#writing and re-writing like crazy
buttertheflame · 1 month
They say that fanfiction is all stanning. But has anyone stanned the source material to the point of getting distracted from writing fanfiction?
You know what I mean, bookworms? Just to give you a window into my oscillating thoughts: If my guy Jon Snow has returned to the Wall post-ADWD with his betrothed Daenerys Targaryen, yeah I'm gonna stan what came before and make shit up like crazy. The struggle is real! I love the romance of these ‘soulmates’ but I also love everything that makes asoiaf what it is. (Within reason.)
If I stan too much, I write slow-going passages like this:
Jon’s heart felt full as he left her side, his mind brimming with thoughts of their eventful morning so far.  My love, where do we go from here? He knew where he was going, at the least. He would find Samwell in the Flint Barracks. In the three days they’d been at Castle Black, both men had yet to break from meetings to tend to personal interactions. With the increasing days among the Watch, it became more strange to think of himself and Sam as former members of the order. He’d expected the feeling even before they’d left Winterfell, yet as he walked across the courtyard and felt the gazes of a few dozen black brothers upon his back, it shook him all the same. 
Yet another feeling warred within Jon Snow. On the right step he’d sense the men. On the left step he’d sense Daenerys. Her attention and love thrilled him, as like it had only one other time. On Dragonstone. Their home.
But if I hold back on the stanning, I write meatier passages like this:
It was hard to say if anyone took offense enough to the executioner’s blade hanging above them, for as often as the Northern lords, free folk and warriors large and small came up to the dais to present themselves, did the displays of fealty reassure her of Jon's leadership. Strikingly, the free folk never kneeled, but they did offer gifts, the most sobering of which were a pair of bearskin boots given to Queen Daenerys by a group of spearwives.  
She took them graciously and wondered if the wise men would believe the gesture had given King Jon’s uncertain frown a rosy flush. That he was charmed enough to tell her a tale of the hunter who’d fashioned them was welcomed with her whole heart. As she listened to him describe the father of two who fell to the Others at the event many had come to call the Passing Through the Ice, she wondered if the scribes of history would tell of this pair, the last he ever made. And as Jon sort of sat and looked at her for a long time, she wondered if they would believe she was hopelessly lost for him, as well.
So it's coming! If anyone has read "A Long Way Home" and is waiting for the next fic in the series, I'd like to get Chapter 1 up before House of the Dragon comes out in June. (Because of the competition, you see, from their very same Team Black forebearers.) That's the goal, anyway!
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kinos-fortress-2 · 7 months
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what does one unfinished fic from like 2022 of a very rareshipp does a to a mf
and also a trashy playlist that got me in my own feelings...
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mortysmith · 3 months
Thought about the toxic ep Almost died
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Thinking thoughts again guys.
Thinking about Ganke (42)
More SPECIFICALLY thinking about Ganke as Doc Oct. Or at least, a variant.
I MEAN COME ON!!! TRYING TO GET ACROSS DIMENSIONS?? STUDYING THAT SHIT? That may be more of a 1610 Miles thing but I like to think that both Ganke"s are REALLY interested in it too. Or at least 42 is.
I feel like with the way their world is too, 42 Ganke is more likely to get a position at Alchemax. At the very LEAST for their science and tech and ease of access to stuff for his own projects.
But like. Come on. Look at him.
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I just wanted to show that picture...
Assuming we know nothing(or little) about this Ganke's parents, is it too daring to think that, perhamps, his mother is Doc Oct? Or father, if we're being different. Just A PARENT in general?
And maybe I just like projecting onto them, but also maybe like... do you see what I'm getting at. Her ass probably hates kids. And isn't easily impressed. So imagine having a kid you probably don't even want (for science? Maybe.... more angst potential..) and he grows up absolutely DESPERATE to please you and get told that you're proud of him and that he's enough. And then he gets to an age where he no longer has to rely on you (or other people, her ass did nothing to raise him), and he starts thinking for himself, and since you're all bad and evil and stuff you realize something.
This whole entire time, the past thirteen long, dreadful years of your life, you haven't been using your full potential.
You have a pawn right at your fingertips.
A young mind full of turmoil and the overwhelming need to please you.
Someone who can be easily molded.
You have a tool.
Just sitting on the couch right in front of you. An entire person of just wasted potential. One who was sat on his ass for his entire life and done nothing (in her opinion)
And if you're all evil and bad, what are you gonna do with that information?
You're going to use it.
"Hey son I know I haven't really talked to you since your birthday three years ago but how would you like an opportunity to get close to the very grand and very loving mother that I suddenly am?"
He's going to say yes. That's like giving a mouse a cookie.
The chance to be with his mom some more? To finally get the chance to prove to her that he is worth loving? The answer might as well be a flashing neon green sign. Capital letters. Y-E-S. Because why wouldn't he
So she starts training him, in small ways at first, going easy on him since he's still just a boy, really, but gradually working him up with harder and harder tasks and missions until he's finally earned himself a pair of his own robotic octopus arms (that he had to engineer and build himself)
And FINALLY for ONCE in his fucking LIFE he is making his mom PROUD OF HIM. He finally gets the love, the praise, the appreciation he's craved ever since he was a toddler.
Ooh, and he's doing such a good job hacking into top secret shit and files and such a good job stealing and doing his mother's dirty work and-- what's this?
There's this new kid on the block.
Apparently, the old Prowler's retired. His alliance fell through. And the new Prowler? His loyalty has completely flipped. Motives, too.
Instead of aiding them in raids and taking out enemies, he's now actively ATTACKING them and foiling their missions.
Instead of being a villain like the rest of them, he's suddenly trying to get RID of the villains?
The fuck is this guy's problem.
Who does he think he IS suddenly poking his nose into shit he DOESNT belong in?? SCREWING UP GANKE'S CHANCE WITH HIS MOM!!! The chance he's been waiting SIXTEEN YEARS FOR! Oh, he's pissed.
He overhears hears his mom talking at a meeting about a plan to try and lure and trap this kid to get him off their asses (he's a master at sneaking and eavesdropping at this point.. even just to hear his mother's voice and think up ways he can make her like him) and he decided that this is his moment. His calling. His purpose.
That very night, he decides to make the Prowler (junior, as they're calling him) his very own personal mortal enemy.
But little does he know
The guy he's constantly trying to kill every night?
His roommate.
Yeah, The Prowler Junior(™️) is his high school roommate and (soon to be) certified best friend.
Blah blah blah they fight all the time oh but now they're chill and- I just blinked why are you guys kissing and holy hell your mother found out and tells you that you don't deserve your last name and will never live up to your potential (which, she claims she knew this, which is why she gave him his father's last name and not her own. Lee.) and you're fighting with Miles again and yet oh God now you've been disowned and have to go to him for help Oh No That's Bad What.
Do you see the appeal. I need to draw him. And make more of this AU. What should I call it? I'll be thinking.. also open to suggestions I'm Bad at naming stuff......
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crimeronan · 1 year
"Hunter doesn't even know half of it," the Inner Empress says, hugging her arms tighter around herself. She's rocking, a little, as though to keep herself calm. "He doesn't even know."
Raine keeps their voice very quiet, very gentle. "That Belos hurt you?"
"No, no, that doesn't matter, I don't care about any of that. He doesn't know about the others."
Raine's brows draw together. "The others?"
"The other guards. The Golden Guards before him. He doesn't know."
Darius stiffens so fast that the mindscape itself reacts. He's not making it easy to convince the inner self that they aren't here to hurt her. Raine suspects that he doesn't actually realize how intimidating he's being.
"What do you mean by that," he says flatly.
The trees shake. Dust dislodges. Luz shrinks away.
Raine touches her arm, still so gently.
"Whispers," Darius says, edging toward a snarl, "ask her what the fuck she means by that."
This inner self doesn't seem any better at expressing herself than her outward facade. Raine swallows. "It's okay, Luz," they say. "Hey, can you show us?"
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scoliosisgoblin · 2 months
Don't tell my fat ass to stop eating!! Cook more!!!!!!
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I am trying 😔
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lucksea · 4 months
the inoue experience is such a fun one bc after like one show by him you can recognize his writing everywhere. me and my friend made a drinking game of guessing when a ryuki ep was written by inoue and we never got it wrong
his style of writing is honestly interesting. i didnt make it through kiva because i got so genuinely tired of more and more things happening without anything being elaborated on but im liking agito. vulpine LOVED fourze and marzen really like ryuki which as youve said had him on sometimes so i think he is truly a hit or miss writer. either you really like his choices or you do not comprehend them at all
once im done with agito im going to try and watch all of the showa era shows bc im also halfway through amazon and i really like the vibe of the older suits' simplicity and i want to know skyrider and black rx personally . but i look forward to eventually watching All of the shows. so i will be seeing inoue much more in the future
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @jann-the-bean!!!!!
you know i had to draw this lil precious baby again because my GOSH-!!! too adorable<333 (i believe she is capable of murder with how full of rage she is tho- gremlin behavior<;3333)
there's only so many ways i can say how much i adore your art and writings before i become a broken record because SERIOUSLY!!!! you are my biggest inspiration when it comes to writing and i swear if i hear you saying ANYTHING otherwise i'm breaking into your house no matter how far away you are cause i'm not tolerating such lies!!!! you are an AMAZING bean and i would hug you to death if i could >:'Dc <333
mocha belongs to jann
mobster au is both by @help-im-a-gay-fish and jann
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bestatsavingface · 1 year
"What are those?"
Leon's voice bounces off the bare walls of their current squatting place, a mostly-furnished row home in the heart of Philadelphia. He's shrugging off his jacket, a shiver running down him as some of the snow that's piled on his shoulders slips down his back. He squirms and shakes it all off before beelining straight to the flash of red that caught his eye when he first walked in, almost tripping as he kicks his boots off and narrowly avoids stepping in a quickly growing puddle from the snow still stuck to them.
"Do I actually have to answer that?" Chris calls out to him from the kitchen, a playful lilt in his voice Leon knows means he's teasing. A gigantic bouquet of blood-red roses is on the coffee table. They're gorgeous, just in bloom, and to Leon's surprise as he touches a soft petal, he can tell that they're real.
"Where the fuck," Leon interrupts himself with a laugh that he couldn't hold back, "Did you find living roses in the middle of an apocalypse?" He picks up the vase, pressing his face into the delicate flowers and breathing them in. It smells heavenly.
Chris comes out to greet him now, and Leon laughs again as he immediately realizes Chris has found quite the jackpot today apparently. He's in new clothes, his usual tee and cargo pants swapped out for a half-done up button down and a pair of jeans that hug Chris' thighs so nicely that Leon has to fight himself to look away from them and back up at his companion's face.
"Looking good, Redfield," Leon murmurs as he sets the roses down and pulls the other man in for a quick kiss. Chris complies happily, a warm hand settling on Leon's lower back as Chris pulls him in for another kiss right after before pulling back and grinning at him.
"I got you something too, go get changed before you get frostbite." As if on cue another shiver rolls down Leon and he takes the stairs two at a time, hurrying up to their makeshift bedroom to see what awaits him. Leon's pulled off almost all his layers by the time he stumbles into their room, flicking on the light and smiling as it blinks on without issue. The lights were what drew Chris and Leon to the row home to begin with, one of very few buildings with brightness filling them still. The gas-powered generator they found connected to it was a godsend in plenty of ways, but Leon thinks the access to light is still his favorite. The closest to normalcy they'd found in these last few months, and one of the only reasons they hadn't continued their journey yet. That plus traveling the east coast in winter sounded like a death sentence.
On their bed is a few pieces of clothing, Chris got him choices. Leon's hands immediately grab the comfiest looking item, which turns out to be a thick knit sweater, deep blue and incredibly soft. He pulls it on, glad to see it fits well, the ends of the sleeves just reaching slightly past his wrists. There are a few pairs of pants as well, and he ends up putting on a pair of gray jeans which he may or may not spend a few minutes admiring himself in right after.
"Chris!" Leon calls as he heads back downstairs, suddenly remembering the bag that he'd abandoned by his boots at the door. "I forgot to tell you, I found something good today too." He grabs his bag and shakes what little snow is still stuck to it before plopping down on the couch, opening it, and rummaging through his haul for the day.
"There's a CVS not too far from here that wasn't ransacked, the pharmacy had been locked up. I got a ton of medicine, and some Gatorade, aaand," Leon waits til Chris settles down next to him and pulls out a handful of something, brandishing it at Chris who takes a moment to recognize what it is before snatching it and whooping in delight.
"I never thought I'd see a Reese's pumpkin again," Chris mock sobs as he clutches the handful of chocolate-peanut butter pumpkins to his chest, letting out an even louder cry of delight when Leon shows him that the lower half of his bag is completely full of them. "I think I might love you, Leon. I think this was the reason I suffered through Georgia with you, to get here, to this point. It's finally worth it."
Leon rolls his eyes, making a half-hearted grab to take the pumpkins back as Chris leans away and clutches them tighter. "Don't make me crush the rest of these, Redfield, I'll sacrifice this bag in a heartbeat." Chris laughs and leans in, dropping the Reese's packs back into the bag in favor of cradling Leon's head in his hands as he leans in for a gentle kiss. Leon relaxes into it, their playfighting forgotten instantly as he kisses back and grasps at Chris' biceps in an unconscious habit.
"I got you something too," Chris tells him between a couple more kisses, Leon's lips curling into a smile as Chris finally pulls away again and moves to grab something he'd hidden under the coffee table.
"Roses, a new sweater, I'd say I got plenty already, Chris," Leon says with a happy sigh, leaning back into the couch as he admires the man in front of him.
"Shut up," Chris mutters, making Leon chuckle. He straightens up again, the present hidden behind his back as he looks at Leon with a weirdly serious look. "So, I decided to check out that big building with the glass roof we saw when we first came to town. Turns out it's some kind of fancy mall. It's where I got the clothes, and they had these roses too, they're preserved or something so they stay like that for ages apparently."
"Anyways, an electronic display at one of the stores seemed to run on some kind of everlasting battery because it was showing the right time so I think it had the right date for today too. I know we'd lost track somewhere around Maryland. It's February 14th."
"February, damn we were way off then." Last Leon guessed he'd thought they'd only just reached January. That meant winter would be over sooner than they expected, at least. Chris gives him an expectant look, which makes Leon furrow his brows as he tries to figure out what he'd missed in what Chris said. It doesn't hit him until Chris sighs and pushes a box into his hands, lips quirked into an exasperated smile as Leon blurts out, "Valentine's Day!"
"Quick as ever, bud," Chris teases, the affection that floods his voice downplaying any pretend animosity he tries to give. "Sorry, it's not heart-shaped." It's then Leon realizes he's been handed a large box of chocolates, the elegant script scrawled across it some French name he doesn't want to even attempt to pronounce. "So, what's your answer?"
"What's the question?" Leon looks at Chris curiously, trying not to smile as he watches Chris' face redden with embarrassment.
"Will you be my Valentine?"
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Didn't Christopher Rice reply that Louis is the bottom between them? Getting Louis' catholic ass to assume that position against his puritanical beliefs is half the fun.
Anon are you trying to bait me into Louis Bottom Discourse in the year of our lord 2023 because I have been around the block long enough to know that whatever I say is gonna make folks upset either way LMAO
(also real talk I actually think Louis and Lestat are both totally vers like they switch all the time. they have the range!)
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peapod20001 · 4 months
Shhh they don’t know my characters and stories have deeper meanings behind them...
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vounoura · 2 years
me thinking abt how Naryu, a Tong executioner from birth and thus Mephala adherent, has love and violence closely entwined all the way down to even the concept of parenthood as the Tong makes sure to frame even business relationships like teacher and student as parental (not to mention how her position, as most definitely is pretty standard, is an inheritance from her father) or between Tong members as familial by calling a few ranks words like ‘brother’ and ‘sister’, and how for Naryu as a Mephala adherent sex and violence are explicitly connected and sex is often simply a tool through which to conduct violence, and how a close relationship with an outside party like the Vestige, romantic or otherwise gives her a snapshot of a life without the blood that she never got the choice to have even if she otherwise doesn’t regret who she is:
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blondiexbiites · 7 months
🌞 (from Abaddon 🤗)
TW; Blood and gore. Proceed with caution.
Humming softly, Madison caught her fleeing prey, flicked her wrist, and slashed at his back with her razor-pink nails. Gasping in pain, pupils blown wide with shock and horror, the unfortunate soul went down hard, tumbling through the dirt, screaming in agony. The skin on his left shoulder flapped loose like a torn flag, exposing muscle and pale bone. He tried to get up, but his ankle twisted, preventing escape. He crawled on his hands and knees for a few feet until Madison kicked him hard in the gut with the pointed tip of her heel, flipping him up into the air to land on his back. "I'm hungry," Madison stated as she straddled his chest, shoving him flat. "And even though you smell slightly stale, I haven't eaten in 48 hours, and you're the only available body around. Sorry, not sorry. A girl's gotta eat, and you'll just have to do."
Slowly, Madison's jaw unhinged, a gaping maw wide open in his face, as though she'd swallow his head whole like a snake would a rodent. Her fully elongated fangs snapped shut with an audible 'clap' a hair away from his nose. He was afraid. She read it in his aura as he begged and pleaded for his life. She smelled his fear, the scent heightening her bloodlust, driving her wild. Madison bit down hard into his neck, sucking massive gulps of his blood until she finally tore out his throat with her teeth. Yummy. Covered in blood and thoroughly sated, Madison tossed the empty shell of flesh to the ground. Now, how did one dig a grave without a shovel? Hands? No. She wasn't a dog digging through the dirt...perhaps a nearby lake would suffice.
As Madison moved in to grab the dead man by his ankles, she sensed a familiar presence. It caught her attention and tugged at her. A familiar, comforting presence with a strange, indefinable quality, different from anyone she had ever known.
"Abaddon?" Madison dropped the body and turned around, her glowing sanguine orbs fixated on the demoness with an expression of deep fondness and an emotion too intimate to name. Abby! With a squeal of delight, Madison blinked out of sight, then landed in front of her beloved, wrapping her up in her arms and hugging her tight, cuddling against her, and not at all mindful of the blood on her hands, face, and chest. "I've missed you," Madison crooned. "Several weeks of no contact, and now you show up? Promise me that you'll never leave and that you'll stay with me forever and ever and ever and ever--"
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ressyfaerie · 1 year
Hey yall I know I've been GONE for like months (life has been INSANE and I've had to step back from all writing and hobbies for a while) but I have a genuine question for anyone that follows my writing!
I've had a handful of people tell me over the years that they have dyslexia and my writing is easy for them to read. I've also had people with ADHD tell me I can keep their attention really well.
I know it's a loaded question from a dead account in the middle of the day LOL
But what about my writing stands out to you that makes it so easy to read and digest? 🤔
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reploidbuddy · 9 months
You ever get that feeling where you itch about posting a new fic but you’re not that far into it and you don’t want to leave your readers hanging because of your slowness so you keep the few chapters you got tucked in but it also makes you go crazy?
Extra strong when you're like me aka the type of writer to finish everything before posting.
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dallonwrites · 10 months
been writing RR adjacent things but just realised it’s been nearly six months since i actually consistently worked on the draft. i could cry right now i miss my weird twins
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