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thepersonalwords · 10 months ago
Each of us wages a private battle to thrive. Whenever a person fully immerses oneself in life’s aromatic flower garden of pleasures and encounters life’s warship of armor-plated rigors, they blend and bend to make reasonable accommodations for surviving. Scripted and unscripted encounters with superior militant forces bruise us mightily and eventually cut us to the core. Every person’s life contains a minefield of obstacles that function as potential barriers to achieving our ultimate manifestation. The expended labor of continuously hefting oneself over one contentious hurdle after another is what leads a conscientious person onto the path of needing to write in order to create emotional poultices to ameliorate painful wounds.
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
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woundsoflove · 1 month ago
How is it that you're always on my mind, even when I'm not trying to think of you?
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fieldofheathers-stuff · 2 months ago
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And another was reborn.
I will forever be fascinated with Silco's whole Rebirth Narrative™. It's so psychologically twisted. Such a crunchy character trait. It's how I like my blorbos. Unhinged.
Anyway, here's another WIP I'll never finish so I'm posting it anyway. Painting practice, a couple screenshots used as reference, raw-dogging it on one layer in Krita because I have no idea how to paint digitally. Enjoy.
Close ups under the cut.
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rozugold · 4 months ago
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I thought that you’d do no harm
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And the rough sketch cuz I thought the difference between it and the final drawing was coool
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qimir-the-stranger · 7 months ago
We get it, Disney. We get it.
Star Wars is not for women.
Star Wars is not for Black people.
Star Wars is not for Asian people.
Star Wars is not for Queer people.
Star Wars is not for anyone who is marginalized and has different lived experiences.
Nope. Star Wars is ONLY for cishet white men. We hear you loud and clear. We know you don’t care about us at all.
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fisheito · 5 months ago
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devs are JERKkin me around- like, wELL-----
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littleblood · 4 months ago
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doctorsiren · 1 year ago
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I have an idea (concept sketch that I will make a more refined version of in the morning since it is midnight)
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respectthepetty · 5 months ago
Do you think the reason Joke wouldn't take off his shirt is because all his tattoos are basically an ode to Jack?
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Because his heart is on full display when it comes to Jack and he can't hide it even though he tries?
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And do you think Joke would've made a good doctor?
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Or is he only being this gentle because he doesn't want to hurt Jack more than he already has?
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everwalldigan · 14 days ago
A lot of Bruce’s weird reactions could very easily be explained by the sheer metric fuck ton of trauma he has like
Cass: would you like a banana?
Bruce, with 17 concussions and 4 Jason hallucinations arguing with each other, suddenly having vivid flashbacks to the one time a banana themed villain fucking killed all of his children in front of him and then the apocalypse happened again and then he got shot 619 times: NO
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deliriousblue · 1 month ago
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THE HEART KILLERS (2024) episode nine
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secriden · 2 months ago
God, Fadel is just so helplessly in love and so painfully resigned to his harrowing existence that it just fully broke my heart.
Because Fadel thinks that everything Style has told him -- every single facet of Style's frustratingly fascinating character, everything he thought he knew about Style -- has been a lie from the very beginning. In his confession, Bison never clarifies when he told Kant to find someone to pursue him, so Fadel is operating under the assumption that Style is, and has always been, a stranger to him.
Which is why we see Fadel constantly trying to 'figure' Style out in the episode. We see it right in the first scene when Style jokingly snarks, "I'm just curious to know what to expect. It's not like I can just turn the switch on, you know?" Now this should not have thrown Fadel at all, because the joke and suggestive tone and sassy little head flick is very much in line with Style's personality and way of communicating.
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But Fadel literally just stops and stares at Style for so long that Style even starts looking a bit confused as he blinks back at Fadel. Fadel has convinced himself that Style is some master manipulator, and he's trying desperately to figure out what Style's plan is (escape? another betrayal?) that he misses the obvious answer which is that Style is just casually making a joke/conversation because this is just how Style talks.
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Look at the way he turns so sharply with this startled, confused look (that starts to turn slightly wistful at the end) when Style calls him faen. This wasn't in the cards for Fadel and it's so frustrating and confusing (and painful) to hear Style throw the lie around so casually when it was something that mattered to him. Fadel thinks this is Style playing an angle but he can't see what it is or what Style stands to gain from it, and it leaves him utterly unmoored.
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And in all this searching for hidden meanings and new deception, Fadel misses that Style is acting very much in good faith: the story Style comes up with about why they're looking for a missing person on their own like this (instead of, y'know, going to the police like upright, non-hitman citizens would've) was really good to explain their urgency/frustration and preempt any suspicion so that the auntie is unlikely to report them to the cops. Style is actively, genuinely helping Fadel out and using his excellent skills at playing Asian aunties to full effect for him.
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Ugh, just look at how earnest and worried Style's expression is!? He totally disarms the auntie while I bet she would've been a lot more suspicious and distrustful if grumpy face on the left had come asking questions alone.
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And Fadel literally keeps missing when Style is being honest. Or rather, he is wilfully refusing to believe or trust in that earnestness. Style hasn't made any attempts to run away or even hint to the auntie that he needs help, but Fadel won't trust him (because he's still, even now, waiting for the other shoe to drop; for yet another betrayal).
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And Style keeps doing and saying things that don't make sense for the role Fadel's assigned him because why would a police informant who is just trying to get evidence of your crimes say or do any of this?? What does he stand to gain by keeping up the pretence? Does he know that every word that dangles his love like an impossible temptation is more knives in Fadel’s chest? But Style is all earnestness and something in Fadel can still recognise that and that’s why Fadel is constantly swinging from anger and resignation to agony and hope. Just the look of sincere, wordless, helpless bafflement on Fadel's face!? The way it screams 'Why are you doing this to me??!??'
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I think this is why we get silly-goofy-funny music for the first half of Style's harrowing confession. Because this scene is shot from Fadel's perspective and he thinks, at first, that this is yet other play or ridiculous attempt to get a rise out of him. And it's not until Style starts talking about his mother that the comedy music finally stops and turns sad. Because this -- this is something that Fadel knows is real (at least he should know that Style's mom really did die when Style was a kid; that would've turned up in the background check), and it suddenly becomes clear to Fadel that this time Style is serious.
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And oh, this shakes Fadel like nothing else has since Style said the words "I really do love you". Because Style gives this to him without any hesitation, with full vulnerability. Style is so openly, almost brutally honest in this moment. He's terrified and sad and hurting and it's horrifying because this sincerity forces Fadel to face the bitter truth that the journey his rage and his anger has set them on leads to only one conclusion.
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Fadel simply cannot handle that right now. He's not ready to face the reality that his only real option, the only logical choice is that Fadel must kill Style. Because Style has now seen the full extent of his darkness; Style knows and has been hurt and shaken and terrified because Fadel has repeatedly threatened his life. Style's very existence is now a threat to not only Fadel and Bison's continued freedom but also his mother and Keen and anyone else that Fadel has ever been trained to put first.
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Style lies next to him in bed, sobs wracking his body, and Fadel cannot let himself reach out because to do so is to acknowledge the truth of Style's words again. To do so is to open the door to trust, to admitting that he still cares about Style, that Style's tears still have the power to hurt him.
That Fadel is still so painfully, hopelessly, terribly in love with Style.
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Because Fadel still remembers the last time he reached out and held Style in his arms whilst knowing that he was betrayed and that their love was a lie. Fadel remembers that even then, all he could do was cling even more tightly to Style and hope that the music and their shifting footsteps would be enough to hide his silent tears.
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And just as his heart froze his finger on the trigger, so too does his fear hold him captive here. Because Fadel knows, he knows, he knows down to the marrow of his bones that if he allows himself to touch, then this time— this time, he won't be able to let Style go.
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woundsoflove · 2 months ago
Why do I fear losing you, even though you're not really mine?
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cuties-in-codices · 1 year ago
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christ taking his heart out of his side wound to hand it to st. catherine of siena
in a hagiography of st. catherine of siena, alsace, early 15th c.
source: Paris, BnF, ms. allem. 34, fol. 54r
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thewisestdino · 2 months ago
rootspring with 30 hehe🥲
(for that spotify challenge)
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They say the hearts and minds are on your side
They say the finish line is in your sights
What they don't say is what's on the other side
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m4rs-ex3 · 2 months ago
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ezran's anger with callum directly paralleling callum's anger with rayla just makes me so happy. like the way that ezran was immediately open to and forgiving of rayla when she came back, only to find himself feeling the exact same way as callum had when he did the same thing. incredible
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