#would be a cool death tho
catladychronicles · 4 days
I sometimes want to be a machinist but my long hair and dangling frilly dresses would get stuck in the lathe
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akkivee · 2 months
Wait. We have stage Chuuouku?!
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and we’re also getting honobono!!!!!!!!! and two stage original women!!!!!! idk how to read her last name lol but the safe looking chuuou lady is inori and the baddie’s name is tsukuyomi!!!!! and check out the mv!!!!
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r0k1z · 7 months
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Waah?! To think I'd actually be able to draw this inside the game, this is so cool...!!
I spent a lot of time drawing instead of chatting w the grim reaper lol
Anyways, I drew my mc :3!!
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randomminty · 2 years
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Ive only got sv in the brain right now
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owlfacenightkit · 21 days
It’s just. How did they mess up ROTT that badly??
Like. The plot of the movie was basically already covered in Unbecoming. We’ve already seen it play out
How is an almost two hour movie worse than a 23-minute long episode??
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blood-injections · 1 year
Imagine being a killjoy lost in the desert and looking up and seeing giant fucking birds with ten foot wingspans circling above you and in your half insane state, delirious from dehydration, you don’t realize what they are, you just think of stories you’ve heard and the word ‘thunderbird’ escapes your parched lips like a prayer.
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mickeym4ndy · 4 months
Alternative Storylines
One of the reasons I don’t love the “Mickey came back from Mexico for Ian” storyline (unpopular opinion I know but hear me out) is because of how many more interesting storylines we could’ve got if Mickey had come back in a different way.
For one it would’ve been so interesting to see Ian deal with the fallout from the gay Jesus and prison storyline without Mickey.
Like we know Ian has always thrived when he’s had a purpose and a goal to work towards with first the army, then being an EMT. After prison when he didn’t have either of those, he had Mickey - he found purpose in being a good partner and husband, in getting them out of the south side and earning a living legally. It’s one of the reasons he was so excited about the move to the Westside. In season 11 after he quits the warehouse job we see how much it affects him to not have that purpose anymore (in his mind) and how low it makes him. Mickey helps pull him out of it and makes him shift his focus to a new job that brings on new opportunities and new goals - moving out, expanding the business etc. and we see him come back to himself and think about the future positively again. If he didn’t have Mickey I don’t think that would’ve happened so easily. I honestly think that once he left prison the reality of his actions would’ve really hit him hard and we would’ve seen him spiral similarly to the start of season 6 - “This is it for me, Lip.” In his mind he’d be back where he started after working so hard to get to where he had been. He alludes to it when he says “trying to find the strength to look for another soul crushing dead end job.” It would’ve been SO interesting to watch how he deals with that and see how he pulls himself out of it and comes to terms with his life again.
ALSO there would’ve been a cool callback to season 6 with the storyline of Ian moving on with his life while Mickeys is stuck in prison, except it could’ve been Mickey moving on with his life while Ian is stuck in prison. This would’ve been interesting to explore because I think they’d both understand the other’s actions/feelings so much more. I think Ian would’ve had to deal with the guilt & reality of how shit everything was for Mickey while he was in prison and his own role in that. BUT also I think Mickey moving on with his life would allow him understand more why Ian couldn’t have given everything up to go to Mexico with him and also maybe some of Ian’s actions in season 6. And how they deal with those feelings while finding their way back to each other would’ve made for pretty scenes I think.
I also have more thoughts on how this would’ve given Mickey a chance to have his own growth and development without Ian (which also would’ve been SO good to see) and if he were to come back to Chicago on his own terms, there’s a chance we’d have gotten to see the dynamic of a Mickey who got his life together and Ian who’s life is somewhat in shambles. Not that I think it actually would be in shambles, but I think that’s definitely how Ian would view it himself and witnessing that dynamic would’ve been so interesting.
Would it have been happy? Probably not but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t have been decent TV and character development.
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randomalistic · 5 months
Can’t believe I got dealt Fanon-Selfship-Creature-type fixation for Spamton and the Canon-Character-Analysis-type fixation for Turbo
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weird kid obsessed with bugs worms and amphibians -> rouxls enjoyer pipeline
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2nd pass didn't come out so bad
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rayven81194 · 1 year
Trolly Problem - A Genloss Theory/Thoughts focused on Hetch
// This is kinda long, also genloss spoilers
Before I rant, I’m just saying that I feel silly and am just ranting. I saw 1 post about this and went haywire smile
Ok so i’ve been thinking about genloss, specifically, Hetch. Now I know a lot of us see him as villainous, seeing as he did manipulate Ranboo and in a way, killed them. But, as I’ve been thinking, Hetch as a character seemed a bit to simple. A villain, a killer, someone we shouldn’t trust. However, what if that in a way, he as a person was masked a bit. our view has been masked before and I don’t doubt we are free from it. So, my rant begins:
First off, titles. Hetch, apparently, was a name the Scottish used as a nickname for someone crooked. Which, with Hetchs character as we know goes, fits. But, nickname is what gets me. I could ask many questions about naming for some key characters, or a lack of naming. Examples include The Mastermind and The Founder. We are given titles that explain how they are relevant in a way. So, why wouldn’t the same go for Hetch? We know he works for The Founder, so maybe he was renamed to fit the role. The role he needed to serve.
That segway’s into my next point. A post talked about how people with masked in genloss are controllable, like the workers and Ran, as well as including Hetch. So what if Hetch is high in power, nearing The Founder, but still a puppet. Again, new point. It can be assumed that Hetch is a puppet for The Founder. But, what if that isn’t the case. Someone outside of Showfall trying to expose Showfall. But, evident by the 7-foot monster that killed multiple people, and upped security we know from Hetch telling us, simply walking in can’t happen. We know Showfall can’t stop hackers, evident by Hetch and Squiggles interactions, if you can call them that. 
I’ll stop building fluff around this and just say it, I think Hetch is a puppet being used to tear down Showfall Media. However, he works there and was quite high on the job scale. The person who is puppeteering him could be doing what we did to Ranboo in the Cabin. We told Ranboo to go somewhere, but didn’t control a lot of what they did or how they did it, aside from a one worded command. Explore. Could this person controlling Hetch be doing similar things, but with Hetch being aware of Showfall control on Ranboo or just Showfall being able to control people. Or they let him keep those memories, not relevant.
I said i’d stop the fluff then added more so here’s the good part. The person puppeteering Hetch wants us to see him as villainous as well as those working with The Founder, who we assume are well aware of everything, as people who need to be torn down. Making Hetch be the only person from The Founders direct team and our only representative of them it a great idea for the goal of tearing Showfall Media down. If we assume the Founder is the Founder of Showfall. Anyways, with how we view Hetch, maybe they want us to view the rest of them to be untrustworthy. Make us take very thing they say with a grain of salt. 
Ok that’s it, i’m not the best at explaining my theory but I hope it makes sense. A few more things though. If we believe that there is a separating party involved, that could make a neat ending. We have to make one final choice, which villain do we eliminate? Both could leave us with a feeling of dread. Ranboo seems to likes that. Adding on to that, Hetch could be neutral. Controlled by one side, but technically working for the other. Neat character idea. Bonus, stab wound was given to try and make him easier to control. Getting him both mentally and physically tired.
Also, I think you can somewhat ignore the thought of another person puppeteering Hetch or assume is just Hetch acting. But, I don’t think we know enough about Hetch and his true motives, or things threatening him. To finish this off, I pose a question to you:
You know the trolly question? The train going to hit one person or five, and we have to pick. Have you every thought of the person who was controlling the train, or the one who launched it? If they were trying to stop it, to make it better once aware. Would you blame them for the accident, a situation they might have not been able to control? Just some thoughts.
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arolesbianism · 2 months
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I’ve been having a rough few days, but I’ve been feeling a bit better so I decided to make some lil thingies for some spiraling upwards kitties :3
#keese draws#warrior cats oc#spiraling upwards#I’ve posted art of ratstar and pigeonbillow before but the other three I haven’t I think#but yeah these are some more of the minkclan founders#and by that I mean two of them are and one of them was a kitten at the time#lightning is haveniris’ mom but she didn’t trust herself to raise him so her clanmates sort of collectively raised him#and by that I mean mostly pigeon and two other old ppl that aren’t included here#light did end up opening up to him more and acting as more of a mom after he chose to become a medic tho#the two have a complicated relationship for sure but they still care abt each other a lot#oh yeah and literally all of these guys are dead by the time murtle rolls around except for haven#pigeon died about two years before the other two and raincinder has been dead since before minkclan was properly founded#which is unsurprising given she’s such an old withering woman#she mostly made it that long because she was given a guide sponsor life#so long story short not all starclan cats actually get to use the cool starclan powers and those who do are usually ‘sponsored’ with an#extra life and a cool star like marking#this isn’t a well known thing tho and even within starclan only higher ranking cats rly know anything beyond knowing that every now and#then new guides are chosen#now usually what’s supposed to happen is that the sponsored cat has a close eye kept on them and if they are deemed worthy they’re allowed#to keep their mark and become a guide once they die the second time#the main flaw in this system is that the cat who sponsored them has to be the one to revoke it#so if they refuse to revoke it for whatever reason there’s not much that can be done about it#or in raincinder’s case her sponsor ended up fading before they could judge her fully#so even though by all means even the most rebel friendly guides would revoke it easily she managed to keep her mark til death#this was ofc largely helped by her living til 19 fucking years dear god woman#but hey I guess it means minkclan gets a guide even though she’s a rly shitty one#rly that mostly only matters for the sake of nine lives and the sake of travel between starclan and the living territories#which actually does cause a lot of problems when all the guides decide to go haunt a child instead#oh also guides also pass on their mark to leaders who’s life ceremony they hosted#not the guide role tho each guide gets a new mark
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miguelsquash · 1 year
Okay a lot of this is pure headcanon but seeing camila's tears when Luz dies... first off I cried SO hard at that part and I thought it was genius. They managed to make it so tragic with her turning into her namesake, and the fury of King and Eda, and the way her body floated through the isles, and and and. I could go on and on. But that was absolute mother's intuition when Camila's puppet body cried. I choose to believe that when she asked where Luz was, it was merely confusion until she remembered. And I don't know if it'd be better to imagine that as she reassured the kids she was aware that Luz wasn't coming back, or if she knew even death couldn't hold Luz down. Maybe she just didn't want to believe the worst. idk idk
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deathbind · 2 months
I'm not gonna liveblog every neat lil spell in this book, but I will say that Serot could be an undead party member's best friend. It's given me so many ideas. There's a spell to turn undead invisible and a spell to charm them to look exactly as they did in life. There are spells to boost their abilities, etc. A spell to teleport them. Serot who isn't limited by what the Weave allows and draws directly from the Plane of Death, when I think about it, could do so much for an undead party member. He has a hotline to the very source of the energy sustaining them and decades (centuries, once he taps into his other lives) of experience utilizing it.
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🔉Loud Sound Warning🔉
its the sega meme lol
Played around with rough doodles of my twst OCs’ potential overblots!! But honestly I just did this for Yuusuke’s part at the end, so don’t take this too seriously design-wise 🥴
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cheemken · 9 months
KNIGHT I forgot to mention in my last ask,
But Team Plasma is looking for the three dragons, and they’ll eventually track down two of them to the twins
Imagine Ghetsis forcing the dragon out of Hilda/Hilbert for N to capture and fight with. And now the other dragon has to leave the other twins body, to help fight Ghetsis/N so his brother doesn’t end up dying
But if we want to make this even more angst-y. What if the host cannot survive without the dragon now? Like the dragon has taken so much energy for themselves that the human host will eventually die without them. But together they’ll be fine
So with the two dragons fighting each other again because of Ghetsis, Hilda and Hilbert are just trying not to die lmao and wishing the dragons would fuse with them again
And the same thing is going to happen again in two years, but with Iris this time :)). Girly is 12 and going to experience near death lol
God imagine if the twins got their dragons back, that became the reason they ran away tho, bc if that's gonna happen again, then they're surely gonna die, they're not gonna risk it again, so they ran away from Unova, hiding from Plasma, from Ghetsis, in fear that they're really gonna die
And god Iris just chxnbxnx
Cause like,,,, they got Kyurem locked up in the Frigate in the games yeah, fucking imagine them having Iris locked up too😭
God imagine how fucked up that was tho, them experimenting on Iris, trying to take Kyurem from her too, and how successful they almost were. Imagine as they were locked up, Kyurem's voice was ringing in her ears, in her head, repeating over and over again to kill them kill them kill them KILL THEM, YOU ARE THE GOD OF FATE, KILL THEM
God imagine Iris just fucking sobbing, one of the grunts hear, went to her and was pissed af for her crying, and he's there, grabbing her by her shirt, telling her to shut up, but Iris just,, stares at him with those gleaming golden eyes. Iris breathed out, a puff of cold smoke leaving her lips, she rasped out, "you.. dare.. hurt your.. god?" And before the grunt could react, he got impaled by a sharp icicle
Fucking imagine Iris just staring at the grunt's dead body. And Kyurem's voice rang again, telling her how powerful she was, look at the power you have, and still you refuse my help. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him now. He's dead because of you.
I'm pretty fckin sure homegirl really destroyed the Frigate from within lmfao, like, after that she probs hid in the Giant Chasm, fucking terrified and ashamed that she actually killed people, but she's there justifying it as Kyurem being the one to kill them, ofc, it was him who killed them, it was him who wanted them to die, it was his powers, it wasn't hers. Right..? But then again, they're sharing a body now, they're becoming a singular person each and every day, and she fucking hates it. Everything is so cold and so so painful it's so painful it hurts Arceus it hurts please just make it stop please make it stop
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