#worse is when I don't realize and I accidentally BUY it
there should be big flashing neon light warning signs when a book is in first person POV. don’t drag me in with an interesting cover and premise, only for me to find out it’s first person.
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thesharktanksdriver · 3 months
Specs of Stardust (platonic)
I really can’t wait to get to determination! Y/n and the straw hats so instead I thought I’d post little interactions/headcanons of some of the stuff they’d do
I swear I’m working on the Roger pov it’s just this popped into my head and sometimes switching between things in writing helps with my burnout
Masterlist for the series here
Tagged: @peachsuka28 @emptynessinmyworld @badluckinfrench @j-s-l-m @tigerfang-rage @madokamagicaa @rymtea @angstylittleb1tch @badluckinfrench @emmbny @kenkenmaaa @yunho-leeknow @chibiduck @spqce-bun @coca-cola-fiend @Koifishpoond
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The best way to describe these two in a room is that Luffy does something stupid and y/n just goes with the flow following him
The rabid golden retriever and the chill black cat
The dumbass duo, rabid dumbass and chill dumbass
Once did the impossible and shared food with y/n because they gave him a dessert Sanji made (the rest of the crew thought they were mass hallucinating)
Y/n gives him cool rocks that they find, they’ve both now made it a goal to collect a rock from every place they go
Gives y/n piggyback rides 24/7
And no one else can give y/n piggyback rides cause that’s captains privilege apparently
Occasionally when going into battle he gives y/n his straw hat to keep safe
Has semi-adopted one of y/n’s crows named Aurelius which he aptly calls Steve. Aurelius does not like him nor being called Steve
Aurelius keeps pecking at him but Luffy thinks it’s showing affection
Both throw caution to the wind about their own personal safety but if the other is hurt they will pummel someone
When he accidentally ends up in the ocean y/n jumps in after to save him forgetting they’ll sink too
Y/n acts a distraction for Sanji so Luffy can raid the fridge at 3 am
When y/n sleeps in the male quarter (they do regular switches between the female and male sleeping quarters) he has y/n tell him stories to make him go to bed easier
Likes to make y/n laugh
Likes to pinch Luffy cause they think it’s funny how he’s rubber
When Luffy says something really stupid sometimes y/n likes to write it down in a journal exclusively called “Luffy quotes”
So far some of y/n favourites are “the colour orange is named after oranges”, “if I get reincarnated I wanna be a clam”, “I am rubber and you are fat, don't you dare touch my hat” and “if you hungry, eat”
Sometimes the two of them make weird animal calls to scare Ussop
Speaking of the two, unfortunately for the rest of the crew they now have to deal with Luffy’s pranks now getting worse because y/n actually helps him plan them now
Ussop still has nightmares of when he woke up covered in bird seed and was almost taken away by the flock
As does Sanji when he realizes he’s been betrayed by y/n who’s let Luffy raid the fridge once more
Sometimes y/n likes to ask him about his childhood, they find it so oddly funny that he’s the son of Dragon, grankid of Garp, became brother of Ace and was semi-adopted by shanks
They also like to hear about it cause they always worried Ace wouldn’t find good people
Luffy whines it’s unfair y/n doesn’t fully die in water like he would before being smacked on the head by either Nami or Sanji
When having to give history exposition y/n is the only one who can dumb it down so Luffy can understand and pay attention for over 2 seconds
Sometimes will proceed to forget y/n asleep on his back and jump into battle
Even when finding out y/n is immortal has still not figured out their connection with Ace or Roger
Both like to sit on the figure head of the ship and occasionally nap there
By doing this not have fell off several times only for Zoro to save them
Luffy just kinda somehow know how y/n is feeling and y/n similarly knows how Luffy is feeling
Instead of buying Luffy stuff y/n just shares whatever they get with him since they have relatively the same taste in nick knacks
Similarly Luffy kinda just shares his stuff with them in return
The Luffy and y/n stuff pile is ever growing
Luckily Nami has not yet found out about it
Ussop on the other hand has and is joining in on the stuff pile
As does chopper
No one can really distinguish who’s stuff was who’s anymore but they don’t care
They now have an entire storyline happening with different characters
Y/n has a new journal for this exclusively for lore
Both are always hungry, while Luffy is open about it y/n isn’t
Somehow though Luffy caught onto this and now demands for for the both of them
“Shishishishi tell me another one!” Your captain says excitedly rocking back and forth as you both sit on the merrys figurehead, smiling you nod thinking of what to tell him “have I told you about the time I met a samurai?”
You jolt awake with a small groan as you lift your head off of resting in the crook of Luffy’s neck, the sounds of battle now invading your ears. “Luffy did you have to get the marines attention when I was sleeping on your back?” At hearing this the boy pauses, his extended out rubber arm hitting a marine in the face sending the guy flying back “shishi sorry”. At that you can’t help but sigh, he most definitely wasn’t.
Sitting at the table you watch as Luffy lists off the entire menu to the poor waiter, the retail worker shaking in their boots as he seemingly finishes and their gaze turns to you. “Oh, I’m fine-“ before you can finish Luffy cuts you off with a blinding grin “they’ll have the same as me!” And then you see the waiter’s hope drain even more impossibly so from their eyes.
Mihawks reluctant kids that ended up on his island and he accidentally adopted duo
Before knowing their immortal he thought that they were mihawks secret love child or something after baratie
Bribes y/n with sword lessons if they side with him against Sanji
Sometimes the two of them switch bandana’s
When he naps sometimes y/n joins him, when this happens he makes sure to take a protective hold of them just in case of turbulent waves
Other times when he naps he’ll wake up with an umbrella set up for him
Doesn’t know it’s y/n and Chopper who put flowers in his hair when he’s knocked out and assumes it’s Sanji which leads to a yelling match
Speaking of chopper, both he and y/n like to hang off of Zoro’s arms like monkey bars and zoro uses them as weights when he’s doing push ups
When he ends up lost y/n somehow has the miraculous uncanny ability to find him
But sometimes when he gets lost y/n ends up joining him for fun
Has kept y/n from unknowingly being mauled by wild animals because for some reason they either love or hate y/n
Likes to ask them about any swordsmen they’ve met on their journeys
The one who typically has to save Luffy and y/n when they end up in water
Y/n likes to joke that he and Sanji are an old divorced couple to others on the crew much to his chagrin
Zoro’s actually pretty observant of y/n due to their instinct to shrug off injuries
Y/n calls out this hypocrisy but it doesn’t change anything
He actually really ends up liking y/n’s flock when the murder of crows occasionally stop by
The one he really connects with though is one named Acantha
She likes to perch on his scabbards and seems to almost guard them when he’s not around
Y/n once fell down the stairs and he almost had a heart attack
After this he instinctively watches to make sure they don’t fall again
When y/n has nightmares and cries in their sleep he almost always ends up waking up
It keeps him up at night
The mornings after he subtly tries to keep an eye on them to see if their ok
Y/n about to fight a one off villain and being confused they ran off without them doing anything, Zoro behind them glaring with his swords out at said villain
Whenever y/n is on look out duty he typically volunteers to do it with them or take over for them
Sometimes game stares off into space he gets their attention by flicking their forehead
Has and continues to use y/n as an arm rest since chopper is too short in comparison
Has fell asleep while doing this but is always woken up by Sanji yelling at him
Will either carry y/n slung over his shoulder or tucked between his arm and side
Y/n constantly wonders how he talks with a sword in his mouth
Or how he came up with that idea in the first place
Sometimes when they end up islands y/n buys him sword themed things, like sword polish or even a small rack to display them
In return Zoro buys y/n journaling gear since he sees them sometimes writing in a small diary and also gets them things that he notices catches their eye
….100% bought y/n the journal of Uta that needs a password and when opened loudly plays a low quality version of Genesis
He regrets this decision when he’s woken up to it at 3 am
“Y/n where are we? Luffy said he’d meet us around this time in the centre of this town” the green haired swordsman says looking around at the people who were also in the same abandoned building as the two of you. They all looked weird, one was a big muscle dude, another looked like a ninja with pink hair, a samurai, a blond dude in a tracksuit and some weirdo with a forehead tattoo. “Zoro how do we always end in situations like this?” You ask.
“I’ll teach you more sword tricks if you agree with me next time Swirly brows gets in a fight with me” he says suddenly waking up from his nap as you rested tucked between his arm, for a moment there’s silence and then you nod making him give an almost vicious grin towards the kitchen of the merry.
“So wait, you thought I was mihawks kid?” You question with an eyebrows quirked up, zoro with a bit of embarrassment nods. “Well, I assumed so since he gave you that little blade of yours” he says pointing a finger to Mihawks gift currently in its scabbard “but he just gave me a sword? How does that make you think I’m his kid?”. He gives you an impressed stare, “Mihawk does not just gift anyone anything let alone a sword plus whatever else he gave you. Doesn’t help that he acted like your damn dad afterwards” and after hearing that you let out a small “oh”.
The seafood duo, aka the 5 michelin star chef and the kid who once boiled and ate their own boots (it was not tasty but they did it)
Since Sanji was the first strawhat encountered who knew y/n previously (the others being Chopper, Brook and Jimbe) he Was the first one to know about y/n’s immortality due to his prior experience with them
So it’s safe to say that he takes that secret to heart especially when y/n says they aren’t quiet ready to reveal themself just yet
It still felt too soon and they wanted to be treated normal for a bit longer (their words not his)
So he respects that decision even if he knows Luffy and the others wouldn’t make it a big deal
If anything Luffy would probably think it’s cool and move on
But even if that’s his opinion he swears to keep that secret until their comfortable
And he does so with the upmost respect he can and even covers for y/n sometimes
Due to knowing y/n he’s also the one who worries for them the most, especially when realizing the stories they once told on that island have become more fractured in time
Even their memory of that place is much more hazy
Like a film put over a picture, changing its focus and making it blurry
So he does his best to remind y/n, adding in the details he remembers them now forgetting as they write down the stories
Bribes y/n like Zoro to help win arguments via making them any sweet or desert of their fancy
When y/n is aimlessly pacing around deck he has them help out in the kitchen quite a bit!
Typically he has them help with preparing small things but lets them help with bigger tasks once learning they have some prior kitchen experience
At a port he got y/n an apron that matched his and he had Nami embodier it with their name
Is going insane trying to figure out y/n’s preferences because they say their literally fine with anything
Has made them go through entire taste tests and still cannot figure anything out
He’s chainsmokes more than usual after yet another failed test when y/n says they don’t mind salted black liquorice
Cries and chain smokes when y/n tells him they once boiled and ate their own boots
Almost cried when they pick up on some of his French words
Calls y/n stuff like “petite étoile” and “petite lueur”
After Alabasta y/n joking calls him “Mr. Prince” from time to time
Whenever he makes stuff for Nami and Robin he also makes some for y/n
When Luffy complains about this he always says “women and children come first”
Y/n sometimes clings to his legs, he always chuckles and lets them do so unless it’s dangerous
The only one allowed to raid the kitchen for snacks other than Chopper is y/n
Both of them abuse this privilege but he can’t resist their combined puppy eyes
Once finding out through Luffy that y/n is more hungry than they say they are he now makes them bigger portions
He swears they have a similar stomach to Luffy but he can’t be mad at them
Not when they seem to starve themself rather than tell others their hungry
Due to this he now carries small snacks just in case
Wants to meet whoever “Thatch” is so they can trade recipes and have a cook off
Also to find out through him how he feeds over 1000 people cause he has 2000 stomachs due to the combined forces of Luffy and y/n
Was at first iffy about the crows until a bunch of the birds started eating the leftover scraps he couldn’t incorporate into dishes or was going bad
So he grows to like the feathered flock since they help in not wasting anything
His favourite is one named Blanche who’s an albino crow the murder adopted as their own after finding her abandoned
She reminds him of a dove and of how he too was abandoned by a previous family but found a new one
She also delivers letters back fourth from Zeff for him
He adds a little blue ribbon tied to her leg
When staying in the boys quarters y/n often times has Sanji help them in taking care of themself properly
Mostly cause y/n would just pass out on the floor or stay up till 6 pm if not
Brushes y/n’s hair if Nami or Robin doesn’t do it
Also loves to style it via y/n’s suggestion
let’s y/n borrow his clothes when seeing that Nami had to drag them to a clothing store to actually buy them something other than the clothes they wear everyday
Sanji will never admit it but sometimes he has nightmares of when they had died and on those nights silently checks to make sure their still there
Y/n will never admit to him how many times they’ve starved to death alone on their raft
Mostly for his own peace of mind and their own
Y/n likes to buy Sanji food themed stuff like magnets, dishes and keychains
Sanji meanwhile buys them candies and other odd things he’d think y/n would like, for example Hawaiian shirts and plushies
“Petite étoile! I made you something!” Sanji yelled across the deck, looking towards him you see a Soda float on a small platter. Luffy eyes it hungrily though Sanji notices and he swiftly knocks the young captain with his leg. You giggle out a “thanks Sanj” which makes the swirly browed preen in a mixture of pride and genuine happiness.
“And that’s when…..” pausing in your story you try to think back, the details of which now seemed to escape you. Sanji clears his throat, giving you a sad smile as he then adds in for you “that’s when the musician taught you piano” at that your memory jogs slightly and you smile “and ukulele”
Sitting at the table you eye the small labeled plates with different tastes and textures, all tasted good and even if it didn’t you’d still eat it. But despite that Sanji sits across from you with a defeated look on his face, cigarette sitting numbly in his mouth. “Sanji it’s on really, I’m fine with anything” at saying this his temper seems to flare ever so slightly, something that reminds you of Zeff “you have to have some preference!”. “Well I mean…I ate my boots before. Nothing can be worse than that” once more that seemed to be the wrong thing to say as the cigarette falls from his mouth as he mutters “you what?!?”
The orange blossom pair
Is one of the first to pick up on the fact y/n might be immortal due to Arlong one day talking about a human child on the sun pirates boat before one that had betrayed them
At the time Nami wrote it off though, more horrified at the fact y/n was a pirate
It brought up a lot of memories of her childhood she does not like to reminisce on
But before joining the crew and after she tends to stick nearby y/n as a big sister presence
Not hovering over their shoulder but just far enough away to watch and make sure their ok
Especially when she wasn’t initially sure if Luffy and Zoro
To be honest Nami always wanted to be a big sister, especially since she in a way wants to make up for everything Nojiko went through due to her
So she takes to caring for y/n the best she can
Especially when seeing that y/n does not to care of themself at all
She’s plain horrified at how they walk off a broken leg, haven’t had a bath in months that wasn’t in salt water, doesn’t care for their hair and leaves stuff stuck in it, along with essentially starving themself sometimes
Nami quickly makes it a goal to change that with the efforts of Sanji
She gives y/n “discounts” when she charges the crew for stuff
The discount is actually free because she’d feel too guilty in charging a child
Along with the fact that y/n spends the pocket money she gives them on gifts for everyone but themself
Speaking of which she charges said person who got a gift with an import fee because that money the gift was purchased with was technically Nami’s
The only one who does not object to this fee is Sanji
Another fee she makes is a y/n hug fee, since as y/n’s appointed big sister she thinks y/n should be compensated for being hugged by a bunch of stinky boys
Teaches y/n about Tangerines and oranges, specifically how to grow them!
Likes to peel oranges for y/n and share them together as a snack as they ramble on about a place they’ve been
In the small garden for her fruits she lets y/n plant some hibiscus plants that y/n cryptically says reminds them of a friend they miss
Is confused as fuck how y/n seems to know almost all the islands they end up on
After finding out y/n is immortal she often asks about past navigators they’ve met and some of the most interesting places they’ve been to
Has to drag y/n to take them shopping because they insist their fine with one pair of clothes
She argues otherwise and can’t help but bristle once finding out their immortal that for years they’ve worn the same thing
It reminds her too much of her childhood, of Bellemere scraping together what she could even when the villagers gave her discounts for clothes
Buys them an entire wardrobe and complains when they borrow the other crews clothes
In reality she doesn’t mind and finds it cute
Has to fashion police y/n because they have no sense of shame and will wear the most god awful combinations of clothes
When y/n sleeps in the girls quarters Nami has their bed set up to be in the middle between her and Robin
That way if a night attack happens y/n is the most safe
And that way Nami can wake them up when their having a nightmare
Carries y/n like throwing a moneybag over her shoulder, it’s partially due to reflex and cause when she has to do this it’s typically in a shit situation
Y/n sometimes sees a small pink spark over Nami’s shoulder when she gets really excited
They haven’t told her yet though
Y/n likes to show Nami the stuff they’ve collected over the years
Especially their jewelry gifted to them
Nami from the moment of meeting the flock saw money signs (lol)
The crows have now been ordered to steal stuff and they bring it to her to examine and evaluate
They also heckle the poor news birds into giving discounts or plain for free
Besides their monetary gain she genuinely likes their presence quite a bit
They not only valiantly guard her tangerines from other less behaved animals but also help her in charting islands
Her favourite is one named Axel, he’s on the older side with a scar across his eye
He not only has an eye for valuable things but also acts as a guard for both the young fledglings and Nami
Y/n likes buying Nami jewelry and navigation gear along with sharing their writing supplies with her
Nami meanwhile buys y/n clothes and some jewelry for them
Sitting beneath the tangerine tree you watch as the hibiscus you planted for Rouge sway lightly In the breeze, your gaze lingers there before Nami lightly touches your shoulder making you jolt. “Here” she offers you a peeled tangerine with a smile, you take it popping the sweat fruit into your mouth. “How much will I owe you?” You ask enjoying the sweet taste, at that she laughs “I need a tester to make sure my product is good. Just consider it free since you’re doing me a favour”. Smiling you nod, not commenting how Sanji would be the better pick for this “job”.
“I still don’t get how you’d gone so long with no other pairs of clothes” Nami mutters whilst holding up two pairs of shirts your size “which do you like? Or do you want both?”. Looking at the clothes you point to the one held up by her left hand, the Hawaiian shirt with a funky pattern. “I knew you’d pick this one” her eyes are layered in fondness even if she gives a small sigh “I’m a creature of habit….besides Mihawk gave me those pyjamas so technically I now have more than one pair”
Waking up to from nightmare your typically used to the sight of the night sky but you awake with Nami’s worried face. Shakily you sit up, “h-hey I’m ok” it’s more said for her sake rather than your own. Despite your words Nami pulls you close, silently letting you clutch onto her like a lifeline as the scent of oranges and tangerines linger as does that small spark of pink just above her shoulder.
The story teller duo! Aka the liar and the immortal
Honestly Ussop and y/n are a little dynamic duo of scaredy cat and unfazed who’s dragging the other into a haunted house
Except the haunted house in this case is literally every dangerous situation known to man
Poor Ussop has got it cut out for him more than usual when y/n is around
Something he notices fairly quickly
But he’s too committed in looking cool in front of them and cause he sure as hell isn’t leaving them alone for more than 15 minutes cause they’ll for sure somehow traumatize someone
Another thing he picked up on lol
There’s a Recurring joke with him and y/n when y/n remembers something important at the last minute and he yells that they have the memory of a goldfish
Though y/n’s title is the straw hats storyteller, they really like listening to Ussop’s stories
Though they knows his is fake they enjoy it better that way
Because that means there’s always a happy ending
Something that not all of their stories have
Similarly, though he sometimes gets afraid when they tell their stories, Ussop really likes listening to theirs as well
Mostly for the fact that though some of them are sad their genuinely heart touching most of the time
Y/n tells their tales in a way that captivates just about everyone around them
Something Ussop really admires
Both know and acknowledge each others skills
And sometimes the two of them will collaborate together in figuring out how to make their adventures more engaging when written down
Y/n and Ussop sometimes do commentary when watching Sanji and Zoro fight
Ussop during these commentary of the fighting matches writes down his favourite insults that he and y/n then giggle about later on
Their favourite so far is when Sanji called Zoro Durian in both appearance and smell
Ussop is the one to help y/n in their “disguises”
Aka supplying the fake moustaches
In similar fashion y/n helped make him the SogeKing mask before Water 7
Ussop has y/n test out his inventions and has them teach him new hobbies
To keep from the ever looming fear away Ussop tries to keep himself busy
Something y/n is a pro at and helps him pick up some of the hobbies they’ve learned over the years
On Sundays y/n teaches him and Robin how to do Pottery
Which helps out Sanji because of the amount of broken plates due to Luffy is uncountable
Calls y/n the first mate of the Ussop pirates
He will never admit it but when he misses Ninjin, Tamanegi and Piiman he ends up lingering near y/n cause they sometimes remind him of his old “crew”
Speaking of which y/n is the only one who he talks to about how much he sometimes misses syrup village
Specifically Kaya
Along with this he also confides to them about how he wonders if his dad would be proud of him or disappointed
It doesn’t happen often but occasionally it does really weight on him
But he trusts y/n’s judgment because they’ve met Yassop, and in the fact that they understand what it’s like to miss people
When this happens y/n also confides in Ussop about the people they miss too
Even people they don’t remember
It’s actually pretty sweet especially since on those nights the two of them just talk about how they genuinely feel
Something that is kinda rare for the two
To enhance each other’s stories the two now have started doing puppet shows!
Something they have Nami and Chopper help with in making the puppets
Ussop even made a mini stage out of popsicle sticks
Y/n uses Roger’s coat as the curtain
Ussop Is terrified of the crows especially after that time y/n and Luffy covered him in birdseed and was almost flown away by the murder
Along with superstitions he’s heard about them being bad luck
But the crows love him
Like they really love him, almost as much as chopper
It’s god damn comical watching him run away in terror meanwhile these little feathered fiends are chasing after him with puppy eyes asking for love
The only crows he likes are the baby ones
The little fledglings who (unfortunately for him) find perching on his nose to be the most optimal of places
But their cute as hell so he lets it slide
For now
This then perpetuates the cycle of them growing older and him being terrified of them but them loving him
Y/n finds it funny as hell
But he eventually comes around to them when y/n has them exchange letters between him and Kaya
As well as sending gifts and flowers back to syrup without the items getting lost or rotting
sometimes y/n and Ussop swap headscarves
Y/n likes to buy Ussop random stuff for him to use in inventions
Ussop likes to buy y/n crafts that they can do together (as well as with Chopper)
“And that’s how I, captain Ussop! Defeated the unstoppable man after 3 days of fighting with my 3000 men!” At hearing that you nod enthusiastically as Chopper chimes in about how cool that was. You smile, thinking back to those 3 whole days Roger and fought Whitebeard before recruiting Oden temporarily to the crew. “What did you do afterwards?” You ask making the long nosed sniper perk up, he thinks for a moment before he continues his “tale”.
“Uhhhh Ussop” you say watching as the sniper who currently tinkered away at some new contraption break from his concentration. “Oh hey! Whats up?” It comes out casually as he turns to look at you as you give him an almost apologetic look which makes his brows furrow. Wordlessly you point to the nearby open port window. One of your crows sits there, tilting its head at him “oh no-“ before he can get another word out it lets out a squawk and other feathered little devils start flying in through the window.
“Your dad is more proud of you than I think you know” you say this with utter confidence and it makes Ussop stumble for a moment. “Really?” He asks this in a quiet tone, almost unsure before you nod and smile “it’s all he talked about when I was on the red force. So you best believe it”
Cherry blossom duo!
Was the second member of the crew to know about y/n’s immortality due to recognizing the picture of them with Hiriluk
Something that the little reindeer kept tucked away in a small slit in his hat Kureha added to it
So it’s safe to say that he’s ecstatic, confused and freaking out
Though luckily Sanji and y/n were able to talk with him
And to be honest Chopper gets why their scared to tell the others
He’d be scared in their situation! So he keeps the secret as best he can!
Though there were definitely a few occasions he nearly slipped up lol
As the two youngest members on board both Chopper and y/n band together quite a bit
Partially because of the fact that in mental age their close and because their both just natural sweethearts
Chopper finds it funny that despite being the oldest y/n is also one of the youngest
Both are the cutest mf’s out there that Nami 100% uses to guilt others into getting discounts
Y/n and him unfortunately for her also use the puppy eyes on her to get her to peel their tangerines
Chopper thinks of y/n as a big sibling and very much heavily admires them
Y/n similarly thinks of Chopper as a little brother and admires his medical knowledge despite his age
Both have made each other bff bracelets with little sakura charms
Sometimes when chopper gets sad about Hiriluk y/n tells chopper about their experiences with him
And that he would be proud of chopper
That Kureha is proud
And that their proud of the person Hiriluk took as his own because y/n knows chopper will become the best doctor ever
Every time this happens Chopper sobs
Similarly in the moments when y/n is lost (mostly since they don’t like being overly emotional about their feelings or trauma) Chopper likes to become kinda a therapy animal and let y/n pet his fur to calm them down
Along with that chopper also tries to have them open up about how their feeling
Y/n thinks choppers blue nose looks like a blueberry so they sometimes call him that
Chopper gets super “angry” about it (not really, the only times he’s angry at y/n is when they shrug off an injury)
Speaking of which, he gets really worried for y/n and their careless tendencies
He knows their immortal but he wishes they’d care for themself to at least show him their injuries even if their small
It reminds him of Hiriluk since he had also written off his disease and pain as nothing
The parallels between the two of them really make Chopper worried about losing someone again
Like he knows y/n would come back but having to watch someone you love die is still really traumatic
And the amount of times he’s almost had a heart attack from y/n narrowly dodging death isn’t healthy
Now is it healthy for the others either lol
When in his more deer-like form he lets y/n sit on his back! He bashfully preens in pride when they call him their loyal steed
Let’s y/n decorate his horns with little do-dads and charms
His favourite is the little sakura themed ones they bought at a spring island for him
They have done the two kids on a trench coat routine before and it’s somehow worked
The funny thing is that y/n was the legs and chopper was the upper half
Both make inside jokes about the rest of the crew
Both also occasionally goad Sanji and Zoro into fights
They watch with Luffy while eating popcorn
Talks with the flock all the time! He gossips with them and they all adore him so much
He doesn’t have a favourite and loves all of them
Especially since they all try and bring him herbs or steal him medical supplies from islands the crew dock on
The crows love to dote on him, even calling him one of their flock just like the others on the crew
It makes him happy since he gets a bit of animal companionship that he never got and the fact that the flock accepts anyone no matter their looks
He’s scared to tell the birds about how his birth family kicked him out since he knows they’ll try to get revenge
Y/n likes that through chopper that they can now understand their crows
Something in which makes the crows absolutely ecstatic about and Chopper has to regal their constant pleas for attention and to let y/n know that their adored
He tends to their little injuries and puts little bandaids on their wounds
They like to perch on his antlers and he gets supper bashful when they call him their favourite crew member beside y/n
Chopper finds it funny they call y/n their god?
It’s weird but he just assumes that cause the crows explained to him how several generations back y/n had nursed to health their injured ancestors
While y/n stays in the men’s quarter Chopper and y/n set up a little sleepover tent
Both typically fall asleep in the tent and Sanji or Zoro have to put them in their proper beds rather than sleeping on the floor
While sleepy y/n sometimes thinks chopper is a stuffed animal
Both cling to one another when tired (it’s adorable)
Y/n likes to buy Chopper Sakura themed things or medicinal herbs and books that they’d think he’d like
Chopper on the other hands buys y/n things they can do together or with the crew like puzzles or little crafts
“Ahhh!!! What happened to your arm?!?!” The young reindeer doctor practically screams as his widened eyes look at your bloody and bruised arm that’s also bent the wrong way. The rest of the crew whom you’d been trying to hide it from look to you, whoops. “Uhhhh….it was an accident?” You say this and before you can blink your being dragged to choppers medical bay, darn, you’d sneak past them next time
Sitting down on the flooring of the merry you thread your fingers through choppers soft fur. Your breathing still heavy and shaky as your mind comes down from focusing on bad memories. It takes a few minutes sitting there focusing on the sensation of his fur but eventually you find yourself of sound mind again. Tears staining your cheeks as you mumble a thanks to the doctor who nods. “A doctor has to look out for his patients in health and mind” is what he says making you smile ever so slightly.
“Hey chopper what did Rosemary tell you?” You asked looking quizzically at the Crow perched on his antlers, he looks up to bird listening as she squawks again. “She said that big crow, big lizards and Yama missed you? Who’s that?” He translates then giving you a curious look, you think for a moment then coming up with an answer “oh…she means king and the others”. He nods at the answer before then asking “who’s king? Wait! Do you know royalty?!?”
History duo, ones is a literal archeologist and the other is the ancient ass artifact
After chopper she’s the third person to know of y/n’s immortality due to watching them die with crocodile
While working with crocodile she didn’t talk to y/n directly too much but did try and look out for them in the shadows
She’s also been praying that y/n wouldn’t end up in Alabasta nor that crocodile would find them again lol
But that didn’t exactly go as planned
Once joining the crew y/n is one of the few to trust Robin partially due to their prior knowledge of her and experience with her
Both feel extreme sympathy for one another, especially once realizing they were both children hunted down by the government
Robin like with Chopper uses her abilities to tickle y/n
Robin cannot count the amount of times her ability has saved y/n without them knowing
Before Brook joined y/n would ask Robin to use her power to make arms and lift y/n up to see stuff lol
Sometimes with the sprouted arms y/n likes to play rock paper scissors with them which makes Robin laugh
Y/n eventually has Robin help in writing in their journal to remember things since they trust her perspective more than their own
Because these two both know Poneglyph’s the two gossip via notes to one another in the language
Robin when reading history books and finds something about y/n shows it to them
It’s now an inside joke between the two of them
They also make it an activity to skim through accounts of things and try to find y/n
What sad though is that in some accounts where it’s clearly y/n mentioned y/n can’t actually remember it
And for awhile y/n just gets kinda quiet and excuses themself
She does not mentioned their reddened eyes when she sees them again
But just offers them a hug
In a certain way, Robin kinda projects what she wish she had as a kid into y/n as a form of self healing
Especially after Enies lobby
She wants to be there for them
Care for them in a way she wished others had cared for her
And it’s with this that Robin becomes a mother figure to y/n
She’d tender and caring to y/n in a way that just kinda makes them instinctively cling to her presence
Her warm hugs and floral scent remind y/n distantly of their mom (or they think it does)
They know Robin isn’t her (no one can be) but Robin’s care and general warmth towards them just makes y/n really happy
Hugs galore
As well as Robin helping Nami take care of y/n since they have no self care at all
Y/n constantly steals Robin’s cowboy hat (when she had it )
Like in pre-timeskip one piece Robin calls y/n by their title of “storyteller” but also refers to them by nicknames as well
Robin loves the crows so much, she has each of them memorized by name
As well as their preferences
Her favourite though is one named Hesta, she’s a quiet one of the flock and likes watch Robin read
May or may not use her devil fruit to pet all the crows
Ussop may have freaked out when seeing the entire murder on the ship with Robin’s hands sprouted from the deck everywhere
When she has mini dates with Franky y/n dressed up as a server with a fake moustache
They also have a fake French accent because they took inspiration from Sanji
Both her and Franky have to hold back laughing cause y/n gets really into it
Y/n likes buying Robin history stuff and letting her borrow their journals to read
Robin meanwhile likes to buy y/n things she sees interested them while on an adventure
(She may or may not have stolen a few things whoops)
“Hey Robin can you help me-“ before you can finish what you’re saying the historian finds herself at your side, already helping in tying your shoelaces. She smiles, “for all the skills you’d picked up over the years I’m surprised you hadn’t learned to tie them yet” it comes out as a giggle with makes you smile bashfully “I know how tie sailor knots and stuff but I don’t think they work for boots”
“Y/n, do you want to help me write some the poneglyph’s? I want to look them over later and put what we have in order” Robin asks making you pause from tracing the forgotten language with your hands. You nod, then pulling out your journal and opening up a new page. “Sounds good to me. Should I include me and Roger’s messages?” At hearing that she nods, a curious smile on her face. “Of course.”
“What happened to you was never right, you deserved better than what the world gave you” hearing this makes her go still as the still sleeping Nami tosses and turns in her sleep. “You didn’t deserve what happened to you either. Neither of us did” when she says this you see tears glisten in moonlight as does she with your starry eyes.
Suuuuuperrrrrr Star duo!
Like a few others of the straw hats he actually met y/n in his childhood
Specifically because of the Roger pirates when they had stopped in water 7 with Oden
So it’s safe to say after everything in water 7 and Enies lobby he definitely knows y/n is immortal
Though after Franky beat up Ussop y/n kinda takes a little while to warm up to him again at
But Y/n comes around quick on Franky when seeing him help try and save Robin
And after he joins the crew y/n becomes his obligatory little helper!
Since y/n likes to be constantly doing stuff Franky has them help him do repairs on the ship and check for anything that needs to be fixed
He says he can’t fit in a lot of the smaller crevices (which he technically can’t) but normally he’d just use some invention of his
But y/n doesn’t need to know that, not when they get excited in helping
Franky 100% teaches y/n to do poses with him
Nami is half tempted to strangle him for this when y/n did the “suupppeerr” pose after a battle
Unfortunately for her dumbass number 2 (aka Luffy) joins in and then Ussop as well
Y/n in the morning likes to help style Franky’s hair, he wonder’s who Vivi is and why his hair colour reminds them of her
Y/n is also the reason why Franky’s hair is now styled occasionally like sea creatures
His favourite is when they style it as a shark or whale
He shivers each time he looks at y/n’s “ship”
Especially when they say that she’s a fine sea-craft (she not)
He just nods along
Back when he was a kid he was also equally appalled back then about it and had offered to make it better
But just like back then y/n refuse
And somehow that dinky thing always seems to end back up at the ship even when in a storm it ends up lost at sea
Y/n sits on his arm all the time, especially when he is in a muscle man pose
They think it’s funny
He thinks it’s funny when steal his sunglasses
The two of them have single-handedly increased the amount of Hawaiian shirts owned by the straw hats by about 70%
Sometimes when he misses the Franky family he talks to y/n about how they deal with leaving people they love
And y/n always talk about how they kinda deal with it
But it’s always hard
They miss a lot of people
Some of which they don’t remember but know they instinctively miss
It definitely helps him
But it also highlights to Franky just how lonely they are
Because he joined later on he hasn’t seen or heard y/n talk about some of their experiences
He’s maybe heard some from iceberg or the other straw hats but they were always vague
It’s sad to him, especially since their short friendship with him had honestly made him feel less alone in the harder segments of his life
But knowing just how many people they had said goodbye to and would say goodbye to, the years afloat on that thing they call a ship by themself
Yeah, it really weighs on him
Because he gets it
Y/n is the only one for sure who knows that Robin and Franky eventually get together (frobin for real y’all)
They don’t tell anyone cause they just kinda assumed everyone already knew and forgot it was a secret lol
Despite this though, they accidentally cover for Robin and Franky when they go out on small dates
Y/n is somehow Franky’s ultimate wingman (wingperson?)
They suggest to him things they know Robin like or would like
The two of them like to paint a pair of stars on each of Franky’s inventions
A blue 5 pointed on for Franky and a smaller 4 pointed gold one for y/n
Y/n Is the only one on the crew besides Luffy to use the Franky fridge to store stuff
Specifically the snacks the other crew members give them through the day
Franky ends up building some birdhouses on the ship for crows who stay the night along with prosthetic limbs for birds who lost legs or even their wings
He doesn’t have a particular bird he prefers over the rest
He thinks all of them are SUUPPEERRRR
They seem to like his golden chain and shiny metal nose
Much to his amusement
Sometimes a chosen bird will be allowed to wear his sunglasses and it becomes the super bird of the day
This bird for that day gets to hang around on his head and gets a invention made for them
Y/n likes to buy Franky cool gadgets they find along with anything that has blue stars
Franky doesn’t buy y/n stuff but instead makes them things, typically little do-dads or even some puzzles to keep them preoccupied
“Hey Franky, do you need some help there?” You asked watching the blue haired shipwright peel himself away from repairing the mast of the ship. He grins, “Surre thing little helper!” He then tosses you a hammer that you luckily catch.
“What do you suggest I get Robin? I’m still debating between these two” the cyborg man questions as he holds up two different bouquets of fresh flowers. You peer between the two, examining them. “Robin would probably like the second one. Those flowers have meanings of “love” “companionship” and “appreciation” which would be the best choice. She’d like the effort behind them” you say before correcting your fake moustache and dusting off any dirt of your fake waiter uniform you stole from Sanji’s days at the baratie. “Should I have Hesta fly in and deliver them?” He adds making you respond “of course!”
Two cans of Cola clink together as you and Franky sit watching the horizon. “I can only imagine Oden’s face seeing that you’re now a pirate after saying you’d never be one, oh and Tom’s” you giggle as Franky nods “do you think they’d be happy?”. For a moment you ponder “I can’t say for sure….but I think so long as your happy they’d be”
Dead duo (lol) cause they’ve both died and come back to life (though one has done this significantly more than the other)
By the time he joins y/n being a immortal ain’t a secret anymore
Even if it was his emotional breakdown when seeing them again asking if he’s finally gone fully insane before hugging them would probably proof enough that their immortal
But anyway!!
For very obvious reasons Brook for a long while after reuniting is kinda stuck at y/n’s side
Partially because he’s still unsure if this is real and afraid he’ll wake up alone again
On that ship where only the damned souls of the sea like himself stay
Y/n seems to know this though and happily allows him to stay at their side as they hold onto his coat since he’s too tall for them to comfortably hold his hand
The annual amount of death and skeleton jokes have gone up exponentially because of the two of them alone
Both Brook and y/n cope via jokes and each other (as sad as that is)
The crew can’t help but deadpan at the amount of time the two have watched something horrific or head about it and said “same” or pointed to a skeleton and said “look it’s us!”
Brook doesn’t ask his pervert questions or jokes in front of y/n he’s too mortified to do so when he basically considered them his family
He once accidentally did and y/n asked what that meant and he wanted to curl up and die (again)
Y/n brings him milk and stuff with calcium saying he needs to build up bone density
He has yet to tell them he can’t drink it but he appreciates the gesture and gives it to Sanji instead so he can use it for recipes
Brook is the only person y/n talks to about the ways in which they’ve died
Mostly because he’s the only other person who can understand what its like
And because hearing vindication that what had happened to them was wrong kinda helps them process stuff
Because they should not have died as many as they’ve had let alone in such gruesome ways
Hearing it from Brook, someone who’d also faced the horrors of death and immortality really opens their eyes
Whenever Brook plays music y/n instinctively joins him in song
It’s just second nature to y/n at this point
Both are different versions of insane from immortality. While’s brooks is more noticeable for y/n’s it’s more subtle
Y/n likes to show Brook all the instruments and songs they learned after his death
Especially their ukulele skills much to his amusement
Neither can play Binks booze together without sobbing midway
Nor can Brook handle their stories of Laboon still waiting at reverse mountain
Nor can y/n handle hearing how Brook would see visions of them and the crew in his years of isolation
The rest of the straw hats can’t handle just how depressing that all is lol
He accidentally found y/n, Chopper and Luffy in their game and now has made a soundtrack for it
When y/n stays in the men’s quarter Brook sometimes has to check their still alive because of his fear they’ll die again
Y/n has played the xylophone on Brook’s ribcage much to Nami’s horror
Both of them pull the “as the oldest people on board” card
The two of them also call each other senior citizens and try and get discounts at places via Nami’s orders
Both always get kicked out
Y/n somehow learned the word “boner” from someone and asked Brook what that meant because he was made of bones
He wanted to die a second time 💀
He was mortified after that especially when y/n then taught that word to Luffy and chopper who joined in on asking him what it meant
Robin had to help him escape the questioning
When y/n can’t see anything they like to climb Brook to get a better view
Y/n also sometimes hides in his ribcage
The two of them share an atrocious fashion sense
The only difference is that Robin and Nami help in making sure y/n doesn’t end up in a floral shirt with polka dot shorts and sandals with socks
Brook is extremely proud of y/n’s skills that they picked up from him and his crew
The crows keep bringing Brook bones because they assume all skeletons they find somehow are parts of Brook
Y/n taught them to play the xylophone on Brook
The dead musician’s favourite crow is one named “crazy Pete” because he just picks shit up and starts whacking against the nearest surface
This making him the best xylophone player of the crows as well as the best drummer
The flock also uses his ribcage as a perch as well as his Afro in which they have built a nest in that he didn’t know about until baby birds hatched
He got to name the newborns and named some of them after his old crew
Y/n likes to buy Brook skeleton things (like those plastic Halloween skeletons lol) and music sheets for him to write new music
Brook gets y/n a bunch of weird mystical shit that y/n always ends up loving
“Yohohohoho! Are you up for a duet?” The old skeleton asks as he holds up his violin, you look up from the book you were reading a smile already stretching across your face. “Do you have to ask?” You reply back as you get up and get into position, if a skeleton could smile he would.
“Yo brook!” You yell already snickering under your voice “do you think we ought to buy some trombone’s? Or maybe some Xylobone’s?”. At that he lets out his signature laugh, “maybe, but they’d cost a Skelaton! Get it? Cause we’ve both died!” For a moment there’s a pause of silence between you both before the two of you burst out into laughter. Nami grumbles under her breath about you both being “numbskulls” before realizing her mistake, the two of you laugh even harder.
In the middle of the night you and Brook sit in the crows nest, the humming the Bink’s booze filling the silence beneath the stars. Because for now that’s enough.
Fisher duo! Would’ve gone with sun duo because of the sun pirates but that duo name probably fits y/n and ace more
By the time Jinbe joins everyone on the crew knows so he doesn’t need to keep the secret
Something that makes him hella realized about since he knows he’d have to jump through hoops somehow trying to explain why y/n knew him prior
Is always worried for y/n especially when realizing they already have a very small impulse control that melts away when Luffy is near
Like he is getting grey hairs as Robin and Nami emphatically pat his shoulder
Y/n loves to laze about on Jinbe, they’ll just randomly go up to him raise their arms up to be picked up and then just fall asleep or stay there
Y/n likes how warm he is along with how he’ll carry them around. Plus his more squishy and smooth textured skin on account of being a fishman is a texture that they like
Jinbe has accepted his role as a resting place for y/n
Something that now also extends to Luffy, chopper and sometimes Zoro as well
When not doing his duties on the ship he likes to listen to y/n’s recounts of things
He finds it pretty soothing as well as informative
If no one else is up to listen to y/n word vomit then Jinbe always has an ear open
His favourites are ones are those including Roger
He’d never known him, just knew about bits and pieces from Whitebeard so he’s especially interested in learning about him from someone else
Y/n sometimes like to ask him about fishman culture along with facts about mermaids as well!
Especially stuff about Joyboy
Something which makes Jinbe light up in pride
Head pats galore from this fishman once he finds out that y/n melts at that type of affection
Is the first to not question how y/n has befriended so many war criminals
Though his is curious how the hell Doflamingo ended up on that list
Speaking of which when y/n gets really scared or anxious he is quick to pick up on it
Just immediately picks up y/n leaves the situation while Luffy goes to beat up what caused the problem lol
Y/n when seeing him get odd looks gives people odd looks back
Especially when people ask where their parents were and they point to Jinbe as if it were the most obvious answer in the world
Y/n once has bitten someone who was being racist
While Jinbe was proud he was not happy with the fact they resorted to Luffy type behaviour
Definitely considers Jinbe a father figure
Something he holds in high regard especially when hearing how they think so highly about Roger
Due to Jinbe being a whale shark fishman y/n bought themself and him matching whale shark plushies
He got the smaller one while y/n got the mama
Jinbe may or may not have secretly cried about this
Because Jinbe is serious most of the time y/n has made it a sport in trying to surprise him
Like suddenly jumping from the crows nest into his arms or randomly appearing out of nowhere for hugs
Even if he’s upset with their recklessness he always ends up smiling
Much like the others he ends up as a resting spot for the crows, specifically the young ones just learning to fly
They always end up tucked into his kimono somehow but he doesn’t end up minding it much
Not when the combined forces of the baby birds and y/n give him puppy eyes
His all time favourite crow though is one named Pearl, she’s just a little sweetheart that loves to sit on his hands to be pet
To be honest he finds them all rather intriguing especially since crows typically aren’t this intelligent
Like sure typically their intelligent birds but these ones seem even moreso
it seems somehow they have increased perception?
He’s not sure as to why but leaves it as a “y/n thing”
Something that has become a trend in his will for questioning things
Don’t understand it? Probably a y/n thing so move on and accept it
Nami has been following in this mindset for awhile now
Y/n steals his robes despite them being too big
He purposely leaves them out when realizing they like to do this
Jinbe is the only one to know about y/n’s time as a slave and is the only one to know why they sometimes flinch when people touch their back
He’s also the only way who’s able to understand and comfort them when they silently stream out at the sea
At ports y/n likes to go shopping with Jinbe and though he says they don’t need to buy him anything they buy him sea themed stuff to remind him of fishman island
In similar fashion despite y/n saying that he doesn’t need to buy them anything he buys them charms for their bracelets and necklaces that represent a place they’ve been so they can keep track
“So Roger really could stand toe to toe with Whitebeard?” Jinbe asks as you nod with a smile “yeah, Roger despite having no devil fruit was extraordinarily strong and had extraordinary Haki. Plus Roger was Roger”. At hearing this explanation Jinbe nods but then inquires “what do you mean by that last part?” Which makes you lightly giggle before explaining “Roger is the only person besides maybe Luffy who would sneak onto a marine base, fist fight Garp the fist, raid the kitchen and then proceed to escape back to the Oro with the stolen food, treasure and highly classified government field he thought looked cool”
“Jinbe can I go up” you ask with your hands already reaching up to him and in position to be lifted. The fishman smiles, for an immortal you really were a kid still. He smiles. “Alright, do you also want to hear about fishman island again?” It’s not even really a question when he knows your answer but he asks either way and sees you nod. Pearl who’s perched on his shoulder makes room and finds a place between you and him.
It’s late in the night when he finds you sitting on the railing of the ship, silently looking out to sea just as you did all those years ago. He leans against the railing beside you, remembering not to touch your back at this time. “You got reminded of it again?” He asks on which he receives a full nod from you, “it was in the market, there were some propaganda posters about escaped slaves. I checked to see if I was on there, I wasn’t luckily, but it still left me feeling all flighty”. He frowns at that but nods. “Do you need me to stay with you for now?” You respond quickly without thought “yes….it burns Jinbe, my back burns again but I know the brands not there”
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coopigeoncoo · 1 year
The Space Between Stars
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Pairing: Bubaigawara Jin x Gender Neutral Reader
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: Smoking, Burglary, Home Invasion, First Meetings, Meet Ugly, Domestic Fluff
Written as part of @shibaraki's KOMOREBI Milestone Collab!
You thought your terrible day couldn't get any worse, but then you come home and accidentally interrupt a burglary in progress.
What follows is a series of questionable decisions you probably should have thought Twice about.
"Uh- hello!" The man greeted with a nervous laugh, tugging the mask that was scrunched up on the top half of his face a little further down his nose, fumbling the corner of the TV slightly as he did so. "Don't freak out.  I can explain."
"Yeah?" You murmured distantly, thoughts frantically racing as you tried to process the entire scene playing out before you. 
Something in the man seemed to suddenly shift; his jaw clenching tightly and his shoulders pulling taut in a way that made your focus instantly sharpen- the same way all the animals in nature documentaries did when they finally realized a predator was in their midst.
"I'm stealing your TV."
Continue reading below or follow the link to Ao3!
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Today has been an awful day.
Not because any single, overwhelmingly bad thing had happened; you had just been worn down by a never ending gauntlet of unfortunate events.
Sometime during the night your phone cord had come unplugged and fully drained your phone battery, which meant that you woke up long after you had set your original and backup alarms to sound.  As a result, you didn't have time for breakfast and ended up just using mouthwash instead of stopping to fully brush your teeth, but even that time save wasn't enough to keep you from missing your usual train.  
You'd tripped on an uneven patch of sidewalk heading out to lunch and irreparably scuffed up the toes of your favorite dress shoes, and the presentation you had been working for the past two weeks to put together was somehow missing the last; and most integral, set of slides.  
The subsequent verbal lashing that your boss and, more embarrassingly, your boss's boss, had given you lasted so long you'd ended up missing the train.
And as you sought to pass the time waiting for the next train to arrive by messing around on your phone, you discovered that the person you'd been seriously flirting with on the online dating site had suddenly blocked you without notice.  
So when the skies opened up on your walk home, pouring down buckets of rain with such force that your skin stung from the impact, you comforted yourself with the knowledge that you could spend the rest of the day holed up in your apartment.  You'd slip into some pajamas, snuggle up on the couch with your favorite blanket, and veg out in front of the TV you had scrimped and saved to buy; doing your best to forget that today even happened while you yelled at quiz show contestants for chiming in with incorrect answers.  Perhaps you'd even go a step further and spend the commercial breaks on your phone, making wish lists full of products you'd never actually buy- letting yourself indulge in the fantasy of filling your overpriced and miniscule apartment with whatever gadgets and bits of decor that caught your interest.  
It wouldn't completely erase your misery, but it was the best you could do on a limited budget and exactly enough energy to shuffle from your bedroom to the living room after you peeled off your drenched work clothes.  
But your plans of relaxation were immediately foiled when you opened the door of your first floor apartment and were greeted by the sight of a man in a skintight black and white body suit trying to shove your brand new TV through your living room window; the bottom pane filled with with a spider web of cracks that spread even further with every heaving attempt to shove the flat-screen through the too small opening.  He froze when he noticed you, a cigarette dangling from his bottom lip as his scruffy jaw dropped open in surprise from your sudden appearance.  
"Uh- hello!" The man greeted with a nervous laugh, tugging the mask that was scrunched up on the top half of his face a little further down his nose, fumbling the corner of the TV slightly as he did so. "Don't freak out.  I can explain."
"Yeah?" You murmured distantly, thoughts frantically racing as you tried to process the entire scene playing out before you. 
Something in the man seemed to suddenly shift; his jaw clenching tightly and his shoulders pulling taut in a way that made your focus instantly sharpen- the same way all the animals in nature documentaries did when they finally realized a predator was in their midst.
"I'm stealing your TV."
And with that proclamation, your last frayed thread of patience snapped.
"Of course you are!" You laugh, frustrated tears welling up quickly and blurring your vision. "Why wouldn't you be?  It's not like my day could get any worse !"
"Hey, now- don't cry!" The man pleaded, thoughtlessly reaching out towards you with shaking hands, the TV nearly crashing to the floor as he released his hold on it; barely managing to catch the corner with a sharp curse and lower it gently to the floor.  "I'm not gonna hurt you or nothing- I'm just going to rob you a little !"
"A little? A little?" You shriek, wiping at your wet cheeks in frustration. "You're taking the most expensive thing I own!  That feels like an awful lot of robbing to me!"
"That's- that's a fair point," the man conceded, scratching at his exposed chin nervously as he looked around your bare bones apartment with a critical eye; taking note of your collection of second hand furniture and threadbare curtains your old roommate's cat had delighted in shredding.  
"I'm too tired to deal with this right now," you whimper as you take a step backwards into the breezeway, exhaustion winning out over more situationally appropriate emotions like absolute panic.  "Take whatever you want, but I would really appreciate it if you could leave the urn on the bookcase alone.  My Grandma is in there."
"I'd never-!" The man gasped, affronted by the implication he'd be despicable enough to make off with a jar full of Grandma dust.
"You're literally in the process of robbing me!" You laugh wetly, wiping your running nose onto your soaking wet sleeve.  "I don't think you're allowed to be offended by my assumptions about the quality of your character right now."
"I'm sorry. This isn't- this isn't the kind of person I want to be," the man whispered, his nervously wringing hands tightening into shaking fists. "This is who I have to be."
"Whatever," you huff dismissively.  "It doesn't really matter.  Close the window on your way out so the rain doesn't soak down to the floorboards."
"You gonna call the cops on me?" The man asked, nervously puffing on the cigarette in his mouth, the pungent clove smoke pulled towards you by the cross breeze; drifting straight into your face and making you recoil.  
"I don't live on the right side of the city for the police to care about a stolen TV," you inform him, grimacing at the tinkling sound of the buffeting rain upgrading into hailstones.  "I'm just going to duck into a store or something.  I'll be back in like, an hour, so it would be great if you could wrap up taking my stuff and be gone by then.  It's getting late and I still need to cook dinner."
And with those parting words you gently pulled the door closed behind you and, recognizing the futility of locking a door during an active home invasion; stepped back out into the freezing rain without looking back.
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The only store on your block that had bothered to stay open in such terrible weather was a tiny holistic store crammed in between a pawn shop and a seafood market.  The shop owner, a serious faced woman with her hair slicked back into a painfully tight looking bun, did her best to cover up the pervasive fish odor that seeped in from the neighboring business by having three oil diffusers running all at once; but the only thing it really accomplished was adding nauseating strong floral notes to the briny air.  
You felt bad lingering in her store for so long without buying anything, so after a drawn out production of pretending to consider buying crystals in a variety of cuts and sizes while internally balking at the price tags, you settled on purchasing a mood ring from one of the clearance displays.  It had a large band size, too large for your fingers for sure, but it was the only thing that you could afford to purchase now that you'd have to start saving for a replacement TV. 
The woman behind the counter was obviously disappointed with your thriftiness, but you pretended to ignore her sourly pursed lips as she thanked you for your business and recommended you return at a later date to have your aura cleansed.
"It's all muddy, you know," she informed you with a disapproving huff, tugging firmly on the stiff collar of her dress shirt to shift it back into place.  "An aura that messy will only invite trouble and stress."
In your experience, trouble and stress never needed an invitation, but instead of voicing your thoughts you held your tongue, jammed the mood ring onto your thumb, and thanked her for the concern; snagging a business card in a show of false interest before bracing yourself for yet another slog through the rain.  
It wasn't coming down quite so hard anymore, but you were already so thoroughly drenched that the waning storm felt like a meaningless show of mercy from the universe at large; a waste of whatever finite karma you'd accrued during your life thus far.  
You'd boldly assumed that coming home to some guy stealing your TV would be the most surprising thing you'd walk in on today, but nothing could match the absolute astonishment you felt when you entered back into your apartment for the second time that evening.   
It had been easy to imagine that your place would be a ransacked disaster at this point, electronics long gone and your personal effects scattered around haphazardly as the intruder fruitlessly searched for valuables.  Instead, everything was in the same, or better, condition than you'd left it in.  
The TV had been returned to its proper place on your third-hand entertainment stand, a large scratch on the side of the frame but seemingly no worse for the wear as the weatherman on screen droned on about the unprecedentedly large storm rolling through the city.  The cracked window had been covered In layers of carefully placed packing tape to keep it from shattering completely; a towel spread out on the carpet beneath it to soak up the rainwater that had collected inside during the thief's botched getaway.
All the shoes in your entryway, the ones you normally kicked off and left where they landed, had been lined up in neat pairs next to the coat closet.  The blanket you'd left crumpled on your lumpy couch after a quick nap yesterday had been neatly draped over the back of the sofa.
And the thief, who you thought would be long gone by now, had made himself at home in your kitchenette.  With a set of mismatched hot pads on his hands he pulled a half sheet pan out of the countertop oven, the telltale aroma of baking bread filling every corner of your small apartment and driving out the lingering stench of cigarette smoke.  Desperately, you wondered if he'd noticed your arrival; cautiously rocking back onto your rear foot in preparation for making a quick escape when he called out to you from across the apartment.  
"Don't just stand in the doorway," the man chastised as he slid the hot tray down onto the stovetop, a small saucepan set to simmer on the next burner over.  "You'll let all the warm air out."
"Uh- yeah.  Of course.  Sorry," you apologized reflexively, wildly unsure about what to do but deciding that the best course of action is to likely play along and keep the burglar-turned-baker calm.  Pushing the door closed with a shaking hand, you did your best to keep your breathing calm and level despite the dread violently roiling in your belly; your sense of self preservation blaring in the back of your mind like a siren.  
"Welcome home.  Again," the thief greeted pleasantly, the toothpick in his mouth straining under the force of his clenched teeth. "You said you'd be gone for an hour."
"I- I ran out of stuff to do and figured you'd be gone by now.  And not, you know- staying to clean up my apartment."
"Yeah," the man laughed, rubbing at the back of his half-masked head nervously; hand still shoved into one of your plaid oven mitts.  "This isn't how these sorts of things usually go down."
"Then why did you do it?" You ask with a nervous swallow, the domestic setting making you bolder than the situation would typically dictate. "Stay, I mean?"
"It just- it seemed like you were having a really bad day," the man murmured sheepishly, pulling off the oven mitts one at a time and tossing them down onto a clear swath of counter next to the stove. "And I didn't want to make it any worse."
"This is- so awkward.  I'm sorry," he muttered, scrubbing a hand across the stubble on his chin in frustration.  "I wanted to be gone by the time you got back to avoid all of this."
"It's okay," you say, unsure as to how sincere you actually were.
"It's not okay," the man laughed dryly.  "I was going to rob you- picking up your living room doesn't make it okay!  It doesn't make me okay!"
"You could have done worse."
"I could have," the man nodded solemnly, the action switching to a frantic shaking a moment later. "I wouldn't have."
A realization struck you abruptly.  "Tell me a lie," you demanded.
You wrench open the coat closet door and reach inside, pulling out a chunky blue scarf; a gift from a close friend during their brief but prolific crocheting phase. 
"Say this is red," you said, holding the scarf aloft for him to see.  He froze, every one of his muscles set on edge as he stared at the length of knotted yarn in your grasp. 
"I don't know what you're trying to prove here.  You already know that I can't."
"I just- I want to make sure," you insisted, holding the scarf up a fraction higher. "Please."
"Okay," the man said, deflating as he exhaled in defeat.  "The scarf is red.  It's obviously blue."
Emboldened by the first successful test of your hypothesis, you stepped further into the apartment, snagging a purple tissue box off of the coffee table with your free hand and holding it up for the man to see.
"And this?"
"Green.  It's purple."
Gliding further into your apartment, you deposited the scarf and the tissue box onto the card table you ate your meals at, and grabbed an overripe banana from the bowl of half-rotten fruit you kept replenishing each week; ever hopeful that you'd wake up one day with the self restraint necessary to reach for an apple instead of a bag of chips when you felt snacky. 
"This banana?"
"Teal.  Black- that's one nasty looking banana!"
"It is, isn't it?  I should probably just throw it out," you say with a grimace as your finger hits a soft spot on the peel and sinks down into the goey inner banana flesh. 
"Here, catch!" the man called out, tossing a slightly damp dish rag towards you, which you miraculously managed to snatch out of the air.
"Thank you."
"No problem."
It was quiet for a moment while you wiped the mealy banana goo from your finger, digging under your nail with the stiff corner of the towel.  "So you can't lie," you mused. "Is that a Quirk thing?"
"May as well be, I guess," the man sighed, turning to examine the squat loaf of bread cooling on your stove top.  "I want to go ahead and slice this.  You won't freak out if I grab a knife, will you?"
"Depends," you reply evasively with narrowed eyes as he pulled a knife half way out of the knife block, examining the edge with a frown before sliding it back into place.  "Do you plan on slicing me up, too?"
"These knives are so dull I don't think I could even if I wanted to," he groused, pulling another knife out for inspection with a dissatisfied frown. "And I don't want to."
Eyes locked on the intruder's back; you lowered yourself down carefully into the closest dining chair; knees weak and mind reeling from the surreal turn your evening had taken.  "So you don't want my stuff, and you don't want to hurt me- what exactly do you want?"
"What I want-," the man paused, a triumphant fist pump accompanying his discovery of a serrated blade.  "Is for you to try this bread that I made."
"And then you'll leave?"
"I'll leave right now if that's what you want," the man offered, running the scalloped edge across the craggy top crust of the bread and laughing delightedly at the scraping sound it made.  "Do you hear that?  That's one crispy crust!  This loaf is gonna be goooood."
"How did you even make bread, anyway?  I know for a fact that I don't have any yeast."
"You don't really have much of anything.  Believe me, I checked," the man grinned cheekily over his shoulder at you, as though he thought his confession about rifling through your apartment was  charming and not a blatant invasion of privacy.  "But lucky for you, I'm well versed in poverty meals.  Mix up a basic bread dough, add in a beer where the yeast should be, shove that baby into the oven and you're ready to go!  There's a bit more to it than that."
"Well, it smells wonderful.  This is probably the best this apartment has ever smelled."
"No kidding!  You get a discount for having the unit right above the dumpster?"
"I wish," You sighed forlornly, taking a moment to imagine how much easier your life would be with even a slightly lower cost of living.  "But taking out the trash is pretty convenient, I can just drop it in from the fire escape."
"Bowls?" He inquired as he shut the heat off under the saucepan, giving it one final stir.  
"Oh- I only have a couple.  They're probably on the drying rack."
He salutes you sharply before shuffling off to follow your instructions, carefully selecting and stacking the dishes into his arms like they were valuable pieces of china and not the very worst a home store clearance rack had to offer.  You twisted your too-big mood ring anxiously around your thumb, reminding yourself with every turn that the man in front of you, despite his seemingly affable nature, wasn't a guest.  He was an intruder in your home, no better than the mice that darted behind your fridge when you turned the kitchen light on in the middle of the night.
Although the mice had never cooked you dinner before, so you suppose that was a point in his favor.  
"Careful- careful," the man whispered quietly to himself, inching across the floor towards you with two bowls of soup balanced on his forearm; bracing the overhanging rims with a plate stacked lopsidedly with still steaming bread slices.  He gingerly deposited the bowls onto the table, sliding yours to a stop directly in front of you without any of the broth sloshing over the edge; an impressive feat considering that he'd filled it up to the brim. 
"Nailed it!" He crowed in pride, tossing the plate full of bread down onto the table unceremoniously, the thick slices nearly bouncing off the plate from his rough handling.  Collapsing into the folding chair opposite if you in what could only be described as a sprawl, you watch with thinly veiled interest as he pushes his mask up over the bridge of his nose.  Nostrils fully uncovered, he hunches over the bowl of soup and inhales deeply, flapping his hands to fan the aromatic vapors directly towards his face.
"Not too shabby for a can of soup and leftover veggies!"
"Is that what this is?" You ask curiously, giving the soup a small stir, trudging up a floret of seared broccoli that definitely came from takeout earlier in the week.  
"Don't be shy now.  Dig in!" The man encouraged, placing a large chunk of soup-drenched bread into his mouth with a happy sigh.  The soup was perfectly edible, nothing to write home about but still a notable effort considering the meager ingredients your kitchen had to offer.  But the bread was a different story entirely.
"This crust is incredible!" You gasp, the dry crumbs sticking to your lips.  
"A good dinner for a rainy night," the man stated, holding his half devoted bread slice out towards yours.  "Cheers?"
"Cheers!" You laugh, pushing your slice of bread against his; the crusts impacting and sending a dusting of flaky bread crumbs tumbling onto the surface of the table.
"Whoopsy-daisy!  I'll get that, don't worry," the man reassured you, licking his finger and tapping it across the table, picking up crumbs as he went.  
"'Whoopsy-daisy', huh?" You muse, sipping at a spoonful of soup thoughtfully. "How many kids do you have?"
"Kids? Oh, no- I don't- I don't have any of those," he stammered, shoving his crumb covered finger into his mouth and removing it with a comical pop.  "Her name's Himiko."
"That's…quite the discrepancy between those two answers."
"Himiko isn't- she's not mine, mine.   But she's mine, you know?  In all the ways that should matter."
"So you love her then?"
"Of course I do.  She's a great kid."
"That's all that matters then, isn't it?" You smiled sincerely, the first grin of the evening not strained through a filter of worry.  The man seemed to notice the subtle shift in your demeanor, the tension in his posture softening ever so slightly as he somehow managed to slouch even farther down in his seat.
It had been a long time since you'd eaten alone with someone.  You went out after work with colleagues sometimes, but the places that you always ended up were crowded and noisy; tables and booths crammed to near bursting to accommodate the ravenous waves of dinner rush patrons.  The last meal you'd eaten at home with someone was likely before you moved into this apartment, when you still lived off-campus with a couple of roommates you liked progressively less with each passing week.  
You'd been beyond thrilled to land a job that paid enough to allow you to live alone, even though affording to do so meant relocating across town to a less desirable zip code.  But a slight downgrade in living conditions was well worth the benefit of knowing you'd never again have to live through the experience of walking in on your roommate and their booty call having sex on your bed because it was 'more comfortable' than theirs. 
While you would never miss the stacks of unwashed dishes left to putrefy in the sink or having to wipe urine splatters off of the toilet seat before you could relieve yourself, it was hard to deal with the constant quiet sometimes.  The drone of the TV couldn't replace someone asking about your day or replicate the joy of shared laughter.  
And you couldn't help but wonder if it was a similar situation for the man across from you.  
"Is it okay for me to ask your name?" You murmur quietly, eyes locked on your own hands as you push a tomato chunk around your bowl with the back of your spoon.  "I understand if you don't want me to know.  The less I probably know about you the better, huh?  I'm sorry, that was stupid of me.  Forget I said anything-"
"Twice.  You should call me Twice," the man interrupted; letting out an irritated grunt before opening his mouth once more.  "I want you to call me Jin."
Thrown off balance once again by his contradictory requests, your brain races frantically to find some sort of middle ground between the two.
"Do you want me to call you Jin…twice?  Like, JinJin?"
"That's a little ah- intimate , dontcha' think?" Jin said, a nervous cough punctuating his sentence sharply.  He pulled the bottom edge of his mask down further, trying to cover up the tell-tale embarrassed burn of his cheeks without compromising his ability to eat.  "Just Jin is fine."
"Alright.  Thank you for the meal, Jin.  This is a much nicer dinner than I would have put together for myself, even if I hadn't been delayed by some guy breaking into my apartment," you joked, sending a pointed look Jin's way; politely averting your eyes and pretending not to notice his splotchy blush creeping even further down his cheeks.
"A burglar, huh?  Sounds like a real heel."
"Maybe," you murmured thoughtfully as you watched Jin try and cram an entire slice of bread into his mouth at once.  "But I don't think he's all that bad."
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Jin, having gone back for a second serving of soup, was the last to finish eating.  You swooped in and grabbed his bowl before he could object, placing it on the counter as you waited for the sink to finish filling so you could begin washing the dishes. 
"You don't have to do that," Jin grumbled from his position behind you, standing close enough for you to feel him nervously shuffling from foot to foot.  "I can clean up after myself. "
"Nope, sorry.  It's the house rules," you sighed forlornly, acting as though you weren't the sole person responsible for making those rules.  "If you cook, you don't clean up."
"Is there anything else I could do?  Help you out a little more?"
"I guess you could help me dry?" You offer, scooting over slightly to make room for him in your tiny kitchen area. 
"Aye-aye, Captain!" Jin saluted as he slotted into place next to you, grabbing the dripping wet cup you offered out to him with one hand and picking up a dry dishrag with the other.  
The sounds of clinking cutlery and the slow but steady dripping of your faucet worked together with the rumbling storm outside to craft a peaceful atmosphere; one that helped soften the sharp edges of reality and allowed you to gloss over the fact that you were having a very pleasant time with the man who had started out the evening with the intention of robbing you blind.  
It was reckless and stupid, but you couldn't help but worry a little about what would happen to Jin once he left your apartment.  If he was desperate enough to resort to theft for some quick cash, you couldn't help but wonder and worry about what sort of life awaited him outside of the cramped comfort of your home.  
"Are you going to be okay?  Once you leave?" You ask, prying up a stubborn piece of dried food from the tines of a fork with your fingernail.  
"That's one heck of a loaded question!" Jin laughed sharply.  "The world is an absolute mess right now, society is on the brink of collapsing in on itself- I don't think anyone is going to be okay for a long, long time."
"Yeah, but- there's nothing I can do about any of that stuff," you sigh quietly, watching the small bubbles on the surface of the water swirl around your wrists.  "But I can help you, if you need it.  I probably have enough money to put you up at a hotel for the night.  Keep you out of the storm."
"You're too kind," Jin murmured quietly, his voice heavy with appreciation.  "But I don't want you to worry about me, okay?  Things are…difficult right now.  But it won't last forever."
"I wish I had your optimism."
"It's not optimism," Jin said, placing the last plate into the drying rack next to the sink and passing you the dish towel to wipe your hands on. 
"What is it then?" You asked, unable to fully dry your hands on the wet cloth, so you settled for simply wiping off the lingering film of bubbles from the back of your hands.  
"Experience,” he said, scratching thoughtlessly at the scruff growing unevenly across his exposed jaw.  “My life has always been- well, bad.  Mostly.  I used to really hate that.  Thought it wasn't fair.  But now I don't mind so much."
"Why not?"
"Well, eventually I realized that the bad times I went through made all the good things in my life seem even better," he said, turning his head to gaze out of your taped up window, as though he would be able to see the sky and not the moldering plaster exterior of the apartment complex next to yours. "Stars wouldn't be anything special if it wasn't for all that dark space between em', you know?"
You thought back on your day, on the series of disastrous events that had weighed you down soured your disposition, and how now; with the passage of time and the balm of Jin's companionship, the day didn't feel quite so dreadful in retrospect.
"I hope you saved room for dessert," you smiled, turning to riffle through a cabinet for the small package of cookies you kept tucked away for emergencies.
"Thanks, but I'm still full from dinner.  There's always room for a treat or two!"
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The bag of cookies, already half empty from propping you up emotionally during the dramatic season finale of the show you'd binged last weekend, didn't last long.  But you and Jin did your best to stretch out the warm comfort of the evening as long as you could; chatting over the commercials as the emergency weather broadcast came to a conclusion.  
"Welcome back, viewers!" A man with slicked back hair and an unfortunate mustard colored blazer greeted as the title card for the incoming show disappeared from the screen.  "You're tuned in to 'Top 10 at 10', the show where we look back at the week's top moments from the Top Ranked Heroes!  Next up is the Winged Hero: Hawks, swooping in for a rescue-!"
"Ugh," you groan, patting the couch cushions around you in search of the remote.  "Is the controller over by you?  I want to change the channel."
"Nope, no controller," Jin said, his focus solely on the TV as the Number Two Hero crashed through a window on the top most floor of a burning apartment building. "So, you're not a Hawks fan I take it?"
"Hawks gives me weird vibes," you admit, lifting up a throw pillow to peer down into the space next to the arm of the sofa as Hawks waved casually on the screen, a shaking Pomeranian tucked securely under his arm as he floated to the ground.  "I don't trust people who always smile.  It feels like they're trying to hide something."
"You're a good judge of character, aren't you?" Had you been less focused on your frantic search for the remote you would have noticed Jin's uncomfortable fidgeting and repeatedly clenching fists, but you'd missed those telltale signs that preceded a shift in his personality.  So the sudden appearance of that voice, the brash one you'd grown accustomed to hear chiding and correcting Jin's half-truths, was unnerving.  You wondered how loud his unspoken thoughts must be for that second voice to feel the need to comment on Jin's internal dialogue.  
"I used to think so," you laugh dryly, the hand you'd been using to fish around in the couch coming up with a fistful of crumbs and an old tin of forgotten breath mints.  "But recent events definitely have me reevaluating that assumption about myself."
"You shouldn't-," Jin swallowed thickly, carefully considering his words; weighting them for sincerity lest he stray too far off the line of authenticity and unwittingly reveal too much.  "Don't make me be the reason you doubt yourself.  I'll take the blame for all sorts of stuff, but I don't want that to be on me, okay?"
"Okay," you whispered, once again fumbling to regain your emotional footing.  Talking with Jin was like walking across a messy room with your eyes closed, constantly tripping up and unsure of what caused you to even stumble in the first place. 
"I mean, if you can't trust yourself, then who can you trust?" Jin asked, his voice only just beneath a bellow and pulled thin at the edges; a manic sort of cry that poorly covered his underlying distress.  "I can't trust myself anymore!"
"You can’t?"
"No.  I- I broke that trust.  I broke myself."
Carefully, you lower yourself down on the cushion next to him; a vulnerable place for an unguarded moment.  "I know that it probably doesn't mean much of anything coming from me- we're pretty much strangers," you admit with a helpless sort of shrug, extending a hand out towards him like you would a cowering animal; slowly, carefully, like you half expected to be bitten for your trouble.  "But I trust you."
"You don't know me.  I don't even know if I'm me," he admits with a watery sniff, accepting your outstretched hand with his shaking fingers.
"This Jin, this you- ," you emphasize with a tight squeeze of your hand. "-is the only one I know.  And I happen to think he's pretty alright."
"Even for a bad guy?"
"You're the best bad guy I know," you assure him readily, the words somehow playful despite their sincerity.  But it seems like Jin was looking for a way out of the mire of introspection he'd waded into and quickly took the metaphorical hand you'd extended; lifting himself out of his head with a breathy chuckle.  
"I am pretty great, aren't I?"
"A terrible thief, but an excellent chef."
"Guess I missed my calling in life!" He grinned brightly, sucking up the bead of snot dripping from his nose.  
"It's never too late to change."
"It is for me."
You waited anxiously, almost desperately for that second voice to cry out in objection, but the room remained silent except for the canned laughter piping in through the TV speakers.  Whatever path Jin was on offered him no alternative, no deviation from the bumpy road beneath his feet.  
"Earlier, you told me that this isn't who you want to be.  That this is who you have to be."
"Who I need to be.  Who they need me to be."
"Will you do something for me?" You asked, easily sliding the mood ring off of your thumb and spinning it between the fingers of your free hand.  "One last favor and we'll call it even?"
"Of course," Jin nodded solemnly as his chest puffed up; proud to be entrusted with carrying out a task for you.
"When you have the chance, I want you to make the choice you want.  Be the Jin you want to be," you pleaded, sliding the mood ring easily onto his much larger pointer finger.  
"This like a promise ring or something?"
"I suppose," you hum thoughtfully. "But only if you promise."
He held the ring up in front of his face, watching the colors swirl and shift rapidly across the gleaming black stone; far more active than it had been on your own hand.  Jin clenched his fist, locking the ring onto his finger like he was scared it might tumble from his grasp and disappear into the unknown abyss alongside your remote, never to be seen again.  You couldn't see his eyes, only the expressive patterning on his mask that managed to contort with his fluctuating disposition, but there was a sudden weight upon your shoulders that let you know that you were the sole object of his intense focus.  
Jin lifted his ringed hand into the air between you, splaying his fingers wide in front of your face.  The dark, swirling gem of his ring glimmering merrily from the vicinity of your forehead, a third eye for Jin to take with him; an eye that would see him in the way he craved- as the Jin that existed solely in your gaze.  
"I promise."
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The night, as all things, could not last forever.  But you were unprepared for the abrupt way that Jin threw himself up from the couch when the late night News broadcast cut to live coverage of a crime in progress; a patch-skinned man cackling in delight as he threw bright blue flames from the back of a speeding van at pursuing police vehicles.  
"That idiot, " he hissed, patting his sides and butt like he was checking for keys or a phone that were very obviously not tucked into his spandex suit.  "I have to go."
"Oh ,"  you manage to say through the clenching knot of dismay that had tied itself up in your chest.  “Will you come back?"
"I- I shouldn't," he whispered, regret palpable in every syllable.  "I want to."
Hastily, you stumbled to your feet and strode across the living room, grabbing the ceramic urn you had on prominent display before circling back and stopping directly in front of Jin. 
"Here,” you said, pushing the vase firmly into Jin's arms.  “Take this.”  
"For the last time, I'm not going to take your Grandma!" Jin cried in exasperation, pushing the floral patterned urn back into your arms. 
"Please," you snorted, lifting off the lid and pulling out a small plastic bag of gray ashes, shaking it back and forth in the air. "This isn't actual people powder.  It's a bunch of charcoal ash I grabbed from my neighbor's grill."
"Then why do you-?"
"I'm not totally naive," you said, hooking your hand on the rim of the urn and gently jostling it, the tell tale clinking of coins echoing from inside.  "Every burglar grabs a piggy bank, but very few think to check a jar of apparent human remains."
"I can't take your savings," Jin protested weakly, staring down longingly at the handfuls of bills scattered amongst the change.  "I'm not gonna steal from you."
"Of course you're not.  First of all, this is a gift ," you emphasize, pushing the urn more firmly against his chest.  "And second, this isn't for you."
"It's not?" Jin asked bewilderedly, twisting his head around to check if a second criminal had snuck into the apartment while he was distracted.
"Nope.  This is for Himiko," you explained, letting go of the vase and stepping back so Jin had no choice but to tighten his grip on the money jar or let it crash to the ground.  "Buy her something nice, okay?  And treat yourself while you’re at it."
"I- I will," he promised, unable to refuse your gesture if it meant securing some measure of comfort for Himiko.  Tucking the urn safely into the crook of his arm, Jin tugged his mask down; obscuring his face fully for the first time.  It was impressive how much that narrow swath of exposed skin had been carved into your memory in such a short span of time.  Even now, through the cover of a mask, you could still make out the small hints of Jin that lay beneath; the jut of his chin, the set of his jaw, the jittery way he clicked his teeth together.  
With a grace you wouldn't expect of a man his size, he slipped towards the patched up window, prying up the frame and squeezing an entire leg out onto your fire escape before he noticed your bewildered expression.
"What is it?  What's wrong?"
"You- you don't have to sneak out the window," you explained, pivoting your body to point towards the entryway.  "You can just use the door."
"Right!  The door!  Of course!" Jin laughed, smacking himself in the forehead as he pulled his leg back into your apartment, hopping clumsily on one foot until his appendage was fully free.  "Forgot that you had one of those."
"Well, I hope you don't forget again," you chastise playfully, guiding him out of your front door and into your apartment breezeway.  "Because I sure would appreciate it if you'd knock next time."
"Next time?" Jin asked, voice hitching hopefully at the invitation.
"Bye, Jin," you smiled, giving him a small wave as you slowly closed the door.  "See you later!"
"Right," he murmured, staring down at his fluctuating mood ring, a smile creeping along his face as white specks scattered across the dark blue stone; like stars glimmering brilliantly in the dark night sky. "Later."
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rinatic · 2 years
NCT 127: when they have a crush on you
[ Taeil ]
Heart eyes :)
He thinks you have no idea that he has a crush on you
While literally everyone knows including you 😭
Tries to be lowkey
Gives you presents, does tasks for you and so on
And when you ask him why he's taking care of you he accidentally admits his crush on you indirectly
"I just thought you needed help" "because why not? I wanted to help you :)"
Sir we can see your heart eyes very well from miles away 🤨
When you're around, his lips are ready to form a smile immediately
He looks so awkward pleasee
Kinda gives up because pretending that he doesn't love you tires him so he just confesses
Accept my mans love 😤
[ Johnny ]
Turns into a total loser
He's a loser already but it gets worse when he has a crush
Basically his world revolves around you
And wants the opposite too
Pro at stealing glances without anyone noticing
Doesn't understand why you wouldn't go eat at macdonald's with him at 1:00 pm afternoon at friday this week
"You're not busy stop lying" "you HAVE to come eat something with me because I'm starving, or I'll have to eat you 😈"
Did i mention that he'll throw sexual remarks here and there?
He'll see if you're comfortable with it or not, and if you are, you have to deal with it because dis boy is dirty af
A lot more touchy than normal
You won't know he has a crush on you because he acts like this with everyone
So you'll be surprised when he confesses
[ Taeyong ]
Becomes obsessed
Bro has 583259753 pics of you that he stares at before going to sleep
He thinks it might help him dream of you lmao
When you're not around, he's so confident about how nobody's gonna realize his crush on you
But as soom as you enter the room, boy melts
It is like he falls in love again and again like the first time every time he meets you
Takes care of you and thinks that it is his duty to protect you
Unlike other men who'll act manly, he turns into a cutie around you
Your opinions matter to him
Wants to have your full attention so he's constantly snatching you from others
"We can't even breathe around y/n!" "You thought i would let you share the same air as her? Go breathe somewhere else 😤"
Is awkward but it is endearing :)
[ Yuta ]
He's scarier than usual
Yuta as a friend would be a giggly goofy party guy
But yuta when he's in love?? Scary af
Sometimes you catch him glaring at you and you wonder what the hell did you do to get him stare at you like that
All other men become competition to him
Is constantly worried about you
"Are you safe? Do you want me to come take you?" "Go home safely, make sure to lock your apartment door"
Is more protective than usual
Hugs you longer than he should
You're the only person he genuinely smiles at
[ Doyoung ]
It's giving FBI
Bro wants to know everything about you
You know that fbi friend who gets you all info on your crush? That's him
Never spills anything in front of you, he's careful with his words lmao
Members tease him all the time about his crush on you (he never told them, but he accidentally stared at you longer than usual)
"S-Stop it! I don't like y/n!" "Why do you think I'm in love with her? I just think she's pretty."
Is a busy man but gives you the utmost attention
Supports and helps you even when you don't need it
Buys 'friendship' rings for you two (it's actually couple rings don't ask him about it or he'll panic)
You'll immediately know he loves you cus bros eyes be exposing him
[ Jaehyun ]
When boy finally accepts his crush on you, he decides to not show it
And he's so good at it you won't catch him slip
The boys will laugh at him because of how hard he's trying not to show his feelings
He's the king of subtlety
So he definitely throws subtle hints here and there
And you don't get it lol
"Y/n you're so annoying why do you have to be dumb 🙄" "but i love this dumb woman so I'll have to do something before someone else gets her"
Then he decides to move to the next plan
And it is sending you love songs :)
Hoping you'll get the signals that he likes you
But if you don't, then he'll have one option left to make you realize his feelings
He'll have to confess
[ Jungwoo ]
This boy right here turns into a puppy around his crush
Not just cute, he also listens to you and does anything you want him to do
Also bro wants to impress you so expect a random backflip or a handstand lol
Isn't sure what to do about his crush on you
So he just brings food (???) everytime you're around
"You seem weak these days, y/n 😥" "eat this! I want to see you healthy and energetic"
If one of the boys annoys you, he hits him and it's harder than he usually hits them lmao
Observes your actions and thinks he's slick however you can see him looking at you
A walking wallet around you
And the boys are definitely jealous of you
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bougiebutchbitch · 9 months
happy izzy headcanons, off the cuff:
ed's adhd ass remembers the most random shit about him that he said one time, like that his favorite color is green, he doesn't like sweets, and he used to feed a stray cat when he was a kid (despite not remembering ostensibly more important things / things that were repeated or told to him directly. RIP iykyk etc)
he called the cat Miss Lady and sometimes to get out of "playing" with "fellow" "children" and other such tedium, he would claim she was his boss and he had to go to work for her in her estate (he's like ≤8yo or something when he pulls this)
still has not gotten much better at lying than that tbh
his parents loved each other and him and his big sister very much. they were as happy as they could be in their level of poverty, and iz's youngest years were filled with unconditional love
he and his sister both got their first jobs at the same little shop, but izzy was immediately and comically fired for being crass and rude to customers lmao (also for wearing pants)
he was part of the navy for an astounding one (1) year before being discharged - equally comically - for being the singular most insubordinate little shit ever seen. regular punishments had absolutely no effect on his behavior, and though they threatened to do worse by that point they could not catch him.
his criminal record is just as long as ed's, but the bulk of his charges are morality based. he fucks so severely it is a crime. (not that hard to do really, at the time, but he's proud of it lol.)
was taught to read english and hebrew as a kid (Jewish communities at the time had higher literacy on average than other groups & taught girls as well as boys to read, iirc)
can buy and sell in many languages, but can't really converse. is in the process of learning spanish from jim and french from frenchie (with much more unsavory instruction provided by roach, for surprise use on frenchie lmao)
not necessarily about izzy i guess lmao, but i have a scene that runs in my head of izzy telling jim something private in spanish and jim interrupting (but not fast enough) to yell that oluwande is fluent, to which olu nervously says "no, i forgot. those words. don't use 'em much, so. you know. whoosh. gone. didn't understand any of it."
he and anne fake dated way back, to make ed and mary jealous
he and jack tried this also, after it worked for anne but not for izzy, but in the process they accidentally dated for real (jack... might have had ulterior motives lmao)
takes ye olde hrt, in the form of an herbal tea recipe that he got from a midwife who clocked him at 50 paces. they are still friends.
bottom sub leaning, but still a vers switch!!!
explores his gender further, with encouragement and some minor guidance from wee john. he has a little bit of a crisis at first, wondering if he only felt like a man because he didn't make a very pretty woman, but he talks it all through in fits and starts - primarily in out of context ambushes - with john and jim, learns more about drag, etc, and eventually gets comfortable with being a man who pretends to be a woman sometimes and just happens to be very good at it due to certain biological advantages lol
later functionally becomes ed's drag mom, the way john was for him - featuring many more instances of dressing him up like he did for the party in season one
realizes after being folded into the found family that he LOVES cuddling, and physical intimacy of all kinds. like basically discovers acts of service is actually not his only love language. nothing makes him feel more content than being physically in sync with someone.
at some point pete decides he wants to stop being all talk and actually live up to all the shit he's bragged about, but he doesn't want everyone else to know and/or there to be any witnesses to him being bad at stuff at first. so he solicits secret lessons from izzy, and izzy gives them and keeps the secret without condition.
he's basically the gordon ramsay of piracy. if you're learning and you're working at it, he's patient and attentive. if you act like you don't have anything to learn or make claims you can't back up, he calls you a fucking donkey.
grows his hair out. adores having it played with.
takes his job as "unicorn" very seriously. all of his duties are pretty much assigned to him via his own perception of what the fuck being the ship's unicorn even means, but if he says something is or isn't his job everyone goes with it without question. he sometimes abuses this fact, but only with ed lmao.
has each member of the crew add their own x to his tattoo and ends up with a little constellation of slightly differently shaped stars across his cheek/temple
oh these are PERFECT. Excuse me while i squeal over each and every one.
I KNOW THAT PAIN, ED, BABYBOY, DARLING, PRINCESS WITH A DISORDER. He is theeeee most ADHD gremlin. He will randomly describe in perfect detail a day from 10 years ago that Izzy only has the vaguest recollection of, down to the precise inflection in whatever Izzy said to make that moment stick in his mind - but he still doesn't know Izzy's birthday sldkfhgklsdfhg
oh no. OH NO. Tha'ts horrifically cute. And I love that Izzy is a gritty old pirate who can kill without a moment's hesitation - but he cannot tell a good fib to save his life lmao. It's the 'tism
:cris and holds happy baby Izzy close:
I'm WHEEZING at tiny angry scowly Izzy getting fired from a shop for being a bastard refusing to wear a dress, saying fuck this, running away to join the Navy where the wearing of dresses is not requisite, and almost immediately getting fired for STILL BEING A BASTARD. :chinhands: it's so him
I am just. Imagining. Lucius getting hold of Izzy's criminal record in S1 before they really get to know each other. And just being supremely confused that Izzy has actually walked the walk lmao
JEWISH IZZY JEWISH IZZY JEWISH IZZY :clutches that headcanon very close to my chest:
ohhhhhh gosh I LOVE the crew teaching each other casual little things.... language tutors Jim and Frenchie and co., my favourite. I wonder if Izzy teaches them a tiny bit of Hebrew, too? Or if he keeps that very close to his chest. (I love the headcanon that he and Ed are both Jewish, and it's part of what drew them together~)
SCREAMS at Izzy accidentally Revealing Things to Olu because he doesn't realise he speaks that much Spanish.... And at Jim warning him! I also imagine that like, AS SOON as Jim gives that warning, they get the fuck in front of Oluwande with a knife, juuuust in case Izzy goes for him - but Izzy just glares at Oluwande, jerks a nod, and mutters 'first time I've given a man amnesia without having to hit him in the head'. Oluwande awkward-laughs and flees, but though Izzy's a tiny bit wary of him for a few weeks, he doesn't stab him?? So, y'know, success?
also, as ever, I am OBSESSED with Jim and Izzy being casual quiet trans buddies and helping each other out now and then. :gently pushes my headcanon of Izzy helping Jim acquire Ye Olde Top Surgery towards the fandom on a silver plate:
CJIZZY AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh (I love Jack being like. 'Yeah I'll fake date you to make Ed jealous, Izzy :D Yeah, absolutely no strings attached. Yeah we're not gonna actually fuck or anything. Of course.' then pulling EVERY string available to get in Izzy's pants dsfklghkdsfgkdlsgf
YESSS TO BOTTOM SUB LEANING VERS SWITCH IZZYYYYYY he has the range, darling! I love the idea that he was Ed's service top for ages, and is legit good with a strap~ >:3c Almost as much as I love subby top Izzy who always comes too soon and goes jellylegged so his partner has to sigh and take over and fuck him into the mattress while telling him what a disappointment he is (which, ofc, only makes him wetter). ......Yes, I blame carryme for this one entirely.
TRANSMASC DRAG QUEEN IZZY TRANSMASC DRAG QUEEN IZZY - I vibe with this on a spiritual level. Also: I can imagine Izzy was REALLY rigidly 'I am a man so I have to be masculine' as a result of internalised transphobia/fear of discovery, so this whole process of realising he can do whatever the fuck he wants, actually, involves a lot of unworking of societal assumptions and confronting past traumas and fears, and Wee John only meant to share something transgressive and fun with Izzy but now Drag Hour is therapy hour too. And honestly, it's good for him and Izzy and Jim, and Izzy's expression goes this amazing mix of offended and delighted and terrified and excited whenever he realises that yes, he is allowed to present himself however he likes and he will 'still be a man'. Although I do think he might draw the line at dresses, and keep to more andro drag? Like, he tries on a pretty dress ONCE and it's a bit Too Much when he sees himself in the mirror - but that's completely okay too, and Wee John and Frenchie are more than happy to help with tailoring outfits that he actually likes!
ohhhhh.... Izzy being just an absolute cuddle magnet.... be still my heart. I like to imagine that he was too awkward to approach anyone at first, but was SUPREMELY touch starved, so he'd sneak into the cuddle pile on deck at night and then try to wake up in the morning before everyone else. But of COURSE, everyone realises and knows and thinks it's very cute and one day when he tries to make his usual escape (moving slow to try and draw out the warmth and the contact, as well as so as not to wake anyone up) Lucius sleepily grabs his wrist and grumbles, "Izzy, staaaaaay". And, well. How can Izzy say no to that?
PETE IZZY FRIENDSHIP AHHH???? I would read that fic in a heartbeat.
Vis-a-vis the Gordon Ramsey comparison: he has ABSOLUTELY called poor Stede an 'idiot sandwich'
Izzy wearing each of the crew's little 'x' kissy marks besides Ed's.... oh, be still my heart. This one got to me. That cheek and his neck and chest are just a map of tiny stars and - OHHHHHHHHHHH you know they're all getting gently smooched
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24hlevi · 2 years
— faded
chainsaw man characters (denji, power, aki, makima, & reze) x gn!reader
summary: the csm characters as stoners
warnings: language, drug usage (marijuana), suggestive in aki's
this was an impulsive decision but i did it anyway while working on reqs so here
also one of power's hcs repeated idk why my phone hates me 🤷‍♂️
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denji -
- would probably die the first time he smoked pot, no matter what he smoked it from he will most likely pass out and not wake up for a good few hours
- cannot figure out a pipe like at all he just can't seem to hold it the right way or how long he's supposed to hold his thumb and then inhale he just cannot do it
- his favorite method is probably a bong like power, the bigger the better for him, he probably threw up the first time though from accidentally hitting it too hard 💀
- denji is okay with joints or blunts, but if you ask him to light it he will say he's worried of burning his face off with a lighter that close (fair tbh) so you always have to do it unfortunately
- he is probably clingy when he's high like reze, except he just lays his whole body on top of you, mumbling out incoherent sentences you can't even understand which is mainly just him saying how he loves you
- denji also gets more jealous easily when he's high, if he sees anyone looking at you in the slightest way he will tell them to back off even if they aren't interested in you at all because he can't differentiate the two when he's high
- denji probably got SUPER paranoid the first time he smoked, thinking there was devils when it was just power or just overthinking everything possible
- he probably smokes with you every few days, not every day but quite often even if he does nothing to help contribute the costs like a fucking scavenger
power -
- does not understand the rules of smoking with others like ashing the blunt before passing it, hitting it twice, or anything it's honestly embarrassing
- does not understand the rules of smoking with others like ashing the blunt before passing it, hitting it twice, or anything it's honestly embarrassing
- she loves hotboxing in a car or just the bedroom, claims it gets her higher faster and it does honestly so she's not wrong 🤷‍♂️
- is obsessed with those gas masks she put one on once and convinced you to buy one somehow and now she is always using it
- power seems like a bong girl to me idk she probably just gets really big ones with pretty designs and most likely one that glows in the dark because she's like a child and gets super excited over being able to see it in the dark
- do not ask this woman to grind down the weed, the one and only time you asked she poured all the buds on the tray and just...smashed them with her hands instead of using the grinder, needless to say she wasn't allowed to smoke with you for two weeks
- power is already a menace, but when she's high it's even worse, she will try to fight everyone no matter the reason, and she yells a lot more, it's a surprise you don't have hearing loss yet with how she screams every word she speaks
- if you were to hand her a blunt with a flavored wrap she would probably hit it once and then just eat the whole thing and then throw up because she literally ate the entire blunt 😐
- power probably smokes a lot after she realizes the effects it has on people, though she's also a scavenger like denji she does nothing to help not even cleaning the bong water for you 😒
aki -
- aki already smokes cigarettes, so he's familiar with the concept of smoking, but smoking pot is a completely different way of smoking than cigarettes to him
- he most likely started out with a joint or blunt, seeing as it's the closest he can get to a cigarette without actual tobacco
- he most likely started out with a joint or blunt, seeing as it's the closest he can get to a cigarette without actual tobacco
- aki probably likes flavored wraps better then cones because he likes having a taste rather than straight weed flavor
- he hates bongs, hates them because he can never seem to take a small hit off one and his head always hurts super bad after taking one hit because he can't control it 😭
- aki is probably okay with pipes, probably the sherlock ones though and nothing with a design on it like a marvel logo or some shit, just a small one that has no design is good for him
- when aki is high he is way more chill and calm when it comes to denji and power and is definitely more comfortable with you, even going as far as leaving little marks on your neck to express he wants something but won't actually say it
- aki also does become more emotional when he's high, he doesn't know or understand why it just happens, he will tear up at certain affectionate actions or when watching a movie and he gets really embarrassed after
- he already smokes cigarettes a lot, so this would be no different pretty much, he probably has one of those cool cases that holds two joints in one that he carries around or mixes them with his cigarettes in the box
makima -
- a blunt girlie there is no doubt about it, she loves all the flavors you can get and actually has a few favorites she really enjoys
- will pay for all of the supplies whenever you need more or just want something new, don't bother trying to pay she will do it anyways
- makima knows how to do o's with the smoke even if it's harder she does it perfectly like 😵‍💫
- on occasion she will use a pipe, though, but she despises bongs and any other method, mainly because bong water gets nasty fast and she doesn't want to bother cleaning it all the time (same ngl)
- everything is super organized and looks like every little thing has it's own place on the tray, she doesn't like when the tray gets a bunch of useless shit on it like stems and roaches from joints she will literally clean the whole thing just to make it look pretty again
- makima does enjoy a edible every once in a while when she's traveling and can't smoke, she usually gets gummies because they hit her faster than normal edibles made by someone else
- she has a roach clip thats probably like iridescent or multicolored or some shit because she likes using that than possibly burning her fingers
- makima doesn't smoke a whole lot, mostly just on her days off and after work but never before work or a business event of some sort, even though she doesn't change much when she is high
reze -
- when i say reze is clingy as hell when she's high i mean literally so fucking clingy 😭 she will be attached to you the whole time, playing with your fingers completely zoning out of everything else
- she probably has a cute little jar she stores the weed in with hearts on it or some shit and her tray is probably some sort of purple galaxy with a lid to cover the contents
- she will smoke out of anything, she doesn't really have a preference she likes all methods of smoking really but she leans towards pipes
- reze is also 10x more emotional when she's high, she could see a puppy on a tv show and would start sobbing uncontrollably leaving you a confused mess trying to help her feel better
- like denji, when she is high enough she will just lay on top of you while hugging you tightly, playing with your hair while ranting about how much she loves you
- she most likely has a collection of custom lighters in a drawer in the bedroom, she specifically likes the old school zipper lighters, probably with cool designs on them like butterflies or something
- reze probably makes really good edibles idk she's the one most likely to know how to bake in my opinion so if you buy the supplies she will make some and it's usually cake so she can decorate it and make it look pretty
- she probably smokes the most out of everyone excluding aki like on a daily she would be high constantly if it weren't for her job, her off days are spent laying in bed smoking and sleeping the whole time which she gets far more cuddly than normal on those days
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yandere-fics · 9 months
after seeing the height chart, I’m shorter than all the ladies. How would they behave with a short reader? Would it be more infantizing? Would they flaunt it and use their height to make their darling dependent on them like putting dishes or the TV remote up high?
(Sawyer is excluded because she would never do that even if she really wants to at times, I might do one for the kingdom if you guys ask but the only tall people within the kingdom are Ainsley and Veronia. I will not do one for the Anderson sisters as they are actually quite short, excluding Darla who is roughly 5'8, the other sisters are all around 5'3-5'5.)
♡ How They Treat A Darling Who Is Much Shorter Than Them ♡
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♡ Miriel would never do that to you... at least that's what she thinks at first, it's what she says but subconsciously she's accidentally putting things out of reach from you and jumping with joy when you ask for her help. Then it just becomes habit to set things up really high unless you explicitly ask her not to, then she'll obey your orders and be sort of sulky that you won't have to ask for her help but she's nothing if not obedient so she obliges. ♡
♡ The step ladder is her mortal enemy. Do not buy a step ladder unless you are prepared for Miriel to cry all day long about how you don't need her anymore. Except then Miriel realizes she's not actually that tall and so she sort of also needs the step ladder on occasion. Then she's just mad she can't do everything for you because of her stupid height. Guess who's never taking her heels off in the house again! ♡
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♡ If she's still trying to be sneaky with you and hiding her true self then she's going to try to be subtle about the reason why she places everything so high. Though most of the time this won't be a concern because as soon as you even mention getting up to grab something she'll already be up to grab it for you, this is just for those rare moments when you decide to fetch something for yourself so that way you'll realize at this point you should really just ask her instead since you never seem to be able to grab anything on your own. ♡
♡ If she has shown her true colors with you then she'll let you get up to grab something so that way you have to whine for her to come get it. While she does enjoy taking care of you, she also needs to make it abundantly clear that you need to just ask her instead. If you say you're going to get a plate, all the plates will be super high until you learn to just ask her to grab you a plate. ♡
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♡ Why would she do something like that? If she wants you to rely on her then she'll just force you to be. She doesn't need to go through the added effort of making everything high up just so she can make you dependent on her, you're already dependent on her. Putting everything up high isn't for you to rely on her, it's for punishment. ♡
♡ Nikki is not tall, however she can fly with very minimal effort and if she uses her bottom smaller wings then it's safe to do so in the apartment. Putting everything up high so you have to ask for help is a chance for her to strike fear into your heart by showing off her wings, this way you know just how fast she could fly after you and catch you if need be. Normally she just puts everything where it belongs, she only puts things up high when she feels you need to be reminded that she is in fact a high rank demon. ♡
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♡ She has no shame about what she's doing, the first time you come to her apartment you struggle to reach things because she's tall so naturally most things are high up, after that she decides she rather enjoyed the feeling for you asking her to grab things for you so she starts putting things even higher up and eventually you can't reach a single thing in her apartment without help. ♡
♡ This behavior is easily remedied as long as you call her out on it when it first starts. The first time things are still reachable if you stand on your tippy toes, it slowly and progressively gets worse and worse each time you visit though. If you continue to allow her to get away with it eventually you won't be able to reach anything. If you get a step ladder then she had no shame about throwing it away when she thinks you aren't paying attention. you could buy several step ladders and each one will vanish without a trace though she'll probably put some money in your wallet cause she does feel a bit bad. Eventually you'll get the message and just have her grab things instead though, right? ♡
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♡ Rudie is not home all of the time which means everything is placed within your reach so that way you can be a very comfortable captive. She wouldn't want to set everything high and then come home to find out you injured yourself trying to grab something that she mistakenly set out of reach. Which means when something is out of reach, it's extremely clear that she set it there on purpose. She's not at all subtle about it on the nights that she's not out killing. You'll know right away that she's antsy for you to get up for something and realize you need her help. ♡
♡ Except Rudie is not tall, so when you ask her to grab the thing she will usually go into her locked closet where she puts murder weapons usually, and pull out a step ladder which will get locked away again as soon as she has grabbed your item. ♡
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pocketramblr · 9 months
Hi! Five ask hame request! Have you ever read the Magisterium? Basically Callum Hunt's sad backstory, but transplanted onto Aizawa
For those who don't know what I'm talking about, simply put it would be an au where AFO got badly hurt and tried the soul hopping thing early (baby shouta being his unlucky vessel) but... did so very badly. Thus accidentally giving himself amnesia and basically becoming Aizawa
(I highly recommend the Magisterium btw, it actually handles this situation very interesting and it this existential crisis is introduced pretty early on for the character in question)
I have never read that but I have wiki crawled enough to understand the gist I think
1- All Might kills AfO a whopping 23 years early! You may ask how he managed this. The answer is pure rage and also a special gun David snuck to him in pieces in his costumes. The gun did not survive. Sadly, AfO barely did for a few minutes. Under the hospital he demanded Ujiko bring him a body- the doctor heard "baby" and grabbed the infant Shouta. AfO manages to transfer himself in but messes it up, and the quirks stay in his body. Ujiko puts the baby back to buy time to get AfO's original body in a tank to preserve it uh but then the baby gets taken home.
2- Ujiko and Gigantomachia spend years trying to find the kid, but figure that AfO will make himself known so they don't give up even when Gigantomachia is unable to sniff anything out.
3- Shouta grows up normally if you don't count the horrible nightmares that he never remembers but still affect his sleep. He really has no idea why his body is resistant to sleeping for any long bit of time until it's fully worn out and can't resist, and doctors can't help so he just kinda accepts it. He wants to be a hero. He goes to UA. He can't sleep. His classmates befriend him. He wants to be a hero. He can't sleep.
4- Garvey attacks. Here, Garvey is a little different, designed to be both a smokescreen and a flaregun, getting AfO's attention and getting quirks to him. It works better than Ujiko could have expected- when Aizawa looks on him to erase, he pulls a quirk in instead, and falls. Oboro catches him, but Garvey is attacking fully now, trying to mark and get his master's attention. Both boys are injured, more quirks are slipped into Aizawa, and he wakes up in the hospital with Ujiko leaning over him. He demands to know what he's doing and to get away from him, which Ujiko takes as AfO having a plan all along and having a reason to sneak into heroics unnoticed, so he backs off. Aizawa leaves the hospital. His insomnia has gotten worse, and he's starting to remember his dreams. They're confusing, and awful. Once, Oboro wakes him up when he fell asleep outside the gym, and he almost impales him with a spike that none of them know where it came from. Shouta tells him he's going back to the hospital to figure out what's going on, and Oboro insists on coming with and bringing the others. They plan to do it in two days. Then Shouta leaves to do it alone that night.
5- Ujiko happily lets Aizawa in and answers his questions, until he realizes that Aizawa genuinely doesn't know what's going on and has none of AfO's memories- or at least, has accessed none of them. Ujiko shows Aizawa AfO's body, then surprises him with an attack and a blindfold to keep from being aged out of existence. Aizawa is put in a sister tank, as Ujiko suspects the incomplete transfer of quirks is why the memories aren't present enough. So, he starts the transfer himself. However, he didn't count on anyone knowing where Shouta had gone, and before the transfer is complete, Oboro, Nemuri, and His Purple Majesty lead an attack to get Shouta free. He's out, and while the transfer was enough to unlock the memories and severely disorient Shouta, it did not put AfO fully in control of his body, so that'll be a task to manage, but Shouta can take a few months to recover aided by his friends before he worries about doing something like "go to Might Tower" to deal with it all.
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ailelie · 5 months
YNAB Convert
So I've been using YNAB for about a week or two now and it is the best.
I thought checking my budget before making purchases would make my financial anxiety worse, but it is the actually the opposite.
I actually feel in control of my finances for the first time in...a while. When I check my budget, I can see whether or not I have money for the thing in front of me. If that category is empty, I can see how the rest of my dollars are assigned and decide if the thing in front of me is more important than some of my other priorities.
Instead of trying to calculate my upcoming bills vs my bank balance, I can just look at my budget and see 'yes' or 'no.' And if it is a 'yes,' I can spend that money without fear or guilt.
Instead of always looking backward and wondering where my money went, I can look ahead and see how my future bills are taken care of. It is a very good feeling.
The system does require though that you use.
Before you buy something, glance at your budget. If the relevant category (e.g., dining out, fun money, books, rideshares, etc) doesn't have funds, decide then where you'll pull the extra money from.
Each time you make a purchase, log the transaction. When YNAB imports the transaction from your bank, the app will match the two so you're not stuck with doubles. This is important because it ensures that your numbers are always accurate and you don't accidentally spend the same $10 twice.
The other task is reconciling. You should do this at least once a week, but, honestly, I do it every time I wake up in the morning and it is a good feeling. Basically you just log into your bank and compare your bank account ledger to your YNAB account ledger and make sure they match. Then you compare cleared balance (the balance NOT including transactions that are still processing) to the cleared balance in YNAB. If they match, you're golden. This is annoying the first time you do it, but after that? It takes me 3-5 minutes in the morning max.
Oh, and you have to set your budget up in the first place. That will take some work. I printed out a month of transactions from my bank and figured out how I had been spending money. I also identified all of my monthly charges and when they hit my bank account. Then I used that information to set up my budget.
...and promptly realized that my category spending limits and goals were too generous and so started thinking about how I could adjust my spending habits, without going cold turkey on anything.
One thing I did was separate my Lyft spending into two categories: transport to/from church and random rides. I cannot lower the costs of the first Lyft category, but I can commit to taking public transport more than I had been--especially with summer coming. I'll have to reassess when the weather turns again.
But I also love it because I am certain I am setting aside enough money for the things I care about. And, since that money is tucked away into its own category, I don't accidentally spend it. Way too often I'd just look at my account balance and utterly forget I needed, say, $50 for a Mother's Day gift. Then Mother's Day is a week away and I have no money to buy a gift. Not this year!
Meanwhile, I am already saving money to get a new laptop next year--something I've been planning on buying. Of course, I'd planned on just doing a payment plan. It is going to feel so good to be able to buy my preferred laptop out of pocket.
Christmas always puts me in a tailspin, but now I am already saving money. And it is there in my budget and the only way I use those dollars is if something else comes up that is more important to me than being able to buy presents.
And that's something else I love. I'm not comparing the purchase in front of me with some nebulous 'other' I could spend the money on. I'm comparing ordering in because I don't feel like cooking with the weaving class I'm super excited about.
When weaving is on the line, I realize I have enough energy to drop some frozen fake chicken nuggets and tater tots on a tray to bake.
Anyway. This app is so far fantastic and also? I'm making a plan for getting out of debt because that feels possible now.
They'll give you a 34-day free trial, no credit card needed. If you're a college student, I think you can get a full year free.
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sixofcrowdaydreams · 7 months
There's a handful of reasons I relate to Wylan so strongly, but one of them has to be the unique experience of being an illiterate adult.
A few years ago, right before the pandemic, I moved across the world to work in a country where I didn't speak the main language. None of the languages commonly spoken in my new home uses the Latin alphabet so attempting to read and pronounce any letters/words in an unfamiliar writing system has been difficult.
Just don't be ignorant, you might think. Learn the language! For the record, I did. Well, I started to, but then the pandemic hit. My language class stopped and strict quarantines limited opportunities to practice. Two years and two babies later the world opened back up. Work and my tiny dictators, I mean, toddlers have kept me too busy to throw myself into learning the language with the gusto I once had. But over the years I've learned enough to get by with basic pleasantries: hello, goodbye, thank you, yes, no. Numbers 1-10. And how to order food at a restaurant. "How are you?" "Good." Unfortunately, that’s the limited extent of my conversational abilities.
The alphabet still trips me up and I often feel like a kindergartner slowly stringing syllables together and incorrectly sounding out words. Plus, there's the bonus of pronouncing the words but still not knowing they actually mean.
So I relate to Wylan a little bit in having to navigate the world at a disadvantage, one he cannot fully understand. Luckily for Wylan he can speak even though he can’t read, which gives him more coping strategies than are available to me. But you don’t realize just how much is written, especially in the modern world, until you are unable to read it.
Being an illiterate adult is a humbling experience. I cannot emphasize that enough. Book Wylan is a teenager, but was thrown into the “real world” and left to fend for himself as if he were an adult. Show Wylan is an illiterate adult who was also more or less thrown into the wild world. And I’d like to imagine that he shares similar illiterate adult encounters and experiences with me.
There isn’t a moment that I forget that I can’t read the language around me. However, it’s very easy to tune out the writing. To be blind to it and not see signs or labels because my brain stops looking for them, unable to to understand them.
Getting lost. Knowing the name of the place, a building, an address, the street that I'm searching for, but not being able to locate it by sight even though it is right there.
Walking past shops and stores unable to read their name and wondering what’s inside. What do they sell? What business do they hold? There’s no way of knowing unless I go inside myself.
Shopping and buying items based on the image on the packaging. Trying to figure out if there’s any difference between two items. Occasionally guessing wrong, buying the wrong thing.
Need instructions? Written directions (like for cooking)? Lol, Guess I'm going to wing it and hope for the best.
Being unable to read a written menu and ordering something generic because the restaurant probably serves it.
Putting off chores that require using the skill I don't have.
Having to act overly polite to everyone (regardless of how I feel) because I am the inconvenience when everyone else is just living their normal life.
Being treated like a child because, in my inability to read, I have the skills of a child so people will treat me the same way they would a child. And worse, all the while still having to act so polite about it because again, I am the inconvenience, even though I am being spoken down to like a child.
Accidentally, unintentionally being rude because I can't follow the sign's directions.
Pretending that I can read (or speak). Sometimes nodding along and agreeing with without any context is easier than a admitting I don't have a clue what's happening.
And in the modern day... I rely heavily on my cell phone to translate the way Wylan would use speech to text features. And there are times when there's no cell service, the phone or app stop working correctly. The translations/transcriptions are imperfect and confusing. It's scary when those safety nets stop working.
So yeah, being an illiterate adult is quite the experience. It can be exhausting. I am incredibly lucky that in my case it's due to living in a multicultural world and that given the time and patience, I could became literate and fluent in another language. The entire experience gives quite the insight on the hurdles and experiences Wylan might face.
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crimsonblackrose · 2 months
Ah yes, the apple computer is a lemon because Lyle accidentally found himself as tech support.
Johnny's first computer is a Dell laptop. I wonder though if in the 80's they had computer classes, because then he might've known a desktop, which is still a different set up then a clunky Dell laptop.
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Johnny is at least moving at the right part of the computer that is the mouse. Even though the cursor isn't moving. He also manages to open up every single Microsoft program ever, which how does he have those? They're totally extra now right?
Where's the internet? Have you tried connecting to the wifi? Obviously....what's wifi?
Book 2: The Internet for Dummies
His wifi password is Strike1strike (hard one guesses?)
Hot Babes > Wet T-shirt contest > Iron Eagle > Bloodsport (Lol he stops to read a blog post about it)> Conspiracy Theories (The Actual Truth: Mind Control, Flat earth, fluride poisoning children, herbal remides for sleep, faked moon landing, and of course dinosauras built the pyramids, zac efron is elvis's son) > misc fighting video from a movie I don't know. >all american karate championship on youtube> Top 10 spin kicks (blocked by a Daniel advertisement for Miyagi-do where he purposefully shows kicking Johnny in the face as part of his ad)
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Daniel, darling, dearest, my boy, you were pissed when Cole made a targeted ad, you're literally putting kicking Johnny in the face on the worst night of his life (one of) as your ad for your dojo. You even say "Don't be a snake in the grass. Be a champion."
And then Daniel's once again undercutting Johnny's finances by making sure all the sessions are free. Which I get is because his lessons with Mr. Miyagi were free but still.
You know I do like that they didn't actually show google, and just made their own random generic internet search
New movie rec: Bloodsport
Whose making the cobra kai merch? a beach ball and a towel?
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Demetri claiming the wins of Cobra Kai as his own is...something.
First mention of Johnny's rap sheet, I like how Eli's parents actually did their research on the guy teaching their kids.
Valley fest mention (did they only do valley fist in this one instance in the whole series?)
Amanda is a CEO.
Daniel spent half the Q3 (third quarter) marketing budget for LaRusso Auto on his dojo advertisement. That seems...uh...financially very bad. I don't know legal laws for corporations but...bad.
Like he excuses it because the dealership will get publicity at the Valley fest, but still to take corporate funds to use for personal I feel like is an actual white collar crime.
Jessica Bluestein is I guess one of Amanda's friends or coworkers/staff whose husband started a ska band and then hooked up with a palates instructor half his age.
Amanda misses the simple days of dicks on billboards. Which fair, it's going to get a million times worse Amanda, so be prepared.
Anoush got transferred from Encino to North Hollywood. Which I guess is a downgrade
Sam's hair when it's braided or in these little three buns is very cute.
Robby's hot water was also turned off.
Jacuzzi confirmed at the LaRusso's. It must be that thing by the fire place. Also apparently a possum died in it.
There's also a cobra kai phone case. Seriously? Johnny did you have all this made or did the students have it all made?
Poor bonsai, also did you go out and buy these to hurt the bonsai? Also poor kid holding the bonsai that was dirt and ceramic and tree that hit him in the face.
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What Johnny says is pretty much exactly how Tom Cole did his targeted ad against Johnny.
Hashbrown and send it to the internet.
His students doing his whole internet marketing team is very sweet, but also he needs to compensate them for all that free tech labor.
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I don't think I'd fully realized that he'd bought more space from Zarkarian. I guess he just had this room locked for Zarkarian to have storage previously?
I get why the kids automatically assumed that because of Robby being Johnny's son that's why Johnny got mad at them for the tournament. But in reality his rules he tried to instill after the tournament was don't cheat and don't be unsportsmanlike. And that should apply to everyone even Robby. And maybe he should've reminded them of that rather than just shutting down the conversation and telling them to clean mats because they got into his business and it's not their business.
Especially since Kreese is going to use that to drive a wedge between them all.
I get why Amanda is getting frustrated, Daniel said that he used part of the budget to get eyes on his dojo, and it's fine because they have valley fest for the dealership. But then he goes after the dealership spot too.
I don't think she has a name yet and I don't remember it, but I like that she gives Johnny the 411 on free food. He's got kind of a community in the area. Lyle his tech person, the Mini Mart guy (sorry I forgot his name) and the homeless lady.
Did Kreese not know previously that Robby was Johnny's? Or that Johnny had a kid? Because it feels like not only does he have his eyes on a way to drive a wedge but also a target.
Johnny says he'll never get a chance to train Robby.
Kreese dumping a lot of paranoia and random fears on Johnny, like Daniel stealing away Miguel too.
Ah the correction, Johnny's learning and paying attention.
They changed it, Miguel and the Diaz's are in apartment 1.
Johnny kidnapping Miguel: 2? 1? I feel like generally he has the kids meet him somewhere rather than driving them somewhere.
Sal and the delicious chopped onion burgers. So Johnny knows the name of the chef at this diner and it's not Smitty's.
Robby's birthday Monday February 4, 2002 after 17 hours of labor.
Johnny was coming off a 3 day bender.
He gets chocked up when he says he failed Robby on his first day in the world and every day since.
Mr. Miyagi never taught Daniel how to use a weapon during the first 3 films, so sometime later he must've taught him some, at least a bo staff.
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Stingray is out here talking about the teenage mutant ninja turtles, Donatello is his favorite.
The initial shots make it look like they're up much higher then they actually are.
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Look how proud he looks to have that thing and his ice blocks. It is really cool.
Okay so it always comes off as if Johnny like snuck in and struck, but the fact someone dropped the logo over valleyfest makes me think someone on the valley fest prep team knew about it.
Yup I went back, it's right there rolled up above the Valley fest logo
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Plus all the lighting people knew exactly where to direct the lighting and the music to play. So they knew that Daniel would get interrupted and didn't tell him.
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The smoke, the lighting, the fireworks, Daniel someone did not give you an updated memo on this and the Valley Fest was more than happy to put this on without telling you. Also the amount of work these kids put in to perform on even less notice then Sam and Robby?!
Like sure Kreese is standing in the back talking to a tech person but still, they had to have gotten permission and people had to have agreed otherwise security would've taken them off the stage. Someone on the Valley Fest committee loved this idea.
This crowd craves violence.
Omg there's even custom logo lights being shown on the backwall.
I do love that Aisha got her own solo where she was blindfolded and kicked and broke a bunch of boards. She looks so happy and proud.
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Like yes, them upsurping Daniel sucks, but also this is such a great celebration for his students. And also again Aisha! (add to it disproving one of Silvers goals of blinding your opponent and making them unable to do anything, here Aisha is proving you can still kick ass and not see, which you would think Daniel and Sam would be proud of her)
Hawk's jump kick is also really cool.
For a festival it also makes sense, they're throwing out merch and what not. It's fun for the crowd.
Daniel's thing would've been super cool, and two stages can go at the same time, the fact they completely stopped to watch Cobra Kai is a bit of a bummer, because they could've continued. Our local fest had a big main stage performance and then a small stage performance like super close but the noise pollution wasn't bad enough to disturb either. But because the crowd left and Daniel was so stunned they just seemed to have given up, when that didn't have to be the case, he could've show cased his own thing at the same time and gotten a different audience because Cobra Kai isn't going to be for everyone.
Johnny and his five cement bricks on fire. I wonder if those are from Cutter. (Daniel btw has 6 blocks of ice)
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Kreese looks ecstatic in the back with the tech and sound people.
The melting ice makes me so sad every time.
So do you think Johnny and Daniel both had similar ideas of breaking bricks without Johnny knowing that Daniel had that planned? Because Daniel's plan was a secret, they just both thought it'd look cool? Daniel's of course is from TKK2 but did Kreese teach Johnny that? Johnny told Kreese that he had a few moves Kreese didn't teach him, and if that's the case where'd he pick those up?
Robby looks mad. That's probably one of the biggest one step forward another step back is that not only did Johnny upstage Daniel but he also upstaged his own son.
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whyarewewlwlikethat · 2 years
This is why I hate when tumblr finds hidden gems. For the past 3 days, I've seen so many people say Goncharov (1973) is overrated now that they've finally watched it. Those people absolutely did not get the movie. The movie follows a man who was poor and mistreated his whole life but manages to turn the odds around. Unfortunately, in the most brutal way – by accidentally joining the mafia. Suddenly, this man turns back into a boy and starts enjoying and buying everything he didn't have as a child. He buys new clothes, a car, fancy cigars, drinks expensive liquor, starts going out to eat in restaurants every single day, and gets used to being called Mr. Goncharov. Basically, he gets everything he has ever wanted. Except for one thing. The one thing he wanted the most but not even all the money in the world could buy. Katya. His childhood crush. The girl whose family treated Goncharov worse than a stray dog because he was not born rich. That same family who would never accept Goncharov as a good candidate for Katya's husband now came to Goncharov and asked him if he was interested in Katya. Here, Goncharov could have stood up and spat in their faces. It was obvious they did not remember him as the poor boy selling newspapers. Instead, he confirmed that he was interested in Katya and asked for her hand then and there. For me personally here is where he finally crossed the line. Not when he first killed, not when he murdered for money, not when he abused alcohol and wasted money on extravagant things. It was when he quietly renounced his past. That is why we witness the longest pause in the movie here! A whole 9 seconds!!! After this he gets Katya. They marry and start living together but it's never quite right. Katya, who used to come to him on the corner of the street where he sold newspapers and talk for hours, was not only gone but was never his. He thought it was only his status that prevented him from getting Katya. He thought of her as another thing he could buy, another childhood toy he never got to play with. So, when Goncharov found out about Katya and Sofia it finally all clicked. Katya was never his. She was always Sofia's. Even though he married her, he got [bought] her, she wasn't his. And what did Goncharov do throughout the whole movie whenever he did not get what he wanted? He killed. This is where people say it came out of nowhere. I've seen sooo many people now say Katya died for nothing and that it was stupid and out of nowhere. While I don't agree that it was out of nowhere I do agree that it was stupid but that's the whole point! Katya did not deserve to die for being in love with someone else. Katya's death serves to show us the real Goncharov. Throughout the whole movie, we are on his side, whatever he does we excuse it. He is the perfect anti-hero. It's only when he kills Katya do we snap out of the spell and realize that Goncharov was never in the right. To me that plotline is the most interesting one alongside Katya and Sofia's. It's just such an amazing AND underrated movie. Simply unfortunate that tumblr found it, made it famous, and now decided that it is again meh. But yeah that's just my two cents.
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robbinggoodfellows · 2 years
A fun little Nischa holiday fic based on that video I saw of Gus Halper singing Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire
To Mischa the holiday season was a time of constant reminders from his adoptive parents that he was not wanted. Mischa's "parents" never gave him gifts, they barely gave him enough to eat or a warm bed to sleep in at night. And warmth meant a lot in Uranium, especially when the snow was blanketing the town and daring to invade Mischa's basement. So he spent the majority of this December in Noel's arms. With any moment the two had to themselves, Mischa would hold his boyfriend tighter than he felt humanly possible.
At first, this kind of affection which was far from unusual for Mischa was just sweet and endearing to Noel. He found it cute that Mischa wanted to lay directly on top of him, insisting he was Noel's blanket. But as the days leading up to Christmas crept up, Noel wondered why the two of them had not been at Mischa's house in weeks. It was normally their hangout spot because they had much more privacy than at Noel's house where his mother typically burst in to the room at the exact worst time. But as he was waiting for Mischa outside of his last class of the day before winter break, he tried to work up the courage to ask Mischa what was wrong.
Noel had the whole conversation scripted out when he realized Mischa would have normally been there by now. Noel looked around, making sure he was the only one within earshot before calling out "Mischa? Love, where are you?" His answer came in the form of sweet piano music from the choir room.
"Misch?" Noel was standing in the doorway of the room, smiling bigger than he normally did as Mischa stopped playing and looked up. "Hey." Mischa responded, his voice was adorably happy as usual, but a bit of pain found its way into his smile. "Chestnuts, huh?" Noel asked, sitting down on the piano bench next to Mischa and kissing his forehead. "Yeah, I fucked it up a bit though" Mischa laughed, and then he sighed and looked down at the keys. Noel wrapped an arm around Mischa's side, guiding Mischas right hand to the keys. He did the same with his other hand, lacing their fingers together and helping Mischa play the notes slowly.
"Chestnuts roasting on an open fire..." Noel started to sing, he waited to Mischa to continue.
"Jack Frost nipping at your nose" Mischa sang at a barely audible whisper, he was too focused on the piano.
"Yuletide carols being sung by a choir" Noel continued, "and folks dressed up like Eskimos"
Noel let go of Mischa's hands and Mischa barely noticed, he was staring so intensely at the sheet music in front of him.
"Everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe," When Noel sang the word mistletoe, he paused to kiss Mischa's cheek,
"Help to make the season bright." Mischa's hand slipped and he accidentally played the wrong note. "Fuck..." He cursed under his breath. His hands were trembling and when Noel looked closer, he noticed Mischa's eyes watering. "Don't cry my darling, I'm not mad you messed up if that's what you're worried about." Noel reassured, kissing the top of Mischa's head. Mischa shook his head and rubbed his eyes on the back of his arm. "Is not you, my divine poet." Mischa mumbled. Noel thought maybe this was part of why Mischa was avoiding his house.
"Are your parents being worse to you now that it's the holidays?" Noel asked and that's when Mischa broke down. He hugged Noel so tight, face pressed into his lovers shoulder, sobbing. And Noel rubbed his back and reached his free hand up to wipe the tears from Mischa's pink cheeks.
"They say money is tight." Mischa explains, once he's calmed down a bit, "They said they want to have money to buy presents for the people they love and that spending money on a son they did not wish for was useless. So the meals got smaller and when I asked for a blanket they decided to lock me out of my room for whole week because I was 'ungrateful'" Mischa looked at Noel, who was frowning, Mischa cupped his cheek and pressed their foreheads together. "Do not be sad, love. You did not cause problems."
"I know I didn't make your parents shitheads but it still upsets me" Noel responded. "The holidays are stressful enough with all the socializing involved, I can't imagine how hard it must be for you." He added. Mischa just looked at the floor for a few seconds. "Do you think I can stay with you through holidays?" Mischa asked, to which Noel pursed his lips and nodded. "Can we go to my house first so I can get some clothes and maybe grab my backup binder just in case?" Was Mischa's next question. "We can do anything you want, love." Noel whispered.
"Remember Ocean wants us to do something with her for Hanukah so if you can find your mothers latke recipe you always talk about you should bring it!" Noel said cheerfully as Mischa broke the sliding glass door of his basement residence with a rock in order to get in. And if his parents decided not to fix the door, Mischa could make multiple cases for child endangerment from them.
Mischa and Noel went home to Noel's house, which was the only home Mischa would know in Uranium, and the two spent their night cuddled in Noels bed watching Elf. This was Mischas fist normal holiday season. He was so in love.
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Rpg Anon: Strap in, mod. Cuz I gotta give my two cents on you being interested in Disgaea now.
First of all, I don't anything about what happens in disgaea 6 or 7. Kinda didn't care anymore after the older characters didn't feel like work was done to make their moves modern anymore.
Ok now, if you're that interested just of the hinazumi bit, you can ignore Disgaea 1 and 3. I didn't play them either but they didn't seem too interesting to me. Just know Laharl, Etna, and Flonne are old characters from the first game.
I recommend playing Disgaea 2, 4, and 5. Mostly cuz I biased like these ones. You can play 2 on a psp emulator like I did. 4 is the first game I saw and how I got into the series tho and 5 was pretty fun to watch and had a great story.
Before I gush over the hinazumi-ish details of Adell and Rozalin, important tips for Disgaea 2 tho. 1. DO NOT kill your friends. Friendly fire is always on and it's always a bad idea to accidentally do this in all the games but 2 actually punishes you HARD if you do it way too much. *shivers in fear remembering the Worse Ending* 2. Adell hits REALLY hard if the opponent is stronger than him. Prepare yourself to see him level up like crazy for being a level 100 fighting level 500's. 3. Adell's cowardly scaredycat little brother is the best unit in the game bar none. His aoe attack where desperately flails all around himself does more damage than anything in this game.
Now for the stupid gushiness. Spoilers tho. Adell and Rozalin start off really not wanting to be around each other. They really don't like having to drag or be dragged everywhere. Character Development happens tho and by the end of the game, well, Adell fucking kisses the insanity out of her. 👍. Funny as the credits show her trying to shoot him for doing that. Here comes the reall Hinazumi levels of tsundere lovey dovey shit. Come Disgaea 4, you can recruit them separately as dlc. The thing is, well, they both seem to have secret motives for why they want the job and need the money when you first try to recruit. Turns out they secretly wanted to buy something valuable for the other. (Adell wanted to buy a fancy necklace for Rozalin and Rozalin wanted to buy a new fancy house for Adell) How sweet. However, whoever you recruited first suddenly arrives after the second is beaten and admits their reasons and they feel moved. Cue the lovey dovey atmosphere of "You did all of this for me?" "You were doing all of this for me, too?" "I... um... uh..." *long silence and then the atmosphere burst into colorful hearts and rainbows as they're both lost in their own world, staring at each other in silence* What happens next can only be described as:
Ibuki coming out of nowhere screaming out "OH. MAH. GAWD. These two. Are. MARRIED!!!"
(Cue the tsundere.)
Hinazumi finally realizing everyone was watching: WE'RE NOT MARRIED!!!
Hajime: yeah um um um she's just a freeloader living together with me under the same house!
Mahiru: Hajime, you idiot! You're only giving them more of the wrong idea! Also who are you calling a freeloader?!
Ibuki: You two are definitely married!
Fuyuhiko: Okay okay! That's enough. You're both fucking hired. Work together as husband and wife to make money for the business, you two.
Hinazumi: We're not married!
(This was fun to go thru again.)
From then on, it gets more and more intimate and hilarious. Honestly, I wish I could gush over it more but I don't have time.
//Ok, so I checked out a video on what you were talking about, and I'll link it here.
//So there's two possible outcomes, as RPG said, and they both give off this absolutely perfect tsundere romance vibe. This is the most Hinazumi thing I have ever fucking seen, and I adore it.
//Kaguya-sama wishes it could be this good.
//And what's funny is I imagine this being a potential story interaction for the Survivor RPG we brainstormed a while ago. Except maybe instead, it's just Ibuki and the other Remnants teasing Hinazumi that they are stupid in love and married.
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gothicprep · 1 year
i don't think there are many people morally worse than david paulides. he's either so lost in the conspiracy sauce that he doesn't realize how reckless he's being, or he knows what he's doing and doesn't care.
if you don't know who he is, he's a bigfoot truther from the coast to coast am extended universe. he has a series called "missing411" that consists of 10 books and 3 documentaries, that focus on missing persons cases in public lands. and he's not saying that bigfoot or bigfeet are involved in this, but it's pretty heavily implied given his body of work. and the national park service won't answer his FOIA requests, so clearly they are hiding something!
the nps does comply with FOIA requests, they just won't comply with his FOIA requests because he's a shit-stirrer and they don't want to deal with him.
if it were just him publishing books, i'd just giggle at the crankery and move on. but it's the documentaries that bother me. the first one he does is focuses on children, and it's so slimy. it's on tubi and you can watch it for free if you have absolutely nothing better to do.
i think he does the matt walsh thing, as in booking interviews under deceptive circumstances and through a third party. otherwise, no one would probably talk to him. it's funny because the movie is bookended by the disappearance of a kid named deorr kunz jr on a camping trip, and there's nothing all that mysterious about what happened to him. the jacket that he was supposedly wearing when he disappeared was found in his parents' old apartment, which leaves two possibilities. one of them is that his parents killed him before the camping trip, and it was a hoax. the second is that he died accidentally on the trip, whether by knocking his head, drowning, or accidentally getting his hands on a not legal substance (people doing drugs on camping trips is something that has been known to happen) and it was an unplanned hoax. but you can sort of tell that they don't know what the documentary is going to be for, because the parents keep insisting their innocense.
where it gets fucked up is when he interviews jaryd atadero's dad, because it's very clear that he never got over his son's death being ruled as unexplained. it's very clear that this guy is mentally destroyed over this. the prevalent theory in the case is that he was attacked by a mountain lion, but he doesn't buy it. he still keeps his son's skull fragment in his old bedroom 20 years later because that's all he has left of him. this guy is the high water mark of grieving parent and not someone you want to pimp out for your conspiracy theory documentary. same goes with the people who were involved in the investigations and search and rescue efforts and are clearly haunted by it. leave them out of this.
even outside of directly involving someone, people with missing family members tend to latch onto stuff like this from the outside, especially when it involves kids. i couldn't tell you why. whether it be dennis martin's parents talking to clairvoyants in the 60s, or missing411 now, the people who latch onto otherworldly explanations the hardest are the people with personal ties to the subject. and i'm sure he knows who the obsessives are. doesn't sit well with me.
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earthbovndmisfit · 2 years
Merman Jonathan trying on human clothes for the first time.
This just gave me some ideas that will yes/yes deviate a little at points (literal ramblings of mine as usual, lol), which means this is gonna be a bit long, but I hope that's okay!
I think Jonathan learns how to do housework and, as a way to repay Speedwagon and help him at home, Jona does most of the chores while Robert is at work. Spw doesn't want Jonathan to feel like he has to do anything to live with him but, seeing Jonathan's stubbornness about "doing his part" along with the fact that its kind of a necessity at this point now that the two are living together and, as a result, the housework has doubled up, he just simply lets Jona work around the house as much as he wants to. It also helps Jonathan keep himself busy when Robert is not home, so that's another good thing.
As such, Jonathan helps Speedwagon with the laundry most of the time, either by washing the clothes himself or taking them off the clothesline when they are dry, folding them and etc. This is how, one day, while he's folding all those clothes and putting them in the clean laundry basket so he can take them inside (basket with wheels and all so Jona can move around with it easily), that Robert's fave shirt catches Jonathan's attention and the idea of trying it on pops in his head. He has noticed how much Robert loves that shirt, so that only makes him want to try it on even more the more he thinks about it. He has never worn any human clothes, so his curiosity is huge. He also knows Speedwagon, and he knows he won't get mad at him for trying it on if he decides to. Again, Jona is curious and just wants to see how the shirt would look on him and he also wants to see how human clothes might feel while wearing them, maybe see why Robert loves that shirt so much? In Jonathan's opinion, it is a pretty shirt after all! Also, human clothes always feel so soft to the touch.
And Jonathan is actually right about Speedwagon being cool with Jona borrowing things from him. What Jona failed to consider beforehand though… is that he is too big for the poor shirt, and this is something he learns only until after he's put the shirt on, accidentally ripping it in various parts and tearing at least two of the seams.
Jona is in absolute dismay, appalled and also anxious as soon as he realizes what has just happened, what he just did to Robert's fave shirt.
With a background deeply marred by all the abuse he got from Dio, Jonathan begins to think about the worse that could happen when Spw finds out what happened. All the worst scenarios start flooding Jojo's mind to the point where he's sure Speedwagon is going to kick him out of the house as soon as he finds out what Jonathan did.
He doesn't want to lie to Robert and play fool and pretend he doesn't know anything when the moment he asks about his shirt comes, but he also doesn't want him to get mad or upset, he doesn't want to be kicked out of the house either. He loves living there and, especially, he loves Robert. And so he comes up with a plan!
He starts finding ways to make money, like selling recyclable stuff he finds around the house (plus stuff of that kind that his sea friends bring him for that purpose whenever they visit). I'm not sure if this is a thing around the world?? but where i live there's people who basically buy from you stuff like empty soda cans/bottles, old newspapers, cardboard boxes and etc and take it to recycle centers where they get paid for it, however, recycle centers don't pay a lot (they pay very little per kg.) and, thus, these buy all this stuff from you for even less than that so they can earn some profit, sooooooo, the money Jona makes from this is usually not a lot, but he does this as often as he can and, sooner than later, he makes enough money to buy Robert a new shirt to make up for the old one.
Coincidentally, shortly after Jonathan gets him the shirt and is ready to come clean about it, Robert finally asks about his shirt, having not seen it in a while. Maybe Jonathan has seen it and knows where it may be? Jonathan suddenly gets all nervous and anxious once more, not just because of what he did and kept a secret from Speedwagon all this time (it's been weeks, maybe a month or a little more?), but also because, as much as he tried, Jonathan was unable to get him the exact same model of shirt that he had and loved, something that he finally reveals to him as he tells him the whole truth of what happened to his shirt (which Jona still keeps, hidden inside a box as, at one point, he even tried to sew and stitch it with poor results). Jonathan apologizes profusely, and he's on the verge of tears because, in his mind, he's convinced that he's about to get kicked out while also getting berated. Again, all this as a result of the years of abuse he's endured, even though he knows Speedwagon is not the kind of guy who would do that to him.
Robert just looks at him in silence as Jonathan goes through the full explanation and hands him the new shirt, the one Jona bought for him. Jonathan hasn't even finished talking when Speedwagon is already pulling him in for a tight hug, pressing a soft kiss to the top of his head, reassuring him and telling him how there's nothing for him to worry about (a statement that Robert fully means) and how thankful he is not only for Jojo being so thoughtful to this extent, but also for all the effort he put into mending this little accident, fully aware of all the difficulties he must have gone through to earn the money to buy a replacement for his shirt.
Needless to say: Robert now has a new favorite shirt.
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