#word witch
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A Word To Israel
How does a string not break Against a chain and a stone We say none But they go on I’m so sick of this song This isn’t made for no one But when the ground shakes and the lights go out There will be no doubt Revenge is coming about A pierce to the ear The blinding of an eye Flames coming up your thigh Hoping it a bad trip and just high Maybe if you ask forgiveness The Lord might be nigh What you done to another Didn’t think it matter This world for you You were sure But it never were It was for us Take you away on the bus To the place of dust You’ll stay there till you Rust May someone make a fuss But no one must You were made up Built on a lie Now look at you You missing an eye
By: Minister Peacefulpoet (word witch) 12/19/24
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raining-tulips · 1 year ago
Florence Welch song lyrics that feel like prayers:
Oh Lord, won't you leave me, leave me on my knees 'Cause I belong to the ground now And it belongs to me...
I want no more than this.
Literally all of "No Choir"
Well can you see me? I cannot see you Everything I thought I knew has fallen out of view In this blindness I'm condemned to Well can you hear me? I cannot hear you Every song I thought I knew, I've been deafened to And there's no one left to sing to
And I want you so badly, but you could be anyone I couldn't hide from the thunder in a sky full of song
-"Sky Full of Song"
..feel free to add.
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hermitsmirror · 1 year ago
🪄 PICK 🥤 A 🗡️ CARD 🪙
Close your eyes. Breathe deep. Open your mind to the peaceful dark and quiet within. Let it become a vast midnight sea, sparking to life and then twinkling like stars. See new worlds and ways emerge, paths of interwoven wands, shining cups, unswerving swords, or glittering coins. Follow their trails and see the message before you in that colorful sea of inner brilliance. Watch a rainbow path unfold in the recesses of your mindscape. Then pick a card from the Gay Marseille by Charlie Claire Burgess.
Will you pick left, center, or right?
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If you need more time to find your center and those sparks of light within the infinite possibility of the blank and darkened mind, take that time. Find that space within you where creative possibility bursts forth from the depths of your inner world. Let it open and expand and create fresh trails to explore.
How does that feel? I hope it allows you to step into the future with curiosity about what lies ahead but also peace in knowing you've chosen what's right for you.
Now pick a card (if you want) and read its message in the reveal.
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Let me know how it resonates, and share the post with those who might benefit from some inner wisdom.
If you need a more in-depth reading, schedule one with me. And if you want to divine with depth and insight, enroll in my self-paced tarot fundamentals course: Read Tarot like a Nerd.
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chrysoula · 5 months ago
In case it helps, I'm giving you a gift to help you through the next few days. It's a blessing of the Word Witch, and it's a skein of story cotton. For the next few days, everything you do will be part of a story, and you can decide what the story is about. It could be the Story of How You Defeated The Grocery Shopping or the Story About How You Took Time For Yourself, or the Story About How You Stood Up Again. It can be any story you want, but it's always your story. _You_ are the protagonist.
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rogerharkness · 2 years ago
A Used Toy
You laughed at that But if I shot myself in the head Would you cry instead Probably not You forgot me long ago Wouldn’t even know If I was here or I was free This is a fact I was your toy Then you put me back Told everyone and your friends laugh at that Use me and attack Instead of give back as if I were just an object Like I couldn’t feel that How do you go on With memories tide up Like that But you know what Jesus loves me Bet you didn’t know that Jesus forgives and life lives I know that
By: Minister Peacefulpoet (word witch) 6/28/23
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listlesslady · 2 years ago
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web-witch · 9 days ago
This is amazing
Magical Journaling
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When we think of a witch’s tools, we usually think of cauldrons, brooms, and jars filled with herbs. But for modern witches, one of the most powerful tools available is a blank journal. The journal can be an altar, a workspace, a diary, and a grimoire all in one.
Creating a Magical Journaling Practice
One of the benefits of this type of magic is that it doesn’t require a lot of tools and materials. However, there are a few things you may choose to include:
A journal, notebook, or binder. Having a physical journal for your magical practice can help to ground your magic into the physical world. Find a journal or notebook that speaks to you — this could be a composition book from the dollar store, or an elaborate leather bound journal. I highly recommend using a physical book, but if you are unable to keep a physical journal dedicated to your witchcraft, you can absolutely keep one in a Google Doc, a Microsoft Word document, or the Notes app on your phone.
Colored pens, pencils, or markers. These are a great way to include the magic of color in your journal. (See this post for info on magical color correspondences.) Writing your spells in a color that matches your intention can add an extra layer of power.
Stickers, photos, and drawings. This adds a visual component to your written spells. Just like you add things to a physical ritual based on their magical correspondences, you can use images of those things to add energy to journal spells.
A Daily Intention-Setting Ritual
This method of magical journaling is based on an exercise from Lisa Marie Basile’s book, The Magical Writing Grimoire.
In the morning, before you start your day, write your intention for the day ahead. This should be written in the present tense, and phrased in the positive — it’s about what you are doing, not what you’re stopping or trying to quit. Your intention can be anything, mental, emotional, or physical. (For example: “I am opening myself to love in all its many forms.”)
In the evening, before you go to bed, write down what you worked on that day. This can be anything you did that you feel nourished you, and it may or may not be related to your intention from the morning. (For example: “I used mindfulness meditation to become aware of my own vastness.”)
Living with intention makes you more aware of your actions and can be a form of magic in itself. You daily intentions can become positive affirmations that you can repeat throughout your day, drawing strength from the words.
Using a Journal to Cast Spells
You can cast spells on the page of your journal, with nothing more than a pen and paper.
There are four basic parts to every spell: your will, your intention, focused energy, and a ritual action. All of these components can be brought into a journaling session. Your will is your personal magical and spiritual authority — you use your will simply by being aware of it. Your intention is a clear statement of what you want to get out of your spell — in journal magic, this is typically written on the page. By directing your attention to what you are writing, you are focusing your energy. And finally, a ritual action is any act performed in a ritualistic manner — in this case, that act is writing.
When casting a journal spell, it’s best to do your work in a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. You might choose to light a candle or burn incense to help set a spiritual/magical mood, or you might not. I recommend meditating on your intention for a few moments before you begin, in order to help focus your energy.
What you actually write is up to you. It could be a simple, straightforward statement of intention, a detailed description of what you want, or even a poem. Feel free to experiment with different methods to see what feels right for you.
Journaling with Sigils and Runes
You can incorporate sigils, runes, and other sacred symbols into your journal, or use them as spells by themselves.
I’ve talked a little bit about runes in a previous post, but here’s a quick refresher: “runes” typically refer to the symbols used in Germanic alphabets before they were replaced by the Latin alphabet. The oldest Germanic rune system, and the one most widely used in magic, is the Elder Futhark. Other Germanic runic alphabets include the Younger Futhark and the Anglo-Saxon runes, which are both descended from the Elder Futhark. There are other alphabets that are used for similar purposes in magic, like the Irish Ogham. The use of these symbols in magic comes from the ancient idea that writing is inherently magical. Both the Germanic runes and the Ogham alphabet were believed to be sacred by the people who originally used them. Because of this, the runes aren’t merely letters — each symbol has a set of spiritual meanings associated with it as well.
The nice thing about runes is that, for the most part, we have a good idea of what they meant — so learning the runes can be as simple as purchasing a book and memorizing meanings. They’re also tied to ancient belief systems, which makes them a potent source of magical power.
You can use the runes in your magical journal in a couple of different ways. You can draw the appropriate runes in the borders around your spell, or write them over your spell in a different colored ink to add their power to your words. You can also use the runes alone as a form of magic. For this, speak or chant the name of the rune as you write it, and then spend a few moment focusing on it, visualizing your goal, and charging the rune with your intent.
Sigils are a little bit different. Unlike runes, sigils are created on the spot, so the meaning of a sigil is usually only known to the person who designed it. This means that, rather than learning established meanings, you’re creating a new magical symbol with a unique meaning every time you draw a new sigil. Because of this, sigils are directly linked to your will, which makes them powerful conductors of magic.
Here’s a common method for designing a sigil: Write a word or phrase that represents your goal or desire. Cross out all the vowels and/or all repeating letters. Now, use the remaining letters (the ones that haven’t been marked out) to create a design, adding artistic flourishes as you see fit. It’s okay to get creative with this, and it’s okay if the shape of the letters isn’t obvious in the final sigil. For example: if I wanted to create a sigil to manifest wealth, I might start with the phrase “I have more money than I know what to do with.” I then cross out all vowels and repeating letters, leaving me with, “v r y k w d.” Using the shape of these letters as a starting point, I create an artistic design that carries the intention of the original statement.
Sigils are usually used on their own to conduct magic. Draw the sigil in a color that matches your intention (for my wealth sigil, I would use green). As you draw, focus on your intent and feel your energy moving through the pen, charging the sigil. You can leave the finished sigil in your journal, tear the page out and place it on your altar, or display it somewhere you’ll see it often.
Sigils are especially useful for witches who need to keep their practice a secret, because they can be disguised as simple doodles.
The Magical Writing Grimoire by Lisa Marie Basile
The Way of Fire and Ice by Ryan Smith
Runes by Kylie Holmes
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When Jesus Says What Did You Do
Gaza a busted place Rubble in place of flowers Where once were towers Israel just wants a clean shower Remove the people Bulldoze the dust Build back a must But you won’t get your clean shower The people will stay The people will pray Build back they may They will
Justice may take time But the debt will be paid You’ll find Would have been better if you had been kind When Jesus comes and says What have you done Try to speak But your answer will just be a shriek You who killed the prophets With bombs and rockets Blessed are the meek They will rule You thought it would be you
When the ground shakes Your temples collapse You will be left in the street In the cold Without a blanket or even a sheet Naked At his feet As it is written So you shall see Life God has given Is not yours to take Wishing for a storm To wash away the guilt and shame Hope that when you pray Forgiveness might be given that day
By: Minister Peacefulpoet (word witch) 2/7/25
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detailedart · 9 months ago
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"Elizabeth Barrett Browning from Aurora Leigh, 1856" - x
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mcnostril · 1 year ago
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The Witch King's very bad day continues.
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kkcooper · 1 year ago
This is why I prefer to live in my head, books, or gaming, and why I'm working on reality shifting.
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intertwinedquotes · 3 months ago
We all have a past; it remains like scars, and to heal scars, you must nurture them.
i n t e r tw i n e d Quotes
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rogerharkness · 2 years ago
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Jack and Jill’s Place
Jack and Jill ran up the hill Just so they could be Just so they could see They saw All that they could see All lives live under the sea That is their place That is where they be The deeper you go The blinder you be Rise up above the sea Join Jack and Jill Take a breath and be free That’s the place I want to be Been many years One step at a time There’s always someone Who wants to take you down They are the ones who fell down and don’t want you around Wanting you to die like they did Be quite Don’t make a sound You’ll hear that song that sings around Leading you to the steps that can be found One step at a time You will find
Those who make a lot of noise Are the blind Only in silence You will find
By: Minister Peacefulpoet (word witch) 4/17/23
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listlesslady · 7 days ago
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gelphielovebot · 1 month ago
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“i think we’ve found the place where we belong” and there’s pride flags all around them…yeah…
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vriskan8or · 1 year ago
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let her go
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