#world orphans day
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jiacast · 4 months ago
World Orphans Day
Global Rise in Orphaned Children Sparks Concern and Calls for International Action
November 9, 2024
The global number of orphaned children is on the rise, with an estimated 153 million currently living in poverty. This increase is exacerbated by political instability, economic hardship, climate-related disasters, and health crises. Conflicts in countries like Syria and Ukraine have led to a significant increase in orphanhood, leaving millions of children vulnerable. A significant percentage of these children are under five years old, according to a World Health Organization report. Orphanages and foster systems worldwide are struggling to meet the demand for care and support. Climate change has also raised concerns about family separation, with floods, droughts, and other extreme weather events forcing families apart, sometimes permanently. The COVID-19 pandemic has left thousands of children without one or both parents, especially in developing countries with limited healthcare infrastructure. In India alone, over 120,000 children were orphaned during the pandemic's height. The United Nations has called for immediate action to address the needs of this vulnerable population, emphasizing the importance of providing education, healthcare, and emotional support. Several countries have pledged to increase funding for child welfare programs and work with non-governmental organizations to improve foster care systems. However, experts warn that without sustained global commitment, these efforts may not be enough to address the scale of the crisis. The international community must address systemic issues that lead to orphanhood, as failing to act could result in losing an entire generation to the shadows. As Dr. Hassan states, “If we fail to act, we risk losing an entire generation to the shadows.”
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genesiswebdevelopers · 1 year ago
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invisible-pink-toast · 1 year ago
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some of my favourite lesbian pop culture quotes/memes/moments
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adastra121 · 2 months ago
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“When working with dangerous elements, it is best to keep a safe distance.”
Template by @danger-bird. I included his full design below:
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Other MCs' Character Lore:
Mourning Mist (Luneth the Reluctant Unnamed)
Thick as Thieves (Alon the Stray Hound)
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bookshelf-in-progress · 6 months ago
Me, faced with a shiny new story idea: Save it for the Inklings Challenge, save it for the Inklings Challenge, please save it for the Inklings Challenge, I'm begging you please save it for the Inklings Challenge
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maegalkarven · 1 year ago
Family matters.
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m!(trans)Dark Urge x Enver Gortash.
Brainworms finally got to me, I caved in and wrote a oneshot on the topic of "but what if Durge and Gortash had a child prior to all that mess"
Featuring my Dark Urge Levi, pre- and post- memory loss.
There was a living, breathing infant child in his arms; and for the first time in a long while Lord Enver Gortash was in complete loss at what to do.
“What is it?” fell rather flat down, a poor excuse of a question.
Leviathan rolled his eyes.
“A meaty flesh of some newly created life,” he huffed, visibly annoyed. “Also known as a child. I assume you’ve met their kind?”
Enver felt anger rise alongside with deeply rooted annoyance. Whatever spectacle the bhaalspawn decided to partake in, now was not the time for that. Neither it was the time for his witty itty remarks.
“I am well aware it’s a child,” he argued back just as sullenly, the said child held loosely in his arms. In his arms. Why was there a child in his arms? They were not made for holding babies.
“I’m asking why is it a child and why is it here. The questions any sane person in my place would indulge in.”
There was something...off about the bhaalspawn.
Not only Enver hadn’t seen the man for almost the entity of a year, an assassin always claiming some task of utmost importance, but now he decided to pop out of the thin air with a live child in a tow and immediately push said child into his, Enver Gortash’s, not so open arms.
It was alarming, to say the least.
“Oh, that,” Levi waved him off like it was a casual annoyance and not a conversation two adults, so-conspirers - partners - had. Like Gortash imposed himself into his free time and personal space and not the other way around. “It’s yours.”
It’s what?
“Or at least I assume it’s yours,” Leviathan followed as Enver’s thoughts came to a rapid halt. “Since I haven’t touched anyone alive but you in a long time. And look where it led me,” the look of pure disdain was all the child was getting, it seemed. “A freshly made meaty cage for a new soul. Disgusting. You’d think Father would make this shit stop and would not allow a child of banite to be born, but I guess any bhaalspawn is a good little pawn under his merciful gaze. Anyway,” a wild, excusing gesture of a hand. “I don’t have any use for this...thing. Sceleritas suggested to bring it into the fold and let my men do all the work, but well, the bother. So you can take it instead,” a winning smile what would work wonders if not for the whole absurdity of the situation Gortash just found himself in. “Think of it as of a gift. A proof of my loyalty to our cause, hm?”
Sometimes the bastard was more annoying than he was charming and his presence took a toll on the man.
Sometimes Enver wanted nothing more than to break Levi’s pretty slender neck.
That was one of these times.
“And what am I supposed to do with it?”
“Oh, whatever you want,” another wide, generous gesture. This asshole truly thought of that...child as if of a gift to be given away, didn’t he?
Enver shouldn’t have been surprised, not really, he knew Leviathan’s stance on children.
“Taste good, not much of use when alive, it’s funny when they die first” – was as good of a take as one could expect from the leader of the Cult of Murder.
“You can throw it away or feed it to the dogs. You can raise it or give it to a hag or even sell it to the devil,” another smile that’s more malicious than anything else. “I don't really care, if I'm being honest.”
Unfortunately, killing a bhaalspawn when you were holding just another bhaalspawn would prove to be close to impossible.
It would have to wait, and Leviathan Anchev still had his uses, bratty as he was.
And his appeal, as deadly as that ordeal proved to be. Or how complicated.
A child, huh? Well, Enver supposed every ruler needed an heir.
“Bring me the wizard,” was the first order out of his mouth when bhaalspawn left. The child was safely given into the care of the first competent older servant, who looked just as bewildered as Gortash himself felt. “Tell him to scan the...the-“
“The boy, my lord.”
“Right, tell the mage to scan the boy’s heritage. Let’s find who his parents are, shall we?”
Trusting a psycho murderer was an awful idea even at the safest of times, and now were not those. Levi would lie just to fuck with Enver. Levi had to lie, because there was no way this infant boy was actually his, Enver’s, flesh and blood.
Leviathan Anchev did not lie.
Levi moved away to sprawl his body across the bed, the creature of leisure he was. He sniffed the air and then wrinkled his nose, closer to an animal than any other person Gortash has ever known. More appealing in that, in his beast-like fluid grace.
“You still have this thing around,” the man commented, frowning. “Why? Playing the dollhouse? How...quant.”
“This thing has a name,” Enver couldn’t not parry. “Noah.”
Leviathan groaned.
“Oh, spare me the details; I want nothing to do with that flesh meat. Having to carry it inside my body for almost a year was a bother enough. Almost cut it out myself on multiple occasions, but Sceleritas insisted the internal damage I’d deal would be too great to handle. Idiot.” A moment of a thoughtful pause.
“You know what my destiny is, right?”
A searching gaze, reaching hands, clawed fingers cupping Enver’s cheeks almost gently. Something changed between them some time ago, but what it was Lord Gortash could not pinpoint. 
Yet something...Shifted.
Levi searching his face for some kind of acknowledgement was a sign of this.
Leviathan Anchev Enver first met would not care less about his approval. Leviathan Anchev of now was Enver’s nearest and dearest and it was pretty much a mutual kind of thing.
“I know.”
To kill everyone in the world and then himself. In Bhaal’s name. A gruesome fate, and pointless. Dull, lacking of any grandiose his, Enver’s, path had.
If only he could break off this deadly conviction in his dear ally, if only there was a way to make him stray out of this path...
They could be good for each other. They could rule together as the gods of the new age; glorious, undefeatable, perfect.
The rulers Toriel truly deserved.
“Then you know I’ll have to kill this...thing,” a moment of barely noticeable hesitation. “This... Noah.”
Enver also knew he would rather see his lover bleed on the altar of his dreadful father than let it happen.
“I do.”
“I,” another uncertain pause. “I was planning to leave you for last. To kill you and myself in one final blow; a perfect tribute to Father. But,” and really, those damn pauses were starting to get on Enver’s nerves. Levi was never short of words before, so what in the nine hells had happened? “Would you rather prefer I’d do you and...Noah... together? To kill you two in one blow?”
Enver saw it for what it was, in the uncertain, searching gaze of his unlucky lover, in the carefulness with which he produced words.
Something warm flooded out the irritation from before; something warm and soft and entirely fragile.
It was mercy, the only kind of mercy the bhaalspawn could know. Leviathan Anchev, the man fully capable of destroying everyone and everything on his wake, offered him a tiny piece of his own surrender. A confirmation of his affections, almost a confession.
In some ways he did care.
“That would be very considerate of you, yes,” he agreed, bringing bhaalspawn close. His bhaalspawn, his ally, his lover. The father of his son.
If there was a way of bringing Bhaal down without bringing Levi with him, Enver would find and utilize it. Otherwise he’d have to kill the best partner in crime he has ever had.
And that would be...unfortunate.
Levi leaned into the touch, soft and gentle in a way he has never been before; almost fragile.
“Does it...know about me?” came out in a whisper, almost unbidden.
“He knows you exist,” was all the response Enver could give, enveloping his assassin into his arms, holding him closely, firmly, painfully so.
The bhaalspawn squirmed for a moment before finally settling in.
“Oh,” he breathed out. “I didn’t think you would...What you would tell him I do. Exist, I mean. I’d expect you’d spin a tale of some tragically dead wife or-“
“There is no tragically dead wife,” Enver cut off, feeling rather irritated. A mystery of complications, his dear murderer. “Only a lunatic of a murderer for a father. Not what Noah knows that, he knows we’re working together and what you’re a very busy man.”
“Hmph,” Levi’s breath brushed Enver’s neck. “I guess that is true.”
“Do you want to,” and now it was his time to be a hesitant bother. “Meet him?
At that Leviathan actually laughed.
“Oh, absolutely not, keep him and that strange dollhouse of yours as far away from me as possible. I have things to do, people to kill, empires to rule. I don’t have time for meat-things, of my own creation or not.”
And just like that, it was as if nothing has changed.
The alarm goes off the moment Karlach finishes the last of the Hands and flies into a wall by the force of the explosive detonating right into her face.
Enver doesn’t stop to register that, or to look around at the bodies of his faithful, to mourn his perfectly constructed plans – his watch, the Iron Throne, the little fireworks shop – because the alarm in Noah’s private chambers went off and it only means one thing.
He skips one step at the time climbing up the steep steps to the higher, more private level.
Could that be the remaining of Orin’s assassins?
Levi said he dispatched of them all, but surely some had to survive by the sheer luck of not being in the temple at the moment. Are those Ravengard’s forces, Florrick’s?
Is it Leviathan, finally coming to sniff out the life he himself created?
He is vaguely aware of the younger Ravengard and the pale elf taking the chase after him, of Karlach joining in.
They think he is escaping.
Enver tries not to think what he is leading the enemies right to his son; he’ll deal with them later. Right now there’s blazing alarm shrieking what something is wrong – and indeed it is, as he discovers with the first body lying dead on the floor. Then the second. Then the third.
All of them – with their throats ripped open, Leviathan’s favorite style.
Enver turns the corner and reaches for the door handle – the door is unlocked and half open: this is bad, bad, bad-
Then he hears a laughter and pauses.
He opens the door slowly and carefully instead of throwing it open as he intended at first.
And sees...
Levi is sitting cross-legged on the floor, leaning slightly forward.
Across of him, sitting in the exact same – ridiculous – pose sits the boy not older than five. He has a dark messy hair, blazing green eyes what betray his nature, and the new game Gortash brought to him just recently. He is trying to explain the rules to the tiefling in front of him, who listens attentively, nodding here and there.
“Wow,” Leviathan Anchev comments with an air of nonchalance he didn’t have before. “I did not understand a thing. But good for you, lil one, good for you.”
“It’s really not that difficult,” Noah insists. “I can teach you! We can play together.”
Enver steps closer, somehow is still not detected neither by his son nor by his...his what?
Karlach almost crashes into the doorframe after him, but somehow manages to steady herself, takes in the view in front of her – and freezes.
So do the other two of Levi’s unruly companions. Gortash especially doesn’t like the pale one; he has a habit of sticking way closer to the bhaalspawn than it is proper.
“I am not that good at these kinds of games,” Levi admits as his tail flips from side to side and nostrils flare; he has detected him. Probably smelled before sensing. “But I have a friend with a real knack for them. He is a wizard and knows a lot of fun things; I think you’d get along.”
Noah looks uncertain.
“Are you sure?” he looks down. “I don’t think...I’m not allowed outside.”
“Really? And why is that?”
“Well,” the boy fidgets with his game. “Father says people who oppose him would try to use me against him, if they knew I existed. So I am kind of...a secret? It’s for my own safety!” he immediately adds, seeing Leviathan’s face blank out. “There’s a murderer on the loose, she really doesn’t like father despite supposedly working with him. Father says she will kill me if she finds out I exist.”
“Oh,” Levi looks taken aback at that. “I don’t think you need to worry about that anymore. If you’re talking about who I think you’re talking about, then she has been dealt with already.”
“Oh!” Noah brightens. “By whom?”
“By me. But say,” the spawn looks quizzically at the child in front of him, frowning slightly. “Is it just your father and you? Where’s your mother?”
“I don’t have one,” and this is definitely the moment then Enver needs to intervene, but he is just...frozen in place, turned to stone.
Leviathan Anchev he knew hated children.
This Leviathan Anchev is talking to a child as it was his best friend.
“I have a dad though!” Noah is a sweet fool, Enver taught him much better than telling complete strangers his entire life’s story. Stop. Talking. “He is...working a lot and is too busy to visit,” the boy looks down gloomily. “But! He and father are very close; they even stole from the devil together!”
Levi blinks. Then blinks once more. Then again.
“The devil, you say?” and is it just Gortash’s imagination, but did the man’s voice just rise up an octave?
“Yes! And not just any devil, the achdevil Mephistopheles!” Noah looks so absurdly proud of that it hurts. “They snuck right into his home, stole a crown from his vault and returned here. Unspotted, unstopped. Victorious.”
“What the fuck?” Karlach lets out and both the boy and the bhaalspawn who created him turn to the door.
Noah’s face immediately brightens.
“Father!” he exclaims, hastily getting to his feet and rushing to him. Behind the boy Levi gives the man the most bewildered stare he has ever seen.
“You have a child!” young Ravengard speaks out with the accusation in his voice. Enver really isn’t sure whom the man is addressing.
Noah is unperturbed.
“Father, I met a really cool guy, his name is Levi and he must be your friend because he came here with no problem at all; and he has children at his camp, two girls named Yenna and Arabella. Arabella is a druid because she stole the idol of Sylvanus and it gave her powers, and Yenna has a cat! But the cat is anxious so I shouldn’t pet it, but I can look at it! Please, can I look at Yenna’s cat? Levi said the evil murderer is dealt with, so it’s probably safe. And Levi can guard me if needed. Also there’s a vampire spawn in his camp and-“
The pale elf coughs.
“Hello there,” he tries, pulling a not entirely convincing smile up his lips. “A vampire spawn speaking. And you would be...”
“I am Noah!” says Noah right away; and did Enver shelter him too much? Damn, he has sheltered him too much. Look at the boy, he wants to befriend a vampire spawn. “I’m the son of the Archduke! Hello.”
“Yes, hi,” the elf looks at Levi uncertainly and back. “So...”
“So,” the bhaalspawn steps forward, the bewildered look stuck to his face. He crouches down to Noah’s level and takes his hands into his calloused and clawed ones. “So Noah...Your dad is the man who helped your father to steal the crown from the devil, is that right?”
Noah nods vigorously and Enver takes his time to observe the scene; the two bhaalspawns in front of each other, Levi’s posture, his relaxed shoulders, his slightly shaking hands. The tail that seems to have a life on its own and moves agitatedly behind its owner.
Three companions of the bhaalspawn, all somewhat stuck in place, with different levels of surprise stitched up their faces. The pale elf – a step closer, almost lingering at Leviathan’s side. Annoying.
Yet somehow, no matter how hard Gortash looks at it, he doesn’t sense any danger. Doesn’t see it, even with Karlach still aflame by the doorframe.
“Yep,” Noah agrees eagerly. “I wish he’d come to meet me soon. He will come, right? Once the work is done and all,” the boy sighs. “I mean, I am his son, surely he would care to come to meet me.”
“Um,” the tiefing looks uncertain. “And what if...something happened to him? What if he, say, lost his memories?”
“How? Did something hit him in the head?”
The vampire spawn chokes on a laugh and Levi rolls his eyes at him.
“Sure,” he agrees. “Let’s call it that. So...what if he doesn’t...exactly remember having you?”
“You mean if he’s lost and doesn’t know he needs to come back?”
“Something like that.”
“Well, I guess I’d come looking for him. He is my other father. It’s important.”
The force of conviction behind these words hits harder than a thunderwave.
Leviathan blinks hard, clears his throat, and then-
“You...don’t have to. I don’t remember much about my life before...certain events, but it was made adamantly clear to me I was the one to break into the Mephistopheles’ vault with your father. And if your dad is who did that, then,” he stops. “Then I guess- Enver, are you really just going to stand here like a fucking statue? Tell me if this is what I think it is or not.”
“You swore!”
“No, the fuck, I did not. Enver-“
“Now you swore twice!”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake-“
“So,” Gortash steps forward, a lazy smile dancing on his lips. Gods only know how much this smile costs him. “You have known your son for the entirety of twenty minutes and already taught him a swear word. Really impressive.”
“Oh, listen here, you poignant prick-“
This, Enver thinks, is what family feels like.
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vivitalks · 11 months ago
“Parker,” Eliot hisses at the ceiling vent, “what the fuck?" Aw, shit. “Aw, shit.” Hardison grimaces, rubbing his head. In the…excitement of the night, he completely forgot about Parker. “Parker, why are you in the ceiling?” There's a long pause. “I don't understand the question,” Parker says.
eliot/hardison/parker rights
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gillianthecat · 9 months ago
I don't know how I would answer this (and there's a couple of them I haven't read yet), but I'm curious about everyone else's thoughts:
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chaotic-orphan · 2 years ago
The Heretic (2)
Previously: June of Doom, Day 9: part 2
Continued snippet from this prompt
“I’m going to kill you,” Villain hissed and cried out when Other Villain pressed down hard on Villain’s sprained wrist.
“You are terrifying, Villain. Truly a menace to society. Let’s see if I can make you scream loud enough for Hero to hear alright? Round two?”
“Round two,” Villain agreed. They winked at Other Villain and muttered under their breath. Other Villain scrambled to get up and away, but they didn’t manage to escape the blast of blue light that shot out of Villain’s closed eyelid. Villain sat upright, grunting as they rolled their sleeve up and activated their healing rune. It glowed an ugly green and Villain bit back a scream as their bones righted in their hand.
Villain twirled their wrist as they stood, flexing their fingers. “You’re such a dick,” Villain said, rubbing the water droplets off their jacket. “This is why you have no friends.”
“I have friends in high places,” said Other Villain getting to their feet on the other side of the road. “Why do you think I’m here?”
“Because you’re employer asked you to be. You claim to hate Heroes and are besties with the top ranked. Doesn’t that seem a bit hypocritical, Other Villain?”
Other Villain shrugged. “Maybe you should ask yourself that.”
A car passed between them and when Villain could see the other side of the road it was empty. Other Villain was gone. A hand shot out of the earth and grabbed Villain’s leg, almost tripping them. Again. Villain whirled, stamping at the hand but it was already gone. A whistle behind them and two hands on their shoulders and Villain was kissing the dirt again.
Villain rolled, getting their feet under them facing the mouth of the damp alleyway, activating the rune on their left palm with a muttering of magic. It glowed an eerie yellow. Other Villain popped out again on the fire escape to Villain’s right. Sitting casual.
“I thought you weren’t a Heretic anymore? Didn’t you renounce your faith?”
Villain glowered at them from below. “Are you here for a catch-up? Or a fight. I don’t have the energy for both.”
“Maybe I’m just trying to wear you out,” said Other Villain and he melted into the metal grate, disappearing from view.
Villain took a steadying breath.
Villain turned too late. Other Villain caught Villain’s wide left hand, directing the erupting fire to the wet ground. Steam rose as Villain used their shoulder to barrel Other Villain into the wall, freeing their hand and putting it palm first over Other Villain’s throat.
Other Villain winked, taking hold of Villain’s burning hand and melted back into the brick wall. Taking Villain’s hand with them. Villain realised too late. Their fingers and palm was submerged in the wall, the bricks turning solid around Villain’s hand. Villain cursed, trying to pull their hand free but it was like it was fused in the wall, moulded to it since it’s inception.
“It’s a weird feeling, isn’t it?” Other Villain said. Villain swung their free arm wide behind them, their leg following suit as their body turned to face Other Villain. Other Villain smiled at Villain from the opposite wall, too far for Villain to reach. “I wouldn’t say it’s painful, just… weird. Imagine your whole body doing that.”
“Let me free,” Villain said and Other Villain laughed out a no as they glanced down at their watch.
Other Villain looked back up at Villain and shrugged, pulling out their packet of cigarettes. “We have some time. You want one?”
Villain scoffed, looking towards the Academy. “You know I don’t do that anymore.”
“There’s apparently a lot of things I don’t know about you, Vil,” said Other Villain, clinging their zippo lighter closed and pocketing it again. “Like how you renounced your Heresy and now here you are—“
“With my hand stuck in a wall.”
Other Villain shrugged. “I’m not saying you’ve made good decisions. Just that you’ve changed.”
Villain looked back at Other Villain for a beat, then sighed and held their free hand out. “On second thoughts.”
Other Villain grinned ear to ear, crossing the distance between them and giving Villain their cigarette. They leaned against the same wall as Villain now, a leg bent and their foot resting behind them. Villain wondered if he did that because he thought he looked cool and mysterious like that.
“Maybe not everything has changed,” said Other Villain.
“Well… I guess we’re two of a kind. Never thought I’d live to see the day you worked with a hero.”
Other Villain was silent for a while. Then they took a deep breath and let it out, nodding slightly. “Me either. Certainly didn’t expect to be fighting you tonight. I had a date.”
Me too, Villain thought despairingly. Other Villain pushed off the wall and stood in front of Villain, face not entirely sure of themselves.
“Let’s make a deal then yeah? I don’t want to beat the shit out of you, you don’t want the shit beaten out of you… how about you just scream for me? Lure Hero down here.”
“I’m not leading Hero to an ambush,” said Villain and Other Villain sighed, stepping forward and smoothing down the lapels on Villain’s overcoat.
“Why don’t you just make things easy for yourself? The Villain I knew was so selfish and predictable,” Other Villain whined. “Why do you have to act so… so—“
Other Villain smiled. A fond smile. “I was going to say stupid but yeah. I guess they’re synonymous.”
Villain put the cigarette out on the brickwall they were currently half inside of. “Okay. I’m ready. Do your worst. I won’t scream.”
Other Villain sighed. “That’s what they all say…”
Continued Here
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murderousink23 · 2 months ago
01/06/2025 is Epiphany 🌎, World Day of War Orphans 🌎, Maroon Festival 🇯🇲, National Thank God It's Monday Day 🇺🇸, National Bean Day 🇺🇸, National Shortbread Day 🇺🇸
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silverselfshippingchaos · 4 months ago
I fucking HATE how the fandom treats m.ine. it's so bad 😭
#ash rambles 💚#so many shitty takes... too much time on twitter ruins a man#i hear one more person call him a crazy obsessive yandere and i think I'm actually gonna lose it#he's either portrayed like that or as one half of a ship#his actual character is lost on so many people because oOoOOoOOooOoO mInE wAs GaY#i dont doubt that he likes men. it's just that I've seen so many people be weird about it-#also. it's not fucking sexy to wanna kill your partner. a bullet between the eyes isn't an act of love.#I saw a tweet today about how m.ine actually wanted to kill k.iryu because he thought d.aigo liked k.iryu romantically#and m.ine only wants d.aigo to himself. and THAT'S why m.ine wanted to kill k.iryu.#let that sink in. 😐.#i hate how the fandom treats him SO MUCH#i will sit in my corner here. and i will kiss m#m.ine. and we will kiss a lot. and things are good. we are happy. we are far away from all of that.#I'm not saying every fan of his is horrible. I've seen a lot of great stuff and content! but holy shit I've seen some horrible stuff too#and it's hard to not feel like I'm doing something wrong by shipping with him. by loving a guy who the world has always hated.#and ofc I'm not! but still! even whenever i rb content of him here I'm always so afraid ajdhajsj#like ah yes this is the day i finally get cancelled on tumblr dot com for (checks notes) ... shipping with y.oshitaka m.ine??#I'm honestly afraid to take him up to being an official f/o ajdhajsb i think he'll stay in crush jail a little while longer..#i hate how the fandom perceives him so much!!!!!!! i also just hate the y.akuza fandom in general lmao#i do also like k.iryu so.. I've seen shit 😐#I'll delete this later but oh boy i am in a mood#and i know this isnt the first time I've blogged about this#and for that i do apologize. but i really do love this guy and despite wanting to look for content of him i always end up finding the most#infuriating shit!#i know he's done fucked up things. he's not a great guy. but! our relationship is built on mutual trust and i will NEVER write any of that#creepy obsessive shit that the stupid fandom always portrays him as doing! he's not going to kill someone for getting too close to me-#I'm just... upset- get behind me honey! I'll shield you!#and by kissing him I'm not brushing over any of the shit he does in the game. yes he beheaded that guy. yeah he slapped that orphan.#but i adore him and omg i hit tag limit... oopsie daisy lol sorry guys 😭 I'm really sorry for always talking abt this#you were beautiful 💸
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thepastisalreadywritten · 5 months ago
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On World Rhino Day, we celebrate these remarkable creatures — ‘the last living dinosaurs,’ as Daphne Sheldrick called them — and highlight the threats they face.
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Dame Daphne Marjorie Sheldrick, DBE (née Jenkins; 4 June 1934 – 12 April 2018) was a Kenyan of British descent, author, conservationist and expert in animal husbandry, particularly the raising and reintegrating of orphaned elephants into the wild for over 30 years.
She was the founder of the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.
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a-very-zilly-gooze · 1 year ago
my friend: hey, you were over there muttering under your breath for a long time, are you okay?
me: oh, yeah, i’m fine! i was just vocally stimming. it helps me calm down in overstimulating environments.
my friend: oh, okay! if you don’t mind me asking, what were you saying to calm yourself down?
me: oh, i was just reciting the entire script of Disney’s 1992 flop movie-musical Newsies starring Christian Bale and David Moscow from memory.
my friend: …
me: i didn’t remember it as well as i used to, since i haven’t seen the movie in two years, but i got through about the first thirty minutes, minus the songs, without too much trouble.
my friend: how do you not have an autism diagnosis
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supercantaloupe · 7 months ago
do you still write opera fic (or other [musicals?]?)? any WIPS?
in theory yes. in practice i haven't had the motivation or time since like last summer
unless i get freak level obsessed with a thing, during the school year i usually have no time or motivation to write fic because i'm so busy reading and writing academic papers and stuff. i also don't read for pleasure much during the school year for the same reason. i usually have more time on breaks and over the summer, but then it's a matter of motivation and inspiration. even when i do have time on my hands i need a good idea to want to write and the luck of fate i guess to actually do so. and ironically while everything i write i write for the primary audience of myself, and appeal to what i personally want out of a fic, i am far better at Doing Things when i have external motivation. and the things i end up writing fic about more often than not are things that have like. a realistic potential audience of like 4 people, if i'm lucky, ha. so i don't really get the benefit of commenters or a rapt audience motivating me to keep writing.
there are still a few outstanding longform fics that, while i haven't touched in over a year, i haven't totally given up on the concept of finishing them. right now this would pretty much be the devil you know (don giovanni), starlight (oklahoma!), and the 25th annual solesian national spelling bee (fantasy high), all of which are relatively long multichapter works which i haven't acutally finished writing yet, but have at least loosely planned out an ending an a way to get there. fantasy high is the only one that i would hazard to say has a real potential audience, but since the junior year season disappointed me, i haven't gotten the interest back enough to keep writing that one just yet. but it's got enough behind it already that i don't want to entirely abandon it. starlight at this point is old enough to enroll in kindergarten (i started it shortly after i finished high school. jesus christ) and i don't even want to list the au qualifiers attached to that thing here lest i succumb to the cringe, but the story and the characters are still so dear to my heart i don't have it in me to truly abandon her. and the devil you know is similar, though (at least at this time) i think the premise is less cringe; i have Ideas for it still, but i don't have the drive to finish it right now unfortunately. or the audience. but i know better than to expect that anyone but myself is really reading fic of old ass operas and musicals.
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dragons-and-yellow-roses · 9 months ago
I'm watching Adventuring Academy and Brennan and Murph are talking about when you become a DM, be prepared to only DM and never get to be a player and then he said "If you want to DM for me, hit me up in the comments," Brennan I've never been a DM but its my dream to learn, you don't know the lengths I would go to to DM for you PLEASE
#ive played dnd twice. both were one shots#and they were so so fun#the first was like. our party wound up at a circus and went into a fun house#and suddenly we were trapped and could only escape by solving puzzles and defeating a terrifying clown at the end#i drank poison on purpose and almost got eaten by an alligator. it was so fucking cool#and i got to live my tiefling bard dreams#the second time the party was in a new city for a festival that was essentially day of the dead#and there was a ghost in the river of a woman who had been drowned there#and we had to find out who killed her. and turns out that same person was killing children in the town#at the end we solved the mystery and reunited the dead woman with her dead children but there were still a bunch of orphans#the dm intended for it to be a pretty bittrsweet ending#but we decided that we were going to pool all of our money together and give it to the apartment manager wed met earlier#and get all of these orphans set up in the apartments to be watched over by the apartment manager#and both times ive thought 'this is such a cool fucking story. we are having so much fun.#i want to be the person that creates the stoey and facilitates the fun' like being a dm is my dream#and i know it would never happen but brennan if you see this#brennan i will dm for you. i will make time. we can get a long term game going. you can play to your heart's content#like both of the dms i played with created an amazing world and story. gave us that sandbox for us to play in#i would love to have players to take my stories somewhere!#and in this episode they said that if youve watched a bunch of d20 then you can dm. you dont need to have played#so im going to look more into like. learning to dm#i have the dm handbook bookmarked on my laptop so ill get there eventually#but brennan i will learn so fast. i will dm for you just give me a chance
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redeemed-wren · 1 year ago
Classic Who explores ideas, New Who explores morals
classic who is like 'i see this trend, lets explore what might happen if that trend continues and let the audience figure out what it's talking about and come to their own conclusions.'
new who is like 'this trend is BAD and i'm going to PREACH A SPEECH about why it's going to RUIN EVERYTHING' and it's so much more exhausting
#wren rambles#doctor who#this brought on by me watching orphan 55#which had SUCH a fun concept#and then absolutely FACEPLANTED with the doctor moralizing at the end#like yes doctor who has ALWAYS explored topical and political issues#but never is there a definitive I Am Telling You This Is Right message#whereas now I just had to sit here and watch 13 preaching at me?#ughghg#explore the idea but don't shove it down my throat#classic who had an episode (Ice Warriors) exploring climate change as one aspect of the story#talking about how all the plants were removed and that messed with the atmosphere etc.#but that was just a SMALL PART of the whole episode and it was never outright condemned (it was made clear it was BAD and the root problems#but that was never the BIG ISSUE the Doctor Lectured His Companions about) (not that victoria or jamie could do anything lol)#plus this feeds into my issues with 13's run (which started during 12's somewhat but less so)#where the Doctor is painted as the Narratively Right one#where when she says something that's what the narrative wants you to BELIEVE#which coming from Two and Three's run is WILD#because Two is chaotic and murderous when he thinks he's right#and he's manipulative and deceptive at times#and Three is selfish and pouty and rude#and don't get me wrong Thirteen has her issues and I lvoe them#HOWEVER. she's pretty much always RIGHT she's the Word Of God when it comes to moral things#and this more than anything is my biggest issues with Modern Who#mostly 12 and 13's eras#so i hope we move out of that somewhat in the new era but i'm not super holding up hopes (especially after star beast)#maybe one day i'll write a proper full article about it but GOSH#i don't watch this show to be preached at. I watch it for a fun/tragic scifi romp and also to see interesting ideas explored#and reflect the climate of the world and how society influences media#explore the idea of climate change turning the world into a post apocalypse! that's such a fun idea and topical!
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