Original Child Character, Parent John, Light Mystrade, Kidnapping) – When one William Watson wanders into the life of one Sherlock Holmes, claiming that his daddy has been taken by bad men, Sherlock finds himself caught up in a rather intriguing case of not only locating the boys father but also in discovering a side of himself that he never knew existed. Part 1 of The William Watson Case Files
(Life is) A Series of Risks by SkipandDi (ladyflowdi) (E, 36,499 w., 4 Ch. || Alternate Universe || Post-TRF, Kid Fic, Parentlock, Temporary Character Death, Established Relationship, Suicidal Thoughts, Grief, Violence, Psychological Trauma, PTSD) – The work comes first. Part 3 of the The Infiltrate Series
Stolen by All_I_need (M, 39,412 w., 14 Ch. || Post T6T, S4 Fix It, Parentlock, Pining Sherlock, Angst, Child Abduction, Broken Friendships, BAMF Sherlock, Clueless John) – To save his goddaughter, Sherlock will have to confront his demons - and the man he left behind. [TRANSLATIONS: Русский]
Learning Curve by thpontiacbandit (M, 41,422 w., 22 Ch. || Teacher / Parent AU || America, Fluff and Smut, Parentlock, Frottage) – John is a Kindergarten teacher. One of his students, a boy named Henry Holmes, refuses to speak in school. John is determined to get to the bottom of it, and that is how he meets Sherlock Holmes.
The Lying Doctor by pagimag (E, 44,285 w., 20 Ch.  || S4 Fix It, Hurt/Comfort, Past Alcohol/Drug Abuse, Anger Issues, Depressed John, Watson Siblings, Coming Out, Bi John, First Time, Dom/Sub Undertones, Parentlock, Internalized Homophobia, Past Child Abuse, Angst With Happy Ending) – Sherlock and John's relationship is fragile after the events at Culverton Smith’s hospital. John struggles with guilt and anger issues. During a case he decides to visit his aunt, which leads to an unexpected development. He’s forced to reevaluate ingrained behaviours, confront long lasting issues and question how he leads his life.
Shift by stopthat (E, 46,028 w., 31 Ch. || Post S4/Canon, Domestic Fluff, Family Fluff, Light Angst, Unconventional Relationship, Best Friends, POV John, John Being an Idiot, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, First Kiss/Time, Emotional Love Making, Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Slow Romance, Love Confessions, Getting Together, Cuddling & Snuggling, Parentlock) – Sherlock is tired. John senses a shift.
Here We Go Again by disfictional (E, 46,687 w., 10 Ch. || Mama Mia-Inspired Fusion || Post-S4, Older Rosie, Alternating POV, Reunion, Retirement, Case Fic, Mutual Pining, Coming Out, Parentlock, Weddings, Fluff and Angst) – Ransacking some old trunks, Rosie Watson finds her father's old journal filled with remnants of a blog he used to keep about his association with Sherlock Holmes. In an attempt to meet the man who had a profound impact on her early years, Rosie invites the long-estranged detective to her wedding under false pretenses.
Crimson Hymns by brilliantlyburning (E, 48,982 w., 9 Ch. || Post-S3/TAB, Angst,  Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Drug Addiction, Unhealthy Coping Methods, Demisexual Sherlock, Boxing, Pining, Sensory Processing Issues, Drug Use, First Kiss / Time, BDSM, Mary is Not Good, Parentlock, Proposal, Happy Ending, Beekeeping, Violence, References to Addiction, Poetry) – He laid his head over John’s heart, eyes level with his silver-rough scar, and listened to the crimson hymns beating beneath the surface. He imagined flowers blooming in his own chest: veins weaving intricate patterns on petals of thin muscle engorged with blood, sinew for stems and tendons for roots—the flowers would be poppies, maybe (addictive) or foxglove (deadly yet useful)—twining gleaming blood-red around the porcelain bone of his ribs. In his mind’s eye the gruesome bouquet all tied together on the left side of his chest, the stems bound together in heartstrings and the flowers fed by the rhythmic contraction of ventricles. It’s yours, he imagined saying to John—from the vena cava to the mitral valve to the arteries it is yours.— Or, the Love Song of W. Sherlock S. Holmes.
Alternative Universe with 221 Bees by fresne (T, 49,089 w., 221 Ch. || Assorted AUs || Assorted Tags, 221B Ficlets) – They are books in a used bookstore, who should not be shelved together. When they aren't socks. Or ice. Or dinosaurs. Or a bee and an ant. Faunlock, Parentlock, Teacherlock or... other things. An iterative series of 221B stories. One 221B per chapter. Last story is told entirely in words starting with B.
How I impregnated your mother by Mildredandbobbin (E, 50,047 w., 13 Ch. || Very Light Dom/Sub Sexy Times, Parentlock, Pregnancy, Infidelity, Angst, Romance, Captain John Kink, Masturbation, Violence, Homophobic Language) – Follow up to 'Maybe in the meantime wait and see'. Set a year later, Sherlock and John are together and things are good, great even...except...Sherlock's in a one sided competition with John's dead wife, John hasn't proposed yet, and now Harry and Clara want Sherlock and John to father their children. Part 2 of the Maybe series
Genius is a Star Whose Light (is Soon to Sink in Endless Night) by LoloLolly (M, 51,812 w., 11 Ch. || Canon Compliant Through TFP, Aftermath of Serbia, Alternating POV,  Established / New Relationship, Parentlock, Explicit Torture, Mentions of PTSD, Mentions of Human Trafficking, References to Child Abuse, Violence, Kidnapping, Captivity, Angst with Happy Ending, Fluff, Case Fic, BAMF John, Sherlock Whump, Mycroft and John Work Together) – Sherlock had buried the past. Shut Serbia away in the attic of his mind palace. Muddy footprints at a heinous crime scene, however, have led him right back to old enemies. And right back to captivity. For God’s sake, Mycroft. Part 2 of the Earthly Pomp (Is But a Dream) series
Hold You Like a Weapon by MissDavis (E, 52,522 w., 10 Ch. || Post S4, Friends to Lovers, Parentlock, Childbirth, Toddlers, Canon Compliant, References to Drug Use, POV John, Masturbation, Hand Jobs, Angst with Happy Ending) –  Eurus shows up at 221B Baker Street in labour. Things go downhill from there.
Know You All Over Again by PoppyAlexander (M, 53,028 w., 21 Ch. || Post-S3 Canon Divergence, Post-Break Up, Angst with Happy Ending, Therapy, Mary is Moriarty, Ex Sex, Parentlock) – After five good years, one difficult one, and six months that were hell, John and Sherlock live apart but still share custody of seven-year-old Rosie. With therapy, supportive friends, and those inevitable dance recitals and open school days forcing them into each other's paths again and again, anger and bitterness fade, leaving space for a new view of each other across the divide.
Where You Can't Quite Reach by SilverDragon00 (T, 55,338 w., 16 Ch. || Post-TRF, Canon Divergence, Depression, Parentlock, Sherlock’s Son, Panic Attacks, Angst, Bullying, Drama, Teenagers) – Sherlock took his life four months ago, and John's found himself in a pit of self-destruction and depression he doesn't care to climb out of. Then Mycroft shows up with someone John didn't even know existed - Sherlock's thirteen year old son - and asks John to take care of him. John doesn't know if he can handle living with another Holmes, especially this one who looks so like the one he lost. John has to pull himself together and deal with his own emotions, while trying to raise his best friend's teenager. Until everything he works hard to create for them is turned upside down by the one person he never expected to see again. Part 1 of the Oliver Scott 'Verse series
A Change of Heart by SosoHolmesWatson (E, 65,436 w., 20 Ch. || Post-S4 / Canon Compliant, Jealous Sherlock, Past Abuse, Parentlock, Developing Relationship, Idiots in Love, Suicidal Sherlock, Implied / Referenced Drug Use, Mollstrade, Coming Out, Love Confessions, Big Brother Mycroft, John’s Childhood, POV Alternating, First Kiss/Time, Virgin Sherlock, Hand Jobs) – After all they have been through, after all the heartbreak and desolation, John and Sherlock want to make their way back to each other, still convinced that friendship is all that can exist between them. Will there be a change of heart? Part 1 of the The Pains of Growing series
Lost In A Good Book by khorazir (M, 68,552 w., 6 Ch. || Magical Realism / Discworld Elements || Post TLD, Miscommunication, L-Space, Developing Relationship, Parentlock, Demisexual Sherlock, Bisexual John, Friends to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Bookshop) – After chasing a criminal into a poky second-hand bookshop, John and Sherlock find themselves not only stuck in the building, but in L-space itself. With things still raw and unsettled between them after the events surrounding the Culverton Smith case, this adds another dimension to their predicament, which not only constitutes of finding a way out of the shop (while avoiding getting murdered by the criminal), but also to finally address the issues between them.
Crazy For Love by prettyvk (T, 98,696 w., 34 Ch. || Post-TRF, Parentlock, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Angst) – It starts with five words.“Is my father really dead?” Or maybe, that’s how it ends. Part 1 of the The James Holmes Chronicles series
Multiply (the sum of our parts) by 1electricpirate (M, 103,147 w., 15 Ch. || Post TRF, Kid Fic, Angst, Drama, Emotional Manipulation, Parentlock) – After Reichenbach and in order to 1) Keep Sherlock alive, 2) Keep John alive and 3) Get Sherlock home to England as soon as possible, Mycroft devises a plan that will not only incentivise John's continued sanity and survival but force Sherlock to come running. It is a perfect plan, though perhaps less than ethically sound. He has no doubts that using frozen samples of your younger brother's sperm to create children for his husband to care for falls deeply within the realm of socially unacceptable behaviour, but it is efficient, and that is what matters most. Part 2 of the Applications and Practices of Basic Arithmetic series
Nature and Nurture by earlgreytea68 (M, 203,273 w., 57 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE|| Parentlock, Cloning, Kidlock, Developing Relationship) – The British Government accidentally clones Sherlock Holmes. Which brings a baby to 221B Baker Street. Part 1 of Nature & Nurture
Dear John by BloodSeiryu, FourCornersHolmes & Tindomerelhloni (E, 218,315 w., 130 Ch. || Drug Use/Abuse, Rehab, Pen Pals, Friends to Lovers, First Time, Military Kink, Jealous Sherlock, Alternate First Meeting, Phone Sex, Idiots in Love, Angry John, Falling in Love, Marriage, Switchlock, Anal Sex, Separation Anxiety, Depression, Angst, Depictions of Torture, Prisoner of War, Healing, Parentlock, Happy Ending) – An AU in which Sherlock is in Rehab and is required to write a letter to a random person in the military. John get's it, and they become penpals of a sort. Part 1 of the Dear John Series series
Dearest Life by InnerSpectrum (E, 277,077 w., 82 Ch. || Omegaverse AU || Alpha John, Omega Sherlock, Implied / Referenced Sexual Assault, Slow Burn, Semi-Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Implied / Referenced Rape/Non-Con, Mpreg, Feral John / Sherlock, BAMF John / Sherlock, Parentlock, Pregnant Sex, Kidnapping, Eventual Happy Ending) – Sherlock is an Omega whose Alpha has died severing their bond. Sherlock is depressed for an Omega who lost their mate is considered worthless in their society. If young and fertile, unbonded omegas are sent to breeding camps, forced to bear pups they will never raise; something his brother, Mycroft, will never let happen. Or there is the option of becoming the Second Mate of an Alpha who is already bonded. The omega would be welcomed into the home, bear all the pups the Alpha wished and live comfortably and protected. There is no love and the second's mate place is very low compared to the spouse, but it was better than the alternative. Still mourning his beloved Alpha, Sherlock refuses to be someone else's spouse, let alone a lowly Second Mate, but time is running out before he’s forced to go to the camps. Sherlock is forced to marry John Watson, a wealthy Alpha doctor, who is married to Mary, an infertile Beta. Both of whom hide dark secrets from each other. Part 1 of Dearest Life Universe
Radioactive Trees In A Red Forest by Maribor_Petrichor (E, 280,251 w., 73 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post-S4, Suicidal Ideations, Alcohol / Rx Drug Abuse, Coming Out / Bisexual John, Seizures, Past/Referenced/Implied Child Abuse, Hallucinations, Rehab, Celibacy, Sobriety / Relapse, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Grief/Mourning, Psychological Trauma, Nice /Not Anti-Mary, John’s POV, Parentlock, First Time, Angst, Switchlock, Angst with Happy Ending) – John Watson is what happens when a man can no longer see a reason to go on. John Watson is what happens when a man starts to let go. "It is what it is." John Watson is what happens when what "it is" becomes too much to bear. This is a story of the life, death, and resurrection of John Hamish Watson.
Indefinite Lines by ArwaMachine (E, 298,346 w., 62 Ch. || Post S4 Fix It, Case Fic, Parentlock, Miscommunication, Misunderstandings, Mutual Pining, Angst, Fluff, Kissing, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Anal, Switchlock, Violence, Torture, John Whump, Murdered Children Off Screen, BAMF Rosie) – When two lines, inclined towards each other, are extended indefinitely, it is inevitable that they meet. Upon meeting, the lines become something new. Together. Perhaps it’s been like that from the beginning for Sherlock and John—their lives weaving together, inclined towards one another, moving closer and closer to something greater than themselves. But that’s all a bit romantic, isn’t it? On another topic, Sherlock and John find themselves faced with a series of seemingly disparate cases that are growing increasingly connected, increasingly personal. They must unravel the mystery laid before them by a particularly ruthless set of criminals before the danger is upon them, or else run the risk of being cleaved apart forever, lines scattered to the wind.
The James Holmes Chronicles by prettyvk (E, 338,222 w. across 7 Works || Post TRF Divergence || Implied / Referenced Child Abuse, Parentlock, Grief/Mourning, Angst and Fluff, Suicidal Thoughts, Past Sexual Abuse) – It starts with five words. “Is my father really dead?” Or maybe, that’s how it ends.
The Men Who Talked Between the Words by Odamaki (E, 463,024 w., 30 Ch. || Parentlock, UST/URT, Pining Sherlock, Grieving John, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Past Abuse, Slow Burn/Build, Case Fic, First Kiss / Time, Implied/Referenced Suicide & Drug Use, Slow Burn, Sherlock Whump, Panic Attacks) – John expected to be a father some day; he expected to have the house, and the wife and the nice suburban job. Sherlock never expected to have children, in part because he never expected to make it past 30. As it turns out, you don't get a choice. Crammed into Baker Street with a baby, John struggles with single-parenthood and his own fears, while Sherlock treads the fine line between doing too little and saying too much. 
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serenity-ren-bliss · 5 days
Hi! I’m Ren and this is my first fictober
Things to note: I am a minor, if that bothers you, you may leave. If you know me irl, know we do not speak of this unless I bring it up first. All these fics are sfw, fem!reader and established relationships unless specified otherwise. I do do part 2s sometimes, so if you want more to a story, just ask! :)
Day 1 - Hurt/comfort: Young!Aemond Targaryen x reader
Day 2 - Neglect: TBD (requests open)
Day 3 - Nightmares: Targaryens x reader (Multific)
Day 4 - Little (agere): Modern!Rheanyra Targaryen x Daemon Targaryen x reader
Day 5 - SH comfort: Aemond Targaryen x reader
Day 6 - Royalty x commoner: Aegon Targaryen x reader
Day 7 - Post argument: The 11th Doctor x reader
Day 8 - Bookworm: The lost boys x reader
Day 9 - Touch starved: Targaryen Men x reader (multific)
Day 10 - Transfem: Hunters of Artemis & reader
Day 11 - Hogwarts: Annabeth Chase & Hufflepuff!Reader
Day 12 - Body swap: Pandora Rosier & Reader
Day 13 - Cats: Targaryen Men x Reader (multific)
Day 14 - Royalty x knight: The Lost Boys x reader (multific)
Day 15 - Coffee shop date: Percy Jackson x reader
Day 16 - Overstimulated: The Lost Boys x Reader
Day 17 - Scary movie: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Day 18 - Prom: Natasha Romanoff x reader
Day 19 - Stood up (Meet-cute): Steve Rogers x reader
Day 20 - Actors: Aemond Targaryen x reader
Day 21 - Injury: Targaryen Women x reader
Day 22 - Sleep aid: Targaryen Men x reader
Day 23 - Dragons: Targaryen Men x reader
Day 24 - Affection: Targaryen Men x reader
Day 25 - TBD (requests open)
Day 26 - TBD (requests open)
Day 27 - TBD (requests open)
Day 28 - TBD (requests open)
Day 29 - TBD (requests open)
Day 30 - TBD (requests open)
Day 31 - TBD (requests open)
Please read my request page before you leave a request!!!
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krikeymate · 11 months
Fictober 2023: Day 31: “It’s not your fault.” - All Hallows' Eve. Fandom: Scream Rating: T Warnings: Mentioned violence.
“Tara!” Sam gasps, spinning on her heels at the sight she catches in the corner of her eye. “How many times do I have to tell you not to lick the knife! You’ll cut yourself!”
Her little sister throws an innocent smile back at her, knowing far too well for her own good – or Sam’s – the effect it always has on her.
She thinks of a much younger Tara, perched on the kitchen counter top, legs swinging, with an unburdened smile as she licks batter from a knife she should never have been holding.
She’d always cut her tongue, and it was always up to Sam to press ice cubes to her mouth and healing kisses to her cheek.
Sometimes Sam thought she was doing it on purpose, Tara never seemed to learn her lesson. She seemed to enjoy it, actually. The exaggerated pout as she’d stick out her tongue and whine, the sugary-sweet giggles as Sam pressed her close, the way she would cling, like that was all she had wanted all along.
Sam had always hated herself for thinking that, for thinking her sister could be capable of such a thing. But now, watching the way her tongue curls and slides against the knife edge, the deliberate way she holds her gaze as fresh blood beads against the steel… How could that be anything other than deliberate?
She wonders what she’s supposed to make of the display.
She wonders what the thumping in her chest means.
She wonders how someone goes from licking batter to blood, from skinned knees and teary eyes to sharp smiles and forked tongues, from a victim to a killer.
“Did I do this to you?”
The thought escapes her lips without her permission. But when has her body ever listened to her brain?
Tara purses her lips, knife dropping away. Her euphoric expression turns to a frown as she raises a hand to brush the blood from her mouth, an act that would have been more effective if her hands had been clean.
But Tara’s hands will never be clean again.
“This is because of me, isn’t it?”
Sam’s own enjoyment of the evening seems to have faded with the kill, as it always does.
She’d hoped tonight would be different, that having Tara here, with her, partaking, would make it something different.
But somehow this is worse.
The reality of what she’s done hits her like never before. A nausea rises within her, what has–
“Don’t be silly Sam,” Tara coos, just like the eternal image of her gentle baby sister that lives in her head always does. “It’s not your fault.”
The words make her feel like she’s been stabbed in the chest, repeatedly.
She glances down at the body on the floor to make sure she hasn’t.
Still dead.
Still ripped apart.
Still a sick offering of love from one sister to another.
She wishes she knew which one of them was doing the offering anymore.
“I’ve always loved blood, remember?”
Sam doesn’t know how Tara got so close so fast, but as she stands before her, hand stroking along her shoulder, she can’t help but fall into her words.
It’s so hard to think when Tara is near. The disgust and self-flagellation that writhe in the darkness of her mind are burned away by Tara’s touch, a holy light that spreads to every part of her, as it has since the day she was first placed in her arms.
“You used to hate it,” she laughs, wrapping her arms around Sam’s shoulders. “But you’d always push through it, just for me.”
Sam would go to war for the smile her sister gives her.
“You didn’t make me, Sam,” Tara whispers softly, “but you do keep me going.”
“Isn’t that worse,” Sam replies, voice hushed and throat tight.
Tara tilts her head.
“You still don’t get it, do you? I was born this way, Sam. Just like you. We are who we are, if you want to blame anyone, blame mother.”
She slips one hand up to tap at Sam’s cheek. “You’re just keeping me fed when I’m starving, like a good sister should. How could that be bad?”
Like a good sister should.
The words feel like they’re searing themselves into her flesh.
That’s all she’s ever wanted.
She licks her lips, desperation slipping into every crack. “Am I? …A good sister?”
Tara smiles and darts forward to press a kiss to her cheek.
“The best.”
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ghostofskywalker · 11 months
I Love You, But I Love Your Cat More
Natasha Romanoff/Reader
Fictober Day 25 of 31
Words: 725
Summary: When you have a bad day, there's only one place you would even think about going.
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist
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It only took two knocks for her to answer the door, and the minute she opened it, she could tell what you were there for. Today had been the worst day you’ve had in a while, and it truly felt like there was nothing in the entire world that had the capabilities of making you feel better, but there was one thing you wanted to try.
“Bad day?” Natasha asked as she opened the door, and you just nodded in response, sure that your face carried the weight of your exhaustion. “Come in, she’s on the couch.”
Natasha was your best friend in the entire world and you would do anything for her in a moment’s notice, but if she said anything or mentioned how close you were, you would jokingly tell her that your relationship was only as good as it was because of her cat. A beautifully striped gray and brown tabby with green eyes, Fig had the most beautiful purr and the unique ability to make you forget every worry you’ve ever had when she was within three feet of you.
You practically flopped down on the couch, heaving a sigh that must have clearly communicated your worries, because the next thing you knew, Fig was crawling over to you and settling in your lap. Instantly, you could feel some form of peace wash over your brain, and Natasha walked into the room to see you smiling.
She sat down next to you, and you laid your head on her shoulder. After years of friendship the two of you felt completely comfortable around each other, and this was not a new experience for either of you. Truth be told, if given the chance to progress your relationship you would probably take it in a heartbeat (you would never be able to deny the fact that she was incredibly attractive), but right now you were happy with the way that you snuggled on the couch while you gently ran your hands down Fig’s back, listening to the way she purred like some kind of fluffy comfort machine.
“You want to talk to me about your bad day?” she asked quietly, reaching to grab the pale blue blanket that rested on the top of the couch and place it over your laps.
You paused, thinking about her question as Fig got herself comfortable in the blanket, and you smiled at the way her little head popped out but her body stayed exactly where it was before. “Not really,” you said. “It’s just a lot of things that seemed to build up, you know?”
“Yeah, I do,” she said. “And you know that if you ever do decide you want to talk, I’m here for you.” Both of you have said that to each other before, and you never doubted her sincerity. But since the friendship you had built together centered more around physical comfort than long vent sessions (and the fact that you did not want to cry right now), you elected not to go into the finer details of your terrible day.
Pizza was ordered and movies were played, all from the comfort of the couch, and it was hours before you even moved from that spot. You watched as Fig played with a toy mouse on the ground, filled with a kind of sudden energy that you honestly envied a little bit, and you thanked Natasha profusely for everything she did for you.
Halfway through the second movie of the day and right after Fig had hopped up in your lap once more, you could feel your eyes closing. Natasha was right next to you, and you didn’t want to disturb the way she was settled against you, so you just closed your eyes and allowed yourself to drift off right then and there. For a beautifully blissful moment, you completely forgot about what had given you so much pain and stress earlier today, and you allowed yourself to bask in the comfort and serenity that being in this place (and with this company) brought.
You could have sworn you felt a soft kiss on your forehead as you slipped away from the waking world, but it also could have been a perfect dream. Whatever it was though, you didn’t really care, because you were right where you were supposed to be.
- the end -
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allzelemonz · 11 months
RDR Multi Pairing Masterlist
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Red Dead Redemption Masterlist
For You: Micah Bell/Reader/Kieran Duffy
Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘sir’, ‘mister’, ‘feller’, ‘boy’, ‘man’. Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence, References to Sex Warnings: Micah Bell is his own warning, Micah is an asshole, Kieran is repressed and shy, Kieran is injured, Micah actually likes his horse, Micah is injured, Baylock is injured, they’re all fine it’s okay, crime, death Summary: Kieran watches you from a distance, but things get bad when Micah notices and even worse when a job goes bad.
Not So Hidden: Bill Williamson/Reader/Kieran Duffy
Pronouns: None mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Voyeurism, accidental voyeur, anal fingering, anal sex, m/m/m, threesome, established relationship with a new third, kissing, cuddling, poly ending Summary: Things seems to be a normal night between you and Kieran, albeit more intimate than initially planned, but then you hear someone watching you.
His Boy: Dutch Van der Linde/Reader/Colm O’Driscoll (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9)
Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boy’, ‘son’, ‘handsome’, ‘man’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut, dub-con, language Warnings: Mentions of non-con of another character, dub-con, kidnapping, possessive behavior, possessive sex, past relationship, forced cheating, Reader is an asshole O’Driscoll, mentions of past sex, begging, fisting, anal fingering, anal sex, biting, marking, choking, blow job, kissing, lap sitting, dancing, gang family, past relationship, forced cheating, torture, mentions of past Dutch/Hosea, Dutch/Susan, and Dutch/Annabelle Summary: A former flame of Dutch’s is returned and a lot has happened over the years.
No Good, Twisted, Fucking Day: O’Driscoll Boys
Pronouns: he/him Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: E/Smut, rape Warnings: Rape, wound fucking, dead dove do not eat, possessive behavior, outdoor sex, gang bang, anal sex, blood, gore, stabbing, loss of consciousness Summary: Stabbed, hardly aware, and surrounded by strange men that use whatever you have.
Flipped: Sean MacGuire/Reader/Kieran Duffy
Fictober Prompt: Day 16, Gentle threesome, Double penetration Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘man’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: threesome, rimming, kissing, anal fingering, anal sex, double penetration, fluff, smut, guys being dudes Summary: Sean’s big mouth ends up with you taking both he and Kieran at the same time.
Dare: Van der Linde Boys
Fictober Prompt: Day 17, Multi Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘fella’ and ‘man’, heavy masculine implication Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: (have you ever been in a men’s locker room and things got a little weird), smut, background relationships, masturbation, hand jobs, kissing, oral sex, blow jobs, dirty talk, facial, cum swallowing, Micah being an asshole, flirting, casual sex, everyone is gay but especially Bill Summary: Drunk Sean wanting to get off prompts a dare to jerk off and last longer than anyone else at the fire. Gay chaos of a sort ensues.
Boys’ Night: Van der Linde Boys
Fictober Prompt: Day 31, Orgy Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Orgy, threesomes, kissing, anal fingering, anal sex, oral sex, blow jobs, rough sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism, Sean’s drunken mind, marking, viagra-esc tonics, almost everyone is passed around to everyone else, Reader takes both top and bottom roles Summary: Sean has an idea that leads most of the boys in the gang to a damn fun time.
An Omega’s Place (A/B/O)
Pronouns: he/him Primary Sex: AMAB Secondary Sex: Omega Rating: E/Smut, language, noncon Warnings: Noncon, Alpha Colm O’Driscoll, Omega Kieran Duffy, a/o/o, mating cycles/in heat, scenting, kissing, anal sex, hand jobs, forced mating, forced bond, mentions of breeding Summary: O’Driscolls never have treated their Omegas very well, especially not during a rut.
Caught (A/B/O)
Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘man’ and some Spanish things that might be masculine-ish Primary Sex: AMAB Secondary Sex: Omega Rating: E/Smut, language Warnings: Alpha Micah Bell, Alpha Javier Esquella, Beta Sean MacGuire, a/a/o, threesome, b/o, mating cycles/in heat, scenting, slurs, kissing, anal sex, hand jobs, mentions of breeding, Spanish pet names, Alphas fighting over an Omega, possessive behavior, admission of feelings, open poly ending Summary: Your heat sets in during a job, causing the Alphas to act aggressive to the point of being unable to control themselves. Sean does his best to help out as a Beta, but it’s not quite enough.
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richonneevents · 6 days
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Richonne Fictober 2024 is a 31 day challenge for fanfiction writers/creators to write/create and publish a Richonne-centric story or related content everyday for the month of October.
In addition to Richonne-centric fanfiction, creators are encouraged to make fanart; playlists; edits; moodboards; rec lists; and graphics; podfics; gifsets; photo sets etc.
You can find the prompt list here.
You can find the Richonne Fictober Calendar and Guidelines here.
Please tag @richonneevents and use the tag: #richonnefictober24
Happy creating!
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