lukeevangelista · 2 years
idk if youll do this but joe burrow x a hockey player? maybe y/n plays in the nhl (or wnhl) and theyre kinda a power couple or something?
NHL - Joe Burrow
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*gif cred to owner*
I’m gonna do it as a woman forward in the NHL and I know the the timelines are kinda wonky considering NHL playoffs are way after NFL’s but just pretend mkay? Thanks.
“He plays a pussy sport.” One of the men from Tampa snarled as you lined up for the face-off, “Pussy sport for a pussy man.”
Your team, the Blue Jackets, were currently at home for a playoff series again the Tampa Bay Lightning.
“Burrow. Can’t even win a championsh-“
The ref dropped the puck before he could finish his sentence, you quickly winning the faceoff as it went to Nick Blankenburg.
“Fuck you.” You hissed as you hit him against the boards. He had went after the puck, you knocking the absolute shit out of him, that freeing up the puck, allowing you to knock it to your closest player.
What you didn’t notice until you heard the whistle was the man on the ice below you.
“Hmm. What’s that about a pussy man?” You asked as you skated away.
“Did you see the way she just took him down?” Ja’mar grimaced as Joe let out a laugh.
“Nothing new.” He replied, “i just hope she isn’t going to get hurt one of these days doing that.”
Joe and his teammates were on an off day, but the Bengals front office had worked with the Blue Jackets to get seats for the Bengals to attend the game
It had been an earlier game that day so it was easy for them to clear schedules to allow them to attend. Plus it showed support for the other teams near them.
One of the opposing players had went in for a hit on you. You crumpled to the ground, tightly gripping your shoulder, your head on the ice as chaos ensued around you, whistles blowing and you slightly getting nudged as you felt other skates hitting yours on accident.
You looked up to see your line mate, Cole Sillinger, with his gloves off as he had ahold of the players jersey.
Cole was protective over his line mates, especially you. And it got worse as he got older, knowing the injuries could be career ending.
He delivered a punch to the players jaw as your dropped your head again, the trainer kneeling next to you.
Joe was watching intensely as he and his teammates had a perfect view of you on the ground at center ice, writhing in pain as you held your shoulder. His heart was dropping even more as time ticked on and you still hadn’t gotten up off the ice.
“C’mon, let’s get you up.” The trainer sighed as you leaned up, your hand cupping your arm. Zach Werenski had your other arm around his shoulder, allowing him to help you to the bench easier than the trainer could as your balance was wonky.
“It hurts.” You whispered as you looked at him, tears in your eyes. This had been your worst injury yet and could potentially knock you out of the remainder of the playoffs.
“You’ll be fine kid.” He gave you a soft smile, “Go get help and get back out here with us.” He said as he patted your head, allowing the trainer to take back over as he guided you down the tunnel, you continuing to hear cheers from the crowd and stick taps from your teammates.
“You about gave me a heart attack out there.” Joe said as he immediately brought you into his arms, carefully watching your, now, slinged shoulder.
You were going to be out a week or two- just to make sure there was no further damages while this healed.
And better yet, your boys had pushed forward and beat Tampa, sending you all to the second round of the playoffs.
“I’m sorry.” You muffled into his chest.
“How you feeling?” You heard someone ask from behind you, Boone and Cole walking up behind you as you turned around, Joe’s hand on your lower back as you spoke to your teammates.
“Sore.” You chuckled, “but I shouldn’t be out more than a week. The tendons are just sore, no tears and it wasn’t popped out so we’re all good.”
“Thank god.” Cole let out a sigh of relief, “I need ya out there. Who else am I going to set up for the league lead?”
Boone smacked the back of Cole’s head before rolling his eyes, “Good to hear though. Get some rest, get healthy, and get back out there with us. We need Mighty Mouse out there battling with us.”
“Will do Cap.” You said, “Plus, I’m pretty sure I’m in good care and won’t be lifting a finger.”
“Damn straight.” Joe added as you bided the others goodbye before you met up with Joe’s teammates that had attended.
“You about gave Joe a near heart attack.” Sam laughed, “Glad to see you’re doing okay though.”
“I mean, I wouldn’t say okay, but I’m alive and it’s not serious so.”
Social media went absolutely crazy when there were photos of you and Joe snapped as you two left Nationwide, your arm in a sling and Joe’s arm around your shoulder.
It was bound to happen, but questions were everywhere when you showed up to the Bengals game against Kansas City, one that would send them to the Super Bowl, once again.
“I still don’t understand why you’re here.” Ally commented as she sat next to you in the press box, “If I was injured, Sam would be on his own here today.”
“He showed up for me, even when his ACL was torn.” You shrugged as you took a sip of your water- although you were eyeing her margarita that was in her hand. Due to the season, you chose not to drink because even though you were out for the next week or so, you didn’t want to mess everything you had achieved up to this point. With the second round around the corner, you didn’t want to risk anything that could jeopardize the teams chances of making the conference final. 
“Okay you’ve got a point.” She said as as a few other of the wives and girlfriends sat down next to you two, getting ready for the game to start.
A few had asked how you were feeling, making sure you didn’t need anything, and just overall being good friends to you.
“I’m glad it wasn’t anything more serious that it was.” Ally said as she watched the offense come out onto the field, “I know they all like watching you play. Us too honestly.”
You gave her a soft smile, “Me too. If all things go like planned, I’ll be-“ you cut yourself off as you jumped up, cheering as Joe passed the ball to Ja’mar, him running it into the end zone, “Let’s go! Atta boy!”
Ally laughed and cheered next to you as you all passed around high-fives.
“What were you saying?” Ally asked as you all say back down, the celebration dying down.
“Oh yeah! I should be back by late next week as long as nothing else pops up on the scans.”
“That’s good to hear.” She softly smiled as your conversation fizzled out, you both going back to watching the game.
The game continued without a hitch. It was the final five minutes and you and the others had decided to make your way down to the locker room. There was a 24 point deficit so you all were certain that they would be making a trip to the Super Bowl once again.
Hearing the cheers of the fans and then the thumping of the music in the stands, you knew it wouldn’t be long before the boys would be heading your way. You could hear their shouting as they neared you all, grins present on everyone’s faces as the celebrations started.
Coach Taylor did his duties, giving speeches and passing out game balls before breaking the boys, allowing them to have some fun.
“Way to go nine.” You grinned as you neared him, “I’m so proud of you.”
“I wouldn’t be here without you.” He said as he carefully tugged you into his arms as he placed a soft kiss on your lips.
“Glad to know I’m an important part for you.”
“Oh trust me you are.” He laughed, “I’m just hoping I am for you too.”
“Oh most definitely,” you said, “but right now, this is all about you. Let’s get you that ring nine.”
“As long as it’s your turn after.”
“I think we can try and arrange that.”
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fruitcoops · 11 months
omg ever since i read the jules and katie instragram post thing i can’t take them out of my mindd, i need more of them like its not a want its a need.
do you have hc or one shots in your head about them???
Do I have thoughts about Jules and Katie in the future?? Do I have thoughts about NHL hotshot Julian Lupin pining like a golden-hearted silly goose for this girl he's known since they were both kids bonding over being youngest children and now suddenly she's so pretty so smart so talented???? Do I have THOUGHTS on Katie laying out the ass-whooping of a generation each time she gets on the ice, achieving WNHL fame, all the while Jules is racking up his own trophies and yet tripping over his own skates whenever he tries to talk to her??? Do I have thoughts about them hitting the pro leagues at about the same time despite their 3- or 4-year age gap (because there's no way the Lupins are letting him roll in headfirst at 18 with no backup plan) and topping their respective charts in silent competition.
Yes I do.
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Pls tell me more about sid in tmfs! Did Tatum play hockey with her?
Sidney Prescott, my beloved!
Sidney was of the age where she pretty much exclusively had to play on boys' teams, because there just… weren't women's teams. In this iteration (because it doesn't make sense for everyone to be in Woodsboro), the Prescotts lived in Los Angeles, so because it was a big city, she at least had local rinks to go to and a local team whose games she could attend.
She met Billy and Stu first through state tournaments when they were in middle and high school, but she really fell in with that group their freshman year of college, because, once again, she had to play on the Windsor boys' team. Their coach expected that the two Woodsboro Killers would protect the girl on the team (in case her uterus flies out blah blah), but Sidney, naturally, could both take and give some pretty strong body checks of her own.
Tatum did not play hockey and was unceremoniously assigned the "puck bunny" label because she dated Stu. She and Sidney immediately became friends the first time the players and their WAGs had a get-together. This is where Sidney learned that, no matter how tough you are on the ice, you cannot drink a WAG under the table. (Jesse Compher in real life learned this when her brother won the Stanley Cup.) "Hey, Stu, I'm gonna steal your girlfriend for a minute," became a common refrain.
She did date Billy, briefly, but it was pretty universally recognized as a bad idea given that they were teammates, and he left Windsor after a year to go pro anyway.
She mostly appeared for the US women's national team but also spent various seasons in the pro women's hockey leagues that popped up semi-regularly throughout the 2000s: the NWHL, WWHL, CWHL. These all, in this universe, predate the stable formation of the WNHL in 2005 (their season opener timed to fill the void left by the NHL lockout, which helped their success). Unlike her peers, Sidney retired on the earlier end, around the age of 32. She was tired of the instability of the sport and the strain on her body and pretty much retired to the woods, like most star athletes tend to do when they don't like the spotlight.
Kirby had a Sidney Prescott Olympics poster in her bedroom. Sam did not.
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jaywritesrps · 4 months
I get some of these ask. But they honestly seem so weird and actually come from people wanting ashlyn to actually go to the soccer just for the drama and another reason to hate or troll. She barely went to Gotham games last year and stayed out of the way in the back. Especially after mothers days she was even more reserved. Why would her and Sophia go to the game. Sophia also doesn’t go to any games anymore because the toxic portion of woso is trying to drive her out when she was actually someone who walked the talk unlike other acfc investors. This is why woso is bad, grow up and get on with it because right now it’s being trumped by wnba because woso is still hung up on relationships
Woso is mad ashlyn has left, even though they wanted her to go in the first place. She can’t win and the thing is she’s not trying to???
NGL, I would love if they went cause it would be very entertaining to see in live TV. Like it would be a bold move from them, but a very dumb one to provoke people that utterly despises them just for the drama, because the fandom is doing pretty much emulating the same behavior the woso players had. Everyone was just waiting for this to happen so they could cut her out, just look how many of them made worse than her and didn't receive the same treatment.
I am not going to compare to WNBA or WNHL, cause Woso in USA has a cultural aspect that is completely different from the rest of the world. For a really long time soccer was a white rich girl sport, just like tennis, golf or any other elitist sport that can cross your mind. So players and audiences were raised to act the same elitist and cliquey way. It's why I keep saying that Hope Solo's book is a good reading to understand why everyone from woso is acting with this beehive mentality. That cultural aspect found the perfect amalgam with the celebrities' yellow press and the fandom culture to attract people that usually don't follow sports to take a try on soccer. It something that it will take years to change.
They want to "kill", but to do so, she has to react to justify their action toward her. It's why Ashlyn's tactic of simply not reacting is not all wrong, because this is what Woso fans should have done with her and it's what most of players and team staff are doing with her. They are simply ignoring her, and fans are the ones doing the dirty work of chasing her. But thing is, this is long period tactic for a group, but a short period tactic for an individual, cause eventually you have to get out of the shell and if you don't set your boundaries quick this will never stop, it's why I keep saying it is time for Ashlyn to get out of Sophia's shadow and defend herself, these people only stop when you step out of the martyr's place and start to show teeth back.
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hannawatchesesc · 3 years
In this blog we fully support Luke Prokop and will protect him no matter what, but let's not forget people who came out before him:
Jon Lee-Olsen - the first male hockey player who came out during his active career (in 2019)
Lars Peter Karlsson - Swedish hockey player who was murdered by neo nazi because of his sexuality in 1995 at the age of 29.
Brendan Burke, Brock McGillis and Janne Puhakka - some of the first pro/semi-pro male players to come out as gay
And let's not forget tens of LGBTQ+ women who have been playing as professionals after coming out for decades now
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nyr-angers · 3 years
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i laughed out loud
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starrynight0612 · 4 years
My brain is starting to be really happy with the thought of the NHL cancelling their season because men refuse to play and people missing hockey so bad they start looking toward the WNHL for games to watch and jist realize how awesome female hockey players are. (Yes, in this hypothetical scenario I'm aware the WNHL would likely not play but I'm imagining a fake world where the vaccine becomes available and the women who are very organized are just ready to go while the men still need to figure stuff out).
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littlecoyoteboys · 5 years
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First ever womens event in the nhl allstar weekend
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loubagoob · 4 years
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I have a question....
Why is it that all sports that are professional have both a men and womens teams but they refuse to make a professional football team for women???
Like they definitely have womens teams but they make them basically wear bikinis and have barely any protection?? Like what the fuck?!
There's so much fighting going on about the unfairness in professional sports but at least give us the team for it to be able to actually be a prof. Sport?? We have WNBA, WNHL, all of the sports yet it's impossible to even think WNFL?
Like why?
Why do women have to wear the tiniest of clothing in order to play the most brutal contact sport? Let alone actually have a career in it
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bluflamingo · 4 years
What's the Toronto Six goal song?
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deafclintb · 4 years
me: im not superstitious. those are stupid
me, getting back into hockey: I can't talk to you about the game im watching because it'll ruin their lead
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hockeywags · 4 years
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Mike and Emily Matheson [Source]
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auroraliiga · 5 years
Noora Räty, elite goaltender and PWHPA board member, gave a super interesting interview this summer. Anyone interested in the future of the women’s game in North America should check it out
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littleboyblueger · 6 years
womens ice hockey:
anything you can gay i can gay better
let’s all get MARRIED to each other !!!!!
toxic by brittney spears
mens ice hockey:
we are all Tough HETEROSEXUAL Men™️
gay people are okay in theory,,, i guess
toxic masculinity
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lostinanimage · 5 years
Three times a WNHL player has followed me on Instagram first and I followed back and prayed they’d slide into my lesbian DMs but they unfollowed me later. 😭😞👭
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