#wonderwoman x reader
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widowsistersandfriends · 1 year ago
Lasso of Tickle Truth
Summary: You are Wonder Woman's most evenly matched enemy, but she has a combination of ways to win.
Note: This was just an idea swirling in my head, and I apologize if some of the details about her aren't portrayed that well! Thank you for your patience!
Word Count: 1133
You stumbled into a run-down shed, desperate for any hiding place. You were finally out of view from an ongoing chase with your arch nemesis: Wonder Woman. You two were in constant battles, trying to defeat the other once and for all. Your current heist was to steal a sacred document that was too important to lose. You were successful in this task, but were too late in escaping before being seen. This is how you were in the position you were in now.
You breathed heavily, fleeing by car and then foot. It was dark in the shed, a place that probably hadn’t been visited in decades. A wood chip fell off the ceiling, startling you. You silently cursed, knowing that you needed all the help you needed. Having things fall apart only meant more noise to be made and a higher chance of you being found. 
You heard footsteps outside, getting closer by the minute. You held your breath, hoping it was any random bystander. Anyone but her. 
“Sorry I’m late,” you heard, just outside of the shed. You scooted in as far as you could, trying to disappear in the darkness.
“Not gonna speak?” Wonder Woman asked.
Your eyes widened when you saw a golden glow appear outside of the shed. If she used her lasso of truth on you, you knew you were done for. She would find out where you hid the document. All of that planning to escape would be wasted.
There was a moment of silence, and you were unsure of what you should do next. You were too scared of what her next move would be.
After a moment, the flimsy door to the shed flew open, revealing the superhero and her lasso in front of you. You backed up against the wall, knowing that you were stuck. You felt around in the darkness for a secret back door. Your hand felt the shape of a knob and quickly turned it to open the door. You pushed it open and sprinted out, not getting very far before her lasso was roped around your torso.
You fell to the ground, struggling to get out, as she quickly caught up, pinning you to the ground. 
“Well well well, what do we have here?” Wonder Woman asked, raising an eyebrow. With the lasso of truth around you. Luckily for you, your power was a strong ability to fight against this.
“N-noth-ing,” you struggled to say.
“I know you stole the sacred document. You’re not going to fool me,” she said, smirking down at you.
You turned your head away, refusing to fall for her trap.
“I can fight your silly lasso you know,” you spat back at her while glowering.
Her eyes narrowed slightly, and it felt as if you were two siblings fighting rather than two arch enemies. 
“Maybe I’ll need something a little more powerful then hmm?” Wonder Woman suggested. With the lasso still around your torso and arms, she began to tickle your sides.
“NOHOHO NOHOT THAHAHAT,” you shouted, knowing that this is one thing you could never defend against. Especially when you were stuck in her lasso.
“What’s this? The big bad schemer is ticklish? Who would’ve thought this was how you were gonna lose…” she commented with a grin.
“AHAHAHAHA IHIHI WOHOHONT LOHOHOSE,” you squealed, as her fingers moved up to scratch away in and around your ribs. 
“You may be able to fight the lasso pretty well, but combining it with tickling will make you spill for sure,” she said, now taking her finger and wiggling it in your belly button.
You shrieked, bucking so hard that you were able to flip onto your side, desperately trying to protect your sensitive giggle button.
“Awww does that tickle? Is that what this button does? It makes you laugh?” She asked, repeatedly poking into it, causing you to scream for her to stop.
“Tell me.” She demanded.
You were weakened by the tickles, and the lasso of truth was getting more and more difficult to fight against.
“N-never!” You barely said, as she flipped you back to your original position, face up.
“We’ll see about that. You know the thing is, I have intel on all of my enemies. I happen to know a little someone has very ticklish feet,” she said with a wicked grin and sat on your shins.
“NO! DONT YOU DAHAHAHARE,” you laughed while screaming and thrashing around. You desperately tried to take the lasso off, but Wonder Woman was quick, turning around and squeezing your hips, making you collapse again with a squeal.
With that, she continued to rake her nails over your sensitive soles, holding your toes back and tickling underneath.
“OHOHOKAY IHIHI GIHIHIVE,” you shouted, as she slowed her evil fingers.
“Speak now or forever hold your peace,” she said with a wink. You squirmed uncomfortably, before blurting out the location when she gave your knee a squeeze.
“IHIHIN THE HEHEADQUARTERS,” you squealed out.
“Thanks for the confirmation,” she said with a smirk.
“What do you mean?!?” You asked.
“Oh I figured, but at the same time it’s always fun to pick you apart,” she replied, as you flopped backwards with an eye roll.
“It is so funny though that you’re so weak to tickles,” she commented, gently flipping you over and tickling your back and neck while you were still in her lasso.
“It’s fun messing with someone who’s supposed to be equally matched with me,” she said, now letting you out of her lasso. You quickly tried to yank it, wanting to expose her secrets. However, it backfired as she gave it a much stronger yank, as she captured you and tickled up and down your sides. You entered yet again another fit of laughter, smacking her to tap out. You cursed yourself for this evil weakness. But being human, you knew she had to be ticklish as well.
“Oh big bad Wonder Woman~are you ticklish?” You asked, before tackling her and pinning her arms above her head.
“I’m not even touching you yet,” you teased, as she was already giggling like crazy. With that, you used your free hand to tickle her armpits, letting her experience the torture you just went through. You blew a big raspberry on her stomach while tickling her sides, which got a great reaction.
You finally let her up, knowing how bad it was.
“Maybe we have more in common than we thought. Shall we team up?” Wonder Woman asked jokingly.
“Yeah we should just go and use tickling as our new power,” you joked in reply.
“Oh I know you’d love to stay the villain though,” she teased, as you avoided eye contact and blushed.
“Knew it.”
If you made it this far and would like to support my writing or request a commission, check out my Ko-fi!
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the-djarin-clan · 2 years ago
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Batman Damian Wayne in Wonder Woman #800
Writers: Becky Cloonan, Michael W. Conrad and Tom King Art: Joelle Jones, Alitha Martinez, Mark Morales, Nick Robles, Todd Nauck, Skylar Partridge, Cully Hamner, Jen Bartel and Daniel Sampere
Colors: Jordie Bellaire, Tamra Bonvillain, Jen Bartel and Tomeu Morey
Letters: Pat Brosseau and Clayton Cowles
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rick-rayson · 2 years ago
Okay so weirdly specific, but could you do imagines for Yara Flor x Reader where reader is a villain who’s not evil, they’re just a Megamind type villain: a harmless theater kid who’s a good person. Also they’re a magic-themed villain and the Circe to Yara’s Diana
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A/N: I put this into the same formatting as my Jonathan Crane post because the normal storytelling format just wasn't doing it for me (Don't ask how that works it just does) Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy and sorry for the long wait ORZ THIS IS KINDA LAME- BUT ALSO YARA IS DEF THE PERSON TO HATE THE MEGAMIND TYPES LOWKEY-
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"Reader is a villain who’s not evil, they’re just a Megamind type villain: a harmless theater kid who’s a good person. Also they’re a magic-themed villain and the Circe to Yara’s Diana."
➯ Despite her many clashes with society, humanity and spectacles alike, Yara is a virtuous and giving woman who prides herself in her ability to stick up for others who cannot do it for themselves. She protects the people of São Paulo and speaks where they cannot be heard, to her core that is who Yara is. A protector. A warrior.
➯ It was an uneventful day, Yara took to helping civilians with the common thief and the occasional crook, picking up debris three times her height and mass as if it was akin to lifting a lone pebble. So, not very eventful for Yara but most definitely perplexing for the average citizen. It was, all things considered, calming.
➯ That was until Yara's ears pick up the sound of familiar and loud music that hurts her ears to even listen to. And with a groan of annoyance, she stands tall, already knowing what is to come.. or more like who.
➯ "Greetings, people of São Paulo! Your greatest nightmare has arrived!" You gloat, arms raised as you conjure up what Yara can comprehend to be coloured illusions of animals and fireworks. Usually, such a sight would enlighten Yara, it reminds her of the carnivals she's attended. But right now she's over this ploy of yours.
➯ You and Yara have been doing this game for far too long. (A month) A millennium, truly. You come in with an elaborate display and an evil plan that she easily thwarts with the flick of her wrist and the painful end of her golden Bolas. you somehow disappear and she's annoyed all over again.
➯ "We're doing this again? Have you no hobbies?" She grimaces at you, in the action of whirling a Bola. ➯ "This is the hobby, actually, so-"
➯ She throws a Bola at you, forcing you to construct a forcefield. "You know you are very volatile."
➯ "And you are very annoying." She mutters before she's leaping towards you, her fist barely missing your jaw.
➯ "It's been a while since I've been villain-ing so you could-" A poor construct of a pig takes the damning punch that was meant for you. It shatters like glass. "-make this less of a bad experience for me-"
➯ "I aim to make it worse." Yara smiles before sending a hearty punch to your nose.
➯ "And you're-" you wince as you hold your nose that was now sputtering with blood, "supposed to be the good guy-" Yara ties you up using her lasso.
➯ "Speak now or I throw you off this building, why do you do this?" She grits her teeth yet all you can think about is the small gap between you two.
➯ You make an attempt to shrug, "show....biz?"
➯ There's a pause, a beat, Yara's angered expression has now gone blank at the sound of your answer. And the silence is so long that not even the nosy civilians who've arrived are confident in breaking it. "Theatrics? You use your powers for theatrics?"
➯ "Mostly, yeah."
By the police arrive Yara leaves your legs tied together, the officers are quick to expect some manner of resistance but upon arriving at the site, all they see is you writing on the floor with a Sharpie. An officer slowly treads to make sense of what you're writing: "I am dramatic and I love Wonder Woman."
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steor-ra · 5 months ago
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(P/R) Justice League x reader
*reader, who just woke up, walks in with their face covered in lipstick kisses*
Superman: what happened to your face? Did you do that?
*camera turns to WonderWoman*
WonderWoman with the red lipstick on: I did not do that
Green Arrow also with lipstick: then who did?
Flash with the thickest lipstick on: yeah, who?
*Insert a confused reader and Batman, who looks at them disapprovingly as they howl with laughter*
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(A/n: For fun purposes only, before I actually go and write the next chapter of this 😭 This sanerio can be viewed as romantic or platonic! Whatever you want ◡̈ )
(inspired by this tiktok sound)
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coldilikeit · 5 months ago
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Yandere Batfam x Camp half-blood (Neglected reader)
DC x Pjo
Part 7
Again like- a lot of timeskips
"Yellow? You- you're giving me yellow?" Duke's brows furrowed at the color
Batman sighed "is something wrong with it?"
"no- just, everyone has dark colors, I don't wanna be a lightbulb"
"you will take what you'll get" Batman escorts Duke to the exit "Training starts tomorrow"
Bruce slumps in a chair, his hand crawling to a tv remote
"Okay- so- I'm bored right now, here is my cover of rolling in the deep------" A small nine year old kid holds a hairbrush as a mic
Countless videos of this child playing all by themselves, they found the iPad in the kid's room, while trying to search for a clue of what kind of person his child could be
-----"okay so, I'm on patrol right now, it's not allowed to record but loooook!" The camera pans to three small kittens in an alley
Bruce remembers, He made the kid throw the kittens back out on the street, Now he wonders how they felt when he let Damian's pets wander around the manor
11 years old (Name)
"-You are no longer needed since Damian is here now"
The kid tightens their grip on their clothes "Is it that easy for you to replace me?" They asked, voice wavering, and their head lowering so Batman wouldn't see the tears that would fall
"(Name) I need a proper vigilante, not bait, so far you got attacked three times today alone" he pinched his nose
"And I managed to fight them all! If you're gonna turn Damian into a vigilante that's fine with me, but you're excluding me all together!?"
"this is not a discussion. If I ever find you in that suit again you won't be allowed to even get out of the Manor" he coldly said and turned away
(Name) has stayed away from the library since that day
Aquaman stands before the council of governments and the justice league
"we are not responsible for the ocean's uprising! My empire has been doing everything to calm the ocean down, but it does not listen to my trident anymore!"
The sky and the seas have been raging lately, the shores have been rampaging, the justice league forced to evacuate sea dwellers
Wonderwoman spoke up "Aquaman is right, it is not his fault, it... It is the gods"
The crowd murmured in confusion
"Zeus and Poseidon have been having disputes, A powerful weapon was stolen and both sides are accusing each other, it is best to try and appease even a little of the gods anger, and pray they won't share their wrath with the humans" She finished
An uproar started
"You mean to tell us, lives were lost because of their arguing!?!"
"They're gods! Why can't they just talk amongst themselves?!"
"this is why I pray to Jesus... He is real right?" A reporter asked
"he is, but he's from a different Pantheon" Wonderwoman answered
"It's ALWAYS about fucking weapons, humans fight for nuclear weapons, and the gods fight about them too?"
"Do they need a spokesperson? I'll sort out their fight for them if they want"
A reporter raised his hand "Is there a place safe from their anger?"
"Well... Egypt is under the control of the Egyptian gods, but even, they are in conflict, Set is currently causing chaos, Boston and the land of the Vikings are protected by the Norse... Unfortunately- Loki has been freed from his prison and is also causing chaos" Wonderwoman sighed in stress
"But so far, no other Pantheons have been fighting, go to them, pray at them to protect you, just don't try to do anything that will anger the already angry gods as is, we might be the butt of their anger if we do"
With that the meeting ends, but not their fear though
6 months later
"NNGGGHRRROOAAARRR" A roar from the Colchis bulls shakes the camp
Gerald Thanes (An ares kid) charged at the bull but was thrown at the table nearby
"What the fuck is that" you scream, A girl from your cabin grabs your hand and you run, "Can't we help!?"
"We can but we have to be careful, get a weapon or run to the armoury for protection first" with you guys being in a safe space now, she lets go and hugs you "I'll call on some dryads to help with the fire, stay safe okay?"
"you too" you say as you grab a spear on the floor, you throw it at the bulls feet, it nicks some gears off of it, but then It starts to charge at you
You ready to point your spear but then
It was running but it wasn't going anywhere, you walk to the side to see a cyclops holding it by the tail
He looks at you "Hi! :3 I'm Tyson"
You smile awkwardly "I'm (Name)"
Then two figures hug you to the ground
Percy laughs "I missed you so much!", Annabeth smiles at me "(Name)... let's finish this quickly, I want to tell you a lot of things"
Clarisse grunts as she gets thrown in our direction "can the three of you stop being sentimental! It's not the right time"
"Nice to see you too Clarisse" Percy says
@delias-stuff @sadslasher13 @ellaprime7 @wpdarlingpan @mountvesuvu @chinxinsomnia @nathaly36 @vanessa-boo @bat1212 @ceramic-raven @sweetconnoisseurgardener @dhanyasri @bella-wolf100 @shortnsweetsposts @roseapov @d3sperate-enuf
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 1 year ago
A Kent And A Wayne (Clark Kent X Wayne!Male!Reader)
Effects Of The Toxin (Clark Kent X Wayne!Male!Reader)
Motherly (Diane Prince X Teen!Reader)
Family Visit (Diana Prince X Daughter!Reader)
Snow Day (Diana Prince X Reader)
Washing Up (Diana Prince X Male!Reader)
Little Gifts (Barry Allen X Wayne!Reader)
Anyone But Him (Barry Allen X Wayne!Reader)
Another Speedster (Barry Allen X Reader)
The Wayne Mystery (Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Sorry!(Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Cancelled Plans (Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Please Stop (Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Actual Flirting (Barry Allen X Male!Reader)
Caught Red Handed (Barry Allen X Fem!Wayne!Reader)
How Did It Come To This? (Barry Allen X Sibling!Reader)
Would You Kindly? (Justice League X Male!Reader)
Hidden Scars And Memories (Justice League X Male!Reader)
New Start (Roy Harper X Male!Reader X Jason Todd)
A Mostly Successful Mission (Jason Todd X Male!Reader X Roy Harper)
Keeping Secrets (Dick Grayson X Male!Reader X Wally West)
The Quiet Son (Bruce Wayne X Son!Reader X Justice League)
Father's Day (Bruce Wayne X Male!Reader X Clark Kent)
No More Joker (Harley Quinn X Fem!Reader X Poison Ivy)
City Siren's Daughter (Harley, Ivy & Selina X Daughter!Reader)
Nightmares (Harley Quinn X Daughter!Reader X Ivy)
Their Redemption (Harley Quinn X Daughter!Reader X Ivy)
One Of Us Hurt (Bruce Wayne X Male!Reader X Clark Kent)
Penguin's Friend (Ed Nygma X Male!Reader)
Waiting For You (Jerome Valeska X Fem!Reader)
My Responsibility (Jonathan Crane X Fem!Reader)
There For Me (Harley Quinn X Batsis!Reader)
Never Going Back (Harley Quinn X Daughter!Reader)
We Could Be A Team (Deathstroke X Daughter!Reader)
Colleagues (Jonathan Crane X Fem!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
What Happened?! (Leonard Snart X Reader)
Close Your Eyes (Leonard Snart X Reader)
Nothing Else (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
Secret Meetings (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
We're Having A Baby? (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
She's My Sister! (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
I'm Not Letting You Go (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
Future Child (Leonard Snart X Daughter!Reader)
Saving Up (Harrison Wells X Trans!Male!Reader)
Stubborn And Injured (Raven X Fem!Reader)
Not Fireproof (Raven X Reader)
Blues Music (Teen Titans X Reader)
A Little Help (Batman X Scarecrow) Pt 1 / Pt 2
Finally Married (Rip Hunter X Reader)
Cant' Wait (Mick Rory X Fem!Reader)
Sneaking Out (Mick Rory X Fem!Reader)
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scintillasofbeomgyu · 10 months ago
ᯓ★ from me to you — chapter five: the island
pairing: choi beomgyu x fem!reader. genres: slice of life, social media au, body swap, fluff, angst. wc: 2,2k. warnings: language, they’re talking about the bloody nose incident lmao, there are anxiety episodes, death and murder is used humorously, umm i can’t remember what else, lmk! an: these past few chapters have been a little dark, but bear with me!
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“Happy moving day, (Y/n)!” Soobin and Taehyun cheer, raising their drinks with big smiles stretched across their faces.
“Welcome home, (Y/n)!” Yunjin joins in with a grin to match.
“Jjang!” you happily clink your cans together.
After spending the entire afternoon moving your things from your old apartment and into Yunjin’s, and then painting and furnishing your new room, you and your friends settled in the living room for a well-deserved dinner break.
You are gathered on the carpet around the round table where a feast befitting a king is prepared: crispy fried dumplings, soft fishcakes, spicy tteokbeoki, saucy black bean noodles, fresh pickled radish and ice cold cans of mountain dew. The delectable aroma wafts into your nose and makes your tummy rumble.
Taking a big slurp of your bowl of black bean noodles, you squeal in satisfaction with the warm, savoury taste. Soobin chuckles beside you, pushing the hair from your face as you take another cheek-filling mouthful. You can’t remember the last time you ate this well.
“Slowly,” Soobin says with an amused tone to his voice, grabbing a napkin to wipe the sauce from your chin. “You need space for everything else.”
You gulp the food down and poke your tongue out at him before taking another big bite. Soobin only laughs, nods and hums along with you, shifting the fishcake dish closer to you.
Taehyun takes a sip of his drink and sighs, his fondness of you making the corners of his lips pick up. “I would ask if you’re feeling okay, but from the looks of it you’re perfectly healthy.”
You give him an enthusiastic nod. “You know me. It’ll take more than a bloody nose to keep me out of commission.”
“That thought is not as comforting as you think,” Yunjin snorts.
You had been meaning to get new sneakers, but this pair had served you so well you were reluctant to do so – even with the new tear in the edge of the sole. You shrug. “At least I caught Taehyun on his break.”
“If anyone needed catching, it was you,” He laughs, popping a saucy rice cake into his mouth. “The nurses have had enough of you. Do you know they’ve nicknamed you Wonderwoman?”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” you shrug, feeling a pleased with yourself.
“And she did have someone to catch her. Didn’t you, (Y/n)?” Yunjin smirks, wiggling her eyebrows.
Your cheeks burn red and you hang your head in embarrassment.
Most people would have simply thought you were silly and walked away. And if there was a chance anyone did help you, your rambling would have pretty much done the trick of chasing them away with annoyed glares. But this person was different. He, as you presumed he was, had the most beautiful eyes you had ever seen. They were a brown so dark and shiny they resembled tapioca pearls. His eyelashes were long and pretty, your absolute envy. And with those gorgeous eyes, that pushed up into little crescents when he smiled at you, he looked at you with a fascination that made your heart leap.
He was so handsome. “And I almost broke my nose in infront of him!” you cry in shame, smacking your head, the scene replaying over and over in your mind.
“Oh now the broken nose concerns you?” Taehyun wheezes, shaking his head.
“Oh my god,” Yunjin says suddenly, banging her soda on the table and grabbing your shoulders, her eyes wide. “What if this is the man of your destiny?”
“Destiny?” Soobin snorts. “What are we, five?”
“And I don’t have time for dating anyway,” you sigh, eyeing the last two dumplings, but thinking better of it. You sit up and consider her with a raised brow. “Were you not the one who convinced me that men are trash?”
“I mean – I’m not usually a male apologist, but since you’re the only one in this friendship attracted to the species – I’m just putting it out there. You’ve never dated anyone before. Plus you said he was kind and pretty. The only person you’ve said that about is—” Then she snaps her fingers and gasps. “What if it was Beomgyu?”
You become animated and your eyes sparkle with interest. You grab Yunjin’s shoulders. “You think so? Really?”
“Want me to ask the cards?” She grins, unsheathing a mystical-looking indigo tarot deck from her bag.
“For the love of God,” Taehyun sighs, flinging a chopstick at Yunjin’s head. She yelps in pain and glares at him. She tries to throw it back at him, but he dodges effortlessly. “She didn’t even see his face. And he was wearing a mask, now he’s suddenly a kpop idol? What if he’s a serial killer? Stop enabling her.” As soon as the words leave his mouth, he freezes. But then he shakes it off and continues eating.
“You’re probably right,” you sigh, pouting in defeat.
Soobin knocks the side of your head gently and places the dumplings in your bowl. “Just eat your food, silly. We still have to finish getting your room ready.”
Yunjin rolls her eyes. “Disbelievers.”
The finishing touch to your new room is one of your most prized possessions: a photo of you, Soobin, Taehyun and Yunjin outside a club in Hongdae four years ago. It was the night of Yunjin’s first big crowd, the day Soobin’s uncle made him manager of the café, the day Taehyun passed his first year with flying colours, and the day you had quit medical school and moved out of the dorms.
It was the first time you had truly become best friends.
It was the first time you felt like you had a family.
You polish the glass and place the frame in the center of the vanity Soobin had gifted you for the move. The smiles on your faces fill your heart with warmth and pride.
“Can you believe it has been four years?” you ask, smiling.
When there is no reply, you turn around to find your friends fast asleep. You pull out your phone and snap a photo, trying as hard as you can not to laugh.
Taehyun is curled up like a kitten at the end of your bed, Yunjin is laying in the middle of your bed on her back with her limbs splayed in all directions, and Soobin is laying across the pillows, his shirt riding up, tangerine paint on the tip of his nose, snoring softly.
You pocket your phone with a soft chuckle and decide to leave them be. Carefully removing your thick brown cardigan from under Taehyun’s head, you step out into the apartment and close the door carefully behind you.
Without the commotion and company of your friends, Yunjin’s place, that you have been to many times before over the years, felt strange.
The big, open space that was the kitchen and the living room, with its high ceiling and white downlights, its shimmering tiled, marble and metal surfaces, felt cold and alien and a little overwhelming. And as you walk through to the tall floor-to-ceiling window, pulling your cardigan tightly over your arms, feeling quite out of place, you wonder if it is really okay for you to stay here.
You loved Yunjin, but the fact that she was letting you stay here paying less than half the rent made you uneasy. You knew her well enough to know she meant every word she said, and you would never doubt her or her intentions.
You just… felt incompetent.
In the four years since you dropped out of college, what had you accomplished?
You had a dream, a vision, you were determined to work hard towards. You were moving to Seoul to live life on your own terms and make the future you wanted with your own hands.
But it was pure luck that you managed to find the old, small flat going for the rent it was. You had to beg for every job you had and had worked yourself to the bone every day for four years, only to receive setback after setback.
The space between you and your dreams seemed to become greater and greater with each passing day, until they were now faintly watching you in the distance from the far away shores of an island you’d never reach, across the dark waters of an ocean that continued to drag you further and further into its depths no matter how hard you resisted and fought.
What comes next, after this? Should you go back to school? Were you going to work part-time jobs until the end? Or were you going to keep mooching off your friends? Were you going to end up having to move back home, admitting absolute defeat?
Why is whatever I do not enough?
More and more thoughts and insecurities cleave into your brain and drive a hollowness into your chest until you can’t breathe and tears are burning in the corners of your eyes.
But before your anxiety can best you any further, you pull your earphones from your pocket and plug them in. You fight the trembling in your hands and force your eyes to focus on your screen. Maze in the Mirror begins to play in your ears, the song and its lyrics soothing your pain until you can breathe again.
My shoulders are only here
So you can rest
So that you can rest
You hum along, pulling your legs into your chest on the living room floor. You close your eyes and lean against the window, allowing its coolness to bring you comfort.
The dream you’re having, the one where you’re being consoled by the man with the beautiful brown boba eyes, who’s arms feel strong and soft and warm and safe, fills and mends the cracks in your heart until it is stolen from you as the song comes to an abrupt stop and your phone rings.
You read the caller ID and your throat dries.
You watch the phone ring and ring, until it stops and rings again.
A text pops up on the screen, and you feel the long, sharp, needle-like fingers of darkness latch onto you once more, eager to haul you off the cliff into inescapable torment.
But you won’t let it. You are not who you were four years ago.
You step out into the apartment building and make sure to hear the door lock before you continue down the hall to the elevator. A walk is good. A walk is what you need to clear your head. Maybe a cold red bean ice cream, too.
In the middle of typing a text to your friends to let them know you’re going to the convenience store at the end of the street, your phone rings again. Your nails dig into the palms of your hands, and for a split second when the elevator doors open, you consider picking it up.
At that same second, you step out into the lobby and bump into a hard body and your phone is sent clattering to the floor.
“Sorry!” you exclaim quickly, picking it up and bowing your head in apology. But when you look up, no one is there.
You spin on your heel and find the person standing in the corner of the elevator in dark clothing, with not a single sign of remorse. He grumbles, “Look where you’re walking.”
You glare at him. Before the doors can close, you stick your foot in and give him the most loaded smile you can muster. “You should take your own advice.”
Shaking his head, he starts toward you. You do not budge, until it appears he is not coming to you but for you. You shriek and close your eyes, jumping back. When you open your eyes again, the elevator doors are closing and he is back in the far corner with the same unbothered look about him. You scoff. “You jackass!”
You flip him off through the doors and stomp through the lobby angrily, growling in frustration when you get out onto the street.
“Who the hell does he think he is! I mean, we bumped into each other!” you yell, to yourself mostly, as you start toward the convenience store, making other pedestrians steer clear of your path. “And that face mask? Does he think he’s an idol? He could never compare to my kind Beomgyu,” you declare, pulling out your phone to take a look at the sweet, handsome man that was your lock- and homescreen.
Upon retrieving the device, however, you gasp and the shock causes your body to freeze.
There is a long crack from one corner of your phone to the next, small little fissure cracks meandering off from it to the rest of the screen. You jam the on button repeatedly, but it does not budge.
Your eye twitches.
“That damn jerk! You better hope we never cross paths again, idol wannabe, because if we do,” you laugh manically, “you’re so fucking dead!”
Beomgyu bangs the door behind him and doesn’t even bother to kick off his shoes before he enters the apartment.
He pulls off his mask, his jacket and his hat and throws them to the floor.
He slams open the bathroom door and climbs into the shower, turning on the cold water and letting it run over his head.
His breathing is heavy and labored.
His chest is numb and his heart, shattered.
He falls to his knees on the floor and sobs into his hands.
Why is nothing I do enough?
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life is rough for (y/n). after dropping out of college and moving away from her family to live life on her own terms, she struggles to keep up with the fast-paced city life in Seoul. she becomes a fan of the kpop idol, choi beomgyu. while his content keeps her motivated to strive for her dreams, she can’t help but wish she had the same luck he has had. but not everything is as it seems.
taglist: @yoonzinoswife @ameliesaysshoo @bgomtori @woncheecks @seodami @thing89 @stormy1408 @boba-beom @binluvsu @lillynval @nothingwithoutgyu @gyuville @tinhq @soobnuuy @031323o @damn-u-min-yoongi (send an ask to be added!)
scintillasofbeomgyu © all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost in any way.
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hattersrabbit · 1 month ago
ao3 - hattersrabbit
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what i do write!
character x reader
character x character
poly relationships
male, female, nonbinary, gn (specify in requests)
what i don't write!
no incest or stepcest
adult x child romantic relationship
will not age up nor will i write for child/teenage characters
homophobia, sexism,biphobia, anti-semitism, or transphobia, racism, xenophobia is explicitly prohibited and you will be blocked if so
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dazai , chuuya , atsushi , akutagawa , ranpo , fukuzawa , fitzgerald , poe , mushitaro , sigma , fyodor , nikolai, yosano, kunikida, tachihara, jouno, techou, fyodor, nikolai, bram, ango
liu kang , kung lao, human! raiden, kitana , mileena, bi-han , scorpion! kuai liang, sub-zero! kuai liang, smoke, syzoth, ashrah , baraka, sindel, li mei, shang tsung, tanya, johhny cage, kenshi takahashi, fujin, nightwolf, hanzo hasashi (MK 9-11), erron black
batman, battinson, superman, wonderwoman, hal jordan, barry allen, john stewart, dick grayson, jason todd, tim drake, zatanna, john constantine, green arrow, harley quinn, poison ivy, selina kyle
steve rogers, bucky barns, peter parker, wanda maximoff, stephen strange, deadpool, wolverine, thor, loki, gambit, rouge, nightcrawler, storm
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Half a prompt and half just an idea that I needed to write down lol
Bruce = Melanistic Icewing (mistaken for a nightwing as Batman) Alfred = Nightwing (slight amount of empathy but not mind-reader) Dick = Night-Rainwing (shifts to brighter colors as Robin) Barbara = Sandwing (Idk why but I just think it would fit) Jason = Fireproof Mudwing (mans is built like a fridge) Cassandra = Hivewing (once again I just think it would fit really well) Tim = Silkwing (good climber & going unseen while a kid) Stephanie = Seawing (once more it works) Duke = Animus Mudwing (let him glow & enchant himself) Damian = Ice-Sandwing (Al Ghuls hits me as a sandwing line) Jarro = Animus-Touched Seawing (baby with too many limbs) Terry = Ice-Skywing (I mean that bright red patch on his suit) Mathew = Ice-Skywing (the large wings fit with his suit) Harper = Silk-Rainwing (it would fit & silk could help her tinker) Cullen = Rainwing (let the boi be rainbow & have fangs) Carrie = Skywing (her theme was bright orange/yellow for a while)
I would think there's a lot more hybrids in the DC world than WOF, simply because there's entire cities and such and the tribes aren't off in their separate continents or kingdoms.
Maybe there's technology, maybe it's run via animus magic (Ie enchanting a city to have lights or an item to glow, etc etc) that's up to yall honestly. Whatever fits your take more.
Almost tempted for Superman to still be alien but look almost like a triple hybrid between seawing, skywing, and mudwing (which honestly would fit most of his abilities save for the ice breath lol) But that's just a sleep-deprived idea lol
The flash-fam I am almost thinking Silkwings who like, never formed cocoons and grew wings. Maybe their line was cursed by an animus, maybe it's just genetic mutation.
Poison Ivy is most definitely a Leafwing with leaf-speak though. Maybe the first leaf-speaker for a while, but once again up to yall for your own takes.
Wonderwoman and the other Amazons I am almost tempted to be akin to Beetlewings, whatever your take on those would be.
Honestly go wild lol
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 3 years ago
Wonder woman when her girlfriend is sad?
Diana paused when she hears the front door and frowns. There is no music today and your movements are slow. Like every muscle aches and every step is a monumental effort.
You stop in the doorway of the kitchen and look up at her, smiling a little. "Dinner smells good."
The Amazon half turns and looks at you, trying to hide her concern. You've got your arms wrapped around yourself, trying to make yourself smaller. To take up less space. Like you're afraid someone is going to start yelling at you. And you look like you're one harsh word from falling apart. She reached over and turns to burner down, crossing the floor to you. "Are you alright, my love?" she asked, tilting your chin up tenderly to inspect the bruise forming on your cheekbone.
"It was just a long day," you murmur, looking away. "I'm just...tired."
"Tired" she had learned, wasn't a lie. It was- short hand. For a lot of things. "I'm sad." "I don't feel well" "I don't want you to worry" "Please don't worry" "I don't want you to see this" Later, Diana decided, once you had had a shower and you had a full belly, she would press. But for now, she accepts your kiss hello, returning the gesture softly, and watches you go. Making a mental note to put ice on your cheek when you settle in on the couch.
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dorkofclanlavellan · 2 years ago
DC (Snyderverse) Masterlist
Arthur Curry/Aquaman
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Clark Kent/Superman
Superbat poly
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charliedawn · 4 years ago
How would they react to you sacrificing yourself for them ?
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You are fighting next to Diana and see the breach to the other side widening enough to show Darkseid and his army. You know that any seconds longer, and they would enter this world. You look at Diana that seems to read your mind and shakes her head.
" My lady..There are other ways.."
She says while grabbing your arm, but you only smile with tears in your eyes before arguing.
" No, there are not."
You then get out of her grip and start running towards the portal before jumping inside, just when Cyborg closes the portal. Diana screams for them to wait..but it's too late. You're gone..Diana is shocked and finally falls on her knees, her eyes fixed to the exact spot where you had disappeared.
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You look at the portal that enlarges enough for you to see Darkseid and his army on the other side. You know what you have to do and take a big shaky breath before pushing the button of your communication transmitter.
"I'm sorry, Barry..Seems like I have to steal the spotlight this time."
You can hear the confused and worried side of Barry's reply.
" Y/N..What are you talking about ?"
But you don't wait before running forward and jumping inside the portal with a loud scream. Barry runs to boost Cyborg that succeeds in closing the portal. He smiles widely at the end and does a little victory dance while searching you with his eyes.
" Y/N ! Did you see that ?! I was awesome !"
But, he doesn't find you and his smile falters as he sees the dark faces of the other members of the team.
" W..Where is Y/N ?"
He asks with a shaky voice, guessing the answer but still wanting to hear it. It's Batman that finally steps forward and confirms his worst nightmare come true.
" She's gone. I'm sorry, kid."
Barry thinks it's a joke at first and lets out a forced laugh.
" Ah ah. Very funny, Bruce. Now, Where is she, really ?"
But Batman only looks at him with a sorrowful gaze, making him understand that he wasn't joking.
" I'm sorry.."
He whispers while Barry stays silent for a while before falling on his knees, crying.
" No.."
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Cyborg had tried many times to close the gate, but he needed power..and Barry was late. You know what you have to do and stand behind him before putting your hands on his shoulders. He wants to ask you what you're doing until he feels a wave of energy coursing through him..your energy.
" You know it's the only way..I'm sorry.."
When he understands what you intend to do, he wants to turn around and force you to let go, but you hold on and scream as you feel your last strengths leaving you.
" Save them !"
" Y/N ! Noooo !"
He screams with tears in his eyes, but you still give him everything and he manages to close the gate. He then hears you collapse on the floor and turns around to kneel beside you. He takes your body and cradles it tenderly.
" Y/N.."
He moans in pain and then, Barry appears. Cyborg glares up at him.
" It's your fault.."
He says, his voice dripping with hatred, but his eyes soften when he sees that Barry was shot in the leg. He sighs and looks back at your face before standing up with you, still in his arms. He flies up, not addressing another word to the rest of the team as to where he was taking your body.
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You look at the widening portal and sigh loudly, knowing what you have to do. You put your communication transmitter on in order to talk to Arthur one last time.
" Hey Arthur..Please, look after the team for me, okay ?"
Arthur is flying in the air on the back of a dead alien, but he still answers you with confusion in his voice.
" What nonsense are you blabbering about now, woman ?"
You smile at his typical answer before whispering.
" I'm going to miss you.."
You then look at the portal and, before anyone can stop you, jump inside. The portal closes and Arthur arrives just in time to see you fighting the army on the other side. He runs to get to you, but too late. He falls head first in the ground. He groans in pain before getting up, panting. Cyborg puts a comforting hand on his shoulder, but Arthur shakes it off harshly. He then walks away, far enough for none of the members of the justice league to see him cry. When he is far enough, he leaves his trident fall to the floor and falls to his knees before letting out all of his rage and pain by a long loud scream, loud enough to shake the earth and the seas alike.
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You see that the portal is nearly completely open and look at Batman that is looking at the portal as well. He knows that they will soon be able to enter this world..And you both know that someone has to get inside to hold them off as long as possible..However, what he doesn't know is that there is no way you're letting him get in there. You both run towards the portal, but you use your inhuman strength to push him out of the way. He looks up at you, shocked.
"Y/N..You don't have to do this. Please. I can't lose you too.."
Batman pleads, but you only smile reassuringly at him before replying in the most genuine way possible.
" Thank you for giving me a home, Bruce.."
You then run towards the portal and jump inside before he could stop you. He tries to follow you, but the portal closes and he only rolls in the dirt. He stays on the ground for a while before punching the dirt and shouting.
" No ! It wasn't supposed to end like that ! It was supposed to be me ! Me !"
He starts crying and takes off his mask to throw it away in frustration. Superman approaches to help him up and Bruce takes a moment before finally taking it. Diana tries to say something, but Bruce cuts her.
" I don't want to talk about it. Let's go home."
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You see the portal closing and know that there is no other way to stop them from crossing.. You only look at him with tearful eyes, you know you can't say anything, as he would automatically know and stop you. You only smile one last time at him and run towards the portal to jump inside in order to hold the enemy back. Cyborg closes the portal at that moment, before you could get back. Clark is speechless for a moment, too shocked to react. He then falls to his knees and cries out.
" Noooooo !"
He punches the ground multiple times, creating some little earthquakes as a consequence. He finally stops when Diana comes behind him and uses the lasso on him.
" Stop, Superman. She wouldn't want this. Please, let her sacrifice not be in vain.."
He balls his knuckles into fists before looking up at Diana, ready to let his fury run unrestrained..until he sees the pain in her own eyes and the tears that are rolling down her cheeks. He calms down and only nods reluctantly. Diana finally frees him and he gets up without a word to suddenly fly up in the sky. When he is far above the clouds, he stops and looks down at the humans with, for the first time in his life, hatred and envy.
" You don't know how lucky you are that she was a good person..She saved you all, and you'll never even know it.."
He mutters with his heart tightening in his chest at the realization of his own words. In all the length of his existence, he has never felt jealousy towards humanity..However now, he must admit that he is jealous, jealous beyond anything of their ignorance. They all look up to him as if he is a god..You were the only one who saw him as who he really was: just a man with his insecurities and his emotions that could destroy the world if let out. But now that the only person who genuinely cared and understood him was gone..Who would make sure he doesn't lose his control ?
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gh0st-write · 3 years ago
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DC Masterlist
✪nothing for now!
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dc-x-readers · 6 years ago
One Bed (Diana Prince)
Request: Could I ask for a “one bed trope” with Diana?
Thanks  @wildefire for the request, my life has sorely been laking so cute Diana.
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You and Diana had been on the run for a couple of days, the world was under the incorrect assumption that she was evil. It was a ploy started by Lex Luthor, and all of the enhanced individuals on the Justice League were driven into hiding. Diana had insisted that you traveled with her, safety in small numbers or something.
The two of you had been traveling for days, and while Diana seemed to not need any sleep you truly did.
Today was the most difficult part of your journey, it was day three of no sleeping and just driving. The rain was coming down in sheets, dangerously heavy, and the wind was shaking your sturdy car slightly. And because Diana was an Amazon and didn’t really know how to drive, you were the only one who had been. You were tired and had a head ache.
“Diana, I see a motel, can we stop for tonight?” You asked, pointing out your window to a sign advertising a crappy motel with vacancy.
Diana opened her mouth, she looked like she was going to say no, but when she saw you, tired with dark bags under your eyes her face softened. Diana often forgets that you aren’t as powerful as she is.
“Okay.” Diana spoke softly, and you thanked her.
Pulling off into the motel’s parking lot, you sent Diana in to get a room, pushing the cash that Bruce had given you when he found out you needed to run into her hands. You were so tired that you figured you might fall asleep while trying to receive the keys. You forced her to leave her sword with you, which she wasn’t all to happy about but grumbiling agreed.
Diana returned to you moments later, a room key in her hands. She helped you into the room, both of your bags on her back. You opened the door to the room and you almost ran to the giant bed without a second thought, expect you realised that there was only one giant bed.
“Diana.” You muttered, you face flushed red, “There’s only one bed.”
Diana looked at you as if you were dumb, but you felt your face on fire. How could you be expected to sleep in the same bed as Diana, she was the most beautiful woman on the planet, and you were being asked to sleep in a bed with her? This was not going to end well.
“This was the only room they had.” Diana replied.
You nodded dumbly and went to sit on the edge of the bed, nervous energy suddenly replacing your tiredness.
“Are you sure we should be sleeping… together?” You asked, ignoring the double meaning, because Diana probably didn’t catch it.
This felt improper, Diana is a princess of a mystical place. And sure she is a warrior princess, but it still feels improper, as if you should be on the floor or something.
“Of course.” Diana waved her hand dismissively, sitting on the other side of the bed and tugging off her shoes.
You felt the flush deepen, but followed suit. When you finished getting on your sleepingware you turned to see Diana only in her underwear, you almost choked on your own spit. She is beautiful, and Amazonian model, and you were about to sleep in the same bed as the scantily clad woman.
“Is this alright?” Diana asked noticing your reaction.
“No-Yeah. I mean it’s alright, lets go to bed.” You replied stumbling over your words and feeling foolish.
Diana nodded, and you slipped under the covers. Diana chose to sleep on top of the covers, her sword next to her side of the bed. She had insisted on sleeping closer to the door, and extra layer of protection. You smiled at the thought of her protecting you.
The bed was not large, there was only about an inch of empty space between you and Diana, and you could feel her warmth, even as you burrowed under the blankets. She slept with her black to the door, facing you, and you faced her as well.
You were driting off, happily almost asleep when you felt soft fingers brush against the side of your face. Diana’s touch was feather light, so light you almost didn’t think it was there.
You were about to open your eyes, you didn’t know what you would say, but you were saved when Diana began to whisper into the darkness. Her voice was honey sweet and smooth, but quiet enough that it wouldn’t have roused you if you were awake. “My brave beautiful Y/N, thank you for coming with me.”
This was different than the warrior Diana you were used to. Her voice was so soft and sweet, kindness radiating from her words, and they filled your stomach with a warmth that you weren’t used to.
“You are so strong, coming with me. I owe you everything, you are the reason I fight and I breath.” Diana continued, still thinking you were asleep. You didn’t know what to do, what to do with this information. The most beautiful princess in the world was enamoured with you? You wanted to smile, but you were too tired.
You were too exhausted to crap your eyes open, or to speak, so instead you moved across the inch of empty space and curled up into her. After a surprised second, Diana’s strong hands wrapped around you, her hands sorching even through the blanket wrapped around you.
There was silence for a long moment, and you could feel sleep coming up to claim you. That was when you felt the kiss on your forehead, a warm and solid pressure of her lips. You wanted to smile, but you were on the edge of dreams that you weren’t even sure if this was real.
What you did know was tomorrow morning you would be talking to Diana, and telling her that you felt the same way.
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Trans girl reader x WonderWoman
Diana and her girlfriend where out on a date of sorts smiling, kissing and holding hands. They were at the pride parade. They chatted with other lgbt+ couples, other people and supporters.
Then some man came up to Diana and her lover and said something that broke (y/n)'s heart. "Stop dressing up as a women. Young man, you should feel ashamed for doing this to yourselves." "Excuse me. sir." Diana said with a unpleased expression. "Please mind your own business and leave me and my beautiful girlfriend alone.
My lover is a woman no Matter what you say and she's an adorable woman even if You can't see it. I do. Let's go (y/n), love. The parade is almost over anyway and I want to cuddle up to you." Once home (y/n) look down at herself. (Y/n) was thinking about what was said to her and she started to cry.
"No. No baby. Look at me. You now that, that man is wrong. We both now that you are a woman and in my eyes you are the most beautiful. You know that, don't you, angel." Diana said. "Common let's go cuddle in our room" once (y/n) heard those word she nodded her head and did grabbing motions with her hand.
Diana smiled as she saw the motion and grabbed (y/n) to then carry her lover, bridal style to they're bed. Once in they're room Diana gently put her beautiful girlfriend on their bed. "so (y/n), my love. Want to be little spoon are do you want to to cuddle face to face?" "Face to face" (y/n) said in a low and soft voice. "I don't get to kiss you back when I'm the little spoon" (y/n) said cutely with a pouty face" Diana softly giggled when her girlfriend said that. "You are just too cute, my love." Once Diana finished her sentence she laid down on the bed and held her (y/n) in her strong arms.
"I love you." Diana said then kissed her lover's forehead and cheek. "Love you too, my beloved." (Y/n) said cutely and nuzzled onto Diana some more.
Hope you liked it💕
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rick-rayson · 4 years ago
Dating Headcanons | Yara Flor
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A/N: Confession and Dating Headcanons with the underrated Amazon! (I wrote this with the intention of the reader being female but I don't go out of my way to show that so.... Hopefully that's okay?)
Yara is like..
Not good at realizing how flirtatious she can appear?
She thinks she's just being friendly, she's boisterous and affectionate with those close to her. And the amount of people she's the most closest to is very small.
It's just you and Jerry, her trusted steed.
She's never really thought about relationships, you asked her if she has and all she could do was shrug.
"I don't see why I need more relationships, I have the Justice League, and I already have who I want most."
You paused, "....wait what?"
You're almost hesitant to ask, you know she's likely referring to you but fear still dwelled in your heart. What if she was thinking about Jon? . It's when your speechless that Yara rephrases her statement.
"You're all I want. Just you... And Jerry-But you slightly more."
Yara's one to adore the classy way of getting into a relationship. She asks you to dinner and gives you a bouquet of flowers that she found herself. Jon helped her with most of the planning.
At the beginning of the relationship you notice little actions that Yara does. Way more than you usually would.
The look she gives you that's asking you if you're okay. That look where she's wondering if it's okay to hold your hand.
That angry glare when someone's getting a bit too friendly with you.
She's not one to tell you her jealousy upfront. But her actions state it enough.
"You're jealous of them, aren't you?" You beam. Arms linked protectively with Yara's.
"I've no idea of what you mean." Yara says, not meeting your eyes because she's too busy having a staring contest with the person you were just talking to.
Gets you.. questionable gifts when she goes on weird adventures alone.
"My love, I got this for you during my travels!"
It's a dragons tooth. More than twice the size of your doorway.
"The white gleam reminded me of the depth in your eyes— okay- please stop screaming- I love you—!"
Doesn't really do spooning because she prefers to see your face before resting.
She likes to lock hands whilst bumping her forehead to yours, almost like a cat.
If you prefer spooning though she's almost ALWAYS the big spoon, no matter how big or small you are, she WILL hold you damn it. (It makes her feel calm knowing she has you in her arms.)
She won't say it but she panics a little when she wakes up and can't find you. She puts the closest article of clothing on and looks for you like a lost puppy.
"Surely you got enough breakfast for the two of us, yes?" She skips up to you when she finds you in the kitchen, as if she wasn't just about to beg Jerry to search for you.
Her kisses at first are soft, rushed and hesitant. Cheek and knuckle kisses are her go-to. Everytime the two of you part, however, you can see that she wants more.
"Yara, you know you can kiss me right?"
Slow and sensual kisses, she craves them. Even when she tries to stop, she finds herself nipping at your lips again and again. She's not extremely needy, she just finds it freeing to get carried away sometimes.
Dates with Yara are usually ones spent outside, she loves hiking and adventure. But if you're not into that then she isn't opposed to just going on walks to a cafe, or staying inside and making dinner together.
Her ideal dates are when she can teach you something, she has the most fun when she can teach you swordfighting, or go flying with you and Jerry.
She doesn't like to have you in her work with the Justice League, despite the fact she likes her allies she isn't very fond of the whole big team up stuff. She'd gladly introduce you to the Justice League but like HELL will she let them hire you for anything.
"Don't strain yourself with these matters my Love, I don't want you stressed. How about we go to a cafe?"
Overall, Yara is very loving and open as a significant other.
Pls date her oml
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