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bunny-cncunt · 2 years ago
God you're fucking gorgeous
Thank you ☺️🥰🥰🥰🥰
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fartzapril · 7 months ago
Trying smt out
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venomousnakes · 1 year ago
240225 SHINee World VI Perfect Illumination Final in Tokyo Dome
— Like It (Ending)
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l3viat8an · 2 years ago
Lucifer: What are the symptoms of human depression?
Solomon: Why are you asking me?
Lucifer: Because, MC was doing laundry and they dropped a sock and I heard them say "Why has God forsaken me?"
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xbcrafted-daily · 2 years ago
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elo have a xbiku today 🤲
the dress is (not 100% accurately) referenced from rose cage miku;also ‘worlds no 1 princess’ is a miku song from years ago..
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hebezunet · 1 year ago
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happy upd8! here's a brand new link for the Officially Unofficial Sovereignstuck Discord Server! also called the Sovver. much shorter.
link is...
...come and join!! we have fun here :)
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imwritesometimes · 3 months ago
James Marsters served so much cunt as Spike in BTVS. that's it. that's the post. send.
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habitual-creatures · 6 months ago
(Also, rlly cool blog :D)
I'm personally more fond of reptiles... snakes, lizards, the like.
But if I had to choose between cats and dogs, uh... right now, I'd probably say cats, but it changes every now and then... I don't really HAVE a particular favorite...
Uh, I'm also glad you think I'm awesome... that's cool. Thanks for asking me something.
(( also, thank youu :3 ))
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kostektyw · 2 years ago
i see a fellow smoki nightwood enthusiast
:OOO omg yes!! spędzilim lata grając w to, a zgromadzenie to było jedno z moich pierwszych forów gdzie aktywnie uczestniczylim...
grasz teraz w mistwood może? albo ten drugi remake, beta.smoki.online?
mi osobiście podpasował mistwood, naprawdę się to rozkręca, więc pomagam testować i codziennie karmie swoje smoki i wysyłam je na wyprawy :p
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fagexe · 2 years ago
my doc upped my adhd meds and my brain is rattling and nobody is home for me to talk to… so, here you go, it’s me! a machine of consciousness!
Every once in a while i consider getting off tumblr, but then i remember that this is my main(only) source of people who care about mcr as much as i do. Don't get me wrong, i have friends who are always excited to hear me talk about whatever the fuck is going on with those freaks and i love them for it, but they don't really have a lot of opinions or things to say. They like to hear about it because they care about me and want to hear about the things that i care about, which is fucking wonderful! But, at a certain point i feel like a physicist talking to a first grader. They retain most of the information i give them and some of them listened to my chem growing up. But the ones that did were never like seriously into them. They know the hits or maybe had a bp cd in hs but that's it. Aka they weren't/aren't in the spaces and don't really have the full context and overflowing number of opinions that comes from being here for years and years and years. So.... i don't really know anybody irl who was and still is in the fandom. I had friends in “high school” that were into them at the same level i was at that point, but a lot of us have drifted apart or they've drifted away from mcr (i use quotation marks cuz i'm referring to the age range not actually going to high school ((since i didn't do that;) )). I think the third or fourth to last time i saw the person I talked about MCR the most with in hs was at a celebration show that absolutely rocked my world, but that was like 2014 or something idk. I still have that one on instagram:0 they're a dj now! it's so wonderful to see them finding success at something they were wanting to do back then. But like we don't really talk(meaning we don't talk). I want people to go off with irl so badly. dykegerard and amanda are the luckiest fucking duckies, also fievel is the cutest little baby!!!:) (ps i miss living with a dog so bad) (pps yes i know dykegerard has a real name but that's their name in my head) i want to marry somebody who cares about mcr as much as i do<3 it's nowhere near the top of what would be important for me to marry someone, but it would be cute.
Oh dear lord, okay, i went off for a second, give me a minute
Ok, my other thought was -> Yeah, i think i would miss having that (mcr besties) but like i only actually talk to a few people on here and if i wanted to i could talk to them somewhere else. But I like doing silly little zines!! And this is my main(only((unless one of my irl friends is doing one. But those zines are never fanzines, they are usually poetry or political, which I love, but it's definitely a different vibe )) source of knowing when those are happening and knowing when their apps are happening. I know a lot of them are promoted on twitter in addition to here. But! I absolutely refuse to go on twitter in any sort of real and sustained way. Yes, i have a twitter. Yes, i go on there occasionally. But no, i will not be replacing tumblr with twitter, doing that would keep all of the things i dislike about tumblr and the way i interact with it and get rid of most of the things i like about tumblr. Also as far as i can tell mcr twitter is absolutely fucking wild, and not in the way i want it to be.
Speaking of zines :) I've been looking through all of the final submissions for the swarm zine and everyone's work is so absolutely amazing, i'm so excited for it to come out. I'm also just generally like pretty proud of the piece I have in there:) Since going back to school for art stuff everything's gotten to feel much more serious, which isn't necessarily bad. I am genuinely very serious and care a lot about the work I make. But also like having a fun low stakes artistic outlet has been absolutely amazing :) Plus since the thing I work on at school is film/video/installation, working in a format that's not even kind of related to that is really wonderful:)) anyway, FFUCKING GET HYPE FOR SWARM TO COME OUT!! (Having all of that capitalized feels really aggressive and I don't like it but I wasn't sure which part to capitalize so I left it all capitalized. I thought about just having “fucking get hype” capitalized but then it seems weird to go from “high energy” to “low energy”:/, maybe just hype capitalized idk whatever.)
Ok i’m going to go see the regrettes at wickerfest see you later bye-bye <33
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descendantsoffinwe · 2 months ago
“They say you almost died. You left it that late.” From ELDA to Angrod 🙂
"They're exaggerating," Angrod said softly, partly to sooth Elda and partly for fear it would hurt to speak louder. Warm and callused, his hand gently cupped her face, pulling her close as he propped himself up.
"I'm fine," he breathed, pressing a kiss to her lips. That small kiss turning into another and another, his other hand brushing up the side of her neck. "I would never leave you."
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pangzi · 5 months ago
i know i'm a massive poon fan so i might be biased but i watched the we are pilot and that chainpun just doesn't hit right... it doesn't have the right vibes
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swildy · 6 months ago
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melveres · 2 years ago
seeing this after having just read “everything goes dark” by serenescribe hits different
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Diasomnia but I actually make them fairies.
Some notes about this AU under the read more (Contains Fire Emblem Heroes lore)
Other posts of this AU:
[ Ignihyde ]
Keep reading
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yuyu-emy · 8 months ago
hey I'm on tumblr mobile just wanted everyone to be aware (I'm at work(walmart))
but what's really important is that I have yapping to do ooeueueghgg yutemy. I hate yutemy they make me sick to my stomach. (I love them so much). thinking about their food and eating habits so hard bc ongggg yutemy EATS but there's so much. intricacies. wow.
Yuta is pretty good with food, better than enyst. she just is lazy and when lazy she will not pack a proper lunch at all. 2 pieces of bread that she will regret later because she has the biggest appetite ever. Emyst is better with packing a proper lunch more often than yuta. Usually Emyst packs both of their lunches (once they get that close) regularly, amd they'll eat lunch together. The only thing about emyst is that every so often they just will not take a break from work to eat. whether it's canon or modern au they just. refuse to take a break. classic workaholic but there's reasons why. They're insistent on achieving their goals and they're very work oriented in general. Yuta is very work oriented as well but only as much as it serves her. If her work isn't deemed as important in her mind, yuta will either put it to the side or half ass it. ahhhh they're so so gay. A lot of time emyst will end up cooking dinner for everyone when they go on missions so yuta started helping g them out after a while as they became better friends. ooodugdhfjd yutemy is so soft they make me so happy. anyway my break ended, I shall be back to speak of lore another time. also I rlly wanna make more comics about yutemy. ahahgajdjdb
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0ransje · 1 year ago
Me when I see someone years younger than me that draws far better than I did at that age (I'm beyond proud, and admire how quickly they've learned and grown, and cannot wait to see what they come to create).
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