#wrecks a wedding
twilightknight17 · 10 months
Yesterday on P5T, it’s a nice day for a white wedding~
Namely, Joker fantasizing about his wedding. And my gosh am I happy that you can fantasize about marrying any of your teammates.
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I watched them all, and I’m impressed that they’re all actually well-done? Like, damn. Good job, Atlus. They’re all a little silly, of course, but there’s some genuine moments in all of them. Now I’m even more annoyed that Goro and Sumi aren’t here. Akira’s just as close to them, if not closer in some ways. This isn’t even real, it’s all in Joker’s head, so like, it’s not like the other Thieves would be uncomfortable if he was an option.
So we broke the rest of the rebel army out of prison, and now we’re finally ready to take the fight to Marie directly!
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(As far as you remember, Ann! *cries in PQ2* *cries louder in Hours*)
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These two are such a fun team. And Toshiro’s finally growing a spine, with everyone’s support. This war sequence is great. We gave the little hats cannons!
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The Rebel Corps is going to keep the main army distracted so the Thieves, Toshiro, and Erina can get into the castle itself and go after Marie. So they make it in, and find a projector revealing part of Toshiro’s missing memories. Apparently she is both his fiancee, and one of the shadowy figures from the beginning. Turns out, the real Marie, Marie Anto, is a CEO’s daughter that his father arranged for him to marry. As I told Po when I was texting her about it, Toshiro’s family gets money, Marie’s family gets power, Marie gets to be the wife of a future Prime Minister, and Toshiro gets… emotional abuse. X’’’D
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We get to have a brawl in the fancy dining room, though, so that’s awesome.
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After that, we find a creepy bear in a hallway that represents Marie’s view of Toshiro, and it gives him a major wakeup call about how he’s acted and how people see him. It steels his resolve to go after Marie, and he’s ready to push forward.
Also the sprite of Makoto grabbing Morgana after the bear starts talking is adorable.
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So now it’s into the chapel to face Marie! And she’s a terrible person. But we knew that! And Toshiro finally finds the courage to stand up to her, which pisses her off enough to provoke her into a fight.
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She throws exploding bouquets, tries to run us over with her tank, and keeps using that stupid collar and chain to single out one of your fighters to drag them in front of the tank and target them. It’s a tough fight and it requires a lot of maneuvering, but it was good!
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After a certain point, she full-heals herself, and while she’s gloating, Toshiro has a spark of inspiration and runs off. This man gets into the rafters and drops the chapel bell on Marie once we get her in position. Get rekt, lady.
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She whines and cries about how she was just taking what she deserved. Yeah, yeah. But then as she fades, she ends on this ominous note:
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But we’ve won! It’s all good! Erina makes the announcement that the Kingdom is free, and so many rebels flood into the room to celebrate that we lose Yusuke somewhere in the mob. XDDD
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Finally, we can approach the door at the back of the chapel. The same as the door that brought us here. It’s time to take Toshiro and go home, knowing that Erina and her world are safe now. Akira opens the door, and the Thieves walk through…
...into Feudal not-Japan.
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Toshiro gets recognized as a wanted criminal after trying to help a young lady being bullied by soldiers, and the young lady leads us to safety in the hallowed halls of… Leblanc. Again. These Kingdoms are centered around Toshiro, so why is Leblanc, of all things, showing up repeatedly?
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But we’re putting a pin in that and going inside. This girl’s name is Yuki, once again the only person in a world of hats. They’re lucky they’re cute, or this would be really weird.
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The Kingdom is ruled over by a beatific tyrant named Lord Yoshiki, who takes the appearance of an all-loving Buddha. The citizens adore him, because if they don’t, they’re whisked off to the “Labor of Love”: a work camp.
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Erina, who came with us on accident after sticking her head through the door to try to catch a glimpse of our world, wants to help free these people, too. And the Thieves theorize that if there was a door in Marie’s castle, there’s probably one here as well. Lavenza doesn’t know what’s going on, no one has any better ideas, so we’re set up and ready to topple another corrupt ruler. Who, let’s be real, is probably the other shadowy person from the opening.
So, still having a good time with this! Interesting that the second… person… oh man, THIS is the game where we needed to call them Monarchs, jesus Atlus. Anyway, interesting that the second Monarch is also on about a twisted form of love. I wonder if this is gonna be a recurring thing?
The sidequests are genuinely tricky, and are more puzzle-like than the main story battles. It’s actually really fun to figure out how to work the mechanics to reach the goal they’re asking for.
I do wish that you could just sell your old weapons in the shop menu, or buy new weapons from the Velvet Room. Having to leave the shop, go into the Velvet Room, sell the weapons, and then come back to buy the gun I couldn’t afford was a little weird.
I really like Erina as a character so far. She seems at least a few years older than the Thieves, but not by much, and it’s nice to see how she fits in with the group without being a Thief herself. Not that she doesn’t want to be; it’s cute seeing her trying to summon a persona when no one is looking. (Love the dialogue option to just yell “Persona!” back at her. XD) I genuinely don’t know if she’s going to have a persona in the end. Toshiro, maybe. Zenkichi got one, after all. But Zenkichi also had a few more points in his favor in terms of likeability when I was 13 hours into Scramble. XDDDD At least the wet blanket has upgraded to merely damp.
I am rethinking that Erina is his kid. Like, she’s clearly connected to him somehow. If the Monarchs are people he knows in the real world, the rebel leaders (using that term loosely for Yuki) are probably people he knows, too. But this man does not have a speck of Dad Energy anywhere in him. He’s not even up to uncle status right now. He is not invited to Coffee Dad’s Coffee and Dads Meetup. XD
So, with the Thieves still trapped in the metaverse, and the future uncertain, we press on. But at least one person is having a good time.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
Mario from the new Mario movie was getting married to Wreck-it-Ralph but they were having relationship issues so they were living with the gay couple from the movie “But I’m A Cheerleader”.
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vivipuri · 3 months
🤍White Hero × Black Villainess🖤
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usagichuu · 9 months
the way that we dont know if the opening to hotaru no yomeiri is:
her father reading a letter from her
herself from the future as an old woman reading something she wrote in the past
shinpei reading a letter from her in his old age
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and 'was' makes this letter written in the past tense so
is this satoko speaking in fond recollection of a happy life she spent with shinpei?
is this satoko speaking in regret for abandoning something that truly made her happy?
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wikitpowers · 2 months
listen don't get me wrong, i’m super excited for twp (like that series will change me as a human in many many ways) but then i realise that after tls, that will be it. there will be no more tsc series. we won’t see kitty in another series as side characters after they get their happy ending, and that makes me a little depressed but it’s okay it’s ok- *breaks down*
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inchidentally · 8 months
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I realize these aren't aesthetically edited well but I'm sorry I just had to bring out the musculature of his upper body and the taper from his shoulders to hips bc hoooooly
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big-people-zone · 21 days
I think the most vital aspect to keep in mind about a hypothetical crossover between the Venture Bros and Gravity Fall universes…
Is that Thaddeus “Rusty” Venture would speedrun trying to pork those old dorks with absolutely no shame and you KNOW I’m right.
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jefpoo421 · 5 months
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Vanellope hosts the wedding anniversary!
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incomingalbatross · 1 year
I have a groundbreaking concept.
A wedding episode/story where nothing unusual goes wrong (or even NEARLY goes wrong) and the audience and characters both just get to enjoy this big event without it going off the rails at any point.
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hood-ex · 10 months
Hi Emily, has there ever been anything that showed Bruce’s dislike for Starfire before that Gotham Knights issue? I know Gotham Knights was written by Scott (and he has been a big Db shipper) so it doesn’t really count. Never made sense for Bruce to dislike Kory given his relationship with Clark, and didn’t Bruce once even use Dick and Kory’s relationship to defend the relationship on Swamp Thing. I think writers use Batman as a mouth piece because if Batman says it’s then he mustn’t be wrong.
In Teen Titans (Vol. 3) #20, Tim was thinking about Kory and mentioned that Bruce never really warmed up to her.
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uwudonoodle · 8 months
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All the best movie wedding dress lists always sleep on Sergeant Calhoun and her crystal tiara. Granted it was only in one short scene, and it's an animated movie (which people tend to forget have costume designers too), but just look at it! Perfection. ✨️
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emma-d-klutz · 3 months
Does anyone know what happens if you're on Ginger Island on your wedding day?
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its-hai-time · 1 year
My klapollo vision is two messy idiots. They argue literally all the time. They’ve broken up twice for the span of like one or two weeks and both times they were both wrecks. Apollo is the cheapest man to live, he learned to sew so he wouldn’t have to buy new clothes. Klavier is a millionaire paying for a luxury apartment he never actually uses with a fucking grand piano he doesn’t know how to play. They argue about where they want to go for lunch. They can NEVER get married because they’ll never agree on what to do for the wedding.
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toestalucia · 11 months
got a friend request whos profile comment was just "belial..."
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royaletiquette · 5 months
It was a warm afternoon, and they were sitting together. Sheltered under the large pergola in the palace gardens. The royal guards were still within their sight, but the place offered them enough privacy for Nunnally to feel relaxed…although also slightly bored.
She was lazily sipping the second glass of red wine, feeling a bit…no, she didn’t consider herself tipsy, but that was probably what she was. She was looking at Hibiya, sitting next to her, but he might have not been there as well. Seemingly with her, but busy with his own thoughts...? Nunnally took another sip, and then put the almost empty glass on the richly ornamented table. She should have mixed the wine with water, but it was already too late for that. For a few moments she was wondering what Hibiya was thinking about. Perhaps about their wedding? The preparations were progressing, and it was highly unlikely, at least in her opinion, that the union could get broken.
“Hibiya…” – she suddenly asked; the wine making her more playful and indiscreet than she perhaps should have been (or was in general) – “Are you looking forward to our wedding night?” – she was observing her fiancé reactions. Nunnally didn’t expect herself to ask this question, but since she already had…she wanted to see if Hibiya did see a woman in her. Or only a princess. And a future queen.    
It was supposed to be a warmer summer than normal. Where the roses are now barely made it last year because of all the evening sun they were getting, there were some petals that got burned. They're nice where they currently are though, maybe it would be okay to build something for extra shade. That's excessive just to experiment with some flowers, easiest to move them back against the castle. But what else would make sense there? There don't need to be more peonies, that's why they were moved in the first place, no? Lavender might look nice but also might drown in water too easily with everything else in that bunch...
He was on his second glass but was drinking at a much slower pace than Nunnally. Hibiya was more mindlessly snacking since day drinking never seemed to do him much good. "Hm?" He responded to his name, though barely reacted to it. His head tilted some towards Nunnally, welcoming her to continue, but kept his attention on the part of the garden in front of them. Not now, he could just see it all begin to come together!
It wasn't for another moment after she spoke did Hibiya turn to face her. The question came so far out of left field that he was worried there was a conversation he missed, that Nunnally had been talking to him the whole time he was zeroed in on his flowers. Hibiya opened his mouth to answer and instead let out an airy, embarrassed chuckle for being put on the spot like this.
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"Um," needing to quickly reorganize his thoughts, Hibiya simply tried to just fill the air instead of staring blankly at Nunnally. "Well," he began to speak again though hesitated as there was no time to carefully choose his words. Straightening his posture, he spoke slowly as to minimize saying something she may not like. "Quite honestly, I anticipated that you may not want to . . . do anything." It wasn't as if Nunnally didn't set herself up to be seen as someone only begrudgingly following norms rather than by choice. "As far as everyone else should be concerned, we're married and that's enough for now. So, I didn't want you to think there was only one option."
Keeping her stare, the rest of the words seemed to escape him. 'Are you looking forward to our wedding night?' The question was loaded enough to make him believe she was. Perhaps that shouldn't have come as such a surprise. Had they clicked at some point in their passing casual conversations? It embarrassed him, the possibility that he hadn't caught on to clues left for him that Nunnally had to ask so plainly. Equally as embarrassing to accept Hibiya hadn't done anything past help pick details for the wedding that would express much natural interest in Nun.
"But, I- I am, if you are." For some reason, the realization that his fiancee may be attracted to him caused Hibiya to be a bundle of nerves. "If you would like to wait until then, or after . . . or before. I'm patient." It also puts into his mind the things they may need to talk about before their wedding night - or any night it is Nunnally decides - clarifying his likely assumed virginity. Ideally, not until they trust one another since he would rather not discuss the details of his former dabble in promiscuity, confessing no more than to its existence.
He gave a boyish smile, embarrassed by his own embarrassment, having been caught so off guard he practically fell over. It was right to question it, and served him right for being surprised. Just because he had her hand, didn't mean she was his. There was an easy attraction to Nunnally, and if he liked the idea of the latter being the case, then he needed to act like it.
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rhysdarbinizedarby · 2 years
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Throwback Thursday with Rhys Darby early this year!
Photo credits to Jessica Low, Rosie and other guests on instagram,
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