#wolstar fluff
simplylupin · 3 years
Remus wears a skirt
In which Remus shows up in a skirt and Sirius just about loses his mind.  Requested by an anonymous :) 
(I didn’t proof read this so sorry if it’s terrible)
Sirius Black’s favourite thing about Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry wasn’t the life changing classes, not the stunning mountains surrounding the school, not the teachers that put up with him, or even the feasts in the Great Hall. No, Sirius’ favourite thing about Hogwarts was the parties. It didn’t matter what the party was for, who it was for, if it was themed or not. The blaring music, the laughter, the outfits, the drinks, everything about the parties held in the Gryffindor common rooms appealed to him massively. Maybe it was because his parents would never approve of him being there, or because he enjoyed the social interaction, either way if there was a party, he’d be there. Which is why he found himself slumped on the sofa, drink in hand, on a Saturday night. 
Sirius wasn’t entirely sure whose party it was or what it was for (maybe a birthday?) but he intended to take advantage of it. He’d already played three rounds of a peculiar drinking game some 7th year had made up, and persuaded the entire room to allow him to play some Queen. He’d danced for a while -- mostly with James -- but had soon reclined to the sofa after James trod on his foot for the fifth time. The boy was now talking to Lily on the other side of the room, grinning manically every time she payed him any attention whatsoever. 
He took another sip of his drink (unfortunately just water), scanning across the room. His eyes landed on the door for the hundredth time that night and he sighed. Remus had reassured him that he’d be at the party as soon as he’d finished studying, but really, who could study for three hours straight? Stretching his aching limbs, Sirius stood, weaving through the mass of people towards James. 
“Alright?” James greeted, smiling at Sirius. Sirius wondered if he could physically not smile. 
“Fine,” he replied. “Think I’m going to head up.”
James stared at him like he’d just admitted to killing a man and disposing his body into the Black Lake. “What? Sirius Black, leaving a party early?”
He shrugged. “Remus still isn’t here.”
“I’m sure your boyfriend’s fine.”
A loud whistling sound pierced over the music, but Sirius ignored it, glaring slightly at James.
“I know,” he said, “Just want to know where he ran off to.”
James’ eyes had focused on something behind him, his smile stretching so far Sirius worried it would split his face in too. He lifted his arm, pointing.
“I wouldn’t worry about that,” he laughed, and Sirius turned. 
He immediately spotted the face he’d been looking for all evening, the mass of golden curls, and smiled softly. Remus was bundled in a knitted red jumper, one that curled over his hands like mittens. It was just about the cutest sight ever. And then he saw what his boyfriend was wearing paired with it, and his mouth dropped open. A black skater skirt hugged tight around his waist, stopping just above the knees. The red jumper was half tucked in, half falling in front, and Sirius couldn’t understand how someone could look so adorable and so hot at the same time. James was laughing behind him and Sirius gave him a quick scowl, before hurriedly making his way to Remus. He wrapped his arms around his waist as he approached, burying his face into Remus’ neck. Remus jumped, but quickly relaxed into the embrace, leaning backwards into him. Sirius placed a kiss onto his collar bone and smiled when he felt Remus shiver.
“Good evening,” Remus said, twisting out of Sirius’ embrace to face him instead. Sirius huffed, exhaling loudly.
“What in Merlin’s name are you wearing?” he said breathily.
Remus frowned, looking down at his outfit. “You don’t like it?”
“Don’t like it?” Sirius looked at him incredulously. “Remus...I...you...you look hot as fuck.”
“Oh,” was all Remus said, turning a furious shade of red. 
“Where did you get it?” he continued, winding his arm around his neck.
“Marlene. She has so many to choose from, it took so long to pick one.”
Sirius laughed, bumping their noses. “Studying my arse,” he said.
“I was studying! It just took a lot longer to pick a skirt than original thought...”
“Well you picked well,” Sirius said, giving the outfit another appreciative glance.
Raising an eyebrow, Remus pulled away a little. “You really like it?”
“You’re fucking adorable,” Sirius reassured, nodding furiously.
“You just said I looked hot.”
“You can be both.” He pressed their lips together, into a slow kiss, marvelling at Remus’ flushed face when they pulled apart. “And you can really pull it off.”
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honeymooneyy · 3 years
Missed You
When Sirius came back, Remus felt as if he was living in an alternative reality. Everything he had believed for the last decade was wrong. No, Sirius did not murder his best friends. No, Peter wasn't dead and he had been the one to murder James and Lily. No, Sirius wasn't going back to his childhood home.
And that's how Remus ended up hiding in his bedroom, trying to compose himself. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Sirius Black was sitting on his living room couch, watching the telly Remus had switched on in a panic.
Remus wasn't completely sure what the Order had expected him to do. But they had shipped him off to Remus, considering the two had been dating - completely disregarding the fact that it has been more than a decade since the two have even seen each other.
Taking another deep breath, Remus slipped out of his bedroom and to the living room where Sirius was sitting patiently. When he turned to look at Remus, his heart dropped. Sirius was here in his apartment, but at the same time, this man sitting in front of him wasn't Sirius.
Sure, he had the same dark hair and silvery eyes as his best friend, but the similarities ended there. His hair was matted and Remus knew that Sirius would have never let it get to that point if he had a choice. He cherished his hair, often claiming it to be his best feature. His eyes lacked that playful shine, instead just watching Remus with an empty stare, his dark circles looking painful. Just his whole demeanor had changed - gone was the confident boy whose personality took up the whole room. Instead sat a sad man whose happiness had been stripped of him.
Remus itched to grab a hold of his twitchy hands - no, just hold him in general. Instead he busied himself with a list of things to do.
"Are you hungry? I can make you some food before I leave to get you some clothes and toiletries. Shit, you don't even have any shoes, I'll get some, I don't think your shoe size changed, right? Merlin, how would you even know? Ignore me." Remus knew he was ranting, but he couldn't stop himself.
"I'm fine. I know this is asking a lot, but do you know what happened to my stuff?" Sirius glanced around the room, obviously noticing how much their once shared apartment had changed.
Remus cringed at his words, "I'm so sorry, I didn't- I don't have it. I thought you had- I didn't think you were coming back."
"S'okay, I shouldn't have expected you to keep it." Sirius' voice was still croaky and he had to clear his throat every couple minutes.
Without a word, Remus just turned for the kitchen and grabbed him a glass of water. When he handed it to Sirius, he ignored the way it sloshed onto his lap in his shaky hands or the way it dribbled down his chin when he drank it sloppily. When he wiped the back of his mouth with his jacket sleeve, Remus noticed the state of his clothes.
"Here, let's find you something better to wear," Remus began, turning to walk towards his room. "I don't have any of your old stuff, but I'm sure you can fit in mine."
Sirius followed him wordlessly. That's another thing Remus noticed in the past couple hours he had gotten Sirius back - he rarely spoke, only really talking when he needed to. But to be fair, he had just escaped Azkaban a couple weeks ago, and the past night or so had been tiring. With the dementors and Dumbledore and the Order, the poor man was still in the clothes he had been wearing since he escaped.
Opening up his closet, Remus sifted through his many sweaters for one that would be the most comfortable for Sirius. When he turned around with the softest one he could find and a pair of sweats, he was surprised to see him looking at the dresser. On top were a couple photo frames and knick-knacks littered around.
Sirius reached for one of the four of them, his fingers brushing over James' face and then his own. Upon realizing Remus was watching him, he flinched back, bringing his arm back to his side.
"It's okay, you can look at them," Remus assured gently. "I have tons more if you want to see?"
It had been easy to throw away Sirius' stuff back when he was consumed by anger and betrayal. But all the photos of their memories at Hogwarts? He couldn't even bring himself to look at them, instead stuffing them in a box and into the back of his closet.
"It's fine, I don't want to bother."
"Sirius. I don't mind, really." Remus handed him the clothes which he accepted gingerly. "You aren't bothering me. I wish there was more I could do."
Sirius just gave him a nod before glancing down at his clothes then at Remus, panic filling his face. Remus made the decision for him, heading towards the door and shutting it behind him. He released a sigh as it shut.
God, he missed his old Sirius.
He resented Azkaban for what they had done to him. Furthermore, he resented the Ministry. How do you let an innocent man rot in jail for so long? Was there really no way for anyone to have known it wasn't Sirius who did it? For god's sake, someone could've gone back with a time turner to see what happened. But internally, Remus was slapping himself for not knowing.
How could he have stood by and let his best friend - his lover - be accused of such a crime and go to jail? How could he have blindly believed that Sirius would actually betray them - his family.
Remus' thoughts were interrupted when Sirius emerged from the bedroom in the new clothes. When reaching Remus, he straightened his back a bit, clearly trying to mend the damage Azkaban had left. It broke Remus' heart.
"Would you like some tea before I leave?"
Sirius' eyes widened and his voice shook, "You're leaving?"
"Just to get you some clothes and stuff. I'll be back," Remus promised.
"It's okay, I don't need any right now. Please just stay?" Sirius pleaded and Remus knew he couldn't disagree. Especially not right now.
"Okay. I'll make us some tea then?"
Sirius nodded, trailing after him as he went to the kitchen to set a kettle on the stove. As Remus grabbed Sirius' favorite mug, his stomach dropped. Yes, he knew now that Sirius was innocent, but what was he doing these past few years? How could he have let himself keep Sirius' mug and who knows what?
Deep down, Remus knew the answer. He was always going to be in love with the Sirius he grew up with. When Sirius was locked away, Remus pushed away the memories of the Sirius he had spent the last couple years with - the war-struck Sirius. Not the one who pulled pranks with James or brought him chocolate frogs after full moons or the one who stayed up all night after Remus had a nightmare.
Shaking himself out of his thoughts, he set the little table with the tea, sugar, and a tiny pitcher of milk. Sirius sat across from him, pulling his cup towards him while Remus busied himself with adding sugar to his tea. When he glanced up, he realized Sirius was still sitting there, staring at the tea. 
Sirius’ sorrowful eyes flickered up, and his voice was small, “It’s been thirteen years since I’ve had tea. I don’t even- I forgot how I take it.” 
“That’s okay, Padfoot, I remember,” Remus assured, the nickname rolling off his tongue. “Two sugars and a bit of milk.” 
“Two sugars and a bit of milk,” Sirius echoed, watching Remus stir it in. “I’m sorry.” 
“Sorry? You’ve got nothing to be sorry about, it’s just tea.” 
“I’m sorry I’m just here and you have to deal with me. I know I’m not the same.” Sirius’ voice sounded so dejected it pained Remus to see him like this. 
“I’m not dealing with you, Sirius. Did you forget that we’re best friends? It might’ve been thirteen years, but that doesn’t change anything. I’ll always care about you.” Remus couldn’t help himself, he rounded the table to pull Sirius up and into a hug. “I’d never be upset that you changed. It’s been more than a decade, and you were literally living in hell on earth.” 
Sirius melted into the hug, burrowing his head into the crook of Remus’ neck. His voice was muffled, but Remus had no problem hearing him, “It’s been so long.” 
Remus had to stop himself from pressing a kiss to his head. “I know.” 
“I hated it there, Remus, I hated it. All they do is feed on your happy memories, I’ve forgotten so much. I don’t even feel like myself, this isn’t Sirius. I lost Sirius so long ago.” His voice was breaking and he clutched the fabric of Remus’ shirt. “I missed you.” 
Remus just held him tighter as he felt the tears press against his skin. “I missed you more than anything. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I wish I had done something.” 
Sirius immediately pulled away, heat in his eyes. “No. It’s my fault, I switched Secret Keeper. If I hadn’t then James and Lily would’ve been alive, Harry could’ve- Merlin, poor Harry.” 
“How could it be your fault? It’s not your fault for trusting Peter, he was our friend. He was our best friend. We couldn’t have known.” Remus reached out to take Sirius’ hands in his own. “It’s no one’s fault but Peter’s.” 
He knew Sirius wanted to argue, but he just gave a nod. He fidgeted with Remus’ fingers before dropping them, returning back into his shell. Remus knew he couldn’t blame him. They had to take things slow. 
And for Sirius, Remus would do anything. 
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thehowlinthenight · 7 years
Tumblr media
Kiss the Puppy
Wereflamingo | Teen and Up | 2,460 words
The Gryffindors play a new party game. Sirius cheats.
Thank you to @nachodiablo for the suggestion!
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ao3feed-jily · 3 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3uYzsl4
by 3amAndCounting
"There's so much worth fighting for," Sirius watched him with a gentle confidence, soft smile breaking his features. He found Remus' eyes with something like determination, "you'll see."
 Remus doesn't have a whole lot of reasons to be grateful, and Sirius is determined to give him a million.
 Wolstar fic inspired by the song 'Nine' by Sleeping at Last.
Words: 3666, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Marlene McKinnon, Mary Macdonald, Peter Pettigrew
Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Muggle, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Remus is a grumpy stranger, he is the village recluse, Sirius is new in town and finds him very entertaining, Sirius takes a job at a bookstore, Remus is the worst customer, cottagecore vibes for some reason, Remus has a serious health condition, Sirius wants him to be happier, Eventual Sexual Content, it won't be explicit, Mental Health Themes, remus plays piano, Sirius plays guitar, Lesbian Marlene McKinnon, adding tags as I go, this is kind of a life lesson
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3uYzsl4
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simplylupin · 4 years
Saturday mornings, sleepy conversations and minty kisses
(don’t forget to send me requests!)
Remus awoke slowly, his eyelids still heavy with sleep, and a familiar weight draped across his chest. He could feel the sun on his bare skin before he even opened his eyes, rays of warmth sliding in through the slight gap in the curtains. The dorm was unusually quiet. The only noises to be heard where the soft chirps of birds outside and Sirius' gentle snores coming from next to him.
Rubbing his weary eyes, he lifted himself up a fraction, just enough to glance around the room. James and Peter's beds were empty - they must have already gone down for breakfast. Not that it mattered, it was Saturday, and breakfast would be served all morning. Remus lay back down with a content sigh, turning in Sirius' arms, facing the sleeping boy.
When asleep, Sirius was the most relaxed Remus ever saw him. No worry lines were etched across his forehead, no down turn of his lips, no hardness in his eyes. He was just purely himself.
Remus gazed fondly at him, pushing away a lock of dark hair that had fallen in front of his face, and tucking it behind his ear. He felt Sirius stir at the contact, mumbling something that Remus couldn't quite make out.
"Weekend?" Sirius murmured eventually, his voice hoarse and muffled as he sunk further into the pillow.
He'd always had a habit of not being able to form full sentences in the morning, and although Remus teased him about it, he secretly adored it.
He hummed in response to Sirius' half-question and twisted out of the embrace, sliding out of bed.
"Where?" Sirius groaned, attempting to pull Remus down.
Remus let himself be taken back, before kissing Sirius on the nose and getting back up.
"Just going to brush my teeth," he said softly, "Morning breath."
Sirius eyes fluttered open and he stared sleepily with wide, grey eyes as Remus walked to the bathroom. Remus found it adorable.
Knowing Sirius would get fidgety, he brushed his teeth as quickly as possible and clambered back into bed. Arms immediately encircled him, pulling him back into a warm embrace.
"My Moony," Sirius whispered, capturing Remus' lips in a lazy kiss.
It was over unfortunately quickly, Sirius pulling away and scrunching his nose up.
"What?" Remus chuckled.
"You taste minty."
Remus laughed again, poking the dimple appearing on Sirius' left cheek.
"What's wrong with that?"
"Spicy," Sirius replied, making a face.
"You're so strange," Remus said, and pulled him into another kiss.
Sirius made a protesting noise, breaking away and squirming as Remus laughed.
"Too minty," he complained.
This only made Remus kiss him again, peppering Sirius' face with soft touches of his lips. When he'd covered every inch of the soft skin, he cradled Sirius into his chest, chin resting on top of his head. Merlin, he was so in love.
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