#would he try to ignore them unless they sought him out first? and if they did confront him how would he respond?
couldbebetterforsure · 11 months
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So I watched episode one of Crossroads and then decided to look up the story from the game to read it, and this is my main takeaway at the moment.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 5 months
Jason is bothering you, he's determined to get to Eddie through you and does his best to annoy you and get you down. You hide this from Eddie but he finds out.
Angst with a happy ending. Protective Eddie.
Jason had been annoying you all week.
At first it was just stupid taunts in the hallway, taunts you would ignore by holding your head high and walking away. You rarely gave the asshole the time of day.
Unless he was pissing off your boyfriend Eddie, then you had no problem letting Jason know what you thought of him.
Yesterday and today had been different from Jason's usual taunts though. Yesterday he was borderline hostile and when you walked past him, he made sure to stick his foot out so you fell to the floor.
The fall had caused bruising on your knees and you were torn between humiliation and fury. What the hell was that douchebag's problem?
Today has been even worse. Jason specifically sought you out to pick at you and upended the contents of his milkshake on you.
He left you shaking with tears and covered in the liquid. He actually smirked and laughed, then walked away as if it was no big deal.
Robin saw everything and helped clean you up but you were still shaky and nervous about what Jason would do next. Fuck, if you told Eddie he would hit the roof.
You decided to keep this to yourself for now.
It's hard to not tell Eddie anything because Jason's taunts and the fact that your legs are aching. You've been trying to relax with Eddie but Jason's words keep playing on your mind and Eddie is suspicious about the bruising on your legs. You can tell he doesn't buy that you tripped.
"Sweetheart, are you sure you're okay? I can feel something is wrong. I know my princess and I know you're down" tears pool in your eyes and Eddie's hands tighten around your waist.
He gently wipes your tears away, feels his heart clench at you being upset.
"Sweetheart, please tell me what's wrong?" He hates seeing you cry, it physically pains him and if he finds out the reason, if someone has made you upset then there will be hell to pay.
"Jason, he's been annoying me all week and the last few days he's been really bad. He tripped me up and I have bruising on my knees, he poured his milkshake on me and has just been a dickhead all week"
Eddie freezes, hot fury pools in his body and he's shaking. He's never felt this pissed off in his life.
Jason could do whatever he wanted to him but you? His girl, his princess. You were off limits.
He will deal with Jason tomorrow. For now he's going to make sure that you're okay. He gently pulls you onto his lap and presses tender kisses to your lips and forehead.
"Eddie?, you're not going to do anything rash are you?" You're peering up at him anxiously and he soothes you for a few seconds.
"Don't you worry princess, everything will be okay"
Eddie wastes no time in finding Jason the next day, he's laughing with his friends and Eddie stalks up to them and one look from him sends them scurrying away.
"What's up freak?" Jason smirks at him and that pisses Eddie off even more.
"Heard you've been bothering my girl asshole"
Eddie smirks as Jason pales. Good, he hopes the asshole is scared.
Jason feels his blood run cold. That smirk is full of cold fury and he realises how much he's fucked up.
"You go near my girl again, you touch even one hair on her head and there will be hell to pay. You hear me?" Jason snorts and Eddie's eyes narrow.
"I mean it Carver. I am not a violent person but I will make an exception for you dickhead" Jason seems to get the hint and he visibly shrinks under Eddie's death glare then hurries off.
With that sorted and enough time wasted on Carver he heads away to find you.
Jason walks around with his tail between his legs all week and yet he says nothing. You don't realise that Eddie scared the crap out of him, you're just thankful Jason is leaving you in peace.
You snuggle into Eddie and he kisses your forehead, he flips the bird to Jason and dotes on you for the rest of the day.
Jason doesn't bother you again. Not with Eddie the Brave at your side.
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akutasoda · 11 months
Greetings! This is my first time requesting on tumblr so please lmk if I was specific enough? I really liked your headcanons about the Obey Me brothers with a rebellious teen mc, and I was wondering if you could do one with the dateables (platonic ofc)
If you feel comfortable, maybe the mc has a lot of trauma and subconsciously latches on to them as a healing parental/family figure? If you’re not comfortable adding that, just ignore the last part.
Have a nice day! (^_<)〜☆
try me
undateables wave 1
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synopsis - first impressions in the devildom did solely depend on your current rebellious stage
includes - diavolo, barbatos, simeon, solomon - all platonic
warnings - gn!teen!reader, reader is mentioned to have undescribed past trauma, fluff, slight crack/angst, wc - 803
a/n: hello! thank you and hope your doing well! if you want the other dateables lmk!!
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diavolo ★↷
↪he had found your little rebbelions entertaining. from the very first moment he couldn't explain why but he loved the kind of challenges he reckons the new exchange student would bring - much to both lucifers and barbatos dismay. although it couldn't be help when the little nagging feeling of wanting to protect you arose.
↪he never minded when you sought out his presence, never really catching on to why but always excused barbatos when he asked why. maybe he would eventually catch on as to why or maybe you told him. either way when he found out, that urge to protect you grew and he became determined to heal those memories.
↪his duties may keep him busy quite often but he would always make compromise to be with you, especially if something triggered a particularly bad memory. additionally just enjoys spending time with you, he took on the role as your healing/parental figure as if it was always that way.
barbatos ★↷
↪when you had first arrived in devildom he was only concerned about your age considering you would be staying in a place like this. sure your initial display of defiance would concern him more but he didn't really care for that. he was one of the only people to properly read your files afterall.
↪and as time went along he would notice how you naturally gravitated toward him for anything. he could probably guess the reason and never would press you to tell him. he wouldn't mind being your new parental/healing figure as atleast he knew someone was doing it right - and he enjoyed being with you almost to the point were he truly saw you as his own younger sibling.
↪would additionally always be the first at your side to comfort you whenever some form of trauma resurfaced, no matter what he was doing prior. always looking to replace those bad memories with newer, better ones. would very much grow accustomed to having you around and would always feel slightly worse when he hadn't seen you that day.
simeon ★↷
↪simeon was quite confused when he first met you as the new exchange student. he did feel a concern with someone as young as you being in such a place, let alone with that attitude. but he knew it wasn't his place to object so he did take it upon himself to look out for you whenever possible.
↪then he started noticing how you always sought his presence out - truth be told, his kind nature meant you naturally started gravitating towards him ad your new parental/healing figure. and however he found out he didn't mind, in fact he was rather glad. not about why you were doing this, but glad you had chosen him as now he knew he wanted to replace any bad memories with better ones.
↪your rebellious nature didn't phase him, in fact he did find it quite amusing at times - not when you nearly out yourself in danger however. he would never ask for a full explanation unless you willingly gave it to him as he knew it was a sore subject. overall just really took it upon himself to look out for you.
solomon ★↷
↪he didn't quite know what to think when he learnt the new exchange student was in fact a teenager. but then he found out your in your rebellious phase and loved it. he knew you would bring a certain essence to the program and he was there for it.
↪despite the brothers protest in you not listening to them when they told you to avoid solomon, you did and quickly saw him as your parental/healing figure. he wasn't oblivious and knew straight away when you started hanging out with him more and more. especially when you would always ask for his opinion or for him to do stuff with you - and he happily obliged to any of it.
↪he knew how important having a healing figure in your life would be, so he wanted to offer you a better time than whatever you faced before coming to the devildom. he also loves your rebellious behaviour and finds it very fun especially when you deny lucifer.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
Hi Astra, こんにちは!!, I saw that you are open for requests so I'm hoping you can do this one. I found you on Ao3 recently and I’m in love with your writing!!
Can I request an angst with a fluff ending of Ace and fem!Reader where reader is broken hearted for Ace not recognizing her love for him and always goes for other girls. They have a fight and reader gets mad and runs outside and in the heat of the moment, she was careless and got into an accident which she did not make it.
Time rewinds back to the moment she first met Ace (basically reader has a second chance in life but she does not start again at birth but starts again when she first met Ace). This time reader is over with Ace and tries to avoid him for a better life, but Ace’a attitude changes. He is pinning for her hard.
A fluff ending where Ace also remembers his past life and he was actually devastated and only realized his feeling after reader’s accident, which cause him to try hard for this second to make up for his mistake.
Thank you so much! It’s absolutely okay if you are not comfortable with this, I just want to give it a shot! I also hope this is not violating any of the rule you have (I double checked but I’m still scared) Best wishes to you and your writing blog!
Okay, so I have to split this into 2 parts because otherwise it would go over 2k words and I don't go over 2k words per piece unless it's a commission. There are reasons for that but that's not the point. Also! I love this trope! I've been reading some Korean webcomics (translated to english) that are along these lines and I absolutely f*#&ing love them! I've been trying to figure out how to write this idea forever! So thank you for sending this in!
Second Time Around
Warnings: death, Modern AU
Word Count: 1260
     Watching him flirt with more girls, you couldn’t help but feel your heart break more and more. He was always going for all these other girls, short flings or one night stands, but never something more. You’d loved him for some time, you knew you loved him. Not a crush, not some passing fancy, but love, actual love. The things you’d have done for him, the things you had done for him. Nothing illegal, mind you, but definately not things a person with a simple crush would have done. For the time, you’d just sought to be his friend, asked for nothing more than his friendship, but it was getting harder and harder to watch him flirt with all these women when you cared so much for him. The number of times you’d tried to tell him you loved him; the number of times you’d tried to get him to realize your feelings. But he didn’t, you’d done everything short of outright shouting that you loved him, but he just seemed to ignore you, ignore your feelings for him. Hell, you’d actually asked him out on a date, actual ‘will you go out on a date with me?’ His response? ‘Just a date between friends? Sounds great!’ Was he fucking dense? Did he do it on purpose? Turning away from the movie like scene, you wrapped your arms around you, glancing at other memories that surrounded you, lining either side of the glowing pathway you stood on. In your anger and heartbreak, you had been careless. Turning towards another scene, you let a few tears fall. Your last moments with him, shouting at each other, telling him how you really felt as you yelled at him. The look on his face when you’d told him. A mix of feelings in his eyes. Anger, annoyance, shock, confusion. Yet you didn’t see the one emotion you’d wanted to see. You didn’t see love. Compassion, longing, affection, anything that would have made things better or given you hope. The next ‘video’ was blurred; you knew why it was blurred. Your tears had obscured your vision as you ran out of the apartment, as you ran down the street. Maybe if you hadn’t been careless enough to run across a busy street, maybe if you had been paying more attention, you wouldn’t be in this situation. But you were. All you remembered was the sound of a horn, the sudden jolt, and the feeling of your feet leaving the ground. You didn’t remember pain, you didn’t remember hitting the asphalt, you didn’t remember the screams. Just a sound and suddenly you were here. Watching memories as you walked further along the path. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what had happened. Didn’t take a genius to figure out where you were. Was this the ‘life flashing before your eyes’ that people had described? Maybe when you were near death it happened faster. But you were dead dead. Not near dead.
     “Tch, how cliche. A girl dies shortly after getting her heartbroken. As she dies she swears that if she could do it over again, she wouldn’t fall in love with him again. Like something out of some stupid romance novel. But I’m not coming back to life, I don’t want to come back to life and I doubt anyone cares enough about me to bring me back.” you said sadly, arms still wrapped around yourself.
     “Are you saying you don’t want to try again?” a voice asked, drawing your attention. Looking over you saw what looked like a little boy, “Cause I could, you know? I could totally bring you back. You think there isnt someone who loves you enough? There is! Someone asked me to bring you back!” he said with a giggle. You looked at him in confusion, who was this little boy.
     “I thought Death was supposed to be some skeleton in a black robe with a scythe.” you scoffed, turning away from him, continuing down the glowing path.
     “Hehehe, you think I’m death? Of course I’m not death, silly. I’m da-da-da-DA! A PHOENIX!” the boy said, spinning around and striking a pose. You chuckled, the sound turning into a full on laugh at the boy.
     “A phoenix? Really? Like the mythical creature? Please, I may be dead, but I’m not gulliable. Besides, why would a phoenix be here for a dead girl? I thought phoenix’s came back to life, not brought people back to life.” you said, walking past the boy. Said boy huffed, floating after you, his arms crossed as he pouted.
     “Actually phoenix’s can do all sorts of things, but if people knew we could bring others back to life, they’d hunt us to extinction! Not that they didn’t try anyway. I guess the allure of immortality is just too great to ignore.” he said with a nonchalant shrug. You just rolled your eyes, the memories stopping but the path continuing onwards.
     “But I was saying, there’s someone who wants you back! I told them I’d bring you back! So are you sure you don’t want to go?” the boy asked, giving you a pleading look. The puppy dog eyes had you looking away, the boy looking persuasively cute.
     “I already said I didn’t. Why are you asking. Just tell the person who asked you that I said no.” you said, trying to ignore him.
     “Oh come on! Somebody loved you enough to try and bring you back to life! Doesn’t that mean something to you?” he asked, his hands behind his head as he floated on his back.
     “No. I already had to deal with that once, I’m not going through it again.” you said irritably, starting to walk faster. The boy sighed and shook his head, stopping and standing up.
     “Too bad, that makes my job soooo much harder.” he said, holding his hand up, palm facing towards you. You turned around, about to ask him what he meant when a flash of light blinded you. 
     Opening you eyes, you blinked a couple of times and looked around. The sun was shining in through a window, your window. You easily recognized where you were, you were back in your room, well, sort of. It was definately your room but not your room at your apartment. This was back when you were a teenager, back with your parents. Looking around, you tried to find your phone, your brow furrowing when you found it. You’d had the latest model, this was… old. You’d had this phone when you were 15 or 16. Eyes widening, you remembered what the boy had said. Scrambling out of bed, you sprinted down the hall to the bathroom, slamming the door behind you and looking in the mirror. You looked so young, like you had back then, like when you were a teenager. But that made no sense, you were in your early 20s, why did you look like this? Fumbling with your phone, you looked at the calendar, eyes nearly popping out of your head. This couldn’t be right! This… this had to be a mistake! It was the day you and Ace had met, you were 16 when you’d met. Meaning the girl staring back at you in the mirror. Swallowing hard, you walked back to your room, hoping you weren’t shaking. You hadn’t wanted it, but the boy had given you a second chance. But not just a second chance at life, finding yourself in a hospital room, but a second chance from the beginning… how… cliche. 
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vampirologist · 1 year
i mean i love spike but i’m obsessed with your metas and agree with most of your criticism of him
i see him as a stupid little guy who is shitty about being evil and shitty about being good but someone who doesn’t have those huge expectations that everyone has of buffy in those later seasons.
he’s an idiot who becomes obsessed with women who hate him consistently throughout his life/unlife and loads of spike lovers kinda ignore that this trait is a flaw that he is punished repeatedly
i think your deep understanding of angel actually makes you well equiped to discuss spike cause they’re so connected characterisation wise, like spikes constructed identity is a reflection of angelus you know
anyways, it sucks that people that like spike don’t understand that you’re not attacking him when you critique, literally every character in buffy deserves critical analysis cause they’re all more than what we like about them
WELL SEE I DO LIKE SPIKE IS THE THING! I just think he’s overrated and gets made into someone by fans when he isn’t textually like that. and it’s not even just on here I feel an issue ppl have with me is that I mention fan interpretation and they get stung bc that includes them when I take in consideration what I’ve seen on other sites like youtube. then angel gets flattened which frustrates me as he’s textually so so interesting if you actually look at his character. in fact I’ll see people attribute the positives of angel onto spike, and the negatives of spike onto angel. an example is angel was cursed to be good whereas spike fought to be good. it’s in fact textually SWAPPED as being ensouled does not equate to goodness (see literally any human villains) and angel sought out darla after getting ensouled- he wanted to try to get back to the life he knew but ultimately he couldn’t and was rejected. he had a pessimistic view of humans and did not really associate with them until whistler gave him the chance of having a positive and meaningful purpose of existence through assisting buffy. yes the ensoulment was a punishment but his life afterwards was filled with choices. which the voiceover by whistler in “becoming” emphasize this point. spike on the other hand had a chip implanted in his head that he had to adapt to. he begrudgingly assisted the scoobies because demon fighting helped scratch his itch to fight that was restricted because he couldn’t harm humans unless it caused him a great deal of pain. it’s practically a shock collar. furthermore, he was able to get blood and money from them as he no longer could feed from humans. and obviously this whole chip plotline was a justification for spike being on the show to fill in the space left by angel and cordelia. and then an instance of spike’s flaws being used against angel is I’ve seen people say the line wishverse buffy says to angel about wanting to get in her pants is so true when it’s like…. yeah angel was attracted to buffy but he repeatedly was like “we shouldn’t do this.” though he does goes along with it instead of stopping, they reciprocated their desire and buffy herself would initiate things (such as the first time they have sex in “surprise”, the kisses in “forever” and “end of days”/“chosen”!). and they literally only had sex once (sans “IWRY”) and he leaves her as he knows that they aren’t good for each other. you could argue it I guess bc of the angelus arc and taking her innocence, but to me that was using angel’s soul predicament and the current tropes he fell into and making them into relevant real life analogies (older sweet guy becomes a douche after having sex with you), complicating their dynamic instead of having them as the couple the show was seemingly heading towards and fans wanting- now there’s tragedy and trauma that effects them for the rest of their shows. it also made angel a more interesting character as I see angelus as the worst of humanity and then we see angel trying to be good despite the fact he has these capabilities and desires. whereas spike used buffy and her partners and sex life as a means of goading them (buffy, angel, riley) into getting upset. spike fantasized about buffy and sex to the point he had a sex robot made of her. and when they have their sexual relationship in s6, he further makes her feel dark and wrong for it by mentioning how her friends would be upset with her and insinuating she wanted it even when she would verbally say no (“dead things”). angel has his redemptive journey influenced by buffy, but I don’t think there’s necessarily the need to impress or win her over in the way spike did (like in “crush”). I would argue that’s trying to get into her pants lol
and yes exactly! spike is similar to xander or the trio regarding his approaches to women and really it’s not acknowledged much by spike fans imo he gets very very romanticized when he acts a lot like what we call now an incel but he gets pass because he’s charismatic, attractive, and a bad boy. but he has entitlement and a tendency of propping women he likes onto a pedestal, and blames them for him being rejected without being introspective (until it comes to buffy later on when he realizes that he has to get a soul like angel in order to be actually respected or loved by her). though I do also view spike as a foil of angel so obviously they have different approaches to things. that’s the point. they’re the same but they’re not type of deal.
sorry this message was very long but I appreciate this ask <3 I like to be reminded that people appreciate my takes and think I’m insightful instead of an asshole
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lance-space-mommy · 1 year
And the Room Falls Silent
For kids, turning four was the year that would make or break them. In a hero-based society, quirks dictated worth.
Izuku’s life was considered over the moment he was confirmed to be quirkless. After losing everyone who cared for him and being bullied by those he was close with for everything he said or did, Izuku shut down.
Izuku developed symptoms of a severe social phobia at the ripe age of six. Inko was shattered, watching as her brilliant and bright child faded away. Not only did she start getting reports from the school that Izuku wasn’t speaking at all, he no longer talked with her.
Midoriya pointed and shook his head to speak. With the silence, Izuku started to cry a lot more. Despite all of that, Izuku did technically speak every day. It was only one phrase. Inko could barely hear it with Izuku's face buried in her shoulder.
“I love you, Mom.”
Izuku never left the house and strayed far away from the playground after he returned home with bruises one eventful day. Inko didn’t want him to leave anyways. Inko felt better knowing he was safe at home. Even after Izuku went completely mute at six, he still had aspirations to become a hero. He continued his hobby of writing in his notebooks and buying All Might merchandise.
Izuku's shut-in habits carried on for the rest of elementary all the way through middle school. Izuku had no friends and he didn’t bother trying to pursue having a social life. Having no distractions allowed him to focus on school. He had the highest score in his class for a reason. He often tied with Katsuki for first place in terms of intelligence. Katsuki didn’t like that.
Even if Izuku admired Katsuki from afar, he never let his biggest bully notice. Izuku avoided Katsuki to the best of his ability. Even if Izuku made effort to stay away, Katsuki chased. He'd never admit it, but he stalked Izuku.
Katsuki hadn't planned on spying on Izuku in the beginning. He assumed Izuku was ignoring him to act higher than him. Then it turned into spying. It was a shock to Katsuki after following Izuku, to find seeing that he refused to speak to anyone. If necessary, he’d use sign language to convey a message or write it down.
Once it became clear to Katsuki that Izuku was mute and not ignoring him, the situation shifted a bit. Suddenly he waited for the moment when he'd hear Midoriya's voice again. He wanted to know if it deepened or if it was still high-pitched and girly. Soon it sank in that he'd most likely never hear Midoriya's voice again.
In most of their classes, when you were called on, you answered the question on the board. You didn’t have to really say it out loud unless it was necessary for the subject matter. Izuku was able to get through school with close to no problems. He endured the bullying and pushed forward.
Inko had done her best to help. She tried everything in the book: speech therapy and child psychologists, and she sought out a pediatrician. Not much could be done. She tried all the tricks they offered her: shaping, self-modeling, and the list goes on.
It became clear the trigger of it was bullying and the traumatizing experience he endured at the ripe age of four. His dreams were shattered and everyone turned their back on him at a time when he needed support the most.
Izuku did see a therapist to open up about his bullying, but still only ever used sign language. When Izuku was being confronted by his bullies (classmates and teachers) he never once spoke. He had no desire to be a part of the world that surrounded him. He enjoyed submerging himself in the quiet.
Despite the odds, Izuku managed to save Katsuki from the sludge villain and impress Toshinori. Izuku had spoken to Toshinori, feeling safe and excited enough to use his words. Just like that, Izuku was on his way to obtaining the most power quirk to currently exist.
Izuku built a really strong bond with Toshinori, discussing his life and how he was selectively mute. Toshinori was grateful Izuku opened up about his life. While Izuku dedicated ten months to training from U.A. Toshinori dedicated ten months to learning sign language. While he didn’t have to use it to speak to Izuku, he wanted to make it easy for Izuku to talk to him.
Izuku probably had no one in his life that he could easily talk to by using sign. Izuku most likely had to write everything out for people to understand. It wasn’t ideal when he was Izuku’s mentor.
Izuku makes it into U.A. High and kept to himself. On the first day Uraraka thanked Midoriya for saving her. Iida greeted Izuku, beyond impressed with Izuku’s bravery. Izuku made it known he was mute, but he could hear. While it didn’t make them hate him, it kinda created a barrier in terms of communication. Everyone was beyond nice, but Izuku didn’t really click with anyone.
Being the current wielder of One for All, Izuku took control of how to handle his quirk development. As a result, Izuku was more open with Aizawa. He explained that he didn’t have a lot of experience with his quirk. His body had to become strong enough to withstand the tole his quirk would have on him. Aizawa recognized that Izuku had spent his time preparing for his quirk since he couldn’t train something he legitimately couldn’t use.
Aizawa was the second person to earn Izuku’s trust. Izuku still didn’t say more than a few words and he didn't speak to Aizawa if others were present. No other teachers or students had heard Midoriya’s voice.
Kirishima and Todoroki were the first two to hear Midoriya’s voice out of the class. Katsuki was also there, but it was the first time he’d heard Izuku speak since he was six.
It was during the USJ attack. Izuku leaped into action to save Toshinori.
“You stupid villain!”
If it hadn’t been in the heat of the moment, the three would’ve been more surprised by him speaking rather than the fact Izuku was about to die. Katsuki was undeniably unnerved. He was so used to the idea of Izuku’s voice still being exactly how it was nine years ago. It really got to him when Izuku’s voice was significantly deeper and he sounded so angry you could hear the words ripping through his vocal cords.
Then the sports festival came around, it went smoothly at the start. Izuku won the first event, had a great group during the second event, and was now in the final event. Izuku was against Shinso first. Ojiro was very aware Izuku was mute, but he was now aware Izuku could speak if he chose to. After filling in Izuku about Shinso’s ability to brainwash a person once they speak, Izuku thanked Ojiro. It meant a lot to him for Ojiro to seek Midoriya out to help him.
When the round started, Shinso went on a tangent. Izuku listened but ignored the anger that brewed in his gut. Shinso may have been saying those things simply to provoke Izuku, but it was extremely disrespectful for his life story to be assumed by someone he never met before.
Izuku had to fight quirkless considering he could really hurt Shinso if he used his quirk. He couldn't control his output so there was a slim chance he could kill Shinso. So they duked it out. It didn’t take too long for Izuku to knock Shinso out of bounds.
When going against Todoroki, Izuku knew what he was dealing with. Todoroki had told Izuku about his reasons for not using his second quirk: fire.
Midoriya understood what Todoroki was feeling. The effects of how he was treated by being quirkless resulted in a long list of problems. Izuku couldn’t begin to imagine the effects abuse had on him, not to mention the dysfunctional family not providing any help.
Izuku saw past all of that and knew Todoroki needed help. While he wasn’t going to throw away the competition, he wasn’t going to let Todoroki struggle either.
Izuku found himself yelling at Todoroki. Izuku wanted to test the waters, but ultimately just had to push Todoroki’s buttons. Despite the pain both Todoroki and Izuku were enduring from their battle. This match was a lot more than just winning the sports festival.
Then came workplace internships to gain experience. Hosu was under attack and the Stain incident occurred. Izuku managed to become a “true hero” alongside All Might. It was impressive considering Izuku is the second person Stain has claimed to be a true hero. The situation brought Izuku, Todoroki, and Iida closer together.
When final exams rolled around, working with Katsuki to go against Toshinori was a strange situation. Katsuki was still beyond temperamental. Everyone knew the two didn’t along and Katsuki was still hostile towards Izuku. The fight was brutal and the two teens had their air knocked out of their lungs more times than they could count.
Izuku still had yet to speak directly to Katsuki. Katsuki overheard Izuku talking, but Izuku still hadn’t spoken to Katsuki. Imagine his surprise when he is punched in his puke-covered face by Izuku to hear his yelling.
“Don’t you dare say you’d rather lose!”
The final exams ended and summer arrived. Summer would've gone great yet their "summer vacation: went horribly wrong. The league of villains decided to ambush the teens.
Izuku hadn't spoken the entire trip until he was alone with Kota. He hated seeing Kota give up on the world just like he did. After all the child was only five. In hopes to change Kota’s fate, he spoke up.
“If you reject it that harshly, the only person getting hurt is yourself,” explained Izuku, patient with the kid who had an explosive personality like Katsuki.
While Kota didn’t react well to Izuku’s advice, he was enraptured by Izuku’s voice. When he kicked Midoriya in the balls, Mandalay shunned him but also revealed Midoriya was mute.
Muscular appears and he is out for blood. Muscular tried to kill Kota and Izuku was not going to let it happen. In a fit of panic and rage, Izuku screamed out. Seeing Kota use his quirk in desperation ignited a fire in him.
“As if… I’d let you kill him!”
Not even moments later, Katsuki was kidnapped and in the midst of despair, Izuku couldn’t stop the scream that echoed through the forest. That also didn’t stop his scream that conjoined with the crowds in the final battle between All Might and All for One. It seemed as if the world was coming back together just to fall apart again.
During the provisional hero license exam, Izuku once again had to scream. It was targeted at Todoroki and Yoarashi for almost getting Shindo killed.
“Dammit! What are you two doing!”
Izuku’s blunt choice of words helped the two get their asses back into order and focus on the mission at hand. Soon enough the provisional hero license exam ended and the results were in.
While Todoroki and Katsuki were away for their required remedial course, Izuku would face his biggest battle yet. Alongside the big three, a handful of his classmates, and some pro heroes, Izuku was to rescue a wonderful girl name Eri and help defeat the villain Overhaul.
Izuku was a lot more vocal in this fight for Eri’s sake. Despite his mind holding him back at the thought of others hearing, he shut it down and kept his focus on Eri. Nothing matter except saving Eri. Calling out to Eri was the most freeing and horribly exhilarating thing.
After recovery and returning back to school, it was time to prepare for the school festival. For a bit, things were perfect. Izuku could fall back into the shadows and relax. He didn’t have to speak and could enjoy time with Mirio and Eri.
Eri was amazed that Izuku was selectively mute. That meant she was super special for Izuku to have spoken to her. Izuku was fond of her reaction, flashing her a bright smile.
One weekend class 1-A wanted to go to the mall. Aizawa decided it was also the perfect time to show Eri the outside world. Eri stuck with Izuku, missing him from not seeing him much after the school festival.
Todoroki and Katsuki for some odd reason were the two that wandered around Izuku. You could blame their curiosity on Eri. She was stuck on his hip yet they had no idea how she knew Izuku. The mission Izuku was a part of was confidential.
Things never went smoothly with class 1-A. Aizawa had taken Eri for a bit while Izuku went to the bathroom. Despite his keen eye, Aizawa lost Eri. Izuku knew something fishy was happening. The last time he was in the mall, he was attacked by Shigaraki.
Half of the class stayed inside the mall while the other half was to observe the outside in case she wandered off far. Izuku, Todoroki, and Katsuki are stationed outside. Izuku was on the top floor of the mall, running around on the catwalk.
Izuku has no clue where to look or what to do. The panic settled in and people were everywhere. While everything in his head is screaming at him to return to the quiet and retreat, Izuku talked a deep breath and calls out into the world.
Izuku was turning around in circles, his mind reeling at the fact she could be anywhere. Todoroki and Katsuki heard Izuku call out and started head over. While they were trying to get to Izuku, Izuku spotted something out of the ordinary.
A car was approaching. Whoever was at the wheel drove sporadically. Taking a look at the diver, he immediately recognized the man as a villain. Seeing no one was in the car, Izuku went to work.
Stepping onto the railing, Izuku jumped off and down a level. Izuku ran forward, launching himself down the building. Once reaching the ground, Izuku landed right before the speeding car. Katsuki was blasting his way over, screaming for Izuku to get out of the way. From his view, the driver was now trying to swerve out of the way, but they weren’t going to make it.
Todoroki was sending out ice, trying to build an ice barrier between Izuku and the car. Despite their worries, Izuku had it under control. Izuku turned away from the car, drew back his leg, and t-boned the car with a single kick.
Katsuki and Todoroki stilled, seeing Izuku demolish the car with ease. When the two caught up to Izuku, they soon realized this was going to be the getaway driver. Moments later Aizawa alerts everyone Eri was found and the villain was arrested. Todoroki informs Aizawa about what happened and another police officer was sent their way.
Izuku and Eri were reunited. Eri jumped into Izuku’s arms and Izuku rested her on his hip. When the police came for a statement, Izuku grabbed a pen and wrote it down. He was not in the mood to talk.
Todoroki had no problem with Izuku’s silence and sighed to himself. “I thought you were going to die back there.”
“Yeah! What the hell was that nerd! Trying to get yourself killed?” shouted Katsuki.
Izuku smirked at the two before shrugging and walking away with Eri. While Katsuki was left standing there with a pissed frown, Todoroki mindlessly followed after his friend with a smile.
Silence was a bitch.
The end!
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doggonewhumper · 10 months
"Seriously, I'm Fine"
made using @whumpprentice 's sickfic wheel
Reyna knew she wasn't supposed to be here.
She was walking down the stairs to the dungeons, a cloak wrapped around her shoulders to ward off the chilly air. She knew a mage had been captured, and she wanted to see them. Why? She didn't know. She just felt some sort of... connection to the poor mage. She would never know what the feeling was unless she sought it out, so there she was, disobeying the biggest rule she was given - don't go into the dungeons. She knew that her brother was just trying to protect her; she was always sick and weak, and there were dangerous criminals held underneath the castle. Despite this, she still wandered the cell-lined halls, peaking into each one. She didn't know what she would do when she found the mage, but that didn't matter to her. Not yet.
"What's a little girl doing in a place like this?" one prisoner jeered. She made a face and ignored him. Yes, she was small, but she was no child!
She continued searching until she found a cell with an injured person. They were wrapped in bloody bandages, lying on the floor facing away from the door. They had long hair that was spread out on the floor. Somehow, she knew this was the mage.
"Hello? Um, hello?" Reyna whispered. The mage stirred, turning to face her. Their eyes widened when they saw her, but they didn't say anything.
"Hi! Um, are you... or rather, do you want something to eat?" she asked softly. The mage sat up slowly, wincing, and nodded, still not speaking. Reyna pulled an apple out of the pouch on her belt and held it out. Her slim wrist easily fit in between the bars of the cell. The mage crawled over hesitantly. "It's okay, I promise," she soothed. The mage reached out slowly. About an inch from the apple, their hand quickly latched on to her wrist, making her drop the apple. They pulled so that her body and head slammed into the bars. Her cry echoed against the stone walls of the dungeon.
"I'm not stupid. You won't poison me!" the mage yelled. They let go of her arm, and she cradled her wrist to her chest. They took the apple and threw it at her. It hit the cell bars, but she still flinched away as it hit close to her face.
"No, no! It's not poisoned!" Reyna cried out, teary-eyed. Before she could say more, footsteps and the clanking of armor echoed down the hall. Her brother, Roman, and a couple other guards ran up to her, weapons drawn.
"Reyna!" Roman called. He grabbed her and held her close, glaring at the mage.
"I'm fine!" Reyna said. She struggled against her brother as he held her head to his chest, trying to see the mage again. "Seriously, I'm fine!"
Roman didn't respond, scooping her up in his arms and carrying her out of the dungeons. She struggled at first, but she quickly resigned herself to being carried, shaking like a leaf. The last thing she heard was a cell door opening, a snap, and a scream.
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fandoms-in-law · 10 months
Moments in a Bankrupt School
Summary: A few scenes of how Kelly and Annabelle became friends through the first films plot enough that their glances and understanding of each other in the second film makes sense
“So what're the bets at now?” Annabelle sighed. She'd grabbed her bedding and bags to sleep in what seemed to be an unused room from the dust in it, but somehow wasn't surprised when Kelly showed up.
The internet broadcast made it obvious there were hidden cameras everywhere, added by her fellow students. And waiting for Kelly to say some assertion about getting her back to the dorm wasn't on Annabelle's to do list, neither would be following that if it was still said.
“Settled. You're not likely going anywhere.” Kelly stated, smirking at the glare shot her way. “Now the bets are on when your old man dies and whether its you or Miss Fritton that does it.”
“I have more subtlety than that. Aunty just ignores him unless he barges in.” Annabelle countered, rolling her eyes. “Are you actually here for a reason?”
Kelly glanced around the room, leaning against the door frame. “Pretty sure your aunt would get annoyed if I shirked Head Girl duties by not checking your chosen camp was safe. It's not one any of the other girls have opted for as places to hide.”
“Seems about as low rent as this place was in their bargaining.” Annabelle scoffed.
“Does your dad put money into anything other than that art gallery of his?” The question was said in a disbelieving laugh.
Annabelle didn't reply, turning away and focusing again on setting her bed up. She pretended not to notice Kelly sweeping the area and checking a few of the chemical bottles that identified the room as once being a science lab.
“A cannibal, huh? You should've played that up, left Thwaite's terrified her name calling is actually true.” Kelly commented.
Annabelle glanced over at her, returning to whacking the air with her hockey stick. Bursar wasn't ready to start the match and none of the St Trinians team actually wanted to do a pep talk, too busy preparing their methods of cheating. “Yeah, how do you suggest I do that at a school like Cheltenham? Pretty sure they'd expel someone for sharpening their teeth.”
Kelly snickered, “Discuss the recipes you might use Thwaites in and why she'd a make horrible meal not even the starving should have, but you'd choke it down anyway to be certain she's revealed as nothing but the shit she is.”
“She already failed any class that got too close to cooking or chemistry. Wouldn't have a clue if I was making sense or not.”
They didn't joke any more as Bursar called for attention and got promptly knocked out.
Kelly was sat with Polly when Annabelle sought her out.
She could tell something had been said or decided among the girls by the sudden school trip getting arranged but hadn't been told what. Rather she'd been told that she should have been there and they'd expected her to be against her daddy's ideas.
It explained nothing and Annabelle didn't feel like explaining that she'd wanted to talk to Miss Fritton about her disappointment in her father, maybe thank her aunt for sticking up for her. At least not to the girls that hadn't been trying to get to know her at all, just assuming the mousey exterior and occasional snobbiness was all there was to her.
Basically she wanted to talk to Kelly about it, and find out just what all this planning was about.
“So do we just expect there to be an award given for returning it when we steal it? This painting is big, but we have no art collector connections.” Polly was quietly asking, not realising the girls gesturing for her to shut up, or Annabelle's presence behind them.
“Except you do. My father. If Flash can play the role of an elusive art dealer then he'd be able to sell just about anything to him. What are we stealing?” Annabelle said, taking the seat next to them, and making both Kelly and Polly jump.
Poly frowned, but Kelly nodded slowly. “This is 'The Girl with the Pearl Earring' so it'll be big news when its stolen, but I'd really prefer to get extra money so Miss Fritton doesn't leave the Head Girl in another couple years dealing with this all over again.”
“I don't think that's what happened. I'll talk to her again.” Annabelle nodded.
“Wait, again?” Kelly blinked, fully turning away from Polly's computer now.
She got another nod in reply. “Yes. I wanted to see if Dad has always been like that.”
“Bet that was an evening, not quite as mad as our planning though.” Polly stated, “Do you really think he'd fall for that? What art collector should Flash claim to be?”
Kelly looked smug as Annabelle settled into planning the heist with them, soon moving away to start making the fact file on Gerhard Von Strubel.
“I shouldn't have assumed you'd snitched.” Kelly interrupted Annabelle's makeover with the geeks to say that, smiling when instead of replying Annabelle focused on posing for these pictures.
Sitting back down for the emos to start that makeover Annabelle just nodded. “You shouldn't have, but this has got you that extra money for the school. Even got you an explanation over why the school got into such a state too.”
“I'm doing the final makeover for you.” Kelly added, backing off as Andrea moved in with eye liner.
The cheering from the St Trinians girls carried on far longer than the show did, and was far more disruptive than the people working on the show expected as well. It had to be and Annabelle was sure one of the other girls was telling them to keep cheering while those of them not already in the audience figured out how to get Kelly and Miss Fritton to either side of the balconies they hung between.
She could only assume as the handset wasn't connecting to actually check in now Verity Thwaites had been dumped beside the Cheltenham bus and she'd diverted on the way back in noticing Taylor and Andrea still looking nervous.
“Kelly, you need to grab this so we can pull you over.” Annabelle stated, clicking twice to get the head girl's attention and gesturing to throw it before doing so.
Once both Kelly and her Auntie were back, secure on the landing the 4 girls and head teacher hurried out, listening to the noise from the audience below finally quiet down. “You weren't down there why?” Kelly asked as they ran.
“Thwaites Junior. Whacked the walkie into her head as she tried to make me race after her. Dumped her at their bus and noticed these two struggling to figure out what to do.” Annabelle explained, getting everyone laughing as they got into their trailer just before the art gallery doors opened for the rest of the girls to pour out.
“Definitely a Fritton!” Miss Fritton called out, laughter piercing through the night but Kelly shook her head.
“No Miss. Annabelle is a St Trinian through and through, more than you I'd say.” She corrected, getting more laughter in response.
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burnwater13 · 1 year
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Grogu thought about Captain Lang’s words. Well, he really thought about his dad telling him what the mercenary had said. While the Mandalorian and Ahsoka Tano were fighting Morgan Elsbeth and Lang’s droids, Grogu had been safe and sound in the Razor Crest. 
He didn’t think that the captain had been telling the truth given the way things had ended for him. They had ended with him being cold and Din Djarin being the owner of a very shiny beskar spear. That usually didn’t happen with a Mandalorian unless there was a quarrel and Mandalorians worked hard at not losing quarrels like that. 
Since Captain Lang was no longer a threat to either one of them, Grogu allowed himself to feel a tiny bit smug. He’d thought that the Captain was trouble from the moment he laid eyes on him and didn’t understand why the Mandalorian was so polite to him. It was clear that Lang was helping the Magistrate hold people against their will and harm them.
Grogu really didn’t like people like that. Of course, he didn’t like the Magistrate either. She gave off distinctly Sithy vibes and Grogu had never met a person yet who seemed like a Sith and turned out to just be an everyday person who other people just took an instant dislike to. Never.
Grogu had hoped that his dad was going to let him go along with him and help Ahsoka Tano and protect him from the Magistrate/Sith lady. He actually hadn’t worried about protecting the Mandalorian from Captain Lang. Why would he? Guys like Lang had to be a dime a dozen in the course of bounty hunting. 
They either hired hunters to help them track down their own prey, like the Magistrate had tried with hunting Ahsoka Tano, or they simply let the hunters do the dirty work for them. Being encapsulated in carbonite when no one was ever going to de-freeze you was the same as being dead. Sure, they take delivery, pay off the hunter, and then leave the carbonite slab wherever it lands. Horrifying, but true.
Grogu knew that his dad didn’t put up with stuff like that. After all, he’d left Gor Koresh hanging upside down from a lamp post in the dark. At least the mob boss had a chance of freeing himself. He probably hadn’t accomplished that, but then he shouldn’t have tried to take the Mandalorian’s beskar. That was another thing that Lang had noticed. Din Djarin’s armor. 
That should have told him not to mess with the Mandalorian. It was shiny. It was pretty complete. It was made by Mandalorians. Sure, you might be able to crush Mandalore by putting the full weight of an Empire behind your cause, but individual Mandalorians were resourceful and as long as they had their beskar they were the most dangerous person in the room, or the city, or on the planet. Lang was a man of the galaxy. He should have realized that. 
But Grogu knew that people just had to test their limits. See if they were good enough, fast enough, smart enough, whatever enough to get the better of another person. He supposed that this was what had happened with Lang. 
Lang must be pretty good if a Sithy Magistrate had hired him. The Sith liked to take advantage of people who were ambitious and trying to prove themselves. Bring them close, give them the hard work to complete, and then abandon them when it was convenient. Lang hadn’t been abandoned and that said a lot about his skills.
He also wasn’t the best hunter in the Outer Rim. That was Grogu’s dad. His dad knew that Lang and the Magistrate didn’t understand the situation they had found themselves in. They were trying to fight a Jedi with a Mandalorian. But Din Djarin hadn’t been raised on Mandalore. Until he met Grogu, he’d never even met a Jedi. He wasn’t carrying around the weight of a long history of fighting between the two groups.  The Mandalorian had sought out the Jedi for help. 
From their very first meeting, Lang and the Magistrate misunderstood what was going to happen when they ignored the Mandalorian and Grogu knew that. They should have tried to collect more information. They should have asked themselves critical questions. Like, why was it safe for a Mandalorian to be outside of the walls of the city, when their own men were being cut down by a Jedi, almost routinely? 
But they hadn’t asked the question and when it was answered they couldn’t handle the truth. Grogu expected that happened to the Sithy types a lot. You had to be honest with yourself, because a Mandalorian was always willing to end a quarrel, even if that meant you wound up cold.
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kauma-kardia · 2 years
Ly’Bai “Iris” Daraen
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Age: 22
Specialty: Ambient Energy Manipulation
Daughter of Robin & Lon'Qu from FE: Awakening. Usable for any verse as an extension of original canon. 
Classes: Swordmaster, Mortal Savant, Strategist
Her World
This version of Iris came from the future but instead happened to show up after the events of Fire Emblem: Awakening. Coming from a ruined future, she was the second child born to the couple of Robin and Lon'Qu in the future. Her father Lon'Qu had retreated to Regna Ferox with his two children after attempts to reach his wife failed on multiple attempts, not powerful enough to overcome the beast, even while fighting alongside the West-Khan. 
 When Basilio fell in battle, Lon'Qu took to prioritizing the well being of Ly'Bai and her older brother Marc in the familiar territory of Regna Ferox. That is until a coup against Flavia broke out when she assumed temporary control of both East and West territories following Basilio's death. Despite turning down the position himself, Lon'Qu refused to let a ruler take the stage unless they could defeat him in one-on-one combat, distraught by his constant losses of loved ones but recognizing the need for strong leadership. 
Flavia was silent in her admission or support of Lon'Qu's actions, but that left her in power all the same. Seeing as no-one could defeat the lone fighter, a complete overturning of the current government left those two in particularly under hot water. His last act as their father was pushing Marc and Iris to flee and seek out refuge with the remnants of the Shepherds as there was no other place he could safely send them on short notice. 
 When they finally met up with the next generation of Shepherds, Yllise was far worse off than it had ever been. Marc had known, but Iris was always shielded from the fact that the Fell Dragon incarnated from their mother. And being too young to see front-lines battle up until that point, was ignorant of that fact until she made it back in time with Lucina and the others had simply hoped that their actions could prevent Grima’s awakening altogether. 
Her Story
Like the others, Iris made the jump into the past but was unable to Her leap through time was shoddy in its time frame, much like Laurent's. Though in her case, she wasn't sent back far enough. Instead of arriving in time to prepare and help stop Grima, young 14 year old Iris arrived shortly after its defeat, much to her shock. Granted, she was already the youngest amongst her peers at the time, but seeing everyone now years older than she had last witnessed them, and to hear that they had already come to defeat the Fell Dragon was at the cost of her own mother was devastating. 
The news didn't sit well with the girl who hardly had any memories of her mother to begin with. Having lived through her time, just to come short of being use to her mother, or even getting to meet her. There was a slew of feelings that she didn’t know how to process, but it would not be long before she would try to learn as much as she could about the Dragon's origin as it was her own lineage as well. 
As part of the global search issued by Chrom, Iris would travel far with Nah and her brother, assisting him in his recollection of his old memories on their way toward Mount Prism to seek council of Naga at Tiki’s recommendation. Once there, the Great Divine Dragon would issue them a quest that would help to bring back their mother independent of the fell dragon's influence. Their collective feelings for their lost mother would help act her tether to the physical realm as they sought the last remaining pieces of Grimleal Artifacts and a means to purify them and Robin’s twisted soul, divorced from the curse Forneus wrought upon the land. 
Nah’s Classes: Manakete, Witch, Sage
Marc’s Classes: Grandmaster, Dread Fighter, Dark Bishop
The three would first travel to Chon’sin in order to seek out a blessed Kinshi, with control over fire and the feathers that would shone even in the pitch black darkness. A giant bird was stated to live at the lake south of the Demon’s Ingle, and upon passing its trials, the three were gifted Phoenix Feathers, capable of countless enchantments and purification rituals. Now having obtained the purifying element, they’d need a physical embodiment of the beast. 
Their theory that it should be impossible given that Robin gave her all to ensure there was no way for the Fell Dragon to reincarnate, but Naga ensured her that there still lived a piece of proof that the demon’s power remained: The Demon Ring once used by the first rulers of the Valmese Empire in the days when it was still known as Valentia.
The siblings were urged to visit Valm, often reporting back to Chrom and Lon’Qu, who was busy now raising their current selves. Seeking out his research amongst their royal archives after earning the respect of Walhart. Through him, they learned of the Thabes Labyrinth, where they were shocked to find it still held Risen and at it’s heart, a sentient Deadlord by the name of Zodiark, the undead alchemist Forneus and holder of the Demon Ring. 
After having been killed by the by his creation, the Fell Dragon, he fought for his sanity through the Death Mask he placed over himself in his final moments. He shared his conscious with the generations of thanatophages that have lived and died in his unrotting corpse over the eons in order to continue his experiments and find a way to revive himself. One of his theories is that in order to recreate new life from the ashes of old, he would need to set himself ablaze and utilize the Phoenix Feather, which the three travelers happen to have on them. 
So close to both of their goals, Iris, Morgan and Nah wielding the Book of Naga clashed with the alchemist of legend, Demon Ring in tow utilizing unfamiliar magics and offensive alchemy. In the end, the trio would take the day, end Forneus’ efforts and would take the spoils back to so that they could perform the rite and end the delay on Robin’s reincarnation.
After a year's time from the onset of their journey, Chrom would hear the voice of Naga guide them to the field where their fight to save the world began. And with a strange sense of deja vu, he would reach to pull their friend up with the same warning he would have hoped that'd taken to hear by now. "There are better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know."
Present Day
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Since the return of her mother, Iris has been off studying more about the Fell Dragon as well as the other experiments that their creator had been up to. She stopped to get proper tutelage in magics, focussing on Anima Magics before continuing her studies on the divine dragons, gods, ancient races, and sources of power, and sometimes following Issea, her mother's pupil, or dragging him around for her expeditions or going to see other worlds alongside him.
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mercy-burning · 3 years
Page Turner
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: Y/N becomes a little impatient while Spencer is reading... Category: SMUT (18+) Content: Thigh riding, thigh fucking, cum play Word Count : 2.5k
NOTE: this is just FILTH FILTH FILLLTHHHHH, and it was supposed to be a blurb but i got kinda carried away so it’s a little longer than that... so enjoy your porn with no plot 😊😂 And shoutout to @broken-stardust for beta-ing this for me!! we originally talked about the idea for this fic months ago, so i’m glad you finally got to see it ❤
She was in the mood for a little trouble.
Well, it was more like she was in the mood for a good fuck, but at the moment, with Spencer's strong desire to finish this incredibly long book series he'd just discovered, the mood for trouble came as more of a... fun little footnote that would most certainly add to the experience she was looking for.
So she strode up to Spencer, who was sitting comfortably on the couch with his book open and his glasses perched cutely on the tip of his nose, and straddled herself on his right leg wearing nothing but a pair of thin cotton underwear and a t-shirt.
"Hey," she said, low and seductive as she planted a wet kiss into his neck. Her hands clutched his shirt, willing herself to be closer and with every intention of him putting the book down and paying her some attention.
Either he truly wasn’t in the mood, or he was teasing her.
"Hey," is all he responded with, clipped and distant. His eyes scanned the pages, albeit slower than usual due to the woman clinging herself to him and begging for attention.
"You've been reading all weekend," Y/N half-whined, pressing herself into him and attaching her lips to his neck again. "Can't you at least take a little break?"
"It won't take me long to finish this book, and then we can, okay?"
She knew it was fair. It was more than fair, actually, but that didn't help the fact that she was still incredibly horny, and if she took care of it herself, it wouldn't have been enough. Maybe that was selfish, but she didn't care.
So she whined for real this time, more like a disappointed child, as she gripped his shirt and pulled herself closer to him. "Spencer..."
She expected him to warn her, to tell her to wait or something—anything—but instead he opted for the exact opposite.
He did nothing.
Y/N promptly decided that wasn't the correct response and rolled her hips, grinding down on his leg for friction. Her tongue drew a messy line up the side of his neck as she circled her hips and sought out the stimulation she so desperately wanted. And at the way his body tensed under her, obviously wanting the same things but holding out in favor of restraint, she knew her plan was close to working.
So she let out a long, content sigh and tangled her fingers in his hair, tugging it gently and continued to ride his thigh, moving quicker and harder with each second as she felt her body start to unravel. Her lips attached to his neck and mumbled all sorts of little noises that should have gotten him to fucking do something...
And still, even as she felt herself cling to him and her body recover from a short (and quite frankly unsatisfying) orgasm, Spencer remained in his position, still flipping pages in that godforsaken book.
"Spencer," Y/N grunted. She was exasperated, and strongly hoping that she wasn't giving him any satisfaction in her need for attention.
However, instead he seemed a little defensive. "Wh—You're distracting me! I can't finish the book as quickly if you're distracting me..."
"Fine," she sighed, peeling herself away from him and trying one last thing to get him to submit.
Y/N slid the underwear off her legs and tossed it gently at his face, watching it fall into his lap in front of the book.
Still nothing. His eyes roamed the pages, and he was clearly highly invested in whatever story was written on them. And god damn it if he still wasn't the cutest thing she'd ever seen.
So she slunk back to the bedroom and plopped herself down on the bed with only a t-shirt, laying down and crossing one leg over the other. And when she tossed her head to the side with a sigh, she noticed the other books in Spencer's current interest scattered along his side of the bed.
Well, I'm not particularly in the mood anymore, and there's really nothing else to do...
"Why the fuck not," Y/N sighed, reaching out and fishing for the book that had the number 1 printed on the spine.
With the final paragraphs of the story swimming through his brain, the book settled closed and neatly on the cushion beside him, Spencer looked down at his lap and noticed the bundle of cotton sitting there, next to a small damp spot on his pants where his girlfriend had been just under a half hour earlier.
He felt bad, ignoring her like that. It was hard resisting her when she was literally there, in his lap and getting herself off on his leg. And while he could practically hear Morgan in the back of his mind, telling him with disappointment in his voice, "It doesn't matter how important you think something is, that is always gonna be the most important thing,"... Spencer really couldn't help it. The book was so good he couldn't put it down. Not even for sex.
And now that he'd finished, he was focusing on what his brain decided it couldn't handle before, remembering her wet, hot breath on his neck and her fingers tangled in his hair as she rode his thigh, begging him for attention.
He was feeling guilty.
And he was going to spend the whole rest of the weekend making it up to her. He swore it, no matter who called, no matter what came up, he wasn't going to pay any attention to it unless it was his girlfriend's limbs tangled with his.
His hand reached for the book so he could return it with the others, but he thought better of it, wondering if Y/N would say anything. Instead, he figured walking in empty-handed and announcing how he was ready to give her his undivided attention for the rest of eternity if she'd let him would be a better option.
Spencer was feeling good about his decision, but when he opened the bedroom door and saw her, he felt even worse about ignoring her.
Because there she was, one foot pressed flat into the mattress and the other crossed over her knee, exposing her bare cunt to the world as she held a book in her hands. She looked statuesque and absolutely delectable, and he'd turned her down for a book he could have easily finished tomorrow morning.
Oh, he was definitely going to make it up to her...
"H—Hey, babe," he got out, trying to get her attention like she hadn't already heard the squeaky door open.
"Hey," she responded, similar in tone to how he'd answered the same greeting earlier, and it made his stomach turn.
Was she doing it on purpose?
Spencer took cautious steps towards her, stepping around the bed and clearing off the books scrambled on his side so he could take their place. "What are you reading?"
Rather than speaking, she tilted the book so he could see the cover and then returned to her position, eyes scanning the pages, and he couldn't tell if she was doing it to mess with him or if she was truly invested.
"Okay... Well, um... I'm finished now, i—if you wanted to, um..."
When Y/N finally took her eyes off the pages, she looked at him up and down as he sat on the bed... She took in his apologetic eyes, the slight pout on his lips that she could never resist...
And then she resisted him. Sort of.
"Eh, sure. Just let me finish this chapter first."
She sounded utterly bored.
And once again, Spencer wasn't sure if it was genuine or if she was just doing it to get back at him. But either way, it made him feel bad about before. He wanted to respect her wishes, grant her the time to finish reading just as she'd granted it to him... But he also wanted to make sure she knew just how sorry he was.
"Oh... Okay." He laid down next to her and watched her face as she read, her eyes occasionally blinking, mimicking the butterflies in his stomach at the sight before him. Even if she was mad at him, she was still absolutely stunning, and he was never going to take it for granted.
His fingers reached out to brush some of the hair from her eyes so he could see her better, and despite herself, she smiled a little, gently leaning into his touch.
That's my way in...
"I'm really sorry, Y/N... For ignoring you. I was just really caught up in the book and I—"
"Babe, it's fine," she dismissed, like it wasn't ever a big deal in the first place. "Trust me, I totally get it now. This is so good..."
As soon as she finished speaking, her eyes were roaming the words again, her bottom lip tucking gently between her teeth as she turned a page.
Oh... so she wasn't just messing with me, then...
Spencer's eyebrows raised and he sighed a little, truly unsure where to go from here. "Oh... Well... I'm glad you like it?"
She hummed, barely acknowledging him, and it amused him to his very core. So much so that he couldn't help but lean forward to kiss her cheek out of habit. And when she scrunched her nose, barely brushing off his touch, he started feeling a bit more devious. So he kissed her again, this time on the jaw, and then again and again trailing down her neck. And he stayed there, sucking small marks into her skin while she remained in her position.
He remembered what he saw when he opened the door, and the thoughts swirling around in his head begged him to utilize it.
He really wanted to be polite and let her finish reading... But also...
Spencer shifted, leaving the bed only to return on the other end, with no pants as he crawled up in between her legs on his knees. Seeing as she wasn't going to move her legs at all, he settled for running his hands gently over them, tracing every dip and curve they took, all the way down to the back of her thigh, which was out and exposed as it was aiding in resting her ankle over her other knee.
When he got close to her exposed pussy, she shivered a little. "You're distracting me..."
The obvious teasing that laced her words sent a smile to his lips. He couldn't see her face for a moment, but then she angled the book down and peered over it, giving him eyes that challenged, Do it and see what happens...
So, without breaking eye contact, Spencer gently ran his finger along the opening of her wet cunt and watched as she flung the book back up to her face, hiding it from view. He played with her clit for a while, circling it gently with his thumb while his middle finger slowly slipped in and out of her.
Y/N whined. "That's not fair... At least when I was interrupting you, I didn't try to give you a handjob..."
Spencer hummed in agreement, removing his fingers from her and bringing them to his lips. "Hmm, I suppose you're right..."
So how am I going to make it even...
He took his dick out of his underwear then, holding it in his hand and resisting the urge to slip it inside of her. Instead, he settled for the small gap between her thighs, a whine escaping him once he realized it was nowhere near the amount of stimulation he'd get from anything else.
His hips snapped forward urgently as he chased some form of release, frustrated at how it felt good, but not nearly good enough.
"Not so fun, is it?" Y/N sang, flipping a page amusedly once he'd let out another exasperated whine.
"What's to stop me from just fucking you?" he hissed, gripping her legs and trying his hardest to be patient.
"You won't... Because you won't learn your lesson otherwise."
Now she was messing with him. She was punishing him for ignoring her, and he breathed a laugh, knowing he should have seen it coming. But he wasn't going to argue with her, not when he was well and truly aware that he deserved this.
Still, it didn't make it any easier.
Spencer's whimpering increased tenfold, though, once she took a little pity on him and squeezed her legs tighter, giving him more friction and bringing him closer to the edge.
"O—oh my g—od..."
It happened so fast. One second he was relieved at this new wave of pleasure and the next he was pulled underneath it, his lower half tensing, pulsing, and burning hot. God, she was warm... And wet, and tight, but in a completely different way than normal, and it all was too much.
Her thighs and lower stomach were covered in cum, and that thought alone was enough to keep him going. He was overstimulated and probably should have refrained, but the silky, warm skin of her thighs just felt so good gliding over his dick, he just couldn't.
By now, Y/N had completely tossed the book aside, watching in awe as Spencer seemed unaware of her actions. His eyes were shut tightly, so focused on coming again, and the head of his cock peeked out through the gap in her thighs with every thrust forward, glistening and nearly red...
And then he was coming again, and she watched as the milky substance spilled out over her skin. A strand of it dripped slowly down the front of her left thigh, and the sight made her whine.
Spencer opened his eyes then, an overwhelming kernel of love and adoration blooming through his chest as he watched her watch him.
And then everything slowed.
He shoved the book off the bed and laid down beside her, looking down to admire his work.
"Fuck," is all he said, in one huff.
He was clearly pleased with himself, a fact which made Y/N beam. "Oh, you like that, huh?"
With a vigorous nod, he reached a hand out to spread some of the mess around, his fingers gliding slowly and softly over the planes and curves of her still-crossed legs.
"We have to do that again... Though, I could do without the 'you punishing me' part..."
Y/N let out a laugh, grabbing his wrist and bringing his fingers to her mouth. She darted her tongue out to taste, slowly dragging the tip along the underside of his middle finger before taking it fully in her mouth.
"Don't give me a reason to punish you, then," she quipped back after letting his finger go with a soft pop and tilting her head to look at him.
That look in her eyes, the one that always gave him butterflies, elicited another heavy nod.
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novasdarling · 3 years
Feitan makes you accompany him in another one of his travels little does the reader know where they are both headed is freezing cold and the reader has no sweater or any clothing that could make them warm and feitan knows this, & the reader is cold as a mf, so the reader's only option is to cuddle up with Fei (which was his whole plan)
Sure! He would, he's not the best with his words so he's gotta find a different way to get what he wants.
Sweaters Please
TW: Kidnapping Mentioned, Torture Implied, Manipulation, Female reader in mind when writing.
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It was best to ignore what Feitan did for a living, what he did for the troupe. It was easier to ignore the screams that echoed through the house from the basement when he brought work home. It was truly the only way to keep your sanity. Cover your ears and try to fall asleep. That was the best decision if you wanted to remain sane, remain as yourself. Pretend the man who kidnapped you wasn't a floor away torturing someone to death. That he was then going to come to seek your company with fresh blood littering his clothes.
It was like that for months, clinging to your sanity. Trying to keep it, is the only thing you still had from your old life. You couldn't lose it. Not to him.
It was rough the first bit, the screams of pain had almost driven you to madness. The loneliness you felt, as Feitan was rarely seen. He was usually home, but he tended to stay out of your sight the first few weeks. Only making contact with you when he wished to be noticed. Unless you had done something wrong. It was sad to say that the space he offered you made you adjust to your new arrangements. Even show some relief when you saw him home, knowing you weren't alone anymore. Questions ran through your head of why he would kidnap you then hide for so long. It didn’t matter why he did what he did, by the time he made himself visible regularly you were lonely and desperate for some company. Something he took advantage of.
The two of you lived side by side, mainly as awkward roommates in the beginning. Trying to find a way to exist that didn’t upset him. Taking on daily tasks that he asked while he watched. Watching as you cleaned, as you cooked, even as you enjoyed the few movies he had brought to you. It was all so strange, but you had come to realize there was no way out. No leaving him, no getting back to your old life. Feitan was your life, he was your future now.
What you two had wasn’t a normal relationship, that was very clear with the threats you received when you upset him. Or the screams of his victims. The little consideration he gave you when you expressed how haunting the screams were. Echoing throughout the house while you lay in bed helpless, forced to listen. All he did was stare at you and sigh. No words left his mouth, no threat, no excuse, no apology. Feitan just looked at you then left the room. Though a few days later you had noticed he had attempted to soundproof his workroom. You felt heard as if he had listened to your complaints and attempted to amend them. Your attitude and thought towards him were changing in favour of him.
You became more welcoming to him, giving him smiles and thanking him for the strange gifts he sometimes brought. Letting him brush against you, rest his hand against yours when sitting near each other. You may have never acted first, but you never pushed him away either. Feitan wasn’t overbearing. He sought short and small interactions. It felt like you two were playing house. Pretending that everything was normal, you two were normal. It felt real until he locked himself in the basement with some poor soul. That was when small glimpses of reality peek through.
Yet, just as quickly as the reality came, it left. Especially when Feitan would gift you things from his missions. Lay his tender hands on you. It was odd how a murderer could have such a gentle hand. Especially after a mission, that was when you knew he wanted more of you. It was almost like he missed you. It was nice, you couldn't lie that being left alone for a few weeks had made you miss some form of touch too. That was usually how long he was away. Never long enough he needed to worry about you running out of food. That was until now, Feitan had informed you that he was needed by the troupe. That he’d be gone for well over a month. When he had informed you about this, you were worried. Wondering if the food he left would even stay good for that long. Before you could bring up your concerns Feitan cut you off.
“You’re coming.”
The aspect of going along with him, with the troupe, scared you. Being around one mass murderer was enough. At least with him, you knew he had some concern for your well being. As he had kept you alive this whole time. But the others, you weren't sure what to expect. You sat on the couch finishing some movie you had watched over and over again while he went to the bedroom to pack. There was no point in helping, he knew more about what you needed than you did.
The trip was long, you travelled alone with Feitan instead of with the rest of the troupe. It allowed you to relax, giving you some more time to gather your composure before meeting the others. You didn't want to upset any of them or him by saying or doing something wrong. You knew he respected most of them greatly, especially Chrollo. If you angered one of them, he may just kill you himself. No, he wouldn't. You played with that idea, settling on the fact he probably wouldn't. Choosing instead to just punish you. That is if he would even let you meet them. There was a chance he would just hide you nearby. That sounded like a better option.
Lucky for you Feitan had placed you somewhere else away from the troupe, still close enough to watch you. But enough that you couldn’t interact with them or see what they were planning. Unfortunate for you, it was cold in the building you were at. Cement walls and floors did little to keep you warm. Feitan had packed you barely anything useful. It annoyed you as he was the one who knew all the details of the mission. Including where you would be kept, yet he packed clothes that barely kept you warm enough. When you brought up the issue, he simply scoffed and stated he told you that it wasn't that cold.
He must have taken pity on seeing you shivering and curled up all the time because he ended up bringing you some warmer clothes. Though they seemed to help very little. Even the blankets he brought weren’t keeping you completely warm. Laying in bed, all you could do was shiver. Feitan was laying next to you, attempting to sleep as well. Though instead of the cold keeping him up, it was your shivering. He told you to stop, but it wasn’t that simple. Before you could open your mouth and beg for some warmer layers. His hands were snaked around your waist only for you to be pulled towards his body. This was unusual. Feitan never seemed to seek full physical touch. Then again, why would he have taken you if not to fulfil some of his needs?
You were about to push against him as it was rather uncomfortable to be touched this much by him so suddenly, but then you noticed how warm he was. Your body felt so relaxed against him. Craving this kind of warmth for days. You had never noticed how warm he was. The heat you so desperately wanted and needed. All you could do was push up into his hold. Nuzzling against your face in between his neck and shoulder. It was another moment with him where you could forget reality. Acting as if everything was normal, that you were two lovers camping. Settling down for the night. You could ignore the reality of the situation. Pretending he wasn't where to hurt and kill people. That he hadn't kidnapped you and dragged you here. No. right now he was giving you something you desperately wanted and that was fine.
As you drifted off to sleep, Feitan couldn’t help but let a smirk slip on his lips. He had wanted to do more than simply hold hands or brush against each other. It was you who always seemed to not want more. Tolerating the little he got. Never making a move on him. It angered him, but he knew you wouldn't respond well to anger. So here he was enjoying your touch while you enjoy his warmth. It was helpful that he tended to run warm. It was a shame this moment took him denying you any proper clothes when he packed, but you didnt have to know the truth.
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 3 years
A Sister's Love
Pairing: Platonic Damian Wayne x Al Ghul!Reader
Warnings: Injuries and blood. Drugging, Trafficking and sexual assult but these are not the main themes.
Word Count: 4.9K
Summary: You realize you have a lot to learn about yourself outside of your little brother, Damian's, shadow.
A/N: Was originally gonna make this a Dick Grayson x Reader but realized it would be weird cuz of mixed families and stuff. And I don't wanna be pushing the boundaries of incest.
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Growing up in the League of Assassins meant a lot of things for you. It meant that you were raised to be powerful and commanding. It meant you knew how to kill a man in 47 different ways and counting. It meant that you were raised to rightfully think that you were the best.
Although for every good thing there was always cons. Your schedule was rigid and your peers were unfeeling. Your mother most of all, but that didn't stop you from trying to win her affection. It was the reason why when your little brother was born you felt threatened.
That was until you met little Damian. Your mother had handed him to you with a smile of pride that she never showed you and you hated him. But then you saw his precious little face, a nose tinier than a button and adorable lips that were curled into a pout. He was so beautiful.
Since then, you put any differences you might have had with your mother behind you. According to Ra’s it would have been a mistake to show Damian such tenderness, to teach him about loyalty to your heart, instead of without it.
But Talia couldn't ignore the tug she felt in her heart seeing you and Damian together. You still worked hard, harder than she had ever seen before, now determined not to show that you were weak and have them take your brother from you. Damian followed your example, training to her approval, however taxing it was for him.
And more importantly, Damian loved you. You were the first woman he had ever loved and he was smart enough to know that would never be a mistake. You were his shelter in a storm, his fire in the cold. You were the best sibling that anyone could ever even dream of.
But then you had to part. At age 10, Damian went to live with his father, Bruce Wayne. You had never met the man when he was with your mother and you assumed you wouldn't need to, he wasn't your father.
Both you and Damian didn't want to leave each other. You'd miss your little brother and you'd miss the feeling in your chest whenever you'd look at him. Damian would miss home; he would miss your presence and he would miss the familiarity. But he couldn't stay.
That's something you learnt at the League. Damian couldn't stay, with you. He was meant for bigger things than you.
Another thing you learnt was that you didn't have to stay either. You wanted to see the world, see what everything else had in store for you. And your mother, bless her, gave you her blessing.
Of all the things the league taught you, there were things they missed out on. And a part of you was thankful for that. Because you enjoyed the feeling of wide-eyed wonderment when you stepped into a train station for the first time ever.
You had never tasted a chocolate muffin before, you realized as you stuffed your face at a local bakery. Coffee and chocolate muffins went well together. You liked sweet things better than spicy things, you noted when you didn't enjoy the tteokbokki you bought at a Korean food stall.
People were kind, not foolish. They smiled at you when you came in and genuinely asked you where you were headed. Like the woman you met on the tram who was heading to Washington DC. Even through the short ride, the two of you had bonded and she had left you with her phone number and a promise that if you were ever in DC, you would ring her up. Diana was trusting, too trusting. You could have assumed it was because she was stupid, but you wanted to believe it was because she was smarter than even you.
Some people were kind like her but of course, some were impolite and pig-headed. You of course didn't waste any time putting them in their place. Maybe that was why you shouldn't have any faith in humanity.
But isn't humanity just the thing you should be putting faith in?
It was fun at first, discovering new things, seeing how people really lived outside of books and things taught to you back at the League. You knew everything, you weren't naive enough to be oblivious but reading about something was miles apart from actually experiencing it.
After a while however, you got lonely, it was a huge world with people constantly moving and you've come to realize that unless you're with somebody, you can't really move from your place. Instead, you'd be stuck watching all of them. So, you sought after your brother.
It was easy enough to track Bruce Wayne, he lived in a house large enough to be seen from outer space. Getting to Gotham took longer than you expected. Time passed so easily when you didn't have a purpose but now that you had somewhere you needed to be, the train couldn't go any slower.
Gotham City was less gloomy than people made it out to be. The sun was shining and the city was bustling. In some ways, it seemed a little homey. Maybe that was because you didn't have to worry about someone hurting you. If anything, they should pray that they don't choose you as their next victim.
Of course, you could've gone to Wayne Manor and introduced yourself civilly but you wanted to see Damian more than anything and didn't want to delay it any longer. And more than that, you wanted to see Damian is his cute little school uniform.
That's what led you to wait outside of the well-reputed Gotham University, waiting patiently for the bell to ring and students to file out of it. You already knew that they wouldn't come out singing like in the movies but a very small fraction of you still hoped.
Your heartrate increased with every passing minute, excited to meet your brother after nearly a year of being apart. Eventually, the bell did ring and students began trickling out of the doors, looking like bumble bees, excitedly zipping around and talking to their friends.
'Would this have been my life if I was never born in the League?' You wondered, looking at a girl who was animatedly chatting with her friend, arms interlocked as they moved towards the parking lot where their parents were waiting.
When you finally saw Damian, you suddenly felt out of place. Like an outsider watching someone else's brother when you saw his eyes lock onto someone in the commons. Even though you weren't on the school campus, you could still recognize who it was.
Richard Grayson, oldest son of Bruce Wayne, waiting to pick up your little brother on a motor cycle.
And for the first time in your life, you experienced insecurity, watching them greet each other like brothers. The feeling was sour and you wondered if it was a mistake coming here, thinking that you still had a place here.
It was true, people didn't move from their place unless they had someone to go with. You hadn't felt fulfilled like that since your brother stopped being at your side. He was everything you knew. It was just your mistake for thinking that in the year apart your brother wouldn't have found anyone either.
"Drake, pull up the security cameras from today at my school parking lot." Damian ordered, stepping into the Batcave.
"No 'Hello', no 'How you doing?', it's always 'Tim, do this' 'Drake, do that'," Tim commented sarcastically but still pulled up whatever he needed, "And then as soon as I give you what I want, you're going to forget me again. And not even visit the kids."
Dick spared him a laugh at his dramatic scene, ruffling his hair as greeting and then turned his attention to the screen. The footage was played at double the speed until Damian's eyes locked onto just what he wanted to find.
It was just for a second, when Dick's motorcycle had zoomed past but that was all he needed. Damian had seen your face and it wasn't any mistake, he'd know you even if he was blind. Even though he was so sure it had been you, he still couldn't hide the way his body froze, eyes wide when he saw your face.
It was the same face he'd see every night before he went to bed and the very first person he wanted to see every time he woke up. Your image was what came into his mind when he thought of being nurtured, when he thought of being safe.
There was a time when he was younger, too young, there was a thunder storm. He doesn't remember much from the night, just hiding his face against your chest and you wrapping a blanket around him. His mother trained him even harder the next day, until he almost dropped but he'd never forget curling up to your warmth. Not even now, when he knew that thunder storms were the least of his fears.
It was as simple as that. With his father and brothers, he didn't have to worry about looking weak, he didn't think of love as a weakness, rather he considered it as the fuel behind strength. Yes, his father taught him well. And now he would show you just how much he's grown. So, you can be proud of him.
"We need to find her."
"Why? Who is she?"
"My sister."
Of all the things you wanted to experience, visiting a bar was one of them. Was the air really enough to intoxicate you? Were you really going to lose all sense when you stepped into it? Would be able to drink your troubles away?
You were sorely disappointed. The alcohol didn't taste good, it burned when you swallowed it and made your tongue feel fuzzy. The music was so loud that your brain began throbbing against your skull to the beat of the song.
Men were picking fights and women were having fun but even then, you couldn't find it in yourself to get up and actually have fun. I mean, how were you supposed to? How was cosying up against a drunk man supposed to make you feel better? How was getting lost in throngs of sweaty people who didn't know what personal space was meant to improve your mood?
If anything, it just reminded you of just how pathetic your life was.
You were realizing you had no purpose. Damian was all you had known for years now, knowing only to protect him with your life and love him with your heart. Who were you without him? What did you like? What made you happy outside from your duty at the league?
A man knocking into you brought you out of your thoughts, which had been happening all night. Except this man stopped in front of you and gave you a smile that turned your stomach upside down.
"Sorry about that pretty lady, let me buy you a drink to make up for it." He spoke with a voice that was trying to be smooth but instead sounded like metal scraping over each other.
"No, thank you." You said sharply, not yet done with your Manhattan anyway. You were barely enjoying your time here as it was and you were sure another drink wouldn't change your mind.
"Not a fan?"
You shook your head at him, choosing to humour the man.
"Then let me buy you another one, if you don't like it then you have nothing to lose."
You pretended to giggle at him and he swelled with pride. Did he think he was winning?
"One Boulevardier." He told the bartender who nodded and began preparing the drink. Until it was ready, you indulged the man in front of you who reeked of cigarettes and alcohol.
He placed the drink in front of you and if you hadn't known that it would burn going down and turn you into a shell of yourself, you might have been curious to what it tasted like.
"You see that dude over there?" He nodded to a man standing in the other corner of the bar and you turned to look at him. Another man, covered in tattoos who didn't look any different than the one standing behind you.
"He's my pal, owns the bar. Ask him and he'll hook you up with free drinks tonight. For a price, of course."
You turned back around to face the man and out of the corner of your eye saw something dissolve into your drink. It was only for a second but you saw the last remaining grains turn invisible and you definitely noticed the way the once steady drink was now swirling into a vortex in the middle.
"Drink up, princess."
You smirked. Tonight, might be fun after all.
This was boring.
You had been pretending to be unconscious for about 40 minutes while these men drove you to some undisclosed location. Their conversations were unbelievably dry and it's not like you had anyone else to talk to. Everyone else who might have been even mildly interesting were knocked unconscious.
Eventually they pulled up to some sort of holding facility and if your assumptions were correct then this would be a midpoint before they sold all the girls here to some sort of pimp.
Once they lugged you off the truck and threw you into a room with so many other people, you could hear their breathing did you open your eyes. It seemed like this was some sort of abandoned butcher or meat factory, judging by the ominous hooks hanging above your head and the metal walls. The door had been bolted shut, the only way to look through it was a small glass window.
Only after you finished taking in your surroundings did you even look at the other women who had been trapped in the room along with you. Your stomach turned.
There were so many unsuspecting faces who looked like they didn't sign up for this. Half of them looked under the influence of something, sweating profusely even in their sleep, faces scrunched up in pain. The other looked like they were forcibly taken, bruises covering their skin, hair and clothes in disarray and more than half of them had either a black eye or a swollen lip.
Maybe it was their fault for not being trained, that's what someone at the league would've said. But isn't it their captors’ fault for misusing their training, their strength, for something as vile as this?
You decided to wait, you couldn't assume that this small group of girls was the only one in the confines of the building. How many more were here?
You weren't feeling overwhelmed, not at all, not with the weapons that were littering you. A kunai hidden is either of your boots, throwing stars in your pockets hidden underneath your vest and a war fan in your pocket. You could handle these clowns without even looking up.
But it wasn't your life you were concerned about. It was the lives of these underaged, vulnerable girls who had fallen prey to these monsters.
While you were waiting a couple of the girls started to wake up. Some were still heavily drugged, still groggy when their eyes fluttered open and unable to focus onto anything. Others shot up straight as an arrow and began crying, screaming, begging for them to let them out.
They were ignored, by both their captors and you. Why try and reassure then when you weren't sure what was going to happen. More importantly, why throw off the monsters lurking outside the door that there was one woman who hadn't been phased.
Instead, you just stared blankly, trying to get comfortable and hear anything through the walls. Eventually, you heard the sound of footsteps coming towards the room. You covered the lower half of your face with a scarf, making sure that anyone who left here alive today, wouldn't be able to remember your face. Whether it be as a saviour or their punisher.
The girls whimpered and curled into one another, crying quietly and you felt sympathy. There was no way they'd be able to move forward from this without having fear stab at their heart with every step they took. You could only hope they had something in their life that would make them feel safe.
For tonight, you'd be that for them.
A few men opened the door with a cruel smile, stepping inside for a second before bolting it shut. They flaunted guns and other weapons to the girls, finding pleasure where there should be compassion and worry. You were disgusted watching their smirks twist maniacally when the girls cried harder seeing them brandish their weapons.
One of the men stepped forward and grabbed the girl closest to him who begged and cried to spare her. His disgusting hand might as well be made of acid because you almost felt the sick burn when it snaked between her legs and copped a feel while she sobbed and screamed, trying to fight him off.
You grabbed one of your weapons and returned their sick grins with one of your own.
It was going to be hard to cop a feel when he can't feel anything.
You were going to break each and every bone in his hand to ensure that.
"Can I borrow your phone please?" You asked the bloody and broken man by your feet. He glared at you and spat blood on your boots, unable to do anything else. You sighed and faked a pout.
"Is it here?" You wondered, holding the dirtied boot over his ribs and his eyes widened, catching drift of what you were about to do. You rammed your foot into his broken ribs, courtesy of yourself, and he screamed bloody murder. Music to your ears.
"Apparently not. Want me to check your pants?" You asked, raising a brow and he frantically shook his head, using whatever strength left to pull out his phone from his pocket and you smiled, thanking him quietly.
"Now, let's hope that one blow is enough to put you out of my misery." You sang, punching him right in the face and he passed out. Lightweight.
You took a look around the place, seeing bodies littered over the place like confetti. Blood was scattered on the ground and you're sure if people looked hard enough, they'd find someone's teeth. You on the other hand looked fine.
You sat on the floor, crossing your legs comfortably, tired after the fight and dialled a number onto the phone.
"Hello, police?"
"Yes, how can we help you?"
"Well, there's a sex trafficking scam going on at my location. Quite shoddy but they have a number of women trapped here and it would be nice if you could send backup to have them escorted home safely."
"A sex trafficking scam?"
"Well, it could be just a regular trafficking scam but I'm not too sure."
"All right, I'll have someone check it out."
"Good, and I realize you might get a lot of calls like this but please don't talk to me like I'm an idiot. Tell your people to send a couple of ambulances as well, you'll need them."
"Of course."
You could only hope the person on the other end of the line would eat their words when it was on the front of the newspaper. For now, your work was done.
In the meantime, how were you going to get anywhere from here? Where even were you? Was there anyone even conscious here who could give you directions? Or would you have to call the police again to find out where to go?
Not that you'd wait long enough for them actually arrive here. You'd return to the bar way before that for another drink. Maybe now you'd actually be able to enjoy one.
Just as you were about to leave, you heard a creak coming from the other end of the warehouse. It echoed through the halls and you leapt to your feet, soundless moving to hide in the shadows and pulling out a kunai.
The footsteps that followed it were light and airy, barely even touching the ground. They were trained, whoever they were. You kept your ears open in order to hear something.
"Whoever was here was trained." You heard someone comment.
"Are you really that stupid, Nightwing? It's obvious that my sister was the one who took out this ring and reported it." Came the snappy reply back and your breath caught in your chest. Make no mistake, that was your brother's voice.
"We must find her."
He was actually looking for you? He knows you're here? You're not entirely surprised, you haven't exactly been careful or stealthy when it came to concealing your face around Gotham. A mistake on your part but you couldn't have been more relieved.
You still remained quiet, not wanting to disturb the flow, not wanting to interrupt. You had the mind of a soldier but when there was no one to follow you seemed more like a sheep. It made you feel slight shame, that you were unable to stick up for yourself despite being so many things.
Maybe, the league wasn't the best thing for you.
Immediately you scraped the thought from your mind, berating yourself for even thinking that. The league had given you everything, everything you were today was because of them. You were strong and calculating, the leagues proud soldier.
You were proud of your roots, thankful that you grew up to be the person you were. They had given you everything, and your brother was just one of the gifts that you had been blessed with in your life.
"Damian." You spoke softly, stepping out of the shadows. His head snapped towards you, eyes widening when he took in your form. It really was you. His sister.
Damian wasted no time in bounding towards you and you knelt down to meet his eye level, catching him with open arms. A part of your heart sang when you realized he was still small enough to fit in your arms. He still held you close. He still loved you.
"I've missed you, Ya Amar." You spoke softly, cradling his head that was buried in the junction of your neck.
"I as well, Okhti."
Damian was ecstatic that you were in Gotham. Of course, it didn't look like it to anyone but everyone who knew him well could tell that he was happy that his sister was home with him. He didn't wait for even two seconds when you got to the Batcave (much to Bruce's surprise) to show you all his pets.
The next few days would be considered the best of his life.
Damian wanted to be as close to you as possible, sitting near you during meals, training with you, talking with you, even going as far to sneak into your temporary bedroom at night for cuddles. He certainly got more comfortable showing affection since the last time you were around.
He showed you his hobbies like painting and sketching and you were impressed. He had the skills to be doing something like this? Damian had picked up many new talents and many new stories since you last saw him and he was eager to share them all with you.
The next few days would be considered the worst of your life.
You had found Damian now, so why didn't you still feel fulfilled? Why did you feel like something was missing? Like this wasn't meant for you? Why weren't you satisfied?
Why did you feel envious that Damian got to experience so many things? Why did you feel resentment against him when you realized you never got the same things he has?
Your life felt like it amounted to nothing.
You loved your brother but so far you had just been living for him. And now that you realized there were parts of the world that you wanted to see. There were thoughts in your mind that were of your own and desires that you didn't have to explain to anyone. As long as it made sense to yourself.
And you realize one thing with an aching heart.
You couldn't stay here in Gotham.
"Does Damian know?" Bruce asked you one day when you had asked him a favour. Bruce so far had been a little cold and unfeeling ever since you had met him in the Batcave uninvited. His feelings towards you got more negative when you gave an offhanded comment about how you thought he was taller. But he was the only one you could ask for a favour. He was the father to your beloved brother and you could only hope he would offer you the same consideration.
You had asked him for a flight to Washington, to see if Diana really meant what she said. To take a leap of faith for the first time in your life.
You shook your head no, "Not yet. I'm hoping he will take the news well. It's not like I'm leaving forever. I just—I need to—" You trailed off, unable to find the right words.
Bruce nodded, "I understand. Just tell him before you go. I don't think I've ever seen him this happy before."
"It makes me feel worse." You admitted, feeling a little guilty. How could you not feel happy at your brother’s happiness?
"You need some time to figure out that your world is yours. No one else should determine how you feel about yourself."
"You are very wise," You said softly, "Thank you."
"I love you dearly, Damian." You tried to coerce him from his room where he had locked himself in only 5 minutes ago. No doubt he was sulking since he found out that you would be leaving for DC in two days’ time.
"If you did, you wouldn't be leaving!" His voice was muffled, as if his face was buried in his pillow or even Titus. You had been trying to coax him into open the door for 20 minutes now and had multiple offers from Grayson, which you turned down.
"Oh, for the love of—Damian Wayne, you open this door right now!" It was silent for a moment before you heard the lock click open and took that as the indication from him to step into his room.
It was large and from the moment you stepped in, it was easy to tell the space was his. There were swords mounted on the wall, paintings on the wall adjacent to it. His desk was tidy and in the corner of his room, there were multiple easels and sketch pads.
Damian was sulking on his bed and you sighed, feeling guilty. You sat beside him and ran your fingers through his hair. Even though he was upset with you, he still sank into your touch, feeling comforted by mere contact.
"It's not forever, Damian. Wherever I'm going, I'm going to come back. I just need some time to myself." You tried to explain.
"But why!"
"The league taught me well, Damian. But it taught me to live like a soldier, but not as a person. There are so many things that I don't know about myself. What do I like? What do I want to do with my life? And I need to figure it out for myself."
"Why can't you do that here?"
You gave him a pained look and realization dawned on him, "Because of me."
"Damian, in the time we spent apart you learnt so many things about yourself. That you like animals, that you like art. There are so many blanks in my life and I need the distance to figure it out. I need to understand myself." You explained wistfully.
It was true, there were so many blanks in your life. You didn't even know what food you liked better, what hobbies you enjoyed. You wanted to experience new things, without the influence of Damian, without relying on him. And more importantly, you were scared you would put Damian above yourself time and time again.
It was all you knew. Damian was worth more than your life, worth more than your heart. But if that was true, you wanted to know at least what your heart was worth to you. If you didn't hold any value to yourself, it would be foolish to think you would to anyone else.
You needed the distance. You needed something new. You wanted to dive into uncharted waters and figure out the magic for yourself, without anyone to help you.
"It's not forever," You reminded gently, "I'm going to come back, I can promise you that."
Damian began leaning until his head was settled in your lap and you chuckled, gently scratching his scalp and he nestled into your belly. Hard to believe this was the same boy who left only a year ago. You wondered if you would change as much as he did or if you were stuck in your ways now.
"Okay," He said, voice muffled and you smiled, "I hope you find what you're looking for."
"Thank you for your blessing, Ya Amar. It means the world to me. I love you; you know that."
"I do." He said, now wrapping his arms around your waist, "I love you too."
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davidgrandorder · 2 years
can you talk about David and his dynamic with Mashu next thanks
Tysm honey-
David’s feelings about kids are… complicated, to say the least. I see Archer David as doing his best to put his days as king far, far ahead of him, and trying not to dwell on them or think about them at all where he can help it (unless it’s convenient to him). But when it comes to kids, especially kids with a connection to him, it’s difficult not to be reminded of his own children and the awful fates several of them had due to his actions (and inaction).
He’d like to dwell on that as little as possible, and so to brush these things off as him simply not being good at child rearing is the easiest- but having a young girl who’s been adopted by his own son is a lot harder to ignore than say, Abigail coming to him for advice.
He likes Mashu a lot, though. Even without their connection through Roman, David finds her a bright and curious girl with a lot of passion and a strong sense of justice. I think a part of him might feel a sense of pride seeing that his son has raised such a wonderful child, though another part of him would chide himself for it, knowing he had nothing to do with it. But he feels happy, knowing that Roman has built a family for himself, and has found happiness despite everything going on around them.
I imagine pre-Solomon, David would have kept his distance somewhat. He would never turn down an opportunity to speak if Mashu ever sought him out and had questions for him, and he would only ever be friendly and cheerful towards her- but he wouldn’t allow himself to get too close. Not close enough for Roman to suspect anything, not close enough to potentially disrupt their little family. That’s not to say he wouldn’t seek out opportunities to be the one Mashu might go to for help or advice, just ‘happening’ to be in the right place at the right time. Especially if it means Roman might come to pester him about not being a bad influence on Mashu, or come flustering to him about how Mashu found out something embarrassing about him and how David could have possibly found out himself~ But he would try not to be too obvious about it.
Post-Roman though, I like to think they might spend more time together. Talk about Roman, about Solomon, tell each other about the times the other missed out on with him. David would still be a bit distant at first, in that warm and friendly way of his where it’s hard to tell that he’s holding himself back, but over time I think he would allow himself to get closer to Mashu, and allow himself to accept that their mutual connection to his son means they’re family too
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
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Jace Herondale x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2213 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: The reader is a vampire who owns the hardtail bar, who has quite the past with Jace Herondale which they never really addressed to begin with
Owning a downworlder bar was hardly the cakewalk it made itself out to be.
In all the years that you had owned Hardtail, you had come in contact with all sorts of colorful characters. From vampires and werewolves to demons and demon hunters, there was no telling who was going to walk through that door.
Though, no one was quite as interesting to deal with as Jace Herondale was.
He was an arrogant ass, of course, only doing things when he wanted to do them, and why. Not to mention that he was utterly ridiculous most of the time, something that made him almost impossible to deal with.
...and you would know that better than anyone, seeing as you’d done just that for quite some time.
Going out with him hadn’t been your finest moment, you could admit that.
All in all, you and Jace had nothing in common, and all you ever did was argue but no matter what you did, you always found yourself coming back to him. Without fail, you sought him out and just couldn’t cut the tie you felt to him.
It was impossible.
He just kept coming back, and it wasn’t as if you had it in you to turn him away at the door.
Though, today was the first time he’d ever come in here with someone else in tow, not to mention a woman. She was pretty with fiery red hair and no doubt a personality to match, if you knew him well.
That must have been what had taken him so long.
Normally Jace would stop by every few weeks, just to make sure that none of the downworlders were starting trouble for you, but he hadn’t been here in months now. Clearly, it wasn’t all that big of a deal what happened here, unless of course he needed your help with someone.
Then you were good enough to visit.
“What can I get for you?” you asked, quite similarly to how you would greet any other customer, your eyes staying on the girl at his side rather than looking Jace in the eye.
Whatever it was he needed, you were sure that he’d get to it before you had to do too much more of this, or so you hoped.
You had other customers after all, and most of them didn’t take too kindly to being ignored.
“I’m actually not here to drink. I’m here for you” he grinned, resting as casually as he could against the bar, as if he had any right to do that.  Though, it wasn’t as if you were going to throw him out just for that.
At the very least, you knew that you had to hear him out.
“You mean, you are” you clarified, gesturing to the redhead at his side, who you still had no idea about. You had never seen her before, in all your escapades with shadowhunters, and it wasn’t exactly like they were a vast breed.
Whoever she was, it was news to you.
“Right, Y/N this is Clary” he shrugged, plopping down on the barstool across from where you were standing, filling up a glass of bourbon. You had no idea what was going on, or why you cared, but you smiled anyway.
Whatever this girl, Clary, was doing here, you were sure it had nothing to do with whatever it was you and Jace had been doing for the last few years.
She nodded in acknowledgment of you before turning her attention back to Jace, who hadn’t explained anything about this place to her before they showed up.
“What are we doing here?” she muttered, her words little more than a whisper in his direction which you caught easily due to your superhuman hearing. Usually, nothing of value happened here but usually, Jace wasn’t here.
Not like he was today.
“If anyone knows where those vamps are keeping Simon, it’s Y/N. Nothing happens in the downworld without her hearing about it” he shrugged, helping himself to the glass you’d poured, shooting a wink in your direction as he did so.
It was true.
This was a pretty popular hangout spot for all the vampires in the downworld, and as they drank, the more their conquests bubbled to the surface. It was hardly your fault if you paid attention.
“You're more than welcome to ask around, I haven’t heard that name in here before” you shrugged, filling your own glass from another tap, specifically for the vampires like you that frequented this place.
Alcohol didn’t do nearly as much for you as some good O negative did.
Clary nodded, heading off in the direction of where you’d gestured, clearly more determined to find her friend than Jace was. He didn’t seem to care all that much about anything at all.
...but at least that hadn’t changed.
“I had no idea you were seeing someone new” you hummed, not bothering to meet his eyes as you focused all your attention on the stout in front of you. Now that the two of you were alone, it was different.
There was nothing else for you to focus on, and at this point, anything would have been better than dealing with this.
After all, you had no right to be jealous.
You and Jace hadn’t been an item in a few years, and whatever he wanted to do, that was his business. You weren’t going to get involved, just like you should have done from the start.
It would be easier that way.
You didn’t want to deal with this any more than he did, but even with how awkward this was, Jace looked like he was having a great time. This was fun for him, because of course it was.
Everything was fun for Jace, because he always thought he was one step ahead of everyone else.
“I’m not necessarily seeing someone else” he shrugged, taking a long, heavy sip of the glass you’d put in front of him before moving on to anything else behind the bar that would be easier to deal with than him, your jaw tight.
You were avoiding him.
...And frankly, he couldn’t blame you.
The two of you’d had a long, sorted history, and this was hardly the first time you’d seen something like this from him. Really, he was surprised you even cared at all because of how commonplace it was.
It was just the kind of person he was.
Still, he hadn’t brought her here to hurt you. He needed your help, because if anyone knew what to do about their little vampire problem, it was you.
“Besides, this isn’t about her” he sighed, standing from the barstool he’d set himself down on when he arrived to try and get your attention. You were angry with him, and he couldn’t blame you for that, but he couldn’t avoid this.
It was important.
“I don’t think she knows that” you countered, pouring another shot for yourself which you downed casually before finally meeting his burning gaze. Whatever it was that he wanted, you both knew that you would help.
Because of the two of you, Jace was the selfish one. He did what he wanted without thinking about the consequences but you had never been like that.
Even now, he was sure that he could come here after months of not seeing you and ask a huge favor, and you wouldn’t hesitate to do as he asked. It was just the way you were and nothing was going to change that.
It was just who you were, and while he should have probably felt bad about knowing that and never trying to change it, there were too many other things he had to deal with.
Besides, if he was going to be a good boyfriend, he should have been that when you two were actually dating.
Worrying about it now wasn’t going to do either of you any good.
“Would you stop worrying about Clary for a second? We have things to do” he scoffed, snapping at you in a way that forced you to do as he said, if for nothing more than a second. You had no idea what was going on, but it was much more important than some new girl.
You just weren’t sure why yet.
“Simon’s at Hotel Dumort, I spoke to Raphael Santiago about him. Now would you get out of my bar” you sighed, desperately hoping that now that you’d given him what he wanted, he would go away.
Lying to them before hadn’t been your finest decision, but you couldn’t help it. You didn’t want to do this anymore, not with him.  
The two of you had gone your separate ways for a reason, and you weren't really in the mood to rehash it all with him right now. It would be better for both of you if he just went away.
“I could, but I don’t really think you want that” Jace shrugged, that sly smirk on his face as he sat back down, still sure that this whole thing was just another game like you were so used to playing.
You didn’t get your feelings hurt.
That was what you always told him.
That you had lived too many lifetimes to ever get too attached to anything, or anyone. That you would be perfectly fine if he fell off the face of the earth one day and never came back. It would be so much easier that way, if you actually believed it.
You loved him.
Of course you did, but there was nothing you could do about it now. You and Jace had tried this whole thing and it didn’t work. You knew that if you gave it another shot, it would end just as badly as the first time.
It always went badly with the two of you.
“I really do, you shouldn't have come here” you allowed, taking his glass from the counter and setting it behind the bar before going for the backroom. You had no idea what was happening with you right now, or why you felt like this, but it didn’t really matter.
All you could think about in this second was getting away from him.
Not that Jace was going to let that happen.
Clearly, he had pushed you too far and this wasn’t the lighthearted tormenting you two usually got up to. You were upset, which was new for him because you were normally so hard to rattle.
He’d never gotten such a rise out of you before.
“Hey, hold on. Where are you going?” he asked, shooting Clary one last glance before following you.
The action caught the attention of several of the patrons he passed, but not one of them moved to interfere. After all your years of running this place, they knew well that you could handle yourself.
Even against a shadowhunter.
“Go help Clary find her friend, Jace. I’ll be here” you shrugged, bearing down on your teeth as you tried your best to shut down all the emotion bubbling up inside you. You didn’t want to feel it, didn’t want to care, and that wasn’t going to change.
Jace wasn’t yours anymore.
It was true.
You were always going to be here, and he knew that.
That was why it didn’t matter if months passed by before he came back or if he brought beautiful girls with him to meet you. No matter what he did, you were always going to be waiting for him and maybe that was the problem.
Maybe that was why you hadn’t worked in the first place. You were too available, too happy to help him when Jace was only concerned about himself.
“Will you?”
It was rich, especially coming from him. Acting as if you hadn't been there for him whenever he needed you even after you should have turned your back on him.
Of the two of you, he shouldn't have been the one worried about being alone.
“I get it. Vampires don’t have feelings right? We’re just monsters, and you kill monsters. I was an idiot to think that would ever change” you sighed, doing your best to ignore the anger bubbling up in your belly.
You just felt like such an idiot.
How could he have actually thought this whole thing was going to be a good idea? After all this time, it was almost as if he didn’t know you at all.
“I loved you, more than anything” he tried, not understanding how you’d managed to go from what you’d been like fifteen minutes ago to this. Fighting wasn’t new for the two of you, but this was.
Something about this was different.
This wasn’t fighting for the sake of it, knowing that you would find a way to make up when it was all over. It actually felt like you didn’t think he cared about you, which couldn't have been farther from the truth.
When you two were together, he’d never once doubted the way he felt for you. Though, you weren’t sure that you could be so convinced, because whether he believed it or not, you knew Jace better than he knew himself.
“I wish I could believe that”
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sepia-mahogany · 3 years
Prompt: hearing about xuanwus defeat, madam jin and jin zixuan come to lotus pier and overhear madam yu saying wei wuxian should have let the 'sect heirs die', lwj who's recovering also overhears, the 3 get first hand experience of jiang household situation and decide fk this and take wwx out of there, its a prompt from vrishchikawrites blog (a wonderful write!) So maybe ask permission?
From the prompt on @vrishchikawrites
Jin Zixuan could not forget the young man, the head disciple of Yunmeng Jiang, who, despite his previous (petty) grievances with, had stepped up when everyone else had been frozen on the spot, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not get his blood stained image out of his mind. Which had led to this discussion.
“What? No! I forbid it.” his father responded when he asked for sending reinforcements to Jiang Sect, while he understood with Cloud Recesses burnt down, and Nie under attack, either Yunmeng Jiang or Lanling Jin were next on the table, and despite having well equipped men, with the best of weapons, his father refused to extend help. 
Refused to stand against those who sought to harm his son, ‘in situations like these, know when to step back’ he had said, and Jin Zixuan could feel shame creeping up under his skin, outnumbered and clearly at losing stakes, he hadn’t hesitated to save him, and what would that make him if he forgot the debt so clearly owed? To live the lavish life of a coward..! He could see his mother fuming from where she stood, and closed his eyes to suppress his bitter thoughts, he wanted to do something, anything to help.
And suddenly, anger melted from her face and that smile crept up her face and he felt a chill down his spine, a sense of foreboding overcame him, he could see his father tense as well. “Of course, the Jin Sect sides with them.” she spoke, venom dripping off her every word. “Nothing wrong if the Sect Leader’s wife wants the marriage renewed?” a pit formed in his stomach, he did not want to marry a woman he barely knew, but using this opportunity, they could, in a sense create a bond, stronger than of just two sworn sisters.
However, “Madam Jin meets up with her sworn sister, Madam of Jiang Sect, just as Qishan Wen begins its attacks?” the war has been declared, how would it seem if the two sect Madams, and the Sect heirs are meeting, with or without the Sect Leader? “The risks are completely unneeded, what do we gain from this?” his mother glared at his father, who pointedly ignored her, Jin Zixuan exhaled, thinking things over.
As much as he disliked the engagement, he knew she would not bring it up, unless the situation, as dire as it was, needed it, this bond could provide future aid to one another should the need arise, so Jin Zixuan kept his disagreements to himself, because he knew she wouldn’t force him, not with the concerns of a  cold loveless marriage like his parents, he knew she was using it as a cover to aid her sworn sister.
An opportunity, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then remembered how the Second Jade, Lan Wangji had stood shoulder to shoulder with him,  and Wei Wuxian, Head Disciple, had stepped up to save them. 
Jin Zixuan exhaled, and made a decision, muttering out a half-hearted excuse, he left them on their own, and later into the night, he approached his mother.
The boat landed steadily, unnoticed in the middle of the night, his mother had won the final say in the matter, of course with the reluctant agreement of remaining disguised as just another trade ship, the serene view would have been calming, had his nerves not have been high strung from adrenaline, small sacrifices, he could of course find a way to break off the engagement in a future of more peaceful times.
Jin Zixuan climbed out the boat first, followed calmly by his mother, the disguises were near perfect, for the disciples around the brightly lit place to look curious, but not alarmed. One, he recognised seeing a few times at Cloud Recesses, came near them with a nervous smile. “We offer you our sincerest apologies but...we’d appreciate it if travellers could avoid an audience with the Sect Leader?” 
The disguises were perfect then, for they had been mistaken as travellers that would go to and fro from Yunmeng Jiang Sect, his mother sniffed and looked at the disciple sternly “We are not here for the Sect Leader, but the Violet Spider, we have an important message for them.” Jin Zixuan had noticed before but now it had become more apparent as the disciples shifted around, something was off, it dampened his enthusiasm and the rush he had felt earlier, instead concern filled him, had something happened to Wei Wuxian?
His mother held out a token, the disciple’s eyes widened and he bowed in respect, “I assume this would be enough?” Madam Jin said curtly, and the disciple nodded, though tensely. “This one will escort you to the guest chambers” 
The curious gazes had not been moved, as they moved inside, step by step, down the corridor they went, as the muffled voices became more distinguishable, all 3 of them froze when they heard, unmistakably the Jiang Sect Heir’s voice. “-You shouldn’t have played the hero and you shouldn’t have cared for such a hell of a thing. If in the beginning you hadn’t….” 
Jin Zixuan felt a cold pit forming in his stomach, surely he must be mistaken, but seeing the expression twisting  on his mothers face, he could assume he was not, in fact, misunderstanding what Jiang Wanyin was implying. 
The disciple bowed quickly, slightly panicked “If you’d follow me-” Madam Jin pointed at him and he immediately shut up, head bowed, just as the Jiang Sect Leader reprimanded “Jiang Cheng.” Silence followed. “Do you know in which ways what you just have said is not appropriate?” was followed by a glum “Yes.”
Even if slightly, Jin Zixuan relaxed, his mother’s expression lightening into a frown, ‘at least someone is self-aware’ Madam Jin thought. “He’s just angry and speaking without care” another voice added, Jin Zixuan perked up, Wei Wuxian! So he was alright, he felt relieved. Madam Jin continued to frown, Wei Wuxian was clearly trying to lessen the pressure off of the Jiang heir. 
Another harsh voice cut through them all “Yes, he doesn’t understand but what does it matter, as long as Wei Ying understands!?” rang out her voice, Madam Jin’s lips pursed into a line, of what her son had just said, that was what she was focusing on?
 “‘To attempt at the impossible’ is exactly how he is, isn’t it? Fooling around even though he knew it’d bring trouble to his sect!?” Jin Zixuan sneaked a look at his mother to see her eyes cold, her fist clenched tightly, he was aware they shouldn’t be hearing this, but this? It wasn’t what they expected at all, he was frozen in place, what in the world was he hearing?
Madam Jin’s thoughts matched her appearance, for once she felt less than charitable towards Yu Ziyuan, and more and more like a fool, here she was, risking her and her son’s safety, her sects safety, for a woman who couldn't care less about her son’s life, but was also wilfully blinding herself to the war right on the horizon, ‘No’ she thought to herself, ‘it was I who was truly blind’
And it was the boy she heard being called ‘Fengmian’s bastard’ or ‘son of a servant’ who had saved her son's life instead, she bit back the bitter chuckle that threatened to escape her, truly, what a fool she was, to be caught in the violet spiders web.
She looked at her son, whose face clouded over the more he heard, she grabbed his arm tightly, if nothing else then to prevent him from barging inside, with Jiang Fengmian’s favor, she was sure that they didn’t need to interfere, until, “My lady, what are you doing here?” she held back her disbelief, her son on the other hand, inhaled sharply.
This was what he was focusing on? Not the insults to his bas- to his ward? To his sect’s entire foundation? It would seem she was truly mistaken, in her and Yu Ziyuan sharing their miseries, entirely wrong about her character, and who was still throwing around callous words for the sake of it, for what else? If not her own cruelty?
"What am I doing here? What a joke that I am asked of such a thing! Sect Leader Jiang, do you still remember that I'm also the leader of Lotus Pier? Do you still remember that every inch of the earth here is my territory? Do you still remember, between the one lying there and the one standing there, which one is your son?" Disbelief and disgust couldn’t even begin to describe what Madam Jin was feeling, the Sect Leader’s response,  however, “I do remember.” Enhanced those to the heights she didn't even know she was capable of feeling.
And so stood the enraged Madam of Jin Sect, the horrified Jin heir and one ashamed disciple whose head could bow no lower, but that was nothing compared to what was said next “You do remember, but there's no use if you simply remember. Wei Ying, he really can't take it unless he stirs up some trouble, can he? If I had known, I would've made him stay in Lotus Pier properly and not go outside. Could Wen Chao really have dared to do anything to the two young masters of the GusuLan Sect and Lanling Jin Sect? Even if he did, it'd mean that they ran out of luck. Since when was it your turn to play the hero?"
Blood roared in Madam Jin’s ears, her nails digging into her palm, she wanted to bite Yu Ziyuan’s head off there and then. ‘Of all the idiotic, foolish, horrid, things she could utter-’ in her cursing, she only realised she had put too much force in her rage filled haze when her son hissed in pain, she immediately let go of his arm, and pinched the bridge of her nose, taking calming breaths.
She was afraid she would do something terrible and irrevocable if she stayed there any longer, listening to a pathetic mockery of- she exhaled and pushed Jin Zixuan towards the open doors. “B-but mother-” he looked back but she gave him that look and he quietened “Later a-Xuan.” while moving outwards, the disciple trailing behind them, they could easily catch some of the words the woman threw at Wei Wuxian.
Madam Jin gritted her teeth in anger, and left without looking back, once she and her son were seated in the boat. “A-Xuan” she began, lightly ruffling his hair “Your marriage is up to you to decide, I will have no say in the matter from here onwards” Her son was not going to be married into that cursed Sect no matter what if she could help it, she moved forward to pull him into a hug, “Mother was wrong.”
 “But mother what about..?” She heard him say, she pulled back and rest one hand on his shoulder, the other caressing his cheek, her son, who by the Jiang’s standards, should’ve been killed, and her blood boiled in her veins. “We came here to make a bond and talk if it were possible, since that wasn’t possible, it can be done some other day.” She lightly patted him, and seeing his thoughts drift off, thought to herself darkly ‘and if the Jiangs are attacked, well, they ran out of luck then.’
Her son hesitantly nodded, “Wei Wuxian...I owe him, for saving me then, if not for him.....” She sniffed, as if indicating what was obvious “Of course,” When the news spread later that Lotus Pier was attacked, with Jiang Wanyin and Wei Wuxian on the run, she hoped for Wei Wuxian’s survival, more so than the Jiang Sect Heir.
And if, perhaps, after a few years her son proposed sworn brotherhood with that Wei Wuxian, well, it wasn’t without her approval.
authors notes i guess?
Okay so writing Madam Yu’s lines legit left me disgusted like wtf was she even saying?? Also like I tried to write Madam Jin similar but a bit less than Madam Yu (ya know madam jin never whipped kids with her spiritual weapons, if she had any, not to our knowledge at least...right?) but ended up venturing straight into slightly dark madam jin heh, also like no engagement, no jin-wei tense relationship, (there’ll be 1-2 parts more probably) also wwx woke up earlier in this one, this’ll serve as catalyst for later years. 
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