#women s health & fitness
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lillie-ross · 6 years ago
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I got a colposcopy after an HPV diagnosis—here’s what that means I got a colposcopy after an HPV diagnosis—here’s what that means Six days before my 33rd birthday—the birthday when I had decided to launch a blog dedicated to the magnifique topic of my sex life—I received the following email from my gynecologist:
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nationaldaycalendar · 7 years ago
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.76″ background_layout=”light” border_style=”solid”] SEPTEMBER 27, 2017 | NATIONAL WOMEN’S HEALTH & FITNESS DAY | NATIONAL CHOCOLATE MILK DAY | NATIONAL CRUSH A CAN DAY | NATIONAL CORNED BEEF HASH DAY NATIONAL WOMEN’S HEALTH & FITNESS DAY National Women’s Health & Fitness Day is observed on the last…
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painintheasspyn · 4 years ago
Women want me.. republicans fear me
Lately I’ve been contemplating whether or not the remainder of my feminine expression is simply a product of the patriarchy and the sexism in our media & society...
Okay we’ll- let me explain..
lately I’ve been questioning whether or not any and/or all of the substance of my feminine identity comes from wanting to attract male attention and feeling like fitting certain feminine beauty standards is the only way to do it because of the sexist way women are portrayed in the media. Like the only time anymore when I want to be seen as female is when I see an attractive male fictional character and then see his female counterpart and I’m like “wow I wish I was like her” and I just wanted to put that out there somewhere because I don’t know how to deconstruct this way of thinking when I’ve constantly had oversexualization of my female anatomy from a very young age- like a very very young age like my mom used to take me clubbing with her when I was under the age of 5 and so growing up I was taught to measure my worth in the attention that I got from m*n which led to an extreme desire to fit the feminine body standards that society places on women and sometimes I just question if that’s the only thing holding me back from embracing a complete masculine identity And then like- because of my experiences with being afab I feel a strong connection to female empowerment & the movements associated with it even though I personally resonate more with masculinity atm and and it can just feel really invalidating especially when I feel invalidated or that I’m just identifying as something other than female for attention when I embrace or don’t try to hide my female anatomy, even when I feel like a lot of the time I only like my female anatomy because it feels nice when guys are attracted to me because of it - idk it’s all complicated. Has anyone ever thought or experienced something similar?
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I’m just really confused about my gender identity because I have a really complex relationship with my body, I’m indifferent to and occasionally fond of my chest (however I’m pretty flat naturally so it never really is that big of a problem), I like my curves some days, and im okay with my bottom plumbing in specific circumstances, although I’ve been wanting a packer from a very young age. I also like the idea of biologically having my own children one day. However, I really like the idea of having a strictly male identity on most days and the idea of having a deeper voice and more masculine racial features is really appealing to me. The idea of facial hair is iffy to me though, if not a turn-of or a no entirely. And in terms of external expression, although I’m most often more comfortable wearing masculine/neutral baggy clothes and outfits, clothes associated with being feminine - such as some dresses and skirts- are very nice and I enjoy wearing them. Some days I just wish I could’ve been born male and then I could present myself in the femboy-eboy kind of way thats far more accepted by society than whatever I am..
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I currently identify as non-binary, but because of the “chameleon affect” thats associated with my mental health disorder- (see: https://www.google.com/amp/s/sarahmyles.net/2013/07/22/borderline-personality-disorder-and-the-chameleon-effect/amp/) I can never tell if my masculine or feminine attributes or expression is just me emulating that of celebrities or people around me that I admire/look up to or find attractive. So then what does this mean for me?
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journalofsportsmedicine · 4 years ago
The Changes of Homocysteine Serum Level and Body Mass Index of Overweight Young Women after Eight Weeks of Pilates Exercise | Juniper Publishers
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Juniper Publishers- Journal of Physical Fitness, Medicine & Treatment in Sports
The increasing trend of obesity is one of the most major public health concern and health related issues [1]. According to an epidemiologic study conducted in 199 countries around the world in 2008, 1.46 billion adults were overweight. The scope of the outbreak obesity is varying substantially between nations, largest rise in Oceania and the lowest trend was estimated in India [1]. In the USA, 34 percent of adults aged above 20 suffered from obesity in 2008. in addition, East Mediterranean countries estimated an increased by over 20% [2]. A review study indicated that obesity reached an alarming level in all ages of the East Mediterranean countries. the spread development of obesity has been ranged from 25 to 81.9 percent among adults [3]. In the same vein, a research of systemic review has conducted a study regarding the effect of BMI on cardiovascular diseases which indicated that each 5 unit raised in BMI increases the chances of heart problems by 29 percent [4].
Homocysteine is considered to be associated with microalbuminuria, which is a serious indicator of the risk factor of future cardiovascular disease. Homocysteine is also known to mediate heart attack, whenever its level raises, the risk of arterial artery problems such as atherosclerosis would increase [5,6]. It is a phosphor containing amino acid which is formed during methionine metabolism [7]. Epidemiology studies revealed that high levels of homocysteine in blood plasma could be a risk factor for cardiovascular, heart attack and peripheral vascular diseases and it causes atherosclerosis through three ways of intra-arterial wall damage, interference in the blood-clotting factors, and the oxidation of low density lipoprotein [8]. The prevalence of hyper homo cysteinemia is estimated to be about 5 percent in the general population and 13 to 14 percent among patients with symptoms of atherosclerosis. However, these estimates are based on a cut above the 90th or 95th percentile of total homocysteine distribution in the general population [7,9]. Various surveys have shown that levels of this amino acid are at a high level in obese or overweight as well as those who do not have regular exercise. Yet, there is debate on the effects of physical activity on this factor [8].
The effect of stair climbing with moderate intensity exercise on cardio-respiratory Fitness, blood lipids, and serum homocysteine were examined among sedentary young women. This study showed that these exercises can favorably make some changes in homocysteine cardiovascular risk factors and blood lipids profiles of inactive young women [10]. Vincent also reported that the decrease in homocysteine level caused by resistive exercises among inactive elderly people in aged of 60_80 [11]. Moreover, no change in homocysteine level had been reported among 6 inactive men who participated in a walking activity with low intensity exercise [12]. In addition, another study showed that homocysteine concentration does not lead to significant changes in sub maximal exercise. Hence, the training intensity, sex and age are the factors affecting the above index [13]. Nevertheless, level of participation and different levels of interest in continuing exercise are the most important keys to reduce weight in overweight population although it may be exhausting. Therefore, doing sport activity such as Pilates can have a prominent role in increasing their interest in exercise (Table 1).  
A collection of specialized sport activities affecting body and mind by using special equipment is called Pilates. It can increase power or endurance of whole body and even target the deepest muscles. Pilates exercises include effort for one’s mental concentration on body muscles and how they function. Pilates exercise is named after its founder, Joseph Pilates, who developed a series of exercises in the 1920s to encourage physical and mental conditioning [14]. Strength, more body balanced, flexibility and core stability are emphasized in Pilates exercise to control of posture, movement, and breathing [15]. A survey in this domain showed that Pilates exercise among untrained women for 8 weeks leads to decreased serum creatine kinase, LDL, TG and Cholesterol. They also reported that Pilates increases HDL among these people [16]. Moreover, it has been investigated the effect of 24 weeks of Pilates exercise among elderly women and reported that this activity culminates in increased bone strength and decreased body lipid mass [17]. Nonetheless, there is no conclusive result about the effect of Pilates on homocysteine level and it has not been clearly identified whether the intensity employed in Pilates exercises has any effect on the amount of homocysteine of overweight women. Hence, the present research designed to investigate the effect of 8 weeks of Pilates exercise on protein and mRNA level of serum homocysteine and BMI among overweight young women (Table 2).
Participation and Method
Subject recruitment
 The study involved 20 overweight women whose BMI was above 25 from “Tandorosti gym” located in Tehran, Iran. The volunteers had the required features for participation in this project, including; no cardiovascular disease, not consuming special medicine, no smoking, not having a regular exercise. Physiologic characteristics of volunteers including height, weight, age, BMI, heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure were recorded. Participations were well informed about the study prior to the experiment and written consent was obtained from them. A double-blind study method was applied, and the participants were randomly assigned into 2 groups of 10; (1) control and (2) Pilates exercise groups. Pilates exercise group performed Pilates exercise 3 times per week for 8 weeks. It contains movements which engaged abdominal muscles, hips, waist, legs and shoulder belt and it was performed on a mat without any specific equipment in three conditions of sitting, standing and lying down. During this period, the control group was also barred from participating in regular physical activity. Prior the exercise protocol and at the end of eighth weeks, BMI was recorded, and blood sample was collected to measure protein or mRNA level of homocysteine. All procedures involving experiments were carried out in strict accordance of the United States Institute of Research guidelines and approved by the Medical Centre Board of Tehran University (Table 3).
Method of body mass index measurement
 The body mass index was calculated by measuring height in meters, weight in kilograms and putting them in the following formula:
Height (m)2 / weight (in kilograms) = body mass index
Blood Sample Collection
Blood samples were collected at 24 hours before the pilates exercise and 24 hours after the last exercise session of 8 weeks training in fasting state through the elbow antecubital vein of all subjects for measurement of homocysteine mRNA and protein expressions.
Measurement of Serum Homocysteine protein
 The level of serum homocysteine protein was measured by homocysteine measurement Elisa kit (Axis-shield diagonistmade in Germany). ELISA was performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The absorbance for homocysteine was determined by using a microplate reader (iMark; Bio - Rad, Hercules, CA, USA) at a wavelength of 450 nm. A set of standard serial dilutions of known concentrations of homocysteine were provided by the manufacturer and were used to construct a standard curve in order to determine the homocysteine levels. Homocysteine which was attached to protein was changed to free homocysteine and then it was changed to S-adenosyl L homocysteine (Figure 1).
RNA purification and mRNA Expression Analysis by Real Time PCR (qPCR)
QIA amp RNA Blood Mini Kit (Qiagen, Germany) was used to isolate total cellular RNA from fresh whole blood. The concentration and purification of isolated RNA were evaluated by 260/280 UV absorption ratios (Gene Quant 1300, UK). Specific amplification fragments of DNA/RNA, Two-step Real time qPCR (quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction) technique was used to calculate gene expression during the PCR amplification process with application of TaqMan reagent. This method was able to detect small differences between samples compared to other methods [18]. All reagents including probes and primers were obtained from Applied Biosystems, USA. TaqMan probe (known as fluorogenic 5′ nuclease) was chosen to perform qPCR. This probe has a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 96.67% [19] and is capable of detecting as few as 50 copies of RNA/ml and as low as 5-10 molecules [20].
Primers were designed by the same company for homocysteine targets
MRT: Hs01090026_m1; Lot no: 4351372, amplifies 61 bp segment from the whole mRNA length of 10558 bp. Beta Actin and GAPDH were used as reference genes. All amplification experiments were done in 3 biological replicates. Amplification program include 15 minutes at 48 °C (reverse transcriptase), 10 minutes at 95 °C activation of ampli Taq gold DNA polymerase, denaturation at 95 °C for 15 second and annealing at 60 °C for 1 minute. Denaturation and annealing steps were performed for 40 cycles. Step-One Plus real time PCR machine, TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix and assays were purchased from Applied Biosystems, USA. The fold changes of each target per average of ACTB were calculated and considered as mRNA expression levels of the target gene. Data was analyzed according to Comparative Ct (2−ΔΔCt) method, where amplification of the target and the reference genes were measured in the sample and reference [18].
    Statistical method
In this study, the Kolmogorov - Smirnov was used for the normal distribution of data as well as t-test (paired) for comparing pre-test and post-test stages within each group. Independent t-test was used for between-group comparison of indices in pre- and post-test stages. Pearson’s coefficient and linear regression were used to examine the association between indices. All data in significance level of 05.0 ≥P were examined using SPSS version 21 (Chicago, America) (Figure 2).
 Findings of this research show that 8 weeks Pilates exercise leads to a significant decreased of BMI among overweight women (P=0.001).
Homocysteine protein expression quantification
The findings indicate that homocysteine protein expression levels were significantly increased after 8 weeks Pilates exercise among overweight women compared to control group or pretest (P=0.001).  
Homocysteine mRNA expression level
The results also indicate that homocysteine mRNA expression levels were significantly increased after 8 weeks Pilates exercise among overweight women compared to control group or pretest (P=0.0001). However, there was no significant change in the amount of these indices in the control group (P≤0.05). Also, there was no significant difference between the Pilates exercise group and the control group in pre-test stage regarding the homocysteine (P=0.004) and BMI (P=0.001) level.
    Discussion and Conclusion
This study reports a significant change in homocysteine level among overweight women after eight weeks of Pilates exercise. Although the comparison of two groups in the pre and post-test stages showed that the Pilates group had a lower level of homocysteine in the post-test stage compare to pre-test or control group, there was no significant change in the control group (P=0.004). A study investigated the effect of aerobic exercise on homocysteine level among overweight women which suffered from polycystic ovary syndrome showed that a 6-week aerobic exercise caused a significant decrease in the level of homocysteine [21]. In addition, similar study reported findings in young untrained women [10]. On the other hand, Di Santolo et al, investigated the relationship between recreational sports and homocysteine level among young women and found no significant change in the level of homocysteine [22].
The effect of two types of exercise on homocysteine level have been examined, as well as other cardiovascular diseases risk factors. It was revealed that a 12-week aerobic and resistive exercise does not make any significant change on the level of homocysteine, lipid profile and maximal aerobic power [23]. Furthermore, Bambaeichi et al, investigated the effect of increasing aerobic exercise on homocysteine level in young men and reported that the level of homocysteine did not have a significant change in the experimental group [24]. Various factors such as; intensity, type, or length of activity, gender or age of the participants have been considered to be effective on the divergent findings of the researchers. However, the effect of exercise on homocysteine can be explored from different aspects. During doing physical activity or recovery, amino acids more likely play an important role in anaplerotic functions sustaining the whole metabolic apparatus, as well as synthesis of other proteins, such as carnitine or melatonine. Increasing the energyreleasing reactions in the muscles; more induction in catabolism of amino acids such as methionine would be increasing. Also, regular sport activities increase renovation and repair muscle tissue by metabolic reactions require.
Since methionine is an amino utilized in protein formation which starting material for numerous biochemical molecules. On the other hand, homocysteine is one of the critical biochemical junctures between methionine metabolism and the biosynthesis of the amino acids’ cysteine and taurine, therefore decreasing methionine leads to homocysteine reduction [25]. There is this possibility that Pilates assists in decreasing homocysteine level and changing homocysteine to methionine leads to prevents its accumulation in the blood through increasing absorption of vitamins which are effective in homocysteine cycle especially group B vitamins (which decrease homocysteine during its menatbolosm) [26]. In addition, reduction of oxidative stress indices of regular exercise can also reduce levels of homocysteine [27]. Also, it is likely that insulin has an impact on homocysteine metabolism and its level through affecting activities of CBS, MTHFR enzymes, Systationine Gamma-lyase and betaine homocysteine methyltransferase [28]. Moreover, it seems that sport activities affect insulin role in decreasing homocysteine by reducing CRP and resistance to insulin [29].
The relationship between body composition and homocysteine is also of great importance. Although in the present study no significant relationship was found between them, BMI totally decreased with homocysteine reduction in Pilates group. The relationship between body composition and homocysteine have been investigated among Korean men and women in aged of 30 to 55 which had high homocysteine level. Findings of their study revealed that increase in total body fat content and decrease in LBM have a significant relationship with increased homocysteine. They reported that decrease in LBM is a suitable index for predicting homocysteine increase in different people [30]. Our findings showed that 8 weeks of Pilates exercise causes a significant decrease in BMI level among young overweight women. However, this change was not considered significant in the control group. In this domain, some consistent and contradictory studies can be mentioned. A 4 week of Pilates exercise on body composition have assessed in young girls. They showed that BMI level, waist size and blood pressure significantly decreased after 4 weeks of Pilates exercise [31]. Another study also explored the effect of two sport activities on indices of cardiovascular patients’ body composition. They declared that BMI level and waist-to-hip ratio significantly decreased compared to pre-test [23]. Alternatively, 5-week Pilates exercise on trunk power, endurance and flexibility among low active adult women had no any significant change in BMI level [32].  
 Furthermore, no significant change also caused after doing 8 weeks Pilates exercise on fitness indices among low-active women [33]. Similarly, Cakmakçi et al found no significant change of BMI as a result of 8 weeks of Pilates exercise among obese women [34]. It seems as if the amount of subcutaneous fat, exercise intensity and the amount of nutrition control of the participants are among the influential factors with contradictory findings. Different factors can be pointed out regarding the effective mechanisms on Pilates exercise. A negative relationship was reported between body composition and the level of VO2max [35]. It appears that sport activity can be effective in decreasing suitable BMI through increasing Lipoprotein Lipaz enzyme, fat tissue, blood flow, active muscles flow, and expanding the activity of hormones effective in metabolism [36-38]. In the similar vein, it has been reported a significant increase in aerobic power as a result of 8 weeks of Pilates exercise among obese women [39]. In conclusion, findings of this study showed that eight weeks of aerobic exercise significantly decreased the amount of homocysteine serum and body mass index in overweight young women. However, despite BMI level changes caused by Pilates, it seems that BMI decrease is not the major and effective factor on homocysteine decrease among overweight women. Probably there are other factors in this domain which have not been measured in this research. It is considered as the limitation of this study and should be taken into consideration in future researches.
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sanluissports-blog · 6 years ago
We love to hear what our patients and members have to say!
We appreciate feedback on the job we are doing in any form, anything from reviews on our website to cookies (hint, hint). Some of our favorite forms of feedback are the handwritten letters we receive, here's one we wanted to share with you! Thank you for the kind words, Lynne! The letter reads: 'I feel I am alive Read more at https://www.diigo.com/user/sanluissportsth
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iamjjmmma · 6 years ago
Sans’ Death in Handplates: WHO (I mean what) DUNNIT? (Featuring a Little Bit of Orthopedics
(Handplates is by @zarla-s)
Note: I am not trying to be morbid. I am not trying to be creepy. I’ve been studying medicine lately, and I've been reading up on diagnosing other people. I just thought it would be a fun thing to do and a great opportunity to teach others a little about medicine. Note that just like "Misery" itself, this does contain serious themes that may bring up trauma for some people, so if you do not feel comfortable with this, please hit the back arrow now. Thank you.)
In Tumblr user and artist zarla-s' comic "Misery", Sans dies of an unknown illness and Papyrus attempts to move on. Zarla has also mentioned that this comic was a "barely disguised vent [series] about death", making it a series entailing high personal expression. It's all beautifully sad, but there's just one problem...the illness is unknown.
So I, DETECTIVE PIKACHU, ask you to join me on the hunt to find this illness.
The good news is that Sans is a skeleton. This rules out all illnesses with other body systems, narrowing it down to a nice few hundred or so. (Don't worry! We'll only go through the more well-known ones.)
I’ve chosen to lay out six culprits here:
-Osteogenesis Imperfecta
-Paget's disease of bone
Because most of “Misery” happened ex post facto,  we don't have the time or the interest to dive into much information about Sans' illness  However, we do know a few things. This illness is:
 -Fatal (uh, yeah) 
-Chronic. Chronic illnesses are illnesses that last for months or years. This isn't a very sudden (acute)  illness. If it was acute, it would likely result in Sans very quickly falling down and Papyrus having to take him to the hospital. 
-Progressive, meaning it gets worse over time instead of better. No, it does not mean the average Tumblr user, although medical terminology can be very confusing (that was a joke hardy har har).
-Very hard to treat. Alphys said there was nothing she could do for him, at least at the stage the illness was detected. If the current most brilliant mind in the Underground cannot do anything for him, I doubt anyone can. (https://zarla-s.tumblr.com/post/143139923780/i-dont-have-a-caption-for-this-sorry)
-Very unnoticeable, or at least noticeable enough to hide from at least one person until the final stages. 
In addition, we have to analyze Sans' demographics: Sans is male and approximately in his 20s.
So let's examine our first culprit: ARTHRITIS.
By far the most famous skeletal illness, arthritis involves the joints becoming inflamed. This results in them becoming reddened, painful, and swollen. 
Arthritis is chronic, which fits one of the requirements. In addition, it is also particularly difficult to treat, with most treatments being attempts to increase quality of life without treating the overall condition. 
Whether or not it can be hidden from others depends on pain tolerance and how severe the arthritis is. And while *some* cases of arthritis can be progressive, it differs from person to person.
But while arthritis can decrease quality of life tremendously, it is not fatal in the least. And while arthritis affects both men and women, it affects women more often than men. In addition, it famously affects older people, specifically those 60 and older. So Sans obviously does not fit in this demographic.
We can clearly see Sans does not have arthritis.
-Osteogenesis Imperfecta
-Paget's disease of bone
The second culprit is osteogenesis imperfecta. 
Osteogenesis imperfecta, also known as brittle bone disease, is very straightforward. The individual is born with brittle bones that can break easily, and sometimes for no apparent reason. is very rare, but is still relatively well-known. (And what's very interesting is that individuals who have this tend to have blue sclera from the defective connective tissue that comes with osteogenesis imperfecta. But we all know Sans' eyes are blue for a different reason...)
Osteogenesis imperfecta is definitely chronic, so we can knock it off that list. It is also almost impossible to completely treat, with most treatments aiming at boosting bone strength rather than reversing the condition. And all ages and both genders seem to be affected by the disease equally 
As with arthritis, whether or not the disease.is progressive differs from person to person.
But the only ways you can die from the disease are either respiratory complications in infancy and childhood or if complications arise from one of the factures, which both we'd definitely notice in the comic rather than Sans falling over on a hill (https://zarla-s.tumblr.com/post/141061451866/its-always-too-soon). In fact, the disease would be so noticeable that if Sans had this condition, we'd know from the first few pages.
So we can safely say Sans does not have this condition.
-Osteogenesis Imperfecta
-Paget's disease of bone
Ah, yes. The third culprit. Osteoporosis.
Also relatively well-known and a meme (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3NUIrVivPhso). Osteoporosis mainly involves bones greatly reducing in density. This causes pain, stiffness, a remarkedly changed stature, and most importantly, a higher chance of fractures. (I have lots of relatives and their neighbors who have this, and most of the time, even my hugs are little more than glorified pats.) Things like playful punches, bumps into the corner of the table, and tripping and falling turn from annoying to dangerous and fatal, especially for a 20-something-year-old. In fact, there are theories that the reason why Sans has 1 HP is because he has osteoporosis (https://www.google.com/amp/s/aminoapps.com/c/undertale/amp/blog/why-sans-has-1-hp-can-bleed/YWjI_bu1GjaVaNqa0pQ61oLaD4GozkE), but this is only for the regular Undertale timeline. In Handplates, we all know that Sans has 1 HP because of the nature of Gaster's experiment. 
Osteoporosis is definitely chronic and progressive. 
As with osteogenesis imperfecta, the only way you can die from osteoporosis is from complications with a fracture. And while it is difficult to treat, it is not so impossible that the most brilliant mind in the Underground wouldn't be able to do anything about it. It would be easy to hide in the early stages, but as it advances, it would become harder and harder to hide, which is something Papyrus would notice for months.
So we can see that Sans does not have osteoporosis. Sorry, meme world!
-Osteogenesis Imperfecta
-Paget's disease of bone
Osteosarcoma, the third "osteo-" on this list, is more commonly known as bone cancer.
Osteosarcoma is, without a doubt, chronic. And while survival rates continue to go up due to advancing technologies, it still sits at 30 to 80 percent (the chances are probably worse for Sans because of his HP), depending on how early the cancer is caught. And as a society, we all know that any cancer under a 100 percent survival rate is a cancer that needs, that asks to be beaten.
Is it noticeable? Can it be treated? Those can be answered with a big fat IT DEPENDS. If the cancer has affected an arm or a leg, it would be very noticeable, but a bone like the ribs, the clavicle (collarbone), or the scapula (shoulder blade), could be relatively easily hidden by, say, a few layers of clothing or a hood. And treatment depends on the cancer's stage, available technology, and the patients' needs and desires.
Since there is nothing about this that gives any indication that "no, Sans definitely does not have this", this looks like the most likely culprit so far. But just to make sure nothing else is a likely candidate, let's continue down the list.
-Osteogenesis Imperfecta
-Paget's disease of bone
Osteomyelitis is when a bone becomes infected. Symptoms include a fever, chills, nausea, and swelling and pain at the infection site. (It's something I use in my stories whenever I want Sans or Papyrus to be sick, wink wink.)
When untreated, it is progressive, but it is pretty difficult to ignore simply because of how painful and weakening it is.
It can be hidden from others at its earliest stages depending on where it is, but eventually Papyrus would definitely notice Sans' pernicious fever and chills, and would most likely carry him all the way to the hospital. Is it fatal? It can be, but not in most cases. 
Treatments such as removal of the infected bone, antibiotics, and even draining the bone of the bacteria are available, making this the most treatable of all the conditions we have. In addition, osteomyelitis is definitely acute. It is possible to go home and look at your foot and go "oh crap, my bone's infected, guess I'll head over to the doctors, get treatment, and go back home and move on from this". Okay, maybe not like that. But you get the picture. 
Yeah...Sans DEFINITELY doesn't have this.
-Osteogenesis Imperfecta
-Paget's disease of bone
Paget's disease of bone is a disease that interferes with bone destruction and regrowth. Your bones don't normally just add on. Osteoblasts add new, stronger bone, while osteoclasts take away bone that is usually old and weak. However, in Paget's disease of bone, the osteoblasts are unusually active, which causes bones to become fragile and misshapen. 
It is chronic, and slowly but surely progressive.
However, there is no way you can possibly die from Paget's disease of bone or even suffer ill health effects that spread beyond the affected bone. And while not easily treatable, it can most certainly be helped by medicine that helps to regulate bone growth. In addition, there is no way it can be not easily noticeable, as a hallmark of this disease is unusual changes in bone structure. Also, it normally affects men in their 40's or older, and we know for a fact that Sans is not forty.
So the culprit must be bone cancer. After further research, I discovered a likely offshoot of bone cancer called Ewing’s sarcoma.
Ewing’s sarcoma is a type of bone cancer that is almost eerily specific. It is almost exclusive to males around the age of 20, which is a good bet of what Sans is throughout “Misery”. Ewing’s sarcoma also has a grim life prognosis compared to other types of bone cancers. Normally, the survival rate is 80 percent if caught early, but for someone Sans' age, the life expectancy for Ewing’s sarcoma is a tragic 30 percent. And with someone with Sans’ condition, that percentage would most likely be much lower.
Again, it would be progressive, but easy for Sans to hide from Papyrus, at least in the early stages. 
Now, there is one iffy part of Ewing's sarcoma; treatment. Despite it being a life-threatening disease, there are multiple effective treatments. This would include surgery, which is impossible if we're assuming Sans would have it where he could hide it, like his ribs or his clavicle.
For radiation therapy and chemotherapy, they are both effective treatments.
But put yourself in Sans' shoes for a moment. Think about it. Both chemotherapy and radiation therapy can and will give you side effects that will greatly decrease your quality of life. But most importantly, they would put Papyrus- the most important person in your life-through watching you go through them. 
Alphys would then have to make the heartbreaking decision to send Sans home to die.
And that, my friends, is the crux of "Misery".
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deannatrouton-blog · 6 years ago
I’ve Heard That Research Verified Forskolin Is Great For Dropping Weight. Has Anyone Tried It?
60 capsules at 500 mg per dose of coleus forskoli root extract with 20% standardized forskolin. Essentially the most fascinating research up to now was conducted by scientists at the University of Kansas, and it checked out how forskolin influenced the physique composition , testosterone , bone density, and blood stress in a gaggle of chubby and overweight men. As with all vegetation, there are many extra compounds discovered inside the Coleus Forskohlii than simply Pure Forskolin. The specialists have formulated this formulation with the assistance of only natural components and thus making this weight loss supplement safer, and there is no risk with the consumption of this pill. PureForskolin fats burner provides you the very best treatment for being chubby and whenever you're out of form if you happen to take it continuously. This plant has been used historically in Ayurveda for treating eczema, hypertension, and psoriasis. Forskolin is a potent pure compound that has demonstrated a exceptional capability in helping with sure health situations such as cancer, coronary heart attack, eczema, asthma, and even low testosterone. Forskolin is offered as an over-the-counter supplement usually containing 10-20% forskolin extract (usually referred to as pure forskolin). There just are not any secure, pure fat burning" compounds highly effective sufficient to, all on their own, trigger meaningful weight discount. Extracted from the plant Coleus forskohlii , (alternatively, its often known as Plectranthus barbatus) forskolin is a chemical compound that is been used for hundreds of years in various forms of natural medicine. You cannot get this weight loss pills online reduction complement in drug shops as a result of the FDA has not accepted it but. On one side we now have Forskolin -which originates from the plant Coleus Forskohlii, and on the other, you will have Garcinia Cambogia (in any other case known as Malabar Tamarind), which is a fruit considered of Indonesia origins. So, within the context of fats loss, individuals complement with forskolin primarily to lift cAMP ranges, which may positively influence your body composition. Oz Present in January 2014. Apart from serving to launch fat, another well being benefits of forskolin are listed below. In the meantime, you may have realized earlier that lowering high blood pressure is among the well being advantages of taking forskolin In connection to this, there are claims that it may well cause hypotension or low blood stress while you take it with drugs like vasodilators, beta-blockers, or calcium channel blockers. Oz doesn't understand it but he's accountable for a lot of the emails I turn into. As a weight-loss supplement, forskolin gained reputation in the US after being featured on the Dr. Oz, who extensively praised the chemical compound for its exceptional" weight reduction properties. Coleus forskohlii stimulates the production of a molecule called cyclic AMP (cAMP). Forskolin was famously referred to as lightning in a bottle" by Dr. The typical weight of women taking forskolin stayed about the same, whereas the common weight of the control group elevated slightly (1. As you start to see results, additionally, you will probably discover that the metabolism and fat burning boost results in your body will enhance your total vitality levels and break down fat that has been stored in your body. Overall customer critiques are exceptionally excessive largely as a result of prospects are happy with Forskolin 250's pure and pure make-up. The Finest Forskolin - Look at The Actual Reality in Regards to Forskolin For Weight Loss Side Results Right here on This Impartial Web site. Research performed on Coleus forskohlii extract have revealed that might boost metabolism by appearing on the thyroid membrane to boost producing Adenylate cyclase, an vital enzyme energetic within the launch of adrenaline. One lab examine noticed the results of forskolin on genetic materials and found evidence of genotoxicity, the destruction of DNA that may doubtlessly lead to mutations and cancer. The Best Forskolin - Look at The Precise Fact in Regards to Forskolin For Weight Loss Aspect Results Right here on This Neutral Web site. The stark affiliation with weight reduction is merely a current sidetrack that Pure Forskolin has taken, and presents many advantages in the direction of your health. A examine from the School of Ayurveda that found that every day supplementation with Coleus forskohlii for eight weeks decreased BMI in subjects by about 2. Oz referenced this examine from 2012 on his show, each of which showed that body fat percentages decreased, bone mass and lean muscle increased, and a few enhance in serum free testosterone was noted. Oz has suggested might fit the bill for a fats-scorching drug. Lab researchers were extra excited about its potential to lower blood stress, assist with digestive issues and improve coronary heart well being. Forskolin is a finest weight reduction supplement that Dr. The supplement also stimulates the thyroid gland, affecting metabolism and vitality production within the body. Forskolin originates from a plant called Coleus forskohlii.
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gadgetbox1 · 3 years ago
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lillie-ross · 6 years ago
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Can you guess the “ideal age” to get pregnant, according to a fertility doctor? Can you guess the “ideal age” to get pregnant, according to a fertility doctor? For women who want to have children, planning the right time is a difficult decision.
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sanluissports-blog · 6 years ago
Members of the Month - June 2015
Congratulations to our Members of the Month for June 2015 Jayne Bower & Rodger Mohme! Jayne and Rodger's dedication to their health and fitness is inspiring! Rodger grew up in Southern California while I, Jayne, am from the Bay Area. We met after he moved my way after college to work for a small computer company. A Read more at https://delicious.com/sanluissportsth
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marcomavenue · 5 years ago
How the Fitness Industry is Accelerating with Digital Push Amid COVID-19?
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With the coronavirus pandemic sweeping the world, many industries and businesses have been forced to face a downfall with the implementation of drastic social distancing measures. Industries such as airlines, oil, automobiles, Events and tourism have taken massive hits.
From brands like Peloton and Mirror to brands like Nike and Adidas, who have helped to popularise ‘fit-tech’ through partnerships with Apple and Fitbit, many companies have founded the way to success.
However, the fitness industry is experiencing massive hits as the governments have mandated the closure of all non-essentials public places, including gyms. Although many health clubs have taken the brunt of it, a few have managed to find creative ways to stay relevant.
As one of the leading integrated marketing communication agencies in Gurgaon, we will also share some of the tips and tricks that can be used by some fitness studios on digital platforms to help cater their members and target audience. We will also be going to see some of the examples of how the fitness industry is fighting with COVID-19 through digital platforms. Let’s get started first with some of the strategies that will help gyms serve their audience and members. Checkout the digital marketing strategies:
Optimise your Website: In this digital age, a website is the face for any business. It is an index of your business. Build an SEO-friendly and a user-friendly website. Beautify it with enticing pictures of your gym equipment, sample demos and details of trainers. It will help increase brand awareness, leading to garner more customers. You can adopt following strategies to optimise your website: Local SEO: During the COVID-19 pandemic, your company can benefit from local SEO, updating your website, updating strategies, developing new content, and conducting keyword research. It helps potential customers to discover your business and provides the essential information. It helps to drive more traffic through online leads. Reach out to the best search engine optimization agencies in Gurgaon which provides best local SEO services in India. Add a Blog section: Adding blogs related topics on equipment and instructors, benefits of regular exercises, or importance of maintaining diet plans will garner more leads to your website. SEO: Select the range of keywords that target your gyms and embed them in your website content. It will lead to enhance the visibility of your business page in search results. Optimise your blogs with a selected range of keywords to enhance the engagement on your website. Reach out to the best SEO agency in Gurgaon.
YouTube Marketing: As there are over 2 billion monthly active users on the platform, it has the potential to boost your video to the top in search result pages. Gym and fitness centres are bustling with activity-oriented spaces. People learn various types of exercises by watching the tutorials from the experts. What catches viewers’ eyes will spread through their mouth. People tend to speak out about their favourite “likes” within their circle. As one leading video marketing agencies in Gurgaon, here are some of the tips that can rank your videos to top positions: By Improving your rankings on YouTube: You can improve your YouTube rankings with the help of (best YouTube SEO strategies)-(hyperlink with the blog topics) and rank your content to number one position. If you want to make animated videos to engage your audience, you can consult some of the best animated video production companies. By Uploading Attractive Content: By uploading attractive, eye-catching high-quality and creative videos that engage users. Title and Description: By mentioning the relevant title and description along with keywords. Engagement: By communicating with the subscribers, resolving their doubts, and sharing these links on social media platforms.
Mobile Marketing: People carry smartphones in their hands at all times and use it for various purposes such as physical training using smartphones, and with this the brand must make sure that they are optimising their online fitness platform using a mobile-centric marketing strategy. Besides, people are spending most of their time on mobile apps and social media through mobiles. Mobile marketing will enhance the speed of business growth. For using mobile application platforms, gym centres need not necessarily have an app but can run their Ads on mobile apps. Creating a Google Ads campaign is the best strategy that you can adopt because this will reach the masses much faster than any other platform. You can also advertise on gaming applications and other apps where the presence of your target audience is expected to be high. Creating ads based on location will attract more leads as well, as people living near your location will know your brand identity. Reach out to one of the best brand activation agencies for best brand communication strategies.
Social Media Marketing: It is an undeniable fact that social media platforms cater to a large population, thus resulting in delivering your message out to large masses at once. As people are trapped inside their homes, scrolling to see the great content, you can share your tutorial and promotional videos to get engagement and let people come to you. Consult some of the best social media marketing agencies in Gurgaon for top SMO services in Delhi NCR. Some of the platforms are: Facebook: Creating an attractive page with entertaining, catchy and helping content is a great way sure-shot recipe in Facebook marketing. Use some of these tips to make your brand go viral: a) Create a simple Page with crisp and clear details of your gym. Adhere to creating simple and attractive posts and regularly uploading them. b) Upload training teaser videos with different types of exercises. Create posts relating to healthy eating, answer the queries of your audiences in a polite way. c) Use fitness and gym-related hashtags to create your presence over a large number of people. Instagram: 70% of users are engaging with brands through Instagram. Marketing through this platform is a big hit for fitness clubs as per the reports. This will lead to creating a presence of your gym globally, and more engagement rate to your page. Here’s how fitness studios can do it: a) Upload clear and high-quality pictures of the gym b) Upload videos of activities done at the gym, For example: Zumba, Bhangra, aerobics, etc. c) Show how your gym community enjoys the workout. TikTok: TikTok community is full of nutrition enthusiasts, workout buffs, and health conscious users who can keep you inspired and motivated on your journey. So, by engaging influencers with your brand you can engage and motivate people by posting workout videos, preparing healthy food videos are more. Reach out to the creative video agency in Delhi NCR.
These are some of the digital marketing techniques through which you can serve the audience and gym members during the lockdown period. The digital marketing for fitness and gym can be advantageous for its success and long-lasting growth. The more you implement the better are your results. You can also consult to some of the best digital marketing agencies in Gurgaon for best digital marketing services.
How Fitness Brands are Thriving to Accelerate Amid the Pandemic? Now, we will have a look at some of the examples of how fitness brands are serving the community and motivating them to stay at home and stay fit behind the closed door:
Reebok: Reebok is a clothing and footwear brand which offers a range of products for men and women. In the wake of COVID-19, Reebok is providing virtual home workout videos starring Katrina Kaif and Malaika Arora which aims at committing to fitness and workout from home. Reebok has also added a range of articles on home workouts and wellness tips.
Cult.Fit: In order to help users, get better access to their everyday workout and fitness needs, CureFit has announced the launch of Cult.live. This is a group fitness class led by star trainers, that lets you experience the energy from the comfort of members’ homes. This platform offers live classes across different fitness formats like strength, cardio, HRX, S&C and yoga on all seven days of the week with the user requiring little or no equipment for the exercises.
Anytime Fitness: Anytime Fitness is offering free daily workout videos, which can be accessed by users on the gym’s Facebook page. Every day, each workout has a new theme and sometimes includes family-themed workouts.
Gold’s Gym: Gold’s Gym is offering premium access to its digital training app, Gold’s AMP which is designed to maintain your workout routine. It is offering free and on-demand workout from the force of gym’s personal trainers around the world.
These are some of the famous entities which are working hard to provide daily workouts to its members amid the pandemic. Many other local gyms are offering group classes via video calling platform. The creativity and adaptability displayed by brands has given us hope that the fitness industry will manage to bounce back after the wind-down of the coronavirus.
However, to create an effective brand communication strategy, reach out to The Marcom Avenue, one of the top online advertising agencies in India.
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triciamel-16-blog · 5 years ago
Trends in 2020
The year 2020 has no choice but to be momentous, heralding in a new decade with the most satisfying numerical repetition. Convenience and sustainability will be at the forefront of the incoming era, with innovative developments in entertainment, fitness, parenting, wellness, and more making our lives easier while also keeping Mother Earth's lifespan top of mind. Oh, and let's not forget about that presidential election, which is sure to spark passionate conversations as younger generations enter the political sphere.
We've already listened, watched, snacked, and explored our way through 2020's emerging trends, and we're highlighting 20 that will reach their peak in the months ahead. Pause your Disney+ stream and grab a CBD-infused beverage, because it's about to be one heck of a year.
— Reporting by Victoria Messina
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The stars everyone will be buzzing about in 2020 have one major quality in common: authenticity. A new wave of young actors, artists, and influencers are embracing their identities and making the landscape more diverse than ever. In 2019, musicians like Billie Eilish, Lil Nas X, and Lizzo paved the way for emerging talents who will similarly play by their own rules in the new year. There's Clairo, a 21-year-old bedroom-pop singer who's steadily (and somewhat accidentally) gained a hefty following since she released a low-fi music video that went viral in 2017. Poet and singer-songwriter Arlo Parks is another one to watch, taking the world by storm with her confessional lyrics about anxiety, adolescence, and identity. And we'd be remiss not to include Claud, a nonbinary artist leading the charge for LGBTQ+ representation in indie-pop music. In the influencer sphere, you can count on teen YouTube sensation Emma Chamberlain to continue to grow her fan base in 2020, as Gen Zers relate to her unfiltered, down-to-earth content and quirky humor. A social media star who became a YouTube Originals actor, Rickey Thompson is unabashedly himself in all of his Instagram videos, oozing unapologetic confidence and inspiring his followers to do the same. Expect these stars and more to become household names that everyone stans.
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Whereas punchy neons reigned supreme in 2019, the new year will dial things down to the opposite end of the spectrum with more natural, muted colors in the spotlight. Earthy neutrals were prominent on the Spring 2020 runways, with designers like Max Mara, Kate Spade, and Brandon Maxwell serving up caramel browns, rusty khakis, and olive greens as onlookers donned similar safari-inspired looks. You can expect this proclivity for subdued hues to bleed into the home decor sphere in 2020, too. According to data pulled by interior design service Modsy, calming neutrals and serene blues (looking at you, Pantone's 2020 color of the year!) are among the most popular color groups for those decorating their living spaces, perfect for those coping with the rather — how do we put this lightly? — loud political climate.
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The 2020 Summer Olympics are taking us to Tokyo, and four sports are making their Olympic Games debuts. Athletes from across the globe will now vie for gold in climbing, karate, skateboarding, and surfing, along with OG sports like archery, gymnastics, swimming, and beach volleyball. Baseball and softball will return to the Olympics for the first time since 2008. Plus, there will be nine new mixed-gender events, with men and women competing in sailing, table tennis, swimming and track relays, and more.
Some top female contenders to keep your eyes on? Park skateboarder Brighton Zeuner, a 15-year-old with two X Games gold medals under her belt, will likely be crushing the quarter pipes. Running icon Allyson Felix could become the most decorated US track and field Olympian should she qualify for the team and nab two medals at the games. Gymnastics superstar Simone Biles is expected to defend her title as Olympic all-around champion from the 2016 Summer Games, and the US women's soccer team will certainly dominate the field, fresh off their World Cup victory. See all the action go down starting July 24.
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Pssst, have you heard? There's a presidential election happening in 2020, and the youngest generation of voters is expected to play a key role in who assumes the Oval Office. One in 10 eligible voters will be members of Gen Z (aged 18 to 23 at the time of the election), up from just four percent in 2016. This slice of the electorate is more ethnically and racially diverse than older generations, is more accepting of same-sex marriage and gender fluidity, and believes government should be doing more to solve Americans' problems. Not to mention they're also particularly passionate about issues like climate change and gun control, both of which are hot-button topics for this election.
Of course, voter eligibility doesn't necessarily equate to turnout, so registering and actually showing up to the polls is crucial if this group wants to effect change. Considering the throngs of young activists who've taken to the streets for Global Climate Strike protests and March For Our Lives demonstrations in the past few years, we have an inkling they'll come through knowing what's at stake in 2020.
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Once seen as a niche product only consumed by vegans and vegetarians, plant-based meats will continue garnering mainstream acceptance among traditionally carnivorous foodies in the coming year. The market is predicted to grow by 28 percent each year until it reaches a whopping $85 billion by 2030, thanks to an increasing number of consumers with health, environmental, and animal welfare concerns. Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat are leading the charge, producing alt-meats for grocery store shoppers and partnering with chain restaurants like Burger King, KFC, and Subway to bring affordable options to the masses. We foresee even more restaurants introducing plant-based meat menu items that go beyond (pun semi-intended) beef-free burgers.
Not fully on board with the alt-meat craze yet? Try blended meats, which combine animal protein with vegetables. Major brands, including Tyson Foods, Applegate, and Perdue, have recently introduced meat-veggie hybrid products like sausage, chicken nuggets, burger patties, and meatballs that appeal to those looking to cut back on, but not fully eliminate, meat consumption. A cheeseburger that also contains a serving of vegetables sounds like a pretty hard-to-resist offering, if you ask us.
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sanluissports-blog · 6 years ago
Administrative Professionals Day!
Happy Administrative Professionals Day! & Happy Earth Day! We would like to take a moment to recognize our Administrative Professionals here at San Luis Sports Therapy - Paso Robles. You will likely recognize Suzette Moore and Lindie Basti as the smiling faces that greet you every day when you walk through our Read more at http://slstpaso.blog.com//?p=81
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