#words for facebook
Sometimes, it isn’t the one who takes your breath away, it’s the one that reminds you to breathe.
k.b. // by jennifer johnson
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catchymemes · 2 years
This was posted on a ‘second hand finds’ Facebook page…
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…only to be followed by this amazing message.
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The roller coaster ride started.
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With a happy ending…
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…and a sweet poem to finish.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 6 months
Why I Prefer To Text Instead Of Talking
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I don't have to think about body language
It allows for information processing time
If I'm confused by language, I can fact check
If I'm feeling overwhelmed, I don't have to reply
I feel less judged for how I communicate
I can organise my thoughts more easily
I feel more in control of what I am trying to say
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thedevilprobs · 2 months
Don't make me swear the ideals until I've had my coffee
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watchyourbuck · 5 months
Lou Ferrigno Jr hinting “saucy” Tommy events in the upcoming weeks of 911 through a fucking cameo vid was not on my 2024 bingo card
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coquettejohnny · 5 months
people who say that darry would be like old people (tech illiterate, etc) kinda missed the point of his character, the entire idea was that he was forced to grow up too fast when he was still a kid. he's not 40 leave him alone he's 20, he's not much older than ponyboy
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leverage-ot3 · 9 months
no one:
me: let’s check the vibe of the leverage facebook group
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(blurred out my name for privacy)
at first people passed the vibe check with heart/care reacts, thumbs up… and then the boomers came
a lot of people settled on it’s some configuration of parker/eliot or hardison/eliot give off sibling vibes and hardison is dating parker, but a fair amount of folks said they would accept or would like the ot3. one based guy was like ‘if it drives the story then power to them’. someone else just commented ‘till my dying day’, another said ‘I mean… they already measured his head for the robot bodies’. someone else said they like brother sister eliot and parker but queerplatonic with parker and hardison dating is still good to them.
and then there was one woman who basically said if you don’t want honest answers you shouldn’t ask the questions and then said eliot is a good friend/brother to them and love does not need to be romantic or sexual to be strong (girlie what do you think queerplatonic means 😭💀)
also JUST got this gem (and am going to report them)
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edit with my response:
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last edit: she was kicked out of the group after 💀
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prosebyday · 6 months
After years of skimming books, Skipping chapters, spoiling endings – You decided to read me differently.  To caress the spine gently, savor every moment Linger on each word, softly turn each page To take things slowly.  That’s what we said.  You scribbled your annotations Dogeared my corners And tore out every page of me worth something On your journey of self discovery. I’m left splayed open, torn, jagged. we never made it to the end,  You decided it wasn’t fair to keep stringing me along After you already strung me along. You took me back to the beginning To the bench that started it all,  you spoke the words to end it You care more about the symmetry, the symbolism, than the cruelty of leaving me crying in the cold. I know exactly who I am, I can recall those pages by memory, I'll rewrite them, tuck them in gently. I might just be a little sloppy until I find the time to stitch my booklets and refinish my binding But you're left with my fragments. You still don't know who you are, who I am, you've learned nothing. You projected onto me never saw me as an equal and used me to try to grow. All you've done is take and hurt. Many years my elder and far less mature.
I am not the solution to your identity crisis // Grazia Curcuru
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words that couldn’t be truer!
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yuhi-san · 7 months
we had our regular brunch today and my cousin was about to make herself a coffee. she got a cat mug out but then saw another one and got really excited. i was curious what mug she liked so much and...
it was this one.
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(my friend got me one on a photo print site for my birthday because my original one was completely washed out).
anyway i was like, why that one?
then she proudly declared that she wanted to support political statements like that.
i lost it. hysterical laughter.
i mean, good for her to support freelance contractors and all but it's so... her to not actually thinke twice about anything. or take a closer look.
she wasn't too happy when i told her its about a corrupt project of super soldiers in space
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wordsandmeraki · 7 days
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Sending healing energy your way ✨
Source: Facebook
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not-poignant · 13 days
Just saw your post about Ghibli + elements of grotesque with the Nausicaa gifset and how you wrote an essay comparing it to Shinto philosophy and I had to ask - you didn't happen to write that for an IB film class did you?? Cause that would be a WILD coincidence if so, bc I'm doing IB film rn and one of our extended essay examples was literally exactly that; an analysis/comparison of Ghibli movies and Shinto philosophy/religion and it was really really good.
Even if not, that's so cool!! I adore Ghibli and totally agree with the points you left in the tags of that post. Ghibli is about confronting the uncomfortable and ugly and grotesque and scary and acknowledging it as a valid and necessary part of life. Everything in balance!! Sure there are some more cutesy kiddy films which I feel have become more mainstream but especially films like Nausicaa have very real and important messages that often get overlooked :( I was really scared of Nausicaa when I was a child and now it's one of my favourite films!!
Anyway, you're awesome, I agree with your takes and Ghibli rocks 💪
Hi anon!
So this is going to be a wild journey, strap in.
I don't know what IB Film is. I did my thesis in a final year university unit specifically where we all developed our own thesis subject, had a supervisor, and it was basically a test run to do first class Honours (which lets you bypass a Masters degree and go straight to the PhD, which I then intended to do). It was a limited class that only had about 10 people in it, I believe. My supervisor was the head of the film department.
Now, this was back in about 2004. Shit I'm old. Ghibli wasn't a household name. It wasn't streaming anywhere. You couldn't get DVDs easily, and if you wanted them you had to make sure you had a region unlocked DVD player to deal with the DRM and then buy them from overseas. Most people were only getting exposed to these films if they were regular cinema-goers, or if they were an aggressive pirate via downloading torrents (which I was). The only place you could get Ghibli merch pretty much was Japan. It absolutely did not have the kind of traction it has now, no one could do a class on it outside of Japan because the majority of students would have no idea what you were talking about.
I think Disney/Lasseter had picked up the option to do dubs, but for the most part, if we were seeing these at the cinema, they were subbed.
So that's the context! That was in an era where I was the one directly getting all of my friends on Livejournal and in person, into Studio Ghibli. I went to the Ghibli film festival back before Spirited Away came out, and that got me hooked years previous.
In 2004 I did my thesis. At the time I was the only person in the English speaking world to do a thesis specifically on my thesis subject. It had been covered briefly in sentences like 'Miyazaki practices Shinto' etc. and there was one other unpublished thesis I was able to find that talked about concepts of Shinto and some of Miyazaki's films which helped me a lot with my thesis.
I went on a deep dive into Shinto. Because it was a thesis, I had to research a lot into the difference between folk and shrine Shinto (Ghibli films lean very 'folk' but there are moments of shrine Shinto), and ended up with a pretty baller reference list. But many, many, many more resources online and off have come out since. I'd find the thesis very easy to do if I was doing it now.
Because I was the first to kind of present my findings in a thesis like this, the thesis ended up getting published in a book on animism and then journeyed further on because it was of interest to people who are interested in representations of animism in mass media, especially popular mass media.
The specific focus of my thesis statement was the difference between the black and white puritanical morality of Disney, the most popular animation studio for children and adults at the time, versus Miyazaki's mixed morality and more nuanced explorations of good and evil, villains, heroes and antiheroes in Ghibli animations, and how that was at least partly founded in the difference between a more Christianised versus Shinto mindset in relation to nature and intersections with humanity.
Idk, something like that.
The thesis did well! I got my high distinction, got my invitation into first class Honours, and then was too sick to go on and get the PhD and teach about these things, which was what I fully intended to do!
My thesis got some traction over the years, published in a few places both online and in at least two books (one that I own, the other I forget because it's been oh my god like 20 years), so the idea got around!
Anon, there is actually a chance - a small chance - that the only reason you're getting this essay subject in a more standardised curriculum is because my thesis made its way into the public eye 20 years ago and got quite popular. It was never peer reviewed or anything, it wasn't a PhD thesis and didn't need to be, it was mostly just a very well-researched (if I do say so myself) collation of thoughts on the subject as someone is also a practicing animist. In retrospect I really wish I'd incorporated more of Zipe's teachings but he was in a completely different field to media studies and my supervisor didn't know about him to suggest him.
Discussions of Ghibli, Miyazaki and Shinto became a lot more popularised as Ghibli got more popular and people in the western world discovered that there were already a published essay (at the time people could read it without paying for it as I'd put it up online for folks to access) that linked to other sources and the unpublished essay I'd found. So...
Um, yeah, that's wild, because I know that this wasn't a thing in universities 20 years ago, because I was so desperate for resources I was emailing around and asking universities so I didn't have to figure so much out myself. 😅
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techtow · 5 months
To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart. - Eleanor Roosevelt
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 23 days
The Autism “Accent”
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ratatatastic · 2 months
"would you jump on a plane w ekky and go somewhere after a roadtrip?" "uhhhh i think i would actually i trust him hes my partner so i gotta trust him though"
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you can see the cogs in his head turning as he decides on whether he would risk his life for his crush in a slumberparty-esque hypothetical like uhhhh i mean i should? no no yes i should yeah i would trust him yes thats what ive decided i mean i have to trust him he is my partner if i dont trust him with my life on a flying death machine in the sky how will i trust him on the ice? very extreme way to go about it but i respect it all the same
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also his smile at "idk if ekkys at that lvl yet"... bunny teeth...
NHL Network | 3.14.24 (x)
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aessamed · 3 months
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