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The elegant scenery entices your eye pupil.
#chaikiln#woodfiredkiln#woodfiredpottery#morimatea#teapot#teacup#tea#chaxi#teatime#teaceremony#teatray#beautiful#hand painted#chinese tea#landscape photography#elegant#exquisite#teawareaddict#pottery#sitinghu
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anagama wood-firing 09 | 窯焚き09 . . . 今回 9回目の窯焚きは 窯詰を大幅に変え、以前よりは松を多めに 雑木は少なめでいきました。 松はやはり火の伸びが良く、また窯も安定しやすいように感じます。 窯焚き中に常備するものの1つは 山盛りのなます。 おすすめです。 . . . by reviewing those previous 8 firings, i decided to change how pieces were placed in the kiln, fired differently and used more pine this time. i felt using pine made the firing more stable than using other kinds. namasu (pickled daikon radishes & carrots) is one of the things i always have during a firing. it’s so good. i recommend it :) . . . #pottery #ceramics #woodfiring #anagama #bizen #woodfiredkiln #japanesepottery #yamari #erisano #やきもの #陶芸 #備前焼 #穴窯 #薪窯 #窯焚き https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ZL0vOAXO7/?igshid=puyx86aayz4i
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My turn began. #woodfiring #woodfireceramics #woodfire #anagama #anagamakiln #kiln #woodfiredkiln #pottery #ceramics #bizen https://www.instagram.com/p/CaVqEFEvpbv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Happy Easter y’all! Delighted to share some of the results from yesterday’s kiln unload at @monocacyriverpottery with many gems and Easter eggs including this big vase which I’m quite happy with. I don’t celebrate Easter in a religious sense but it seemed fitting that yesterday was one of those Easter/Xmas experiences that so many wood-fire potters so eagerly await, when we can finally discover the individual fruits of the collective labor. It’s always exciting and rewarding to see your own work come out of the kiln, but all so much the richer of an experience to see all of my peers’ work as well, to see it evolve over time, and to see the amazing diversity of styles, all unified by this collective venture. I love unloading days. Unlike the firing, when smaller groups take shifts in stoking the kiln over 24 hours (or so), the whole group of potters is present during the unload, to share the discovery of everyone’s work, and to partake in the final cleanup which is significant.... this is a huge kiln with 3 chambers and those silicon carbon shelves can be heavy as f**k, and they all need to be moved, scraped, recoated with kiln wash, and put away. This would be definitely harder without the village. I meant to share pics and footage of the loading and firing, which I will do in reverse order, soon. Thanks to the whole crew @dugan_jim @msartbabe90 @abyspottery @gregholmesstudio @shannonbrownleepottery @cleanmuddauber @thatpotteryguy @polinamillerpottery @huntprothro @toby_rivkin_ceramics and everyone who participated. #woodfiredkiln #noborigama #woodkiln #pottery #cuisson #défournage #unloading #ceramics #datash (at Thurmont, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNQwxQhJdIQ/?igshid=1mjlzwcsocp5g
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・ 「器ができるまで。」 新学さんの片口鉢を轆轤から窯焚き、そして窯出しまでを映像化しました。Youtubeには、全ての360°動画も公開しましたのでチェックして見てください。 ・ 伊賀片口鉢 作家「新学」 http://www.utsuwayayuuyuu.com/SHOP/MA-195.html ・ #Japan #woodfiredkiln #design #handmadejapan #japandesign #ceramic #plate #gallery #pottery #うちごはん #伊賀焼 #陶芸 #やきもの #うつわ好き#陶芸家 #新学 (和食器 ギャラリーうつわや悠々)
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We are super excited today as it's our first time firing up the kiln! Watch this space to see the results with our first batch of mugs... 🍶🔥 . . . . . . #ceramics #pottery #kilnfired #woodfiredkiln #rustic #homemade #clay #lislejourdain #maisonsalvadore #salvadorecentre (at L'Isle-Jourdain, Poitou-Charentes, France)
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Cottura delle brocche di #Assemini nel forno a legna tradizionale costruito con #làdiri (mattoni in #terracruda) . . . #remodelista #arch #collectingdesign #artcollective #piasa #theworldofinterior #pacecollection #voguemagazine #archdigest #dwellmagazine #wabisabi #idmagazine #interiordesign #1stdibs #architetturasardegna #derebussardois #domus #deezen #woodfiring #woodfiredceramics #woodfiredpottery #pottery #traditionalpottery #woodfiredkiln #ceramica #ceramicasarda #craftmanship (at Assèmini, Sardegna, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPTDfQIM2lW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Drinking the last of my spring longjing and breaking out a couple of wood fires teaware pieces from my personal collection #white2tea #woodfired #woodfiredpottery #foshan #foshancity #woodfiredceramics #woodfiredkiln #woodfiredlove #handmadeceramics #handmadeceramic #handmadeteaware #handmadepottery #teawarewednesday #greentea #greentealover #greenteaholic #greenteatime #greenteatime🍵#greentealovers #longjing #longjingtea #greenteaaddict #greentealove #kyusu #kyusuteapot #wheelthrownpottery #wheelthrownceramics
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A tea is what the heart needs all the time.
#morimatea#teapot#teacup#chaxi#teaceremony#tea#teatray#teatime#beautiful#woodfiredkiln#woodfiredceramics#woodfired#chaikiln#silverart#agedtea#whitetea#shoumei#oldtea#relaxmoment#kung fu tea
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started firing | 窯焚き開始 . 02/06/2018 pm started | 火入れ . fire at 266 ℃ in the kiln using pine and various types of wood . 窯の中、266℃の炎です。 松と雑木併用。 . . . #pottery #ceramics #japanesepottery #japanesepotter #japaneseceramics #woodfiring #woodfiredkiln #selfbuilt #bizen #bizenyaki #bizenware #woodfired #stoneware #tableware #naturalmaterials #japanmade #process #anagama #erisano #陶芸 #備前焼 #焼締 #窯焚き #穴窯 #器 #自然素材
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My turn is about to end. #pottery #ceramics #firing #woodfiring #bizen #noborigama #woodfiredkiln https://www.instagram.com/p/CVLHw6rFkFW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Beautiful morning to be stoking a kiln. Starting the final stages of the firing routine at #oldsaintlukesstudio. #anagama #woodfiredceramics #woodfiring #sunrise #woodfiredkiln
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. . . 窯焚きの際、月の満ち欠け、潮の満ち干きが 関係するということを聞きました。 私も関係があるように感じており 特に火入れのタイミングは暦と潮の満ち干きで決め 月の様子も観ながら焚いています。 . . . it’s been said that the moon and the tide influence how a firing goes. i kind of feel that’s true, so always decide when to start firing based on the traditional calendar and the tide schedule, and also check and see how the moon is during the firing. . . . #pottery #ceramics #japanesepottery #woodfiring #woodfiredkiln #anagama #bizen #やきもの #陶芸 #窯焚き #穴窯 #備前焼 https://www.instagram.com/p/B47UR28gz8x/?igshid=1cfbo62hovegu
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窯焚きお手伝い交代〜ムスメの送迎〜17時ごろから炭入れ。ちょっと休憩。 #pottery #ceramics #firing #woodfiring #woodfiredkiln #kiln #kakugama #bizen #reduction https://www.instagram.com/p/CIHbHncDwZP/?igshid=homcxil9u81a
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おはようございます😃 本日 @kazuhicouchida 在廊中です〜 備前焼作家集団けらもす けらもす11.0 暮らしと備前焼 @暮らしと珈琲 モノギャラリー 〜11月4日まで開催中! 本日作家在廊中ですw ◆zoom在廊も行っています^_^作家工房〜ギャラリー接続中‼︎ ●Zoom トピック: 暮らしと備前焼 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87071115029 ミーティングID: 870 7111 5029 ◆Online Shopでも同時展開中です〜 https://bizenkeramos.shop.base @bizenkeramos @kazuhicouchida @tomoya_amano @t.shibuta @satoshimatono @tatuhikoyasuda @bizen_nabechan #備前焼作家集団けらもす #けらもす #けらもす11 #通信販売 #通信販売はじめました #備前焼まつり #オンラインショップ #keramos #onlineshop #bizen #base #暮らしと珈琲 #モノギャラリー #けらもすドリップパック #備前焼で完成する珈琲 #pottery #ceramics #firing #woodfiredkiln #woodfiring #woodfiringkiln #japaneseceramics #ceramicsart #ceramicsartist ##contemporaryceramics #bizen #japaneseceramicsartist #keramos #yakishime #nonglazed (暮らしと珈琲 Life and Coffee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGtVi2QDA2l/?igshid=1dw5gog86vcaw
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