#words from blerds
wordsfromblerds · 10 months
“That Orange Cassidy”
Orange Cassidy x That Mexican OT
🎧: Johnny Dang - That Mexican OT ft. Paul Wall & DRODi
Edited by: bruhmanbeyond (@addo_man)
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bruhmanbeyond · 1 year
The movie got to me.
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vague-humanoid · 20 days
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“I’m fascinated with taking popular genres, like horror and noir, and seeing what they’d look like from diverse perspectives—I explored this in my Image Comics books Infidel and The Good Asian. But, I’ve been limited to my own experiences. So, for The Horizon Experiment, I decided to use the same mentality but open it up to other people, inviting some of the most talented people I know to work on it," said Pichetshote. “Each one-shot is the equivalent of a pilot for a new creator-owned series, with the potential of continuing should there be demand for more. Each team of creators have had different approaches—all of them have knocked me out, and I couldn’t be more proud that the end result is five very unique books, all connected by the same ambitious spirit.”
@dirhwangdaseul @ubernegro @el-shab-hussein @luftbian
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THE MANCHURIAN - a hapa (half-English/ half Chinese) James Bond running covert missions in America for China
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THE SACRED DAMNED - a horror book following a Muslim exorcist
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MOON DOGS - East African werewolves secretly living in Miami about what it’s like to be a minority w/n a minority
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MOTHERF*KING MONSTERS - an Evil Dead for blerds
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FINDERS / KEEPERS - a reverse Indiana Jones who steals from museums to bring artifacts back to their native cultures
I got turned onto this project by a good friend, so I'm putting the word out about these upcoming one-shots
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ericdeggans · 2 years
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The fun and fear of guest hosting All Things Considered
As a longtime NPR nerd, I have often listened to the smooth, smart anchors leading broadcasts of our newsmagazines and wondered: Could I do that?
Last Saturday and Sunday, I found out, when I got the chance to fill in for Michel Martin as guest anchor on Weekend All Things Considered.
I knew from a stint guest hosting CNN’s late, lamented media analysis show Reliable Sources years ago, that even a temporary host can have lots of influence over a show. The key is to assemble a lineup of interviews and stories which are informative and newsy, but also show off the host’s strengths by speaking to their expertise, enthusiasms and abilities.
For me, it was also an opportunity to pull together some dreamed-about interviews, backed by the appeal to the subject of appearing on a newsmagazine which reaches millions of listeners over a weekend. My biggest fear: breaking news which would require lots of live anchoring; fortunately, the news gods smiled down and people seemed to chill out for the holiday weekend.
Here's links to some of the stories we offered over those two days. Their quality is a real testament to the staff at Weekend All Things Considered, who were supportive, understanding of a newbie’s nerves and so good at their jobs, it made speaking to an audience of millions exhilarating and fun – and only a little bit scary.
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This is one of my favorite interviews: blerding out on comic book lore with Ryan Coogler, director of Wakanda Forever, which stands at the top of the box office. We talk about the death of Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman, making longtime antihero Namor a Mayan (and those ankle wings!) and how two guys wrote a female centered, big budget Marvel movie. Click here to listen.
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I’m a late-night TV nerd. So it was beyond fulfilling to get two of the smartest comics in late night to spend a little time talking about the future of late night TV and whether it makes sense to call out comics out for monologues which seem, for some, to encourage and/or minimize antisemitism or prejudice. The Daily Show’s Roy Wood Jr. and The Amber Ruffin Show’s Jenny Hagel were super smart, super funny and super thoughtful in this discussion, which you can hear by clicking here. Another version can be found in our podcast Consider This.
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Flying to Washington DC on Thanksgiving night, I was astonished to see tech journalist Kara Swisher taking apart Twitter’s new owner Elon Musk in a series of tweets where she called him her biggest disappointment in 25 years as a tech reporter. During a staff a meeting the next day, I asked the team: Do you think we could get Swisher to talk with us about what happened? Turns out, they could, and we talked about Elon, whether we’re seeing the twilight of the tech bro and the future of Black Twitter. Listen here.
One thing NPR does well is spotlight up and coming artists before they become household names. So I was proud and honored to feature a revealing interview with Elegance Bratton, director/writer of the new film The Inspection, a movie based on his own life about a Black, gay homeless man -- rejected by his homophobic mother – who seeks refuge in the Marines. After the interview was done, Elegance told us he had dreamed of being interview by NPR about one of his films for years. We were happy to make that one come true – click here to listen.
A talk with Stephen Fowler of Georgia Public Radio on the start of voting in the state’ contentious Senate runoff election between Democrat Raphael Warnock and Republican Herschel Walker.
A conversation with expert Manuel Zamarripa on how to process the trauma from media coverage of mass shootings.
Discussion of the podcast White Hats, which dissects the complex and often bloody history of a group typically lionized in film and TV shows: The Texas Rangers.
Words with Senator Amy Klobuchar on her plans to convene a hearing on Ticketmaster’s dominance of the concert ticketing industry after their massive failure to sell tickets to Taylor Swift’s new concert tour.
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I hope you don't take the ask I sent the wrong way. I think your response was generally very well-thought-out, as the things you post on your blog generally tend to be. I especially appreciate how you emphasized the need to balance being mindful of the environment we create for other fans with understanding that this is a hobby people engage in for fun and self-expression. Both are definitely true! And you made a good point about the issues in canon that impact how female characters are seen in the fandom. Especially given JKR's awful beliefs and how they make their way into the text, it's definitely important to be mindful of that.
Not at all!* I take constructive criticism as well as I can and really try to understand where I've had a blind spot, of which I know I have many, and then try to do better.
Thank you for your comments! Being mindful of the environment we create was another lesson I learned from being in fandom, as was the notion of fandom not being activism. Being mindful of source texts & our own transformative works can be really good for everyone in the fandom community.
Julian Wamble, PhD, professor at George Washington University, sums up in this TikTok video some of the same sentiments that I've had regarding being in the fandom. He teaches a class on Harry Potter & Social Identity and has a lot of TikTok videos on the HP characters. (He is #professorgoals and if I could teach a class on Harry Potter & Philosophy at the university level I would be so happy.)
*in reference to this ask
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So ahhh…What’s up with Prehn?
I’ll tell ya! It’s a rather long thing just letting ya know.
I had to deactivate my tiktok account for a couple of weeks, because I was being targeted by the Tiktok report system, received account strikes unjustly, and many posts and comments were taken down without an explanation or an insufficient reason.
@NudioCreations advised me to deactivate for a couple weeks to keep my account from further unjustified reports to get me permanently banned. (Highly recommend giving them a follow, their resin-work is flipping wonderful.)
Okay so as far as the situation goes...I have a few theories on who may be targeting my tiktok account specifically. I've made things that may piss folks off.
Fair warning this is a long list, I'm a bit of an altruistic person so bear with me.
List below:
1) “it’s all men until it’s no men” & “it’s not all of you but it’s enough of you.”
(Both are the same which warrant "it's all men.")
2) The mistreatment and hell Romani folks suffer every day, and Anti-blackness being global. (Racism overall).
3) My support for Black and/or Indigenous and/or other multi-marginalized Women, Femmes, and Queer folks of many origins.
4) Transphobes mad about my existence (specifically me being femme-presenting despite being an agender stud with they/them pronouns)
5) Me posting billionaire content to my Tiktok Story, specifically how they’re thought to be reacting vs how they’re actually reacting to climate change (that one upset Tiktok so much, they’re a corporation).
6) Me having to reach out for financial aid to eat and otherwise. Or boosting others in need of financial aid or help of any sorts.
7) Dueting and posting valid concerns about the September 1, 2023 strike. That one pissed off so many folks and I received so much hatred for that.
8) Popping off at a person who said HEINOUS Anti-Artist shit to a Black Artist for hating the Christian-ized version of “Hello Christ I just sinned again,” (just—let Black women and Black queers have shit, damn?) or me blocking after making one pop-off comment at folks in the comments who defend rapists and predators. (Specifically during a circumstance where I agreed to 🌶️🍆 predators being recruited for animal testing. Keep in mind I am a survivor of multiple traumas including of that variety. But human rights was brought up despite folks being bad. Specifically a commenter’s teacher said:
“It’s human rights to be protected. Even though they did something horrible.” -Commenter’s Teacher
And while that’s important, it’s also important to point out and remember the following:
“Human Rights are to be protected. There is truth to what the teacher said, however the system and folks that’s supposed to be protecting its people from predators, isn’t doing right by multimarginalized folks, marginalized folks, SA Survivors, Trauma Survivors, and Disabled folks, and even Children; heck they violate human rights against us all day every day, but the violators get away with it all the 99% of the time.”
That’s just from my experience in United States of America.
9) A huge Black Blerd Tiktok Account who was very like "Give us men our props we love y'all it's not all men!" After the Black young adult (deemed Megamind) making a specific video about women/femmes who reject nice guys like him deserve to be [unfortunate choice of words] (using a cherry tomato but I digress) was caught and arrested, and I blocked him and his many accounts that are for hating Black Women. His followers, who I also blocked who went after me or commented at me, have been going after folks left and right on the platform.
I have more about specifically TikTok's inaction and the things I suffered in my last relationship here:
Apparently, it's reason enough so target me and those closest to me.
Which is unfortunate because…I used my tiktok as it was the only platform left that ensured I was able to get financial assistance with food.
At this rate any help is appreciated. I’d just rather folks not go to twitter when it involves me or mention of me, because of what I suffered there. More here:
“I’d really appreciate any cash you’re able to send over my way so I can eat, and such. I think it’s just the AT&T bill and one IbisPaint X thing I have to pay left for this month. And I have a few needs I need help with on my wishlist. I knew not of any other options—so I’m…reaching out.”
https://wise.com - [email protected]
Zelle https://www.zellepay.com/ - [email protected]
Gift to ABLE account (Ignore Deadname Pls and Thank you)
Help me help others:
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ceruleanmusings · 2 years
curve ball // inconsolable au
because @theblerdbox gave me the confidence to dive into writing more au ficlets/fics, this au happened. and that the last two paragraphs of stanley's "after cgl" section of his survival guide book when he talked about his life in high school exists. so thank you blerd and thank you louis sachar.
Mickey sat at the top of the bleachers again.
It wasn't that he looked for her but, well, no one else was around so it was noticeable. She was noticeable. Even when she kept her head down, facing her drawn up knees where she doodled or did homework or something in the notebook she always had with her. She didn’t come every time, but every time she did he noticed.
Stanley messed with the brim of his cap, pulling it lower on his forehead, his curls puffing out from beneath it at all sides like a cloud. Though not quite like the light, fluffy ones dotting the blue sky above. People actually paid attention to those. Liked them, too.
Fidgeting with his hat again, he lowered the brim enough to block out the screaming glare of the sun. Unlike Zigzag who seemed to make it his mission to keep constant eye contact with the sun back in the outfield. Though he wasn’t alone in his idle distractions: Twitch gnawed on the excess lace of his glove as if attached to an infinite length of noodle and Barfbag lie back on the grass as if working on his tan. He may as well, they didn’t have much else to do while waiting for someone to get a hit.
So far all of X-Ray’s pitches hadn’t gone back to him, a feat he pointed out every time Magnet or Armpit whiffed with a loud guffaw followed up by some sort of taunt. Usually commenting how bored he is and if he wanted to give his one arm a workout he could just be spending his time at home. Squid stood quietly nearby, jaw working on the large wad of dark gum rolling in his mouth.
“We’re lookin’ at a power hitter.” Stanley nearly jumped when Hector spoke, even if his words were directed down towards the clipboard in his hands than up at him. They still commanded attention, only because words came so few and far between. Even though their tutoring sessions Stanley did most of the talking. It wasn’t until a few weeks ago Stanley knew Hector could speak at all. And that was to correct him on being referred to as Zero. The entire B-team bestowed each other with nicknames within a week after returning from a training camp. Judging by the stats collected in Hector’s small and tight handwriting, they would have benefited from less time ragging on one another instead. “Armpit’s good when he can land one, but otherwise...” Spelling and grammar may be difficult for him, but math and numbers all but poured out of his soul. They didn’t think twice putting him in charge of keeping track of stats, for them and their opponents.
Stanley nodded, going back to rubbing polish on the metal bat X-Ray insisted on using. There was nothing different about it compared to the others, though X-Ray claimed the bat length was just slightly shorter than the rest of the regulation ones handed out to their team, which meant his swing speed was superior than the others. If only that helped his lack of control on the hit. He could pitch well but he lacked when it came to landing hits in the right places, namely not directly into the opposing team’s gloves. His claims of his large glasses allowing him to see the field better than everyone else didn’t hold as much punch as it used to.
“C’mon man, let me have a turn,” Magnet said from where he leaned against the entrance to the dug off.
“Not until i get a hit,” Armpit replied, stomping his cleats into the dirt at the plate.
Magnet rolled his eyes. “So I’m never gonna get a shot then, huh?”
“Man, shut up.”
“Why don’t you give up? You’re never gonna get it. You’re always gonna strike out, like with that Tatiana chick.”
“Man, I told you to shut up!”
Magnet said something back in Spanish, which either wasn’t the right thing to say or Armpit just didn’t understand him; either way, the two ended up chest to chest within seconds, yelling in each other’s faces. Their coach could’ve intervened if their couch wasn’t passed out in his truck in the back parking lot. They didn’t have to check on him to see if that were actually they case, he was a coach in name only. The A-Team got the dedicated coach. The A-Team got everything, the better bus, the better jerseys, the better equipment, the school’s respect.
And the attention. Not that Stanley particularly wanted attention, he wouldn’t know what to do with it if he ever got it. People looked through him or past him so often it still surprised him if a teacher called on him in class. And attention from girls? That was a pipe dream. Besides, he didn’t even know what to do if one ever said ‘hi’ to him. They’d have to know he existed first.
“Bro, I’m takin’ a break,” Squid said, walking past X-Ray towards the stands. He spat out a long, thin stream of dark liquid as he went, the bulge in his cheek bouncing. X-Ray also left the mound, heading straight for Armpit and Magnet. Zigzag and Barfbag remained in the outfield but Twitch took off running, diving nearly headfirst into his bag once off the field to grab some sort of tubed candy. Not that he needed the extra energy.
“What do you think?” Hector’s large eyes bored into Stanley.
Stanley didn’t have a chance to ask about what—perhaps if they should forfeit the season before it even started?—when vibrating rumbles against the metal bleachers grabbed his attention and his breath lodged in his chest when he realized Mickey had descended and now stood nearby. She leaned against the fence, extending a gatorade in Squid’s direction, a half-open backpack hung off the crook of her elbow.
“I don’t need a babysitter,” he stated. The bite to his words softened a little due to the tiniest hint of a smile pulling at the corner of his mouth when he took the bottle. He downed half of the bright blue liquid in two gulps.
“It’s not babysitting when you’re waiting on your ride,” she said.
Squid brushed the liquid running down his chin off with the back of his arm. “Speaking of, I gotta drop Zig off on the way back. That cool?”
“Fine. As long as he keeps his shoes on this time.”
“My car, my rules.”
Her head tilted back, amplifying her anguish. “Dude, I’m not drowning in boy stink again!”
Squid shrugged. “Open a window.”
“Your windows stick.”
“Well I’m sorry it’s not a horse-drawn carriage, Princess.”
“It’d smell better.”
A wicked gleam appeared in his eye. “Let’s compare.” Despite her shriek of protest, Squid lifted his arm and pulled Mickey’s face into the pit. “Yeah, get right up in there.”
“Oh my god, you’re so gross!”
Squid chuckled as she squirmed free, taking another big swig of gatorade just as the metallic smack of a ball vibrated across the field. Twitch dropped the bat by his feet and it rolled harmlessly away as the ball sailed through the air towards Barfbag’s position in the outfield. He jumped to his feet and shuffled backwards while Hector added new numbers to the chart on the paper he’d been keeping track of. Leave it to him to take even the practices into consideration. He certainly left no stone unturned.
Stanley lifted his eyes only to nearly drop X-Ray’s bat when they landed on Mickey only to see her looking back. Her face remained blank for a second, and then she blinked and she smiled. He turned, glancing over his shoulder, only to look back and see her eyes still on him, smile growing a touch wider, enough to carve dimples in her cheeks.
Air squeezing out his lungs, Stanley forced his eyes back to the filed just in time to watch Barfbag dive for the ball and end up crashing along the ground, head over heels.
The thudding of his heart against his chest jumped up, now sparked with a different kind of fear and something told him it had everything to do with Barfbag clutching his leg and Stanley was sure it wasn’t supposed to bend like that.
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daystarvoyage · 3 months
WHY I DID THIS BLOG, fandom , growing up a blerd & female cosplay & drag.
Hey, my starry day voyagers the voting for the owl house debunking video is closing so keep voting, anyway. I just want to discuss why I wanted to make this page & blog about animations, fashion & how I became the fabulous brown sugar queen you see on my channel. This is Kyoko cane Unafraid Fierce, & fabulous melanin siren. YOUTUBE SELF INSERT COMING UP
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As a kid growing up being born in an African American family to a dedicated mother youngest of 4 having the refrigerator & tv as my best friend my best friend due to my autism ADHD,
having least friends or little interactions, from being picked on viciously for being BI ever since high school Or even terms come gas at youth Unknown of the word, now genderqueered few years later having to branch out my mind.
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I always had a ball of energy to be able to see things at a very beautiful intuitive way, being in love with my own skin in the 90s, you know black love can do good to all, wanting to be famous myself using this platform to do good.
My first introduction to cartoons was at the age of 3 when I was always to television reshaped how we see things with artistic value heart & soul be it from the works of Disney, Don Bluth, anime Loving only first shojo Genre & josei even & various sitcoms even to some extent some aged well or poorly, this is when I wanted to focus on calling out the flaws of cartoons & anime introduced to me around Toonami era,
before it became problematic today due to the over-sexualization or girls along Western animation, which never crossed my mind due to how progressive it tackled certain situations, it really woke me up today that there so many problems in shows today cause people to focus on being famous clout and propaganda overshadowing good storytelling, writing, etc & we should overcome and fix. I hope this blog reaches anyone who felt their opinions or statement on media or if they have been shunned bullied or ostracized in a group or area cause I had my fair share. I want you to use your proud voice to be who you explore your self-worth & what you can contribute, open your minds relax & listen and have consideration when it comes to different views, so by the time this ends I’ll be editing the next video in the store. With good intentions & love from the brown sugar queen herself.
also have a youtube so make sure to check out my other activities
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ark Carpe diem podcast/guest "Steve's real name no gimmicks" from the hold up tv
learning how to be yourself no matter what. these are deep words and true stories about being a creative blerd an Harlem. in this episode, we get an interesting and motivating chat with Steve, a real name, no gimmicks from the holder of television. He talks about his origin stories of growing up in Harlem, being a black boy in becoming a black man. He talks about his podcast. What is the…
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themovieblogonline · 2 years
Star Wars Celebration Day 3
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Star Wars Celebration Day 3 Star Wars Celebration Day 3 was sure to be a much better experience. We had a fantastic time cosplaying as Young and Older Mace Windu. We made it a mission to find anyone cosplaying as Anakin Skywalker and curse them the $%#& out for siding with the Sith. We attended the Mando+ Panel at the Star Wars Celebration with Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni. There were a ton of other surprise appearances during the panel including Rosario Dawson, Giancarlo Esposito, Temuera Morrison, and Katee Sackhoff. Something that stood out for me was when Katee was asked what it means for her to embody this character (the Armorer) that she has been a part of. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcwV6nXIbgo She mentioned how her dad raised her on science fiction. She further discussed how he raised her on strong characters and when she was little she didn't have a lot of strong female characters to choose from. She mentioned Sigourney Weaver, Linda Hamilton, and Lucy Lawless but she wanted to be Bruce Willis! To be able to play the women she's played throughout her career has been such a gift and went on to praise Favreau and Filoni for writing strong characters who are women. I left the panel feeling amazed at the announcements, the special guests, and the cool exclusive look we got to see of The Mandalorian Season 3. I continued to enjoy cosplaying around the show and taking photos but Katee's words kept creeping into my mind. It wasn't lost on us that we were dressed as the only (named) Black Jedi in Star Wars films and TV. We dressed up as Mace Windu to inspire interest in the return of the character. Mace Windu was not proven to have died in Star Wars Revenge of the Sith and I would love to see Lucasfilm revisit the character. Hopefully sharing these photos online and expressing the desire to see more leading Black characters in Star Wars will begin the conversation. I love seeing Moses Ingram as the (current) main antagonist in Obi-Wan Kenobi and I know that she will inspire young Black girls the same way Katie was inspired by Linda Hamilton and Sigourney Weaver. While cosplaying E-Man and I was stopped by Lisa Lafayette The Blerd. She asked us for a quick interview about our experience at the show. We jumped at the opportunity for some screen time in our sweet-looking costumes but were stunned by the question: Do we feel satisfied with the diversity and representation at the Star Wars Celebration? We let out a hearty tear-inducing laugh. Nearby fans who couldn't help but watch overheard us discuss our experiences searching for merchandise featuring black characters as well as the "black tax" on the Mace Windu lightsaber. Thinking a little of the conversation we began to gather our things and wrap up our day when nearby fans asked to speak with us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-9G9M2zJBc One fan went on to explain how they attended a panel earlier that day with the announcement that Mace Windu was returning for a new Disney+ show. I later found out that this is a one-time appearance for the Lucasfilm Anthology series Tales of the Jedi which will also bring back Qui-Gon Jinn and Count Dooku. Another nearby fan chimed in and mentioned that he empathizes with us. This part hit differently because he went on to explain his excitement and importance to see a fellow Latino like Diego Luna leading Star Wars Andor. He specifically said how important it was to see someone who looks like him leading a Star Wars series. I am extremely happy and thrilled to see that look on someone's face when they connect and feel inspired by one of these characters because they see themselves in the character. I love that he was able to feel that way and hopefully Diego Luna will inspire children across the country who feel they relate with his character in that way. I hope someday my children will get the opportunity to feel that way about a Star Wars character too. I love Star Wars and I love the time I had attending the Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim. I hope to attend more in the future and I hope to feel like I relate to a character the way that Katee does with Sigourney. Disney's Star Wars Celebration is the only event dedicated to Star Wars organized by Disney. I was happy to attend, along with @EmansReviews, the show this year in Anaheim California. The show took place from May 26th - to May 30th, 2022 and Lucasfilm is announcing that it will take place in London in 2023. Read the full article
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omegasamwilson · 3 years
Sam Wilson Headcanons That Have Nothing To Do with Bucky Because I’m Mad About the MTV Awards
-Sam Wilson has his Master’s in Social Work. He originally wanted to work with youth in a school setting but then his PTSD got worse and he went to a support group and found his calling
-He completed his BSW+MSW in four years using the GI Bill + other scholarships
-He played baseball and did pole vault in high school. He also ran the 3200x4 for track but definitely preferred pole vaulting
-He was a Momma’s boy, thru and thru
-He got into exactly one fight in high school and it was because someone talked mess about Sarah so he rocked their shit. His dad took him out for ice cream when he got suspended
-Speaking of which, Sam was terrified of coming out to his dad, a Baptist preacher, and it caused him to try to distance himself from being close to his dad. When he finally did come out, at 15, his dad told him that he knew, that he loved Sam, and that God had created him exactly as he was.
-One of his most prized possession is a beautifully letter his father wrote him that includes the words “queer people are holy.” He sobbed when he first read it and every single time since
-when Sarah’s husband died, (in the midst of Sam looking for Bucky) Sam moved down to NOLA for a few weeks to help Sarah with her newborn and toddler
-the “Uncle Sam” thing has been a running joke ever since Sarah’s oldest was born.
-Sam attended “Donuts with Dads” so that Cass wouldn’t feel left out
-The first time his nephew gave him Father’s Day cards, he cried and his youngest nephew crawled in his lap and said, “it’s okay, Uncle Sam.” And his older nephew was like, “it means we love you.”
-Sam has provided medical care at Black Lives Matter protests since 2012, and he and some friends went to Ferguson in 2014 to provide healthcare
-he loves food trucks. He also definitely has the Okra app so whenever he travels he knows which Black opened restaurants to travel
-he played ultimate frisbee in college and got involved in it when he met another vet in college that really enjoyed the sport
-he has a soft spot for dogs and he definitely considering getting one to train as a therapy dog before he started working for Cap
-although he doesn’t do group at the VA anymore, he volunteers whenever he can
-he’s done a marathon to raise awareness for Veteran mental health
-running helped him cope with his PTSD and gave him time to reflect and think
-he does not really like drinking water, as evidence by the fact he gets back from a run and reaches for a refreshing glass of ORANGE JUICE
-he tells people his favorite Star Wars trilogy is the sequels because it pisses people off
-he was a HUGE Blerd as a kid
-he played the trumpet in high school and was actually pretty good about it
-his favorite subject in school was English
-he actually enjoyed physics and other math classes and liked it even moreso after doing para-rescue because that’s what flying is
-he and Sarah are sure to schedule monthly phone calls to check in. He kept those up even while on the run
-he loves Marvin Gaye but also Kendrick Lamar, Kevin Gates, Taylor Swift, Boys II Men, and Fall Out Boy. He’ll also listen to anything at least once
-he never “like” reacts on Facebook unless he’s feeling petty and passive aggressive
-he’s marched in several pride parades and has helped facilitate events for Black LGBT youth
-he definitely accidentally comes out to a Captain America fan because he can’t resist making a pun about being gay. It’s a young 19 year old queer kid from a homophobic home and their eyes go wide and they promise they would never out Sam but that they’re so glad they know at least one hero that is like them
-Sam gets the kid’s name and finds out they’re a student at MIT who has been disowned by their parents and forwards their info to Pepper to make sure their college, housing, and other necessities are paid for
-he totally bought Sarah a copy of “Go the Fuck to Sleep” when her kid was born. And definitely followed it up with a copy of “You Have to Fucking Eat.”
-his favorite book is “The Snowy Day” because he fell in love with it as a kid but if anyone asks his default is either “Lord of the Rings” or “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” both books he loved but not his favorite
-his nephews are his favorite people on this planet and he would literally move heaven and earth for their safety
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bruhmanbeyond · 1 year
“Punk SZN has returned”
Nas x CM Punk
Edited by: me
🎧: Hate Me Now by Nas fr. Diddy
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artistgoudeau · 3 years
Black/fem reader x Everyone “The Do-Over”
Reader is a huge Blerd (black nerd) that gets transported to Attack on Titan universe in the year 843. She “luckily” was coming home from vacation. Fell asleep on the plane and woke up outside the walls (with her bags to make life easier for y/n) Now reader is curvy and has a fat ass (I DO make the rules). This, plus her darker skin and fluffy hair, drives everyone crazy. Erwin, Levi, Miche, and Hange are all very close. Rumors go around about them fucking all the time. But no one could prove it. You didn’t even know if they liked each other. You could only guess. But Erwin is always so interested in talking with you. Clumsy man seems to always drop something on the floor for you to bend over and reach. Hange squeals everytime she sees you and is NOT shy about flirting with you. You’re so pretty and she genuinely is curious about you. She ends up brushing her hands in weird places but that’s just her being extra excited. Levi is canonically a virgin so you wouldn’t want to make him uncomfortable with your cleavage and fat thighs when it was hot and you had to train. But it seemed okay because everytime you looked his way, his eyes would travel up from your ass to your eyes and stay there. Miche was the most obvious. He liked to flirt and joke about what your babies would look like. How those kind of hips are rare and he would love to help you with extra training. He would sniff you often. Commenting on how your hair smelled so soothing. You catch the other three vets staring daggers at him if they happen to catch his flirting.
One day you overhear a conversation happening in the commander's office. Eavesdropping isn’t very nice.
Miche: good GOD I can’t take much more of this..
Levi: Are you some teenage idiot who can’t keep it in his pants? Y/n has probably had enough of the fucking flirting! You’re her superior! Act. Like. It.
Hange: Now WAIT A MINUTE! I know for a fact you’ve been beating off to her in the showers!
Levi: And just how THE HELL would you know that?
Erwin: Okay. Okay. Let’s not beat around the bush, y/n is very…ahem… attractive. But we can’t just all gang up on her with our feelings.
Miche: Why not?
Hange/Levi/Erwin: WHAT THE FUCK?!/ Hah?!EXCUSE ME!
Miche: whoa whoa whoa! I didn’t mean FORCE HER! I meant what if we all approached her in our own way and try to actually build bonds with her. She will feel left out if only one of us showed interest and the rest of us just ignore her trying to be nice. Besides, I don’t really want anyone else to have a chance to steal her. If we can learn to share we might be able to make this work.
Erwin: That is incredibly-
Before your commander could even finish his sentence you dropped your papers you were holding close to your chest as you leaned your ear to the door to listen. Up until that moment you had very sinful thoughts about most of the scouts. Muscles + being in an unfamiliar place with no one to relate to or really even looks like you = sad(horny) and desperately seeking an excuse to act out. It was juvenile, you knew. But you had been transported to an ENTIRELY fictional world where you knew everything about everyone and you were the ONLY brown skinned person in the walls! You had been stuck out in the wilderness when you were caught by none other than the Commander himself.
You both stared at each other for what felt like hours. Him: looking at a woman with features he’s NEVER seen before. A person that only exists in the past and in his fathers stories about the world. You: completely stunned by the fact that one second you were at the airport on your way home from vacation, and now you are staring at a man (that you have definitely read questionable fanfiction of) staring at you. That would just be too good of a cosplay to have a giant naked man also running behind him to catch up to you two. Then you snapped out of it and called him by his name.
You were running towards him before you even registered what was happening. You ran to his horse's backside and stood at a decent distance before you smacked its ass and it ran like hell. Erwin seemed to be in a trace as his eyes followed your frame but his hearing stopped working. When his horse suddenly lurched forward he was nearly thrown off but had enough sense to right himself before turning to look back at you trying to run the titan in a different direction. What the fuck are you doing?
Y/n: oh fuck! I’m gonna die! I can’t believe this! I hope Erwin is okay! God if you’re there I need some fucking help!
God answered your prayers that day.
As if on cue (like it’s a tv show or something) the titan suddenly is struck from it’s nape and falls a few fucking feet from you!!! You didn’t even have to look up to know that it was Levi who came to the rescue. Not that you could, you were currently hyperventilating, sweating, and swearing.
Levi: hey! HEY! Look at me! Can you tell me your name? How did you get out here? Are you alone?
You had enough sense (and therapy) to try and focus on his words.
Y/n: my name is y/n. I don’t know. And I don’t know. I just woke up here.
Levi: outside the walls?
Y//n: looks like it.
Erwin finally speaks up after watching Levi save you then listening to Levi question you.
Erwin: How is that possible? There’s no one living beyond the walls and someone as unique as you would’ve been hard to miss inside the walls.
You look at Erwin and you can’t control the deviated look on your face. Both of them catch it but they don’t know what it means. You are crashing now from the rush of life saving adrenaline. You need to be quick and concise here and get your point across.
Y/n: I am not from this world. But everything you know about the Titans and this world has been a lie. *you look to Erwin and stare into his eyes* Your father was right, Erwin. And because he was so close to the truth the MPs killed him. And he WAS very close. I know the truth the king is hiding from you all and I want to make this right.
Erwin and Levi are stunned. The truth of everything?! Dropped seemingly from the sky!? This must be a trap! But Erwin's father being mentioned was entirely too specific.
Erwin: How do you know my father if you aren’t from this world? How do we know you aren’t a mad woman dressed so strangely and speaking in a dialect I can’t quite grasp. Even if you aren’t mad, how could we possibly know you are telling the truth.
You think for a moment then look to Levi
Y/n: Your name is Levi Ackerman. You were born from Kuschel Ackerman, who was a prostitute, so your father is unknown. She died while you were still young and you were raised by a man named Kenny. He taught you how to fight with a knife and then left you when you could defend yourself. You and you friends, Isa-
You flinch away but you understand. You just told a lot of his personal business right next to Erwin and you’re almost sure he didn’t know all of that. But accuracy was key here. You couldn’t be lying or crazy to recount his life in such detail. He and Erwin were stunned.
Erwin: I think it’s best if you come with us.
Y/n: please. I promise I just want to help humanity.
Levi: tch by spilling everyone’s personal information?
Y/n: no. Because I know everything that happens concerning the titans, humanity, and survey corps for the next 2000 years. And in the next five years, if we don’t change the future, humanity and the earth itself will be 80% decimated. The ground will be uninhabitable for hundreds of years. And even when humanity somehow survives. The land you all currently occupy. Your cultures. Your literature. Your pasts, presents, and futures will be completely eradicated by the outside world in the next 2000 years. Please believe me. I DON'T want this to happen and I’m sure you don’t either. What’s more, I can prove it.
Erwin: Show me.
Chapter end
Please leave comments and criticisms. I am just starting out writing fanfics and I want to make sure I’m doing something right lmao.
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theblerdbox · 2 years
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This Black History Month, I would like to pay tribute to my favorite (adult) book of all time.
Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
I read Song of Solomon for the first time my junior year in High School for a book report. The book was assigned to me, one of two black students in Miss Manning’s 11th grade honors literature class.
I won’t lie, I didn’t want to read it. My classmates were reading Catch 22, Slaughterhouse Five, and 1984. I wanted what they had. But my (white) English teacher urged me, “You have to read this book.”
She was right. Once I picked it up, I couldn’t put it down.
Song of Solomon was the first book to make me cry, to make me laugh, to make me furious….to make me proud to be a Black American.
To this day, out of all the books I’ve read in my 28 years of life, I’ve never read a book that made me feel the way Song of Solomon made me feel.
I’ve read it several times since then. This copy looks the way it should with smudges and stains from tears, coffee, and ink.
Notes in its margins and love in its binds.
Toni Morrison has a way with words that grabs the reader by their gut.
This is a story everyone should read:
Rich & Poor.
This is an All American story.
I could leave you with a profound quote, but there are too many to chose from. So, instead, I urge you to grab yourself a copy, and read away. Read, read, and read until your eyes grow sore and your soul begs for mercy.
That is your right.
The Blerd Box
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sffortheculture · 3 years
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Slide A: That face you make when you 87k+ words deep and haven't hit your half way point... Slide B: The face you make when your really like what's going on in the plot you may...or may not have lost control of. 😜 Everybody think writing is some laid back process. I thought that too. Sometimes writing is putting down plot rebellions from figments of your imagination because they wanna live their best life...😓 Holla if you hear me 🤣 #sffortheculture #wahidaclark #author #authorlife #writingcommunity #blackauthors #blerd #amwritingscifi #amwritingfantasy #WIP #fantasyauthors #writerscommunity (at Bridgeport, Connecticut) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRDAFh_gOvK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gashousegables · 4 years
Jalice Week 2020 Day 2
TFW someone recognises you and you have no clue who they are but you try and keep up conversation to be polite but you’re ~~soulmates~~
Bella, Alice and Angela sit in a triangle shape in Angela’s room, with the mirror on the floor in front of them.
Bella blows out a slow sigh, as Alice murmurs what she was reading from her print-out, “I have a bad feeling about this ….” the girl mumbles.
“Is it because we’re using a spell we found on the internet to find true love?” Angela asks her kindly, “Or is it because the mirror is glass and it’s on the floor?”
Bella twists her palm with a grimace. “Bit of both,” she admits, shooting Alice a look when she absently laughs at her, “look – it involves blood and you know I get squeamish ….”
Alice flaps a hand at her impatiently, nodding and whipping the paper over her shoulder, “Look – you should be happy for me,” Alice points out sternly, “I’m trying to put myself out there again!”
Bella clicks her tongue. “Then use Hinge!” she snaps back, “Don’t do a spell from some white woman’s blog who still thinks about the Hex Girls from Scooby-Doo!” she shoots back. Angela, a Pastor’s daughter that converted to Wicca after arriving in college, presses a hand to her own substantial chest and blinks with wide-eyes, obviously struggling not to be offended.
Alice sticks her tongue out at her freshman roommate. “You’re some white girl,” she mutters back, leaning over the mirror and giving her mascara a quick check.
“Oh,” Bella raises both hands up as though asking for mercy, “so we’re throwing around hurtful words to be hurtful, okay.” Alice laughs at her as Bella rolls her eyes.
Angela, the only white girl in the room, smiles gently and taps her black fingernails in a little rhythm against Bella’s shoulder. The touch makes Bella’s ears go red and Alice grins toothily at her. “Hey – let’s start, okay?” she prompted gently, and Alice nods graciously, raising her eyebrows as Bella consciously rearranges her flannel shirt as Angela puts her own hands back in her lap. Everything about Angela was pleasant – from her black and white face makeup and her carefully fluffed out tulle skirts to her huge pillowy breasts that Alice had sobbed into wine-drunk on many occasions.
Angela reaches over and slides the paper Alice tossed to herself, and begins reading it out. “So – Japanese lore states the red string of fate is connected to your soulmate and it’s tied around your pinky,” she explains, scanning the words.
Bella shrugs, “Yeah, we all watched anime back in highschool … and yesterday,” the slightly abashed blerd mutters absently. Alice huffed a short laugh – she was Chinese but even she had been plagued by weeaboos who didn’t care or understand the difference in the suburbs of Biloxi.
But Angela blinks, looking shocked, “O-oh, really?” she asks, glancing between the two of them, “I didn’t – wow, you must be really cultured,” she stammers to Bella, who snorts at the quip and trades a flat look with Alice. Bella sure brought ‘culture’ to their freshie dorm with her Tsunade body pillow and wall-scrolls. Though she at least had the courtesy of being mildly mortified when Alice had shown up to claim the other bunk.
Angela’s faint smile disappears and she ducks her head down to read in silence. The change in her posture is pretty clear and both Bella and Alice realise they had made her feel bad. Bella’s next look at Alice was one of wide-eyed incredulous. They had both assumed the goth girl had been sarcastic.
Alice leans closer to Bella, barely breathing out the words; “Bella, the goth Gee-Eff of your dreams grew up a normie.”
Bella nods, her eyes still wide and visibly shrugs a little helplessly. Alice has to suck her lips behind her teeth to keep from bursting into laughter, knowing it would just make Angela feel worse.
“You dirty weeb!” she declares, smacking Bella on the arm theatrically, “not everyone was a loser-nerd in highschool!” she adds, nodding quickly before Angela glances back up at them as Bella rubs her shoulders cluelessly.
Bella’s eyes return to their normal shape as she also nods, still looking lost, “u-uh, right, Angela, sorry, yeah, I was just at home being horrendously online and dodging viruses from Crunchyroll,” she stammers.
Angela blinks, before she smiles pleasantly again, “oh, I don’t think being the Church youth leader was any better,” she whispers back with a wink.
Alice claps her hands as Bella was liable to fall into a smitten silence at any moment. “Back to me, please!” she calls out, “me and my stagnant love-life!”
Angela nods quickly and holds out her hands. “Okay – it says we put a drop of Alice’s blood on the mirror and the face of her soulmate will be revealed,” she reiterates. Alice nods and pets her Grandmother’s sewing kit, where any of the needles in the felt tomato were waiting for her.
Bella leans over towards Angela and whispers loudly, “If it’s a Chipotle burrito, I think we should ignore the homophobia and go get lunch.” Bella beams proudly as Angela giggles and Alice gives her the finger.
“My soulmate is not gonna be a burrito!” Alice snaps, “He’s gonna be a tall, bisexual alien, or I’m gonna get a refund!”
“Yeah!” Angela says confidently, blindly supportive – unlike Bella, who mutters ‘alien?’ like the word was a fly that flew too close to her face.
So Alice was in a terrible mood as she pulls out a needle and sticks it into her finger immediately, not giving Bella any warning.
Bella shouts out in horror and blindly starts to crawl away. Angela, shushing her sympathetically, ends up ushering Bella closer to her. In her panic Bella throws her shoulders over Angela’s thigh and promptly climbs into her lap.
Alice pulls the needle out, not fussed as she sticks herself sewing all the time, squeezing her pinky until the blood wells up. Bella whimpers, her hands over her eyes as Angela coos and rubs her back.
Alice dabs her finger on the mirror and grabs a tissue from Angela’s desk to scrunch into her fist.
Bella sighs loudly and theatrically, slumping forward slightly. Angela laughs at her display gently and Bella jolts, as though just realising where she was.
“Jeez – I’m sorry!” she exclaims, her cheeks and neck bright red as she scrambles away from Angela.
“It’s okay – that’s what my extra padding is for!” Angela says, laughing a little harder, enough to make her belly and chest jiggle a bit. Alice rolls her eyes as Bella gallantly whips her head to the side to avoid staring.
“Soul! Mate! Soul! Mate!” Alice chants, punching the air between each word.
Angela nods and leans over the mirror. Bella, still trying to avert her gaze from Angela’s massive rack, gingerly peers over as well. Alice sticks her head between theirs and scowls.
“What the fuck?” she scowls. The mirror did not show their eager faces – it showed a man talking to someone, his mouth moved and no sound came out, though.
Angela gasps softly. “… Oh my god, it worked,” she breathes out, looking amazed.
Bella was also less than impressed, gesturing to the mirror. “Who the fuck is that?” she asks, as Alice throws up her hands, just as lost as she was, “How are you supposed to find him?” she asks again and Alice just starts shaking her head, having already had the same thoughts.
Annoyed, Bella gestures at Alice’s hand, still clutching the tissue. “Show me your hand –,” Alice opens it, but Bella sees the dries red spots of blood and shudders, starting to crawl again, “oh god, don’t show me, don’t show me!” She shrieks, making Alice shrug in growing annoyance.
“Quit wiggling around!” Alice snaps back at her.
“You guys – it actually worked!” Angela exclaims, looking at them both with complete excitement.
“Yeah, Alice is a freak,” Bella replies, settling back down closer to Angela and further away from Alice’s bloody tissue. “She used to leave a peeled orange out ‘for ghosts to eat’” Bella wiggles her fingers in a mock-quote as Alice shrugs, “and every morning it was missing a segment. I thought she was just eating them and she said she wasn’t, so one night I filmed it on my phone and the slices were actually straight-up disappearing.” Bella nods sagely as Angela goggles at her. “My nana always hated ‘conjures’, she was a Baptist,” Bella adds, “she also hated gays too, so ….”
Angela looks vaguely concerned, as though that was the closest to suspicion her sweet nature allowed. Alice goes on to explain, “My maternal family had the gift, but my dad’s family grew up super communist so they really hushed it up.”
Bella and Alice were completely calm in the face of this information, so Angela seemed to want to join them, nodding slowly. “… This is incredible,” she says leadingly, waving to the mirror and looking at them both as though hoping they would agree.
Alice crosses her arms and frowns, “No it isn’t – look!” She pointed down to the glass huffily, “I don’t know who this guy is!” She brandishes her stuck finger at them, “There’s no string!”
Bella bats at her hand and the drop of dried blood, “Maybe it only works on Japanese people,” she says thoughtfully.
Alice rolls her eyes. “Oh really, did Naruto tell you that!?”
“No,” Bella says primly, “he’s never said that – okay,” suddenly, she holds out both of her hands and pats the air slowly, “I think we’re just getting hangry at each other.”
Alice sighs once, looking at the ceiling. Just her luck the one spell she tries was a bust. She nods slowly, accepting defeat. “Yeah, now I want a burrito,” she agrees and glances at the still-gobsmacked goth girl, “Angela, could you drive us, is that okay?” she asks her slowly, hoping the shock wouldn’t impede her steering abilities. Angela’s father paid for her parking spot in the building because he didn’t know she was a witch yet.
Angela, not one to cause a fuss, nods hurriedly, “U-um, yeah!” she nods absently, seemingly too nice to try and make a big deal out of the situation. She also seemed to realise Alice and Bella were a little fed-up at the moment. “Sure ….”
At the burger joint just outside of campus; Angela, Bella and Alice were sitting directly under the air-conditioner in the food court. It was a hot day and Angela’s all-black aesthetic was making her a little sweaty.
Angela petted her forehead consciously with a napkin, “I’m so silly,” she mutters, smiling thinly.
“Love the dedication to your look, babe,” Alice tells her with complete honesty. Alice frequently went through a Barbie phase in all-pink outfits. Showing up to a freshie mixer with her weeb of a roommate in her homemade Elle Woods-inspired outfit was the reason Angela had even come up to them in the first place. Bella would just be a lonely butch diddling her clit to cartoon characters if it weren’t for Alice. Now she diddled to emo cartoon characters and work-shopped casual texts to hang out with Angela for days at a time. This particular venture took three-days of Bella’s nail-biting before Alice just set it up herself. Really – Alice was instrumental in so many love-lives, outside of her own.
She chews her fries with growing resentment. “We should have a no-dating pact until I break my dry-spell,” Alice declares. Angela nods quickly, while Bella spits the word ‘No’ out from around her burger. Alice absently calls her a bitch and glances around the cafeteria, bored and listless.
Then she jumps up from her stool so fast it clatters to the floor behind her.
“Ohmigod look!” she declares and points straight at the man walking past their table. On the hand she pointed with, a red string was tied to her last finger.
Easily hearing her near-scream, with Alice’s finger incredibly close to his face, the man freezes and points to himself, staring at her. The red string hung loosely between their gesturing hands, swaying slightly.
Angela’s mouth drops open and a tomato slice plops unimpeded from Bella’s burger onto the table. The man from the mirror glances between the three of them with wide-eyes, obviously waiting for someone to speak.
Alice beams. “I’ve been waiting for you!” she tells him excitedly.
Immediately, the man relaxes, grins and walks over to Alice’s side. Angela ducks her head as the red string swings over her when he slides past her.
“I’m sorry honey,” he begins with a placating tone, leaning over and giving her a warm one-armed hug. Alice accepts the hug gladly, wrapping her arms around his neck, as Angela grabs Bella’s shirt and doesn’t let go.
“This is a really fun prank on me, Bella, how did you set it up?” Angela asks her eagerly. At the exact same time that Bella asks; “What the fuck was happening right now?” They stare at each other cluelessly for a moment, before staring back at Alice.
Alice was enjoying the hug, rubbing his back as they politely swayed side-to-side vaguely, before finally letting go. “How have you been?” he asks her, looking glad to see her.
Alice nods, “I’ve been good – yourself?”
“Just fine, just grabbin’ lunch,” he replies, thumbing towards the burger place they’d ordered from. The red string was tied to his pinky but he doesn’t seem aware of it, or was at least too polite to point it out. He taps his own forehead with his finger and draws it away, shaking his head, “I totally forgot we were meetin’ up, darlin’, I’m so sorry,” he says again.
Alice waves a hand, shaking her own head quickly, “No, it’s okay, don’t worry about it – we didn’t have plans,” she’s all too happy to assure him.
He laughs lightly, “Right, right, where’s my head,” he crosses his arms and sighs slightly ruefully, “What’s been up with you since we last saw each other?”
Alice giggles and pets his arms, “No, we’ve never met before,” she tells him easily.
The man’s smile falters, and he raises his eyebrows and stares at her. He looks at Angela and Bella, and then back at Alice. “What?”
“What?” Alice asks him mildly in return. He seems to have nothing else to say and Alice is quick to haul her stool back upright and pet the one next to her, “sit down, sit down!” she ushers him, “we have so much to catch up on!”
“Okay,” looking bewildered, the man does as he’s told, sitting on the stool next to Alice as she takes her own seat.
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