#working on drawing Mable now
mossypidder · 1 year
Remember how I said I had Faas sketches. Well now I have a rendered and colored Faas drawing. Aren’t I fancy-
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But ye, here he is with enya. He isn’t actually grumpy, he just doesn’t visually emote very much for trauma and autism reasons. I forgot to mention that Enya is a kelpie. The story takes place, as mentioned earlier, in Pennsylvania, (which had and has one of the highest Irish population densities in the US) so I was thinking that maybe kelpies were an “invasive species” since they can be dangerous and belong to the unseelie quart, and can be killed without any punishment. Enya’s mother was murdered when she was twenty months old.
Due to the traditional horse like appearance of kepies, she has horizontal pupils, (but golden eyes sort of like a frog. actually playing around with kelpies having a pollywog stage between birth, or maybe hatching, and 12-18 months. still up in the air tho) and horse legs and ears. She has fins as her ‘hair’ and tail tho.
Up until puberty hits, kelpies are physically unable to show anyone their true form, sort of like the way fawns don’t have a scent for the fist few days after birth, for safety reasons.
However Faas can see her true form because in many troll folklore, they are immune to certain types of magic, especially of the concealitory (apparently that isn’t a word but I don’t care) variety. Kelpies aren’t true shape shifters like changelings, the mask you see is nothing more than a shield of magic that tricks your brain into seeing a human, while they are still green and horsey underneath the whole time. This magic also effects photos, drawings, and mirrors and is especially strong when the person is young.
Anyway, yeah. You’re welcome for the ramble that no one asked for
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cowgurrrl · 9 months
It Ain't Me Babe
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
Author’s note: A holiday present from me to you ❣️
Summary: Ellie’s first art club meeting [2.8k]
Warnings: creative insecurity, mentions of financial instability, teacher things, Ellie talking about Sarah, more flirty flirt, I think that’s it??
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Nothing has ever been as annoying or guilt-inducing as an unfinished piece of art. Sure, every artist— no matter the medium— has felt like an uncreative, unoriginal hack, but it still feels just as new as it did the first time. Moonlight streams through your window as you glare at the canvas, hoping for an idea or stroke of genius. It's late. You should be in bed, especially since it's a Sunday night and you spent your weekend working at the bar down the street. But you're holding a paintbrush between stained fingers and praying for a miracle. It's been eight months since you last sold a piece for a whopping $200, chump change when it comes to living in Austin these days. Even with two jobs and doing commission work, you're living paycheck to paycheck. Maybe that's why it's so hard to create? That has to be the reason. You don't remember it being this hard when you were younger.
Creating art was the only thing that brought you solace during your teenage years. It didn't matter if it was drawing, pottery, painting, sculpting. All that mattered was that you were doing it and you were good. You won awards, scholarships, and attention. Your art teacher, Ms. Henry, was a godsend. Grey-haired, glasses-wearing, colorful Ms. Henry glided through lessons and projects like it was second nature. She always had pencils in her hair, a mug in her hands, and a kind word on her lips when you entered her classroom. She's the one who pushed you to go to your artsy liberal arts college full of people richer and better than you. Even with her love and support, you struggled and almost dropped out after that first semester. 
"There's always someone better," she told you when you ended up crying across from her in a coffee shop. "But there's nobody in the world who can make what you will because there is and never will be another you. I mean, God, what a gift. I'd hate to see you waste it." That sobered you enough to keep going and eventually pursue a teaching certification. Ms. Henry has since retired to the Pacific Northwest with her wife, Mable, and sends you a postcard every once in a while because she believes smartphones will be the downfall of civilization. After so many years in education, you're ready to agree with her. 
You sigh, feeling your motivation fluttering away with your breath, and plop your paintbrush down in the cup engraved with the words "DO NOT DRINK" in bold. The canvas doesn't look like much of anything right now— just a mass of colors and shapes that could potentially pass as an abstract version of a landscape. It looks like the other painting you left at the school to work on when you have time. And the painting before that. And the one before that. You curse at exactly the same time your phone buzzes with a text. 
You awake?
You don't bother responding and go straight to FaceTiming her. She picks up on the second ring, her beautiful, round face greeting you with a smile. You met Andie during high school, and her effortlessly cool attitude and bulky violin kit quickly became a part of your heart. You two were inseparable all four years of high school, dividing your time between rehearsals and time spent in the studio, but college took you to art school and her to a prestigious orchestra program in Vienna. She's been there ever since graduation, playing for diplomats and royals alike, but she comes home for holidays, and you've been trying to save money to go see her. Being so far from her is hard, but you make it work. 
"Why are you awake?" You ask by way of a greeting, more than accustomed to your seven-hour time difference and her early riser habits. She laughs, and you hear a tea kettle whistle in the background. 
"Well, hello to you, too," she says. "I have rehearsals all day today, so I got an early start. Why are you awake?"
"I'm staring at my waking nightmare." 
"Oh, God, are you having another spiral?" 
"I'm a hack."
"You're an artist."
"I got rejected again this weekend," you say as if to prove your point, and she sucks her teeth. "They said my art didn't fit their vision for their exhibition, but to feel free and submit another time."
"Well, they must not know great art when they see it. There will be another exhibition and another chance for you to show off your amazing skills. And when you get accepted, which I know you will, I'll fly in, and we'll drink fancy champagne and talk shit the entire opening night." She says, and you sigh. Her persistent optimism is one of the things you love about her, but sometimes, all you want to do is sulk. 
"Or I could fly to you when your first composition gets performed, and we could do all those things in Austria instead of this shithole."
"Hey, some of us like that shithole."
"Some of us haven't lived in the shithole in ten years." 
"Touche," she concedes. "But I'm serious about what I said. You're a good artist, just going through a little bump in the road. One day, we'll be really sexy and successful, and we'll look back at this and laugh with our rich spouses while drinking expensive wine."
"One day," you say, smiling. "How are rehearsals going?" She groans at the question, and you laugh. Whenever you talk to her, she's working on a new show or with a new conductor and always has something to say. There are many things you could call your best friend, but lazy is not one of them.
"I feel like we're stuck on this one part, but the conductor won't listen to me. He says he knows better than I do, which might be true, but also, if he just listened to me, then we can move on. I don't know. I'm sure if I poke him enough, he'll have to listen to me."
"Sounds reasonable." 
"That's what I'm saying," she says as she shuffles her coffee mug and breakfast to her dining room table before checking the time. "It's midnight there. Don't you have school tomorrow?" She asks, and you sigh.
"And an early morning staff meeting and art club after school." 
"Sometimes, I worry about your mental health." She says, and you laugh a little too deliriously to prove her wrong. You stay up talking with her for a while before finally getting hit with a wave of fatigue and crashing into bed. 
The next day is not any less hectic than your weekend was. The staff meeting early in the morning is mind-numbing and completely unnecessary. The printer in the teacher's lounge breaks halfway through a heavy-duty print job, and you're left scrambling for new activities and lessons. Not only that, but your students were more out of control than usual, prompting a veteran teacher to come in and scold your class on your behalf. It would be kind if it didn't make you feel two inches tall and your students didn't look at you like you betrayed them. You spend your planning period indulging in the silence of your empty classroom and fighting off a migraine. 
The second the final bell sounds, your art club kids are knocking down your door, more than ready to work on their projects for the winter showcase. The winter showcase is hosted by a local art gallery that opens for submissions from students every fall. If a student's work is taken, it gets shown in the gallery, and they get entered into a prize to win money and a chance to paint a mural downtown. It's a big deal. So far, you haven't had a student win first place, but you've had them get very close. You always assure them you're proud of them no matter what, which is especially true when Ellie slinks into your classroom with a shy smile.
"Hey! We're just setting up supplies to work on stuff for the showcase. Do you have something to work on?" You ask, gesturing to the students working around the room in a buzz. 
"I think so. Are you gonna play music?" 
"Who do you think I am?" You make a face, and she laughs. "Why don't you find a spot and get comfortable while I queue up a playlist?" She hesitates for a second before she takes a deep breath and musters up the courage to approach another student to ask if she can sit with them. They start chatting easily, and her shoulders relax as she gets more and more comfortable with all the new people. You put on a random playlist and move around the room to answer any questions about colors or give an opinion when asked for one. Over the course of an hour, Ellie makes her own little group of friends, and they all talk as if they've known each other forever as they work. She seems so in her own element, and you can't fight the pride beaming in your chest. Okay, so maybe your job can be pretty cool sometimes. Not fame and fortune cool or traveling overseas cool, but cool nevertheless.
Students gradually start packing up their things and leaving when they get texts from impatient parents in the parking lot or close to dinner time, but Ellie stays behind, bobbing her head to a beat or bouncing her knee under the table. She's the only one left in the classroom when you start packing your stuff and preparing the room for the next day. "You've got a ride home, honey?" You ask, and she glances nervously between you and her phone.
"Yeah. My dad should be here soon." She says. 
"Alright, well, I've gotta lock up here, but I'll wait outside with you until he gets here."
"Oh, you don't have to do that."
"It'd make me feel better knowing you weren't left behind. Plus, I'm the adult responsible for you until he picks you up, so it's kinda illegal for me to just leave you here." You say, and she looks hesitant again but nods. Together, you walk out of the classroom and through the empty hallways until you get out to the scorching September afternoon. You stand outside in silence for a few seconds, taking in the sunset, before you turn to look at her.
"How'd you like the club?" You ask. 
"It was fun! I met lots of cool people."
"I told you, kid. You just needed to give it a chance."
"I know, I know," she rolls her eyes, and you smile. "Thank you for pushing me to go. I don't think I would've gone without you." She's so genuine and kind in her tone that it throws you off-kilter. You're used to being berated by students, staff, and parents. To be told you actually had an impact on someone is not commonplace, to say the least. 
"I'm sure you would've found your way there without me." 
"Maybe, but you helped me get there a lot sooner than I would've on my own." She says, and you take a deep breath. It feels nice to be acknowledged, especially after the day you've had, and Ellie seems to sense it. You're looking for something to say when she looks down at her shoes and kicks a stray rock. "Just take the compliment and move on. Don't make it a thing." 
"Alright." You say, laughing, and she cracks a smile, too. Traffic will be horrible on the way home, and you have nothing to eat for dinner, but it's okay. You did one good thing today. That's all you need. 
"Sorry, my dad is taking so long." She changes the subject, a touch of anxiety creeping in, and you shake your head. 
"Does he always work late?" You ask, and she shrugs.
"Sometimes. Dad and Uncle Tommy have been picking up jobs to send money to my sister in Boston. "
"What's in Boston for your sister?"
"Medical school. She's about to go into her internship at a hospital there."
"That's a big deal." You say, and she hums. 
"Yeah. She'll probably save the world or something one day." There's a hint of something nostalgic in her voice, and you decide to push just a little. 
"Do you miss her?"
"A lot," she says. "She's my best friend."
"She's lucky to have you." You say. She smiles but doesn't say anything. You want to ask more about her family, but a rickety, greenish pickup truck comes rumbling through the parking lot before you can. Ellie shifts her backpack on her shoulder as her dad and uncle come into view, and you smile at them. Joel, however, looks frantic. 
He's unbuckling his seatbelt and opening the driver's side door before the car can even finish moving. There's dirt on his pants and a little bit of a sunburn across his arms, the muscles straining across the black fabric. He politely pulls the ball cap off his head to reveal sweaty curls as he approaches you, jerking his head toward the truck at Ellie. "Why don't you wait in the truck with Uncle Tommy? He's got a snack for you." He says, and Ellie lights up at the mention of food. When you're alone, he tucks his hands in his pockets and gives you an apologetic look. 
"'M so sorry. We got caught up at work and lost track of time. It won't happen again." He says, wringing his hands like he's waiting to be scolded, but you wave him off. 
"It's okay. Things happen, and I'm just glad she's got someone picking her up." You say. 
"How'd she do today?"
"Really good. I think she fits right in."
"She make some friends?"
"I can't give away all my secrets. What else are y'all gonna talk about at the dinner table?" You tease. 
"I guess that's right," he says as he stares at you, a muscle in his jaw jumping. "Thanks for waitin' with her."
"It was my pleasure." You say. You stand awkwardly for a few seconds, rocking back and forth on your feet. His eyes are locked in yours, and there's a silent competition to see who's gonna blink first. "Well, I should let you get home. Have a good night." 
"Uh," he starts, stopping you before you can even fully take a step. "I wanted to apologize for the other night. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
"You didn't make me uncomfortable," you say a little too quickly, and he smirks. "I was very flattered. Besides, it's not the first time."
"Beautiful woman like you, I'm sure you've got 'em linin' the block for a chance with you." He says. You're dancing a delicate dance here. You're not not flirting, and you're not not interested in him, but if your principal finds out, it could cause a whole new world of problems. Still, it's nice to be wanted after so long of being on your own. You're not a saint, but you're also not doing anything inherently wrong, right?
"The teacher thing usually freaks 'em out before they can get very far."
"That's a damn shame." He's quick with it, and you have to resist the urge to roll your eyes at the line. A buzz in your bag reminds you of the time and why you're still at school, and you find your footing again. 
"Uh, I usually give out my contact information to the parents of my art club kids in case they need anything or need to contact me quickly. Since Ellie's an official part of that, I figured I should give you my phone number in case anything comes up. If that's alright?" You say, and he pulls his cracked phone from his back pocket. 
"Yeah, yeah. That's more than alright." He says, handing it to you to punch in your information. 
"It's for emergency purposes only."
"What d'you consider an emergency?"
"Mr. Miller-"
"Joel." He corrects, and you give him a look as you pass his phone back. 
"Don't abuse it. I'd hate to have to put you in a group chat with all the PTA moms."
"You're evil." He groans, and you laugh. Tommy, leaning over and honking the truck horn, interrupts your conversation, and he shoots daggers through the back window. 
"I'll see you next week, Joel." You say, dismissing him, and he hesitates for another second before nodding.
"See you next week." He says and turns on his heels to get back in his truck. You think you vaguely catch Joel scolding Tommy for being impatient, but you ignore his deep voice and the engine sputtering as you walk to your own car with a little more pep in your step than this morning.
TAGLIST: @abbyhaslongshorts @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @anavatazes @marantha @cosmoscoffeee @shyminnie07 @beezusvreeland @eddiemunsonsbedroom @harriedandharassed @doodlebob-mp3 (look at how many of you there are!)
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princesspastel8 · 2 months
Chapter 3: Secrets
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Dipper POV
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My grunkles thought it would be a great idea to take everyone out to eat. They claim it would bring us closer together and catch up on what me and Mable been up to since we left. We are at the diner where Susan works.
I stare out the window with my chin resting in the palm oh my hand. I feel as if something bad is going to happen while I'm here. I just want to go home.
"So how has it been with you two kiddos?" Stan asks while looking at us, mainly Mable.
"School was so much fun, grunkle Stan! I met so many guys, but they were all jerks. I made many friends that I'm still in contact with, too! Prom was so much fun too. I had a pink dress and my date was so cute! Oh, and waddles had kids with another pig, but we had to give them away...." Mable said, pouting at the end.
"Well, that's something. I would've given those boys that did you wrong a knocking to! Haha!" Stan said while trying to flex the muscles that he barely has.
"What about you, Dipper?" Ford asks while writing something about a two-headed squirrel.
"Grow any chest hair?" Stanley jokes.
Mable giggles, "I highly doubt he has. I still have that small curly hair in my scrapbook."
I groan as I begin tapping my leg. "You know I'm not a fan of chest hair nor any kind of hair except the hair on my head and face."
"Oh come oooooon Dipper! Lighten up." Mable pouts while nudging my arm.
I tense up and turn my head, giving her a warning look. Just how many times do I have to remind her not to fucking touch me?!
Mable stops, nodding her head. "Sorry, dip dot."
"What happened just now?" Ford asked.
"Oh, nothing! But yeah, Dipper, do you or do you not have chest hair? I bet it's still the same as it was when we were 12!"
Mable and Stan laugh while Ford is to focus on that damn squirrel. I groan, pulling my hoodie off in front of them. I look at their blank expression, my lips in a thin line. "Happy now?"
Mable and Stan look shock while Ford stares at me. "Oh wow, Dipper, I didn't know you had abs!"
"Well damn kid, you did grow chest hair, even though it's stubble. You're one of those kids who shave chest hair." Stan sighs disappointly.
"Dipper, what is that on you back?" Ford asks.
My eyes widen slightly, but I keep my blank stare. "Nothing, Ford."
"Mable, what's on his back?"
Mable looks as her eyes widen. "U-uh....It's Bill's wheel grunkle Ford."
"Why would you get such a thing done to you, Dipper?!" He shouts.
"Quite down, Stanford. Don't draw attention to us." Stanley comments.
I frown once more, quickly putting my hoodie back on. "I was bored and got drunk one night. Everything else is a blur after that...." I said, lowering my head, memories of that day traveling back.
Mable coughs to clear the air. "I'm sure Dipper only got it because it looks cool!"
"Yeah....let's just order." Stan said.
"Oh hi, Stanley!" Susan chirps.
Stan groans as Ford and mable chuckles. "We would like to order." Said Ford.
"Two pancakes." ,said Stan and Ford.
"A pancake, eggs, and bacon!"
"Monster stack." I said blankly.
"Whoa! Do you think you can handle that? I remember when you were just a boy!"
"Yeah, kid, I don't think you can handle that -"
I cut Stan off by slamming my fist on the table. I jump over Mable and walk over to that damn manly test machine that I could barely ring. I pick up the hammer and slam it down on the button. I watch as the ball inside the machine hits the bell so hard that it cracks and breaks apart. I hiss, placing my hand on the side of my left face.
"Stay calm, Dipper....Just stay calm." I whisper to myself while taking slow, deep breaths.
I walk back over to my family. "I lost my appetite, but as you can see, I'm no longer a kid. So I would appreciate it if you all stopped calling me that. Anyways....I'll be out for awhile." I said, walking out of the diner as quickly as I can.
I walk towards the forest, pulling at my hair with both of my hands. "Ugh damnit! I'm not a fucking kid I'm a grown ass man!" I shout, punching the nearest thing next to me which is a tree.
I look at my bloody knuckle and sigh, chuckling. "Christ Bill, I think your short temper is rubbing off on me."
I rub my fingers over the dent I made in the tree. "Why don't I go blow off some steam, yeah?"
I step over the 'keep out' tap that's tapped all over the trees surrounding the minigolf court. I walk towards the center and whistle with my two fingers.
"ATTACK!!" I hear one shout as they begin to throw sticks at me.
I smirk and stomp on the first set of fighters, blue color liquid splashing on my shoes. I watch as many begin to crawl up my leg. I reach down to grab five of these damn things. I shove them into my pocket and run out of there. I'm not stupid, I can't take on thousands of those mini shitty golf heads.
I laugh loudly, whipping the sweat off my forehead. That was so cool. The sound of golf heads crushing under my boot brings satisfaction throughout my whole being! Well, next on the list is the nom vomit. I walk down the trail I remember that leads to the noms hideout. Once I get there, I knock on one of the trees, one nom coming out, and to my dislike, it's the one that talks a lot.
"Oh wow, look at this! Dipper, is that You? Wow, it's been a while since I last saw you. How is your sister doing? You know the offer to still marry her is on the table -"
I cut him off by kicking him in the stomach. He groans and leans over, clutching his stomach in pain. I pull a jar from my duffle bag and place it in front of him.
"You talk too much. Now be of use and hack it up before I kick you again."
He looks at me with fear clouding his eyes and begins to throw up rainbow crap they call vomit. I take the jar and close it, placing it back into my bag once he's done. I walk away, heading back towards the diner. When I made it to the end of the forest, its nightfall.
I reach into my pocket, pulling out a minigolf creature. I smirk as I hold it by its head, placing my two fingers on its body. I watch as it cries, feeling the fear through my fingertips.
"Remove the body slowly from the head." I said, remembering the intrusions given by the journal.
I slowly pull, biting my lip at the sound of the cracks and snaps. "The eyes and mouth will wither from its holes, leaving access to the soul of the sacrifices."
I pull out a different jar, placing the head inside of it. I repeat the process four more times before reaching in my bag for my change of clothes I picked up from the shack as well as my other things. I change into a black pair of pants, a black hoodie, and place leather glove on my hands. I pull out my favorite knife and walk towards the diner.
I can hear Susan's annoying humming from here. I rub my finger over the blade that I place in my pocket. I place the jar on the bar stand as I let out a chuckle.
"O-oh my! Who's there?!" I hear her shout from the kitchen area.
"Come and find out. I think you'll like the surprise." I chuckle, trying to control my laughter.
I watch as she stupidly listens to me. I walk towards her, slowly pulling out my knife. She looks down at the blade, her eyes widening.
Before she can scream, I jump on her, causing both of us to fall. I place my hand over her mouth, raising my blade that in the air.
"Do I still look like that kid you remember, Susan?" I laugh as I stab her over and over again, drops of blood splashing on my face.
I slit her throat for good measure, watching the blood ooze from her body. I stand up, holding my head as I feel a slight pressure as if something is forcing its way into my skull.
"B-Bill....is this you d-doing this? B-but I didn't - "
"It's ok, pinetree! The more sacrifices you kill, the more I'm able to use my power beyond the mindscape, but we have company..." I hear Bill's darken voice ring through my ears. I look at the door, my eyes widen in shock.
"D-dipper?" Pacifica shudders, her voice barely above a whisper.
She looks between my knife, Dead Susan, and the door. She quickly grabs the door handle, but I stop her. She freezes and looks back at the wall, noticing the knife next to her head.
She touches her cheek and looks at her fingers. She screams, but I run to her and place my hand over her mouth, squeezing her jawline. She whimpers as I bag her head against the wall, pulling my knife out from it.
"Pacifica Pacifica Pacifica....isn't this the meaning of 'at the wrong at the wrong time'?" I laugh.
She whimpers, digging her nails into my hoodie. I laugh, my vision changing from clear to red. "Oh, I could just kill you right now! Ooooooooooh, but what's the fun in that? Oh yes, yes, yes! Stare at me with those fearful eyes! I think I'm addicted to this-ahahahahahaha!"
I remove my hand from her mouth and placing it on her throat. She gasp, her hands now crawling at my wrist. I laugh louder in her face while placing my knife in between my fingers and rubbing my bloody glove down my face. My eyes roll back as my vision goes from red to yellow, my voice distorted.
"L-let's make a deeeeeeeeeal! You don't tell anyone my pinetree did this, and I promise he won't kill you? Deal?"
She nods her head, gasping as my grip tightens.
"Let's shake on it, llama sweater!" I cheer, placing the knife back into the wall as I hold my hand out while my body begins to twitch.
She quickly grabs it and shakes my hand, blue flames covering it. I drop her to the ground, watching her gasp for air. I watch as she stands and runs out of the diner as fast as she can while the lights in the diner begin to flicker.
"And remember! We'll be watching yoooooooou-ahahahahahaha-HAHAGAGAHA!"
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anris-resurrection · 1 month
Spoilers for thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com
I'm going to keep track of what I'm entering in the computer here :D (I'm trying to keep unique results on their own line) and I'll add as a go for fun
Edit: I think I'll put in what happens because I'm losing track lol
turning the knob, Playing static and then clicking the screen has a backwards message
Hectoring- Bill sings
any swear words- image telling you wash your mouth with soap
Cursed (the text on the candle)- Resist all drawings of triangles info
Vallis cineris- Why did you do it :(
Stanford / Ford / Sixer- Medical record
Stan Edit: click multiple times to get all the ebay links. get the hidden page, click how he beat me, a lot.
Giffany ( enter multiple times and she will download a zip file)
Bill- Triangle wiki
Cipher - Eye of providence wiki
Bill cipher-Video link
Triangle- "tri harder"
Alex- link to purchase flannel shirts
Dipper (enter multiple times for new notes)-note from bill probably
Mason- note from dipper
Gideon- voice message
Mable- puts stickers on the screen XD
Baby- I am pregnant lol
Pines- "a good family tree"
Euclidya- "dimension not found"
Blindeye (there's a color cipher I'm working on EUCLYDIAN ....)
Robbie- texts and a picture
Weird - weird al has a message
pacifica- A note
soos- note
Pinata- video lmao
Mystery- "?"
Tad strange- Erotic Bread
journal 1- " the journal of fun"
Journal 2- "the journal for you"
Journal 3- "the journal for me"
Book of bill- " hide it under shirt during pledge of allegiance
Gun- "Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes they both" lol
weirdmageddon- Newspaper
Theraprism- sign "in case of "the old one" do not use elevators"
gravity falls- "never heard of it"
Platinum paz- short story about pacifica
Blanchin- video link
Love- Bill romance audio book
Ducktective- "ducctetive stars in "love, quacktually..."
mat pat: cameo
blendin " agent is missing and assumed incompetent"
Math- note about greece
Skibidi- death
Tyrone/clone- Tyrone
Dippy fresh- Link to the hippest shit you will ever see
Dorito/Nacho- jumpscare
Help me- video of bill and his therapist
Toby determined- Link to restraining order instructions lol
History- "Geometry existed before the creation - Plato"
Cryptogram codex- Zip file with fonts
Mysteryshack- Location link
theyll all see- "Is seeing believing"
divorce- O'sadleys logo
ad astra per aspera- journal page
Babba- Dipper singing
Disney- " rat.gif censored for your protection"
Scientology- "Suppressive person detected"
season 3 - "season 2"
Season 2- "season 1"
Season 1 - "Season -1 anti gravity falls"
Life- "Life: 72% complete loading death"
death- "lifes goth cousin"
Abuelita - video link
tantrum: bill lore
hey nerd- call now ( 1-800-555-cipher9)
scary- Audio book
even his lies are lies- lore
shave your grandma
titans blood- log off hooty
curse wittebane- ouija board
love ya bro - note and code
kings of new jersey- answer key for code
one eyed king - I want to pledge my soul to bill cipher
just fit in- video
naitsuaf- sell your soul
wellwellwellbeing: (multiple)
black sheep
not a phase
burned inside
im still on your mind
creepy pasta
destruction is a form of creation
forget the past
tourist trap
when will i die
mountain dont
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roachesinacoat · 1 month
Scp I’m working on for a alt Au of my scp ocs starting with Mable (my scientist oc)
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Rough color idea for he (I did kinda take the eyefestaion from pressures color pallet cuz I love it and still kinda pissed that the eyefestaion is now a boy and just want a bad ass girl character with that color pallet) but anyway I was taking inspiration from SCP-4205 (In the eyes of the beholder) SCP-372 (Peripheral Jumper) and the abyssal copepod from the myster flesh pit only ever thought of the eyefestaion from pressure as a ref when my friend was also ranting about the eyefestaion
Rough idea of for her logs
Item #: Scp-████
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Scp-████ is to be kept in a 5m x 5m x 3m containment cell kept in complete darkness, the walls lined with reinforced plexiglass. (That’s all I got for now for this part)
Description: Scp-████ also known as Eyes On Me is a 8'3 tall bug like creature of unknown origins, she somewhat resembles some form of humanoid anthropod in body shape despite the large open mouth down her front. she can easily blend into the darkness if it weren't for its hundreds of glowing green eyes which have a hypnotic affect drawing a person to stare at her even if they try to look away, this ability makes the personell sick (symptoms range from a simple fever and vomiting to blisters, rashes, swelling, blindness, seizures, and vomiting caused by internal bleeding). it is unknow why she possesses this ability and it is unclear her main intentions when using weather it is hunting or somthing elses since the sideeffects only apply to Personnel. She will get very agressive when exposed to bluelight or any human personnel.
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notmaplemable · 6 months
Mable's RWBY Redo: Extra - Color Theory
A complain lodged against Weiss and Blake's more recent designs is that they've kind of lost the character's color. Weiss wears more blue than white and Blake more white than black.
Now, one could make the argument that they're moving away from their old selves and thus taking on a new color. Weiss for example rejecting Atlas' white in favor of blue, which shows her character growth.
But considering how important colors were for early RWBY, I think the characters should embrace their colors. Not reject them. As well as implement their teammates colors into their designs.
I do feel like RWBY kind of lost a bit of it's color as the series went on. And while I won't be drawing anything, or commissioning anyone else to do so, I think with kind of the premise of this series being a redo, that I should reverse that.
So in my mind at least, I'm going to change a few things.
First, Atlas' color is now a more chilly looking blue instead of white. Which still works for the winter maiden connection. The Schnee's color will still be white though.
Mistral's color is now green to fit with the spring maiden.
Vale's will be red for the fall maiden.
And Vacuo is still orange for the summer maiden.
This probably isn't going to actually effect anything, but it's kind of been something that's been bugging me for awhile now.
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notsodailycake · 1 year
oh oh i JUST saw Spike & Beanie, ⚽️ & 🙊 for the both of them?
AAAH YES YES YES!! I've been wanting to talk about these two so badly, but i never knew what to talk about or where to start- (i usually only share oc info when i have a drawing/doodle of them accompanied ;w;)
Anyways, answers!!
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Spike doesn't have alot of free time, if he isn't turfing, he's working at grizzco, if he isn't at grizzco then he's out training with his team, and if no he's home taking care of his little sister, with the help of his friend/roommate Mable (his sister the only blood family he has left, Mable is there bc of sum history between the two, she has always been helpfing him)
BUT when he does get free time, he likes to read book or write them, he also enjoys crafting little things like toys for his sister, just for fun. His favorite pastime is reading the stories he wrote to his little sister
Beanie on the other hand, she has quite a bit of free time, she's a free soul living with her childhood best friend Jay (genuinely they are friends lol, but i tend to put Jay on a threesoume with Beanie and Spike just for a joke lol). She can't stay still and do nothing, she has to be doing something, so she has alot of different hobbies, like singing, dressing up, shopping, etc. But her favorite one so far is drawing, she likes to go out and see what she can draw and turn it into something magical, she always carries a sketchbook with, sum similar to rapanzel's, to draw out her adventures
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Spike's worst flaw would be his selflessness, he always puts others before himself and although that's admirable, it ca be draining. He had to be the one to step up when he lost his dad before his sister was even born, and while his mom was a mess he took care of her, even if his granny did step up to help, she was old still, after his mom died he had to take care of his sister along side his grandma until she died when he was around 16. That lack of self care, or constantly overworking himself yet saying he's fine so not to burden his family is what almost got him killed, of it wasn't for Mable saving him
Skipping a bit here but, after what happened, Mable had offered to help him, and she keeps him in check, like a big sister (she's 2 years older). Butbold habits die hard, and he struggles to communicate his issues with others and tends to put up a tough person, usually by accident (he doesn't actually really realise he looks a bit scary)
Now for Beanie, she runs from her problems.....alot. She is terrible at conformation and would rather punch her way out of a situation. In fact, bc of thag, when she had issues with her ex gf, she just kinda ran away (taking Jay with her, cuz they stick together no matter what), all bc she just couldn't confront her and the issues she had, she just kinda left a note at their apartment just saying "sorry, this isn't working out, goodbye" with no explanation, nor where she went off to.
Too bad for her bc that came back to bite her ass, bc her ex came in looking for her wanting to get the answers she deserves, there's actually a funny scene i have in mind about this i might write later, but i can just share it if u want
Jay had started to help her face her problems more tho, but her ex was sum she just, couldn't go back to
There's also the instance where she stopped talking to her parents scared of their disappointment, bc she left them as well to go to inkopolis with her team (her ex, her ex's bff and Jay), but Spike just slaps sum logic ontonher and forces her to call her parents, thanks to that she was ale to repair her relationship with her parents
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mnstcrbnll · 1 year
Eleven stellar contestants wanted to give it another shot and discover the secrets remaining... and while some did amazing, some others... not so much~!
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Now, first of all, time to spoil who sent those last few secrets... and then we'll go ahead and see who got the golden star... and who ended up at rock bottom!
" i still like a guy who cheated on me and broke my heart and idk what to do about it. i know i shouldn't be. i think i need some advice." was STRELITZIA'S SECRET, and half of our contestants guessed correctly! Let's hope someone will give her some advice after all!
"killed a man by adding 4x the spice to a chili. he never recovered." was BRUTO'S SECRET, and while the majority guessed right, plenty thought it could've been Anzu's, Lyra's or Molayne's secret as well. Guess nobody is a good cook, here!
"I ACCIDENTALLY CAUSED THE GREAT SUNNYSHORE CITY BLACKOUT AND NOBODY KNOWS. I CRASHED MY BIKE AGAINST A BIG ELECTRIC PANNEL AND RAN AWAY." was WILLOW'S SECRET, and with my surprise a vast majority thought it belonged to Mable! And while I'm at it, I want to remind our stellar audience to go visit Eternara's Rickshaw & Daughter's for all your biking needs!
" I once broke a thunderstone earing my classmate lent to me by chewing on it." was LYRA'S SECRET, and people equally guessed her and Molayne! We'll have to gift them both some high quality earrings!
" I have had done something naughty in the break room or my place of work " was MOLAYNE'S SECRET, but the majority guessed Bruto! My oh my, sooo spicy~!
"I have horrible Phasmophobia, but ghosts seem to love me anyway." was RIKA'S SECRET! She got the majority of votes, but that seemed to throw off a lot of people too!
"I've been trying to get back into drawing fanart of my favorite childhood book series, PokeMorphs. I even had a PokeMorph-sona back then, who was a Stantler, and I'm trying to redraw her. Who knows, maybe I'll have her evolve into a Wydeer or something" was MABLE'S SECRET, and much to my surprise, while the majority guessed her, just as many people thought it was Rika's secret! Maybe you too should meet for some fanfiction ideas!
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Now now now, the moment you've been waiting for! Last time, Riley ( @auraguardians ) was on top... but this test put everyone in a very rough spot, making someone even go under ZERO STARS! In fact, at the very last place, with MINUS THREE AND A HALF STARS, Volkner ( @low-charge )!! But fear not, someone did way worse: in fact, GRUSHA ( @crushed-ice ) he decided to go ahead and threaten your galactic host on camera and we decided to give a little malus ♥ This means that, at the end of the day, with MINUS FOUR, Grusha loses! ♥
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But, now, to see who became our new STELLAR GOSSIPER... with NINE STARS after she guessed every single secret of round 2 correctly, and after she oh-so-boldly went ahead and sent her guess for the first one barely five minutes after the start of our show
For that, she's allowed to recieve... ONE WISH! Nothing too big, of course, we don't give out Mythical Pokèmon and potions of eternal youth... but after spreading your dirty laundry, the least you could ask for in return is a first class ticket, right?"
cue canned laugh
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"Congratulations to all partecipants, and I wish you all a STELLAR EVENING!"
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miblue · 2 months
how did you first come up with Darlen? and then later Dannie n Richie?
Okay. Storytime!!
I have had darlen for a long time. Infact, I first made her in 2014. But her name used to be Jenny. (I changed it to darlen in 2016 cause I like it better). I was or more so am, a big gravity falls fan. I love mystery, secret codes, supernatural creatures, all that fun stuff. And I really wanted to write a scooby do/gravity falls like story of mystery, so I came up with my own little group, the story was called pinemaple, cause that's the name of the town I was going to have everything happen in. Darlen was very inspired by mables personality (mixed with dippers cryptic obsession) . Overtime she's become her own person and the only one from that og group that stuck around. In 2017, I was drawing her with another og, Dean, as a sorta little mystery squad. Looking for her brother.
But one thing that always stuck, is darlen was always ment to have a brother. (It jumped from twins, to older brother, to now back to twins). He never had much personality developed cause in the narrative of the story, he was essentially the mysteriously missing element that had to be found. Which damaged the writing for him on my part.
Time jump. Darlen has been in a sorta story limbo, where I know what I want but making anyone else that stuck around her, was being hard.
(see especially in early days, I wanted to write story's but didn't know how to go about it, or understood how the process worked, so I would make characters, have a idea, then it would slowly fade cause I had no substance, I didn't know what I was doing or what I needed to do. I understand better now from learning more, but then I knew I wanted something just didn't know how to make it)
Around 2018. I made a new little crew. 4 members. And this one I like more, where it was more focused on the 4s personal relationships, plus ghost. (I always intened the group to pair off, the two guys and the two girls. The thing that kept the group together, is cause the siblings are close, and like working together, so the other two had to learn to get along and deal with eachother for their sake. )
Then come last year. I wanted to draw some cute shit, and make a new ship. Which is where Dannie and Richie showed up. And while drawing them, I had the idea of "hey wait. I been trying to make darlens brother for years, and Richie seems like he could work, I wonder...." And I doodled them interacting, and boom. Perfect! And it fit really well for the small group I had started, but never really developed past some first ideas (that group is where Louise came from too)
Darlens brother, was always ment to be just as into hunting ghost and the supernatural as she was, but he approaches it differently, more serious. (Think if she's like Mable, then he is like velma). He wants to find ghost too but is more skeptical about things. But evertime I did something with him, he was just boring to draw/write. So nothing stuck
Once I made the choice that darlen n Richie are siblings, it just seemed to fall into place. The thing I been wanting to make for a very long time, suddenly started to come together in a way that fit so well, like it hadn't done before.
So. Generally. Darlen has been around for a very long time. She's in almost every sketchbook sence she became darlen. And Richie and Dannie are more or less, the newest version of another older connecting concept, but now much more thaught out then before. Alot of my ideas, if I can't make them work, if I Really like them, I don't let them go, and I just try again differently at a different time.
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angeygirl · 4 months
Well, I was asked to talk about Villain OCs, time to talk about Villain OCs
Now this art is mostly from two years ago. I used to challenge myself to draw all my OCs once a year but it got to be too much after a little while. Either way, here you go :P
The Prince of The Skies (The Prince, Pride)
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The Prince was originally one of Mable’s pokemon, (an unfezant nicknamed Ribbon) who was accidentally turned human along with the rest of her team. Ribbon met an expert in magical artifacts (we’ll get to her in a minuet) who offered him a chance with some of her spells. The one he picked turned him into a vampire. While he originally intended for it to be temporary, Ribbon was corrupted pretty early on and had to be changed back by force.
Now, in the intro post I mentioned that alternate timelines come into play. This is probably the most obvious case. In Vanilla (the main timeline ie, no mods) Ribbon is secretly very ashamed of himself after changing back. He was in full control but became such a different person while corrupted that it didn’t matter. In situations where he never reverts to his human self, he couldn’t be happier.
Overall, the Prince is very dramatic and flamboyant. He thinks too highly of himself but also has the power to back it up. He doesn’t forgive easily, but is a surprisingly graceful loser (if only to catch his enemies off guard when he gets revenge) He also respects when someone resists being drunk from. If you can keep him back three different times, he’ll never come after you again.
Brayden (The Flame, Wrath)
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Bradyen is the first fusion on the list. His technical name is Blazeden (blaze/den) as he’s a fusion of a blaze (yes, from minecraft) and a human named Aiden (also from minecraft, but like, the spin off that took over my brain for a year in 2017) This is pretty fitting, actually, since the name Aiden means ‘fiery’. For simplicity's sake, Aiden starts as a bully who later on tries to stage a coup on a sky island. When the people rejected him, he started a city wide fire. Blaze are fire spirits that might actually be mechanical (it’s minecraft, who knows for sure) but either way they spit fireballs at anything that get too close
The result of combining an arsonist with a fire spirit is a person with flames always licking the inside of his chest. Brayden was held captive in a research facility when he was young but was convinced to work as muscle for his captors for a short while. After realizing he was being used, he broke out of containment and now lives on the edge of society. Aside from his destructive tendencies and hair-trigger temper, he can be a decent person to hang out with. Then again, he also sets forest fires for fun. He’s in the middle between bully and criminal, but powerful enough to be a pretty big threat. He can also hover and set himself on fire, just because.
Scarecrow (The Assassin, Greed)
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Scarecrow is an expert in potions and magical artifacts. Most of the time she serves as mercenary who collects things and ingredients for other people, one of those ‘will always help for the right price’ type of people. Yes, she was the one who introduced the Prince to the dark magic need for his transformation. How exactly does she find things from distant places so quickly? How did a candy fox end up in the pokemon world? Portals. She has an artifact that lets her open portals.
Flore/Dandelion (The Weed, Gluttony)
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Quick backtracking, remember how Mable was cloned three times? No? Ok, well their names are Z, Stormy/Wolfworm and Flore. Z is half porygon-Z, Stormy is half Wither (yes, again, minecraft) but is called Wolfworm in the Nightmare animitronic AU and the name drifted to try and make things easier (it didn’t).
Flore is the third and final of the clones, taking after Flowey (undertale) While all three are adaptable shapeshifters, Flore is the most trickstery of all of them. She also possesses the power to rewind her actions if she dies, meaning she can see the whole world as a game in need of a villain. That’s it really. Her motivation could be something super meta, and probably was during the beginning since she’s at least a little self aware due to Flowey, but really she just likes the spectacle of being violent and knows that whatever she does won’t have lasting consequences.
Flore also switches forms a lot, her favorite being her hybrid self, her human disguise and her monster form that looks an awful lot like her Nightmare Panther. That’s exactly what it is btw, she really likes being 10 feet tall and full of teeth. She also likes to swing around on vines in a sort of acrobat way and fights with a comically large hammer.
Her title of The Weed has a double meaning. First, she's literally part plant and second, she chokes out life wherever she pleases. Where Wolfworm constantly eats out of necessity, Flore destroys anything and everything all for the fun of it. Flore knows what she's doing and doesn't care, unlike Wolfworm who is too childish to understand. This difference is why Flore is assigned the sin of gluttony, while Wolfworm is not a part of the rainbow at all.
Dr. Losco (The Scholar, Sloth)
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Supposedly brilliant, Dr. Geno Losco is both a mafia boss and a scientist. Not a mad scientist, though. He's quite rational. So rational that he never does his own dirty work and would much rather pay off people to do anything and everything for him. While not as destructive, Dr. Losco's crimes include taking credit for other's discoveries and finding ways to manipulate more money into his pockets... that will then be used to pay off other people.
(PS. losco is the Italian word for sly or untrustworthy. No one in-universe seems to know this)
King Andrew (The King, Wrath)
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Andrew’s name is really confusing. In-universe his original name was Andy (a combination of Aiden and Tiny) but then renamed himself. The thing is, when he announced his name by saying “It’s Scourge, then” nobody heard him properly. Is that a dumb way of explaining how he got the name Scourgeden (Scourge/den)? yeah, probably. The thing is, I have no way of being sure anyone will know how to pronounce Scourgeden so I started calling him King Andrew as an evolution of Andy. He’s Scourgeden in my heart, though. As a Nightmare animatronic his name is Cyrus (because it sounds like scythe and calling him Scythe would be dumb)
King Andrew shares his human half with Brayden, hence the Aiden part of his name. The cat half is Scourge from warrior cats because it was 2017 and no one has the power to call me cringe but myself.
Andrew regards himself as a noble leader ruling a clan of other unwanted science experiments hiding in the shadows. He started off by solving other’s problems but started getting too violent His blood brother, Lance (Lucas (minecraft, last time, I promise) + Ocelot (real life) = Lancelot) saw the oncoming corruption and tried to resist him. They fought and Andrew was forced to declare his brother dead to him. The next few weeks were a bloodbath as Andrew killed keep his title, doubling down and not letting anyone oppose him. By the time the dust had settled he had seven teeth in his collar like a crown.
If this sounds like it could be a fantasy novel, I wrote a 12 chapter long story about this on DeviantArt and even if some parts are kinda odd, I’m decently proud of it.
There’s also a point in the story that Lance and Andrew chose to be blood brothers unlike Brayden and Andrew who are only brothers because they share a human half. Andrew highlights this by only calling Brayden his half brother.
While both of them represent the sin of wrath, The Flame is the burning outward wrath that hurts other caught in the crossfire while The King is the cold inward kind of wrath that hurts the one committing the sin in the first place.
Lydia (The Swan, Envy)
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While Lydia doesn't tell much about her past, she is well known as an incredible singer and performer. She often talks about the magic of theater, and the magic of her psychic-type pokemon. She would do anything to stay in the spotlight, even if that means using her pokemon for unsportsmanlike purposes. She’s also rumored to have a mad uncle she was supposed to be looking out for, but the man doesn’t seem to know who she is. It’s Edward btw. She was sent to Pibbina to look out for him after he cut contact (forgot his family even existed) and secretly resents needing to leave her up and coming career because no one else could be bothered to make sure he was still alive.
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aouiaa · 9 months
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Outline: When all the leads dried up, Ellie is forced to accept the heart wrenching reality that she’s never gonna see you again. Until two years and half later, the unexpected happens. People don’t come back from the dead so, How did you?
Word Count: 5.4k+
Warnings: Tlou au + Angst + Mentions of grief + Flashbacks (Ellie and the reader are both 19 in the flashback) + fluff + Established relationship between (r + e) + Self deprecation + Mention of canon game violence + Mention of PTSD + Brief mention of Anxiety + Slander of Ellie wearing jeans to sleep (bc who tf 😭) + Ellie slandering old people? + Mention of stalking + Description of fighting + Mention of weapons + death + Mention of blood + Depression + panic attack (I think that’s it, comment if I missed any!)
Chapter one -> Next Chapter
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Two years after…
The calamity…
“Happy birthday, baby.”
Ellie says softly as she places down the flower gently on a tombstone that has engraved “In loving memory of, Y/N Y/LN”. She’s kneeled beside your grave talking to you about her recent events as if you could still hear her. Ellie always tried to visit you as much as possible but since she worked up the courage to go out and try to live her life again. Maria helped her get a job working at the nursery, two months ago. So she couldn’t visit you often.
But today she had a day off so she decided to spend it with you. It had been two years since that dreadful day. Your parents don’t blame her for their daughter's death. She most certainly feels like she should be. She lives with the regret of not being able to save you.
Ellie promised Joel not to stay until closing hours anymore since last time she did, the poor girl got a cold. She looks up at the sun as it sets and realizes she had to be back by now. She stands up looking down at your grave, “I have to get going before Joel freaks out.” She lets out a shaky sigh,”I love you Y/n.” she says, stepping back, shedding a couple tears before walking out the cemetery.
Turning the corner and walking down the street, she recognizes the street she’s on. Reading the familiar sign ‘Mable’s Nursery’, that was the name of the establishment where she got her job, thanks to Maria. Looking down from the sign to the entrance, Ellie could see a blonde haired woman locking up the shop whom she could immediately recognize. It was Jessica, her coworker that always flirted with her when she had the chance but Ellie always denied her advances by changing the subject quickly. Jessica never seemed to take a hint.
Ellie never saw anyone after your death, she couldn’t, she wouldn’t. Even after all these years, you were her everything. You had her heart and even now six feet under, you still had her heart. Wait why was Jesscia calling out to her, “Ellie! Hey!” Jessica says, walking over to her with a big smile. Ellie snaps out of her thoughts and looks at Jessica “hey.” Ellie says. “You walking home? Can I walk with you?” Jessica asks. “Yeah, sure.” simply says Ellie.
Beginning the walk down the street, Jessica strikes up a conversation, “You know I saw you the other day, drawing in that journal of yours.” she says. Ellie can’t help but to smile, “yeah, I do a little drawing here and there.” she says. “That’s cute, maybe you should draw me?” Jessica suggests with a sweet tone of voice. “I could be your muse.” She begins to giggle but Ellie doesn’t hear it.
Because suddenly everything feels like it’s going in slow motion. The sound of Jessica’s voice fades out, only able to hear the sound of her heart pounding out of her chest.
Simply because of one word;
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Two years ago..
A week before the calamity…
Ellie is laying on her stomach with her sketchbook in hand, scrutinizing you while she draws your sleeping figure beside her. The soft string lights in Ellie's room illuminate and hit your body faultlessly. She always loved drawing you, in your most serene moments. You were her muse, and she your artist. Contently sketching the curves of your waist to your hips when she hears you stirring and groaning lightly indicating you were in your stages of waking up. She shuts her sketchbook sitting up and placing it on her nightstand as you open your eyes.
“Hey” you say lightly as Ellie returns to her laying down position on her side now, facing you. A small smile appears on Ellie's face as she looks at you with nothing but adoration in her eyes. “Hi” she says softly, moving a strand of hair behind your ear that had fallen out of place and in front of your face. A smile appears on your face before asking Ellie, “What were you drawing?” Ellie felt her face heat up in embarrassment and just stared at your face taking a second to respond.
“well..uhm— you..” she says flustered, she watches as you smile with a little chuckle leaving your lips. “No way, show me!” you say, sitting up. Ellie doing the same while extending one arm over, grabbing her sketchbook from the nightstand once again. “Alright then.” she says, switching her position now laying on her stomach once more. Flipping through the pages, you see doodles after doodles, until she stops at the last page. it’s you sleeping, Ellie looking up at you nervous of your reaction. She knew you didn’t care that she drew you in such nonchalant positions.
Even so when showing these said drawings, she always felt a giddy feeling. She couldn’t help but to feel confident when you had the biggest flushed smile on your face. “Wow…” you trail off, admiring the work in front of you. “This is beautiful, Ellie.” you say, looking at Ellie with a tint of rosy red in your cheeks. Ellie nervously laughs, grabbing the book from your grasp and settling it to the side.
“Thank the beautiful model who helped create the piece” she says, sitting up and giving you a light kiss on the lips. Watching your face heat up, you kiss her back smiling nervously. “You’re so cheesy, babe.” you banter, causing Ellie to chuckle as looking down at her palm then at you with a smirk. “You love it.” she says.
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Ellie couldn’t stand to be around Jessica for another minute so she made some bullshit excuse and practically ran home. In the abyss of Ellie’s room, she stares at that same artwork. The moonlight illuminates through Ellie’s sheer curtains and down on the drawing. She doesn’t realize she’s crying until she sees a teardrop fall beside the drawing. What she'd do just to have another moment with you.
Staring at the details of it, she wishes she’d captured more details on your face. Her fingers lightly graze over the surface, smiling to herself. Sighing as she flips the page to another drawing of you. It's a full body length drawing. She stares at the nonchalant pose you were in then your outfit. She smiles, flipping to another page. Then that’s where her smile faltered.
Staring at the drawing, she realizes that’s the same outfit you were wearing the day before you died. Tears are blurring her vision as she pushes the sketchbook aside immediately. Trying to stop herself from thinking about your body when you found. Charred and unrecognizable.
They barely confirm it was you with what little technology Jackson had. When they asked your parents to try and confirm it was you. They knew it was you.
That was the day that changed Ellie’s life around forever. First, she felt anger towards herself then the people who ambushed you guys. She felt immense resentment towards them, hell she even wanted to track down those motherfuckers who killed you and do worse to them. But she couldn’t, her injuries didn’t allow her to.
She thinks about that day a lot even now, what she could’ve done. Her thoughts were consuming her; Should’ve been more aware…Should’ve immediately felt something was off from the get-go…Why weren't you fast enough? Why were you so stupid? and yet she felt like she deserved it. She didn’t save you. So why even bother trying to defend herself.
She doesn’t even remember how her room turned the way it did. Books and little knick knacks she picked up over the years now on the floor. Her lamp now shattered on the floor beside her. She’s now laying in the middle of it all on the floor curled into a ball, sobbing loudly. If she could time travel back in time, she would’ve never signed the both of you up for that job.
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Two years ago…
The day before the calamity…
Ellie remembers that day vividly, how could she not?
Ellie’s eyes snap open at the sound of her alarm clock going off. With a groan, she extends her arm over, turning off the alarm and looking at the time reading ‘6:00’. “Too early for this shit man..” she mumbles out. She feels movement beside her and an arm slinking around her waist and body heat pressed lightly against her back. “Morning, babe.” you say lightly against the crook of her neck, resting your head. A smile forms on Ellie’s face. “Morning, sleepyhead.” she responds back.
You sigh, once you see Ellie laying down once again inviting you into her arms. You gracefully accept, resting your head on her chest, blinking slowly. “You ready for today?” you ask, feeling Ellie playing with your hair. “Yeah, you?” You take a second to respond, admiring the beauty of the winter morning before saying, “Yeah, just nervous.” Ellie looks down at you, “Yeah I am too but whatever happens we’re a team, we got this.”
Now why were you nervous? I’ll tell you. Today was the day you, Ellie, and two other members were gonna set out to clear a power plant since the old one finally had broken down. Jackson had lost power for weeks and was being backed up being generators but that can’t hold forever causing maria to be in a frenzy to fix this as soon as possible.
So that’s where your crew came in, A patrol group recently found a power plant and told Maria about it. It was northwest of Jackson, a few miles out. The problem was that infected had found its way inside, taking over the area. So she set out an announcement asking if anyone would volunteer to help clear out the area. And Ellie had heard word about this, signed the two of you up with of course with your acknowledgement and consent. A couple infected, no biggie, Ellie thought. Nothing you both couldn’t handle. You both have done multiple jobs before.
It took weeks for Maria to get a stable group of people. Since some decided to back out or were needed somewhere in the community. But she eventually did get a set stone group, a group of four people including you and Ellie. Maria had a meeting with you all about setting the date when you’d be all leaving.
And that day was today, that’s why you were so nervous. Maybe you’d be alive if Ellie took account of that emotion more seriously.
Getting out of bed, especially with you in her bed, was so hard but you were persistent about getting to “not be late”.
Maybe Ellie should’ve asked for a kiss or 5 more minutes before you both set out. The last time she’d have you in her bed.
Ellie watches you get up, feeling sad without your warmth beside her. “Cmon Ellie, get up we need to get ready.” Ellie sighs, getting up as well. “Fine, fine I'm up.” she says. Walking over to her desk, grabbing and putting her jacket on then grabbing her pistol checking the bullets. She can hear a chuckle behind her. “Seriously can’t believe you slept in jeans” you banter, causing Ellie to huff. “What? They were comfortable.” she protests, looking at you as you grab your pistol and also checking the ammo.
Her protest makes you laugh, “Right.” you joke lightheartedly. Ellie shakes her head softly, “You just don’t get it.” she says, sounding defensive in a playful manner. “Alright then, you can tell me about that when we get back but right we have to get going.” you say with a smile while putting your gear in your backpack. Ellie rolls her eyes,”Alright let’s get going then.” she says, walking towards the door while adjusting the straps of her backpack onto her shoulder. Holding the door for you and following behind once you’re out.
The serene scenery of Jackson, soft reserved voices huddled around a small bonfire to keep warm from the winter breeze. Walking into the main street of Jackson, people are selling or trading for goods. Seeing children playing and laughing while shedding down a small mound of snow, some smaller ones walking into school with their parents, The ending of the street forces you two to turn left and you both walk the pathway to the entrance of the stables.
Once at the entrance the stableman, Frederick greets the two of you. “Morning girls, your horses are ready for you” he says, giving Ellie the leash to her horse, Shimmer. Petting her gently while you grab your horse, Sal. “Alright, thanks Fred.” you say, walking out of the stable ahead to the entrance of Jackson. Waiting there are the two other members of your group, Natalie and Travis. Along with them is Jesse, “Ahh! look who finally decided to show up.” Jesse jokes lightheartedly.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Ellie says as she grabs her rifle given to her by Jesse, sliding the compartment, checking the amount of ammo she has before sliding back. You smile while doing the same. Jesse laughs before telling the guards to open the large gate. “All right, you’ll be safe and if you run into anything you can’t handle, you come back.” Jesse says, looking at you all. Getting the message, you all get on your horse, setting off to your long trip.
The sun was setting and You, Ellie, Travis, and Natalie are stopped by a tree. You guys decided to give the horses a break and also check the map. Totally not because you were lost. Holding out the map, Ellie and Travis argue over what your current position is. “Dude we’re right here.” she argues, pointing to an area on the map. Travis rolls his eyes, shaking his head, “No we’re right here.” Travis protests. While they were fighting like little kids over candy, you and Natalie were finishing tying up the horses.
Natalie looks back at Ellie and Travis bickering at each other and laughs. Causing you to look at her smiling and nudging her, “Stop, they might hear you.” you say, holding back laughter of your own. Natalie smiles at you, shaking her head. “I swear, they've been at it for five minutes now, I'm positive both of them are wrong.” Natalie says, looking back at them once again. “Ima go see if i can help them.” She begins to walk away and you decide to join.
Walking over to Ellie and Travis, they’re still bickering over where your position is before Natalie interrupts, “Ladies, ladies, calm down what seems to be the problem.” she holds back a smile as Ellie and Travis stop, looking back at her both with unamused looks. You can’t help but to chuckle slightly, as Ellie huffs, “Well Travis here thinks we’re here when I know that’s not where we’re at. We’re not near a damn waterfall.” Travis rolls his eyes, “I know what i’m talking abo—“ “No you do—“ Ellie interrupts.
“Alright, alright, god such a headache” Natalie interrupts, walking over to the map that’s laid out on a tree stump. She is quiet and focused, her finger slowly retracting from where the last position marked to now. “There.” she points to a location a few off from Ellie said position. “Ah I told you” Ellie starts with a smirk growing on her face and Travis is about to start before you stop them. “Enough, both of you were wrong and Natalie wasn't, so stop arguing” you say.
Ellie huffs and mumbled something under her breath as you all get back on your horses to trek off. Now why did Travis and Ellie argue over the position you guys were in? Maria mentioned a mansion a few miles off the main route to take shelter. Since this trip in particular was gonna be a three day trip. On the way to the mansion, Travis puts his hand aligning to the sun causing Ellie to turn and watch with curiosity.
“What are you doing?” Ellie asks, watching him mouthed something under his breath. When he’s done, he glances at Ellie. “Checking the amount of sunlight, we have left.” he says. Ellie’s face morphs from a curious expression to an intrigued one, “Holy shit, really?” Travis nods, “Yeah, my father taught me how to do it.” “I can teach you if you want.” Ellie smiles, nodding, “Fuck yeah, that would be cool.”
The whole way to the mansion, Travis taught her the same method his father taught. Turning into a path reveals the mansion ahead. You all are more than relieved to have arrived. Tying up the horses in the garage, you all rush up upstairs to scoop out the area to make sure it's clear. Once confirming it is, everything begins settling in. “Alright, who’s hungry?” Travis starts, looking at everything, settling down their bags on the couch. “Fucking starving.” Ellie starts, causing Travis to chuckle. “Alright come help in the kitchen and you two can relax.”
Ellie looks back at you with a smile before walking away with Travis, disappearing in the kitchen. When she walks in, Travis is already preparing the pan. “So what are we making?” Ellie asks, rolling up her sleeves. “Whatever we got from the pantry packed by Mrs. Green.” He says, walking to the bag of goods. Ellie smiles, “Yeah let’s hope she didn’t just pack old people food like raisins or oatmeal.” she quips. Travis chuckles, brings cans of food.
“You’re an asshole, you know that?” he banters, setting the can goods down onto the counter. Ellie chuckles, shrugging, “Not my fault she’s like eighty years old.” “Dude she’s fifty-seven.” he laughs. “Whatever man, let’s get started on this.” Ellie says, smiling. They begin to make the meal and half way done, they hear footsteps coming into the kitchen. It’s you and Natalie, Ellie turns around to look at you, creating a big grin on her. “Hey, what do you have in your hand?” Ellie asks, pointing at the box in your hands.
You walk into the kitchen with a big smile on your face along with Natalie. “Monopoly” you answer, placing the board game on the counter. It catches Travis’s attention, “No way, you actually found one?” He wipes his hands clean, picking up the box. “Yup.” Natalie responds, walking over to the stove asking Travis what he’s making. As Ellie examines , “Remember when I had one, babe?” Ellie recollects, looking at you. You immediately smile at the reminder, “Yeah I do remember, only got to play a few times before you lost it.” you giggle causing Ellie to chuckle and shake her head. “Yeah, I do remember,” she says softly.
“Alright.” Travis says slightly loudly interrupting your little moment with Ellie. The interruption caused Ellie to turn her head to travis. “How long until the food is ready?” Travis glances back, “In five minutes” he responds before turning his head to the stove. Ellie simply hums in response, “We should play this game afterwards” “Yeah we should” “Yes!” “I’m down.” Everyone agrees. Ellie smiles, walking with the board game in hand and placing it on the coffee table.
Once she walks back in, Travis announces dinner is ready and everyone begins to take their portion and begins walking towards the dining table. Sitting at dinner, everyone is talking and joking around and having a great time. Once done the games finally, a few rounds into the board game, Ellie sits out aim one of the games, grabbing her sketchbook.
She felt inspired to draw, draw her muse of course. You sat focused on the game as she would occasionally look up from her sketch to glance at your features. Sketching you in her mind space. Once she was done, she put her sketchbook. When she did, Travis spoke, “Alright, this was fun but we get some rest.” he suggests, “Yeah we do have to get up pretty early tomorrow.” Natalie says. With that you all begin to settle down for bedtime.
While Ellie just set her sleeping bag down on the floor by the fireplace since you all decided it’d be best to stick together then apart. Shutting off the lights, everyone gets into their respective sleeping bags. Laying down, Ellie looks at you with a small smile on her face. You back at her, the moonlight illuminates her face beautifully. “Night, baby.” Ellie says quietly. “Night, els” you say.
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Morning of calamity…
She doesn’t know what woke her up but she does, rubbing her eyes. She sits and looks around the room, all her crew members are asleep peacefully in their sleeping bags but you’re nowhere in sight. She gets out of her sleeping bag and carefully steps over everyone. She walks upstairs thinking you’re just in the bathroom. She wanted to make sure that’s where you were so once at the top of the stairs, stopping when something caught her eye.
One of the bedroom doors were open when last night Ellie and Travis made sure everything was secured. She specifically remembers checking every bedroom then shutting the door behind her. So why was it open? She cautiously walked towards the door, opening and peering inside before inside. The room was excruciatingly cold and the suspect of why it was, the window was open. She didn’t leave it open.
She became immediately aware of her surroundings, glancing around the room before shutting the window. What she didn’t check was the closet. As Ellie was walking towards the open window, the closet door opened. She closed the window before immediately freezing in place when she felt a gun pressed against her head. She felt her heart rate through the roof as she heard a low, menacing feminine voice behind her speak, “Don’t make a sound or everyone including that little girlfriend of yours will die.”
Ellie felt her heart drop, Girlfriend? They were watching us? Ellie’s thoughts are racing but she can’t do anything stupid or it’ll for sure end in death. No, she had to be smart about this. “Alright, Alright, let’s not do anything stupid, okay?” Ellie says in a low tone of voice. She could hear the woman behind her look out a raspy chuckle, “That’s more like it—“ but she interrupted when she heard a scream. “Shit.” The woman hisses out, becoming distracted but Ellie takes the chance and quickly turns around grabbing her wrist, pointing it up.
Shots are fired but the bullets hit the ceiling, Ellie and the woman wrestle for the gun. Grabbing the barrel of the gun and twisting the gun, hearing the woman’s fingers crack as she yells out in pain. Ellie immediately rips the weapon from the attacker's hand, kicking her to the ground before pointing the gun in her direction. With the woman on the floor disarmed, she begs Ellie not to shoot, holding her hands out in front of her.
Without a hesitation, she fires two bullets into the woman’s skull watching fall lifeless on the ground. She huffs, looking down at the woman before looking up, hearing more screams. Ellie wastes no time running out to see a man stabbing you in the shoulder as you scream out in pain. Ellie sees the scene and is enraged, running towards the man, pulling him off of you and onto the ground. Wasting no time and shooting a bullet into his skull.
Ellie stares at the man before hearing your whimpers of pain. Turning to you, she kneels down immediately. “Shit baby, Just add pressure to it.” she says, looking at you. “Go hide in the bathroom, okay. I'll come back for you.” You nod as Ellie helps you stand up. “Who the fuck are these people?” you say startled. Ellie leads you to the bathroom. “I don’t know, okay just stay in here. I have to check on Travis and Natalie, okay?” Ellie says, opening the door for you. “Okay.” you say, holding your shoulder, wincing in pain. Ellie shuts the door.
Running toward the railing, she sees an injured Travis on the floor, holding his abdomen while crawling backwards weakly. While Natalie is getting hit in the face with the butt of a baseball bat. This causes her to fall down onto a drawer then on the ground, knocking a lantern over. It shatters on impact, starting a fire when the man towers over Natalie ready to strike once more until Bang, Bang, Click, Click.
The sound of Ellie’s gun last shot being fired into the man’s back. Causing him to fall in front of Natalie, throwing the empty gun. Running downstairs, she immediately rushes towards everyone’s gear. “Natalie, get Travis outta here and to the horses, okay?” Ellie says, giving Natalie her and Travis’s bag. “I found y/n but she’s injured, I’ll have to help her.” Natalie nods, “Okay, just be quick.”
Ellie watches Natalie putting her bag on, holding Travis’s in her hand and walking over to Travis. Ellie stands up, “Lemme help you.” she says, walking to the kitchen where the basement door is adjacent to. “Okay.” Natalie says, helping Travis up and supporting his weight. Natalie and Travis are close behind and as Ellie is just about to open, the door bursts open, making Ellie tumble back. Ellie catches her via the counter behind her, immediately dodging an attack from the man.
She falls to the ground yelling at Natalie “Go! I’ll deal with this asshole!” getting up immediately and dodging another strike from the man. Natalie complies, rushing downstairs with Travis while Ellie grabs her gun, but the man disarms her. Hitting her with the gun, Ellie falls back but gets up, panting. She makes her way upstairs.
The fire has already spread to the upper floor, destroying the house. It’s causing her to cough like crazy, the air is suffocating her. Her lungs becoming irritated, it doesn't stop Ellie. At the top of the stairs, she grabs the empty pistol from earlier, throwing it at the man. The man grunts in pain, stunned for a little while. But Ellie doesn’t wait around, rushing the bathroom, calling out for you. “Y/n, open the door!” She yells, banging on the door. When it opens, you’re met with Ellie's agitated face as she's coughing. “We have to go, the house is burning down.” With a nod from you, Ellie grabs your hand and rushes you into a bedroom and locks the door once she’s in.
The bedroom hasn’t been touched by the fire yet. Ellie looks around the room. Her sight lands on a window, narrow but enough to fit the both of you. Ellie takes you to the entrance of the window, letting go of your hand to pull the window up but it’s welded. “Fuck, fuck, hold on lemme find something to break this shit.” she says, frantically looking for something to break the window with. Until you stop her, “Use the lamp!” Ellie watches your hand point at the lamp. She nods, grabbing the lamp before walking back to the window. Banging can be heard from the door. Ellie is running out of time.
With one swift, fatal blow the window shattered, Ellie immediately drops the lamp on the ground. Looking at you, “Okay baby, lemme go first so i can help you get out quicker, okay?” Ellie says and with a nod of approval, she immediately crawls out with ease. Once outside on the roof, she balances herself by grabbing the windowsill calling out for you, “Cmon baby, I got you.” she says, looking at the door, it’s almost broken through. Ellie’s heart is racing, she has to get you outta of here.
“Okay!” you say frantically, rushing to the window and grabbing Ellie's hand as you try crawling through the window but with an injured shoulder, it’s proving difficult. You groan out in pain, but Ellie doesn’t give you a break. “Cmon baby, you’re almost there.” she encourages. You’re almost out of the window, Ellie has a smile on her face until she sees a hand grabbing your injured shoulder as you yell in pain.
Her smile immediately falters, fear is coursing through veins as she’s playing a cruel game of tug o’ war to save you. She’s pulling, screaming, “I’ve got you, don’t let go!” The man behind has a significant advantage over you while Ellie grips is sliding. She leans her weight back pulling you, desperately trying to save you. It’s not enough, the man grabs your other shoulder before successfully pulling you back in the house.
When this happens, Ellie tumbles back and falls off the roof. The last thing Ellie ever sees of you again is you screaming for her while pulled into the burning mansion before she hits her head, going unconscious.
The sounds of familiar voices slowly faded in but weren’t helping the pain in her head. With a groan, she lifts her hand to her head, rubbing her forehead gently as if she could soothe the pain. Opening her eyes, she winces to the sight of the lamp lighting hitting her sensitive eyes. She looks around the room, confused about where she is. Until she sees Joel sleeping on a leather chair in the corner of the room.
“Joel?” She says weakly. Joel’s eyes immediately shoot open and before Ellie can blink, Joel is by her side, stroking her head gently. “Hey kiddo.” he says, he looks tired. “Relax, you’re back in Jackson.” Ellie gulps, her throat feeling drying, “Where, why am this bed? Where—” She trails off, her mind is fuzzy. She’s trying to recollect what happened but one thing or rather one person came to ease her mind, you. She felt her body run cold and Joel could see it, “—Where's y/n?” she finished her response, sounding more frantic.
Joel’s expression morphs into a uncomforting one for Ellie. “You’ve been in a two day coma and for y/n—“ he trails off sighing, before responding, “—Ellie i’m sorry but they found her remains in the aftermath.” “What, no, no!” Ellie immediately sits up, not believing it. “No you have to—“ she trails off because suddenly she can’t breathe. Her heart is pounding out of her chest. Every breath she tries to take, she feels her windpipe is tightening.
“Breathe Ellie, breathe” Joel encourages, “It’s okay.” It wasn’t okay, god knows it wasn't. Ellie spent the next months in blur, all her days felt one long one. When she was discharged from the infirmary of Jackson, she wanted to go out and track down those people who killed you. But she could, the nurse said her body still needed healing for another few weeks. So when she did get better, she knew there was no point in trying to look for your killers. She had to accept the fact that she’d never see your beautiful face again.
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Months laters…
Ellie was finally living her life again, most days she felt guilty for even doing that. With the support of others around her, she pulled through those moments of guilt. It didn’t mean she didn’t love you any less or found the shared memories you two had any invaluable, no. But she couldn’t live in darkness forever. Life went on so she tried to as well.
In the passing months, Ellie took better care of herself. She still had her job at the nursery but after a while of working there, she quit. She eventually moved back into going on patrols. Natalie and Travis had been her main courage to actually go through with this decision. It took trials and errors to get the hang of patrol after not doing it for so long.
One day, she’s coming back from patrol with Natalie. Settling off of her horse, Natalie says her goodbyes before walking off to meet up with Travis. When Ellie hears commotion behind her as she’s grabbing her gear off of Shimmer. Turning around to see what was happening. She sees another patrol rushing in on their horses with new arrivals on the back of their horses.
Ellie immediately rushes over to get a better view on what’s happening when she freezes, her face trying pale like she saw a ghost, because she did. When the horses came to a stop, people came rushing in to help the new arrivals off the horses. They all looked famished and some were wounded. But one of them stuck out from the rest of them.
Ellie stares at this woman as they’re helping her off the horse. She’s skinny and frail looking, her hair looked like it’d been cut off into a fucked up pixie cut. but Ellie recognized that face. Her throat felt suddenly dry, her heart was racing and pounding out of her chest.
“Y/n?” She finally grasped out.
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a/n; DUN DUN DUNNNNN LMAOOO (IM SO UNFUNNY SORRY 😭) ANYWAYS HIIII AHHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK!!?!:$::$3$3$ I actually wrote my first fic?!?!??! IN MY WRITING ERA?! Younger me would be so so PROUD! I’m genuinely so proud of myself for doing this. This was a very big step out of my comfort zone. I never intended when i first got this app to write but here I am!!! First off I would love to thank these three lovely people; @dyk3ang3l for listening to my long ass rants of the ideas i had for this chapter. I genuinely love you and thank you for actually listening to me because seriously idk how you don’t find me annoying 😭. Especially would love to thank @elliesprettygirl for proofreading this for me THANK YOU THANK YOU. You were so funny and fun to talk to through out this journey of writing this chapter. So thank you and I love you as well 🤍. And lastly @cinnamonmilf thank you so much for taking time out of your day to help me and give me pointers, You’re truly a sweetheart for that and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I truly appreciate all of you guys, i’m not big on emotions but thank you. Seriously this chapter wouldn’t have been finished without the help and the encouragement from the three of you. So with that out the way, I’d like to thank you as the reader. I genuinely appreciate you taking the time of your day to read truly means everything to me. Please please give your feedback on what you thought about this chapter!! And if you like what you see MAKE SURE TO HIT THAT FOLLOW BUTTON SO YOU NEVER MISS ANOTHER BANGER FROM ME 🔥🔥🔥💯💯
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꒰✰꒱ taglist: @dyk3ang3l, @elliesprettygirl, @eurewili, @woahshhh, @cinnamonmilf
Comment if you wanna be wanna be apart of the taglist!!
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weirdcorefox · 11 months
I redesigned an old shitty fnaf AU into my own OCs I drew them without clothes because I wanted to show off their fur patterns
For reference all of the characters in this I never used references for when they were originally fnaf characters because I didn’t know how to use Google and my friend never told me what exactly they looked like 
Maddie:  Maddie was originally Mangle or as me and my friend liked to call her at the time Mingle, when I originally colored her at the time I would reverse her colors because all I knew was that she was a pink and white fox i’d also draw her with pink eyes because I didn’t know her eyecolor. All she ever wore was a pair of short-shorts and nothing else now I think she should just wear sportswear though.
Spencer: Spencer was originally Springtrap if you couldn’t tell by his torn ear, I didn’t know what Springtrap looked like at all and I assumed because he was a rabbit he looked like Bonnie, so I colored him indigo. He always wore a purple striped shirt with a heart scribbled onto it by his sister and just regular jeans. When I first imagined him I imagined him wearing a red shirt with a leather jacket and black jeans so aside from the shirt which is the same other than the color, that’s pretty much his outfit.
Spring: Spring’s name remains the same since she was never based off of a canon character, while I don’t know the exact time of when Springbonnie was officially named it’s highly likely that she was named before Springbonnie was and was likely just based off of Springtrap and was Springtraps twin sister, she never had a notable outfit and because now I’ve made her a stereotypical looking lesbian she wears stereotypical lesbian clothes.
Ceris: Ceris obviously was Chica although she had blue specifically cerulean eyes instead of Chica’s usual pink. She always wore a black and red cheerleader uniform, because she was a cheerleader now that they’re meant to be college aged though she’s a gymnast and is very muscular due to this because both of those things require high amounts of strength. She too wears sporty clothes because she does gymnast shit all the time.
Forest: Forest is quite obviously Foxy and his notable outfit was just tan cargo shorts and no shirt ever he was obsessed with his game boy, and was very grumpy. He’s also Mangle’s brother, he’s still very grumpy and obsessed with gaming although he is very sweet to his girlfriend Ceris he also wears normal clothes, not just pants all the time now.
Mable: Mabel was originally The Puppet or Marionette/Mari as ive always call her. Originally she was depicted as a fox because we didn’t want to draw humans when we were kids but to keep Mari’s tear stains as a callback I turned her into a red panda she also never wore anything notable and still doesn’t all she really likes to wear is sweaters 
Georgie: Georgie was originally Goldie/Golden Freddy he was the shortest of the group, and was also very good at fixing animatronics, because apparently in this fanfiction that they stemmed from they were both anthro animals and animatronics at the same time. He’s still a mechanic because I said so, he never really wore anything notable either and also still doesn’t because he’s a mechanic and mechanic work is messy. He’s honestly my favorite design of the group 
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sillydg · 2 years
Part nine: Italian night. Part one.
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Book: The royal romance
Pairing: Drake Walker X F!MC (Riley Herreld)
Rating: 18+
Word count: 5700
Series Summary: Fate interferes when Riley’s supposed to be working on that big Bachelor night. She gets drawn to Cordonia in another way. But what happens when a Workaholic, meets a Walker come together? Will they provide a Christmas miracle and get over their own love skepticism?
One way to find out!
Chapter nine; Italian Night. Part one. Summary: Drake agrees to stay over for some Italian food, but only under one condition.
A/N: I’m sorry that it took me this long to get it out! My life is kind of one hell of a rollercoaster right now, so my head space to write wasn’t there. But I found it back and hopefully it stays with me this time 😉 So once again I’m sorry, and I’m hoping that you’ll enjoy it even though it is a while ago.
A/N: Just a little fresher upper: Drake always wrinkles his nose when he’s joking or being sarcastic.
A/N: For everyone who takes the time to read it, thank you!!
Please let me know if you want to be tagged for this series 
Category: Over the top a bit predictable Christmas fluff.
Warnings: Swearing, Please do not read if you’re under 18.
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A Walker knows, when a Walker knows.
Italian night. Part one.
Still Sunday, five days before Christmas.
“So,” Riley narrows her eyes in suspicion at his smug smile, “why does it feel like this is backfiring?" Drake gently ushers her inside with her hands lingering on her hips, and he kicks the door shut behind them, "Because it kind of is..."
"Really? So what condition are we talking about, Walker?" She lifts her hands to take his jacket off her shoulders, but he stops her at the wrists, “Not so fast, Sparkles.” 
She raises a brow in question when he starts unbuttoning her coat, "Uhh, Drake…What are you doing?"
"I took you home early to relax, Herreld," he finishes the last button, turns her around, and slides both their coats from her shoulder, "So, you're relaxing. Meaning..." 
"Meaning..." She softly repeats, ignoring the sensations running through her body when his fingers brush her collarbones. 
Drake draws in a sharp breath at the revealed sight of her, and there is no way to stop his eyes from unabashedly drifting up and down. Her tight white shirt reveals a curvy hourglass figure, her skinny jeans showing handfuls in the right places, and he has to stop himself from finding out how well her ass will fill up his hands. His fingers find their familiar spot on her hips, and gently usher her into the cozy open kitchen, leaning in to whisper, "Meaning that you're gonna do nothing but watch me cook." 
She closes her eyes at the sensations running through her body when his lips gently brush her ear, at the feeling of his hands on her. He has been touching her all day, but it feels so much more intimate with only a thin piece of fabric between his hands and her skin instead of the thick coat she was wearing earlier. She turns to face him, "But what if I don't agree with this condition, Walker?" 
"Ohh, I'm very sorry, Sparkles!" Drake lifts her with ease, slides her onto the countertop between the stove and the fridge, and lingers between her legs. “But this is not up for discussion. I promised Mable to take care of you! So, if you want to be a stubborn ass and force me into staying for food, I'm going to be a stubborn ass and take care of that stubborn ass of," he boops her nose, "yours."
Riley surrenders, snuggling eagerly into his neck when he wraps his arms around her, "You know what, fine." He gently rubs her back, and she wiggles her body in approval, "Do you think you can keep doing this while cooking, though?" 
"I'm afraid that I have to disappoint you, Herreld." She murmurs something inaudible, and he looks down at her with a warm laugh, "Oh sleepyhead. Are you falling asleep again?"
"Mmh," she nestles even further into Drake’s neck, drawing a soft ‘nngh’ from him when her lips brush his skin, "I'm sorry, Drake. I'm feeling weirdly relaxed around you." 
"Riiight..." Drake whispers in her ear, "You sure this isn't just your subtle way of telling me that I'm deadly boring? " 
Riley chuckles softly, "It appears that you see right through me, Walker! You're extremely boring!” She slowly loses herself in his musky scent mixed with the smell of a campfire and sighs contently. “So boring that I think that you can help people who are struggling with sleeplessness if you ever consider a career change. Two seconds with you, and they're happily sleeping."
He snorts at her teasing, "Well, and if you ever consider a career change, stand-up is definitely not the way to go."
"Hey!" Her head snaps up, feinting to be highly offended, "you're actually looking at the -two years in a row- funniest teacher of the school, mister Walker. My 'why is the math book so unhappy? Because it's full of problems,' joke is a complete sensation, and there is absolutely more where that came from, thank you very much!"
"Oh my God," He drapes his hand over his face in utter horror, "So, that means I can expect a whole lot more of these abominations this week? It isn't just a symptom of your sleep delusion?"
"I'm sorry, but there is no way to sugarcoat this, Walker!" Riley adds some drama to her words by laying a hand on his shoulder combined with an expression on her face that matches one every doctor has, who has to bring bad news to loved ones in a drama series. “People around me suffer from my serious case of incurable, and most of all insufferable horrible sense of humor."
Drake drops his head dramatically onto her shoulder, "Oh God, why?? WHY??"
“I know…” She chuckles softly, scraping her nails gently over his back, "I know, it’s not fair. What a cruel world you live in, that you have to put up with me this week! There, there." 
He snuggles into her hair with a snort, relaxing under her touch, "Mmh, you know what. I'll survive if you just keep doing this, this week!"
"Okay. Fine by me, but can't deny that it's a bit odd request coming from the man who’s already worried about me handling dangerous tools with two hands, and while focusing on one thing at the time..." 
Drake murmurs something inaudible.
"Drake," Riley whispers, and she peeks at the relaxed man on her shoulder. His eyes are closed, a content smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, "Are you falling asleep?"
"Mmh..." He snuggles into her neck, and wraps his arms around her, "Just resting my eyes for a little bit." 
"Do you want to take a nap while I cook?" 
"Nice try, Herreld. I cook," he mumbles contently, "and you will sit, relax and watch." 
She gently runs her fingers through his hair, "Mmh… Very convincing, Walker." 
"Just five minutes, Sparkles... " Drake groans in approval when she softly massages his temples, "Okay, maybe ten."
Riley chuckles softly, moving her fingertips over the contours of his face before running them back through his hair, "Ten minutes it is..." 
Drake suddenly feels his phone buzz, instantly recognizing it as Liam calling. "For fucks sake," he murmurs, followed by some inaudible swear words. He takes his phone out of his pocket, puts it on speaker, and throws it onto the kitchen counter without lifting his head from her shoulder. "You better be looking at a gunpoint, asshole. I was on the brink of taking the best nap of my life." 
"Drake!” Liam’s voice sounds through the speaker, “Lovely to talk to you too bud! I do have a question about you napping at Riley's apartment... The last time you literally slept near a woman was... Let me think…" 
Drake's head snaps up, lunging at his phone, almost throwing it into the air as he tries to take it off speakerphone, but fails miserably in his panic. 
Liam laughs, "Mmh...was it, never? Yeah, I believe it is."
Riley teasingly raises her brows, giving Drake, who’s pinching the bridge of his nose and once again inaudibly swearing, a cheeky grin. "My, My Mister Walker, should I have been the one to ask if I’m boring?"
Liam draws in a sharp breath at her calling him Mister Walker, since he always hates it when people do that, but Drake just brushes over it to his surprise. 
"Oh, no, no, I your absolutely the opposite of boring, Herreld. I can imagine life with you around being anything but dull due to all of your tumbling, twirling, and joking."
Riley smiles, “Drake Walker, is that a compliment?"
Drake snorts, “It's mostly very complicated. But you know what, I'll make you a hamburger feedback card once I figured it out, yeah?"
"Ohh," her eyes sparkle with excitement, "Including small sparkly glitter drawings?"
He scowls, "Now why the hell would I do that?"
She opens her mouth, but he stops her by placing a finger on her lips, "Don't you dare say," he puts up a Riley voice, "Because it's super cute." She pouts and he immediately drapes his hand over her face, "Stop it! I'm asking for practical, logical reasoning here. Not getting swayed over by the most annoyingly cutest pout ever."
They're so occupied with one another that they've completely forgotten about Liam, who tries to process what just came to his ear. His best friend has never, ever, ever called pouting cute. Or anything to begin with.
"Not everything has to be practical or logical, Drake. It would simply put a smile on my face, something like this..." Riley gives him a beautiful bright smile.
Drake stares at her, that drop-dead gorgeous smile instantly weakening his knees, and he knows that there is no way that the word ‘no’ is leaving his mouth after witnessing it. He huffs with folded arms, averting his eyes in annoyance, "Fine whatever. I'll make you those drawings, whatever. No biggie. Just doodling."
Liam blinks. Did Drake just agree to make cute little glitter drawings? Didn't he ask me to banish glitter a few years ago? What's going on there?  
Once again, a flawless smile has been thrown recklessly at Drake's head, and he puts his hand on her mouth to cover her smile, "I already said yes. Jeez. Enough of that."  
Riley bashes her eyelashes innocently at him.
"Yeah, you know what... I'm turning around." He turns, leaning casually with folded arms between her legs against the kitchen counter. "That's better." 
"Uhm, guys, I'm still here!" Liam carefully says, and both Drake and Riley startle at Liam's voice with a shared 'Whoa!'
"Oh, for fuck's sake Liam, I completely forgot you were there," Drake places his hand onto his thundering heart, and Riley takes a few deep breaths to compose herself. 
Liam laughs, "That was clear, bud. But generous as I am, I do accept a small little glitter drawing as a token of an apology."
 Drake pinches the bridge of his nose at his best friend's teasing, and he groans in a clear warning, "I swear to God, Li."
Liam falls silent, and Riley’s not sure why. Drake, however, knows exactly what’s going on and an even lower annoyed groan escapes him, "You're pouting, aren't you, fucking asshole?" 
“Oh absolutely,” Liam laughs, "but I doubt that it looked as annoyingly cute as Riley just did it! Oh, Riles, maybe you can give me a private pout lesson sometimes?"
Drake rolls his eyes. Here we go.  Riley, however, doesn't seem the least impressed. She lays her chin on Drake's shoulder, wrapping her arms around him, "Sorry, Liam. But my schedule is filled with being a pain in Drake's ass this week... No time for private lessons."
He glances in surprise at Riley as he's used to women eagerly taking every opportunity to spend time with his best friend, and he wasn't the only one who didn't expect the answer, as Liam also sounds a little bit startled, "Oh alright. Uhm, I’m calling to tell you that I’m running a little bit late, but I’m almost on my way. I couldn't get a hold of you." 
She sighs deeply and drops her head against Drake's shoulder blade, "Aaand there goes my surprise."
"One moment, Li," Drake puts his phone on mute, and glares over his shoulder back at Riley, "Do I want to know what you're up to, Herreld?"
"Ahhh, well... " Riley rubs her wrinkled forehead, "Liam told me this afternoon that I just have to text if I needed something, and I couldn't let you walk home...So…" 
"So, you ask the fucking King of Cordonia to come to pick me up?" 
She snorts, "It does sound kind of ridiculous if you put it like that... But yeah, that’s pretty much what I did."
"You could've called me a cab," he turns to face her again with a grin, "So what's the alternate motive here, Sparkles?"
"Whaaat? Riley squeaks, placing a hand on her chest feinting to be highly insulted, "Me? Alternate motives? I would never."
Drake stares at her with folded arms, and a look that says 'why don’t we cut the fucking bullshit.' 
"Fiiiiine," she rolls her eyes, before innocently looking up from under her eyelashes, fiddling with his drawcords, "I just wanted to give you the opportunity to tell Liam what you told me tonight. About the whole workaholic situation... You know, since you had a practice run on me."
He tries his best to avoid looking into those big beautiful eyes, and keeps his focus on her fine fingers playing with the drawcords, "And what in the world makes you think I didn't already do that?"
She withdraws her fingers, and his eyes snap up to find her returning the 'cut the fucking bullshit' look he threw her just a few seconds ago. 
“Okay, okay,” he gladly returns her a roll of the eye in response, "but this is slightly different Sparkles. This is the King of Cordonia we're talking about. His workload is bizarre."
"Look," she gently takes his cheeks in her hands, drawing his eyes to hers, "I'm not forcing you to do anything! I just wanted you to have some time with your best friend, okay? And if you do decide to share it with him, it doesn't necessarily mean that it will lead to direct changes, but sometimes it helps to get it off your chest. Just think about it, okay?" 
He sighs, averting his eyes in thought before meeting hers again, "Fine. I'll think about it."
She entwines her fingers behind his neck with a smile, "That's all I ask!"   
"Oh, Herreld, Herreld, Herreld," He shakes his head with a grin, wrapping his arms around her waist. Drake's phone's forgotten on the counter beside them. "Only you could use your one favor from a King for someone else's benefit." 
She snorts, "Don't be overly dramatic now, Walker. I'm pretty sure that I can use my cookies as a trading offer if I need something in the future!"
"Yeah, I guess you’re right," Drake pulls her closer, "Did you know he actually called to ask me, to ask you for cookies?" He narrows his eyes, "What kind of addictive stuff do you use in those pieces of heaven, Sparkles?"
Riley bites her bottom lip with a cheeky grin and pushes her body flush up against his chest until there's no space left between them, "Just a little bit of my addicting Sparkly love, Drake. Nothing more, nothing less."
He brushes his nose briefly against hers, before lowering his lips to merely a breath away from hers, "Sounds dangerously delicious."
Their eyes close, breath enhancing.
She purrs, nails hungrily piercing his sensitive skin, "Really? So, why don't you have a..."
Drake almost jumps through the ceiling, and Riley smacks her hands in front of her mouth to muffle a loud squeak as they both once again have totally forgotten about Liam. 
"Are you two still there?" Liam's voice sounds through the phone, “Guys?” 
Drake pants hard, leaning with both hands onto the counter, "For fucking Christ's sake."
Riley hides her face in her hands, snorting the adrenaline out of her system. "Oh my God."
"Oh, that bastard! Oh..." Drake's eyes start to glimmer when an idea comes to mind, "First the nap, and now this..." He takes his phone from the counter, and grins, "Miss Herreld, how would you like to mess a little with our beloved King?"
“Mister Walker!” Riley gasps overdramatically with one hand in front of her mouth, and the other decadently on her chest, “What a scandalous proposal! I’m a decent, innocent school teacher. I would never agree to tease our very own King.”
"You? Innocent? For Christ's sake, Herreld," Drake gives her a dimple-forming smirk, “You do realize that it actually takes waaaay less time to just say 'yes' instead of being a drama queen, ha?"
"Now where's the fun in that, Walker?" Riley grins cheekily and pulls him closer towards her at his sweater-vest, before wrapping her legs around him, "Let's turn those tables. You do realize that it takes waaaay less time to just accept my drama queen act, instead of starting a war your destined to lose."
"Ohh," Drake folds his arms, "Don't get cocky now, Herreld. It's a freaking huge mistake to underestimate my stubbornness, and hell no I'm backing down from a good challenge, so..." 
He stops midsentence, breath hatching in his throat when Riley gazes up at him with those big beautiful blues from under her long bashing eyelashes. She wraps his drawcords cheekily around her finger, and his eyes snap instantly down when she bites her bottom lip. "I'm sorry," she purrs in her most sultry voice, "You were saying?"
He murmurs some inaudible swearwords, turning his back towards her between her legs, but makes sure that her legs stay wrapped around him. "Un-be-fucking-lievable. How the hell is this fair? For fucks sake."
Riley drapes herself over his broad shoulders with a victorious grin, and Drake wipes his hand over her face, "Stop that! It's already absurd enough that your kryptonite-filled blues wield this 'overthrow Walker' power, Herreld. No need to rub it in."
"Seriously? Drake? Riley?" Liam's voice squeaks through the speakers.
"You better get that, Captain," she rests her chin on his shoulder with a chuckle, "would be such a shame if we would lose the chance to tease the King, ha?"
Drake groans, but brushes his nose affectionally against her cheek anyway, "You’re excruciating."
"I know, and something tells me that you wouldn't want it any other way!" He sticks out his tongue, and she teasingly places a quick peck on top of his nose.
He wrinkles his nose and unmutes his phone. "Li! We’re still here. Sorry, Herreld here is kind of a distracting pain in the ass. But on another note, it just came to my ear that you're on your way over to pick me up."
"Yes! That's what friends are for, right?"
"And I truly appreciate it! But…" Drake coughs, and the tone of his voice is suddenly sterner than Riley has witnessed the hours before. 
Liam gulps, “But?”
"You do realize that I won’t hesitate to kill you if you show up at Herreld's doorstep without my replacer, right?" 
They can hear Liam freeze, turn, and his footsteps quicken on the gravel, "Of course! Who do you take me for, Walker? You know that I would never be so stupid to leave the palace alone!"
He manages to keep up his stern voice, even when a smile escapes him, “Sooo, you didn’t sneak out by falling from your balcony into the rosebushes as you always did when we were two young idiots trying to get out without permission?" 
Riley glances sideways at Drake, her heart fluttering at the sight of his sparkling hazels at teasing his best friend and recalling the clearly treasured memories. Her hand slides affectionately around his shoulders, snuggling her nose against his cheek, and he naturally leans into her touch.
"Nope, nope, nope," they can hear Liam get out of breath, "that would be utterly stupid, right?"
"Oh, yes! That would be royally fucking stupid, Liam Rys." Drake and Riley stifle a laugh as Liam gulps. "But that means there's no problem to hand the telephone to my idiot replacer, right Li?"
Another gulp. "Uhm, no, no, no, of course not! Just let me..." They can hear a door open, "Just a second, I think he..."
"Liam Rys!" 
Riley draws in a sharp breath at Olivia's sudden ice-cold voice, and Drake puts his phone back on mute with a grin. 
"There you are! WHAT are you doing? I found this idiot wandering the hallways alone!" 
They hear a low men's voice say, "Sir."
"Josh, Hi... I uhh..." Liam stumbles. 
"Oh, for heaven's sake! Were you outside just now? And why are you dressed so..." A silence falls. "Have you been snooping around in Drake's old room?" 
"Uhh..." Liam's clearly lost for words, and Olivia keeps rambling, "Are those leaves from the rosebushes? Wait... is that an actual rose on your sleeve?"
Riley hides her face into the crook of Drake's neck, snorting loudly, "Hahaha, there is no way to talk himself out of this, right?" 
Drake grins sideways at the sight of Riley completely losing it, "Just wait for it, Sparkles. This is mister smooth we're talking about."
"Uh, yes... Yes, my love!" They hear Liam compose himself with a cough. "I was taking a stroll in our beautiful gardens when I tripped and fell head over heels before..." They hear him rip off the rose with a small 'Auch', "this beautiful rose! It reminded me of how hard I fell for you once upon a time, my heart, my love, my rose." 
Silence falls on the other side of the line, and Riley snorts even louder, "Oh my God... Is he serious?" 
Drake raises his brows in surprise at Riley's unexpected 'I’m far from impressed' expression, where expected excessive swooning and at least an 'oh my God, he's so dreamy' response. 
"Okay, okay," she wipes some tears from her cheeks, "I'm stating here and now that I will apply for vice-principal Tuesday if she buys this because that means wonders still exist, and I might have a chance."
"Wait, what?" Drake’s brows knit in confusion, "What do you mean, applying for vice-principal?" 
Riley realizes what she just said and smiles innocently, hoping for Drake to let it go since she's in no mood to go over that subject tonight, "Nothing?"
"Riiight," he looks at her with narrowed eyes in suspicion, but her reaction states clearly her not wanting to talk about it.
She blinks once more, and he rolls his eyes, deciding to let it go for now. "You know what, fine. But of course, he's going to get away with this. It's Liam saying Liam things! How could it not?" 
She shrugs, thankful for Drake letting it go, "That can be, but I'm not feeling those 'Liam words', sorry..."
They can hear excessive kissing, followed by a heavy sigh from Olivia, "Josh, take my place in the conference room..."
"Oh, I don't think I'm qualified, nor hired for that..." 
"Well, you're also not doing where you are hired for... So, let's switch. I'll watch Liam, and you go to my meeting. Any complaints, or shall I fire you on the spot?"
"Understood, my queen."
"Good. Never thought I would say this, but I'm missing that Walker idiot! AND let me be clear, if one of you ever speak of it, I will personally kill you, and very, very slow that is." 
Drake and Riley share a chuckle at the sound of two very loud gulps.
"Now. I suggest you follow me, my King. I'm going to need that silver tongue of you else were."
"Ohh," Riley chuckles, "but she's definitely feeling it."
"Soooo," they hear Liam whisper as he's being pulled away, "I'm not on my way anymore, and I'm running even later than expected."
Riley laughs, and Drake unmutes his phone to scream, "That's fine! Taaakeeee aaaalllll the time you need, bud!"
"Not so lou..."
"Liam, are you on the phone with Drake? I swear to God if he heard about me missing him..." 
They hear Liam gulp for one last time, and the line goes dead. 
Riley lets out a low whistle, lifting her head from his shoulder, "Oof. I might have to call you another ride, Drake. Not sure if we ever see him again..." Drake puts his phone away and turns to face her again with a wonderous look. 
"I just," Drake scratches his head, not sure if he should be scared of or impressed by her apparent Liam immunity, "you felt nothing? It wasn't doing anything for you?" 
"Nope," she shrugs, "nothing."
"Oh! I got it!" He throws her his most prince charming smirk and wiggles his brows, "you must have that you missed his signature, prince charming smoldering look."
"Drake," her eyes flash over his face, her hand on his forehead, "Are you okay? Do you have a fever? Oh my God, do you have a stroke? Should I call an ambulance?"
"Very funny, Herreld," he playfully smacks her hand away from his forehead. 
"Thank you, thank you! I will be here all night!" Riley performs a small, but dramatic bow before coming back up with a self-assured grin on her face, "Still convinced that stand-up isn't the way to go?"
Drake wraps his arms around her shoulders, "The only thing I'm more sure of is that you once upon a time must have fallen on your head, Herreld."
She wraps her arms around his waist with a snort, "Is it really, really, really, that hard to believe that not everyone has a soft spot for a charismatic, handsome prince charming?"
"Yes. Yes, it is." He pulls her closer with a sigh, and her head naturally tips up to meet his warm hazels. “I’ve been standing at his side for years, Herreld. First as his best friend, then as his first protector. Everything revolves around him, it always has, it always will, and if he wasn't so damn likable, I might even resent him for all of it. For God's sake! I’ve seen men and women drop to their knees at so much as his charming smile. How is it not hard to believe?"
"Mmh, okay. Fair. But there's something you seem to be forgotten, Walker!" She gently brushes a few strains of hair out of his face, and he closes his eyes at her gentle touch. "Mmh, and what's that, Sparkles?" She smiles softly and whispers, "That I'm simply not like others, Drake."
He opens his eyes with a teasing snort, "Understatement of the year, ladies and gentlemen."
"Yeah, yeah! Verry funny, Walker," Riley pushes him playfully backward with a roll of the eyes. "Why don't we stop teasing the innocent and extremely hungry teacher and get that..." She taps his butt with her foot to push him in the right direction, "sexy butt of yours behind the stove before I turn you into a pre-course."
Drake grins, "First. You can't say that you're an innocent teacher and tell me that I have a sexy butt and that you want to turn me into a pre-course in the same fucking sentence, miss Herreld." She opens her mouth in protest, but he places a finger on her lips before she can say anything. 
"Which brings me to the second point, that I'm now extremely conflicted about still wanting to cook or not." 
She gives his finger a firm bite, and he pulls his hand back with a grin. He raises a cheeky brow at her unexpected, but certainly not unwelcome move and tries to wave off the pain in his finger. "Just for your information, Herreld. This is not the motivation technique to get me behind the stove. Au contraire."
 She gasps dramatically before playfully smacking him with one of the oven mitts within her reach, “Get your head out of the gutter and that butt behind the stove, Walker.” 
"Okay, smacking, biting… the same category,” he grins, and she rolls her eyes in a miserable attempt to suppress a smile. 
"And last but not least.” Drake continued, “I never said that being different is a bad thing, Herreld.” Riley averts her eyes with a shy smile, but he draws those gorgeous blues back to meet his hazels with a gentle finger under the chin, “Once again. Au contraire.” Silence falls as they stare into each other’s eyes, and he gently drifts his thumb over her lips.
“But,” and the sudden playful smile on Drake’s face indicates a clear warning sign for ‘incoming teasing!’ “I guess you will have to wait for a definitive verdict until you receive that feedback burger at the end of this week." 
"Oh," Riley playfully smacks Drake’s hand away, tapping him once again against the butt towards the stove with her feet. "If you manage to reach the end of the week, Walker! Because you will meet hangry Riley if you keep going like this and let me tell you... she’s not a 'nice' version of me!"
He smirks over his shoulder, making his way through her kitchen as if he never cooked anywhere else in his life. He collects the needed pots, pans, and other needed cooking stuff on basic instincts, without once asking where to find them.
“Oh, God! And I'm once again conflicted. If this so-called 'nice' version of you is obsessed with smacking, biting, and kicking my butt… What will this not so 'nice' version of you do to me?”
She raises one brow, looking pretty smug with herself. There’s something about him that sparks something inside her. He makes her feel sexy and confident, something she didn't know she was capable of. She crosses her legs casually, checking her nails for chips, “You would ever be so lucky to find out, Walker.”
Drake gives her a cheeky glance over. "Innocent my freaking ass.” 
Riley shrugs and takes two beers out of the refrigerator beside her. She opens them, and hands one to Drake with an innocent smirk, “I have no idea where you’re talking about, Captain Walker. I’m innocent as hell.” She taps his beer with hers, and her eyes never leave his as she takes a big swig. 
Drake notices the sudden goddamn sexy, confident sparkle in her eye and can't help but grin. He finds himself in a situation that he’s never been in. She's been a whirlwind to deal with from the first moment they met, but it doesn't bother him. At all. On the contrary. He never felt more comfortable with someone so fast. He never found himself fully clothed in a woman's kitchen for anything else than compromising, meaningless activities after just meeting them, and yet he never felt more naked as those piercing blues peel him off layer by layer with ease. 
She's exposing him, as no one ever did, as no one ever managed to do. Because women tried. They tried hard to break through his gruff shell. To see the man underneath, even though he told them that he doesn't commit. Women tried but always failed. His thick shield always withstood, until this one came along with those kryptonite blues. Hell. He never experienced something so fun, sexy, exciting, and arousing as being here with her tonight, then all the meaningless nights in the past combined.
He has found his match in this stubborn, God damn annoyingly gorgeous pain in the ass. And once again. It doesn't even bother him. At all. 
Or at least, for now, that is. 
Until he understands what it actually means. 
Until he realizes what he already knows. 
“You know,” Drake places his beer on the small kitchen counter behind him, “I almost believe that I will not make it to the end of this week at the sight of that dangerous sparkle in your eyes, Sparkles. Almost.”
Riley folds her arms with a raised brow, "Mmh, and why’s that, Walker?" He pre-heats the oven, lights the stove under the saucepan with leftover sauce, and fills the kettle to boil some water for the pasta. 
"Because..."He's beside her again in less than a second. His hand drifts up over her leg until he reaches her thigh and whispers in a dangerous, low husky voice, "you miss Herreld, are dying to see my very tough, extremely manly glitter drawings that come with that feedback burger at the end of this week." 
"Ohh," she lets out a shaky breath as his hand on her thigh sends electrifying shivers through her whole body. "You don't play fair, Walker." 
He steps back with a grin, and she whimpers lightly at his strong hand leaving her thigh. "That's rich coming from you, miss Bambi blues!" He dives into to refrigerator with a wink and comes up with a case of fresh spaghetti.
"I can't help genetics, Walker!" Riley smiles, pointing her beer bottle in hand at the box filled with fresh spaghetti in his hand, "Oh, and we need two more cases of those, Walker!" 
"Two more?" Drake narrows his eyes in suspicion since he's sure that one is already too much food for the both of them but takes two extra out of the refrigerator, nevertheless. He also grabs a freshly frozen pizza out of the small but expertly stuffed freezer and slides it into the preheated oven. He looks at her while adding the pasta to the boiling water, "So, Sparkles... Just so I know where I'm getting myself into. Are you inviting the whole hallway to join us for dinner?"
"Ha! Oh, no, no, no, Walker!" Riley snorts, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you want to spend the next two hours answering questions about when you're planning to propose, our wedding is set, and when you're going to knock me up? I absolutely love these people to the death, but they get way too excited if there's even a whiff of what might be a change in my non-existent love life." She takes a swig of beer, "No, thank you!"
Drake throws her a sly grin while giving the leftover sauce a good stir. "Well, excuse me, Herreld, but I do have to correct you here. We know each other for," he glances down at his watch, "five fucking hours. It's about goddamn time that we have a talk about you when you're going to make an honest man out of me." He laughs at his own joke, but Riley, almost chokes on the sip of beer she just took, and her coughing makes him snap out of it. He looks up to find the horror practically dripping off her face. 
"Jeez, Herreld!" He leaves the sauce, gently pats her back and her coughing slowly fades. "It was just a fucking joke. Easy."
"Oh, thank God, a joke," Riley places in relief a hand on her heart before taking a few deep breaths, "Are you trying to kill me, Walker? Sarcastically joking, and deliberately not wrinkling your nose..." She takes a big sip of her beer to smear her throat and ease her nerves. 
Drake's annoyance caused by her reaction instantly turns into confusion. I didn't wrinkle my nose? 
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Thank you so much for reading!
Catch up if you want at the 'A Walker knows, when a Walker knows' --Masterlist--
Nine, Italian nights, part two is coming soon!
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33 notes · View notes
amethyst-beetle · 3 years
Stanford Pines is autistic
This is a Gravity falls post, and I'm going to be talking about how Stanford Pines has ASD (Autism Spectrum disorder). Before I get into it I'd just like to say this is inspired by a different post on how Ford is autistic. The original post is here https://thegraftedbranch.tumblr.com/post/649573590709288960/why-stanford-pines-from-gravity-falls-is-autistic
Here are the symptoms of ASD that Ford displays throughout the show:
-Has a hard time keeping eye contact or avoids it
-Has a hard time with facial expressions
-Dislikes touch, prefers to do their thing alone
-Has a hard time expressing emotions
-Very empathic or not empathic at all
-Has a hard time with non verbal social ques
-Hurts themselves without realizing it
-Gets upset if a plan is changed and/or has a hard time adapting to change
-Is unusually sensitive to lights/touches/smells (but may not be affected by pain or temperature)
-Has hyper-fixations
-Doesn't understand certain parts of speech (jokes/metaphors)
-Makes jokes/says things that normally don't make sense
-Makes strange connections to relate to someone/thing
-Is confused by emotions
-Has inappropriate reactions to events
Here are some complications of ASD that I've noticed in Ford:
-social isolation
-being bullied
Now to the analysis
Season 2, Episode 12 is where we first meet Stanford Pines, or Ford. The first thing he does upon seeing his brother for the first time in 30 years is punch Stan in the face when Stan was clearly very happy to see him, which is a bit odd, in my opinion. In the first 2 minutes of the episode we can already see maybe Ford isn't as affected by pain, and may not be very empathic. We can see that after Stan gets punched, he rubs his jaw but Ford doesn't even touch his fist, and I can imagine punching someone in the jaw hurts on both ends.
A few seconds later, Ford sees Mable and Dipper, and Stan explains that they're his family. While Stan tells him this, Ford doesn't make eye contact while Stan is trying to.
When Ford finds out that the FBI are surrounding the shack, he's the only person to go to the journal and start thinking of a plan, showing he needs a plan to deal with large issues.
Onto the flashback. This part of the episode is extremely important because it shows what Stan and Ford were like when they were younger. The first time we see Ford in this flashback is when he's alone on his bed, drawing supernatural creatures, while Stan is running around and playing.
This tells us two things, from a young age, Ford seemed to enjoy being alone and doing his own thing, and always enjoyed the supernatural, which could be seen as a long term hyper-fixation. Ford also jumps right off of his top bunk, which may point to him not processing pain or being affected by it as much as everyone else.
When the flashback shows Ford winning the award for his science project, Stan hugs him, and Ford gives an uncomfortable smile, but goes along with it. This points to him not being very comfortable with touch and not being able to express his emotions.
Throughout the flashback he's seen having an extreme interest in science and the supernatural, and he also doesn't make too many diverse facial expressions.
When that first half of the flashback ends, Mable suggests the two hug it out. Ford looks back at Stan because he knows Stan would hug someone, but Stan doesn't look back because he knows Ford wouldn't hug anyone.
Fords half of the flashback starts, and he says something that resonates with me, an autistic person. "In a place like that I had to work twice as hard. Luckily, that's what I do best.". This stuck out to me because as an autistic person I've always felt I've needed to work twice as hard just to get the same result as everyone else.
Ford also talks about how he was ahead of schedule in his academics, and it's shown that he doesn't even look away from his research. That can all be seen as a hyper-fixation and an extreme special interest in science. Another thing to mention is that when he gets his own grant, he's not making eye contact with the person who gives it to him.
In Fords flashback, after he gets to gravity falls a large hand grabs his car and drags it off, and Ford seems very excited to see this, which I see as an inappropriate reaction.
When Dipper screams over the journals, Ford shows no reaction to this at all. One could argue that no one else reacts to this, but that may be because the others know Dipper's obsession over the journals, while Ford doesn't.
Ford is also seen drawing and writing about his findings in the journals, which is something he's been doing all his life, drawing and writing.
When Fiddleford gets sucked into the portal, Ford immediately pulls him out, but instead of asking how he is, Ford asks what he saw, which points to an inappropriate reaction and possible lack of empathy.
During this part of the flashback, Ford puts his hands on Fiddleford's shoulder and Fiddleford touches Ford's shoulder, leading to the conclusion that although Ford isn't big on touch, he's ok with being touched on the shoulders/arms, and he also avoids eye contact with Fiddleford.
When Ford has Stan come over and Stan knocks on the door, Fords first instinct is to pull a weapon on him, showing another inappropriate reaction.
Then Ford asks Stan to get rid of the journal which leads me to see two things. The first is that Ford is again showing strange reactions. The second thing I noticed when Stan tried to destroy the journal, Ford stopped him.
But why would it matter if the journal was destroyed if Ford wanted it far away from him?
I see this and thought it was because the journals were comfort objects for Ford, and destroying them was too emotionally hard for him, which would explain why he buried the first two instead of just destroying them.
When Ford tells Stan he's kicking him out of the house, he avoids eye contact while Stan tries to make eye contact.
Another thing I forgot to add is, when Stan goes to the store pretending to be Ford, everyone is very shocked to see 'Ford'. This tells us that Ford didn't go out much if at all, and he spent pretty much all of his time alone, another thing on the list.
Despite this just being an analysis of the first episode we meet Ford, it's very clear he meets many of the points above.
A few more things I'd like to add that weren't in this episode:
-Ford shows a huge amount of excitement for DD&D, pointing to another hyper-fixation.
-Ford doesn't make too many jokes, and when he does it's very clear they're jokes.
-He's seen as a very clumsy child, another symptom of autism.
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sporksaber · 2 years
Gravity falls scooby doo au.
Dipper is velma (not just because he's the brains, but because mystery inc started with velma debunking her parents mysteries and that's just. Perfect.) Also bc it's more fun when velma isnt a skeptic and wants very much for ghosts to be real.
Mabel is fred. The obvious choice. (Also, dipper cant drive in this au and mabel teases him anytime she can.)
Scooby doo is soos in waddles body. (Everyone knows, noone acknowledges it.) He also tends to strangely be the most emotionally mature and the most loyal friend.
Now, here's where it's difficult to decide. The options for daphne and shaggy are pacifica and gideon. I went back and forth for awhile, because both are rich. Post season 3 gideon could be shaggy. But that's not what I ended on.
Gideon is daphne. Rich material girl, but can get shit done. Far more up to mysteries than Pacifica.
Pacifica takes shaggy's place after being cut off by her parents. She doesn't have the messy habits but tends to hang with the pig, as he is least likely to get her murdered.
I had written this first half a month ago. I started doodling and their designs lined up better than I thought. It's not done and I probably wont finish them. But:
I gave dipper his vest as a zip up turtleneck with an orange long sleeved shirt underneath.
Mable got a button up underneath her sweater and a ribbon like daphne's in her hair as a mix of her headband and his ascot (it also gave me room for an extra color since their color schemes don't line up).
Pacifica wears green instead of purple (she says she likes green in the ghost episode). Her outfits are put together but down toned and practical (there were only so many pairs of shoes she could ruin before other people noticed her lack of her parents credit card.)
Gideon was the hardest, like mabel his color scheme doesnt line up and his hair makes a headband difficult. So I gave him an ascot and decided to add purple where it could fit with his usual blue.
Soos is a pig (which, apparently, I cant draw). He has a green collar with a question mark and brown spots that are shaped a bit more like scooby's. I did consider giving him a vest instead though (I thought a collar would be easier to draw, but we'll never know since I couldnt get passed figuring out pig proportions).
I also think their shipping dynamics line up pretty well despite me not considering that when I chose who was who. People dont really ship fred and velma (would've made for a whole yikes in this au). They also dont really ship daphne and shaggy. People ship fred with shaggy while daphne likes fred, just like people ship Mabel and Pacifica while Gideon likes mable. And people ship shaggy with velma like dipper and Pacifica are shipped.
Anyways, two other things:
1. This isnt meant to be a one to one thing, I'm aware not everything lines up and it's a bit wonky.
2. I wanted to keep it to characters in the same age group (with the exception of soos, he was the second one decided bc scooby needed to talk), so no wendy or the other teens as part of the gang. I also knew I wanted to use pacifica, which left one slot open. I didn't want one of characters so I had to choose between gideon, candy and grenda. Splitting up candy and grenda dodnt feel right and working in gideon seemed more fun.
2b. Using candy and grenda both without pacifica leaves dipper kind of isolated. Which could work, either as velma being an awkward nerd or dipper instead as shaggy mostly hanging with soos, but it wasnt the vibe I was going for.
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stupid-stew · 3 years
i took notes on the art stream dana did tonight in my own way, yes this is also what my school notes look like so my formal apologies
dana didn’t have many friends or anything in college (self defined recluse)
king is the hardest character to draw due to his specific skull shape
dana loves pokemon and the king resemblance is a coincidence, and she drew everyone to be RIPPED
young entrepreneur out here art queen getting that bag WHY WAS SHE MAKING SHIP ART OF HER CLASSMATES FOR MONEY AT THE AGE OF LIKE 11 IM SOBBING
king ruined the sand castle :(
the mcdonald’s coffe, it sucks apparently
insomnia dana supremacy, felt that
DANA WINS ROUND 1 (against her will)
side note i think i need to start watching more anime, that’s just for me the remember tho
“let’s get weird”- dana terrace 2021
“give us the most uncomfortable furby suggestions please”- also dana terrace 2021
hard time communicating outside of drawings (one of us 👹)
toh is script driven, sicknasty
her test was turned away SPILL THE TEA
dana proposes to furby suggestion giving chat member
8months struggling for job
turned away from power puff girls boooo
“i called up a friend and we had a drink and i cried :(“ -dana
the director had to fight to make the furby scene happen and sir we appreciate it
“androgyny is beautiful”- dana, about a furby
yes girl let jesus take the wheel on that anatomically correct furby
“fuck you! fuck you!”- not dana’s furby
$80,000 in debt for this
“shit shit fuck shit”
“as good friends, as disney would say”
dana trying not to lose her job
straight black coffee you psycho
cannot cook, girlboss, win dana with food
catchphrase? “AAAAAAAHHH”
scared of spiders
do not wake the cat
“is that a pile of garbage or is that ur self esteem after i fucking demolish you”
-dana terrace 2021
the iconic “byeeeee” was difficult
why can’t she draw shrek
“i need validation please jesus christ”
-dana terrace 2021
someone buy this woman the cat gamer headphones alex hurry up
she does not like the booth but she does it for us thank you queen
dana fainted getting a stick n poke rip
at least she’s having a good time making her own gross little fantasy land, improvise adapt overcome
dana unlocks the idea of things being done in different ways and have them all be good for the masses
“limitation breeds invention”
“wow ur really wise dana”
“….thanks dawg”
“well i didn’t have friends… no one laughed.”
i want the little comics of her pets
cat person dana
awww little stick and poke on her ankle
does not celebrate her birthday
#mood bunny
“how can we make this weird” GIRL IT IS KERMIT ON S T E R O I D S
this is literally psychological warfare
dana has not watched the muppets but she knows him drinking the tea so winning
she’s proud about her making dipper and mable fight
hooty is the owl house canon?
i wish the owl house was like a creature that would have been so funny
season 2 is outline heavy when it comes to the writing
dana knows what she wants for season 2 and we love that
execs up the wall on season 1
dana has not found the character porn! keep it up girl! stay over there!
oooh bike queen
yes get that energy out girl
ddr stan, loses to matt braly at gravity falls team bowling hang out
cat is sad :( give her a snack :(
AWW GHOST HAS ASTHMA omg kinnie moment
conspiracy theory enthusiast when intoxicated
vaccination queen
does not believe in ghosts, kill me girl i’ll haunt you don’t worry i’ll prove it
“the ow house get ready to get some boo boo”- this other guy because it made me cry
“you’re gonna have to pay me to write shit because i don’t work for free”
not a music person
dana do a flip for charity please i’ll donate like an organ or something
she can canonically do a flip and she’s not gonna show us this is homophobic
her neighbor is parking yes get it
draw left hand
while holding pen wack
do it in online version of ms paint
“MS pain”- dana not finishing her word
and stick and poke
show us the work stuff dana >:(
“he’s a strong independent dog”
“4 minutes 20 seconds 😏 h e h e h e”
not the muscle pulling girl not now
“also dog”
ghost gets rejected
“he’s not impressed with ur bullshit”
catra shrek fan girl moment
dana has probably done drugs
“i am a fan of waluigi”
note to self dana will only marry you if you look like kermit the frog
also dog comes from a land where dogs eat people at starbucks
“he’s making out with it! he’s using tongue!”
there are bouncers in cafes where also dog comes from
dana has worked the cash register
someone make real witch merchandise
hooty is he has a very he has more he has a backstory it exists it’s written out but we might not ever get it because it’s just for her dana please i am on my knees
would play dnd if she could
favorite episodes haven’t even aired but currently is echoes of the past or keeping up a fear ances because they’re personal especially a fear ances
mentally she is thriving with the show and it’s going to end well 🙏
“it’s just my voice :(“
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