#the thin lineart wasnt at all
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cccotard · 4 months ago
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tried my hand at the yttd style with my ocs
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sege-h · 7 years ago
so back in the day when I was a wolfaboo I loved me some free linearts to color when I just wanted to get a character design down or when I wanted to have my characters in an epic pose that I knew I wouldn’t be able to draw them in myself This went for when I got into making Sonic FCs but all the Sonic linearts I’ve ever found from my recollection were always MS Paint ones.
While the wolf/dog ones had Paint ones, I’d come across some Photoshop only linearts. Which obv would look awful if I tried to do em in paint. Tho eventually I found a way to convert them into Paint ones, tho sometimes it wouldn’t work since sometimes the lineart would be too thin, or would be a color that wasnt black, and it only worked with black lineart.
I eventually got Photoshop but was stumped as to how to color linearts that didn’t have a psd available. Since obv the white BG of the png wouldn’t allow me to color under it. I could figure out how to color in lineart with shading even less. How could I even keep the shading if I colored over it???
I can’t remember if someone told me the solution while I was in this phase, or when I ran into this issue when wanting to color alternate lineart psd files for pets on petsites, since those always had shading.
Whatever the case, I remember the solution I was told, and it was ‘oh, just put it on a multiply layer and you’ll be able to color it just fine’
But I’m not the brightest pickle in the pickle jar so by ‘it’ I somehow figured they meant my coloring layers, and not the lineart/shading layers, or layer if it was a png
So whenever I ran across something like this, I’d just put those layers on the bottom, and put the color layers as multiply ones on top. And it’d take me a while when something had a lot of colors. Since with all the color layers being on multiply, if I colored all willy nilly, the colors could end up under each other in places where they weren’t supposed to be.
You’d think I’d eventually come to my own realization that, hey, I’ve shaded with a layer on multiply before, if I put the shading and lineart as multiply, I can color just fine, because all the white wouldn’t even be visible if it’s on multiply, and the black lineart will stay black.
But nope.
Years later, I’m given a png file of a comic page to color. And I think, aw hell, theres too much going on, I cant do the whole multiply color thing, since I need a background too.
So, being the uh
Smart cookie I am
I decide to use the magic eraser to erase as much of the white as I can
A coworker comes by, and goes ‘yknow you could just put the lineart layer on multiply’
And im like ‘oh, thanks’
While internally screaming at myself because I get hit with the realization that tHE ‘IT’ WAS THE PNG FILE OR THE LINEAR AND SHADING LAYERS
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