#wrong! the 3ds is my wife
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palkea · 2 years ago
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quick tfp optimus
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gordonsicedcoffee · 1 year ago
with peace and love, tysm jigsaw (2017) and spiral (2021) for making me appreciate the true merit and worth of saw 3d (2010). did not think it possible before. u have opened my eyes 😌💞🙏
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 3 months ago
Ortho flying with three floating tablets (representing his parents and Idia) behind him is such a MagiCammable moment, according to Cater and his sisters lol
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
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"Oh my gosh! Who's this little cutie patootie?!"
"W-Wah...!" Ortho scarcely had any time to formulate an appropriate reaction before he was accosted from both sides. They had leapt out from the Queen of Hearts' statue, like jaguars pouncing on unsuspecting prey. The three tablets floating beside Ortho were sent spiraling.
"B-Bwah?!" Idia sputtered from his end, eyes bulging at what his video feed was picking up. There was his poor little brother, smothered by a pair of flashy women. "A normie sneak attack!?"
To Idia's horror, he could see painted nails studded with jewelry running all over the boy's face and hair. He leapt out of his gaming chair, seizing his computer monitor with both hands.
"C-Calm down, Ortho! CALM DOWN, DON'T PANIC!! Y-Your big brother will help you out of this pinch... e-except I don't know how to deal with 3D women!! Th-There's no dialogue selection option IRL...!!"
"You're the one panicking the most here, nii-san..."
"Now, Idia--" their father began--cool, level-headed.
"Hold on, dear," his wife interrupted. "Don't you think it's too soon to intervene?"
"... What are you saying?"
"I mean, these girls are only appreciating Or-kun's cuteness, right? I don't think there's anything wrong with acknowledging that! In fact, the world should be more familiar with how adorable both of our sons are...!"
"B-Betrayed by the mom?!"
"Ahahah... Sorry, Shroud fam~" Cater called as he, too, stepped out from his spot behind a statue. He didn't look particularly apologetic, not with that growing grin tugging at his mouth. "It looks like my sisters took an interest in your youngest. I guess it's not every day you see a bot as advanced as Ortho-chan is, but still!"
"J-Just what I needed... Another sparkly extrovert to complicate this scenario!!" Idia moaned, clutching at his forehead.
"You have to get a pic of us together, Cater!" one sister pouted. "This is too cool not to! Be sure to get the tablets in the shot too, okay?"
"Alright, I'll try." He casually produced his phone. "Everybody has to smush together first though, and Idia-kun's kinda out of frame--"
"Are you, like, for reals a robot?" the other sister demanded, ogling Ortho's metallic body. "That's not cosplay, right?"
"Hehe, nope! I'm one hundred percent custom built by my nii-san."
Idia loudly snorted, far less amused than his brother was. "Cosplay? Are you blind? I'm insulted that you'd even suggest such a stupid idea. Check out the rocket boosters in his feet, the complex circuity in his chassis, the artificial intelligence with a limitless capacity to learn. It's all Ortho."
"That's right! Our Idia built Or-kun from scratch all on his own!" Mrs. Shroud chirped. "Ahhh, our sons are our pride and joy! Aren't they, Papa?"
Mr. Shroud drew out a sigh. "... Yes, dear."
Their tablets drew close and snuggled (or attempted to). Idia could only imagine that his parents had embraced one another on the other end of the line. Hot pink and neon blue twinning.
"Oh, bleh." He rolled his eyes. Mom and dad are being gross and mushy in public again.
Suddenly, his video feed jerked down. Idia got a chunk of pavement, then an eyeful of twinkling makeup and nails. The first of the Diamond sisters had seized his tablet, posing with it in front of her.
"Is he, like, in frame now?" she asked Cater, who flashed her a thumbs up.
"Perfect~ Now everyone else can squeeze in!"
At Cater's direction, his other sister rushed over. Ortho was tugged along like a balloon on a string--though he didn't put up any resistance. The Shroud parents allowed their tablets to lower to the appropriate height for the picture. Cater held his phone out, the camera flipped.
All eager for the photograph except for one.
"D-Don't I get a say in this?!" Idia weakly protested.
Cater laughed--and it sounded a little mean to Idia, as light-hearted as it was. "Sure, you get a say in this! I'll let you know what to say: cheese!"
The selfie was taken. The Diamonds and the Shrouds, immortalized in a shared image.
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aaasdgnklm · 4 months ago
tw for *described* blood and gore, stabbing, drowning (mentioned)
spoiler alert for epic : the musical the vengence sags
holy SHIT guys its WILD
ok ok so not sorry for loving you was oretty much what I was expecting calypos va is amazing and the song is so pretty and I almost feel bad enough for her to like her
dangerous was a BANGER I didnt know about the more calm bits at the beginning and end and the pause when the crew usually replied in the 600 lives bit fucking HURT but then hermes shows up and its like WOOOOO PARTYY FUCKIINGGG TIMMEEE AM I DIONYSUS OR WHAT CAUSE WE ARE HAVING A RIDEEEEEE!! the anamatic with ody fighting all these monsters and hermes busting it down was HILARIOUS I love him SO MUCH troy eats every time and its amazing
charybdis was EVEN BETTER THAN I EXPECTED tbh ik a lot of people were really excited for get in the water and dont get me wrong I was too! but I was REALLY excited for charybis and it met my expectations perfectly the vocals and how just fucking DONE ody sounds is PERFECT I love it
get in the water. holy SHIT get into the water. it was what we knew was coming UNTIL IT WASNT AND THEN IT HURT THE BIT WITH HIS DEAD CREW/FRIENDS/MOM WAS OUCH and a fucking jetpack I CANNOT take that seriously bcuz omg thats so funny that he used a JETPACK to fight posideon AND IT WORKED
six hundred strike ima be honest didnt love the 3d render thing it wasnt for me but the water physics were sick but the MUSIC IS AWSOME I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY EEEEEE
first off the crews voices coming back to accompany odysseus as he avenges each of them is GREAT but then
the end
I dont even KNOW what to say because OH MY GOD
posideon basically saying yeah whatever you win but ur fucked you dumbass and ody replying with youre calling that storm off. and posideon going or what bitch
and then the danger motif starts
and the things odysseus is saying? holy fuck theyre almost more painful then the trident because DAMN
you can hear all the rage, the misery, the grief, every single goddamn thing odysseus has been through every person hes lost every person hes fail every. single. emotion. odysseus has felt is so raw and painful and THERE and its awful and amazing and its perfect for that moment
and th animation for that portion is amazing too. the glowing stripes on posideons sides and the flashes of lightning and the blood on the trident and the way posideons body lurches as odysseus stabs him AH and ofc that final line. THAT LINE HOLY SHIT
“with everything youve done… how will you sleep at night?”
“next to my wife.”
so good. im in love.
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silvermoon424 · 1 month ago
Hi Katy! How are you? I hope you're having a good day.
I was wondering if you knew what's going with r/sailormoon?
I guess people have gotten fed up with the mods or something? I've posted on that subreddit in the past, so I know the mods can be rude (to say the least).
Most of the posts pertaining to this situation seem to have been removed.
Hey! I'm good, thank you! Hope you're doing well too.
Wow, okay, I had NO idea what was going on and had to do some digging. The information is very sparse but I think I was able to piece together what happened:
A few days ago, a popular artist posted a 3D artwork of Neo-Queen Serenity to r/sailormoon. The artwork was removed because it "reeks of AI." The artist very politely messaged the mods and asked them what happened, offering to send evidence that proves her authenticity. The mods muted- and later outright banned- her. One of the mods also blocked her on Bluesky when she tagged them asking what happened.
You can read the whole thread here:
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People later started sending hate to the two mods (RockyCoon and lemonaid83), which the artist denounced. It got to the point where RockyCoon decided to shut down the subreddit and step down as mod. As of right now, the r/sailormoon subreddit is shut down and will remain that way until a new mod can take over.
Okay, so time to give my opinion on this whole thing.
Right off the bat, let me say that harassment is wrong; RockyCoon and lemonaid83 should not be sent death threats over a fucking fandom subreddit.
THAT BEING SAID- I'm glad people are acknowledging what a shitty place r/sailormoon is and how awful its mods are. It sucks that the mods were harassed into it, but I'm glad they're stepping down because they really do live up to the powertripping Reddit mod stereotype. You can see people in this thread (from a smaller Sailor Moon subreddit) talking about their negative experiences with the mods.
The mods' policies and strict adherence to an arbitrary set of rules really stifles the community. The biggest example of this is the whole "no self-promotion" rule. Artists get hit with the banhammer for daring to link to their socials where people can see more of their work or commission them (because fuck artists for trying to make a living I guess). Meanwhile apparently it's fine for people to post uncredited artwork.
Okay, I gotta rant about this because it still pisses me off so much. Just a few months ago an artist posted pictures of Sailor Moon props he'd made; he makes props and other replicas for a living and they're just gorgeous. Tons of people (myself included) asked him where we can buy his work or commission him. He had to DM us all individually due to fears of being banned for self-promotion. But then the mods caught on and deleted the post anyway.
The artist and I were DMing at the time and he told me how disheartening it was to get a lot of traction for his business only for the mods to derail it because of stupid, arbitrary rules. He wasn't really a Sailor Moon fan himself (he only made the props because his wife, a Moonie, encouraged him to) and I hate how this incident must have tainted his view of the fandom.
So yeah, ANYWAY, I hope this fiasco results in r/sailormoon getting better mods and not sucking anymore. Again, I don't condone harassment, but I can't say I feel too bad for the head mod. They've been super shitty for years and actively made the Sailor Moon fandom a worse place to be in.
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bubblegumbarbie33 · 8 months ago
Another The Lost Boys Incorrect Quotes Post
David: They hate me for being a slut tbh and maybe the killings too but that's unlikely.
Star: Woman? No, you misheard, I'm an omen. I don't identify as male or female, I identify as a warning.
David: The sexual tension between me and disappearing with an explanation.
Michael, sitting in the lap of his hot vampire boyfriend: I've wanted to be a trophy wife since I was a little boy.
Paul: When you high and the world feels 3D.
Star: It is.
Paul: On God?
David: Attempted murder is a form of intimacy by the way. Don't listen to anyone who tells you different.
Sam: I'm going to defeat you with the power of friendship and this gun I found.
David: Stop calling me a bad person just because I'm orchestrating your downfall.
Edgar Frog: Sure! Blame the guy who's a huge idiot and causes a lot of problems, again.
Michael: How is 'pretty boy' supposed to be an insult I'm the prettiest goddamn boy in town.
Marko: Teehee lol. *lunges at your throat*
David: I'm such a man who leans in doorways. Relaxes against the counter. Drapes across the couch. Sprawls over an armchair. My spine isn't straight and neither am I.
Star, glaring at Marko: You are a fool. When you walk, clown music plays.
Sam, wandering around the vamp hotel: Just because I broke into your house doesn't mean imma take something, maybe i just wanna look around damn.
Star, referring to herself: Any guy can be a babygirl but it takes a man to be a single mother.
Allan Frog: Bite the vampire first to establish dominance.
Paul, picking on Star: You used to be shy, now you're a whore.
Star: Character development.
David: Sorry I called you a fucking idiot I was trying to flirt.
David and Star, sharing the same braincell: I couldn't fix him, but I could fuck him.
Dwayne: "I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy." I would. Pussy
Paul: "I'm not gonna sink to their level." I will. Coward
Marko: "I'm the bigger person." I'm 5'7". Give me the gun bitch
Star, staring at David: There is something deeply, fundamentally wrong with you.
Michael, also staring at David: Can we kiss.
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edaworks · 2 months ago
So after watching wife @twosides--samecoin make some custom retextures to use in her screenshots, I decided to take a stab at it myself. As with all off-the-cuff decisions I make, it has become...involved.
Luckily for me, it has also become a collaborative project with wife! She has been learning this stuff for a while/has been providing infinite patience with my hyperfocus and swearing at the computer advice; meanwhile, her fic provides the test project: a standalone version of Olivia's vault suit. Thus far we have:
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This first attempt is a bit crunchy, but I'm OK with it as a test. I am now handing it to my wife to Make It Better ™ and use/publish/reuse as she see might see fit 😂 (The maple leaf patch on the collar is still missing but one of us will get it there eventually...) What we've Learned So Far:
basic creation kit use (I have avoided this for so long)
material editor use
2d texture painting/proper compression (I still refuse to paint directly in 3d modeling software, but it'll happen eventually)
material swaps in CK
armor addons in CK
armor creation in CK
dynamic retexturing
constructible object creation in CK
keyword use in CK
how to export to .ba2 archive (this is still loose files in a .zip atm because not quiiite done screwing with the maps, but file structure is in good order to be packed once complete)
how not to fuck up the base game masters
how to ensure your diffuse/normal/specular maps are actually the correct maps for the armor you wish to retexture instead of wasting 89234 hours on the wrong maps like a noob
how to read the nexusmods tutorials from start to finish like a normal person so you don't create an obscene number of problems you have to go back and fix later because you Did Not Read All The Instructions Before Starting The Assignment.
(Seriously 99% of the problems I encountered were due to Failure to Read All Instructions (or due to overlooking separate tutorials))
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unicornjoking1111 · 11 months ago
POWER (the nine fundamental aspects)
(Appearance,money,personality,social group/connections,physical health,mental health,popularity/fame,education,rich parents)
The information i am about to share with you is based on my views and its up-to you to whether take it in or not.
I know its irrelevant to talk about these things in this loa/void community but idk i felt like posting it PLUS i moslty have followers from this community (this is based on 3d as it has nothing to do with loa/void)
These things are there in "real" life and we are aware of it.. but i wish someone have told me these things
The things i am gonna share with you might hurt to some since i am gonna share you the "reality" of life
Please excuse me for my bad english...
In this fundamental aspects if you have more than 2 or 3 you have reached your goal in achieving your power
This post is like an introduction but i will add only about the topic appearance here and will be making new posts about other stuff
1) Appearance
I think pretty privilege is the right word for it! we have seen on social media that appearance has a huge role in making our life more easier and get away with things much easier and faster!
Appearance also correlates with other fundamental aspects such as social group/connections,money,popularity/fame and personality
In the topic of power appearance is one of the top 3!
pretty privilege as google says "a concept used to examine the economic, social, and political advantages or benefits that are made to both men and women solely based on their physical appearance."
when your pretty life gets easier! u will have more friends, people will treat you better,people will start to respect you and think you in a positive light which leads to greater social connections, even marry a rich guy/girl,brings you fame,get away with anything even if you did something wrong (please don't take advantage of your pretty privilege :D)
being pretty does not bring you genuine connection as there are disadvantages of its own!
pretty is subjective due to the cultural aspects of what is deemed attractive in society!
in terms of 2000's the beauty standard is skinny and blond but now we are in 2024 the beauty standard has changed in terms of accepting other aspects of beauty and the skinny and blond still remains beautiful up to this point!
is it unfair to keep this "beauty" standard? yes
is it necessary to change our self to fit into the standard? no
you can choose what you want to look like and how you want to look like there is nothing like i have be this to be accepted
dont be delusional into thinking "i love the way i am" when your really not! its like forcing yourself to like something which you actually dont like
beauty is real and we are humans after all! we choose this because that's what is pleasing to the eye
you can change how you look like! its not like you will be stuck with the way you are forever and our human body is always changing! so do what you gotta do! give it some love and don't be harsh with it!
you want to use your pretty privilege by becoming a model,social media influencer,be a pretty wife etc... do it! (mind you there will be negatives of its own)
The Standard
ok this part of the section is gonna be really sensitive and not a lot of people talk about this.. i dont even wanna express my views here cause this is the reality i faced... idk if yall bash me for it but atleast there gotta be someone who has to be honest..
so.. being skinny gives you privilege! let me tell you why! i am a skinny person myself and my parents tell me to eat more cause i am "skinny" but the truth is being skinny is a privilege and a standard! i know a friend of mine who is so beautiful and her body is goals! but she told me she is fat and want to be skinny.. it makes me sad that someone so beautiful wants to be skinny.. its really hard but its the truth! even models and the social media influencers are skinny and it is accepted.. i get complimented by people who tells me that they want to be skinny like me.. it was a shock!
if i tell this to anyone who are not skinny they look at me with a weird face saying "you dont know how its like being fat and no one wants that except if you have big private part that's why people compliment you for being skinny". i am sorry for the people who calls themselves fat i just hate it man...
godddd! if your an asian i am so sorry! but a lot of Asians might relate to this one! its about being "white".
yes us Asians are so obsessed with white skin tone but the more shocking part is western people wants to be tan!!!!
idk bro i am so shocked i have no words honestly! for gods sake we are in 2024 and this colurism part sucks!!! like sucks sucks -.-
colurism is the part which hit me like bomb and ruined my childhood! i had black skin tone but i had to force myself to get rid of my shade and i did.. i went from black to white brown kinda combo... i had a lot of trauma with it.. my mom who used to beat me more for my appearance loves me now when i changed my color and now more "beautiful" to my mothers eye... this is one of the disgusting things i had to face when deep down i am hurt to the core..
but somehow being white is like the safe zone and an advantage apart from the tan or black color.. i think in 2024 people start to notice brownish or tan color to be attractive and more accepted.. but the black skin tone is never accepted and no change unless you have features (featurism such as eyes,nose etc..) which are considered attractive and accepted.. so the only way for people with black skin tone to get away with things is to have features which are accepted which sucks!!! i mean not only for black even for brownish/tan skintone.. idk about for people who have white skin tone.. i think you can have any features u want if your skinny..
i hate to write this part cause i am disgusted!!! i hate it so much but this is the privilege and this is the reality we are living in...
idk a lot about features and what is the standard nowadays.. i think having a small nose and plumpy lips are attractive..? idk man..
i think people with normal features are considered a pretty privilege..? like for example if you have (eye misalignment or anything which stands apart.?) its most likely not accepted as far as i have seen in real life but in modeling industry u can get away with it as they want unique features.
ya the "normal" features are considered beautiful? not much educated in this matter.
yes this is the final part.. i think i have given you much awareness of whats considered a pretty privilege? choose what you want to do.. but i beg you to be gentle and don't be harsh with yourself.. change is ok but you need to have your own permission to allow to change and that's the first priority if you want to gain pretty privilege!
if you want.. i can tell you tips for a good self care routine (comment down if you want)? comment down on your views on this! negatives or positives its accepted.
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anosci · 3 months ago
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i was messing with the settings on some local instance gen ai thing, having a laugh with my wife.
idr exactly what I did but i think i was trying to make a "christmas santa claus no santa" prompt and then upscale it, but got a setting wrong. and i got this BEAUTIFUL abstract painting looking thing.
look at the textures here!!!
i think this would be fun to use as a texture for a 3D model perhaps...
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dynasty889 · 4 months ago
Please post I have shitty wifi rn:
Uhhhh guys I fear I may need Steven Rodriguez in an anime now.
So just a quick preface, something I’ve started noticing about like my reception to the sagas is that I have to listen to them repeatedly for me to visualize the songs and understand why Jorge chose to include what he included, which is why I took a bit longer to write my thoughts. The only exception is Thunder Saga which I liked immediately.
I wasn’t freaking out like was at the end of the Wisdom Saga, but that doesn’t mean it was bad (I didn’t like God Games but it still blew me away - of course now I do). But I just kind of took it in silently this time?
Anyway, right now my favorite song is definitely Not Sorry for Loving You. Wangui’s voice is just amazing. I also really liked Gigi’s animatic. I know we’re not supposed to feel bad for Calypso, but man is Gigi making it hard. I have so many thoughts about how Jorge characterized Calypso and I just wish I knew how to properly write it down. But it always feels like it ends up being a defense essay lmao (I’m not defending her I’m just saying she’s portrayed sympathetically in EPIC and that we need to acknowledge Calypso in the Odyssey is very different than the one we got in EPIC).
I think Dangerous might be my next favorite. I also require a plushie of that winion Jay’s sister voiced. And the twerking winion. I did not expect Aeolus to get an indirect callback and I loved all the motifs in the later songs (whoops no longer talking about Dangerous). Definitely a vibe. But, Ody, my man, danger is definitely not your friend. The only other thing that isn’t your friend is your hubris (cough cyclops saga cough).
I think Six Hundred Strike tops Get in the Water just a tiny bit. I love Aeolus’ motif in the beginning and the ensemble voices. Also that 3D animation—WHAT?! Where does he find these people?! I’ll admit, I am a little disappointed how easily Poseidon was beaten. I know Jay said he’s better at long ranged but I still think it should’ve taken a little more. I am glad that Odysseus at least kind of acknowledges he was selfish but ehh I’m still gathering my thoughts on Odysseus. But y’all, Steven needs to star in an anime. His acting was fucking awesome. “Next to my wife…” fucking badass.
Get in the Water was also cool. Even after all this time, Odysseus still seems to struggle with ruthlessness. He tries to talk down Poseidon from fighting. I don’t really know how to explain it. And of course, Jay just HAD to bring back Polites, Eurylochus, Anticlea, and also the crew. Will we ever be free from the trauma???
Charybdis was also cool but because Charybdis doesn’t sing, it’s a little weird. Like it just seems like Odysseus is shouting out stuff. But I think the orchestration alone manages to cover for it. Like you can hear the intensity of the battle in the music even if Charybdis doesn’t sing. I think the way he transitioned from action to Odysseus’ longing was also pretty well done.
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That’s like the peak of how many people were on the livestream. Act I ended with like 135,000 I think? Could be wrong, wasn’t checking every minute
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the-mang0tree · 1 year ago
On your 3d models of meg n op post, when you wrote "wife hasn't been rigged yet" under the image of ops not yet colored hand over megs, i swear to fuck i thought it looked to me like he was comforting megs about not having been rigged like a hopeful husband waiting at her bedside while she fights a terrible illness of some kind and while it was super sweet i think theres something wrong with my brain
ERKFBDJD OMFGG 😭😭😭 anon i think your brain is beautiful
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kipperlillyforpresident · 10 months ago
So every summer I do a personal project of some kind. Because I need to have a work addiction to survive. And I think solidly with how much of a mess this last episode was, my personal project for this year is going to be just one giant fix it fic. I'm not even kidding. I'm not a very spiteful person. But with this episode and how much of a complete mess time quangle it was, I simply just, need something to survive off of about the rat grinders that isn't this mess.
Don't get me wrong! This episode had so many good parts. But 1. the last minute "Oh the rat grinders aren't actually completely evil. And removing their rage star fixes it all because sure yeah that's good writing right" 2. The fact that Lucy doesn't even mention KLCK 3. The weird, weird weird continuous virginity jokes. Kind of just. Huh. It felt like I was going through, at least five episodes worth of development within one episode and I think it's somehow both soured and made the season better for me. I'm like so deeply confused and also so deeply frustrated. I feel like I've been shot by a pirate.
Anyways uh, honestly I'm just going to start believing that, KLCK gets brought back later after they have the time and they have a really long and emotional discussion with Lucy about what SHE wants and whether or not she wants KLCK to be revived. Rotating a low polygon 3d model of Kipperlilly in my mind. I love you rageful girl
SOOO TRUE. if you do end up doing a TRG summer project i would LOVE to see it!!! UNQUANGLE THIS NONSENSE!!
But yeah, it's... well, I know I'm biased. I didn't expect an ending I'd like. But I was at least expecting an ending that was... competent...?
Like. As you said, the shatterstars being a complete mind control thing is such a hivemind. ALTHOUGH, all that being said, it also makes their brutal killing of Kipperlilly even fucking worse. Because we do know that she still HAD a shatterstar in her. Brennan specifically said that her shatterstar doesn't join the battle because of the way it was brought into her - meaning she does still HAVE one.
So she still WAS being fucking mind controlled. So according to this logic (which I do think is unsatisfying), her biggest crime was being 15 and asking to be made a part of a conspiracy to revive a god. Which isn't great. IT'S STILL NOT WORTH ETERNAL DAMNATION!!
The way Lucy was just a dead wife montage, even when she was alive... oh it's okay you killed my friends, they killed me to. It also contradicts with all of the rage star bullshit....? because it wasn't them who killed her. it was just a hivemind that took their bodies. i guess.
and the VIRGINITY JOKES. like...? i don't think of myself as a prude...? i do think that fantasy high has always been a bit weird about sex jokes, but it's usually been.. idk.. not so fucking rampant? if i wanted to be more erudite about this, i could absolutely make something about the fact that losing virginity is a status symbol for men and something that 'taints' you as a woman. but i don't know where i;d be going with that tbh.
anyway so true. i have one au where kipperlilly is sent to the seaside for her own mental health and one au where she's otome isekai'd. the house always wins for me.
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vinxwatches · 9 months ago
the adventure's of puss in boots
1.1 9 years old, tv show, but not bad in animation quality (at least from the . definitely themes that the last wish touch on as well (of course that'll be the strongest point of comparison). love that the fight in episode 1 ends with a massive bluff "i can't defeat all of you, but i can defeat one. so which one of you will die?"
1.2 travel through different horrific lands. "yes, my friend, this is going to suck". the kingdom of darkness: just a dark screen a noises of people stumbling, and then doing it multiple times. the humour is spot on. that's a damn cool sphinx design, and telling us something about the character while not being overly obvious while in 3d show based on a movie? now that's surprising. sad that she's not in the next one, probably never to return, which makes the quality of design even more surprising.
1.3 you know, it takes some skill to make a funny "i hate my wife" joke, but they pulled it of. "i can never say no to a woman" "please pay your bar tab" "no" have i pointed out that this show nails the humour yet? puss vs ninja's? funny. but apparently not enough. puss vs teenage overly buff ninja pigs? now we're talking. also this show loves being dark in it's humour. how how the mean lady is apparently often crying. i wonder if that'll ever get depth, or is ever mentioned again instead of just being one dark joke.
1.4 "what's it like inside your head?" "wet and bloody".... i mean you're not wrong. at this point i'm just trying to convince people to watch the show because the humour is great. "it's not scary, it's just a bag stuffed with old dolls' heads" so many blink and you'll miss it jokes. why does dismemberment follow me everywhere? seriously what the fuck is up with that? why is it suddenly everywhere? at least it's clean and well cared for. this old guy be horny, in a kidshow. how is this a 2015 show? "you are crazy. but this is not new information" "nope". also recurring villain maybe?
1.5 standard episode: life here is too boring and an interesting old friend comes to steal the hero, but turns out to be a villain. will they play it straight (probably, he's designed as a villain), or will they do something more interesting. way too deep a thought for a short scene: so the orphanage is putting on a fake adventure, the costunes are brought out, and the buys very shortly argue over who gets to be a princess, until it's revealed that everyone who wants to can be a princess. here's what makes it so interesting: there is no joke outside of "the intrinsic funniness of buys wanting to be princesses". now while this could of course be setup for transphobic jokes later this honestly feels like it's just scene setting, just quaint town life, and the opposite of transphobic. i'm sure we won't see a trans character in this show (probably the closest being a queer coded villain) but this is nice. a simple message that everyone gets to be a princess if they want. again very cool monster design. like i want to steal this for my dnd game good. kind of a giant geko with a huge mouth and a lure like some fish have but with a fake pretty lady looking thing instead. my point of comparison is the kong-fu panda tv show which has the issue that it was extremely limited to always using the same assets. this show keeps bringing out amazing new designs every episode so far. also the message is damn strong. also neat that the standard plot was only really plot setup, it's never actually part of the plot, it never really comes into play. and for a boring plot now following up can be the best thing. the joke is that everyone wanted to be a princes. nothing about gender, just everyone wanted to be the same thing, nice. seriously, how come i never heard anything of this show? 2015. i'm pretty sure i watched some cartoons in 2015. did it never make it's way on dutch tv? i mean i've also never seen anyone talk about it online, something i think i'll have to correct at some point.
1.6 softpaws? nope, just a black cat. also the return of the sphinx which makes me happy. interesting that we get the more visually interesting sphinx sister first. so i've been watching a lot of TBSkyen and now want to kind of do a visual interpretation video like he often does on these two sisters. how the firsts inks and piercings make her read kind of Egyptian, alongside the naked cat stylings, while also indicating individuality and complexity, and how the lack of those in her sister suggests that she's simpler, which is true. one tells riddles, the other just tries to kill you. fuck why is this show so full of great dnd ideas. many magical fountains, each with different effects, like reverse gravity, talking backwards, and needing to say a word to undo it, which is hard with talking backwards, or induces fall damage after falling upwards for a while. fuck it, list time: fountain of invisible spiders, fountain of nausea, fountain of fire, fountain of itchy feet, just a regular fountain.
1.7 this serious continues to confuse me in a positive way in not making transphobic jokes. girly scream from the cowardly mayor? ok, that's prime setup right? sure, but they don't make the joke, it's just a scream that doesn't match the character design, but that's part of the general joke of the character: he's a coward who often hides in a barrel, but he's a huge buff dude who wouldn't even fit in the barrel. you get what i mean? puss doesn't burst in saying "i'll save you my lady" and then haha is a dude. he just bursts in to save someone. another standard plot: convince someone they are brave by pretending they defeat something, they they get overconfident and find real trouble and learn to reign it in or fully return to the status quo, wonder how they'll do it. damn, they did the getting too confident straight, but put enough good jokes in the scene to not make it awkward (hard to avoid), not to see if they can do the rest well. making Dulcinea (the female polite cat) do it because puss is too tired helps. "it's ok buddy, i'll read it to you" "you're a cute friend" subversion of expectation and cute as fuck, these are the joke i love. oh no, the man travels with a shadow over his face in spite of physics, he's definitely evil. surprisingly polite to those he thinks unwell though. and the standard plot continues. going with the "hopes and dreams dashed, but then shows bravery for reals". yep that's basically exactly what they did, with one funny in concept but sadly meh in execution fightscene. this isn't an episode you watch for the end, you watch for the jokes which are amazing.
1.8 human shrek is on the cover of the romance novel. blink and you'll miss it and i love it. oh no, puss ate xanathar's fish, and is now hunted by a Sinnamon smelling golem. this is so stupid in the best way. classic way for things to gain a soul too, it's neat. and damn does it make for a neat episode.
1.9 "let me gaze upon your golden booty" "i am uncomfortable" yes i'm still trying to get you to watch the show. oh a dust devil, neat. and that it's a demon is accurate to how people used to think about them (to my knowledge the origin of djinn). i think that was the first reuse of an asset i noticed (if you ignore the bandits): a sceptre that was broken in a previous episode. this is not a negative, just impressive that it took this long to use the same asset for a similar thing. also love that Dulcinea's arc so far is getting angry, but not like in a bad way.
1.10 excalibur? ok, this is an interesting take. generally not the angle of a reluctant hero (fun dnd PC backstory?). and the classic puss being pretty lost when he can't be the hero... starts to feel a bit overdone, but how many things can you do with him? also the animation touches are very nice. is this a story about cheating? because it sounds like a story about cheating, and with someone not getting over their ex. also this episode has some crazy good action. also this sword has a problem with asparagus.
1.11 uhm, that's not what sphynx looks like. where are her inks and piercings? did they accidentally use the wrong model? "well, technically medicine is the best medicine, but laughter is cheaper". wait what!? the cow barlady used to be an assassin?! also is this an episode about racism? like this could turn sour quickly. also what i think is clever but also semi noticeable is a cost cutting measure (honestly i've been noticing it for a while): if things don't move they aren't actually rendered in 3d, instead a single render is made of them and then it's a flat image that animation is rendered on top of. now this makes total sense to do: it's a lot less rendering so everything will be faster, which is a necessity if it's a tv show with tv show budget with 15 episodes. it allows for backgrounds that are relatively detailed unlike other 3d shows which are very often very plain. but if things look slightly off to you this may be why. damn, mature talk about wanting to do things but not doing it. this show is crazy. also damn that's one evil mouse. at least the sphynx petrified is the correct model.
1.12 that's just a god damn goblin. like literally called a goblin. and visually think dnd goblin... wild. also this is just about racism. mostly a pretty standard episode, but pusses unwavering belief is nice. and if a new person joins the cast that would make it even better.
1.13 earlier today episode? can always be fun. oh, Dulcinea gets to have puss' standard problem: feeling like he's no longer needed, and thus no longer him, thus problem. "i'll even write all of the stories myself. i will use all of the words. so many words!" and suddenly puss is talking like fucking trump. when puss thinks Dulcinea may be in legal troubles he'll immediately start helping her out, because pull aint no snitch lol. well now this episode conflicts with the last wish. Puss being against wishing stars here but going after it then? well, there is of course desperation
1.14 mother Mary the cat? so it'll be a puss' pride episode. the episode didn't have any big fightscenes, so instead the focus was put on the final dance. odd, but really fun.
1.15 a curse of bad luck turning puss into a black cat, that's just neat. wild that i had nothing more to say about it despite it being the last episode of season 1. oh well, on to season 2 i guess.
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snackara · 10 months ago
King Manuel
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The Audacity of Dis Bitch
Can we all agree that Magnifico is kind of a dumb name? Yes? Coolio. In this rewrite the king probably has the least changes, at least when it comes to design. I wanted to keep him closer to what we see in the first half of the movie, where he tried to act sincere, but you can also tell he’s kinda bullshitting and hiding more then he’s letting on. My main focus was to make him (and by extension Amaya) more of a threat in the story. In the movie he really doesn’t do anything that’s all that bad. Sure, he steals people’s wishes, but they don’t seem too upset about it, and he just keeps the wishes in a tower. In this story however…well he may end up having a kill count.
Again, I really wanted to lean into the show host side of Manuel’s personality. He takes a lot of inspiration from Hades in this rewrite, able to crack jokes here and there while still being a large threat to our heros. He’s highly manipulative, even towards his own family. He presents himself, Amaya, and Flazino as the perfect royal family, when behind the scenes he’s a power-hungry dictator, his wife is a witch who may or may not have married him just for power, and their son is depressed.
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As far as his design goes, I would change very little. The only significant change I would make would be to make his clothing more gold and blue like above. It would add a lot more color to his design and make him stick out better from the subjects of Rosas, like with Asha’s design. (small side tangent here, but I hate how muted the colors are in the movie. like it’s not a problem in any of their other 3D films, so why is it here?)
Onto his backstory:
In this rewrite, Rosas was founded by Manuel’s father, Enrique. It was nothing special, mostly adverted as a place where all people could find a home, no matter their background.
As Manuel grew up, he began to learn magic and grew to be even more powerful than his father, and helped people with all sorts of things. Through his youth he also became friends with a young man named Tomás (remember him for later), who taught him about the Celestial Realm. Manuel became obsessed with the realm, and was determined to find a way to use it to fuel his magic further.
When he was around his twenties, he met Amaya during one of the wish granting ceremonies and instantly fell in love with her. It was hard to say if Amaya reciprocated those feelings at first, but when she discovered Manuel was the prince, she quickly warmed up to him and they became married.
One day, thieves began to raid the kingdom and killed many people, including Enrique. They were eventually stopped, but the damage was done. Looking for someone to blame, the people turned to the stars and rumor spread that a wish gone wrong had been the real cause.
The stars slowly started to disappear from the sky one by one, and people could no longer rely on them to grant their wishes. However, once Manuel took the throne he began to grant wishes himself. He also made it law that every citizen had to give up their wish when they turned eighteen to avoid history repeating itself.
Most people agreed to the new policy, still shaken up from the previous events. However, a small amount of citizens were suspicious of Manuel and his intentions, especially Tomás. His and Manuel’s friendship had been on a gradual decline over the years, but after an huge argument between the two where Manuel even lashed out at his friend, Tomás left the kingdom with a small amount of people, never to be seen by the king again. (or was he? who knows? oh, only I do!)
Admittedly I don’t know how I’ll convey some of this backstory in the story yet, if I will at all, but I feel pretty good about what I came up with here. And now we just have Amaya to go, for now anyways.
Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more.
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mysticjourneys · 1 year ago
So, I have been doing some thinking. I have been doing roleplaying for over ten years, and over time, I have been feeling a certain fatigue of the roleplaying process.
Several factors have come up that have made me decide not to really do roleplaying anymore, or at least, not to the same degree I use to. This goes for all my other blogs: @defectedrockstar @emerald-might @bloodyshards
1. People I Associate With
Sometimes, when it comes to story making, I don't always like what is on the table. Whether it be the plotting, their reply, or where they want to get to their end goal faster and not give proper development. This can range from shipping that feels forced, people not paying attention to past replies and do something that contradicts the intent, or just not bringing anything interesting to me.
Don't get me wrong, it's just a matter of chemistry between writers. I'm not perfect, and this alone wouldn't be enough to make me want to go on this hiatus.
2. Too Many RPs
I'll be honest, I spread myself too thin. I roleplay on Discord with servers, I roleplay four different blogs on this site, and all of them have several and several stories I haven't finished. I worked myself to death with this, and I have myself to blame. I made this too much of a chore, and it doesn't help that not all of the RPs I do are winners.
3. No Communities/Blogs I Want
There are times when I am motivated for a specific kind of story with a certain genre. Much like everyone, we have our own interests, and sometimes, you want to do something else after you have done a genre for a while. But, what do you do when you can't find a community with similar interests, or a blog with a certain character, or at worst, they flat out reject you? I felt I couldn't do a lot of the stories I wanted to, and the roleplay community hasn't really done much for me recently.
I started roleplaying because it was the only way I could be creative, express myself, inspire others, and put out to the world. That was when I was a teenager. Now? I'm older, experienced a lot, and have found other things to express myself. I'm getting into pixel art, I commissioned 3D models of my OCs to use in projects, I'm working on recording videos and streaming, and doing D&D. I found more fulfilling things to do. It saddens me a little, as it also feels I am saying goodbye to a part of myself. But, my wife said it doesn't have to be goodbye or sad. Hence this being a semi-hiatus, because who knows when I will get a new perspective and come back better?
I'm hope you all take care of yourselves and stay strong during this new year. And thank you.
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thirdtidemouse · 1 year ago
if i do anything about that art school au johanna is an illustrator obviously and i cant decide between kaisa specialising in photography or fine art. she would read and write about conceptual art a lot but she would be an analogue photography fanatic so i think photography
i had this idea floating around in my head but i was like no too self indulgent. but then wife's amazing cellularity fic where she got to nerd out about medicine made me realise ohhh i can do what i want that's awesome
its essentially johanna's regular young adulthood probably studying art but now kaisa is there and so is everyone else yaay😁 they're all on their foundation year i think (so 18-19 usually) but it might be different
gerda would do graphic design probably, as well as 3d product & furniture design. edmund spends a lot of time in the print room and is always doused in ink. victoria does experimental film & sculpture.
i cant decide on doing that fun thing where people turn like alfur/raven/tontu/etc into regular people i think i might bc a big cast is fun
oh oh my god ive just realised i could have them be teachers what's wrong with me. then i could have the kids be there too. omg 😭
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