#with the swaggery little shit
airyairyaucontraire · 2 years
Watching S3E02 The Mandalorian, "The Mines of Mandalore"
My reactions and flagrant spoilers are behind the cut.
I see Peli hasn't got that tooth fixed, dental continuity on this show
I probably can't hope to see Boba and Fennec and Cobb in this episode, can I? The show's just going to taunt me with being on the same planet and not getting to see them.
nice flip, kid!
"Are you taking out Boba Fett?" Yes, for dinner and dancing.
(It feels off to me when people say BOBA fett and not Boba FETT. It's like the whole PEANUT butter/peanut BUTTER thing. I say peanut BUTTER and Boba FETT.)
"Spelunking? What are you spelunking?" I told you I'm taking Boba out.
okay, so you could just get a canary
and yes... this IS the droid with a bad motivator that Uncle Owen didn't quite buy.
okay, Din sympathetically telling Grogu "I know, it looks scary" is precious. He's interacting with him so much more openly and emotively and it's really sweet. He's entered Full Dad Mode. We have only seen a fraction of his dadliness to date.
what a dump
I mean sorry about your cherished heritage and stuff but... what a dump
you know who you could've brought to help you with this mission?
someone from a MINING COMMUNITY
(someone who also prominently wears red)
this honestly does not bode well for R4
yeah he's toast
and now Din has Darth Vader breath noises
Troglodytes! Morlocks!
I love to see how bad you suck with that darksaber still, Din
listen, just because the air's breathable doesn't mean Mandalore isn't cursed
some pretty accursed shit went down there
(gestures in the general direction of Maul)
So he's just altogether given up on the idea of reviving IG-11? It doesn't matter any more that they were friends? Because he seemed really into that in the previous episode.
yep, figured there'd be Remains
ooh! and a trap
what the fuck is this guy's problem?
and from inside the giant creepy robot emerges... a smaller, creepier robot
okay, endlessly enjoyable to watch Grogu toddle (or yoddle)
and use the little he's learned from the like weekend (DEFINITELY NOT TWO YEARS) he spent with Luke
"Get to Bo-Katan"
he needs an adult and that's the adult you tell him to go for?
THAT one?
can R4 even understand Grogu? Do droids UNDERSTAND GROGU? Are we going back to the Legends thing that R4 is Force-sensitive (hence he blew out his motivator intentionally so that R2 would get picked instead) and they're communicating that way?
well I guess now you've got a job of sorts, Rescue Spelunker
"Let's get rid of him once and for all" "I want to be left alone" "I will immediately drop everything and go to find you on a planet where most of the worst events of my life happened"
Well, when I say "drop everything," she was doing literally nothing
Of course, I get that Bo-Katan must be horribly lonely and really very bored, but jumping into doing this all by herself... well, it reinforces the general, traditional Mandalorian lack of common sense, so I guess she's a credit to her culture
I do enjoy her swaggery walk, good walking work by Katee Sackhoff
More troglodytes and morlocks!
of course he didn't think his dad was the only Mandalorian, and it's a strange line. Grogu's met her before, together with Koska and Axe, and seen them fight (they rescued him from being eaten by yet another monster), so of course he didn't think that, and of course seeing that Bo-Katan is good at this sort of thing shouldn't be a big surprise for him.
What's this jerk even trying to do? Exsanguinate him? What for?
and at least Bo-Katan knows what to do with a darksaber (and since Din lost it in a fight and she picked it up, doesn't that give her dibs again?)
there's just a little eye guy in there, isn't there?
well there was
what was he trying to do there? shall we ever know?
"How did you find me?" "Your kid." The one you apparently don't remember telling to go and find me.
the acknowledgement that Din is Grogu's dad and Grogu is Din's kid is however appreciated
it's not his fucking fault they didn't have your favourite soup where he grew up, you crud bucket
When she says "I didn't embarrass him in front of everyone," is that a reference to Satine?
Interesting how what we expected to be the big season quest, finding a way to the Living Waters in the first place, is apparently accomplished in episode 2.
yeah, naturally there's something ghastly in the water that pulled him down, it's like you idiots don't know you're in Star Wars sometimes
so Bo-Katan has to rescue his doofy ass again
is that a mythosaur? were they aquatic? somehow never pictured them that way!
well, meanwhile Boba, Fennec and Cobb had a simply lovely time at the races, got a little bit tipsy, all fell asleep in a cuddle puddle with Jolene the baby rancor
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davidtennan-t · 8 years
Don’t mess with Alec Hardy. Because he’s TOTALLY got the authority to TOTALLY make you cooperate with his requests - and he TOTALLY might phone your Dad
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fyeah-olivia-colman · 7 years
Swaggery Little Shit + dramatic background music by Ellie Miller 
Apparantly the audio downloader for XKit isn’t working so i’ve uploaded this to my drive for anyone who wants to download it
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peachpitmp3 · 3 years
i have been giggling at "i can't... bear... it" for a solid minute, which is probably longer than it should be? but whatever!! i love puns that was amazing
!!!!! x act lyy. FLIP A COIN. genius. wait wait wait i'm about to do something really dumb ok
*finger guns* heads up,, i have *wiggles eyebrows* Feelings for ya *swaggery grin*
yeah that was. idk. i apologize bestie <3
ay sibling affectionate bullying solidarity!! love that for us. that is fair judgement!! idk what younger me was thinking especially bc i didn't even WATCH the music videos so. yep.
FSJNDLKFHJLWKSDF I DIDNT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO WRITE BUT YEAH, THATS BASICALLY WHAT I'D WANT TO DO WITH MY CLONE. ohhhhh that and the spider man pointing meme because that would be funny too :D
huh. that's actually really smart and useful i wish i had thought of that shdfkljsdf. pranks would be fun!! oooh plus that would be the first time you actually see your own face, and not just a reflection/photo of it!
oooh okay that does sound really nice and organized and aesthetic-y now i'm tempted to try using widgets and whatnot fjsdl. very fair!! that sounds like a lovely day tbh, very vibey in all the right ways. yes!! so true!! other people saying words and things yeehaw <3. but yeah, youtube essays and commentaries are pretty interesting and fun to watch.
hmm maybe skydiving or jumping off the roof of a building. idk, that sounds fun but also maybe a little scary? so take the danger aspect out and i think it would still feel adrenaline-y but also less terrifying yknow. i can! kind of! i mean i had some sort of succulent that i mayormaynot have forgotten to water for months but it's still alive and thriving so that might count for something?? maybe??
i don't have a particular flower that i'd say is my favorite, but there's a flower called the galaxy petunia which is really pretty!! don't know much else about it but it looks cool :D. ooh ig libraries? because there's something about them that feels more fragile and paper-y than a bookstore, although bookstores are also really nice and have a wonderful feel to them.
can you keep plants alive? what's one of your favorite decorations in your room right now? what is something that you keep meaning to do, but always forget about? do you have a preference for what kind of jewelry you wear?
(ps i'm so sorry for replying to this late, but i hope you're doing great!!) - 🌵
oh my god yes YES the spider man pointy thing that would be absolutely incredible holy shit. i would kill for that.
dude dude yes try the widgets and aesthetics even if you don't keep it, it's a super fun procrastination method and just. a vibe.
damn skydiving or jumping off a roof !! really going out there i like that omg . yeah the idea of adrenaline without the danger would be great i think.
LMAO oh my god that's amazing. your succulent has more determination than i ever could so i admire it a lot. does it have a name by any chance ?
YOOOO DUDE galaxy petunias are GORGEOUS i just looked them up !!! omg !! im obsessed.
yes yes ok "more fragile and paper-y" sooo true. i feel like. okay hang on this won't make sense but i have to try. libraries hold years of knowledge they hold the stories of not only the books held in them but also every person who has stepped through the doors. every person who has brushed their fingers across the spine of a book every person who has curled up in a chair in the winter to get out of the cold every person who has gone through book after book every person who has only read a few every child who races through the shelves and excitedly consumes story after story every old person who sits in a circle with their friends to do their monthly book group. libraries hold communities and infinities and stories of the past and the present and the future. bookstores hold books.
anyways. i absolutely cannot keep plants alive. i own one fake plant and it is in a white pot with black spots so i named it moo. hmmm i have these ivy string lights and i haven't put them up yet (well i tried but they kept falling down) but i love them a lot.
there are SO MANY THINGS. ummm. god i dont even know hmmm. i guess ive just been meaning to watch a lot of shows and read a lot of books and write a bunch of fics and it's not that i forget all the time it's just that i. don't do it? even if i want to
hmmm i don't wear that much jewelry but i guess if i did i'd wear rings ?? they're cool :D or necklaces maybe. most likely rings. for fidget.
what's something small you really want to do but haven't been able to for whatever reason? what's something big? do you like it when people ask for your favorite things as icebreakers? like, favorite color/favorite song/favorite ice cream flavor? what was your favorite children's book?
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lesbianbeiovaz · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
The many faces of DS Ellie Miller
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Okay, but isn’t he Benedick though...swaggery little shit covering up concerns and fears over his insecurities and lack of meaning engaging in a constant battle of words with someone he goes out of his way to taunt and barb and acts like he finds awful but actually relies on and connects with in the middle of chaos.
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long-bodyswap · 5 years
by vchris1989
Chapter 1
Look at that son of a bitch!  My douche of a colleague, Manny, is putting like some sort of dipshit teen while I’m getting our boss’s order.  Mr. Flint asked us both to pick up his new clubs, but I’m the only one who gives a shit.  And I guarantee that when we get back Manny is going to take full credit.  He’s such a fucking ass hole, but I get even more frustrated with myself because I still can’t shake my lust and desire for him.  Not for him or his personality, but for his body.  It’s weird and hard to explain.  I don’t get hard thinking about his body grinding all over me; I get hot about using his body for my own plans and desires.  
“Hey, did you talk to the guy yet?” Manny asks impatiently.  
“Manny, we’d be out of here faster if you’d help me.”
“Listen, you queer.  You find that guy so we can get out of this dump.  I don’t have time to listen to you bitch about not doing your job!  Don’t see me complaining!”
I just scoff at him.  You freaking son of a bitch.  I’ve never seen you do your god damn job a single time.  Always bullying me and extorting me to carry him through life.  Fuck, as much as he pisses me off I just can’t deny this hunger within myself.  I get so fucking horny thinking of what it would be like to own some of his swagger and confidence, to be the one coasting through life and preying on the week.  My dick gets so hard thinking about owning him and all that he is- to enter his body and wrestle control away from his mind and soul and wake up as the new Manny.  But that’s just a fantasy I suppose.  I’ll have to-
“DUDE!” Manny yells.
Shit!  I did that thing again where I spaced out on the job.  These damn daydreams are getting more powerful and more prevalent.  Fuck I’m hard right now.  Gotta hide this before Manny-
“Oh for fuck’s sake, dude.  Really?  A hard-on on the job?  That’s for me isn’t it?  You sick queer, at least you have good taste,” Manny says with a swaggery scoff as he ditches the putter he was using and walks over to a different putting green away from me, shaking his head and laughing at my misfortune.  
I fucking hate you so much, Manny.  My face is burning red with my burning hot rage that anyone could be this much of a douchbag, but damnit fuck!  My dick is so hard.  Just the thought of entering Manny and making him a better person is making me leak precum.  Oh shit, please not now- it’s never been this bad at work.  I gotta-I gotta- shit I gotta find a bathroom to blow my load.  But fuck I might miss the guy I’m waiting on.  Fuck me I think my precum just leaked through my workpants!  This isn’t going to end well…
6 hours later
Fuck today and fuck Manny!  Just bullshit all of it!  He doesn’t do shit and he has to go run his mouth to our boss about my little incident earlier.  Our boss fired me and promoted Manny- made him a fucking regional manager!  That should be me!  God, if there was a way I could slide inside Manny I could have everything I want.  
3 weeks later
So most people would be content with holding a grudge and going through a self-destroying cycle of hating Manny, jerking off at the thought of possessing Manny, self-hatred, and repeat…but not me.  Unemployment has given me the time I need to research Manny’s end and my new beginning.  My severance package was enough to fund the purchase of an original edition European witchcraft classic, Blackest Magic.  For all I know, Manny has already forgotten I exist, but I’ve had plenty of time to remember him and the life and body he doesn’t deserve.  With me inside him, he would be a real man, not some spoiled brat bitch ruining everyone else’s lives for his own gain.  I can’t believe how much Blackest Magic cost me, but that means it must be legit, right?  I’m all in, because I won’t have anything left if this doesn’t work.  I- *DING* Holy shit!  That’s the Fed Ex guy!  It’s here!  I sprint to the door, signing and taking my package in such a quick whirlwind that the Fed Ex guy is almost left transfixed as if I had been The Flash or something.  I still make sure to thank him profusely as I close the door and scurry to my living room, giddy with anticipation as I gently break the bindings on this meticulously packaged volume.  Opening the cardboard I am met by an unusually thorough layer of package stuffing.  Careful…Careful…This is so bizarre…I can almost feel the air vibrating around the book the closer I get to it.  Finally, I see the book- A pitch black volume in the classical style.  It must be over 400 years old, but there is not a single sign of age or damage on it.  This almost feels like a scam until I reach down and grab the book for the first time.  The moment I make contact the book releases a breathy almost hiss, as if it is alive and conscious of my presence, perhaps assessing my worthiness.
Worthy or not, I am desperate.  Surely the powers that be can sense my desperation and hunger to enter Manny, to control him…to be him.  Please!  Dark forces, light forces, I don’t care who!  Just someone answer my call!!!!!
With that the book flies out of my hands and lands with an echoing thud on the table in front of me.  I freeze in terror as the books pages begin flipping in an endless cyclone of magic energy until finally it halts on a page towards the back.  Nervous, but curious, I lean forward until I see the answer to my prayers-Astrus Possessum…Manny doesn’t stand a chance…That night I made all the necessary preparations.  It was really basic actually- If anything, I feel like these simple objects like candles and rose petals are just necessary to focus and redirect the book’s self-generated power.  Everything is set and now I just mediate and focus.  I focus harder and with more intent than I ever have.  I think about filling Manny, overpowering him, and assuming full control of him.  I think about laughing in his body and rubbing his hands all over his stocky, but strong form.  I think about grabbing his man meat and pumping his cock until his balls are churning out the biggest load of his life.  Fuck, my cock is leaking the biggest flow of pre-cum I’ve ever had.  I know it’s the perfect time for the words!  “Astrus Possessum!”“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY FUCKINGAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” I scream as I feel like every cell of my body is being burned to ash.  This agony is too much for any mortal to comprehend, but somehow I know that it is necessary.  The pain doesn’t feel like actual fire, more like the burning hot combustion of…Oh shit- I think my soul just separated from my body.  I look down at my whispy hands, practically invisible.  And now I’m floating over what appears to be my lifeless and already pale old body.  I try to enter my old form in a panic, but I am repelled, utterly and absolutely.  Fucking shit!  I guess there’s no going back since I’m dead as a doornail…Not that I would ever want to go back…
I float over to Manny’s house-confident in my sense of direction since I devoted much time to knowing the route between his house and mine.  Without even a second thought, I float through his front door calling out his name even though he likely couldn’t hear me.  Oh will you look at that.  Manny seems to have made some sort of makeshift bed on the floor of his living room so he could take a nice mid-day nap.  Just look at you, you lazy fuck.  Someone like you could rule the world if you’d give a damn every now and then.  Enough of all this shit- all the frustration and resentment and guilt and shame.  It ends now!
I fly directly at Manny, roughly flipping him fully onto his back.  His eyes shoot wide open in shock, but before he can shout out I shove my ghostly hand into his mouth, filling him up all the way to the esophagus as he gags and tries to grab at me to absolutely no avail.  I see terror in his eyes as he half-screams, already convulsing as I slide my ghostly arm down to the elbow.  
“Oh we can make this even more fun,” I say to myself.  Smirking with my invisible face, I withdraw my arm from his throat, making him gasp in relief before I place a hand to hold him down as I reach my other hand into his shorts and grab onto his meat hard, making him squeal like a horny piglet as I begin pumping and milking his meaty cock.  “No no no PLEASE! NO LEAVE ME ALONE!  WHAT ARE YOU- UnnNNnnnnngggggggggg Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,” Manny exclaims as I ruthlessly abuse what will soon be my thick cock.  And from what I can tell he’s got nice length too- at least 7 inches.  Fuck that makes me pump his meat even faster.  Manny’s breathing begins reaching new peaks as sweat dribbles down from all over his meaty body.  He’s given up fighting me, knowing that I have him pinned down and that trying to get up is a futile waste of energy.  
“Please stop!  I-I-I have a girlfrienddddddddddmmmmmmmmmmmmmoohhhhhhhh.”
It’s kind of funny how he’s trying to negotiate with a ghost that’s molesting him.  Alas, I can see his pelvis starting to tighten and his breathing is really picking up.  
“Ohhhhhhh SHIT!!!  I’m gonna- I’M GONNA!”
Oh no you don’t.  I let go of his meat, leaving Manny absolutely tortured with sexual lust as I leave him so close to a forced molestation induced orgasm.  That’s going to be my orgasm, Manny.  Thanks for getting it so hot and ready for me though.  Manny is distracted now, desperately moaning out and whining from the horniness and lack of satisfaction.  Oh don’t worry you pain in my ass, it’s time for me to return the favor!  I rip his shorts all the way down to his ankles, eliciting a yelp of surprise from Manny as I dive directly for his virgin asshole, my head morphing like a gelatinous balloon as I begin flowing inside his body.  
“MOTHERFUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!” Manny screams as he arches his back and begins kicking his legs out, curling his toes and hyperventilating as his face goes red from contorting his face from all the pain and pleasure.  My assault continues, making Manny yelp as I force my shoulder blades inside his hole, stretching him beyond what should be humanly possible for a virgin hole to accept as I continue a forceful and steady invasion.  Manny yells out, shouting, “NO NO!!!!! PLEEEASSSSSEEEEEE!!!! GET OUT OF THERE!!  GET OUT OF ME!!!! PLEASE NOOOOO!!!! UNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!”  He grabs at the blanket on the ground, gripping and pulling it so hard that the veins on his meaty arms threaten to burst.  I love how his legs keep squirming like his nervous system doesn’t know what to do or who to obey.  Manny begins convulsing as the last of me enters his hole, the last of me sliding in with a slosh.  Now fully inside him, I begin rearranging, sliding each limb into his.  My legs travel and fill his.  I make sure my spiritual cock enters his.  My smaller frame aligns and fills his beefy and meaty chest.  And finally, my head enters his brain and locks into place, giving me full control of his body and access to his memories and personality.  Manny continues to convulse, his hips thrusting hard into the air as his back arches and he screams one last shriek of defiance before collapsing onto the ground, breathing deeply with his eyes closed before the world around me starts to come into focus.  
“Did it- Holy Fuck it worked!” I shout with my new voice.  “My name is Manny.  Fuck I love this.  Manny, I don’t know if you can hear me in there, but this is what you get you son of a bitch!  Now I get to do this!”  
I reach down and grab his still rock hard cock and begin stroking it with his own hands.  “Ohhhhhh FUCK YEAH” I shout as I begin uncontrollably thrusting Manny’s strong hips into this grip.  “Your meat feels so good, Manny!  MmmmmmmmmmmYEAHHHHH!”  I use my other hand to rub all over my beefy torso, feeling the weight of his strong torso and chest, grabbing all that meat with Manny’s own hands and almost yelping like a little girl when I twist his sensitive nipples.  
“Holy fuck, Manny!  Your nips feel so good!  Your body is amazing and just want I dreamed it would be!  Fuck, you love how it feels when I pump your cock.  And you love it when I thrust your cock into my grip like THIS-OOOOHHHHH FUCK YEAH!!!   YEAH take it you queer!  You fucking love getting your cock milked by me!  Feels too damn good not too.  Oh fuck you’re close!  I mean oh fuck I’m CLOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!”
I begin thrusting and pumping like never before, grunting and moaning endlessly as the pressure builds to impossible extremes.  I close Manny’s eyes and squeeze his face into one of pleasure as I breathe deeply and bask in the odor of his sweaty body, finally reaching the point of no return as Manny’s cock can take no more.  
“OHHHHHHH MYYYYYYY FFUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!   FUCKING FUCK YEAHHHHHHH!!!!”  I scream as I thrash my head uncontrollably, moaning in joy as each thrust and pump launches volley after volley of Manny’s hot cum all over his robust chest.  The warmth of his cream on my new chest gets me so hot that I swear to God it must have triggered a consecutive orgasm as I literally cringe from sensation as I feel another round of cum begin to launch, sending more ropes of cum, literally making puddles across Manny’s body before his cock finally settles and my arches back relaxes gently back to the floor.  
“Oh. My. Fuck,” I pant between breaths as I look down at the masterpiece beneath me.  
Unable to contain my curiosity, I reach Manny’s beefy fingers down and scoop up a big puddle of his cream, smelling it and inhaling the aroma before taking it into his mouth.  My eyes open wide in shock and then delight as I look down and begin scooping more cum and instantly devouring it.  
“oh my *slurp* God.  Manny, your cum is so *slurp* fucking delicious!” I exclaim as I slurp up every single drop off of his chest, sighing in contented afterglow as I resume his nap.  I’ll shower your body later, Manny.  I want you to be filthy for a while.  And starting tomorrow I think the world will be meeting a new and improved Manny!
Chapter 2
I wake up at the crack of dawn on Saturday, stretching and yawning, and moaning in the pleasured joy of being inside Manny.  “Good Morning, new friend,” I say with a giggle as I reach down and grab Manny’s hard morning wood.  Mmmmmmm that’s nice.  I can’t help but just grind Manny’s hips into these soft blankets, making his dick feel so warm as it slides against the soft and velvety fabric.  “Fuck, this will never get old,” I exclaim as I cup Manny’s strong chest in my hands and use his thumbs to rub Manny’s nipples as I keep grinding his hips slowly and sensually into the soft and welcoming fabric.  Shit this feels nice.  Manny-like grunts leave my mouth, making my new cock throb with desire and sensation as a dark idea creeps into my mind.  Immediately I stop this grinding and flip over onto my back, putting Manny’s legs in the air as I suck on one of his fingers, cooing and moaning as I get that thick digit warm and wet.   “Mmmmmmmmmm, Manny I fucking love your body,” I whisper as I close my eyes and begin reaching that thick and wet digit down to Manny’s brutally straight hole.   “ahhhhhhhhhhh That’s nice,” I coo as I rub the wet digit around Manny’s perky and tight hole, excited by the involuntary clenching reactions this body has whenever my finger actually touches the hole.  I get Manny’s body relaxed by gently rubbing circles around that tight fuck chute.  Fuck, Manny’s cock is so hard right now.  Shit, Manny’s cock is leaking precum.  Maybe that straight son of a bitch wasn’t 100 percent straight after all…This makes me chuckle as I place a thick finger directly on Manny’s hole, ready to begin breaking new ground.  Before I can even apply any pressure though I feel a particularly strange sensation.  It’s not uncomfortable, but I feel like there’s a lot of pressure inside, like that feeling when you drive up a mountain or a big hill.   “Wait what am I?  What the FUCK?!” I hear Manny’s soul shriek inside his mind.   That must be the pressure.  My soon-to-be abuse of his hole must have awakened his spunky fighting spirit.  Too bad though he’s just wasting his energies.   “Who are you?!  How are you doing this?!” Manny demands. “Oh I think you know who I am.  And I’m doing all this because I’m inside you.  I am you now,” I say with a sinister edge to my tone that sounds so sexy coming from Manny’s throat.  “You pushed me too far.  You took everything you had for granted and treated everything and everyone in your life like shit, so I’m here to repo your life basically.” “What the fuck are you talking about?!  And why can’t I talk?!  Why are you talking with my body?  Why the fuck can’t I move?  What did you do?!” I spit into my hand and rub all that slick spit over Manny’s hole and begin pressing a thick digit against his hole, making me cringe and squirm as I force that thick digit down to the second knuckle, amazed by how tight Manny’s hole is and by the fact that I was even able to enter his tight straight man ass.   “NOOO PLEASE!!!! STOP YOU FREAKING PERVERT!” “Oh Manny, I know this hurts, but trust me.  It’ll feel so gooOOOOOOODDDDD  Oh WOW you are tight!” I exclaim as I ram the last of the digit inside Manny’s hole, my mouth in a circular O of surprise as Manny’s back arches and I squirm on my back, leaving that thick finger buried fully inside me as I swirl that digit in all directions, activating an endless sea of nerve endings that even Manny is forced to succumb to.   “NO!  PLEASE STOAAAAHHHHHHHHHPPPPPPP!  Ohhhhhhhhhhh,” Manny begs in his mind.   “Oh Come on, Manny.  It doesn’t feel good when I do THIS?!” I say as I pull his finger out of his hole and ram its full length back inside. “Ahhhhh my FUCKKK!!! Fucking GOD!  NO! WAIT!  YOU CAN’T!  I’M not a queer!” “That’s not what your hole is telling me, Manny,” I taunt as I begin swirling the digit inside him again, slowly entering a finger fucking rhythm as I get this hole nice and stretched- well on the way to making room for a second finger.   “I swear to God!  Pleaseeeeunnnnnnnnnggggggggggg oh FUCK!  Wait no what are you- OHHHHHHH FUCCCCKKKKK NO PLEASE PLEASE STOOOPPPPPPPPAHHHHHHHHH JESUS!!!  GET THE FUCK OUT OF ME YOU QUEEERRRRRR-UNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Manny screams as I, without warning, slide a second finger in his tight hole, shrieking myself as I force both thick fingers inside all the way.  Holy fuck!  I think I swear to God I almost just passed out, but now- Oh my God this is amazing!  I try to swirl and pull and stretch those two fingers inside Manny’s hole, making me yelp in little noises of pure blissful ecstasy as my breathing deepens and I work my way to a fucking motion with these two fuck sticks.   “PLEASEAHHHHHHH!  NO! YOU CAN’T- UNGGGGGGGGGG- TOO MUCH TOO MUCH TOO FUCKING MUCH!  CAN’T!  OH GOD!!!!” Manny yells in his mind as he tries to deny the surges of pleasure crashing through his mind.  I double up my efforts, grunting and shrieking from the force as I ram and slam my new hole, growling with Manny’s voice as I get caught up in a sexual rage.  Fuck you and your hole, Manny.  It’s my hole now!  And I’m gonna abuse the shit out of it and get it nice and stretched out! Just to tease Manny I remove the two fingers and see what Manny’s reaction will be as I focus all of my energy and attention on Manny’s throbbing cock and the feeling of emptiness inside his hole.  Pretty soon my energies seem to have an interesting effect on Manny.   He tries to remain silent in his mind, but I can feel his trapped soul almost quivering with desire and emptiness as he tries to process both the sensation he felt in his hole as well as my influence.   “What the wait no!  Can’t be-fucking damnit I want it.  Do it again please!  Wait no!  Not a queer!  Not a fag!  But fuck!  Why did it feel so good?!  Do all fags get to feel that good?  Shit man I don’t care just please make me feel that good again!” Holy shot that’s such a turn on for me!  I see a glob of precum dribble down Manny’s throbbing cock just from hearing Manny beg me to finger fuck his hole.   “You’re going to have to earn the privilege.  Beg me,” I respond with a hint of satisfied domination. “Please!  Please fill my tight hole again!  Make me feel what fags feel, I don’t care just please make me feel good!” Good enough I think to myself as I smirk and scoop up all of Manny’s gooping precum and spread it over three fingers.  Without warning, I take those three thick precum lubed digits and shove them all the way inside me in one rough and swift motion.  I’m paralyzed by quakes of pleasure as I scream and gasp, a bug eyes expression of overwhelming amazement on my face as I feel Manny’s hole stretched to its limits.  Manny’s legs are trembling now as I begin fucking Manny’s hole with all three digits, making his toes curl against my will and his whole body convulse as I benefit from the pleasure.  But if I thought I was having an interesting reaction…well fuck- I checked and Manny’s soul was just erupting with one constant shriek of conflicting ecstasy and disgust.  Oh I can’t take this anymore!   “Holy fucking JESUUSSSS FUUUUCCCCKKKKK UNNNGGGGGYEAH DUDE FUCK YEAH!” I shout as Manny’s cock begins dumping a hot and steamy load all over Manny’s robust chest.  Fuck, this cock didn’t even get touched, but I just quiver as quakes of pleasure erupt from Manny’s sweet ass and travel into my new cock and balls and make my entire body shake and vibrate with pure fucking joy.  I enjoy the feeling as each rope of Manny’s cum erupts and lands with a splash on his solid torso.  And when the shots finally subside, I scoop up all of that cum and try to slide as much as possible into Manny’s stretched hole.   “Do you fucking feel that Manny?!  I’m gonna finger fuck this load of your cum so deep inside your hole it’ll never come out.” “Oh fuck man I don’t care just please make me feel good!” “Tell me what you want!” “Please make me feel good!  Do whatever you need, just please make me feel so good!” “Be specific or I’ll quit now.” “No!!!!  Please!!!  Please shove my fingers inside me!  I need three fingers!  Two isn’t enough anymore!  Use my hot cum as lube and fucking bury my hot jizz inside me, just please make me feel good!” Manny and I both coo in relief and satisfaction as we feel me slide all three fingers back inside, filling him up and pushing his warm man juices deep inside, making me feel a warmth and comfort as his cum literally oozes all over the inside of his hole.   “Oh Manny, your hot cum feels so good.  I bet this’ll feel so nice for your girl when I fuck a bunch of your loads inside her tight cunt!” This seems to bring Manny back to reality slightly as he tells me not to lay a hand on her and he suddenly begins reverting to his straight boy mentality, telling me to stop finger fucking him and calling me a fag and pervert and junk.  Whatever, I’m starting to get the hang of this.  I shut Manny up for the time being before I shove those three digits back in as hard as I can, pummeling Manny’s prostate and making me convulse and yell as an unexpected additional shot of cum randomly shoots out of Manny’s thick cock.   “Mmmmmmm yeah.  Manny, your girlfriend is gonna be seeing a new side of you.  Fuck yeah, gonna fill up that tight cunt and then find some hot twink ass looking for a Latino Daddy Bear to fill them up and give them what they need.  Thank God it’s just Saturday morning.  I’ve got a whole weekend to use your body before I fully take over your life and show up to work on Monday and begin “my” new promotion.  For the moment, I throw a purple shirt on and begin familiarizing myself with the basics of Manny’s life, logging into his computer as if it had been second nature and using this chance to recover.   Mmmmm you see those three fingers I’m using on the trackpad?  Fuck yeah all three of those thick sausages were pumping Manny’s hole and abusing his virgin prostate.  Let’s see…Oh fucking perfect.  Manny’s girlfriend emailed him and she’s arriving early from her trip…tonight. Oh Mannnny, finger fucking your hole was just divine.  No joke, I can still hardly even feel your legs.  I’m glad you recover quickly though because I already feel ready to pump a load inside your girlfriend’s tight cunt.  Your manly nuts must be supercharged cum factories because I can almost feel them vibrating as they churn out more juices and loads for me to blow.   I lift Manny’s arm and check his watch.  Great.  About forty minutes until Manny’s girl shows up.  I collapse back onto the bed and bask in my possession of Manny.  What a great day.  Before I can even think another thought I realize I have to take a massive leak with Manny’s thick and robust cock.  Ohhhhhh I can’t help but moan as I feel the cascade of fluid surge from Manny’s meat, making a commanding echo that bounces endlessly around his bathroom.  I take a deep breath as the flow slows down, smirking as I do a few more than two shakes.  Manny has a full length mirror in his bathroom, so I grin at the full length reflection of Manny, twisting his face into one of ownership and cockiness while I keep shaking drops of piss out of his cock.   “Nothing you can do about this, right Manny?  Can’t even stop me from shaking the piss out of your cock.  You’re weak, Manny.  All these years of you thinking you had some sort of edge over me, but now look at you!” I grab Manny’s balls and begin gently squeezing them and pulling on them, my back arching just slightly from pleasure as I gaze back into the mirror and grunt, “You don’t have the balls to mess with someone like me, Manny.  That’s right, these are my balls now!  All your delicious man cream belongs to me and I’m gonna taste it with your tongue and fuck it into your girlfriend’s tight cunt whenever the fuck I want.  Oh, I forgot, how could I be selfish and keep a meaty, hairy, Daddy bear like you from all the tight twinks just dying to milk the cum out of you with their hungry holes.  Mmmmmmmm yeah, Manny are you awake?  I can’t hear you, but I hope you feel the way I’m massaging your balls, getting your cum nice and ready to flood your girlfriend’s pussy.  It’s gonna feel so good for her when I make that last thrust, grunting forcefully as your warm creamy fluids surge inside her, making her feel a warmth that spreads from the inside out, satisfying her in unimaginable ways and making her beg you- I mean ME- for more.  Oh I just fucking love your balls Manny- nice and big, but still cute and sensitive enough that it drives me wild when I cup one ball and just roll it around, tugging on your ball sac right up to the point I feel a chill rush up your back and through your dick.  I’m still making direct eye contact with Manny’s reflection, hell bent on making sure he can experience this on some level no matter how dormant he may be.  I squeeze his balls one last time, grunting out, “Your body is MINE,” before strutting up to the mirror and spitting on the reflection in front of me.   “Yeah, you like that because you’re a fucking slave whore who can’t resist.  You’re too weak to resist.” I get up real close, so close that Manny’s soft cock squishes up against the mirror as I stretch out Manny’s tongue and begin licking his spit off the mirror, making sure to gaze directly into those eyes, burning this image into Manny’s dormant consciousness.   I lick my way up. “You sick slave whore.  You’ll do anything I say” *Lick* “Because you’re nothing” *Lick* “Me forcing inside your body completed you” *Lick* “Made you a real man!” *Lick* “Just look at you, you fucking queer.  The way your hole lights up when I force all those fingers inside you.  Deep down YOU LOVED IT” *Lick* “Good job cleaning that mirror, whore.  Now time to give Jenna what she’s been waiting for” I wink at Manny’s reflection one last time, giggling a bit as I notice a stream of Manny’s precum dribbling down the mirror from my little Role Playing scenario.  Shooting a devious look across Manny’s face I drop down onto his knees and begin ravenously devouring his juices, speaking for him, pretending it’s Manny saying, “Oh shit yeah so delicious!  I can’t get enough of those manly juices.  Fucking love it ‘cause I’m a weak-minded whore who just loves being filled.  IT FEELS SO GOOD BEING FULL OF YOUR ESSENCE!  MAKING ME DO SICK AND TWISTED THINGS!  I love it when you play with my cock and finger fuck my hole with my beefy fingers.  Make me a real man!”  I giggle and shiver at the same time, humored by Manny’s vocal cords producing such phrases, but also devilishly turned on.  I think I have a new game for later, after Jenna leaves.  *Knock Knock* I rush to the door, having just finished putting some clothes on and prepping for this meeting with Manny’s girl, Jenna.  I try my best to mix the best of Manny with the best of me- in other words, I’m gonna mix Manny’s confidence with my ability to choose not to be a complete asshole around other people.  Might actually be tough, but it’s too late because I’m already opening the door-“Hey, Manny.  Been a while since you called,” Jenna says meekly, with a hint of both resentment and sadness. “I’ve been busy lately, babe.  But I think you’ll notice I’m a new man.  I’ll be here for you when you need me.  So why don’t you step inside and let me prove it to you,” I say as I lean forward, ready to lock my lips over hers and pull her inside for a Manny-style power bang. “Woah there, sailor,” she says, placing her hand over my lips and blocking my advance.  “Why don’t you get me a drink first?  We have some unfinished business to hash out.” I oblige. Nodding my head and welcoming her in, following her into the kitchen as she sits at her favorite bar stool.   “So…ermmm…What can I get for you?” I ask awkwardly, not prepared for Jenna to suddenly be so pensive.  I’m unprepared, but still up for the challenge though.  I mean just look at this selfie I took earlier: I got Manny a clean haircut and dressed him up to look adorable and fuckable.  I quickly flash through Manny’s memories though and in a flash see that he had been really wrong to Jenna, having girls on the side, making her feel worthless, using a condom!, banging her so quick she never even got warmed up by the time Manny had cum!   No wonder she wants to talk.  I mean, hot twink ass on the side is one thing, but you never have other girls on the side!  I’m flashed back to the moment by Jenna’s response- “Wow, Classic Manny.  Can’t even remember my usual.” I scan Manny’s brain real fast. “Oh no, babe.  A Tom Collins with a splash of 7-up.  I just wanted to know if you wanted anything different to kick off our fresh start,” I say in the most sincere and caring tone I can possibly muster.  Coming out of Manny’s gruff at times voice, it makes Jenna instantly blush a little, no matter how hard she tries to hide it. Bingo. Turning her head to try to hide her involuntary half smile, she says, “you know, what the hell.  I’ll have a vodka and cranberry.” “Anything for you, babe,” I say gently and lovingly as I walk up to her, leaning in and gently placing a tender kiss on her cheek, stroking the back of her neck and hearing her lightly gasp.  Jenna turns her head slowly, almost by instinct positioning her lips to meet mine before I pull back and give her another loving smile. “Better get that drink,” I say with a blend of Manny’s suave confidence and my own capacity for love and affection.  I instantly notice a shift in Jenna’s body language.  Instead of having rigid walls and emotional distance, I can almost feel her energy drawing me in, attracted to the new Manny.   Mixing her drink, we make casual talk about work and friends and I have her trying not to snort as she laughs from my warm and sharp sense of humor.  This drink took over ten minutes to make because of all my stories that have her on the edge of her seat, cackling until tears of laughter emerge, but I don’t think she minds too much.   “Sorry it took so long,” I chuckle as I hand Jenna her drink, giggling again as I see her smacking the table in hysteria from my last goofy story, still trying to get her composure together.  Finally calm, she smiles at me and begins asking: “Where was this side of you the first time we dated?  I haven’t laughed like that since high school, Manny.  I-I-I have to be honest.  I lied earlier about the sex.  I didn’t think you would even want to see me unless there was some pervy sexual benefit for you.  I really wanted to talk about the past.  How you hurt me.  How lonely I was.  How in the bedroom you-“ I grab her hand tenderly and begin stroking it, looking into her eyes with a solemn look of remorse. “But, Manny.  Just these past couple minutes- I- It’s like I don’t even recognize you, and I never thought I’d be so glad to say that.  You made me feel loved and special, and like I mattered-“ I lean in and hug her deeply, bringing her in close and letting her feel Manny’s tight grip and the warmth of his body.  “You will always matter to me,” I whisper into her ear, slowly sliding my face until I’m looking directly into her eyes.  Those eyes are like open doors now, bearing no resistance as Jenna sheds a single tear, smiles, and then throws herself at me, hugging me so tightly as she tells me how much she loves me and how I’ve just told her everything she always wanted to hear.   I grab her face and bring her lips to mine, gently meeting Manny’s lips to hers as we begin a gentle embrace.  The taste of her lips is so sweet.  I close my eyes and begin rubbing my hands up and down her back, reaching down and playfully grabbing her supple ass with Manny’s strong hands, making her moan and open her mouth enough for me to glide some of Manny’s tongue into her mouth.  Her moans are blissful as our tongues wrestle in a lovers’ dance, entangling gently as if exploring new territory before becoming more and more agile and energetic as our body heat rises.  I pick Jenna up in Manny’s strong arms and bring her over to the bed, gently laying her down as I pull her shirt off, showing off her trim body and perky breasts.  I take Manny’s shirt off, revealing my meatier body.  But I think Jenna has a thing for bigger guys; it must make her feel more secure.  Regardless, I begin crawling towards her until I’m laying myself on top of her, feeling her lean legs pulling my mass into her as I lean down and we begin kissing again.  Our tongues are ravenous for each other by this point as I shift and begin sniffing and kissing my way down her neck, cupping one of her supple breasts in Manny’s authorative grip, massaging and rubbing and squeezing until Jenna is groaning in ecstasy.   I know she loves this because every time I grab her perfect tits she grinds her hips against the hard on tenting through Manny’s jeans, making me gasp as my pre-cum leaking cock gets more and more insatiable.  I can’t take it anymore- I grunt as I rip Jenna’s bra in half, tearing it clean off before I make a dive for her exposed breasts, wrapping my lips around one of her perky nipples and beginning a barrage of gentle sucking and licking.   “OHHHH Mannnnnyyyyy- You’ve never- oh that’s niceeeeee- Oh Mannyyyyyyy”Jenna says as I swirl Manny’s tongue around her sensitive tit, sending shivers from her nipples through her entire body as I grab her other exposed breast and continue massaging that soft skin, tweaking that nipple gently between Manny’s thumb and index finger.   Jenna eggs me on as her back arches and she uses her legs to pull me closer and harder against her.  If she loves this then just wait until she sees what’s next.  I pull back, her nipple exiting my mouth with a gentle pop as she shivers and looks up at me longingly.  Without a word, I grab her skirt and carefully pull it off her legs before moving in again and gently massaging and caressing my way up her legs and inner thighs, becoming almost certain she’s wet and hot for me right now as I begin pulling down her panties and see an undeniably moist cunt just begging to be filled.   “Manny, you’ve never been this good before.  I mean, it’s not that I wasn’t attracted to you before, but right now- OHHHHHH MANNNNYYYYYY!!!!!   OH MYYYY—–UNNNNNGGGG—YOU’VE NEVER- OH YES MANNY!!  YES YES YES!!!!” Jenna screams with ecstasy laced joy as I lean in and begin gently sliding Manny’s tongue inside her wet cunt, feeling the walls of her pussy clamp down on me in shock as I wiggle and set off a torrent of nerve endings.  Fuck yeah, Jenna’s cunt tastes so good!  I dig my tongue deeper, wiggling, sucking, rubbing her insides in all the right places, taking cues from when her legs twitch or when her back arches.  I pull out and find her clit, giving that special attention as I playfully lick her most sensitive bundle of nerves, daring to even gently nibble on it before kissing that fireball of nerves and migrating my tongue back inside her cunt.  I’m taking special care to massage and caress her squirming body, rubbing her lean core and feeling her back as it arches.  She especially loves it when I hoist her legs over my shoulders and caress my down her thighs before grabbing a firm hold of her ass and hips and pulling her cunt towards my lapping and thrusting tongue.   “ohhhhhhh Mannyyyyyy- I-I-I OH GOD!!!  SO—Ungggg-GooooooOOOODDDDD!  SO GOOD-OH YES YES YES YES” I go into turbo, swirling Manny’s long tongue inside her at unprecedented speeds and in all directions, setting off cascade after cascade of sensation inside her.  I start sucking with gusto, trying to taste as much of her pussy juices as I can, making her whole body literally wretch as I try to hold her squirming form down as I thrust my wiggling tongue inside her.   “Mannnnnnyyyyy- YOU-OH GOD- I CAN’T-I- OH PLEASE DON’T STOP!  I’M SO CLOSE I-“ I release her writhing hips just long enough to quickly slide Manny’s thick index finger inside her soaking wet cunt, along with Manny’s thrashing tongue as I begin finger fucking her, squirming that finger around and stretching her pussy ever so slightly as I pull my tongue out and latch on to her clit and begin wiggling Manny’s tongue and sucking that nerve bundle.   “MANNY!!!!!!!!!   I LOVE YOU MANNY!!!!!! OH YESSSSSS MANNY!!!!” Jenna screams with joy as her cunt starts bursting with the best orgasm of her life.  I can feel the walls of her cunt tightening so much it’s a struggle just to pull out my thrusting finger!  And her cunt starts leaking so many juices that a trickle starts oozing out, forcing me to quickly maneuver down and start sucking her delicious juices out of her, forcing my tongue back inside as I try to devour every last drop, extending her orgasm indefinitely as her back remains arched and it looks like she’s trying to scream but no sound is coming out.  I lap up the torrent of juices for at least 30 straight seconds, keeping her orgasm going on and on, making her body tremble with appreciation as she surprises me and grabs the back of my head, pulling me even deeper into the tight explosion of pleasure that is her cunt.  I devour this feast until her trembling slows to a halt and the fountain of juices dies down, finally pulling out after several minutes of non-stop orgasms for Jenna.  I look into her eyes, now aflame with absolute adoration and passion.  Her supple body is drenched in sweat and her breathing is so heavy I worry for her safety.  But underneath it all is a smile that lets me know I’ve given her what no one else ever has and what no one else ever will.   “Manny!” She exclaims between gasps, “That was- I’ve never- Oh my God, Manny that was incredible!  I-I-I love you, Manny!  I believe you, Manny.  Every word!  This is a new chapter for us, and I want to start it off right, so baby how about you take those pants off and fill me up.  Make me yours.  I want you inside me, use your cock and make me feel good,” Jenna says seductively as she begins rubbing my pre-cum leaking cock through the tent of Manny’s stained jeans.  I moan in approval as she unbuttons that denim and pulls down until Manny’s throbbing and leaking meat springs out right in front of her longing eyes. “mmmmmmm Baby I need it!  Please, Manny!  God you’ve changed!  Where did you learn that?!” Jenna moans between squealy gasps as she squeezes and curls her toes.  Those smooth legs are draped over my shoulders as I swirl Manny’s powerful tongue deep inside her cunt, slurping those juices that Manny, the fucking misogynistic prude,  would never even go near.  Fuck Manny, Jenna needs a real lover.  Jenna needs-“Your dick!  Please Manny!”I pull my tongue out of her pussy and just grin, still smack dab up against those pussy lips and licking all around.  She closes her eyes and tosses her head back as I just keep licking outside her cunt, also reaching up and grabbing her perfect boobs, squeezing not too hard that it hurts, but not too gently that she doesn’t feel absolutely and completely safe with me here to protect her and to fuck her.  “Are you sure you’re ready for this Jenna? Are you sure this is what you want?”“Yes!! Manny! I’ve never wanted anything more than this!”I retract away from her cunt and roll over to the side of the bed with Manny’s nightstand, sifting around and looking for a condom. I search around, finally finding that sealed latex when out of nowhere I feel Jenna’s hand resting firmly on mine.“No… Manny… You are not the man you used to be. I don’t know what happened to you, but I have never in my life felt the way I do right now. I can’t believe that I came here to end things for good because right now in this moment in time I honestly don’t want anything more than to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to feel you Manny… All of you. I want to feel you filling me up… Completing me in a way that only you can,” she says as she pushes my hand back down into the drawer, making me leave the condom in there as she guides me back to the bed.No!! What the fuck are you about to do?! Fuck man! You’re already using my body and shit! At least use some fucking protection! I’m not ready to be a dad! That’s not how I roll! Manny screams in his head as I pump his meat and get him fully hard while Jenna smiles adoringly at me as she gets on her back and spreads her legs, giving me full access to that tight pussy.Yeah, Manny. Well this is how I roll. Because I am Manny now. No one ever loved you! But now look! With me inside you, Jenna is utterly and madly in love. You’re a better person with me in here, a better man. You better accept your fate, and I really hope you enjoy this – because I plan on fucking conceiving your baby tonight.Manny is a mass of screams and resistance on the inside, but I’m able to silence them effortlessly. The forcefulness of his resistance is more than it’s ever been, but I’m already so deeply rooted inside his body that it now views me as the alpha consciousness. His body’s loyalty has permanently switched, and Manny will never again be anything more than a silent passenger who I occasionally allow to speak for the entertainment value.Damn, the waves of resistance crashing through my body actually feel pretty good.Oh Manny! Keep doing whatever you’re doing! Your pathetic attempts at fighting me are sending chills down my spine. Oh man – each time you try to take control I feel a little push coming from the inside that makes my cock twitch. Fuck! It’s turning me on so much! Manny, you’re just making me more and more turned on! It’s like you want me to fuck your load into Jenna’s pussy!I’m a little sad when the resistance stops because I stop feeling those waves of pressure surging through me from the inside, traveling down my spinal cord and ricocheting throughout Manny’s meaty body for converging on his throbbing cock which is dripping with pre-cum as I crawl onto the bed on all fours and begin moving myself on top of Jenna who is now squirming in anticipation.Her eyes shoot open as I start stretching that cunt and sliding the head in.“Nnnnnnnnggggggggggg , MANNY!”“You alright Babe?!”“I’m still just so sensitive from when you-nnngggggg- you know.  How much is left?”“I’m about halfway,” I tell her as I lean down and caress her face.  I pull her into a passionate kiss, relaxing her as we taste each other’s mouths.  When the moment is just right, I slam the last couple of inches into her, making her convulse from sensory overload as that sensitive cunt sends shockwaves crashing through her pussy and up her whole body.  “Agggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! MANNY!!!!” Jenna screams as she digs her nails into my back, making me growl as we both writhe together, joined in the most intimate way as I feel Jenna’s cunt trembling and squeezing my meat.“You’re so great babe!” I gasp as I start pulling out, feeling her cunt automatically tightening trying to keep me inside.  “NNNGGGG FUCCCKKKKK!!!!” I grunt as I drive my dick all the way back inside.  Jenna just gasps, a smile plastered across her face, lips in a wide open “O” with her toes curling wildly.  While I build up my rhythm, sliding in and out, grinding and using Manny’s powerful body to give Jenna what she needs, I feel Manny again.  I get shivers from the futile resistance.  This is too good!  I chuckle silently as I decide to let him speak.  P-p-please!!!!  You can’t!  This is wrong!  Get out of my fucking body!!!!!! The normally strong and confident Manny sobs in his mind.Face it Manny!  You dickhead fucker!  I’m a better Manny than you EVER were! I taunt him.  Have you ever seen Jenna this happy?!  Look how good I’m making her feel with your cock!  She has a REAL lover now.  Someone who can appreciate her and send her over the edge.  I growl back at the ever hopeless Manny.  B-b-but!I’m better than you!  Just give in!  You don’t have to fight it.  Just agree that I’m the real Manny and your life will be better than it ever was.  Manny went quiet for several moments, finally relenting: You’re right…I grin as I shut him up again, huffing and growling as I feel Manny’s robust nuts churning and pumping- getting this load ready to blow.  “I’m close!” I exclaim as I keep pumping Jenna full, kissing her tasty lips and squeezing those tender breasts.  “MANNY!  I- aaaagggghhhhhhHH!!!!!   I’m close too baby!  I- OH GOD!   Oh my GOD!!!!!” Jenna howls as the waves hit her sooner than expected.  Her whole body tenses up as I feel her cunt quivering, trembling as the orgasm builds up.  I thrust and pump into her faster and harder, driving this cock into her so she can have the orgasm she deserves.  “nnnnnnngggggggggggggggg MANNY!” Jenna screams as her eyes shoot wide open and she begins gasping for breath, trying to yell but no sound comes out.  The pressure building inside me reaches its limits as Jenna’s cunt starts vibrating with tension, squeezing me tight and milking me for all its worth.  I go into a frenzy, slamming into her- pumping her full as I feel Manny’s baby cream flowing through into Manny’s cock before I thrust all the way back inside, howling wildly as the first load rockets out of me deep into Jenna’s hungry pussy.  We both howl unintelligibly, grinding and thrusting against each other as we have the best orgasms of our lives.  Our sweaty bodies glisten with pure joy as we calm down, my mass comfortably pinning her down to the bed as our breathing slows back to normal.  Jenna stares at me in amazement for a blissful second before pulling me into a gentle kiss.  “That was amazing, Manny.”I shut her up with my mouth while we cuddle away into the night.  As we go to sleep I feel a warmth deep inside as I prepare to live Manny’s life to the fullest- Because I am Manny now.  
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trashyeggroll · 5 years
OTP ask AgentReign 2-8-10 (a game NOT on the person)-16-22-29 and 30.
eeeeee thanks anon!
2) Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place and at any time?
Tumblr media
That is all.
8) Who likes to wear the others sweatshirts?
Ruby and Sam steal Alex’s swearshirts so much that she has to buy more
10) Who is more likely to cheat? (On a game)
Alex, in that “Carol Danvers” kind of “oh, there’s rules?” kinda way
16) Who is more seductive when they are drunk? and who is louder in bed?
😏 I like the idea of swaggery drunk Alex (this seems to be the mode she’s in when she’s picking up women whose names she doesn’t remember), and the second part... gonna be Sam. Alex seems like she might be a little repressed in that area
22) Who is super bad at sexting? and who sends them encouraging messages throughout the day?
Alex is really bad at sexting, and I imagine her smashing her phone by accident in an attempt to not let Kara see what her text says lmao. But I think they would both send encouragement to each other 🥰 AND they put notes in Ruby’s lunchbox because I’m a sucker for that wholesome shit
29) Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires?
Alex does the stunts to impress her lil family and Ruby drives her to the hospital once she turns 16 😁
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austennerdita2533 · 5 years
Swaggery little shit, indeed! Leo is the absolute w o r s t and what’s disgusting is there are people out in the world like him right now. It’s terrifying.
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tempportal · 2 years
open starter! 
“—and then Diego burst in, all puffed up and swaggery—you know how he gets when he thinks he’s, like, the biggest badass in the room? You’ve seen him when he gets like that, right?—anyway, he was all ‘get out of the way’ and ‘I’ll handle this’, and—” 
Five breaks off with a breathless little snort, grinning crookedly at the other over the rim of the half-empty glass bottle in his hand—he’s nowhere near as drunk as he’d like to be, not yet, but he’s pleasantly buzzed, warm and weightless and just this side of giddy. “—and that fucking spider jumped off the desk, right at his face, and he freaked out. Like, flailing and shrieking and shit. It was the greatest fucking thing I’d ever seen.”
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scullysconstant · 7 years
swaggery little shit
ellie miller, broadchurch
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“Save your breath for the principal. He was just forwarded a copy of an email you sent to a friend in the computer lab gloating about how you were "getting rid" of Coach Fields.
It was also sent to your parents. Your dad's in my office.
Here's a copy to refresh your memory. Come on.”
:-) How to get rid of unwanted swaggery little shits and put them right in their place. Courtesy of Miss McCullers.
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tennantsbrogue · 7 years
I need a gif of Ellie saying ‘you swaggery little shit’ stat
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badacts · 8 years
Oh sorry! That was insensitive of me to assume. But I'd love to hear the features of the foxes that you picture
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oh my god don’t even worry about it, how many people are you going to ask “what do you think this character’s face looks like” and get the response “i presume they…have one” lmao. ANYWAY, this is about to get weird:
MATT: super tall and walks a tiny bit duck-footed. he bends down to talk to short people (kids. also, neil). has giant hands that he uses to illustrate his point when he talks. pleasant voice, not as low as you’d expect from such a big guy, and speaks with a bit of a new york accent. wears expensive aftershave that smells bright and fresh because he prefers it to the heavy, complex scents his father favours. laughs all the time from his belly, throws his head back when he does so his teeth show bright white against his skin.
AARON: wears khakis probably. maybe polo shirts occasionally? boy is kind of about pretending to be from a nicer background than he really is, but generally prefers ugly band tees when he isn’t trying to impress people. short (obviously), slimmer than his brother but still stocky. lots of fine bright gold body hair that curls on his arms and legs. actually styles his hair, with gel and a comb - it’s too long for spikes, but he likes it neat and out of his face. crosses his arms all the time, which makes him look very defensive. which he is, so. deep voice, permanently bored-sounding unless he’s furious or talking to katelyn
DAN: super short hair with a really tight curl. she has really amazing luminous brown skin with stretch marks that she doesn’t care about hiding. wears a lot of ¾ running tights and singlet tops to show off the incredible muscle definition of her shoulders (probably not intentional, but it works). average height for a woman. stands like she owns the earth under her feet. loves to wear colours - yellows, greens, soft pinks, etc. knows how to pitch her voice to be heard, so you always recognise her by it when she calls your name
ALLISON: tall for a lady, strides everywhere like she should be on a catwalk in ridiculous shoes thanks to the fact that she used to do exactly that. long dark blonde hair that she wears straightened perfectly down her back like a veil. sometimes she puts it into big loose waves too, for ‘casual’ days. wears complex, dramatic scents as her perfume, which works for her even in class (she’s the girl who smells good, according to her classmates). really direct stare - will look long enough into your eyes to make you uncomfortable. stands with her hands on her hips and her feet planted because she read once that it creates a ‘superhero’ effect on your psyche or something. in reality, it just makes her look intimidating, which is fine by her
NICKY: swoopy hair! like, dark brown and falls in floppy curls, which he kind of tries to style but mostly leaves (erik once told him it suits him like it is, so). nearly six foot and quite lanky with it. a very kinetic person who you would recognise at 100 paces by his body language - he speaks with his hands, whip quick. talks quickly but not necessary loudly. shuts down and curls inwards when he’s upset. naturally physical, will rest a hand on you without thinking about it, but thinks about it more now after everything with his cousins. flips his hair out of his eyes all the time and has a distinctive twist of his neck and jaw because of it
KEVIN: tall. looks like a dick. arrogant tilt of his jaw like he wants to glare down his nose at you. swaggery athlete’s walk. mobile but naturally downturned mouth, sometimes makes him look kind of sulky. half-samoan, courtesy of his father (!!) so darker skinned but probably obsesses about sunscreen anyway in case he wrinkles. very clean-cut in a way that aaron wants to be, hair always carefully groomed and paired with neat clothes. probably mostly wears athletic gear though. broad shoulders, narrow waist, quiet tenor voice, doesn’t blink enough when he looks at you which is only interesting to weird obsessive exy players (most people find it a little too intense)
RENEE: the shortest of the girls (5′3″, round about). doesn’t show much skin, but has a smattering of freckles across her face. always smiling. curvy build, broad-hipped but matched with slim, toned legs from cardio. conservative clothes in simple colours. naturally dark-haired, and her roots sometimes show through when she’s too busy to redo her hair. prone to patient silence and stillness, but fiddles with the cross at her throat when she’s anxious or pensive. speaks softly, has a smooth and measured alto voice, the melodic kind you can imagine singing a hymn or lullaby. wears a light floral perfume at her throat and wrists
ANDREW: pale green-and-gold eyes, heavy-lidded with disinterest. built like a small tank. preternaturally still when he stops and yet walks everywhere with purpose. light on his feet. doesn’t give a shit about his hair on a daily basis, but doesn’t like it too long so wears it short and messy. it’s medium blonde, was probably white-blonde when he was a little kid. crosses his arms, somehow manages to look threatening - unlike his brother. deep flat voice that you can’t help but listen to because of the deliberate way he speaks. smells like cigarette smoke, sometimes sweat, and the cheap citrus body wash/shampoo shit he buys which is pervasive and kind of weird on him
NEIL: his scars are the first thing you notice about him. all lean muscle, narrow shoulders and hips with a long fine neck. sharp fox-jawed face that isn’t masked by his way-overgrown hair. freckles everywhere. hooks a finger into the opposite edge of the bands he wears on his forearms when he thinks. a graceful but efficient mover. gestures when he talks but hasn’t noticed, and it works well for him because people listen. plush mouth that sometimes gives away what he’s thinking even when the rest of him is unreadable. has inherited some of kevin’s dickish stance thanks to overexposure. smells a lot like andrew, because of shared smoke breaks and also sharing body wash
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moodyblueangel · 7 years
Broadchurch - series finale
Firstly, I don’t know if I got all the wrap up I wanted, there’s still quite a few questions (non concerning Trish’s case) that weren't answered. However, I like how a lot has been left open to interpretation. Gives me faith that maybe it might not absolutely be the end forever...and even if it is, well then I can make up my own mind.
I just thought it was the sweetest thing that Hardy gruffly turns down Ellie’s offer of going to the pub, but is fully prepared to just sit on a bench with her, out of work hours. Pub is what other work colleagues do, to be sociable and get to know their work mates better in an acceptable environment. I love how they have their own little bench, their own space and environment and they don’t need a catalyst climate for convergence. They have an atypical relationship and a connection based on absolute trust and honesty. Saying all that, you just know that Ellie is by hook or by crook going to get him down the pub at some point!
As with the rest of the season, Trish’s case was dealt with sensitively as we finally found out what happened. The reveal was horrific as Twine Boy turned out to be more that just a “swaggery little shit.” Although, house points to Miller who’s instincts about him were bob on from the start, right through to the eye roll inducing sob story last episode. Not only was his view and treatment of women sickening, but the discovery that he had groomed another young man to treat women like objects and possessions rang all too true. I think having the perpetrators be so young was a powerful decision. As a teacher I am unfortunately aware at how young some boys nowadays can be that are accessing pornographic imagery. Even if most parents keep a close eye on their children’s access to such content, all it takes is one child. Then they can show their phone to others on the way home, pass around content on memory sticks etc. Not enough education is done in schools. This isn’t the fault of the schools or teachers, but of the government who do not prioritise this as part of the curriculum. It’s all very well teaching a child how to use a relative clause, but ignoring the fact that they treat women like shit and will grow up doing this in their professional or personal life. Broadchurch has stood out in representing this issue. It’s taken the lead, now others must follow.
My heart cries for the Latimers. I do however feel that all their storyline should have been in last week’s episode where it wouldn’t have been rushed. The scenes between Mark and Beth were lovely, but all through them I was thinking about how it needed to go back to Alec and Ellie, as they were on the verge of solving the crime.
Right so I refuse to believe Broadchurch is over (I’m in the strong denial stage), but I think this episode has plenty of scope from spin-offs
1) Holy Water - Mark and Paul the vicar are both leaving Broadchurch. They team up together in a plumbing/prayer business by day and solve crime at night!
2) Hardy and Miller - This has to be done! I’m happy just watching them sit on a bench in silence for an hour. Trish’s case seems to be the only one they were working on for a few weeks. That suggests that the crime rate in Broadchurch is rather low. So, what exactly are they going to be doing? I want a series just focused on them solving the most minor of crimes with the same passion and tenacity that they do with a murder or assault.
Hardy - *slams fist on desk* “Don’t play coy, Jones! We know you stole that KitKat. You were in the area at the time, forensics have your DNA all over the chocolate shelf, CCTV shows you leaving the premises in question, we’ve got eye witnesses and background statements from your employers from the last five years that will state in court that you’ve shaken vending machines to try and get some free chocolate. Silver foil traces were found in the glove compartment of your car. We know you did it! 
Miller - *stares witheringly at suspect until they confess and then pulls a KitKat from her bag*
3) Daisey and Chloe - They can just have a show where they go around and slap all the swaggery shits in town upside their head.
Well, whether this was the last episode ever or if it reappears in years to come in some form, it’s been one hell of a great ride. Olivia Colman and David Tennant are extraordinary talents and as great as the writing was, they really kicked this show up a gear. They had you caring and interested from that very first meeting on the beach. Hardy and Miller have become an iconic tv duo and that’s no easy feat.
I’ve loved each season in it’s own way. Season one was an excellent ‘who dunnit’ that showed the cracks behind a perfect facade. I personally adored season two as well. It was like watching a smashed vase trying to be out back together. Everything and everyone was broken and it created this beautiful disjointedness and questioned everything.Season three tried to break down barriers and really hold a mirror up to our world and say ‘Do we really think this is acceptable?’  I suppose it’s a good thing that the show is going out on top and leaving the audience wanting more. But, I just feel that another season would have been worth the risk. 
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hokuspokusthings · 7 years
Swaggery little shit!
I really think it's him...
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