#worm pone
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Hello, Copper. Have you considered-
#mlp#my little pony#oc ask blog#mlp ask blog#ask blog#worm pone#crystal#mr. copper#sister world#unlock the ask blog#utab#sistr world
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Friendship is retred; A bunch of fluffy headcanons about if I ran the Friendship is Magic show.
I can't say/speak much about all I'd do for FiM seasons 4-9 (and by extension gen 5) if I were incharge. I only know this:
Twilight Sparkle DOESN'T change into an alicorn princess until the end of season 7; she graduates from Celestia's underling in season 3 and the big 'life in Equestria' number that ends that season has Twilight being crowned the minister of friendship.
The CMC still become friends with Diamond Tiara but they DON'T get their own cutie marks till season 7, right before Twilight's princess-ing.
Season 7 happens AFTER the events of the movie.
Cadence and Flurry Heart are not alicorns. Flurry is born an alicorn by fluke at the beginning of season 6 but she's 'cured' and becomes a pegasus like her mother, Cadence.
Starlight is still able to perform magic (or rather, use other people's magic skills to her advantage) but her whole thing is that she doesn't have nor ever earn a cutie mark throughout the show and she comes to terms with being happy about that. Her realizing this with the CMC's help is what gives the CMC their cutie marks.
Sombra and Stygian are the same character.
NO Starswirl and his pals especially not timetraveling. They were guardians of harmony but they never became true friends and they're the reason Stygian/Sombra turned out the way he did.
Twilight's reeling Stygian out of the pony of shadows, undoing the damage Starswirl did, is what leads to her becoming an alicorn.
Celestia took on Tirek+Scorpan and Sombra by herself; Luna was still stuck in the moon and Tirek's imprisonment and the Crystal Empire's fall did NOT happen exactly 1,000 years ago. Because she had to do so with just elements by her side and not her sister is why she was not powerful enough but the Mane 6 are- also shows you just how busy sunhorse is.
Season 4 is basically Discord's season. All the Discord-centric episodes in s5, 6 and so on happen in season 4, replacing the pointlessness that is 'Three's a Crowd'. Discord appears in all of the mane six's (sans Fluttershy's) 'key' episodes where he taunts them just like he did in his debut. He appears though in 'Filli Vanilli' taking Pinkie's role from that episode being toxiclly supportive of his 'one friend', which fits more with Discord's character than it does Pinkie. This is important because...
...in the finale of s4, Discord does his betrayal of the ponies but then gets backstabbed by Tirek and looses his draconequus powers; which he never gets back for the rest of the show.
The season 4 finale has Luna and Celestia transfer their magic/essence into the tree of harmony for safe keeping, not into Twilight. Celestia sent Discord to ponyville to help the pones and he does eventually do so by aiding them in defeating Tirek, but not before his betrayal. Really play back and forth with the audience if Discord truly is a friend to Fluttershy or to anybody else (spoilers, he is).
Season 8 and the school of magic begins with a timeskip- where the now older CMC and Twilight welcoming in the Young Six, who include Flurry Heart.
Cozy Glow is just Queen Chrysalis, come in to disrupt the youth of Equestria and end the woke-isms after they took away her power over the changelings.
Oh yeah also Thorax and the reformed changelings look like this and their true form is deerbugbirds, not over designed bug ponies.
This one's probably the darkest-- In the final season, Celestia is growing weaker and weaker and her and Luna's final act for their people is sacrificing themselves to buy Twilight sum time. Same with Discord; he and Starlight team up to trick Tirek and Chrysalis and Discord dies for his sins. IT'S OKAY THO-
-Celestia and Luna come back as their pre alicorn-selves; Discord comes back as a worm-thing which Fluttershy adopts as one of her pets...okay maybe I'll change that I swear I genuinely did not want to kill Fluttercord as a possibility...either way Discord comes back and Shy's happy.
Yes, there is an implication now that Twilight will be the only alicorn and have to eventually live without her friends. I'm going ahead with one of Faust's earlier ideas that Twilight would become Celestia's successor. Instead of being forlorn about this though, Twilight aims to look to the horizon.
oh and, since gen 5 is a sequel- that generation is called "My Little Pony and Friends" and Sunny and Scout are the only two ponies of the main group. The rest of the characters are yaks, deer, dragons. If we can't beat Them's Fightin Herds, then we shall become Them's Fightin Herds! Literally every kid wanted a more diverse pony horse range in their lives which is what made My Little Pony Friends and the Carebear Cousins so popular all these years later.
Absolutely no Dislestia though. This is a rewrite of what the show should* be not what I want it to be-- Celestia and Discord were always a crack pairing after my heart. Maybe they can star in one of the non-canon mlp comics. I would however have them interact more with Celestia hardcore shipping Fluttercord platonically and more.
Oh and more but also less Luna. Have her not make as many appearances before the pony public; that was and still is Celestia's job as an alicorn and Luna is not a social butterfly. She's got dreams to watchover and be her own stoic self.
LAST AND VERY IMPORTANTLY -the gen 5 ponies don't have those creepy Elsa faces. I know a lot of horse-people are angry at gen 4 for how they drew ponies, but I take that look to the monstrosity that is the new pony artstyle.
That's all. Maybe this is the continuity of an alt. timelines Friendship is Magic series. We can't visit that timeline though because Rick Sanchez ruined it for us and we're currently being killed by aliens.
#franki's features#friendship is magic rewrite#my little pony rewrite#my litte pony friendship is magic#my little pony
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Hearths Warming Mistletoes!
come get ur kissies
Name: Snicker Doodle Pronouns:She/Her Age: early 20s Sexuality: Bisexual Height: Very tall but not celestia tall, almost there though
Name: Piper Pronouns: She/Her Age: somewhere over 2000 Sexuality: no Height: Slightly taller than average
Name: Sweet Delicious (Sweetie) Pronouns: She/Her Age: maybe somewhere in her 40s? unsure Sexuality: Asexual but doesnt mind kissies Height: Celestia height
Name: Twisted Paint Pronouns: She/Her Age: ?? (adult) Sexuality: Bisexual Height: Little smaller than average
Name: Wonder Flag Pronouns: She/Her Age: early 20s Sexuality: Bisexual Height: average
Name: Worm Pone (The Worm) Pronouns: It/Its Age: ??? Sexuality: ??? Height: little smaller than average
Name: Show Time Pronouns: She/Her, but doesn’t mind other pronouns Age: 30s Sexuality: Pansexual Height: Average
Name: Moonlight Drip Pronouns: She/Her Age: 20s Sexuality: She doesn’t know yet, but shes up for kissies Height: Average
Name: Kii Pronouns: She/They Age: ??? Sexuality: Pansexual Height: Average
#utab mistletoe#hearths warming#mlp#my little pony#unlock the ask blog#oc ask blog#mlp ask blog#ask blog#mistletoe#oc mistle toe#oc mistletoe#hearthswarming mistletoe
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Would you still love Pone if they were a worm?
YCH commission for Pone / Twilee.
#ych#your character here#worm on a string#artists on tumblr#artist#artwork#art#art examples#character art#furry fandom#furry community#furry art#worms
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Día Internacional Contra la Explotación Sexual y la Trata de Personas, Día Internacional de las Lenguas de Señas, Día Internacional de la Bisexualidad, Día Mundial del Síndrome de Piernas Inquietas, Semana Internacional de las Personas Sordas, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
Santa Tecla, Santa Heresvida, San Constancio y Santa Polixena.
Tal día como hoy en el año 2008
Sale al mercado oficialmente el sistema operativo Android para smartphones.
En Armenia, un país montañoso que no posee salida al mar, dos días después de la celebración de un referéndum en el que la inmensa mayoría ha apoyado la autodeterminación, se produce oficialmente la autoproclamación de independencia de la URSS. (Hace 33 años)
En el Palacio de la Ópera de París (Francia) se muestra un magnífico techo pintado, que ha regalado al pueblo francés el pintor bielorruso Marc Chagall. (Hace 60 años)
En Puerto Rico, en el ayuntamiento de la localidad de Lares, tiene lugar un movimiento de insurrección bajo la consigna "¡Viva Puerto Rico Libre!" que, tras reducir a los españoles, proclama la independencia de la nación y establece un gobierno republicano encabezado por Francisco Ramírez Medina. El "Grito de Lares", se produce con varios días de antelación sobre la fecha prevista, por haber sido descubierto el movimiento emancipador. El intento fracasará por precipitado, por falta de apoyo del pueblo y de los liberales, y por la mala preparación y dirección de los revolucionarios. En pocos días será sofocado por las tropas españolas que encarcelarán a los implicados. Más adelante, éstos se beneficiarán de la amnistía concedida con motivo de la Revolución de ese mismo año en España y serán puestos en libertad. (Hace 156 años)
En aguas del puerto de Barcelona (España), tiene lugar la primera inmersión pública del submarino "Ictíneo", de Narcís Monturiol, que permanece sumergido en el agua durante dos horas y media, obteniendo su inventor un gran éxito popular. Se ha tenido que probar en aguas tranquilas ya que está propulsado por la fuerza de dos personas y no alcanza la potencia necesaria para contrarrestar la fuerza de las corrientes marinas. (Hace 165 años)
Desde el observatorio astronómico de Berlín (Alemania) el astrónomo Johann G. Galle, siguiendo cálculos matemáticos de Le Verrier, descubre el planeta Neptuno. (Hace 178 años)
Río de Janeiro (Brasil) se rinde ante el corsario francés René Duguay-Trouin tras desbaratar en once días las fortificaciones de la ciudad que, hasta entonces, parecían inexpugnables. Forzará a la ciudad a pagar grandes rescates y a liberar 1.000 presos franceses. (Hace 313 años)
Corsarios ingleses y fuerzas españolas se enfrentan en San Juan de Ulúa (Veracruz, actual México) siendo el fin de la flotilla de seis barcos inglese que, sistemáticamente, han llevado a cabo el comercio ilegal en el Mar Caribe, la trata de esclavos, y el uso de la fuerza. (Hace 456 años)
En Inglaterra se libra la batalla de Blore Heath en Staffordshire, primer gran envite de la "Guerra de las Dos Rosas" al enfrentarse el ejército de los Lancaster a las tropas de los York, ya que ambas familias pretenden el trono de Inglaterra. Vencen los caballeros de York. (Hace 565 años)
En la llanura de Worms, actual Alemania, se firma el Concordato que pone fin a la lucha de las investiduras, mediante el cual la Iglesia recobra la libertad para elegir obispo, mientras el Emperador mantiene cierta injerencia en la elección de prelados vasallos suyos. (Hace 902 años)
En Bizancio, actual Turquía, tras asesinar a su protector, el emperador Miguel III, sube al trono Basilio I, oriundo de Macedonia, fundando así la llamada dinastía macedónica. Durante su reinado el Imperio Bizantino se expanderá territorialmente y se convertirá en la mayor potencia de la Europa de su tiempo, al lograr importantes victorias sobre sus enemigos que amenazan sus fronteras. Basilio también iniciará una reforma de los códigos legales, que terminará finalizando su hijo León VI. Morirá con altas fiebres debido a un accidente de caza en 886. (Hace 1157 años)
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Al timone uno Schettino qualunque
Evito le poste come la peste: tutte le mie utenze sono domiciliate gratis sul mio conto, non ho alcun rapporto finanziario con poste, non uso poste per cellulare, assicurazione, prestiti, altri servizi, uso Spid e Pec per tutto e se proprio devo inviare una raccomandata, lo faccio direttamente online. Ogni volta che entro in un ufficio postale mi sembra di essere trasportato in una realtà alternativa, in un episodio di black mirror alla rovescia, in cui il tema sono le insidie psicologiche e sociologiche del passato recente anzichè quelle del futuro prossimo.
Per farla breve: dovevo spedire un pacchetto prepagato di un servizio di vendita online. Avevo pensato anche di prenotare il posto allo sportello, online; ma il servizio di prenotazione stamattina faceva continuamente cilecca, com'è giusto che accada in una distopia del genere.
Avevo solo 3-4 persone davanti, in un ufficio con 3 sportelli funzionanti. Ebbene, sono riusciti a farmi perdere mezz'ora lo stesso. Una signora che non capiva niente di modem router e simili, cercava di concludere un aggiornamento dell'offerta di telefonia fissa con un'addetta allo sportello che ne sapeva palesemente meno di lei. Un ragazzo sui 30 faceva il filo alla sportellista in premenopausa, mescolando domande e discorsi personali con approfondimenti sul tema dei buoni fruttiferi postali. Al terzo sportello, infine, una signora attendeva tempi biblici per sbrigare non so quale pratica complicatissima, probabilmente un vaglia: l'addetta era sparita per 10 minuti nel back office e non tornava più, probabilmente costretta a teletrasportarsi a sua volta attraverso un worm-hole in una realtà parallela in cui le poste funzionano, magari, in modo più normale.
In tutto questo, un signore senza numero riesce a passare prima degli altri perchè ha urgente bisogno di sapere come rintracciare le raccomandate perse da suo padre, senza nessuna delega nè documento, naturalmente - ma l'addetta non si pone il problema; una trans immensa e caciarona, più simile a una drag queen ultratamarra, entra nell'ufficio e si fa notare aggiungendo "amore" a ogni frase con cui si rivolge agli astanti, incluso un tizio di colore ormai troppo agè per consentire divagazioni fantasiose più malandrine.
Alla fine la tizia dello sportello mi chiede se voglio la ricevuta per la mia spedizione. Siccome alle poste ormai ti rifilano qualsiasi cosa, tanto lo shock culturale dovuto alla situazione distopica ti confonde quanto basta, ho pensato bene di chiederle, prima di farmela rilasciare: è gratis?
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we r like the little gay worms that live in ur pone
redredred !!!! (for tha ask game :3)
All the mutuals coming out of the woodwork!! Thank you :)))
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Pirate and Cream Unicorn but... worms on strings
#cream unicorn cookie#Pirate Cookie#COOKIE RUN#cookie#cookies#cr ovenbreak#ovenbreak#crob#pirate#unicorn#worm#worm on a string#Ash Pone Arts
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Three more asks until the next pony arrives. It might be someone you know or don't know. Is there any friends or family you do want to appear, or any enemies you don't want to appear?
#the jojo thing was entirely painttasticponys idea#mlp#my little pony#oc ask blog#mlp ask blog#ask blog#batleen#jojo#crystal#worm pone#mr. copper#unlock the ask blog#utab#sister world#sistr world
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She's it's favorite :)
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OMG WE’VE REACHED 500 ASKS!!! how did THAT happen!?
Well whatever, we’re here! SO heres some celebratory art of everyone being turned younger!
#unlock the ask blog#oc ask blog#mlp ask blog#500 asks#utab 500 asks#mlp#my little pony#boe#show time#feather flu#curse#nightmare#mp#murderess pony#mr. bumpkin#worm pone#the worm#iron wing#wonder flag#puzzle piece#paint tastic#twisted paint#piper#winged masterpiece#barrie#snicker doodle#nine lives#bert#rose magic
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Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy fuck Columbus day everyone(fuck all colonizers actually but this is specifically pertaining to the Americas for the holiday and he’s the most glorified sob), in celebration I'll give some fun information I researched. Credit to @fuckyeahfoodfantasy for the edits of tequila, margarita, brownie, and chocolate, thank you for making these characters more accurate to their birthplaces and/or not grey. Chocolate: The word "chocolate" comes from the Nahuatl word chocolātl and the food/drink is made from the bean/seed from the fruit of Cacao tree native to southern Mexico and Central America. Chocolate was recorded to be important to the Aztec culture, they were said to believe cacao beans were the gift of Quetzalcoatl and they had so much value that they were a form of currency.
Originally prepared as a drink, chocolate was served as a bitter liquid, mixed with spices or corn puree. It was believed to be an aphrodisiac and to give the drinker strength. Today, such drinks are also known as "Chilate" and are still made by locals in the South of Mexico. Only after it was imported to Europe did people start adding sugar and milk to chocolate.
Cacao was also used by other Mesoamerican cultures such as the Olmecs and the Maya people, and each culture had its own preparation and occasions for it that are certainly worth looking into further. Tequila: Tequila is a distilled beverage made from the blue agave plant, primarily in the area surrounding the city of Tequila and in the Jaliscan Highlands (Los Altos de Jalisco) of the central-western Mexican state of Jalisco. It is the most popular type of mezcal(distilled alcoholic drinks made from agave). Mexican laws state that tequila can only be produced in the state of Jalisco and limited municipalities in the states of Guanajuato, Michoacán, Nayarit, and Tamaulipas. Tequila was first produced in the 1500s near the location of the city of Tequila, which was not officially established until 1666.
A predecessor to tequila is a fermented beverage from the agave plant called pulque. When conquistadors ran out of brandy, agave began to be distilled to create mezcal and tequila. Planting, tending, and harvesting the agave plant remains a manual effort, largely unchanged by modern farm machinery and relying on centuries-old know-how passed down through generations of farmers called jimadores.
Margarita: The margarita is a popular Mexican and American drink, the Daisy (margarita is Spanish for "daisy"), remade with tequila instead of brandy. This drink became popular during Prohibition as people drifted over the U.S./Mexico border for alcohol. There are many creation stories for the margarita although none of them can be proven for sure, partially because the drink may have been invented in multiple places around the same time period do to its simple concept and appeal.
In a classic margarita, you can expect to find tequila, orange liqueur, and lime juice often served with salt on the rim of the glass. It can be served in many glasses although the most traditional would be the eponymous margarita glass. There are many variations on this recipe including things like flavored tequilas, different liqueurs, or even freezing and blending the margarita into a slush. Cornbread: Native Americans had been using ground maize as food for thousands of years prior to the arrival of Europeans. Corn, as we know it today, was actually the English word for any grain although maize was the one that retained the general term in modern times.
Native Americans, specifically the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Creek tribes gave recipes for maize dishes to the southern colonists and adapted as it became a southern staple food. there are many types of cornbread these days, baked, fried, pone, it’s an incredibly versatile recipe. Pozole, otherwise known as Hominy, which is swelled and softened kernels of maize can also be used in cornbread instead of cornmeal, as well as many other traditional dishes native to the Americas. Brownie: The brownie is a sheet cookie developed in the United States in the late 1800s. Originally it was most likely meant to be a more convenient type of cake developed by the upper class’s chefs. While this is a more European styled use for chocolate, recipes have been developed using more traditional means, such as the addition of chile, the removal of dairy and processed sugars, and/or using different cooking methods.
Turkey: Turkey meat has been eaten by indigenous people from Mexico, Central America, and the southern tier of the United States since before our records of those regions. Turkeys were once so abundant in the wild that they were eaten throughout the year, the food considered commonplace. Turkey with mole sauce is regarded as Mexico's national dish.
Turkeys were domesticated in ancient Mexico, for food and/or for their cultural and symbolic significance. The Aztecs, for example, had a name for the turkey, wueh-xōlō-tl (guajolote in Spanish), a word still used in modern Mexico in addition to the general term pavo. There’s plenty of evidence that Mayans and other Native American groups had been domesticating turkeys over a very long time as well.
The character in-game has many Eurasian elements despite this and I am not actually sure why, from his clothing to the apple in his basic art. It would be nice to see a redesign more faithful to Turkey’s roots but I did not have the time or funds to arrange for that for this project.
Popcorn: Popcorn is a way of processing maize that predates many if not all other forms, an archeological find known as Bat Cave finding samples of it that have been dated back to about 5,600 years ago.
Popcorn, or momochitl, seems to have been both a religious element (art and accounts from conquistadors describing it being used for ceremonial headdresses, ornaments, components, and necklaces) and as a staple food. Zapotec, pre-Inca Peruvian, Pueblo, and Iroquois native Americans were all documented to have uses and recipes for and with popcorn, and it speculated that even more groups of people had access to it and simply didn’t record it since it was such a normal food for them.
Popcorn would be given as a token of goodwill during peace negotiations and settlers were taught how to make it, it was almost exclusively American food since it would not keep during overseas trips. During the Great Depression, it became more popular in America as a snack food thanks to its low cost and has maintained that reputation.
Popcorn’s in-game design reflects the more modern fanciful decoration and uses, due to the color of popcorn, the sheer range, and mostly the fact that the in-game Popcorn could just be albino I chose not to try to adjust his design to be more regionally accurate. Pudding: Pudding, more specifically Flan as I believe the game’s character is designed after, is a dish brought to the Americas by Europeans. However, Flan has become an incredibly popular dish especially in Central and South America, to the extent that there are varieties specific to regions. This is possibly reflected in part by the character’s bolo tie.
While Flan is not a dish native to the Americas it has been raised to new levels and enjoyed greatly by the people so he was allowed to stay. Honorable mentions -
Turducken: Turducken is a dish invented and made popular in the United States. Her backstory does talk about the history of Mado, specifically, it’s colonization, but her role in everything is actually more related to dealing with the aftermath. She frees the trapped and suffering souls, she was summoned after the primary point of conflict. Similarly, the dish Turducken was invented post-colonization, in more modern times specifically by Paul Prudhomme in the 1970s in Louisiana. Additionally, the ingredients of a Turducken(Turkey, Chicken, and Duck) are not all American. While Turkeys and Ducks can be found in North America, Chickens are native to Southeast Asia and brought to the Americas by European settlers. Steak: While steak is a popular food in the Americas and a native bovine, bison, can certainly be used to make steaks, what we know as a steak is not a traditional food of the Americas. Furthermore, the character has many more European elements to his design, and his horns are definitely not those of bison, so I feel safe saying he doesn’t qualify for this specific list. Hotdog, Hamburger, B-52, and Cola: While these are accepted foods common in the Americas, they were invented in modern times and definitely aren’t traditional foods by any means. Regardless, they still get a mention Boston Lobster: While lobsters are a crustacean found on American coasts and there are accounts of Native Americans eating and using them, I do not believe this is the same as the food soul. Lobsters can be found all over the world and the name in the CN version of the game "麻辣小龙虾" translates to spicy crayfish which is going to be closer to the intended dish. While you can also find spicy crayfish in the americas it would be more accurate to assume it means the popular dish in southern China, considering his relations to Rice and Salt and Pepper Mantis Shrimp, rather than the Cajun style. Additionally, his clothing is definitely not designed with the Americas in mind. That's all folks, happy holiday, colonizers have no rights. this was pretty fun to make and a lot of research went into it, I wholeheartedly encourage looking more into these foods and the history of the original American people if you liked this. Worm out
#food fantasy#FF Edits#ff chocolate#ff tequila#FF Margarita#ff cornbread#ff brownie#ff turkey#ff popcorn#ff pudding#ff turducken#ff steak#ff hotdog#ff hamburger#ff b-52#ff cola#ff boston lobster#happy holiday everyone#ff history bits
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it WANTS IN!!! LET IT IN!!!!!
im not letting it in @painttasticpony @askrosemaryandguru
#Unlock the ask blog#oc ask blog#mlp ask blog#ask blog#mlp#my little pony#worm pone#paint tastic#lumerde
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[Download] Seven Songs and a Story
Hello pones!
Tumblr glitched and deleted this journal the last time I tried to queue it. I’m backing it up before I submit it this time and will post it manually on the day if needed. :)
I have something nice to talk about for once! And a gift for everybody! I dunno, think of it as a New Year’s gift I guess.
G1 MLP did not have a very strong continuity. The TV series, movies, toy line, UK comics, and everything else were all separate and had nothing to do with each other. There’s very little information to build a coherent personality for any of the G1 characters beyond a single gimmick such as “Applejack is a clumsy oaf who knocks everything over”. But why would the guy making a pony AU care about that, hmm...
That said, the UK got a limited-edition disc in 1985 that was simply titled My Little Pony Picture Disc and which was almost lost to time. The more modern name for it is Seven Songs and a Story.
It’s actually eight songs, but #8 is a reprise of #1. They’re united together by a narrative about ponies so stupid they may as well be dead and their gradual meandering towards some brainless birthday party or another. Every time a new doofus shows up, the corresponding song plays.
The G4 fandom is undoubtedly familiar with song #2.
My Little Ponies’ Song
Applejack’s Song
Bow Tie’s Song
Lickety Split’s Song
Posey’s Song
Cherries Jubilee’s Song
Tootsie’s Song
My Little Ponies (reprise)
Indeed, #8′s title does not match the title of #1. Hasbro has never been very good about keeping names consistent, especially when they license other producers to make pony stuff.
Anyway, I found a relatively clean Youtube upload of the entire disc (link) and took the liberty of chopping it up, one file per song, with the vast majority of the narration cut out.
Download it here!
All song files are in MP3 with filled-out tags.
Disc and track number (1 disc, 8 songs)
Song title as printed on disc
Artist: Tony Markey
Album: Seven Songs and a Story
Album Artist: Bullseye Music
Publisher: Bullseye Music
Year: 1985
Comment field on all songs reads:
Uploader: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBfpL8GFUVQ65BvRMJqpD_A Editor: Summersong / FibS
Cherries Jubilee’s Song normally fades in and out and overlaps the narration. I had to edit it in order to remove this and make it sound OK stand-alone. The apparent “skip” near the end of this song was in the original Youtube upload and, so far as I know, is how it played on the disc.
My favorite song on the disc is Posey’s Song, by the way. The biggest ear worm is Cherries Jubilee’s Song.
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History is a Wheel: GOT 8x05
*steps up to the podium and adjusts the microphone*
I…liked it.
*cue the Flynn Rider surrounded by swords gif*
Hear me out.
I could say wisdom is learning from other people’s mistakes and that wisdom is sorely lacking in this situation. I could say history is like a wheel, for the nature of man is fundamentally unchanging. I could say that everything you’re about to see is like something you’ve seen before.
And it’s true. That is what this episode was all about: no matter how people try, tragedy will echo and echo throughout time. Because not everyone will learn from the past, and some that do will find themselves unable to do anything until it’s too late.
Varys begins the episode playing the role Ned Stark did all the way back in season one. Realizing the danger of one upcoming ruler, he tries to push for a legitimate heir, one who is more militant and dutiful. But that quickly backfires. Betrayed by a “friend,” he is executed by the very ruler he attempted to stop…and the tragedy he wanted to avoid happened anyway.
Tyrion spent much of Joffrey’s reign from a position of privilege. Until late in the reign, he was able to talk back to Joffrey without risk to his person. Now the tables have turned, and Tyrion cannot hide behind his status as uncle or son of a powerful lord. To make matters more complicated, he plays the role of Catelyn Stark this episode: releasing Jaime (prisoner yet again) to King’s Landing to bargain for the lives of innocents.
During the Battle of the Blackwater, Cersei was prepared to poison, if not herself, then her son. Why? Not because she wanted to control him to the last, but because she knew what would happen to him: the same massacre that Elia Martell, Rhaenys, and Aegon died of. She would fight to very end to keep that from happening to her family. And she did.
Jaime’s defining moment was his murder of Aerys (and saving half a million people). And what is his fatal wound? A stab in the back by another king. Talk about poetic irony! He spent his entire arc questioning: where is my role in the present? Do I serve House Lannister? Do I follow Lady Catelyn’s wishes? Do I build a future with Brienne? With Cersei?
In the end, there is no future for him. Jaime went back for Cersei because of his story arc. Because he’s remembered that as a knight, he swore to protect people. He couldn’t protect Elia Martell during the Sack or Queen Rhaella from Aerys. Ultimately, his attempt to save another queen leads to her death. Trapped on all sides by debris from Rhaegar’s little sister and her dragon, the two die together as Cersei always said they would.
Speaking of living in the past, Sandor once again leaves behind a chance to start over. Revenge is greater than mercy, or even life itself. It’s a horrible, horrible irony that the trauma stemming from burning alive culminates in burning Gregor alive…and Sandor too. Revenge is a fire that consumes you. A very obvious metaphor, but apt nevertheless.
But before he dives headfirst into revenge, Sandor pushes Arya back. She still has a future if she gives up revenge. If she does not become like him. And this saves her to witness ash raining down on the survivors of King’s Landing. Time and time again, she tries to help the mother and daughter (a representation of her own mother and her innocent self), and every time she fails. Mercy and compassion are torn apart by fire again and again. And when Arya leaves King’s Landing, it looks like Harrenhal. Covered in blood and ash, she looks like a ghost.
Maybe some part of her is.
You can see traces of our history, too. Arya’s flight through the ashen streets of King’s Landing is a nightmarish peek into the final moments of Pompeii. At one point, she stumbles upon a group of mothers cradling their children. The staging of the scene is a direct reference to remains found in the ruins of Pompeii.
And all this could have been avoided.
No, not avoided. Post-poned.
Daenerys was always going to do this.
Daenerys is her father’s daughter, the dragon’s daughter, the blood of old Valyria. But family history is not family future. She chose the conquering path. She chose fire and blood and not patience or mercy.
Joffrey called for Ned’s execution. He called it mercy, too.
And like Joffrey, she was always going to do this.
As she told the Thirteen of Qarth in season two, “We will lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground.”
As she told Hizdar in season five, “One day, your city will return to the dirt, as well.” “At your command?” “If need be.”
As she told Tyrion in season seven, “I have three large dragons. I’m going to fly them to the Red Keep.”
She’s told Jon and Tyrion and Grey Worm and Davos and Jorah and anyone who would listen who she is the entire time. And she’s told the audience. If the audience did not listen to history, then like Jon, they too followed in fear or stood behind a title and a savior, a dream of restoration and peace from someone who always said she would take it with fire and blood.
And she did.
Is it too late to learn from the past now?
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You are a pathetic little can of worms thinking I won't crossover my favorite media just because it would look "cringe" as you claim it is, in fact it's one of my goals to make it as weir and unimaginable as possible.
Come back once you have surpassed that petty fear and come face me with a full my little pone X breaking bad fan fic.
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