#with the one of Alfred I was like “I’m gonna make sure that this is done NEAT so I can post it” lolll
silveme · 7 months
I don't know if you're comfortable with this but could we maybe see a speedpaint or just a reference of your rendering process bc its so tasty
Hey! I only have one clip of my rendering process on hand at the moment and that is this portrait of Alfred from a while ago, I hope it’s what your looking for
I also have a step by step sort of tutorial slideshow of a portrait of Miguel on my tiktok at the moment if your interested!
I usually don’t post my timelapse’s very much cause I work quite unorganized tbh. Like they’re not very satisfying videos to watch cause it’s just like reference photos all over the place and things being completely rendered while another part is still super rough feel me. Not very #aesthetic to have a reference covering most of the portrait while I do one small segment. I’d describe my process as organized chaos usually (if you saw my layers you’d scream) but I’m very happy your interested though, I hope it helps you out in any way!
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igotanidea · 10 days
Smooth criminal: AK!Jason x reader
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part 1 : Somebody's watching me
part 2: Run baby, run
Yeah... I know it's been a while. Sorry guys. But here we are :)
They say that history repeats itself. That’s its merely a one big circle in which people get lost endlessly, not learning from the past mistakes, instead doing them all over again.
Like an Uroboros, forevermore biting his tail.
And that was how Y/N felt at the moment, shaking over the cup of tea Dick so generously offered her alongside with his hoodie. And even more kindly – not asking any questions of why she showed up at his apartment (or rather under it) in the middle of the night looking crazy.
She was back at the beginning. Back over Jason’s grave, sobbing and shaking while the memories of the news of him being gone forever haunted her mind.
Felt like all her efforts to forget and move on have come to nothing.
“No. No please I don’t want to talk Dick-“
“I was just gonna say you can stay here for as long as you like. I don’t know what got you so freaked out, but the Y/N I know – knew­ – was not the one to get scared over a spider or a mouse. So it must have been serious. Stay.” He grabbed and squeezed her hands reassuringly. “I’m serious.”
“No, no it’s too much to ask for—”
“Good thing you did not ask then.” Dick grinned “Cause I believe I offered It myself.”
“You really didn’t change a bit, Grayson. Same golden, sunshine boy.”
“And you’re still the same, not holding back girl. Woman. How long has it been exactly?”
“Two years.” She sighed
“Two years.” Dick sighed too, his eyes becoming a little blurry from the memories. “I missed you, you know. And not only me. So did Tim and Alfred and Damian and I’m sure even Bruce became a little more grumpy without your presence to challenge him.”
“He’s got enough criminals to keep him entertained I believe?”
“Oh, Y/N, criminals he can handle easily, they are no fun. But having a woman with a sharp mind? That’s something Bruce still needs a lot of training in.”
 It was shockingly easy to reconnect with Dick.
Or maybe not, given the fact he was always awfully friendly, keeping in touch even with his exes and even having considerably good relations with some villains.
Long story short, in a months’ time she was regularly back in his life and he was back in hers. And much to her surprise, this time it was not a constant reminder of the person she lost, neither filling the void, but rather a soft recollection that she was not the only one who felt the repercussions of Jason being gone.
If anything, after that time apart, it felt like Y/N and Dick’s relationship could finally move past the tragic events and bloom. Not in a romantic sense, because he had Barbara and was making plans in that area, but like a true, deep friendship, cemented with similar feelings.
And she even got the guts to meet with the rest of the batfamily, ditching those girls who left her alone at the party. Slowly, but steadily, she was getting back to her old, familiar self, dropping the act of a girl who wanted to be anything but the version she was when Jason was alive and with her.  She was not running from the past anymore, but rather embracing and accepting it. And that was the real healing.
Only that Jason was not gone.
Observing her carefully from the shadows, watching almost every step, be it himself or using his militia. With explicit orders given to not let her know they were there. He had bigger plans coming, and making the same mistake as before, by coming as close as to touch her, could never happen again. Even if somewhere deep inside, the very subdued part of him screamed for that. For the warmth he remembered and knew would come with tenderness and not pain.
She never gave him anything less but love and devotion.
If anything Jason was only cursing himself that he let her step into the Batman world again. That is was his reckless behavior that drove her back into the arms of people, who were nothing but bad news. Who would eventually end up hurting her too.
And he was going to protect his little, innocent princess from that.
So yes, he was watching.
Sending his goons when he knew she was walking back home from work late, to ensure no one would lay a finger on her.
Causing a commotion in the area that happened to be dangerous only so she would choose another way.
Sending her colleagues threat letters so they would drop the chase for the same promotion at work as her.
Beating up a guy who was trying to flirt with her when she was buying coffee-to-go at her favorite place.
Doing it all smoothly, like a professional he was.
Building up a way to execute his master plan that would keep her safe from any danger, real or hypothetical. Forever.
“She got home, boss. Safe and sound, not one hair out of place.” One of his militia officers reported to him
“Good.” Jason only grunted in response. One whole month and he was so close to the finale. The end was right in front of him and he had to hold himself back to not make a single rookie mistake that would derail his efforts.
“If I may, sir, why exactly are we wasting resources on some woman? She’s no one important, just a regular—”
“What did you say?”
If the sinister voice wasn’t enough to make the man stop his sentence, the iron grip on his throat did.
“I- I-“
“No one important? Huh? Was that what you said?” Jason mocked tightening fingers on the man's jugular. “Answer me!”
“I- I-“ he was struggling for air.
“Pathetic!” Jason threw him on the ground, retrieving the gun from his holster, pointing it at the man’s head.
“Please, don’t—”
“I should put a bullet in your head for talking about her like that and second one for questioning my plans.” The gun outlet was now pressing into the man’s temple. “You are doing what I tell you, you hear me? No questions. No doubts. You are here to serve me, unless-“ Jason put a little bit of pressure on the trigger.
“No! No please!”
“You’re a piece of shit.” Arkham Knight muttered, taking the gun away. “But I am feeling merciful today. We can’t have blood on the floor when Y/N arrives. Now go! Get out of my face before I change my mind! And you make sure everything is perfect because if not—” he  caressed the arms with a cruel glint in his eyes, enjoying the way his officer rushed out of the room, throwing commands left and right, halfway out the door.
“Soon, baby… Soon we’ll be back together…” Jason muttered to himself once he was finally alone.
He was so close to having everything he needed.
@vaniasagitaa @gone-batty-fics @astrelz @not-herexo @deans-spinster-witch @calicocat45 @princessbl0ss0m @rosieandthethorns @beingaturtlespiritually @grierpilots @killerwendigo @teenytinytunes
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yandereforme · 9 months
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(I’m going to assume these two asks are together. )
OK, so the only way I can see them getting close to injuring you is if they were fighting with someone and accidentally hurt you. They are not gonna let you be a vigilante, and probably would not train you at all.
Dick goes full-blown shut down mode. He will mother hen you to the extreme, but he will be like a shell of himself. How could he hurt his little sibling, his little star? You’re not going to get much alone time, but if you start flinching around him, he’s going to freak out and probably have a panic attack. Best thing you can do to calm him down, is let him help you with everything, and avoid mentioning your injury. If you say you forgive him, though, that will only make him obsess over you more, and feel more guilty. His sweet little sibling forgave him so quickly, he didn’t deserve you.
Jason will vanish. Like straight up gone for a month sort of thing. He will freak out about hurting you and will not come around you for a while. Only once you are healed up. That does not mean he doesn’t stay around the Manor though. In fact, he is more vigilant than ever about any threats towards you.(when you start healing up, Jason might sneak into your room and watch you sleep, reassuring himself, that you’re going to be OK. He is not like Willis.) there are one of two ways. I can see him coming back. Either you get in trouble and he saves you, or he finds out that you miss him. Either way, after he comes back, he will be treating you with more fragility then before and will let you get away with anything,  though he definitely won’t give you as much freedom outside, too worried about you getting hurt again. You just need to ride it out, and make sure he knows that you don’t blame him for anything.
Tim will shut down in the beginning. He will freak out about it and after getting you to Alfred, he will shut down and hit on himself for a while. Eventually, though, his mind will twist it, so that he will believe you hurt yourself, or one of the others hurt you. He cannot except the fact that he hurt you. If anyone brings it up ever again, which Damian probably will, he will simply act as if it did not happen, or start having another breakdown. Best thing you can do is go along with his delusion and let him help you.
Damian will go one of two ways. One, if he was fighting with someone else at the time, he will blame it on them, and not let them see you. He will be more protective than ever and what little time yet to yourself will be gone. The other option is complete and utter shut down. He will go into a similar state that you were in, depression, that will make him bad. Any side of your injury will make him worse, but if he goes to long without seeing you, he will be worse than ever. As long as you can blame someone else, he will be able to keep going, so your best bet for making things run smoothly, is telling him that it wasn’t his fault, or making him believe he’s protecting you.
Bruce is very similar to Jason, but worse guilt. Bruce is aware that he’s been a bad father, but hurting you will send him over the edge, especially with a major injury. He will go into an arc similar to what he did after Jason’s death, though not as bad for the criminals. He will be reckless and avoid you for a long time. Alfred will have to manipulate him into talking to you again, and he will be awkward and scared to be around you. He has a lot of trauma around his loved ones dying, and you getting badly hurt by him? Your best bet is to ride it out, keep your siblings from mutinying on him, make sure they all know you miss Bruce, and working with Alfred to get him better( you going to Bruce and asking for a bed time story will help your relationship with him though.)
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toulousewayne · 2 months
Wake Up : A Bat Family One-Shot
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That’s the only sound in the room. That and the sounds of the tubes contracting. The room is full of your brothers and father. Alfred had stepped out to speak with the doctors.
Bruce sat in a chair to your right with Damian on the opposite side of your hospital bed. Tim sat like a cat perched in the window seal. Gotham City in her rainy and gloomy glory was just beyond the glass. Though it seem a lot more dim then normal. Jason had snapped and left an hour ago. Dick was in the corner pf the dim room not meeting anyone’s gaze.
“I’m sorry.” Bruce managed to choke the words out. They were the first words he said to you since you fight hours ago.
You were Bruce’s Daughter, and you too didn’t always see eye to eye. But he loved you in his own way only Bruce could understand. He gently pushed a stray piece of hair away from your face.
That was the only reply he gotten. He replayed early tonight over and over like it had his parents deaths for many years.
“Are you fucking serious!” You hissed at him. You glared daggers at your father.
“No, you told me the reason you and canceled on me was because of some life saving event,” That was true, Bruce had canceled on her for the millionth time this week alone.
“I didn’t lie to you,” he spoke monotonously. “Clark asked me to accompany Jon and Damian on a mission.” He took a sip from his wine.
“Oh, I forgot your Boy’s clubhouse.” She spat.
Bruce gently brushed your black and red knuckles. He let out a deep wounded sigh. Dick glanced over and narrowed his gaze. “This is all your fault.”
Bruce didn’t meet his gaze. “I didn’t make time for her I know that, I don’t your in put here Dick.” He said his name so cold it was almost as if that was he was calling him rather than calling his name.
Tim scoffed,”You both are to blame.” Dick shot his gaze to the college student nearly giving himself second degree whiplash.
“And what do you mean by that,Timmy?” The older man gaze never leaving the younger one.
“We all know Bruce blows everyone off unless it’s about the mission. You just do it because you don’t care about anyone but your Team or your girlfriend.”
Dick stares down at his brother and crosses the room some he’s with earshot of him.
“Tim that’s bullshit and you know it,” he tries to keep his anger in but it’s simmering and he could pop at any giving moment, “I do my best to be there,and yes I can be everywhere at once but I do try. At least I try to be.”
The room felt silent again with everyone’s on the comatose girl. The fight between them feeling as though it dismissed itself within seconds. Dick shoves his hands in his pockets and turns on his heels.
“I’m gonna go to the cafeteria, I’ll be back.” No one stops him. The door shuts softly and the only sound is the machines and the rain on the window.
A knock on the door brings everyone back to earth. It’s Alfred. “The Commissioner is here, he needs a moment with you Master Bruce.”
Bruce excuses himself and leaves the room.
Jason takes a long puff and the smokes leaves his lips. He looks toward the city through a rainy night. The red light the hospital cases a highlight on his face.
He blew up on Bruce twice tonight, not that he didn’t feel that it wasn’t necessary he did. But it didn’t change the pit in his stomach, nor the smells of gasoline, burning rubber, and metal.
He remembers everything.
“You avoiding me too?” He turns to the doorway of the library. You walk into the light of the fireplace.
“No but I don’t have any interest in spending the night in my old room.” He fired back turning the page of his book and placing a bookmark in it before standing up.
She shakes her head at her big brother. “Forgot, if I’m not apart of the missions you guys forget about us on the surface.”
He clicks his tongue and huffs,”Not like that.”
She shakes her head and grabes his plate and mug. “Sure it’s not, we used to hang out but now that I do go out anymore it’s like I’m a ghost to him. You too.”
Jason doesn’t meet her gaze right away. “I’m not talking to Daddy Bats right now. I only came because Golden Boy wouldn’t stop blowing up my phone. I just got back from Columbia this afternoon. I’m just tired is all. I’m free in a day or two.” He rubbed his face and turned back to her.
“Forget it Jason, rain check.” She mumbled and walked out the room.
Jason puts out the smoke and stomps on it before pushing his shoulders away from the hospital and heads back inside.
Dick sat at table in the corner in the cafeteria. He took a sip of his coffee which tasted like old dirt water. Then again it was 1 am.
He throws his head back rubbing his temples trying to massage away his stress to no avail.
He gets to his feet and leaves and heads down the hallway. The rush of the hospital in full swing. Doctors getting paged, the sounds of nurses making rounds, phone lines ringing,etc.
He took a sit in the main lobby. He closed his eyes for a moment thinking about the last time he spoke to his sister. It was growing on three weeks.
Dick woke up from dosing off. He rubbed his eyes and sighed.”Sorry it’s been a long 24 hours.” He sighed and scratched Haley’s head.
“I can tell, you’re not sounding like yourself.” He picked up the phone and walked into the kitchen opening the fridge. It’s only contents being a Chinese takeout container, a pizza box that he got earlier, two cans of diet soda, half a case of beer and three water bottles.
He takes a water and downs it. “Tell me about it and with this mission around the corner I need to get some rest but I doubt it.”
“What mission?”
Dick stopped in his tracks. He hadn’t told anyone but Barbara and Bruce that he was leaving for San Francisco in the morning to meet with the Titans.
“I heading back to the Titans, we have to head to investigate a lead.” He almost whispered the last part.
The line was silent for a moment. “And how long will you be gone Dick?” He couldn’t make out her tone but he could tell she wanted a different answer that what he was going to tell her.
“A month maybe less maybe more I don’t know until I get back.”
“So you’re not coming to graduation then.” She said a little more with intensity.
He sighs,”Look I’m sorry I know I haven’t been around—
“That’s an understatement.” She cuts him off.
He rubs his face,”I’m come to the next event I promise.”
She scoffed,”And what’s that Dickie Bird? You missed Ballet recitals, High School graduation and now college. You missed everything? You and Bruce are not that far apart.”
“That’s not fair, it’s important what I’m doing.”
“You don’t miss Damian art exhibition? It’s or Donna’s new studio opening. You were there for Bruce for a charity dinner two months ago yet you couldn’t bother to call me or even come ten feet to me at the same dinner to tell me you weren’t even staying till the next morning to go out like you had planned for months! You don’t miss anything for anyone else because they’ll be disappointed,but it’s fine to flake on your sister and I’m so supposed to be okay with that!”
“I’m so sorry it’s really not like that, look I’ll make it up—“
“Don’t bother Grayson, for once in all these years I thought for once you were gonna show up for me. I was wrong.” He could hear the hurt in her voice. Before he could say anything else she hung up.
That was Three Weeks ago and they hadn’t spoken.
Tim hadn’t moved from his spot in the window. He turned back towards the room. Damian was sleep in his chair. He turned his attention to his older sister.
He thinks about the last few hours tonight. How things got so ugly so fast.
“Y/n, you’re being ridiculous. It’s a mission in East Asia not strike.” Bruce replied.
She glared at her father. The room was silent. “Do you take me for one of blind followers.”
“Excuse me?”
She leaned down so she was eye level. “I’m not one of your soldiers, and that’s part of the problem isn’t it Father?”
He returns her gaze. “You’re barking up the wrong tree, I may not always be there for you but I’m trying.”
She laughes at him, “When was the last time you were there for me that wasn’t lurking in the shadows, or stopping one of the criminals you created from nearly killing me and thousands of other people.” He gaze never leaving her and his jaw when slack too.
“You sit there and smile for the news and the rest of the world like we’re one Big Happy Family but we have never been.”
Tim pushes his food with his fork. And sighs. She turns to him, “Anything you want to say Tim, we may as well get everything off our chest.”
He huffs,”No but this isn’t going to change anything. “
She grins,”I agree with Tim.” Jason and Dick stare a look and Damian as long stopped eating and is watching the spectacle.
“You do?” Bruce raises a brow at her. She nods again. “Tim’s right, you’re never going to change until you take your last dying breath. Because God Forbid your kids dying own your watch doesn’t register to you that you need to be present more.”
The air in the room was still.
Bruce doesn’t look at her. Jason doesn’t look away but his plate. Damian squirms in his seat and Dick clears his throat.
“I tried to be there.” Bruce finally speaks.
“But you weren’t, and no one is blaming you for that.” Alfred cuts in hopefully to stop the mess from going any farther.
She huffs,”No but I least that would change your perspective of only throwing yourself into harms way every damn night. All of you, it’s like you all don’t even stop to think about yourselves.”
“Sister we are all trained, even yourself.”
“That’s not the point. I’m not saying you’re not capable,” she tone softens,” I’m saying that most of the time you remember that and that’s all that matters. You don’t think what happens if you miss step, you underestimate the villains next move, or what the consequences are for you charging into a mission without a second thought.”
Bruce leans forward,”I know what the stakes are. You don’t think I don’t know what happens if I don’t stop and think about that. You don’t know anything about what I do at night, the were a child and didn’t want this life for yourself.” He stood up and looked at her in the eyes.
“I never wanted you to be apart of that life, I know you couldn’t handle it.”
The boys turn to look at their sister and Bruce.
“So you thought that little of me?” Tears formed in her eyes but anger was the clearest emotion across her face.
“I thought you didn’t need to do what we do, you’re better at what you do now.” Though Bruce thought he was being sincere his tone was more condescending and cold.
“Bruce!” Dick shouts.
“Screw you, you just wanted be to be apart of your image.”
It dawned on him how he hadn’t been able to properly communicate to her.
“Y/n that—
She took off from the table, she grabbed her purse and keys.
“Don’t worry Father, I wouldn’t want to tarnish your reputation.” She slammed the door and charged to her car. Not once slowing down even with Tim calling her phone multiple times and Damian yelling from the doorway.
She sped off through the gates and onto the road.
Y/n takes a sharp turn onto the main road and wipes her face with her sleeve. She sob to herself feeling so many things at once.
The sky opened and rain harmed down onto the road. “Great.” She turned on her wipers and lights and continued driving back towards the city to go to her apartment.
She ignored her phone that wouldn’t stop buzzing from calls from her brothers.
She felt like not just Bruce but they also thought so little of her. Maybe that’s why they didn’t want to spend time with her.
She graduated from Gotham University last night with a Bachelor Degree and yet it felt like she was alone. Alfred and the girls came. Bruce had missed the entire ceremony along with Damian. Tim was just landing from attending a business meeting in New York,Jason and Dick already had prior encounters.
She felt like she didn’t really feel like she belong with them. She snapped out of her daze and grabbed her phone inside of purse. She answered.
“Tim please you guys have got to stop—
A loud hoar range out and within seconds she looked to see a large truck. She attempted to move out of his way but it all happened to fast. She took a sharp right turn but the truck smashed head on the passenger side door causing everything to feel like a free fall. Her phone, contents of her purse falling all around her. She herself was jerked all over.
The car was immediately crushed by impacted and began to roll and tumble down the hill until it crashed into several trees.
Tim heard the crash and ran downstairs to where is his brother and Father were sitting in the study. By the tears on his face Bruce stood up and was in front of him.
“What’s wrong?”
“She was hit…the truck…I-i can’t hear her.”
Bruce was racing down the road. Tim was still on the phone but all he could hear was beeping from the car and something tapping.
He stopped with red and blue light came into his view.
The two got out the car but two officers tried to block their paths.
“That’s my daughter let me through.” He order but the officers tried to keep him through but he managed to push the two men and run towards the site. Detective Montoya was at the scene.
“Please, how is she?” Bruce asked. Her expression was anything but hopeful.
“I don’t know Mr. Wayne I just got here, the Fire Department got her first and are working to get her free. As if on time two paramedics rushed down the side with an Orange board with straps. Moments later the returned with three firefighters carrying Y/n. Cuts, bruised and marks littered her body. Her eyes were black and blue and a tube was down her throat with a brack around her neck.
“Is she gonna be okay?” Bruce asked uneasily.
“We’re taking her to Gotham General, she stable but we have to go.” The younger paramedic told him. He turned to Tim who hopped in the ambulance with his sister and Bruce backed away slowly as the ambulance rushed down the street with sirens and light flashing.
He made it inside his car followed them.
The first few hours were a blurry, she was rushed into surgery. Tim sat in the emergency room waiting area until Alfred arrived with the rest of the boys and they were taken upstairs to her room where Bruce was already waiting.
45 minutes later a nurse came in to tell them she was out of surgery. Shortly, afterwards the surgery told them the damages she suffered and she would be in a medical coma for a few days to help with the pain and swelling
And that brings us to the present.
Bruce re-entered the room and took his seat back.
“She’s gonna be okay,right B?”
He nodded. “We hope so. She’s a fighter like us.” He took her cold hand and offered a gentle squeeze. Dick,Jason and Alfred returned as well.
Alfred placed a hand on Bruce’s shoulder,”She is, and now we have to wait for her to fight her way back to us.”
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wolfjackle-creates · 5 months
For the ask game, can I request the Bad reveal AU? That's the one where Danny finds out about Bruce being Batman and freaks out right?
Ha! Yes it is! Finally something I can just toss a snippet at!
I've got a decent amount written for this. However, I switched over to Dick's POV so it's been challenging. (First time writing from him.)
I also was trying to keep it short when...the story doesn't want to stay short. So I'm rewriting it. Which is taking longer than I'd like because I've got an action scene in this one and I'm terrible at writing action scenes. (Which means I need to write more of them, I know.) So I'm taking my time trying to make it good.
Chapter 1
1.4k words (okay, so more than a snippet.)
As soon as the laser left Danny’s weapon, Dick sprinted towards his brother. But before he could get more than a few yards, Danny disappeared. Into the cave wall.
“What the fuck,” he muttered, but changed course to check on Bruce.
Tim and Damian continued on, rushing to the wall.
Duke was kneeling by Bruce’s side and trying to keep him from getting up to search as well.
“Where’s Danny?” demanded Bruce.
“B, lay back down,” ordered Dick. “Danny’s gone. Apparently, he can density shift.” He couldn’t quite keep the hysteria out of his voice and Bruce’s frown deepened. “But Tim and Damian are checking the cave wall to see if he left any clues behind.”
Of course, his words only made Bruce struggle even harder to get to his feet. Duke could do nothing against a determined Batman.
“You have to let us look at your leg, B,” said Dick, pushing him back down with Duke.
Bruce glared at him. “I have to find Danny.”
Duke snorted. “How do you expect to be able to do that? He literally disappeared into the ground. Along with his suspected power of invisibility? Where do we start?”
Bruce slumped at Duke’s words and Dick used the chance to examine his leg. Danny’s weapon hit him in the upper thigh and his pants were half burned, half melted into the wound. The injury itself was about six to eight inches in diameter and the center was absolutely a third degree burn.
“Besides, Bruce. You really can’t walk on this. Third degree burns and we’ll have to get Alfred—or maybe even Leslie—to debride it.” He looked around to check on everyone else.
Tim and Damian were still by the wall where Danny had disappeared, but Jason was standing nearby frozen.
“Jason,” called out Dick, “can you get Alfred? I have to cut off Bruce’s pants so we can actually get to the wound.”
Jason seemed to shake himself and when he looked at Dick, his eyes were a bright green. Instinctively, Dick shifted until he was crouching more protectively over Bruce. Jason’s eyes narrowed and he sneered. “What the fuck do you think I’m gonna do to him?”
Dick glared right back. “Just get Alfred.”
With a huff, Jason turned. “Whatever.” But he did take the elevator up, allowing Dick to relax.
“Duke, could you get a pair of shears and a kit from the medbay?”
“You’ve got it.” He rushed off.
“B, how’s the pain?”
Bruce grit his teeth as he finally let himself look down at the injury. “I’ve had worse.”
Dick only had time to roll his eyes before Duke was back with the supplies. He took the special scissors designed to cut through their uniforms gratefully. “Thanks. Gonna start cutting off your pants, now.”
Before he finished, Tim and Damian were back. “How is Father?”
“Nasty burn,” replied Dick.
“I’ll heal,” said Bruce at the same time.
“Yep,” agreed Dick. “We’ll wait for Alfred or Leslie to look over it to say for sure, but so long as it doesn’t get infected, I expect he’ll make a full, if slow, recovery.”
Damian gave a curt nod.
“Far as we can tell,” said Tim, “Danny really did density shift through the wall. There’s absolutely nothing unusual about the place he was standing. No hidden crevices or passages.”
Bruce closed his eyes and sighed. “We’ll have to go over everything we have on his former life.”
“And research the things he referenced just now,” added Tim.
Alfred and Jason returned just as Dick finished cutting as much fabric away from the injury as possible and he happily seceded his place.
He clicked his tongue. “Master Danny did this?”
Damian nodded. “After everything Father has done for him, he chose to attack him in his own home.”
Jason snorted. “We all know it wasn’t that simple.”
Damian didn’t say anything, but did look away. Clear admission of guilt from him.
Alfred cleared his throat and everyone fell silent. “What sort of weapon did he use?”
Jason shrugged. “He had some sort of silver energy weapon. Not a design I’ve ever seen before. It shot a Lazarus-green beam.”
Alfred hummed. “Well, the injury looks normal enough. Second and third degree burns. But Master Timothy, I’d like you to run tests on the tissue to make sure we’re not missing any sort of contamination from the unknown weapon.”
“Course, Alfred. I can do that.”
“Do we know where Master Danny may have gone?”
Duke shook his head. “He density shifted through the cave wall. Pair that with his suspected invisibility and how little we know about his life before joining us…”
Alfred nodded. “Very well. Masters Jason and Dick, please help me move Master Bruce into a bed. The rest of you can begin searching for more information while I clean his wounds.”
Tim barely waited for Alfred to finish speaking before he was booting up the batcomputer. “I’ll inform Oracle, Black Bat, and Spoiler about the situation!” he called out over his shoulder.
Jason clearly wasn’t happy about having to carry Bruce, but not even he would argue with Alfred when one of his charges was injured. Though both of them left the instant Bruce was settled with promises to keep him informed as to how the search for Danny was going.
“So what do we know?” Dick asked as soon as he joined the others.
“Precious little,” admitted Tim.
Jason snorted. “Someone wants to cut our baby brother open and we don’t know a damn thing? What sort of detectives are we?”
Damian tutted at him. “Daniel indicated they would do the same to you, too.”
Dick looked up at the ceiling as he remembered the confrontation. “What was it he said? ‘They won’t care you’re more alive than dead’?”
Jason shifted his weight. “How much do you think he knows? He clearly just learned about our identities recently.”
Duke bit his lip. “He skipped school today. Said he wasn’t feeling well.”
Damian nodded. “But he appeared normal last night while preparing for bed.”
Tim hummed. “So he learned something last night.” Then his eyes widened. “Shit. Damian, we were talking in the kitchen after patrol. Do you think he might’ve overheard?”
“He does move silently. We would not have heard him if he did not wish us to.”
Dick closed his eyes and counted to ten. “Okay, what do we know about his abilities? He demonstrated density shifting today and we suspect invisibility.”
“He can move silently,” added Damian. “Cassandra is the only one who can reliably detect him when he does not wish to be detected.”
“And even she has been surprised by him on occasion,” said Bruce.
“Empathy,” added Jason.
Dick wasn’t the only one to stop and stare at that addition. “Uh… what are you talking about? He hasn’t shown any sort of empathy.”
Jason laughed for a moment, only stopping when no one joined in. “Oh, come on. He always knows whether you need space or want someone to stick around for a bit. And he can, like, send out a calming aura or some shit. Kid’s relaxing to be around.”
Dick opened and shut his mouth. “Huh. I haven’t noticed anything like that from him.”
Tim, Duke, and Damian agreed with Dick.
“Quit messing with me,” Jason said, flipping them off. “It’s true.”
Tim cocked his head. “Do you think that’s why he was most surprised by you? Are the two of you similar in some way? And that’s why you get the empathy sense from him?”
“‘More alive than dead,’” repeated Jason. “Would that have something to do with it?”
Tim hummed. “He mentioned his parents…” he trailed off before he could repeat Danny’s statements about his parents.
Dick nodded. “We’ll get Babs to take another look into them while you analyze B’s injury for potential contaminants. Jay, you and I can go through his room.”
Damian snorted. “With Father out of commission, someone needs to go on patrol.”
Dick cursed. “What time is it?”
“It is ten thirty.”
“Fine. You and I can patrol. I’ll take the cowl.”
Jason groaned. “And there’s some thing I have to take care of in Crime Alley.”
Bruce cleared his throat. “We’ve got the plans for tonight. Tim, you check my wound for foreign contaminants from the unknown weapon. Batman and Robin will patrol the city; Red Hood will be out in Crime Alley. Oracle will look into the Fenton parents. Duke, you’ll get to bed early. Tomorrow after a rest we will search Danny’s room more thoroughly.”
Everyone present voiced their acceptance, though with more grumbles than normal.
So yeah. That's how the next part starts.
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epione-xx · 11 months
Damian Wayne x reader soulmate au!!
Inspired by @thesuperiorrobin hehehehehehe
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Her hand rests on the railing of her balcony, eyes searching and scanning the rooftops of a half clouded Gotham as she tried to spot the familiar crimson shade of his suit.
Damian, dressed as Robin, dropped behind her. Feet silent as he stood straight “beloved” it was shuddered and the girl gasps before she quickly spun around to look at him- a smile etched on her face as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
He grunts in a bit of pain, the new stitches on his shoulder not used to the weight of his beloved soulmates arms, still he doesn’t hesitate to kissed her forehead and hold her close.
It was forbidden, he couldn’t tell her who he was and he was surprised about how painting she had been so far, but he knew deep down she would ask. She needed too, it was only fair to her.
The girl laid on his chest, taking great comfort in heartbeat of her soulmate as she took slow and lulled breaths of relaxation.
“I had such a bad day today” she tried to partake in causal conversation, one he could talk about without revealing too much.
He hummed, signalling he was listening as he stroked her hair. Them both sitting down on the beanbag she had set up on her fire escape for when he did come around.
“We’ll it started off with a group project- Jessica, Damian- yknow he sucks” she grumbles “and some kid named Harrison, and then we were just arguing and arguing and I swear to god if Damian doesn’t shut up then I’m going to strangle him one day” she rolled her eyes.
A low chuckle came from Damian’s chest, but his stomach felt like a pit of guilt. He teased her at school, pretended lily she was annoying because he couldn’t risk her finding out that well, he was Robin.
“Anyways, then Damian left and so did Jessica- I’m pretty sure she’s got a crush on him” she hummed and traced over the little R on his chest, drawing patterns into it before she continued “and so it was just me and harrison- and he just- got way to close for comfort”
He tensed and sat up- Effectively making her slid down his chest “what? What do you mean to close for comfort?”
She sighed and thought of the best way to explain it “he just- kept getting closer and played with my hair and flirted- please don’t do anything” she begged as she kissed his cheek.
He frowned but nods, it would be irresponsible to do anything like that as Robin.
She sighed happily “thank you baby” she kissed all over his face and he chuckles lowly “beloved stop- I’ll be covered in your chapstick and be sticky for the rest of patrol”
“Oh you know you love it”
Harrison didn’t show up for the project the next day, actually harrison didn’t come to school.
And perhaps it was a little suspicious that Damian had bloodied knuckles, but you shouldn’t think anything of it right?
Except you should, because he was being nice to you. As strange as it sounded.
“Why are you being so nice?” Y/n would glare as Damian shrugged it off and bit into his fancy sushi roll that Alfred had made him.
She frowned “that’s not an answer!” She explained frustrated “cmon Wayne! Answer me! You never act this nice”
She glared and he paid no mind to her, in fact he was busy looking at his phone and texting back his brother saying that his disappearance from patrol was not suspicious and that they shouldn’t worry about it.
She frowned “cmon Damian, this is cruel.”
Finally, his piercing green eyes snapped up to hers and he placed his lunchbox down. his hair looked messy and if she looked close enough she could see the concealer that covered his eye bags.
“Why do you wanna know?”
It was a simple question that Damian asked, one she almost couldn’t work out how to answers
“Because I..” she hesitated and swallows “you’re making me feel weird, like you’re gonna get dirt on me or something” she mumbles.
He sighed “this can’t be helped can it considering our past” he talks and leaned back before looking at her again.
She didn’t know what to make out about those yes, they were so strange and yet oddly comforting…kind of how she imagines robins eyes to look.
She shook her head, this was not a moment to fantasise about her boyfriend.
He leaned forward and motioned for her to follow, she did and he took a slow and guttered breath.
“A certain bird told me you needed looking after”
She stopped and got up “w-what?”
He only looked at her “don’t make me repeat myself (L/n), your smart enough to listen”
She stared at him, appetite gone as the dots slowly connected. She got up and stared more before pursuing her lips and, not knowing what to say, she left.
This was enough stress for today.
Night came, and (Y/n) waited anxiously on her fire escape, pacing around and getting more and more annoyed with every tap her foot made.
Suddenly it happened, he came. Dropping down into the fire escape from above her and then down to hers, he smiles and opened his arms “b-“
“No! No don’t you beloved me” she says as she looked at him and teared up “take off your mask”
“What? You know I ca-“
“Take it off Damian!” She yelled loudly as he stared at her, lenses going wide with shock before he slowly took it off.
She stared at him “I…was…” he looked so different and yet exactly how she thought he would, how she hoped he would look.
It was silent, the air unmoving for a few moments before she ran to his chest and hugged him tightly, crying in his arms about how much she loved him.
He kissed her hair and held her close “I love you more my beloved, my shining light and the moon that watched over me”
And he really did love her, she was everything.
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hollandorks · 6 months
battinson! bruce wayne x f! reader
chapter fourteen
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Summary: After the sudden deaths of her mother and grandmother, y/n is forced to return home to Gotham…and to the man who broke her heart three years ago. Back in Bruce Wayne’s inescapable orbit, she vows to get to the bottom of her former best friend’s new cold personality. But Bruce’s secrets aren’t what she’s expecting.
a/n: I'm back to posting semi-regularly, yay! Not sure when the next chapter will be finished because of the holidays but hopefully it'll be within the next week or so! This one is a little on the shorter side, but the next several will be longer I think! (Since I haven't actually written them--but I have plans and they're lengthy.)
Series Masterlist
word count: 2k
“Oh man,” Martinez groaned as his eyes flicked from Alfred, to her, to the picture, and back again. He gulped audibly. Next to him, Blake the security guard was white as a sheet. “Gordon’s gonna kill me.”
“Gordon’s gonna kill me,” Martinez said for the twentieth time as y/n poured him a cup of coffee to replace the one that was currently still on the foyer floor. “I was supposed to be the one paying attention. I was the one he trusted.” Which, he informed  her after maybe the fourth “Gordon’s gonna kill me,” that meant he was Gordon’s most trusted on her security team. He was one who was secretly supposed to make sure no one else was compromised. 
“Martinez,” y/n said for the nineteenth time. “No he isn’t. You were doing your job. You already said you didn’t leave, or fall asleep, or take a call. In fact, you did your job so well you ignored my offer of coffee.” She held out the new mug. 
Martinez was still nervously mangling the hat of his uniform. He was completely ignoring her reassurances. He went still after a second, then turned eyes that were twice as frightened to her. “Man, Mr. Wayne’s gonna be so mad too, isn’t he? This is his house.” 
Y/n narrowed her eyes. “I’ll handle Bruce. And besides–Alfred’s more in charge than he is, and he already agreed it wasn’t your fault.” Alfred had met Gordon downstairs a few minutes earlier. The elevator and entire lobby had been turned into a crime scene. Martinez and y/n were waiting to give their statements. 
Easing Martinez’s fears was much easier than facing her own. It was easy to focus on him and nothing else. Because in the short half hour since she’d first found the picture, each bit of new information was worse than the last. No one on the security detail had been harmed, bribed, or had even moved. The security cameras had been turned off for only ten minutes. Which all meant that someone had enough access to Wayne Tower and its security to get past everything extra that had been set up. 
They wanted her to know that they could get to her. 
And they were drawing it out. Instead of grabbing her, they were making her wait. Making her scared.
Y/n focused again on the nervous cop in front of her, who was still bemoaning the fact that everyone was going to be mad at him. 
“If you don’t stop, I’m going to be mad at you,” she snapped. There was a headache blooming between her eyes. 
Martinez quieted, looking like a kicked puppy with a mustache. “Jesus, I’m so sorry, y/n. If I can make it up to you at all–” 
“Just drink your coffee, okay? No one blames you.” Y/n took a sip of her coffee. Her hands were still shaking, and some of the liquid spilled over as she set the cup back down. Damn, she was wasting a lot of coffee in one night. 
She startled when a warm hand landed atop hers. She looked up and met Martinez’s soft gaze. He didn’t say anything else, but his presence was enough to steady her. 
“I’m so glad they didn’t shoot you,” she said after a moment. 
They shared a grin. “Hell, me too.” 
An awareness prickled along y/n’s spine.
She looked up, and there was Bruce. 
His hair was stuck to his forehead and his shirt was on inside out. Her stomach swooped. There really only seemed to be one possibility from those two clues, plus the fact that he hadn’t been home. 
Jealousy and shame spread like hot oil through her stomach. 
Bruce looked…angry. His eyes were twin blue flames where they stayed locked on Martinez’s hand atop hers. 
Martinez scrambled to his feet as if the king of fucking England had just walked in. More coffee spilled as he bumped the table. Y/n half expected him to bow for Bruce. She rolled her eyes. 
“Mr. Wayne! I’m so sorry, I swear I was paying attention, I–” 
Bruce’s eyes went cold. “And you are?” 
“Officer Martinez, we actually met back–” 
Y/n’s eyes narrowed. It was her turn to jump to her feet. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” she said to Bruce.  
Martinez flinched. Bruce calmly glanced her way then went back to glaring at Martinez. 
“When the security of my home has been compromised due to incompetence–” Bruce said, still calm despite the obvious fury in his eyes. 
Y/n cut him off. “Oh shut up. Stop talking to him like that. It wasn’t his fault!” 
Bruce’s eyes flashed. “Well, it was certainly someone’s.” 
“Maybe it was yours, then.” The words rose within her on a tide of anger. God, her life had been threatened again, and he had the nerve to come home from fucking his girlfriend and act like a dick to her friend? “I mean, you’ve been letting the rest of the tower go to shit for years, makes sense that maybe security is a little lax. Especially if you don’t even give enough of a shit to ever be here.” 
They were almost toe to toe now, both breathing heavily. From the corner of her eye, she saw Martinez freeze in place, mouth open in shock. 
“I give too much of a shit, y/n. If your little boyfriend hadn’t been distracted–” 
Oh, y/n thought. Bruce thought Martinez was her boyfriend. And okay, maybe it looked like that, but Martinez actually had a great girlfriend who was in a group chat with them where they all sent memes to each other. She and Martinez wanted to set up a double date with her cousin and y/n.
The realization made the anger ebb, but then she was pissed off all over again. 
“What gives you the right to act like this?” she spat at Bruce. He was so much taller than her that her neck was starting to ache from glaring up at him. “After what you did, after what you said, you’re acting like you have any right to one, be involved in my personal life at all or two, be jealous!” 
Bruce flinched. Just like the first time it had happened two days ago, it didn’t feel as good as she thought it would. 
“Um,” Martinez said in the echoing silence. “We’re actually just friends and I–I’m going to go give my statement now?” 
Y/n barely noticed him leaving. 
She was so sick of being so afraid, so heartbroken, so…everything. 
“You’re going to apologize to him whether he’s just my friend or not,” she said, poking Bruce in the chest. He winced and tried to mask it by looking away. “I already told you, Bruce. I lost you three years ago. Stop acting like that didn’t fucking happen, because it did.” 
Bruce’s hands were clenched into fists at his sides. Now he wasn’t looking her in the eye at all. “I didn’t mean–” 
“Oh, shut the fuck up, yes you did.” But the words were bereft of the anger that had been present only moments before. She took a deep breath and a step backwards. “I’m just–sick of pretending things are the same, okay? I know you want to go all protective-best-friend thinking Martinez is my boyfriend or that he put me in danger but–I can’t just–Things aren’t–” Suddenly words were failing her. “It’s just not the same, okay?” 
She watched as Bruce softened, too. “Y/n, I’m sorry, I–” 
“Why did Martinez just run out of here like a bomb went off?” Gordon’s voice cut across whatever Bruce had been about to say. 
“Mommy and Daddy were fighting,” y/n said drily, her defense mechanism of humor kicking in. Bruce made a choking noise. “Find anything useful? Like maybe Frank Gallo?”
She could almost hear Gordon’s teeth grinding from across the room. “No.” 
“Bruce,” Alfred said from behind Gordon. “We have some things to discuss.” 
Bruce gave her one last glance before following Alfred out. 
Alone with Gordon now, y/n sank into her chair with a long sigh. She stared at the little coffee spills as if they had personally offended her. “If I spill any more coffee tonight I might kill someone.” 
“Now that would be a sight. Looked like you were about to do Mr. Wayne in already.” Gordon chuckled and took the seat across from her. He flipped open a small notebook. 
“I’m still not opposed to smothering him in his sleep,” she muttered. “Arrest me if you have to.” 
“How about I get your statement instead?” 
It didn’t take long. She was basically a pro at giving statements to the police at this point. When she was done, she said, “I’m so…tired of giving statements to the police.” 
Gordon regarded her with sharp eyes that didn’t miss anything. “We’re doing everything we can, y/n,” he said softly. 
“I know, I know. It’s just–getting shot at was scary and all, but this is my home.” Her voice cracked. She ducked her head and fiddled with her coffee mug so Gordon wouldn’t see the tears in her eyes. “They’re telling me they can get to me here, too. Where I’m supposed to be safe.”
“I understand completely. We’ll get him. We’ll get them. I have a feeling he might show up on our doorstep sooner rather than later, with something bat-shaped pinned to him and a couple of black eyes and broken bones.” Gordon smirked. Y/n frowned as she realized she hadn’t seen Batman at all. Had he been downstairs? Maybe Bruce hadn’t wanted him to come upstairs. Her frown deepened. “Now, you’re going to have to help me convince Officer Martinez not to sleep in the elevator tonight. Or right outside your door. He’s pretty upset.” 
“I’m surprised he still wants to hang around, considering how much of a dick Bruce was,” y/n said under her breath. “But I’ll do my best.” 
Martinez took a lot of convincing, but eventually relented and went home to his girlfriend. He made y/n put a chair under her bedroom door handle first, though.
Bruce hadn’t reappeared by the time y/n went to bed. 
She laid down, the words of their argument–or whatever the hell that had been–replaying on a loop. Being around him made her feelings go haywire. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so angry at him. The heartbreak of three years ago had taken over her life and she had to admit that the anger felt…almost good. Cathartic. But it also made her feel out of control. She didn’t feel like herself. Being mad at Bruce went against years of instincts. She was used to defending him, or him defending her, to being on the same team together.
She was still wide awake as dawn broke over the sky hours later. 
Another thought kept turning over and over in her mind. Frank Gallo–or someone he had hired–had gotten into her home. Her very, very secure home. 
She had been afraid before, but it was nothing like this. Her safe haven had been…sullied. They knew who she was, where she lived, and had basically said right to her face that not even Bruce Wayne’s money and power could keep her safe. 
Added all together, y/n’s mind simply would not shut off in order for her to sleep.
It occurred to her again that she hadn’t seen Batman at all–had Gordon updated him on what happened? Because he had been in that photo, too. He had kept her alive, which she was certain had pissed off the Gallos. Was he a target? Maybe the picture of them together was a threat to both of them, but only given to her since they knew where she lived. 
When she rolled over, her eyes caught on all of her research piled on the opposite side of the bed. Her eyes snagged on those three words: white knight syndrome. 
She bet she had her answer about any possible feelings he might have. Even if he had shown up, he hadn’t tried to contact her, to see her, nothing. He was probably sick of having to keep her alive. He was probably leaving it up to Gordon and the police department now. 
Despite everyone who was trying hard to keep her alive, y/n felt utterly alone. 
Next Chapter
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halfdeadfullgay · 6 months
404 - Title Not Found(part/chapter 2)
Part 1 - Tumblr Part 3 - Tumblr
Summary: Danny needs to do laundry and agrees to go to a gala.
Jason is forced to go to a gala and needs to do laundry.
He forgets quarters and Danny forgets laundry detergent.
AN: Reminder that half of this shit is just crack treated seriously. I’m playing fast and loose with Danny Phantom cannon and DC cannon. If stuff isn’t cannon or if stuff is out of character, don’t question it. I just want to write my silly little fanfic.
Danny had fucked up. Even just meeting the walking dead he was meant to watch could cause trouble. At least that’s what ClockWork warned him of. It was probably just meant to lessen chances of anything bad happening, mainly the GIW appearing.
He decided to take a break from watching the Red Hood. He needed to focus on Danny anyways. He had spent the last few months focusing on Phantom and Ghost King Phantom. So when Vlad had offered to take him to a gala held by the Waynes, he immediately said yes.
Sure Vlad was still a bit of a fruitloop but he had stopped trying to basically murder his dad and lessened his advances on his mom as well. He had gone to a few galas before as both the Ghost King and Danny. He already a nice simple tux, he just needed to wash it since the last gala he was at had a ghost crashing it.
He didn’t mind galas as the Ghost King but loved them as Danny. He was able to mess with guests and Vlad with little to no suspicion that he was the cause.
Danny was gonna take the week to focus on himself and catch up on stuff that he wanted to do, not needed to. He sighed as he grabbed his tux and other clothes in a basket that needed to be cleaned. He double checked that he had his phone, keys, and bag of quarters before leaving his apartment and heading down to the crappy laundry room.
Jason still couldn’t shake the feeling of familiarity with the guy from last night. It didn’t feel like that it was just by chance that he lived in the same building as one of his many places that he stays at. He had many safe houses, mainly out of Crime Alley to avoid Batman and rouges but he still felt connected to the place.
Speaking of rouges, the past few nights on patrol; he didn’t have the feeling of someone following him. He had realized it when watching some petty criminals since it was a quiet night. He didn’t like the sudden lack of not being follow, while it was good to know he wasn’t being followed; there had to be a reason for the sudden stop.
Outside of patrol, he noticed that the guy that gave him a sense of familiarity was on the same floor as him. He still didn’t know why there was that sense of familiarity, he didn’t know why he felt drawn to him. Jason pushed it to the side, just for now since he didn’t have a legitimate reason to start digging into it yet.
Jason sighed as he gathered up the clothes that were thrown around the apartment. He had been staying at that specific safe house for awhile, too tired from patrol to go to one of the farther ones. He had to do laundry and clean his nice somewhat formal clothes. Out of all the Wayne kids, he had drawn the short end of the stick when Bruce asked who would be going to the gala. Dick had brought up the issue that he was legally dead at one point and how that could cause issues but Alfred had apparently figured out a way to just make it seem like his death was exaggerated or something. Jason didn’t care to ask him how exactly he did that, it was fine for now.
He hated galas, even from what he remembered from when he was younger; he had always disliked them. He grumbled under his breath about how it was stupid as he walked out of his apartment with his laundry basket and laundry detergent. He knew that the washers the apartment complex provided were shitty but he didn’t feel like going to a laundromat or anything.
Jason entered the laundry room, it always had a wet clothes and laundry detergent smell. The lights flickered and it was cold. There were a few other people. He found an empty washer and loaded up his clothes. When he went to grab the quarters out of his pocket, damnit; he left them in his apartment. It was a minor inconvenience, still annoying.
Danny sighed, he realized that he forgot to buy laundry detergent. He was deciding between just doing laundry later or ask someone if he could use some of theirs. As he was weighing pros and cons, he heard cursing that broke the quiet. He looked up to see the guy using the washer across of him, cursing under his breath. He felt like he had seen him before.
Ever since staying in Gotham, he felt that a lot. It was because of how many liminal and dead walked the streets of Gotham. He just brushed it off usually but it felt different with this guy. Danny, one who never knew when to just stay quiet, saw an excuse to talk when he heard the guy grumbled about not having any quarters. The worst that could happen would be being yelled to mind his business.
He must’ve spaced out looking at him because now the guy was staring back at him. “Uh, I got some quarters if you need any.” Danny gave a small smile while holding out his bag of quarters. The guy seemed to think about it for second, Danny thought it looked he was questioning if he was trustworthy. He couldn’t blame him, it was Crime Alley after all. After a moment of silence, the guy spoke up.
It was a simple thanks as he took the amount he needed. “Do you need detergent or something?” Huh, maybe he had good luck for once, Danny thought before quickly replying. “I actually do need detergent.”
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thebubblesareevil · 1 year
Secrets for the Soul
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 5
“That concludes our meeting for tonight, thank you all for making time to join us.” Announced Batman, finally ending this tortuous l, though necessary meeting. Diana stood from her seat and said her goodbyes intent on getting back to Danny for movie night. If she hurried she could stop and pick up ice cream, her hopes of the frozen treat were dashed however when she was stopped by a hand on her shoulder.
“Diana, a moment of your time?” Batman asked with a gruff voice. Diana silently mourned her ice cream as she smiled back and the two stepped away from the zeta-tubes. “As you are aware, Black Canary is leading the training for the covert team. However Canary brought it to my attention that while Superboy is doing well in his training, he is getting very little experience fighting opponents of an equal or greater power level.” Diana frowned.
“He is the teams biggest heavy hitter, it would do them no good if he were to falter when given a challenge.”
“My thoughts exactly, which is why I would like you to take some time to spar with him. Show him what it means to fight above your level.” Batman nodded,
Diana looked at Batman, skeptical “Wouldn’t Superman be better suited for this task.”
“Things between them are a bit…stained to say the least.” He ground out.
Diana frown, “I would be willing to engage the young one in battle, however Superman needs to figure things out with the boy. He is only a child, he needs guidance.” She said firmly.
“I know your hands are already full, we can work out a schedule at another date however I would like it if you would come by this weekend to meet him.” Diana raised her brow. His eye twitched “Please” he added.
“Now that wasn’t so hard was it? Alfred’s been pestering you about manners again, huh?” She smirked. Batman grunted. “That should be fine, I’ll be there Saturday morning at 10, and Batman? I won’t hold back.” She said with a savage grin.
“I would expect nothing less.” And with that Diana took her leave. It was a short flight from the Zeta point to her apartment, when she arrived Danny looked up from his Mars book.
“You’re late~” He said with a grin “You know what that means. You forfeit your movie choice!” Diana sighed as she went to get changed.
“All right, fair is fair, did you pick up dinner?”Danny nodded as he scrolled through the movie choices.
“Chinese is on the counter, drinks are in the fridge.” He shouted as he set up the movie. “Comedy good?” He asked as she made her way to the fridge.
“Sure.” She replied, opening the fridge she grabbed the drinks sitting next to the chain covered stew labeled ‘Danny’s! Do not touch!’
Grabbing the Chinese she made her way over and plopped herself on the couch. “So what are we watching?”
“Only one of my favorite ghost comedies EVER! The Grudge! It’s hilarious, trust me!” He tilted his head in a picture of innocence. “By the way, why were you late, something wrong with the league?” He inquired, nudging her with his elbow. Diana scoffed.
“We are a team of international vigilantes, something’s always wrong. However, in this case, Batman stopped me to ask a favor. There is a young hero who packs quite a punch, however unlike you he has mostly fought people who are physically equal or weaker than him. He needs to train with someone stronger than him to get used to fighting stronger opponents. I’ll be meeting with him on Saturday morning.” Danny nodded.
“Cool, I’m gonna be hanging out with Travis. We were planning to check out the arcade near his new job.” Diana smiled.
“It’s a pity he left the museum, where did he end up going?”
“He got a job on the boardwalk, at that smoothie shop. Y’know with giant monkey on the window.” Diana nodded.
“They do have good smoothies. Grandfather expects us for dinner that night so don’t stay out too late.”
“Sounds great! Hopefully I can get the recipe for that stew, it’s way better than Lunch Lady’s… don’t tell her I said that.” Diana frowned.
“So long as it doesn’t try to eat my lunch again, my poor sandwich it was so young, so tasty.” She replies dramatically with her hand on her heart. “Now start the movie, I wanna see what passes for ghost comedy.” She passes Danny his mushu pork and he presses play….
Two hours later Danny is asleep on the couch as Diana stares at the tv, reevaluating her definition of humor. Looking down at her peacefully sleeping cousin, she couldn’t be too mad. But she could ask around for the best chick flick she could find as payback.
Saturday morning came, and as promised Diana made her way to a zeta tube. When she arrived at Mount Justice, Batman was already there and based on their reactions he had already briefed them on todays training. She grinned, this was gonna be fun.
She wasn’t wrong either, they each took turns trying to knock her down, each failing more splendidly than the last. When it came time for Superboy to face her she readied herself to face the strength of Superman.
Unfortunately for Superboy, he did not have the same strength as Superman. Diana had also been regularly sparring with Danny, so her evaluation of his strength might have been a bit…skewed to say the least.
Unfortunately only hindsight is 20/20 and so when Superboy charged she immediately countered with full force, and he went flying across the room. After crash landing Superboy quickly righted himself and started charging her once more. Diana, while impressed at his enthusiasm, frowned at how easy it was to push his buttons. She grabbed her lasso and quickly subdued him. He fought against the bindings, though he had no hope of destroying the magical artifact. Diana released him only when he calmed down. She looked Superboy in the eye with a smile.
"You did very well young one, your warrior's spirit is admirable, however you must use it at the right time. When fighting an opponent that you know is stronger than you, you must used that spirit wisely. Wait until you find an opening before you strike, otherwise your opponent will use that strength against you, as I did."
Superboy clenched his fists and grit his teeth, Diana knew that look well. He was frustrated, her advice was likely akin to something he hears quite often. Diana sighed, "I will not tell you to purge yourself of this spirit as it is a useful tool, one I myself use when fighting overwhelming enemies. It is nothing to be ashamed of. However you must be careful not to be consumed by it. I have known many who let the rush of battle consume them. It has never ended in their favor." she approached Superboy, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"I will work with you on this journey, young one, so that you may learn as I did." she said with a smile.
Superboy looked surprised "Seriously? Why? What do you get out of this?" Diana laughed
"What else?! I want a proper rematch! You have impressive strength, I would like to see what you can do with it with a little extra training, young one." Superboy looked her in the eye for a moment before looking to the side.
"My name is Conner." he said with a blunt tone. "And...thank you."
"It's my pleasure Conner, now come, our time today is short let's see who else wants to try their might."
She turned back to see Kid Flash slowly inch behind Artemis. She gave a predatory grin, "It seems we have a volunteer!"
Danny woke up with his alarm at noon, and couldn't help but revel in the amount of sleep he got, a whole eight hours. He briefly considered snuggling back into the world's comfiest, and coldest, comforter, gifted to him by Frostbite. He slowly closed his eyes before his second alarm went off reminding him that he does in fact have to get up, as he has plans today.
He dragged himself out of bed, still wrapped in his comforter, and made his way to the kitchen. After starring into the fridge for roughly five minutes, as though it held the secrets of the universe... or poptarts, he grinned and grabbed his leftover stew. Pouring some into a bowl and reheating it, he slowly made his way to the table to savor his blob ghost stew. He jumped only a little when his phone started blaring once more, he scrunched his nose before looking at the caller ID. It was Travis. Danny sighed, it was too early to talk.
"Hnnghh?" The sound of laughter exploded from the other end.
"I'm sorry sleeping beauty, did I wake you?" Danny released a massive yawn.
"Nah, mm jus eatin breakfst? Wazzup?" He mumbled, watching the tiny blobs swim around in his stew with half-lidded green eyes.
"Hey I ran into a buddy of mine, mind if he tags along?" Danny scooped out a particularly plump blob and took a bite.
"Hmmm" Travis laughed.
"I'm gonna take that as a yes. We'll meet you at Café Loco before we head to the arcade, you sound like you need it. Were you up playing video games again last night?" Danny once more responded with a noncommittal, “hmmm” because no he was not playing video games. He was flying invisibly around the city and lost track of time, who wouldn't it was beautiful.
“Alright man, I’ll let you get back to you’re breakfast. See ya soon.” And the call ended.
Danny put his phone back down and finished eating before he started getting ready for the day. He threw on some jeans and a t-shirt, taking a moment to consider the jacket. His core would keep him cold, normally he wouldn’t bother but…. He sighed grabbing the jacket. Being a teen hero left him with more than a few scars, Travis was led to believe he got them in the accident that killed his “parents” but this new guy… it would be annoying to explain again, best avoid it entirely.
He grabbed his wallet and headed out, walking down the street he greeted familiar faces, stopping to pet Mrs. Perkins’ dog as he made his way to the bus stop. It wasn’t a long ride, and when he arrived he clambered out of the bus. Heading towards Cafe Loco like a beacon in a storm. He beelined it to the counter, nearly crying at the lack of a line as he ordered his cappuccino with 4 shots of espresso.
Travis found him huddled in a corner booth, curled around his coffee, watching people pass by. He saw a perfect opportunity and slowly snuck up to the booth, he was inches away from tugging the earbuds out of his ears when Danny suddenly turned his head to look him directly in the eyes. Travis jumped back with a shout, Danny took a long sip of his coffee, the stranger next to Travis covered his mouth trying his best not to laugh.
“Why is it so hard to scare you?! I swear this guy has eyes in the back of his head!” At this point the guy next to him scoffed.
“Or he saw your reflection in the window.” He said, pointing at the offending surface.
“Who’s side are you on?!” The stranger shrugged and Danny chuckled.
“I don’t think pointing out the obvious counts as taking sides. Your Travis’ friend right? I’m Danny, nice to meet ya.” He said, the other guy smiled.
“I’m Matt, nice to meet ya. Is the coffee here any good?” Danny nodded, pulling his coffee closer.
“It’s okay at best, he just likes it because they don’t limit his espresso shots because he bribes them.”
“It’s not consider a bribe of it goes in the tip jar.” He said with a wide grin. Matt blushed.
“Oh really, I’ll have to try that.” He coughed into his hand. “So, uh, you said we were going to the arcade.”
“Hell yeah! You said it had all kinds of new and retro games! Plus desktop gaming! Let’s go!” Danny stood from his seat. While he may never reach the overwhelming height of Jack Fenton, Danny had grown to be a respectable 5’10. He was quite proud of this fact though he didn’t think of it too much, considering his cousin was over 6’. But still he wasn't that tall, right? Danny thought,
'So why the hell did Matt just look at him like he was 10 feet tall? Sure the guy wasn't huge, but he wasn't exactly short either.'
Matt backed up just a bit, rubbing the back of his neck and looking away, "Yeah, let's get going before it get's too crowded." Danny downed the rest of his coffee and they headed out. Along the way they started talking about the upcoming school year, as it turned out Matt would be joining him as a junior at Gateway High.
Despite Travis' not so subtle diversions, Matt eventually made a rookie mistake. He asked what Danny wanted to do when he graduated. For the next hour Danny went on and on about how he wanted to build space ships, and how amazing space is, and did you read the Daily Planet interview with Martian Manhunter?!
Not to say Danny ran out of things to say about space after an hour, especially when Matt was giving him his full attention even when they got to the arcade and started playing. No, as someone who worked with Danny until his parents made him quit, Travis knew EXACTLY how long winded Danny could be when it came to space so he did the only thing that could distract him from space. He brought up his cousin.
"So I here your cousin is single and ready to mingle, according to Mrs. Doris, you think if I gave her my number I'd have a chance?" Travis wiggled his eyebrows. Danny looked at him as though he just said he put jelly on a tuna sandwich.
"Dude first of all, you're like 17 it's not gonna happen, second of all, and I cannot stress this enough, she is way out of your league." Travis pouted as Matt laughed at his suffering, not knowing his sacrifice.
"Ahh whatever man, let's just play. I hear there's this new game added to the online corner. Something called Doomed?" Danny froze, slowly turning to face Travis.
"Did you say Doomed?" his eyes were wide.
"Yeah? Have you-" Danny grabbed both teens by the arm and dragged them over to the desktops. Over the next few hours, the three of them made characters and a crowd gathered as Danny dominated level after level. Eventually though his alarm went off, reminding him to head home for dinner. After they said their goodbyes, Danny took off leaving Matt and Travis alone.
"Don't even think about it." Travis said, Matt tensed.
"He has single handedly increased the foot traffic in the space exhibit from the sheer amount of people who come to flirt with him. Him and his cousin are next level man." Matt's face turned a fiery red. Travis looked at him with pity. "If it makes you feel better, he has yet to actually say yes to anyone. To be fair though, I don't think he realizes their flirting when he's in space mode." Travis shrugs.
Matt nearly wept.
Danny dug into the lasagna with extreme gusto, while Diana ate at a much more restrained pace as she ate her second helping.
"You've outdone yourself, grandfather. Dinner is absolutely divine." Diana complemented the elderly (at the moment) Ancient. He gave her a proud smile.
"I should hope so, I got this recipe from Naples in the 15th century, from a lovely family of noodle makers. I tweaked it a bit based on it's evolution, I'm quite proud of how it turned out." he said with a grin as his form shifted to that of a young man. "But enough of that, how was your day today? I know you were planning on training the young Kryptonian clone today, how did that go?" grinning, Diana raised a brow, Danny perked up.
"Have you been spying on us grandfather?" Danny laughed.
"He's always spying on us, trust me. But who cares, what was that about a clone?" Diana sighed, resigned.
"Conner is a clone of Superman. Normally it would be his responsibility to train him, however he has been a bit... reluctant to interact with the boy." Danny scrunched up his nose.
"Did he try to kill him yet?" Diana looked at Danny, surprised.
"Superman may object to training him but I assure you he has not intent-" Danny waved his hands.
"No, no, not Superman. Did Conner try to kill him yet, it's like, a clone rite of passage." Diana stared at Danny. Danny stared back.
Clockwork drank his tea, fully aware of what he started.
"I'm gonna need a little more explanation than that." Danny shrugged
"I mean, he's gotta try to kill his original at some point. Just to get it out of his system y'know. My clone didn't last a full day before she tried to kill me." Danny shrugged, taking another bite of his lasagna.
Diana gave him a look like she was praying to the gods for patience, honestly she probably was, before she finally responded.
"When exactly were you cloned?" Danny shrugged.
"When I was like, 14 I think. I know it was after I met gramps, now that is a crazy story." Diana took a deep breath.
"We can get to that later, can we focus on the clone that tried to kill you? Please?" Danny set down his fork on his now clean plate.
"I guess, there's not really much to tell. My dad's best friend, who hated him by the way, wanted me to be his son because we were the only existing halfas, he's not technically he's more alive than he is dead, and because he was in love with my mom, she despised him, I told him no when he repeatedly demanded for me to join him, of course not he's a fruitloop, so he cloned me, a couple times actually but none of them were stable so they destabilized, and Ellie, the only stable clone, posed as my cousin, she is now kinda, and when my back was turned she tried to kill me. It's cool though, she realized Vlad was a fruitloop and we beat him up." he shrugged. "Like I said, there's really not much to tell." he explains before he starts to sneak over to the cookie jar.
Diana looked over at her grandfather, "What?" he nodded in symathy.
"I understand it's a lot to take in, however I assure you any future murder attempts perpetuated by young Ellie are completely harmless. She spends most of her time these days exploring the realms or spending time with Pandora." Clockwork explained.
Diana sighed turning to Danny "And you were okay with this? Being cloned by your enemy."
Danny swallowed his bite "Oh, hell no. I was pissed. Not only did he violate my privacy, he stole my DNA! He made a kid to replace me! So I kicked his ass and stole my clone." Diana looked to the heavens for advice, Clockwork set a hand on her shoulder.
"The gods will be no help when it comes to things like this. Trust me." he smiled. "And how was your day Danny? Did you have fun making friends?" Danny grinned.
"Definitely! He let me blather on about space!" Diana's eyes went wide.
'Dear gods, not another one.'
@a-salty-sal@impulsiveasshole@meira-3919@alcorbearson@cute6troll@samgirl98@skulld3mort-1fan@addie-lover-of-stories@amercurio@chronicallyonline-fandomwh0r3 @heirxofxtime @gin2212 @thegatorsgoose@wanderer-of-worlds@terzatheunderscorerima@bright-shade@satanicrutialspecialist@mur-ururu@birdie-24-05@ascetic-orange@cyber-geist@thatrandomsarahchick@dr-syko-pharm-4@observerblock23@addie-lover-of-stories@rainybyday@berseid@pastalavistamf@ae-vixrose@sunflowershine03@theauthorandtheartist@ruelukas22@krzys2000@onlyhereforthechaos@stargirl1331@apointlessbox@mewzaque@distractedducky@cutelittlebeanie@unorthodoxdreamers @universallytacowolfbakery @joseph557@ver-444@icedbluesoul@shark-time@milo-l-l @spookytragedyshark@nutcase8691@idfk-man10
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
Hi! I was wondering how Talon! Dick would react to Jason getting hurt during patrol or maybe getting sick and leaving him unable to talk, or when he does it's super raspy and quiet, and he can barely make his own noises too? 🦉
Okidoki let’s go with him being sick! (Cuz, you know, him being hurt and unable to talk… at all, is gonna happen in about… oh! Thirty days!) If it’s the first time it happens, Dick absolutely assumes Jason is dying and panics accordingly.
You know that stupid cold where you wake up one morning after feeling completely fine the day before but suddenly your throat feels like you swallows razors and any sound you try to make is like a crow on crack? Yeah. Like that.
Dick absolutely loses it and starts going straight into hardcore survival mode. Jason gets squirreled away into the most remote place in the manor with dozens of blankets and pillows. Food and water vanishes from the kitchens, along with whatever kind of first aid meds and utensils he can scrounge from the cave before Bruce comes back.
When Alfred and Bruce return from a gala… the manor is quiet. Too quiet. And Bruce immediately heads to Dick and Jason’s rooms only to find them both empty. Cue: Bruce and Alfred start panicking because the place looks like a tornado blew through it. The nests are gone, everything is in disarray, and the boys are nowhere in sight.
Conclusion: a kidnapping must have occurred.
So while Batman inspires the fear of god in every small time criminal and rogue on the streets by being MUCH MORE violent than usual (by the end of the night everyone knows to stay indoors if you’re crooked cuz the Bat’s gone crazy looking for his birds) and some of the more sensible rogues band together to find out who took Talon and Robin (nobody), Dick is still freaking out because he’s sure Jason is dying (he’s not, calm down Dickiebird).
Jason just lays back and allows the smothering (and is very happy when he finally manages to get Dick to bring him a pen and notepad for communication), Dick calms down considerably once they’ve established Jason is just a little sick (“Yes, cuddles actually help. No I’m not shitting you, they do! Btw get me some ibuprofen pls”) and not, in fact, dying. (Dick doesn’t fully believe it but Jason is still snarky so it can’t be too bad quite yet right?)
Alfred ends up finding them while Dick is down in the kitchens searching for the ibuprofen and very nearly starts yelling before thinking better of it (he was very worried okay cut him some slack).
Thirty minutes later Bruce is also back at the manor (after nearly causing several head on collisions) and hovering anxiously, torn between lecturing his kids and just— holding them and never letting go.
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goodday-goodmorn · 11 months
Alright! Starting this shitshow of a blog off strong with a platonic yandere Bruce Wayne fic!
Heavily inspired by- @blughxreader and their batman stuff! Go check ‘em out- (specifically the one with poor reader and the rooftop escape, those are my fav’s <3)
Also inspired by this qoute:
'They can't do that,' she said finally. 'It's the one thing they can't do. They can make you say anything -- anything -- but they can't make you believe it. They can't get inside you.' (Gorge Orwells, 1984)
“You know, i’m pretty sure that you helping me right now would be going against natural selection.”
Bruce sent you a look, something dark in his eyes. You knew it was coming however and shamelessly avoided looking at him for that exact reason. Under normal circumstances you wouldn’t have said that, he never was one for jabs or jokes that hinted in any way about you dying.
“You’re kind of a mother hen ya know that? I mean, i knew before but this is really solidifying it ya know?”
It was a deflection and you both knew it, usally Bruce wouldn’t let you get away with those. But once again, these were not the usual circumstances. Truth be told he was probably just glad you were talking again, that you had some life back in your eyes, albeit only a small amount.
“Your soup is getting cold.”
Ah damn it. You were hoping he wouldn’t notice. A stupid hope, consdiering he notices fucking everything.
“So it is.”
A sigh, “Kid, you need to eat.” You knew what it meant. It was a silent question, ‘are we gonna do this the easy way or the hard way?’, because either way, you would be eating.
You swallowed, truth be told, you didn’t have the motivation to eat. Nor the appetite, but the alternative was him talking you through every bite and you really didn’t want that right now.
So with a sigh of your own you picked up the spoon, at least you didn’t have to cook anything, all you had to do was eat what was in front of you. You could do that. Barely any effort. It was simple.
So simple.
The spoon stays in the bowl, your hand resting on it as you stare at the soup.
It’s delicious, you know it is, Alfred's food always is, and he’d made one of your favorites too. Something nice and hearty so you would be full for a while and wouldn’t have to go through the effort of eating again too soon.
Bruce was watching you when you looked up, ever watchful, ever observant, waiting to see if he had to intervene.
You swallowed, you never liked it when he stared too hard. His gaze was always so intense. With heavy limbs, you scoop a spoonful of soup and start eating.
Bruce’s gaze softens and he lets out a soft, “Thank you.” He ruffles your hair and you don’t have the will to stop yourself from leaning into it right now.
Give and take, give and take…
You eat in silence, you’re propped up on some pillows on the bed, Bruce is sitting next to the bed on a chair.
Maybe it had been a stupid idea to ask for him, a very stupid idea but at the time you couldn’t help it. You couldn’t deal with the boy’s clinging, not like this. Not when you woke up feeling like anything but a person.
See, a few hours ago, you woke up and felt fatigued, and apathetic. Two oncoming signs of a depressive episode.
It only got worse as the day went on, you tried to be alright- you really did but, you just couldn’t do it. This whole act of playing house with the Wayne’s was already tiring enough, but for your own sanity you had to keep it up.
After all, if you fought hard against all their afflictions they would only dig their heels in and make your situation a lot worse so- you always figured from the beginning it was better to give in early.
At least, on the surface anyway. Not resist their affections, hell you hadn't even once pulled any sort of escape attempt, or tried anything. You’d barely even argued either.
Your lack of resistance was met with open arms and eagerness. Of course- they knew you were only pretending, that you didn’t view them as family, but they knew it was only a matter of time until you came around.
After all, if you act for something long enough, your brain will eventually start to believe it.
Alas, you were a stubborn little shit, and giving in voluntarily had only seemed to help you keep up this mentality longer.
Until this morning anyway.
When you woke up, feeling like shit and simply couldn’t deal with playing house with your ‘brothers’. So, in your moment of weakness, when you didn’t want to do anything or let them drag you around or cuddle or watch movies, you had done something rather unexpected.
Which of course, was to simply shut down.
They were worried as shit, but when they finally did manage to get you to talk, your shaky whisper of, “I want dad.” -Had been shocking, worrying and exciting all at once.
(It had also been a touch too real, your voice had sounded so small, so far away, and in that moment you really did just want the comforting presence of Bruce.)
So now you were here, so deep into the throws of not being a person you barely felt like moving; sitting in your bed with none other than Bruce Wayne by your bedside, stroking your hair lovingly.
You were done with the soup now, as much as you could eat anyway, before Bruce could even say anything you reasoned with him, “I’ll eat more later. Promise.”
Promises held a lot of weight here. Something practically unbreakable, Especially with Bruce. Especially with you, maybe that’s just because you liked when they had weight. It was nice; To have a concrete thing to swear on that you knew would not be broken.
Bruce probably used them to build trust in his words or something, you didn’t know, and quite frankly you didn’t care right now because well- you got to use them too so…
He thinks for a moment, and then nods, agreeing easily, “Okay.” And with that he takes the bowl from you. He’s… he’s rather agreeable right now, usually he would confirm or try and fight you more on that.
Maybe he was being more lenient because you willingly came to him? Or because you were being open right now, or maybe because he felt bad for what you were going through or-
Gods you don’t have enough energy to ponder this.
You nod and lay back down, he guides you down most of the way. Now you’re back like before, lying in bed, cheek smushed against your pillow, starting at him blankly.
You break the silence as he pulls the blanket over you.
“What type of bird do you think everyone would be?”
He looks back to you, a small upturn of his lips and eyes crinkled slightly in an amused manner. “Why do you ask?”
You shrug, “Bored.”
A partial truth. In reality you were thinking about all that poetic shit about you being like a bird in a fancy golden cage. A very very well cared for bird with access to some deep fucking pockets but you know, still in a cage. Even if the cage is real fancy and has amazing food, even better wifi, and a home movie theater.
(You think Bruce would let you install an indoor pool? Or a jacuzzi. …He probably would. You should ask sometime, ah- you’re getting off track here.)
So anyway- fancy bird poems and then you started thinking about what type of bird you would be and then it kinda spiraled from there.
“Hm. Well, that depends, who do you wanna start with?”
“Mmm… Alfred, cause i think he’s the easiest.”
A little amused quirk of his brow, “What bird is he then?”
“Penguin. Cause he’s always dressed all fancy, and penguins got that sleek fancy vibe about them. They are kinda short for Alfred though…”
Bruce nods, as if taking your words into consideration, “Emperor penguin then. They’re the biggest penguin species.”
Contuiting on just to have something to blabber about you confidently say, “Jason is an emu.”
After a very engaging deep dive into what types of birds everyone was-
(Tim was a woodpecker on account of all the times you’ve seen him slam his head into his desk while working; Dick was an ostrich because if Jason was an Emu then those two had to match; Cassandra got the honor of being a crow; Damien was a kinglet, a ruby crowned kinglet, purely because they are small and for some reason you only recall pictures of seeing those bird look annoyed, Bruce was a harpy eagle because they look big and grumpy, And finally you were a pigeon.)
-You were now half asleep as Bruce read to you like you were a little kid.
It was… nice. Like all the other times you were forced to hang out with the Wayne family. (Only this time you hadn’t been forced, you had called for him.) Nice but with that ever present little weight in the back of your mind, reminding you of just how much these people had taken from you.
Right now though, that little weight was… it was a lot easier to ignore.
You let Bruce’s calming voice wash over you, you were barely listening at this point but he paid no kind to your lack of attention.
This was nice.
No one had ever taken care of you when you went into one of your episodes before. Usually you had to suck it up and work yourself up to go get some food and water before laying in bed until the feeling went away.
It was a terrible feeling, a staggering sensation just on the edge of emptiness. But not there enough for you to not feel anything, it was almost as if everything was muted. All sensations dull, your thoughts weren't but you were apathetic to them.
In short, it sucked. Majorly.
But now, here you were, tucked into bed, fed a warm hearty meal, and being read to with such tenderness and care.
You didn’t even notice that your eyes started to water. But Bruce did. He noticed everything.
Gently, so gently, he wiped away the tear about to fall from your eye. His own were soft as they stared at you. Soft and filled with a look you couldn’t decipher, a look you didn’t want to decipher because the closest thing you could even begin to compare it to was- …was love.
Fuck- love.
You knew there was something wrong with this family, of course you did- they kidnapped you for pete’s sake, but- but they also had been unconditionally kind to you didn’t they?
You… You couldn’t-
“-do this anymore.”
Your voice was soft, just barely above a whisper. A quiet confession.
‘I can’t do this anymore.’
Bruce sighed, his voice level, but quiet, fitting of the atmosphere. “You don’t have to, it’ll be so much easier if you just give in kiddo.”
He cupped your face in his hand. His own skin was scarred, rough, callous, and yet he held you with such care. It was almost reverent. He gazed at you with an almost sad look, as if your passive struggle hurt you more than him.
(It probably did. He didn’t have anything to worry about after all, you would break eventually. You could only keep telling yourself this was pretend for so long.)
Stubborn. Always so stubborn in the most muted way; silence. You weren't one to make large outbursts, or outwardly resist, but even so, passive stubbornness. It was something Bruce was fond of; how resilient you were.
You look away from his gaze, not meeting his eyes. His eyes, always so intense, always so much behind those icy blue scaleras.
“Is it-“ You start, the chemical imbalance in your brain making you honest right now.
You realize suddenly that this is the first real conversation you’ve had in months. There was no keeping up the act here. No holding your tongue or dancing with your words, no overthinking about what response would make you the perfect sibling, the perfect child. No catering, no push and pull of deciding how much of you you want to put into your words.
This was honest. The most honest you’ve been since you were kidnapped.
Bruce tilts his head slightly, patiently waiting for you to continue. He could sense a breakthrough, and he always did know when it was better to hold his tongue.
“…Is it worth it?” You say, eyes filled with so much emotion simmering just under the surface.
Bruce has a good idea as to what you’re asking. He knows you. Knows the way you think, the way you come to conclusions, your speech patterns, he knows you well.
(And yet it’s not nearly as much as he wants to. He wants to know more, to know everything, he wants for you to share such details about yourself willingly. He wants you to come to him after a rough day and listen to you rant. He wants to hear you laugh as you discover a new interest. He wants-)
He strokes your hair gently, voice impossibly soft.
“It’s worth it.”
He answers your asked, unasked questions without a moment's hesitation.
‘Is it worth it to do all this? To keep me here against my will? To have me locked away like some canary in a gilded cage?’
“If it means you are safe and happy.”
“Is this really happiness?”
“It can be if you let it.”
“Don’t you like it here? You have a loving family, a nice house, you never have to worry about food or safety ever again.”
He cups your face with both his hands now, making you meet his gaze. Always intense. Too intense. You can’t handle the weight of his love for you.
Flicking your eyes to the wall you mumble, “There’s a saying. If you love something, let it go.” It’s weak, half hearted, you aren’t even sure you really mean it. (You aren’t even sure if you want to be let go anymore… you can’t imagine returning to a life before all this.)
(And Bruce knows this.)
You look back at him, meeting his eyes because you- you just- you know it’s stupid to ask but you can’t stop yourself-
You don’t need to explain any further. Bruce always seems to know what you’re asking.
‘Why me? Why do any of this? Why go through all the trouble just to keep some random kid?’
“Because I love you.”
He says it so easily. So simply, so calmly, as if it is undeniable fact, so once more you ask with more feeling this time,
You can’t stop yourself from leaning into his hold as he gently presses a kiss to your forehead. It’s childish, it’s stupid, it’s dumb, it’s humiliating-
He wipes away new forming tears, still cupping your face, “Because you’re precious.”
You choke out, “You don’t even know me.”
“So then, let me know you.”
Weakly, you shake your head, his hands fall from your face as you choke out, “I- I don’t- i can’t.”
“Hey, look at me sweetheart.”
You do, looking up at him and seeing only the love of a father. You don’t know how to handle such a sight. It’s foreign and it burns and yet, you are drawn in like a moth to a flame.
“We already love you kid. Nothing could change that.”
“You love the idea of me.” You counter, shuffling to prop yourself up a bit because laying down for this just seems too- too vulnerable.
He sighs, “If you think that then we seriously should have had this talk sooner.” He mentally tsk’s, he knows he’s been putting it off for so long because well- you’ve been good. And the family was happy and you were adjusting better than anyone expected you to.
It seems his negligence has resulting in this problem growing however.
He says your name, folds his hands and looks at you calmly, “-If the family wanted another child, then we would have gone to an orphanage.”
You swallow, he continues, “But, we didn’t want just any old person. We wanted you.”
You try to deny his words, no one’s ever wanted that before, and yet you can’t. Because it’s the only thing that even begins to make sense in your head. The only logical reason any of this would have happened.
You can’t deny it.
They love you.
They’re insane, they kidnapped you and yet- yet they- it doesn’t-
“-make sense.” You whisper, even though it’s the only thing that makes any semblance of sense.
“I know, you’re confused and not used to this and scared, but you’re the only thing holding yourself back. If you just let yourself believe we’re a family, you’ll feel so much better. This mindset is only hurting you sweetheart, you need to let it go.”
You look at him, eyes wet and so vulnerable as you whisper in a small voice, “I don’t know how to.”
And he pulls you close now, into a hug, it’s a bit of an awkward angle because he’s on a chair next to the bed and you’re on the bed, but you barely even notice with the way he’s pressing you to his chest. He’s warm as he wraps his arms around you and gently strokes your hair, consisting, comforting.
“We’ll be there every step of the way, start small.”
You shudder. The weight in the back of your mind is back in full force. He's asking you to give up your last bit of resistance. Your last act defiance. He’s asking you to give yourself up voluntarily. To fully endorse the idea that they are your family.
The worst part is, you don’t find yourself all that horrified with the idea.
If anything, you’re more scared that you’ll mess up somehow and piss them off with the real you and end up locked in a basement or something.
You don’t- you don’t know how to have a family. How to have siblings, a father- you don’t know how to interact or what to say and what to do- what if you fuck it up? what if you aren’t acting enough like a family and-
“-breathe with me kid. Com’on, in for 5.” He’s stroking your hair still, talking with you as he counts. You find yourself unconsciously following the deep rumble of his words.
“That’s it… hold for 4. One, two-“ It’s actually really nice to listen to him. Pressed so close like this you can hear the purr and rumble of his words in his chest. You can feel his chest expand with his own steadying breaths.
“Exhale for 6. One, two, three-“ You repeat his number sequence until you find your breathing is back to normal. Not that you had noticed how frantic it got to begin with.
Bruce hums, you feel the vibrations. You can hear his heartbeat like this. It’s nice, being held in his arms. “Good job kid, better?” His voice is a smooth rumble.
You nod weakly against him.
The two of you stay like that for a bit, him holding you as you listen to each other's heartbeats. You ground yourself with his and find your eyes drooping once more with sleep.
You make a noise; a hum of sorts and he sends you his own in return, soft, questioning.
“I-“ You clamp your mouth shut, thinking about what you’re about to say, thinking about if this is what you really want.
In the end you settle on this being the best choice, “I’ll try.” You swallow, mouth suddenly feeling dry, Bruce doesn’t give you any time to regret it though. He presses his face to your hair, affectionate.
“I’ll make the transition as comfortable as possible.” He promises against your hair, not being able to hide the smile in his voice.
You swallow again, starting up with slight nerves clear in your voice, “B-but i told you i’m not exactly very likable s-so don't regret it when i start speaking my mind and-“
That gets a laugh out of him, an amused kid huff, “You can’t possibly be any worse than Jason or Damein.”
You give a weak smile, “I dunno old man, think I could give ‘em a run for their money in bluntless.”
Bruce is smiling, you see it when he pulls away and looks down at you with such adoration. “We’ll have to see then.”
He’s happy, more than happy at finally hearing you be you. As much as he wants to keep you in his arms and listen to you for the rest of eternity however, that was a rather exhausting conversation. You look more than ready for some rest.
Gently, (always so gentle with you, as if you were somthing to be treasured), he laid you back down on the bed.
You let yourself be tucked in. You let him press a kiss to the top of your head. You let him turn off the lights.
“Um hey B- D-Dad?”
Bruce notices the slip up, but he lets it go. You’ve just made a lot of progress, and you’re clearly trying.
“Do you uh- can i call you something else? Dad just feels really weird and kinda artificial at times so I was thinking maybe something more natural like maybe Pops? Or something like that i don’t know i just-“
“Of course you can.” He cuts off your nervous ramble easily, “You can call me whatever feels most natural, kid.”
You suck in a breath, soothed by his clam tone.
“O-okay. Cool… cool cool cool. Uh well then, could you maybe- maybe er- read to me? If that’s- if that’s alright..?”
Bruce was so proud of you. So much progress was made not too long ago and you were already trying to push yourself out of your comfort zone. You were trying so hard, bless you, you precious darling child.
He turned on the bedside lamp and took his seat on the chair once more, picking up the abandoned book.
Truth be told, Bruce was a busy man and he should be leaving because he has patrol in an hour, but he’ll be damned if he can’t carve out time for you. Especially when you asked to see him today.
(Especially when you were finally willing to view him as a father.)
“Would you like me to continue this one or do you want a different book?”
You jerkily nod, “That one’s fine.”
So, he begins to read once more, his voice a calming drawl that washes over you. Your eyelids grow heavier and heavier, and soon you are yawning and drifting off.
Once Bruce is sure you’re asleep he closes the book. With such a soft gaze he gently brushes the hair out of your face, smiling to himself. Then he gets up and turns the light off, walking out of your room and letting the door close with a soft click.
He isn’t surprised to find all of his boys camping out at the door.
He sighs, looking over the lot of them. From the looks of it they’ve been camping out here all day, or have been continuously coming back.
The only one who even has the decency to act sheepish that he’d been caught is Dick, and even then, he barely looks sorry.
Bruce shakes his head fondly at his boys, ushering them all out of the hallway to your room to let you sleep in peace
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igotanidea · 7 months
Nutcracker: Dick Grayson x reader
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christmas bingo day 5: nutcracker
“You know when you said nutcracker this is definitely not what I was expecting….” Y/N muttered looking at Dick, who, grinning like a madman was standing in the middle of the Wayne manor kitchen, dressed in an apron and holding – well, the literal nutcracker.  As in – a kitchen tool.
“Should have known better.” He smiled even wider, causing Y/N to start worrying about his mental health.
“Yeah, I guess I should have known better.” She muttered rubbing her forehead.
“Cas is the fan of ballet, me – not so much” Dick shrugged “besides, if I wanted to spend a few hours with you in a dark room then-“
“Shut up!” she rushed towards him putting a hand on his mouth to stop his babbling “there are kids in this house!”
“Tim is hardly a kid, and Damian-“
“Damian catches up way too fast for a boy his age. And I’m pretty sure you want to avoid the awkward older brother talk with him?”
“Oh sunshine, believe me I’m more than ready for an awkward older brother conversation.” He grabbed her waist and pecked her cheek and before she realised what was happening, she had another white apron tied around her waist.
“Dare I ask-?” she sighed, bracing herself for any crazy idea that might be forming in her boyfriend’s mind
“walnuts. gingerbread.”
“gingerbread?” she repeated, frowning in confusion before it finally hit her “oh no! no! damn it! No way in hell!” instinctively she moved towards the kitchen door, before Dick grabbed her from behind and prevented from escaping his arms.
“It’s a couple bonding exercise!”
“It’s a couple killing practise! Remember what happened last year?! “
“It’s not like I burnt those cookies on purpose! You were extremely distracting with that pout on your face.”
“Can’t remember signing up for a cooking experience with Dick Grayson!!”
“You know that’s actually a nice idea. Maybe I should start my own TV show…”
““you wouldn’t even be able to run a youtube channel-“
“maybe I could juggle oranges while doing a somersault?”
“Oh my god…”
“come on, I am an acrobat, after all.”
“Not the word I would use in this context-“ she rolled her eyes “I’m not baking with you! When Alfred finds out I let you in the kitchen despite my better judgement I’ll -“
“I’ll protect you from Alfred’s wrath” Dick laughed not letting her go. “you’re safe with me baby.”
“He will ban us from the kitchen forever! It’s the only person left in this household that believes I’m sane despite going out with you!”
“Which you are obviously not.” Dick laughed spinning her in his arms and looking at her with the puppy eyes. The expression he worked to perfection during the years. “come on, please… pleeeeaaaassssseeeeeee…….”
“Stop it Grayson! I’m serious… stop it” please stop it, before I give in to your five-year-old antics.     
“Pretty please. Come on, Y/N…. Just say yes.. .It’s gonna be fun I promise…”
 “It’s really not too late to buy the ballet tickets Dick…” she muttered, feeling her resistance breaking despite knowing well enough how the baking experience with Dick Grayson will end.
“That’s for another occasion.”
Two hours later, as predicted, kitchen looked like batterfield. Nut shells splattered everywhere, including Y/N’s hair, flour on her clothes that happened to not be covered by the apron and a sticky smudge of spice on her forehead made her similar to a gingerbread man (woman). While she was huffing and puffing making the dough, shaping cookies and decorating them, Dick just sit on the counter watching her with a loving eyes, making a mess and not helping at all. He didn’t even bother to open the over for her, at least not until she almost burned herself trying to balance the quite heavy baking tray in one hand. It was a miracle she survived this.
“couple bonding exercise, my ass.” She hissed, brushing her hair away with a wrist, fairly annoyed that she had to do  all the work.
“I definitely feel bound to you.” He smiled at her, jumping off the counter.
“you didn’t even move a finger-“ before she could finish he cut off her off with the kiss.
“can’t you be original, once?” she scoffed pulling back “cutting off with a kiss is just so predictable, man-like gesture.”
“Can’t blame me. You taste the sweetest.” Dick only laughed in response, wiping off the streak of honey which she was stained with in the corner of her mouth. “Better than the cookies.”
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marinafanning · 25 days
batfam incorrect quotes (from perchance)
*talking on the phone*  jason: Remember how I said that cass and I were gonna have a calm night out for once?  silena: Yeah…  jason: Well, we’re in jail.  silena: *hangs up*
damien: dick, you risked your life to save me!  dick: And I’d do it again! And perhaps a third time! But that would be it.
tim: Yeah I'm LGBT.  tim: cuLt leader.  tim: God hates me personally.  tim: cowBoy hat.  tim: *sniffles* Trying my best.
cass: I like to play this game called nap roulette. I take a nap and don’t set an alarm. Will it be 20 min or 4 hours? Nobody knows. It’s risky and I like it.
steph, about cass: Can I tell them they look nice?  dick: Sure.  steph: Can I tell them I respect them?  dick: Maybe, if they ask.  steph: Should I show them an oil painting I made of us surrounded by our three cats and four dogs?  dick: …  dick: I’d save that for later.
tim: So what’s the plan?  jason: I don’t know. You’re smart, *points at cass* they’re mean, come up with something.
*at 3am*  cass: *runs into silena’s room and turns on the light* Wake up sleepyhead!  silena: *wakes up* Dude!  cass: *cackles*  bruce: *sits up from where they were sleeping behind silena* What the fuck, cass?  cass: *jaw drops* Wait WHAT-
silena: So, kate is no longer allowed to take the trash out at night.  babs: Why?  silena: Because I've caught them trying to train raccoons to fight five times in a row.  kate, arms crossed and pouting: You'll be thanking me when the third raccoon battalion saves your ass.
kate: Never gonna make you cry!  dick: Never gonna say goodbye!  kate: Never gonna tell a lie—  damien: I will hurt you.
steph, driving and singing to the Little Einsteins theme song: We’re going on a trip-  harper: In our favorite piece of shit!  babs: Doing 95!  tim: We’re gonna fucking die!
harper: I have an idea.  kate: A good idea?  harper: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
harper: babs, how do you feel about lifting heavy things?  babs: My doctor just said I should avoid—  harper: Being a wuss? I agree.
jason: Where is everyone?  damien: silena had a nervous collapse, alfred is looking after them, kate is trying to kill steph, so I’m in charge.  jason: Oh my god!  damien: I know, right?
babs: If you ever feel stupid or weak or powerless, just remember that I am not. I am out there, very dangerous, and I am looking for you. Good luck.
bruce: babs won’t wake up, what do I do?  steph: Did you try kicking them?  bruce: Yes.  steph: I’m out of ideas.
bruce: I feel like everyone on this island is suspicious, babs. Except you!  babs: But bruce, I think you're suspicious!  bruce: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
*when the Squad drops food*  alfred: Eh, oh well.  cass: FIVE-SECOND RULE!  harper: FUCK!  kate: *just gets more food*  tim: *drops to their knees and mourns the food*  jason: *eats the food off the ground*
tim: dick, please calm down.  dick: I asked for two large fries!  dick: *dumps fries onto table*  dick: But all they did was give me a MILLION FUCKING LITTLE ONES!
tim: I'm not superstitious... But I am a little stitious.
harper: Thanks for not telling bruce what happened.  dick, dumbfounded: I wouldn’t even know where to begin trying to explain this.
cass: How do I make a date really romantic?  silena: Be mysterious.  cass: Okay!  *later, while on a date with steph*  steph: So where are we going?  cass: None of your fucking business.
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peachinthenight · 1 year
Black On Black
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Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader
Rated: M
Read on AO3
Summary: You've always had a bit of a thing for men in makeup, especially that black eye makeup Bruce wears under his cowl, and you won't pass up an opportunity to help him get ready for patrol.
Any sane person would run and hide as soon as night fell over Gotham. But your boyfriend? He was putting on a bat-themed crime-fighting suit to go beat people up. He’s insane. You like that.
He was in his lair, preparing for a night out. Alfred was on the supercomputer, examining some security footage from the night before.
“Bruce is in his corner,” Alfred told you wryly, his eyes glued to the monitor.
“Thanks,” you said in response as you went into Bruce’s corner. It was a little alcove that Bruce used to get ready in. Behind one of the train cars, you found Bruce, in front of a table. He was wearing the suit, sans his cowl and gloves. The table had all sorts of gadgets, half of which you didn’t even know what they did. You also noticed that he hadn’t put his makeup on yet. Perfect. It’s all coming together.
Bruce spared you a glance as you approached him.
“Can I help?” You said, your voice quiet. “I want to help put your makeup on,” you clarified as you got closer to him.
“You… want to what?” He said, his brow furrowing. As if that was the most outlandish thing you had ever asked him.
“I want to put your makeup on,” you said. “Do you not want me to?”
Bruce didn’t seem to really register the request— he had shock on his face as if you just asked to marry him. His lips press together in a thin line before he finally gives a small nod. You smile widely.
You bounced over to him in excitement. It really was all coming together. Your master plan.
Bruce looked you up and down, only just now noticing you were wearing one of his shirts.
“Do you do it in a special order?” You ask, sitting on the table he was next to, pulling the small makeup bag into your hands. You unzipped it and looked at the contents. A black, jumbo eyeliner pencil. A MAC Paint Pot in black. Wow, they still made paint pots? Also various eye shadow singles. All in black, of course. And he had a few makeup brushes, too.
"Umm... No, you don't have to. First— Let's start with the eyeliner." He murmured, reaching into the bag and pulling out the eyeliner pencil. You took it from his calloused fingers.
“You’re just gonna let me do whatever I want?” You ask, with an almost devilish smile on your face. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him close. His hands plant themselves down on the table, on either side of your thighs.
He hissed out your name.
“Really?” He said quietly but sternly. “Now?”
He tried to sound irritated but his cheeks were soft, cute pink.
"What? You really think I didn't have any ulterior motives?"
"Well..." He trails off, flushing a little darker, "I sort of suspected, but I didn't think you'd be so... uh, blatant.”
“I’m starting now,” you said pointedly, taking the cap off of the eyeliner pencil.
Before you started, you couldn’t help but take one good look at his features. Bruce’s lips are on the thinner side, and well-formed with a perfect cupid’s bow. His cheekbones are impressive, and he has a straight nose and sharp jaw. His most striking feature, though, is his eyes. Bruce has a deep blue-grey color, framed by his thick, black eyelashes, with dark circles around them from the lack of sleep. He looks intimidating. And hot.
You began by very delicately lining his waterline and lashline with the black. He didn’t even flinch or blink as you did so. You found this to be one of the more uncomfortable steps of makeup, and you were impressed that he took it so well. That’s not to say it wasn’t uncomfortable for him, he could feel the eyeliner tickling his eyelashes, but it was a small price to pay to be so close to you, and to see your cute, impish smiles directed at him.
"Okay, so you're really gonna let me do this however I want?" You asked, just making sure.
"Uh— I suppose so," he responded, sounding unsure of it himself.
“Close,” you told him, and he closed his eyes for you.
You take the MAC Paint Pot and dip into it with a brush. The creamy eyeliner glides on effortlessly. You spread it across his eyelids, and down under his eyes. You notice that Bruce is squirming.
“The uncomfortable part is already over,” you murmured, “why are you so squirmy?”
He let out a breath and his eyes fluttered open. "Well," Bruce begins, seemingly breathless, "It's, uh... You're... touching me."
He was nestled between your thighs, your legs hooked around his waist, keeping him close. As he spoke, his warm breath fanned over your face. His breath smelt like peppermints.
You and Bruce have been dating for a year and a half now, but he was still uncomfortable with non-sexual intimacy.
“Do you want me to stop?” You offered, your legs unwrapping from his waist, allowing him to move away, if he so wished.
He took in a deep breath and shook his head. "No... I'm okay,” he said, shifting his weight. He leaned in closer.
“Just— when you hold me with your legs like that, it’s… hot,” he breathed out.
You picked up a matte black eyeshadow single, and a dry brush. “Are we talking temperature or seductive?” You ask, knowing his answer already.
He hesitates for a moment. "Just..." He trails off, giving in to you, "the second one."
Bruce just made it way too easy to tease him. But he was already a bit uncomfortable, so you held off your teasing remarks. Instead, you leaned forward and pressed your lips to his in a sweet and chaste kiss.
“Close your eyes,” you instructed again. You began to pat on the black eyeshadow atop the eyeliner. Bruce’s hand moved from the table to your left hand, which held the eyeshadow in it. With his eyes still closed, he moved the eyeshadow single out of your hand, so he could lace his fingers with yours. His cheeks were noticeably pink. His eyes open again, as you brush the black eyeshadow underneath his eyes, using soft and gentle motions.
You were done.
Well. It didn’t take long to smear black all over the eyes. He looked like a raccoon. But like, a sexy and intimidating raccoon. His eyes were still shut, and you spotted a bottle of setting spray. He really did go all out, huh? You sprayed a mist of setting spray over his face, and you used your hand to fan him, trying to get it to dry faster.
“All done,” you said softly.
"Alright... Let's see..." He turned his head to look at a mirror nearby, and he took a glance at himself. You did a good job, turning the area around his eyes into little black voids.
“Did I do good?” You asked, looking at his face as he looked into the mirror. “I may have gone a tad zealous, but I wanted to make sure I got the whole area.”
"You did pretty well," he admitted, "Maybe a little too well..”
“If I did such a good job, I should help you out more often,” and you’d never say no to an excuse to spending time with Bruce, and being physically close to him.
Bruce raised an eyebrow at you. “You don’t hate it?”
You couldn’t suppress an eye roll. “What do you mean? I’ll do anything to be close to you.”
"Really?" he asks, looking deep into your eyes, "Anything?"
“You’re going to make me regret saying that, aren’t you?” You said wryly.
“I don’t know,” he said, leaning closer until his nose was nearly touching yours. "You want me to?" he asks, his breath fanning your skin.
His voice was low and seductive, it caused your heart to quicken, and your body to feel as if it was burning.
“You’re teasing me,” you breathed out. Bruce didn’t tease often. Not like this. He must really be in a good mood, you mused.
"Maybe I am..." he admits, the smile not leaving his lips as he spoke. His peppermint-scented breath kept hitting your face, keeping you hot. His eyes were locked with yours, and his smile was smug. He seemed slightly proud of his teasing, but your reaction was definitely encouraging.
Bruce wasn’t like this often, so you reveled in the attention; in his teasing. Your body felt hot in the best possible way. He was causing your heart to beat so hard in your chest that you swore he could feel it through his armor plates.
“You getting tight in that suit, Bruce?” You asked, your voice hitching. “Or am I the only one getting hot under the collar.”
Bruce chuckled a low rumble from his chest. “Just a little,” he said, his cheeks still a soft pink. “You make it too easy, you know,” he murmured. Words you once told him, when he complained of your incessant teasing. You bit down on your lower lip and stared into his eyes. His beautiful, beautiful eyes.
“If Alfred wasn’t here,” you said, your voice quiet. “I’d have you out of that suit already.”
Bruce finally closed the distance, leaning forward just an inch so your lips met his. You attempt to deepen the kiss, but Bruce pulls away, causing a low whine to escape from your lips.
“Alfred,” he reminded.
“He’s not paying attention,” you whisper.
“Alfred always pays attention,” he responded quietly.
You huff, but relent.
“Bruce,” Alfred’s voice called out, causing the Bats within the abandoned subway station to screech and scatter. “The signal is up,” Alfred stated.
Bruce let out a sigh, being pulled from their own little world back into their grim reality was like a bucket of cold water being thrown on your head. He gave you an apologetic look. Your kiss had given him an emotional high, but Alfred had pulled him back to earth.
“Right,” Bruce breathed out. He gave you another kiss; tender and loving. He smiled at you, but it looked pained. He quickly slipped on his gauntlets, still not really moving away from you.
“Don’t— don’t forget that you have someone waiting at home for you, alright?”
Please don’t do anything stupid. Don’t take any unnecessary risks. Please come home to me.
“I won’t.” He assured you with a gentle kiss on the forehead.
Bruce grabbed his cowl and put it on. It was time for Batman to answer his signal.
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Ghost!Robin Part 10
Here's another WIP Wednesday! Hope you enjoy.
Story Summary: Danny was invited to dinner at Wayne Manor to meet Jazz's boyfriend and his family for the first time. He worked hard to make sure no ghost business would interrupt the evening. But when he arrived, all he could focus on was the ghost of the dead Robin that seemed to haunt Jason. Looks like he was breaking his promise.
First, Previous
Word Count: 1.4k
Alfred let out a put-upon sigh. “You, and you alone”—he gave a look to everyone at the table—“may ask Mr. Danny a single question. All other questions must wait until Mr. Danny has finished his dessert and informs you he is willing to answer more of them.”
“What the fuck does Jazz mean when she says ‘spoilers’?”
Danny sighed and leaned his chair back as he looked up to the ceiling. “Yeah, okay. That’s fair. You deserve an answer to that, dead boyfriend number two.”
“Stop calling me that!”
“I’m finally not the only dead one in the family. Sorry, but I’m gonna revel in that a bit longer.” Danny grinned at him and set his chair back on the ground. “So, spoilers. Well. My grandpa is kinda the Ghost of Time. Responsible for maintaining the time stream to bring about the future that has the best outcome for the most amount of beings. We met a few years back when he was ordered to kill me but became my mentor instead. Since he’s the ghost of time, he sees all futures and doesn’t really exist in the present. Sometimes he refers to things that haven’t happened yet as if they have or brings up events from centuries or millenia ago as if they happened yesterday. Bit headache inducing if I’m honest, but I’ve gotten used to it. Jazz doesn’t like it when I share details about what Gramps has let slip about her future.”
“No I do not. I’d rather live my life as if I have some degree of free will!”
The silence from the Waynes was only disrupted by the increased typing from Tim and Barbara.
“You know what,” said Jason after a beat, “I don’t even know why I’m surprised. Jazz, your brother’s life is insane and I say that as a zombie from a family of vigilantes.”
Danny shook his head and swallowed a bite of ice cream. “You aren’t a zombie. Zombies don’t retain any memories of their lives and they can’t think. Not sure what you are, to be honest. You’re ghostly in some way as evidenced by Robin and his ability to use and eat ectoplasm. Which you also recognized, if by a different name. Though, I will reiterate, ectoplasm shouldn’t bubble or collect in pits in the living realms.”
Jason stared at him for a moment before stabbing his spoon into his own pie. He muttered something under his breath and projected, restraint, hold it in.
Danny sighed. He really shouldn’t drag this out any longer. His remaining desert was gone in a few bites.
“Fine. I’m done. How do we want to do this?”
Jazz cleared her throat, “If I may, I have a suggestion.”
Bruce nodded and gestured for her to continue.
“Look, if we take the time to answer every single question about the Infinite Realms and ghost culture, history, biology, and psychology, we will be here for years. Now, Danny’s partner Tucker is our tech guy. We can have him send over a document tomorrow with much of the information we think would be necessary for you to have. You can review it on your own time line and verify it with Justice League Dark or whomever. And you can formulate a list of questions you need further clarification on. Sound fair?”
Jazz was the best. Danny sent her a wave of love you, thanks, you’re amazing and she squeezed his knee under the table.
Bruce hummed. “And what do you wish to talk of tonight?”
Jazz leaned back slightly and looked at Danny. “Danny? I think this is all you.”
Danny nodded. To the table he said, “Over half of you are in danger from the Guys in White. I suppose I should start with showing you how.” The ecto-trackers he had pulled out earlier still sat ignored on the table. He grabbed his own version and took a position kneeling between Bruce and Barbara. Tim got up to stand behind him. Everyone else also got to their feet and started moving closer.
Danny clicked his tongue. “The screen is too small for all of you to see. Jason, stay seated over there. It’ll be easier to show what’s going on with you if you and Robin aren’t right next to each other. Damian and Cass, you are the next most affected so come over. Everyone else, I’ll show you the exact same things just after.”
Cass gave him a single nod and slid out of her seat. Damian didn’t say anything, but pushed his chair out and stalked over. He stood as far from Tim as he could while still being able to look over Danny’s head at the small screen. Cass took her place between the two.
Whatever, their family drama was not his problem. He turned on the machine. “So this device tracks ectoplasm. My design is the most sophisticated on Earth. Green is free ectoplasm—ectoplasm that isn’t part of a ghost or sentient being. Purple indicates a liminal human. Blue is an unknown ghost. Red is a known, unfriendly ghost. Yellow is a known, friendly ghost. Orange is a halfa like me. The intensity of the color indicates the strength of the being.”
“What is a liminal human?” asked Bruce. “You’ve mentioned them before.”
“I didn’t go over that?” asked Danny as colored shapes began to appear on the screen. A bright orange blob appeared in the middle, himself. He was surrounded by three purple blobs, Cass and Damian were the brightest, Steph the dimmest at the other end of the table. But what really drew his eye was Robin. He was mostly blue, but a wave of blue-organge-purple connected him to Jason who was mostly purple. Both of their main beings had some of all three colors mixed in. Danny had never seen anything like it.
But he couldn’t focus on the strange display right now. Saving the image, he decided to ask Jason later if he could show Frostbite and Tucker to get their insight. “Liminals are humans who have been exposed to ectoplasm in some way. Either through death or long-term, low-level exposure. Overtime, it makes you death-touched and that changes a person. Everyone is different. Jazz has a degree of super strength, a ghostly obsession, and true empathy. Tucker has some technopathy; Sam a green thumb like you wouldn’t believe.” Though, this was Gotham, home to Poison Ivy. “Or, well, maybe you would, living in Gotham.” Danny pointed to the purple blob that represented Bruce. “This indicates you have quite a high level of liminality. Jazz”—he pointed to where she was, her color clearly brighter than any of the Waynes—“is currently the third most liminal person I know of on Earth.” He then pointed to Stephanie, a much dimmer purple haze. “And Steph is only lightly touched.”
Bruce hummed. “So this Ghost Investigation Ward will use a device like this to track any of us who have any sort of ectoplasm in us.”
“Yeah. Only theirs isn’t nearly as good.” Danny looked to his sister. “Jazz, mind passing the GIW device down?”
“Of course.” The GIW ectoplasmic radiation sensor had their signature sleek, white design. It was passed down the line from Jazz until Bruce was able to hand it to Danny.
“Thanks.” Danny took it and turned it on. “So the GIW design looks good, but can’t differentiate between different types of ectoplasm. As of now, they aren’t even aware of liminals.”
This device, when it turned on, showed a black screen with a white bar that went up and down at a steady pace. A loading bar was visible on the bottom labeled “Scanning.”
“As you can see, theirs takes a lot longer to get readings.” It finished loading. “Here we go.” Danny was a large green shape labeled “Phantom.”
Robin was also a green shape, though he was distorted with a tail leading towards Jason. He had no label. The others, excluding Stephanie who wasn’t displayed at all, showed up as a green haze.
“Thanks to my parents, they have good readings on me which is why my name shows up. They aren’t usually too focused on identifying ghosts, though, which is why Jason-Robin doesn’t have a label. I’m a special case. The rest of you are safe from a distance, but that haze means they’d take you in for questioning at the very least.”
“Hn. What is the range on these devices?” asked Bruce.
Danny shrugged. “My stuff? From anywhere. I track through the Infinite Realms, not by Earth. GIW? Jason-Robin, they’ll be able to detect something from probably ten miles out of city limits, but they’d need to be within half a mile to get an accurate location. The Fentons? Mile or so. They get an exact location or nothing.”
I don't really think I have much to say about this segment. The info dump has started! Thank you Jazz for keeping people on track. Alfred will help her if he feels people start pushing too much.
Tag List Part 1
@addie-lover-of-stories, @justwannabecat, @gin2212, @amercurio, @regonold, @overtherose, @readerzj, @sjrose1216, @echoednonny, @deeterzz, @blu-lilac, @number-one-jew, @rowanaway-fromthisbs, @vythika96, @tired-yet-awaken, @themirrorghost, @emeraldcorpral, @all-mights-asscheeks, @darkhinauniverse, @blep-23, @phandomhyperfixationblog, @larkcoe1, @thegatorsgoose, @job-ross-the-second, @britcision, @lenacraft, @bubblemixer, @androgynouslordofescapism, @purefrickingspite, @leftmiraclechaos, @lizisipancardo, @starlight-sparks, @miraculousandmore, @gildedphoenix, @sometimesthingsfallapart, @letmesayfuxk, @phoenixcatch7, @skulld3mort-1fan, @abaowo, @dhampir-princess, @idkmrpianoman, @sarina-elais, @ballzfrog-blog, @undead-essence, @spookytragedyshark, @flyingpansaurus, @akintoabitch, @marivictal, @8-29pm, @justreadingthefanfics, @happybear135, @kisatamao, @spoopyspoony, @adorablechaos, @sara0055, @screamingtofillthevoid
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Not Your Classic Vigilante [Ch. 12]
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Alternate Dimension AU TW: Language, Light Alcohol, Attempted Kidnapping, CW: OC Use, See the OC Guide [Here] Genre: Drama, Action, Angst, Light Comedy Pairing: Batfamily & Batsis!Reader, OC x Reader YN Pronouns: Female (She/Her) Word Count: 9.9K
(12/?) [First] | [Previous] | [Next] [DC Masterlist] | [Not Your Classic Vigilante Masterlist]
Notes: Not my inner Jason Todd fan coming out in this one lmfao
Disclaimer: This series is originally by @fandom-meanderer who is a close friend of mine, but she has since fallen out of her Tumblr days and asked me to finish a few series for her, hence why I am now in ownership of the Not Your Classic Vigilante series, I hope I can still live up to her writing as I rewrite this series! (I promise not to change too much, hehe)
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“(Y/N), this is Jason, he’ll be staying with us for a while.” Your father told you this one day. A boy stood behind him, and you could see the trouble behind his eyes. Or maybe it was more of the way he looked down on you, sure he was a head or two taller but that doesn’t mean he could act that way, or at least that’s what your mom always told you, don’t let people look down on you for being you. So, you matched his ego, as best as a child could at least.
“Isn’t this the boy who tried to steal your tires?” You asked him.
“Hey,” the boy snarked.
“Be nice,” your father said sternly. Your’s and Jason’s mouths zipped shut. Bruce looked between you both. “Jason, Alfred will show you to your room, (Y/N), behave.” His voice, although stern, had a warm familiarity to it, one that threw Jason for a loop. Then, Bruce marched off to his office to do whatever Wayne work he needed, leaving you and Jason behind.
“And who are you supposed to be?” You huffed with your arms crossed. Jason only stuck his tongue out toward you and walked over to follow Alfred up the stairs. You, now fuming, followed after him. “Hey! I asked you a question!” You demanded an answer.
“He’s the new Robin, Miss (Y/N),” Alfred explains.
“New one? What happened to Dick?”
“He’s spending more time with the Titans,” Alfred explains. “Now, your father expects you to get along with Master Todd, or to at least be civil with him,” Alfred implores.
“Father?!” Jason gasps.
“Get along?!” You two clearly had different priorities.
“Yes, now, go, Miss (Y/N), make sure Master Todd is comfortable,” Alfred says before walking off. “And, before you say anything, I will know if you ignore him,” he says and you pouted in response.
“Fine,” you grumbled while dragging the dufflebags in.
“I can do it myself,” Jason took them from your grasp and hauled them in.
“Alfred told me to help!”
“I don’t need help!”
“I don’t care! You haven’t seen Alfred when you don’t listen!” You grabbed the other bag. “Geez, what’s in here? Rocks?”
“None of your business!” Jason pulls that one in too and pushes you out of his room, shutting the door once you are out, but it was timed wrong, and the door hit the back of your head harshly. Your eyes blacked out for a second, and your vision didn’t come back until you were on the floor.
“Ow!” You winced loudly and glared behind you, but the door remained closed. You looked down at the floor, tears pooling in your eyes. “You’re such a meanie, I’m gonna tell dad,” you sniffled before running off.
Though, if you had decided to look back just a bit longer, you would’ve seen that Jason opened the door as soon as he heard you shout, and was already a foot out the door to check if you were okay before you ran off.
“Geez, she’s such a spoiled baby,” Jason huffs. If you ran off like that, you’d be fine. He told himself this as he walked back into his room to unpack, and he told himself this as he kept unpacking, but the more he told himself the more worried he got. “Ugh, I hate it here already,” he walked out, wandering the halls of Wayne Manor. He didn’t even know where to start, though. He’d just arrived here today and now he’s on some goosechase to find his whatever’s daughter. “Hey, uh… (Y/N)? Where are you?” He calls absently. “You okay?” He listened closely, trying to see if he could hear you anywhere. He’s always wanted a little sister, but now that there was one in front of him he’s not too sure, he didn’t know they would be so… whiny. Then, luckily for him, he heard your voice in one of the rooms and he followed it before opening the door carefully and only a little. You were standing in front of a telephone, your back to the door and both hands holding it while you spoke to someone on the phone.
“Hello, I am calling from the Batcave, can you hand the phone to Nightwing please?” You rocked on your heels, standing atop a dangrous pile of books that wobbled every time you did so. “Hi, Dick, when are you coming home?” You asked quietly. Jason couldn’t hear the other end of the conversation. “He’s mean…” your voice was so fragile. “Dad and Alfred told me to be nice, but I don’t think he likes me.” You waited for a bit, probably listening to Dick. “I know we just met, but it wasn’t like this when we met… what do you mean it was exactly like this? Nuh uh! At least you were trying, I was the one being mean then but I know better now… well, yeah, I know not everyone can be like you! But… I miss you, come home soon, okay?” You waited for a bit again. “Okay. I’ll be nice to him, I promise. Bye bye,” you hung up the phone, leaning forward slightly to reach where you were supposed to but it back and, just as Jason thought, the books slipped under you, and he was running inside faster than he could think, catching you by the shoulders before you could fall forward and slam your head on the desk.
“Geez, (Y/N), you’re just asking to get hurt!” He shouts.
“Nuh uh!”
“Why did you think that was safe anyway?!” He places you on the ground and you zip your mouth shut.
“My older brother says that if I can’t say anything nice then I shouldn’t say anything at all,” you shook your head.
“Hello? I just saved your life!”
“You should’ve just let me fall so the front part of my brain gets smushed too!”
“You’re such a brat!”
“You’re a jerk!”
“I don’t even know what I was thinking coming here to check on you!”
“Me neither!”
“Fine, I’m leaving!”
“Fine!” Jason leaves first and you jump on the couch. A few seconds later, the door cracks open just slightly.
“How does the back of your head feel?” Jason asks without walking in.
“Alfred put ice on it earlier, it’s okay… I told him I fell down the stairs,” you said quietly and you heard Jason laugh outside, but quickly he stopped.
“Did you tell Bruce?”
“… no.” And you had no intention of actually telling him either.
“You’re welcome.”
“Alright, exam 2,” you clapped your hands together and looked among the crowd of students. “As you’ve all known, this is a mock hunt. Behind me is a controlled part of the woods and standing along the perimeter of the circle are various other knights to make sure you don’t get lost and bigger monsters don’t come in. To pass exam 2 and to enter the Knighthood, you must return with a specific beast, alive or dead is up to you. Right now, Marion is handing out tile cards with the beast you are to find,” as you instructed this, Damian took the circular card from Marion and flipped it over. Behind it looked to be a fox-like creature with antennae on it’s head and between its ears. “Does everyone have a card? Okay then, go!” You blew the whistle and the teens rushed past you and into the forest, all of them running for a head start on the competition, while Damian stayed behind. You looked at him in a way to ask what the hold up was.
“Just letting them have a chance first,” he says.
“Wow, so chilvalrous,” you chuckled.
“Alright, I think even Niers caught something by now,” he rolls his shoulders back and sports a confident smirk.
“Niers? Oh, baby brother’s making friends now, huh?”
“Friends might be pushing it but if I’m planning on staying here for a while I’d might as well get close to some people.”
“Right… huh?” Your smile falls and you turn to him, but he was already running off into the forest. Staying? Oh no. No, no, he can’t stay here, not when he has a life set up for him in Gotham already.
“Whoa, you look worried,” Carter walks up to you and hands you a water bottle.
“I think Damian wants to stay here with me,” you muttered.
“Is that so bad?”
“Yeah, very.”
“Why? You two seem really close, everyone’s talking about how quickly he ran through the first exam, and I’m pretty sure he’s about to ace this one too, he’ll be a good addition.”
“He’s a teenager, Carter.”
“So are all of them,” he nods toward the forest.
“He has a good thing going for him in 617.”
“So did you.”
“But… argh,” you groaned and dragged a hand down your face. “They’re looking for him right now, I bet. Our family.”
“And they won’t find him,” Carter shakes his head. “They don’t have the tech.”
“I know that, but… I don’t know, I just have this weird nagging feeling that there’s this big picture that we’re both missing, you know?” You bit the tip of your thumb, but eventually you shook it off. “Whatever, we’ll just wait for the recruits to come back,” you dismissed the notion, but Carter wasn’t too convinced. You could tell from the way he shifted his weight onto one leg and about the wary glance he gave you but, with multiple easrs listening, he knew not to say anything more.
Your feet rocked back and forth, peeking from behind the curtain to see who was in the crowd. You really didn’t expect much though, your dad was always busy at this time, your mom too, Dick was always preoccupied with the Titans nowadays, and even Alfred had a family event to go to.
Then again, there was Jason. But he wasn’t really interested in anything you did, he was more focused on whatever it was that Robins did, always sticking around by your dad, always training, and even when he wasn’t you didn’t want to bother him since it was so rare he’d get a day off anyway. Plus, he was probably patrolling tonight with your dad, so you didn’t even bother to ask him.
But, it would’ve been nice if even one of your family members showed up today. You felt a wave of stage fright wash over you when you looked at the piano, a small hobby you’d picked up when you heard your dad listening to a piano album in his office one day, and you were as enchanted by it as he was. When you expressed interest in it he was quick to find you a tutor so you could excel, and you were always grateful for that. If only he had the time to see the result, though. You couldn’t be upset, though.
It was kind of cool, having your dad be a superhero, that is, it just wasn’t cool that you couldn’t brag about it at all. And it was even cooler that your brothers were as fantastic as they were, you’d always watch with silent awe whenever they’d train and you’d always cry when one of them would come home hurt, and every time your dad promised you that they would return home alive. At your age, maybe, you just couldn’t fathom the idea of them not coming home at all.
“(Y/N) Wayne, Tchaikovsky’s Valse Sentimentale,” your tutor announces. You walked onto the stage carefully, ignoring the stares as you did so, but soon you had to turn to the audience, not because you had to, no, but because of the commotion you heard suddenly. The door opened quickly and someone rushed in, obviously disheveled and patting the stray hairs down while he smoothened out his suit.
“Sorry, sorry, excuse me,” Jason ducked his head and walked quickly down the aisle, he walks in front of a few people. And you felt your heart soar. He came, he came to see your recital, and as soon as he was situated, he waved at you and shot you a thumbs up, and you grinned at him, curtseying quickly before sitting at the piano bench. Your hands rested on top of the keys and you took a deep breath before starting the song.
Now that you thought about it, while your hands moved across the piano in a way that was impressive for your age, every time you practiced this song Jason was in the room with you. As soon as you’d enter he’d follow after you, say something to tease you and get your riled up, before disappearing for a moment, only to come back soon after with a book in his hands while you practiced. And every time he saw you focused on a piece he’d never say anything, he’d only ever chime up after he noticed you taking a break, and once you fell back into your practice he’d stop again. But he was there. And you never really thought about it until now, as he watched among this crowd of strangers. He’s probably heard this melody enough times to know how to play it himself, and still every quick look at him showed you that he was as impressed as the rest of the audience.
And when you finished the piece, his cheers were the loudest. As soon as you hit the last chord he was out of his seat cheering for you, and sure, it was embarrassing, his voice seemed to bounce off the stage, but it made your whole chest fill with warmth. You stood up from the bench and curtseyed again before walking backstage.
“(Y/N)! Over here!” Jason was quick to follow you and your tutor noticed the interaction.
“Oh! He’s my brother,” you pointed him out and the tutor nodded.
“Here, I gotcha something, kiddo,” Jason pulled out a pink rose and handed it to you. “I saw someone giving them out in front of the auditorium, so I figured I’d get one for you,” he says. Then he pulls out another one. “And this one’s from Dick, he couldn’t make it, but he told me to get one for him,” he says.
“Thanks, Jay,” you smiled. You looked behind him.
“Bruce isn’t here,” he says. “Something came up,” he quickly adds.
“That’s okay, I figured dad wasn’t going to come anyway,” you shrugged and held onto the two roses tightly. “Thank you for coming! You didn’t have to.”
“Yeah, yeah, of course, you didn’t even invite me,” he says sarcastically.
“I didn’t think you’d want to come,” you frowned. Jason hesitates and takes a deep breath before he rubs the top of your head with a playful roughness. “Hey! It took forever to do that!”
“Of course I want to come! You’re my little sister!” He says and you inhale sharply.
“I’m your what?” You asked him quietly. For a year now you’d been trying to get closer to him, for a year you’ve spent time with him whenever you could and whenever he didn’t chase you out of his room, just because you didn’t want him to feel alone in that big wide mansion. You didn’t want him to feel the same loneliness you felt. And just now, at this moment, you felt seen. You’d considered Jason a brother the day you met him, your father was never the kind to just bring anyone in, and being together this long only solidified that bond in your head, but never did you hear Jason acknowledge it until now.
“Aw, geez, don’t make me say it again,” Jason’s cheeks dust with a light pink and you smiled, a real one this time that even reached your eyes. Jason side eyed you and sighed. “I didn’t think I even needed to say it, you’re my sister,” he repeats. “And, I’m here to fulfill older brother duties, so why don’t we go grab ice cream?” A mischievous smirk rises on his face and you gave him a confident nod.
“Yes! Definitely!” You were almost too excited. You’d always seen your friends go out with their families after school and you always had that secret hope that one day you’d see your dad come out of the car instead of Alfred, and when Dick moved in you had hoped he’d be the same, and sure sometimes your mom picked you up but she was never the kind to take you around Gotham, nor was it even safe to do so, but now? After your recital? This is like a dream come true!
“Good, I know a place,” Jason pulls your coat out of his backpack and wraps it around your shoulders. “Just hold onto me, yeah? Just in case.”
“Yes!” You pushed your arms through the sleeves and followed close behind him out of the auditorium.
Maybe you did take Jason for granted sometimes, you weren’t really being fair to him sometimes. There would be days you’d compare him to Dick, but that wasn’t something you should have done. They were two different people, you knew that. Dick, he’s a good brother, but when it comes to being in a team and a leader he had to put the Titans first and you understood that even if you wished he chose you instead. Jason, now that you really thought of it, he always put you first. He came here today, and you knew that he didn’t have to. You could see his very poor attempts at hiding the bruises on his hands and arms while you held his hand to walk across the street, you saw the way his face winced when you first grabbed onto it. Even the suit he wore had mud caked on the bottom of the trousers that was messily wiped off.
After that day, Jason seemed to be the one to pick you up more often than Alfred. No matter how beat up he would get, or how busy patrol was, ice cream after school was a must.
So you all waited, each knight staring into the woods with bated breath. And as the hour passed with small talk and careful glances, it was only natural that everyone grew tense.
“The recruits should be running back by now,” you looked at your watch. Carter leans in toward you, checking the time as well.
“Yeah, just about,” he agrees.
“Damian should’ve been here by now,” you added quickly after. Sure, he was in new territory, but you knew him well enough to know that he would’ve adapted quickly so… where is he? “Actually, where is anyone?” You asked.
“It’s a little too quiet,” Carter looks into the woods. You pulled your phone out and Dailed Alex’s number, it took a while before it finally connected.
“(Y/N), we might have a problem.” And that was enough to get you to charge in.
“Cap! Wait! We can’t just interfere!” Carter called after you. He looked to the other knights behind him and rubbed his head harshly. “Henry! You’re in charge, if any of the recruits come back tell them to wait out here,” Carter ran after you as soon as Henry nodded.
“Tell me the situation, Alex!” You said.
“High level beast, knocked out a few of our guys already, I don’t know the full details yet but I’m en route too.”
“Have you seen Damian?!”
“No, I’ve been keeping an eye out for him too.”
“Dammit,” your eyes were scanning the area constantly. “Damn,” you skid to a stop just as a daemon charged past you and bang it quickly fell to the ground with a bullet wound shot through. Carter took this chance to catch up with you, handing you the rifle and urging you to keep running.
“That definitely shouldn’t have been here,” you watched the daemon struggle one last time before stilling completely. “Damian?!” There was no response. You knew he could handle himself, usually, but that anxiety you had for your siblings never went away. The way your heart would clench at the thought of either of them getting hurt, either of them getting abandoned, it terrified you. And the monsters here are so different from the ones in Gotham. At least in Gotham they talk, here they just kill. No rhyme, no reason, just horror.
And you just sent your brother out here to get one of them. Stupid. He barely knows how any of this world works.
Becoming an older sibling was something you never really thought about, it came naturally to you according to Tim and according to Dick you were perfect at it. But never did it stop that fear. Whatever fear you had for your older brothers, the way it increased ten-fold after what happened to Jason, and the way it grew when you saw the first Robin who was younger than you… how the hell did those two do it. At least you knew Tim and the others could handle themselves, but what about you?
You who could hardly defend yourself, you who would call them straight home just to help you with something as mundane as getting rid of a spider, for all you knew they could have been fighting some intergalactic monster and then there you were, at home and safe.
And now here you were, aiming your rifle at the daemon twice your size. Oh, how Dick would have a heart attack if he saw you now, and how Jason would cry. Even seeing the way Damian’s shock manifested was enough to make your heart heavy once again.
The sister they once knew was gone, and only you remained.
“Dad?” You walked into the bat cave, your hands automatically rubbed your arms up and down. Would it kill him to put a heater down here?
“What is it, (Y/N)?” He was at the bat computer, neither looking at you and just barely acknowledging you. You kicked at nothing in particular.
“Where’s Jason?” Your question cut through the silence of the cave. You were used to your brothers being gone for a good chunk of time, and usually they told you an approximate time of when they’d be back. And this was no exception, right before Jason had left he had told you he’d be back in a week tops, he even promised it. He promised because there was a book signing that you both wanted to go to, to be honest you hadn’t even heard of the author, you just wanted to do something with him, anything. He’s just been so busy, in and out with missions and always off doing something that you couldn’t follow him into. But it’s been a month now. Whenever the missions would run long you’d usually get a postcard or a call from them, but it’s been silent on his end. He wasn’t picking up his phone or answering your texts. Alfred only eyed you warily before turning to your father.
“You have to tell her eventually,” he says quietly. His voice, however, echoed around you. Your father stayed still. Was his breath actually shaking? 
“Tell me what?” You took a shaky step toward him. Your father, however, remained silent. 
“Master Bruce,” Alfred says again. “He’s her brother as much as he is your son,” he says. He stands up and removes his mask so you could see him completely. It was amazing, as soon as the mask came off, there was your father. He walked to you slowly and put a hand on your shoulder.
“I don’t…” his voice was choked up. “I don’t expect you to understand this yet, (Y/N),” he says.
“Where is my brother?” You asked him again. By now, you were fully aware of what your father and your siblings did at night. You always had an idea from what they’d tell you, and it was only recently that you heard the details. You had found out on accident, actually, when Jason tumbled in late one night into your room on accident. He miscounted the windows, his room was right next to yours, after all, and that night you happened to be up late watching a TV Show, so imagine your surprise when your brother landed beaten on your rug. You knew that what they did was dangerous. But you trusted your father enough to keep them safe until the end, he always did, he promised you he would. But his silence scared you.
“I think… Dick would’ve been better at telling you this,” he sighed and dragged a tired hand down his face until it covered his mouth. He looked to Alfred, who only shook his head. “Jason’s dead, (Y/N).” He was always so blunt, but something about what he said terrified you.
“Master Bruce, at least try to be more gentle with your words,” Alfred says. Bruce held his hand up to stop him.
“She deserves to know the truth,” Bruce says. “She was closer to him than I ever could be.”
“The relationship between siblings is far different than the relationship between father and son,” Alfred shakes his head.
“Did I hear you wrong?” You asked, your own voice was wavering. Bruce reached out to you again and his hands held onto your shoulders awkwardly, then his hands came down in front of him instead. It was a solemn sight, one you weren’t used to seeing on him.
“No, (Y/N), you heard me right. His body should be flying in by tomorrow,” he says. You shook your head again. Why did he sound like that? Why did he sound so… heartless?
“You promised.”
“I know I did!” His voice roared and you stepped further away from him. “(Y/N), I’m sorry.”
“No, no… it’s…” you stopped the words before they came out. It’s your fault. You wanted to tell him that so badly, but just by seeing the way he was now, you knew the truth, or at least you hoped you did. He wouldn’t have let Jason die, he wasn’t a monster. “I’m gonna go.”
“Where? It’s late, (Y/N).”
“It’s dangerous in that neighborhood at this time.”
“I don’t… I can’t be here right now, dad,” you shook your head and, before your father could say anything more, you turned around and left the cave.
“Miss (Y/N), please, stay tonight, you can go to your mother in the morning,” Alfred was the one to follow you, why wasn’t it your dad?
“I don’t want to be here right now,” you pulled your jacket from the coat rack.
“I know it’s hard, Miss (Y/N), but no one can protect you right now,” Alfred insists. No one? At all? Dick’s busy, you know that, and you know he doesn’t like coming home anymore, but your dad is sitting at the computer right now not doing anything as far as you know. “Miss (Y/N), Jason wouldn’t want you to act this way.”
“Well, he’s not here to tell me that anymore, is he?” You rubbed the tears out of your eyes before they had a chance to roll down your face.
“(Y/N),” Alfred calls to you again, more stern this time, and you pivoted on your heel.
“I don’t want to talk about it, okay?!” You burst. Alfred only sighs and hands you your scarf.
“At least stay safe on your way there, I’ll drive you to your mothers,” he says. “It’s dangerous for a young girl such as yourself to be walking alone in Gotham,” he implores. You looked at your hands. Pristine. Near perfect. And whenever you thought about Jason’s, whenever you would hold onto his hands when you were younger, you never thought about how rough they were compared to yours.
“Okay, Alfred,” you wrapped the scarf around your neck. You were young, but you were no stranger to death. It seemed to surround this family. Your father’s enemies, Dick’s parents, and now Jason. You hated to admit that death was as much a part of this family as you were. “Thanks, Alfred,” you followed him out. You didn’t want to think about it. Because no matter how bad things got, Jason always came home. And now you have to deal with the new reality that the last memory you had of him was his back, because you were too tired to wake up properly to say goodbye.
Goodbye. You didn’t even get to say goodbye. You wonder what his last thoughts were.
Damian, meanwhile, was occupied.
“Niers! Duck!” Damian shouts. As soon as Niers bows his head, Damian pulled the knife from his belt and flung it at the beast who towered over him. And the beast roared, louder than before, it shook the forest around it and it instilled fear into the all the recruits who had bound together. It’s eyes were crazed, bloodshot, and frantically searching the group for whatever. As soon as the larger monsters came out, all of the recruits were quick to regroup, something about strength in numbers. But that plan backfired because now an impenetrable fear shook the group, and it debilitated everyone except for the one who has seen much worse.
“Where are the Knights? They should be here by now!” Retta’s hands dug through her hair and Damian watched her carefully. Sometimes, he forgot that it wasn’t normal for him to be used to these situations. Whatever frustration he felt from this huge group not being able to find it in themselves to step up to action he tried to push down. The beast snarled, staring into Damian’s eyes and locking him into a face off.
Damian takes a deep breath, it wasn’t moving, it was almost like it was studying him the same way he studied it.
“Hugo, hand me your sword,” Damian says quietly. Hugo was still. “Hugo, give it to me.”
“It’s mine, I can’t,” Hugo says.
“Do you want to die?” He hisses. Hugo flinches and, with some hesitation, hands him the sword. Damian takes a step closer to the beast and it growls, causing him to flinch back for a moment before regaining his composure. Slowly, now, he approached the monster. Just moments ago it was on a rampage, striking fear into the recruits and even injuring a few in its rage, but now it was still, the commotion had died down, and the beast had been in a guarded stance since then.
And then it roared. It roared and charged the group. And Damian held the sword up, ready to strike, but he didn’t get the chance. Not when the array of magic circles surrounded the monster and the bang of a shotgun rang out. The bullet lodged into the beast’s shoulder and the magic circles kept it in place.
“Recruits! Fall back!” Your voice was commanding, but it was a welcome sound to the teens who had seen a true monster for the first time.
“Follow me!” Carter’s voice was next, sword at the ready just in case. “How long can you hold it, Xander?” Carter turns to Alex, who was too focused to respond. Alex’s hands shook as he brought them together, bringing the magic circles surrounding the creature closer to bridge the gaps.
“Just go, we’ll follow close behind,” you answered for him, reloading the shotgun and holding it up.
“Sister, wait!” Damian shouted before you could take the shot. “It’s not dangerous! It’s just scared!” Damian shouts. You looked at him, and you took a deep breath, then you brought your finger to your lips as if to tell him to be quiet. So Damian shut his mouth.
“Monster’s feel no emotions, Damian,” you said loudly to negate his previous statement in front of the other teens. “Fall back with the rest,” you aimed your rifle again, noticably hitting a nonvital spot. Damian nodded and followed the others away from the scene.
“I can’t hold it for long, (Y/N),” Alex says.
“I know, just give me enough time to look at it,” you answered. You slung the rifle across your back and approached the beast, and soon it stopped struggling. It stared at you and you looked around for any sort of identification and… bingo. The dog tags were near hidden by the beast’s fur but you could just barely make out the writing on it. MM-93. “Okay, break!” You backed up and Alex separated his hands, causing the magic circles to separate entirely before dissapating. The beast breathes heavily, staring at you intently, before whimpering, turning around, and leaving.
“Damian figured it out fast.”
“He’s a bright kid, that one,” you huffed.
“Let’s head back, we’ll tell them that the beast as subdued,” Alex catches his breath.
“Should I just pity induct them all in?” You asked.
“That seems rather unfair,” Alex shakes his head. “We’ll review the footage of the test and go off of that.”
“How the hell did it get close anyway? Who’s in charge of this sector?” You asked him, keeping your guard up in case more daemons were around.
“I was,” Alex answered quietly. You shot him a worried look.
“Losing your touch so soon?” You tried to joke.
“Somehow, it slipped through my radar, nothing can do that,” Alex responds. “Whatever it is, whoever they are, they’re getting smarter,” Alex was on edge. “What’s your theory, (Y/N)?”
“I know they’re human, and that’s about it. Mixing human and beast DNA, it’s…” you couldn’t find the right word for it.
“You don’t need to say it,” Alex shakes his head. “The one we have in captivity right now, I know you went to see it earlier, how’s its progress?”
“Slow, it’s been near impossible to get any samples from it,” you shook your head.
“And its identity?”
“Unknown,” you shook your head. “We’ll discover more later,” you nodded, ending the subject as you and Alex left the woods.
“Recruits, good job,” you said after mustering a confident facade. “There was an unforseen circumstance, and you responded well. Usually many people would run away and think only of themselves, but instead you came together, and that thinking is commendable. We’ll review the scouter’s notes and whatever footage we have to grade all of you equally since we were unable to fully complete the test, return home until then, you’ll hear from us soon,” you instructed. But the air was still tense. “The beast has been taken care of, carefully,” you finally said, and some people seemed relieved while others seemed skeptical. Regardless, they slowly dispersed, except for a small group that had found their way to your kid brother.
“You should talk to them,” Carter urges.
“Yeah, yeah,” you handed him your rifle and approached the group. “So why are you all hanging around?” You asked. For the most part they seemed awestruck that you were even looking at them.
“I believe they’re big fans of yours, sister,” Damian says with a snarky tone.
“I still can’t believe your sister is the Captain Wayne,” Lowen whispers.
“What? Want an autograph?” You joked.
“Could you?” Retta’s eyes shone. You didn’t think they were serious, but when they pulled out pieces of paper you were surprised, hell, you never even did this in your last universe.
“Uh… sure?” You took a pen and scribbled a messy signature on all of them. “I’m sorry about that scare earlier, our job is to control the testing environment and yet multiple high-level beasts found their way in, it’s good that you’re all uninjured,” you said.
“Damian was cooler though!” Niers chimes in. “He was ready to fight the daemon before you all showed up!”
“Was he now? I believe it,” you nodded. “Actually, now that I’m really looking at you all, you’re staying in the dormitories, right?”
“How’d you know?” Luciana asks.
“Well, I am close with your siblings,” you smiled. “And you’ve all been grouped together since Academy days so I know of your faces,” you nodded. “Except for you, Hugo, new addition?” You turned to Retta.
“Uh, ah,” she stammers. “Yeah! New addition,” she brings him closer to the group.
“Good on you all then, I’ll just grab Damian,” your hand habitually rubs the top of his head and he glares at you.
“Don’t embarrass me, sister.”
“Oh, please, it’s part of the job description,” you grinned. “Go then, don’t let us hold you up,” you urged the group to disperse and, once they did, your expression fell.
“You’re smart for that,” Damian says.
“For what?”
“Alleviating the mood,” he says.
“Of course, it was an error on our part, we can’t have them shaken up for something they’re not responsible for. Plus, we don’t want people thinking the Guard has lost their touch,” you said. Alex and Carter make their way over to the two of you. “We’re heading back, I have a lot to train this one for if he’s going to be staying awhile,” you said.
“Naturally, Captain, we’ll handle things here,” Alex reassures you.
“Leave the report on my desk, I’ll handle it tomorrow,” you nodded. “Damian, let’s go, I’m about to crash course you on everything you need to know to make it here.”
“Right…” Damian nods. “I’m ready.”
The mask was still stuffy no matter how often he wore it. But, if it kept his identity a secret the best, then it would have to do. With vigilant eyes and ears, he stood above Gotham city. It was almost the exact same as when he left, and that was a problem. One he would have to deal with himself if Bruce couldn’t. But, amidst the grumbles and schemes, there was one voice that seemed to echo above the others.
“Do you even know who I am?!” That voice stopped Jason dead in his tracks. He looked around him. No, how could this be possible? “Aw, hell, I didn’t think I’d ever use that line,” the voice slurred. Jason ran toward that voice and immediately saw you. You were trying to tug your arm away from whoever was holding it. “Get your… Get your hands off of me, asshole,” you tried to yank it again, but your drunk stupor hindered you. Jason turned away, he had things to do, important things. Besides… he was sure Dick would’ve come running to help you.
But that didn’t stop him from watching from a distance. Why weren’t you fighting back? Where’s Dick? Or anyone? Were you out alone? Hell… wait. Jason did the math in his head and, once it clicked, he was behind you and the stranger in moments. You had completely passed out while the man tried to lug you along with him, but he stopped his movements when he heard the click of a gun behind him.
“Who the fuck?” The man turns around and Jason didn’t hesitate to pull the trigger. “Fuck you, who do you think you are? Do you know who I am?” The man shouts while he clasps his side. Jason paid no mind, instead he hauled you over his shoulder. “Fine, take the bitch for-” Jason only responded by kicking him against the wall before continuing out of the alley. He adjusted you enough that you were slumped against his back, holding onto the back of your knees securely while your arms hung loosely over his shoulders. Then, as if this wasn’t enough, he suddenly felt you sniff his shoulder.
“(Y/N), are you kidding me?!” Jason nearly drops you.
“Ooh… you know who I am too?” You asked. “Mm… Sauvage Men’s Cologne, I didn’t know vigilantes cared for what they smelled like,” your words were laced together.
“Well, I didn’t know daughters of billionaires just went around barhopping when they’re underage.”
“I’m not underage!”
“Yes you are!”
“How would you know?” He felt your glare, but he just shook his head and you knocked against his helmet.
“Why not take this off? Isn’t it stuffy?” You asked.
“Ugh, you’re stubborn,” you rocked back and forth and Jason nearly lost his balance. “You know what? Now that I say that, I only knew one other person who wore Sauvage!”
“Yeah, yeah-”
“But I always told Jason that it made him smell old,” you laughed.
“It did not!”
“Oh! You know Jason too then?” You pulled your phone out and held it in front of his face.
“Jesus, (Y/N),” Jason groans.
“Look, look, this is me and my brother, like, three years ago,” you showed him a picture of the two of you. Jason’s shoulders relaxed now, he hadn’t seen that picture for a while. It was taken by Dick at one of the galas, you’d somehow pranked him by shoving his face into cake and, while he was not amused in any way, you laughed until you couldn’t breathe. “Wait, sorry, that’s a shitty picture of us, I swear I have nicer ones,” you tried to scroll through your phone, but the more pictures you went through the more embarrassing they got.
“Why the hell do you have so many pictures of m— of him?” He asks.
“Why not? He’s my brother.”
“Is,” you corrected him. “Death doesn’t separate people, people do,” you knocked your head against his shoulder. Then he heard you snoring. Jason groaned again and readjusted you along his back, he didn’t even know where to take you, really, he just couldn’t leave you there. Imagine this sight, the Red fucking Hood carrying (Y/N) Wayne to god knows where. He wasn’t stupid enough to just drop you off at the manor but…
He instead found himself struggling up the fire escape of a much too tall apartment complex. Six flights in, he paused and took a deep breath.
“The shit I do for you, (Y/N),” he curses and presses on until he reaches the top floor. He bends down to set you on the patio bench, but somehow you found a way to cling onto him. “Come on, (Y/N), let go.”
“Jay?” Your voice slurred. “Your finally home, that’s good,” you spoke to yourself mainly.
“I’m not Jason.”
“I know,” you muttered while Jason tried to put you down again. “But you remind me of him, so let me just pretend, okay?” You yawned.
“Jason Todd’s dead,” he says harshly. “Let go, (Y/N),” he pulls you off of him and stretches his aching back. He sits down at the other bench and your eyes remained closed. “What… what would you do if he was still alive?”
“Smack him.”
“Why?!” Jason’s head whipped toward you.
“Fucker missed my recital… it wasn’t even worth playing the piano anymore,” you adjusted yourself so you were comfortable.
“You love playing the piano,” he said softly.
“I loved spending time with him,” you corrected. “Some of the only times I saw him and we weren’t arguing were when I practiced,” you slung your arm over your eyes.
“Did you miss him?”
“Always, he’s my brother,” your voice was slow. “He wouldn’t miss me though.”
“Why do you say that?”
“All I ever did was annoy him,” you tried to sit up, but your spinning head kept you plastered to the chair. “He would always complain about how much of a hassle it was to watch over me, he hated when he had to play babysitter. He always wanted to…” you hesitated, “he always preferred being with my dad. My dad does some cool stuff as a job and Jay always cared about that more, having to do anything with me was a drag for him. So, I miss him, a lot, but I know he’s having the time of his life without me.”
Jason listened carefully to your rant, and at one point, you just quiet, not necessarily expecting a response at all. Your words sunk into a whisper, and soon they became snores. He did miss you. He’d always wanted a little sister, and to him you were the best one he could have ever had. Any chance he got he would brag about you to his teammates. Watching over you was one of his favorite things to do, he could take a break from patrolling, and he could spend time with you. Someone who was fundamentally so different from him. He who grew up on the streets and you who was born with a silver spoon.
“What about your other brother?”
“Dick? Oh... we don’t talk much anymore,” you shook your head.
“What?! Why?”
“He moved,” you shrugged. “And he has his own thing going on, I can’t bother him with dumb stuff like…” you zipped you lips shut.
“Like what?”
“Like changing my tires…” you mumbled. Jason’s shoulders slumped. “Or fixing my faucet, or… or picking me up from a party I didn’t even want to go to… I can’t even call him anymore because he’s so busy, he never answers,” you kept ranting. “And I don’t want to bother him, everyone has their own thing going on, and plus I have Google so I can figure things out, I always do.”
“Aren’t you rich? Why isn’t your dad helping you?”
“Oh, dad doesn’t give a fuck about me,” you laughed. “I renounced the family business for good and now… now it’s like I don’t even exist to him,” you scoffed. “I mean, you saw me, I was way out past midnight with some stranger, and dad never checked up on me once. Even now, I’m here with you, aren’t I?”
“Yeah, but that’s different.”
“How so? You’re still a stranger,” you shrugged. Your phone rang and you looked down at it.
“That your brother?”
“Yeah, Timmy,” you yawned.
“Mmhmm…” you declined the call and turned over on your stomach.
“At least answer the phone!”
“It’s fine, it’s fine…” you waved him off. “Good night,” your breathing evened out.
“At least one of us is sleeping soundly,” he leans against the balcony. He glanced at the sun rising over the harbor and he shakes his head. One night wasted, apparently. He makes a move to remove his helmet, but stops as soon as he notices the woman staring right at him.
Selina was frozen in her spot, her glass of water had shattered under her a while ago now. Did she just witness the Red Hood bring her daughter up to her balcony? Apparently so. The Red Hood only turned and left the way he came, but not before writing something down and placing it into your hands. She was outside in seconds, she looked down the fire escape, but the new vigilante was out of sight. Besides that, she moved to you. You were out like a light, but aside from that it didn’t look like you were hurt anywhere. No, if anything, this was the heaviest she’d seen you sleep in a long time. Curiosity got the best of her, though, so she took a look at the note.
‘If you ever need to pretend again.’ And a series of numbers.
“Alright, baby, let’s see this,” Jason swings the pocket watch in his hand and cracks it open, taking some time to stare at it’s face. He turned it to the side, looking at the overlapping hands on it, and he was just about to twist the knob when Tim interrupted him.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, Jason, don’t play with that thing,” Tim snatches it from his hands. “We don’t know what it could do yet or how it works,” he says.
“Okay? And how are we going to figure that out if we just stare at it?” He takes it back.
“Jason, I’m serious, this is the only lead we have on those two, if you break it then we’ll be back to square zero,” Tim grabs the chain.
“Tim, chill out, it’s fine!” Jason strengthens his hold on the watch.
“No! Jason, I have to study this before it breaks!” Tim tugs on it.
“It won’t break!” Jason tugs back.
“It might!”
“It won’t!” And, once Jason tugged it for the last time, a bright light surrounded both of them.
When the light had subsided, both of them collapsed onto the ground, Tim landing hard enough on Jason that the latter slammed his head onto the asphalt. The pocket watch tumbled out of Jason’s hand and landed a few feet away from him broken.
“Ow…” Jason rubbed his head harshly. “Yo, Tim, you good?” Jason pushes himself off of the ground and helps Tim up next.
“Other than a headache, I’m fine… where are we?” Tim rubs his head too before looking around. The two seemed to have landed in an alleyway, the bright skies were pierced by tall buildings with winding fire escapes and various other powerlines and, shockingly, someone zipping above them on a flying skateboard.
“Wherever it is… I’m pretty sure it’s not Gotham,” Jason says after shaking off the initial shock. 
“Aw, hell, Jason, I knew you’d break it!” Tim picks up the pocket watch, the various hands on its face had bent and broken on impact with the ground, and the front of the pocket watch was marred with scratches. Tim swallows harshly, but before he could speak any more a shrill scream behind them caused both of the boys to assume an offensive stance.
“Oh my god!” The woman shouts, trying to tug her purse away from a burglar.
“Ha, basic,” Jason steps forward and punches the burglar square in the jaw, the latter knocking out and dropping the purse in the process, which Tim easily caught and handed back to the woman.
“Are you alright?” Tim asks, but the woman shies away, clutching her purse tighter, and runs off just in time for a whistle to be heard next.
“Hey! You two! Stay right where you are!” The voice shouts next and Jason and Tim turned around just as an officer approached them.
“Right over here, officer,” Jason points at the knocked out criminal, a smug and confident grin on his face.
Only for the officer to handcuff Tim first.
“Excessive violence with probable cause is against the law, young men, you’re coming with me. State your names now,” he makes a move to handcuff Jason next, but he’s quick to move out of the way, although the officer was quicker.
“Don’t tell him our fucking names, Tim!”
“Christ, Jason!”
“Tim and Jason, okay,” the officer scribbles down both names.
“Follow me, boys, I just have a few questions,” the officer says.
“We can just knock him out and run for it,” Jason whispers to his brother. Tim shakes his head.
“No way, we have to play it safe for now, figure out where we are.”
“I can hear you both, you know,” the officer glances back. Jason groans and Tim elbows him on the side. “We’ll sort things out in the precinct, until then, you have a right to remain silent,” the officer began to list of their rights and Tim could only groan while Jason rolled his eyes.
And when the two were unceremoniously thrown into a cell, they were even more annoyed.
“What kind of fucked up justice system is this that we get punished for helping someone out?” Jason grumbles.
“You dislocated the guy’s jaw,” Tim grimaces.
“We always do shit like that in Gotham.”
“But we’re not in Gotham, Jason,” Tim reminds him. “I have no idea where we are, for all we know we could be in a whole other dimension with no way of going back because you broke the one lead we had!”
“I didn’t break it!”
“You did!”
“We did!” Jason corrects him. Tim just shouts in frustration and buries his head in his hands. “Man… if I was going to get jailed for anything I would’ve hoped it would’ve been for something cooler than punching a thief,” Jason crosses his arms. “Why are you so quiet?”
“I’m trying to find out how I’m going to survive with you of all people.”
“You little shit,” Jason spits.
“I don’t even want to deal with you right now!” Tim’s hands tense up around his head and he takes a calming breath.
“Alright. What’s fucking you up?” Jason crosses his arms and Tim huffs.
“Nothing!” He shakes his head. “Something, maybe.”
“Okay, hit me then,” Jason adjusts so that he could fully face Tim. 
“Figuratively or literally?”
“Whichever one,” Jason shrugs. “You’re taking this whole thing a little too hard, Tim.”
“Don’t you want to find (Y/N) and Damian?”
“Of course, I do! But, Tim, chill out. Nothing will come out of us freaking, and the more time we spend doing that, the more time those two could be stuck somewhere dangerous,” Jason says. “So what is it, Tim? What’s on your mind?”
“It’s just…” he huffs. “I feel like if I didn’t… if I didn’t confront (Y/N) so early on maybe she would have stayed longer is all…” he says quietly. Jason leans back against the wall. “I know it hit all of us hard, when (Y/N) passed away, and when she came back, if that was even her, I don’t know I just…” Tim grabs the pocket watch. “I felt so relieved, like we all had a chance at a do over, but you should have seen the look on her face, Jason, when I asked her,” he says.
“What did she do?”
“She didn’t care,” Tim mutters. “Like… like she’s been back for a while, but she never thought to come back here. And when I did see her here she looked so disappointed, I can’t place it, when I saw her she looked upset not relieved, not happy, not…” he shakes his head. “I don’t know, I keep hearing that you knew her best, what do you think?”
“Me? I knew her best? Try Dick!” Jason’s jaw drops.
“Dick was the one who told me that!” Tim says. “Hell, I thought I knew her best, but even now I wonder why she does certain things and you always have the answer! So, what do you think, Jason? Why wouldn’t she have wanted to come home?”
“Well, was this ever really her home?” He asks.
“Of course it was!”
“I don’t think so,” Jason rocks on the chair now. “Even when I first got there, she’d been there longer than I was and she was still so uncomfortable in the manor,” he shakes his head. “Wanna know what I think? I think we all owe her some sympathy. I wasn’t here for the big fight that happened with her and Bruce, when she renounced being a vigilante, but I do know that that changed everything,” he says. “She already felt alienated in that house before, so putting it out there, maybe, was the final nail in the coffin.”
“That fight…” Tim mumbles. “You’re right, it was really big.”
“What exactly happened?”
“Well… I don’t know the details myself, I was just starting as a Robin too, and I think I blocked out a lot of it. To be honest, I think Dick would remember more than I do. I just remember we came back from a mission, it was rough, I had bandages all over already and when (Y/N) saw me she lost it. I’ve never seen or heard of her standing up to Bruce until that night. And Bruce took it well, he was really careful about his responses until (Y/N) said that one thing and then…” Tim caught himself. “It’s not your fault, Jason. You were dead, and she was angry.”
“What did (Y/N) say?” Jason’s voice was low.
“She asked ‘why are you repeating what happened to Jason?’” Tim said quietly. “Then, more arguing, and (Y/N) finally said ‘if death is so okay with you then I don’t want to be next in line. I will never be a vigilante.’ And I don’t remember much more after that, who wants to remember their sister shouting like that? Dick had to break them up.”
“Metal,” Jason shrugs.
“Jason! I’m trying to open up for why I care so much!”
“And I’m applauding my younger sister for standing up to the guy, she was always afraid to do it.”
“And the second time she did she died.”
“Don’t say it like that,” Jason sneers.
“I know it’s selfish of me to say it, but I wanted to spend more time with her,” Tim says. “I was juggling so much with being a Robin, my family, and school that I didn’t get to really sit with her,” he says. “And she was always there for me. She would move schedules around and drop things last minute if I called but if she called me? God, it was her or the Titans and you know how that goes. So when I saw her in the manor, and all, I just wanted to talk to her. But, no, instead my skeptical ass chased her out before I could even apologize.”
“Well, your skeptical ass was right, so we can’t be mad at that,” Jason says. “Who knows what goes on in that kid’s mind? I don’t even know, if she wanted to do something it was easier for me to help her rather than stop her, you know? That’s Dick’s thing. I’d rather I know what the hell she was up to so I’d know when to step in,” he shrugs. “Maybe this is another one of those things, some crazy escapade. I know when I came back to life shit was crazy, I didn’t know who I was, I didn’t know why I was here, maybe it’s the same for her, who knows?” Jason grumbles.
“Maybe you should ask her yourself.” Tim and Jason turn toward the front of the cell, and Damian crossed his arms.
“It’s your lucky day, boys, you’re getting bailed out,” the guard huffs next to him. “Next time, don’t leave your ID screens at home,” the guard nudges his head to the side, signaling for them to get out of the cell. Once Tim walks out, the guard shoves the box with their belongings into his arms.
“Right, yeah, of course, officer! We’ll remember to bring them next time,” Jason says a little too loudly. The guard pushes them out of the door and into the waiting room in between.
“Damian! Holy shit, man, we’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Jason exclaims. Tim looks at the pocket watch, trying to piece together the connection.
“Well, I’m here,” Damian says nonchalantly. “Didn’t think I’d run into Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum though.”
“Geez, at least have some tact, we almost went crazy because we had no leads,” Tim says.
“Actually, yeah, you’re a little too calm and collected right now, just what have you been up to?” Jason asks skeptically. “And what’s up with the fit?” Jason raises an eyebrow, just now noticing the uniform Damian was wearing.
“I just had a little help, is all,” Damian mutters. “Anyway, I’m just here to pick you two up, we’ll share notes on the way.”
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