#writing this fic made me ship them ten times more than i already did
scoopsgf · 2 years
the javajunkie horoscope you sick sick woman.... i love you
LAUGHING OUT LOUD that was actually one of my fav parts of the whole chapter
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lillysbigwilly · 1 year
gamer!ellie one shot
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everybody say thank you @endureher for requesting a full fic of gamer!ellie. honestly i’m not 100% comfortable writing with ‘you’ yet as i’m more of a connoisseur for oc stories so here’s a one shot to start it up
in which ellie finally tells the world your hers
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you and ellie had been dating for eleven months and it had been the best eleven months of both your lives. you shared a passion for entertainment, while you write poems and stories, ellie played games and streamed to thousands of people
her stream knew she wasn’t single, small slip ups every now and then. the door randomly opening and a black kitten prancing through the slit just for the door to close again
or whenever someone asked about her day and she may or may not have told them about her date with a very pretty lady.
ellie knew she wanted her fans to know her partner and what better way than to stream with you. the starting soon screen staring back at the two of you as you sat in front of the screens
playing sims with a special guest
that was the stream title, ellie usually had guest on her stream. whether it was her best friends dina and jesse in person or people she met online through the mic. it was rare for ellie to do a lone stream
so, when the clock on her desk turned 6pm, the girl started up the stream. her hand carefully placed on your thigh as you both welcome the viewers.
many people already knew who you were, enjoying your poetry books or romance novels (that just so happened to be proudly presented in the background of ellie’s stream at all time).
ellie introduced you, saying how exciting it was to have such an aspiring writer on her stream. around ten minutes into the livestream, you both finally started playing. mutually agreeing to make each others characters. you made ellie’s and she made yours.
however, what the stream wasn’t expecting was ellie to change the relationship of the two sims characters to ‘married’. everyone took note of the way you smiled with a roll of you eyes, your own arm bumping into your girlfriends
“oh did i forget to mention that y/n is my girlfriend?” ellie asked nonchalantly, the chat going absolutely crazy as you two just smiled.
you played for just under two hours, creating a beautiful home and living a wonderful life. it’s safe to say chat managed to make some beautiful edits of you both and everyone swooned over both yours and ellies instagram posts.
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liked by y/n and 86,527 others
elliewilliams to my dearest y/n, i love you always and will continue to love you forever. thank you for loving me <3
view all 10,573 comments
user2 idk who i’m more jealous of
y/n your my forever els <3
user3 we have two hours of content from them but omg i’m obsessed
dinax my favourite sapphics 🫶
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liked by elliewilliams and 10,543 others
y/n to my favourite girl who for some reason hates getting their photo taken, eleven months with you and each day i fall more in love. i’ll love you forever
view all 5,311 comments
elliewilliams eleven months have flown by, i love you
user1 THEM
user2 sleeping on the highway tonight
dinax okay fine i’m coming over so we can celebrate
user3 dina is the captain of this ship
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20 Questions for Writers
I was tagged by the lovely @maggiemayhemnj - thank you!!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
Ten. I was cross-posting everything for a minute there, but I lost steam and now I only post here - except for Aphelion, which I am co-writing with @something-tofightfor. That still gets posted in both places.
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
68,449 - not counting Aphelion. My tumblr word count is... a lot higher.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Right now just Pedro Pascal characters.
4. top five fics by kudos?
Gonna go by notes on tumblr instead because that's where most of my stuff is:
Bes'laar Din Djarin x F!Reader (based on artwork by @stealyourblorbos!)
Survivor Blues Joel Miller x F!Reader
Forever Din Djarin x F!Reader
The Cold Offends Me Oberyn Martell x F!Reader (The Viper & The Wild Thing universe)
Point of No Return Ezra x OFC Clara
5. do you respond to comments?
I try to respond to all comments because I appreciate them SO MUCH MORE than I can accurately convey. I love hearing from people about what they liked or what shocked them or what made them feel things, and I really love the chance to sort of have a micro mini chat about it in the comments. That being said, sometimes I completely check out and miss a whole batch or a whole fic worth of comments goes unresponded to for far too long. And I always feel bad when that happens, which sometimes results in me responding to things WAY after the comments were left, to the point where it wouldn't surprise me if the person has already forgotten the fic/what they wrote... but I haven't forgotten how much it meant to me that they read and commented on my work. So even if it's 6 months to an eternity late, I intend to respond to them all.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It Pours From Your Eyes Joel x Tess
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I feel like most of them have happy endings, but we'll go with A Little Christmas Magic - Frankie x F!Reader as perhaps the fluffiest happy ending.
8. do you get hate on fics?
I have gotten non-fic specific hate directed at my writing before, but that was a few years ago and it hasn't happened since. Which is cool because the fewer people wasting their time and energy on being unnecessarily mean about things - let alone about stories about silly little fictional guys - the better.
9. do you write smut?
I do, but I do not consider it one of my strong suits, and I typically only include it if it fits with the overall story though a few times I have written smut just to be filthy as a challenge... and as a treat.
10. craziest crossover?
I've been slowly spinning a True Detective x Tim Rockford crossover like a rotisserie chicken for months but I've only managed to jot down a few unconnected snippets thus far. And a title. It's gonna be called (maybe, if I ever actually write it) Flat Circle, Twisted Game.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, but if I did I would be absolutely PISSED. And I can't say I'd be nice about it.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but that would be cool AF.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I am currently co-writing Aphelion with @something-tofightfor and it is so much FUN.
14. all time favorite ship?
In all honesty it's probably Leslie Knope and Ben Wyatt. I was straight up ready to stop watching Parks and Rec if they didn't end up together.
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
lol what kind of passive aggressive, self-doubt feeding question is this? I'd like to finish them all and I try like hell to believe that I will.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I think it's probably describing natural settings? But maybe dialogue. Idk.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Smut. Also keeping the momentum to finish things in a timely fashion, but mostly smut.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I try to only use it when it makes sense or when it benefits the story and not just as like... a novelty or an afterthought.
19. first fandom you wrote in?
Teeeeeeeeeeechnically? Like first one I ever made content for? I guess that would be the Twilight series. But I will not be sharing where to find that here. And if you find out where it is, you take that knowledge to the grave with you, you hear me? DO YOU HEAR ME, FRIENDS?
20. favorite fic you've written?
Even though it's nowhere near done, I love and am so very proud of Survivor Blues. But then again, even though it's a few years old now and I feel like my writing has grown since finishing it, Point of No Return will always have a very big piece of my heart.
Tagging: anyone who sees this and wants to play! Please tag me so I can see your answers!!
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mihrsuri · 7 months
ask meme! can I...can I ask you all of them? (the one you made up with like five or so questions with emojis I mean) :D :D :D
🎬 which fic would you want to see made into a movie or tv show? (Assuming obviously this can happen) Go into details about why and what you’d want it to look like!
This actually has two different answers depending on the medium but I’m going to go with the mini series of Such A Time As This aka Jewish Anne Boleyn. I don’t know who I would cast (if anyone knows any Persian Jewish actors for Anne I would love to know so then I can make some specific self indulgent graphics) but I do know how I would structure it (eight-ten episodes). And that it would be released over Purim.
The creative team (writers, producers, costumers) is entirely Jewish/Mizrahi Jewish.
(Listen if I could age some actors back and you know do it, I would love to see the OT3 verse on screen though).
🎧 your favourite singer/band is going to write an album about a fic of yours - which fic and what would the album be like?
I mean Taylor Swift has already contributed so much to the Tudors Fandom I would love to see a Taylor Swift album specifically focused on the Tudors OT3 Verse. Like yes please where is my themed album it would be a banger. (Specifically about the OT3). I would also accept an album about the OT3 verse in general/some of the couples specifically composed by some of my favourite artists (Beyonce, Taylor, Olivia, Maisie, Maureen Nehedar).
🎨 what scenes from your fic(s) do you really really want fanart of?
Anything from Such A Time As This but specifically:
Anne in Persian Jewish dress, praying and echoing Esther.
Thomas Cromwell (in this fic he’s half Jewish) also praying
OT3 Verse (PLEASE)
Anne, Henry and Thomas all in bed together
Anne and her husbands with their children
Their wedding
There’s a specific moment involving Norwich that’s a spoiler but uh, THAT.
The one’s below
Mihrimah and Thomas’ wedding
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🌌 the image that sums up [fic]
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📓 list your current WIPs
Grishaverse Hunger Games (currently working on individual chapters for each character and trying to avoid picking a district for them except I know Nikolai :cough: Sturmhond is District 4)
Horse And His Boy Fix It (I have nothing at the moment but it’s something I would like to do)
Crown Of Ashes (It’s just all Norwich being The Worst and also Patrick Gibson is really good at acting/looking sad but brave and good)
Rewrite The Stars 2.0 (Trying not to listen to the brain weasels that say that no one cares about your stupid little niche AU ship dot gif)
Sam/Donna/Josh President Seaborn modern AU. I did have a line come into my brain. “They got married. Technically you could say it was illegal but no one paid attention to that in favour of gushing over the fashion”
TWW Hunger Games (Am I going to write more of this? I mean I don’t think so but if I did there are some ideas)
Tortall Found Family (I can be a better boyfriend than him and Jon of Conte is CORRECT).
CJ was kidnapped not Zoey AU (maybe maybe because @miabicicletta is an enabler I’ll write some of the background if it comes to me)
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drysaladandketchup · 7 months
Writing Meme
Tagged by my dear @irrelevanttous <3
RULES: go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason
first fic you ever published on Ao3: Spirit of Champions, for the Supernatural/Destiel fandom. I don't even know why I'm linking the fic, it was ten years ago I'd like to think my writing has improved a lot since then so... maybe don't read it lol. I actually have another fic that says it was posted on the same date but I think that's because I moved them both over from livejournal at the same time, so whatever
last fic you published: Acts of Devotion for the Hockey/Mattdrai fandom. Much prouder of this fic haha, though I was still getting a feel for hockey and these guys during it's construction. It hopefully won't be my last mattdrai fic though. Got a few ideas and WIPs sitting in my drafts
a fic you wrote for a fandom/ship only once: I don't think I've ever written just one fic for a fandom. Though I certainly have many abandoned WIP's and a few unpublished fics from days gone by. Also due to a lack of ideas or energy, I often end up publishing nothing for a fandom, despite my love for it. But I'll go with the fandom I only published two fics for. After Life's Fitful Fever, He Sleeps Well for The Terror. It's actually a platonic ship (if that counts? Depends on your definition of 'ship' I suppose), but it's still one I'm quite fond of overall
favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship with the most works: well I already mentioned Supernatural, so that would be the obvious answer lol. But I already did that, so I'm going to go with a fic from the next biggest fandom I've published for. Which I would say is String Theory for Final Fantasy XV. The only FF game I've ever played, but I had a grand old time, made a lot of friends and had a lot of growth in that community
fic you wish more people read: Can I say any of my fics from the Dunkirk fandom? No? Boo. It's a tiny fandom so I don't expect a tonne of interaction haha. But it is the fandom I've written the most for. Ideas just kept on coming (probably because I love history and angst). So I'd say... Where You Were, Where You're Needed. My first for the fandom, and one I still love dearly
fic you agonized over the most: Skybound, for Dunkirk. It's the only novel-length fic I've written, and it took me two years. I also didn't publish it until it was completely finished, edited, re-drafted, and remodelled within an inch of it's life so... yeah that one. Plus all the history research and story planning that went into it was a lot more than I usually do. It was fun, I'm glad I finished it, but fuck I don't know how people write novels regularly. Stephen King tell me your secret
fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort: For The Glory, for the Hockey/Mattdrai fandom. Maybe the fastest I've written anything. Basically wrote it from start to finish within a couple hours, not including food and sleep. Not a monumental fic, no, but for someone with chronic fatigue and adhd... astounding. It was very much a result of conversations with M. and her determination to drag me into hockey and mattdrai. Successfully, clearly haha
work you are proud of: I'm going to say Skybound again. Small fandom, but a huge fic for me. One I could probably turn into an original piece with minimal finagling if I wanted. I would also like to think one could enjoy the fic without having seen Dunkirk. That being said, now that it's been over a year a half since I finished it, I'm already looking at it thinking 'I could have written this differently. I could have removed this or tweaked that.' Editor hell. But I'm leaving it as is, using it as a benchmark for my (hopefully) continued improvement as a writer. I think I improved over the course of writing it, even. A lot changed from inception to publication. But I'm no less proud of it, as a written work or as a story. I did what I wanted, and I wrote the exact story I wanted to read. So I'm happy :)
Thank you for the tag, M.! <3
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driftward · 1 year
Writer's Game: First Sentences
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven't written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have.
Tagged by @autumnslance! Gremlin ❤️
I am tagging @yloiseconeillants, @sasslett, and gosh @autumnslance already tagged pretty much everyone else I could think of, so that's the short list. 1. A Place to Call Home, a work based on a piece of art I commissioned, about when Y'shtola and Zoissette finally settle down (if they ever settle down):
She was not completely certain that she was capable of truly getting used to sharing a space with someone else once more.
2. Can Bottomless Hearts fill Bottomless Voids?, a speculative piece based on a recent ship meme, where someone asked about Zoissette and Lyse.
Zoissette walked slowly in between the cots in the infirmary in the Rising Stones, fingers barely not touching the bodies that rested in each one as she passed them by.
3. How Do You Do It, which is another piece based around a comm. Unlike A Place to Call Home, where I wrote after the art had been made, I had this piece written and in mind when I requested the comm, and then adjusted it to the comm after the art arrived.
Zoissette was asleep on her stomach in bed, the night’s activities having spent her, and Y’shtola was now wiling away the late hours of the night.
4. The Witch and the Shieldmaiden, my latest short story, about two children from very different cultures meeting one another.
She was nervous, and she was excited, both at the same time, and both feelings hummed and buzzed up and down inside of her and she was not sure where one ended and the other began.
5. Different, an entry for Year of the OTP, and it is kind of doing set up work for things to come later.
This one was different, her cousin Zel had said.
6. I know what I am doing is a series of vignettes centered on a theme throughout Zoissette’s life, which I am beginning to think may be one of my favourite styles of writing.
Zoissette looked up at the training dummy.
7. Meya (Savage) is based on a joke a friend of mine made in Discord, and which I felt compelled to expand upon. Mind the rating on this one, it has some sexual content.
Meya and Y'shtola had spent a most pleasant time together.
8. Noumenon Learning Hours, a shorter piece - I meant to write a bunch of shorter scenes, starting with this one, but that did not gel. This one shows Zoissette and Y’shtola handling the briefest moment of tension.
Y'shtola found the section she wanted to look into next, and saw Zoissette there, sitting on the floor.
9. Begin Again is, more than usual, a story that’s more for me than anything. It’s a companion piece to the next entry.
Zoissette woke up in the Baldesion Annex.
10. Icemelt is about Zoissette dealing with some extremely complicated emotions, or rather, not dealing with them, and maybe finally getting some help for that.
She held on for so long.
Looking back at all of these, I am actually surprised at how short a great many of them are. Also, when I stop to think, I usually try to -ask a question- very early on in the start of my stories, which gets answered over the course of the work. Some of these do that, but not as many as I would have guessed. I have definitely read the advice that you have about the first sentence of a story to hook a reader, and some of these I think make decent hooks, but just as many of them are simply setting up. This strikes me as okay; not everything needs to follow formula. Enlightening, in interesting ways.
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questinwitchface · 7 months
Writing Pattern Tag Game!
Rules: Share the opening of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns!
Thank you so much for tagging me @sambambucky !
The Offering
Sam has had a very tiring day. He’d gone to work at the Vampire Assistance Agency at seven PM, just after the sun had set. He’d gone to a meeting at 7:30 for training on new services the VAA will be offering next year and review training on the services they currently offer. When the meeting was over at 8:37 (because these things always run long), he’d gone straight to his office to organize his case notes and prepare for the day. He’d made it to one of the group rooms and run a group session for elder vampires at 9:15, spent fifteen minutes cleaning up the room, and then run the group session for recently-turned vampires at 10:30. He spent another fifteen minutes cleaning up the room, and then he’d finally gotten to take his lunch break at midnight. He was finished by 12:45, which gave him enough time to prepare for his individual sessions, which went throughout the early hours of the morning and finished at five AM.
Falling/Already Fell
Sam’s head is once again spinning at how much older his nephews have gotten. Cass had just recently turned thirteen, and that would be a lot on its own, but Sam and Bucky are playing chauffeurs for his very first date. They’d taken the truck from home to Sarah’s to pick up Cass, who looked nervous and was wearing too much cologne—since when did Sam’s nephew even wear cologne? Then they’d picked up Tia, who seemed shy and quiet and sweet, with her hair in a fancy configuration of braids that must’ve taken forever to do and braces on her bright smile. Cass and Tia had talked in awkward, stilted conversation in the backseats of Sam’s truck while they drove to the movie theater, and then Sam and Bucky had dropped them off and headed to the mall to give the kids their time together.
Bucky and His Books
They’re in Sam’s truck, driving back home from Sarah’s after a long day of helping her with the boat and the boys, when Bucky turns to Sam with a guarded sort of frown.
There Was More Than One Bed (But Who's Counting?)
Sam is not okay.
The Guy Next Door
“Hey, you’re bus fight guy, right?” Joaquín asks, watching his new neighbor stare forlornly at the boxes he still hasn’t moved into his room.
Dear Sam
Dear Sam, This is a stupid exercise my therapist recommended. Apparently, I struggle with expressing my emotions verbally, so I’m supposed to try writing out my feelings. I hate this idea. I think it’s dumb. Sorry to drag you into it.
The Pirate Fic
Bucky folds his arms over his chest. The sun is particularly brutal today, beating down on his head, and he’s glad he’d worn his hat this time. He surveys the tiny island his ship is docked at. It’s little more than a stretch of sand with a dock built on it, big enough for one ship to dock at. A craggy rock face looms at the other end. There’s a small, dark cave entrance in the rock face that connects to the cave network the mermaids come from whenever Bucky and his crew meet with them to trade.
The Valentine Struggle
“I need a valentine that says, ‘I adore you, and I want you in my life forever,’ but in the most platonic way possible,” Yelena tells the store clerk. She’s in a Hallmark store, a store dedicated entirely to cards and gifts, and yet she hasn’t been able to find valentines that express how deep her love is without making it romantic.
Date Night
“So, the thing is, I really need your help,” Sam tells Jay before Jay can even get his usual greeting out.
Bucky Barnes Hates Christmas
Bucky Barnes hates Christmas.
Analysis: So it seems like my openings are either a single sentence or pretty long, with not much in between. Shorter works seem to get the shorter openings. Also if the beginning chapter is going to be angsty, it seems like I enjoy starting with like a single angsty sentence (i.e. "Sam is not okay.") and then further explaining it in the next paragraphs instead of cramming all the characters' feelings into the opening paragraph. I like opening with dialogue, but I didn't do it as much as I would've thought I had, but both of the rareship oneshots started with dialogue, which is interesting because I view the rareship fics as being more "for me" than other fics I write, so maybe I have more fun with them and don't overthink the openings as much as I do with SamBucky fics? Anyway, this was a fun little exercise. If you catch any other patterns, feel free to let me know!
No-pressure tagging @allcolorsoftherainbow and anyone else who might want to do this!
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acidmatze · 1 year
Could I ask all 25 for the chose violence ask game? I would love to hear what you have to say.
Took me ten minutes to find that reblog again. Hope youre even still around to read this, anon
the character everyone gets wrong Maybe not Everyone but like.. 95% of the fans and "fans"... would be Gojo, hands down. None of you write him correctly. I know cuz i talked to Gege and he attacked me with a shovel.
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom I dont have or need one cuz Vash is a switch.
screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr Basically every post that calls Gojo egoistic or describes him as an asshole who makes fun of people for the sake of it.
what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person? I dunno anymore. I think someone was disgustingly Pro Hero Society or something in the bnha fandom like... years ago.
worst discord server and why How am i supposed to know every discord server?
which ship fans are the most annoying? Cruise ship fans, ba dum tss.
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them? Every popular character on tumblr i think? Luckily they are never in my fandoms so its easy to avoid them.
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about Already answered that in 1.
worst part of canon Trigun is inherently perfect And in jjk... i think Naoya himself is the worst part.
worst part of fanon Someone once wrote Gojo wrong and everyone since then everyone has done the same
number of fandom-related words you’ve filtered I think i have like... 3 fandoms blacklisted and thats it
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them The ACTUAL Gojo, how he actually is in canon and everyone should like him because he isnt a piece of flaming garbage like fanon Gojo.
worst blorboficiation I legit dont know
that one thing you see in fics all the time Vash sleeping with his prosthetic arm on??? Hello???? Do you people sleep with glasses on and in jeans and are also set on fire cuz thats how uncomfortable that would be.
that one thing you see in fanart all the time All fanart i see is perfect and gorgeous and has no flaws
you can’t understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc) I dont know why everyone is horny for fanon Gojo when thats just Crappo, their shitty OC.
there should be more of this type of fic/art There can never be enough autistic!Vash
it’s absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on… Mechanic!Vash. Give that man a regular job like he deserves to have. Nothing sexier than a man working with heavy machinery.
you’re mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like… If i like something it means its good, even if its just good to Me, and therefore I am not ashamed or horrified.
part of canon you found tedious or boring Nothing that comes to mind
part of canon you think is overhyped Again, nothing really.
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores All the amazing jokes Gojo makes. That man is a comedy genius and people should write him accordingly. Also i would have said "The tummy hurty scene" in Trigun 98 but people lately have been paying attention to that so nvm.
ship you’ve unwillingly come around to None
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse "But Wolfwood is actually still a child because I ignore canon and refuse to actually interact with canon cuz trying to start a fight in the most peaceful fandom ever is somehow my hobby. I am totally normal."
common fandom complaint that you’re sick of hearing None Well, no violence here.
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inawickedlittletown · 3 years
Queerbaiting and Buddie
(word count: 1,900)
I keep saying that I don’t want to spend any more time on 9-1-1 meta or fic, but the events of this weekend made me open up a document where I had some unfinished meta and in light of the S4 finale airing tonight, I thought I might at least write this: 
“Queerbaiting is a marketing technique for fiction and entertainment in which creators hint at, but then do not actually depict, same-sex romance or other LGBTQ representation. They do so to attract a queer or straight ally audience with the suggestion of relationships or characters that appeal to them, while at the same time attempting to avoid alienating other consumers.” 
That is how Wikipedia defines queerbaiting. And I really feel like everyone needs to read that and then read it again and realize that what is happening on 9-1-1 with Buddie is NOT queerbaiting. 
I don’t want to go into the long history of queerbaiting because we would be here all day and anyone that wants to do some research should go and do so. There are a lot of resources out there. Use them. 
But the short of it is this: queerbaiting has a lot more to do with the way a show is promoted, with the way that anyone involved in the show talks about a queer ship, and with the show deliberately scripting scenes that hint at a relationship without any intention of following through. Expectations and wanting a queer ship to go canon and those expectations not being met do not alone equate to it being queerbaiting. 
For any of us that have been around a long time there are a lot of perfect examples and if you compare Buddie to any of them, they are very different. I’ll name a few:
John Watson/Sherlock
Emma Swan/Regina
Castiel/Dean Winchester (though they did go canon...barely)
Buck and Eddie do not fit into that list. Which isn’t to say that someday they could belong there, but I just do not believe that they will even if Buddie never becomes canon. And this all lies in how Buddie as a ship has been treated both on screen and off. I’ll break it down by season. 
Eddie is very clearly introduced as a new character, a straight Army veteran with a disabled kid and family drama. He and Buck have immediate chemistry. We can’t deny that, or deny that from that first episode there are immediate sparks. Unintended sparks, but sparks nevertheless. And it is easy to tell that no one on the production team expected that and the story reflects that. 
Yes a foundation for their friendship is formed and yet the season long story focuses on Eddie’s relationship with his estranged wife and Buck is dealing with his own growth after being left by Abby. Their friendship shines and their scenes are great but none of them suggest romance and there are actually a lot of episodes where Buck and Eddie barely interact in S2 aside from in the background or for small work related moments (this mostly happens after Shannon returns). 
S2 does give us the first acknowledgement from the powers that be aka Tim Minear that they know what the fans have seen. This is why the elf scene exists, but it exists in a space where it’s a nod to the fans and not meant to do much more than that. The other moment is during the call with the livestreamer. But S2, places them completely and without question on a strong friendship. 
We see a lot more conflict for Buck and Eddie in this season and we see how close and important they are to each other. Those are the two main things. That can be read as friendship easily and it’s a season where both Buck and Eddie deal with their pasts and in one way or another start to get closure while their friendship remains intact. 
Yes there are some scenes that make us squint and go huh, wtf? (I’m looking at you kitchen scene), but narratively we also know that neither of these boys is ready for a real relationship with anyone, let alone each other. But we can bask in how close they are as well as how Christopher fits in into all of it. 
But in S3 we are also introduced to Ana and we see the return of Abby. We also get to see that Buck and Eddie have become closer than ever and that the lawsuit only serves to highlight the importance that they both feel about having the other available to them. I’ll also quickly mention that Eddie Begins worked hard to highlight Buck’s devotion to Eddie. 
Without considering the events of the finale (I am avoiding spoilers and know nothing about it or the speculation), we’ve seen Buck and Eddie both grow and get further closure on their past. This season has paralleled them well and their friendship has not faltered, they’re as close as ever. 
The beginning of the season was heavily focused on Buck and we saw him grow as a person and begin to work on himself in a healthy way and we’ve seen Eddie be supportive of that. 
We also have Ana to consider and her relationship with Eddie as well as the return of Taylor and yet the appearance of these women has not changed the Buck and Eddie dynamic. And I find it fascinating that Eddie beginning to date Ana, is the thing that prompted Buck to start dating. The parallels are all over the place but it is the strength of the friendship and the way they care so deeply about each other that remains whether that becomes romantic is still to be seen, but it could still go either way.  
Off-screen by the end of S2, Tim Minear had already addressed Buddie by throwing in that elf scene in a wink/nudge fashion that said “I see you” and in the scene with the girl with the livestream with the comments. During S3 he tweeted about being frustrated by the fans demanding and being hostile and thinking that that would make him more likely to do what they want (I’m paraphrasing what I remember seeing). Tim has never once said that Buddie will happen or shut the door on the ship entirely, but he did say he did not want to engage in conversation about it because he doesn’t want to get into arguments with fans. 
Oliver has always been enthusiastic about Buddie and has even said that he would be perfectly fine with it happening both a while ago and more recently in promo for S4. Conscious of queerbaiting and not wanting to give fans false hope, he has specifically said that he does not know if it will or won’t happen and that he wouldn’t speak on that as he’s not the one making that decision. His support for it happening does not mean he has any sway one way or the other. He’s said this a few times and even wrote a letter to the effect to make it clear to fans that the last thing he wants is to disappoint someone due to something he’s said. 
All in all, it just isn’t a constructive environment for anyone working on the show to interact with fans on this topic because any time that they do, they get attacked by overly enthusiastic buddie shippers that in many ways are making everything worse. 
In all of the interviews from Tim that I’ve seen, he has always been very quick to hint at what was coming up on the show in a way that at times has been misleading on purpose. The number one thing that comes to mind is early in S4 where Buck was said to get a new woman in his life. Tim absolutely made it out to seem like it was a girlfriend while knowing fully well that it was a therapist. This is an excellent example of what promoting and hinting is actually like. No one from this show has done that in regards to Buddie. 
No one has gone out of their way to hint that it may happen in a way that excites the fans. And this is one of my main reasons for knowing that Buddie is not a queerbait. At no point in the life of the show so far has anyone used Buddie in a promotional way to bring in viewers. Because THAT was the whole point of queerbaiting in the past. 
It was a way that some showrunners found to bring in a lot of viewers when they needed to up their numbers in order to show networks they were worth keeping around. Someone figured out that LGBTQ people wanted to see themselves represented so much so that they would tune in to anything that promised an LGBTQ character in some fashion. It was a tactic that worked well in the landscape of tv where there was so little LGBTQ content on mainstream media that anyone wanting it would latch onto anything. And then they just wouldn’t deliver on those relationships or characters. In 2021, that is not the world we live in any longer. 
In today’s tv landscape there is so much to watch and so much to pick from and diversity has grown, it is celebrated. Queer characters are well represented as are queer relationships and queer stories. The times are different. A while back I was listening to a podcast (Bait: a queerbaiting podcast) and something I found interesting was how the hosts both agreed that in today’s tv landscape there is no more real queerbait and that we won’t easily find anything like the ships I mentioned above. I think I agree more with this than I expected to, because I do think that it exists in some spaces, but it definitely isn’t what it used to be. This is a good thing. 
Specific to 9-1-1, this is a show that has that diversity and that isn’t afraid of tackling that diversity and giving us interesting and nuanced perspectives and stories embracing that. We have characters of color, women in positions of power, a F/F relationship, two multi-racial relationships, a disabled character, other queer characters including a M/M relationship. There is so much in this show that embraces diversity and that embraces the reality of what the world looks like. To call it queerbait is to disrespect everything else that this show is and has done and the hard storylines that have been tackled that we would not have seen on tv ten years ago. 
And I get that Buddie would be another breakthrough. It would be a novel way to tell a queer story, and it would be amazing if it were to happen. The set up is there, but it isn’t fully realized, and Buck and Eddie can still be read as just friends if we take off the shipping goggles. But it also isn’t queerbait or likely to become queerbait and people have to stop calling it that. 
What Buddie resembles is one of the many unintended slow burn ships that have frustrated viewers in many forms across fandoms and we just have to go along for the ride and maybe it will happen. Or maybe it won’t. But if we know anything about relationships on tv, it is that a lot of the fun comes from the journey, even if the destination is good too. 
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Hella late Tickles of Color entry
Hoo boy. Y'all it's been a really, really awful 8 months or so. I had to take an impromtu hiatus for a variety of reasons, but I'm okay and in a much better place now.
I'm so, so sorry for how late this is @fanficsandfluff @ticklesofcolor especially after the absolutely lovely fic you wrote me for this event. I owe you big time, so if you like this I already started working on part two of this fic. I hope you like it and again, I can't express how sorry am for the delay.
Fandom: Star Wars/The Mandalorian
Pairing: Luke/Din (Grogu makes an appearance)
Word count: 2.7k (I know it's a little long, but I needed to establish a bit of a relationship between them for me to write about them)
Din was shocked when a few months after being separated from Grogu, he received a comm on his new ship from none other than Luke Skywalker himself. He now knew the Jedi’s name, after Cara told him about the apparently legendary man. The stories she and others told him sounded too fantastical to be true but after seeing the things Grogu could do with his powers then Luke’s feats when he rescued them all, Din was inclined to believe them.
“How did you find this comm channel?” he asked Luke.
Luke just smiled and said, “I have my ways.”
Luke explained that though Grogu was coming along well with his training, the child missed Din so much it was holding him back. Luke didn’t have the same negative feelings about attachments that the Jedi of the past did, and felt Din’s presence in Grogu’s life would be beneficial to his training, not a hinderance. When Luke asked Din to come visit them, Din jumped at the opportunity. He missed his little green foundling more than he could possibly put into words, and with winning the Darksaber and the pressure from some of his people to claim the title of Mand’alor, Din was happy to drop everything and fly to the coordinates Luke sent him.
When Grogu saw Din, he ran as fast as his little legs would take him into Din’s arms that were waiting to embrace him, giggling in excitement. When Grogu asked silently for him to take off his helmet, there were tears of joy streaming down Din’s face. Luke watched from the corner of the room with a fond smile on his face. Because Grogu and Luke could communicate through the Force, Grogu told Luke stories of his adventures with Din. Luke almost felt like he knew the Mandalorian.
Weeks went by. Grogu and Din would spend time together just the two of them, and when it was time for him to train with Luke, Din would sit to the side and observe, assisting in training when it was appropriate. Grogu really had learned a lot. One day Luke had Grogu levitate Din and the overeager child quickly threw Din about ten feet in the air before he fell to the floor with a loud clang. It was an accident of course, the child would never intentionally hurt Din. Luke gasped and he and Grogu both ran over to Din who was holding his stomach.
“Din, I’m so sorry!” Luke said looking him over for any obvious injuries. “I thought he’d be able to do it. I mean...he’s lifted a full-grown mudhorn before. I...”
Luke stopped when he heard Din’s wheezing laughter coming from his helmet. Luke sighed in relief before Din inhaled and hysterical laughter came pouring out of his mouth. Din couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed so hard, and Luke couldn’t recall ever falling in love with someone’s laugh like he did when he heard Din’s for the first time. Luke, Din, and Grogu had to pause training for about five minutes, all of them incapacitated with laughter. The only thing that would have made the moment perfect was if Luke could have seen Din’s face as he laughed, but he knew the Mandalorian had worn his helmet for most of his life now. Even if he didn’t wear it all the time anymore, the habit and comfort of it caused him to keep it on most of the time, usually only removing it when Grogu asked.
In the evenings after Grogu went to sleep, Din and Luke would spend time together getting to know each other, sharing stories of their pasts, and training Din to fight with the Darksaber. Luke never looked into Din’s mind with his powers, feeling like that was an invasion of the man’s privacy, but he could sense Din’s emotions whether he tried to or not. And he could sense some new feelings radiating from Din as time went by that made Luke feel warm all over. Even without Jedi powers, Din felt them coming from Luke too.
One evening after rocking Grogu to sleep, Din went to Luke as he was reading some ancient Jedi texts. He sat down on the couch next to him and Luke looked up to realize Din had removed all of his armor, helmet included, wearing only the black shirt and pants he wore beneath his armor. Luke tried to hide his shock but failed. He’d seen Din without his helmet a handful of times but had never seen him like this.
Luke gulped and tried to keep himself from blushing as he looked at him, setting the texts he was reading aside. “You uh...removed your armor.” He said, stating the obvious. Very smooth Luke.
Din looked down at his clothes. “Yeah. I uh...I guess I just wanted to give it a try.”
But Luke could feel that it was more than that. That Din wanted Luke to see him: physically and more.
“You should do it more often. Going without your armor I mean,” Luke said nervously. “You look...nice.”
Din smiled bashfully as he felt the fabric on his thigh with his fingers. “It’s fine, I guess. Definitely not as fashionable as...whatever this is,” Din said jokingly before reaching over and grabbing Luke’s robe, dangerously close to Luke’s side. Out of instinct, Luke recoiled.
Din saw Luke shift away from his hand and immediately felt guilty. Maybe sudden movements scared him or something. “I’m sorry Luke, I didn’t mean to startle you,” he said as he pulled his hand away.
Luke could sense that Din felt bad. “Oh no, Din it’s fine. You didn’t do anything wrong, and you didn’t startle me exactly. I just thought...” A strange grin came over Luke’s face, that Din couldn’t quite read. “I uh...thought you were going to tickle me, is all.”
Din smiled and Luke could sense the anxiety of the moment leaving the Mandalorian’s body. “Oh, I see. No, I wasn’t going to do that.”
Luke couldn’t deny how surprised he was that Din didn’t initiate an attack right then and there. Growing up on Tatooine, Luke was often a favorite target of his friends. He’d even been tickled to tears a few times during his time fighting for the rebellion. Despite his protests, Luke didn’t actually hate it. In fact, he kind of liked it though he’d never admit it. It always made him happy and feel loved. He wondered if it made Din feel the same. This was a prime opportunity with Din out of his armor and without his helmet. And he’d been wondering what Din looked like when he laughed since the day Grogu made him during training.
“Are you ticklish Din?” Luke asked.
Din rubbed the back of his neck. “I uh...don’t know to be honest. No one has tickled me since I was a child.”
Luke could sense Din’s intrigue. “Do you want to find out?” he asked him gently.
Din chuckled timidly. He couldn’t deny his curiosity. He couldn’t remember what the sensation felt like, it had been so long. He also couldn’t deny how the idea of the handsome Jedi’s touch, however innocent, kind of excited him.
Din looked up at Luke and felt butterflies in his stomach as he looked at his soft smile. Luke already knew Din’s answer before he spoke. “Ok,” Din finally said in a softspoken voice.
Luke’s smiled. “If you need me to stop or slow down just tell me.” He didn’t want to torture Din after all, and it wouldn’t be as fun if Din wasn’t having fun too. Din nodded his head.
Luke was just staring at Din at first and Din wondered if Luke had decided he wasn’t going to do this. It seemed the butterflies that had been in Din’s stomach were fluttering even more than before, and it increased in intensity until Din realized what he was feeling in his stomach wasn’t anticipation or the nervousness of being around the Jedi he’d unknowingly started developing feelings for. He doubled over and wrapped his arms around his stomach.
Luke’s smile widened as he used the Force to continue intensifying the tickling gradually. “You doing okay there Din?” Din nodded his head and had his lips pressed together, trying to hold in the giggles that were threatening to spill from his mouth. Luke laughed. “You know, the point is to laugh when someone tickles you. That’s what’s fun about it.”
Din did in fact know that but after years of being a stoic bounty hunter, he’d gotten used to holding in his laughter for appearances, and old habits died hard with him. Luke knew Din was doing alright so he decided to up the ante. He started wiggling his fingers up and down one side of Din ribs gently. Din sputtered a laugh before pressing his lips together again.
Luke couldn’t contain his own laughter. He’s stubborn this one. “Come on Din, you know you want to laugh.” Luke could see the teasing was getting to him. “Just let it out. Here, I’ll help you.”
With that Luke dug his fingers into Din’s sensitive ribs and Din couldn’t contain himself anymore. He exploded into laughter and raised his hands to cover his face. Luke moved in front of Din so he could get both sides and Din moved his hands to Luke’s elbows, burying his face into Luke’s shoulder to hide his face and muffle his laughter. Din was wiggling around to instinctively avoid Luke’s fingers, but never protested or pushed him away.
Luke was addicted to the sound of Din’s laugh already. It was low and musical and though he loved the sound of it, he wanted to see Din’s face. Maybe if he tried another spot, he’d get the chance.
Luke moved his fingers to Din’s stomach and Din fell back against the couch and started rolling around, shaking his head, and Luke could finally gaze on Din’s face. He looked beautiful and much younger laughing like this, even with the lines around his deep brown eyes as they squinted shut. Though it tickled, it wasn’t as intense as his ribs had been and his laugh switched to more of a high-pitched giggle. It embarrassed him to hear it.
“This is silly,” Din said in between giggles before squealing when Luke found a particularly bad spot near one of his hips.
“It’s supposed to be,” Luke said chuckling. He tickled his hips for some time before reaching up to scribble his fingers under Din’s arms. This earned Luke the biggest reaction so far. Din was weak with laughter and felt himself sliding down to the floor, unable to stop himself. Despite how badly it tickled, Din continued to just laugh and wiggle around. Din thought to himself that this was actually pretty fun. He didn’t get the chance to let loose and have fun like this...well ever really.
Luke moved his hands to the Mandalorian’s neck and Din snickered. As much fun as Din was having, he was glad Luke had found a spot that wasn’t so devastating so he could catch his breath a bit. Luke smiled at him adoringly before saying, “So I think the answer to the question, ‘Is Din Djarin ticklish?’ is a resounding yes.”
Din could feel his cheeks start to burn. “Why do you have to do that?” he said still laughing, covering his face to hide his blushing.
Luke laughed. “You did give me permission, remember?” Luke started tickling the parts of Din’s cheeks that weren’t covered by his hands.
Din shook his head a little, both as a response and to get away from Luke’s devious fingers. “Not the tickling,” he said as Luke started tickling under his chin. “The teasing.”
“That’s part of the experience my friend. Makes it tickle a lot more, doesn’t it?” All Din could do was nod his head. Luke straddled Din’s thighs, about to go for his underarms again but then realized how out of breath Din was and decided to check in on him.
“You okay big guy?” Luke said. Luke was pretty sure if Din was in distress at any point, he’d have known but he still wanted to make sure.
Din was panting, stray giggles coming from the wide smile still on his face. “Is that all the legendary Luke Skywalker’s got?” he said.
Luke gave him a mischievous grin that made Din second-guess antagonizing him like that. “I was actually going easy on you, but seeing as you seem to want a challenge...” Din started giggling in anticipation. “I was gonna try your underarms again since that seemed to get a good reaction out of you...but maybe I can find an even better spot.” Luke looked down at Din’s thighs and scooted back onto his shins. He started tracing his fingers up and down Din’s thighs and knees. “What about here?” Din started giggling and rolling around on the floor again. When Luke gave both of his thighs a gently squeeze, Din snorted. Luke’s face lit up like he’d just been given a gift from the Force itself as Din’s eyes grew wide.
“Oh, I have a feeling this is the spot I was looking for,” Luke said before digging into the meat of Din’s thighs. Din snorted again before alternating between cackling and screaming. “Yup, this is definitely the spot I was looking for,” Luke said before laughing almost as hard as Din was. This laugh was very different from the others Luke had pulled out of him. Nowhere near as musical, but he adored the sound of it and the mixed look of enjoyment and panic on Din’s face. Din was able to resist fighting back before, but now he couldn’t help himself from trying to push Luke’s hands away even though he was still having fun. Luke’s nimble fingers pinched up and down his thighs and when he found a spot on Din’s right upper thigh that was particularly ticklish, Luke used both of his hands to dig into it. This broke Din completely. He let out another snort and screamed, before falling into silent laughter, tears beginning to fill his eyes, too exhausted to fight back anymore.
It was a strange feeling for Din to just succumb to something. His mind was blank, all that existed in his universe at this moment was the maddening sensations on his thigh and the man who was doing it to him. Just when Din was about to start begging Luke for mercy, Luke stopped and got off of him.
Luke sat on the floor beside him as Din continued to laugh, his body still twitching from the phantom tickles that were lingering. Luke took a moment to admire his work: the feared bounty hunter known all over the galaxy, the possible future ruler of Mandalore laying on his floor, a giggly mess. It was a beautiful sight to behold. Luke laughed and patted Din on the shoulder. “I gotta admit,” Luke started saying. “You held out a lot longer than I would have. Maybe Mandalorians are as tough as the stories say.”
Din laughed and wiped away the perspiration that had accumulated on his forehead during the ordeal with his sleeve. Then his eyes grew wide when Luke’s words registered in his brain, and he remembered what started this whole thing in the first place.
“So...you’re more ticklish than I am?”
Luke laughed, somehow oblivious to the idea rolling around Din’s brain. But that was typical for him in these situations. “Oh yeah. Much worse. I remember this one time back on Tatooine I...” Luke was unable to finish his sentence before Din had tackled him to the ground. Luke could have fought back and for a brief moment, he thought about it before resigning himself to the playful torture that awaited him. Not that he minded.
Din pinned him down and Luke was now the one with butterflies in his stomach. “Did you know the Jedi and Mandalorians were once enemies? I think between that and what you just did to me, I’ve earned the right to seek a little revenge.”
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My Liability, My Deadweight
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Fandom: The Chronicles of Riddick
Collection/Series: My Liability, My Deadweight
Pairing: Richard B Riddick x Female Fat + Glasses Wearing Reader
Writer: @writings-of-a-hufflepuff aka @hufflepuffing-all-day-long
Rating: T (Swearing, Riddick is Riddick, violence)
Warnings: Swearing, violence towards deadly alien creatures, violence from deadly alien creatures towards the reader
Summary: None of this was supposed to happen. You were supposed to be on a holiday resort planet, relaxing by glistening waters and forgetting your troubles. Not traipsing through a deadly jungle on an uncharted planet with a just as deadly companion who seems torn between helping you and hating you.
Notes: So I guess this is going to be similar to Western AU Din in that i’ll probably write some stuff in the same sort of world/vein as this. I’m just interested in the idea of Riddick with a reader who is the opposite of a survivalist, who isn’t fit or strong, who is scared. The idea of Furyans having mates or soulmates that they don’t really get to choose and the idea of Riddick having to come to terms with the idea that the person he wants to protect so bad needs his protection more than most is interesting to me.
This is probably such a niche thing to write, not only because the fandom is tiny, but also because people tend to write Riddick fanfic where the reader or OC is extremely capable, but I wanted to write it. So self-indulgent fic coming up.
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Kratos is a horror show of a planet. It’s the sort of planet you’d never thought you’d end up on, the sort of planet that you saw on horror vids and read about in the tales of survivors of tragedy. You weren’t supposed to be on it. You were just on a short trip, just supposed to go to a stupid holiday planet, at the insistence of your boss that you needed a break from your desk, that you worked too hard. You were a city slicker, an urban citizen, not an outdoorsman or an adventurer, certainly not the sort of person who’d come to a planet like this. But, your pilot had needed to make a stop, said there was a problem with the fuel cells that he needed to check out. So you’d made a pit stop on a barely charted planet. Nothing good ever happens on a barely charted planet. 
Covered in dense, muggy jungle, the planet would have been beautiful had it not been trying to kill you and your, for want of a better word, companion at every turn. It was covered in vibrant green forest, tropical plants, exotic and brightly coloured flowers (many of which, it turns out, were deadly themselves). There were brightly coloured bird-like creatures and primitive mammals that scurried through the trees and across the ground. It would have been beautiful, except for the limp in your walk from the burning claw marks deep in your thick thigh, except for the blood that followed in your wake, the dead bodies of the crew you’d left behind, and the yellow eyes that seemed to follow the two of you under the dark canopy.
After a stupid decision by your group to go out into the jungle to try and find a settlement of some sort, just because it had seemed like (as if there was any real reason to leave), you’d been picked off one by one. You could only describe the beasts as fucked up panthers. Two tails with stingers at the end, sharp spindly spines along their backs, an elongated neck, venomous fangs and sharp teeth and claws. They were hard to spot, silent in the underbrush and decidedly and most definitely deadly. The only reason you were still even alive was because of Riddick, because for some unknown reason the man, the murderer, had decided to stick close to you, like glue. You weren’t complaining.
At the time of boarding the ship for your trip it had seemed horrifying, to know that you were travelling on the same transport as Richard B. Riddick, escaped convict, known murder, predator. He was the sort of man your parents whispered about, the sort of man that you never wanted to meet. He was someone from your worst nightmare. Now he is your saving grace and surprisingly not what you had expected of a notorious big bad. While he meets many of your expectations, crude at times, harsh, and physically intimidating, he defies them too. He is at times oddly gentle with you and, the mere fact he cares about someone’s survival other than his own, is in itself a surprise. A fortunate one for you. 
“Are we nearly back to the ship?” You ask because your leg is killing you, because you so desperately just want to get off this planet even if it means being stuck in a confined space with a convicted murderer. You hate this planet, you hate the constant feeling of fear and of uselessness. You hate the truth of it all, that you are weak, vulnerable, prey not the predator. It has you realising your many weaknesses, many vulnerabilities, many failings. 
“Shhh…” Riddick raises his hand out in front of you, a universal sign to stop, while the other comes to his lips in a shushing motion. If he were a dog, his ears might very well have pricked up at the slightest sound. 
To you nothing seemed out of the ordinary. There were no unusual sounds or movement in the brush. You couldn’t see anything out of place. Just as you begin to notice the silence, the lack of sound, that is the moment everything goes terribly wrong.
“Riddic-” You were cut off by your own scream. 
Things happen so fast that you don’t really have time to process them. One minute you are standing behind Riddick attempting to get his attention, the next a dark shape crashes into you and you’re on the jungle floor a heavy weight pressing on your chest and stopping your breathing. Your hands reach up instinctively, pushing against the creature in an effort to keep sharp gnashing teeth from your face, but you’re not strong and you’re not a fighter and you can feel your arms beginning to collapse already. Can hear yourself screaming for Riddick even as part of you thinks he’ll leave you there, abandon you to be eaten alive. There is a deep fear that this is it, this is the end. That it shall be painful, terrifying, lonely, and unfamiliar. 
Claws scratch at your arms, blood runs over your skin in rivulets as you scrabble in the dirt. Then as suddenly as the weight came it was gone, hefted off of you with an angry roar and the sound of a knife hitting flesh over and over again. You don’t look, can’t bring yourself to look, just lie there and breathe, in and out. You don’t want to see him do what he’s good at, don’t want to see alien blood, a dying creature, the parts of him that are less than gentle. So you stare up at the canopy and catch your breath, feeling the blood flow down your arms, the bruises that ache over your stomach, hips and legs. Feel the relief flow through you, combat the shock, as you realise you are not dead, you are alive, and he did not leave you to die. 
You’re rather numb in truth until you hear him muttering above you, “goddamn liability, deadweight…”, it shouldn’t upset you because it’s true. But it does, it upsets and angers you because you didn’t want to be here, you didn’t want any of this and you didn’t ask him to hang around, didn’t ask him to help you. You had no say in this. This was not your idea of a holiday, your idea of fun, or your fault. 
It forces you to your feet, forces you, despite the blood dripping from your wounds, to stand and face him, despite the bruises, despite the pain, despite the fear. You find yourself planting your feet even as you sway unsteadily, standing with hands on your wide hips and a scowl aimed at a man that could kill you easily. For the first time you’re too angry to overthink your actions towards the man. For a moment you stop thinking and start acting. 
“If i’m such a goddamn liability, then just leave me here! I didn’t ask for you to stay, Riddick! I didn’t ask for your help! If it’s such a fucking chore to have me along, if i’m really dead weight then leave me! Go!” You didn’t normally scream at anyone, it wasn’t your personality type. You were quiet, shy, retiring. A wallflower. You didn’t scream. You didn’t start fights. You didn’t do any of that. Anger wasn’t your natural response to anything. Fear was. But after being hunted down, time and time again by giant alien cats with venomous fangs and an uncanny ability to hide on a jungle planet, all while being called a liability, a dead weight by the one person you had to rely on, well, you were finally at your wits end. You were in pain, you were upset, frustrated and ready to just go home. 
You didn’t understand it. Why Riddick even bothered with you, practically a stranger. You knew you were a liability, that’s why it hurt so much when he said it. You were soft, emotionally and physically. You were a slow runner, a poor fighter, had terrible eyesight that required glasses, you weren’t light on your feet or graceful and you certainly didn’t know much about survival. You were overweight, unfit and unsure on your feet. You were prone to panic and tears, you were easily emotionally and physically unbalanced. Until this trip from hell you’d been content in the inner rim, working a normal job, a safe life. Your day to day had been comfortable, safe. Easy. You weren’t cut out for this, for danger and potential death and had Riddick, this known criminal, one of the most sought after murderers in the verse, not decided to stick by your side you’d have died at least ten times already. It didn’t make any sense and your frustration at yourself, the situation and at him had tears pooling in your eyes. You didn’t ask for any of this.
“I can’t.” He’s so impassive, so calm, that it pisses you off more. It pisses you off how hard it is to read him, how he hides his eyes behind black goggles that stop you understanding him. How he hides all emotion from you so easily. How is he okay with this? How is he so calm when everything around the two of you wants to kill you, when he could have left this goddamn planet already if you weren’t slowing him down at every turn? How could he stand there above the body of some hell spawn creature and just stare at you like that, like everything was just fine, just normal? Like he wasn’t covered in it’s blood. Like you weren’t dripping in your own. Like you hadn’t almost died. Again. 
“I..I don’t get it…? What do you mean you can’t? You could walk the fuck away right now. I can’t stop you! No one else is here to stop you! If you want to leave, leave! No one’s holding you back, Riddick! No one is going to stop you! I can’t bloody well can’t! Look at me!” You sound hysterical even to your own ears but you can’t help it. You are so scared, so confused, so frustrated, so panicked by all that’s happened, all that could happen. You gesture down to yourself, to the bloody coating you, the way you protectively hold yourself off of your hurt leg, the sheer stature different between the two of you. All the things that make it very abundantly clear that if he chose to simply walk away you couldn’t stop him. 
“Listen, princess, it’s not that fucking simple!” The snap is almost relieving, that he’s not as cold, not as impassive as you thought. That he could break too. That he could be angry, that he could be upset, that this wasn’t just normal. Even as his steps closer cause your back to hunch, cause you to second guess your antagonist behaviour. 
“I don’t understand!” 
With a growl he’s crowding you against a tree, thick arms caging you in. He’s imposing, large, a head taller than you and the action has him taking over every one of your senses. He never touches you in anger and while the display is intimidating, it oddly enough doesn’t scare you. It almost feels secure. Perhaps because not once has he done anything to suggest to you that he would hurt you, every move he’s made has been to keep you safe. Every time he’s touched you has been to pull you from danger or bring you back to your feet. Despite his harsh appearance, his foul language and the deadliness that he displays at every turn, he has never once given you cause to fear him. To fear how he would treat you. 
“You’re my mate, got it?! I don’t get to choose, I don’t get a choice! I can’t leave you! I just fucking can’t, so you’re a fucking liability and dead weight, but you’re my dead weight, got it? I ain’t fucking leaving you, we either both get off this motherfucking planet or we both get eaten by these fucks, princess. There’s no inbetween, understand?” Silver eyes flash at you as he tears the goggles from his eyes,  his brow furrows and the muscles in his thick neck and broad shoulders bunch and move with every piece of tension that bursts through him. You are distinctly and sharply reminded that Riddick is a predator in every sense of the word, while you are prey. You are on two separate ends of the spectrum. 
“Mate…?” Your eyes flit across the landscape behind his head, trying to process all those words and all their meanings. You don’t understand, you don’t understand any of it. But, those words soothe you in a way you can’t explain. He isn’t going to leave you. For whatever reason, for whatever this is, whatever he means, he isn’t going to leave you.  You let out a breath you didn’t even realise you’d been holding. He’s not leaving, even if you’re a liability, a deadweight. Even when things get bad, he’s not leaving. He is, at this point, your only chance at getting home, getting away from him, of surviving. The panic in you begins to soothe, calm and settle. 
“We don’t have time for this.” You’re startled by the sudden display of affection as the man cups the back of your neck and presses his forehead into your own, “Just trust me.”
“I do, Riddick, I trust you” It’s hard to explain, the trust you feel for him, the safety as you let him lead you once more through the jungle. You are bleeding, in pain and still ever so aware of the dangers around you, but you have an implicit belief that with Riddick you are as safe as you can be. That if there was ever a person to carry you through this it would be him. 
You might still be confused, might not understand what he means by you being his mate or by his obligation towards you, but you know that he isn't leaving you for dead and that is enough right now. That is more than enough.
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@charradelange @belfry-bat  @gabile18 @beccaboo929​  @trasheater
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opalescient · 3 years
haikyuu fic recs — the most beautiful, lovely, breathtaking masterlist (vol. I)
so i’ve been binging fics to cure my sadness, and i thought that these select masterpieces were too magnificent to not be plastered on every billboard ever. some tore my soul into shreds, while others melted said shreds back whole, but all of them made me feel some form of sheer, unadulterated love, so. please enjoy! 🥰⛅️✨
note: all of these fics are exquisite and you should read all of them, but if you’re short of time, those with ☆ are my all-time favourites!
butterfly in the subway by bigspoonnoya ☆ | T
Sugawara Koushi has no idea he's already in love with the man he's supposed to hate.
i lovelovelove how all the concepts tied in together like a perfectly wrapped gift
also very wholesome, made me feel so inexplicably warm. like, love can exist everywhere!!! despite everything!!! that’s just so inspiring
i revisited this many times, i think it was (one of) my first haikyuu fics and honestly. it set the bar so high and i have no regrets
you’d fit my lonely arms so perfectly by boxofwonder ☆ | G
“Oh. You're. Not Asahi.”
Calmed down enough that he can speak again, Daichi takes a deep breath, his smile settling on his face easily and wide.
“Not as far as I know, no.”
Suga accidentally calls a stranger instead of his best friend, tells him all about his burned batch of cookies before realising, and that particular mistake might turn out the best one he ever made.
major, major fluff
the buildup!!!
god this made my yearning for love so much worse
the perfect stranger by downmoon | T
There’s a man standing outside Suga's door.
Scratch that. Start over.
There’s a man he doesn’t know standing outside his door, holding his sleeping nephew in one arm, with another kid clinging tightly to his free hand.
so domestic please read the entire series from start to finish it has my whole heart
shoyou and tobio as their actual kids 🥺
these two parents are so in love it makes me wanna cry
silica sand by lilien passe ☆ | G
Overworked, over-stressed programmer Azumane Asahi works on the top floor of a Shinjuku skyscraper. Nervous around his coworkers and terrified of the long drop on the other side of the window, Asahi falls into a miserable routine, only to have it broken one day by a simple message on the outside of the glass.
PLEASE. so well-written it makes my heart glow and ache simultaneously
made me ascend into asanoya heaven
such a brilliantly unique concept i love it A+
qué syrah syrah by loudlucy | M
Asahi wants to be a Master Sommelier. It's the highest honor in wine service, and the certification would allow him to live the life he's always envisioned for himself. Too bad the certification test is notorious for being the world's most difficult.
Most people fail their first time taking the exam, and Asahi is no exception, but he has more difficulty than most dusting himself off and getting back on his feet. Enter Nishinoya, a young man who shares his same dream, and who believes in their goals so fiercely it forces Asahi to embark on a delicious and sensuous journey of viticulture and validation.
AKA The Wine Tasting AU that literally no one even knew to ask for.
NOTE: You Do Not Need to Know About Wine to Understand This Fic!
another super unique concept!!! (´∀`=)
my god their chemistry is amazing
the writing made me feel things ngl
stop my bones from wondering by cerasi ☆ | T
After graduation, Asahi hides from the world and needs help from a few sources to find his way back.
i want to write sonnets and sing ballads for this fic, it’s that beautiful
as always, Top Notch Writing *chef’s kiss*
no but i seriously... can i kiss the author? asking for a friend 😳👉🏼👈🏼
star-crossed by starlitcities | T
“I never thought I’d see the day that I’d envy a human,” Oikawa admits, showering himself in tiny suns, because he can actually feels those, like a fusillade of warm kisses on luminous skin that leave marks. To humans, they’d be freckles. Skin stars, Oikawa calls them. He didn’t make that up, a human did.
“Who created the rule that we can’t touch, I wonder,” Iwaizumi ponders, floating heedlessly through space.
“Maybe it’s because we can fly. Humans dream of flying, right?”
“I don’t think so.”
gsjsgsjshsjshsjsj star!iwaoi
beautifulbeautifulbeautiful i love how the author conveyed the beauty of touch and humanity 🥺🥺
please bless yourself further with the sequel sun-kissed
conquering the great king by suggestivescribe ☆| E
Iwaizumi blinked his gaze over to Oikawa, "Last time was supposed to be a one time thing," he said, voice low, lacking some conviction.
Oikawa's lips twitched into a smirk and he brought them hovering just over Iwaizumi's, "One time thing, Two time thing, what's it matter as long as it's not a Relationship thing?"
in fact, this entire series (breaking the rules) features daisuga, kuroken, asanoya and it’s SO GOOD. every single one.
but anyway, character development!!!!! plot!!!!!!!!! writing!!!!!!!! i’m here for it all
campfire in your chest by deanpendragon ☆ | M
Kei realizes in their second year of high school that he’s probably been in love with Yamaguchi since they were ten. However hopeless he might be in handling that situation, Kei prays he’s at least not as hopeless as Hinata and Kageyama. But he just might be.
i am also a sucker for anything with stars, moons and all the love in between
no words to describe this work of art please just go read it and be blessed
under the lilac tree by raewrites | G
there’s a lilac tree in Kei’s backyard.
gorgeous in its simplicity
not as grandiose as the rest but the love written into every word, action and character is absolutely show-stopping
saffron and cayenne pepper by dontsaycrazy ☆ | T
Cooking is hard. Even if you have your very attractive, very grumpy neighbor there to help you.
In which Hinata's lack of cooking skills are a danger to him and others. Luckily (or not), Kageyama is willing to teach him, if only for the sake of avoiding any burned down apartments.
the essence of their characters were captured so well and yet it’s like they’re completely new characters too? author, whoever you are, you totally owned this
this made me ship kagehina so hard
fluff! cuteness! lots and lots of cooing!
the galaxy is endless (i thought we were, too) by cosmogony ☆ | T
/ˈsəʊlmeɪt/ • noun
A person who was made from the same star as you.
// Kuroken AU where the last words your soulmate will say to you appear on your skin when you turn 16, and how Kenma and Kuroo learn what this means over the course of their lives.
ahhh here it is. beautiful, heartbreaking, soul-emptying agony. you want angst? choke on this, and your tears later on.
no but seriously please read this if you haven’t you won’t regret it at all i promise
written from kenma’s perspective so you experience every depth and multitude of emotion he does and it’s so raw and- brb imma go cry for a sec
knot in my heart by hearthope | T
There’s a picture. Kenma blinks, looking at the little calico cat, being held up next to the face of a guy with stupidly messy hair and a crooked grin.
The— the cat. The cat is cute.
Just the cat.
Kuroo starts spending a lot of time at the flower shop Kenma works at. Kenma definitely isn't into him.
okay so i like it when authors unravel a normally stoic character’s full scope of emotion and give them depth, sue me.
anyway, back on the fluff train!
i absolutely f*ck with flower symbolisms, cats and bitchy best friends who have dirt on each other. the layers of romance, friendship and everything in between is so prettily developed 10/10
the jacket you never returned by daisuga ☆☆ | G
He leaned over, kissed Bokuto on the cheek, and smiled bitterly, eyes watery.
He will never remember. Not now, not ever.
What they were will now forever be forgotten.
"You used to call me Keiji, Koutarou."
i beg you to listen to Spiegel im Spiegel when it’s first mentioned in the story please
i read this and screamed through my tears for a solid 1.5 hours. i rarely cry.
no f*ckin regrets though i read this thrice already and it hurts so good every time
rules by conesofdunshire ☆☆ | E
In which Akaashi Keiji is an overworked accountant who stumbles upon Bokuto one night playing the piano in the lobby of his work. Bokuto is different, that much is obvious. But with such supreme musical talent and a smile so dazzling it rivals the sun, there's just something about him that brings Akaashi back every night.
this fic. this fic has my whole, broken, sobbing heart and laughing soul
gorgeous. breathtaking. magnificent.
bokuto is so WARM and akaashi is so STRONG and they both find the solace they need in each other and it’s all i want for me 😭😭😭
in another life by littleluxray | T
Sleeping didn't come as easy as it used to. Bokuto knew this, and now Akaashi did, too.
The hospital AU that no body asked for, but that I took upon myself to write.
this is a famous fic that i doubt any seasoned haikyuu reader wouldn’t know, and RIGHTLY SO BECAUSE, the PAIN. the pain. the pain.
i could feel my lungs shrivel up and my chest cave in on itself. fatigue and rest are things i struggle with too so this whole story resonated with me from start to finish, and it broke me. in like, the best, most revitalising way
i would read this again but it still haunts me at night. i need to heal from the first time before i have the guts to try one more time HAHAHA 😆💔😭
tea-stained polaroids by dalyeau | G
“I'm gonna date that,” Bokuto declares solemnly, and Kuroo throws a plastic spoon at his head.
mmmmmmm pretty photographer + personalised coffee cups + cute baristas = diabetic fluff fic
i smiled so much throughout this you have no idea. cheeks achey but so good
i may have squealed a little at the ending
moonfall by batman | T
There is no unlearning Tetsurou, after all. There is only leaving him.
(Five things of Tetsurou's that ended up in Kei's home, and one that never left.)
the writing!!!!!! is pure beauty!!!! sheer grace!!!!!!! the construction of the AU and the romanticism and hsjsgsjshsj
didn’t cry but. heart ache and bittersweet smiles are another level of misery that is just as fulfilling
yea just pleasepleasepleaseplease go read it thank you and have a good day
hidden gem by realmSpinner | E
Things get complicated when everything you thought you knew about a guy changes, and they get even more complicated when you actually start liking those changes.
That guy working with you AND becoming your neighbor? That's just a cherry on top of the cake of confusion.
this AU was refreshingly different, and amazingly so
top!tsukki??? sign me the f*ck up
the whole plot, man. perfection.
pings by barfs ☆☆ | T
[5/02/16, 3:50:17 AM] Tsukishima Kei: Please wake up.
[5/02/16, 3:50:23 AM] Tsukishima Kei: I hate begging. You know I hate it.
[5/02/16, 3:50:34 AM] Tsukishima Kei: I bet you’re snickering at that, wherever you are.
[5/02/16, 3:50:53 AM] Tsukishima Kei: But, it keeps hurting and I don’t know why and it feels like shit and I know you could tell me why, but you’re not here and I would really appreciate it if you’d just wake up.
[5/02/16, 3:51:02 AM] Tsukishima Kei: You’re laughing at that too, aren’t you.
[5/02/16, 3:51:10 AM] Tsukishima Kei: Dying is probably up there in the list of top ten shitty things you’ve ever done, and you’ve done a lot of shitty things.
you already know what’s coming, and yet. when it comes.
how the f*ck did the author make grief beautiful????????? (at the expense of me dying along with kei and everyone else i guess)
this fic will ruin you and bury you under all your pain (i hope you’re ready)
but also put you back together with the “sequel”
close to the chest by darkmagicalgirl | T
It takes Yahaba thirteen years to realize he's different from the other kids, one to figure out how to hide it, and two more to learn to be happy just the way he is. Yahaba's journey ft. an extremely annoyed Kyoutani, best friend in the world Watari, and loads and loads of good senpai Oikawa.
cause i’m (not) alright with the slow, burn~
no fr, take slow and burn very seriously
overthinking yahaba? i understand. i do.
again, such an amazing fic; 10/10 recommend
safe here by crossbelladonna ☆ | M
“Raids are routine work,” Kyoutani tells to Yahaba before he can air the question. “Sometimes there is no sleep done until we accomplish something, say kill a certain ghoul. I guess they’re still going through the possibility that people in the accident are still alive huh?”
Yahaba quirks a smile, pushing his mask up his head.
“You’re alive.”
Kyoutani looks at him intently and all of the things that they’ve gone through for the past month seems to flash in his mind.
“Yes I am.”
i haven’t watched tokyo ghoul but i understood everything perfectly. such is the power of f*cking kickass writing
*cue ugly crying and a lot of unresolved angst*
like the grief??????? ruin me please thank you 🙏 (i think i’m a little masochistic)
rare pairs
mannequin men by surveycorpsjean ☆ | M
The modelling world is full of hungry wolves, constantly clambering over the other, snarling and desperate. They fight, and they kill, trampling over anything in their path.
In this case, Akaashi fell in love with the wolves.
i did not expect this to be good, and it wasn’t. it was SPLENDID.
akaashi is so enamoured with them from the get go i love it
a tiny bit of angst that stabbed me in the heart, but the happy ending soothed it (thankfully, because if there wasn’t one i will sue)
characterisation, writing, plot development; everything is great. can you tell i’m running out of synonyms for ‘beautiful’
feel like gold by heronfem ☆☆ | T
In which Kenma is unapologetic and comfortable with who he is, Akaashi learns a lot about himself in a short period of time, Kuroo is wildly in love and an eternal survivor, and Bokuto remembers that love doesn't cure mental illness, but having a support system sure helps a lot.
Or, the one where 4 young men get together, and are helplessly, hopelessly, utterly in love despite everything.
e.e. cummings?? poetry??? f*ck yes
so beautiful. i’m so star-struck by this fic it’s simply stunning
there are no words to fully capture how worth your time and heart and mind reading this fic is so please. do yourself a favour, and fall in love with this fic with me
the sky and guilt are the only feelings i have left by oopsthisisqueertoo ☆☆ | not rated
Akaashi is at his wits end. He feels nothing. He's quickly crumbling as a human being. He wants nothing but sweet release of death. In his fourth year of college he drafts a plan for his suicide. He is to graduate, publish writing for others to be inspired by, and slip quietly away. Shortly after, he meets a dog walker named Bokuto who asks him out and Akaashi reluctantly agrees. Nothing matters anymore and he treats Bokuto like an obligation. Until he's not anymore.
this was... this gutted me entirely and filled my body with too many shades of agony
arguably one of the best haikyuu fics i’ve ever read
so beautiful in the most painful way fathomable; strongly recommend
april to may by surveycorpsjean | T
They're an odd family.
The four of them? Parents?
But still, they're a family.
So they'll support each other until the end.
aaahhhhh third gym as parents 🥺
so much fluff. i also love april and may
they’re still so in love there’s love in every millimetre of this fic :”)
that’s it for now! i’ll add more if i come across anymore good fics. i hope you enjoyed this list! if you have any requests/fic recs, or if u just wanna chat, feel free to just ask! hehe 🥰 k aight bye~
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bethansfandoms · 3 years
i keep seeing these and i just need more of it so Sirius is a youtuber au?
i literally read one of these the other day! how did you know?
sirius, or as he was known to the world,‘padfoot, was huge. he had a crazy amount of subscribers and his videos ranged from general chit chat to baking to gaming and, most famously, pranking fellow youtuber ‘prongs.’
people loved him. they loved his personality and his content and his appearance and his voice. everything. because he was so popular, sirius never could read every single comment, but he tried his best, and there was one that did catch his eye.
it was simply “day one of telling sirius that whoever edits his videos is awesome.” it had 50K likes.
part of the reason sirius’ posting schedule was so regular was because he didn’t edit his own stuff, he’d hired someoneto do it for him. his name was remus lupin, and this random commenter was correct, he was awesome.
the comments continued. sirius would look for it on every daily upload and there it was, always near the top. somebody commenting appreciation for sirius’ editor.
sirius and remus were friends. they weren’t super close, but they spent a lot of time together as sirius had an office for his ‘padfoot’ brand and he always filmed there, for privacy reasons more than anything. the computers in the office had all the equipment remus needed to edit and so they saw each other almost every day.
“have you seen this?” sirius asked casually, showing remus his phone. “day forty-two of telling sirius that who ever edits his videos is awesome.” 45K likes.
remus smiled, “ah, well, i do my best.”
“they’re right,” sirius responded, “i can’t really thank you enough for it. my videos would suck without you.”
remus rolled his eyes, “i am sure youtube’s heart-throb would do just fine in his own.”
sirius felt himself blush slightly. “yeah, well, glad the youtube comment section is appreciating what you’re doing as much as i am.”
it was next mentioned in a live stream. sirius read the comment and contemplated ignoring it but decided to read it out loud anyway. “sirius, expose your editing team.” he grinned. “not a team! just this one poor guy i’m afraid, i feel sorry for him.”
for some reason, it sent the comments off on a tangent. there were now numerous questions coming in and all of them about this editor. “can i get them on the live? ha, hold up.” remus was only in the room next door.
“remus!” he realised he’d just outed his name which the comments started freaking out about. “would you like to be on my live?”
remus walked away from his desk, laughing, and stayed just out of shot. “sorry, what?”
“the viewers want to meet my editor!”
remus sighed and awkwardly walked into frame. “how many people are watching?”
“only two million.”
“wish i’d known that or i probably wouldn’t have let two million people see me in this jumper my mum made me.”
sirius laughed, “it’s adorable.”
this is how a sub fandom was created. various twitter accounts dedicated to remus. people commenting on how cute he was or theorising the nature of sirius and remus’ relationship.
that embarrassed sirius slightly. he’d always had a mild crush on his editor and the fact that people were uploading the thirty seconds remus had ben on camera for and titling it “sirius having heart eyes for remus,” always made him slightly flustered.
remus’ appearing in sirius’ live shows started to become more frequent as people kept anting more remus content. this is how sirius came up with a new video idea. “Q and A with my editor.”
“i am just going to edit this and make sure nothing embarrassing i do is left in,” was the first thing remus said when he hit record.
“will you keep that in?” sirius asked, smiling.
“haven’t decided, depends how my hair looks.”
“it looks good.” that got edited out. “okay,” sirius said, “question one: what’s it like having to look at my face all day for a living.”
remus flushed. that got edited out. “it’s a weird way of describing my job, but i guess it’s not the worst thing in the world.”
sirius chuckled, “you flatter me.” sirius scrolled through his phone for more questions, “when will you start dating? let’s not include that one.”
remus scoffed, “when you ask me out i guess. yeah, that’s getting edited out.”
“christ, there’s a theme here,” sirius muttered, “remus are you single, remus rate sirius on appearance out of ten, remus would you rather kiss sirius or die.”
remus burst out laughing, “i’m starting to get a bit concerned about your viewers.”
“yeah, well, ever since my coming out video they’ve been desperate to know if i’m seeing anyone. there were all these proof videos about how me and james were dating before he married lily. oh here’s another one, remus what’s your sexuality?”
“bisexual,” he grinned, “should i leave that in or would that just drive people insane.”
“well, it depends. apparently there is already fanfiction about us.”
“how! i’ve been in like, four of your live shows.”
sirius shrugged, “people work fast.”
remus edited all of it out.
they spent hours laughing together on camera before finally wrapping the video up. it got 15 million views in a week.
“people like you, remus!”
“people just want somebody to ship you with.”
“no, for real, i keep seeing fan pages for you.”
remus laughed, “that’s insane! they know literally nothing about me.”
“they don’t have to. apparently being funny and good looking is enough for them to go on.” sirius regretted it almost instantly. luckily, remus didn’t seem to mind.
“you think i’m funny?”
sirius was so glad that he’d asked that instead of ‘you think i’m good looking’. “yeah, of course. i think you’re... yeah. we should hang out more. if you want of course.”
“ah, the amount of people on the who’d kill to hang out with the padfoot. yeah. that’d be nice. don’t tell the internet or they’ll think it’s a date.”
sirius shrugged, “is it?”
“oh, uh,” remus’ cheeks went bright pink. “i don’t know, is it?”
“if it doesn’t work, i still want to be friends. but we could always... try?”
a year later, sirius published his second most viewed video, after his coming out. it was titled “meet my boyfriend,” with the man in the thumbnail blurred out.
it was remus, of course. and the news actually broke twitter.
yo what the hell should i write an ao3 fic on this? i love this trope so much!!!
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lugialagia · 3 years
A curious video
Summary : Peter is now leaving in the compound with the Avengers. One day, Tony finds the boy’s laptop open and as he was curious, he couldn’t help but to sneak around. And what he finds will not leave him indifferent.
Ship/Pairing : Starker (Tony x Peter)
Words : 2,521
TW!: smut, swearing
AN: Peter is +18. This is my first time writing smut in a fic!
Tumblr media
It was a fairly normal day for Tony. He didn’t sleep much, stayed in his lab for most of the night to work on several projects. And when the morning came, he prepared himself a cup of coffee. Well, more like three to be honest. Better coffee than alcohol, right?  
Then, he went downstairs to the gym and started his training like any other day. Because after all, he was an Avenger, he needed to stay in shape to save the world. After an hour and half, he stopped and walked back to his bedroom to take a shower to wipe out the sweat from his body.
Now clean, Tony made his way to the lounge where the kitchen was. He needed something in his stomach after his sport. Making his way there, he grabbed something in the fridge to eat and walked toward the couch, plopping down on it and relaxing.  
That's when he noticed the open laptop on the coffee table. It was Peter's. Tony had let him stay at the compound for his studies. It was closer to MIT than May's apartment and when he needed training of improvement on his suit, Tony was right downstairs. And it was better for the man because he secretly liked the youngest male. 
Peter was cute and smart, he loved science and physics, everything interested him and Tony loved to have him around in the lab. That's how he started to develop feelings for Peter. But he never said anything about this. Peter was young and he…wasn’t. It would be weird and he would be considered like a pervert.  
As he was very curious and he liked to know what Peter was working on, he decided to be a little weasel. So he took the laptop on his lap and opened the document with all his files. Some names he recognized since they worked on it already, and some very unknown. He clicked on one file and looked at the document and the images. It was a science project for school. And it looked pretty good to be honest. Tony will let him do this alone, he didn’t need him for that, else he would have come to him already. Then Tony looked at another one. It seemed to be a sort of robot that could do some tasks for disabled people. Such a nice boy...
That’s when his eyes wandered on a file with a curious name ‘xTx’. Yeah, what a strange name. Usually, Peter was very clean with the name of his files, he liked to name them clearly because he often forgot what it was with code name. Clicking on it, the file opened to only a video, no documents. Once again, strange. Tony then decided to watch the video. What was his surprise when he saw the youngest male, naked, on his bed, fucking himself with a toy as he pumped his cock while moaning some sweet ‘sir’ from time to time. “Fuck...” Tony groaned. Oh he couldn’t help but to watch. His gaze couldn’t look at something else and he couldn’t close the video player.  
It had been quite a while since Tony wanted to see this. To see Peter naked, on his bed, with his shaft buried deep inside him. Now that he had the sight in front of his eyes, the billionaire wanted to see it in real life, to touch his smooth skin and to mark him. His cock was already half hard from just that. Fortunately for him, he was all alone in the compound this morning. So he didn’t hesitate to bury his hand into his pant and started to caress his bulge and stroke his length when he was hard enough. ‘Oh please sir, fuck me hard.’ Tony let out a low growl at that, gripping his own cock tight. “I’ll definitely fuck you hard, yes.” A mere moment after, when Peter was close, Tony didn’t expect for him to call his name. ‘Fuck- ah! Tony!’ With that, the genius came in his pants, panting, trying to collect himself and to think about what was in this video.  
Did he really heard his name falling from the boy’s lips? Yes, definitely. Did he just watch a sex tape of Peter? Oh yes. Should he tell him about it? He wasn’t sure. Peter would very much be mad. But...if the boy said his name, it was because he felt the same way? Or at least he was finding him attractive and wanted a good fuck. But who wouldn’t, honestly? Well, Tony had the whole day to think about it while working in the lab.
When Peter was finally back from school, he immediately went in the lab to find Tony. “Hey Tony! You will never know what hap- what's wrong?” The boy interrupted himself when he saw Tony, arms crossed over his chest. “Am I in trouble?” he asked with a slight frown. “Depends.” Tony replied as he stood up to face Peter. “I found something really interesting this morning and I have the whole day to think about it.”  
Peter blinked a few times and grinned widely. “Did you find a way to make a spaceship?!” Tony clicked his tongue and took a step further, standing a few inches away from the boy. “No. I’m talking about you.” he said with a low voice. “M-me?” Peter started to lose his confidence. “What have I done?” he asked, backing away. Tony followed him and when Peter couldn’t go anywhere anymore, he cupped his chin firmly. “Your laptop was opened, so I looked at your project and I found a very naughty video that wasn’t a science project at all.” He purred.
Peter’s brown eyes widened and he gulped loudly. “O-oh shit...fuck I- please don’t be mad!” Tony raised a brow and grinned. “Mad? Oh sweetheart, do you really think I'd be mad for seeing you fucking that cute dildo while moaning my name?” he asked, pressing their crotch together. “Quite the contrary here.” he smirked, Peter letting out a surprised yelp when he felt Tony’s erection against him. “Maybe I do want to hear my name falling from your lips here and now, what to you say?” Tony asked with a devious grin. “Please...” Peter whispered desperately.
The next second, Tony’s lips were on his. Peter melted instantly against the man, wrapping his arms around his neck as Tony kept a hand on his jaw and the other on his waist. When the kiss deepened, the youngest let out a soft content sigh and tried to fight back Tony’s tongue, but it was already a lost battle. The genius was exploring his mouth with passion, grinding his hips against the other who was becoming hard with all the friction.  
Tony pulled away from the kiss and started to kiss and nibble at Peter's neck, leaving trail of little bruises, marking the boy's skin, marking him as his. Peter let out soft moans as the man's lips were traveling on his neck. “Please Tony...I need more.” he pleaded, his cock aching in his pants. Tony chuckled and quickly worked on Peter's pants, freeing his cock and pumping it slowly. “Take off your shirt for me.” Of course, Peter obeyed immediately.  
The young man never thought this could happen for real. It was a dream. He had dreamt about this moment since years. Even before he met Tony. He had always been a fan of his work and when he was a teenager, he often had wet dream about the man. And the crush transformed into love when he started to see him almost everyday. Of course, he didn’t say anything because he thought it would be weird. And he was still minor at that time...
“Perfect.” Tony purred. “Better in real life than on a video.” he smirked. Peter blushed and his cock was leaking on Tony's hand. “T-thank you.” Peter said shyly. “Tell me, do you often touch yourself thinking about me?” The man asked and Peter nodded eagerly. “Yeah, yeah fuck all the time.” he moaned when Tony squeezed him a bit harder. “What a dirty boy.” Tony smirked. Oh he loved this answer, of course. “Get on your knees for me, want to see my cock in your pretty mouth.” Tony said cupping the other’s jaw.  
Immediately, the youngest sank to his knees and worked on his pants, moaning appreciatively when he saw Tony’s large cock. “Like what you see, baby?” Tony asked with a smirk. Peter bit his lower lip and nodded. “Yeah.” he whispered and without wasting any more moment, wrapped his lips around the pink tip. Tony hissed at the sensation, the warm and wet lips surrounding his sensitive cock. “Yeah fuck baby, suck me good and I’ll fuck you like you always dreamt.” the man said sliding a hand into Peter’s soft hair. Loving the praise –and the promise of a good fuck- Peter pushed more of his shaft into his mouth, humming at the taste and bobbing his head at a steady pace.
Tony was enhanced by the sight, to see his cock disappearing into the boy’s mouth was something beautiful. He imagined this scene a lot of time but the reality was ten times better. “Such a good boy. Pleasing me so well.” Tony purred. “Fuck, you’re so pretty down there.” Peter looked up, his innocent brown eyes blown with lust as his tongue teased the large vein under his length. This was mind-blowing for Tony. Sure, he had a lot of sex and partners and experience, but even the simplest things done by Peter were a hundred times better. Gripping his hair tighter, Tony gave him the hint to take more into his mouth. And that’s what Peter did. He took him in the back of his throat –with a bit of struggle and gag- but he still managed to take him whole. His trainings weren’t done for nothing in the end. Because Peter trained to deep-throat his toy just in case the day would come where he would have Tony’s real cock inside his mouth.  
“Ah fuck!” Tony let out a low growl, his head tilted backward. “So good baby. Fuck- you're doing so well.” he praised, lightly bucking his hips up. Peter's cheeks were flushed and tears were prickling in his eyes as he tried not to gag or choke. He was so happy that Tony was loving what he did, that he was pleasured by his mouth and his ministrations. The mam was loving this so much that he was already feeling close. He lightly tugged on the boy's hair to pull him off. “I’m gonna cum if you don’t stop now. I'd like to, but I really want to fuck you.” he purred. Peter looked up at him with glissening eyes and lip. What a sight for the billionaire. “Lay on the couch baby boy.” Tony ordered softly.  
“Yes sir.” Peter replied, immediately standing up and getting rid of his pants and underwear. Then he walked toward the couch and laid on his back, instantly spreading his legs, one propped up on the back of the couch and the other staying in the ground. Tony observed him with dark eyes, his tongue peeking out to lick his lips. “What a beautiful sight.” he purred, watching how Peter's cock was red, leaking and needy. “Please sir, I need you. I have thought about you for so long… I want to feel you.” he pleaded softly.
Obviously, Tony couldn’t help but to comply. He wanted this so much too. Walking toward him, the man pulled off his clothes, letting them fall on the ground. There he stood, in his naked glory, in front of Peter. Tanned skin and muscles well shaped even for his age, the white scar on his chest contrasting with the rest of his skin. He was handsome. So much. And Peter was liking this a lot. Tony was even better that what he ever imagined. Tony then leaned over him, brushing their cocks together. “Are you ready to take me, baby boy?” Tony asked cupping his jaw.  
“Y-yes! Please I want it so much, sir.” Peter whined. Tony grinned and softly pressed the tip of his cock against Peter's rim. Then, he slowly pushed in, stretching his hole until he was completely buried inside of the boy. Peter's breath itched as he was being filled. Tony was bigger than his toy and he loved this so much. When he was finally relaxed, he let out the biggest moan ever, making Tony's skin shivering with excitement. “So tight baby.” the man groaned a little frown forming on his forehead. “And you're so big, sir.” Peter replied with another moan. Feeling overly confident, the older one started to move, slowly thrusting at first to get used to the feeling, he quickly improved his movement when the boy under him was letting out moans over and over again.  
Leaning down, Tony pulled Peter into a heated kissing session, plunging his tongue inside his mouth as one of his hands started to rub and pinch his nipple. Peter’s cock was throbbing hard, leaking on his stomach while Tony pounded into him, hitting his prostate. “Fuck!” Peter screamed, arching his back to put more pressure on the cock inside him. “P-please do that again! Oh fuck, that felt so good!” Tony laughed softly at that, smirking against his lips and pinching his nipple hard. “Don’t worry pretty boy, I’ll make you see stars.” He said in a deep and low voice, thrusting hard and fast into him. Peter was a moaning mess and his legs were shaking, his rim clenching around Tony and his cock ready to spill his seed.  
“Please Tony-” Peter whined, tears prickling in his eyes with the wonderful warm and intense pleasure he was feeling. Of course, Tony was on the edge too, so he gripped the boy’s cock and pumped it hard. “I want you to cum for me, baby boy. Cum and I’ll reward you with mine in your pretty ass.” he ordered in a low voice. Immediately, Peter complied and came hard on his chest, so hard that some even hit his neck, a loud moan of Tony’s name escaping his lips. At the sight, the billionaire couldn’t contain himself anymore and came hard, shooting his seed inside Peter while his teeth sank into the flesh right above his heart.
Taking a bit of time to take their breath after their mind-blowing climax, they stayed in that position, panting. After a moment, Tony gently pulled out with a light hiss and looked up at Peter. “You doing good there baby?” he asked. “Y-yeah.” Peter whispered. “It was...wow... You’re just...wow.” Honestly, he was at loss of words. “Yeah, just like you.” Tony chuckled and pecked his lips softly. “Now, next time I’ll see a porn video on your computer...I’ll use every toy I possess, on you.” he smirked. Peter laughed softly, closing his eyes as he felt tired. “Is that a threat, Tony?” he asked. “It’s a promise.” Tony replied, whispering into his ear.
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littleteacupdragon · 3 years
I’m always here for Virgil angst and protective Roman, if you’re still taking prompts maybe you could do smth like that with for Prinxiety with Roman holding Virgil? I love your writing style💜
I’m going to be 100% honest here, I don’t usually write Prinxiety, their dynamic seems to not work with my brain as nicely as other ships do. For that reason this fic is a bit different than other ones from this series, a bit more dynamic and maybe not entirely what you imagined when you were sending me the prompt, but I think it’s not the worst there is. Still, I hope you’ll enjoy it either way.
Sleepy promises
It was bad. Really, really bad, and Virgil had no idea how to get himself out of the mess that he got himself into.
He didn’t mean to, okay? He just wanted a change of scenery and remembered an offhand comment Roman made that they were welcome to his domain anytime…
He could have at least warned them that, dunno, the forest was mean and altered the paths within it? That the trees, once between them, had the tendency to look way more looming and dark? Branches to lean down almost mockingly? Was it his imagination or were the threes becoming more dense with his every turn?
He felt trapped, completely unable to find the path. When he looked back, there was a tree right behind him, right where the middle of the path he was on was just a mere minute ago.
No good, no good, no good!
Virgil was starting to panic. He had nowhere to run, the trees were so close now that it would take maybe two more turns that he’d have to squeeze between them to move anywhere, maybe two more and he’ll be trapped completely.
Trapped, trapped, trapped, trappedtrappedtrapped-
His heart was pounding, breath coming out uneven. No way to run. No air in lungs to scream. No strength in legs as they buckled, and then he was on the ground and the trees were leaning over him mockingly and oh god-
He woke up with all the air trapped in his lungs.
Just a nightmare.
Feeling his whole body tremble, he tried to slowly breathe out, mind still partially there, still almost entirely overwhelmed with the residue of emotions.
He wanted to wait it out, to let it all just pass. One minute, then two, then five and ten – to no avail. His heart seemed adamant on not slowing down, picking up at every minuscule sound, mind supplying him with multiple examples of dangers not even remotely connected to his nightmare this time.
That shadow could be a demon. Turn on a nightlamp. Something may be in the room. Look around. Stupid, just try to sleep. Something may have appeared. Scan the room once again. What was that creak?
After ten more minutes of this torture he decided to suck up his pride and just seek some company. As much as he didn’t want to do it, he had no other option.
Whatever, let him think what he will, I’m doing this for myself, Virgil thought as he left his room, not entirely sure that he really believed in what he was trying to convince himself of.
He wasn’t trying to sneak in to the other’s room, but if he was sleeping, Virgil wasn’t going to just barge in. Or maybe he was giving himself an out, a way to silently turn around and act as if he wasn’t even there.
“Who’s there?”, came the sleepy voice of the person that was already propped up on the bed to be ready for anything.
Curse Roman and his instinct.
“Just me,” Virgil had to announce now, this time cursing his own voice that gave out his shaking. He sounded like such a child, he hated it, he was acting like a child, he definitely should have just sucked it up and wait for it to pass…
“Virgil?” How on earth did he sound so awake after just a second? “Is something wrong?”
He was already turning back to leave.
“It’s stupid, just a nightmare, sorry for waking you up, I shouldn’t-“
“Wait.” Roman stopped him, that single word somehow gentle and commanding at the same time. “Come here.”
What possessed him to listen, he will never be sure, but at that time he guessed that he might as well. There wasn’t really much more pride to be hurt that night.
So he came closer and hesitated as Roman motioned for him to lay down. He started to say something before being interrupted once again.
“Come on, I don’t bite, Stormy Night.” The room was not dark enough to hide his small smirk when he added: “Unless you ask nicely.”
“Oh my god, shut up,” Virgil groaned and against his better judgement joined the other in bed. Platonically.
“You’re shaking all over,” Roman noted, as if Virgil wasn’t aware. “Come here.”
Roman gently took him by the waste and pulled him closer, almost pressing their bodies together. Virgil’s eyes went wide, breath catching from surprise, but as he looked up in the other’s face he saw his eyes closed. Huh, he thought, letting himself slowly relax. Roman seemed much more awake that he was, or so it looked like at least. But his hold was gentle, his body warm and relaxed, breathing slow and even, and Virgil was tired, after all. Maybe it was the exhaustion or maybe the aftermath of the nightmare, but their position really made him feel safer. Even though he was held, he didn’t feel the need to break free.
As Virgil felt his heavy eyelids slowly win the battle against his willpower to keep them open,  he moved just a bit closer to the other, not really thinking about anything more than that it was comfortable. He was convinced the other was fast asleep again so he wouldn’t mind either way, or so he hoped – Roman was the one to initiate it after all.
Virgil felt the arm around him squeeze a bit stronger.
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from the nightmares”, Roman reassured quietly, hiding his smile in Virgil’s hair. He wasn’t entirely out, it seemed.
But it was okay. Virgil was asleep before he could think much about it either way.
Send me a prompt focusing on touch
Read more of my touch-based prompts
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fanficmemes · 3 years
Hey guys!!! Thanks to our lovely anon/blog historian, Soupy, we now have a recorded history!! Blog lore, my beloved. I'll try and start adding in our new things too, but to any newbies out there, come take a look :):):):)
About the lore for this blog, i cannot remember everything, but i can do something about the cursed asks lore and history, since i just scrolled all the posts in the tags!
31 Jan 2021: an anonymous send an ask asking what people actually mean when they tell a ship if "pedophilic". This start a big number of asks about real survivor and how fucked up is fandom water down the word, purity culture, and consequently story time about harassing people in fandom for purity culture.
1 Feb 2021: someone speak about how much fucked up fics helped them. This probably opened the possibility of cursed asks. The same day, someone other send an ask about a terrible person known for harassing people about the sexuality of a character. The person is called "train fucker".
2 Feb 2021: anonymous point the attention on the train fucking thing. The cursed ask tag is created.
In the following hours, always in the cursed ask tag, people discover the fandom was Death Note and the guy was apparently in real attracted to trains and planes. Hell break down, memes are created.
History is made.
One of the characters will later become protagonists of the tag already existed. PKD already was knew since the 22 Jan 2021, when they sent an ask about the color asks and you had the intuition the tags he was probably someone with a piss kink and the tag "chronicles of piss" was created.
Cursed ask history part 2:
At this moment on time,the tags is still not clearly used. One of the First post tagged as such, the 9th Feb, is an anon answering to the ear fucking conversation about micropenis, while all the other posts are not tagged. The day after PKD enter the cursed asks tag, while the others ask still stay out of it. People start sending the stories they read.
12 Feb Hagrid/Hedwig fics are discovered. Owl fucking anon appear. Someone suggest a friendship between them and mlp guy.
Also mlp pony guy is a lore being who did not appear before in the #cursed asks, but already had their history in the simpler ask tag and in the previous cancel scale period, that we could call the ancestor of #cursed ask.
The First post tagged as cancel scale is from the 2nd Jan 2021. It was an anon answering your post of the same day "alright guys scale 1-10 how screwed r u if it ao3 history and bookmarks get released".
This is the gold era of this blog lore. The philanthropist, wound fucking discourse, rpf bdsm and mlp guy (with the first ask behind paywall) appeared during the first month and a half of the year, mixing at the end with the cursed ask tag.
Cursed ask history part 2:
At this moment on time,the tags is still not clearly used. One of the First post tagged as such, the 9th Feb, is an anon answering to the ear fucking conversation about micropenis, while all the other posts are not tagged. The day after PKD enter the cursed asks tag, while the others ask still stay out of it. People start sending the stories they read.
12 Feb Hagrid/Hedwig fics are discovered. Owl fucking anon appear. Someone suggest a friendship between them and mlp guy.
Also mlp pony guy is a lore being who did not appear before in the #cursed asks, but already had their history in the simpler ask tag and in the previous cancel scale period, that we could call the ancestor of #cursed ask.
The First post tagged as cancel scale is from the 2nd Jan 2021. It was an anon answering your post of the same day "alright guys scale 1-10 how screwed r u if it ao3 history and bookmarks get released".
This is the gold era of this blog lore. The philanthropist, wound fucking discourse, rpf bdsm and mlp guy (with the first ask behind paywall) appeared during the first month and a half of the year, mixing at the end with the cursed ask tag.
Cursed ask history part 3:
The philanthropist appeared the same day #the cancel scale started. With their iconic "i am a shameless philanthropist and so my bookmarks are public. I eat dead doves for breakfast. Come on down to the buffet y'all! You want some wound fucking? 8-yr-old omega abortion? I got you fam, watch me scramble these eggs" they left a forever sign in this blog. Still to this days asks are written to know if they are good. They obtained a 12/10 in the cancel scale.
Wound fucking discourse started, also the same day, by CB answering "is that where the wound fucking comes in??" At a ask about vivisection and medical experimentation. Discourse about what classify as a wound and how it works continued trought the day.
Rpf bdsm is thought to have beat the philanthropist with their mix of rape, underage, incest in a foursome, huge age, rpf tentacles and, mostly, someone getting turned into a pickle and his partner fucking himself with it.
This also started a string of asks about people being transformed in object used for sex.
Rpf bdsm would appear again later that day to specify the pickle fic was a rpf.
Cursed ask history part 4 (i think? Already lost the count)
Mlp guy. The one and only. Always in the terrible 2 Jan 2021, they first appeared in the tags of an answer to a marvel ask. #Hey HEY mlp guy #u know who u r #i'm afraid to look at this ask #like yeah we saw some shit tonight but this blows that outta the fuckin WATER #y'all would dead ass have to pay me to post it
Someone noticed the tags and asked about it, and a strong sexual tension between everyone and the unpublished mlp ask started. Someone ended up paying, cause the ask was later published as last post of the day and terrorized every follower of the blog. It was published as screenshot of the ask, and is not even put in the #cancel scale.
MLP guy stayed so in the apex of the cursed asks for some months, till the Pokémon ask by soupy was published the 9th may 2021, taking home a 15/10. MLP guy made a Tumblr profile, @therealmlpguy, in retiliation, and reblogged answering with a new terribly cursed fic. CB have still not voted it, so who have the worst cursed ask is still in question.
The day of #cancel scale the blog fanficmemes lost many followers, but the story was, as we know, not finished.
Cursed ask history part 5
I like to stay an half cryptid of this blog, so i will not tell my blog of origin, but i can tell you I am Soupy. Also i need to know if i am actually considered a cryptic of the blog and if i need to make a lore post about myself XD.
This is starting to get hard cause i cannot reread what i already sent, but the end of the tunnel is near.
We already told about owl fucking anon in the cursed ask tag, but their story is a bit more longer. The cursed ask was actually their big return, and they are probably one of the most proficious lore making, having also a part in the creation of the PKD legend. They should really have their own tag.
How? Well.
The 17 Jan 2021, when the big part of the cancel scale was done and the elders of the lore created, they sent an anon ask about what the cancel scale made them remember. It was a fic, red when they were ten or eleven, about someone fucking an owl while the owl was on their period. Consensual, and apparently the authors were two teen girl who write only character x owl. Their mom proofread. CB answered with their profile picture, edited so that it red "i can't believe it's gotten even worse!" Instead of "i can't believe it's not canon".
This post created, if we want to say, PKD, cause their first ask, that assigned them piss kink, was yes about the color asks (that, in case someone does not remember, was CB asking what colors people assigned to them), but had as explanation "if you keep posting stuff like the owl period whatever". So the owl fucking anon indirectly created, the 22 Jan 2021, PKD.
Owl fucking anon continued their ascension to lore of the blog.
The 12th Feb 2021 sent an ask were they were surprised someone had found Hagrid x Hedwing fics, and than sent anther 9 parts ask about the story of how they red lot of cursed shits thanks to an old tumblr blog that had the links, and how from there they found an author who only published Hagrid x Hedwing, and how that introduced them to FF smut.
(it is also discovered they are only 15, baby, please, i am noone to talk with the shits i red at the time but i hope you are ok).
They are now consacrated in the memory of the blog.
Cursed ask history part 6
Before continuing with the history of the cursed asks, is now time to finally give a small talk about PKD. We know how they originated, but how they become so famous?
Probably is the fact they appeared so many time during the last months. Being it for cancel scale, cursed asks or just normal asks, they continue to give us company with their exploration of piss kink fic. Is true they soundly negate having the kink the first months, but after lot of memes and people speaking about it, the 25 Apr 2021 they finally admitted of having the kink,and discovered it reading an a/b/o Captain America fic.
I would suggest to read all the posts, but they stopped being tagged halfway through, so is half in the specific #chronicles of piss and half in the #cursed ask
Cursed ask history part 7
The big lore is finished, and now only the later history stay.
#cancel scale posts and #cursed asks post lived side by side for some days. The owl fucking one of the 12 Feb was actually the last cursed fic published in the cancel scale post, leaving the tag only for some history reference later.
#cursed asks saw the appearence of every type of cursed possible to thought, with scat and nipple fucking between the different tags. At the start there was no specific day chosen, but later, for CB schedule reasons, Saturday was assigned as cursed ask day, and some week later it was moved to Sunday.
And here we are, today, to see what other cursed things we will bring in this world
Cursed fic History part 8
The cursed fic History have been covered, but i still think is important to talk about some of the before time tags that created the good ecosystem for the creation of #cursed ask.
The most famous is #the lube discussion.
It started the 23 Aug 2020, when CB wrote a post about FF using the word "supple" in smut without the thing being actually supple. In the tag, they added #also #that does Not work as lube.
Some anon asked what was being used as lube, that was answered with "one was peanut butter. I will not discuss the other". This started the bug lube discussion, were everyone talked about what they continingly see used as lube when it cannot be used as lube.
Between the classics soap and blood, we see some more daring one as mud, yogurt, aloe vera, years, milk, hot sauce and the more intersting, cannoli (have no idea if they are talking about the cream you put in cannoli or some american thing i don't know).
Nothing reached cursed material, but it put the first seed for the blog.
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