#written exam
thischristianguy · 3 months
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sunlit-mess · 4 months
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coping real hard
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colorfulfoxengineer · 7 months
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newscast1 · 2 years
Over 30,000 in Pakistan appear for police constable exam, sit on stadium ground to write paper
Over 30,000 in Pakistan appear for police constable exam, sit on stadium ground to write paper
A written examination was held in Islamabad on Saturday to fill up the 1,667 vacant posts of constables in the Islamabad Police department.   Islamabad,UPDATED: Jan 2, 2023 07:24 IST At least 32,000 candidates were made to sit on the ground for the written test that was conducted for recruitment to the constable’s post at the Sports Complex in Islamabad on Saturday. By Subodh Kumar: Pakistan…
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ricky-mortis · 4 months
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I heard that Corey Dorris sang Show Stopping Number at Innit- so I present: Corey!Hidgens
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sarcasstic-jpmvr · 3 months
How often do y‘all think House told showed Wilson he loved him during their last five months?
I love you, as they are putting on their helmets to go on a drive.
I love you, as they sit across each other and House steals his fries.
I love you, as they both drunkenly stumble into a shitty single motel-room with a couch, a TV and double-bed with nightstands on each side.
I love you, as he finds a Monster Truck rally on the small TV and watches Wilson‘s eyes get a little brighter when remembering the time before.
I love you, as he watches Wilson‘s head slowly come to rest on his shoulder and suggest getting some sleep on the bed because his leg can‘t handle nights on the couch anymore, Wilson.
I love you, as he slings an arm across Wilson‘s thorax and feels his ribs through the thin shirt he‘s wearing, making House hold him a little tighter.
I love you, as he makes Macademia Nut Pancakes with corn syrup and sets a plate in front of Wilson.
I love you, as he brushes Wilson‘s sweaty hair from his forehead after the coughing made him throw up the little breakfast he had.
I love you, as he gently brushes a hand up his back to lend support when the tightness in Wilson‘s chest leaves him breathless.
I love you, as he holds both of Wilson‘s hands and does some breathing exercises with him while Wilson is gasping for a breath that just won‘t fill his lungs.
I love you, as he makes up excuses to stop more frequently because he sees Wilson swerve slightly on the road behind him.
I love you, as he brushes a small kiss on Wilson‘s forehead, before leaving for the nearest clinic.
I love you, as he steals enough morphine for the both of them.
I love you, as he looks at his Wilson and sees the slight smile of relief before the light in his eyes dims and he hears the final exhale.
I love you, as he enters the syringe in his own vein and pushes the plunger in with no hesitation, closing his eyes and welcoming the darkness with open arms.
I love you, he says, when they‘re reunited and hold each other tightly for the rest of their eternity.
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lastdivantruther · 3 months
A short (!) take on why this goofy ass page is the best introduction to HunterXHunter's characters:
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Or, an alternative title, why Togashi is the best liar in the world and why it makes him the best story-teller.
I've spent my afternoon writing this because I couldn't stop thinking about the ship scene at the start of the story for a month now. Rest is under the cut.
Starting this page, as these three introduce themselves, the speech patterns they use already say something about them:
Kurapika's is polite and to the point, using the gender neutral I, 私 (watashi), while Gon's is simple with casual and more masculine おれ (ore), and Leorio's is more pompous, also using the casual おれ (ore).
When the captain asks about their motives, Gon is first one to answer, that is expected of course. As we know him he is a bright and pure and happy kid who trusts easily, right? Right?
I'll come back to it for another time. Let's look at the others.
Both Kurapika and Leorio refuses the talk about their motivations. That's the first similarity of them which is shown to us. Kurapika giving a more through answer on why, which shows his thought process clearly. He also completely ignores Gon and Leorio until Leorio annoys him.
When he is finally forced to talk, we see a polite but cold boy with an honorable and tragic mission he has to pursue. Or that's the image he wants the audience, and most importantly himself to see. We also take the first hint about Kurapika's relationship with the idea of his death.
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Leorio literally shouts all his motives, and he clearly is only in it for money. This is our first impression on him, and it's what he wants the audience to see.
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This is the second similarity between Leopika the manga shows us. They both lie about who they are, to their audience and to themselves. (Because we already can guess at this point that these two are not of a good actor to pull of such a lie without believing it themselves.)
Next scene shows us how much they care about this image they've drawn to hold. They even put their own, and the opponent's life to a risk for it.
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And then fallowing this one is my favorite scene, where all their lies and personas shatter. It's such a simple scene but it makes us see everyone from a new light. Everyone? You might ask, Gon and Kurapika already showed their altruistic side, right?
Here, let me explain:
They are at the hull on the ship, in the middle of the storm and they both focused at each other, ready to strike.
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Then, a man falls over the ship.
We already know this part. Both forget the fight instantly and run to the guy. Both fall short of reaching him. We see the moment of them realizing that their efforts are useless.
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That's the scene where their true character's shown. For one thing, we see that Leorio, even though he talks like a selfish person, cares enough of another to let go of his pride (a fight he was there to protect his pride). And we see that Kurapika (and Leorio too), even though he is after an honorable mission to an extent he's ready to throw away his life, it isn't extended to things other than his mission. That they still prioritize themselves before the others. Because even though both reached out to the fallen guy to save him, they still hold onto the railings, and stop before their lives can be in danger.
I know I talked a lot but this 2 panels explain a lot about their characterization without telling us a single word.
Then here comes Gon.
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At first this can be accused to Gon's altruism, him being the shounen MC, feelings, talk no jutsu etc. But there is more to that. We know that Gon doesn't care if people puts their lives in danger knowingly. We can deduct it from his attitude to Leopika's fight. No, this scene isn't there to show his altruistic side, it's here to show his single-mindedness and his instinct over people's nature.
That's the first scene he puts his live in danger without even giving a thought, and there is more to come. Rest of the scene also shows that Gon trusts people easily, instinctively, but he's mostly right about it.
Anyway, to finish up this mess of a take, what Togashi did here is to create space where characters can introduce themselves the way they wanted. Then tear it all off by forcing them to act as who they are by putting them in a life-and-death situation. And that's peak writing to me.
Finishing off with a Hot Leorio Panel.
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Sayonara you weebo shits.
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arttsuka · 3 months
I need you to stick with me here but Jedtavius as Patroclus and Achilles
Sorry I’ve been reading The Song of Achilles and it’s getting to me
Oh... so who's who? In my drawing Achilles is Octavius and Patroclus is Jedediah
I basically redrew that one statue (I know it's not both of them but I liked the pose ok? Forgive me). Also I took my chance to draw Jed's funny underpants to lighten up the mood a bit.
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Sorry if this doesn't meet your vision :(
That was a weird amalgamation of 2 different photos in an attempt to fix the original (I literally cropped it, fixed some mistakes digitally and then took another picture of a blank paper to use as background. The things I do as a traditional artist). Here's the picture before I fixed the mistakes .
Usually I am more careful and don't make that many mistakes. But also, I work on bigger drawings like this for at least a week, so yeah...
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I wanted to draw the iconic red figure pottery art of them but I felt like that would take me way too long :/
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wolfish-trickster · 4 months
Jealous Choso?
I wrote this inbetween studying so it's gonna be pretty scuffed i'm sorry 😭
Being a half curse his entire life meant he had no reason to be jealous. His brothers loved him and no one else, the three of them were always together since most humans would run away at the sight of them so they didn't really have any other companions (lets pretend geto and co never met them). If anything he expected his brothers to be jealous of him, since he is the only one resembling a human, the only one who could walk outside in daylight and no one would bat an eye. The older the three got the more his brothers told Choso to go out and find some companions outside the world of curses. He always refused.
That is until he met you. It was random really. One night you couldn't sleep and since the sun was just about to rise you decided to go for a walk. That's how you met all three of them. At first you thought you must've finally fallen asleel and you didn't treat any of this seriously. You greeted them, threw some jokes at them, acted as if the four of you have been besties since kindergarden. Only after the sun rose did you realise this wasn't a dream. But for some reason these scary looking dudes didn't hurt you. Quite opposite, they seemed to be fond of you. Especially the pale one in pigtails.
The rest is history. Choso was incredibly happy he found someone like you. He cherished you with his whole heart. And since you have met the most importand people to him, you wanted to introduce him to some of your important people too. It was them who explained some human dating concepts to Choso.
Before meeting them he had no issue seeing you talking to another man. He knew you loved him and him only. And from his observations he knew people were social animals so he didn't want to isolate you and make you unwell.
The friends however explained what cheating is, that it can happen to anyone at any point and for any reason. Choso tried applying logic saying how yoh never complained about anything to him, but some of your friends insisted that a) some people are just quiet even when they don't like somethjng and b) people cheat secretely because the one they're with simply lacks something they will never have. Choso wasn't a full human like you. That was his biggest minus when compared to aome of your male friends.
And that pretty much srarted the jealous Choso arc. If his eyes alone could kill all of your male friends wozld already be 6 feet under. After gaining some courage he even walked over to where you currently were and put himself all over you like a cat wanting attention. And that's basically what he was. A giant black cat. Whenever you asked hik if he's jealous or if he wants attention he always swatted you away and pretended he hates physical touch. But after you as much as had a phone call with someone whose voice sounded masculin he was all over you in an instant, cuddling you the whole night even.
He would never admit it but his jealousy stems from fear that one day you'll realise you want a normal life with a normal human man by your side, not half a curse who would probably never even give you children if you wanted. Add a risk of you being attacked by curses, curse users or anyone who had a problem with Choso and his kind. As much as he wants to keep you all to himself he knows he can't and so he will keep doing what he does, showing everyone you are his and he won't share.
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There's a small moment in the Hunter x Hunter 2011 anime that I thought was pretty cute. It's close to the beginning, during the Hunter Exam, when they're looking for pigs in the forest. Gon slides down a hill, and Killua follows him, only for him to crash because Gon had stopped at the bottom of the hill. This scene!
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It's one of those rare little bits added by an adaptation that really add to the characters - because yeah, this was not in the manga.
I find this anime is really good at adding little moments that either
are just cute or endearing
are fun extra interactions that show off the character dynamics more
actually highlight something about the characters in question
This one, I feel, does all three. First of all, I just love seeing Killua a bit more involved in their group before the eventual reveal of "he just wanted to be friends". It's really sweet.
But mostly, I think it's interesting that Killua assumed Gon was just messing around, when Gon was actually focusing his efforts on beating the challenge. Because, sure, Killua finds Gon somewhat intriguing, and he really wants to stick around him due to his desire for a friend - but Killua still sees himself as a class above pretty much everyone else there, and also as an assassin in a category so firmly removed from "regular kid".
So, Killua totally misreads Gon here. He assumes Gon is just doing a regular kid thing and attempts to mimic it so he can join in. It doesn't actually occur to him that Gon was tracking the pigs, or focusing on the task at hand.
It's a far cry from later on, where Killua and Gon are primarily a team effort - in sync, aware of the others' strengths, and taking each other quite seriously.
And part of it, of course, is that they just don't know each other very well at this point. But I think another thing is that Killua, during most of the Hunter Exam, is more invested in what Gon represents than who he is, necessarily.
His first friend represents rebellion against his family, childish enjoyment, and the desire for connection and understanding that he is not receiving. And even though, as time goes on, he grows more and more impressed with Gon, I really don't think it fully clicked that he wanted that friend he wished for to be specifically Gon until he was confronted by Illumi.
I also think Killua takes Gon a lot more seriously after the fight with Hanzo, and especially after Gon went all the way to the Zoldyck estate to save him. Before the Hanzo fight, Killua was outright irritated by Gon being ranked higher than him overall, and was even a little bitter at the beginning of the fight ("I could've dodged that easily" comes to mind).
By Heavens Arena, I feel they both have a much firmer grasp on, and appreciation for, who the other is as a person. Killua is more consciously aware of his investment in Gon as an individual rather than an abstract, and Gon is aware of Killua's crappy upbringing and is quick to be very supportive of him as he figures things out for himself.
During the Hunter Exam though, a lot of the interactions between them feel a lot like Killua is either mimicking or acting out "regular kid" behaviours, either because that's what he thinks Gon is already doing, or he wants to see if Gon will respond in kind.
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Aaaaand... he does. :)
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So, while they do not have what I feel is a true depth of bond here yet, the foundation is already being laid down for their powerful friendship - Gon and Killua both show an immediate willingness and enjoyment to go along with what the other wants to do and to try out what the other is good at, and they wind up having a whole lot of fun together right off the bat.
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social-mockingbird · 1 year
dangerous habits (pt. 2)
(eleventh doctor x reader)
it’s me again, your favorite procrastinating fanfiction author, (finally) doing a follow-up to dangerous habits! i am a sucker for pet names as stated previously, but i am also a sucker for using them on other people. if you are my friend and okay with it you’re getting sweet-talked out the wazoo. this is dangerous if you have male friends. we don’t talk about the times i called my crush ‘honey’.
you can read the first part here! it’s not required, but it does provide a little more context?  
author’s rec while you read: the flower garden by joe hisaishi
He likes to catch you off guard with them. 
Thanks to your habit of losing yourself in thought (you were in space all the time! There wasn’t a weekend you weren’t visiting a new planet! You had a lot to think about!), it was pretty easy for him to appear behind you, warm hands sliding a familiar path around your waist, chest pressing into your back. 
“Hello, dear.” 
“Darling, you’ve disappeared again.” 
“Love, what are you thinking about this time?” 
You were starting to get used to being startled, and that was a strange paradox all its own. It was the worst on his happy days, because the gentle hugs were usually accompanied by the softest kiss to the back of your neck, or your jaw, or, if he felt especially cheeky, your mouth, after he’d spun you around and made you gasp. And, as he liked to say into your skin, he’d never been happier.
So now it was time to turn the tables on him. 
The benefit to having an especially flirty sort of lover is that you were picking up quite a lot of ideas for romantic teasing. Despite the fact that he knew exactly how to push your buttons, you were learning what exactly made him click–and you were waiting for the perfect moment to use your new knowledge. (You’d tried flirting to yourself in the mirror, once, to make sure you knew what you were doing, and made yourself laugh so hard that the Doctor had come running to make sure you weren’t choking.) 
“You sure Hayao Miyazaki isn’t from here?” you ask, knee deep in endless flowers. This planet was nothing but fields and always a gentle springtime. There was a pocket storm rumbling gently in the distance. The sun was a little cooler than Earth’s, so you had the Doctor’s coat draped around your shoulders like a cape, despite the bright weather. 
“Took him here once,” the Doctor says carelessly, a flower stuck behind his ear. “I think he made a film about it later.” 
“Remind me: we’re having a movie night later,” you say, knowing he’d forget. You wade to him, stepping delicately around a rock buried in the flowers to move into his space. You grasp one of his suspenders, pulling him down a bit to your level, trying not to smile at the way his eyes widen, at the way he sputters a bit when you touch him. You smooth his hair down and slide the goggles he’d forgotten to take off out of his hair. Then, you place the flower crown you’d twisted on top of his head, giving it a pat so it would stay. He’d been so wrapped up in watching the oncoming storm that you’d had plenty of time to weave the crown behind his back. It hangs a little down over one of his ears, and he twitches his nose at the smell of the flowers, blinking, adjusting to its weight. The bright yellow of the blossoms brings out the green in his eyes. 
“You’re really handsome, sweetheart,” you say, dropping your voice an octave, and lean up to kiss his temple, right underneath the crown. “Thanks for taking me here today. I love getting to spend time with you.”  
You can see his hands fluttering at his sides out of the corner of your eye. For someone so attractively smooth, he was remarkably awkward. 
“Close your eyes, love,” you say, and when he does, you grab his face and tilt it down, pressing your lips to his forehead, the bridge of his nose, his eyelids. The storm behind you makes the breeze kick up. The Doctor shivers a little and leans into your warmth. His hands come to rest on your hips. You can feel the tremble in his fingers. 
Oh, now you knew why he did it to you. This was fun. 
His eyes flutter open, a kaleidoscope of greens and blues and grays, a little unfocused as you adjust his bow tie and straighten the collar of his shirt. 
“What are you doing?” he says, almost to himself. 
“Flustering you,” you tell him, barely speaking above a whisper, and it makes his fingers tighten on your hips. “Come here, love.”  
You can smell the rain in the air when you grab his lapels and kiss him. It mingles with the scent of the flowers. 
“This is unfair,” the Doctor groans, chasing your mouth when you pull away. You run your fingers up into his hair and the words die in his throat. 
“I’m just returning a favor, Sexy,” you say, pulling him close as the rain comes down. You hold him like you’re leading a dance, wrapping him up in your arms as thunder rolls above your heads. The flower crown drips petals onto your shoulders. Both of you look like wet cats when you finally stumble back into the TARDIS, shivering, giggling, hands full of drooping flowers and each other. 
When the Doctor sneaks up behind you and grabs your waist while you’re toweling off your hair, making you scream and laugh, the TARDIS lights glitter with amusement. 
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look at this small precious bean man like what I wouldn’t give to fluster this fool--
(also, tagging @greycircles1​ because you asked me months ago if I would do a follow-up and I wanted to but couldn’t think of anything so I didn’t answer your DM and sorry about that! I hope you enjoy this :))
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wordsofwilderness · 4 months
Here's a little snippet from the fic I'm working on rn:
James was too much and not enough all at the same time. Overwhelming in even the smallest doses, yet never enough to sate Regulus’ need for his company. But it was the best kind of overwhelming, the all consuming kind that shrank the entire world in until it was only the two of them—the kind Regulus could easily become all too addicted to.
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finisnihil · 5 months
I'm thinking about Sunday again and how we're shown that Robin is his weak spot over and over and really he probably wouldn't have slipped up if not for the people trying to exploit her death.
In 2.0 we see them hanging out together and the like but we don't see them interact much, Robin very obviously cares for Sunday but Sunday maintains a quiet atmosphere and professional facade and as such one could wonder how much he actually cares about her as his sister.
But then at the end of the quest we see the cracks start to show a bit. Sparkle pretends to be Robin and Sunday becomes enraged. Until then he's pretty subdued in his behavior in the aftermath, but the mockery of his sister's death is too great a slight and when Sparkle offers to pretend to be Robin so nobody gets suspicious, Sunday tells her to stuff it and go away which she does. It's a really telling scene that when Robin is involved his careful mask cracks down the middle and he begins to not think clearly or strategically because later in 2.1 it's noted he went back to accept the offer.
Aventurine notes that Robin's death is an entry point for the IPC to exploit but not for the overall Family, just for Sunday. Sunday is reeling to find control with the other heads pressuring him and the IPC closing in like a pack of hungry vultures. Sunday was always alone except for Robin and they're both pretty aware of the corruption as Sunday is desperately trying to root out the traitor while Robin left and is helping him research Death. Aventurine knows this and he knows Sunday is off balance and prone to overlooking things in his rage and grief that's potent in everything he does after 2.0's quest. Sunday went to Ratio for informatiom because he understands Aventurine's a threat needing to be taken seriously and he needs to handle him quickly and efficiently and that makes him sloppy enough to get duped by the Jade cornerstone.
When Welt and Acheron investigate his office they find all the letters and lists and investigations into the problem but they also find a beloved lightcone of a young Sunday watching his sister preform on a toy stage. Robin is noted as finding this preformance her favorite and most cherished one. Is Sunday clapping to applaud her or is he keeping time for her? Sunday keeps things running himself so she can free to persue her dreams. He does care about Robin, they really only have each other.
Finally... Gallagher. You really see the persona Sunday puts on finally shatter all at once. This is the man who murdered his sister and who's caused him so much trouble and stress. Nobody's around to fool, nobody's around to witness, and you finally see all his pent up rage and grief spill out. That's his mistake, he's so distracted letting out his bottled up feelings Gallagher's able to get him before he can even react.
Small side analysis, Robin's name and signature song come from the Emily Dickinson poem of the same name. She's an American Poet who mostly wrote works of Romanticism and Transcendentalism. We haven't see much of Robin but she seems to match Romantacism, a literary movement that focused on emotion and individualism with no regard for logic. Sunday seems to match Transcendentalism, a literary movement that focused on the relationship between humanity, the divine, and nature with little regard for science. The three aspects of Transcendentalism also match Xipe's motif of threes, like their three heads.
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screamingcrows · 3 months
🎲🎲 For whoever you wish, babes <3
Your wish is my command 🫡 You rolled 43 (so close to the answer to the ultimate question of-) "Great, who cares?"
Suggestive, pet play?, power imbalance, MDNI, pet names (doll, sweetheart), use of 'master'
Pantalone's tendency to get lost in the sound of his own voice had come as a surprise, not that it mattered much, the velvety sound was easy enough to get used to. If only he'd talk about something other than mora and his newest acquisitions.
You'd been curled up on one of the plush couches in his office since morning as usual. But since he'd returned from the latest meeting with the rest of the Harbingers, he'd been gripping his pen a little tighter, speaking a fraction louder, and perhaps most importantly, made sure to list every single thing he'd done for them this week.
It wasn't your business to inquire how it had gone, and truthfully, you didn't want to for fear of setting him off. He most likely wasn't paying attention to you anyway, speaking for the sake of it rather than to anyone in particular.
"Great, who cares?"
Despite how much care you normally took around him, your words spilled over before your mind could intervene. Pantalone always teased if it was because you enjoyed riling him up.
There was nothing enjoyable in how his eyes opened just a crack, liquid gold bubbling dangerously.
"Come again doll," his voice soothed your nerves, curling comfortably around you.
You knew by now that it was nothing but show. The weight wasn't that of a lover's hug, but a snake moments from constricting.
"I simply said 'that's great'.."
Lying was risky with him, never taking kindly to even the smallest betrayal. You prayed to whatever would have you that he didn't hear the shake in your voice.
"Did you now?"
Pantalone was smiling when you looked over, the corners of his lips sharp enough that a kiss would end in bloodshed. Your heart hammered in your chest when his right arm reached out, the click of a lock ringing through the office. Every drawer in his desk was locked, but only one of them had its key always inserted.
"Remind me, sweetheart, who picked you up off the frozen streets? Who is it that pampers you, makes sure you never have to go back to that scum?"
A gilded leash was still a leash. Ice ran down your spine when you noticed the riding crop in his hand, bile rising in your throat as a phantom ache from weeks ago when he'd used it last returned.
"You do, Master," soft and placating was the only way forward, the only way to lessen the inevitable.
A brief hum of satisfaction was all it earned you to use his preferred title, but you would take what you could get.
"And who should you be eternally grateful, loyal, to doll? Go on, we've practised this," still soft enough to fool anyone walking by outside, but you recognised the blades that lined his words.
Shaking, you slid down the chair and onto the cold floor, eyes downcast as you hear the click of his heel approach.
Brown leather entered your vision, his shoe pressing down on your thigh, the skin underneath being twisted painfully.
"I shouldn't have to instruct you anymore," his charm had burned out and left the words frigid.
A small sob threatened to wrack your body, hands shaky as they steadied you against the floor. The snap of leather against his palm caused you to jolt, knowing his patience was already worn thin. With tears streaking down your face, you leaned forward and let your tongue dutifully run along the leather, screwing your eyes shut as you tried to drown out the sound of his mirthless chuckle.
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osamusriceballs · 7 months
The Accident - Part XVIII
Atsumu x fem reader
Warnings: NSFW!!
Words: ~ 4,9 k
About: Finally! Pure smut, barely plot. Can be skipped if you're uncomfortable with that. The longest part so far xD
Part I II -> Final Part
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Your relationship with Atsumu has been thriving.
You came to appreciate that he is actually a very reliable and vivid texter and how you both regularly went on dates- something that he insisted on, and you definitely couldn't complain about that. You know that he has a tight schedule, but that apparently doesn't stop him from inviting you over every single weekend, without exceptions, always making sure that Saturday night belongs to the two of you. Often, you would go to Onigiri Miya's to eat, much to Osamu's delight. He always insists that you don't have to pay, yet you still often place a crumpled 10 bucks note in the tip jar to keep the guilt at bay.
You both have developed a routine of eating out together and then watching a movie at Atsumu's place. He's told you a lot about his work, sometimes complaining about other players, but he seems really confident in his skills, with the start of the Olympics getting closer and closer every single day, which he is anticipating quite a lot.
You'd tell him about your work too, tell him about the things that you like, that you enjoy to read, confessing with reddened cheeks that you sometimes read rather unconventional stories, to which his smug grin had intensified, and he seemed very interested in getting details of that, which you denied at first, but then promised him to send him recommendations. You had also told him how Yachi and you met and how you got to know Hinata and Kageyama. You came to enjoy this caring side of Atsumu, and it feels rather domestic to spend time with him like this, just the two of you talking and having fun.
And more often you'd find yourself in Atsumu's lap after talking for hours, heavily making out with him until you both gasp for air- just like today.
You barely pay any attention to the movie, the sounds only faintly in the background, some action movie that Atsumu found with a good rating and insisted you both watch—and instead, it didn't even take him ten minutes to scoot a bit closer and to gently turn your face towards him to kiss you, deepening the kiss quickly and then pressing your back against the couch. He's now hovering over you, your legs wrapped around his middle and your hands deeply entangled in his hair. You came to notice that he loves when you play with his hair, sometimes even resting his head in your lap just to have you give him a head massage, so you don't hesitate to feel the soft strands in your fingers and scratch his scalp softly.
He groans against your lips when you slightly pull on the strands, and a breathy moan escapes your lips when he grinds his hips against yours. He's hard already. Very much so. You feel his cock pressing against you, just the fabric of his sweats and your panties separating your bodies from each other. Your skirt rode up when Atsumu had forced your legs open to settle in between them, but you don't mind laying under him like this. The tension between you is thick, and you're glad that you're wearing a nice matching set of underwear tonight, even though you're convinced that he couldn't care less about your choice of clothes.
"Gosh, yer driving me crazy." He pulls back just enough to look into your eyes, and you swear you could combust at the sight of pure unrestricted lust in his eyes. This is usually what you'd do: make out until you both couldn't take anymore and then fall asleep together while cuddling, without going further. He made it pretty clear that he wants to take this slow and earn your forgiveness for the situation, and while you appreciate his efforts, you'd also appreciate him doing just a bit more with you. "Tsumu—can we... you know... go a bit further?" You ask with bright cheeks, hoping that he's also willing to take that step with you, and he raises a brow in a teasing way, and you almost push him back when you see his sexy smug grin. "Oh? Wifey wants more, huh?" He dips his head, and his lips find your neck, kissing down to your pulse, causing you to release a soft breath while you arch against him, his cock now hardly pressing between your legs. "I would be a bad husband if I deny your wishes."
His kisses get just a bit rougher, his teeth grazing against your skin, and you arch into him when he bites down slightly. "Atsumu—" you try to even out your breath, but you can't seem to calm down when he nibbles on your skin, the feeling almost painfully intimate when he cages you underneath him like this. "We can go a bit further, if ya want to. I could go right here." He shifts his weight and angles his face a bit deeper to press a kiss against your collarbones, leaving a tingling sensation on your skin when he pulls back. "Or right here." His fingers pull down the side of your shirt until you expose even more cleavage to press a sensual kiss at the swell of your breasts. You feel heat rushing through your body, and you softly moan at the action- he's driving you insane.
"How far do you want me to go?" He looks up at you, his eyebrow raised in a silent question while he looks at you. His face is close, so close, you can see his flushed cheeks and widened pupils, and you're certain that you could explode any second when he looks at you like this. "All the way. If you're okay with that?"
You barely manage to finish the sentence before he already starts moving to press your back harder into the couch until you lay flat. A soft gasp leaves your lips, and your eyes widen when he thrusts his hips against yours in the process, the friction so good and welcoming against your sensitive spots. His fingers find the hem of your shirt, and he gently pulls it up until your bra is exposed to his eyes. An almost dangerous glint is in his eyes when his thumbs hook in the cups of your bra and simply pull them down until they rest under your tits and force them to stand up. Your chest heaves heavily, your nipples perky, not only because of the chilly air but definitely because of his undivided attention.
He suddenly brings his thumbs to his lips, one after the other, quickly licking the digits, before his hands cup your tits, his wet thumbs rubbing over your perked nipples, a sensation that has you release a small whimper. His hands start to softly massage your breasts, and you thank all deities for his setter hands, so big and warm and skilled, feeling so good against your bare skin. Your own fingers grab into the cushion below you while you try not to squirm too much—not that you could escape from him now when he's basically straddling you and keeps on playing with your tits.
It feels good—really good, the tingling sensation between your legs growing stronger with each passing second, and you start to wiggle underneath him, your body aching for more of his touch. Atsumu notices the shift in your demeanor and softly pinches your nipples one last time before he moves a bit down, his hands caressing your bare sides while he does so. The way he's treating you makes you almost whine out loud, so soft and tenderly, it's making your head spin. "I love how your skin feels. So soft and warm." He mumbles, his eyes scanning your whole body before he suddenly gets up, just enough to not sit on you anymore. Instead, he kneels between your legs, grabbing your thighs and pushing them apart a bit further to have a good look at your panties. "A matching set?" he asks when his eyes wander back to the bra that still pushes your tits up. "Yes," you nod a bit breathless and flustered, and the way he's taking things so slow makes you feel even more needy for him, while he seems so calm and cool. Probably his year-long experience of keeping his cool every single day when he's playing.
"I like it. But I think these need to go." He nods towards your panties, the sheer material not hiding much actually, but the clear wet stain on them makes the situation even more scandalous. You nod with reddened cheeks, and he places two fingers against the wet stain, caressing and softly rubbing against the spot, while keeping his eyes on your face. "Though, I'm really glad to see that yer enjoyin' this as much as I do." His finger softly presses inside of you, just a little bit with your panties still between you, a shock of electricity rushing though your body when the fabric stretches against your clit, and his finger enters just the tiniest bit inside of you. He stills for a second, watching your reaction for a second, before he brings his other hand to the fabric, hesitating, before he clears his throat before he meets your gaze. "Can I rip 'em?"
You stare at him with wide eyes, unable to form words, understanding that this is something that he wants to do even though he seems slightly embarrassed by it. You're so turned on by the question though that you simply nod, and he brings both of his hands to the fabric and pulls. It takes him two more attempts before the fabric softly rips, his attempt to be gentle and careful to you very clear, and the simple display of his suppressed strength has your pussy clenching around nothing. He scoots slightly back, his eyes focused on your cunt, drinking in the sight of you, while you tremble in anticipation. This is even better than all the fantasies you've had about him so far, all the dirty thoughts about his arms and thighs that made you stick your hands into your panties when you're in need of release. All of that can't compare to what you're feeling right now.
"I'll eat ya out first 'kay? Get ya nice and ready for me." You open your mouth, ready to protest that you're already wet for him and you don't need further prep, and that you just want him to fuck you, but your protest gets stuck in your throat when he settles on his stomach, his arms grabbing your legs and hoisting the above his shoulders. He is on eye-level with your pussy and you suddenly feel so exposed, yet still so safe with him.
"So pretty," he mumbles, and you're not sure if that was even meant for you to hear, and you let out a gasp and a soft choke of his name when he softly licks against your folds. Softly, just testing the waters- and judging by your reaction, his is convinced that he can do more to you. His tongue licks against your folds again, harder this time, putting more pressure on you and you mewl contently. "Just like that, pretty girl. Let me do my thing and enjoy yourself. Part of my husband duties, to keep my wife satisfied."
He kisses against your entrance, resting his lips on yours and letting his tongue peak out just the tiniest to get you a feeling of it, and you clench involuntarily at the feeling of his warm tongue. He licks against your folds again, this time pausing when he reaches your clit, softly closing his lips around it and sucking. "Atsumu-" you gasp with wide eyes, your legs almost caging his head when he sucks a bit rougher. "Shhhhhsh," he hushes you and sucks just a tad bit softer, one of his hands letting go of your leg and moving between your legs too. Your breathing pattern is irregular and you moan when you feel a wave of need rush through your body.
One of his fingers prods against your entrance while he keeps his lips enclosed on your clit and you feel like you're going to explode. It's hot- so, so hot when he softly pushes a digit inside you, his tongue messily licking your clit until your eyes roll back and your back arches off the bed- you can imagine how lewd you look right now. Flushed cheeks, crossed eyes, your tits exposed while you arch your back like you're in heat with Atsumu's head between your legs, licking your cunt while he fingers you open.
It's hot, oh, so hot. The way he's pumping his finger inside of you, slowly adding another one when he feels you easing up for him. The way he's licking up all of your arousal, groaning against you and humping the bed for a bit of friction for himself while he gives you pleasure. The way he's watching you heavy lidded, probably unable to see much of your face, but the occasional glances of your expression are enough for him. He's addicted to your taste, addicted to the way you moan his name, softly at the beginning, but now with more urgency and need, getting louder for him when he increases the pace of his fingers. You didn't know what to do with your hands at first, but now you're gripping his hair and pushing him ever so softly against your pussy, unable to resist the need to get more friction, and he so willingly gives you more. The wet sounds of his fingers pushing into you and the way he's messily eating you out makes you feel like you're in heaven. He could do this for hours, worship your taste and listen to your sweet sounds, but he can feel you clenching repeatedly around his fingers, indicating just how close you are.
"Tsumu- I can't- gonna-" you barely manage to form words, moans and deep breaths hindering you from saying what you want to say, but he simply keeps going at the same pace and you suddenly feel your high overwhelming you.
It's too much. The heat, his face between your legs, the way he's fingering you, the way his tongue is teasing your clit and giving you just the right amount of attention- it takes you like a wave and you feel your muscles tensing and arching against his face while you come. Your mouth is wide open a lewd sounds leave your lips while you feel the delicious sensation rushing through your body. Atsumu doesn't change his position, nor his pace, he simple keeps his ministrations up and licks up your juices until you only whimper softly and your hand falls weakly onto the couch. He kisses your cunt, gentle and caring while he pulls his fingers out, his lips ever so soft while he whispers a praise against your folds, and you feel how you blush at the sudden unexpected sweetness.
Your body finally relaxes and you fall back into the cushions. He slows down his ministrations and looks at his hand with a grin, your slick on them evident. You focus your eyes on him and follow all of his movements when he shortly licks his fingers with a groan before he grabs his shirt, his fingers leaving a mess on the dark fabric before he pulls it over his head and throws it away. You silently ogle him, taking in the sight of him, broad chest heaving heavily, strongly defined shoulders and arms, and the slightest bit of dark hair trailing down to the band of sweatpants. "Ya alright? Wanna go further?" His voice is a bit raspy and his cheeks slightly reddened and it makes your heart beat faster. His hands find your sides and softly caress the skin while he waits for your answer. He's still hard, you can see it through the fabric of his pants, but you're convinced that he would not push you to go further, no matter how painful it is for him. You look at him softly and nod, a small smile on your face when you reach out to him. "Kiss me, please?"
He nods with an approving hum and leans down to kiss you, his weight now settling on your body in a comforting way. Your hands reach for his hair when he kisses you, your body arching up against his when his lips meet yours in a gentle but firm kiss. You allow your hands to wander and to explore his naked body while you return the kiss, your tongue moving against his while you rake your nails softly against his bare back. You can feel a shudder running down his spine and you repeat the motion, only to be rewarded with a little groan against your lips. You let one of your hands roam to his stomach, feeling the muscles clench under your fingers, and hesitantly move further down to the trail of soft hair, waiting for him to either stop you or to encourage you.
Atsumu is quick to raise his hips to allow you to have your way, his hips raising just enough to allow your to move your hand between your bodies. The soft hair on his abdomen tickles the palm of your hand and you let your fingers roam to the hem of his pants, until you feel the bulge. He inhales sharply when you palm him through his pants, his muscles clenching hardly when he finally gets some friction. You softly move your hand, feeling his length, the hardness of him, his balls, heavy and full. He takes a shaky breath, his eyes closing for a second, before he opens them abruptly and leans down to kiss you. His lips are glued to yours, deepening the kiss while he angles his face to push his tongue just a bit rougher against yours. You finally move your hand inside his pants, fingers hesitating for a second at the hem, but then you slide them under the fabric and reach for his cock.
He is big. Big and warm, wet with precum already, and you trace the shape with one of your fingers while your other hand holds his shoulders for support.
You explore his cock, getting a feel of him, how long he is, how he feels against your skin- and you love every single second of it. You softly close your hand around his shaft and start stroking, being rewarded with an airy gasp against your lips. You start jerking him of, moving your hand in a steady rhythm, while making sure that you don't push him too far. "So good," he rasps against your lips and you moan in response, feeling a wave of adrenaline rushing through your body. Your free hand moves to his ass, boldly pulling the fabric down, and clumsily you release his cock after you managed to pull his pants down just enough to have his cock spring free and to poke between your legs.
You only now realize that he is indeed bigger than you thought- just having him pressing himself against your body makes your eyes open widely. He looks at you through half-lidded eyes, observing al of your reactions while he waits for you to make a move, effectively showing you that you're in charge. He just hovers above you and looks at you expectantly.
As if you could stop now. Your body is screaming for him, aching for him and you simply spread your legs further and gently grab his cock, lining him up at your entrance without any more words.
His eyes widen, clearly surprised by you taking the initiative this fast, but he nods and seems to brace himself for what you're about to do. You collect some of your slick with the mushroom head of his cock, making sure he is well-lubricated before you line him up once again. Atsumu suddenly takes in a sharp breath and pushes his hips back, just out of reach for you now- much to your confusion. Did you read the signs wrong? What if he doesn't want to-
"Do ya want me to use a condom? I don't mind, ya just hafta tell me and-" he starts and vaguely gestures towards the bedroom, and you look at him wide eyed.
"Tsumu-" you whisper, your heart swelling with affection, tears almost dwelling in your eyes at his honest expression. "I uhm... I'm assuming that you're clean? i don't mind if you... if you don't use a condom. I use contraceptives." You know that your cheeks are bright red while you keep talking, but the moment just feels so painfully intimate, when you're basically asking him to fuck you raw- it almost feels like love. It makes you vulnerable and you have a hard time looking into his eyes, but he is quick to turn your face towards him, his hand gently cupping your chin, while more of his weight suddenly lasts on you.
He looks at you for a moment, not saying anything, simply studying your face before he presses his lips against yours in a longing and gentle kiss. You return the kiss your hands quickly wrapping around his broad shoulders while you move your lips against his. He pulls back, his eyes so soft while he watches you. "Your trust means a lot to me. I'll make sure to keep it forever."
You're too flustered to say anything, your heart heavily pounding in your chest, so you take that as a cue and line his cock up at your entrance, this time angling your hips a bit, until the head of his cock disappears between your folds and stretches you out. "Please-" you gasp for air when you feel him pushing inside. You see how his gaze turns hazy, your own eyes also unable to focus on the sight of him while he pushes deeper and deeper inside of you, until he's finally bottoming out. His breath is shaky, his facial expression looks like a mixture of shock and pure bliss. "Yer- squeezin' me- so good, fuck," his eyes roll back, his muscles clenching hard while he tries to keep his weight as steady as he can.
You're not any better under him. His cock feels so big inside of you, a stretch that you haven't felt for so long, feeling better like anything you've ever had before. You feel tears dwelling in your eyes- from pleasure and from feeling so close to him, so connected like you're meant to be with each other, and he is quick to notice the change in your expression. "What's wrong?" He seems more focused when he leans down to press kisses to your cheeks, your nose, your lips, gentle while he holds you. "N-nothing. It's just- I'm feeling a lot of things right now- please, Tsumu, I- I just like you so much-" your voice is low and soft, and he lifts his face to look at you, his expression so gentle and kind, you're sure that you'll never forget this moment. "I like ya too. Don't wanna live without ya, y/n. Yer precious to me- in a way I don't think anyone has been precious to me." His confesses, and you feel like your heart is skipping a beat.
He's not confessing his love to you- you've only known each other for a few months, with a rather long pause during the incident, it's too early to talk about love. Yet, you're convinced that he feels the same. That you're both made for each other and will love each other. Unconditionally.
You both don't need more words, and he presses his forehead against yours and looks deeply into your eyes while he starts to move his hips. Your jaw drops and your lips part slightly when he pulls away, his cock almost leaving you completely before he thrusts back in, slowly and controlled, so much that it drives you crazy. You can't even talk and beg him to do it again, yet he still understands what you need, and repeats the motion, thrusting into you nice and slow just how he is convinced that you like it. You moan softly, your breath meeting his lips while he starts setting a pace, sensual and slow, angling his hips slightly different until your hands grab into his shoulders just a bit harder when he hits the spot that makes you see stars. He curses when you clench around him, but he doesn't stop but keeps thrusting just a bit harder.
You don't know how long he keeps on fucking you like this, the pace nice and slow, just like lovers would, both of you enjoying the pleasure of being so, so close to each other, until you can't help but to feel your high approaching. Your legs wrap tighter around his waist, your heels digging into his back while you clench around him, knowing that you're almost there. His facial expression shifts at that sensation and his eyes shoot wide open.
"Fuck- y/n-" he groans and suddenly grabs your hips tighter when he pulls out- completely this time. Your jaw drops at the loss of friction, your hips trying to fight against his grip to bring him to push back into you- fruitlessly.
"Why are you-" you whine, feeling robbed and empty, your body needing him to be closer, needing him to give you something. "Shhh, I got ya." He moves your hips and you understand what he's trying to do, helping him to move your body until you're kneeling in front of him. The new position makes you tremble uncontrollably, and you know that his gaze is focused on your pussy while you nervously shift in his grip. "So, so pretty," he groans and leans down to press a kiss against your ass cheek, and you whimper at the praise.
"My pretty princess, I'll make ya feel so good, 'kay? Just a bit more, can ya wait for me, huh? I'll fill ya up nice and good if ya do." You could come from his dirty talk and his voice alone, your pussy helplessly clenching at the thought of what there is to come, and you loudly moan when he finally pushes inside, the angle so much deeper than before, it makes you see starts and until you tighten around him like a vice. He curses, his hands gripping your ass cheeks hard and spreading them to watch his cock disappear into your wet folds. You meet his thrust, desperate for more friction, and he slams back into you harder, making you slowly lose your mind. Your arms give up and your face lands on the pillow, but you barely notice that, all of your nerves only consisting of the pleasure that Atsumu is giving you.
"Fuck, y/n- can ya cum for me? Can ya do that, pretty princess?" He groans, one of his hands releasing your ass to rub circles on your clit- a little sloppy and uncoordinated at first, but when he finally hits the spot you drool on the bed sheets. "Tsumu- gonna cum- gonna cum for you-" you whine out loudly, and it only spurs him on to move faster until you cry out his name, only able to form this one word while you clench around him and reach your high. You realize that he's cumming to, but he doesn't slow down, his groans turning into an overstimulated whimper while he keeps on fucking you while cumming. He's coming so much inside of you, it's already dripping down your leg before he's even finished, but you enjoy the feeling of the hot sticky liquid on your skin.
You don't know how much time has passed until you finally calm down and simply lose all tension. He softly pulls out and places your hips on the couch before he collapses and flatly lays down on his back next to you. His arms reach out for you, and you allow him to pull you against his sweaty chest. You're sweaty too- something that you only notice now, but he doesn't seem to mind. He's probably used to sweat anyway. His hand starts caressing your hair, and your fingers roam along his chest, feeling the soft flushed skin under your fingers.
"How was it?" His hand still caresses your hair while you lay on his chest, listening contently to the sound of his heartbeat with a smile forming on your lips. "That was... really good," you airily laugh and cuddle closer against his chest, and he wraps his free arm tightly around you, instantly making you feel warmer when your barely clad chest presses against his naked one.
"Just really good? I'll need to work on my stamina, can't have ya sayin' really good only. Wasn't that mind blowing or something like that? Felt mind-blowing to me at least."
You softly snort at his words and look up to him, only to find him looking at you fondly. "Wanna stay over? I'll order some take out and we can finish that movie?" His eyes flicker to the screen, only to see that the movie is basically over. "Or we can start another movie. I think there is a sequel to that."
"Shouldn't we finish the first one before we start the sequel?" You look at him with raised brows, and he laughs softly at your reaction. "You're perfect. Just stay right here." His arm wraps around you, and you feel warmth in your heart,
while you lie in the arms of your husband.
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from today, august 20th, until september 11th, i will study the same subject 6 hrs a day because i am determined to pass that exam which has a pass rate of 40%. hard enough to focus for 3 hrs for me lately so 6 is a big stretch. ofc i'll take a 15-min break every 2 hrs and those breaks are not part of the 6 hrs. i want to pass it on my first try. that should add up to 126 hrs. which is not remotely enough. but at least i won't pull up to the exam completely clueless? i'm so scared. i know i will chicken out. i will post updates - block the 'study update' tag if you don't care. i'm determined rrrahh
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