#won’t have time to work on the next one for the next couple days cuz I’m taking drivers ed
writing-forever · 1 year
Chapter 9 Playground Picnic
Sorry this took forever, life happened. Such is the curse of the fanfic writer.
First, previous, next
Tw: nothing really
Star got up early the next morning and the first thing they did was make sure the boys were still asleep. They poked their head into their room to find both boys plugged in and powered off. Perfect!
The second thing Star did was rummage around in their closet for the picnic basket they had purchased awhile ago. They found it in the back of their closet, already covered in dust somehow. It looked like it came straight out of a children's movie. It was made of woven wicker on the outside, but had an inner lining to keep food cold. It even came with the stereotypical red and white checkered blanket.
Star carried the basket to the dining room and set it on the table before going to the fridge and grabbing the ingredients for sandwiches. They made a few and put them in the basket along with water (for themself), and napkins. Then they folded the picnic blanket and set it on top of everything else before shoving the whole basket in the fridge to stay cold. It barely fit but Star managed. And just in time too.
Star closed the fridge and jumped when they saw Sun and Moon peeking out from the hallway. They leaned against the fridge in what they hoped was a casual manner. "Hey boys, you're up early."
Moon squinted at them suspiciously. "It's 10:30."
Star glanced at the clock. “So it is.” they rubbed the back of their head. “Must’ve lost track of time.” they had never been good at keeping surprises secret.
Moon peered at them closely. “If you say so.”
Star smiled. They knew Moon knew they were up to something, but he didn't know exactly what they were up to and they wanted to have a big dramatic reveal.
Star ushered the boys over to the table. “So I know this week didn't star exactly as we hoped, but I want to make it better so, I have a surprise for you!”
Moon raised raised a brow and Sun gasped. “A surprise! What is it? What is it!”
Star laughed and got the picnic basket out of the fridge, setting it on the table.
Sun tilted his faceplate. “It’s a gift?”
Star shook their head. “It’s a picnic basket.”
Sun’s eyes widened. “We’re going on a picnic?!” He yelled excitedly.
Star nodded and turned to Moon to see what he thought about it. They had to stifle a laugh when they saw his expression. Moon was staring at the basket with a sort of naive wonder on his face. Understandable he’d always wanted to see the great outdoors. And a picnic was generally quiet and calm. No strange people or bright lights. It was no wonder he was excited.
Slowly Moon turned to Star. “Where are we having the picnic?” He asked.
“I’m taking you to the park.”
Moon smiled. “Neat.”
Star tapped the top of the basket. “When do you guys wanna leave?”
“Right now!” Sun yelled, already scrambling down from his chair.
Star laughed, they really should’ve expected that. They picked up the picnic basket and walked over to the door. “Well are you guys coming or what?” They said, mostly to Moon, Sun was already on his way over. Star unlocked and opened the door, watching as the boys ran outside, racing each other to the car. They both made it at roughly the same time and the immediately started bickering over who’d won.
Sun pulled at Star’s pants as soon as they were in arms reach. “Starlight, will you pretty please with a cherry on top tell my brother that I won fair and square.”
Moon immediately objected. “You did not win, I touched it a millisecond before you did. Right Star?”
Star shrugged. “I dunno guys, it looked like a tie from where I was standing.”
Moon grumbled. “I guess that’s good enough.” He said under his breath.
Star laughed and opened the car door, letting both boys climb inside before heading straight to the park. They got there in less than 15 minutes and Star grabbed the picnic basket before motioning for the boys to follow them.
Star had parked near the side of the park and there just happened to be a mostly empty lot there, save for the trees that were so thick you couldn’t see past them. Star found a little path that they’d been using for most of their life, they led the boys down it and soon enough it opened up into a small clearing.
The clearing was decorated with fairy lights, wind chimes and even a couple sun catchers that caught the sparse light coming through the leaves and dappled the clearing in a rainbow of colors. There was a small fire pit in the middle that still held the charred remains of the last fire that was set there. Which must’ve been months or maybe even a year ago, now that Star thought about it.
Star spread their arms as they stepped into the clearing. “Welcome to the Starlight clearing!” They announced. “And before you ask, no it’s not named after me of purpose. It’s named that way because the park doesn’t have street lamps, meaning there’s less light pollution and so at night you can see more of the stars. It being my name is just a plus.
I used to come camping here with my mom all the time when I was younger, it was technically trespassing at first but we eventually got in contact with the guy who owns this lot and he said we can do what ever we like on it as long as we don’t set it on fire or something. He’s pretty cool like that.”
“Well, we’ll be sure not to set anything on fire then Starlight.” Sun said in jest.
“I’m holding you to that.” Star joked back while grabbing the checkered blanket out of the basket and laying it on the floor.
They sat down beckoning for the boys to join them.
“Your clearing is very pretty.” Moon said as he sat next to Star.
“Thank you.” Star said opening the picnic basket and handing each boy a sandwich. “Mom and I had fun decorating.”
Sun sat himself beside Star opposite Moon. “What did you like to do here?” He asked around a mouthful of food.
Star hummed. “Me and mom used to come camping here all the time. We’d set up a tent and make s’mores and sometimes we’d invite some of my friends and we’d make forts and feed the birds and stuff. It was nice.” Star paused. “Maybe I could bring you guys camping here before you go back to the Plex. What do you think about that? I’m sure I have an old tent somewhere.”
Sun made an excited little sound. “That would be so cool! Can we?”
Star smiled. “I don’t see why not.”
“We could make s’mores! And catch fireflies! The kids at the daycare say it’s really fun to catch fireflies!” Sun said, making little happy stims with his hands.
“We can do whatever you two want.” Star said. They would just be happy to spend more time with the boys, they might not have much left.
Star shook their head, banishing that thought to the back of their mind. They were content for now to sit and enjoy the outdoors and talk about any frivolous topic that came up. So that’s what they did. They talked of the weather, and what movies the boys should watch, and argued about which games were the best. They talked and laughed and when they were all done eating Star gathered up the blanket and put it back in the basket before leading the boys back to the car.
Sun slumped once it came into view. “We’re leaving already?” He whined.
Star shook their head, smiling. “Not quite, we just gotta put the basket away.” They said, opening the trunk and setting the basket inside. “There’s no use in lugging this thing all the way to the playground I’m we’re not using it.”
Sun smiled. “Will there be kids there?” He asked.
Star shrugged. “I hope so. It’s the middle of summer after all.” They closed the trunk and turned to the boys. “Ready?”
“Ready!” Sun echoed.
Moon nodded along, never one to speak more than he had to. Unless he was making fun of someone, then he spoke quite a bit more than he should.
Star led the boys to the nearest playground. There were already a few families there and about seven or so kids all running around laughing. There was even one little girl who looked very familiar, though Star couldn’t quite place where they’d seen her before at the moment.
They waved to the boys as the ran off to play with the kids before taking a seat on one of the benches over looking the park. They watched as the boys introduced themselves to the kids and promptly started a game of tag, which quickly devolved into racing, and then into King of the Hill. The “Hill” being the topmost tower of one of the play structures.
Seeing them here with all the kids, Star could see why they were a daycare attendant. They handled each minor argument and small fall with ease. They made sure each child felt just as included as all the rest and tended to help children who looked confused or were generally weaker than the others. They were in their element.
Soon enough the boys were running back to Star. This time with a small child in tow. The familiar one.
“Look who we found!” Sun said excitedly, gesturing to the little girl. “It’s Shira!”
Star snapped their fingers in realization. “That’s why you looked so familiar!” They smiled. “Hi Shira.” Star gave her their name. “You having fun?”
Shira nodded. “I’m having sooo much fun!” She said, spreading her arms to show just how much fun she was having. “I get to play with robots!”
Star smiled. “Not just any robots.”
Shira nodded again. “I know. These ones are special. They’re my friends!”
Star felt like they were about to melt. That was so cute! “That would make them pretty special wouldn’t it?” They said, reaching out and ruffling Shira’s hair.
Shira nodded and then gasped as she heard the other kids calling out the Red Rover chant. She spun around. “Wait for me guys!” And then she was gone, dragging Sun along behind her.
Moon stayed with Star, watching his brother get dragged away.
Star looked at him questioningly. “You’re not gonna go play?”
Moon shook his head. “Not yet, taking a break. I’m not built for playtime you know.” He smiled.
Star tapped the bench beside themself. “You can sit with me for a bit then.”
Moon took a seat on the bench, leaning against Star slightly.
Star hummed. “How’s Shira? She seems nice.” Star asked wanting to get to know more about this little girl who treated the boys like people.
Moon shrugged. “She’s cool. She is certainly curious though. Asked me about a million questions in about two minutes.
Star laughed. “I can relate to that.”
Moon smirked. “I bet you could. She reminds me a lot of you actually. You both have the same insatiable curiosity. Although you had a bit more tact when it came to asking questions.”
“So you like her then.”
It wasn’t really a question but Moon still nodded. “She’s alright. I don’t know how I feel about her mother though.”
Star followed Moon’s gaze to the other side of the park where Shira’s mother was seated on a bench directly opposite them. She didn’t look so mean as she watched her daughter play. She didn’t even blink when Shira chose Sun to be on her team during the next round of Red Rover.
Star had a feeling she didn’t actually mind robots. She was probably just hesitant about believing they could have thoughts and feelings. It was a mindset Star had encountered many times at the PizzaPlex. Those types of people usually came around after a conversation and a little bit of time to think. And with what Star knew about her husband and child, Star figured she’d come around sooner rather than later.
Both Star and Moon jumped as the whole of Sun’s team called out Moon’s name, effectively forcing him to join the game. Star waved to him as he skittered over to the line of kids in the silliest way possible. Evidently no one was prepared for that and he broke through the line easily, choosing one of the younger kids to follow him to the other team.
Star glanced back up and stifled a jolt as they realized Shira’s mother was walking over to them.
Star’s mind spiraled. Had she noticed them talking about her? Did she not like that fact that they had patted Shira on the head. Was she going to tell Star to keep their robots away from her daughter? Did she not like the they/them pin Star was wearing on their sleeve? They braced theirself for any harsh words that might be thrown their way.
“Those robots?” Shira’s mother started.
Star tensed almost imperceptibly.
“Did you make them?”
Star blinked. “Er- yeah. I did. At least, I made their bodies the AI was already there.”
Shira’s mother nodded. “You did a good job.” She held out her hand. “I’m Lori by the way.”
Star shook Lori’s hand. This was not how they expected this interaction to go at all. “It’s nice to meet you Lori.” They patted the bench. Would you like to sit with me?”
Lori took a seat on the bench. “Thank you.”
“No problem.”
Lori sighed. “I’m sorry for how we met at the store.” She said. “I’m usually not that stuck up but I was a little frazzled from my daughter going missing.”
Star nodded. “It’s ok, I’d be pretty frazzled too if one of the boys went missing.”
Lori hummed. “Are they like your children then?”
Star shook their head quickly. “No, they’re more like my friends? Er-caretakers? It’s complicated. They’re actually not mine, they technically belong to the Plex.”
Star saw a hint of surprise on Lori’s face. “They’re from the Plex?”
Star nodded. “They’re the Daycare Attendant.”
Lori smiled. “Shira will be happy when she finds out she’s been playing with Fazbear animatronics. She’s always wanted to go to that place. We were gonna take her for her birthday soon. Her curious little brain is gonna be so happy.”
Star hummed. “When’s her birthday? Maybe I can set up a little surprise for her?”
Lori shook her head. “You don’t have to do anything. You barely know us.”
Star smiled. “Maybe not, but I want to. Besides, it wouldn’t take much more than asking the band to keep an eye out for her. That way she’s guarantied to meet them all.”
“Well then, thank you.” Lori said. “I’m sure Shira will appreciate it. Her birthday is 23 days by the way.”
Star mentally jotted that number down. “It’s no problem, she seems like a good kid.”
Lori nodded and they both fell into silence. The kids had started playing a different game now. Blind man’s bluff, Star thought it was called. They watched the kids play for a bit. All the while the evening turned into sunset. Eventually it was time to leave. Lori called Shira over, smiling as she dragged Sun and moon over as well. Star noticed that Moon kept his distance from Lori, and Sun leaned away from her slightly.
“It’s time to go baby.” Lori said, wiping a smudge from Shira’s forehead with her thumb. “Did you have fun with your new uh- friends?”
Shira nodded. “They’re super cool!”
Lori looked to Star. Well then maybe we could see them again sometime?”
Star gave her a smile.
“But for now it’s time to go home.” Lori continued, standing back up.
Shira pouted, but compiled. “Ok.” She turned to Sun and Moon, giving each of them a hug. “See you soon! Goodbye Star!” She grabbed her mom’s hand, talking excitedly as they walked away.
Star turned to the boys. ”We should probably get going soon as well. It’s getting pretty dark.”
Both boys nodded. “Can we say bye to the kids first?” Sun asked.
Star nodded. “Yeah, sure.” Before they had even finished talking both boys were gone. Star shook their head fondly as they watched them say their farewells. Each goodbye was accompanied by a request for the child to ask their parents about the SuperStar Daycare. Star laughed. They were almost like walking advertisements. There weren’t many kids left, most of them having gone home earlier, so the boys were back at Star’s side in only a few minutes.
They all walked back to the car and Star turned it on pulling on to the road and going home.
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gatorbites-imagines · 9 months
Male Reader spanking zoro after he put himself in danger? But zoro is still defending himself so reader becomes actually angry at zoro for not thinking about himself (or reader and how reader would live without him) and leaves zoro in the middle of the punishment before he says something he regrets and avoids zoro the next few days until the crew is like "this can't go on" and traps them together for an entire day in a room. They both break easily and end up cuddling for the most part (after some creampies)
Roronoa Zoro x male reader
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I love Zoro so much, its not even funny anymore.
Punishing Zoro was a chore in an of itself, since hes such a tough guy used to most types of pain. This also leads to him being very into painplay, so most usual methods of punishments don’t work on him.
It would take a lot of spanking to get Zoro to buckle, which is why he easily talks back when you do end up spanking him as punishment. Normally you would do something more advanced, mixing it with something else, but this time you are so worked up about almost losing him that you don’t have the energy.
Even as you scold him and tell him what a dumb idea it was to jump into danger like that, Zoro stats resolute in his decision, just squaring his shoulders and stabilizing his stance, letting you take your hand or paddle or whatever you’re using on him.
It ends up having the opposite effect of what you’re going for, since Zoro is probably still running on adrenaline from the fight you just got back from. Instead of making him cry and apologize, it has him shuddering and moaning, eye clenching shut as he tries to push his hips back at you.
But even then, he still defends what he did, even when you say you could have lost him, since its his duty as the strawhats swordsman and first mate.
It makes you so angry and makes your heart hurt so much you know you just need to step back before you say or do something you’ll regret, so you just lift your hands, step back, and leave with an angry exhale.
After being left wanting and shuddering like that, Zoro probably starts to feel kinda petty and wronged too, cuz he doesn’t see why you are so worked up about what he did.
So, you two start avoiding each other, and the ship gets super tense for literally everyone, especially since neither you or Zoro will tell the rest of the crew what is up. They all just know you two probably had a fight, and a bad one at that with how you guys are acting.
It starts to take a toll on the rest of the crew when you guys’ won’t even be in the same room together, or even talk to each other. They know it’s especially bad when you guys stop sleeping in the room Franky built specifically for you two, when you became a couple.
The next time the crew needs to restock, its probably Luffy that ends up trapping you guys in your room together, as he doesn’t want his crew to fight, and cuz literally everyone has been walking on eggshells.
This results in you and Zoro being trapped inside your room the entire day as the crew it away getting supplies and whatever they do on new islands.
Theres a lot of tense silence as you both sit on either side of the room, not even looking at each other for a while. I’m not even sure who cracks first and starts talking, if you are just as stubborn as Zoro.
But one of you starts opening up about it, and you end up explaining how much it hurts that Zoro cares so little for his own safety, and that he would just leave you behind so easily. Zoro, whos never really thought about it that deeply, feels his heart break that you thought he didn’t love you enough to want to stay.
Cue Zoro saying some super heartfelt thing about how you mean so much to him, and one of the reasons he tries to hard to keep the crew safe is cuz he loves you so much. He isn’t the best with words, but he gets it out in a way that has your heart warming up.
It ends up with you guys actually talking about your emotions, and with you two tumbling into bed together, kissing like you haven’t seen each other in months. Its surprisingly soft from both of you, kissing and touching and being so loving.
The breath is completely knocked out of you when Zoro starts riding you, because how couldn’t it, having all 198 lb. of muscular swordman bouncing up and down on your cock, his callused hands gripping at your shoulders or chest.
Zoro takes riding you as serious as any of his other exercise, his eye serious and face flushed as he uses just his thighs to lift and lower himself, not even letting you help in thrusting up into him. You just end up holding his hips and groping his torso, going along with the ride.
You guys are probably lucky that the entire crew is off the ship, or else they’d hear how loud Zoro moans when you hit his prostate and take his pecs into your mouth at the same time. You’ll probably end up with a headache from how hard he pulls your hair though, he loses track of his strength sometimes when riding you.
You get exhausted much longer before Zoro does, overstimulation sending electricity through your entire body as Zoro keeps riding you, even when your first load is squelching right out of him around your shaft.
Hes a beast, but he’s your beast, and if being sucked dry like a juice box is what it takes, you’ll happily do it. It just ends up with you feel extra dehydrated and shaky legged. This is why you normally wring him out in the beginning, so you can keep up with his insane stamina.
After Zoro has had his fill and painted your torso white with his own spend, he flops down beside you and buries his face into your neck, just inhaling you and needing you close.
You would end up clinging to him too, mumbling something about how you don’t wanna lose him, to which Zoro replies that you wont if he has anything to say about it.
Cue lots of softer and loving kisses and caresses, sweet words mumbled just between lovers, before you guys fall asleep. Zoro most likely ends up asleep first, for once completely asleep instead of the type of half naps he normally takes.
When the crew returns later, some of them will be able to guess immediately what you guys were up too, especially if your knees are still feeling weak from how much Zoro drained you.
But you guys are talking and back to acting like you normally do, so that’s all that matters. I could see Nami teasing you guys about it though, whilst Robin just laughs a little to herself because its entertaining.
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cxhleel108 · 7 months
LITG S8 Thots for this week: Oh- ok!
• Time for another volume of listening to the bombshell drone on about how much they’re in love with me and no one else in the villa🙂
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• Helppp not Chuckles!
• Luna telling me to just not graft on Tyler because I don’t wanna lose Oakley. Like that’s ever worked in the game up until now.
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• They revealing this like I’m ‘posed to give a fuck? Like…yeah he’s fine as hell that’s why I chose him.
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• I’m sorry to all Hungarian people reading right now but this sounds so strange.
• Ok Tyler is really cute I’ll give him that, but do I put him above my baby daddy Oakley? Nahhhhh fam.
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• Why would he say this😭😭😭???
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• Girlllll anyways.
• I didn’t even expose her. I’m only about vibes and fun this season! (This is so gonna change by the end of the season btw)
• Omg you mean to tell me that for once the bombshell won’t get to steal me from my happy couple when they first enter the villa???!!! Everybody get up!
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• Yes, please gather him Theo cuz I don’t know who the fuck this is, but it sure ain’t Jin.
• I don’t remember who said it, but somebody said Jin was most likely a Gemini and honestly all this aggy shit makes sense then cuz them hoes love to have like 20 different personalities. Yes, I know my MC is a Gemini but she’s different!
• Luna all of sudden wanting my man??? Y’all been here a good amount of days but as soon as I get with him that’s when you want to pursue like girl make it make seeeeense. No wonder her ass was trying it with me the other night she just mad I’m on his dick and she not🙄
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• Ugh this is bae for realllll like y’all don’t get it! He’s picking me up with ONE ARM!!!
• The mocktail date ahhhhh we so goals fr😛
• Fusebox I’m glad y’all stepping y’all game up by giving us different activities, finally!
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• I’m honestly shocked we getting this tea so early on. I was almost certain they was finna milk their whole “power couple” shtick for much longer than this.
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• Luna you not that bitch or nothing but you ate that one thing! Like Sophie girl please😭😭😭
• Soooo this ho gon do all that bullshit this entire volume just to pick Jin again…lord help them.
• Tyler was here for all of 3 minutes I’m crying.
• They really be adding people to the plot just to add them like who the fuck are Christy and Brad? Haven’t they only been here for like 2 weeks my god😭
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• I will never get over his underwear sprite I’m so sorry but also not sorry😩
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• If they just about to reveal everything Tyler told me literally like 5 seconds ago they can keep it cuz I really don’t give a flying fuck about this “Rachel’s Kiss” drama anymore. Let’s wrap this up by next week!
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aquaquadrant · 10 months
Hi there. I’m going insane and it’s your fault. Like I discovered your absolute emotional masterpiece of a fanfic the other day and it’s all I think about anymore I’m so obsessed; I downloaded tumblr bc of you and I don’t really know how this site works but I do know how to click the ask button so that’s your problem now. I got words for you
First off: HOLy the writing and the voices are so good??? Like the characters say things the way their irl counterparts would say it? How?? Teach me your ways? Actually tho what did you do to learn to do that, is it innate, do you practice?
Second: “He wouldn’t have known the sight of Tango’s pale skin flushing bright red all the way down his chest.” That sentence just kinda stuck out to me from the last chapter… for some reason... anyways (idk what my point is here but it sure has got me thinking thoughts :P )
Third: I said I was obsessed, and I think it was an understatement. I didn’t study for my chem final because of this (still got an A tho so dw) and I went to bed for three days straight thinking about it and I woke up every morning thinking about it. (It took a solid hour to snap myself out of it when I actually needed to get work done lol) And on the plane ride home for break I drew some things so I’ll just leave these here if you don’t mind (umm ignore the tango faces on the first page and his left hand on the second, there's something Wrong™ about them I gotta practice, ok?)
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idk if the formatting is good or whatever but here they are
As you can see I love love love the scene after the nightmare. If I remember correctly, Tango started wearing the gloves to protect his claws so they could heal after he escaped, and then when Jimmy gets hurt he just instinctively gives them to him?? Hello, the symbolism??? Tango just surrenders his own protection, both physically, because he would rather protect Jimmy, but also emotionally bc it immediately reveals what he considers a flaw in himself, monstrous, hideous. And Jimmy sees him throw the walls up again, “He quickly shoves the gloves at Jimmy, moving to get up. “I’ll uh, I’ll get another pair tomorrow-”” but Jimmy won’t let him, instead looks at what could be considered Tango’s entire soul —his trauma, his Hels origin, the feral, blaze side of him, the side that lies and hides and lashes out at any who get too close, the “ugliest” parts of him —and loves him despite it? Even sees the beauty in him? Yea, no, I’m normal about that—
Anyways idk how long these things are supposed to be but I have a couple more thoughts so you’re still stuck with me. Ummm let’s see… I adore your impulse design. So I’m taking that, thanks. (If that’s ok) also was thinking about how Jimmy would wear shirts with the wings getting in the way (see bottom of 2nd pic), and then thought maybe that’s why he’s so good at embroidery or sewing in general, cuz he has to make custom clothes. And then I thought what if he made some *cough* outfits and had Tango judge them… or asked for help putting on/taking off a particularly difficult shirt... haven’t had time to draw that yet but ya know… one day. Aaaaand the blaze rods could theoretically make a pretty cool fire crown when Tango's angry, also blazes do damage when you touch them, but I don't think you get set on fire? So it must be the blaze rods themselves doing damage, so I imagine when Tango's fighting they swirl around him both to attack whoever gets too close and to block any incoming projectiles (see middle left of 1st pic). +gradients on the blaze rods :]
Last thing, I showed my sister the fic last night and she’s already read through it twice so you’ve infected two of us. We were theorizing on what’ll happen next chapter. We both think that the others will piece together, to some extent, Tango’s backstory before they figure out how to remove the collar, what with the cuffs he wears, the comments Atlas made about a farm, Atlas’s mentioning about using Jimmy that way for his feathers, etc etc. and the comment that Tango can hear everything? Yea, no, when that collar comes off he’s gonna be distraught, I’m wagering that everything immediately bursts into flames around him or something (cuz that’d be cool). I think he'll probably try to run away, too, but we'll see
Anyways, that’s not all my thoughts but this is getting pretty long, so maybe I’ll send another ask later if that’s alright. Have a good day! Post again soon! Please. Please I'm begging you. For my sanity plea-
(actually tho take ur time. quality is worth it, and this is nothing but quality)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg welcome. this was genuinely SUCH a lovely ask to read, but i wanna take the time to properly answer it so i’m gonna continue under the cut cause boy can i ramble
first off: HELLO, you got a tumblr bc of HTP?? incredible. i’m honored that this gay angsty little block man au was your introduction to the hellsite (affectionate). and don’t worry, i welcome asks no matter the length (tho i might not get to everything in a timely manner)
second of all: i’m SO happy you enjoyed my character voices. that’s definitely something that’s taken a bit of practice, especially for more understated characters that don’t have super obvious or unique vocal traits/vernaculars. i find it helpful to a) have spent a decent amount of time watching the source material and b) always go over my dialogue with the character’s voice in my mind, and see if it sounds like something they’d actually say. ofc, sometimes liberties can be taken based on the plot/setting of a fic but generally i spend a lot of time and effort on getting character voices right, so i appreciate the appreciation <3
thirdly: i like that particular sentence too ;0
fourth: THAT ART THO??? oh man. impulse looks amazing (i’ve always loved demon!impulse and gotta credit @lunarcrown for bringing that vision to life 💃) and the wings are SO well done, like you conveyed that leathery thin bat skin texture perfectly. the various tangos are SICK, i luuuuv seeing him in full blaze rage mode, using those blaze rods to their full effect. and those hands… goddamn. not only do i respect the hand anatomy but the ROSES… the shackles and their metallic texture… the gradient on tango’s claws… chef’s kiss 💋👌 and THANK YOUUU the post-nightmare scene was one of my favorites from that chapter, and you’ve summed it up beautifully.
moving on: as with all of lunar’s designs, she’s happy to inspire so BEHOLD, DEMON IMPULSE UPON YE (that’s a yes from both of us LOL) i love ur idea about jimmy making custom shirts to work around his wings, that’s one of those little details i never put much thought into but it fits so nicely with him being into embroidery. so jimmy def makes a lot of his own clothes (and occasionally some for tango), co-signed and approved. and ur on the right track about tango’s blaze rods- most of his defensive fire comes directly from them, doing that crazy swirly fireball thing that actual blaze do, but he does also have the ability to produce fire from his hands, he just doesn’t do it often. it takes a bit more concentration and practice, and he spent so long trying not to use his abilities that it doesn’t come second nature to him anymore. he was way more of a fire starter as a kid in hels.
last but not least: AWW it’s so sweet u got ur sister into the au (lord knows i’ve dragged mine into many a fandom 😂) glad y’all enjoyed it so much, AND now u have someone to theorize with 👀 i won’t say anything more on the matter other than i hope to get the next chapter out over the next couple weeks, so stay tuned…
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onthewaytosomewhere · 7 months
wait?! it's wednesday!?!
well - i guess it has been all day - i'm certain i knew this y'all 🤷‍♀️
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so i've got a few tags today (i luv tags) so @england-would-fall @suseagull04 @magicandarchery @agame-writes @taste-thewaste @sunnysideprince @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @heybuddy-drabbles @firenati0n thanks ever so much for the tags (it reminded me it was wednesday and got me wanting to write some more tonight - yay!!) ❤️ i will be perusing these all soon-ish to be unhinged as per normal at your amazing words - once the holy crud is this day over yet portion of the day is finally done ❤️
so today's bit of words is from my hockey!alex and bookshop!henry cuz i got a chance to work on that some more in the last week - amongst the new smaller one i'm also working on to hopefully post next week or so - we'll see lol
“Oh, that’s a load of bollocks, you know as well as I do, you can restock those books later. Now is when you will tell Auntie Pezza why you’re ignoring me. You should know you can’t get away with that by now. On our sacred pub trivia day, no less, what have I ever done to you to deserve such treatment?” Pez’s hand goes to his heart like an overly dramatic southern belle about to faint.
Henry rolls his eyes at Pez’s dramatics, “If you know I’m ignoring you, that’s great. You can skedaddle back where you came from so I can continue getting my work done; I’m sure you have some of your own.” “I do. I’m meeting Liam at the Shelter in a couple of hours, but until then, you have me here.” Pez kneels down and picks up one of the books off the pile Henry has on the floor before continuing, “Haz, tell me what’s going on. What knots are you working that pretty mind of yours into? Is this about the enchanting Alexander?” Henry scoffs, “Enchanting? Are we talking about the same person? Because I don’t see how you would get that.” Pez smiles, reminding Henry that he is talking to the person who knows him best in the world. “I heard you were quite enchanted for at least part of the time he was here. I won’t ask again what happened because I know you are, as my dear Liam says, ‘dug in like a tick,’ and it would be useless right now. Remember, though, when you are ready to talk about it, I’m here.” Pez stands up and holds his hand out to help Henry up, and he takes the hand, the olive branch his best friend is extending. Acknowledging the silent agreement that, as always, he will confide in him when he gets his thoughts untangled enough to communicate them. As they walk over to the counter where Pez left the food by the register, he asks, “So why is Liam meeting you at the shelter? Are you skipping out for the afternoon? If so, please don’t tell me the no doubt dirty details of whatever you have planned.” Pez laughs, and the fond roll of his eyes he directs at Henry tells him he is forgiven for going radio silent for the last day. “You know I don’t kiss and tell, at least not sober,” Pez sends Henry a grin that reminds him of some of those times he has done just that. “But, no, Liam is coming to discuss some of the upcoming events we’re arranging with the team, him and Alex.” “Oh.” Henry tries to keep the contempt out of his voice, but based on the look Pez gives him, he’s unsuccessful.
❤️so now the fun part (and if you've already done this and i missed it (cuz not really had a chance to look yet) well 'hey!') no-pressure tags to @adreamareads @anincompletelist @bitbybitwrites @dragonflylady77 @duchessdepolignaca03 @firstsprinces @forever-fixating @inexplicablymine @junebugclaremontdiaz @kiwiana-writes (i'm totally blaming ya for the pez/liam that now wants to pop into all my fics lol - but i do kinda luv it lol) @priincebutt @sophie1973 @stellarm @typicalopposite
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sooniessoulmate · 3 months
𝙳𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚈𝚘𝚞 - 𝚌𝚑.𝟷𝟺 - 𝙷𝚊𝚎𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜
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𝚌𝚑.𝟷𝟹 | 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 | 𝚌𝚑.𝟷𝟻
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𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟺 : 𝚠𝚊𝚒𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚎
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“I can’t believe it's time for exams already,” YangYang complains, leaning his head against a bookshelf. “Although, I feel like I’ve studied enough already.”
Doyoung glances up from the book he is reading, “that’s because you’re normally always asleep for the studying part.”
“Why wouldn’t you wake him up,” Hendery asks, walking over to join them.
“Cuz’ I’m usually napping next to him,” Doyoung laughs.
Kun turns around, placing his back to you, “you idiots, I told you guys to find some books, not make jokes. You won’t be joking around when you don’t have any more time to study.”
“Come on, let’s go over there,” YangYang says, walking towards the opposite side of the library while Hendery and Doyoung follow him.
Kun closes his book and places it back on the shelf, following them, leaving you behind alone. You continue to glance at the shelf, trying to decide what book you need when Donghyuck sneaks up behind you.
“Ahem,” he clears his throat in order to get your attention. 
You turn to look at him, unamused bringing a smile to his pretty face. “So do you have a study buddy for the exams?” he asks.
“I do,” you nod, “and a lot of them.”
“What about more than a buddy?” he winks.
“Isn’t that what Yeji is for?” you ask, not being able to refrain from bringing her up again.
“Well,” Donghyuck looks down at his feet. “Yeji usually studies at her friends’ dorm during the exams and I study with Jisung. But I’m pretty sure this year, Jisung will be with at his lover’s dorm…Soooo, I want to be like him.”
You look around to make sure no one was around before asking, “and who’s your lover?”
He closes his eyes to take a deep breath while moving a little closer to you. “Please, Y/N,” he begs with a giant smile on his face. “Let me study in your dorm, with you.”
He places the index finger of each hand on his cheek, pressing the tip into his dimples, attempting to look extra adorable.
“Do you really think that’s going to work on me?” you scoff.
Donghyuck smiles even wider, cocking his head in a cutesy way.
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Donghyuck and you hide in your dorm for the next few days, studying together. You enjoye the time alone with him. Although, it only seems to make your feelings grow. The more time you spend together the harder you seem to be falling. The only downfall to studying with Donghyuck is you both end up paying more attention to each other than your books.
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The night before the exam, Donghyuck takes you to a shrine set up on the university grounds by some of the students. He kneels down before it and you follow his lead.
“Are you sure?” you ask.
“I’m positive,” he smiles. “We’ve been screwing around all day, we can’t start studying now. Listen, whoever makes an offering will pass the exam.”
“But, will it really work?” you wonder full of skepticism due to the fact that you never attempted anything so ludacris before.
“Of course,” Donghyuck states. “That’s how I survived my entire third year.”
You exhale slowly, nodding in defeat, “ok.” You watch as he inches closer to the shrine and lights incense sticks, waiting further instructions.
“Donghyuck,” Soojin yells, walking up to the shrine behind the two of you. “Are you two worshiping the shrine of good luck?”
“I just accompanied her here,” he lies.
You quickly turn to see all of Donghyuck’s friends standing next to Soojin. You’re speechless that is trying to throw you under the bus when all of this nonsense has been his idea.
“Just admit it,” soojin sighs, kneeling down next to you. “Everyone comes here.” She scoots over to make room for Jaemin to be able to squeeze in next to you. 
Chenle grabs a handful of incense sticks, lights them, and hands everyone a couple. You observe everyone closing their eyes once they recieve their sticks and it looks as though they whisper something to themselves. Not entirely sure of what you’re doing, you decide to imitate their actions, closing your eyes then quickly open them.
Sijoon is the first to open her eyes, leaning forward to place her sticks in the slot on the ground in front of the shrine where other incense sticks are. Then Mark and Chenle both lean forward at the same time, banging their heads into each other.
“Ouch,” Chenle yells, looking at Mark. “Why do you have to be in such a hurry?”
“You were in too much of a rush,” Mark snaps.
“Let me do mine first,” Chenle snaps. “Your ash burnt my freakin hand.”
“Can’t you guys be quiet?” Jisung asks, rolling his eyes.
Donghyuck looks at you sitting perfectly still, “I’ll put your incense over there for you.”
You don’t resist, you hand him your sticks, smiling as you watch him taking care of you. 
“Hey Y/N, come here, Jaemin and I want to talk to you about something,” Sijoon says, pulling you away from Donghyuck.
Donghyuck watches, wanting to put a stop to it but fully aware that if he says anything he will expose your secret relationship, which he isn’t ready to do that. He stands up, walking away from the shrine to lean against another tree so can’t see his friends with you. Jisung follows his friend over and leans against the tree as well. 
“Hey,” Jisung sighs, nudging Donghyuck with his elbow. “Your eyes were practically popping out of your head.”
“What are you talking about?” Donghyuck huffs.
“I’m just teasing you,” Jisung laughs. “How are things with Yeji?”
“She’s studying with her friends at their dorm so I haven’t really had the chance to see her,” Donghyuck explains.
“I think the faster you talk to her, the better. If you leave things like this for too long, it won’t be good for anyone,” Jisung suggests.
Donghyuck knows his friend is right. He knows he has to handle things properly, what is he doing with you isn’t fair to you or Yeji.
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You lay on your bed, attempting to sleep when you notice Donghyuck is staring at the ceiling, deep in thought. You roll over to face him, “can’t sleep?” you ask. 
“No not really,” he sighs.
“That sucks,” you say. “I guess you’ll be going to your room once the exams are over, right?”
“Well…since this is my last night here,” he rolls over to look at you with a devilish smirk on his face. “And since neither of us can sleep, I think we should do something else.”
“In your dreams,” you scoff, closing your eyes. 
“I can just wait till you fall asleep then,” he laughs. 
“I won’t fall asleep before you,” you state.
“I call bullshit,” he laughs, “you always snore and that’s what keeps me awake.”
“That’s insane,” you snap, “I don’t snore.”
He decides not to argue, there’s  no point, you’re too stubborn to admit you’re wrong. Donghyuck watches as you slowly drift off to sleep. You look so peacefully that he can’t help but to smile. He inches towards your face, kisses your forehead, then lays back down on his side of the bed. 
“I knew you didn’t have the balls to do it,”  you smirk, not opening your eyes.
“It has nothing to do with my balls,” he retorts, “it’s because you can’t act.”
You laugh, turning to look at him, smiling at his adorable face. You are really enjoying having him stay with you and even though you don’t want to admit it, you’re going to be a little sad once things go back to the way they were.
“No, the real reason I didn’t do anything is because I gotta make things right, first,” Donghyuck explains, turning his entire body to face you
“What do you mean by that?” you ask.
“After the exam, I’m going to end things with Yeji,” he confesses, staring intently into your eyes. “I know this might a lot to ask, but you please wait for me?”
A small smile subconsciously appears on your face, “I’ll be right here…so you better make it quick and hurry back to me.”
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𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚟 | 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 | 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝
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𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚗
@lostinneocity @delululi @multifandomania
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hyeitsju · 1 year
choerry hcs? both sfw and nsfw thank youuu^^
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So sorry for the late reply and the bad writing, I'm not very good at it.
Choerry hcs!!
(Choerry x FEMALE Reader)
• She is the most affectionate person EVER
• Hugs and cheek kisses 24/7, it's non negotiable
• So talkative but also loves to listen to you rant about your day
• She loves spending time with you
• If she is not at your house then you are at hers
• Her mood can be lifted just by looking at you
•Her members definitely text you when she’s really upset (basically never) so you can help her calm down
• Cuddles with her are heaven
• Although, once she starts she will not let go
• Even in her sleep
• Takes you out on carnival dates a lot, she probably has a collection somewhere of all the stuffed animals the both of you have won.
• And when she pays for both of your food she makes sure to mention it for at least the next 3 hours
• She would looove it if your as clingy as she is, you two would be a power couple
• You would still get teased by the girls, tho
• When she first met your parents they automatically took her in as their child
• If they tell her something embarrassing you did as a child she will never stop bringing it up
• Whenever she isn’t sleeping over at your house, she will FaceTime you so she can fall asleep to the sound of you talking.
• Doesn’t get jealous often but when she won’t say anything
• She’ll just sit back and pout until you come back over to her
•When you do she will be complaining nonstop
•If not that then she’ll try to politely excuse you from the conversation and leave wherever you both are early.
• Very flirty
• Would 100% text you pick up lines at random
• She’ll say them in public too and will get upset if you don’t react or reciprocate
• If your as clingy as she is then you both will be inseparable
• Wherever you are people automatically assume she’s at most 15 ft away
• Kisses 24/7
• On the cheek, on the forehead, on the lips, on the neck
• She just need to kiss you
• Choerry is a very supportive girl, you could tell her you want to be a sumo wrestler and she’d be happy for you
• She’d send you signed stuff like albums or photocards and whatnot and would explode in happiness whenever you post about them
• I personally think that she wouldn’t be private about your relationship
• She wouldn’t talk about you 24/7 or constantly post pictures of you, she’d just let it be known that y’all are dating.
• If she were to hide it however, she would need to avoid all topics about you.
• If you were an idol, there would be no chance.
•Her face just lights up at your name and by seeing you, people would connect the dots themselves.
• Is so defensive for you.
• If people leave hate comments about you she’d get mad and tell them off
�� Hates fighting with you.
• Although, one of you is gonna apologize within the next 3 hours after the fight
• She just can’t stand you being mad at her and vise versa
• I don’t know if it’s cuz I’m a pillow princess but I can’t see her as a bottom
• She’s just dominant in my eyes
• A soft dom tho, I can’t really see hee being too rough
• She has a high sex drive, 1000%
• You just turn her on, what can I say?
• She’s pretty vanilla tbh, maybe besides a light overstimulation and (maybe) exhibition kink
• She can be at school, work, a restaurant, on a camping trip
• She could be 10 minutes from going on stage and she will still find a way to fuck you
• I feel like she wouldn’t really like to use sex toys, maybe a vibrator or two but other than that, no.
• I just can’t see her using a strap or dildo
• She prefers to use her hands or her body
• She isn’t really into sending or receiving nudes but if you decided to send one she definitely wouldn’t mind.
• Loves overstimulating you
• Most of the time it’s not even on purpose, she just gets lost in the taste and feel of your pussy
• She loves your boobs equally tho
• I feel like she’s the type of girl to hold your boobs while falling asleep
• Or, like, play with them while cuddling
• She could and has came untouched from the sound of you moaning her name
• She loves bathroom sex
• Specifically the bathrooms that have stalls
• Watching you try to keep quiet as she fingers you or eats you out alone could make her cum, especially if there’s someone else in the bathroom or in the next stall.
Sorry the nsfw section is small!! I was tryna fill it but I couldn’t really think of much! Also, sorry this is really bad
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jxtp0sed · 4 months
Been back in Japan for a while now but just now getting used to not going to work everyday. It’s been a dream not having to take the congested trains for three hours every day 5-6 times a week omg! It is so so stressful!
Been prepping multiple versions of my resume and tons of cover letters, as well as taking some Japanese lessons (paid for with a stipend from my previous employer - s/o to Nihongonomori) and some MOOCs to level up my skills, alongside attending seminars at my local HelloWork. Getting lots and lots of rejections but trying not to lament though some days are better than others. I need to switch up my approach but also a relocation might be in the near future so I also need to start looking for positions up north… 👀
Remote would be a dream but they’re few and far between for sure…
Since I left my last employer I am proud to say I have booked a handful of model/talent gigs and it’s been such a thrill. I’m writing this on the Shinkansen to Tokyo for what is one of my biggest jobs yet. Of course before leaving Kansai I went through the motions of natural hair anxiety - and I just hope that the beauty team on set over the next couple days come with all their skills because I am going to give it 150% and I want to make sure the look match!!
I really need to get a trim and when I say trim I mean like cutting several inches off my ends (is it even ends anymore?!) because nevermind that I have hair for three people but my endssss whew do not put my blow dried hair in a room with a lit cigarette 😂
Is this a safe space? Anyone wanna take a guess how long it’s been since my last haircut?
Five years…
and before that it was a 4.5 year gap. My last salon visit before that was right before moving to Japan lol I have basically only gotten a haircut that one time since I moved to Japan ten years ago and I didn’t even get the haircut at the 4.5 year mark IN Japan. I’m just really apprehensive about the level of natural/Black haircare knowledge and have lots of childhood salon trauma. I just want to be treated with dignity and walk out happy. 😢 but at this point and with my goals in mind I need to get my hair together and I need help doing it.
I need to find someone who knows how to do a proper blowout since I only ever cut my hair dry. What a struggle in itself and so here we are.
THAT aside
Very thankful for everything so far. I find it ironic that I have the opportunity to take modeling more seriously at this stage in my life. Sometimes I think like damn I’m (re)starting so late - but then I tell myself immediately to shut up, that my timing is the right timing and I’m also immediately reminded of what my mom said before I moved to Japan (she didn’t want me to come after the Fukushima disaster - I still came to jpn for the first time that very August on vacation but) she said “I’m not gonna say anything because I know you’re are going to do what you want” and I don’t think she meant it dismissively, but I think it finally hit her that I ammmm stubborn af and thus also really determined to at least TRY something I’m motivated to do if I think it’s at all possible. Shoutout to my Taurus risings!!
She tried to shoot down my model dreams when I was younger but I mean we was poor and I was the first to go to college like what you mean you wanna take pictures as a job looool
Somehow I feel I’m finding my way step by step. :)
Wish me luck!! My sleep schedule is 💩 and I have very early start times starting tomorrow. Wish I could share more about the project but you’ll find out in time cuz I won’t shut up once it’s out 😂 will post recent work in the meantime
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pixelmain · 1 year
Slow Burns are cool and all but me? Personally? I hate it. I need a good medium rare love story. Not too fast and not too slow. Just right. That being said…
Fast Burn Bowuigi love story!!!
Luigi gets dragged along wherever Mario goes. Like all the time. He’s got a big crush on the princess but he doesn’t want to go alone and make it obvious he likes her so who does he go with? Luigi. In exchange Mario has to cook dinner so it is what it is. That is until they arrive and she’s being kidnapped by the neighborhood kingdoms ruler, Bowser. The guards are already gathering to discuss how to get her back. Some are saying maybe if they just do as he says then he’ll let her go. The discussion infuriates Mario, not to mention they won’t let him in the room to hear what’s happening so he has to listen in through the window. Then Mario decides he can’t let them do their plan. He is the only one who could save Peach. Then she’ll HAVE to notice him! Well him and Luigi who tries to protest but Mario won’t take no for an answer. They get to the castle, sneak their way in, and then split up. Luigi gets chased by guards and Mario is like great idea brother! You go that way and I’ll go this way! Luigi runs into a room, barely escaping the guards. Then he hears a child crying. It’s Bowser Jr. Luigi being an expert on crying he quickly helps junior feel better. Then boom, Bowser himself comes in. Silent angry stare at Luigi when Junior interrupts the tension by saying he loves Luigi. And that Bowser should make him his new mommy. Bowser looks at Junior surprised but then smiles and says sure. The three of them walk to the dungeon where Mario is attempting to rescue Peach but then Bowser presses a button letting her out and says she is free to go. Castle goes from a hostile environment to an enchanting castle. With slight lava vibes. Luigi is then led to a room to spend the night, it’s got the works. And Luigi is actually so excited about staying in such a fancy place he forgets where he is. He’s awoken the next day and told to get ready for a wedding. Who’s wedding? He doesn’t ask. White suit? Weird… usually the couple only wear white… oh well! He thinks. Everyone loves a cute theme. It’s his wedding. He’s marrying Bowser. Mario and peach are there but Mario is so distracted that he’s on a date with peach he barely sees that it’s Luigi’s wedding too. Luigi ends up saying yes just cuz he’s too anxious to say no everyone’s looking at him. Things move fast. Too fast for him to process what’s happening. They go to a honeymoon. Bowser treats him like a princess. Spoils the heck out of him. They get home. He’s still being spoiled. They’re spending almost every minute of the day together. Then suddenly he wakes up. Almost a year passed and bowser is no where to be seen. He’s been pulled out to the outskirts of the kingdom on an emergency visit. Luigi mopes around the castle. In his head he thinks he misses home. But he can’t go he’s a prisoner of the kingdom. The guards would surly stop jinx surly… but then at lunch while they give Luigi his food, Junior hops in and sees Luigi sadly eating and asks Luigi if momma is sad bcuz dad is gone? Something in Luigi snaps and he realizes that is why he’s sad. He thought that bowser has been forcing all of this on him but somewhere along the line hes fallen for him. But just as fast as he realizes it, he just as quickly denies it. Something in him screams to go home now. Why has he not tried once to go home. Why was his first thought to be sad and not take the opportunity to leave??? Luigi tries to gather supplies and tries to sneak out of the castle, fails, the guards easily spy him. They just kind of happily address him and say if he wants they could get him a car to get home. Luigi hesitates but says yes. He says bye to Junior and goes home. Mario welcomes him back and asks how long he’s visiting. Luigi goes on this huge rant defending that he’s not visiting! This is his house. He lives here! Mario asks with concern if Bowser was being cruel to him. And luigi describes the cutest little couple problems like I dunno calling him cute. He is not cute. Puppies are cute! Luigi is handsome!! Mario chuckles and just lets luigi figure it out on his own.
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rachaelswrites · 2 years
Bobbi Morse x Sister!reader
Word Count: 606
Requested By: Anonymous
okay. so i just had the best idea. if you wanna write it. so. i was thinking. what if bobbi had a sister who was in the red room. but. she got out and is now on the team with everyone. but cuz she was in the rr she wont ever go to medical or anything. so. one day when they come back from a mission shes hurt but wont admit it. so bobbi stitches her up in their room. lots of fluff and hc please. thank you. :) i love your writing btw. like. so much.
A/N: I loved writing this! Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Mentions of the Red Room and injuries (let me know if I miss any)
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You could feel your older sister trailing close behind you as you got off the jet. She was always protective over you, even before the Red Room and even more afterwards. Bobbi never left your side for a whole month after SHIELD and the Avengers rescued you. You liked that she cared but you need space every once in a while but she didn’t see it that way. It was her job to protect you and for a long time, she wasn’t able to. The Red Room did horrible things to you, some she knew and some she didn’t. You didn’t talk much about it but that place still left an impact on you.
“How are you feeling?” Bobbi asked, jogging to catch up with you before you went to your bunk.
“Fine,” you mumbled, not looking forward to having to share a room with her now. At first, it seemed like a good idea as you were adjusting to normal life but now she was going to see that you had a pretty bad cut on your shoulder from the mission you just returned from. And you knew she was going to make you go to Simmons to get it checked out or even to an actual hospital if it was bad enough.
“Really?” she asked, raising her eyebrows at you, “Because you seem to be favoring your left shoulder. And you’re not left handed.”
You shrugged, dropping your bag on your bed. The sudden movement of the backpack strap against your cut made you wince, which you tried to cover with a cough but it didn’t work.
“Take off your shirt,” she said.
“Bobbi, that's a bit inappropriate don’t you think?” you joked, hoping to distract her.
“You know what I mean Y/n,” she said, walking over to you. She took your jacket off and waited for you to show her your injury. You knew whatever you were cut with had ripped through the fabric of your t-shirt so you just turned around so she could see the cut.
Bobby gently touched the wound and moved the shirt away so she could take a look, “This is bad.”
“I know,” you said, turning back around.
“Simmons should take a look.”
You shook your head, “No. You know what the doctors did to me. I’ll take care of it myself,” you said, starting to rummage through a box to find medical supplies.
“You can’t fix yourself up Y/n. It’s on your shoulder. And you can barely use it,” she said, walking to you and taking the supplies from you, “If you don’t want to go, I won’t make you but at least let me do it.”
“Fine,” you said, sitting on your bed and turning your back towards her. She was gentle when she began cleaning the blood around the cut but you still hissed in pain because of the stinging. When it was time to actually stitch the wound up, you took a deep breath and bit your lip, focusing on that pain rather than the pain in your shoulder. 
“Can you hurry up a bit? I'm in a bit of pain over here,” you said annoyed.
“Do you want to have a scar? Or have this heal incorrectly?” she asked, not changing her pace or letting you distract her.
“I’ll just add it to the collection,” you mumbled.
“Not on my watch,” she said, working on the last few stitches before placing a bandage over it, “Just be careful the next couple of days okay?”
You nodded and turned to face her, “Thanks,” you reached over and hugged her.
“Anytime sis.”
@i-writes-things @thatsamericasass24
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imjustabeanie · 7 months
Hello 🖤
I was hoping to get a Hazbin Hotel matchup please.
I'm bisexual and use she/pronouns so go wild lolol.
Personality wise I appear extremely reserved, but soon enough after a couple of conversations, I reveal my self to be quite boisterous. I'm always cracking (*almost* appropriate) jokes, and I am ALWAYS up for an adventure.
I like the buzz of cities, especially at night, and enjoy eating sushi and wearing perfume.
I am a big reader and particularly enjoy period novels (almost as much as I love rewatching the same 5 shows on repeat).
But my main passion...is musical theatre! I can act, sing and dance and I'm working hard in training to have a shot in the industry.
When it comes to dating, I don't really have a type I go for. It's more about the chemistry I have with someone and how easily we can bounce conversation back and forth.
I suppose then I like people with a bit of wit. Who have a sharpness that they know if and when to use.
I hope that's all the information you need. Thank you for reading my request 🖤
Hey hey hey! Here's your match!
Your hazbin hotel match is....Charlie Morningstar!
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Okay so for you it was rather tough cuz you’d get along with many characters as we could try different chemistries and it’d still work. But I finally settled down for good old Charlie Morningstar. You do have as runner ups Rosie (unfortunately, the show didn’t develop her well enough for me to analyse her more deeply cuz she’s in a near equal position to Charlie), Vaggie and (if we omit his sexuality) Angel Dust. The last one would totally be a bff in that world lol.
Charlie is a very passionate person. She believes that everyone deserves a second chance and has a very positive outlook on life in general. Your reserved exterior won’t bother her at all as she’ll actively try to befriend you! And once you reveal your more extraverted self she’ll consider it as a huge victory lol. I believe that Charlie would be the one to ask you out first, she will do it in a song trust me (and it won’t cosk 50k).
You two are a very adventurous couple cuz you encourage each other. She wants to go to the most dangerous parts of hell to promote her hotel? Sure! You want to go to a play taking place in another circle but you two have things to do the next day in early morning? Hop on baby there’s no time to waste. Vaggie is losing it with you two.
Charlie completely understands your jokes and let out a giggle every time you make one even if it’s really borderline to the shock of Angel Dust and Vaggie. She is also rather sharp, she just hides it. But if you hurt someone she loves then she’ll go all out.
Dates nights every night she can, she either takes you out to a restaurant, entertainment or just makes something at the hotel for both of you to unwind and gossip together. As we saw in the show, Charlie tells everything to her lover so it’s definitely the case here. Your opinion matters a lot to her. But she also values honesty a lot so if you take time to open up warn her so she won’t be hurt.
I also see her to be the type to hyperfixate on something for a while (which means also rewatching her favorite episodes and re reading her favorite chapters). Due to her age, Charlie definitely is a big reader, it’s just that she has less time with the hotel. If you start rambling about the books you’re reading you can almost see the hearts in her eyes.
Charlie is your number one cheerleader in your interest at dancing, singing and acting. You two always sing together and believe it or not she won’t hesitate to use her position to help boost you because she really believes in you. Yeah you two are such a sight to behold.
I hope you like it!
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(angst and character death ahoy)
When he gets back to town, he cannot, for the life of him, find Midge.
And he told her he was leaving. They’d had a good talk about everything, and landed on “just friends” and he told her he was heading out to LA for gigs and time with his kid, but now that he’s back in New York, it’s mid-February, and he can’t figure out where the hell she is.
He doesn’t want to go to Susie with this, but needs must, and when he gets to her office, she looks a little ill, and things seem a little grim.
“Who died?” Lenny asks, only half-joking.
“Midge’s ex,” Susie tells him, dead seriously.
Lenny blinks rapidly. “What-” 
“Fucking idiot had a couple mob guys stop in at his club, take up space, make a little noise,” Susie explains. “He threw them out. Told ‘em not to come back.” 
“Shit,” Lenny utters, knowing where this is going.
“Yeah. They came back with some guys the next night and…” she waves her hands, and Lenny can imagine.
“Shit,” he repeats. 
“Funeral’s tomorrow,” Susie tells him. “Lemme get you the address. Midge ain’t around cuz she’s been planning the damn thing.” 
His eyes nearly fall out of his head. “I’m sorry, Midge is planning her asshole ex-husband’s funeral?” 
“Don’t speak ill of the dead,” says a stranger, gangly young man from the couch as he fiddles with a deck of cards. “After all, you never know what people will say about you when you die.”
“Alfie, stop bein’ creepy,” Susie snaps as she scribbles the address down on a piece of paper on Dinah’s desk. “She’s the only one in her nutjob family even remotely holding it together. The girlfriend is five months fucking pregnant and is only speaking in one word sentences. The ex-mother-in-law cannot stop wailing. The ex-father-in-law is mostly bed-ridden cuz he had that heart attack back in November and this isn’t helping. Midge’s parents are mostly wrangling the ex-in-laws so that leaves Midge to plan the funeral.”
“Yeah. Fuck.” Susie huffs and looks at him. “Look, are you gonna make this worse?” 
Lenny narrows his eyes. “What do you-” 
“Midge is in love with you,” Susie tells him flat out. “She loves you. You convinced her to start working again, and I’m grateful for that, but she’s gonna have a meltdown any day with all of this, so if you’re here to make things fucking worse-” 
“I’m not,” Lenny tells her. “I promise I’m not. I just- I’m back. I wanted to get a drink.” 
“Maybe another time,” Susie tells him. “You know where the door is,” she says as she heads back to her office. “You used to walk in.” 
Lenny waves the little slip of paper and heads out.
She talks her way out of giving a eulogy, thank fuck.
They had all wanted her to. She talks for a living, after all, and she was with Joel for years and they had children together and it would make sense for her to get up and give a dignified tribute to the man.
Except she’s not finding much dignity in any of this.
Planning the funeral for the man who cheated on her and left, and turned her life all the way upside down, and now has left her children without a father over an argument in a club.
It doesn’t even feel senseless. 
It just feels stupid.
So she agrees to handle the funeral, and lift that weight off of Moishe and Shirley and Mei. Graveside. Rabbi. Moishe and Archie are set to give eulogies. She orders the food for the shiva after the service and burial. She makes sure there are low stools and boxes to sit on at the house. She makes sure the mirrors are covered. Hell, she even picked the casket, because no one else was in any shape to do so. Simple. Classic. 
She made time to sit down with her very young children and fumble her way through explaining death, which just makes her feel like she’s swallowed a mouthful of dust. 
She’s not sure when the last time she ate was, but she’ll eat later. 
Later, later, later. 
She’ll have a later to plan for.
Joel won’t. 
They let immediate family come in and see the body before everyone heads to the cemetery. To say goodbye. 
Midge is the last one, staring down at his too-pale face and closed eyes. Whoever styled his hair did it wrong, and she almost reaches in to fix it, but stops herself.
Sitting through the service is tough. Her parents are on either side of her. Her brother and Astrid and Susie and imogene behind her. Noah’s big, warm hand rests on her shoulder the whole time, and she’s so grateful she feels like she actually might cry.
She hasn’t cried yet.
Moishe doesn’t make it through his eulogy. Archie does, and finally it’s time for everyone to come up and shovel a little dirt onto the casket after it’s lowered into the ground.
Midge waits. 
She waits until everyone has had their turn before going up and taking the biggest shovel-full of gravedirt she can lift, and dumping it on top. 
It starts drizzling a little, and everything starts to wrap up. People are hugged. Shirley is still crying. Mei is still largely silent. 
“Come along, Miriam, we have to get to the house,” her mother says. 
“Actually, Mama, I need a little time alone,” Midge says. “Just- I’ll catch up.” 
“Are you sure?” Rose asks, looking concerned. “I can stay, if-” 
Midge shakes her head. “You go. Make sure the caterers are okay. Look after the kids?” 
“Of course, Dear.” 
Her mother’s hand reaches out and strokes her cheek affectionately in a way she hasn’t done since Midge was a little girl, and it’s…
Once her family has left, it starts to drizzle. Cold February rain, and Midge huffs out a breath as it soaks through her coat. 
She doesn’t notice Lenny until he’s standing next to her, an umbrella lifted above both their heads. Midge shivers and looks up at him. “Hi.” 
“Hi,” Lenny greets. “You want a ride to the shiva call?” 
Midge shakes her head. 
“You want me to take you home?” 
She shakes her head again, looking back at the mound of dirt that has yet to be heaped onto the casket. 
Lenny huffs out a breath. “You wanna finish burying the son of a bitch?” 
Midge nods. 
And they do. They scoop shovels-full of dirt onto the casket until it’s done, and Midge is soaked in cold rain, and wet mud and her own tears, and drops the shovel huffs out a breath. 
Lenny drops his own and lifts the umbrella again, not that it does much good now. “Let me take you home.” 
“I don’t want to go home,” she snaps, her voice ragged from the crying. “I lived there with him, I- I’m so stupid. Why the fuck did I buy back that apartment?” 
“Because you wanted your kids to have security,” Lenny says gently. “And you had no idea he was going to die.” 
“I don’t want to go home,” she repeats. 
“Can I take you home with me, then?” he offers, holding a hand out. “No funny business. Just a hot shower and some hot coffee, and maybe a nap?” 
She considers it for a moment, before nodding and gripping his hand tightly.
The shower feels good. When she emerges, he’s left her her underthings, a clean undershirt and a bathrobe to change into, and she does, gratefully, cuddling into clothing that smells like this man she’s not supposed to have romantic feelings for anymore. 
She hears him on the phone when she steps out, she can hear him on the phone. 
“I’ve got her, Rose. I’ll take her home when she’s ready to go home. I know she was supposed to head to Moishe and Shirley’s, but she wasn’t in any shape to. Rose, come on, she shouldn’t have had to plan that funeral in the first place, he wasn’t her husband anymore, that wasn’t fair…I’ll let her know. Okay.” 
He spots her and gives her a grin. “Just letting your family know your whereabouts. I also called the dry cleaners to come pick up your dress.” 
Midge nods and shuffles over to the couch, sitting down and curling in against him, grateful for the way his arms automatically wrap around her, and one hand rubs her shoulder.
“Do you need me to pretend to be understanding?” he jokes in a soft voice. 
She laughs a little and sniffles against his shoulder. “I’m so angry at him, Lenny.” 
He nods, letting her talk, still rubbing her shoulder.
“I’m so mad,” she goes on. “My kids don’t have a father anymore. Shirley lost her son. Mei lost the love her life and the father of her unborn child, and for fucking what? So Joel could look big in front of some mob guys? Feel like the boss?” 
His hand shifts to her hair, stroking the damp curls gently. “It was a terrible way to die.” 
“He could have just let it go,” Midge blurts out, lip trembling. “He could have just let them stay, and just - gone home and bitched about it to Mei. Taken it out on me later in the week. The stuff normal people do when they have a bad day at work, not-” 
He pulls her closer, holding her tightly, letting her cry against his shoulder. 
“Can I stay here?” she squeaks out. “Can I just stay here?” 
Lenny nods, pressing a kiss to her temple. “As long as you need.” 
Midge shifts again, curling up in his lap, closing her eyes.
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tame-a-messenger · 9 months
(Warning: the last couple times I tried to do a separate paragraph it somehow condensed into one paragraph when you posted it for some reason so I apologize in advance for what might end up being a huge wall of text lol)
Omg my top five starkid musicals?? That’s so hard 😭 I definitely don’t have a set ranking so these won’t be in order just general top five.
Obviously I have to have AVPM in there. I mean it’s a classic and was the show that introduced me to Starkid when I was a big Harry Potter fan and found this show. I was obsessed with the Very Potter Trilogy in middle school and would listen to the soundtrack every day while getting ready for school lmao. Honestly if I could put all three in my top five I would (like Coolest Girl helped me get more confidence and is so important to me) but I gotta save some room for other shows cuz they’re all amazing. But AVPM gave us “Hufflepuff’s are particularly good finders” and Quirrelmort and that alone is enough to put it in the top five (not even counting all the other iconic parts of the show)
Maybe an unpopular opinion but Holy Musical Batman is definitely in my top five. Idk what it is but I just love that show. The puns, the costumes, Nick Lang acting, Joe walker (I miss him ok), Jeff Blim debut in arguably one of his best roles? It’s all SO good. Also the opening number is *chef’s kiss* like Dylan didn’t need to go that hard. ALSO THE ACAPELLA SECTION IN DARK SAD LONELY KNIGHT?! It’s amazing. Anyway I love that silly little show.
Maybe it’s recency bias but I love NPMD. I literally have the soundtrack on repeat. One of the best StarKid soundtracks FOR SURE. The show is just so funny and has good characters and has amazing songs what more can I say? Also Angela as Grace is a standout
Idk if this counts since it’s shorter and not written by the Lang bros but A VHS Christmas Carol is so special to me so it’s in my top five. I love the 80s soundtrack (lowkey Clark’s best work) and vibes in general. I also love how we get to see some older Starkids who aren’t in the current stuff anymore again. I literally screamed (ok maybe not literally but internally I screamed and freaked out lol) when I saw the video announcing the cast for the first time bc omg my favs are returning!! Also I am obsessed with Brian and Lauren as a duo (SIBLINGS) so seeing them actually play siblings and the little spin hug they did just warmed my heart.
Honestly for fifth it’d probably be whichever I watch most recently bc they’re all so good and I can’t decide so I’ll at least say tie between Trail to Oregon and Black Friday. They’re both so good but so different so it’s hard for me to decide but I love them both. OMG AND TWISTED!! Bro I literally can’t pick a fifth they’re all so good 😭
I feel like anybody that like Starkid has to have AVPM in the top 5, it’s usually the first introduction to them! 
You’re making me want to push Holy Musical Batman further up on my catch-up to Starkid musicals! I skimmed it a while ago and it didn’t grab me so I watched something else, BUT IT SOUNDS SO GOOD WITH HOW YOU PITCHED IT? It’s next on my list for sure!
NPMD really is pretty killer, I LOVE the music! I put it on some playlists and everything! from Lauren's solo to Grace’s “bully/Bury the bully” THE INTRO?! JON MATTESON !!! “I’M NOT A LOSER!” LIKE DUDE?!
moving on
GOSHDAMN ANOTHER ONE I HAVENT SEEN! VHS Christmas Carol! I ALSO skimmed this one and didn’t finish it! I’ve really gotta start watching stuff! You make it sound so GOOD!
RIGHT ITS SO HARD TO CHOOSE. I’ll agree to have all Starkid musicals as our #1 beside “me and my dick”. 
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whiskeyswriting · 1 year
Always The Second Choice Chapter 4: Madhouse
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{ Masterlist } | { Previous Part }
Chapter 4: Madhouse 
The seconds turn into minutes.
Minutes into hours.
Hours into days.
Days into a week.
Time continues and Lily feels like her world has stopped since that day. She hasn’t slept. She had ignored her phone and door. The only person she could bear to see at the moment was Jimmy. And that was because she could never tell him no. Jimmy would bring her lunch and he would sit with her, even if neither said anything,
After their lunches, Lily continued to spend the next few days trying to fight sleep. Her body had grown tired and the bags under her eyes would just darken daily. She knew it wasn’t healthy to live like this, so she contacted Perry to allow her to work from her home office for a while. 
“Take the time you need. James told me a bit more detail about what you went through… So yeah, take the time you need and work from home.”
What she didn’t tell Perry was that seeing Clark would hurt too much. Not to mention that Lois just wanted to see her to interview her for a news article. 
After deciding to work from home, Lily started focusing on her emotional well-being. She started going to the gym her apartment building had and burning up all her pent-up anger and pain. 
The burn of the running, lunges, weights, and everything in between helped her focus. Though she loved her position at the Daily Planet, she knew if she were to return everyone would treat her differently. She spent a couple of days clearing out her work email and preparing layouts for a few more articles before emailing Perry her resignation letter.
That same day Jimmy again came over to have lunch with her. He is gentle when he unlocks the door and steps in with the bags of food. “Okay, pity party is over today. Today we’re commencing Day 1 of the New Future.”
Lily got up from the couch and ran to hug him tightly. Galahad, Lily’s black Scottish fold, was sleeping by the door stretches and meowed up at Jimmy when he heard him come in. Galahad rubs against Jimmy’s leg and meows at him for attention.
“Oh, babe!” Jimmy hugs her in return. “It’s okay. I’m here. I’m real. I’ve got you.”
“I just can’t sleep, Jimmy… I… There are things I didn’t tell you about when I was under… It… There were other things I experienced.”
Jimmy’s brows furrow and he sits next to Lily. “Only talk about it if you want to and feel ready.”
“There were moments where it’s like I was locked up in an asylum… Like the one from Gotham… There would be endless hallways of me running and men in white coats, coats, getting so close, close. I would find an escape room only to end up back in that hallway saying my prayers, don't take me back there.”
Jimmy pulls her into a tight hug. “You’re here now. This is your reality. I won’t let anyone harm my best friend.”
Lily smiles. “You’re the best Jimmy Olsen. Too bad we both are too alike to be a real couple,” she teases. Lily removes her arms from Jimmy and helps him plate the food for them. “You got enough food to feed a small family.”
“That’s cuz I invented a couple more people.”
“James Bartholomew Olsen! Why would you do that? Who did you invite?” 
Jimmy gently pushes her to her room. “Go get dressed. Your boyfriend is coming.”
“Boyfriend!? What are you going on about Jimmy?”
“Luthor… He’s been calling the office every day for you. Nobody wants to talk to him so they all have me take the call.”
Lily groans. “I do have to return the suit to him.”
“Why don’t you wear your new sweatpants and vintage rock tee?”
Lily just rolls her eyes at Jimmy but goes to change. As she’s getting dressed, she hears Jimmy open the door and greet the other guests. Immediately, she recognizes Lex’s voice. However, Lily couldn’t fully identify the other two voices.
Once she’s done, she exits her room and heads to the kitchen. Before reaching the kitchen, she walks into Lex, who is exiting the guest bathroom. “Mr. Luthor.”
“What have I told you to call me?”
He shakes his head and smiles sadly down at her. “I’m sorry for what you went through. James explained it to me. How are you feeling?”
“You don’t have to apologize. You’re not the one that gave me the nightmare… I have that suit you let me borrow the other day.”
“You can keep it. It was a gift.”
Jimmy finds them in the hallway. “Chop chop. The food is getting cold. You lovebirds can catch up later.”
Lily can feel her cheeks flush deeply. “We’re not…”
“We’ll be right there,” Lex says simultaneously as Lily.
When they reach the dining room, Lily finally sees who the other two people are. One is a young female, about her age, and she immediately sits next to Lex. The other is one of Jimmy’s fellow photographer and crush, Amanda. 
During dinner, Lily can’t help but feel overwhelmed with too much conversation and stimulation, she sometimes lets her mind wander back to the dream life.
“Mercy… That’s not an appropriate question,” Lex's stern voice brings Lily back to the present. 
“I just wanted to know what was the reason for the fainting spell and sudden quitting of a lucrative job.”
Jimmy responds before Lily can. “I wonder why you’re so interested in what happened to Lils… It’s almost as if you had something to do with it and want to make sure she doesn’t know you had a hand in it.”
Lex looks over at Jimmy and then at Mercy. “Did you have anything to do with it?”
“You’re seriously going to believe people that you just met? I’ve been loyal to you and Luthor Corp since day 1.”
Before anyone else can say anything, there’s a knock at Lily’s door.
They all share a look before Lily stands and goes to open the door. To her surprise, Clark and Lois are standing there. “Hi cuz. We heard you were having a dinner party and wanted to join,” Lois says barging in.
Clark looks at Lily apologetically. 
Immediately, Jimmy and Lex are at Lily’s side, while she blocks Lois from entering further into the apartment. “I would suggest you leave my apartment now.”
“Well, it’s my father’s apart-”
“No. It’s mine. I own it. Now leave. You are not welcome here.”
“But we’re family. I came to make sure you’re fine.”
“More like you came to interview her,” Lex interjects, pointing at the notepad and not-so-discreet recorder.
Lois purses her lips and then smirks. “So you’re the one that she’s sleeping with now?”
Mercy and Lex immediately deny him sleeping with Lily. 
Lily sees red. “You know what Lois?” She lets out all her pent-up anger at her bully of a cousin and punches her. 
“WHAT THE HELL LILIAN??” Lois says clasping her nose.
“Lois. You and our family have never treated me as one of the family or as a friend. I’m the older one but everything I do is compared to you… Who copies me… Told everyone I'm a bitch, so I became it. Always had to put yourself above me.”
Lois is trying to swing back at Lily but Clark keeps holding her back.
“Leave my apartment now or I’ll hit you again. I was tryin' to be nice but nothing's getting through, so let me spell it out since you can’t spell or write to save your life: A-B-C-D-E, F-U and your mom and your sister and your job, and your broke-ass car and that shit you call art. Fuck you and your friends that I'll never see again. Everybody but your dog, you can all fuck off.” Her hands are shaking so much that she walks out to her apartment’s balcony to get fresh air. 
Jimmy makes quick work of opening the door and having Clark and Lois leave. “I will side with Lily on this. Leave and don’t come back either of you.” 
Lily is still calming down when Lex comes to join her on the balcony. “Lilian…”
“Just… Please. I want to be alone. I need to be alone.”
He nods but before leaving he places his jacket over her shoulders. “I know I have a history of being evil or untrustworthy, but know that I’ll always be there for you whenever you need me.”
Lily just nods and whispers a soft thank you. She waits until he leaves before she starts crying again. Jimmy rushes to her side and hugs her tightly. “I’m here. I’m here.” 
“I’m tired Jimmy. I’m done living in a madhouse of being someone’s second choice. The charity auction is my last day. You’re always more than welcome to come by anytime.” Lily returns the hug. “You truly are my favorite person, James.” 
Amanda clears her throat. “I called a cab for me.” 
“Amanda, before you leave, please tell me you’re free this Saturday to help me go dress shopping.” 
“Yes! I’ll even make it a mini photoshoot session.”
Jimmy just shakes his head. “The poor stores won’t know what hit them with you two causing trouble.”
After they finally say goodbye for the night, Lily gets to work on starting a website to start freelancing her graphic design services. Not long after, she falls asleep for the first time with a huge weight lifted off her chest.
Series 🏷️ List: @askmarinaandothers @dragon-kazansky @bayisdying @cycbaby
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triplexdoublex · 2 years
In the article it said "although they are broken up Megan feels they should give therapy a shot before making any permanent decisions" why? To talk about how she made the world hate him? How she won't acknowledge the abuse claims? How she literally started all of this and now he has to hide in Cleveland? Any real therapist would tell them to get away from each other. I really don't think she thought colson would actually end things with her so she's holding onto every last string she has, also notice in articles it's always her pov, her sources and then colson is added at the end like oh um ig he wants to work it out. Like he's an after thought. Like this is the first time in a long time that we have seen Colson stay in Cleveland for more then 2 days, bc he always chosed to be with Megan on special events but now that they actually have to be together to work it out he goes states away to two of the realest people who have made it clear that they don't really like Megan and u know Casie and especially dub are encouraging him to end things with her. Honestly him going to Cleveland was one of the smartest decisions over the simple fact she can't hire paps to follow them around while they go to "couples counseling", he won't have people in his ear encouraging him to stay even if he's miserable and she can't just randomly show up to his house banging on the door if he says he needs space
I saw that! “Give therapy a shot” 🙄 Like girl you said yourself over a year ago that the two of you have already done every type of therapy that exists!!! … It’s obviously not working!!! Time to move on! I feel like therapists have already told her that but she just leaves cuz it’s not what she wants to hear and then they try another therapist and another one. I think Colson probably made the decision to do zoom therapy after those pics of them leaving therapy came out. Since he’s the one trying to be private and mature about it. Meanwhile Megan’s probably pissed the paps won’t get to capture the dramatics and keep her relevant. I’m glad he decided to go back to Cleveland too for the exact reasons you stated as well. I hope he’s doing well and taking the time to heal and make the right decision. I hope he’s still there when I go to Cleveland next week to see Mod. Maybe I’ll get lucky and he’ll make a surprise appearance at Mods show or maybe I’ll run into him at The 27 Club. We’re going there for breakfast the morning after the show .
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bearbearlook · 2 years
Chiteijin Radio, 8th Oct 2022
spoilers for Silent Parade! bgm: the sad / romantic bgm in galileo
Souguchi: We've got mail! This is Fu-chan, 23, from Shinjuku, office lady, listening from Shibuya Radio.  Fukuyama: Hello Fu-chan! S: I LOVE the duo of Yukawa-sensei and Utsumi Kaoru. F: Thank you. S: I was so excited for their comeback in 10 years that I took leave on the premiere date and watched the movie three times. F: Wow S: Five times over three days. F: You're watching it on a loop! S: Yes, and going to continue that. In the middle of the movie, there was a part where Kaoru bantered back at Yukawa. That reflected how deep their relationship is, how fantastic! In a previous interview, director Nishitani said that for him, it's not like the two of them have absolutely nothing romantic going on between them. Yukaoru fans on twitter were delighted. What does Fukuyama-san think about Utsumi when he plays Yukawa-sensei? Is it something like what the director says, with a bit of romantic feelings? Have you discussed this with Shibasaki-san? Please enlighten us. Nine years is too much; I want to see the next movie soon. I hope that the cast will remain the same. F: Regarding the possibility of a sequel, we can only rely on your support to make it happen, so please continue to support us! But this romance thing is Fuji TV's best trick for Monday 9pm dramas: this will-they-won't-they, are they in love trick. That's how TBS staff comment on it. S: Monday 9pm dramas are always like that. F: I mean, the best Monday 9pm dramas in the past are like that. And what you're asking is if Yukawa has romantic feelings for Kaoru, and how I play his character in response to that, right? Well my answer is, (pause) no comment. S: HAHAHA Now that's rare, normally you answer everything and anything. F: Because some of that is sacred and forbidden, things that I can't say. S: Fair enough, cuz if you said anything, people would follow your interpretation, whether you say there are or there aren't romantic feelings. But now, at least we have space to imagine. F: I think this is the most suitable way to deal with it at this stage. For example, Detective Conan fans think that Amuro and Akai like each other and are actually dating. S: Well imagination is free. F: Yes, one can enjoy media like that. S: But if you compare it that way, instead of Yukawa and Kaoru, it would be Yukawa and Kusanagi. F: This is another way to enjoy it. (laughter) S: They work even better as a couple! F: Well, even if that's not the direction we're heading into, many people do want to know about the relationship between Yukawa and Utsumi. We might be able to shed light on that in the future? S: Maybe. F: Yes maybe. If there's a sequel. S: That might happen in the original novels. F: Maybe it will, maybe it won't. Can't say for sure.
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