#wolfstar day out
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lulublack90 · 8 months ago
Prompt 11 - Over 30 Years Old
@wolfstarmicrofic July 11, word count 863
Sirius was sulking on his mother’s bed, slowly stroking the soft feathers on Buckbeaks neck. Dumbledore had told him again he was not to leave Grimmauld Place for any reason. He’d only wanted to see Harry off to Hogwarts from platform 9 3/4. He’d missed four already and didn’t want to miss another one. But Dumbledore was waiting for him when he returned to the house and warned him that if he left the house again without permission, he would be on his own and, with Padfoot being known to the death eaters and the entirety of Britain, wizards and muggles alike, knowing the face of the escaped convict Sirius Black he’d be caught within a week. 
Sirius had yelled and argued, but Dumbledore had infuriatingly ignored him. 
“Stay, Sirius,” He’d ordered before sweeping out of the house, his purple robes swishing behind him. So Sirius had stormed upstairs away from the order members milling about on the lower levels. At least Buckbeak never told him off. 
A soft knock at the door woke him from where he’d fallen asleep against Buckbeak’s side. 
“Yeah?” His voice was cracked and croaky with sleep. 
‘Can I come in?” Remus asked through the door.
“If you want,” He grumbled, curling up closer to Buckbeak. Remus came in and closed the door behind him. He waved his wand, putting up a silencing charm around them.
“Hey, so what’s going on?”
“Dumbledore treating me like a child. Being locked up in this house…” Sirius couldn’t finish. He buried his head in Buckbeak’s feathers. He heard Remus sigh.
“Get up, let’s go,” Remus ordered. Sirius pulled his face away from Buckbeak and looked up.
“Where are we going?” He asked, not sure what Remus wanted him to do.
“I’m breaking you out of here,” He grinned mischievously, holding out his hand to Sirius. Sirius didn’t hesitate and took the proffered hand. Remus hauled him up off the bed and snuck him down the stairs towards the front door. “Here,” Remus said, pulling a thick travel cloak from the cloak hooks and draped it over him. “Cover yourself completely.” Sirius pulled the cloak around his head, obscuring his face, so no one would recognise him and followed Remus out of the front door. They walked out onto the street and as soon as they were free from the magic surrounding the house Remus grabbed his arm and apparated him away.
They arrived at a secluded beach. Sirius pulled the cloak away from his face and stared around. The cliffs behind them were sheer, there was no way anyone was getting down to this beach without magic. Remus took a step forward, his wand raised as he chanted a spell under his breath. Sirius watched as blue light flowed out of the end of Remus’s wand and spread out above them, rendering them invisible from above. Remus bent down and picked up a stick from the sand. “Wanna play?” He asked, tossing the sick up in the air and catching it. Sirius grinned from ear to ear as he transformed into Padfoot and took off running. Remus threw the stick, and Padfoot leapt into the air, catching it in his jaws. He trotted back to where Remus waited for him and dropped it at his feet. 
They had a wonderful afternoon playing on the beach. He chased the waves away from the shore and danced about Remus’s feet when he went for a walk down the narrow, sandy stretch. They ended up sitting on a pebbled area and Padfoot curled up beside Remus, dropping his heavy head into his lap.  Remus dug his fingers into Padfoot's fur and scratched him behind his ears. When the sun began to dip below the waves, Remus stood up and said they should go. Sirius transformed back and made sure the cloak was tugged firmly around his face. He looked out at the ocean sorrowfully and let Remus apparate him back to Grimmauld Place. 
“Thank you for today,” He told Remus quietly as they walked back through the front door. A shiver shook through him as the front door shut.
“You go up to your bedroom, and I’ll get us some food,” Remus told him as he walked into the kitchen, where Sirius could hear voices chattering. He trudged up the stairs and went into his room and jumped up onto his bed. Remus returned with bowls of warm stew and two thick slabs of chocolate cake. He placed them down on the bed before crawling up to sit opposite Sirius. He waved his hands in front of Sirius like one of those muggle magicians and pulled a bottle of firewhisky from inside his robes. Sirius barked out a laugh and dug into his dinner. 
“It’ll get better love,” Remus said gently as they snuggled together once they’d finished eating. 
“You promise?” Sirius mumbled, his words slightly slurred from the whisky.
“I do love,” Remus murmured, pressing a kiss into the top of Sirius’s hair. “Just you wait,” They fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms like they used to do as teenagers. Sirius was happier than he had been for a long time.  
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skyrigel · 7 months ago
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People have the audacity to say they weren't fucking.
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neege · 1 month ago
I am a lover of remus who's a little bit of a prude tbh
He doesn't like pda very much, and anything more than a light peck feels like inviting strangers into his bed. He likes that he gets to see this whole side of Sirius that no one else does, because it's private and secret and he likes it that way, and Sirius likes that he doesn't ever feel like he's being flaunted around by Remus.
I am also a lover of Sirius who doesn't give a shit about people's opinions of him, and is perfectly comfortable holding Remus's hand or pulling Remus into his lap or dragging him to a corner of the room to make out a bit or kissing his forehead in greeting. He doesn't want to make Remus uncomfortable, but he likes showing him that he's not afraid to love Remus loudly <3
(plus Remus is a horny drunk and will be found sucking on his bfs neck 2 drinks in)
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aeteut · 1 year ago
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sirius is soo silly for believing remus is the traitor and still loving him so much, not leaving him or telling anyone
By likeafunerall, and reposted with permission.
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imagineacoolusername · 11 months ago
twin sirius & regulus, and remus & lily & james all work in the same store or shop or wherever, and they're all crushing on this one customer, but they're kinda confused bc he flirts with all three of them, but sometimes he only flirts with remus and calls james mate, or he flirts with lily and james and just nods his head at remus, and they're not entirely sure what's going on
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uhhlifeig · 2 months ago
First Anniversary - Jan. 9th - word count: 298 - @wolfstarmicrofic
Sirius looked into the mirror, making sure that everything was just right. 
He was wearing his leather jacket, a dark crop top underneath, and skinny jeans. (He had bought them the last time he convinced Effie to let him go to Muggle London.)
He also had a touch of makeup on- some eyeliner (which had taken four fucking tries), a touch of mascara, and a bit of lip gloss.
Sirius frowned at his reflection, debating on whether or not to change again. 
Just then, James opened the door. 
“Pads,” he said, walking in. “Moony’s downstairs. Don’t keep your lover-boy waiting, or he’ll rebel. It’s your first anniversary! ”
“Yeah, yeah,” Sirius responded distractedly, messing with his hair. “Coming.”
“Okay!” James called, already leaving the dorm. 
Sirius sighed, throwing one more glance at the mirror before walking out and down into the common room.
Remus was sitting on one of the couches, fiddling with his hands. He glanced up at Sirius, and Sirius could have sworn he had to do a double take.
So he did what any normal human being would do.
“Moony!” he cried, launching himself into his boyfriend's lap. “My love, I have returned from war. I dost think we should goeth yonder, into the adventures that lay before us!”
“Yeah, hi, Pads,” Remus sighed, smiling. “You ready?”
“Duh. Why else would I be down here?”
“To take me to bed, mayhaps?” Remus asked, eyes sparkling. “Who knows?”
Sirius gasped dramatically, putting a hand on his chest. “How dare you, my good sir! The fact that you would even suggest the deflowering of our pure bodies-”
“Yeah, okay, we get it,” Peter interrupted from where he seemed to be discussing a prank with James. “Now are you gonna leave or are you going to get a room?”
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losver07 · 28 days ago
this is what i mean when i say black brothers angst btw
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(if there's any typos sorry it's 6am and i havent slept a single minute since yesterday (i swear i spell-checked i just am mentally turned off))
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me10n-10rde · 2 months ago
i was listening to piano man and ive always thought it would make like a good edit or long oneshot or something so i bothered to write up my idea and imagine all the ways it could be filled with angst
james is the piano man, he brings comfort to everyone even of it harms him (how people were like why tf are you at this bar you should be doing real performances)
There's an old man sittin' next to me
Makin' love to his tonic and gin
He says, "Son, can you play me a memory?
I'm not really sure how it goes
But it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it complete
When I wore a younger man's clothes
this is alphard thinking back on like a lover who passed, kinda like him and eli in CR
Now John at the bar is a friend of mine
He gets me my drinks for free
And he's quick with a joke or to light up your smoke
But there's some place that he'd rather be
He says, "Bill, I believe this is killing me"
As the smile ran away from his face
"Well, I'm sure that I could be a movie star
If I could get out of this place"
john is regulus, in this case ‘here’ is the house of black. he’s stick and he desperately wants out but can’t leave
Now Paul is a real estate novelist
Who never had time for a wife
And he's talkin' with Davy, who's still in the Navy
And probably will be for life
wolfstar. sirius is paul, remus is davy. this really needs no altering, paul and davy are together and so are sirius and remus
lily is the waitress who’s practicing politics, trying to work her way up even when things are against her
i love this song so much, i need tickets to see him and stevie
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g3othermal3scapism · 3 months ago
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still trying to figure them out but progress is being made !
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labyrinthhofmymind · 5 months ago
happy halloween today james and lily died and sirius got wrongfully accused of being the traitor and peter got to escape and remus thought the love of his life was a murderer and mary lost all of her friends and harry lost his parents and was to sent to his abusive aunties and uncles house
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loonyloopylupin96 · 4 months ago
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"I'll dream each night of some version of you that I might not have, but I did not lose."
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addsalwayssick · 1 year ago
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i present to you, James Potter
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constellationgrayson · 1 year ago
Just saw on Twitter that someone said their fav marauders fics were a tie between Art Heist, Baby! and Dog Days of the Upper West Side.
Here are my fic links if anyone else wants to give them a shot:
Dog Days of the Upper West Side - Wolfstar, Jily, Dorlene (slice of life modern au)
The Pirate Princes - Wolfstar (enemies to allies to lovers, a stolen crown, and just a hint of jegulus)
Driftwood on Waves - James and Barty aka Darksun (James is dragged along by Sirius to bring Regulus and his brooding roommate groceries every week)
I'm Only Me When I'm With You - Jegulus (Regulus comes to live with the Potters over the summer)
The Very First Night - Rosekiller (Ex con turned detective Barty falls for thief Evan)
Neckties & Closets - Wolfstar (Someone breaks into the house on Marauders movie night and Remus and Sirius find themselves trapped in the same closet)
I have a few others but those are my more popular ones!
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solisitude · 7 months ago
oh i LOVE this one
the first time they need to getaway its because they're freshly out of hogwarts, stuck in a flat with the two of them PLUS JAMES and finding time to be alone is just. impossible. so sirius scrapes together some clothes on a friday afternoon, throws them into a duffelbag and the second remus gets home he just grins and tells him not to take his shoes off, because they're going for a ride. sirius takes them to a small muggle b&b in the countryside which is run by an old lesbian couple and they spend the weekend there doing absolutely nothing except being with each other. they wake up late and sirius makes remus tea and remus butters sirius' scones and they go for walks in the afternoon and it's just so lovely.
they go back about every year or so, just to pop in and say hello to the couple..
based on this ask game!
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allaboutlov3 · 9 months ago
"i write sins not tragedies"
sincerely, marauders fanfic writers
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uhhlifeig · 3 months ago
Snow - Dec. 15th - word count: 472 - @wolfstarmicrofic
Five little bundled-up figures were playing in the snow-covered backyard as their parents looked on in amusement.
“Catch this, Pete!” five-year-old James Potter yelled as loud as his little lungs would let him. He scooped up a handful of snow and hurled it at Peter.
Peter ducked. “Hey!” he pouted. “I wasn’t ready! That’s not fair!”
James stuck out his tongue. “I don’t care.”
“Readiness is for losers,” Sirius yelled from where he was laying in the snow while attempting to teach Remus how to make snow angels. “Join Remus and me here, it’s fun.”
“Oh! Siri, Remmy, Jame,” Peter said. “We should all get married!”
“Why?” Sirius asked, sitting up and tilting his head like a dog. 
“Because it’s already all white and pretty outside, dummy!” Peter exclaimed as if it were obvious. “And because we’re never gonna leave each other. Right?”
“Right!” James agreed, nodding eagerly. “Let’s get married! No kissing, though. That’s yucky.”
“Remmy, we should get married first!” Sirius shrieked, getting up and tackling Remus. “‘Cause that way we’ll be together forever and no one else can have you b’cause I’ve already dibsed you!”
“Mhmm, okay,” Remus nodded mock-gravely, shrugging Sirius off. “How d’ we get married?”
“Well, Maman says that her and Papa said some lovey stuff and kissed but we’re not kissing ‘cause that’s disgusting,” Sirius said, getting up and dusting himself off. “So uh, we can just say lovey stuff then?”
“Sure,” Remus shrugged. “Siri, you’re the greatest friend I could ever ask for-” 
“WAIT!” James yelled. “What about me and Pete? Remmy, you’re- you’re- evil!”
“Shhhh, Remmy is trying to talk here James,” Sirius said, turning around to glare at him. “Be quiet for a sec, okay?”
“Fine,” James harrumphed, crossing his arms and plopping down on the ground, pouting.
“Well, you’re the greatest friend ever, and you’re very smart and cool,” Remus finished. “It’s your turn now, Siri.”
“Remmy, you’re funny and you’re pretty and you smell nice, and you are my bestest friend no matter what,” Sirius grinned. “We’re married now, right?” 
James pouted even harder from where he was sitting, scooping up some snow and packing it into a ball before throwing it at Sirius’s back. 
It landed, and Sirius turned around, hollering, “Snowball fight!” 
“Aren’t they so precious?” Euphemia Potter cooed, watching the exchange from inside the house.
“Yeah, they are. You were right, Effie, leaving the Blacks was probably the best thing I could’ve done for my children,” Walburga admitted, sipping her tea as she watched a four-year-old Regulus run around. “Thank you for knocking some sense into me.”
“No need to thank me. Also, I’m never wrong. On that topic, I think that in fifteen years, give or take a few, Sirius and Remus will get officially married.”
“Oh, definitely. Twenty Galleons says they’ll be engaged at nineteen.”
(does this REALLY count as a wolfstar microfic? theyre literally teeny tots lmao)
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