#with the leftover money his dad gave him
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transmasc dallas winston only allowing darry to cut his hair 🙂↕️🙂↕️🙂↕️🙂↕️🙂↕️🙂↕️🙂↕️🙂↕️
#hes like#hes the only one who does it right 🤬🤬#in reality he’s still 10 in his head trying to get a haircut at the barber#with the leftover money his dad gave him#and they won’t let him because he looks not like a boy#and somehow that scarred him for the rest of his life because he’s scared of hearing that again#because he’s NOT ❌❌❌ a girl#HES A BOY!!#transmasc dallas winston#dallas winston#the outsiders#the outsiders musical#darry curtis
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The Nanny
When babysitting your neighbor's kid, trouble seems to find you.
Author's Note: SOA AU - No Tara, Clay, or Gemma. Trigger warning for violence! This was supposed to be up for Valentine's Day, but as you can see... that wasn't the case lmao.
Charming, California is one of those picture perfect little towns where everyone tries to be prim and proper, and act like their shit doesn't stink. And in the short time that you've lived here, you quickly realized that the law-abiding citizens hated the fact that Charming was home to a MC, the Sons of Anarchy.
It doesn't bother you to see them riding down the streets as you're out and about, but you do find it hilarious that a majority of the locals either gasp in outrage upon seeing the bikers or avoid them at all costs. You find the bikers very easy-going, but then again the club president is your neighbor.
Jax Teller had taken it upon himself to introduce himself when you were moving in, carrying boxes for you and flashing a rather charming smile as he pumped you for information about yourself. You knew what he was doing, and it was rather laughable, but you had nothing to hide and were a rather boring person, so you gave the information freely. Between the two of you, he was more interesting as a MC president whereas you stayed home and lived off the money your brothers made. Jax seemed interested in what your brothers did for a living that they were able to provide you with the life you have, but you explained they made their money because of the family business that provided private security for celebrities and individuals with a high profile. You helped them with scheduling, but they still did a majority of the work.
Finding out Jax has a son (Abel) makes your heart warm towards the biker, and then warm up to the club when his brothers visit every now and then. Juice was really just a goofball when he wasn't doing business for the club, Chibs was a secret sweetheart, Tig was a little crazy, Happy was hard to read, but it was Opie who was the most normal of the bunch.
You settle into your home quite nicely, working from your little office when your brothers need help to prevent any scheduling conflicts. Then in your downtime, you either have a book in hand or waste time on your gaming system. Jax and his brothers have been over a couple of times, drinking a beer to wind down or eating whatever leftovers you happen to have after you've already eaten.
This morning, however, you've just finished making breakfast when there's a knock at your front door. With a strip of bacon in hand, you answer the door and are surprised to see Jax and his son Abel standing there.
"What's up, Teller?"
He immediately smiles and your eyes narrow. "I hate to do this on such short notice, but my nanny canceled. Do you think you could watch Abel for the day?"
You glance down at the blonde boy, shrugging. "Is he cool staying with me?"
Jax glances down and nudges his son, but Abel merely asks, "Do you have more bacon?"
You open the door wider as you chuckle. "Sure, kid. You want some eggs and hashbrowns too?"
Abel walks into your house without a care in the world and you meet Jax's amused gaze. "So are there any rules I should abide by? Are you one of those dad's that limits screen time or bans sugar?"
"Nope and nope. No allergies either."
"Thank you. I owe you."
As Jax starts to walk down your porch steps, you say, "I'm a slut for food, Teller. Bribe me with food and I'll say yes to anything."
"Anything?" He peers over his shoulder and arches an eyebrow. You scowl at him.
"Almost anything."
Jax laughs. "Don't cook tonight then. I'll bring some cheeseburgers and fries from this diner that makes pretty good food."
. .
. .
When Jax returns later that night, Chibs and Happy follow after learning he was picking up food from the diner. What surprised them, however, was that while Jax parked in his driveway, he started taking the food to his neighbors house. But Chibs, nor Happy, said a word and followed their president with their own food when he didn't protest.
Jax is poised to knock on the door when he hears, "Don't you- don't you dare do it, kid. If you do it, I will personally wait until you turn seventeen to kick your little ass." The words give Jax pause because what the actual fuck! But then Abel's giggling makes him grin.
"Did she just threaten to kick Abel's ass, Jackie?" Chibs wonders, smirking.
"I think so."
"No, no, no! You blue-shelled me?! You're like two. How do you even know how to play this?!" Jax snorts and finally knocks. The trash talking suddenly ceases before… "It's open! If you're friendly, welcome! If not, I got a little ankle biter in here and I'm not afraid to sic him on you!"
Jax laughs some more and enters the house, walking to where he hears all the commotion. Walking into the living room, he can't help but smile at the sight of YN and Abel sitting side by side on the couch, attention focused on the TV where they're apparently playing Mario Kart.
"You bring the goods, Teller?"
"Burgers and fries as promised."
"You are currently my favorite Teller." Still your attention is on the TV, your trash talking his kid being kept very polite all of a sudden. Jax, Chibs, and Happy have no idea what's going on, but suddenly one of the characters is spinning out because of a banana peel and then Abel's giving a long, suffering sigh as the other character passes the finish line. "Yes!" You jump up, pointing down at Abel. "Sucks to suck, kid. Now come on. Your pop's got the goods."
When you finally look up at Jax, you momentarily freeze when you see Chibs and Happy there as well. "Oh. Hey, guys. Kitchen's this way."
Everyone follows you into the kitchen and you immediately grab drinks from the fridge. When you turn around, Jax is divvying up some food for himself, Abel, and you. You pass out the beers to the men and you have cans of Sprite for yourself and Abel. Then as you take the last remaining available seat since Jax kept Abel on his lap, you thank Jax for the food before digging in.
"So did you have fun today?" Jax asks his son.
"Yeah. I got to color and watch TV and play games."
Jax glances at you and you shrug. "I made do. I would have gone to the store to pick up some stuff for him, but I didn't know if you'd feel comfortable with me taking him anywhere."
"I appreciate that."
"So what about you? Is your nanny good or will you need another favor?"
"Uh, she actually might be out for a few more days."
You nod. "I can do it. Is it cool if I take him to the store with me tomorrow morning? I forgot how much little kids snack throughout the day."
"Yeah. I have an extra car seat you can use and I'll leave you some cash."
"Nah. Don't even worry about it. I'll be snacking with him, so I can front the bill."
But still, cash ends up thrown onto the table from both Chibs and Jax. You have a feeling it'd be useless to argue, so you say nothing.
After dinner, Jax helps you clean up before they all take their leave. He tells Abel to tell you goodbye and your heart absolutely melts when you crouch down, and Abel hugs you.
You visibly melt as you hug the little boy back and then pull back to tweak his nose. "Okay, you're officially my favorite Teller again."
Abel smiles at you as Jax laughs and then you bid everyone goodbye at the door.
Abel ends up preferring your company to that of his nanny, so Jax ends up splitting his son's time between the nanny at his house and you at your own house when you have nothing going on.
On this particular day, after a lunch of sandwich and chips, you and Abel are lounging in a kiddie pool right in the middle of your front yard. You even went as far to put up a canopy to have the pool half in the shade and half in the sun, and are soaking in a sports bra and a pair of black tights that look like shorts.
You're sitting in the shade, sipping on a juice box as Abel stands on the other side playing with water blasters. You hear the rumble of a motorcycle, unsurprised to have Jax checking in.
As the blonde walks up, you smile innocently as he laughs. "Where did the pool come from?"
"The store." You shrug. Abel takes the moment to load up his blaster with lukewarm water and shoots his dad with it. Jax doesn't bother dodging the stream. "We saw a commercial for the waterpark and since we can't go there, I brought the water to us."
Wiping water from his face and using it to slick his hair back, Jax crouches next to the pool and asks, "How much do I owe you?"
"Not a cent, Teller." You sip on your juice, grinning. "I haven't been in one of these since I was a kid. This is for me as much as it's for Abel. He just gave me the excuse of getting one and chilling in it without looking like an idiot."
"Well I don't know about that…"
He trails off and you gasp in mock outrage. As he laughs, you say, "You're lucky I respect the kutte and the fact that you have a phone in your pocket somewhere. If I didn't, I'd drag your butt in here with us."
"Next time." Jax splashes his son and then stands before Abel can shoot him point blank with water. "Am I grabbing dinner tonight?"
"Nah. Abel already made a request. He wants chicken tenders and fries."
"And what the little man wants, he gets?"
"Obviously." You roll your eyes playfully. "Plus, it's an easy meal and I enjoy it too."
"Alright." He chuckles as he starts making his way back towards his motorcycle. "Don't stay in the pool too long."
"Yes, sir." You mockingly salute him, lips twitching when you see him momentarily tense before relaxing once more. "See you later."
. .
. .
It's past Abel's bedtime by the time Jax makes it home, and already he's prepared for his kid to either be bouncing off the walls or very cranky. But as he nears YN's house, he notices that it's mostly dark. All the lights are off with the exception of the porch light and a couple of lamps he can see through the windows that peer into the living room. And the TV, of course.
Instead of knocking, he lets himself right in. It's almost too quiet, but he can hear the TV playing rather low in the living room. Heading there, he walks up to the sofa and can't help but smile at the sight that greets him. YN is laid out across the sofa with Abel on her chest, his back to her front. Both are knocked out cold.
Without second guessing himself, Jax pulls out his phone and snaps a quick photo. Chuckling to himself, he then walks around the sofa as he pockets his phone and crouches down. "Hey. YN," he gently calls out while shaking her shoulder.
It takes a few shakes before you wake, sleepily humming until Jax's voice coaxes you until you're fully awake. Your arms wrap around Abel on instinct and when you notice Jax's smirking presence, you relax. "What time is it?" You mumble.
"A little after ten."
"Really? Fuck. I guess the sun really did kick my ass if I'm this sleepy."
"Yeah." Jax chuckles and then carefully starts to gather Abel in his arms. "Sorry about showing up so late."
"Don't even worry about it." You sit up, rubbing your eyes and yawning. "You know I adore your kid." As you follow Jax to the door, you remind him about going away for a week and not being able to watch Abel, but that you'll have your phone on if Abel wants to talk.
Jax laughs. "I swear, my kid loves you more than me sometimes."
"It's only because I'm a better cook," you muse.
Jax opens his mouth to argue, but ends up shutting it and shrugging. "You're not wrong there."
As Jax then exits your home, you bid him goodnight and watch until he disappears into his home.
When you explained to Jax that your brothers made their money because of the family business that provided private security for celebrities and individuals with a high profile, you weren't lying. Nor did you lie when you also explained you helped them with scheduling for said high profile individuals.
What you chose to leave out, however, was that your family had such a great record with security because no one wanted to fuck with a family who had connections to two different cartels through your dearly departed parents.
However, before you settled into the calm life of personal security, your brothers made a name for yourselves as ruthless hitmen amongst the cartels and you… you were a little unhinged when you were caught up in the moment as one of their torturers. You worked for the cartels when they needed you to, but when you and your brothers wanted to distance yourselves, it was the cartels who helped set up your security business.
The week spent with your brothers is just to visit and catch up with those who all three of you came to see as uncles. It was most definitely not supposed to end up with you being caught off guard by a fist to the face. Someone who didn't know all what you were capable of took advantage of the fact that you were a woman who was close to big names within the cartels. They thought you to be easily taken down and used as leverage, but what they didn't count on was you hiding daggers on your persons. The fight was dirty and bloody, and by the end of it you were spitting mad.
You have the urge to carve into someone that your brothers are trying to quell for once when your phone rings. You pull out your phone mid-pacing, and then freeze upon seeing Jax's name on the screen. But it's not a normal call- it's a video call.
"What?" Your elder brother asks. "Who is it?"
"It's my neighbor. Most likely his kid Abel since I babysit him most of the time." Your brothers glance at each other and you roll your eyes. "I've told you about them. Now toss me my hoodie. I can't let them see my face like this."
Before the call ends, you answer it but make sure to angle the camera away from the bruised side of your face. "Hey, Jax, give me one sec," you say. Your brother tosses you a hoodie and you quickly pull it on after setting your phone down. Then you take a seat at the kitchen table, turning off a few lights so it's a little darker and you can hide within your hood. Picking up your phone and keeping only half your face on camera, you smile. "Hey, guys, miss me?"
Jax's smile falters, but Abel immediately starts talking, telling you all about his day with his dad. He tells you he misses your food and play time, and you assure him you'll be home soon. You tell him about hanging out with your own family and even make your brothers wave at the camera when you switch it on them. Abel's little voice telling them hi makes you smile and then Jax is telling Abel to go watch some TV before bed.
Left alone with Jax on the phone, his smile vanishes. "What happened?"
"What do you mean?" You refuse to meet either of your brothers' gazes as you can feel them staring at you. "Everything's fine."
"Bullshit." Your brothers snort and you huff. Very reluctantly, you pull your hood down and maneuver the camera so it catches your full face. Jax's expression hardens. "Fuck."
"Don't worry. It looks worse than it is."
"What the fuck happened?"
You shrug and quickly glance at your brothers, but they're back to doing their own thing. "Went out drinking with the family and got caught in a brawl. It's been handled."
"So I don't have to gather the boys and kick some ass?"
His words make you huff a laugh. "Nah. I'm pretty sure I put the guy in a hospital."
"You took down a dude?! Now that's hot. I wish I could have seen that."
Uncaring that they're eavesdropping, your brothers burst out laughing and you sigh. You can't help but smile and you end up rolling your eyes when Jax laughs too. "Whatever. How's Abel really doing? Is he driving his official nanny insane yet?"
"Not really. He's just moping around."
"Aww." You coo. "Well I should be home soon. I'll take him to the park or something."
Jax's teasing smile turns genuine. "You know, I've never told you this, but I appreciate everything you do for Abel. You don't have to do anything, but you still treat him like family."
"What can I say? I like kids." You shrug. "And my idiot brothers will never give me any nieces or nephews."
"Hey!" Both your brothers protest.
You grin at them before looking back at Jax on your phone. "I should get going though. We have a meeting with the uncles here in a bit and I need to get ready."
"Alright. No more fights unless I'm there to avenge you. I can't have my favorite girl looking like she's in an abusive relationship."
Snorting, you say, "No promises. Tell Abel goodnight for me and to come up with a plan for what he wants to do when I get back home."
"Will do. See you soon."
As soon as you hang up, your brothers start making teasing kissing noises. "Oh shut the fuck up."
Valentine's Day has never been a day that you really cared for. Sure it was sweet to see teenagers and kids swap gifts and/or cards, or to buy candy half off, but it didn't bother you to have a significant other on this day. But you do remember how good it felt to get a gift as a kid, so you want to make sure Abel has a good day.
With your time spent with Abel, you've come to know that he loves certain fruits and chocolate. So after heading to the store for a quick shopping trip, you return home with strawberries, bananas, and melting chocolate. Then after cleaning the strawberries and chopping up some bananas, you dip them all in the ooey-gooey chocolate before letting them harden while fixing up a white dessert box with edges that say Happy Valentine's Day.
You've just filled the box with chocolate covered fruit when your phone rings and you can't help but smile at the name. You're no stranger to how handsome Jax is, but you know better than to go there with him.
"Hey, Teller, to what do I owe the pleasure of your hot voice?" You immediately answer.
Jax's laughter meets your ear before, "While it's nice to hear you like my voice, I'm actually calling on behalf of Abel."
"Aw. What does my favorite Teller need?"
"You know I'm your favorite Teller, YN." You hum, not denying his words. "But Abel is requesting your appearance here at the shop because he has a very important question to ask you."
"A very important question?" You muse. "What does Abel have to…" You trail off, the amusement in Jax's voice suddenly making something make sense. "His question doesn't happen to coincide with what today is, does it?"
Jax chuckles. "I am not ruining the surprise."
"I swear to God, Jax, if I end up crying I'm going to kick your ass."
"I look forward to it. Now get pretty and get your ass over here. Do not break my kid's heart."
"Never. And I'm always pretty, Teller."
"...yeah. You are." Your eyes widen at his words, but you don't say anything. Jax then clears his throat. "I'll see you soon."
"Y-Yeah. I'll be there in ten."
You can feel yourself blushing as you hang up, but quickly put it out of your mind as you hurry to your room to get dressed. You pull on a black sundress that's covered in sunflowers, the flowy skirt hitting right above your knees. You step into some black wedge sandals and quickly tie your hair up in a messy ponytail. You apply the basic amount of makeup and spritz some perfume around your body.
Heading downstairs, you throw all your necessities into a purse and then grab Abel's box of chocolate covered fruit before heading out.
The drive to Teller Automotive isn't a very long one, and you're soon parking in the lot. You leave your purse in the car, but you keep your box of fruits in hand. You get several wolf whistles as you cross the parking lot, but you merely laugh off Tig and Chibs' teasing.
Before you can enter the auto garage, Jax walks out, a smirk in place. And then before you can ask him what he's smirking for, your gaze is drawn downward to Abel who walks out behind him… and oh. You fuckin' melt.
Abel's hair is slicked into a faux hawk, a red bow tie is clipped to the very crisp white button shirt that's tucked into a pair of tiny faded jeans. In his hands he's holding a teddy bear that's adorned with a miniature Sons of Anarchy kutte, and a red carnation. The adorableness of it all makes you melt and tear up at how cute he is.
"Oh my goodness. You look so handsome," you tell him.
As you crouch so you're more at his level, you make sure the skirt of your dress still covers everything. Abel blushes as he asks, "Will you be my Valentine?"
"Hell yes I will." Abel smiles as he hands over your gifts, and Jax and the others- who were apparently listening in- whoop in celebration. "And as my Valentine, it's only fair that I give a gift as well. Strawberries and bananas covered in chocolate. Your favorite," you tell him.
Abel is so ecstatic over his gift that he nearly knocks you over as he hugs you. When Chibs ask him what he's got, he's more than happy to run off and show his uncles what you've given him. Jax offers you a hand up and as soon as you're steady on your feet, you notice him looking at you in a certain way.
"What?" You huff a laugh, carefully wiping away your tears that never fully fell.
"You are amazing, you know that?"
"Hardly. Tiny Teller is just adorable as hell." You can feel yourself starting to blush so you glance down at the teddy in your hand. "Where did you find a tiny kutte anyway?"
"It's actually Abel's. The guys had it made for him when he was born and he wanted your teddy to have it."
"I'll take extra care of it then." When you glance back at Jax, you ask, "So does Abel have to stay or can I take my valentine out on a date?" You have no idea what Jax had been thinking, but it's like your words make him snap. From one second to next, he goes from staring at you in awe to gently grasping your face and pulling you into a kiss. You gasp but quickly return the sentiment. And when Jax pulls back, still cupping your face in his hands, you ask, "So me wanting to take your kid out on a date really did it for you, huh?"
Jax barks out a laugh and you smile as he leans in for another quick kiss. "Been wanting to do that for a while actually."
"And you waited until this moment to do it," you muse. "Jokes on you though. You gotta stick around and listen to your boys tease you about this while I take Abel out all on my lonesome." You kiss him for a third time and then step out of his reach to holler, "Little Teller, let's go! It's you and me, buddy. Whatever you wanna do."
As Abel approaches with a lot less fruit, he asks, "Can we eat pizza in the park?"
"We sure can. Now say goodbye to your dad so we can go stuff our faces."
Dating Jax Teller is rather thrilling. You do not care to know what goes on in the club unless it pertains to any woman trying to sleep with him, or when Jax needs someone to vent to. Then, and only then, do you let your opinion be known about what goes on with the MC.
But while you have nothing against the MC, you still prefer to spend a majority of your time with Abel. Sure you'll show up to some parties so all the other women know Jax is off limits, but you're content to do activities with little Teller wherever he wants to be for the day.
You thought it was cute Jax tried to shield you from the violence the club was capable of, but never pressed him for information when you noticed he looked stressed about something. This time, however, you wish you had pressed him for information when he asked you to stay in with Abel.
It's nighttime, and you and Abel are relaxing in front of your TV as you watch some new Pixar film about dragons and their riders. The two of you are dozing off when your front door is kicked in, which then makes you jump into action. But you're not just defending yourself, you have a little boy to think about. So before you can find a proper weapon, you're left standing in front of Abel who is now clinging to your leg as he whimpers in fear.
"Jax Teller chose a pretty one this time."
"Fuck off."
The men all chuckle in front of you. "Take her."
. .
. .
The Sons of Anarchy roll up to a subdivision that's still in development, cautiously dismounting their motorcycles and arming themselves. A new MC had established themselves in a neighboring town, looking to make a name for themselves, and they thought knocking down the Sons a peg or ten was what they ought to do to establish their foothold in the MC world for good.
The encroaching MC took to ambushing the Sons whenever and wherever, and the people of Charming were starting to become afraid of strolling their pristine streets. Even the Sheriff was looking to the Sons to end the conflict, but they could only do so much. Unfortunately, one of the fights involved a chase on motorcycles as the Sons were making a run, and the son of the enemy President took a bullet to the right side of his chest and fell. His injuries then resulted in a coma which set off to this little meeting.
As they creep through the eerily quiet streets of the deserted subdivision, Opie flanks Jax. "I don't like this, brother. Something feels off."
"I agree," Chibs says. "We should have put the club on lockdown before ridin' out."
Jax sighs. "Too late now."
Juice, Happy, and Tig jog up to homes still under construction, trying the doors or looking for any signs that someone's been there. It isn't until they get to the end of the block that they notice one home has been vandalized and they know that's where they're supposed to go.
Every Son cautiously enters the house, nose wrinkling as the state of the house. But in the middle of the living room, there's an odd clearing around a small round table. And on that table sits a folded notecard.
The Sons seem to freeze, but then Jax is marching towards the note. Snatching it up, the words written make him tense as his world starts to tilt. "Fuck. They're going after Abel."
As the note flutters to the floor, the Sons all race after their President as he flees the house.
The note read, [A son for a son.]
On the way to YN's, Jax instructs half the Sons to break off and check on the club, while also making calls to get everyone on an official lockdown. Jax, Opie, Chibs, and Happy race to his neighbor's house.
When they pull up, a few neighbors are peering out their doors looking a bit distraught. Immediately, they know something terrible has happened, and that feeling is only intensified when they spot the broken down door.
Rushing to park in YN's front yard, guns are pulled from the back waistband of their jeans. Jax takes point as he enters the house and his heart drops to his stomach. The house is an absolute mess, furniture and glass broken.
The TV is still playing some cartoon movie and when he walks further in, he curses at the sight of a body laying in a pool of blood.
Happy peers over his shoulder. "Now we know she can hold her own."
"Find them. Now."
. .
. .
Sitting in the bathtub, Abel clings to you as his face hides against the side of your neck. Your face hurts from the numerous punches you took, your lip is split, your arms have multiple lacerations, and there's blood dripping into your eyes. But your worst wound is definitely the bullet wound to the left of your abdomen, and you're grateful that Abel's weight is putting pressure on the towel you had pressed against the wound.
It's been quiet for what seems like forever, but suddenly you hear movement. Shakily raising the gun you'd taken from one of the intruders, you take aim and dare the next motherfucker who enters to be someone intending harm on you or the boy in your lap.
The door gently swings open, but no one is there. Your arm hurts from holding the gun up and then you see someone try to peer around the door jamb. You can only partially see his face, but the voice- you recognize the voice even if you rarely hear it when you're at the club.
"Baby girl?"
The stoic man steps fully in the doorway, putting his gun away as you drop yours in the tub. Abel shifts as he whimpers and you wince. "Jax! Upstairs bathroom!"
Abel realizes his uncle's voice and dad's name, so he moves to turn. Happy is quick to lift him, his eyes widening at the blood soaking his clothes. "S'fine. My blood," you tiredly tell him. "I didn't… I didn't let them touch him."
"You did real good." Happy's assurance makes you smile, but you're just so tired. As your eyes slide shut, you hear, "Hey! Don't do that. Stay awake, YN."
"Tryin'…" Pounding footsteps race up the stairs and it isn't long until Jax, Chibs, and Opie are pushing their way into the bathroom as well. Jax takes Abel right away, eyes scanning the room before they land on you. Happy and Opie move to help you out of the tub, but Chibs is quick to point out your bleeding wound. The last words you say are, "Call my brothers," before darkness consumes you."
. .
. .
Jax is pacing the hospital waiting room, blood covering his shirt and hands from where he carried Abel. Chibs had taken Abel back to the club to clean him up and fill in the others about what was going on, but now he's back and filling in the Sheriff about what they had walked in on at YN's house. Thankfully Jax and YN's neighbors liked them, and were honest about hearing gunshots before the Sons had frantically rolled up.
Opie and Happy are the only two sitting patiently, but their attention is drawn to a large group of men entering the room. Two men in particular glance around before making a beeline for Jax, but the others hang back by the door. It's evident these men mean business as they stand guard, their suits standing out among the scrubs, kuttes, and regular clothing of the others sitting in the waiting room.
When Jax notices the newcomers, his shoulders sag at the sight of YN's brothers. But his interest is piqued with the suited thugs behind the brothers, tattoos visible along their hands and neck.
The brothers quickly introduce themselves as Noah and Theo, both of their expressions grim.
"What happened?" Noah asks. He's the elder of the two, his muscled torso covered in a button down with their sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
"They were after my kid," Jax immediately tells them, voice low. "She took a bullet for him and she's in surgery right now."
Both brothers' jaws clench.
"Do you know who they are?" Theo asks, tapping away on his phone.
"Yeah. It's another MC. They attacked us on a run and the son of the President took a fall off his bike. He's in a coma, so the President went after my kid in return."
"And your kid was in the care of our sister," Noah realizes.
Noah sighs, running a hand down his face. Then after a few more taps and texts, Theo grins. "Found them."
Jax frowns. "Found who?"
"The people responsible for putting our sister in the hospital."
Jax then tenses. "This is club business, man. We'll handle it."
Both Noah and Theo tense, but end up chuckling. Jax's jaw clenches, but he keeps his anger in check.
Noah says, "If you think it'll remain club business when YN wakes up, then that means my sister hasn't confessed the family secret."
Jax freezes. "What secret?"
"We had to get our start somewhere when our parents died," Theo tells him. "And it just so happened that each of our parents came from very powerful, very wealthy families. We worked our way to the top of the food chain and became rather notorious until we wanted out and settled into the business we currently have."
Noah starts to smirk. "Your club business just became cartel business, my friend. And our uncles are livid that their little girl was attacked."
Jax glances at his boys, but says nothing.
"We'll find them and keep them occupied," Theo says. "When YN is released, she'll be out for blood."
"And she'll get it," Noah muses. "After all, she is quite the little torturer."
When you wake up, you're unsurprised to find Jax by your bedside. You are surprised, however, to learn that he knows about your past thanks to your brothers promising bloodshed. You groan, but then remember Abel. And after assurances that Abel is fine, you relax.
You're anxious to know where you stand with Jax as he explains why you ended up in the hospital. He feels guilty for not telling you what was really going on or putting you on lockdown, along with the club, but you don't blame him for what happened. Dating the President of an MC, you were bound to be pulled into the violence sooner or later, and with your past you knew you could handle it.
When he runs out of steam, it's your turn to start apologizing for not telling him about your life with the cartels. You make sure he knows that you would have never endangered Abel, and if your past had come calling, you would have made sure that they were protected at all costs. Jax assures you he's not mad, but he did wish you would have told him given you knew about the roles some of his brothers played in the club.
But what's done is done, and Jax is more interested in what you plan on doing since your brothers have gone quiet after calling him to inform him that they've got a majority of the MC tucked away in a building that no one can hear the impending mayhem.
"They broke into my home and put a bullet in me just to get to Abel and send a message to you," you say, expression turning thunderous. "The one who shot me doesn't get to walk away. Hell, the ones who fuckin' raised a gun in Abel's direction are lucky that they'll be limping away after I'm done."
"Limping away?"
You slowly smirk at him, lowering your voice. "I'm not gonna draw out my punishment, but my brothers and my uncles' men sure as shit ain't gonna sit back. They're gonna make sure they get the message that they fucked with the wrong people."
Jax huffs a laugh and then ends up staying for as long as the nurses would let him, only leaving when YN's brothers came or he had to go pick up Abel so he'd see that YN was fine for himself.
Then after two and a half days, you're released.
You're still sore, but you've got nothing but vengeance on your mind. When your brothers send you the address of where they're holding several individuals for you to interrogate, you get dressed and head for Teller Automotive.
Some of the guys are surprised to see you up and about, but you wave off their concern as you continue towards the club portion of the shop.
The usual sweetbutts are milling about, cleaning up and most likely getting ready for a party since it is a Friday. You spot Jax and Juice at the bar as Juice taps away on a laptop.
"Boys," you greet as you walk up behind them. "Whatcha workin' on?"
Jax turns in his seat, eyes subtly widening as he stands. "You're out! Why didn't you call me?" He's quick to carefully take you in his arms, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips.
"Because if I'd have called you, you'd have taken me home and coddled me."
"Well yeah. You were shot."
"I got shit to take care of, Teller, and I'm not wasting another day."
"Then what are you doing here?"
You shrug. "I just thought that you'd want to see the MC face their consequences."
"Now? You're going to do that now?" He asks, his gaze darting down to your covered abdomen.
"Yep. "My brothers procured a place just on the outskirts of Charming where we won't be interrupted. You in?"
"Well, yeah. Obviously."
"Good. Then gather whoever's in and follow me."
As you sit in your car, you watch Jax as speaks with several of brothers to see who he's going to leave in charge. And after everything is settled, only five follow Jax to their motorcycles- Opie, Happy, Juice, Tig, and Chibs.
You start your car and start to drive, pausing by the gate until Jax and the others start to roll out. You take off, keeping your speed down as you drive through the town. But the moment you get to the road leading out of Charming, you step on the gas and race towards the location your brothers sent to you.
You drive along an empty stretch of road until you turn down a dirt road which is surrounded by empty crop fields that have seen better days. The road leads up to a dilapidated farmhouse, a very rusted horse corral, and behind all that is a barn where several vehicles have parked.
You park and get out, waiting for Jax to find the perfect spot to park their motorcycles. Once they do, you wait until they gather around.
"I know this started off as club business, but now it's cartel business. I can't have you questioning me in there."
"This is your playground," Jax says. "We're just here for a show."
You nod and then turn towards the barn doors, pushing them open with the help of Chibs and Tig when they get stuck. Inside, several men are hanging about on turned over crates or bales of hay, some even sitting at a small wooden table playing cards. Music plays softly in the background, but it's cut off the moment your presence is noticed.
Immediately, every man and woman scramble to their feet as you approach.
In the middle of the barn, there's a line of eight men with burlap sacks over their heads sitting in chairs with their wrists tied down to the armrests and ankles tied to the legs. Walking down the line of men, you snatch the sacks from their heads.
"Wakey, wakey, motherfuckers." Each man is clearly exhausted, agitated, and pissed off.
You save the MC President for last, smirking as he sneers at you. "Stupid bitch." He seethes. "Let us go. Right now."
"Bitch," you muse. "If you're going to insult me, at least call me a cunt. Or whore. Those words have much more of an impact."
Your fist whips out, striking him across the face so hard that his head jerks to the side. He turns to glare back up at you, spitting blood that lands on your pant leg. "Now, now. If you're going to insult me again, at least be creative about it. Your lack of creativity is sorely disappointing." He roars at you, trying to free his wrists and feet, but you merely laugh and continue to pace in front of his men. "Now I'm sure you're all wondering why you're here and it's quite simple, really." You stop pacing, expression hardening. "You fucked with the wrong woman."
Then like a switch has been flipped, you go back to smiling and pacing, gesturing wildly as you talk. "Normally I wouldn't touch MC business with a ten foot pole, but you fuckers messed up. You broke into my home and went after a child under my care- a child that I hold very near and dear to my heart. So, now your piss poor attempt at taking over territory that doesn't belong to you has now come under cartel jurisdiction, and I will make sure that any stupid motherfuckers who dares to come after the Sons of Anarchy will pay a price."
"Fuck that. We didn't cross any cartel!"
"Oh honey," you mockingly coo as you come to a stop in front of the one who spoke. "I am part of the cartel." Turning around, you walk towards a long table and lift the cloth laying atop of it. Beneath the cloth, there's a variety of weapons. You tuck a glock into the back waistband of your jeans and then grasp a dagger in your dominant hand. Then turning to walk back towards the bound men, you smirk. "Now what I want are the assholes who attacked me and dared to point a gun at a child. You give me those men and the rest of you can walk out of here."
Dead fuckin' silence.
"Nothing?" You chuckle. "Come on, guys. Give 'em up. I swear it's not worth protecting them. I mean, I can probably figure it out. Eyes are windows to the soul and all that rot. You might have been wearing masks, but I still remember those cowardly glints very well."
"Fuck you! I ain't no coward."
"Bingo!" You shout, pointing the tip of your blade at the culprit. Walking up to the guy, you can't help but laugh as he realizes his mistake and clamps his mouth shut. "One down, one more to go."
"I ain't telling you shit."
"No?" Switching the dagger to your other hand, you pull the glock free from behind your back. You step close to the man, taking aim at his crotch. "Are you sure about that?"
He cruelly smirks. "You're all talk and no-"
The guy immediately starts screaming, his buddies struggling in their chairs, and you laugh. When you glance around the room, you see those you consider family chuckling and the Sons cringing in sympathy as they cover their crotches. You walk around so you're standing behind the screaming fool, swapping the dagger and gun in your hands so the dagger is back in your dominant hand. "Going once… going twice…" He continues to scream, and you sigh when no one else speaks up.
And then before anyone can comprehend what you've done, you've dragged the blade across the guy's neck.
As he gurgles on his blood and his friends shout obscenities at you, you walk around so you're standing before them once again.
"That's three of my men you've killed already," the President says. "I think fair's fair."
"I want the last one," you say. "One last guy and you're good to go."
No one says anything, but the President's expression hardens. There's a cold glint in his eye that you're very familiar with, and you know that should he walk out of these barn doors, he'll do anything and everything for revenge. "Samuel. I sent Samuel."
The Samuel in question squawks and you smile beautifully at him over the shoulder before staring at the President once more. "Harsh. Selling out your own guy like that." You saunter up to him, sighing. "But he's the thing; I hate snitches."
Then before the President can blink, you take aim and pull the trigger. The bullet hits him right between the eyebrows.
The struggling, bound men all seem to cease movement and you turn towards them. "Now that that's out of the way…" You walk back towards Samuel, scoffing at his whimpering. "You might get to live today, Sammy, but not without something to remember why messing with the Sons a big no-no."
"And w-what's that?"
You slowly smile. "Open your fist, Samuel. Lay your hand flat against the armrest."
His eyes widen as he whimpers, but he hesitantly does as you've said. Then when his hand is nice and flat, you drive your blade through the back of his hand, pinning it to the arm rest.
As he screams, you sneer at him and then start to make your way towards the Sons. On your way, you hand off your gun before coming to a stop in front of Jax and pasting on a smile as you glance at each Sons. "Who's hungry?"
"Marry me," Happy grumbles.
You laugh at him, winking, and then glance back at Jax. "You're a little psycho," he says.
"Only when the occasion calls for it. But seriously, can we go get food?"
Jax laughs as he sidles up to your side, sliding an arm along the back of your shoulders. "Do burgers sound good?"
"Burgers sound marvelous. I also want a vanilla milkshake."
"Good. We'll go grab some and surprise Abel. He's been itching to go to your house again."
"Ugh. Your kid is so adorable. But maybe let me settle in before you grab him. My abdomen is on fire and if we tell him I'm sick, maybe he won't be so hyperactive."
"Let me see."
Begrudgingly, you lift the hem of your shirt and glance down. Sure enough, you've bled through your bandages. "New plan; No Abel."
"What? But-"
"Nope." Jax squeezes you to his side as you sigh. "You're gonna go home, Chibs will follow to patch you up, and I'll go pick up some food. Abel can go one more day without seeing you."
The Sons chuckle.
"What about us?" Juice asks, gesturing between himself, Tig, and Happy.
"I don't care, Juice. Do whatever you want."
As they head towards their motorcycles, Jax walks you to your car.
"So, are you really okay with this?" You ask. "Okay with me and all that I'm capable of?"
"Yeah." Jax nods. "More than okay, actually. It's good to know that should shit find its way to your doorstep again, you'll handle it."
"Damn right I will." You swing around so you're standing in front of Jax, arms wrapping around his waist as his go around your shoulders. "I will protect Abel with my life again and again. Never doubt that."
"Just Abel?" His eyebrow arches.
"You're a close second," you muse. Leaning up on the tips of your toes, you peck his lips. "Now seriously. Food, Teller. I need food."
"Yeah, yeah." He kisses you again. "Go home and get settled. I'll be there soon."
#jax x reader#jax teller x reader#jax teller imagine#sons of anarchy imagine#soa imagine#jax teller#happy lowman#abel teller#mc romance#motorcycle club romance#dark romance
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Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing:
Chapter 1: “And you better stay out of here! I don’t want you in this house ever again!” Shouted his mother, as she grabbed him by the collar and threw him out the door along with a suitcase.
“I won’t! You’ll see, one day I’m gonna be rich and famous and I won't need your help!” Rolfe shouted back.
Rolfe always knew he wouldn’t stay in that house for long. Ever since his father got murdered, Rolfe’s family went into deep financial troubles leading to his older brother, Raul, to be the man of the house. Raul being 8 years older than Rolfe he thought of himself responsible for everything that went on at home. Raul took a habit of selling newspapers in the mornings, heading to school for a good 5 hours before leaving early to wash cars all afternoon. Rolfe took the role of cleaning shoes.
Raul would constantly give him a slap across the head for “not gaining enough money”. They’re mother worked as a waitress and would bring leftovers for dinner. The family of 3 had a system so it all seemed to work out. Raul was forced to grow up early and Rolfe never had a childhood. One day while cleaning shoes, Rolfe spotted a puppeteer out in the streets. He watched a crowd of smiling children and elderly couples gather around and laugh, tipping the man handsomely for his performance.
Suddenly Rolfe had an idea. He raced home and took a pair of old socks out of a drawer. He stuck googly eyes on them, drew on some mouths and stuck bunches of yarn on their heads. He took it upon himself to name them Sam and Sally. Now, everyday, Rolfe would come home and practice skits with them. In no time he took his acts to the streets.
“Knock Knock!” He made Sally ask.
“Who’s there?” asked Sam.
“Says,” said Sally.
“Says who?” Sam asked.
“Says me, moron!” Sally yelled. There was a good amount of laughter from the small crowd.
“Here ya go kid,” A middle aged man said, handing Rolfe a 20 dollar bill. Rolfe couldn’t believe it! With that amount of money he could easily buy more supplies for his puppets. But his moment of joy was quickly interrupted by a demanding voice.
“Rolfe! What the hell are you doing here!?” Raul asked, storming angrily towards him.
“Raul! Nothing I was just-” Rolfe began. Raul reached out and snatched one of his sock puppets.
“What is this?! Are you…doing gigs?” Raul asked.
“Is that why you're not bringing in enough money home!?” Raul snapped. He snatched the 20 dollar bill out of Rolfe’s hand.
“Hey, that’s mine!” Rolfe whined. Raul held the money up, far from Rolfe’s reach.
“Nah, I think it's better if I hold on to this. As for you, just you WAIT till we get home!” Raul snarled. He grabbed Rolfe by the wrist and dragged him along the sidewalk. Once they arrived, Raul threw Rolfe in the middle of the living room and began to scold him.
“What the hell is wrong with you!?” Raul shrieked.
“I just wanted to…I don’t know what I was thinking,” Rolfe sobbed.
“I’ll tell ya what you wanted. You wanted to make a fool of yourself and dishonor your family! Don’t you realize that without Dad we’re broke? Do you even have the slightest ounce of empathy towards mom?! Mom busts her back working day and night for us to have something to eat, I work my ass out and sacrifice my education for us to afford rent and buy clothes and drink water, and you, who’s only responsibility is to clean shoes, CLEAN SHOES! Can’t even do that without messing things up!” Raul screamed. Rolfe whimpered.
“I’m sorry Raul. But I’m only 8. I can’t do as much work as you can,” Rolfe explained. Raul scoffed.
“Oh yeah? Well I was only 11 when Dad died, and I had to sacrifice everything just to take care of you and mom! I’ve been working everyday since, so don’t you start complaining because I’ve given you everything, Rolfe!” Raul hollered. Rolfe sniffled.
“I just… I want to be a ventriloquist, Raul. It's my dream,” Rolfe blurted out. He quickly shut up as soon as Raul gave him a look of disbelief.
“Are you kidding me!? What didn’t you understand!? Your stupid dreams shouldn’t be an excuse to neglect this family! God you are so stupid! You wanna know something, Dad probably wouldn’t be dead if you were never born! All you’ve done was make my life and mom’s life harder! If you weren’t sick, Dad wouldn’t have had to come home early from the studio! That gang that murdered him wouldn’t have spotted him! Hell, we’d probably be rich right now! You're a walking mistake, Rolfe,” Raul roared, slapping him across the face with angry tears. Rolfe was now on the ground, weeping.
“ I HATE YOU!” Rolfe screamed! Raul grabbed him by the arm.
“Don’t you talk to me about hate, you little shit! Now go to your room and think about what you’ve done! And by tomorrow I expect all the money you owe us on the table!”
“What!? But where am I going to get all that money from?” Rolfe asked, wiping heavy tears off his face.
“Figure it out! And you better not use those ridiculous puppets to gain money, because that ain’t work!” Raul screamed. Rolfe slammed his door and began to cry. Rolfe knew it was wrong but perhaps the whole puppet thing could work after all. Rolfe took a notebook and began to write down his ideas. The following days, Rolfe has gained a handsome amount of money, sparing some for himself secretly, and handing the rest to his mother. Raul became jealous of Rolfe’s success, growing suspicious of his sudden luck. Rolfe kept his puppeteering acts a secret for years. Rolfe has managed to hide his hand made puppets in an old floor board and performed in various places like schools and hospitals.
“It’s Rolfe! It’s Rolfe!” Some kids cheered. Rolfe has become great friends with the many sick patients and insisted he’d do the acts for free but got paid anyway. Part of Rolfe liked the attention and the money, the other part felt guilty because he was still abandoning his duty for the sake of his potential career. But in his mind he thought it was fine as long as it got money on the table. Rolfe began to notice another thing. Rolfe’s mother would use the money to buy alcohol, cigarettes and pills. Rolfe tried his best to dump them all but his mother would storm around the house, looking for them in an anxious manner and throwing tantrums. His mother also stopped working all together and stayed at home sleeping while Raul took on a mechanics job. There was a lot of negative tension between them now, so Rolfe didn’t bother staying home much and instead spent his days at puppeteering or going to dance clubs to entertain himself.
“Hey! This is my favorite song! Wanna dance?” A hound asked Rolfe as she put her arms around his neck. Rolfe shoved her slightly.
“I’m not really in the mood…” He said, taking small sips of alcohol from a cup. The hound frowned.
“Oh, alright then. Are you okay?” She asked. Rolfe shrugged.
“There’s a lot of things going on right now at home and my brother is– Oh my god! My brother! He should be home by now! I’m going to get in so much trouble. I have to go!” Rolfe said, tossing the cup and struggling to grab his things. Before the hound could say anything else, Rolfe dashed past her and ran home. Rolfe found a pounding on his chest. His lungs burned and his legs felt heavy.
“Please don’t be here. Please don’t be here!” He begged racing to his house. But as soon as he saw his brother’s car he knew it was too late. Rolfe spoke a silent prayer and walked inside. He could hear Raul yelling at his mother.
“Where the hell is Rolfe!? He asked. She slurred her words.
“I don’t know…who’s Ralph” she spat.
“Damn you, you stupid bitch! You’re so drunk you can’t even remember who your own son is!” He snarled. He turned to look at Rolfe with vicious eyes.
“You! Where were you!?” Raul stopped short when he saw a puppet on Rolfe’s hand.
“You’re d…this whole time…the money you’ve brought home was because of-that?” Raul asked, a look of shock coating his face. Rolfe took a painful gulp and backed up.
“You sore gyp!” Raul yelled. Raul was about to hit Rolfe but Rolfe grabbed his fist.
“ I did what I could for this family! It’s not my fault that our sot of a mother chooses to stay home! And unlike you, Raul, I have a life and I choose to be the person I sought to be rather than stay in this dump of a house any longer!” Rolfe growled. Rolfe's mother got up and ran towards him and pushed him.
“How dare you abandon me, WolfMan!?” She cried, shaking Rolfe by his shirt tightly.
“Mom…my name’s Rolfe. It's me, your son or tell me, do you not remember who I am?” Rolfe asked, appalled.
“I- I don’t remember!” She sobbed, falling to her knees and crying. Rolfe gave Raul a worried look.
“I tried…to stop her from taking them…” He admitted, looking down shamefully. Rolfe managed to collect himself and walked to his room.
“Where are you going!?” His mother screamed. Rolfe darted her a look of surprise.
“To my room. I’m going to pack a bag and stay at a hotel until this mess sorts itself out,I’ve had it!” he bickered. She ran up the stairs and grabbed him by the ears.
“You ain’t leaving me! Not again! You have a family! How could you abandon your own wife!?” She squawked, drooling everywhere.
“For the last time, I’m not him! Let go of me!” Rolfe demanded.
“Fine then!” She said, She got his suitcase, threw whatever clothes he had laying around and dragged him down stairs.
“Wait, my puppets!” Rolfe exclaimed, trying to go back up stairs.
“You don’t need no damn puppets!” She scolded, taking the one he had in hand and ripping it to pieces. Rolfe let out a gasp and jumped at her.
“You witch! You ruined my life!” Rolfe snarled. Raul pulled them apart and opened the front door. Rolfe’s mother threw Rolfe out along with his suitcase.
“GET OUT!!!” She screeched….and that was how Rolfe got kicked out. Rolfe was now homeless, friendless and pretty much broke. What was he going to do, now?
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Dad Duties
» Kylian is thankful for his niece and nephew because they prepared him for fatherhood. He knows how to change diapers and how to be patient. Kylian likes to think that he has always been good with kids, but taking care of his own child is something new and grand.
» His time as an uncle did not prepare him for the other things though. Did you know that a baby's first poop when they come out of the womb is called meconium? Cause Kylian certainly didn't know. He freaked out when he saw the tar-like substance in the tiny diaper. You were a bit freaked out too so you asked your nurse.
» The footballer did learn how to change a diaper fast and efficiently. Seriously, his son is like a squirt gun. You have no idea when he chooses to fire it.
» As a joke, you put Matthew in a ninja turtle beanie and turtle shell blanket. Kylian found it so cute that he took a picture and set it as his new wallpaper.
» The first few nights were horrible though. Kylian thought that all Matthew needed was a new diaper and some milk to go back to bed. Oh, how wrong he was. Babies apparently like to stay up for a while before going back to sleep.
» Since you chose to breastfeed Matthew, Kylian feels bad that he can't really do anything during the night. When you're up feeding your son, you might as well change his diaper too. Kylian does tell you to wake him up to put Matthew to sleep, but sometimes you don't listen.
» Baby's first bath went horribly wrong. In Kylian's mind, he thought that he could bathe Matthew as he did with his niece and nephew when they were little. Kylian did not realize that Matthew's first couple of baths needed to be sponge baths because of the umbilical cord. The leftover part needs to dry so it can basically pop off. When you told Kylian this, he kind of just froze in a "Oh shit" type of way.
» Kylian also had no idea how to do a sponge bath for a baby. Help.
» You and Kylian tried breastmilk for the first time too. Don't ask how that happened.
» It takes you and Kylian about two weeks to find some kind of a routine for Matthew. After that, parenting got easier.
» Matthew grew a lot after his first month of being home. He got longer and weighed a little more. It astonishes Kylian at how fast his son is growing. He wishes he could go back to when he first came home with his baby.
» Kylian's family came climbing into your home when Matthew was three weeks old. They were practically fighting to see who gets to hold him first.
» Wilfriend ends up winning and he doesn't let go of his grandson. Fayza has to scold her ex-husband to let everyone else get a turn...Then she hogged Matthew.
» Malisa gave you a lot of pointers as a new mom. Your sisters are back in America so it's good to have someone with you to guide you. Even if they live in the country next to you.
» One time when Matthew was five months old, Kylian asked you to bring him over to the club to meet his teammates. None of them have seen Matthew in person, so imagine a bunch of dudes leering over a baby. Kylian stood on the sidelines with his chest puffed with pride.
» One of Kylian's teammates held Matthew up and aided the kid in making a goal. It was all fun and games until Kylian got upset that he didn't assist with his son's first goal. He got over it eventually when you told Kylian that he could teach Matthew how to score goals better than anyone cause his dad is Kylian Mbappe.
» When you were pregnant with Matthew, you and Kylian agreed to raise your family as humbly as possible. Similar to Gordon Ramsey, when they get to a certain age, your kids will have to either pay for themselves if they want to travel or just not travel at all. They will also be prohibited from using Kylian's private jet when they reach a certain age too.
» Allowances are allowed but to an extent. You really have to be the enforcer on this. Allowance is earned when the kids do their house chores. No chores done, no money given. You forbid Kylian from giving his kids more money than they should be given. Really, you have to be strict on this with your kids and your husband.
» Oh, and as soon as the kids are legally allowed to work, no more allowances. No argument. If they really want something they better work for it. You and Kylian had a similar upbringing so you know the value of money and how to use it responsibly. You want to teach those same values to your children.
» You have to limit Kylian's options for presents though. Sure it's their birthdays and it's Christmas, but don't give the kids a freaking life-size playhouse. Presents are always reasonable and a few of those presents are name brands. If Kylian wants to give the kids something name-branded, it has to pass through you.
» To say Kylian is excited to teach his son how to play football is an understatement. When Matthew was only a couple of months old, Kylian bought a kid's football net and ball. He really wants his son(s) to love the sport and have at least one play professionally. If they don't then so be it. Kylian at least wants to plant the seed.
» At some point, Matthew becomes fascinated with ears. He is either touching his or someone else's ears. He will pull and rub his hands all over the body part.
» His first Father's Day was an emotional one for Kylian. In Spain, Father's Day is always celebrated on March 19th. Matthew is only seven months old so you came up with a cute craft. Using paint you made a shoeprint on one of Kylian's shoes and another on top of it with Matthew's footprint. Next to is a sentence that says, "Following in your footsteps".
» You did all of that while Matthew was napping so he wouldn't be fussy and mess everything up. Smart mom brain.
» Kylian refuses to let the media see Matthew until he is at least one. The first time the world got to see Matthew's face was when Kylian brought him to do the traditional player escort. Matthew stayed with you in the stands after that.
» Matthew was certainly scared when he entered the pitch with his dad. The loud cheering and flashing lights were overwhelming to the boy. He cried on Kylian's shoulder. Kylian was able to calm his son down a little by distracting Matthew with his hands.
» Kylian loves being a father. He has always wanted to be a father and now he is one. It has been a great joy to witness his son grow from inside of you to outside of you. There are certainly things Kylian can do better about his parenting skills. Maybe he can convince you to have another one so Kylian can perfect his parenting skills?
#fanfiction#x reader#football#kylian x reader#mbappe x reader#kylian mbappe x reader#kylian mbappe imagine#football imagine#reader insert#dad!kylian mbappe
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This Is Me Trying - Two - (A Y/N Parker Spider-Woman X Kate Bishop Story)
Summary: The Hawkeyes and you seem to be on the same track...
Word Count: 3.5K
Content: College stress, Flirty Kate Bishop, Clint being a dad

"Kate Bishop! Your crush! Asked you that!? No way!" Ned, of course, couldn't believe it. But this was the same man who didn't realize he was going out with Betty Brant for two weeks
"What did you say after she asked?" MJ questioned when she looked up from behind her laptop on the couch.
"I said, "yeah!" and "that's awesome." Was that good?"
MJ shook her head. "Truly a wordsmith." Sarcastic as ever. MJ went back to her screen to basically ignore you and Ned.
"Well, anyways, congrats," Ned said, getting up from the dining room table where his and Peter's LEGO Death Star was kept. Why was it in your dorm and not there's you had no idea. But MJ helped from time to time, so you figured it was okay.
Ned and you walked into your room and closed the door.
"You know it's a good thing everyone knows you're gay, or else the amount of time we go to your room alone would be suspicious." You froze and thought about Ned's words. "Yeah, I guess... I wonder what MJ thinks we do?"
"I think Peter said we watch movies that she'd disapprove of."
That made sense. "Hmm, alright." You walked over to your bed and flopped onto it while you waited for Ned to do what he needed to do.
3...2...1. "Okay, got it." He said as your fingers formed into a 0. "Alright, what am I looking at?" Ned had pulled up security footage from a traffic light from three weeks ago.
"Okay, this was when that building on 10th in Hell's Kitchen burned down." Ned played the video, and it showed a group of guys in Tracksuits fleeing from the building as they piled into a black SUV moments prior to the building going up.
"Okay. So the Tracksuits are back.." You thought out loud as Ned moved his cursor to another video.
"This was from last week on 3rd in Harlem." The video played and was almost identical to the third one. Except the SUV and the plates on the car were different.
You stood in thought as the last video started. "This was last night."
You recognized the building immediately as you remember zipping past it last night. Just like the other two videos, it played out the same. When the video stopped, Ned looked at you.
"Okay, so as bad as their fashion choice is, they're not idiots. They have different cars and plates every time. Their faces are covered, and let me guess, if we follow the cars light by light, they end up at a chop shop?"
Ned nodded.
"So... it's gotta be the buildings." Ned tilted his head. "What do you mean? It's not the chop shops?" You shook your head. "Chop shops are easy to bust. It's like they want you to follow them there. The buildings. The ones they burn. That's the real money."
Ned looked from you to the screen.
"So you think these tracksuit guys are burning the buildings for insurance money?" You shook your head and entered your closet to change into your Spidey Suit.
Just because you're gay doesn't mean you want guy your friend Ned to see you.
"No, I think someone is hiring these guys to do it." You huffed as you remembered who had the tracksuit mafia in his pocket last time.
Wilson Fisk. The Kingpin.
He was a roach you could never squash just right.
If he owned the buildings, that means there was a lot more at play.
"Okay." You stepped out of the closet and quickly scarfed down a leftover slice of pizza Ned had. "Do you think you could find out who owns these buildings?" Ned nodded. "It's probably a bunch of shell companies, but I can do my best." You patted him on the shoulder. "Thanks, man." You hurried across your room and grabbed your mask.
"Oh, and when Peter comes over, could you maybe not tell him I went patrolling? Tell him I overheard something on the radio." Ned gave a flat smile.
Lying was not his strong suit.
"If you do, I'll-"
"Hey, Y/N, are you still in there?" You gave a panicked look to Ned before putting on your mask and twhiping away before MJ wildly opened the door.
She looked from the open window to Ned.
"Where's Y/N?"
"Uhhh..." Ned was really bad at lying. "She left..ago- a while ago!" He was in trouble. "Yeah?" MJ crossed her arms and leaned against the doorframe. "How come I didn't see her leave?"
Ned's brain scrambled.
"Blindness?" Ned said, making MJ stand up straighter. "I turn a blind eye to many things, Ned, but this won't be one of them." She uncrossed her arms and stretched her arm out to grab the door handle to the room. "By the way, nice camera footage, totally not suspicious at all." She thinned her eyes and hummed as she closed the door.
After swinging for what felt like a good enough distance away from campus, you stood on the roof of an old pizzeria.
Your phone chimed, and you had a text from Ned. "Did my best. Sorry. 😭😭😭"
You laughed and reassured him that he wouldn't be fired from his guy-in-the-chair duties.
"Keep me posted on the buildings." You sent your final text and put your phone away.
You then stared out into the boro you find yourself in. In the distance, you can see what remains of a shootout you helped rescue people from two months ago. You think about a girl you saved who said she wanted to be like you when she grew up.
Your heart warmed, and you told her to stay in school and that she'd be better than you.
Which was looking more and more accurate by the day as you leaped off the pizzeria, ignoring a text from your brother about the essay you still needed to do.
At the same time, Kate Bishop entered her dorm room, walking past her blonde roommate and fast friend Cassie Lang at her desk before Kate collapsed facedown onto her bed.
"What's wrong?" The slightly shorter of the two, Cassie, turned around and asked. "Tired." Kate's muffled voice spoke.
"How late were you out last night?" Cassie asked as she stood up, approaching her friend's bed. "Past 3," Kate said, making Cassie go wide-eyed. "Kate Bishop! The rule was 2:30 at the latest!"
Kate rolled over and lifted herself up. "I'm sorry." She pouted at her friend, who instantly pulled her into a comforting hug that turned into Kate leaning on Cassie's shoulder. "What else is wrong?" Cassie asked as she saw how exhausted Kate looked.
"Nothing," Kate said, but Cassie wasn't so sure. "Are you doing some overthinking?" Kate froze eventually before nodding. "What about?"
"Clint and the Tracksuits."
Kate spoke freely about her other life to Cassie.
Kate used to tell people openly about how she was working with an Avenger, but after what happened with her mom and Kingpin last year, she toned it down.
Now, the only people who know are Cassie, Pizza Dog, and a rouge assassin for hire. Plus, Clint and his family.
Cassie only found out when she woke up in the middle of the night to see Kate in her Hawkeye outfit on the floor.
Kate tripped, falling through the window, and busted her chin.
Kate wanted to tell more people like you. But as previously mentioned. She liked you and didn't want you to get hurt because of her.
So, she kept her Hawkeye circle small.
However, Kate couldn't get the idea out of her head... what if she told you?
"Kate?" Cassie poked the forehead of her dorm mate. "Where'd you go?" She asked.
Kate sat up and cracked her neck, ignoring the question. Cassie noticed as she raised her eyebrows and returned to her desk. Choosing schoolwork, Chemistry in particular, over prying answers from Kate.
"Do you think I should tell Y/N?" Kate spoke up and waited for Cassie to turn around. But she didn't.
"Cass?" Kate asked as she stepped off her bed and walked next to her friend. "Cass?" She asked again before realizing Cassie had put in her AirPods.
Cassie turned to her left and jumped, startled, before pulling them out. "Oh shit. What's up?!" Kate opened her mouth. "I..- nothing. I just was going to tell you that I.. wanted to.."
She couldn't do it.
"I wanted to invite Y/N to my archery practice!" Kate put on a smile and watched her friend's face light up.
"Oh my God, I love that! Please do it! Ugh, she's so pretty!" Cassie was happy for her friend finally doing something about her crush. "She is," Kate replied with a blush. "Think she'll show?" Kate then asked.
"Why wouldn't she?" Cassie tilted her head, entirely focused on the conversation.
Cassie and you had hung out briefly when your friend group and Kate's got together, but she has never witnessed how your superhero life affects you.
Kate shrugs. "Lately, Y/N has been... flaky isn't the right word.. but not here? I guess? She's always tired too. She bails on plans with her and Peter sometimes."
Cassie raised an eyebrow. "How do you know?"
"I've seen it at the library. Their study block is next to mine." Cassie nodded. "Plus, MJ's told me."
"Michelle Jones?" Cassie questions, making Kate nod. "She's roommates with Y/N, right?" Kate nods again. "Well, what does she think." Kate folds her lips into her mouth and raises her eyebrows.
"She thinks Y/N is The Spider."
Cassie's mouth drops before forming into a smile of laughter. "What?!" Kate nods with her own smile. "It's true. She's convinced."
Cassie laughs, making Kate giggle. "She took pictures of The Spider over a summer once. That doesn't mean she's THE Spider." Kate nodded as her smile naturally faded. "That would be funny," Kate said, making Cassie laugh again.
"Well, good luck with having your crush at practice tomorrow." Kate waved Cassie off as she went to the bathroom to shower and change. "Going out?" Cassie yelled through the closed bathroom door.
"Not till later. Why?" Kate replied as she took her top off. Her eyes finding a yellow bruise on her chest. "Looks like it's gonna snow."
And snow it did.
It started to come down after you stopped an armed robbery. Armed being used lightly as the men committing the crime were carrying toy guns.
Plus, the bank they chose to hit was a block down from a police station.
So, as you swung back up onto a nearby roof, snow hit your mask. You smiled and lifted up the mask to expose your mouth and nose. You inhaled and exhaled, watching your breath hang in the air.
The snow touched your face and melted against your warm pink cheeks.
It was cool and calming.
A few seconds of much-needed peace.
"I love snow." You whispered to yourself as the wind blew, making you shiver, but you remained now sitting on the roof with your smiling face to the darkened sky.
After enough time, you pulled out your phone.
"I should see if anyone needs any help." But before you could check the Friendly Neighborhood Spidey App, you were receiving a call from an unknown number.
"Ew, who calls anyone after 7?"
You weighed the options of answering it due to your fear of talking on the phone, but after three rings, you caved. "Hello?"
"Yes, hello, I'm calling for a Y/N Parker." The male voice on the other end sounded familiar.
"This is she." You said, standing up. "Ah, Y/N! Nice to put a voice to a list of your academic achievements." The male chuckled. "This is Dr. Otto Octavius." You physically stopped pacing and smiled. Holy crap! You were speaking to THE Dr. Octavius!
"Dr. Octavius! Hello! Wow, I can't believe you called. I take it Dr. Connors passed along... well, my life." You sent a small laugh Otto's way. "He did." He replied with a smile. "And I must say he was right; you're a bright student, Y/N."
You made a "yeah!" gesture with your arm.
"But-" Oh no! "I agree with Connors when he says you've been struggling. I can see just by looking at your grades and past reports that you're lazy. Brilliant but lazy."
"I- I'm trying to do better." You paved around the empty rooftop. "I've just had a lot of personal stuff happening lately."
The other side of the line went quiet.
"Parker, intelligence is not a privilege. It's a gift."
You opened your mouth to defend yourself, butDr. Octavius stopped you. Do you think you'll be free after the holidays?" You perked up at that and stood on your tiptoes.
Was he saying what you thought he was saying?
"Uh yes- yes sir! You'll have my undivided attention!"
Dr. Octavius hummed.
"On the second Monday after the new year, I'd like to speak with you face to face. From there, we can see how we'll proceed with one another. That's about a month away, Parker. That should give you time to get your other affairs in order."
You nodded your head. "Yes, sir. Thank you!"
"I'll email you the information and where to meet me two weeks from now. Happy Holidays."
The line went dead, and you cheered. You just got an interview with Dr. Otto Octavius. He called you lazy, but he also said you were brilliant!
You put your phone away and jumped off the roof of the building with an aloud cheer that you were certain people did not appreciate.
Meanwhile, Kate was unlocking the door to her aunt's place to meet up with Clint. What she wasn't expecting was for Clint to be there already.
"Trust me, I don't plan on missing two Christmas' in a row."
Clint was on the phone.
Kate quietly closed the door, dropped her bag, and quiver on the floor.
"Laura..." Clint sounded tired. "With Kingpin back, I'd feel awful if I left and something happened." Kate's lips formed into a flat line. "Yeah, no, she's great. Kicking ass on her own." Clint said and laughed when his wife replied back.
Kate tried to remain quiet, but a floorboard creaking under her left foot gave her away. Lucky's head shot up from Clint's lap, making the archer turn around. "Hey, babes, Hawkeye just arrived, so I gotta go. Yeah. Yeah. I'll be safe. Love you too."
Clint smiled before hanging up. "She says hi." Kate nodded and told Clint to tell Laura hi the next time they spoke.
Kate grabbed a spot on the loveseat next to the couch.
"I didn't hear you come in," Clint spoke up as he put his phone away. "Don't know if that's my old age or..." He tapped his ear. "Maybe I'm just getting better at sneaking around," Kate replied with a smile.
Clint nodded his head with a chuckle. Kate was saving him from embarrassment.
Clint was still struggling with his hearing loss.
"Yeah, well... maybe it's all three," Clint said as he looked away from Kate. His hand still petting the dog.
Something in the room always shifted when talks like these happened. It reminded the two archers that time and missions with one another were limited.
Clint couldn't do this forever.
He didn't want to do this forever. He had a family and a life outside of being Hawkeye.
But damn, if he wasn't going to miss someone, he considers family—an annoying girl who was somehow more skilled than him but clumsy as hell, Kate Bishop.
Clint kicked his tongue and scooted Lucky off his lap before getting up and grabbing a water from the ridge and a laptop from his bag. "While you were at school. I got a friend to do a little research."
Clint returned, sitting at the edge of the couch closest to Kate. He opened the laptop and clicked on a folder of files. Blueprints. Bank records. Phone calls and messages all popped up on the screen.
"A friend?" Kate asked with a knowing smirk.
Clint ignored her as he took a sip of water. Clicking on the map of the city. Certain buildings highlighted in red. Others in grey. "What am I looking at?"
"The red ones are the burned-down buildings." Kate took a look at the map again. "And the grey... Potential targets?" Clint nodded before clicking on another file. It was a picture taken by Clint last night. "This is a zoomed-in photo of the blueprint on the Tracksuits wall."
"Their next target?" Kate asked. "I think so. We find one of the grey buildings that matches this blueprint." He pointed to the screen. "We can stop them."
Stop them, hurt them, make them confess, give us the details and whereabouts of Wilson Fisk.
You know, that kind of stop them.
Kate looked at the screen again. She moved pieces of her hair behind her ears before leaning into the screen. "How do we know they'll target one of the grey ones?"
Clint moved the cursor on the screen and clicked on an open tab. Finical records. "The ones burned down and these ones." The ones highlighted grey. "Are all owned by different shell companies, but when you really start digging deep, you find that they all go to the same place. Red Lion National Bank."
"Kingpin," Kate said.
Clint nodded. "He owns them all."
"So what he uses these buildings as cash houses and then burns them down when they aren't needed?" Clint shrugged. "It's a working theory. I'm sure there's more involved than money." Kate agreed.
"This one looks like the blueprint. But... but so does this one." Kate said as she clicked between two different buildings.
"It's probably built by the same company that's why they're not so different." Clint thought. "We could go stake out one and see how much movement happens."
"Sounds good to me. Doesn't look that far away. I mean it's far but- you get what I mean." She flopped her hand at Clint.
He laughed.
"Alright well, let me go get changed and we'll be off." Clint stood up and clapped his hands. "Oh, I also already fed Lucky and took him out so no need to worry."
Pizza Dog perked his ears up.
"Awww did Uncle Clint already take care of you?" Kate turned on her baby voice as she leaned over to kiss and pet the dog. "You're such a good boy!" Lucky's tail started wagging. Clint playfully rolled his eyes as he walked to the bathroom.
As she waited Kate's mind started to wander.
"Alright, we just about ready?" Clint asked as he zipped up his vest and grabbed his bow. Kate stood up putting her phone into her pocket and nodded. "My stuff's by the door."
"Great." Clint and Kate made their way to the front door to finish gathering what they needed. "Oh, here." Clint tossed Kate a purple beanie.
She smiled and looked at Clint. "Occasion?"
"It's cold and snowing outside. Can't have you getting sick." Kate's heart warmed at that whether it was sarcastic or not. "Thanks. Where'd you get it?" She asked a she released her hair from its ponytail
"Stopped by my place in the city earlier. Found it in the closet."
What Clint failed to tell Kate is that the beanie wasn't store-bought.
It was handmade.
And before you ask. God, no Clint didn't spend hours crocheting a hat together.
Natasha Romanoff did.
"Looks better on you kid." Clint smiled as Kate dawned it with pride. "Hawkeye and Hawkeye. One with a beanie the other with a hearing aid!" Kate posed as if she was shooting an arrow and exaggerated her voice.
"Had to ruin it didn't you?" Clint teased as he opened the door.
"Bye, Lucky!" Clint waved to the dog before entering the hall. "Bye, Pizza Dog! Be good!" Kate flipped all but one light switched off and locked the door.
As the two archers made their trek to the location marked on Clint's phone he spoke up simply because he couldn't help himself.
"So... who were you texting earlier?"
Kate looked to her right confused. However, she knew what Clint was talking about. "Come on. Don't give me that look. I may be deaf at times but I'm never blind." Clint bumped into Kate as they kept waking. "Don't forget I'm also the father of a teenage daughter."
Kate had him there.
"A friend." She said. "Oh, a friend! Are they nice?" Kate nodded. "She's nice." Clint smiled. She. "Does she know about this?" Clint pointed to the arrows on Kate's back.
Kate shook her head. "She knows I do archery but that's it." Clint looked at Kate's side profile. "But you want to tell her?" Kate looked up. "How'd you know?"
Clint exhaled.
"Because Kate you like this friend of yours. You're young. Oh, and you're terrible at keeping secrets."
"Am not."
She was.
In Clint's eyes, it was a miracle the whole world didn't know the real identity of the "new" Hawkeye.
"Regardless, are you going to tell them?"
Kate shrugged. "I don't know."
Clint patted her shoulder. "That's alright." Kate smiled. "I invited her to my archery practice tomorrow and to study afterward. The text was about her coming over."
Clint raised his eyebrows. "Oh well as long as you're safe."
Kate furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head. But before she could reply her phone buzzed.
It was a text from you.
"Sounds great! 🎯"
You smiled as you hit send.
Your fingers remained tightly gripped around your phone as you twhiped yourself through an alleyway.
You thought about double-texting Kate. Asking her how she was or what she was doing. Or why the sudden invite to her archery practice?
Was it just for fun? The want to hang out with you? Or did Kate truly just want to show off her toned arms and skills with a bow?
Could it be all of the above?
You closed out your messages app before you could accidentally send a double text and focused on your tingling.
#kate bishop imagine#kate bishop fic#kate bishop hawkeye#spider person#spider woman#spider-person#kate bishop x#kate bishop x female reader#kate bishop x reader#kate bishop x y/n#spider person x kate bishop#soft kate bishop#deaf clint barton#clint barton#clint being a dad#hawkeye#female reader x hawkeye#spider-woman#spider - woman x kate bishop#purple beanie#natasha romanoff#this is me trying#olsenmyolsen
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I find it's weird that Hazbin actually... Lacks of its main villain and also their REALLY WEIRD order. Like angels and Adam are first and after them Vs... The stakes are going DOWN and it's weird. I think much more logically would be make V's main antagonists of 1st season and 1st season would be all about hazbiners trying their new life and fighting their inner demons and interacting with each other in NORMAL pace (24 episodes).
And 2nd season would be more about Charlie trying to arrange with Heaven and then fail because Adam is absolutely not believing in her idea. I think this moment should also get its development and why Adam became from decent (I believe he was decent) to a fucked up person. More lore about his life and family and lore about exterminators.
And moment about "Hell is raising". Where? We don't see anything about it in hell. Everybody is hella neutral even when Alastor returned after 7 years of absence, that's weird. I'd add about it some final antagonist and I think it shouldn't be Roo and better be some irredeemable sinner who is barely human soul at this point. Like living antithesis to Charlie's ideology, making her realise that not everybody can be redeemed.
That sinner should be btw someone absurdly powerful like some kind of overlord of overlords who ruled Circle of Pride while Lucifer is lucifering, becoming the demon the same level as sins themselves
Yeah, the order is extremely weird, the fact we are starting with Adam ( an archangel and the first man of creation) then downgrading to overlords such as the Vees (a rapist and two superstar enablers). At this point, since Lucifer is part of the hotel and living there might have Charlie beg him and tell her dad just to whoop the Vees’ ass and get rid of Angel Dust’s contract.
Or use the leftover of the angelic weapon to stab them in secret. Not even the average sinner cares about Alastor’s reappearance. Either way, I will gladly wait whatever Vivziepop is cooking in the oven.
While, 8 episodes is booty cheeks: if Vivziepop just cut multiple, useless characters out from season 1 and only focused the Hazbin squad while the Vees do shady, sketchy stuff in the background that would’ve been awesome. Then yknow like you said Anon, season 2 can potentially be about Charlie to Heaven, etc etc. If Amazon gave Vivziepop 24 episodes, it would be derailed so fast it would Helluva Boss a run for its money.
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Happy Halloween everyone! I'm staying home this year giving out candy to kids, so here's what I think the clan would do if they had to give out candy too :>
Also inspired by a tiktok I saw with the same concept but with Saiki K characters
Eiden: Eiden would do what you'd pretty much expect for someone in his position. He waits for kids to knock on his door before greeting them with a smile and complimenting their costumes while handing out candy. He starts to get bored after a while though. The kids are cute and all, but sometimes Eiden thinks back to his partying days and how he'd spend Halloween nights partying all night in a slutty costume. Oh well. At least he has Aster and Morvay and whoever else might be in the mansion to keep him company. It gives him an opportunity to talk about Halloween back in his world too.
Aster: Aster might take Eiden's place from time to time to hand out candy. But of course, in true Aster The Moneymaking Machine fashion, he found a way to make some money on the side. Sure, you can have one of the big fancy candy bars… For a small fee >:3 Though he knows not many people go out trick-or-treating with money, so he'll settle for a trade. A bunch of the other person's small candy in exchange for one big candy. I like to think Aster has a bit of a sweet tooth.
Morvay: I've always headcanoned that Morvay has a thing for candy. I wouldn't say he has a sweet tooth, but he does definitely have an oral fixation if that wasn't obvious already. He'd probably snatch up some pieces of the candy he's supposed to be giving out (either by request of Eiden or order of Aster) but they're usually things like lollipops. If a kid with a really hot dad showed up, Morvay can and will try to invite him inside for a… special Halloween treat. Freaky ass.
Yakumo: If you want the good stuff, Yakumo will be your very best bet. Halloween gives Yakumo the excuse to bake, and how could he pass up an opportunity like that? The word will eventually spread around the children of the Light Territory (maybe even the Water Territory if they're close enough) that there's a tall, kind man handing out yummy homemade treats and candies, they'll come flocking to him. Yakumo gets a little overwhelmed by the swarm of children at his door, but he's beyond happy that so many people are enjoying his baking. He might have gone a little overboard though, because despite all the treats he gave away, he has leftovers for everyone in the clan.
Edmond: Realistically, Edmond would probably be too busy with his knightly duties to hand out candy, as I'd imagine holidays are always pretty hectic for the knights. If he does get the chance, however, Edmond would be the type to stay outside the whole time passing out candy so he can keep watch in case any suspicious activity starts going on. Whatever amount of candy Edmond has for trick-or-treaters, he has double that amount at home for himself. How this man's teeth haven't rotted out of his head is beyond me.
Olivine: Naturally, the temple is the most popular place in the Water Territory for trick-or-treaters to visit. People of all ages swarm the temple for a chance to interact with Olivine. He's used to all the attention, but he'd be very grateful if someone else from the clan were able to help him pass out candy. He makes sure to compliment every person's costume with his signature gentle smile, and I'd like to bet that some people get so excited that they faint. It's a certainly eventful night at the temple, to say the least.
Quincy: Sigh. How troublesome. Quincy would much rather be celebrating the holiday with a nice, long slumber — or at the very least carving more pampos (Eiden got him into it. It's actually pretty calming) — but if he must pass out candy, he can't bring himself to say no. Fortunately, if he's in his own home, not many people are in the Wood Territory in the first place, and usually the ones who do visit are yokai interested in this strange human holiday. But if he's at the mansion, he'll be dealing with many more visitors. At least Topper is enjoying himself... And stealing some candy.
Kuya: Kuya is all trick, no treat. I'm not sure if anyone would actually be stupid enough to visit his home to trick or treat, but Kuya still gets his fun in by toying with anyone passing by. His little tricks range from something as simple as changing the layout of the forest to get people lost, to casting illusions so insane that people swear they're going to die that night. Maybe he'll cast an illusion of rabid beasts chasing people down and attacking. Maybe he'll cast an illusion of people's costumes coming to life and trapping the people inside to slowly absorb them. He miiiight be on better behavior if Eiden was around, but not significantly. There's certainly never a dull moment with Kuya around.
Garu & Karu: Costumes? Candy? Decorations? Candy? Spooky attractions? CANDY? Needless to say, Garu and Karu are interested. Garu loves seeing everyone's fun costumes and gives everyone lots of enthusiastic, tail-wagging praise. Karu, on the other hand, uses the opportunity to spread the word of his world domination to these tiny humans so they will have no choice but to cower in fear or offer to be one of his human slaves… Or so he wishes. Each time, the children are like "Haha okay mister. Do you have any candy?" Garu and Karu have one thing and common though: scarfing down candy. They aren't very subtle about eyeing the candy in every trick-or-treater's bag, and someone else in the mansion always needs to monitor them in case they start stealing too much of the candy they're supposed to be giving out.
Blade: First of all, Blade played a big role in decorating the mansion and you can clearly tell that from like a mile away. He made his own costume too… But nobody can ever figure out what he's supposed to be (unless he dresses up as Eiden, then Eiden will stare at him in horror.) All the costumes are suuuper cute to him, which will totally confuse kids wearing costumes that are supposed to be scary. Every time he gives someone their candy, he sings a little "candy for yooou~!" per person. I wouldn't be surprised if he spent the week prior making a bunch of little Eiden dolls to put into everyone's bags too. Everyone Needs A Little Darling !
Dante: Sun Lord Dante giving candy out to the children of the Fire Territory? Such a thing would originally be unheard of… Before Eiden came along. Now, for reasons Dante would never admit out loud, he feels compelled to hand out candy, or at least have one of his servants do it. Though if he is the one doing it, he's a little scary about it. Try as he might, Dante just does not have a friendly face or voice (but he swears he's trying.) Overall, Dante isn't a fan of feeding his people such sweet treats, buuuuut just doing it one night every 365 days wouldn't hurt. As long as everyone works it off the next day.
Rei: Like Quincy, Rei has no interest in handing out candy, as he believes there are better ways to be spending his time. Difference is, though, is that Rei does what he wants and truly does not give out candy. If he's home, he'll keep the lights off and work on the ground with a single little lamp on. If he's at the mansion, he simply won't answer the door. There's other people in the mansion, after all. If they want to give out candy so badly, they can do it themselves. But, for the sake of this post, let's say he decides to give out candy. Rei would just toss a candy bar vaguely in the direction of whoever is at the house and shut the door. The kid got their candy, so no complaints allowed.
#totally didn't pump this post out at the last minute haha#so if it's a little ooc i'm so sorry#i actually had more halloween posts planned because this is my favorite holiday#but life decided to throw some obstacles my way and directly at my head#anyway how was everyone's halloween?#i didn't have anyone to go with so i didn't dress up#but i did give out candy and watch horror movies and tbh horror movies is all i really need#tag yourself i'm a mix of garu and olivine#nu carnival#nu: carnival#nukani#nu carnival eiden#nu carnival aster#nu carnival morvay#nu carnival yakumo#nu carnival edmond#nu carnival olivine#nu carnival quincy#nu carnival kuya#nu carnival garu#nu carnival karu#nu carnival blade#nu carnival dante#nu carnival rei
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Glass Houses: Jack Thurlow x Y/N One-Shot Series PRT 37
Tagging: @roryculkinluvr@thatsthewrongwallcraig@icarus-star @cc-luvr @madamemaximoff06@shady-the-simp @quicksilversg1rl @s-0lar @kristennero-wallacewellsver@ophelialaufey @mayathepsychic1999 @x-prettyboy-x @rorylover71 @auggiethecreator @tempt-ress @blacksoul-27 @kappasbbgirl @starry-eyed-wild-child
Jack didn't expect to feel this way as Shanda talked with Y/n like they were the best of friends. She was so open to her and was able to laugh with her unlike she had with anyone else he's ever introduced her to. He knew Shanda would like her but he didn't realize how much until he watched them shotgun a blunt together.
He felt giddy as they all talked. Y/n fell into place effortlessly and made sure to keep checking on him as he took hits of the blunt. Not in a "you shouldn't be doing that" sort of way but in a way that she wanted to make sure he was having a good time and not a bad trip from this West Coast weed.
"Do you want the 2-cent house tour? Jack will proudly complain about how much work he did to the house but secretly it makes him feel like his balls are huge." Y/n teased making Jack shake his head.
"It doesn't take big balls to renovate a house...it takes a lot of hard work, stupid amounts of money...and a big cock." Jack teased right back but Shanda threw her hands up in the air.
"I'll take the tour if you keep your dick and balls out of this." She started up the steps and Jack trailed behind her like two children picking out their bedrooms in a new home.
Y/n watched how Jack interacted with Shanda and could tell how much he's changed. It made her smile seeing him so lively and excited as he gave her and her girlfriend a tour of the house. He proudly took her to each room and told her how shitty it was to get all the old junk out and drag it all downstairs but he was happy with how it all turned out.
"I love that you turned your dad's studio into your office. I think that is awesome." Shanda put her fingers on the drafts he had pinned to the corkboard for the book her had written.
"I didn't get a chance to tell you but I sent my book off to a publisher...we're waiting to see if they're gonna bite or not." Jack shoved his hands in his pockets shyly and Shanda shoved him before wrapping her arm around his neck.
"You fucker! That's amazing! I'm so fucking proud of you!" Shanda hugged him and Jack laughed.
"No one has called yet so don't be too proud. I could just be a hack." Jack joked.
"Not a chance. I've read it and have offered sexual favors for a sequel." Y/n cut in.
"That good huh?" Crystal laughed.
"I thought it was brilliant. Knowing him personally only makes the book more chilling. I think it's going to get picked up without a doubt." Y/n said firmly making Jack walk towards her and kiss her cheek. Shanda awed at them and Jack rolled his eyes.
They all go back downstairs and resume dinner with the leftover pizza and weed, talking about how Shanda moved in with Crystal finally and how Crystal's art exhibit was featured locally. Y/n sat with her legs crossed towards Jack, holding his hand in her own and resting it on his knee. It was such a simple gesture but Jack felt whole just having her holding his hand. He hadn't notice Shanda watching them interact with one another.
"I would love to hang out longer but I have to get up for work super early and I already know I'm going to crash from that weed." Y/n laughed getting up from her chair. Jack hadn't released her hand yet even as she walked around and hugged Crystal and Shanda goodbye.
Jack walked her to the front door and he squeezed her hand.
"I'll text you when I got to bed." Jack said giving her a kiss. She touched his face and smiled.
"If I don't answer, just know I'm passed out but I will call in the morning." Jack felt warmth in his stomach as she held his face in her hands and kissed him again, this time taking her time.
"Love you." She whispered before walking out the door like it was nothing. Jack didn't have time to think about it. She had just told him that she loved him and left. He watched he walk across the yard and go inside the house before turning around and jumping at the sight of Shanda standing there.
"Jesus fuck..." He yelped and she smirked.
"She's the one, huh?" Shanda teases. Jack gives her a shove as they return to the living room, Shanda sitting between Crystal's legs and Jack sat opposite them on the other end of the couch.
"The one? I mean I'm just glad she agreed to be my girlfriend. I'm not trying to jump into a marriage just yet." Jack laughed it off.
"Why not? She's gorgeous and sweet. She also believes in your writing which is awesome to have in a supportive partner." Crystal gave Shanda a squeeze.
"You look happier than I've ever seen you...even when you were with Cleo." Shanda says honestly. Jack smiles and nods knowing it's true. He's never felt like this before. He starts to wonder if maybe he was ever really in love with Cleo because he never felt like this with her.
"You look healthy too, kind of jacked." Crystal added making all three of them laugh out loud.
"Yeah that's probably from the renovations. Moving a lifetime of bullshit from three levels has been a workout." Jack admits. He knew the first week he should have hired help with the work but he didn't trust anyone to help him go through his families secrets and junk. He felt stronger both physically and mentally and he knew Y/n had a lot to do with that.
"Do you love her?" Shanda asked bluntly.
"I mean...yeah I do. I don't know really know what that means yet but I know that I need her in my life in order to feel whole which I know is some cliche bullshit but I feel hopeful when I'm with her, when I think about her." Jack explained getting lost in his thoughts. Shanda nudged him with her foot and pulled him out of his head.
"Happy for you bitch." Shanda smiled almost looking like she had tears of joy in her eyes.
"Happy for you whore." Jack gripped her ankle and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
Crystal and Shanda slept in the guest room as Jack shut down the house around 1AM. He paced around the hardwood floor biting his lip and knowing that Y/n was probably already asleep but he had to talk to her. He opened the door and looked up towards her room. The light was off. He looked at the garden trellis and started to carefully climb up to the second floor. The last thing he wanted to do was fall off the side of the house and be found in the morning broken and humiliated.
He gripped the side of the windowsill and knocked on the glass lightly at first. It took a minute before the light came on and Y/n appeared with a heavy dumbbell in her hand. Once she saw Jack she dropped it on the bed and quickly opened the window.
"Are you crazy? Are you trying to break your ass?" She griped his forearms but he didn't let her pull him into the window.
"I didn't say it back." Jack breathed.
"What?" She looked confused.
"You said love you when you left and I didn't say it back." Y/n shook her head at him but before she could speak he cut her off.
"I love you. I am so in love with you, you know that right?" Jack confessed seeing Y/n smile. She dropped to her knees and still kept ahold of him.
"I know you do idiot. You didn't' have to scale the house to tell me." Y/n pushed his sweaty hair off his forehead. He smiled back at her.
"I just wanted you to know." She leaned forward and kissed him.
"Can I pull you into the window now? I'm not fucking you in a full body cast." Y/n asked making Jack laugh as he let her drag him through the window. He stripped out of his clothes and snuggled into bed with her, holding her in his arms. This was perfect to him. His life, no matter what direction it took, felt whole.
#Jack Thurlow#Jack Thurlow x Y/n#Jack Goes Home#One Shot Series#Glass Houses#Glass Houses Series#Rory Culkin#Culkin Cult
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having gojo as your dad :
Warnings : platonic ,fluff all the way , gender neutral, more of an introverted reader
• We all know that this guy is the most irresponsible man in the world
• So maybe it'll be a blast for you at some moments , however they were times when you genuinely feared for your life .
• Will bring you with him for fighting curse .
• After letting out an exasperated sight , he asked him WHY IN THE WORLD , did he brought a 8 years old kid HERE ?! " To show off how much of a cutie poopsie littl' pumkin' my pumkin is cute of course !"
• You and uncle nanami were both dead inside . At least someone here understand you .
• He's THE DAD , you know what I'm talking about ! Yeah , it's the weirdo who'll scream the loudest at any of the school evenement , the one who yelled "I love you y/n ! Take care ! It's a place of torture !" on your first day of school .
• And the more you'll grow up , the more he'll be annoying .
• When he leave you alone at home . The moment he came back , you were about to greet him ... He seemed ... Disappointed ? : Did something happened at work ? -Nathin' . -You sure ? Cuz I don't think so . - Why ? -What ? -Why's there nobody here ?! -I'm here .... -I don't mean that ! -Then what ?! -WHY IS THERE NO PARTY !? -No party ?! Are you kiddin' ?!!! - You're young ! You're a teen and my daughter/son . So you MUST throw on a PARTY !!!
-Just ,WHY WOULD i DO THAT ?! It's 11 PM and tomorrow I have school ! -That's the hole point of it !!! "
He opened his arms as if his statement was made out of logic and mindfulness . This was too much for you to handle this time , so you gave up .
"I'm going to bed , don't wanna look like a curse tomorrow . The leftover are already in the microwave you'll just have to turn it on . Goodnight -Sweet dreams ! -Oh ! And try not to burn the kitchen this time ! -I'll try not to ! "
• It goes without saying that you'll be the one cooking most of the time
• You never try to bring up what happened at school .
• This caused him to whine for hours about how mean and cold you are towards him , your own father !
• So he engaged spies or modern ninja for it ( after all , he got the money ) ,( ̄▽ ̄)"
• And know that he got the goods , he can turn on THE GOSSIP GIRL MODE !
• Just run . As fast as you can .
• As a last resort , you hided in uncle nanami's place .The only one where you felt safe at the moment .
• For your birthday he'll make an effort and try not to do anything tooo stupid . He tried .
• Made a surprise party , you know when everybody hides and pop up .It's the same thing ,except he's alone .
• It still amused you though .Does his confidence never wither ?
• Will be the type of dad to treat you as a kid even when you're in your late 20's
• Megumi is like your brother : you were always playing together when you were younger . You still spend time together .He"s your bestie :)
• Quite often people think that you're secretly dating (it's not the case)
• One time someone brought this up in front of gojo ... Oh boy, he sure was mad .
" How dare you dating my baby !!! PLEASE ! Take care of her/him ! They're SO FRAGILE ! "
• Ot took you 30 min to explain him the situation ( he was in absolute denial :(*  ̄︿ ̄)
• Like :" Don"t try to lie to ME ! ( insert drama queen fainting)
• The first time you mentionned you wanted to date someone... He gave you the bombastic side eye before adding : "Why would you want to date someone when you have the ✨ handsomest man✨ in the world as your father ?"
• Would be the type of dad to not care where you go and at what time you come back...
But is worried that you don't get out !? 😭
• Plz someone explain me 😭
• If he was my father he would've killed me .
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The only reason Ghost has this mentality was because of his home situation. He just never broke the habbit, and frankly, he doesn't want to. He loves the reactions he gets out of people sometimes.
Like, his family had enough money for meals like—a good amount of the time—but there would be some bad months where meals had to be extremely stretched out, or no food for certain days. His dad's drug and gambling problem was absolutely zero help, and his mom never really worked. Simon would always make sure his brother would have at least something, and he did that by giving Tommy his portions, but he never actively starved himself.
He would give Tommy and his mom good quality foods that he bought with his own money, then ate whatever scraps looked edible enough. His stomach built a lot of immunity this way, and he never grew out of the habit of eating whatever he found.
His time with Roba did not help at all. He ate whatever scraps he would get because his feeding days were so far and few between.
Even as he "healed" it's just a habit that stuck with him. His quality of life in the beginnjng built it, and his time in the military and with Roba only solidified it.
Ghost doesn't care about the actual origins anymore because he's a big guy who eats a lot and likes to freak out his colleagues.
(sorry for the long idea—also can i be 🍄🍂 since every anon is giving themselves an identifer?)
When Soap had first witnessed Ghost eat two week old leftovers he found at the back of the fridge, all he could think of was “Who hurt him?”.
Of course he thought that in a joking manner.
But as he learned more and more about Ghost, when Ghost finally opened up to him about his childhood… Soap did everything he could that would let Ghost know that he didn’t have to continue with these old habits. Soap was quick to always check the fridge and get rid of old food, making sure everything was fresh.
He started packing Ghost lunch. Homemade meals that Soap learned from his gran that he normally only made for himself. He made sure that Ghost always had something fresh. And each time he gave Ghost a kiss on the cheek when handing off his lunch, reminding him that he can have good food and not have to pass it off to someone else.
#🍄🍂#call of duty#cod mwii#modern warfare ii#john soap mactavish#simon ghost riley#soapghost#ghostsoap#ask#thanks for the ask <3#modern warfare
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(If ya'll never try Quenepas/Mamones/Mamoncillos or in English term Spanish Limes, ya'll are missing out. They are so good! 🤤)
(Warning: Hobie 18 and Miles is 17 and they do a bit of touching. I put a warning bc I know some readers don't like reading high school stuff like this. You been warned.)
"It's amazing my brother was able to find a whole bulk of Quenepas!" Rio smiles widely having one of her favorite fruits in the sink to wash them, "These are amazing healthy snack for you papi!"
Jeff saw the two large boxes of Spanish Limes, "Wow, there's a lot of these things. Are you sure we can finish this?"
"Mi amor, I've been carving for these for the longest." Her small baby bump shows her three month pregnancy. "and they are a way better snack than your donuts."
"You know, not all cops like donuts." Jeff pouts at his wife.
His wife side eye him, "I know you eat at least five of those Dunkin' donuts. You need to start watching what you eat! You're gonna be having another kid and you need to be able get old till you're eighty!" She went to fix her husband's Chief uniform, noticing his tie being off. "You have to be ready for this long journey." She smiles.
"I know. I know. I'll pack some." The middle age man said having to rub his neck, "But will that cancel out a burger?"
"Jeff! How about a salad! Look I already pack your lunch." She handed him, his lunch bag, "The doctor said you need to watch your cholesterol and blood pressure. Less fat, and more greens."
"Awwwe, but is burger Wednesday!"
His wife gave him the death glare that made him shut up real quick. "Okay, Salad Wednesday! I'll eat all this, baby. Love you." He nervously said giving a kiss on the cheek. "Your always right."
"That's what I like to hear!" She smirks widely in approval.
Miles came out of his room being surprised from the boxes of his favorite fruit. "Whoa! Tío brought all these! Yummy!" He happily went over to the clean batches to take one, he first bite around the hard peel then pop the round fruit to suckle on it. "Mmm, so good!"
Quenepas are these green oval balls covered in a thin layer with an orange transparent pulp wrapped around the seed inside. It has a sweet citrus lime taste perfect for the summer, it's refreshing and addicting to eat by its unique flavor. Miles love them so much he tends to eat most of the bag without a thought. It's so delicious that him and his mom always ask their relatives to buy bulks in areas around heavy Puerto Rican/Latinos fruit sellers.
Luckily Miles' uncle was able to find a good deal with two boxes full of Quenepas! Now, he can eat them without worrying about leaving some to his mom. "Mmm, these are so good!" He hops up and down finish suckling the pulp leaving the seed, spitting it out to throw it in the trash.
Rio happily eats one, "These are better than the last bulk. Your tío knows how to pick them. Now, I'ma take some for work. Miles, there's leftovers from last night and pizza from Thursday, okay? If you want to order food tu papà left money on the table."
"Twenty five dollars, right here, son!" Jeff put the cash on the dinning table.
"Okay, thanks dad." Miles smiles being happy he's all alone today. The perfect Saturday, where he can be Spider-man for the day and night just chill.
"Okay, I gotta head to work. See you guys later. Rio take it easy at work. You're pregnant remember." Jeff kisses his wife on the cheek.
"I know. I know." Rio laughs then kisses her husband's cheek. "Bye, mi amor." Then she went over to give Miles hugs and kisses, "Bye, mi vida. Mi bebé!"
"Mamí!" Miles getting his mother's kisses being smothered.
"Be good, okay! Also lock the doors and don't go to the fire escape!"
Miles rolled his eyes. After his parents left, he ate his breakfast and finished his report early. Then he went to spend all day as Spider-man, fighting off some villains here and there. It was a simple day, when he got home he took the twenty five dollars to put in his wallet. If he doesn't order anything with it, his dad let him have it for safe keeping.
The seventeen year old got a bowl of his favorite fruits to enjoy for the night. "Gonna watch some Full Metal Alchemist with some chips, soda and Quenepas!" He happily skips over to his couch and grab his remote to turned on his television to put on his stream. He sips on his soda, "Mmm."
He wore a white tank top with some lime green shorts being barefoot with his hairy legs kicking back and forth. "Mmm, these are so good." He suckles on his favorite fruit.
Unaware of someone coming inside through Miles' fire escape window, with heavy thick combat boots stepping inside with a heavy thud. Miles relax in the living room watching his favorite show and texting Ganke about the episode he finished. "Episode was dope. I'ma try to finish the season tonight."
Ganke texted him with a smiley face. The figure walks carefully not triggering Miles' spidey sense, but his other senses, "Baby, what are you trying to do?"
"Awe, I thought I was giving you a scare, luv." His punker boyfriend pout at him.
"Your boots always makes a loud sound. I'm Spider-man for a reason, bae." His Sunflower's doe eyes looks up at him with a small smirk on his face.
"Yeah, you're right. And you possibly knew I was coming by, huh?" Hobie jumps over the couch to sit next to his cute boyfriend. The cushions bouncy up and down making Miles move his bag of chips away from his boyfriend's side.
Hobie grins widely as he lay on his Miles, "Duh, you're my boyfriend. I know, you always want to visit me whenever I'm free or my parents aren't around." His cute darling smirks at him while eating an odd fruit.
"Darling, what are you eating?" Hobie asked being confused.
Miles set his empty glass bottle of cola on the ground, his mouth suckling the sweet citrus fruit, "Quenepas!"
"Quenepas! Oh right, that's what Puerto Ricans call these. Um... I think Central Americans call them Mamones." Miles pointed out, as he let Hobie hold the small oval shape fruit. "They're like little gum balls."
"Yeah, and you call them what? Queen-Quene-passe?" Hobie tries to pronounce the word. His fingers hold the fruit like a piece of gem to study it.
"Quenepas! Jamaicans called them, Ginep or Guenepa."
"Ooh, I've heard of these before." Hobie heard it from his childhood friends that use to visit their relatives in Jamaica. "I never tried them."
"Make sense, these are mostly from the Americans. You wanna try it?" Miles asked.
"Yes, luv. How do you eat it?"
"Easy. You just do this," His boyfriend put half of the oval shape fruit in his mouth, he snuck his teeth hard enough to rip open the thick leather-like cover. "Then, you just open the half part." He uses his mouth to take off the peel to reveal the pretty pulp. "This is the pulp, the good part and it covers the seed. So you just pop it in your mouth and suck on it."
"Suck on it?" Hobie's face froze, he turns pink thinking of dirty thoughts.
"Yeah," His boyfriend being naive as always with his honey-brown eyes glued on his show. "These taste like sweet limes. So good. Try it!"
Hobie hold his fruit in his hand to do what Miles did. First, he bit around the peel then pull it away. His dark eyes saw the light orange pulp covering the seed, his mouth opens wide as he pops it inside.
Miles watches his boyfriend's eyes lit up by the fruit. "Good, huh?"
"Luv, these are delicious. It got that bitter taste to it from the lime, too."
"Right, it gives it a nice flavor!" Miles spit the seed out of his mouth to put it in a separate bowl were all the discarded seeds and peels went to. "These are one of my favorite fruits."
"Mmm," Hobie spit the seed out of his mouth letting his tongue tingle by the sour sweet taste of the fruit. It's delicious, but not as delicious as watching his Sunflower suckling on them. The way his beautiful plump lips pucker as he eats the fruit. This gives Hobie an idea, a delightful idea that a wide smirk spread on his face.
"Sunflower, these are good, but I want to try something with these?" The eighteen year old punker hold another fruit quickly opening the peel to put the fruit in his mouth.
"What?" Miles face his boyfriend being caught off guard by Hobie's lips. "Mmmm!" Honey brown eyes widen when he felt his boyfriend's tongue and the Quenepas rolling around between they're tongues.
"Mmm," Hobie groans as he got on top of his Sunflower as they have a heated make out.
Miles' cheeks felt warm being bashful, almost turned on as his tongue plays around with Hobie's. They were still in the beginning of their relationship, so tongue kissing isn't something Miles is good at. He's still shy about their heated kisses and hand holding, because he believes Hobie can do so much better without him.
Their first kiss wasn't as romantic as Miles wanted it to be, because of his lack of experience Hobie gave him a peck on the lips. From the beginning all they did was a simple kiss on the cheek or hand hold, all because the Black Latino isn't use to anything else. This made him more upset with himself, he wants to prove he can try new things instead of being coddle or treated like a delicate little flower. He wants to be daring, sexy and pleased his boyfriend the same way he does with him.
Their tongues play with the fruit having drool coming down their corner of their lips, the sweet taste of the fruit gave a euphoric pleasure running through their bodies. "Ohhh," Miles groans in the back of their throat, "Mmm."
"Mmm," Hobie purrs, letting his tongue flap around his pretty Sunflower's delicious mouth. Their plump lips suckle on the fruit letting their tongues push the seed back and forth. The sounds of their lips smacking got their bodies hot, their lower region a bit harder.
Miles' tongue was a bit weaker, more submissive than Hobie's dominant mouth. His boyfriend is hungry for him, so hungry, Miles could hear his heart beating rapidly. Their Spidey senses kicking high gear, it's nothing they ever felt before.
They could feel it trying to bond with one another, understand each other without saying a word. It's like their Spider senes are communicating based on instincts. Miles' eyes met dark beautiful brown eyes as if they were trying to understand that each other in a much deeper level. They could feel their Spider senses clicking after Hobie gently let Miles take over their kiss.
Miles'a own hands pulled Hobie into that deep kiss again, this time his teeth nibbling on his man's bottom lip. Their Spider senses now in tune. "Mmm!" They felt their cheeks warm, Miles' eyes being teary from all the feel good pleasure and want from his partner. His legs wrapped around Hobie's waist, letting his hips grind against him.
The punker's hands gripping on couch trying to support himself while Miles' hands wrapped around his face. They keep kissing till they felt the need to pull away. "Mmm!" They both moan again, the sound of the couch and television play in their ears.
Their teeth would nibble a bit of their lips and tongue. Miles felt Hobie's teeth sinking in a bit harder making him shiver with delight. That feels good. The young teenager tries to copy every movement to get better at kissing, he was tired of pecks and small kisses. He wants this.
When Hobie finally pulled away to catch his breath, he could feel his crotch hard, his breathing heavy. Their tongues left a trail of salvia as Miles lay his head on the couch with his teeth holding the seed. The sight of the young Spider-man's swollen plump lips being wrapped around the seed was to tempting for Hobie.
It made him want to do something more. "Hobie..." Miles muffled his words.
"Luv?" Hobie leans over to kiss his cheek, "I overdid, didn't I."
Feeling Hobie's warm breath on his left ear made Miles shudder again. "Mm-Mm." He shook his head. Their bodies were needing each other, they were begging to go further, but- There is always a but, Miles wasn't ready.
Hobie can tell his precious Sunflower is nervous. After all, this is their first time tongue kissing like this. "Miles..." He finally said before he sat back up to help his Sunflower sit back up.
The seventeen year old spit out the clean seed in his hand, he felt bashful, again. "Hobie, we kissed!"
"We always kiss, luv."
"No, we... tongue kiss." He shyly said, "My lips feel weird." He touch them feeling the soft soreness, it doesn't hurt.
"Heh, did you like it?"
Miles turns to him, "Hobie, I wanna kiss like that again!" Then he pouts, "But its okay we only take it slow."
"Sunflower," Hobie's hand caress his beautiful boyfriend's cheek, "You can take as long as you want."
Miles' eyes gleams with love, he quickly took another Quenepas with the peel off. Popping the fruit in his mouth. Then tackle down his boyfriend for another kiss. "Your mine, Hobie Brown!"
"That's what I like to hear, luv." Hobie purrs as they kiss again.
Ever since that day, Quenepas had became Hobie's favorite fruit.
#hobie brown#punkflower#miles morales#spiderman#across the spider verse#spider verse#punk flower fanfic#punk flower#punkflower fanfic#flowerpunk#flower punk#flower punk fanfic#spider man#spiderverse#atspv#hobie x miles#miles x hobie
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Missing in Action
Chapter 1: Morning
Scout is smarter than people give him credit for, and tensions are high after he confronted Spy.
TW: Angsty. Scout’s got some low self esteem.
How’d he figure it out? Scout got asked by a couple of teammates over the next few days. When he’d been dying on the floor and “Tom Jones” showed up, he thought it was real. There was a chance that Jones could be his dad, even if the odds were crap. And he was dead already because Soldier decided to kill him. It made enough sense to Jeremy that his dead dad would come to collect his soul.
But “Heaven” didn’t. Scout was too embarrassed to share what “God” told him, about him and women. It was the fact that he walked into Heaven and Tom wasn’t following him, despite coming to collect him. The fact that Jones got his neck snapped by angels when Scout got close, the fact that he was in the middle of a game and not anywhere near “Heaven’s” entrance.
And there was the fact that he hadn’t died. Medic told him that because of his size, loosing too much blood made him cat-a-tonic. Soldier n Pyro thought he died in Siberia when they went to get Heavy for the same reason. All that bleeding made him hull-you-san-ate, which explained his dumb version of Heaven. It also meant that there was no ghost coming to greet him that day. And there was only one teammate with a dopey disguise kit to pull that crap off.
Jeremy didn’t really sleep that first night back at base. He wished Spy had left him alone until they got to base, so he could chew him out private like. But then again, maybe the others needed to know so they’d be disgusted with Spy too. At least Ms. Pauling hadn’t heard it. She had enough goin on herself. He wished he’d realized what was going on with her on his own, but she had been hidin it real well. Being from Boston and having Ma calling to talk about life, he’d heard about the gays tryin to get their rights. It was good that he understood Pauling’s reasons for keepin secrets, he didn’t wanna be mad at her like he was mad at Spy.
Scout still wished he had a girlfriend. One that did like guys. His brothers drilled it into him that real men don’t hug each other when they get all teary-eyed. And that getting teary-eyed made you a weak little crybaby. The only person at home that would’ve hugged him was Ma, and sometimes she was just too busy chasin them all around. So after 20 years dealing with that, he’d drop dead before he ever went to a teammate for a hug. They mighta laughed in his face, just like his siblings. So he wished he had a girlfriend to hug him, so nobody would make fun’a him for getting comfort.
It didn’t really matter though. He was still the runt, no matter what. He hated Spy for being so **** skinny and fragile. Hated taking after him, instead of any’a the men on Ma’s side of the family. Hated the fact that loosin blood made him look dead and made him think of stupid crap. Hated being a virgin at 27, and being too dumb to identify a lesbian. Scout didn’t know what to do with himself.
**** Saxon calling him a it, like he wasn’t even a human being. At least that “Mags” lady turned Hale down; the selfish ******* deserved it.
No, Jeremy didn’t sleep that night. At breakfast, which Engineer and Heavy threw together, they gave him an extra few strips of bacon. Thankfully he got to enjoy it, since Spy didn’t bother him. Yet.
A whole lotta planning was going on for fightin BLU as a placeholder job, using the Administrator’s leftover money hoard. Pauling figured she could find someone willing to pay teams to fight, but it might be a while. If BLU and RED ceased to be, most’a them wouldn’t have references at another merc recruitment. She had’ta find something for everyone who wanted the work.
Soldier was planning to marry Heavy’s weird sister, Sniper wasn’t doing too well, Engineer had to get used to Medic and Pyro being around, and they all had to get their things and unpack. It was gonna take a while.
Spy didn’t bother him until that third morning back. He was hovering near Scout’s room out in the hall. Great. At least he didn’t look smug and “better” n everyone when he awkwardly walked up. “Are you in the mood to talk?” Spy asked cautiously. Jeremy just stared back at him in disgust. “What do you think, *****?”
“Okay.” It bothered Scout that his old man thought he’d ever want to talk.
Two more days went by and Spy asked again, this time after dinner. And again 4 days after that, when Jeremy finally told him he’d come talk if he ever felt like it, and to quit asking. Then Spy finally left him alone.
Jeremy sold some of his Tom Jones merch, which was thankfully still mint condition in that craphole Teufort. The people there weren’t trying to hang him anymore, but he still wanted his crap moved. Just being there made his neck prickle and itch, made him remember that goon crowd salivating as he got dropped. Now that Jones had been dead for a while, true-blue collectors were scramblin to buy. Scout kept the best stuff for himself, so he could sell it when he was old as dirt and it would go for more.
It was hard to sort through that collection, but he’d rather sit in a storage unit feeling heartache than deal with Spy. Sent the money back to Ma, shipped his bedroom crap back to base. He found that bein all organized was helpful; it distracted him. He looked for other towns that might have fried chicken and good storage for his collectibles. There was one hours away, if he could get enough motorcycle fuel.
A bunch of people bounced back fast. Whether Spy did or not was the last thing Scout cared to know, but that wasn’t the case for Sniper. He spent a lot of time holed up in that van, more than he used to. Demoman pulled him aside one day and told him why. As much as he hated Spy, he hated the fact that poor Sniper had to hear about it a heck of a lot more.
Stupid, stuck up New Zealand parents. Jeremy made an effort not to whine about Spy around Sniper, it wasn’t fair to him. Ms. Pauling was busier than any of them combined. At least she was smart and useful, two things Jeremy was not. “It’s not like that’s all you ever do.” The woman he loved saw nothing worthwhile in him. He wasn’t sure he’d ever find love. Who would want a loser runt like him, with 7 dumb brothers and a dad who smells like an ashtray?
Just stay busy. Ma’s right, it helps! At least, that’s what he told himself. Four of his brothers had actual wives, the others were not alone like him. Ugh, stop thinking about it! Scout kept working and trying to distract himself, but even being tired from all that wasn’t enough to make good sleep. He had all sorts of dumb freakin nightmares for those first 9 days. Somehow being back on that gallows in Teufort was the worst one.
Day 10 came and Pauling briefed them over the big computer that Engineer built. She deli-gated people to do certain things every other day. She had to do the same for freakin BLU.
“Spy? I need you to gather your things from one of the other bases. You guys are gonna be here for a while.” Spy froze. “Which base is it?” He asked. “Harvest.” That was 4 days away, in freakin Arizona! Not that Jeremy cared. “Alright. I’ll leave in an hour.”
Scout had a bad feeling that somethin was gonna go wrong. He tried to ignore it, but over the hour it just got stronger and more annoying. He found himself walking to the garage 5 minutes till Spy said he’d leave. He tried not to make eye contact and tinkered with his motorcycle. It’s nothing. Just stop being so weird about-
“Scout?” Spy was way too close, but Jeremy played it cool. “Just workin on this.” He muttered. Spy sighed real shakily and looked away. “Listen.” He begrudgingly looked up.
“I’m going to come back. I promise.” Scout stared up at him blankly. He scoffed and furiously started picking at metal that was fine where it was. Dumb Spy, acting like he’s a kid! Freakin- “I mean it.” Jeremy paused. “I’m going to come back.” Stupid little tears were tryin to form in his eyes. “Whateva.” He choked out. Spy walked away and started his car, which also hadn’t been destroyed in Teufort. And then he left.
Funny. That stupid gut feeling didn’t go away.
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To anyone who has not seen Psych:
The answer and the stories behind the answers are underneath the cut (please don’t look until you’ve voted)
Dug a hole in the backyard looking for oil:
They wanted to find oil and get rich. That's pretty much it.
Lied to his new teacher that his uncle was actually his dad:
It was parent career day (or something like that), and Shawn thought it would be a better idea to bring his cool uncle over than his lame dad. So his uncle gave this whole story about how his job was looking for buried treasure (they did actually find it later in the episode). But Shawn's dad busted them when he showed up anyway.
Tried to sneak away from the school group on a field trip to ride a dolphin:
Shawn and Gus hid on the school bus while the rest of the class left to go and take a tour around the aquarium. When they coast was clear, they left the bus, and were both immediately caught by his dad.
(Accidentally) started a myth about a girl who killed herself and is now a ghost:
(This ones longer than the others) Shawn and Gus had just finished trick or treating around the neighborhood, and they had gotten into the back of Shawn's dad's police car so they could take their candy to the station and have it checked for razor blades (btw this came out in 2006). So they were both stuck in the car when Shawn's dad had to go and stop a girl from jumping out of the window at the Asylum. Shawn almost saw her fall, but Gus covered his eyes at the last second. When he opened them, she wasn't in the window anymore. Years pass, and they find out from his dad that he had actually managed to save her, and she never jumped out. Gus and Shawn had just made up a story that eventually became an urban legend.
Threw a tennis ball into an ostrich enclosure, and the ostrich ate it:
THIS one is the wrong one. Shawn didn't throw it, it was a girl in his class who threw it at him, and it just so happened to land in the ostrich enclosure. She had thrown it at him because he had been making fun of her.
Kicked one of the taillights out of his dad’s car:
His dad wanted to make sure he could get out of any hostage situation, and they were practicing how to get out of the trunk of a car. And the first thing he told him he wanted to do, was to find the taillight, and kick it out, so you could see your surroundings.
Got a bunch of gift certificates and a bike for being the 1 millionth customer:
Shawn, Gus, and Shawn's dad had all gone to the grocery store so the two of them could get some candy. And he almost didn't get the prize, because he wanted Gus to go first so he could use his leftover money to pay for his candy. But then he got the prize, and used his first gift certificate to buy a shit ton of candy.
Won multiple games of poker against a group of cops:
Shawn is incredibly good at reading people, thanks to his photographic memory and ability to notice small details. And because of this, he was able to tell when his dad's coworkers were bluffing, and when they were telling the truth. He even went as far as to (correctly) guess what kind of cards they had.
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Weekly Roundup: Prompt reminders
Satsuki as a harem protagonist! (preferably sfw)
Prompt: The Tsukihime Arihiko route.
guro, Can I get Arcueid and Ciel disemboweling each other and cuddling above the warm blood and guts? Romance preferred, but platonic works too.
loli, World where Illya doesn't die and her family isn't all up into her business so she can do what every 18 year girl wants, watch horror movies, drink sake, get gangbanged. The basics
castoria, chen gong, and mephistopheles face an impossible challenge: solving a problem without blowing anything or anyone up
smut, Gudako appreciates how good Mephistopheles’s cock is, visually and from a taste perspective (seriously, I bet it’s like nine inches long with a gradient on it [like the one on their arms but going from red to blue instead of from blue to red], and if you suck their dick, their cum probably tastes like strawberry yogurt).
Wholesome fluff of Mephistopheles baking brownies with Grandma Europa
Funny rivals moment: Mephistopheles teasing Archer Moriarty over how they’re technically older than him (going my their works’ release years)
i feel like mephistopheles and leonardo da vinci would make a sexy mechanical waifu doll out of bombs to prank blackbeard at least once. just some absolutely looney tunes shit.
smut, Mephistopheles uses Afterimage to gangbang virgin!reader. Bonus points for Mephistopheles having a rapid weight gain kink, and EXTRA bonus points for (this part is the most important) genderfluid Mephistopheles
smut, Castoria gangbang. Can be named characters, can be a mob, I don't care I need this girl to be the protagonist of an orgy. Bonus points if you get her covered in and/or filled with cum. Dubcon is ok, but no straight-up noncon please!
smut, I need more Dom!Guda. Doesn’t matter who subs.
anything bartholomew/guda please,, can be either smut or fluff, i just want more content of this pirate man
Goredolf/Koyanskaya? Can be smut, can be pre canon, post canon, pining, angst, anything you want! I'm just FASCINATED by the fact that this guy almost got murdered by her like three times yet have enough leftover love to hang onto the lipstick she gave him
incest, hi you know that bit in oberons valentines scene where he implies hes going to ask his caesar for money cause hes his dad in the play hes from yeah its ruining my life can i have some oberon/caesar to alleviate my hysteria about it how far you lean into the incest side of things is your prerogative but i need this its killing me
Shimousa Kiyohime gets mixed into Proper Human History Kiyohime's spirit origin and she suddenly finds herself Very Attracted To Musashi
Hi can I get uhh extremely unethical knifeplay from a Mister Hyde please? With some blood to drink? Thank you! Dubcon or Noncon is fine!
in fgo, kirei doesn't have magic resistance , so gudako could use her command seals to force him to wear a playboy bunny leotard , or model for a sexy fireman calendar. there's endless possibilities when it comes to doing lewd things to yorokobe man with the help of command seals~!
smut, if anyone feels like making like the first piece of actual content i can find wherein xu fu and yu mei-ren fuck that'd be swell. not like in a weird cruel twist or ntr thing way just xu fu getting dicked down and having a good time
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Vicky Headcanons for @pizzavsburgers :))
<3 Victoria builds her own motorcycles and refuses to buy ones that are already built
<3 Vicky is banned from twitter
<3 She gave herself her first tattoo using a sewing needle and ink from a pen (please never do this, not recommended but it seems like something she would do)
<3 She loves milkshakes, especially vanilla or cookies and cream ones
<3 Glam carries a purse around full of those old-lady strawberry candies, and when he gives them to Vicky, it manages to calm her down or stop her from complaining lol
<3 Her favorite color is red like blood
<3 TW!!! Vicky's parents are divorced and her dad was an alcoholic. On his weekends with Vicky, he couldn't tear himself away from the bar long enough to pay attention to her, so he used to bring her along with him and she would stand behind him as he drank at the bar. Because of this, Vicky always makes sure that she never ignores her kids and loves to spend time with them.
<3 Vicky has been banned from attending school events for beating up kids that looked at HER KIDS wrong during the mother's day banquet
<3 Vicky is a bleeding heart for strays and animals. The only reason there is a "no pets" rule is because Vicky would spend way too much money on them and shirk off her other responsibilities to play with them all day.
<3 Vicky and Anna have been friends since high school, when they had feelings for each other. Anna still has feelings but Victoria does not reciprocate because Anna comes from a very privileged, wealthy background and it's hard for Vicky to understand her sometimes.
<3 Heavy LOVES to ride on the back of Vicky's motorcycles, and the only time Vicky actually worries about driving safely is when Heavy is riding
<3 Heavy and Vicky spend lots of time at the local arcade, and Heavy usually wins the games they play but is unaware because right before he wins the machine "suspiciously" gets smashed or broken. He's too focused on the game to notice it's Vicky
<3 Vicky loves all fast food, especially things she can put ketchup on
<3 Vicky and Dee have a yearly scary movie marathon together which can last anywhere from 8 hours to 4 days. Glam makes lots of spooky-themed snacks for them and Heavy tries to watch with them at first, but either falls asleep or is so scared he barricades himself in his room, where Glam will eventually join him with leftover snacks and they will watch fluffy hallmark movies together instead of the bloodshed downstairs
<3 Victoria's favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because she has a family she's very thankful for. She always tries to deepfry a turkey in the backyard but it explodes every year
<3 Vicky has committed arson
#metal family#victoria metal family#vicky metal family#these have been in my brain awhile#there's not much in canon about vicky so i really want to see more#a vicky-centric episode would be so nice#one where heavy says he wants to get strong to beat up bullies and she tells him her own experiences on how to deal with bullies?#anyways hope you enjoy!
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80s jesus 'verse disciple headcanons pt. 3 (jesus, judas, jb)
my sincere apologies i know i said i'd bost judas "in a little bit" about. 2 weeks ago. here they are. @ that one anon who asked me about judas, my brain works very slowly, there he is
ok starting off jesus is gender wacky. idk what he is i use he/him for him but calling him a man feels off. he's my favorite gender identity which is wack.
being somewhat divine does that to you you don't really care for the labels society has completely made up. ANYWAYS
i don't even know what i'm gonna write for jesus i'm sure you know what kinda guy jesus was.
okay. grew up in nazareth with his parents miriam and yosef and his siblings
(don't ask me why im using the hebrew form of names for the parents but not jesus himself. it's because we have a hundred marys.)
he has three siblings, two sisters and one brother, and he's older than all of them with a pretty big age gap, he was kind of an accidental pregnancy
(or, y'know, the son of god. but who knows ! )
had a relatively normal life compared to everyone else. i guess reparations for how well his life went last time idk.
jesus is also the only one out of them all who has somewhat of a sense that they've all existed together somewhere before ? he doesn't clearly remember any of it, but he did recognize his disciples when he met them.
he also has a lot of nightmares. they're vague, but very painful.
anyways aside from that pretty decent upbringing. he always knew that he wanted to help people as much as he can.
he learned carpentry from his dad and although he did study political science he ended up just running his father's shop.
however of course he also runs his organization ! which i really struggle to pick a main cause for because like it's jesus ? i feel like he'd care about anything that helps people he's just trying to make the world a little better.
idk. i'll think about it.
before he was doing that he was doing a lot of activist and volunteer work alongside his cousin john ! you guys know cousin john !
and therefore already had a lot of peers and a lot of friends who then followed him and supported him. the first being andrew, who was very close with john and was there when there was just talk between the three of them and maybe some more friends about jesus starting his own cause
aside from carpentry, which he obviously likes and is very good at, jesus is actually a little bit of a creative in general.
he just started with woodcarving with his leftover supply for fun and then slowly moved on to clay and occasionally even sculpting.
likes to give stuff shape anyways
cares so much for his whole team and always reminds them to be kind to themselves and take care of themselves however he has not practiced self care a single DAY in his entire LIFE
will overwork himself to exhaustion if someone doesn't physically drag him away. has before.
for an all loving creature he has the emotional intelligence of a doorknob
dgmw he's great. he's kind to everyone and all that. he's understanding.
still has not known what the fuck is going on a day in his entire life. each time any of his friends looks the slightest bit off he comes to the wildest possible conclusion.
most of the time said conclusion being that it's his fault
he might be a tiny bit self-centered. usually not in a positive way towards himself either, it just means he thinks he's the cause of everything bad happening in his life.
feels like the world revolves around him, just in a very pessimistic way
but he's got a lot on his plate can you blame him.
love how i went "yeah he's relatively doing pretty well" and then gave him a bunch of issues lol sorry jesus
welcome, queers, i know you're here for him, here he is
judas is an only child and comes from a very rich family.
his parents own an insurance company and have like a bunch of buildings they're renting.
generational wealth, basically. it's all inherited and they're making a shit ton of money out of nothing it's all already set up.
judas' family is also very religious.
and i know that so far two out of the two times i've said that it means the parents are assholes but i swear it's not like that james and john's parents are also religious it just wasn't relevant.
but yeah judas' parents are, in fact, assholes. judas was very involved at the temple from very early childhood.
which unfortunately led to him being abused by religious officials that he could supposedly trust and grew up with.
especially once he started growing into his teens and came to the realization that he very much Does Not like women.
which his parents didn't love either.
somewhere around that time he started to distance himself from his family, especially once he moved away for university. judas studied political science but halfway through kind of changed career plans and double majored in journalism
which was very demanding but he did it anyways !
in university he meets jesus. jesus is in his third year when he's in his first and helps him out a lot. they're both very politically active too and always meet at protests and charity events etcetcetc so, yeah, they know each other. and sure there's something there but judas is very closed off and they drift apart when jesus graduates.
oh, judas also has depression, he was diagnosed at age ten, his family was very ashamed of that as well.
in his last year of university, he falls out with his parents once and for all.
they already weren't close, judas was very hurt by them and obviously he had a lot of personal issues with them but to him the line came when he found out about a lot of things that were going on behind closed doors in his parents' company, they were scamming a lot of innocent people and also partnering with a lot of . really just scum of the earth kind of people.
judas got rightfully very upset and had absolutely zero reason to keep covering up any of this. so he didn't ! and obviously that was very disastrous for the company.
judas gets disowned. not legally, but his parents cut all ties with him. not that he wasn't going to do that himself anyways.
obviously though as a consequence he suddenly has very very limited money. luckily for him he's currently in a relationship with his guy, isaac, who's very happy to let him move into his apartment. it would benefit him too to share the rent anyways. as it turns out, isaac's not a great guy ! judas himself isn't too well either so they have a very weird very unhealthy very codependent relationship and though they fight a lot it takes judas two years until he finally finds the strength to walk out on him.
judas didn't think that through very well because he doesn't really have anywhere to go. to his luck, guess who he runs into !
it's jesus. of course it's jesus this is the dolokhoded bible where the main character is still jesus, no matter how much i love to talk about james and simon.
jesus is on his way to a meeting with his team and he's like hey why don't you come along. and judas does. and that's it, he meets the whole gang, he ends up rooming with andrew and philip for a while before he gets his own place.
and, y'know. he does, eventually, in an excruciatingly slow process that tests the patience of all of their friends, get together with jesus.
okay i prob have to write this too uhh sad stuff ahead judas attempts once.
he's spiraling and overworking himself and hiding it pretty well. has some petty fight with john that jesus scolds him about and then has another fight with jesus over that and overall it's not going swell.
strangely enough it's john who decides to check on him after that. he has not gotten along with judas a day in his life but he could tell how upset he was and jesus is hurt and also a little petty and isn't gonna go do it himself so he decides he might as well. to his horror he stumbles into. well. yeah
he survives.
he moves in with jesus, john and matthew for a while after that.
(a lot of them are rooming they don't have much money)
goes back to therapy too.
okay sad stuff over. it gets better. he's doing well. gets a job at an independent news page and becomes quite known among his circles for his work too.
or JB.
he does not baptize anyone. his first name is john baptist. don't ask me the logic of being named after himself when he hasn't existed yet for people to be named after him ok making an au of a defining characteristic of current human society is fucking difficult
jesus' cousin. his mother, elisheba, is miriam's sister. she's a good fifteen years older than her, and was in her fourties the year that both jesus and jb were born so her getting pregnant was a bit of a surprise.
grew up with jesus and they're very close. they studied together and they theorized together and they discussed everything together.
very big on environmental activism. and by consequence very very anti-capitalism. very anti-fast fashion, for multiple reasons. also vegan :).
jb genuinely believes the human race is the universe's biggest abomination and we should just go extinct. he's not wrong.
he doesn't pick favorites (but he does and they're andrew and philip they're his favorites)
philip was sort of his right hand
he's kind of there to encourage all the shit jesus can't if he doesn't want absolute chaos and zero planning. give simon a pat on the back for getting into fights with racists and all that.
generally he's a little more radical that jesus is. they don't agree on everything but they both respect each other's stances.
he's so well read. it's obvious too, they're all educated obviously, but this guy talks and you can tell he knows his shit. it's very impressive.
and not even in the sense of being well informed and reading theory he knows literature he knows art he's so cultured and i don't like using the word cultured because it often brings to mind a very western very white very high class perception of "culture" but that's not what i'm talking about here.
jb calls himself an atheist in a more political sense. he believes that people shouldn't rely on some higher force to give humanity and morality substance and should instead search for meaning inside those things alone, otherwise they won't have the right motivations to be moral and therefore their beliefs will have no strong foundation.
he grew up jewish but his relationship with his faith is very personal to him and stays between him and god. he doesn't care to discuss it with anyone, except maybe jesus a few times.
sort of everyone's go-to person for advice. he's there to talk the stupid out of them.
his mother was a seamstress, and he learned from her. he likes to make a lot of his own clothes.
professionally, however, he's a translator. he speaks hebrew, english, greek, russian and arabic. (also a little bit of french and german. he's not qualified to translate those though) (is constantly in the process of learning more)
he just fixated on different alphabets as a teenager a little too hard.
#bible fandom#dolokhoded bible#took me. EIGHTEEN DAYS approximately.#im doing either matthew and philip or matthew philip And either thomas or nathanael next.#whoever doesnt make it to the next post is banished with thad and little james. my dallas jenkins era.#(i am joking fuck dallas jenkins)
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