#written exam
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land-of-the-eddies23 · 4 months ago
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rightnewshindi · 5 months ago
हिमाचल पुलिस की लिखित परीक्षा में होगी नेगेटिव मार्किंग, हर गलत जवाब पर कटेंगे इतने अंक; जानें भर्ती के नियम
Himachal Police Recruitment: हिमाचल में शुरू होने जा रही विशेष पुलिस कांस्टेबल भर्ती की लिखित परीक्षा में निगेटिव मार्किंग होगी, ऐसे में हर गलत जवाब पर 0.25 अंक कटेंगे। किसी प्रश्न का उत्तर न देने पर भी निगेटिव मार्किंग होगी। अगर चार उपलब्ध उत्तरों में से कोई भी सही नहीं लगता है तो पांचवें विकल्प पर निशान लगाना होगा। इससे अंक नहीं कटेंगे। 90 अंकों की लिखित परीक्षा दो घंटे की होगी। फिजिकल ग्राउंड…
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vsonker · 5 months ago
NDA 2 Result 2024: Announcement and Details
NDA 2 Result 2024: Announcement and DetailsThe Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has officially announced the results of the written examination for the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Exam 2, 2024 (NDA NA Exam 2) on September 20, 2024. This exam is a crucial step for candidates aspiring to join the prestigious NDA and NAVAC.The results have been published in a PDF format, which…
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thischristianguy · 8 months ago
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sunlit-mess · 10 months ago
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coping real hard
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velvet-ymarinebloo77 · 1 year ago
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Genin Hinata
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ricky-mortis · 10 months ago
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I heard that Corey Dorris sang Show Stopping Number at Innit- so I present: Corey!Hidgens
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teshiee · 3 months ago
this is what i did instead of studying for the past two days. magnificent innit
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puffycinnabunny · 11 days ago
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Youtube videos casually explaining 4 lectures in 10 mins
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just-a-sewer-goblin · 5 months ago
"I hate you."
He's expressive around you, despite the mask that hides his face. The look of utter confusion and aching hurt that settles in his beautiful eyes nearly guts you.
"What is going on, love. Please. Talk to me." His voice is so soft it makes you want to crawl into his arms and kiss him until his eyes are happy and soft again.
"I don't ever want to see you again. I hate you. I hate you, Simon."
The words cut deep but he doesn't believe you. No yet. Simon knows you too well. You neet to hit harder. Where it hurts so he'll leave.
So your stomach doesn't have to turn with the knowledge that a sniper rifle is aimed at his head right now.
"I hate you. I only ever was with you to get a look behind your mask. See what you're hiding. And it's hideous. You're just like your father."
"Lovie, you... you can't mean that. Tell me what's going on... I need- " He's taking a desperate step towards you.
"Stop!", you shriek and he falters. "You scare me. I don't want you here. I don't want you. Never did, only pretended because I was scared of what you'd do if I didn't stay."
You never knew that you'd be the one breaking both your hearts. It seems wrong that you can't hear the deafing sound of them collampsing and crumbling to pieces.
The moment it hits him is unmistakable. Simons eyes harden and you see him fight himself. You know the hurt and doubt you just scratches open with your fingernails.
Old wounds that you spent hours stitching up, torn open at your words. And yet you dug your nails as deep as possible. Clawing at his tender and fragile until you turned it jagged and sharp through just one conversation.
You hit the one place that overrides his rationality with emotions. He holds up his hands. "I'm not going to hurt you."
Gentle, always gentle.
His eyes suddenly look ancient, haunted. Like an old house that was left empty for so long that it welcomes any spirits because at least they're company. Simon's eyes are looking through you, unfocused.
"I'll leave now."
You nod, the fear in your eyes not even part of the charade when he turns to leave.
The scream of agony that claws it's way up your throat with unyielding claws dies when you bite your own tongue hard enough to draw blood. Anything to stop yourself from calling out to him. To stop yourself from begging him to come back. From apologizing.
There's a faint click in your hidden earpiece. "That's a good girl, didn't even have to blow his brains out. But we all know I'm very trigger happy. You know what comes next."
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the---hermit · 3 months ago
My Study Method
I have quickly mentioned my study method in several posts through the years but I don't think I have ever written a proper post about it, so here it is.
I have to say that overall my study method is quite time consuming, but in years of experience it's what works best for the type of learner I am, the materials I have to study and the type of exams I have. I believe these three elements are the fundamental things you should figure out when creating your own study method. Let's go over these things quickly. Firstly I am an history student, tho not all my exams are history based (I have taken some language, philosophy, anthropology and litterature classes) so my method is proofed for most humanities. I am a learner with terrible memory, if you give me a list of things to learn by heart expect me to fail because my brain simply cannot do that. So I have to train myself to learn things when studying for an exam. As for the type of matherials I have to work with when studying for an exam, they are mostly full non fiction books, sometimes I have to work on articles as well, and depending on the class I have lectures to attend.
The fundamental element of my study method are the notes I write. That's why in my daily posts I am constatly mentioning them. The lectures I attend are turned into notes, the books and articles I have to read are turned into notes, everything you leave me with for too long will be turned into notes. The very act of writing is what truly helps me get into the topic, understand it, and memorize it. I might write an indepth post on how I write notes in the future, but for now what you must know is that the goal of my notes is to be the only material I actually study in the end. As I mentioned the very act of writing is itself a huge part of my study process. When I am listening to a lecture I try to write down notes as tidy as possible, and then try to fix them at home if needed. So there's not much to say there, as for the materials I have to read here's how I do it. When I get a book I have to study I usually read a chapter and underline all the important bits that I will be transferring to my notes as I am reading. When I am done with the chapter and have the topic still fresh in mind I write down by hand all my notes. The goal is to write everything I need to know, in a direct and easy way using my own words. By re-elaborating the original text I am making sure I am not blindly copying things, and actually understanding stuff. Once the entire book has gone through this process, the book goes back on the shelf and as I said I only work on my notes from then one.
Once I have all my notes ready a long time has probably passed, but in reading and writing I have already started to memorize things in general. I try to highlight my notes as I am writing, but in case I don't I go back once I am done writing, doing a quick reread and highlighting important stuff. I usually use two different colours: yellow for the important dates and another colour for the other informations. At this point there's two more steps left. Repeating and writing key words.
If writing notes can be counted as half of my studying, repeating outloud is the second half. Since I have oral exams I have to make sure I am comfortable with exaplaining things, showing I have understood things and I am not just midlessly reciting a list, and using the right terms. I am a very lucky person because my dad is both retired and quite interested in the topics that I study, which means that I get a lot of help from him in this phase of studying, because basically what I do is following him around the house for a few days exaplaining my notes to him. If you do not have someone to annoy with your study, talking to yourself works too but you have to speak outloud and honestly pretend you are giving a lecture. If you just go over your notes and read them it is not the same thing, it's way less effective. I usually do two rounds of repeating. The first one looks a lot more like reading and saying things outloud in my own words. By the second one I am usually much more comfortable with informations so I have my notes there only to guide me through topics making sure I don't miss anything. Having someone who actively listents to you is definitely a bonus because if they ask you questions they challenge you in the exact same way an oral exam does, and you make sure your exaplainations are as clear as possible.
The very last step is going through my notes one last time with the goal of writing a long list of key words. This is a tool I specifically use to review things quickly the day of the exam. Usually during my commute I reread the list of words in my head and I mentally make sure I remember about everything.
As mentioned this is a longer study method but it truly locks things in your brain, and paying that much attention to note writing also makes them a tool that lasts in time. If I am interested in the informations of any of the books I read during my degree I can pick the notebook in which I wrote those notes and find the information right away without even having to open the actual book. I usually dedicate a whole notebook to each book, in order to archive and find them easily. I will be writing a specific post on the way I write notes, maybe including a few pictures, but in the meantime I hope this was somewhat helpful.
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sixmonths0sleep · 5 months ago
One of the “I am Jack’s” lines I wish more people spoke about is the “I am Jack’s Inflamed Sense of Rejection” one.. that line always stood out to me compared to the others.
I do think the line has some sort of meaning that really suits his character based on what we’re told about him and really gives him a more sympathetic light.
Like, forgive me if it’s bare bones, but when I first heard it, I thought it was very interesting because it shows how TRULY alone Narrator is. His whole life, from what we know, has had him always been rejected from the places he’s supposed to feel comfort.
First, his dad left him. Then Marla showed up at his support groups. Then she started showing up at the Paper Street house. Then, after all of the time Tyler and Narrator spent together, he ditches him and leaves him feeling as if the only secure attachment he’s ever had was potentially all a fake. (Which is further suggested by “My father dumped me. Tyler dumped me.”).
Also, the fact that it’s “inflamed” suggests that that feeling of disconnection from everyone else around him has always been there, but has gotten worse and more noticeable as the story has progressed.
My poor Narrator just wants to be comforted! Someone, please!!!!!
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welcome-to-green-hills · 3 months ago
I just got out of a four hour exam for a physical anthropology course. My brain is a bit fried, but I will answer asks shortly❤️✨
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rusalka52 · 7 days ago
marauders 70s-80s music headcanons
+complimentary playlist
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cw: fluff, a bit of angst for Remus but that’s expected
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A/N: I like 70s-80s music, I like the marauders, why not mix the two? I’ve noted a few bands that the boys would like plus their favourite songs (that I’ve linked to youtube so you can go listen to them) and a small short story regarding their favourite band. The songs on the Spotify playlist range from the 1960s’ to before October 1981 so they’re all canon accurate. Hope you guys enjoy this while I write part 3 to Tell me I’m pretty !!!
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-Favourite musicians: he’s the world's biggest poser I'm so sorry to say this. Sex Pistols, Queen, the Ramones, David Bowie, the Cure, Talking Heads, the Clash. He’s a massive Queen fan too. He had an orgasmic reaction when he heard “Bohemian Rhapsody” for the first time, but let’s be honest who didn’t?
-Favourite songs: “Bodies” by the Sex Pistols because it says the word ‘fuck’ a lot and it bothers Walburga. He also loves “I wanna be your dog” by the Stooges because he thinks he’s funny.
-He might be a poser but he’s MY poser. It’s the 31st of August 1977, the last day before the start of his seventh year and coincidentally the last day of the Sex Pistol’s secret tour of the UK. And Sirius was not about to miss it. Before leaving for Plymouth, where the gig was, he made sure to pack his trunk and ensure that James would bring it safely to King’s Cross station the next day and they would meet on platform 93/4. The gig was amazing, exhilarating and the alcohol was definitely flowing. Everything was going as smoothly as it could for a punk concert until the next morning. When Sirius opened his eyes he was greeted by the bright blue English sky, the shining sun and a sharp pain in his lower back. After checking his surroundings he intelligently deduced that he had gotten so drunk he passed out in the middle of a field. Panic starts to set in as he checks his watch and notices that he only has one hour to get to London before the train leaves him behind. Once he finally manages to stand up, ignoring the throbbing headache and the increasing feeling that he’s going to vomit everything he’s consumed the entire summer, he starts rummaging through his backpack praying to any entity that will listen that he did not lose his wand. Luck seemed to be on his side as he still had the wand neatly secured in his bag. He quickly apparates to King’s Cross station and after throwing up for 20 minutes in the bathroom and spending another 10 washing his face and making sure his hair looks sexy and rugged he finally meets the rest of the Marauders in their usual carriage at 10:58 am, 2 minutes before the train is set to leave. His clothes look and smell like actual shit but he doesn’t care, thinks it makes him look more #punk #rock #anarchy. God, I cannot stand him (/affectionately)
-Favourite musicians: a bit more old fashioned when it comes to music, big fan of the Beatles, the Doors, the Kinks, Queen, and Nico and the Velvet Underground because they’re Effie’s favourites.
-Favourite song: “Sunny Afternoon” by the Kinks. No further comment. Hums it during class, quidditch practice, while he studies, while getting ready. The rest of the guys cannot stand him anymore, he drives them mad with the constant humming. Lily learns to tolerate it after they get married and little Harry always giggles whenever he hears it.
-One of his earliest childhood memories involves the singer Nico. Being an only child he used to spend hours every day with his mother, Effie, while his father was at work; once he comes back home they practice Quidditch in the back garden of course, little James flying on his practice broom and catching any quaffles Fleamont tosses his way. One Tuesday morning like any other Effie was making pancakes for James (the blueberries positioned in such a way that they formed a smiley face on the plate -the only way that James would even consider eating his fruit). James was sat on one of the kitchen counters drinking some apple juice and watching his mother cook while some muggle song played in the background. She loved to listen to the radio and hum and groove along to whatever song was playing while busy with chores around the house -truly how did those contraptions even work? How were there so many little singers stuck in the small box? Little James would wonder constantly. No matter how many times his father explained electromagnetic waves and radio signals to the 7 year old he would always remain baffled. “Oh dear, I simply adore this song! Come! We must dance!” His mother exclaimed as the radio show host announced the next song: “These Days” by Nico. Effie turns the stovetop off, turns up the volume on the radio and picks up James. As Nico’s melodic voice fills the kitchen, once she starts singing the first verse, Effie hums along, holding James tightly in her arms. After a few seconds she puts him down from her embrace -he is a growing boy after all!- and grabs his small hands twirling him around while he cannot stop giggling. If anyone asks James what happy memory he picked attempting to conjure a corporeal patronus he would talk about that one time in third year when “his Lily-flower” smiled at him, or the Gryffindor Quidditch team’s victory against the Slytherins in their second year, but deep down James knows that him and his mother dancing together in their kitchen when he was 7 is the only memory that will never fail to make him smile.
-Favourite musicians: Joy Division, David Bowie, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Jefferson Airplane, the Clash and post 1981 the Smiths
-Favourite songs: “Werewolves of London” by Warren Zevon, another jokester like Sirius. He also loves “Queen Bitch” and “Moonage Daydream” by David Bowie. Post ‘81 “I want the one I can’t have” by the Smiths
-Remus was ready to spend the summer holidays of their 3rd year alone. He heard James mention on the train carriage on the way back something about his family spending the summer in Spain, Sirius had written to him saying that he was grounded for the whole month because his mother caught him smoking cigarettes and Peter, he had no clue where that boy disappeared off to. That was until one hot August morning when he heard an owl scratching at his window. Not just any owl, the Pettigrew’s owl! He immediately opened the window letting the clumsy small bird inside. The brown barn owl -her name was Marjorie he was pretty sure- upon seeing the food in Remus’ hand releases the letter from her beak, snacks on some owl treats and immediately flies off. Remus chuckles at the animal and opens the letter which obviously came from Peter seeing as it was written in his chicken scratch handwriting and complete with spelling mistakes.
“Dearest Mooney,
Mummy asked me to invite my freinds over for a sleepover. James is in Spain and Sirius is still grounded. Do you want to come over? 3pm on Monday!! Cant wait to sea you! We can eat snacks and watch films and listen to that new record your mum got you for Chrismas that you've been raving about all year!
I look fourward to seeing you!
Chat later, Pete :D
P.S. sorry if Margie bites, i am still training her…”
Remus instantly got excited when he read the letter and got to writing his response straight away, obviously accepting the invitation to the sleepover (not like he had anything else to do). He truly could not wait to show Peter the Hunky Dory vinyl he got. He immediately packed it in his bag ready to show it off.
Monday finally arrived and the two boys met up, went to buy muggle sweets from the corner store first, and then they walked around town for a bit trying to decide which board game to play; they landed on “Battleship” and that was the first thing they did upon entering Pete’s room. “Hey, Wormtail, can I show you the vinyl now?” Remus asks meekly after the second round of their game ended. “My goodness, Rem! Yes of course, I nearly forgot! Come, follow me to the living room, that's where the record player is!” The two boys sat in a comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company, the voice of David Bowie serenading their peaceful moment, which was intermittently interrupted by Peter’s mother offering them cookies or cake or tea or juice. The night ended with the boys quietly sitting in the same living room while a 1 am showing of “The Exorcist” played on the tv screen. The pair ran up to Peter’s room terrified and hid under the covers within 35 minutes of the start of the film.
-Favourite musicians: ABBA, Blondie, the Beatles and Jefferson Airplane. But mainly ABBA. Has been watching the eurovision song contest every year with his mum. From start to finish, even the semi-finals. He complains about the winners every time, except in ‘74 when ABBA won.
-Favourite songs: all of ABBA’s discography. He truly can’t pick only one favourite. Rip Peter Perrigrew you would have LOVED Mamma Mia! (2008)
-Massive Blondie fan as well and no shame about it. The Potters were hosting the 1978 Halloween party and everyone HAD to show up in costumes otherwise they wouldn’t be welcome. Remus went as David Bowie with the lightning bolt drawn on his face, Sirius thought that a werewolf costume would be the funniest thing in the world, the newlyweds decided on a couple’s costume, James went as Danny and Lily went as Sandy from the film Grease that had come out over the summer. Peter had no idea what to go as. He was between dressing up as either a rat, which could be funny to the people who knew about his animagus form, but really lazy to outsiders, or something classic like vampire or zombie. He was racking his brain trying to come up with something, looking around his messy flat in case inspiration struck when suddenly out of the corner of his eyes he spots Blondie’s new album cover, “Parallel Lines”. Oh, he knew what he had to do.
Usually Peter was one of the first guests to arrive at any party he was invited to, helping the host set the table, fixing any decorations etc. but not this time. This party Peter decided to be “fashionably-late, darling”, as Sirius would put it, a fact that surprised everyone. No one at the party expected the meek and timid Peter Pettigrew to show up in a white mid thigh length dress, matching open-toed heels, a white ribbon around his upper arm, white pearls, courtesy of his loving but slightly confused mother, topped off with a blonde and black wig. James was quick to snap a picture of the moment, calling Peter affectionately “Debbie Harry’s fat cousin.”
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lalizah · 5 days ago
The lovely and incredible @fauville tagged me for WIP Wednesday (ik it's Thursday now haha) and I have sadly worked on none of my main WIPs
I randomly decided to write an entire ficlet for Nate x Liz being "best friends" and attending a pottery class because
I'm shameless
Snippet below!
"I wanted for the both of us to make matching pots. You could keep the one I make and and I'll keep yours. You know, those matching bff vases?" She asks him, wiping her wheel clean.
He does not know of them, only having learned this "trend" running around a gram that is instant apparently. Something like that. The lovely idea makes that unfamiliar feeling bloom in his chest, the sentiment touching. "I'd like that. To keep a piece of you with me so it can keep me company when you are not present."
And another one ;) :
She grabs his pointer and circles his finger around the rim, none of her nervousness present, a sudden confidence exuding that has him mesmerized.
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velvet-ymarinebloo77 · 1 year ago
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