#world roamers
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Anya Foos - Skycleaver - Thadian - 1975
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axvwriter · 1 year
Biddance's Character Intro
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Considering I plan to list the rest of the family on my o.c. masterlist, I may as well share a bit about Biddance. I don't plan to write much about her. She's a silly little sweet thing that deserves better. Bood had no interest in her, but through indirectly saving her, she pursued him. The lazy demon decided to just give in and took her as a mate.
Bood saved Biddance indirectly by simply landing on her planet to take a rest. His (earth) mountain-range size caused several animals to scatter, including the ones that were hunting Biddance down. He ended up even snatching some of the predators to feast upon. Biddance viewed him as a savior and ran up to him to thank him. Bood, amused and confused by her affection, decided to not take her as a free meal.
Biddance adores Bood and constantly follows him about. Despite her species not laying eggs, somehow laid an egg. Bade hatched from said egg. Biddance would try to care for Bade and smother her in love, but Bade was unable to recognize her. Being born blind, the little demon often mistakes Biddance as some sort of prey. Bood would have to often separate the two for Biddance's own safety.
Biddance doesn't seem to fully understand or grasp that her own daughter is trying to eat her. Thus Biddance would always whine at being separated from her daughter. Once Bade became old enough to learn to speak, she finally understood who Biddance is, though this wouldn't always stop her from trying to take a bite out of her. Eventually this turned playful and completely stopped as Bade grew fond of her mother.
Biddance is roughly the size of an Earth hill. Bade, on the other hand, was born around the size of small Earth puppy. Such a size difference highly concerned her, making her think her daughter is a runt and even doomed to die. Due to this, she often tries to feed Bade, but the two have completely different dietary needs. Biddance is basically a large rabbit, she feeds off of vegetation. Bade, as a blood demon, feeds off of blood and meat.
Biddance, unable to hunt, often tries to feed Bade stuff that she herself would eat. Bade often fed herself by eating any scraps that fell from Bood whenever he brought back something to eat with them.
Biddance is nonverbal, but is able to understand some degree of language.
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misguidedasgardian · 3 months
Wild Cats (part I)
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I. Roof cats
Summary: You had been alone for a while, until you came across the most unusual group 
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader (slowburn) OCC
Warnings: Zombie apocalypse AU, living dead, zombies, guts, blood, guns, injures, cannibalism, cursing, slowburn
Notes: Readers it's on her twenties, this will start after the fall of the prison, when everyone is on their own, separately 
It was some sort of miracle that you managed to stay alive this long
You didn't know if it was because of your instincts, mistrust in general, knowledge of the undead because of comics, video games and movies or… whatever. 
It was sort of miraculous
When it hit, you were at an airport, trying to get back home, but all the flights became grounded, and the end of the world began. You ran, with a group of people, the most sensitive ones that didn’t want to go back to the city, to Atlanta, you got stuck in a highway, your group began to collapse.
You are not gonna talk about what you felt the first time you saw one.
This is not that sort of story. World had went to shit almost a year ago
You started to feel like you were blessed but cursed at the same time, every time you joined a group, something happened, everything went to shit, they started fighting, they started killing one another, or they got overrun, you never lasted long with any of them. You bailed before things got really ugly.
It was good to be on your own, sometimes, although you haven't had a decent night’s sleep in a while, a long while
You had a technique, you moved early in the morning as soon as you had visibility, half a day, found sleep on the roof of any house or structure after noon, to be awake all night, because the night was all more dangerous. You had to stay alert
You started moving, away from Atlanta, North, with no plan, you guessed, that in this country that wasn’t your own, the safest place could be Washington DC. The capital, were the president and most important people were, you guessed is there was a stronghold of humanity in this country, that might be it… so you started moving, with a map you scavenged from somewhere 
But it was slow, you couldn’t find a working car and when you could, they were low on gas.
You found a couple of houses in the middle of nowhere, they were packed with things and supplies, and you were relieved, so you grabbed a quick snack, and then went up the stairs, always on guard, but the house was empty, and quiet, and then from a window on a child’s room, you climbed onto the roof, you were so tired.
The roof was steep, but you already knew a couple of techniques not to roll and fall off, fortunately, there was a tree that covered you from the sun, so you cuddled hugging yourself, putting your backpack as a pillow, your ax on your hand and a gun in a holster 
You were lulled to sleep quickly, as you couldn’t hear any roamers, only a soft wind.
But you came quickly to yourself again once you heard the click of the safety of a gun near your face. You jumped, instinct polished by more than a year in the damn apocalypse, you only had to tighten your hand, your ax already there, and the other went to your holster. When you managed to lean up to face the intruder, you came face to face with a boy, who shouldn't be older than twelve
You were not going to shoot a kid, and he seemed indecisive, and not violent even though he was pointing a gun at your face
“Don’t shoot me please”, you said calmly, releasing your gun and letting it slide a bit down the roof, until you couldn’t reach it, you raised your hand until they were far enough from the ax. 
The boy seemed to relax his stance
“Are you alone?”, he asked severely, you nodded
“Are you?”, you asked him, he shook his head, “oh”, oh shit was more like it, were you in danger? he seemed like a serial killer in the making, “look I… don’t want any trouble, I just came across this house, I was sleeping a bit, I just want to… keep moving, alright?”, he stopped pointing his gun at you, “I can drop my weapons to the grass below, you can go and then…”, he put his gun back on his hollister, and came out to the roof with a big can of pudding under his arm
“Oh”, you laughed, “you found it”, you said lightly, he smiled, you showed him your own stash, you had found some candy bars
“I’m Carl”, he said, taking a seat near you, opening the can.
“(y/n)”, you answered back, he started eating it, unapologetically. He seemed so relaxed now, but just a few seconds ago he was pointing a gun at you. 
“Are you a nurse?”, he asked, “or a doctor?”, you shook your head
“No”, you whispered, “are you sick? I have paracetamol”, you offered with the pain of your heart, you almost got killed obtaining it, but he was a kid, and you wanted to think that there were still “codes” in place. 
“No”, he mumbled, “it’s my dad”
“What’s wrong?”, you asked back
“He collapsed, he is tired but… he is not waking up”
“Oh”, you muttered, not offering anything helpful, “It’s just the two of you?”, you asked him, but he frowned when he looked at you, thinking you did not have good intentions
“We were a big group, we got split up”, he mumbled, “after a group attacked our camp, we were hold up in a  prison”
“Really?”, you asked, “that’s smart actually, a place to keep people in, and out”, you mumbled
“Yeah, but we got overrun”, he whispered
“Oh”, you said back
“Do you want to come with us?”, he asked, you looked back at him.
Yes the rest of the groups you had joined had not worked out, but you had been alone for four weeks now, and you were getting pretty tired, and lonely, almost going insane, you had to sing in a low voice to yourself to hear something, a voice even if it was your own
“Are there… more kids?”, you asked, doubting it, “is this like a Peter Pan and the lost boys situation?”, he laughed
“No, it’s my dad, and Michonne, two adults”, you hesitated
“I’m not gonna lie, it’s been tiring being alone”, you admitted, “I would like to hang out with people for a while”, you tried to smile softly at him, and he smiled back. He straightened his posture, and got all serious
“How many walkers have you killed?”, your raised an eyebrow
“Walkers?”, you asked
“Those things”, he clarified, “the undead”
“I call em’ fuckers”, you said with a smile, he laughed, “Don’t know, many, a lot like, I hope a hundred by now”, you said happily and proudly, he nodded
“How many people?”, he asked then
“One”, you whispered
“Why?”, he asked, he wasn’t asking randomly, he knew what questions to ask and why
“He tried to steal from me”, you said truthfully, “something I needed to survive”, he seemed to nod
“What’s in your pack is yours, but what we find from now on, we share with the group, is that cool?”, he asked, you smiled and nodded, “let’s go”, he said.
You both sneaked back into the house, it felt nice to let the decision making go to somebody else, even if that person was a kid 
You came inside the house, and arranged to search the different rooms. You had barely turned your back when Carl opened the door and a walker? came out aggressively. Carl jumped towards the door to try to close it, but the monster was already half out. You grabbed your ax from your belt and smashed the roamer’s head in. He felt limply into the room.
“Thank you”, he muttered. You barely nodded
“I think this was the only one”, you both nodded and kept searching.
You found a flashlight and batteries! you already had one, but it was always useful. You also found some toiletries, which were not a priority, but again, always useful
You searched another house nearby, this kid… was amazing, he seemed to know what he was doing, a bit hesitant, but still. 
Then, we returned to the house, and there, covering the door with a huge sofa, rested a man. He looked a bit wild, thick unruly beard and curls, he must have been on his forties or so. He looked… tough, if anything
“That’s your dad?”, you asked
“Yeah, he is Rick, Rick Grimes”, he muttered
You placed what you scavenged on the coffee table. 
“It's a nice loot”, you admired, he smiled at you
“That’s a cool ax”, he admired
“Thank you! went I first got stranded trying to leave atlante we just happened to stop by a Bass Pro Shop”, you giggled. It was one of those you could throw, with a carbon fiber black handle.
You heard steps on the porch and you raised from the seat you had taken in one of the single sofas of the house, standing on guard. Carl as well stood up, but signaled you to stay calm
“It’s MIchonne”, he mumbled, and a woman entered the house
She was a badass, you knew the second you saw her, long hair in dreadlocks, leather tight vest, and a freakin’ katana hanging from her back
But as soon as she saw you she tried to grab the handle 
“Carl!”, she called
“No!”, he said quickly, placing himself between you both
“Who’s that?”, the little discussion woke up RIck, who, when he saw you, he grabbed his big ass gun he had on his holster
“Dang it!”, you said raising your hand as he pointed the gun at you
“Dad! stop!”, said Carl, with his back turned to you 
“Who are you?”, he asked 
“(y/n)”, you said back quickly, showing him your hands
“Dad is fine”, insisted Carl, “I asked her the questions”, you smiled apologetically
“Are you alone?”, he asked severely
“Yes, I swear”, you muttered
“I haven’t encountered anyone”, muttered Michonne, seconding your words 
You looked at both Michonne and Rick
“Look, I’m alone”, you said quickly, “I have been for a while, a month or so, I’m tired I would really like some company”, you begged, “if not, please, just let me leave, you will never see me again, I swear I want no trouble, for me this is the living VS the dead, I swear”, you said hastily 
“How many walkers have you killed?”, he asked, again. 
“I’d like to think I’m reaching triple digits, but I can’t be sure”, you said in all honesty, still with your hands leveled with your head. He frowned when he looked at you, “I try to drop them all, because, one less human-eating corpse walking around, right?”, you asked, he shared looks with his son, and then nodded. Carl walked until he could see your face, he nodded at you, encouraging you
“How many people have you killed?”, he asked then. You swallowed, hard
“Intentionally? one”, you whined, “but I accidentally pushed something that fell on top of someone and…”
“Why?”, he asked
“We were trying to leave that warehouse and a door just…”
“The one”, he clarified. Your eyes filled with tears
“I was trying to leave the thick of Atlanta, and… he was with me in the safehouse when it collapsed, we ended up wanting… there was only one car and…”, you choked, you still couldn’t sleep some nights, “he had a gun on me and I had a gun on him, I fired first”, you managed to let out, “I like to tell myself that he was a bad person, he certainly sounded like, I… also like to think it was him or me, he was a bit of an asshole…”, he lowered his gun
“I’m guessing you don’t have a camp”, he said slowly, lowering his gun, you shook your head
“I sleep on a lot of roofs”, you muttered, “mainly in the daylight… there is where Carl found me, I keep moving… from house to house, and…”
“Why? Why are you alone?”, you seemed to think the answer
“I’d like to think of myself like someone who is a good people reader”, you said slowly, “I tried to join some groups, but they all collapsed pretty quickly, I… gathered things by myself and I usually scattered before things got ugly”
“Where’s your family?”, he asked, now these questions seemed random
“I was alone in the airport hoping to catch a flight home, when it hit”, you muttered, “my family is on the other side of the continent”, you admitted.
“Are those your weapons?”, you had your ax, and you had a gun which you could find a silencer for, you had been very lucky. You nodded, “are you a good shot?”, you nodded again
“Decent”, you said, “I have been able to take him out with one shot”, you said proudly. They seem to relax, “we found pudding”, you offered with a smile, “I have paracetamol”
. . .
Even if the beginning was a bit… gun-sy, you made peace with Michonne and Rick, and now you felt at a disadvantage because they knew some things about you, but you didn’t know much about them except that Carl was Rick’s son, and Michonne was not related but they knew each other pretty well.
So, as it was night as you had opened some cans of spaghetti, you gathered the courage to speak to them. 
“Carl told me about a prison…”, you started the conversation, they both looked at you with serious faces
“We had built a camp on a prison”, she said, “We were a big group, but we got attacked by another group”, Michonne said, “We all got split when the prison was overrun by walkers and the governor’s people”
“He came with a tank!”, said Carl, and you looked at him surprised
“A tank? really?”, you asked, truly surprised, “Do you have some sort of meeting point?”, you asked, and they looked at each other
“No”, said Rick
“Do you intend to find them?”, you asked
“Yes”, said Michonne
“Great”, you said hopefully, “I hope we do”, you said truthfully. They shared entertained looks 
You consider yourself to be a good people reader, and them? they seem fine to you, though as hell, but good. You felt good, safe, they knew what they were doing, as did you. 
Even though they made you sleep while they kept watch, you managed, to finally, have a good night's sleep. You could understand why they were weary of you, you did, they wouldn’t let you out of their sight, and they didn’t let you protect them at night, but still, you understood, so you did what you normally would have done, and you showed them you could be trusted, leaving your weapons around when you were in the house and trying not to eye them too much even though you were curious. 
You believed they accepted you because they could see you could handle yourself in this fucked up world. And you found yourself wanting to prove yourself to them.
The very next day, they left you on your own to keep scouting the surrounding area, Carl and Michonne left on their side, you guessed they kept testing you.
You had your pack and arms with you, and you did as you always did, you guessed if it was a trap to get rid of you, at least they didn’t rob you or killed you, but Rick had stayed in the house to rest, apparently he had a couple of very rough days and needed it.
You met with Michonne and Carl back again on your way back, you were happy, you found a first aid kit, to replenish your own, and then some, and then you found some cans of mushrooms, those were your favorites, if only you could find some mostaccioli and cream, but that was too much to ask.
You missed pasta
But when the house was in your sights, Rick came running out, signaling you to do the same, there was people in the house, you turned around and started running, being thankful you had carried all your things with you.
“What happened?”, Michonne asked as you were running away from the house
“A group of men, several, entered the house”, he told you as you ran. And you did not ask more questions, being thankful that they accepted you.
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Mrs Barnes-Rogers Writes Masterlist
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A Second Chance Is A Better Chance
Marvel AU
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader; Alpha Steve Rogers x Omega reader; Alpha Steve Rogers x Omega Witch reader; eventual Alpha Steve Rogers x Omega witch reader x ?
Theme: A/B/O
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Summary: Rejected by your true mate at 21, you’ve given up on the Fates and the Moon Goddesses giving you a second chance. Being a Roamer for the last 9 years, you’re an Omega hardened by the world. You’re safe on your own because of your witchcraft, but it doesn’t stop Alphas and plenty of others sniffing around, especially when you’re an unmated Omega witch, who’s wolf also happens to be white, the rarest kind. You don’t need anyone, but why do you keep coming back to Brookville and why do you keep walking into trouble and helping people that you don’t know but for some strange reason feel like family. And where is that smell of apple pie coming from?
The Fate Of A Fae
Marvel AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader x Steve Rogers
Theme: Soulmates / Monster/Fantasy AU
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Summary: Natasha Romanoff is a meddling, pain in the ass Sprite, who you wrongly thought would leave you alone once you introduced her to your best friend, Darcy. News flash, she doesn’t and she won’t. Not when she thinks you’re a perfect match for two of her best friends. Could she be right? Maybe. Just don’t tell her that.
“Never tell Natasha Romanoff she was right” - Clint Barton
Sometimes Your Soul Family Is The Only Family You Need
Marvel AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader x Steve Rogers
Theme: Soulmates
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Summary: 18 months ago you were a mess but with the help of your close friends you start to rebuild your life. Your soul friendships maybe chaotic but they're your family, just as you're theirs. With one of them about to have a baby, you and your misfit friends are here to visit. But will you stay? And what will the small town think of you having two soulmates and why do you keep finding yourself in the same place as a bunch of hot bikers.
"Sometimes families are assholes, sometimes your soul connections mean far more than family ever can. Sometimes your soul family is the only family you need." - Nurse Maggie
Pretty As A Picture
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Theme: Soulmates
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Summary: When Bucky fell from the train, their soulmate was told he was gone. When Steve Rogers disappeared into the ice, their soulmate was again told one her soulmates were gone. But she didn't believe it. Couldn't believe it. Committed to a mental health institute, she dies of a broken heart. That's at least what the hidden S.H.I.E.LD files say, but if that's the case than why is there a photo of her. A photo that shows her side by side two redhaired Avengers.
The Pull Of You
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Theme: Soulmates
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Summary: You meet Steve and Bucky on a Tuesday. Steve ignores the soulmate pull, Bucky can't. There's something about you that neither can shake, even when you're wearing one of Clint's tshirts and your unicorn slippers. After weeks of slipping into your bed Bucky decides he can't hold back anymore. He's telling you after the mission, whether Steve is all in or not. When you don't come back from the mission, they are both ready to burn the world down and the team have the matches to help. But is everything as it seems and have they been betrayed by someone on the inside.
Marvel AU
Pairing: Alpha Steve Rogers x Enhanced Omega Reader x Alpha Bucky Barnes
Theme: A/B/O
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Summary: It's different when you're enhanced. Everything is different, every smell, every sound, touch, feelings. The way it's different doesn't make sense unless you are enhanced. Throw in what comes with Alpha and Omega instincts, and the intensity of your presentation is even more than any other. When you find yourself in need of help you can call on the alpha you trust the most, Natasha Romanoff. You just don't expect to find your alphas at the same time. Are you really enough for them? And can you really be the Luna to the Avengers.
"To be loved, to be loved by your mate is everything." - Wanda Maximoff
Our Lost Girl, Our Babydoll Masterlist
Marvel AU
Pairing: Alpha Steve Rogers x Omega Reader x Alpha Bucky Barnes
Theme: A/B/O
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Summary: A bookshop and a spilled coffee leads you to Clint. He leads you to Natasha, and you lead them both to your best friend Darcy. They try to introduce you to Bucky and Steve but you're full of excuses and Irish goodbyes. Until Bucky catches your scent on Natasha and he's sliding in your DM's and offering to help pack up Darcy's apartment. Steve wants to give their bookworm the world and your Irish goodbyes won't slip passed him, because his eyes never leave you. But what's giving you the lost look in your eyes?
The Feral Princess Masterlist
Marvel AU
Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Theme: Soulmate AU / Medieval / Fantasy / Soulmate Marks
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Summary: Bucky and Steve have known they were soulmates since they were children. Fate bringing a then sickly Steve and the future King together. War takes them apart and throws them back together over and over, in and out of each other lives, arms and beds. But something is missing and throughout, they know they are missing their third and final piece. The kingdom is now Bucky's and Steve's, the latter now a leader and no longer a sickly child. Both are war heroes, with the respect of their country and those that surround it. They are a force to be reconned with, admired and respected within the other royal houses. They could have any maiden or princess they wanted, but they don't want just anyone. They want their soulmate. They want their princess. Even if she is known as The Feral Princess.
Fancy a cuppa? My Ko-Fi.
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virtualreader · 1 year
a moment to bond
summary: you fail in your attempt of hiding your injury from Rick, but you soon regret not to have failed sooner.
word count: 2,1k
genre: angsty fluff (?)
warnings: blood, wounds, passionate kiss (is that even a warning?), angry Rick.
a/n: English is not my first language, so my writing may not be the best. this is also not proof read, so don't be surprised if you find any mistakes. enjoy!
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two months had passed since you first crossed the gates of alexandria, and two months since the last time you’d been face-to-face with a walker. or so it was until this morning.
despite your best efforts, you could not relax; your restlessness was not something you could easily shake off. as someone who has suffered from anxiety all their life, you knew exactly what it felt like to be overrun by frightful thoughts, even though they had never felt as distressing as they felt today.
it was comforting to sleep in a real bed and to have tall walls shielding you and your group from the alarming risks of the new world, but what if becoming accustomed to this pleasant sense of security was only making you weaker? what if your people were forced to live in the outside again? the fear this potential outcome caused was too much for you to bear and your friends’ efforts to console you were unsuccessful.
that's when you chose to take matters into your own hands. your original plan was to leave the walled area, take out a few roamers for practice, and then return to Alexandria. however, destiny seemed to have different plans for you. what was initially thought to be a few walkers quickly became a dozen. a dozen walkers you were now attempting to flee from.
suddenly, a rock blocked your way and you tumbled to the ground, scraping your exposed forearm on the sharp edge of the stone you landed on.
blood poured from your freshly-cut gash, making you even more anxious than before. you clenched your teeth in pain, hoping that the dead would not hear your groans. after the walkers had disappeared from your view, you rummaged through your bag to see if you could find anything to use as a bandage. however, to your dismay, all you found was a water bottle and a spare knife.
you looked around for any other resources, but the barren landscape provided few options. as you weighed your choices, you realized that ripping off a piece of your tattered t-shirt was the only option. you gritted your teeth and reached for the hem of your shirt, slowly tearing off a piece of fabric to use as a makeshift bandage.
you then wrapped the strip of fabric tightly around the wound, wincing from the pain. you knew it wasn't an ideal solution, but it would have to do for now. you stood up, feeling a bit more stable, and looked around to see where you could go next.
as you stumbled through the dilapidated woods, your vision blurred and hazy, you couldn't help but question your decision to leave the safety of the walls.
the dizziness you felt only made things worse, and you began to wonder if Rick was right after all. perhaps you were simply too weak to survive in this harsh new world. as you trudged forward, you couldn't shake the feeling that danger lurked around every corner and that you were ill-prepared for whatever lay ahead.
despite your doubts, however, you knew that you must keep moving if you wanted to stay alive.
against all odds, you made it to the Alexandria safe zone, which definitely made you relax a bit. however, you still had to enter the walls without being seen. you also needed to take a shower and change clothes to erase any trace of the horrors that you had endured on your way to the comunity.
you didn't want anyone to find out what had happened to you. but even as you stripped off your blood-stained garments and let the warm water wash away the grime and sweat of your journey, you knew that the scars on your psyche would take much longer to heal.
you had managed satisfactorily to keep your little accident a secret throughout the day, in spite of your giddiness and the weakened you were in.
it was now dinnertime, and you realized that you hadn't spent much quality time with Rick lately. you had joined the group after the fall of the prison, and Rick was the only one you had gotten close to.
he had been distant from you for some time, and you didn't want to lose your only friend. therefore, you decided that tonight would be the perfect opportunity to try and bond with him.
you decided that you would cook for him and his children, which would give you a chance to talk and catch up on things. you thought that this would be a great way to strengthen your friendship, and you hoped that it would also help to improve your relationship with the other members of the group. after all, a strong sense of community was essential for survival in this post-apocalyptic world.
from the kitchen, one could observe Carl lounging on the living room couch. the room was quiet, except for the sound of the pages of the comic book that Carl's father had brought home on his most recent trip turning. Carl's legs were crossed over the small coffee table, and his hands were holding the comic book with great interest.
the dim evening light that illuminated the room barely allowed to distinguish Rick’s serene face as he was holding the younger grimes in his arms.
"what are you cooking tonight?" his gaze was fixed on you, studying your facial expressions as you cut a carrot.
“squirrel and roasted vegetables. I’d have used rabbit, but this is all Dary could find today.”
“it’s fine, I don’t really mind your culinary election as long as we get to spend some time together.” the now beardless man smiled at you.
“that's so cheesy of you, Grimes.” he chuckled at your comment.
he remained quiet for a moment, making you feel as if he could see right through your t-shirt's sleeve. oh, no. you suddenly remembered that you had rolled up your long sleeves so they wouldn't interfere with chopping vegetables, leaving your bandaged arm visible to Rick's worried gaze.
“is that blood?” he inquired.
you continued with your activity not even taking your eyes off the chopping board.
Rick handed the little Judith to her elder brother, instructing him to go upstairs. the tension in the kitchen became now palpable. it was like when you were a child and you got caught doing something wrong, and you knew you were going to get a lecture.
or so you thought.
“I’m fine. it’s only a scratch.”
“don’t tell me you’re fine, you’re bleeding!” he guided you to the couch Carl was previously in, making you sit down.
he disappeared for a moment and then returned with a first aid kit in his hands.
“let me see.” anger was obvious in his voice.
you did not even dare to look him in the eye. it was well known within the group that it was a big mistake to piss off the leader. Rick undid your messy and bloody bandage. you winced at the burning feeling of the air touching your wound.
“how did this happen? did someone hurt you?” he asked still examining your arm.
“NO! not at all! it was an accident. I- uh…” at this point, it was useless to lie to him. after all is said and done, he used to be a cop before all this happened. “I fell running from a few walkers this morning.”
“you what?! I believe I told you not to go outside the walls! It’s dangerous y/n, there are too many threats out there.” the anger previously visible was replaced by another emotion you couldn’t decipher.
Rick kept a white-knuckled grip on the dirty piece of fabric that was minutes ago covering your large gash, his other hand gently holding your wrist.
you hadn’t taken a moment to contemplate the magnitude of the injury until now. to say the least, it was huge. it started a few inches below your elbow and it went all over your forearm to your wrist.
“why do you even care? I’m not your child, Rick.”
“I care ‘cause you’re as much of my family as Carl and Judith are. and I don’t want to lose my family.” he spoke, his voice getting lower as he pronounced the last sentence. “why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
your frustration with Rick's recent behavior boiled over and you couldn't help but voice your annoyance.
"you've got to be kidding me," you almost whispered, incredulous. "maybe it's because you're too busy trying to impose your will on everyone else here, or maybe it's because you spend the little free time you have left admiring that hairdresser's features. but the fact remains that you haven't been there for me lately, and it's starting to feel like I'm losing my only friend in this world."
your words hung heavy in the air, and you could feel the tension between you and Rick palpably. as you looked at him, you could see the hurt in his eyes, and you almost regretted saying anything.
you sighed deeply, feeling humiliated in the face of the seriousness of the problem that had just been brought to your attention by the expression written on Rick’s face.
you began to wonder how you had let things get to this point and what you could have done differently to avoid this situation. perhaps if you had been more proactive in addressing the issue earlier, things wouldn't have come to a head like this.
"there's nothing humiliating about needing help once in a while, sweetheart,” Rick spoke softly, breaking the silence that had settled in the room. he continued to bandage your arm, his touch gentle and careful. "I'm sorry I haven't been there for you lately. but you have to understand that I'm just trying to keep everyone safe. and as for Jessie... it's not what you think. I'm just trying to move on from everything that's happened."
you nodded, feeling guilty for your outburst. "I know, Rick. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have said that."
"It's okay," he said, finishing up with the bandage. "just promise me that you won't go out alone again. we'll go together next time, okay?"
"okay," you agreed, feeling grateful for his concern.
he put away the first aid kit, but he didn't even threaten to get up. both of you remained in your previous position, awkwardly eyeing each other. in moments like this your small bad habit made act of presence.
you could feel the stinging sensation your teeth left in your lip, making you aware that you had been biting your lip for a while. you knew it was an unhealthy habit, still, you frequently found yourself unconsciously doing it.
“if you bite your lip one more time I’m gonna do it for you.” the atmosphere in the room suddenly changed, lust present in the man’s face.
as you fixed your gaze on the charming features of the man, you couldn't help but notice the way his hair fell over his face, almost obscuring his handsome features. you observed a drop of sweat slide down his forehead. his eyes seemed to denote a sense of tiredness, reflecting how hard he works to maintain the security of the Alexandrians.
you took a deep breath, steeling yourself for what you were about to do. you mustered all your courage and leaned forward. you gave him a peck on the lips to test the waters. you had liked him since the very first moment you met him. the way he carried himself, with authority, which revealed his past as a police officer, drove you crazy.
you pulled back, heart racing as you waited for his reaction. for a moment everything seemed to freeze as you looked at each other, unsure of what to say or do. but then, slowly he leaned in and kissed you back, his lips soft and gentle against yours.
his big calloused hands danced against your neck, pulling you even closer. the intensity of the kiss kept escalating, each movement more passionate than the last. it was as if you were both desperate to feel each other's love, to experience the connection that only the two of you shared.
as the kiss deepened, you felt a warmth in your chest that you hadn't felt in a while. as you pulled away you couldn’t help but think how much you needed this moment of intimacy to make you feel alive. perhaps this was a sign that everything was going to be okay after all.
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0asisbliss · 4 months
yandere kurapika x reader zombie nen au
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Pairing: Yan!Kurapika x fem!Reader
A/N: Thank you for requesting I might start back taking requests since I have a little bit more free time. Sorry for the wait, and any spelling errors.
TW: Use of violence. (Guns)
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Kurapika was so sweet even though he was uptight, and he had his moments where he didn’t understand things. He was human. So when a virus that spread quickly through Japan, and eventually the world. He has his mind set on making sure you stay alive, and healthy. You urged him to let you leave to check on your mother and friends. He offered to do it for you, but then again you didn’t want Kurapika going out there by himself. What if he doesn’t come back? What if he comes back, and tells you bad news about your mother? Either way things could be worse.
“I just want to keep you safe, and you know that I’m not going to keep explaining myself continuously.”
“I- Kurapika wait-.”
“I’ll be back don’t go anywhere. Don’t listen to the whisperers if they try to lure you. What did I say to remember?”
“Reality is different from the dead.”
“Good.” Kurapika patted your head before leaving to go, and check on your mother.
Kurapika has you located in a cabin in a forest you’ve never been before. It was small and comfy. He made sure to get the both of you out of the city, and around people. He had friends. Two little boys, and another man. Leorio, Gon, and Killua. You seemed worried for them when you first met them. It was when the virus first panned out. You thought they would be scared, and afraid. They were actually excited to learn about the zombies, and the virus. They even listed them in categories with Kurapika. There were 4 categories.
Walkers, creepers, Crawlers, and Roamers.
Walkers are your typical zombies, they walk around day and night and over time eventually rot. Disadvantages: Their skin rots after a week, blind, overly slow. Advantages: enhanced hearing.
Creepers usually come out at night. They hide during the day to avoid rotting in the sunlight. They usually come out at night to bite, and eat any living thing that comes in their path.
Advantages: They have enhanced nerves the signal the sign of sun-burn which is why they usually hide in the day. They have amazing hiding skills
Disadvantages: They usually stay in one place, and don’t really move unless it’s night time. Blind.
Crawlers crawl on all fours. You can find them in the day, and you can find them at night.
Advantages: They are super fast. Enhanced hearing.
Disadvantages: Blind.
Roamers are zombie that used nen when they were alive. They roam the earth day and night. They still use their nen techniques, but they bend their techniques in ways that will help them eat living things and lure out the uninfected.
Advantages: Enhanced hearing and sight. Super fast at running and walking. Can use nen. Intelligent. Looks humanly. (Could be mistaken for a human)
Disadvantages: None.
These were the categories for each “zombie”. Kurapika taught you this, so you could be aware. He made these categories from research, and observations. You didn’t know why you needed to know about them though since he almost never lets you leave the cabin. Sometimes you go out and along the plantation, but that’s it. Gon, Killua, and Leorio comes over from time to time, they keep you company and for that your greatful. Maybe you can get them to talk to Kurapika? Sometimes you missed them because they don’t come over as often anymore. They send Kurapika multiple letters letting him know they’re alive, and doing well.
You got up to make dinner for Kurapika. He usually comes back home at night from hunting for food, and looking for resources. There was scratching at the windows. You’ve hearing it for hours. You assumed it was birds. There were no zombies out this far right? Kurapika told you that he encountered a zombie deer a week ago, and that we should watch what we haunt and eat.
Even if it was one of those creepy mutant animals. What were you going to do? Kurapika left multiple guns, and bullets in case you needed them when he was gone. You don’t even want to peep out the window because of how scared you were. 
Which category was the fastest again? Creepers? Walkers? All of sudden you forgot every single thing about the chart Kurapika told you to memorize. The scratching got louder and louder. You then heard the door close and slam shut.
Kurapika cam through the front door breathing heaving and there was a hint of fear in his face.
“Darling go in the bedroom and lock the door now.”
You didn’t think twice and rushed towards upstairs. You went into the master’s bedroom and locked the door behind you. You heard ringing gunshots, and heavy footsteps. You heard one final gunshot then it went eerily quiet. There were footsteps coming up the stairs, but you stayed out and quiet. You heard the door knob twist, but whoever was at the door couldn’t get in because of the lock.
“Honey, let me in yeah? It’s Kurapika. The zombies are dead.”
You got the shotgun Kurapika stored under your shared bed and loaded it.
“Kurapika? Baby?” Your voice shaky with fear.
“Yes Honey? Let me in.”
“Don’t listen to it. It’s not me. Darling!” The voice sounded familiar it was smooth, and almost soothing like Kurapika’s real voice.
“Honey. That’s one of the monsters let me in so we can leave this zombie ridden forest forever.” His was the same. It sounded just the same.
If there was one thing you knew about Kurapika he wouldn’t let you leave this place even if you asked the thing outside the door wasn’t Kurapika. This was a Roamer.
You opened the door and blasted a big one in the center of the Roamer zombie. You finally heard Kurapika come up the stairs, and he made the finishing blow with gun.
“Always shoot for the head love.” His voice was soft and loving almost like he enjoyed killing the Roamer with you.
“Yeah, my bad.” You scratched behind your neck trying to hide your embarrassment.
“It’s okay darling. I’ll clean this up and you go finish dinner yeah?”
And even after all this you smiled thankful to still be alive.
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zombiigrll · 28 days
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.ᐟ WORD COUNT .ᐟ ⭑ 1.2K
꩜ .ᐟ A/N .ᐟ ⭑ this one is a kinda short, at least compared to what the rest of the series will be, just because its an introduction to the series :3 hope you still enjoy <3 !!!
masterlist here!
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ever since the start, you were by yourself. and by the start, you don't mean the apocalypse, you mean your life. you never really knew your parents because they were never home. there was just babysitter after babysitter, and those babysitters never really cared about you either. and when the end of the world happened, you were old enough to be home alone.
so, you were always alone.
you'd been on the road forever. you never found a home, and you weren't exactly looking for one. sure, you came across people and they had offered for you to stay, but you didn't trust anyone.
but you knew it couldn't stay like this forever.
you had decided, next time you came across a place that seemed trustworthy, you'd attempt to join. you had decided that months ago, and of course, you hadn't come across anyone or anything since. just to your luck, right?
you frequently talked to yourself. you weren't crazy, but it was to keep yourself content. and also partially in case anyone could hear.
as you were walking, you found a roamer stuck in the mud. you laughed a bit, walking so you could see its face. you could spot a gunshot wound through its neck, and its legs looked slightly puffed out, like it was soaking up the wet mud.
"oh, hello little guy!" you giggled, poking the roamer with your machete. "how're you doing?"
the roamer reached out, trying to grab at you. you made faces at it and waited to see if it'd pull itself out of the mud. but, it didn't. the mud was basically fused with its legs, it was kind of half mud half roamer.
'well, obviously not too well.' you thought, shrugging at the realization, and quickly stabbing it through the middle of its skull, putting it out of its misery.
you thought a lot when you found roamers. like, how different their lives were from yours. because you knew that their life obviously had ended from the apocalypse, but somehow for you, your life felt as if yours had started because of the apocalypse. you never felt wanted until now. you've had more people ask for your help now than before.
but that didn't really matter much to you anymore. you felt happier now than before, too.
you walked further through the forest, looking around for anyone or anything, but you couldn't find anything. the forest looked endless and you could've sworn you were in there for days now.
but then, you found a section cleared out of the forest. there was a large blanket on the ground, and boxes around it. you curiously walked over, examining the odd surroundings.
you were curious if anyone was nearby. the place looked fairly clean, so it had to be used by somebody.
"hellooo?" you called out loudly, looking around for someone. "is anyone heree?"
no response.
'well, maybe i can stay here for the night.' you thought, throwing your backpack on the ground as you sat down on the blanket.
you pulled the boxes closer to you, taking a look inside. there were comics. tons of them. you hadn't really seen any comics in months, maybe years. apparently this is where they had gone.
you started taking the comics out, trying to find one that didn't have a bookmark in it so you could read it without worrying about whoever owns it finding out you were messing with it, and there was only one.
"someone's catching up on their reading." you blew a raspberry as you started reading the book.
you got tired pretty quick. you hadn't read in ages, so you felt like you were mostly making things up from the comics pictures. you set it down next to you and laid back on the blanket, taking in the clear, starlit sky.
you loved night time, while you found that others were scared of it. roamers came out more at night, so you understood. but it was always so peaceful for you. you could count stars, make shapes out of clouds, so much. it was all so beautiful to you, despite the world being full of such horrendous things.
you could feel yourself starting to fall asleep on the blanket, and you knew you weren't in an exactly safe area, but you still let yourself fall asleep.
you surprisingly woke up. it was only a couple hours later from what you could tell, but you still felt well rested.
you got up and began re-assembling the area, putting the comics back in the order you found them, moving the boxes back, and straightening out the blanket as it was before.
you picked up your backpack and began putting it on as you continued to walk further into the woods.
your walk was pretty clear, too. you hadn't seen any walkers since the one that was partially made out of mud, which made it clear to you that you had to have been close to some sort of civilization.
you continued walking, and you finally made it to the road. you couldn't see the end of either side, so you decided to follow the 'right is right' saying.
you started walking, keeping an eye out for anything or anyone that could potentially hurt you, and keeping your machete in hand as you made your way across the road. the further you walked down the road, the more noises you heard. it sounded just like distant conversation, which gave you more reason to believe your suspicions were correct.
you also had heard the sound of roamers, but not a lot of them. it only sounded like two. you finally walked far enough to spot that there was in fact a community, and two roamers.
the roamers were close to the gate, but still a distance away from it as well. you got close to the roamer with your machete, but just before you could shoot it, someone else did.
you couldn't spot where, just that it was somewhere upwards. you glanced around and saw a watch tower, but you couldn't tell if anyone was inside of it. you walked further, and just barely dodged a bullet.
"jesus christ!" you yelled, crouching down and throwing your hands above your head.
you looked back up and noticed that someone was climbing down what you could assume was just a ladder. the gates flung open and you spotted an older man walking out. he was holding a pistol, had slicked back hair, and a pretty clean beard.
"who are you?" the man asked, pointing the gun toward you.
you nervously walked a bit closer standing with your hands up. "fuck, uh, my name is y/n."
he notices your fear, putting his gun down so he appears less scary. he nods before continuing. "how many walkers have you killed?"
you calmed down at the sight of his civility. "uhm, i wasn't keeping track. a lot, i guess?"
"how many people have you killed?" he asks, furrowing his brows as he speaks.
"...20?" you nervously answer, a tone of uncertainty in your voice. "maybe less, maybe more. again, i wasn't really keeping track.."
the man nods his head again, understandingly. "why?"
"i've only killed people who were threatening me. i'd never kill anyone if they didn't do something bad." you answered his final question, feeling a bit more content afterward.
he smiles at you, holstering his gun away before crossing his arms. "i'm rick grimes. welcome to alexandria."
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kafus · 4 months
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you guys are not gonna believe what i just beat red with LMFAO. set mode + no items in battle (held items ok) + i am like 30 levels underleveled on all of my guys. partially for my own amusement and pride, partially to spite people who talk about how much you "have to" grind in johto games
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it took a few attempts since my strategy relies on some decent luck to happen but there's a few ways it could go and i could succeed! and it really didn't take that long!! explanation below the cut for anyone who wants to nerd about this with me
red leads with his pikachu, i lead with meganium. EQ isn't quite a one shot and i have to reset if he lands charm on me, but sometimes he chooses thunder and sometimes charm misses so it's not that bad. i just spam EQ and let him waste his full restores until pikachu goes down
next he sends out venusaur, and i set up light screen and then spam body slam until it paralyzes, which happens most of the time since i resist all his grass moves + am behind a light screen and i get a lot of chances for that 30% paralysis as a result
i let meganium go down for the clean swap into houndoom, who is able to take the venusaur out with one flamethrower after meganium chipped it a bunch (she outspeeds because the venusaur is paralyzed!!)
he sends out his blastoise next, depending on the state of light screen, sunny day from his venusaur, etc, i choose to go into politoed to resist surf or snorlax who can weather hits in general and stall the blastoise out. in my winning attempt i went to politoed, and land a hypnosis after missing it once, so now politoed is low
this is the one part that's particularly RNG heavy - i swap into magneton and use thunder twice for the KO. this requires blastoise to stay asleep long enough for thunder's shitty accuracy to actually land twice. i do have a quick claw which boosts the odds of it going well just a little bit. in this case it works out
red sends out espeon so i swap into houndoom, hopefully on a baited psychic but unfortunately he goes for reflect instead. my houndoom just barely misses out on the 2 shot and goes down to some swifts even from full HP smh. so i have to send out my snorlax who can take one psychic and take espeon's last remaining bits of HP with a body slam
now for the fun part. red sends out his snorlax. who for some reason only has normal attacking moves, snore and body slam. so i send out the gengar i trained up for catching the roamers (technically he is literally the only pokemon i ever grinded levels on in my entire playthrough because i decided i wanted him last minute and had already fought every trainer in the game, but it wasn't that bad + he's nearly 40 levels under red's team still lmfao) and well. since snorlax took a ton of unexpected damage from psychic, i first do some very careful slow ass switching to get him back to full HP... with leftovers recovery. and then once that's done i use curse with gengar
in a perfect world, i use hypnosis after curse, it lands, and his snorlax just stays asleep through all the curse damage, but unfortunately he wakes up and uses rest - this puts him in a cycle where if i'm just sitting there with gengar, he'll never die from curse damage since he rests on the turn he would faint from the damage and wakes up and uses rest again in a loop like that. SO to get him to faint from curse without having to literally PP stall him, on his second turn of rest i swap into politoed who is on low HP (this is safe because he's never going to choose a normal type attack against gengar), which baits body slam on his wake-up turn instead of using rest again, and then swap into gengar immediately to be immune to the body slam. gengar outspeeds and uses psychic to take out the singular HP point remaining
and at last all that's left is his charizard. i let gengar go down and swap into snorlax who's now at full HP again and use toxic, and now it's just a matter of a very iffy toxic stall. magneton and politoed being alive in the back means i can swap to them as sacrifices if i need a little more leftovers recovery, and in the end charizard goes down to toxic damage after rest + sleep talking him (in gen 2, if rest is called by sleep talk, even though the user is already asleep, they use rest again which resets the sleep counter and heals them again so yeah)
i'm unreasonably proud of this bullshit LMAO fuck level grinding man this is way more entertaining
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aridridge · 8 months
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log line: when copperdale daycare owner lil frazier's husband, chris, passed shortly before the birth of their youngest twins (conceived not long after lil and chris had a set of triplets), lil started renovating and renting out the spare rooms in her giant cottage to help support her six kids, including rowdy teen reese.
lil frazier — family-oriented, generous, green thumb, warm-hearted, cheerful
reese frazier — music lover, party animal, daredevil, kleptomaniac
jay frazier — spoiled, imaginative, shy, clingy
kit frazier — plucky, charmer, wild, doodler
leo frazier — wild, bouncy, roamer, melodic
flick frazier — snuggly, wiggly
finn frazier — snuggly, calm
uhhh yeah idk what to say! i started playing this family for fun but then god really attached to them and decided to post them :) i won't clog up this intro post with too many extra details but i hope to convey more of their depth as characters as i go on to post them! i'll probably change the world they're living in pretty soon when i shift save files but for now they're here!
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axvwriter · 10 months
World Roamers works
Works related to characters that aren't restricted to one world should have the tag #World Roamers
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Amy/Viperiss, Kamet, Port Scubbles
Moon Sisters
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Nothing yet! (Though technically there is some old stuff involving Amy and pals from 2016, but I'm rather not go digging for each and every relevant old post.)
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gleefultogo · 23 days
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Bro at this point just make them Anthropomorphic, it was be less weird. seeing feral animals give each other head. Because, whooo boy it's not for the faint of heart people :/ and it gets worse "they evolved that way" that's such a stupid explanation and just doesn't make sense. It made me think back in asmundr days, right? looking back and comparing it to Home and the aedra world. I'm pretty certain that the asmundr gang including roamer would not have the body structure like dogs on aedra do. they are from earth and acted very dog/canine like. so I just doubt they would easily be evolved into how aedra anatomy or whatever bullshit lore he has about the felines and canines.Evolution takes a very long time
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A Second Chance Is A Better Chance - Part 15
Marvel AU
Pairing: Alpha Steve Rogers x Omega Witch Reader, eventual ? x Omega Witch Reader and Alpha Steve Rogers X Omega Witch Reader
Theme: A/B/O / True Mates
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Summary: Rejected by your true mate at 21, you’ve given up on the Fates and the Moon Goddesses giving you a second chance. Being a Roamer for the last 9 years, you’re an Omega hardened by the world. You’re safe on your own because of your witchcraft, but it doesn’t stop Alphas and plenty of others sniffing around, especially when you’re an unmated Omega witch, who’s wolf also happens to be white, the rarest kind. You don’t need anyone, but why do you keep coming back to Brookville and why do you keep walking into trouble and helping people that you don’t know but for some strange reason feel like family. And where is that smell of apple pie coming from?
Series Warnings: A/B/O, eventual smut, violence in parts, witchcraft, shapeshifters
Chapter Summary: The reader prepares to leave Frank and Billy.
Chapter Warning: Sad everyone.
It takes two weeks and a whole lot of healing for you to be ready to leave for Brookville. There’s an underlying tension between you, Frank and Billy. They’ve resigned themselves to the fact that you’ve probably heard their conversation as your hugs get shorter and you suggest moving out of Frank’s bed and into the guest room.
You’ve also started to sort through your things that have been left there, making sure they fit in your car and giving them away if they don’t. When Billy tells you it’s fine to keep your stuff there, you tell him it’s not fair to anyone to have stuff scattered everywhere, reminding him you’re a roamer and everything should fit in your car. He huffs and helps you after Frank gives him a knowing look.
As the full moon rolls around and after a conversation with Logan you know it’s time to head to Brookville. Storm is nesting heavily and ordering people around to clean the whole house from top to bottom. She’s also been very vocal about your avoidance when asked about an arrival date.
“Maybe don’t leave today though kid. It’s a full moon and the pack will be tense enough without you up and leaving.” Logan tells you on the phone.
“They’ve asked me to run out with them.”
“I need your advice.”
“My advice? Hang on, let me sit down for this.”
“Haha.” You replied dryly.
“Well, to be fair you’ve never asked me for advice before.”
“You know what, it doesn’t matter.”
“No, go on, I’m being an asshole. What’s up kid?”
“Would it be wrong? Would it be rude if I say no again?”
“You’ve never ran with them before right?”
“No, they’ve asked and I’ve always declined, just doesn’t feel right.”
“How so?”
“It’s weird. I’ve changed forms in the house but it doesn’t feel right to run out with them.”
“Go on.”
“It’s weird.”
“You said that already.”
“It feels like….” You let out a sigh. “It feels like it doesn’t fit. Like a shoe that’s the wrong size.”
“Then there’s your answer.”
“What do you mean?”
“If it doesn’t feel right there’s a reason for it. You’ve changed and ran in Brookville right?”
“And before that?”
“A couple of times in hotel rooms when I’d left it too long but not outside and then, well, back home.”
“I think you’ve answered your own question kid.”
“I’m not sure I have.”
“You have, just think about it.”
“So, you’ll set off in the morning.”
“Let me know when you’re near and I’ll have Scott meet you there.”
“Logan.” You huffed. “I’ll be fine.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, Stark’s security guy already explained how to get in and the security system. I just want to get in and get settled. I’m used to staying at the Coulson’s, I need to figure out the place. Scott will just get under my feet and piss me off.”
“Yeah he has that effect on people. I checked with the Coulson’s, their place is still off limits.”
You make a joke about being inconvenienced by their daughter going into labour there and assure Logan you’ll set off tomorrow.
You finish off packing the last of your things and putting together the gift box you’d started for Frank and his pack. You always left them a couple of things, oils, candles, healing potions and anything else you felt they might need, but this time felt very final and you made sure to get a bigger box and fill it well.
It’s late when you hear the howling of their return. You’ve been soaking in the bath tub for the last hour, taking a minute to ready yourself for the journey tomorrow. There’s soon sniffing by the door. Billy in wolf form.
“Hey pervert, I’m in the tub.”
He huffs and you hear him flop by the door. You can hear his tail flicking against it impatiently and decided to get out the tub before he tries to get in. When you open the door wrapped in a towel, he’s already rolling on to his back for you to rub his belly.
“Really Bill?” Frank says, wandering in, black sweatpants low on his hips. “I said fetch her, not ask for belly rubs, you damn idiot.”
You laugh as you reply.
“What’s up Frankie?” You ask as he approaches you. He wrapped his arms around you and planted a kiss on your head.
“Throw some clothes on and come outside.”
“Please just put something on and come outside.” He says leaving the room, calling for Billy to leave you to get dressed. He follows but the direction of his ears tells you he’s annoyed at not catching a glimpse of you naked.
You pull on a pair of boxers and an oversized T-shirt before strolling through the house to the deck, where you quick discover the pack and a select few of the extended pack members, along with Violet and her husband. They are chairs and tables set up and fairy lights wrapped around parts of the decking, candles are lit and there’s a pile of pizzas from your favourite place.
“What’s going on?”
“Aunty Witch, Aunty Witch. It’s a party for you.” Called Dani as she attempted to climb up your leg.
“What?” You said looking around at the group as you picked her up.
“Well, Frank said you’re probably leaving tomorrow.” Luke said. “And we’ve never got chance for us or the town to say thank you.”
“What for?”
“Really rarity? I don’t know maybe saving our town from Agatha, being part of finally taking down Hydra and everything you’ve done for us.” Elektra added, her voice starting firm but growing soft towards the end.
“We wanted to do a bit more than pizza but a little birdy told us if we did you’d probably turn us into frogs.” Matt added.
You looked towards Frank.
“Hey it wasn’t me baby.” He said pointing towards Violet, who shrugged nonchalantly.
“You didn’t have to do this.” You said quietly.
“Sure we did. Now, can we eat because I really need to get these feral kids to bed.” Added Jessica.
“Hey I’m not feral! Am I Aunty Witch?”
“No of course not.” You smiled.
The night passed as drinks were passed around, pizza well eaten and stories shared. Frank’s arm finds your shoulder and you don’t pull away this time. The same as when Billy’s hand finds you knee and begins rubbing circles on it with his thumb. Hours have passed when Luke lifts a sleeping Dani from your lap. Telling you to call if you need anything, just like he always does. Jess hugs you and looks like she’s about to say something deep but kisses your temple instead, a lump in her throat as she tells you to text her. Elektra slaps your ass as you clear away the pizza, never one for goodbyes. Matt hugs you briefly and is firm when he tells you to call him if any of the agencies start bothering you. Foggy hugs you tightly like you’re going to war and leaves without saying anymore. Violet hugs you too as Frank shakes hands with her husband, thanking them for coming.
Then it’s just the three of you.
“Bed?” You ask and they both smile and follow you inside.
Full of beer and pizza it doesn’t take long for you to drift off but even a sleepy you feels Frank and Billy hold you a little tighter that night.
The next morning you wake up to an empty bed. You think about slipping away but a quick sniff lets you know Frank and Billy aren’t far and someone’s making pancakes. You get dressed and freshen up, heading out to the kitchen to find them both shirtless and making breakfast.
How you had managed to not climb these two like a tree was a damn miracle. Billy shot you a wink and you worried for a second you might have said that out loud.
“Sit down princess. Can’t have you leaving on an empty stomach.” Billy smiles, nodding towards the table. You don’t miss that the smile doesn’t reach his eyes. Frank squeezes his shoulder before bringing you a tea, quickly placing it on the coaster and dropping a kiss to your head before returning to Billy’s side.
“Violet sent over some danishes and a fruit salad for you to take with you, with a message to eat the fruit first.” Frank told you.
You smiled and said a quiet thank you, pulling out your phone to send her a message.
“Here you go princess.” Billy said, placing a plate down in front of you. It had at least six pancakes stacked up, bacon, egg and was covered in syrup.
“Bill I can’t eat all this. I’m still full from all that pizza.”
Your stomach rumbling confirmed your little white lie.
“Baby, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you. Being hungry on a full moon is normal. Don’t listen to anything that mother of yours told you. Eat up. I can’t have you leaving here hungry.” Frank tells you.
You rolled your eyes playfully and started to eat as the three of you made idle conversation. Once you’d all finished there was a long moment of silence. The three of you knowing it was time for you to leave but this time it feeling so very final. Frank sighed and then broke the silence.
“Baby, I want to be really clear on something OK, if you ever need anything, anything at all, you get in trouble or you need a place to stay, you come here or you call us. Doesn’t matter if it’s tomorrow, next week or a year from now, we’ve got you Omega, OK?”
You nodded tearfully.
“What if you find someone though? What if your second chance rolls in? What’s she gonna think of me strolling in and out?”
Frank reached out and squeezed your hand.
“Baby, if ain’t you, if you’re not the second chance, it’s never coming.”
You nodded and let out a shuddered breath. Unable to hold in your emotions anymore and with the lights starting to flicker you let the tears pour down your cheeks. Frank stood and pulled you into his arms.
“I’m sorry Frankie, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry it’s not me.”
“Me too kid. Me too.”
A chest against your back and sniffling in your hair let you know Billy had joined you both. You stayed like that until the tears slowed and the buzzing of your phone pulled you apart. You glanced at it.
“It’s Logan, wants to know if I’ve set off yet. Storms getting angsty.”
“Well you better not keep the pregnant lady waiting.” You laughed lightly as you wiped away your tears, pulling away to get the last of your things that hadn’t made their way to your car.
It didn’t take long and shortly after you were in your car and pulling away from Frank and Billy’s and their pack. You told yourself you were fine, even as tears rolled down your face and you started to play your sad songs playlist.
It took you a few hours to reach Brookville and the compound that housed Stark’s cottage. The gate looked heavy and reinforced and was surrounded by cameras, but opened as you neared it. You’d have been concerned if you’d not been asked for your number plate before. You drove down the gravel path and looked around at the heavy woodland. It wasn’t what you expect from Stark and was so different from that enormous and ugly skyscraper in the city.
When you pull up outside your new place to stay you’re quick to mutter ‘cottage my ass’ and decided you’d text Stark’s security guy, Happy someone, some quip about it not being a quaint cottage like he’d described. Sure it was nice, but it was also bloody huge. Again, cottage my ass. There’s a pretty little white picket fence around the garden and you wonder why there’s a need for it if Stark is part of the pack or an extended part at least and this is all pack land.
You decided to head inside first to familiarise yourself with the place before unloading your car. You take the side door and input the code Happy has given you. A projection of the him suddenly appears and he greets you as the door unlocks and tells you the keys, security tablet and a welcome basket are inside on the kitchen island. You thank him and go in, leaving the door open ready to bring in your things.
Your eyes go wide when you enter and you’re wondering if they really meant to loan you Stark’s actual cottage. Happy had told you it wasn’t quite finished and you’d expected a building site. How was this not finished?
You scanned around the lower levels. Mostly open plan and decorated in light colours. Homely but also very sleek and fancy. The kitchen was brand new and full of every Stark device you could think of. Before you had chance to peek upstairs an electronic sounding voice sounded.
“Welcome Miss Y/L/N, please register.”
You remembered then that Happy had told you over email to go straight to the tablet on the kitchen island to register yourself on the security system and that it you weren’t quick enough an alarm would sound.
Shit. You really didn’t want to piss off the pack by setting off alarms when you’d just got here. You found the tablet quickly and filled in your information, thankful that your basic info had already been part filled in. It finished by taking a photo of you, which you weren’t overly comfortable with but decided you’d get over it once you’d drank the wine in the fancy welcome basket.
“Thank you Miss Y/L/N, your registration is complete.”
You looked through the welcome basket to see what treats you’d been left, macrons, some fancy snacks, fresh bread and……….apple pie? You could definitely smell apple pie and it smelt delicious. Like all American homemade apple pie. Even nicer than the one in Violet’s diner. Not that you’d dare tell her that though. You rummaged through the basket as your mouth started to water but couldn’t find it. A chiming sound coming from somewhere sent you to the oven. But there was no pie there either? The smell got stronger and then your wolf picked up the sound of footsteps. Had Logan sent Scott with pie? The chime went off again.
“Why are you chiming? Where are you chiming? What are you chiming for?” You said putting your hands on your hips. There was a sudden surge in the scent as the footsteps neared and then a voice. But not Scott’s, a voice you didn’t know.
“It’s to let you know someone’s coming up the path.”
You swung round to find a figure in the door way. Definitely not Scott Summers and definitely not a beta.
At least 6ft 6, with quite possible the broadest shoulders you had ever seen. Blond hair pushed back from his face, and a beard a little darker than the hair on his head. Your eyes met his and you found bright blue eyes staring back at you.
Your alpha. Your second chance.
Enjoy this fic? Fancy a cuppa? My Ko-Fi.
@animegirlgeeky @mrsevans90 @jvanilly @slut4rogers @otterlycanadian
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pkmn-monochrome · 5 months
Charizard will die? Scuse me? I’ve only ever known pokemon to faint after a battle, save for you three in the final battle, sorry for the reminder….. But Charizard is a ghost, she’d just come back wouldn’t she?
[This may take too long for CODY to succinctly explain, but yes. CHARIZARD will presumably "die" if it is defeated in battle.]
[When a wild encounter starts, a POKéMON is generated from nothing. That POKéMON did not exist in the game world before that moment. And if that POKéMON is defeated or fled from, it will cease to exist, effectively "killing" it. You will never find that exact same POKéMON ever again.]
[The three GHOSTs are a special case, considered as "roamers" by the game. In the vanilla games, roamers are certain legendary POKéMON that can be spawned into the game after hitting a specific cutscene trigger. If you run away from a roamer after you encounter it, it will not be deleted like a standard POKéMON would be. You can encounter it again, and it will be exactly the same POKéMON it was when you first generated it.]
[However, if the roamer is defeated, you will not be able to encounter it again. That POKéMON is effectively deleted from the save file.]
[In this game, knocking out a POKéMON is considered as deleting it. To CODY, and to these POKéMON, being deleted is considered death.]
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krimsonkatt · 25 days
Ji (Spirit Roamer)
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The main character of a future game I'm making called "Spirit Roamer", a sci-fi RPG inspired by Star Wars, Xenosaga, and Gnostism. Her title is Ji and that's what she goes by at the end of the game, but her original name was Zin. Zin is destined to be the legendary "Spirit Roamer" JI, the savior of the universe and the liberator of the light spirits, whatever that means. Here is the full plot of Spirit Roamer:
Zin is a 16 year old human boy living a peaceful life on the colony of Phantos-5. He lives in a futuristic society capable of interstellar travel, where every piece of technology no matter how big or small is powered by special crystals called "NRG Gems." In this galaxy, the vast world of Galaxio, there are two opposing factions: The Republic of Jeto and the Gordoom Empire. Recently, the Gordoom Empire has been blowing up Republic-aligned planets using their "annihilation class starships," seeking to harvest the planets NRG crystals for some mysterious goal, though this news has not reached Phantos-5 which exists on the outer rim of the galaxy. But one day, a crazy old man named Kino No Hakama arrives in town warning that in mere hours their planet will be destroyed and that they all need to evacuate immediately. Kino takes special interest in Zin and when they get close to one another, both of them receive a strange vision where first Zin's planet is blown up before showing other scenes of flying in a spaceship, Zin's arm being chopped off, a female android awakening, and a ghost of light fighting against a massive purple ghost of darkness. Both are shocked by these visions, and Kino reveals to Zin that he is "The Ji," a legendary warrior spoken in an ancient prophecy that will "free the world from its shackles," though Kino does not know exactly what that means. However, the Gordoom Empire has arrived and the planet is going to be blown up, so Zin runs away with Kino on his dinky spaceship. They escape the planet's explosion and Zin swears revenge on the Empire for destroying his planet.
While on the spaceship Kino tells Zin of the empire's plan and that they must head to the resistance base in empire territory to get help. The Jeto Republic signed a strict peace treaty ages ago with Gordoom after losing a war with them that required them to never take action against Gordoom and start another war unless Gordoon "starts another war or invasion of allied planets." The republic also lost all their stocked weapons and military grade starships. Since Gordoom destroyed planets instantly from space, they technically haven't broken the contract and thus the republic is helpless. Zin also tells Kino of his backstory, that his mother disappeared 10 years ago suddenly and without reason and since then he has been living with his aunt and uncle until his planet was destroyed. Kino then gives Zin an ancient weapon called a "Razor Saber" that can only be activated by one in-tune with "phantos," a mystical energy source at the core of the NRG Gems.
However, their conversation is cut short as their spaceship runs out of energy and crash lands on a small moon. Luckily, that moon happens to have tons of NRG crystals within a lunar cave. Zin enters alone at Kino's suggestion to do some training and starts hearing voices calling for help, but doesn't know where they're coming from. Zin reaches the bottom of the cavern and finds a massive NRG Gem, just the right size needed to power the ship. However, the NRG Gem begins to move on its own and stabs into a nearby rock, turning the rock alive and prompting a fight with a giant rock monster powered by the NRG Gem. Zin's blaster has no effect on the rock monster, but by focusing his willpower Zin is able to tap into the "power of phantos" and awaken the Razor Saber to cut right through the rock monster and disable it. Zin then grabs the crystal, leaves the cave, and heads back to Kino. They then make their way to the resistance base on their spaceship and meet with the leader, a woman named Cypress. 
Cypress is currently testing out an artificial human made out of metal named Fades, and after Zin tells his story of the crystal causing the rocks to become alive, Cypress decides to merge an NRG crystal into the android's cortex chip and it ends up working, awakening Fades for the first time. However, soon after Fade's awakening the empire is able to find their base and attack it, and leading the charge is a mysterious general known as the Crimson Samurai. Cypress orders the resistance to evacuate and find a new base, as this current base is a lost cause since the Empire now knows where it is and can destroy it at any time. Everyone is able to escape, but the Crimson Samurai corners Kino and Zin while they are all separated and fleeing for their lives. Kino decides to sacrifice himself to hold the samurai off, and Zin watches helplessly as he runs away, seeing Kino being cut down by the samurai right as they're leaving on Kino's spaceship. Zin is consumed by rage and wants to run in guns blazing on the Empire's base to get revenge on the samurai for killing Kino, but Cypress warns him not to and forbids him to leave. Zin escapes anyways and makes his way to the Empire's home planet, sneaking in as a maid. The opportunity was there and he took it, he didn't mind crossdressing to achieve his goals. Actually, he kind of enjoyed it. He then made his way into the Samurai's chambers and fought against them in an epic battle (after getting changed of course) but upon cutting open their mask it was revealed that the Crimson Samurai was actually Zin's missing mother, shocking Zin. The Samurai took this opportunity to chop off Zin's arm, causing him to lose the Razor Saber in the pit below. Zin, now weakened, was kicked into the pit and fell into the eternal blackness of space…
Zin wakes up without a body in a strange, ethereal plane. There, Kino visits him and explains to him the truth of his destiny. Lore-dump time. In primordial times, the physical world did not exist. All life lived as transcendent spirit beings able to shape reality as they pleased, one with the phantos. However, everything changed when a wicked spirit named Gordoom wanted to control everything. So, Gordoom trapped all life within crystal and created the physical world along with "false vessels" for their true spiritual forms to be trapped inside, stuck in an endless cycle of death and rebirth. These crystals are the "NRG Gems'' that make up all technology. The goal of the Ji is to destroy all the NRG Gems and free everyone's spirits, eventually destroying the entire physical realm and revert the world to a primordial non-material state. Zin is initially hesitant to do so, but when promised that in this new world there will be no more suffering and that it is the only way to free his mother from her brainwashing, Zin is convinced. Kino then finally tells Zin of Gordoom's ultimate plan, to use a superweapon known as the "Zohar Emulator" in order to destroy all of reality and create a new reality in Gordoom's image, as Gordoom realized over time that he cannot control the physical beings he created to be his slaves because of the spirits held within that possessed free will.
However, the spiritual world that Zin now resides could not interact with the physical world unless Zin gets a new physical vessel, as his body is now dead, frozen, and lost in space. However, Kino has an idea, and as Zin and Kino say goodbye for the time being Kino sends Zin's spirit to possess an old, broken down model of Fades within Cypress' storage, giving Zin a female android body. However, Zin's new body did not have arms or legs, so Zin had to make quite a bit of noise to get Cypress' attention, who was grieving both the loss of her mentor Kino as well as Zin, who seemingly died in his raid of Gordoom's base. Cypress is shocked to see Zin still alive and in one of Fade's old bodies as well, and Zin agrees to be upgraded and repaired in order to return to fighting shape. Zin suggests that her new body stay female for the time being and to give her a new voice, which Cypress accepts. Zin then emerges as the new and improved Zin 2.0, a stunningly beautiful female android with both the spiritual powers of the Ji and all the strengths that come with being an android, greatly improved physically from her previous form.
Zin 2.0, Cypress, and Fades all then begin their full assault on Gordoom's base, eventually leading to Zin's rematch with his mother. However, with her new powers as an awakened Ji, Zin is able to free her mother from her brainwashing and she joins the party as their final member. At long last the party finally faces off with Gordoom, the big bad controlling everything who has a massive robot body with the Zohar Emulator embedded into it. However, once Gordoom's body is nearly destroyed, he activates the Zohar Emulator and destroys all of reality, killing everyone but him and Zin who opposes the will of Gordoom as the Ji. At the crux of the new world's formation, Gordoom explains to Zin his reasoning.
While yes, the primordial spirits lived in peace and harmony, their strong resonance with the universal flow was causing a tear in reality which would cause Elzakalas, the dark god, to break free from his 100 trillion year long prison in the farplane, a realm beyond regular reality. So, Gordoom resorted to drastic measures, trapping the primordial spirits in physical bodies in order to stop the tear in reality from growing any bigger. However, Zin regardless wants to set the spirits free and stop Gordoom from creating a new world where he is the sole ruler and erasing all the primordial spirits from existence, so the final battle begins between Zin the Ji and Gordoom the wicked spirit. Zin is victorious and proceeds to reverse the power of the emulator and restore the world to how it once was and the spirits that inhabited it, bringing peace to their world. However, in the post credits scene, Elzakalas is seen breaking free from his prison in the farplane and says "Kill… I will kill the goddess… I swear it."
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zombiee-reviews · 9 months
Page 832 Discussion
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… God. This page is full of bad decision making above the max limit lol.
My first point on the subject is why are they relocating to Rogio’s old territory? If I remember correctly, didn’t someone mention the land is cursed? How does Rogio know that the spirit isn’t lurking around still? Laying dormant for another victim?
Also, it’s stupid for Ronja to not merge the tribe cause “they’ve come too far.” Girl. You have pups that need to come first? I would have figured she would want to merge with Fraujar since Kique has hinted a pairing with them at some point. Which btw what even happened to Whispervale, did they just poof outta thin air? Not sure what Kiques intention was with showing Fraujar being interested in Ronja, when he’s doing everything to not pair them up suddenly. Probably because it’s not a male x male pairing. I also wonder what Fraujar is going to think when they do end up moving. Is he really going to want to trek up the mountain? Brings me to another point, again, Ronja has pups, she should be considering how rough the journey would be on her pups and it’s stupid to move right next door from their old territory. They’re not exactly out of imminent danger.
Again, with such a “dangerous” journey, how are they going to get their cattle up there? Their stuff? It’s a waste of energy and how are their cattle going to survive on a mountain?? How are they going to be able to endure harsh winters on a freakin mountain? There’s so much land elsewhere they can claim and yet, they claim the Meteor summit? Lmao.
And yet again we see Ronja unable to make a decision for her new Tribe. You would think she would jump on the opportunity to make a name for herself and her members, but yet again, she can’t make a damn decision. Always relying on her members to help her.
Also, aside from Roamer is Ronja even aware about the supposed spirit that obliterated Rogio’s old tribe? Or is sweet Rogipoo not mentioning that important bit. It’s almost like it was completely forgotten by the writer. Why Rogio would want to return to that area anyway, is beyond me honestly. It feels wrong to me as well, that you’d want to return to your family/ friends graveyard. DUNNO MAN.
To be completely honest with you, I wish Kique made Rogio an antagonist, because this would be a perfect opportunity to show how evil Rogio is. Could imagine for a moment, that Rogio fails to mention the spirit and puts the Tribe in danger? That would add some juicy story telling, but we all know that Kique put Rogio on a pedestal and even if that DID happen, it wouldn’t come back on Rogio at all. I mean hell, Ronja still hasn’t addressed Roamer for him going against her word. But this is Kiques world and nothing bad can happen to the R trinity. 🙄
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Starlets - of all varieties and only so-called until I have a better name - have an interesting little color differential. Because they are younger stars, their core color reflects that. Light starlets have a deeper, darker blue; Dark starlets have a more yellow orange.
Usually, they gradually grow out of these colors as they age. However, in some cases, it can linger, or even progress farther than anticipated. As such, Light Starfolks' cores exist on a spectrum of dark blue to nearly white, usually in the light blue range. Dark Starfolks' range from yellow to a deep orangish-red, most commonly in the orange range. Instances of color variation often indicate something about the Starfolk in question after a certain age, though on rare occasion it's entirely inconsequential.
Cases of redish-orange and white usually indicate one of two things - that the Starfolk has been around for a much longer time (best case), or that the Starfolk is dying (worst case). They often expect the worst if this coloration shows up young, but there are tests to determine whether it indicates death.
Cases of persisting yellow or dark blue have more diverse causes:
Energy deficiency. This requires continued energy absorption in order to keep the star stable and thriving. Part of the reason the young colors remain here is because the star can't function normally without a similar energy intake to when they were growing.
Energy surplus. This one isn't a bad thing most of the time, it just means they have more energy to work with, largely because their core handles energy more efficiently. The same amount of energy as the next star will go farther for them. The only time it's bad is if there's so much surplus that it needs an outlet, which leads into the next indication.
Energy instability. A surplus gone wrong - there's too much energy without sufficient regulation, and so it starts destabilizing the star in question. This, thankfully, is obvious early on and has several available solutions.
Energy flux. Sometimes also called Sensitivity. The star has a heightened awareness of the ambient energy in the world around them, and to some degree, that energy is also flowing through them (hence flux). This is relatively neutral, though it can be overwhelming.
Absolutely nothing. Sometimes the colors just stick. It's the starfolk version of Perpetual Baby Face.
Another miscellaneous note:
Starlets thrive and grow best in areas called "nebulas."
For Roamers, this means whatever area of ambient energy they were born from. Those ambient clusters capable of creating starfolk are always nebulas, and usually there's some visual indicators like colorful magic clouds. However, those clouds are more visible and vivid for starlets and magic-sensitive folk, whereas the average adult starfolk has to look a bit closer.
For starlets, nebulas have to be made artificially in a little nest-like area by the parents. These are smaller and more contained areas, and usually come after the starlet has grown enough that they don't need to be near one of their parents 24/7.
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