dadmadi · 6 years
ow! quiznak!
keith, after accidentally cutting his finger while doing cool knifey tricks: ow! fuck!
shiro, snapping awake in the middle of the night and detaching his new floaty arm, sending it to keith’s room and smacking him upside the head: LANGUAGE
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dadmadi · 6 years
Lance: Who are you guys?
Akira, with his and Leo’s arms around each other’s waists: We’re you, but gay and still in character.
Keith: But we are gay!
Lance: I thought we were in character?
DreamWorks off camera: -snort laughs-
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dadmadi · 6 years
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Have I posted this yet
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dadmadi · 6 years
Voltron Tea Time ☕️
So season 7 of Voltron came out less than a week ago. Some people weren’t happy with it. The voice actors and the creators have been getting hate. I feel pErSonALLY offended by that, being part of the fandom. I feel disgusted by people saying it was qbait, and i get very sad every time i see hate on it. There are many theories about season seven, and another season coming out later this year. The show can’t be qbait if there’s still another season.
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We aren’t even 100% sure if Adam is dead. It’s a far fetched theory, but maybe the Galra blew up the ships after taking the pilots to hold captive, giving them more time for some of the galra ships to retreat back in space. Next season they’ll kill off the rest of the Galra Empire and find Adam and the other pilots.
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About Klance in season 7. Voltron came out and said there would be a relationship in season seven that hasn’t been seen since the earlier days of the series. Earlier days of the series meaning it can’t be Allurance because he was pining over her even in season 6. There’s a theory that Voltron had shot Klance scenes, and it was originally planned for Klance to be canon, but dreamworks for some reason shot it down. THIS IS JUST A THEORY I HEARD KIDDOS DONT COME @ ME OKAY THANKS. Because it didn’t happen in s7, doesn’t mean there’s a 100% chance it won’t happen in s8. tHeRe iS sTiLL aNotHer SeaSoN kiDs. There’s too much proof behind Klance happening for it to be 100% certain whether it will or not.
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No matter what happened/happens in season 7 and 8, the voice actors deserve nO HATE. They are a part of this series, attached to their characters, and don’t have that much of a say in writing the show. Jeremy Shada even apologized because of how much hate they were all getting, and it disgusts me that he had to do that. Voltron is an amazing series, and should by no means be judged by a few flaws in one season. Shows will not always be able to impress everyone, and not one single person has a say about everything that happens. I honestly, and a lot of my friends for that matter, thought Lotor and Allura would end up together at the end of season 6, but they didn’t. The Voltron series has been so good about plot twists, surprising us in any way it can. Were there some things that genuinely upset me? Yes. Am I going to completely give up on the series before the last season, not giving them a chance to explain everything and redeem? No. That’s stupid. So sorry if I offended anyone with this, but I strongly believe, as someone who has a lot of flaws, that nothing should be judged by a few mistakes about it. Even Lance said. “Let me tell you. As someone who’s made a million mistakes, all you can do is get up and try to make it right. You can’t doubt yourself.” It makes me very very sad that this is something that needs to be said, but Voltron does not deserve all the hate it’s getting because of one season. Voltron recently has helped me get through a lot of stuff. I’m human, and I go through some stuff that is genuinely hard to find a way to get over. But Voltron has been my escape from all of it. Watching fan made videos, Cosplays, theories, reading fanfics, and even watching the show so many times, to the point where there are some whole scenes that i can quote word for word, and you can call it sad, or unhealthy, but it makes me happy. And to see all the hate it’s getting because some people are jumping to conclusions about it, honestly makes me sick. And that’s the Tea.
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dadmadi · 6 years
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this is my dog. he comforts me when i’m crying about voltron. voltron fanfic. voltron cosplays. klance. literally anything to do with voltron. i love him. okay thanks bye
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dadmadi · 6 years
mood? idk how. but mood.
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When your cosmic wolf steals your shirt :)
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dadmadi · 6 years
Which shirt would you wear this weekend? Check out all new #Voltron Legendary Defender shirts, now available on Amazon! https://dwan.im/VLTAmazonShirts
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dadmadi · 6 years
Laurens: I’m guy.
Laurens: Goy.*
Laurens: Gey.*
Laurens: …
Burr: It’s okay, take your time.
Laurens: BOYS!
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dadmadi · 6 years
klancers: klance is canon king and here’s 188383 details that prove my point—
canon allurance content: *appears*
weak klancers: this is it. we’ve been fooled. we’re done—
optimistic klancers: klance is canon king and here’s 188383 details that prove my point. first of all—
weak klancers, tears in their eyes: *sniff* t han k y yo u
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dadmadi · 6 years
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dadmadi · 6 years
pt 2 of HANDMKDOXIVISKRNTB i’m so sorry
endgame klance in season 8
i know this happens every season - people get overly nihilistic with klance and think that any romantically coded moment between either lance or keith with people other than each other will kill off the ship - but listen. i have a lot of things that may assure you that klance is still possible, if not the most possible out of the show. 
starting with allura and lance. we all know that they have come super far from the beginning. 
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this shot is interesting. they’re not standing on level ground. lance standing higher may implicate that he will move on from allura in season 8.
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this is the scene everyone is worried about, but honestly, while keeping it in mind, and the show as a whole, i realized what the show runners are trying to do. 
season 8 will likely be a more relaxed season.
lotor will probably return, yes, but that’s definitely going to tie in with allura’s arc. 
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as stated by lauren montgomery, using lance as a rebound wouldn’t be fair to allura or for him. she said this after s6 was released. i’m not sure if this is true, but i’ve heard that someone on the show said that allura didn’t have an endgame, and lance’s arc is slowburn - which doesn’t correspond with allurance at all. 
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understanding lance’s romantic arc is keeping in mind that he is attracted to both males and females. throughout s8, he’s going to - subtly or not - realize that. 
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shiro’s arc wasn’t about him and adam, which is why i’m not super upset that he died. dreamworks wanted to show that no matter how much struggle you go through - ptsd, violence, failed relationships, you can still get up and move on. 
(which isn’t to say i’m not a bit disappointed, but keep in mind that adam is a minor character - overhyped at most, but still meant to be simply a roommate that shiro knew at the garrison.) 
there’s more lgbt rep on its way - lance and keith. i trust the voltron directors a lot after korra, and voltron really is a beautiful show. they are really nice people, so calling any of this queerbait is unwarranted until the show ends. queerbait is only as long as the show, and the show isn’t over. 
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his relationship is a minor detail that makes shiro more understandable while helping out with lance’s arc. hunk, allura, and shiro didn’t struggle with race, gender, or lgbt visibly in the show. those were things meant to be implied, but not shown in bulk. lance’s arc is about lgbt; that’s the representation we’re meant to explicitly receive. shiro’s was just meant to help him along, not have an arc for himself. he already knows himself, which is why he and adam weren’t centered upon.
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there have been much more romantically coded scenes with lance and keith than allura and lance. if lotor were still a “good guy,” then lance wouldn’t have a chance. he’d be allura’s second choice. 
like lance said : “she just cares about everyone because she’s awesome like that.”
but keith? he’s been pining after lance since the start of the show. 
the buildup with lance and keith’s relationship has been an ongoing journey. keith thinks lance and allura are a thing, so he’s staying back. he’s trying to shut off his emotions, but he’s not lying about them.
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he’s closed off, yes, but he’s not denying that lance is his first choice. keith has been trying to connect with lance since season one. the directors of voltron wouldn’t leave keith unhappy at the end of the show. he’s obviously unhappy that he’s not closer with lance, and putting allura and lance together would keep him unhappy. 
and undoubtedly one of the most sincere and downright chummy moments of this season was this:
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this is by-far one of the biggest hints for klance in the show. i’d say even on par with the bonding moment. 
despite lance’s attraction to allura, the directors wrote lance to choose keith because in the end, that’s what lance wants. that’s what keith wants, too. allura didn’t choose lance. 
and i’m genuinely not worried if lance and allura’s relationship is teased more in season 8, because lance is going to realize what is best for him. like i said before too, at the end of the show, the characters are going to be happy and satisfied - and if there’s a big moment with lotor and allura - which i assume there will be with his return - lance will understand who was there for him most. 
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keith was there for him more than allura was. lance was there for allura, but she wasn’t for him. i adore their relationship, and i think it’s really cute, but it wouldn’t add up if they were endgame. 
when they get together, most likely at a climax near the end of the last episode of season 8 (the finale) it really will tie together very well. korrasami was quite like this, and the parallels with klance are anything but subtle. since lance and keith had more time to develop - having the biggest and most noticable arc in the show, their climax will be emotional and we might possibly get a kiss. 
lance will understand that allura isn’t the best choice for him in season 8. keith is supposed to be happy at the end of the show - and that most likely will end with him and lance in a relationship. lance and keith have the most developed arc, and continuing it as slow burn ends with their romance. 
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dadmadi · 6 years
bECAUSE OF THE BONDING MOMENT OWKSJRNEKD IM NOT CRYING YOU ARE KENEFKKEKF okay help me please thank you and you’re welcome?
On Keith Acting Like an Asshole to Lance
I haven’t finished the season yet, I’m just taking a break, but you can still see the trust between these too (Keith and Lance). Its incredibly tangible.
As for “The Feud” when Keith said,“I just don’t want to be stuck here for an eternity with Lance.” He’s lying. He’s so obviously lying it contradicts everything else that happened before hand.
In the last episode he told Lance to lead the team while he’s saving Acxa. He told Lance over Shiro, who has had actual experience leading the team.
Keith is smart. Whoever he picked in the game show to leave he would’ve picked because he believes they can do something great. Voltron is counting on them, the Universe is counting on them.
In other words, Keith choose Lance because he believes in Lance. But for some reason he didn’t want to admit that.
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dadmadi · 6 years
Voltron Legendary Defender
What if voltron was made to inform us about a alien attack, and all of this is just someone telling their story about what they’ve been through, trying to subtly warn us??
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dadmadi · 6 years
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We’re sad to announce that we’re closing 😞🐬
Costa Pura was started 3 years ago with the goal of creating a high quality product that we could sell to help raise money to save the ocean. The response has been incredible, but it’s time to say goodbye and close up shop.
We still have inventory in our warehouse that we need to get rid of, so we’re giving it all away for free. There’s no catch, you just pay for shipping. We love you guys, thanks for all the support over the years.
Get your free Mermaid Blanket →
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dadmadi · 6 years
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dadmadi · 6 years
Two guys: *look at each other*
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dadmadi · 7 years
Maria: Are lobsters mermaids to scorpions?
Eliza: Maria, it’s four in the fucking morning.
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