#written by moi
weirdo09 · 1 year
mike: your boyfriend is hot. max: i know right? max: WAIT WHAT? mike: *evil grin* max: i forgot you’re gay as shit. mike: *scoff* you didn’t have to say that. lucas: what are we talking about? mike & max: HOLY SHIT!
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liv45no · 2 years
What if everything repeats itself?
What if every 27 years not only Pennywise the clown and personal monster of Derry wakes up, but also old actions? What if the members of the Losers Club weren’t the only ones who tried to kill IT? What if there were others before them?
And what if the formal fighters are the parents of the Losers Club?
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sergle · 2 days
I like a lot of horror podcasts, but what about horror novels? does anypony have book recommendations for me that you really enjoyed / that were super scary
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figgyblossom · 2 years
Okay, let's try again! With more/better options! Thank u to everyone to inputted on the last poll (which I'm now realizing I should've made only a day long lol oh well)
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kumezyzo · 1 year
corpse x faceless streamer cause it has more plot...
anyway, enjoy! or dont :) m.list
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as cliche and over-used as it is, you met bf!corpse in an among us lobby. but you two had heard of eachother before, seeing as youre in the same faceless community.
your followings seemed to have a lot of crossover, so when you met, it was a dream come true for your communites. and for you two, it was nice having someone understand what it was like to be faceless.
overtime, you two grew closer, hanging out outside of streams. and at some point, you got comfortable enough eachothers faces.
when your chat found out, it became the only thing they could talk about for a good two days on twitter.
"guys, corpse looks really cool," you said to your chat. you and corpse were streaming on your channel, just talking and catching up. his scoff made you giggle quietly. "im not joking, he's kinda... attractive."
"and yn looks nothing like how she described herself," he said, laughing at how much prettier he thought you were.
"and his hair is actually curly," you say.
then, you both went on anthony padilla's channel as a part of his 'I spent a day with...' series. and you revealed that you were doing the interview on the same day.
"i mean, corpse is the only other youtuber that knows what i look like," you state simply. "if im honest, the main reason im here is because this is the first time im meeting up with him in person."
thankfully, no one was suprised when they heard that in the video. but thats just because corpse posted a video of you two playing rock-paper-scissors.
it started off silent, you two doing the motions silently. corpse played scissors, you played rock. he sighed. another up and down motion. he played scissors, you played paper. you took a deep breath. another up and down. he played rock, you played rock. you scoffed and cracked your knuckles. one more time. he played paper, you played scissors.
"fuck!" he yelled loudly as you laughed manaically in the background.
during this meet up, you stayed at his apartment. and it just so happened you got to spend more time with him. slowly, you both started developing further feelings for eachother.
it showed itself in you two being cuddly, touchy with eachother. both of you tiptoeing round the topic of the weird dynamic. neither of you actually choosing to say anything or admit your feelings.
it really set in when he started unironically calling you "baby". it gave you butterflies and he felt his face heat up as the words left his mouth.
and when you had to leave, it was far more intense than you had expected.
"thank you for letting me stay here," you told him greatfully. he smiled softly at you, going in for a hug. you smiled and felt yourself melt into his arms.
you two pulled away briefly, looking into eachothers eyes. you dont know when it really happened, but the next moment, youre lips are on eachothers.
when you went back home, it was like you two know you were dating. but you never actually said it. it just felt right.
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this is kinda like a prequel to this beautiful shit. i also know no one requested this (or at least i could find one when i went to check cause this was in my notes for way too long) -Nony
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scrimblobimblowhump · 21 days
a hurt/comfort tidbit I’m CRAZY about is when an adult character gets wrapped up in blankets and it’s described as them being “swaddled”. like fuck yeah, we need to swaddle grown up blorbos more often, i think. especially when they indeed do get all rolled up and tucked in and compressed in it tight and nice
and goddd how i love the sheer image of a grown up, Long human wrapped like a baby. and they’re all eepy and warm in there.
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augacity · 2 months
lots of good posts on this here webbed site about rotating your blorbos as you fall asleep, spinning out the next chapter of your fic and so on.
well!! i am here to rep those of us who absolutely, posiTIVELY should not be allowed within microwaving radius of blorbos after bedtime, lest the Visions and general impulse towards Solving The Plot impinge on any and all manner of Sleep.
signed, most sincerely, a tormented fic writer
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thisantithesis · 9 months
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ch. 1 of my christmas fic!
it’s jegulus with some side of wolfstar <3
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tiredguyswag · 7 months
are you being held at gunpoint to read that fic? are you okay bestie?
im enjoying myself actually
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incorrectfizzarozzie · 11 months
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lithi · 3 months
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An Athy mirror will be gifted to everyone who purchases a wmmap volume at Kbook’s stand at the Parisian anime convention Japan Expo!
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ddagent · 10 months
So, one of my new colleagues is encouraging me to write and publish my original stuff - which is lovely. But I honestly don't have the energy for re-drafting and marketing and all that.
Honestly? I just want to write fanfic and write discourse posts of my own bloody story. I want to write pages and pages about Bernie giving Mina her confirmation necklace and Mina giving Bernie her ring. I want to write about Bernie going back for Mina at the Benson farm and Mina saving Bernie's life in the operating theatre. I want to write about Henry and Jason growing up together and losing Ben and how they both went into professions where they hid behind facades to hide their feelings (the theatre, the priesthood). I want to write an entire analytical essay about the power of names and the classic horror movie tropes.
I don't actually want to write a novel. I just want to be part of the fandom.
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zaynontour · 8 months
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ofthesepulchre · 11 months
The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.
Montparnasse jolted awake, chest heaving and sweat soaking his fringe so that the hair plastered itself to his forehead. In the darkness, his eyes struggled to adjust, searching around for a source of light as a reference of his surroundings. His hands reached up to push the hair out of his eyes, grasping to have something to hold onto while he stilled his hurried breathing. The cell was empty, just as it was before. His eyes had finally adjusted to the dark when he gazed around at the lonely grey stone, a single blue-white square on the wall opposite of him assuring him that there truly was a world outside the walls of the La Force.
“Just a few days, just a little vacation. You like that, don’t you?” Claquesous had mocked, laughing behind the mask as he- unlike Montparnasse- had disappeared into the night. The youth had often felt resentment towards the older man, but now it had grown into a dark hatred- imagine leaving one of your own there to be shackled and imprisoned? The betrayal felt sour, though Montparnasse had always had a sense that the masked one had no intention of staying loyal- no matter how much he bet his childish whims on it. He clenched his jaw- imagined himself sinking his knife into what he thought was flesh - though some part of him was still convinced he would stab into pure air instead. It was not the first time he had ended up here.
Montparnasse had spent many a day of his life within these walls, awaiting the release that would eventually come once one of his patrons had heard the news and managed to send a letter- assuring that he was just a wayward youth- he would improve and “oh you mustn’t be so cruel to him!”
A wayward youth- corrupted. After all, was he not just that? Was he not just a lazy idler, a beast of burden in the team of Hell, as the old man once had told him? The speech had lingered for longer than Montparnasse had thought it would, the words burnt into his head that he will enter young and rosy- yet come out broken bent and wrinkled - his vain desires for finery and luxury creating a path he was unlikely to break out of if he did not address the desires for idleness and comfort. “The hardest of all work is thieving.”
What did he know of that, anyway? Besides, Montparnasse’s desire for finery was only the product of yearning for what he had never had, the thrill of doing what was undesirable- an act of rebellion against a world that had cast him as unwanted. After all, he had never known his father, hardly knew his mother. Perhaps that is where it had gone wrong? It was never of his own doing that he had become this way, he had argued to himself- no, it must be the world that was wrong. Or perhaps he was wrong himself- though he found that his own philosophy of idleness had worked far better than anything he had been told by any priest. No, the resentment of the hypocrisy of the church fuelled him more than anything else. He fed into each of the seven heads of the sinful beast that resided within him, rebelling against the rigid systems that had decided for him how and what he should be.
Montparnasse held no conscience that came to gnaw on his roots, saw no fault within himself, rather felt the fiery burning passion of hatred and resentment that had been sown by the seeds of his position grow into vines that twisted and bound themselves to him. All his acts of rebellion were justified, for they were acts upon which he showed himself as Lucifer speaking up against a God that never truly loved him. His eyes cast up at the fine light shining in from the moonlight. His lips had curled into a snarl following his train of thought and his brows had furrowed.
Now he sat there, much like a sour child, gazing hatefully at the light which in his mind represented the higher power that had obviously cast him here.He had fallen. He had fallen yet he welcomed the fall, for it was his own doing- and Montparnasse always had control- he always had the upper hand (so he believed), so they could take their words and their rituals and shove them up where the sun didn’t shine. The shackles placed on his wrists before he was tossed into the cell had reminded him of the imprisonment that was him inside his own mind, trapped in the labyrinths of thoughts and consciousness. He was writhing and fighting against the shackles placed there by the morality and the consequences of his fall into idleness, the morality that held him in place and was there to make him compliant. He had rebelled against it- fought against the shackles and broken free- it was his own doing! All he did was himself, and nothing else - the choices made were for him- and him only. A virus preying upon society.
If they wanted him to be this- had branded him to be this- so be it. He knew that he would be back again - no matter how many times they tossed him in. The sound of footsteps broke him out the rush of resentment that had imprisoned his mind, and Montparnasse averted his gaze to the door. A rustling of keys, keys entering the lock, turning - and the door opened. One of the prison guards with the sour face of a man who’d clearly never known the pleasures of flesh unless it was paid for under the table looked at him for a second.
“They are letting you out. Again.”
A smirk broke out on the youth’s face. The cogs began moving again, churning, turn⁷ing, watching Montparnasse leave the prison with easy steps, sauntering down to the sewers with the moonlight tracing the brim of his hat. Something that Claquesous once had said to him echoed within his mind, lines from something he never had read himself, though the words had burned into his consciousness: “And, when night darkens the streets, then wander forth the sons of Belial, flown with insolence and wine.”
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jhzhuxx · 1 year
"You're special, Ikuya," he murmurs, gently, absentmindedly rubbing my fingertips in his, my heart in my throat. "You're taking on the world alongside Haru and them."
He pauses, seemingly conflicted about how he should continue; whether he should continue.
Slowly, as if waiting to see if I would pull away, retreat, he lifts both of our hands to touch his lips to my fingers, eyes fluttering shut.
My breath stutters, and stops; air becomes unimportant as I stare at where our skin meets, uncomprehending.
"Sometimes," he continues, voice somehow even softer than before, "sometimes, I can't help but wonder if I can do anything for you. If I should even be by your side."
He lets out a quiet laugh; resigned, defeated. (I hated it - he wasn't supposed to sound like that.)
"Because, well – I'm normal, y'know?"
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Villain AU - Deadlock, Part 3
Part 1 || Part 2 ||
Shorter chapter! Trying not to spend too much time on them :) I just want to go wild, ya know? Write some stupid shit!!! I'm having fun with this, so that's that 👏
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She wasn't a nobody, he could at least give her that!
When going through her computer, he did find several emails, one of them consisting of an invitation to a party on this coming weekend - on top of a building close to where the 7th Avenue and Broadway were crossing. It seemed to be a social event for influencial people, may they be good or bad names. This would be the perfect opportunity for the broker to extend her name and services to some higher crowds! Donnie admired the hustle and entrepreneurship, but he knew that if she wasn't stopped nor steered, she could be quite a force to be reckoned with.
He disclosed his plan to his brothers, wanting to go meet her at that event. It was simple; take her aside for some talks, persuade her to hand over the information about the Foot investors, then recruit her for her services.
"Yeah, but do we have money?" questionned Mikey. "If that's what she does for work, we can't just have her empty her pockets for our cause. That's not fair."
"Although I'm not too keen on this whole situation, Mikey has a point," added Leonardo. "We have nothing."
Donnie sighed, knowing he couldn't keep his funds a secret anymore.
"You guys have nothing, I do."
"Watchu mean 'I do'??" questionned Raph with a frown.
The tall terrapin did unenthusiastical jazz hands: "Freelance work." He then brought a holo screen of his account. "I actually need to get some money back in ... that girl ain't cheap."
"Dude, fuck that, buy us pizza instead!" joked Mikey.
Vee wasn't usually enthusiast about social events, but she couldn't deny that this would be the perfect opportunity to seek out new clients and mingle around for some juicy gossip and any kind of information. She usually didn't mind dressing up for parties, her black dress simple enough and her gold necklaces a simple addition, but something about people's gazes during the evening made her wish she had dressed up more...
After conversing with points of interests, the woman decided to take a drink aside and headed towards a part of the rooftop that was more secluded. The much needed peace calmed Vee down, sipping her glass of wine as she looked over the city's lights and traffic down below.
"That's not very clever, you know?"
Vee was on high alert as she heard a voice echoing from the shadows to her left. Turning around, she finally spotted a form coming out and making its way towards her; none other than that turtle man she had seen at that Foot tower. She didn't say a word, slowly backing up as he kept coming closer.
"That tattoo of yours on your chest," he continued, still getting closer. "I clearly saw it that night, and now you're displaying it as well this evening. Quite recognizable, to be honest."
"How did you find me? What do you want?"
Vee finally bumped against a railing, feeling New York's hot breeze caress her upper back and hair. The tall mutant was now so close, she somehow considered jumping off the balcony … if only it wasn't way high above ground. The male finally got her calling card into view, an amused look on his face.
"I'd say you did good work with that for the average joe, but I was still able to get that fake tracer to link me back to its root. I'm suspecting you finally noticed my presence in your stuff last night, judging how quick I lost connection. Let me guess, you disconnected your router?"
Vee quickly got the card out of his hands, annoyed.
"Okay, you answered my 'how did you find me' question, now answer my next one."
One of his hands rested at the railing, right beside her, slightly towering the woman. He wanted to come out as intimidating, somehow, but he could also not dismiss his curiosity.
"… I wanna know who you are exactly. What's your deal?"
Vee left a quick chortle: "As if I'm going to lay all my information bare to you-"
"You seem quite capable with technology," he continued. "I'm just wondering why you're using it that way. … Selling information to the highest bidder can be a dangerous game."
Vee played her flirting card, taking advantage of the proximity. She slowly fiddled with his mask's tails, sneakily displaying herself in an enticing way.
"Money talks, turtle," she answered smoothly. "Taking leaps is what makes the world go 'round, I'm sure you know that. I do what I have to do in order to survive in here."
The mutant slightly gulped, taking a second to enjoy the view. He finally straighthened his stance, taking her hand so he could stop her motions at his tails.
"Until you land the wrong information into the wrong client's hands," he said. "… You don't have to play this kind of russian roulette. Your work could have way more worth in authority's hands."
The human puffed a quiet laugh, getting her hand out of his hold.
"I know how it goes, turtle. The police is slow and getting any freelance investigation their way can actually damage their precious work. They barely get anything done in reasonable delays. Meanwhile, my way is efficient for anyone who needs the information. I don't care where it falls – as long as I get paid, that's the only worth I'm looking for."
"Then why did you ask information about project Renaissance?"
Vee's eyes squinted: "... HookedOnCoffee?" she asked.
"You bet, smooth criminal," winked the terrapin. "I wanted to test you. I was there when you did your little escapade to the police station; you seem full of surprises."
Her gaze was now frowning, looking the mutant up and down.
"... H- How were you there and I didn't see you? You're a freakin' giant turtle!"
She stopped herself and the other before the subject was continued.
"You know what? Pause. ... I'm usually pretty alert to my surroundings when out and about, and the only trace I leave from time to time is my calling card, either for shits an' giggles, or for potential new clients. The fact that you found me and were able to hack into my computer in very little time is just ... " She next poked at his plastron with each words: "You're. Being. A. Creep. Right. Now!"
She next took a long sip of her wine, her eyes wandering and next noticing the shapes of three other turtles hanging and waiting on another rooftop.
"Great," she sighed, vaguely gesturing in their direction. "The whole cavalry's here..."
"You don't have to be freaked out," said the terrapin next. "We're here because we want your help."
Vee paused, half a smile coming to her lips.
"Let me guess.... you want the info I took from you guys at that Foot tower?"
"Primarly, yes, but ultimately I believe that your expertise could be beneficial to our cause."
"Which is?"
"Bringing the Foot clan down, once and for all."
That brought a laughter out of the woman, confusing the other for a moment.
"You do realize that I sometimes steal from them? They're often my main bread and butter," confessed Vee. "And if they were to vanish, another organization is gonna take their place. I'm talking about the Purple Dragons, mainly. I could be generous and think of other clans, but that'd be too generous."
"And you're okay with having potential crimes on the conscience when completing work that involves the Foot?" questionned the male, sourly.
"C'est la vie!'' shrugged the human. "Eat or be eaten. I do whatever I have to do and I'm okay with that. ... Why should I care about others when all they've done to me for the most part is spit on me?"
That seemed to garner some sympathy from the turtle, his traits now softer.
"Look... I'm not here to threathen you out of your work," he started, calmly. "I believe you have great potential and it'd be a shame to have yourself get in trouble because of some poor choices."
"You don't know anything about me."
"I know! I know... But I want you to consider being a better person in this."
Vee was silent for a moment, contemplating his words.
"... I'll think about it," she finally said, ligthly swirling her wine in a thoughtful manner.
"Good! If you ever have an answer, you know where you can find me." He next extended his hand for her to shake. "Name's Donatello, by the way."
Vee considered the gesture for a moment, ultimately bringing her hand into his. The size difference caught her off guard for a split second.
"Call me Vee," she replied. "... And I must warn you, monsieur Donatello; do not log into my computer again, or else I'll find you and it won't be pretty."
"I'll respect that warning," smiled the terrapin.
The woman next handed her glass to the mutant, starting to make her way back to the party.
"Enjoy the wine, I'm guessing you need it too."
Indeed he did, taking a long swig of the drink and then watching Vee walk away. He could still feel the ghost of her hand in his...
Vee spent the next few days carefully combing through the Renaissance project's files. One detail she did find interesting was in regard to that alien substance - nicknamed the "green ooze" - that was injected into four turtles and one rat subjects. Basic tests had been conducted, but it had never been done to full extents, considering that the lab burned down and the chemical had been lost. Final reports indicated that traces of the ooze could be found running through the animals' veins, meaning now that retrieving the substance could be possible...
Now knowing that this Donatello guy potentially had eyes on her online activities, she proceeded to create a thread all while making sure that the HookedOnCoffee account was blocked. She silently thanked the moderators for not including an activity feed for any created accounts, allowing for things to escape possible radars or lurkers.
Her post was clear and simple:
Potential retrieval of the lost ooze from Project Renaissance.
Possibility of getting my hands of some of the alien substance lost in the Sacks facility fire. Uses may range from medical to superhuman enhancements. Starting bids at 1 million. Serious offers only.
And so the wait started. Or at least it would give her enough time to actually figure out how to obtain such ooze in the first place....
Thinking back at Donatello's offer, that seemed like her only point of entry for such an opportunity. Sure, she couldn't just come out of nowhere and whip out a needle and a vial to get some blood out of him. ... She would need to build trust with the mutant - something that seemed a bit far fetched at the moment, considering that he might mostly want a professional relationship first and foremost.
She allowed some time to pass by, completing chores around her appartment and getting some food prepared. It was only when she got back to her desk with a quick dinner plate that she froze at the thread she had created.
Last offer was going up as high as 10 millions...
Seeing that no one had outbided that for some time, she closed the deal, getting in contact with the winner.
smooth_criminal: You better not be talking shit for offering such a large amount of money. FuttoGyangu: My boss is very interested by what you are offering. smooth_criminal: I do not have a current ETA on the retrieval. I need to confirm some details before starting the operation. FuttoGyangu: To confirm our interest, we will forward you 500,000$. Keep us updated.
Vee blanked for a moment. That couldn't be real...
FuttoGyangu: We have heard of your excellent work. Do not disappoint us.
She indeed received the amount, accepting it with a wide-eyed stare. ... ... Throwing herself out of her chair, she gleefully danced and stimmed around, celebrating this huge hit! Her head was spinning, her heart beating fast and hard. She couldn't back away now, she didn't want to disappoint indeed!
Swinging back into her chair, she completely disregarded her food, instead opening back her conversation with HookedOnCoffee. She shook her hands a little before writing, wanting to calm her nerves and not write any gibberish.
smooth_criminal: What's up. Let's meet up and discuss.
She could give him the Foot info, anything he wanted! Who cares!! As long as she could get into his good graces, that could only get her closer to her goal and that sweet, sweet money.
HookedOnCoffee: I'm guessing you finally considered my offer? smooth_criminal: Sure thing, pal. I'll be a good girl, I promise ;)
She snickered at her response.
HookedOnCoffee: I'll disregard the play on words :D ... State a place and time of your choice, I'll be there. smooth_criminal: I suspect you don't want to be seen much. I'll send you the address of a rooftop I like to hang out to. I'm free tomorrow night. smooth_criminal: I'll also bring some coffees and that delicious data you requested~ Gotta start on the right foot - unless you want to bring it down once and for all as well.
God she felt like such a smartass, quoting him from that evening at that party.
HookedOnCoffee: Ain't you a sweetheart... Forward me the address and I'll meet you there. HookedOnCoffee: And don't worry, I'll be alone.
Happily punching in the address and sending it his way, she next swiveled her chair around with a cheerful laughter. She couldn't deny being on such a high - yet the realization that she had now to prepare for this delicate mission brought her celebration to a stop.
Serious once again, she approached her computer, then opening a new web browser screen and shopping around for blood extraction equipment...
((Part 4))
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