#wolfstar masterlist
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wolfstarshipping · 2 years ago
March Masterlist (Wolfstar Fic Recs)
These are all the fic recs I posted in march, it's a mix between some of my personal/all-time favorites as well as some fics I've just discovered and read more recently that I wanted to share with you all, it's mostly different kinds of AUs and some angst, enjoy!
1. take me as I am by orphan_account, Shira_a (48.494 words, modern AU, demon AU)
2. The Door through the World by Amuly (95.903 words, non-magic AU, fantasy AU)
3. The Long Way Home by hollyivydruzy (177.337 words, modern AU, non-magic AU, university AU)
4. Beneath a Big Blue Sky by eyra (68.298 words, modern AU, non-magic AU)
5. Marauder Ink by jennandblitz (91.312 words, modern AU, non-magic AU, tattoo parlor AU)
6. Staying Strangers by 3amAndCounting (313.586 words, modern AU, non-magic AU, university AU)
7. The Weather Inside by earlybloomingparentheses (ebp-brain) (43.240 words, post hogwarts/first war)
8. Discards by picascribit (76.032 words, modern AU, non-magic AU)
9. Beekeeping in the Daylight by halictus (50.961 words, modern AU, non-magic AU)
10. A Night Off From the War by picascribit (3291 words, first war)
11. Impossible Things by accioromulus (13.952 words, non-magic AU, modern AU)
12. Swing and a Miss: A Secret Santa Tale by sreka (smodernlife) (6444 words, modern AU, non-magic AU)
13. A Dark and Silent Overture by eyra (9664 words, modern AU, boarding school AU)
14. Hold Back the River by mcdynamite (3369 words, marauders era, post-prank)
15. June, and Other Natural Disasters by montparnasse (5524 words, post hogwarts)
16. the time when you were mine by renaissance (9404 words, modern AU, muggle AU)
17. When the Wolf Comes Home by earlybloomingparentheses (2640 words, PoA)
18. No One Can Know by MorlayWritings (5589 words, marauders era, post hogwarts)
19. How Remus Got His Groove Back by RealityShowJunky (42.766 words, modern AU, non-magic AU)
20. As the Moon Knows the Stars by mcdynamite (48.825 words, soulmate AU, everybody lives AU)
21. Pas de Deux in the Upper West Side by wilteddaisy (30.831 words, modern AU, non magic AU, ballet AU)
22. Fits You Well by Snowfilly1 (1027 words, epistolary)
23. Whatever Words I Say by orphan_account (23.656 words, modern AU, non-magic AU, band AU)
24. Heartstones by eyra (4599 words, modern AU, non-magic AU)
25. Remember Me? by moonage___daydream (4146 words, AU, post azkaban)
26. Casanovas of Gryffindor Tower by lostpennies1 (9955 words, marauders era)
27. Apartment 2A by vicariousteria (8558 words, muggle AU, modern AU, musician AU)
28. The Bent by earlybloomingparentheses (40.257 words, wizard AU, everybody lives AU)
29. Found by heartofspells (1320 words, sirius lives AU)
30. Pomegranate by Anonymous (19.700 words, marauders era, different houses AU)
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moonstruck-poet · 2 years ago
Wolfstar Masterlist
Upside Down
Little Moonfoot
Love Of His Life
Padfoot Saves Sirius
In The Stars
Lifeless Eyes
Lifeless Eyes pt.2
Lifeless Eyes pt.3
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resident-gay-bitch · 9 months ago
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All wolfstar related fics are below the cut; angst, fluff + smut
All works can be found on AO3 as well.
Multichapter fics:
Every Moon Needs It's Star Remus has loved Sirius his whole life and longer - angst - external AO3 link - 8.6k words
Why Wont You Kiss Me? Remus helplessly pining over Sirius like a lovesick fool when tucking him into bed drunk - super fluffy
Between The Lines Remus loves to read and Sirius loves to watch Remus read, they trade books back and forth and Sirius finds Remus leaves little stars in the margins of all the romance books - getting together fluff
Defiance & Desire Sirius is determined to do as many things as possible that he knows would piss off his parents if they ever happened to find out, and thanks to James’ very intentional suggestion, one of those things is Moony - PWP getting together
Somebody To Love Drunk after a quidditch match, Sirius sings Queen to Remus and accidentally ends up confessing his love for the other man - fluffy as hell
Love Letters (side wolfstar) Sirius and Remus are cleaning out Regulus' old room when they find some love letters stashed away, all signed by his "Sun" - angsty fluff
Little Love (side wolfstar) James feels love at first sight when he sees Regulus for the first time in second year, and he and Sirius giggle together about their crushes on Remus and Reggie - super fluffy
May 17: Radical (Wolfpanstar) (Marauders-rarepair-microfic entry) Remus, Pandora and Sirius are reading up on patronus' when they all figure out they have each others animagus' forms, which is the truest display of love - fluff!!!
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billi-mausi · 2 months ago
James (simp) Potter you’ll always have my heart.
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(Show some love on IG too if you want)
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evermoreness · 1 month ago
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Marauders Era
James Potter
secret crush
Remus Lupin
back pocket
moonlight and mending » part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9
Regulus Black
study session
quidditch match
romantic dinner
meeting the family
secrets (x barty crouch jr. and reader)
Sirius Black
the bet
Barty Crouch Jr.
secrets (x regulus black and reader)
full moon
polyjuice incident
Golden trio era
Ron Weasley
late morning scramble
Rules if you want to send your request
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finelinevogue · 1 year ago
sad beginnings,
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summary - everyone sees you as this weird and crazy ravenclaw. everyone except remus and sirius. part 2
pairing - ravenclaw!reader x wolfstar
word count - ~1.5k
tw: angst | no happy ending (yet) | bullies | blood | scratches | self deprecation | she pronouns used
[part 1] [part 3]
Your face stung like a swarm of bees.
The pace you were running through the corridors, causing the cold wind to cut through the cat scratches on your face were so sore. Cat scratches that had been put there purposefully by someone who didn’t like you; Darcy.
Her and her band of Ravenclaw elites thought they ran the House, including Philip who was like the devil incarnate. They have never liked you and have turned the majority of the school against you, claiming that you’re weird and crazy.
Weird? Maybe. Crazy? Well, you certainly wouldn’t use your pet cat to scratch out someone’s cheek just because you had a little more power over them.
Now you were going to have to walk in late to Potions, all because you’d left your textbook in your dorm and then had a run-in with Darcy and her cat.
You’d cleaned up the wound the best you could, but it was just so sore now.
The tears stung in your eyes, willing you to set them free. However, you had already figured out that tears in your cuts were worse than holding back the tears.
You took a deep breath before walking into the Potions class that Professor Slughorn taught.
He didn’t particularly care for favourites and he didn’t really have least favourites, but he did make a deal about his students being late to his lessons.
The door made a loud screech as it opened. Way to walk in subtly.
You kept your head down as everyone’s eyes turned to yours.
Lots of whispering started up and it no doubt had everything to the scratches down your cheek, and the fact you were never ever late.
“Ah. Nice of you to join us, Miss L/N.” Professor Slughorn spoke, making you cringe at his tone.
“Sorry I’m late, Sir.” You looked up at him and saw him cringe in return as he saw your cheek. He made no move to comment on it though.
“Take a seat now, please. See me after class for a detention.”
You shamefully dropped your head. Now your perfect record would be screwed over.
Sirius dramatically stood up from his chair, the sound of metal upon the stone floor grating everyone’s ears to pieces.
“Actually that won’t be necessary, Sir. Y/N gave me her textbook since I’d forgotten mine at breakfast, so Y/N went to the Hall for me to retrieve it. Wouldn’t want your precious textbooks going missing, Professor.”
“Oh, well, never mind then.” Slughorn shrugged. Sirius knew he was wrapped around Slughorn’s finger and used it to his advantage to save you a detention.
You looked over to him and smiled in thanks, but Sirius didn’t smile back. Neither did Remus. They were both looking at you with concern, or at least what you thought was concern. It might be anger for nearly getting them in trouble.
James tugged on Sirius’ shirt for him to sit down again. Sirius tugged away from him though, fists clenching against his sides as he watched you.
You attempted to find a seat then.
You walked over to a table full of other Ravenclaw girls in your year, but the one empty seat at the table instantly became unavailable as a girl dumped her bag on the chair next to her.
“Seats taken.”
“Oh, sorry.” You said softly, walking to another table where there were only three of them sat. Plenty of room.
You went to pull out a chair next to one of the guys there, only to realise there was black ink all over the stool for some reason - meaning it was also unavailable.
“Tough luck.” One of the boys said and the rest snickered.
“Miss L/N, why don’t you just go and sit over there.” Slughorn pointed his hand over to where an empty table was. It should’ve seated 6 people, but currently no one was sat there.
You nodded your head and quickly made your way to the table before any more attention could be drawn towards you.
It was a table at the back of the room and quite far out of sight of the blackboard, making it difficult to copy out the notes. You tried your best.
At one point during the lesson you turned your head to the wall to let out a few tears, knowing no one could see you. A few salty tears burned over your wound, but you bit on your lip to cover the sob that wanted to erupt from your chest.
This really fucking sucked.
You were all for self-wallowing, but when it was in the middle of a class you hated it.
There was a time and a place for it and it was not here and it wasn’t now.
You dug your blunt fingernails, from all the anxious biting, into your palms to suppress the emotions you wanted to let out. Focusing on the lesson and Slughorn’s words were your best chance of getting through this.
You were busy writing away, trying to keep up with the notes, when you felt someone sit down next to you. Your natural instinct was to tense and shuffle away only slightly, because who wanted to sit next to you if not to torment you further?
You were shocked to see Remus sat next to you.
“Oh, hi, Remus. Are you okay? Am I in the way or something?” You looked around you to make sure you weren’t.
“No, no! We- I mean, I, just wanted to ask you something?” He stumbled over his words.
“Uh.. Well….”
“Oh my God, Remus! Are you okay?” You gasped when you saw a cut along his forehead, which was hidden beneath his hair and you’d only seen because of how close you were sitting.
So close, in fact, that you could smell his cologne: Cedar wood and… something else.
“Me? Are you seriously asking me that right now?” He looked shocked and you blushed like mad.
“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have asked, it wasn’t my place. I apologise.” You shook your head and tried to refocus on your work.
“Y/N…” Remus said ever so softly.
His voice was so pretty. So delicate.
Sirius’ was more rough and deeper. Both were a song to listen to.
You didn’t reply, thinking that if you just ignored them he wouldn’t be mad at you anymore. Because he was mad, right? You shouldn’t have questioned something so personal about him.
“Y/N?” He asked again.
You’d never get over hours name sounded coming from him.
Slowly, you tilted your head towards him. Instead of being met with a furious gaze you were met with something much softer. His warm eyes looked troubled.
You looked at him nervously, hoping for the best out of whatever this situation was.
He reached up a hand towards your face, a couple of rings placed on his ridiculously well structured fingers. You followed the movement of his hand, whilst Remus followed your eyes.
His fingers carefully brushed your fallen hair that covered your cheek and only slightly pushed it to the side, his fingers barely touching your skin.
You let out a shaky breath.
You were one to wear your emotions on your sleeve and Remus had you feeling very nervous in that moment. Not nervous like you’d been around Darcy or Philip. A different kind. A better kind.
“Who did this to you?” He asked.
You looked up to see him studying the cuts like you’d seen him in the library studying for a test. He was trying to map out all the details of your scratches, so it seemed.
“Please, Y/N. Let us know who did this to you? Hell, even what did this?”
“Us?” Was the word you chose to focus on.
“Mr Lupin, there’s a time and a place for funny business and it won’t be in my classroom.” Slughorn broke whatever moment had happened between you and Remus.
Remus had been quick to drop your hair, apologise and return to his seat.
Your cheeks flushed red with the thought of someone catching you looking, almost, intimate with Remus.
Oh God.
What if Sirius had seen?
You looked over to where Remus had rejoined Sirius. Remus was whispering to Sirius whilst you watched Sirius’ jaw click.
The chill that surpassed you when Sirius turned to face you across the room told you everything you needed to know.
Stay. The hell. Away. From. My boyfriend.
As Slughorn finished the class Remus quickly tried to stuff everything into his satchel before everyone left without him.
“C’mon! Hurry up!” Sirius urged him - only because he obviously didn’t have his own bag and made Remus carry everything.
“Shut it.” Remus snipped, shoving his textbook in his bag before grabbing his cloak and moving.
“Hey, calm down.” Sirius tried to soothe him, slipping his hand into Remus’.
“Calm down— Are you insane?”
“A bit.”
“How am I supposed to be calm when half of Y/N’s face is missing?” Remus whisper shouted and Sirius quickly pushed him back against a stone wall for a time-out.
“Calm down. I mean it, Rem.”
Remus let the cool of the stone wall sink in through his skin and allow him to breathe again.
He didn’t know what was coming over him recently.
“Y/N’s gone now, because I couldn’t pull myself together.” Remus sighed.
Sirius brought his hand up to cup underneath Remus’ chin lightly, making it so he had no choice but to look at him.
“Look at me.” Remus tried to move away, but Sirius’ hands held strong. “Hey, don’t. Look at me. We are going to find Y/N and get to the bottom of whatever has happened, okay? But you need to calm down first.”
Remus let his shoulders exhale and he nodded. “Okay.”
Sirius smiled, leaning in to give Remus a few kisses. One for listening to him and another just because he loved him so much. Sirius could really feel Remus calming down after those.
“I just… Y/N is… she means…” Remus struggled to find the right words to say, but it didn’t really matter.
“I know. She means the same to me.”
Sirius rested his forehead against Remus, as they calmed each other and maybe one day hoping you’d be right there beside them.
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sasagehoes · 2 months ago
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"From groupies, bell bottom jeans, problematic fights, to in-band love scandals — The Pantheon has it all! The band that has changed a generation, some say they must be magic!"
Summary;; Before the fear of war and death was near, a group of friends decided to unite their love for music and form a band. A band hidden from parents, teachers, and the overall wizarding public. The Pantheon, not formed by a single muggle, was disguised as the perfect muggle rock band, starting out on a mere run down pub to going out to be one of the most influential bands in England circa 1978.
If only things could last forever.
Pairing;; Wolfstar x fem!reader
Status;; In progress
Disclaimers;; MDNI Blood and violence are recurring themes in many of my works. Eventual smut. Slowww burn, it'll take a while for them to start dating. Time accurate discrimination [race, sexuality, class status etc.] Angst for days. Additional and more specific warning for each chapter will be given. Translation for the non-english words and phrases will be given aswell. Feedback of any kind is very appreciated, I hope you all enjoy!!
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01. 02. 03. 04. 05.
06. 07. 08. 09. 10.
coming soon....
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The Selwyn’s ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
Meet the Band!!
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All rights reserved © 2025 𝐒𝐀𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐒. Please do not copy, rewrite, or translate my works on any other platform.
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atydblack · 2 years ago
"demure" part 2
best friends dad! james x reader
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masterlist (requests open!!!)
glad u guys liked part 1 because i can not stop thinking about this version of james .
warnings: age gap, cheating, rough sex (not too much smut in this one tho soz), jamie is kinda a dick, everyone is of age!!!
It had been 3 days.
3 whole days since the night you spent with James and he hadn't spoken one word to you.
In the grand scheme of things, 3 days isn't too long. But when those 3 days are spent longing after someone who is pretending you don't exist it is.
You were frustrated in every sense of the word, and with just over a week until you go back to Hogwarts - you were becoming desperate.
Every one was floating in between the kitchen and living room. It was rare that there was ever a quiet moment at the Potter's which made it even more difficult to find James alone.
You sat with your head resting lightly on Ron's shoulder whilst him and Hermione chatted about something you couldn't even focus on, your mind a million miles away.
Surprisingly, you had barely felt any guilt towards your actions a few nights prior. Every time you felt a bit bad about what you'd done, Ron would piss you off and it all made sense again.
You had even tried to somewhat recreate the incident with Ron, actually trying it on with him every single night but he would just make fun of you or would already be asleep before you'd even had the chance to touch him.
"Y/N?" Ron pushed you off his shoulder. "I said, are you okay?"
"Yeah," you half heartedly smiled. "I'm just gonna grab some water."
"I can get it for you-"
"No, it's fine."
You stood to your feet and wandered through to the kitchen and there he stood.
James was leaning against the kitchen counter, a mirrored image of how he was stood just a few nights ago.
Your breath hitched in your throat.
A white shirt hung from his body as he had just gotten back from his job at the ministry under an hour ago. A half empty glass of red wine sat in his hand as he spoke intently to Remus.
When he noticed you enter, he stopped talking and his jaw tightened.
He had been on your mind 24/7. The way his hands felt on you, the way he spoke softly into your ear, the way he made you feel.
It was constant, you couldn't think of anything other than James.
James broke eye contact after a brief moment. He muttered something inaudible to Remus before quickly walking past you.
James' heavy footsteps echoed through the house as he almost stormed up the stairs.
Remus nodded his head at you. You couldn't tell wether he was indicating for you to follow him or if it was just a simple greeting.
You didn't care either way, you were bored of being ignored.
Turning swiftly, you padded quietly up the stairs after James.
You were unsure of what exactly you were going to say to him, but something was better than nothing.
The house was huge and you weren't exactly sure which room he had gone into.
You decided on his bedroom.
You slowly opened the big oak door before entering quietly.
He wasn't in there, but it still caught your attention.
A strange feeling overwhelmed you as you took in the detail of the room James shared with his wife.
Jealousy? Guilt? You couldn't quite put your finger on it.
Everything was perfectly clean. On one bedside table sat a picture from their wedding day and the other was a picture of Harry.
Chewing your cheek out of anxiety, you stepped closer to the one of James and Lilly's wedding.
You had always been under the impression that they were so in love, so happy. Yet James had done this.
It almost felt like you had dreamt it all.
The door to the bedroom opened, making you jump.
You turned around to see James stood there with an angry look on his face.
"What are you doing?" James grumbled, stepping forward.
"I-I don't know." You muttered, your cheeks growing red.
"You can't do this, Y/N." He demanded, almost like he was telling you off. "I- What happened between us... it can't happen again."
He was frustrated, breathing heavy with his eyebrows furrowed.
You stood there twiddling your thumbs, unsure of what to reply.
"I fucking mean it-" James began pacing back and forth. "Shit, I could get in so much trouble for this, Y/N, you don't understand."
A ball of anger was whirling up inside you uncontrollably at his words.
A little voice inside your head telling you that he used you, he regrets you, he's embarrassed of you.
"You can't just ignore me!" You spat out. "I'm not just someone you can touch like that and then pretend doesn't exist!"
"I don't have a fucking option, Y/N." He came closer to you. "What did you think was going to happen? This can't be anything."
"What did you think was going to happen, James?" You bit back, sick of him talking down to you.
He was taken aback at your words, veins almost popping out of his forehead as he looked as if he was at war with himself.
"Fuck!" He spat, turning his back to you.
You weren't scared of him, he couldn't just use you and act like it never happened.
"You need to stop fucking doing this to me, Y/N." James muttered.
"I-I'm not doing anything!" You expressed, "I just want you to-"
Before you had the chance to finish your sentence, you were pressed up against the wall with his mouth on yours.
It happened all to quickly.
He lifted you up, legs wrapped around him.
James connected his tongue with yours, hands travelling all over you.
"I can't stop fucking thinking about you, Y/N." James muttered against your lips.
You could feel his hard cock pressing into you through his trousers as he pushed himself closer to you.
"Your sweet little moans,"
He pushed your dress up to your waist, hands travelling underneath to your breasts.
"Your tight little pussy,"
You let out a gasp as his cold hands brushed over your nipples.
"You think I haven't always noticed the way you look at me?"
In a swift movement he had you pressed up against the wall, ready to take you from behind. Your dress pushed up to your waist and his trousers around his ankles.
"Not so fucking innocent around you, Y/N?"
You must be dreaming. You must have dreamt this whole thing. There was no way your fantasy was unravelling in front of you.
"Do you want this, baby?"
You nodded with no hesitation.
"Words, kitten."
"Yes, James." You groaned. "I want you."
"Good girl." He muttered as he pushed his cock into you.
You gasped, he was much bigger than you'd ever had before.
It took a second for you to adjust but soon he was thrusting into you.
James couldn't contain himself, fucking you relentlessly as you moaned his name over and over.
"Have you been thinking about this, baby?" James groaned, choking you from behind. "I bet you have."
He was like an animal with stamina you didn't know existed.
"You gonna cum for me, sweet girl?"
You couldn't muster any words in response, just a loud moan harmonising with the clapping of him pounding into you.
It wasn't long before you were riding out your high, another unexplainable feeling he'd given you for the second time.
You tightened around him, only causing him to quicken his pace.
"Fuck-" He choked out as you felt his warm cum between your legs, his thrusts slowing down.
You both stood there attempting to catch your breath.
"No matter how hard I try," James said after a short moment. "I can't get you off of my mind."
"Likewise." You muttered.
"Y/N?" You heard a voice from the hallway. It was Ron.
"Shit." You whispered. "You- You stay here."
You quickly tried to fix your hair, pulling your dress down and trying your hardest to act like you didn't have James cum dripping into your panties.
You walked out to the hallway and smiled at Ron.
"What were you doing in there?"
"Just snooping." You shrugged, grabbing his hand and quickly pulling him back downstairs.
part 3 will be up tomorrow!
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iamthesilentwriter · 6 months ago
Harry Potter Masterlist
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The Sleepovers [8.3K] Wolfstar!Daughter!Reader You have a sleepovers with Harry; however, you start to suspect something is up when you notice things either before, during, or after your sleepovers. That is, until you figure it out…
Swimming Lessons [4.7K] Wolfstar!Daughter!Reader You and Harry learn to swim, but that’s easier said than done – your fear of the water inhibits your ability to step into the pool. However, with the help of Sirius, you finally gather the courage to swim.
Detectives for a Day [9.5K] Wolfstar!Daughter!Reader It's Career's Day at school, you and Harry are tasked with interviewing your dad's, James and Sirius, about their work as Aurors.
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Of Crushes and Comfort [1.1K] Wolfstar!Daughter!Reader You talk to Lily about something very, very personal – your feelings. More specifically, the feelings that you may or may not have towards her son.
Where We Belong [4.1K] Wolfstar!Daughter!Reader You and Harry are about to begin your first year at Hogwarts, but anxiety over which house you’ll be sorted into stirs mixed emotions, as you both feel the weight of other’s expectations.
The Stars [2.2K] Wolfstar!Daughter!Reader With a little help from the mistletoe, you and Harry share your first kiss under the stary night sky.
The Conversation [2.5K] Wolfstar!Daughter!Reader It’s been two weeks since you and Harry shared your first kiss. To say things are awkward is an understatement; however, everything comes to a head, at your traditional Christmas Eve dinner with the Potters.
A Mother Knows [7.7K] Wolfstar!Daughter!Reader Over the course of the summer before sixth year, Lily notices certain interactions between you and Harry that seem more than friendly. Her suspicions are confirmed when she witnesses a special moment between the two of you.
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The Evolution of the Treehouse [__K] Wolfstar!Daughter!Reader The making of the treehouse and the memories formed because of it.
The First Days of School [__K] Wolfstar!Daughter!Reader Harry and Your's first days of school, over the years.
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Back to General Masterlist
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siriuslywicked · 4 months ago
Tangled Hearts
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Pairing: poly!wolfstar x reader
Summary: After years of isolating yourself from old school friends, you find yourself thrown back into their world after an invitation from Lily to celebrate her and James' recent engagement. As you, Sirius, and Remus reconnect, it becomes clear the chemistry between the three of you is as vibrant as it was at Hogwarts. Having been burned before, are you willing to let yourself trust them again?
Tags: Smut 18+, eventual smut, drinking, no use of y/n, reader is nicknamed "fluffs," ignoring actual timelines and canon for storytelling reasons, reader is half blood, hidden relationships, wolfstar are closeted babies, ignoring peter bc he gives me the ick, more to come...
Status: In progress
archive of our own
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
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jasmines-library · 1 year ago
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Total Works: 10
Last updated: 04 january 2024
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⛤ Lunar Posession
Summary: Remus gets jealous when you come back to the dormitory smelling of Sirius.
⛤ Miscommunication
Summary: when the reader finds an injured Remus surrounded by his friends in the forest, she is led to believe that it was Remus’ friends who had hurt him
⛤ Talk Now, Study Later
Summary: Ditzy!reader just wants Remus’ attention as he tries to study for an upcoming exam
⛤ Only Human
Summary: After Severus ends up ruining his friendship with the reader by calling them a slur, Sirius is there to comfort them.
⛤ For You, My Dove.
Summary: Siri and reader enjoy a day at the beach together. Oh and he proposes.
⛤ Blood Quill
Summary: Remus can smell blood on you
⛤ Bad Moon Rising
Summary: whumptober; you get hurt during a full moon
⛤ Sunburn
Summary: you get sunburnt, your boyfriends take care of you
⛤No Sleep For The Damned
summary: You get captured by death eaters and have to keep yourself awake fo they don't use you for information
⛤ Runaway
after a fight with your mother, badly injured you and your brother Sirius are forced to flee your home and go to the only place you can think of. The Potters. (im sorry)
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sun-kissy · 8 months ago
poly!wolfstar masterlist — ☪︎
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❤︎ — fluff | ☁︎ — angst | ✿ — san’s favs
meant to be — you don't feel like you fit in their relationship ☁︎ ✿
part 2 — they made mistakes, but you know they love you ☁︎ ❤︎ ✿
poly!wolfstar x fem!reader (headcanons) ❤︎
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shoopsthereitis · 7 months ago
fic masterlist
i'm sar ☾☼ goneinseconds and microseconds on AO3 links below for my fics | instagram
wip: on pause
☼ The Undone and The Divine: 3/4 | Jegulus | E |
Regulus is a fallen angel, and James is a human. When their paths cross in the woods, everything changes.
fallen angel regulus & human james | religious imagery & symbolism | angst, guilt, and blasphemy
☼ Versions of Uncertainty: 7/8 | Jegulus | M |
Four months after becoming Luna’s guardian, Regulus, a teacher at her school, struggles to balance his new responsibilities. Things get complicated when Luna starts seeing James, the school counselor, pushing Regulus to set aside his personal feelings for her sake. As he adjusts, he grapples with uncertainty about his place in Luna’s life, his relationship with James, and his ability to handle it all.
fluff & angst | healing | falling in love
regulus raising luna | divorced jily coparents | wolfstar w/ teddy
☼ 'tis the damn season: 9/9 | 54k | Jegulus | M |
When their exes start dating and return home for Christmas, Regulus and James agree to fake a relationship to spare themselves the awkwardness of facing their old flames alone. As they navigate the chaos of family, friends and holiday traditions, their pretend affection begins to feel unexpectedly real. By the end of the season, they’re left questioning if they’ve been faking it all along—or if they’ve stumbled into something genuine.
fake dating | mutual pining | slow burn
minor wolfstar, bartylily, + other characters
☼ for real this time: 12/12 | 88k | Jegulus & Background Wolfstar | E |
Fresh out of grad school, James and Sirius are ready for one final, carefree summer at James' family house on the coast of Maine. But things take a turn when Sirius invites an estranged Regulus along, completely unaware of the unresolved tension between him and James from the last time they were all here together. With 2.5 months to go until their move back to the UK, it's a summer of second chances and big decisions. Will James and Regulus be able to handle a summer together and just be friends?
fluff & angst | idiots in love | HEA
☼ slow hands: one shot | 6k | Jegulus | E |
Barty drags Regulus to a pottery class and he can't take his eyes off the teacher, or his hands.
☼ strawberries: one shot | 6.5k | Jegulus | M |
snippets of married life following James and Regulus from their twenties to their sixties.
☼ yeehaw, baby: series | one shots | Jegulus | E |
Regulus finds himself stranded in small town Montana with a broken down car. Luckily he falls for the handsome cowboy that comes to his rescue. Snapshots of their kinky and domestic life in oneshots
fluff and smut
☼ bleed me dry: one shot | 8k | Jegulus | E | marauders creature fic fest
Dragged to the local bar every Friday night for line dancing, Regulus falls for the mysterious bartender. From their first encounter, there is an air of mystery about him. Regulus can’t help but be drawn in, feeling an undeniable pull that only intensifies with each passing week. Little does he know, the bartender drinks more than just single-shot whiskeys.
☼ some part of me came alive the first time that you called me baby: one shot | 9.8k | Jegulus | M | siriuslyhozierfest
Six years after their breakup, Regulus comes face to face with James in the midst of Sirius being rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. Their unexpected reunion becomes a catalyst of reflection for Regulus.
☼ what if your eyes looked up and met mine one more time: one shot | 5k | Jegulus | M | The Tortured Poets Fest
Five months after Regulus’s death, James is still drowning in grief. They’d been broken up for two years before Regulus died, and James struggles with the authenticity of his pain. But when he spots a familiar face through a window, his unresolved emotions resurface. Meanwhile, Regulus, with no memory of his past, wanders the streets of London, drawn by an inexplicable pull. Everything becomes clear when he encounters a face he knows
☼ truth, dare, spin bottles: one shot | 5.3k | Jegulus/Rosekiller | E | Strutting Slut Fest
Regulus throws James his perfect birthday party, including cheeky games from their teen years like spin the bottle and truth or dare. At the end of the night things take a turn and James gets more for his birthday than he could have anticipated
AO3: microseconds
james/kingsley/regulus - series of oneshots | fluff and smut
kingsley/regulus - kinkuary
narcissa/lily for hpfemininomenonfest
kinsgley/regulus - vampire au one shot
barty/lily oneshots
rosekiller/regulus oneshot
wolfstar oneshots
an account that runs mostly on rarepairs and vibes
fuck JKR, we support LGBTQ here
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remusmoonbaby · 1 year ago
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✩⁺₊✩☽⋆ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ⋆☾✩⁺₊✩
( 🔞 18+ nsfw 🧸 fluff 💋 suggestive 🎀 sfw )
🤎 here you will find the three marauders under their own section! each which their own fics, some will be combined, and if they are combined they will be under the marauders cut!
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Songs That Remind Me of Remus Lupin 🎀
Remus Lupin is the type...🔞
Sirius black p links 🔞
James Potter is the type...🔞
Wolfstar ft.: James and Lily anon req! 🧸
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✩⁺₊✩☽⋆ 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒:⋆☾✩⁺₊✩
Provoking: Draco Malfoy 🔞
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xiphions · 1 month ago
Blog header:  View of Bregentved Forest, Sjaeeland, Artist Frederik Sødring, 1830s
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Welcome to my blog :) I have the internet savvy of an 80 year old, so I have no idea what I’m doing. Please be nice!
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Few and Far Between - A very long,  mostly canon compliant fic following multiple povs through Hogwarts and up to the second wizarding war. Angst heavy, graphic depictions of violence and major character death. 
Povs: Remus, Sirius, Lily, Marlene, Mary, James, and Peter
Multiple ships including Wolfstar, Marylily, Dorlene, Jily, and Jegulus
This fic is already over 1.6 million words and it's still on the first war!
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Light My Fire (68,689 words) - Fake dating Dorlene with Cheerleader!Dorcas and Soccerplayer!Marlene set in an American High School. Featuring a very queer marauders friend group.
Background ships: Wolfstar, Marylily, Jegulus, Rosekiller, Pandora/Xeno
Carnage (8,431 words) - Explicit oneshot, enemies Dorlene with Vampire Hunter Marlene and Vampire Dorcas Meadowes. They want to kill each other (erotically). Includes smut and graphic depictions of violence. Very bloody, please mind the tags.
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Last Christmas (I Gave You My Heart) (83,799 words) - Exes to Lovers Wolfstar, set during the Christmas season. After seven years of not seeing each other, Sirius and Remus are brought back together for James and Lily’s wedding. Remus now engaged, and Sirius a famous pop star. What could go wrong?
Povs: Remus, Sirius, Tonks
Background/secondary ships: Jily, Remadora, minor Dorlene
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This will update when I post something new :)
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w1tch3-writes · 7 months ago
fic masterlist • ao3
broken pieces of the night • starchaser & wolfstar • hogwarts era • 400k+ words • ongoing
While his friend group struggles to heal from a misguided prank, James Potter finds solace in a grumpy Slytherin. Falling in love is an unexpected side effect. (Not that he is complaining.) Or Regulus Black goes to the Astronomy Tower for some peace, but what he gets is an annoying Gryffindor who won't leave him alone. Falling in love is unavoidable. (Trust him, he tried to avoid it.)
mon coeur plaintif • starchaser • vampire au • 31k words • complete
Two brothers move into the house across the street and upend James’s life. While being introduced to this secret world of vampires, James just might fall in love with one of them.
nothing to retentive feelings • starchaser • ballet dancer Regulus/DILF James • 20k words • one-shot
James Potter has never seen Regulus Black as anything other than his best friend’s little brother. When Regulus returns to England after five years abroad, that changes.
a home where heart and soul may rest • starchaser • modern roommates au • 10k words • one-shot
James and Regulus are the perfect roommates, but everything changes when Regulus brings a guy home. Truths are unveiled and feelings are confronted.
sed non satiata • rosekiller • canon divergence/fix-it • 10k words • one-shot
Evan is alive and breaks Barty out of Azkaban. Wounds of the body and soul are tended.
alone • wolfstar • canon compliant • 3k words • one-shot
After Voldemort is defeated at the cost of everything Remus holds dear, his love becomes another curse to bear.
no unreturned love • starchaser • university au • 2k words • one-shot
James is a relentless flirt. Regulus retaliates.
speeches • starchaser • fluff and smut • 1,2k words • one-shot
Regulus never verbalizes his feelings. Until he does.
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