xomegaman · 3 months
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Kenny on Twitch 🫶🏼
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transrudeboy · 1 month
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figuring out how to make gifs with photoshop. here's chuckie t and excalibur from aew dark #14!
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littlemagicalstardust · 2 months
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hookhausenschips · 1 year
Slippery Fingers
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Pairings: HOOK x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3,036 words
Warnings: SMUT 18+, dirty talk, semi public sex, some smartass comments, some light anxiety, maybe slow burn, fluff.
Summary: an accidental text leads to a very eventful time after Hook’s match
A/N: this is the longest imagine I think I’ve written. I hope you all enjoy it because let me tell you, this was a wild ride writing this. NOT PROOFREAD!
I am currently sitting in catering scrolling through tiktok waiting to film some segments. Being the only girl in the faction of the Acclaimed has been a very interesting journey, but a fun one nonetheless. Those three really keep me on my toes. Plus I’ve gained some friendships thanks to Anthony. Many people know them as “The Lads” which is Darius and Dante Martin, Action Andretti, Anthony, and HOOK. As well as making friends with some of the women’s roster like Skye, Willow, Jade, and Britt. I don’t know what I would do without the girls, even if they constantly tease me about a certain FTW champion.
Tonight is a very hectic night on Dynamite, many people racing around backstage. Including talent getting ready for their matches or filming promos. “There she is and looking gorgeous as ever.” I hear a voice say entering catering,. I look up to see Skye and Willow walking towards me. I smile and stand up to hug the duo. I was wearing an acclaimed crop top and some cargo pants. “Hey you two, I thought you weren’t going to be coming tonight?” I questioned as we sat together. “Well we heard from Anthony that you guys had to film some stuff so we thought we would come see our favorite scissor girl.” Willow giggled. I rolled my eyes, “That’s worse than ‘Ass girl’ Willow oh my god.” I groaned. The girls laughed. “And besides we heard your boy toy is having a match with Jack tonight.” Skye smirked. I could feel myself start to blush. “He’s not my boy toy. Tyler and I are just friends.” I said. “Yeah sure, ‘friends’. Because we’ve noticed those heart eyes you give him any time he’s around. And god that sexual tension. Girl if you don’t fuck him already. Speak of the devil.” Skye said and pointed towards the entrance of catering where Hook and Jack were coming in.
“Let’s not go into this please. There’s no feelings between me and Tyler.” I whispered. Willow and Skye exchanged a glance. “Oh hey girls didn’t know you three were going to be here tonight.” Jack said after noticing us. My eyes traveled up Tyler’s body, even if he was in his usual sweats and sweatshirt he was still so attractive. “Oh Willow and I aren’t filming anything but we thought we’d stop by anyway.” Skye answered as Willow nodded agreeing. “I’m just waiting to film some stuff with the guys and then probably head back to the hotel.” I answered as Tyler and I made eye contact. The two nodded. “You’re not coming out with Anthony tonight?” Tyler asked. “I would love to just sleep after that terrible flight but I know he’s going drag me along.” I answered. He nodded and before he could speak my phone dinged. I looked down and seen it was Max texting me that the crew was ready to film. I quickly replied that I was on my way. I stood up, “Hey sorry guys I gotta go film but I’ll catch you guys later. Good luck on the match tonight you two.” I said as I squeezed Hook’s arm as I passed the two.
After filming our segment with Renae, I turned my phone back on after taking it out of my pocket. I was standing with Anthony and Max as they discussed what Max would rap this upcoming show. I seen that I had a message from Tyler, which wasn’t uncommon. What I wasn’t expecting was what the message read. ‘You sure about that?’. My body froze as I realized I had accidentally sent a message meant for the person I was hooking up with, ‘If you don’t throw me down and ruin me until the only word I can remember is yours, I’m going to riot😩’ Oh no no no no. “Hey Y/N are you even listening?” Max waved a hand in front of my face. I jumped in shock and turned off my phone screen. “Sorry, what were you saying?” I asked and looked at my faction partners. Anthony squinted his eyes at me, “Are you okay? You look a little hot.” He questioned suspiciously. I nodded my head, “Yeah I’m good. Just have been off since my flight. What did you need me for Max?” I said trying to divert the attention away from me. Max started to explain a part of his rap that he wanted my option on as Anthony kept looking at me suspiciously.
I paced back and forth in the hallway as my mind continued to race around Tyler’s message. What do I do? I opened the groupchat with Willow and Skye and just started texting. ‘Guys I fucked up.’ I continued pacing waiting for a response. It felt like forever when my phone pinged. ‘Did you go off on Austin and Colten?’ Skye typed. I went back to mine and Tyler’s conversation, screenshot it and sent to the girls. Automatically read was seen from the two. ‘How is that a bad thing?’ Willow asked. ‘Because it wasn’t meant for him!!!’ I typed back. ‘Okay Y/N listen. We both know you like Tyler and deep down you have to know the feeling is mutual. Just go talk to him about it. What’s the worst thing that could happen? You getting your back broke?’ I read Skye’s reply. ‘I’ll get back to you guys later. I’ll go see him after his match.’ I answered and then went to the locker room. Thankfully Billy, Anthony, and Max had left a little bit ago. I sat down on one of the chairs and looked up to the screen to see Jack and Hook making it to the ring. God I hope this doesn’t change our friendship.
I’ve seen several Texas Tornado matches in my life and this one definitely kept me on my toes. I was worried for Hook after he took Preston through the table. Preston’s blood was practically everywhere, even on Tyler’s body. It’ll definitely take a lot to get the stains out of his gear. But I would be lying if I said he didn’t look good covered in it. Soon enough the match was over with Hook and Jack taking the win. My heart was in my throat at the realization that now I would have to confront the consequences of my actions. Thankfully I didn’t have any luggage here at the arena so I wouldn’t have to worry about anything here in the locker room.
I stood up and made my way to Hook’s locker room. My anxiety was skyrocketing the closer I got. Stopping in front of his door I started to doubt everything. No I can’t avoid this forever, I took a deep breath and knocked. “Who is it?” I heard his raspy voice. “Uh it’s Y/N. Can we talk?” I questioned. After a couple seconds the door opened and there he stood still in his gear. “Yeah come in.” He said and opened the door for me. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize you haven’t showered yet, I can come back later?” I said stepping inside and turned to face him. He shook his head, “Nah it’s alright you can chill here. I won’t be that long.” He answered. I nodded and watched as he grabbed the stuff he needed and headed to the showers in his locker room.
Lord his back muscles were going to be the death of me. I shook my head and went to sit on the couch next to his backpack. I looked up at the tv to see Anna Jay going against Kris for the TBS Championship. I jumped hearing his voice “So I’m guessing the text is what you want to talk about?” He asked. I nodded and looked to see him shirtless with a towel drying his hair. I could feel my face start to heat up as he walked to the couch and sat next to me. “That was a great match by the way.” I whispered while trying to collect my thoughts and calm my heart from exploding. His lips twitched into a slight smile. I took a deep breath and realized it’s now or never, “Listen I didn’t realize I had sent that to you, it was meant for someone else in all honesty but.” I paused as he grabbed my hand to stop me from fidgeting. “You don’t have to apologize, I get it. Was a little shocking to have it come from you out of all people. I can’t deny that it made me feel a certain way though.” He said. I froze. My heart continued to hammer in my chest, “Tyler don’t play with my feelings right now, I don’t think my heart can handle it.” I whispered as I felt my throat start to tighten and I looked down.
“Hey, hey come on please look at me Y/N.” He said calmly while lifting my head to face him. “I’ve been into you since you literally ran into me on the way to Tony’s office your first day. You blew me away and as I’ve gotten to know you, those feelings have become way stronger. Can I show you how much I feel for you?” He asked. Looking into those brown eyes I could see the sincerity and love that swirled around them. I couldn’t even speak, I pulled him down to kiss me. “Does that answer your question Tyler?” I ask as we pulled away. He smirked, “Always talking, come here and I’ll give you something to talk about.” He said and pulled me onto his lap as we kissed again.
His lips are soft, the taste of mint on his tongue. His hands move along my back and ass, squeezing the flesh there and making me moan. Taking advantage of my open mouth, he slides his tongue alongside your bottom lip before slipping his tongue inside of my mouth. Tyler moans hungrily as my tongue begins to swirl with his. God he is such an amazing kisser. The act makes my pussy clench impatiently in my panties, aching to be touched by him. To feel him fully stretch me out. Tyler pulls off my crop top and throws it across the room. I begin to kiss him all over now: his neck; his jawline; his collarbone; his naked shoulders. "Fuck baby,” Tyler moans as his head falls back against the couch. His hands roam up and down my hips and sides, squeezing.
I start to grind against him. And god I could tell he was big. I can feel a bulge in his sweats that can only be his hardening dick. He's turned on by me. The fact makes me goes absolutely insane. He stops my hands from wandering into the waistband of his sweatpants, “Wait wait. As much as I want this to go this way. This is supposed to be about you. I have to taste you.” I smirk while standing to take off my pants leaving me in my bra and underwear. “Wow. Y/N, just wow.” He whispered as he placed his hands on my hips guiding me back to the couch. I blush knowing I have such an effect on him. I start to bite my lip and watch Tyler as he kneels down in front of me and opens my legs. When he gets a look at my soaked panties, he smirks. "Goddamn, baby.” he groans. "You're so wet for me. I haven’t even touched you yet. I bet you’ve been like this since my match." His eyes flick up to yours and his hands still at your thighs.
Wordlessly, I nod, unable to speak. But Tyler isn't accepting that. He begins to brush his fingers up and down my wet slit above your panties, paying close attention to my reactions. "Words, baby;" he demands.
"Gimme words." He smirks.
"Yes! You looked so fucking good during your match!" I moan, my toes curling at the feeling of his fingers brushing my wet cunt. Tyler please touch me." He gives me a grin at my reaction, but doesn't keep me waiting. He loops his fingers through the waistband of my panties and pulls them down my legs to reveal my naked, soaking wet pussy. "Shit!" he moans, staring at your sex. “Your pussy is so fucking pretty.” I was about to speak but I was cut off by a moan ripping through my throat. Hook leans in and begins suckling on my clit and eating my pussy like it was his last meal on earth. He is relentless with his tongue and fingers, paying close attention to my reactions every time he does something new. This man. This pussy eating connoisseur was definitely a gift from god. He’s going to be having me act up and sending a thank you card to Taz and his wife. If the head is this good, I can’t imagine what his dick is like. My hips start grinding against his mouth as my fingers weave through his hair pulling him closer. My moans getting louder. Tyler smirks to himself. "You're so wet." he mumbles into my pussy. "Is this making you go crazy baby? Knowing anyone could walk in and see you spread out for me."
I nod and moan in response, unable to form words. Hot flashes of pleasure searing up my spine and through the synapses in my brain. I could feel my stomach start to clench and my thighs start to shake uncontrollably. “Oh fuck, Tyler please don’t stop. I’m gonna cum!” I moan and he continues his assault on my pussy. “Cum for me baby, be a good girl for me. Cum!” He growled against me. My body seized and my mouth dropped into a silent moan as my mind went blank of everything but Hook. I could’ve sworn I blacked out because next thing I know Hook is kissing up my body. He reaches my lips and I pull him to me, moaning as I taste myself on his tongue.
He pulls away while smiling down at me, “Such a good girl. Fuck you taste so good. Here open your mouth and see for yourself.” He says as he guides his middle two fingers into my mouth. I moan and suck on the two digits keep eye contact showing him that my mouth isn’t good for just talking. He nods his head smirking, “That’s right baby. Taste good huh? So fucking good.” I moan and release his fingers with a pop and my hands reach for his waistband. He stops me, “You can return the favor another time. I gotta be inside you. This is about you right now.” I nod my head and reach to take my bra off as he reaches into his backpack and grabs the condom. He slips his sweats off and my jaw drops. Fuck he’s big. He smiles at my reaction after tearing open the condom and putting it on. “You tell me if it’s too much and we’ll stop. Okay?” He states. I nod, “Uh-uh I need your words Y/N.” He says rubbing his cock against my pussy, teasing me. “Yes Tyler I understand. Now stop teasing me please!” I sink my nails into his shoulders.
Tyler goes slow, taking his time to allow me to get adjusted to him. As soon as he pushes in, my jaw is dropping open. "F-Fuck, Tyler!" I whine, gripping his shoulders not even caring if marks were going to show. We’ll deal with the repercussions later. Hook starts to move his hips slowly picking up the pace. The feeling is just too much. His dick strokes the most sensitive parts so deliciously and so deep. I bite my lip trying to keep quiet knowing the show was still going on outside the door. “Enjoying yourself princess?” Hook grunts in my ear. Smirking at the fucked out look on my face. “Haven’t even had me for long and you’re already cockdrunk? Bet you’ve wanted this for so long baby. And I’m so glad to give it to you.” My eyes roll back and I clench around him. His hips stutter, “Oh fuuuck baby don’t do that or I’m not gonna last.” He moans and starts to fuck me harder. “Fuck yes Tyler! Just like that please!” I sob and move my hands from his shoulders to his biceps and squeeze.
That same feeling from earlier begins to build in my core even stronger. I wrap my legs higher on his waist, taking even deeper if possible. Without warning pleasure sores through my blood, “I’m cumming Tyler. Holy shit I’m cumming!” I sob and pull him down to kiss me. He fucks me through my orgasm, chasing after his. My mind in a post orgasmic haze, I begin to beg. “Please Tyler wan’ you to cum for me please. I need it please.” His hips begin to stutter as he moans out a mix of swear words and my name finally reaching his climax. I collapse into the couch with Tyler on top of me exhausted and so ecstatic. After a few minutes of silence and calming down he pulls out and goes to throw away the condom as I groan finally putting my legs down. He walks back over and pulls me onto him cuddling after we help each other get dressed then kisses my forehead. “I want you to know that I don’t want this to be a one time thing.” Hook said. I smiled, “I would hope this wasn’t a one time thing, you think I’m going to let you go after the way you just fucked me? And people say I’m the lunatic.” He laughs. “Careful, I still can show you another way to put that smartass mouth of yours to use. Let me take you on a date after the show.” He said looking down at me. “I think you have the process backwards, you’re supposed to wine and dine me then fuck me.” I giggled as he rolled his eyes. I leaned up to kiss him. “But yes I will go out with you Ty.”
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sydsaint · 11 months
A little angsty! Max at 3am for y'all.
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Summary: The reader finds herself enamored with Max after hanging out with him and Adam Cole. While hanging out one night, Max reveals a part of himself he rarely lets people see to the reader.
You are sat at a table in one of Adam's favorite restaurants for lunch with your brother. Adam is blabbering on about some new game that he just bought, meanwhile, you're busy texting someone on your phone.
"It's got multiplayer, so you should totally get it so we can play on stream together." Adam continues with his heartfelt speech when he finally notices that you're not paying attention to a word he's saying. "Y/N? Hey, Y/N!"
Adam reaches across the table and pulls your phone out of your hands. Your phone falls to the table with a thud and you glare at your brother.
"What the hell, Adam?" You growl and pick your phone back up.
"Have you even heard a word I've said in the last ten minutes?" Adam replies grumpily. "Who are you texting anyway?" He asks you.
You pick your phone back up and finish the text that you were in the middle of typing out. "I'm talking to Max. Why?" You answer Adam's question.
"Max?" Why in the hell are you texting, Max?" Adam sneers.
"Umm, you're his new tag partner. Why aren't you texting him?" You retort. "Besides, Max and I are kind of becoming friends." You add with a casual shrug.
Adam laughs and reaches across the table for your phone again. You move your hand back and out of his reach and glare at him again. "Come on, Y/N. You're gonna have to give me more than, 'Me and Max are becoming friends.' ." He informs you. "Two months ago you couldn't stand the guy."
"So?" You reply sharply and finally set your phone down. "You didn't like him either, Adam." You remind him.
"Yeah, but I've been forced to do group stuff with him for weeks now. I thought all you guys did was get drinks like once. Now you're head over heels for the guy?"
You roll your eyes at Adam's dramatics. "Am not!" You insist with crossed arms. "Yeah, we had drinks. And we talked while we had our drinks, okay? We just connected I guess. Max. He's not like everyone makes him out to be, alright?"
"Like what? An egomaniac and a narcissist?" Adam snickers.
"He's not a narcissist" You protest. "And you're one to talk about egos, mister Panama City Playboy." You tease Adam with his old nickname.
Adam cringes at the mention of his old mantra and shakes his head. "That was a long time ago. I've changed since then." He reminds you.
"And what? Max is incapable of change?" You continue to come to Friedman's defense.
"Okay, okay." Adam puts his hands up in surrender. "I give up. Just don't go proposing to the guy, N/N." He jokes.
You roll your eyes and pick your phone back up. "Screw off, Adam." You sneer at him. "I was going to split the bill for lunch. But since you want to be rude; you can pay for it."
"Hold on!" Adam protests.
"Too late." You flash a grin and slide the bill toward your brother.
Adam begrudgingly takes the bill and pays for lunch. The two of you part ways for the day since you'll be seeing each other for work tomorrow anyway.
You head home and relax for the night. You are busy playing a game on your computer and thinking about maybe seeing if Adam will let you be on his stream when someone rings your doorbell.
You head to check who's at the door and find Max on your porch. "Oh, hey, Max." You greet him with a smile. "What's up?" You lean against the door.
"Hey. I was in the neighborhood and figured that I'd drop by. You don't mind, do you?" Max explains.
"Not at all." You reply. "Come in." You turn and walk away from the front door.
Max nods and follows you inside, shutting the front door behind him. "Thanks. So, what's up?" He asks as he follows you through the house.
"Not much." You shrug. "I was just playing a game in my office to pass the time. I think Adam is streaming right now, so I was going to maybe hop on and join him."
"You stream too?" Max asks you curiously.
You nod and reach your kitchen where you pull a drink from the fridge. "Mhm. Want one?" You offer Max a drink, which he takes. "I don't have a huge following like Adam does. And I don't do it nearly as often. But it's a hobby."
"Cool. I'm not interrupting, am I?" Max nods.
"Not at all." You insist. "In fact, do you want to be on stream with me? We can hop on and bug Adam. Or we could just hang and do our own thing." You suggest.
You lean against the kitchen counter and wait for Max to give you an answer. "I've never really done anything like this before," Max admits. "I don't want to mess up your stuff."
"Nonsense." You laugh. "It's super easy. And I think that I have a great idea for a stream. All you have to do is look pretty on camera and answer questions." You explain.
"That's all?" Max replies. "How is that?"
You push off the counter and gesture for Max to follow you into your office. At the same time, you send out a quick tweet that you're doing a live Q&A on Twitch.
"Every once in a while I'll play an easy game that doesn't require much attention. Like Pokemon or something. And while I'm playing I let people ask questions on stream with a 1$ donation." You explain as you grab an extra office chair from the corner of the room.
"You make money doing this?" Max sits down in the chair you offer him.
You sit down in your chair and begin setting your camera and other stuff up. "Yes, but also no. People send me money to ask questions. But all of the money I make on stream I double and donate to a random charity." You explain further. "So I'm making money, yeah. But I don't ever end up keeping any of it."
"Wow," Max replies. "That's really cool of you, Y/N." He admits.
"Yeah? Thanks, Max." You grin.
You and Max have a productive stream where you both answer questions for a few hours. You let Max pick the charity getting your money at the end of the stream before you end it.
"Well, that was fun." You turn to Max after your monitor is shut off.
"Yeah, I had fun." Max agrees. "Thanks for letting me hang out with you." He adds.
You nod and pick up your drink from beside you. "Yeah, of course. Anyway, time for some questions of my own." You joke. "How are you feeling about the match with FTR tomorrow?"
Max freezes up a bit at your question and you notice him fidget with his hands for a brief second. "No worries here." He chuckles.
"Really?" You raise a brow at Max. "Are you sure? Because Adam admitted earlier that he's been a little nervous about it all week." You admit.
"Really?" Max replies. "It's because of me, isn't it?" He asks you.
You furrow your brows at Max and shrug. "I don't think so. Adam normally always gets a little nervous before big matches. Being nervous before a big match is a normal thing, Max." You assure him. "Plus if you do end up losing. It's not like it's a big deal right? You're still the world champ."
"Right." Max nods, his eyes cast toward the floor as he mumbles something to himself.
"Max." You clear your throat. "Is there something wrong?" You ask him genuinely.
Max remains silent for a moment, unsure if he should spill his guts like this. Truthfully, he's been having the time of his life hanging out with Adam. Cole seems like a genuine friend now. Something that Max hasn't had in a long time. And then there's you. Ever since that heart-to-heart at the bar Max has felt this unnerving connection to you. Like you're the one person in the world that truly understands him.
"Yeah, I'm nervous about tomorrow, alright?" Max finally admits his doubts and fears. "I'm afraid that if we lose then this will all be over with. Adam won't want to be my friend anymore. Then I won't have an excuse to see you. And I'll go back to being alone. Like I always am."
Your mouth hangs slightly ajar for a moment upon hearing Max's confession. And you find yourself unable to stop a laugh from escaping your mouth. "What?" You laugh.
"Oh, so it's funny is it?!" Max snaps at you. "Yeah go ahead! Ridicule me like everyone else does. Old pathetic loser Maxwell can't keep a friend to save his life!"
You compose yourself with a deep breath and wait for Max to calm himself down. "I'm sorry I laughed." You apologize for your outburst. "I know that keeping friends isn't easy in this business, Max. But I just want you to know that, win or lose tomorrow? I'm still going to be there for you." You assure him. "And so will Adam."
"You will?" Max replies, quieter this time.
"I promise." You move your chair closer to Max's. "Adam is already teasing me that I'm in love with you." You recall your lunch with your brother earlier in the day. "And he only jokes about guys I'm talking to when he likes them. So I think that it's safe to say that we're both here to stay."
A small smile cracks on Max's lips and he matches your gaze. "You're in love with me already?" He jokes.
"I might be a tad overly fond of you, yes." You giggle.
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allelitewrestlings · 1 year
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Julia Hart | AEW Dark Ep.187
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dgsource · 5 months
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aunt-ninny · 1 year
Danhausen Nicknames
The group chat was discussing the nicknames Danhausen has given to other wrestlers.  There have to be more. Who are we forgetting?
Ethan Page - Egon
Brody King - Bordy
CM Punk - Pepsi Phil
The Gunns - Ass Boys
Jeff Jarrett and/or Jay Lethal - Jarrett Lethal
Dax Harwood - FTR Bald
Cash Wheeler - FTR Hair
The Rock - The Dwayne
Jon Moxley - Jon Moxley Paquette
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lilmanman99 · 1 month
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sequentialprophet · 1 year
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Trent really said I’ll leave my boys at home in body but not in spirit 🤷
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dynamitekansai · 1 year
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skyeblue_wrestling: We fought last night but made up today 😘💙 Photo creds: @m.g.a_photo
You can watch Skye Blue and Queen Aminata’s match against each other on AEW Dark Ep. 189 (3/28/23) HERE on YouTube, where the show streams weekly for free.
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xomegaman · 2 months
Unserious Kenny 🤣 Can’t go to sleep, watch a Kenny match.
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heelswrestling · 9 months
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Kenny’s Collision debut last night 💙💥♎️⚡️
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littlemagicalstardust · 2 months
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The smooth slide in by Chuckie T is just... *chefs kiss*
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hookhausenschips · 6 months
Eternally Yours (Songfic Mini Series)
Word Count: 3,096
Summary: Hook and Y/N are devotedly in love, so much so that they are willing to sacrifice anything for the other person and ultimately be together “eternally” or will they?
Warnings: Angst lotttssss of angst, some toxic behaviors, Tyler is a neglectful partner, reader is in love (yikes sis)
Hook Taglist: @shawtys-things, @gethooked, @hope4more, @redpool, @lovethathookhausen730, @dgcrimson-garcia
Join my taglist here!
song: Eternally Yours by Motionless In White
A/N: this is my interpretation of the song! But I hope you all enjoy this, stay tuned for the next two parts of this mini series and keep your tissues on deck because they will hurtttt
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Blow the bridge to the past
Wipe the fingerprints
Melt your heart encased in wax
Steal it with a kiss
I had first met Tyler when he was a member of Team Taz back in 2021. Back before he was known as ‘The Cold Hearted Handsome Devil’, he was someone who was happy around his friends, especially his little group. I was just debuting in the women’s division slowly making a name for myself. I found myself being enamored by him. They say love can make you do stupid things, but he made every waking moment worth it. He showed me how to be myself again.
“Tyler you have to get going for your match or else your dad will kill us both.” I spoke as I pulled away from him. He smirked looking at my lips, “Just one more for good luck.” I rolled my eyes and gave him a brief kiss before pushing him towards the Guerilla, “Go become a champion baby.” I said with a lovesick grin on my face. He winked and left through the tunnels towards his destiny.
Our fate engraved
Scar enslaved
As we mutually destruct
Repose, my love, I've sinned enough
A year had flown by and we were going strong. The entire roster could see how in love we were, even the fans even though we hadn’t confirmed it to them. They all knew though. I knew in my heart he was who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I have never felt so seen, heard, understood, or loved the way that Tyler did. He was undefeated as FTW champion and I was working my way to my own championship. We tried our best to see each other as much as we could, and those moments I hold dear.
“Come on please just one ride?” Tyler begged as I shook my head furiously looking at the humongous roller coaster. The anxiety made my stomach cramp up and my throat close at the thought of the tall drops the ride had. “You jump off of a metal square and do all those flips with no thought about it but a roller coaster is where you draw the line?” He questioned as he wrapped his arms around me. I nodded, “That is different. I have control over those, that thing I don’t. Do you know how many people die on roller coasters?” I exclaimed pointing at the pile of metal. I could feel his body shake as he laughed, “Yeah no more watching Final Destination. Tesoro, I promise you will be fine. I will be right beside you.” He tried to reassure me but I shook my head once again. “Go ride it with the lads, I’ll be right here.” I replied. “What kind of boyfriend would I be to ditch my incredibly beautiful girlfriend at Six Flags? I’m staying with you.” He said. 
I giggled knowing he was being overprotective, “You do realize they shut the park down for the roster, no one is going to bother me. Go ride that ride, you can join me on CraZanity.” I said giving him a kiss and pushing him towards our friends.
Falling for him was so easy.
For the both of us
In the name of love
I'm ready to bury all of my bones
I'm ready to lie but say I won't
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To rot in this garden made of stones
Eternally yours
“Why can’t you understand that I want to be with you!” I exclaimed as I felt tears burn my eyes. He just stood there emotionless. “I don’t care what anyone says or does because they’re not you! For two years I have done nothing but stand by your side, through every win and loss. I have been there.” I then gestured to our championships both laying limply on the couch, “Those mean nothing to me. You are the one true prize for me Tyler. Nothing else in this world means anything if I don’t have you.” I sobbed. Closing my eyes I tried to gather my thoughts when I felt his arms embrace me. My body shook as my tears stained his hoodie. He began to slowly sway back and forth. ‘What a stupid fight’ I thought to myself, all over a stupid romantic storyline Tony Khan thought would be a great push for my career as champion. I pulled back and looked into the earthy brown irises that I called home, “I would sacrifice that title and my career if it meant that you were happy. I can call Tony right now and tell him I’m done.” I whispered. He shook his head and pulled my head back to his chest. We were going to be okay, we had to be.
I feed like you taught me and selflessly swallow
We coalesce in darkness, so selfishly hollow
Examine the wreckage
Writhing in tempo
Invisible anguish, casting a shadow
I was currently laying outside of the ring trying to catch my breath after being slammed into the barricade by Julia. Tyler was in the ring with Brody from what I could tell the two were exchanging blows after being tagged in. Julia had run back to her side of the ring cheering on Brody. I slowly began to rise to my feet, my heart stopped beating in my chest at what I had seen. Brody had Tyler in a chokehold holding over the other side of the ring. My thoughts of professionalism went out the door then and there. While the ref was distracted I rushed to one of the security guards and told him to move. I then rolled into the ring with the metal chair and hit Brody with the chair causing him to drop Tyler. The ref called for a disqualification but I could care less. This match wasn’t for any championships, all I could think about was Tyler passing out and the thought terrified me. 
“I had it handled! You should’ve never even grabbed the chair.” Tyler seethed. I just looked at him as he continued on his tangent. Yes he had a right to be angry at me but all I could think about was his well being. I rolled my eyes, “yeah and what just watch you be choked out and then possibly dropped so you can be injured?” He whipped around at my statement, “It wasn’t your call! That was ignorance and selfishness. Brody has been doing this a lot longer than both of us. I trust him.” He retorted. I laughed sarcastically. “Well excuse me for caring about MY boyfriend.” I said before leaving the locker room with my things. This feels like the millionth fight we have had recently, practically over nothing. It was causing a strain on our relationship and I could tell it was hurting us both, but we were both too stubborn to apologize. 
And in the name of love
I'm ready to bury all of my bones
I'm ready to lie but say I won't
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To rot in this garden made of stones
Eternally yours
As we rest in pieces, though I know not your name
I would suffer forever to absolve all your pain
I lay in another hotel room bed alone. The fight with Tyler still replaying through my head as I scroll through my photos trying to think of happier times. I stopped at a picture of the two of us at one of his family cookouts, it was the first time I had met them. I smile at the memory. I laughed at a story one of Tyler’s cousins, Elena told me about him when they were younger. “No yeah his dad was so pissed but I mean he didn’t end up wrecking surprisingly. He wasn’t allowed to drive for the rest of the school year. So don’t ever bet him in anything because he will try to prove you wrong.” She said as I shook my head taking a sip of my drink when his aunt, Elena’s mom, butted in. “So have you guys said it yet?” She asked. My face flushed as the group of girls giggled. I shook my head, “No not yet.” I whispered. She nodded and placed her hand on my arm, “No need to worry pesca or have any doubt about it. The eyes never lie and I have never seen my nipote look at anyone the way he looks at you. His eyes shine! I can tell you feel the same as well.” She spoke (peach, nephew). I nodded and looked to where Tyler stood with his dad and uncles at the grill talking, “I do love him. A lot actually.” The cousins squealed, causing the guys to look up at us. My eyes locked with Tyler and he winked at me, my face flushed again and he smirked at my reaction. 
We then were in his parent’s kitchen doing the dishes, me washing and him drying as Taz and Theresa were relaxing in the den, setting up some board games. “Did you have fun today?” Tyler asked as I handed him a glass. I nodded and smiled softly, “Your cousins told me what you were like growing up. A very mischievous and bad kid you were if those stories are true.” I teased as I turned to look at him. He groaned but I could tell he wasn’t upset or bothered by the smile on his face. “What ones did they tell you?” He asked before putting the glass away and then placing his hands on my hips, his thumbs massaging the little peak of skin showing from my shirt rising. I shook my head, “I can’t tell you that. My lips are sealed.” I said mimicking locking a lock on my lips and throwing away the key. He quirked his eyebrow, “I think I can find some ways to get them unsealed baby.” he whispered. I smacked his chest, “Your parents are in the other room, keep it in your pants Senerchia.” He grinned, “I wasn’t even thinking that but if you’re offering..” He trailed off. I giggled, leaned up and pecked his lips, “Beat me in these games and I’ll think about it baby.” 
I sighed at the memory, what a happier time. A less complicated time in our love story. God stop getting emotional y/n, if he wanted to be here he would be.
I'm ready to bleed to make amends
And sleep in this dirt we call our bed
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To fall and rewrite the bitter end
Eternally yours
It’s now week three of us not speaking. I have been told from multiple friends how miserable the two of us are without the other. Clearly the fights we’ve had the past few months say differently. This time I didn’t let him in my hotel room because he never showed up. There was no make up angry sex to “fix” us. I was snapped out of my thoughts as Kris, Willow, and Skye kept repeating my name. “Yeah I’m here.” I whispered as we sat in one of the unused locker rooms talking. “We’re going to catering, we’ll be right back okay?” Kris asked. I nodded as the group left. My thoughts began to consume me again as I laid on one of the many couches. A few minutes later the door reopened and I assumed it was the girls so I continued laying down letting my thoughts eat away at me. But then I heard the door handle rattle. I froze hearing a familiar deep voice, “This shit isn’t funny. Open the door now.” I then heard several voices, “Not until you guys make up. We’re tired of the gloomy cloud hanging around you two. Make up; fight it out, or fuck it out!” I sighed and closed my eyes trying to ignore him and the heavy beating of my heart. It felt like hours continued to pass by fast before I opened my eyes. I looked over and he was sat by the door across the room glaring at his phone. 
He had dark circles under his eyes. He didn’t look like himself, the actual Tyler. I cleared my throat trying to ease the tense and somewhat awkward atmosphere. “How’ve you been?” I whispered. I received silence as an answer. I rolled my eyes, “Oh yeah I’ve been great too thanks for asking. Nope lost my championship a couple weeks back, but I’ll bounce back to get it. I won’t stay down forever.” I spoke sarcastically. Still silence greeted me. I could feel my patience begin to thin. “Fine you don’t have to talk but I will ask you one question.” I said and he continued typing away on his phone. “Are we broken up? Because if we are, it would've been nice to know instead of tearing apart my heart for someone who doesn’t want it anymore.” I questioned. He stopped typing, almost dropping his phone. He finally looked at me, his eyes dark as they looked me over. I picked at my nails nervously waiting for an answer. “You don’t think I love you anymore?” He countered. I laughed, “Funny way you have of showing it Tyler. Ignore me for three weeks, my texts or any time I try to talk you walk away. You wouldn’t even look at me. That isn’t love. So no, I don’t think you love me anymore. Not as much as you used to or maybe even not at all. So get on with it so I can deal with this heartbreak and heal finally.” I spoke. He set his phone down still watching me. “I do still love you.” He whispered. “You don’t have to lie to me, you’re only hurting us both by doing that.” I argued. He shook his head, “I know there isn’t any amount of things I can say to make you forgive me ever but I will always love you. Nothing or anyone will change that.” He said as he stood and walked towards the couch sitting in front of it.
 “I know I haven’t been the most perfect boyfriend or loving lately. I could give a million excuses but none of them can go back and fix this. Seeing you with Isiah and Daniel hanging out together you looked so happy, it made me think what if you left me for either of them or someone else. Those thoughts destroyed me. I should’ve been a man about my insecurities and told you about them but instead I took the anger from those thoughts out on you. If I could give you the universe to make you happy I would do it. The love I have for you runs deeper than the ocean. I don’t picture anyone else being the mother of my kids or anyone I want to grow old and happy with but you. God y/n I’m terrified. I’m terrified of the way you make me feel after all these years.” Tyler rambled pouring out his heart and every thought in that moment. “I would rob a bank or go to prison for killing someone if they made you cry. I would do anything for you. The world means nothing to me without you in it. Please tell me what I can do to help fix this.” He begged as tears trailed down his face. I hadn’t realized I was crying too until he reached up cupping my cheek and wiping some away. I sniffled, “Love isn’t easy Tyler. If it was there would be a guidebook to it. You’re the only one who has my heart and the only one who ever will. In this lifetime and all the others, you are the one I want.” I whispered, placing my hand on his cheek as he leaned into it. “We can work through this, we’ve worked through worse.” I said before kissing him.
I'm more than willing to rot in hell with you
I'm ready to bury all of my bones
I'm ready to lie but say I won't
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To rot in this garden made of stones
I'm ready to bleed to make amends
And sleep in this dirt we call our bed
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To fall and rewrite the bitter end
Eternally yours
I was standing with Tyler taking pictures at a small event AEW was hosting. When suddenly the lights went down and a video started playing (A/N: based off this tiktok I seen last year and fell in love with). I turned towards the screen and leaned against Tyler as it played. I smiled watching the video until it showed a picture of Tyler on one knee. I gasped and turned to look as he was on one knee holding a black velvet box with a gorgeous ring as tears flooded down my face surrounded by friends and family. “Y/n, we’ve been through many things these past two years. Through everything we always find a way back to each other. You’re the one person I look for in the crowd during every show. The one person who understands the hardships of what we do. You’ve challenged me in many ways and you’ve helped me become a better version of myself everyday. I know we’re not perfect and neither is our love but I know there is no one else in this world I would rather share this life and love with. I would go through every storm for you, burn down every empire to make you happy. You make the world brighter around you no matter where you go. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, share this life with you and hear all the random little facts you read about or the dumb little dad jokes you know.” He spoke before grabbing my hand, “So Y/n will you marry me?” He asked, smiling at me with tears welling up in his eyes. I nodded and whispered, “Yes. Oh my god yes!” Everyone cheered as Tyler placed the ring on my finger and we kissed. Yeah our love wasn’t perfect or the most beautiful thing to grace the planet, but it was ours and that was all that matters. I can’t wait to be Mrs. Senerchia.
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sydsaint · 1 year
Please I love this secret softie so much 😩
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Summary: Adam pairs the reader off with Max to get rid of him for the night. The reader finds it to be a nuisance at first. But she quickly learns that there is more to Max than what everyone sees on tv.
It's a typical Wednesday night for the AEW roster. Dynamite is about halfway through its broadcast and the team of MJF and Adam Cole have just picked up another win in the blind tag team elim tournament. 
"Great work out there, Adam, good buddy." Max playfully hits Adam on the back of the shoulder with a hearty chuckle. 
"Yeah, thanks." Adam nods stiffly, still not used to Max being this friendly. 
The pair are returning to the locker rooms when Adam spots Roderick coming down the hall, and you're with him. He grits his teeth at the thought of dealing with another bout of Roderick and Max drama. 
"Hey, Adam, buddy. Isn't that Roderick down the hall?" Max speaks up after a moment. "Woah! And who's the hottie that's with him?" He adds when he spots you next to Roderick. 
"That's my sister," Adam replies dryly. "Y/N." 
Max's eyes widen in surprise as you grow closer with Roderick in tow. The two of you are casually catching up since you haven't seen Roderick in a while. "Your sister?" Max repeats Adam. "I didn't know you had a sister." 
"Well, I do." Adam nods. "Y/N, Roddy! What are you two doing here?" He asks when you finally get to his side. 
"I'm here catching up with Roddy." You shrug. "And Roddy's just here to film some stuff for next week's show." You add. "Who's your buddy?" 
Adam glances at Max who is essentially staring a hole into your head before he turns back to you and Roddy, a plan now implanted in his head. "This is Max, my tag partner for the tournament." He explains. "Hey, can I talk to you for a second, Y/N?" He asks you. 
"Sure." You shrug and step away from Roderick and Max with Adam. "What do you want?" You ask your brother plainly. "And don't act like you don't want something, Adam. I can tell by the look on your face that you do." 
"Guilty," Adam admits. "Listen can you do me a favor and please hang out with Max for the rest of the night?" He asks you. 
Your jaw twitches in response to Adam's request. "Really?" You narrow your eyes at him. "Why me?" 
"He thinks you're hot," Adam explains. "Please, Y/N? He's driving me insane." He pleads with you. 
"So you want to drop him on me so he can bother me instead?" You reply. 
"It's just for tonight, I promise." Adam doesn't let up. "Come on! Just take him out for drinks and make him buy." He suggests. 
You close your eyes and let out a small sigh. "Fine." You grit your teeth. "But you owe me, Adam!" You poke his chest. 
"I know." Adam nods. "Thank you." 
"Yeah yeah." You sigh again. "Hey, Max!" You turn and walk back over to Max and Roderick. "We're all planning on heading out for drinks tonight, but I'm leaving right now. You want to come with me?" You ask him. 
"Really?" Max replies. "Adam, you didn't mention that we were gonna get drinks after the show." He turns to Adam. 
Adam shrugs and quickly makes up a lie to cover his ass. "Uh, yeah." He nods. "I was going to tell you when we got back to the locker room." 
"Oh." Max nods. "Yeah, sure. I'm always doing for a little pre-gaming before the real fun begins. I'll see you in a bit then, buddy." He grins at Adam. 
"Right." Adam flashes you a pleading look. 
You get the hint and begrudgingly tap Max on the shoulder. "Come on, let's get out of here. Adam, We'll see you in a bit. Say hey to Britt for me." You dismiss yourself and Max. 
The journey from the arena out to one of the bars nearby is mostly silent. It isn't until you and Max are settled at the end of the bar does he really speaks up. 
"Get whatever you want. The first round is on me." Max offers with a smile. 
"Thanks." You match his smile and order a drink from the bartender. 
You and Max both get your drinks and fall into a casual conversation. "So, Adam didn't tell me that he had a sister," Max explains. "What do you do for a living? You in the business like Adam?" He asks you. 
"I wrestle for ROH." You nod and take a sip from your drink. "Have been for about 10 years now." You add. 
"Really?" Max replies with intrigue. "You must wrestle under a different name?" 
You take another sip from your drink and scan the bar. As you look around a reasonably attractive guy catches your eye for a second. You smile at him before you turn back to Max. "Yeah, I didn't want to deal with the drama and piggyback of using the Cole name when Adam was already getting so popular." 
"Right. You wanted to make your own name." Max nods. 
"Exactly." You are a bit surprised by Max's understanding of your situation. "Anywho, what about you? How is tagging with Adam going? Weren't you two at one another's throats a few months ago?" You ask him. 
Max nods and brings his drink to his lips. "Yeah, I guess we did kind of hate each other for a while there." He chuckles. "But I don't know. Adam kind of seems like he's willing to let the past be in the past you know? At least I hope he does. I've been having fun these past few weeks with him. He's a good friend." 
"None of your other friends are jealous of Adam getting all your attention?" You joke with a small laugh. 
"No, not really," Max replies quietly and you notice him fidgeting with his glass. "Truth be told, I don't really have many friends." He chuckles to himself. "Everyone is just kind of gone now. Not that I'm not the one that burned all those bridges." He explains. 
Your eyes widen a little bit at Max's surprising heartfelt confession. "Oh." You reply quietly and finish off your drink. "Yeah, I kind of know what you mean." You let out a small sigh. "Sure, when you've been in the business long enough, you're bound to burn some bridges and make some enemies. But I'd like to think that I've burned just a few more than I should have." 
"You too huh?" Max matches your self-deprecating laugh. 
You and Max talk a little bit more about work and your habit of making enemies out of friends. And soon enough, you start to feel bad that you assumed that Friedman was a bad guy. 
"Hey, can I tell you something, Max?" You ask after you've got a few drinks in you. 
"Sure." Max nods. "What's up." 
You play with your empty glass for a moment and try to get over your embarrassment. "Adam kind of asked me to take you out for drinks so he could get away for the night." You explain sheepishly. "He's not coming." 
"...Oh," Max replies quietly and your heart breaks. 
"I'm so sorry." You shake your head. "I've heard so many stories about how much of an egotistical dickhead you are. And I just assumed that all the stories were true. But we've been sitting here for like 3 hours now. And you're not! You really seem like a great guy! And I'm the one that's a total bitch here." 
You finish your confession and study Max's face while you wait for a response. And you fully expect Max to either chew you out or simply just get up and ditch you right then and there. But he doesn't. Instead, you watch him compose himself and beckon the bartender over for another drink. 
"It's alright." Max turns to you while the bartender is getting you and Max both another drink. "Trust me, I know how unbearable I can get at times." He chuckles. "Adam probably just wanted some time alone with Britt. I get it. And I get you thinking that way about me. Everyone believes it. Trust me." He adds. 
"Do you want me to go?" You move to get out of your chair and leave. 
Max shakes his head and hands you a fresh drink. "You can if you want." He assures you. "But I'd like to keep this night going if you do too. Personally, I think that it's time that both of us stop burning those bridges when things get tough." 
"Yeah? Me too. Thanks, Max." You nod and sit back down in your seat. 
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