#wouldnt mind 😒
socialbunny · 2 years
thinking of skip and don being best friends in high school like super close spend almost every day together type shit until he gets brandi pregnant and proposes to her all around the same time. don gets jealous but he doesnt know why, he rationalizes it as being upset bc his friend is whipped now and isnt trying to bullshit around all the time or that skip gets to have a family hes on the fence about while don doesnt really have anybody. he shoves down these feelings bc 🙄 why would he be jealous about/over another man 🙄🙄 but then its after skips bachelor party and he starts venting about everything happening so fast. theyre both a little more than drunk and don ends up comforting him the best way he knows how :) afterwards they never mention it again but its on dons mind all the time. idk if it would mess up their friendship tho i dont think skip even remembers and i dont feel like don would bring it up
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realnielsbohr · 4 months
i hate dysphoriaaaaa
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bunnyb34r · 2 months
I'm giving the hedges mullets so the city can't fine us for not maintaining the yard
Okay it's really bc it's taking me all summer to clip these damn things back and I can only reach so far so now the front is short but they're TALL in the back 😭
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psychosodomy · 7 months
i keep calling oreo (cat) orange cat-brained but hes been so pissed off at me because i wouldnt give him my cheerios when he had treats. so clearly hes sharper than an orange cat to hold a grudge against me all night. hes just misogynistic or something i guess
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angabby-zzz · 1 year
Daniel and mason partners in crime more like . Partners . Idk
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serejae · 3 months
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WHAT ? - BND AS EXES WHO WANT YOU BACK (bnd realizing they messed up after you end things)
WHEN ? - (warning) this is not a REAL display of the members im just doing this for weeping entertainment:) attempt to unconsented kissing in jaehyuns, drinking in sungho’s, mentions of throw up/throwing up in leehans, major angst 😒
WHO ? - (a/n) i love angst but not like death but yearning and groveling, pls tell me yall relate. lowk went hard on jaehyun and leehans from personal experience 🤔🤔
uncapitalization intended and not proofread
theres a theory that you will always meet the same person twice
P.SUNGHO ; he was too focused on his career.
! - you knew and understood thst sungho’s job was very important to him but it started to feel like you werent his partner anymore. you started to feel like decoration in your guys apartment that he would just ignore when he got home.
! - to try and help your relationship you made him dinner, cleaned up the place, asked him about his day to which he blew up. his cold demeanor suddenly dropped as he yelled at you about constantly bothering him when he just wanted to sleep. you knew your intentions and knew you didnt want to bother but help sungho. you then realize you werent valued in this relationship and were pulling the whole weight by yourself, so you ended things.
! - it took him about 4 days to realize that he messed up. those 4 days his mind was constantly fogged up about work, after those 4 days he walked into the house and how he realized was when he alerted you (or tried to) that he was home with a “honey im home”, only to be met with silence. a bit confused not realizing his brain hadnt catched up yet, he walked into your twos room, or use to be. only to be met with the mess he left for himself in the morning. there is when he realized you weren’t there anymore. to shake his mind off of it, he decided to eat before doing anything ,he went to the kitchen to heat up some frozen dinner. as the meal heated he realized the house was so empty, cold, and quiet. the only sound was coming from the spinning microwave.
! - it’s safe to say the soulless house took a toll on him. everyday he dreaded going home, which is funny cause he couldve said the same thing before he realized how important you were. his friends who were tired of seeing him so lifeless decided to invite him to go to the bar to hang out…he wasnt much fun there either. that was until he caught a glimpse of you from the reflection of his empty shot glass. his eyes light up and he turns around to make eye contact with you. .
L.RIWOO ; trust issues.
! - you understood where riwoo was coming from, you knew that trust issues are normal , but it got to a point where his trust issues started to make you question him.
! - and it didnt help that each time you did try to reassure him that it somehow made it worse. “ri, of course im going to stay late, my boss asked me too. you have my location, i send you photos of me working, what else do you want?” maybe your approach wasnt the best but the way he snapped was when you knew no matter how much you tried to protect both you and his peace, he will try to tear it down again. “oh, so now your getting defensive. i shouldve known, especially from you.” he said it with no remorse or thought behind it. and to him he thought he was winning this argument but in reality he was going to make the biggest loss of his life.
! - it took him 5 hours to realize he messed up. when you left and packed your things he thought you’d run back and it’ll make him feel better about himself. but after 4 hours it was already 3 am and he realized maybe…you wouldnt come back as soon as he thought. but that last hour before he realized he messed up, he had a dream of you and him. you two were living that exact moment, before you left. you standing pacing back and forth as he sat on the couch. except this time, he talks to you about why he thinks the way he thinks and vows to do better. in that dream he sleeps with you in his arms. when he woke up he stared at the ceiling, and it was like it was talking to him. thats when he realized you werent coming back. you wont be in his arms again, you wont tell him about your day, and you wont constantly tired of arguing with him because of his doubts.
! - after trapping himself in his house and thoughts he decided to go on a walk, but to his suprise once he opens the door you stand there staring at him with a box of his things in your hands. his mouth goes dry
M. JAEHYUN ; girl bestfriend
! - you were the never the type of partner to care too much about the opposite gender best friends as you were very secure in your relationship, but in this case it wasnt him but rather her. you knew from the moment she laid her eyes on you she was no good. but you decided to give her the benefit of the doubt as this was jaehyuns childhood bestfriend, and if you didnt like her you could at least pretend for your boyfriends sake.
! - you were always calm and reserved around jaehyun and his bestfriend even on those dsys you wanted to push her off him. but today it was like a flip switched. you walked home soaked from the rain after not being to reach your boyfriend to pick you up. you get it he’s busy, but your blood boiled when you saw both of them sitting on the couch peacefully. she looked up at you and grinned as jaehyun ran up to you worried. “jaehyun lets talk in our room please” you simply asked. he followed you to you and his shared room with a towel drying you off as you spoke. “i really hate to do this to you but its either me or her.” he paused his movements of drying your hair “you know i cant do that. ive known her for so long do you not trust me?” he said defensive. “i dont trust her” you said blandly, he stared at you and started lecturing you on how his bestfriend gave you no reason to not trust her. you didnt argue back, you were too tired for it you just said “she likes you jaehyun”. he paused and continued lecturing you about how thats ridiculous. you shake your head and pack your things “clearly i know your answer.” he continues on and on on how youre being ridiculous. once you leave the door he puts his hand in his face.
! - it took him like 5 minutes to realize he messed up (bye.) his friend came into your room and sat down by him as he listened to him rant. “you know…” she said slowly “y/n’s not wrong” his ears perked up at that “ive always liked you jaehyun, your just too silly to realize.” he freezes at her words, feeling his blood run cold he feels her fingers on his chin and her leaning in. he backs up and kicks her out despite her protest. once he locked the door and is left in the empty haunting house alone he scrambles for his phone. after finding it he opens it to all your messages asking if he can pick you up. it made him nauseous at the thought he left you alone and cold for his ‘friend’ that was the cause of your breakup. he calls you to which you dont answer, he starts panicking at this point and paces in the house as he mass text and call you just wanting a answer. he pauses in front of him at the only room he hasnt stepped room in since pacing. your bedroom. he walks in and lays down only to be reminded of your scent when he lifts the blankets over his head. thats when he starts crying and realized you weren’t there to hold him like you normally did
! - he didnt have his safe space anymore.
H. TAESAN ; distant
! - you hated to admit it but one of the things that drew you into taesan was the thing that made you end things. his cold demeanor was what made everyone so curious about him, fortunately or unfortunately you were the one he picked to be into his very small circle to which you became his partner. during this you learned he loved his alone time which you were fine with, what threw you off was the way he signaled to you he wanted to be alone. he would ignore you in public and not reply to your messages as if you didnt know each other. you were okay with it at first since you loved your strange boyfriend but after a while you grew tired of it. tired of breaking down his walls and when you finally feel accepted by him only to be shut out again
! - and clearly it was a mistake bringing it up to him because it lead him to being the loudest you ever heard him, arguing back and forth. “i dont get why you just have to pretend you don’t know me. im fine with you needing your alone space but why do you have to act like you hate me?”
“im starting to if thats how your gonna react to me needing my time every so often.”
you couldnt argue anymore, especially when he just admitted he was close to hating you for communicating your feelings. the room went quiet, taesan looks over his shoulder to see you staring at the ground before walking off. after that day you didnt text first or initiate anything to see if he would, unfortunately to you. he didnt.
! - it took him about a month to realize he messed up (sorry taesan lovers:c). but dont get me wrong, its not like he went on with his life like normal. everyday it felt like he was missing something but he could never put his finger on this feeling so he just dismissed it. until one day by instinct he sat at your twos spot alone and your guys song started to play in his headphones. he was never one to communicate his feelings too well but that didnt mean he didnt care for you. he would dedicate songs to you and one just fit perfectly with you two. when the song played he looked around and realized where he was with what song was playing only to see something is missing
and thats when it hit him, he didnt get his usual messages, his hugs, or his sneaky looks from you. he was alone, but wasnt this what he wanted?
he wanted to be alone right?
he loved it.
he then realized
he loves you more then he loved being alone.
was it worth it to lose one thing you love more to prioritize the other?
K.LEEHAN ; too friendly
! - from the beginning you knew dating leehan came with a price. everyone wanted him. some more bold than others that would go up to him and ask him out even when he had a partner. his reaction to these admirers was a stranger then how a boyfriend would react to girls hitting on him. he’d entertain the girls in front for you just to see your reaction. you knew he loved seeing you jealous which was cute at first but after a while it got old. it started to make you doubt whether he really loved you or not. if the girls would compliment leehan he’d start asking for details, “oh yeah? how much do you like me?” “my arms are pretty strong arent they?” or he’d start teasing “calm down my partners infront of me, maybe later” to which the girls, including him would laugh as he looked over to see your fuming face.
! - but this one time, you couldnt take it anymore. if this is what dating someone admired upon was like, you wanted no part. it was like normal. girls would swarm around you and leehan and start flirting, but his one comment ticked you off. “yeah of course we can hangout, im sure my partner wont mind” he winked, he looks over at you expecting to see your puffy angry face but is met with you leaving the table. he follows behind you calling for you. when he finally catches up to you thats when you spew everything youve been feeling. “i can understand if your admired i get it your handsome! but your taken and you should know that, no normal boyfriend flirts back with girls who flirt with him. i have to deal with this closing feeling in my throat and chest all because you want a little enjoyment for your day and im done.” he looked at you confused with a hint of being offended. “youre overreacting yn.” he said before being cut off with you walking away.
! - he realized he messed up 6 days later. its not like he didnt care, but he was in his state of mind that youll run back like any of his fangirls would. during those days he continued to flirt back with them now that his flock was much bigger now that he was single. but this time he flirted back much less enthusiastic as he would before, because he had no reason to, no reaction, no partner to coddle after. he now felt sick with the thought of flirting with anyone to start dating if it wasnt you. he got up from the table to which he recieved a bunch of whines and pleads to stay. he just needed fresh air. he continued walking around campus until he heard a familiar laugh. he turned his head over and seen you with another person, laughing and getting all close like you and him use too. now staring from afar he understood what you meant. he felt his chest and throat closing at the thought sight of you reliving what you and him would do with someone that wasnt him. and his words replay in his mind
“you’re overreacting yn”
“your overreacting”
in fact you were not overreacting but he knew he had no right to be jealous, when his urge for you to be jealous tore you two apart.
he was on the verge of spilling his guts and you looked happy. not angry, and thats what you deserved
K. WOONHAK ; always mad at you
! - woonhak has always been very open about his anger issues and you knew that. he was just a teen living his first life and you acknowledged that. on certain days he would hold grudges against you and not tell you why he was angry, leaving you alone to figure out and trace back to see what you had done. and it was always something small like giving him only 2 hugs instead of 3 for morning, afternoon, and night. and forbid you try to get him to communicate why he is mad at you. he’ll turn into a big angry ball yelling at every reason he should be mad
! - this one day you were so tired from school. you just wanted to walk home with your boyfriend and hopefully cuddle at home. but he wasnt waiting for you outside your class, instead you already saw him walking out of the school. catching up to him you say hi and start asking him about his day to which you recieve a mean face ignoring you. deciding to avoid that you talked about your day to which he paid no attention to. thats when you snapped “hey im talking to you!” no reply “why do you always do this, you just get mad at me and expect me to read your mind!” he turned over to you and yelled back “i dont know why you can never just think, is it that hard to realize what you did?” “no i cant read your mind woonhak!”. he just turned away and started to walk “woonhak if you keep walking were over!” he paused, to which you hoped he’d come to his senses but he kept walking
! - he realized he messed up 1 days after. day 1, he completely forgot about the night before as it was so normal for him to go back to not being mad at you when he felt like it. when you didnt walk to school with him he decided that was his reasoning for being mad you today. and when you didnt run up to him or walk up to him after school to walk together he started to be a bit confused. here is when youd start to cave but as he walked home he retraced his memory with each step and remembered what you had said when he was being petty.
‘ “woonhak if you keep walking were over!” ‘
he just kept walking, and now you werent his to walk anymore.
“is it so wrong of me to hope she breaks your heart, is it so wrong for me to pray she tears you apart?”
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athycore · 5 months
Hello!!! :3 I wish to make a request! I really love your writing style and the way you carry out your fics, theyre so awesome X3!!!☆
Could I make a req of Mob (/Shigeo Kageyama) with a gn!gyaru!reader :3c? Extra points if they do really good in school!
I see that you havent posted in a while on this blog, so you dont have to respond to my req! Please take care of yourself first out of anything else ^^<3
Thank youuuuuu!!!!! X3
OMG HAIIII!!! Thank you so much, about me not posting in a while, i completely forget im a writer so i never end up checking requests, but now i did!!
Anyways heres ur food :3
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Mob w a Gyaru!reader…(gn reader)
To say mob was obsessed is an understatement. He simply fawns over your fashion and loves the idea of going against the beauty standard. Although because of his fashionable s/o, he has a hard time blending in. At times he doesnt want the attention but his albsolute cutie of his lover being the center of attention, mob wouldnt mind just this once.
You both go to clothing shops together! Mob believes and trusts your fashion taste to be able to pick a few for him. He wants to hang out and uses the idea of shopping together to get you talking. He enjoys it. Afterall he somewhat helps with some of the clothes for you to pick out, while you help him look his best. He adores your keen eye on managing to find the good clothes that are usually hidden..(gatekeepers😒😒)
When you go on dates he swears he can pay, but his pay isnt enough..afterall regien isnt too reliable. Instead you pay, hope you dont mind. After you both end up going to the park or going to each others houses to hang out later. Mob gaslights(begs) reigen to let him off early for these dates too. He wants to show his respect by simply making time for you like any wonderful lover.
Mob and his family aprove of you so much! You are just the sweetest and the cutest girls to ever approach mob. Ritsu thinks its rad that his older brother managed to get a parnther in general, but thinks even more highly of you when he knows and sees your genuine care for his brother. Plus when you go to mobs house to hangout, ritsu joins whenever he feels lonely. You and mob welcome him with open arms, especially when watching a horror movie.
Mob uses his psychic powers to try to find out what you like in order for him to get the RIGHT gift. Hes just whipped and his friends and brother tease him for it. Simple middle schoolers am i right? He doesnt mind it though.
He introduces you to reigen and reigen approves. Reigen sees you as fit, and an adorable girl who would help mob by the long mile. Mob also introduced you to teru and sho, as well as the other psychics. They all like you and think you are so cool with your makeup and fashion. Heck, teru asked for some advice too.
Mob gets you both matching keychains..guaranteed. Like those cute sanrio ones or the cute little characters. He finds them absolutely adorable. The idea that his s/o has the other half, he ends up staring at his keychain on end till his club snaps him outta it.
In school you might as well be a prodigy! He finds the fact that you do so well extremely admirable. He wants to be tutored by you and you only. Only you can be patient with him. He thinks of you as top of his class, grade, school even!( next to ritsu ) He just gets so happy seeing you not having to worry about grades and what not.
There are times when you are doing makeup, he just watches. No conversation, nothing. Soly because he thinks its skillful, he feels as tho its art and that she shouldn’t interfere. But there are times he asks questions about the products your using. Hes just curious about all that stuff.
Hes your #1 supporter! He believes that you should and will do what YOU want. That no one should tell you anything about how to look, act, or present yourself!
Hope you liked it!!! Thanks so much for the request!!!
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mydearesthrry · 5 months
red cars & red lipstick - h.s.
a/n: this pairing wont leave my brain. enjoy :P. ummm trying out this new smau thing idk tell me what you think!!!
pairing: f1 driver!harry styles (#7) x leclerc!yn
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liked by charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari, and 985,161 others
ynleclerc_: the leclercies will always persist and be at a race even if we have the flu 🤗🤗 vvvv proud of u chachi
view all 76,155 comments
charles_leclerc: Thanks bug 🫡
scuderiaferrari: through thick and thin ❤️
harrystyles: You guys got me sick too :(
> ynleclerc_: oopsies
> charles_leclerc: You wouldn’t stop kissing my sister 🤨
this comment was deleted by author
> charles_leclerc: Oops
> harrystyles: Oh my god
— ferrari’s headaches ❤️ group message thread:
y/n : harry…
charlie: oh no
harry: Charles.
y/n: harry pls dont kill him
charlie: IM SORRY
y/n: chachi girl calm down
harry: Yeah. Lol. I’m kidding, it’s not that serious.
harry: I don’t really mind.
harry: ;)
charlie: you are so evil oh my gods
harry: Love youuuuuuu
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liked by harrystyles, landonorris, and 2,167,551 others
ynleclerc_: i knew i loved u when u drove me home when i turned eighteen and now i know i love u every time i look at u. cats out the bag lololol i love you 7 harrystyles
comments have been limited
maxverstappen1: Wait this wasn’t a secret?
> ynleclerc_: girl
landonorris: You guys are annoying
> ynleclerc_: ur annoyinger
charles_leclerc: Sorry Bug
lilymhe: well… now that thats been revealed!
lilymhe: finally can be on the paddock wearing number 7 😭
> ynleclerc_: OH MY GODDDDDDD
> ynleclerc_: FINALLY
harrystyles: Oh my god I forgot about that
charles_leclerc: This is unfair???? She’s my sister?????????
> ynleclerc_: sorry you exposed us u can deal with the consequences!
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liked by ynleclerc_, charles_leclerc, and 3,261,836 others
harrystyles: Lovely weekend ;)
view all 76,155 comments
ynleclerc_: just audibly gasped in the ferrari garage
> harrystyles: Why are you still there?
> ynleclerc_: idk nonna was giving gelato so i sat down but everyone left :(
> charles_leclerc: Can you get off your phone and come to the car please, your phone is on do not disturb and Lily and Alex have been trying to find you 😒
> ynleclerc_: damn dont air me out like that
user3: oh this trio is about to be CHAOTIC
user4: charles is gonna be over their bullshit so fast 😭😭😭😭😭
> landonorris: he already is
> charles_leclerc: Already am
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badgyalshii · 6 months
word count: 3.1k?
warnings! smut, maybe some typos, oral (f) and missionary, overstimulation, some dirty talk.
pairing! only fans!timothee chalamet x (f) friend!reader (ALWAYS SAFE FOR POC + PLUS SIZE)
a/n: hereee goes my long awaited apology for the finale of its never over🙄 i hope you guys enjoy! two hands on the phone please😏 the “xxx” is a divider btw i just got lazy lmao TELL ME IF IT SERVES CUNTTTT (requests are open)
have you read the series? check it out!
like shii’s writing!? check out her masterlist for her future imagines/series! (that needs to be updated, come on shii wtf r u doing😒)
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It was no secret that timothee owned a onlyfans, he didnt really talk about it though. He didnt want it to be the main conversation between him and his friends, he kept the subjects separated but he was very close with his fans. You said you would always support what he does and even registered for an account to follow him, he tried to fight it and block you from his page, but you said it wasnt really that big of a deal considering you would never open the app and just to let you love him, to which he sighed and let it go, but convsersations were awkward because in the back of his mind he didnt know and was wondering you ever watched his videos. It was only a side gig, but he wanted to focus on college and small acting.
One day, you decided to initiate the conversation with timmy while you both ate chinese. ¨i just felt like if i talked to you about it then it would be hard for you to separate me from being a normal sensitive person from being ya know….that¨ he explained, you shrugged. ¨i mean, i wouldnt look at you differently- not that ive watched but i know you, and how could i judge such a sweet person like you? The only thing that i would have questions about is, like, is it awkward? On camera? Im not even comfortable with myself so put myself on camera and do that-¨ ¨if you dont like yourself, trust their is someone to appreciates you like ten times more than you do on a good day. Theres no reason for you to feel like that¨ he said looking over before eating the rice with a fork. You let out a hum and things fell silent as you both watched a movie, but it was clear you both were thinking. ¨would- would you like…¨ he looked over at you, your eyebrows lifted as you looked at him, he seemed nervous as his cheeks were slowly turning rosy, he cleared his throat before finishing his question. ¨like try it?¨ he asked, ¨erm¨ you said before thinking to yourself, ¨maybe with someone i trust, could be fun¨ you smiled before asking for the rice, taking a forkfull bite off of the same utensil that timmy used. He shrugged, becoming more comfortable, seeing as you were rather chill about the situation, it was a joke to him, what he was about to say, but the tone that came out otherwise said different.
¨wanna try it with me?¨ your eyes widened in surprise, to which he laughed, ¨joking, im joking¨ he let out with a nervous chuckle leaving his lips, his face was visibly warm now, a big grin on his face trying to fight off the fact that he said that. You chewed and swallowed your rice carefully, not saying a word and looking at him while he looked at you, itching and waiting for your response. You shrugged, ¨fuck it¨ your stomach was doing flips, what were you saying? Are you fucking serious? You thought after you said that, your eyebrows high and a side smile on your lips. His mouth parted, ¨when-when would you wanna do it?¨ he asked, ¨its your page, shouldnt you make the rules?¨ you muttered, setting down the rice. ¨tommorow maybe?¨ he let out, watching you get up, you said yeah and said you had to use the bathroom.
When you made it to the bathroom you looked at yourself in the mirror before letting out a sigh and putting a hand on your face is disbelief, what had you singed yourself up for? Why were you just talking? Were you just talking? It was clear that you both were very attractive, so imagine what people think. Your shared friends already think you guys have something casual going on, so would they really be surprised if you both busted out with a cake saying ¨we did it! We fucked! (and recorded)¨? You bit your lip before running the water and washing your hands, before exiting out of the bathroom and sitting next to timothee again.
You both shyd away about the idea even if it was just the next day, but here we are. You sat ontop of timothees bed, fully clothed and your hair out of the way. You bit your lip, you were anxious, you didnt know how to feel about this, how would others take it? What if they didnt like you? What if you didnt like it. Timothee sat infront of you the entire time, telling you that it was okay if you didnt want to do it and reassuring you the entire time and double checking in with you. As nervous as you were, there was a small burst of excitement that jumped in your stomach.
He bit his lip, ¨you ready?¨ he asked, holding up the camera, about to record you. On the nightstand sat a white viberator, body oil, and lube just incase. He raised three fingers behind the camera, initiating a count down, he very soon pressed the record button, you saw the red small light from the camera flicker. A smile played on your lips from awkwardness but you tried your best to cover it up. ¨this is y/n. One of my closest friends who wanted to join us today¨ he chuckled, ëyes on the screen as he looked through the camera to see you. ¨but ill let her introduce herself¨ he finished, your eyes widened, you didnt know what to do. ¨im nervous¨ you let out with a pity smile and you both let out a laugh, ¨just get undressed while you introduce yourself¨ he let out a small grunt as he watched you immediately catch on and start pulling up your top.he bit his lip, he couldnt deny you looked fucking great, the way your breasts were laid pretty in that bra and how your hips sat with the hidden treasures just waiting to be touched. You watched as he slowly palmed himself and continued to record. You decided this was the right time to speak up.
¨my name is y/n, but timothee told you that¨ you laughed as you stripped your shirt off, muffled music played in the back but you both werent too focused on that, you wore a matching set for the circumstance, and when your bra was revealed he let out a muttered fuck and applied more pressure to his clothed cock. T̈his is my first time¨ you continued, looking over at the oil before reaching over, your ass in the air as you reached for it he let out a sigh, and watched as your back arched and when you came back at sat correctly, he lended his hand out, ¨i wanna do that¨ he said, and you complied, handing him the oil, he let out a small groan, he was as hard as a rock and youve barely even started, he had no shirt on but he had his grey sweatpants, he took the camera and set it up on its stand on the end of the bed.
When he looked back at you, you sat there innocently, you sat on the back of your calves, legs closed and looking up at him so lost, it turned him on that he could take control and lead you. He softly grabbed your neck and pulled you in for a slowly soft to passionate open mouth kiss, pulling your head towards himself before letting you go and moving behind you, his warm touch on your arms, following all the way up to your neck and you tilted your head back on his shoulder as he now kissed your neck and uncuffed your bra. ¨shittttt¨ he muttered, looking at your tits and taking them into his hands, to which they fit perfectly, your nipple between his first and middle finger, rolling them around as soft sighs of pleasure left your lips, he looked at you the entire time before applying a kiss to your cheek, then your lips. You closed your eyes and let him lead you, you felt like you were falling in his arms and allowed him to take you anywhere, you swore this is what you needed, you almost forgot the camera was even there. He put his hand on your waist before he reached for the oil and while he did that, you stripped yourself from your shorts, revealing your matching thong before getting back into pisition and you looked at the camera, thinking you should be more seductive, you looked at it and let out a moan as the warm oil hit your body, he rubbed it over your chest, your stomach, his touch was gentle the entire time, ¨can you bend over infront of the camera for me?¨ he asked gently, you looked at him and nodded, your ass was pointed to the camera and he moved behind you and to the side, his eyebrows raised as you arched as your already glistening cunt was soaking the thin material of the thong, he applied oil over your ass and rubbed it in before his hands crawled up to the sides of your thong, ¨is it okay if i pull this down?¨ he asked, you nodded and he looked at you before dropping your panties, he let out a sigh of satifacation and rubbed over your entrance, you let out a hum and arched your back further before he plunged a finger into your soaking wet cunt, your mouth dropped as he slowly fingered you, he watched as your walls tighten around his fingers, his mouth dropped and he couldnt wait to put his dick inside.
He lifted up your ass as he started to apply pressure and finger harder, your eyebrows furrowed as you looked back at him. ¨like that?¨ he asked as he continued to finger, you bit your lip and nodded your head, your hips moved back into his hand as a small smirk played on his face before he stripped his fingers away, you let out a whine, wanting him to keep going before he surprised you and applied his tongue to your clit, your mouth dropped, his tongue was circling and you let out a moan.
¨timmy” left your lips, fuck. Is this what you were missing out on? Your stomach has butterflies as you leaned back wanting more, he let out a chuckle against your lips in cockiness seeing as you were enjoying this. He shook his head against your pussy and you moaned his name again. ¨dont stop, make me cum timmy¨ he let out another hum against your pearl before pulling away with a pop. ¨make you cum? Want me to make you cum baby?¨ he asked, pumping his fingers.
You looked back at him and seen your juices covering his lips, you could finish just now, looking at his low eyes, looking at him made it seem like he was clouded with ecstasy. He licked his lips and you nodded, letting out a soft please. He kissed your ass before getting on his knees and pulsing into your pussy harder, your eyebrows furrow as you close your eyes, opened mouth gasps and a deep moan just rips away from your lips, fuck, you couldnt take it. And the way timothee looked at you didnt help, ¨shit¨ he muttered, taking his thumb and rubbing your pearl in complete circles. Your mouth hung low as your belly started to heat up, you could feel yourself about to explode. You let out a whine and he bit his lower lip, ¨look at me, look at me while i make you cum¨ he circled faster, you looked at him desperate, desperate to finish.
And suddenly you did, ¨timmy!¨ you let out, your eyes rolling and the way he tried to ride your high out was overstimulating for you so you jerked your body from his fingers, to which he laughed at. ¨shut up¨ you laughed, putting your heand in your hands as your stomach continued to burn from the release. ¨you okay?¨ he asked again, you nodded yes and it was okay and that you were ready for the next round, he smiled at you, and you smiled back, before something else caught your attention. He was clearly breathing heavier and as you shamelessly panned his body, and something else was clearly looking at you.
He didnt try to hide it, instead, he grabbed it while he looked at you, ¨missionary? Or?¨ he asked. You shrugged in return, you liked that he mentioned missionary first, “is that a good angle?” you asked, “any shot with you in it is a good angle, y/n” he said, stripping from his sweats and boxers before coming over to press a kiss on your lips. Once again, the kiss became heated, he leaded you to lay on your back while your lips were still together. He came down and laid firm on you, pressing up against your bare pussy. You held onto his curls as his soft lips were on yours, his tongue entered your mouth, shamelessly clashing against yours, your teeth. It was so hot, he pumped himself before pressing up against your entrance. He rubbed his dick messily against your clit, looking at you jutter under his touch, he kissed your head before he entered slowly, a soft sigh left your lips as you made eye contact with him, watching his eyebrows press together from the easy slip in, to the tight satisfying feeling of your pussy wrapped around his hard throbbing dick. He looked at you for approval, and you nodded.
“y/n, fuck you feel good” he muttered, his mouth opening as you opened your legs further, wanting more. A throaty moan left your mouth as you leaned up on your elbows to watch him fuck you, his dick hit your spot everytime and he only moved faster. “Timmy, keep going” you moaned, your head tilting back from the euphoria. He reached up and grabbed your tit, massaging it as he continued to let out moans, “fuck, like that? You like that?” he muttered, now focusing and putting his hands on both sides of your head. He rocked his hips thorough, his mouth agape and low groans ripping away as the headboard of the bed clashed against the wall time and time again.
“yes! mmph-“ you were cut off by how deep his dick was inside you and how your sensitive nipples tickled in his touch, the way he looked so focused and lost in the moment only made you more wet, you tilted your head back and let out a cry, he was hitting the same spot over again and fucking you harder, you felt your walls clench desperately and that only motivated him more. “timmy!” you whine, putting your hand on his stomach and closing your legs around him, the sound of skin on skin became more relevant as he didnt stop, “i got you” he let out in a breathy, low and seductive tone.
he slapped your hand out of the way before taking it and your other and placing them ontop of the pillow, holding your hands by the wrist as he came down and kissed your sweet spot, “oh my- mmm!” a high pitched hum broke and tried to hide your neck, this was all so overpowering and it felt so good, “where do you want me to cum, y/n” he whispered in your ear, “fuck!” he closed his eyes and his hips rutted slowly, still having powerful strokes, “inside” you let out, he looks up at you before letting out a laugh, “are you crazy? you’re gonna get pregnant- shit” the pleasure took over, canceling his sentence.
“i wont” you shook your head, fuck thats all you wanted, for him to fill you up, give himself to you fully. he looks at you and presses a kiss to your lips before letting out an okay, he takes one of his hands off of your wrists to come down and rub your clit, but it was difficult considering how wet you were. your body was overstimulated and tried to fight his hand off by moving your hips, but when you moved them it just made him go deeper, past your spot, you froze in that position, your body shocked as he hit a point you didnt know anyone could. “fuck! dont stop!” you scream in a whiney tone, keeping your hips where they were. “cum for me” he said, his jaw clenching as he looked at you with all seriousness, “take it, take it from me make me cum!” you cry, his hand moved faster against your clit and more rough groans left his lips, your mouth suddenly became agape and he looked at you, your eyes pouring into his as you came. “timmy, im, im cumming” your eyebrows furrowed, it felt like the world stopped, your body jerked and released all the knots in your stomach. he came down and you both shared and open mouthed sloppy kiss, he bit his lip and and looked down at you, fucked you harder and the bed creaking and the camera was so close to flipping over.
“mmm” his lips pursed together, fucking you faster now, “timmy!” you cried again, before his mouth dropped, a whiney moan left him lips “y/n, y/n, aw, fuckkk y/n” he said over and over again, feeling his seed shoot up in your stomach as he looked at you, both eyes were desperate for each other, so hazed in the stars. he let you go and your arms went under his, holding him as he let out “uhs” as he finished cumming inside you, and making sure you got all of it as he messily rutted his hips until failure. your back came off the matress as you accepted the cum shooting up your pussy as your chest uncontrollably heaves.
his head falls into the deep of your neck, still breathing heavy but applied kisses there. Once he catches his breath, he sits back up and pulls out, a curse leaving your lips as he grabbed the camera and pointed it at you, you looked at him behind the camera, he was still breathing heavy and he reached his hand to your lips, his thumb brushing over them before you took it into your mouth and sucked, a smirk and a small chuckle left his lips before he took out his thumb and traced it along your body, you were covered in sweat, your body glistening heavenly, or at least he thought so. the camera following, all the way down until he zoomed in on your fucked out area, seeinng the cum slowly leaking from your hole and your clit visibly swollen. he separates your folds from each other, “man i could really eat you out again” he joked.
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lizpaige · 1 month
i have one more hc lol i believe that post tdt declan refuses to call adam for anything because of adam’s “if you need help, don’t call me” in gw, so at like holiday dinners maybe adam runs to the store to get something last minute and when he’s back declan is like “oh we also forgot something else parrish do you mind going back” and adam’s like why didn’t you just call me and declan’s like “probably because on november 17th at precisely 11:58am you specifically told me to never call you again” and this just goes on and on for years. nightmare in laws of all time
this is AMAZING 👏👏👏👏👏 ugh i love their dynamic they are so toxic lmao they both hold grudges and will not budge from the drama of it all. i also love how they wouldnt even yell at each other about it, it would just be passive aggression and glares across the room 😒
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violet-1scrazy · 10 months
catch me if you can
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pairings - ethan landry x reader
warnings - mentions of murder/violence
a/n - THIS IS MY FIRST FIC! i wrote this because i cant find any new ethan landry fanics😒 WAIT BC WHY DID I KIND OF EAT😛 anyways please send me tips and someone TELL ME HOW TO LET PPL SEND REQUESTS😫 anyways, thank you😘💕
* * *
the cold, night air tickled your skin as you walked along an empty nyc street. you shivered, the only thing your wearing is a tank top, jeans, and a thin cardigan.
you looked around, seeing how dark it actually is, all of the stores closed and there being no billboards or tall buildings at your location.
you thought about how easy it would be for ghostface to just pop out of a dark alley and gut you. your stomach turned even thinking about it.
you picked up your pace, your thought taking over your mind. you stopped in your tracks when you walked past an alley way and heard something crunch, like someone was stepping on something.
you looked down the dark alley, it only being lit by a dim light. your hands started to sweat, thinking about all of the possibilities of what could happen right now.
just as you were about to walk away, you saw a tall figure standing in the alleyway. it started moving closer and then your heart dropped. its ghostface.
you tried to run but the man in the costume pulled you into the alley and pinned you against the walk, his grip strong.
you tried to scream but his gloved hand covered your mouth. you tried to push him off but he wouldn’t budge. he wouldnt move so you punched his mask covered face, hard.
“ow!” the masked figure said, holding his jaw. you were confused when he started to laugh, your eyebrows scrunched. he took off his mask and you saw a familiar face, it was ethan.
“oh my god ethan!” you said, pushing him. he wouldnt stop laughing. “you’re such a dick!” you said, grinning and wiping your eyes. he looked up at you. you almost melted, looking into his dark brown eyes.
“im sorry.” he said, trying not to laugh. he kissed your forehead, relief washing over you. he took off his ghostface robe, him wearing a long sleeve shirt and jeans. some of his brown curls stuck to his forehead from sweat. god if looks could kill, you’d drop dead.
he wrapped his arm around your waist and walked to your apartment with you. you leaned your head on his shoulder, glad you’re not dead.
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bhaalble · 1 year
I like Shadowheart but I legitimately do not know where the narrative emerges from that Lae'zel is the aggressor because in every single playthrough I've done Shadowheart talks about her like three times more and usually unprompted. Lae'zel's RUDE sure but the worst thing she does to Shadowheart is tell us not to save her in the middle of a burning crashing mind flayer ship (while doing nothing to stop us if we decide to do it). Shadowheart comes out the gate suspicious of Lae'zel and is incredibly hostile and mistrustful of her not because of anything she's actually done. Shadowheart has actually done something to Lae'zel's people and she knows it but when confronted about that immediately jumps to "well it was probably stolen plunder anyways 😒😒😒" ITS NOT. ITS CARVED WITH GITH RUNES AND HAS BEEN WITH THEM FOR GENERATIONS. AND ALSO THAT WOULDNT MAKE IT YOURS.
The weirdest the game gets about this is that fight where Lae'zel challenges her to a duel and Shadowheart instead sneaks up on her in the middle of the night and holds a knife to her throat! And then starts!!! lecturing LAE'ZEL about how they need not be enemies and they could instead direct that hostility at others! This is seconds after "If the others ask, I'll say you were turning. Don't expect to be mourned" btw
To be clear this too is yuri but girl you have problems! Conditions even!
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finchesslingshott · 3 months
me and @coffeeistired went on a whole rant together about modern!finch + modern!race and their bestie lore so here you go enjoy
they met each other in an adoption centre and when they went to the same middle school and found each other in class (my brain says like 6th grade when they met) they both got so excited (race/finch creds)
they were practically attached at the hip all through middle and high school, but they had a phase right after they graduated where they both got rlly busy and drifted apart and panicked and finch called race at like two a.m. in tears one night and was like "WE'RE STILL BEST FRIENDS RIGHT YOU DONT HATE ME???" (finch creds)
race reassured him, they had a good talk, and fell asleep on call together (finch creds)
THEY MET UP THE NEXT DAY AT BAR AND FINCH’S DUMB ASS CRASHED ON THE DRIVE HOME 😒 (he has never been able to live this down) (race creds)
finch and buttons were alr dating by then and buttons found finch waiting in the hospital (race broke his arm or smth) and smacked finch upside the head then kissed him (finch creds)
Race used to jokingly guilt trips Finch over that….”what do you meannn ya don’t wanna go to the pet shelter with me? Ya broke my arm! I’m trying to cheer myself up, I don’t wannna go aloneeee :(“ but he stopped after a month or two after he realized Finch might geuninely feel bad (race creds)
and finch did feel bad. immensely. finch literally wouldnt even touch a bottle of beer or smth for literal months and cried so many times over it, he was so scared to lose his and race's friendship because it meant the entire world and then some to him (finch creds)
Right now, Modern!Race is in collage to be an aerospace engineer, he has an internship at a space station(which is how he makes a good portion of his money- using that to pay off collage) and he’s an assistant teacher for the local middle/elmentray school’s special education program, he goes down once or twice a week. He doesn’t tell people his job because he thinks they won’t beilve him since he’s…”too dumb” (race creds)
a lot of race's little students he helps out with take piano lessons (some take voice and/or dance) from finch and finch reports to race what they say about him (finch creds)
in my mind finch is the shortest and he and buttons take the crud out of finch for being small (a mere 5'6") (finch creds)
"we shoulda nicknamed you smalls instead of finch-" "SHUT YOUR MOUTH." (finch creds)
Race has no room to talk he’s short too/J (5’7 1/2) (race creds)
Meanwhile, Buttons grinning evilly in the background with his 1/2 an inch over Race (buttons creds @thegreatbuttoneer)
"BUTTONS BABY I LOVE YOU BUT NO ONE ASKED ALR???" "youre just mad you have to get on tiptoe to kiss me" "i'm divorcing you" "WE ARENT EVEN MARRIED YET FINCH" (finch creds)
anyways i'm back in my own house so expect a lot of random drabble as we continue the binch revolution, love you guys <333
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starsurface · 8 months
Hello! I'm really loving your content so far, and I think you're a really good writer! Would you mind doing some age regressor headcanons for Rain (MK1)? Thank you so much in advance! Again, I really love your work!
AWH SHUCKS REALLY?? I was actually so nervous writing headcanons because I've never done it before and have only ever written stories, but I'm so glad you enjoy them!! :3
Thank you so much!!! <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Regressor Rain Hcs
💧 Regresses to about 3-5
💧 Ngl, I could also totally see him middle regressing too
💧 ^ Maybe to like 11-14?? Claims he doesn't need a babysitter when he's in this headspace but absolutely does
💧 Mr. Bossy Pants over here 😒 (joking, I love him
💧 If we ignore canon, Tanya and him will hang out and find little froggies that are totally in the castle's garden!! :D
💧 Adores being read to but will demand it being a big kid book
💧 Although will very quickly get upset over his own decision and silently pout until you notice him
💧 CG’s would probably be Kitana, Mileena, Tanya, and maybe Reiko (I'm delulu, leave me alone)
💧 They're all his Sissy’s and the dog that never stopped following him, fr 😒 (joking, I love Reiko
💧 Not incredibly open to being watched by others
💧 Maybe if he's extremely close to the person
💧 Or accidently slipped around them
💧 ^ When Syzoth comes to be an ambassador, the first time Rain slipped around him was when he was in his reptile form because ‘’Anya! ‘Anya! It's a big froggie!! :D’
💧 No one had the heart to tell him otherwise and it made Syzoth incredibly happy (he'd probably become a babysitter or big brother or sorts later because of it)
💧 Favorite activities have to be playing outside or reading books
💧 His reading ability isn't the best when he's small but the proud little smile he has when he tries to read something to you is so worth it!!!
💧 Can and Will use his powers while small
💧 Please remind him that he has to be careful (he has definitely, accidently, flooded more than one room before trying to show off a new spell to you when he was a tiny bit too little to do it correctly)
💧 It might just be easier to set his staff to the side for the time being, even if he gets huff and puff about it
💧 I wouldnt say he's necessarily a brat??
💧 Looking at MKX/11 Rain (whose totally a brat), I like to think this Rain got some of his ego
💧 So he's definitely a bit bossy at times, but not necessarily a rule breaker
💧 It is HIS way or the high way!! >:/
💧 Not really, but he likes to pretend it is, he's actually mostly easy to watch over of you play your cards right
💧 Does not do well with punishments
💧 Honestly most times he probably would not even realize he broke a rule until after he's done it
💧 And will look at you all teary eyed because now he believes he's all naughty and he's going to get yelled at or sent somewhere away from you 🥺
💧 He normally doesn't do anything too too bad, so a small chat about it usually works
💧 If he does something bad like hitting or hurting someone, then it might require a small timeout
💧 (^ You do have to hold his hand through it, please do not leave this man alone :( )
💧 A little (lot) guliable at times
💧 You could firmly tell him that the stars are fish and he'd 100% believe you
💧 (^ Although big Rain will be incredibly grumpy afterwards for you tricking him)
💧 Praise! This! Man!
💧 He loves any kind of compliments!! Whether its about his drawings, or an easy spell he wants to show you, or he's trying to act all cute and get your attention, tell him he's a good boy and he will melt
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I'm not gonna lie I don't actually know a lot about Rain!! So I could totally redo these if you'd like!!
Also, y'all, the struggle to find ANY MK1 gifs of Rain??? Only found this pic (an amazing gif), but it was crazy!!
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youredreamingofroo · 4 months
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~ @simblr-question-of-the-day ~
So I kinda have like... series names and then also just like, names that are treated like story/series names ig... idk I'll just do all of them LMAO
(putting it under the cut cuz ermmm this is long LMAO)
Make the Most of It - Sims 2 Rotation w/ Roo So I actually came up with this name on a whim iirc? I know I wanted to make this series, but I didn't know what to name it, so I just started taking silly little dramatic shots and then while I was doing the "Make the Most of It" (which didnt have MtMoI on it at this point) gif I was like... oh "Make the Most of It" fucks so hard for a title... especially for this series... and yea 🤷‍♂️ Idk or remember if there were other names I was gonna go with
Hiraeth - Roo x Leo Story Arc So originally I just wasn't gonna have a name for these two, or at least, I wanted one but couldnt think of anything, but one night I was DEDICATED to finding a name for this arc, so I started looking up phrases in other languages that either meant longing or loving someone ahdbsjns I had a tab on notepad with all the names I was gonna go for (I was gonna do phrases from Welsh,,, Irish and I think Swedish too?), but ofc i closed it and didnt save it 😒 Anyways, I know the other name I was gonna go for was "Cwtch" which is a Welsh word for "cuddle" or "embrace", and I ALMOST went for that, but then I considered Hiraeth ("deep longing for a person or thing which is absent or lost; yearning; nostalgia; spec. homesickness") and was like ohhh thats so much more fitting- I also chose to go with Welsh because Leo is Welsh and Leo is the reason this is happening.. so it kinda just made sense to make it Welsh. Also haven't talked abt this, but Roo knows about Hiraeth from Leo :)
WE'RE.ALL.SICK - Story with a cast of Three iirc when I thought of this title, I wasn't even planning on making a Story, but then i though of W.A.S and just thought "this would make an INSANE story..." and 🤷‍♂️ now we have W.A.S. Although the whole story was essentially made around this name, There is also meaning behind it, and that is "We're ALL Sick", refers to the people oppressing people who are "different" (chaotic birthmarks on the green guy, weird scarring on the yellow guy and blindness and masc frame on the red/blue gal) and the people who are "different" or as the oppressors call them, "Sick", so it's jabbing at the Oppressors and mocking the name given to the Oppressed :'L
MYGENERATIONALCURSE - Hero's Story I made this on a whim ngl LMAO But I love it because it is accurate to Hero's lore, she has a generational curse dating as far back as ~100 years ago, there was no other name in mind, it was kinda like fate
It's All Wrong - Ithuriel x Nanel Story I know I've never really gone into depth over what the fuck "It's All Wrong" means or refers to, but basically Ithuriel is the "Repository of Sin" and her job requires her to be isolated from other Angels, and is literally not allowed to communicate with other Angels including Nanel unless necessary, and if she WERE to communicate with Nanel/Other Angels outside of when necessary and got found out, she would be executed. Nanel is the highest Angel Messenger, she goes to the Pits of The Damned (Hell) and goes to Purgatory and across Heaven to deliver messages to others, typically an angel wouldnt be allowed to traverse the Pits of The Damned or Purgatory, but she has a job-exception, and this also includes delivering messages to Ithuriel, which is the only time Nanel is allowed to converse with her. So that being said, Nanel and Ithuriel, if you havent caught on, are deathly (literally) in love with each other and were dating prior to Ithuriels Job Assignment, and they continue to secretly date and converse, but the point is that their love is secretive and "all wrong", hence, "It's All Wrong"
AMNESIA - Gameplay/Story of Sharkie Shaw I know literally nobody (besides my irl, Oksana and I think one other person) knows about Sharkie, but basically, the name refers to how Sharkie experienced Amnesia as a Teen and stupidly ran away from home while experiencing Amnesia, so she became Homeless and a shell of a person and had to rebuild herself and her personality and life from the ground up :')
The Wolf (Sheep) - Onia's Story If you remember Onia from the Feelings Post (She was jealousy), basically her whole shebang is that shes a Sheep in Wolf's clothing, and that's what "The Wolf (Sheep)" means :) (also, sheep being in parentheses nods at how she's trying to be a wolf and hides her sheep-like personality if that makes sense LMAO)
There's also Vanella, Kyneva and Phoenix (Vanella from this post, Kyneva - Sadness and Phoenix - Grief from the feelings post), all of which I am planning on giving "story" names, but havent had an idea for them yet :P
if I didn't mention having an alternative name then I PROBABLY didnt have an alternative name that I was gonna go with or I just dont remember <:))
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unishitpile · 2 years
Favorite flavor of kavetham is al haitham claiming that kaveh wouldnt have a roof under his head if it werent for him— and kaveh following up with the “i didn’t mind sleeping in the streets, YOU offered to keep a roof under my head 😒🙄”
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