#with no pads or Advil?!?!! bro.
toxicaltomb · 7 days
lord of the flies but they’re all girls and jack only did that cuz he got his period
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vampwritesstuff · 1 year
TMNT Brothers when Reader is on her Period
I’m totally not writing this because I’m on mine rn 💀 Also, I’ve got a few requests and I swear I will work on them! I jst have a motivation issue and it sucks, but if you would like to see more of my work you can checkout my Multi-Fandom Masterlist ! (I swear I’ll attempt to make a masterlist for each fandom separately, but we’ll see if I can actually do it lol)
Type: Headcannons
Request?: not a request
TMNT Version: Unspecified, fits for most versions
CW: obviously, mentions of blood and talk of female bodily functions, reader is AFAB
Man, this guy is oblivious as hell, he doesn’t realize you’re on your period until he sees you in the lair with a heating pad on your abdomen.
Then he feels stupid because it was so obvious you had started.
He thinks he should’ve known as soon as you started becoming more emotional.
Will 100% get you any craving you want, within reason. He’s not gonna let you eat something that’s gonna upset your stomach later.
Is down to just cuddle and watch TV together.
Doesn’t care how much his brothers tease him, he’ll be constantly worried about you.
“Do you guys think she’s alright without me there?” *insert a collective “SHUT UP LEO”*
He knows that your cramps can get crazy bad, but you guys figured out that if he laid his head on your abdomen, the pain was somewhat relieved.
Low key gets sad when you get annoyed with him, he knows you don’t mean to and it’s just the hormones, but he still manages to feel like a kicked puppy when it happens.
Doesn’t act like he notices, but he does.
He notices hardcore.
He notices the way you’re walking to the kitchen so sluggishly, with a hand on your abdomen and your face scrunched into a look of discomfort at every movement.
He notices the weird period cravings and actually makes an effort to memorize the ones you like so that he can get more for you.
You get a lot more moody on your period so you’re constantly sassing Raph and he has to remind himself that it’s just your hormones talking.
Secretly restocks your dwindling stash of chocolate.
You don’t notice it though until you catch him in the act.
Acts like doesn’t know what you are talking about and claims he’s only replacing some because he ate a few bars.
You definitely know that’s not the case, but you don’t say anything about it.
He’ll hand you a bottle of ibuprofen/advil/midol etc. when he notices the cramps get debilitating. (Literally me)
Acts annoyed when you ask him to carry you around cause you can’t move from your cramps.
He secretly loves it though cause he can hold you and show off his strength.
Innocent boy doesn’t even know what a period is, was hella embarrassed when you explained it to him.
“YOUR BODY DOES WHAT?” someone help this poor boy.
He’s stunned at learning that your period can last up to a week or even longer.
“How do you bleed for that long and not die and it happens every month?!” Has gained hella respect for you.
He probably tried one of those period cramp simulators and it was horrible, Raph made fun of him for a while before you forced Raph and the other brothers to try it too.
They shut their mouths after that, and now Mikey gets to mock Raph’s squeals.
Willingly tries your period cravings, no matter how weird, and he’s ended up liking most of them.
You don’t even have to ask him to cuddle with you, he just does it because he feels so bad that you have to deal with this every month.
Mikey is very empathetic and in tune with your emotional state during your period, cause he’s an emotional boy too.
Only figured out that you were on your period when he made a joke about it.
“Ignore her, it’s probably just her time of the month.” “Actually, it is.” “HUH?”
Bro was so embarrassed and his brothers wouldn’t let him live it down.
He willingly, without you asking, will go buy you feminine products as a sort of apology. (Does that even count as one? He doesn’t know but at least he’s trying?)
Does research on what happens to the female body during menstruation in hopes of providing you some support.
Doesn’t touch his computer for weeks afterwards.
He’s easily flustered, he can’t help it!
Understands that you know your body better than he does, so he doesn’t really try to intervene with what you normally do during this time of month.
Gives you as much space as you want, but is ready to cuddle and watch pirated movies on his laptop as soon as you ask to.
Gets really happy when he sees you using the microwaveable lavender scented rice stuffed animal he got for you (if ykyk)
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sorrowfulwill · 1 year
hear me out a bromance between a trans dude and a very specific himbo beach bro who only wears Hawaiian vacation shirts
“Hey my bro wanna come over”
“Cant dude got my period”
“Oh dang..waittt…”
“Oh my god Adam I told you this like 10 times in the past day.”
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how mcyts would react to being told you’re on your period.
PART 2!! TW! talking about blood. There’s no shipping in this this is platonic stuff. NO ROMANTIC SHIT!!
Wilbur Soot: (gives you a pad) “put that on please. i will be right back.”(leaves for 5 minutes)(comes back and picks you up and brings you to his room) “alright, so here’s so chocolate, a heating pad, and tea. do you want to play a game or watch a movie? oh and here’s some Advil.”
Sapnap: (gives you Advil and a tampon) “I hope those help. Do you need anything like snacks or something to drink?”
Eret: “I have just the thing one minute.”(leaves but comes back with a heating pad, weighted blanket, Advil, a pad, snacks, and your Nintendo switch) “alright so I was thinking that we could watch something and play on the switches or we could play Mario kart or smash bros. Which one works for you?”
Captain Puffy: (gives you a pad) “I have (insert favorite movie or show) that we could watch. And I have Advil, a heating pad, chocolate, tea, and games. oh i’ll be right back, don’t move…please.”(leaves and comes back with all of her cats) “and now we have cats.”
Hannah Rose: “aw, wait here.” (Leaves and comes back with a pad, laptop, Advil, snacks, and blankets) “okay, you go out the pad on and when you come back we will binge (insert favorite show here) or we can watch YouTube videos.”
Karl: (runs out of the room really fast and comes back with a tampon, heating pad, nail polish, Tylenol, and his cat) (puts on your favorite anime show) “alright what do you want to do first?”
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casterisks · 3 years
just had the thought of like, trans ftm larry headcanon
he'd say he's on his period randomly lmao and no one would fucking believe him because he'd say it really casually and it'd be hard to find out if he was joking
bonus: literally only the gang believes him when he complains about it, they're just like "okay, do you want chocolate" and larry is like "first of all, fuck you, second of all, fucking please i am dying."
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crownedaxo · 3 years
Sleep? Never Heard of Her
College is kicking Techno’s ass.
Wilbur huffs, annoyed that his headphones are suddenly missing. Tommy has been out with friends all day and Phil has been at work, so that only leaves one possible thief. Technoblade. Wilbur marches up to his brother's door and bangs once before barging in, “Techno my head… phones…” The middle child’s rage dissipates as his eyes find his older brother. Techno is on his bed surrounded by heavy textbooks and thinning notebooks. There are several pens and pencils scattered on the floor and bed around the usual stuffed animals and a few laminated flash cards fall off the bed. However Techno, instead of having his face in these studying materials, is instead asleep, holding his stuffed pig. His flower patterned pajama pants are rolled up to the knees and the band tshirt has also been pushed up. The heat of the summer has the blankets on the floor, and his long pink hair is tied up in a bun. The bags under his eyes could probably carry the textbooks that caused them. The headphones Wilbur has been looking for, sure enough, are around Techno’s neck, and Wilbur can hear pop punk playing deafeningly loud from them. The younger brother sighs and quietly starts clearing the bed, being sure not to close any books so no page was lost. It seems college is kicking Techno’s ass. Wilbur takes the empty monster and red bull cans from the night stand and throws them in the recycle bin, then grabs a water bottle from the fridge and places it and a bottle of Advil on the nightstand. He’ll text Phil to pick up some healthy food on the way home, even if that means complaining from Tommy. Wilbur shuts the door quietly and jumps a bit at a knocking at the front door. “LET ME IN!” The youngest brother shouts, and Wilbur shuffles quickly to open the door and shush him. “Techno is asleep, shut up!” Tommy instantly changes into a whisper like Wil’s, “Finally? How long has it been?” “Too long,” Wil responds as the two brothers fall onto the couch. “I’m gonna ask Phil to pick up some chicken and salad on his way home.” Tommy whines, “Gross, I’m not eating that! Tell him to get pizza.” “No. Starve.” Tommy punches his brother in the shoulder. Wilbur punches back. They do this for two minutes. Thankfully quietly, knowing Techno would not appreciate being woken up by their fighting, and would probably suplex them both through the coffee table. Even if that meant Phil suplexing Techno through the window. Just a vicious cycle of suplexes. Wilbur delivers the last punch, “What did you and Tubbo do today?” Tommy is immediately distracted from their fight, “Oh it was so fun man we went to the arcade and I beat him at DDR.” Wilbur snorts, “That’s a fucking lie.” Tommy gasps quietly in offence, “How dare you Wil, I would never!” “Toms, you get winded climbing the stairs. Tubbo plays soccer at school. There’s no way you beat him in a very physically draining game.” Tommy huffs and chugs his diet coke he left on the coffee table yesterday. Gross. “I’ll have you know, Wilbur, I am incredibly capable. And I did beat him! Even if that was only because Ranboo and I kept pushing him off the pad.” Wilbur muffles his laugh with his sweater sleeve, “Wow Tommy, teaming with the enemy. You’ve changed, ‘Big Man’.” The offence on Tommy’s face is priceless. Wilbur wishes Techno could see it. 
When Phil comes back from work, he’s carrying a few bags as promised. “Tommy, come help me cook please.” Tommy groans in annoyance as he is yeeted off of the smash bros stage by Wilbur in the moment of distraction. “Fine. I don’t even like this food.” “Uh huh,” Phil says with an amused smile. The two blondes set to work in the kitchen, falling into a pleasant rhythm. Tommy ends up doing most of the cooking since Phil has to keep Wilbur out of the kitchen for fear of a fire, but Tommy’s the best cook anyway and he enjoys it, so it’s fine. On another one of Wilbur’s arson attempts, Techno’s door opens, and attention turns to him. He’s a mess of hair and eye bags. “I’m gonna take a shower, no one use the water.” “I’m cooking though, Tech.” “Sounds like a you problem, Toms.” The two brothers lovingly flip each other off, and Techno grabs a towel from the hall closet. Once the running water is heard, Wilbur turns to Phil, “He’s been awake for like 32 hours and only slept like 3 hours.” Phil sighs, “I don’t even know if it’s stress or insomnia at this point. He has an appointment soon to get better meds because he said his insomnia ones weren’t working and he hates the adderall, but I don’t know what will help.” Tommy waves the knife he was using to cut the chicken around, “I know what’ll help. Going to that college and beating up the professors. But no, no one wants to use the Tommyinnit method.” Phil laughs quietly, “Oh trust me, we want too. It just won’t help.” “What if we knock him out, I steal his clothes and wear a wig, and go for him for a bit?” Phil bonks Wilbur, “You know he freaks about missing lectures, and I know you’ll fall asleep and not take notes.” “That’s not a no!” “Food’s done,” Tommy says, and the shower water sound stops. Fucking psychic, Techno is. Techno is out and dressed as soon as Phil is done plating. “Welcome back mate. Did you sleep well?” Techno shrugs and takes his plate to the couch. “Techno, play smash bros with me! Wilbur keeps cheating!” “I don’t cheat you little shit I’m just better than you!” “No one is better than me. Big Man. Tommyinnit. The legend.” Techno silently grabs a controller, and the other three would be worried at the quietness if they didn’t know how too much time studying fries Techno’s brain too much for him to properly formulate words, and the stuttering and grasping for a forgotten word is incredibly embarrassing to him since he’s usually so eloquent. So the two brothers play a few rounds, Techno taking bites of salad in between kicking his brother’s ass. The plates are cleaned and Tommy reluctantly gives up. Phil talks quietly to Techno, “Are you gonna go back to studying?” A nod. “Can I stop you at all?” Shake of the head. “Do you wanna use us as body doubles?” Another nod. Wilbur chimes in, “You can keep using my headphones too.” “Oh, Techno, did yours break again?” A small nod. “I’ll add a new pair to the shopping list then. Go get your work. I’ll be here if you need help.” Techno drags out his many textbooks and drops one flat on Tommy where he’s laying on the floor. “Ow, what the fuck Tech!?” Tommy receives a middle finger in response which he of course returns. Techno does not need words to bully his brother. He uses Tommy as a table on the floor as Tommy just keeps losing in smash bros to Phil. 
An hour later, the floor bros are asleep, and Phil drapes blankets over them and places pillows beneath their heads. Who knows when they’ll sleep again if he tries to move them and they wake up? Phil and Wilbur climb into their own beds and soon join the two sleepy bois. Thankfully, Techno is still asleep when Phil gets up for work in the morning. He slips a note next to his face, ‘You don’t have a lecture today :) -phil’ That should stop his groggy brain from freaking out, and Phil is off to work. 
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23-plants · 4 years
Periods w/ the Boys™ - Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero
Hi Everyone! I wrote the headcanon I needed today so I hope you enjoy <3 - 🍒
Katsuki Bakugo
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(not my gif nor my art - good job to the author though! <3) 
bro you and Katsuki on your period? the anger power couple of the world right there.
you 100% would curse out anyone who would come anywhere near you 
except for Katsuki because he’s warm 
oh and you definitely let Todoroki put his hands on your stomach too because he has warm hands 
and Katsuki would definitely NOT enjoy that, to say the least 
he would get really defensive
“Why the hell were icy hot’s hands on you??!!?!?!”
“Awww baby don’t worry about it - I got my period and he was in my class, so he was helping me until my Advil kicks in. You can be my personal heater from now on, promise.” 
“Fine dumbass.”
When you’re on your period is one of the only times he shows affection in public
(the other is when someone hits on his girl) 
But he would keep one arm around your shoulders or on your stomach at all times - making sure to be a tiny bit nicer - he knows you’re sensitive right now
and if anyone dares hurt his girl’s feeling - let's just say “yous a dead son of a bitch I’ll tell you that”
Eijiro Kirishima 
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(the gif nor the art is mine great job to the artist though! <3) 
bro Kiri is definitely 200% the best at dealing with cramps 
I mean you cannot look at this man and tell me he doesn’t carry chocolate on him 
look at him 
He also is probably the most understanding and subtle 
“Because it’s the manly thing to do” 
I think he would definitely let you lay down in his room if your dorm neighbor is being too loud 
10/10 snuggles 
will let you bury your face in his chest and is perfect at snuggling *just* the right amount 
not too clingy but not reserved enough to make you feel like he’s not there
will always make sure you know he is there for you 
ugh why can’t Kiri just snuggle me and call me pebble already 
Denki Kaminari 
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(the gif nor the art is mine but amazing job to the artist <3) 
he’s definitely so clingy - it’s both incredibly loving and terribly annoying at the same 
If it was me I would get so mad omg 
“Oh heyyy beautiful! How are the cramps today? Do you need anything? I have chocolate? A phone charger? I-I went and got *whispers* pads yesterday. I don't know what size they are but I don’t know maybe you want them or you want something else? Come on beautiful you can tell me.” 
he’s so adorable though 
he definitely has good hearing when it comes to noises from you 
he probably notices the tiniest little whimper when you get a cramp and he’ll be immediately on top of you asking if you want anything carries pads and tampons in your size and will buy them for you - with a hardcore blush but he’ll do it
choking hugs and accident elbows your stomach but apologizes profusely after 
I feel like he would also offer to help you with your homework if you need to lay down in bed 
(although you might have to redo it after - it's the thought that counts right?) 
Sero Hanta 
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(the gif nor the art is mineeeee <3) 
this might just be me, but I feel like Sero is pretty healthy in terms of diet - not one to carry chocolate on him 
I would KILL him before the end of my period 
always encouraging you to drink more water and to eat fruit to try and help it pass faster 
tells you you might feel better if you went on a run (in good spirits but I know steam would come POURING out of my ears) 
but he also would be really good at dealing with you snapping at him 
he realizes that you are feeling a lot of feelings and that you might not mean everything that you’re saying 
will give you excuses when you need to run to the bathroom or you aren’t feeling well 
100% will pass you an Advil if you need it 
I feel like everyone feels comfortable enough with him to ask for Advil 
he is also definitely one of the ones who will make SURE you’re eating 
warning: will force food down your throat 
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Iida,,,Iida with a ferret
bro i NEED you to understand how absolutely blessed this concept is. i NEED you to understand that the universe was created for this concept and this concept alone. i NEED you to understand that this is the best string of words i have ever read. please i owe you all my money you will get any property i have once i die you deserve nothing but the finest riches please-
okay but REALLY
im not quite sure why iida would end up with a spaghetti lad but once he has her he cant let her go. she just looks at him w those big beady eyes and her lil whiskers nd iida is like “i,,,yeah okay”
she has a lil face mask pattern like most ferrets do so he names her smth equivalent to bandit or mayhaps after a hero w a similar mask (like mount lady maybe but u know)
anyway so he reads up on ferrets nd when he reads theyre smart hes like “oh no” bc he KNOWS shes gonna give him a run for his money but shes so cute he cant say no
he goes out w mido and uraraka to get a cage for her nd since iida is loaded he can get a pretty decent sized one. but yea they also get her some other stuff like blankets toys bathroom pads etc etc all good pet stuff
but they come home to bandit causing Havoc. she pissed bakugou off and has only been spiting him since. iida opens the door to the dorms nd the first thing he and mido and uraraka hear is baku saying “WHO LET THIS FUCKING ELONGATED RAT INTO THE DORMS ANYWAY” w kiri screaming in the background
iida Immediately goes to his daughter’s aid nd is like “bakugou no she was just trying to play!!!” “PLAY MY ASS SHE SCRATCHED UP MY ENTIRE ROOM AND THEN PISSED ON MY BLANKET” iida looks down at her “how did u even get in there i left u in my room” she blinks up innocently at him
ANYWAY one chaotic weekend later and a whole bottle of advil on aizawa’s side, bandit is finally settled in and happy w her dad...shes so cute. she loves hanging along her dad’s arms nd like being swung around like a lil slinky. im crying. iida uraraka and mido stay up too late that sunday just watching her and playing w her
anyway since ferrets sleep a lot she sleeps mostly while iida’s in class but if she’s particularly restless that day she has some interesting things in the cage she can mess w
once iida gets back he gives her an appropriate amnt of cuddles nd attention before heading to study but she Always makes it hell bc she wants More attention
also one time she def stuck her nose in one of iida’s engine ports and he screamed SO LOUD his floormates thought he was getting murdered
also every once nd a while iida has to head home to help w tensei nd just to visit, so while he’s gone mido and uraraka take care of bandit. thus this video;; https://youtu.be/Fj6BAqcHGpU. they send it to iida and he cries (so do i)
also she loves todoroki,,,,stretches her longk body along his heat side and just sleeps there during weekends, which is when shes let into the common room
also ashido LOVES her. she helps iida groom her and gives her a lil bow every once in a while. bandit loves ashido in return
this is such a blessed concept i owe you my WHOLE life oh my god
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rickybowensfever · 6 years
Faking Sick Karma
Cade & Lindsay
-- my favorite trope is characters faking sick and then actually getting sick. So, here’s my introduction to my new characters, Cade and Linsday. They’ve been dating for 2 years, they live together in a small apartment complex while in their senior year of college. Cade is studying Hospitality Management and Lindsay is in her second to last year of medical school to become a Pediatrician.
Cade is a gamer, a romantic and stubborn when he falls ill.
Cade and Lindsay are sitting at their breakfast bar, eating the chicken quesadillas Cade prepared for the two of them.
“Hey, so my sister Jess and Kyle are having her housewarming party this Saturday” Lindsay began to tell her boyfriend.
Cade looked up at her and nodded. “Ok, cool” he replied.
“It starts at noon and I already have a gift, I got it when they moved in. Remember?” she explained trying to remind her boyfriend.
Cade looked at her in confusion.
“You know, the rose gold wine glasses? And the key hooks?”
Cade looked at her again with more confusion in his face as he took a bite of the last quesadilla.
She glared at him and said, “Oh my God, well I got them and that’s what we’re giving them”
Cade laughed, “Okay babe, I’m sure it’s great,” he told his girlfriend as he picked up the empty plate and put it in the dishwasher.
“My dad is going to be there, you know,” she told him as she stared him down.
Lindsay knew how much Cade and her father butted heads. They were always fighting over football or simply her father was disgrading him for his major.  
“Well, it is your sister’s house-warming, I kinda assumed he would be there. I’ll be civil” he told her as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and kissed her on the cheek.
“Okay..” she replied unconvincingly. Cade said this every time they were about to see her father and every time, it blew up in his face.
“Ugh, it’ll be fine! I’ll say hi and then stay with Kyle and your brother, Mark for the rest of the party. I’ll be on my best behavior, I promise” Cade told his girlfriend trying to convince her that she had nothing to worry about.
“Alright” Lindsay answered to end the conversation.
While Cade walked out of his last class for the day, his phone was flooding with messages.
Chris: Hey man, you going to Jess and Kyle’s on Sat?
Cade: I might...Lindsay told me about it, I feel bad but I think I’m gonna pretend I’m sick. I don’t want to ruin the day for her. Her dad always fucks with me.
Chris: Gotchu there. Dude can’t just mind his damn business. I always hear him nailing you with questions.
Cade: Yeah, I told Linds it would be different. But, who knows? Dude will never change.  
Chris: Let the girls go, I’ll go in on being sick if you are.
Cade: You think you can convince Jenn? Good luck w that dude
Chris: oh yeah I always just blame it on hockey and that I need to sleep
Cade: haha, alright maybe we can make it a boys fortnite day I’ll ask the boys later
Chris: word
Cade drove home with his heater on high when he got into the parking lot of his apartment complex, he put his face up against the heater to get a fake fever.
Once he walked into the apartment, it was time for him to convince Lindsay he wasn’t feeling well.
“Hey, babe! Did you decide on something for dinner? It’s your turn to pick. I texted you” Lindsay said greeting him.
Cade groaned. “Ugh, I forgot. Let me put down my stuff and I’ll pick somewhere” he said walking toward their bedroom. Lindsay followed him.
As he got to the bedroom, he started putting down his book bag. “I said I just need to put my stuff down,” he said angrily.  
“Alright. I just wanted to make sure you were okay” Lindsay told her boyfriend in a calm, concerned voice.
“I’m fine,” he told her with his back turned as he stood at the dresser picking out a pair of black sweatpants, anger still in his voice. Cade always got angry and agitated before he got sick, so he knew if he pretended he was angry, Lindsay would suspect he was coming down with something.
Lindsay left the room and waited for Cade to return to the kitchen.
When Cade changed into more comfortable clothes, he returned to the kitchen to face his girlfriend.
He apologized to her, “Hey, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have lashed out, I just have a really bad headache”.
“It’s alright,” she said with a soft smile. “You want me to pick something easy? Chinese?”
Cade nodded “Yeah, that’s fine,” he said opening the medicine cabinet to grab some Advil since he did have a headache, that was at least true.
“Hey, you sure you’re ok?” Lindsay asked, suspiciously, eyebrow furrowed.
“Yeah, just a headache. Long day” Cade told her quietly.  
She stared at him for a long time, “Babe...you know I get concerned,” she told him.
“I’m just gonna lie on the couch. Chinese is fine, you know my order” he said as he finished his glass of water and swallowed the Advil.
Lindsay’s eyes lit up and her nurse-like instinct kicked in. She slowly walked over to her boyfriend lying on the couch and pressed the back of her hand against his burning forehead.
“Babe…” she cried.  “Why didn’t you tell me you were feeling this bad?”
“Cause I just have a headache. I’m fine”
“Then why is your forehead burning?”
Cade shrugged.
Lindsay grabbed her purse and threw on a light jacket, then proceeded to place the thermometer under her boyfriend’s tongue.
“Stay still, I’ll be right back,” she told him and she went to their bedroom to grab her wallet.
As soon as Lindsay left the room, Cade took the thermometer and placed it under their lamp to warm it up until it hit 101.
He heard Lindsay’s footsteps and put the thermometer back under his tongue.
As she took it out of his mouth to read it, Cade told her, “Babe, I promise I’m fine”
“No, no, no. Hundred and one. There’s no way you’re just fine” she read while shaking her head. “You stay here and rest. I’ll pick up some medicine at the store on my way to pick up our food. Ok?” she told her boyfriend.
Cade nodded and curled up into a comfortable position on the couch to take a nap. Lindsay kissed him on the forehead, “I love you” she whispered, locking the door on her way out. “Love you too” he whispered back.    
Once Lindsay was gone, Cade texted Chris.
Cade:  bro, Linds bought it. I feel bad because she’s real concerned but all good.
Chris:  yooo nice! I just got back from the gym, so I’m really flushed and I keep blowing my nose so Jenn is worrying too. I just told her practice was brutal this week and I’m exhausted which isn’t a total lie, kicked my ass this week.
Cade:  haha nice
Lindsay: hey! I’m almost home, just picked up some meds be home soon<3
As Lindsay opened the door, Cade let out a train of fake, rough coughs.
“Hon, you sound terrible,” she said with a frown, grabbing honey-flavored cough drops out of her plastic bag. “I thought these would come in handy,” she told him as she opened the bag and handed him one, running her hand through his hair.
“Ooh, good. I think the Advil helped bring your fever down. You don’t feel as warm as earlier” she told him.
Lindsay returned to the kitchen and prepared their dinner.
During the night, Cade kept tossing and turning in bed, while adding a fake shiver and small cough. He would get up and grab a glass of water from the kitchen, take a towel wet with hot water to keep his face and forehead feeling warm and his face wet.   
When he headed back to bed, the time read 3 am. He kept coughing while getting into bed which woke up Lindsay.
In a sleepy voice, she asked him if he was okay. “You really don’t sound good. You’ve been coughing all night” she told him.
“I’m fine. Just have had a tickle in my throat, my mouth feels dry” Cade replied with a yawn.
“Alright,” she said with a scowl. “We’ll see how you are in the morning,” she told him, rolling back over to go back to sleep. Cade did the same.
When Cade woke up around 8am, Lindsay was in the shower getting ready for the party. Cade plugged in the heating pad that was under the bed and moved the dial up to the medium heat to give him a fever, again. After he used the heating pad for a fever, he used it on his stomach to generate more body heat and sweat.
When Lindsay came out of the shower, Cade was lying in bed, coughing, sniffling and shivering.
“Babe...” he groaned as he whispered to his girlfriend.
Lindsay frowned at her boyfriend and walked over to him, sitting on the bed and felt his forehead with the back of her hand for a fever. She frowned again when she felt his warm forehead.   
“Oooh...you’re really warm, still,” she told him. “I’m going to text Jenn and tell her you’re still not feeling well and maybe I’ll carpool with her to the party. She said Chris was feeling sick, too. I’ll try not to say too long, okay?”
Cade just nodded, letting out another cough.
Lindsay winced. “You know what you felt really warm. Turn over a little and let me just take your temperature” she directed him while she placed the thermometer in his right ear.
“I’m going to grab some Advil and I’ll  make some soup before I go, ok?”
Cade nodded and she kissed his forehead.
“Hey! Is Chris still going to the party?” Lindsay asked Jen, talking to her on the phone.
“No...poor thing was up all night throwing up with a high fever. It’ll just be me. Why? Are you going alone, too? I know you said Cade was feeling sick last night”
“Yeah. I was calling to see if you wanted to carpool. Cade was up all night, too. He has a fever and he’s been coughing. I figured we won’t be there too long since they’re both sick”
“Something must be going around. He’s lucky he isn’t throwing up. I’ll pick you up in an hour. Is that ok?” Jen asked her.
“Yes! Perfect. Let me know when you’re on your way!” Lindsay replied and ended the call.
Lindsay went to check on Cade when she saw he wasn’t in bed and the heating pad was dangling from the bed.
“Cade…?” she called for her boyfriend, looking around the room for him...then she heard a noise coming from the bathroom.
From inside the bathroom, Cade was making sounds like he was throwing up and dropping a cup of water into the toilet bowl. He felt really guilty but he thought a cough wouldn’t cut it if he wanted to convince Lindsay.
He flushed and unlocked the bathroom door, huddling over walking back to bed.
Lindsay was looking at him with concern, “Ooh. You have what Chris has. Jenn said he was getting sick all night. I’m sorry you’re feeling so bad” she said running her fingers through his hair. She pulled the covers over him and told him to rest.
Before she left, Lindsay told Cade “I put soup on. It’s in the kitchen. I’ll call to check on you later but let me know if anything changes. Get some rest. I love you” and kissed him once more on the head.
He told his girlfriend “goodbye” and waited until she left.
Once Lindsay had left the apartment for the day, Cade texted Chris.
Cade to Chris: Dudeee give me the Academy Award for convincing my girlfriend, the nurse that I’m sick. I feel super bad but relived her dad won’t shit on me today”
Chris: hahaha dude same Jenn would murder me if she knew I was faking idk how I did it it’s all a blur tbh but now we can get some fort on
Cade: haha alright I’ll be on in a few lemme set it up
Cade moved his heating pad and blankets to the couch to play some Fortnite with his boys. Leaving his sick presence in case Lindsay face-timed him which she regularly did.
Chris and Cade were able to play about an hour worth of the game by the time the girls called them.
“Shit. Dude, Linds is calling me on Face Time I gotta go” Cade told Chris and shut off the game and took off his headset. Then, he got covered in his blankets and pillows and he answered the Face Time call.   
“Hey,” he said in a groggy, low tone, answering the call.
“Hey! How’re you feeling?” Lindsay asked him, looking like she was in the living room of her sister’s house.
Cade shrugged “Not any better,” he said, letting out a cough.
“Aw. Have you been resting? You look like you’re on the couch”
“Yeah. I just wanted to watch a movie or something. I’m sick of being in bed” he told her.
“Alright. Well, I just wanted to check on you. Are you still warm? Check your temp when we get off”.
Cade put a hand to his forehead and nodded at her.
“Get some rest and I’ll be home soon. Kyle and Mark say hi, to feel better and that you’ll have to come over soon to see their place”
Cade smiled, “tell them I’ll be there soon,” he said, still in a low tone.
“Ok! I love you. I’ll be home soon and check your temp for me!” she said and they ended the call.
Cade: Dude, I’m just gonna watch Netflix or somethin they’re coming home soon I think
Chris: Alright np I should prob do that same good game tho 
Cade checked his temperature and it was rising from the hundred and one it was earlier and he hadn’t done anything and he was feeling really exhausted. He popped on a movie on Netflix and drifted to sleep.
When he woke up, the sun was going down and Lindsay was hovering over him. He started violently coughing and his body was aching.
“Babe...you never texted me. Did you fall right asleep?”
Cade nodded at her. “Sorry” he whispered.
“I feel really sick,” he told her and he did, he felt awful. I guess this was his karma he thought.
“Oh, I know honey you’re really burning up,” she told him feeling his forehead and running her hands through his hair.
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Tips For Being On Your Period.
bitch i don’t care if you think you won’t have cramps. always. have. tylenol/advil. everywhere. 
also take it EVERYDAY YOU ARE ON YOUR PERIOD. it will not only alleviate pain but discomfort in general. 
don’t eat a lot of salty/oily/greasy junk food on your period. a little bit is fine. but like 3 meals worth? not ok. unless you wanna wake up in the middle of the night with extreme stomach pain, something that my cousin (who had also experienced it by committing the same mistake) said that it was alarmingly similar to labor contractions. 
yes, this happened to me last night. i ate black bear diner, subway, popcorn, soda, and cinnamon gooey bites during the day. woke up god knows where in the morning and was tempted to call for an ambulance. it. was. not. fun. 
you really shouldn’t give in to cravings. ESPECIALLY SALTY, GREASY, OILY SHIT. THAT. IS. A. TOTAL. NO. (SEE #2). but to satisfy your cravings, i recommend ice cream. it’s still sweet and junky, it’s creamy (which will go down better) , and it’s cold (plus!). 
but even then, don’t have like 2 pints everyday. if i were you, have at most a gallon that you dole out on your second, third, and fourth day. try to even out at least a third of a gallon between these three days, and it’ll satisfy your cravings without giving you a major stomachache.
you’re going to feel bloated. try some tums or eat stuff like watermelon which will cleanse your stomach naturally.
i don’t have a heating pad but i very very much recommend it. this is weird ik but it also helps a LOT.... use a car seat heater if you have one. whenever you are in the car, just switch it on. even if it’s for 5-10 min, you’ll feel better by the end. 
bitch idc if you’re lazy. get up off of your lazy ass and wash that face twice or more a day, take a shower twice if you can or at least once, wash your hair in your normal schedule.
wash your sheets before your period starts and after, even if you don’t get stains on it, but also because you’re going to feel dirty before your period. (don’t lie it happens to everyone.) and also because of oils and dirt and grime in general.
if you don’t feel fine, stay home. i stayed home for 2 days because 1) i needed a desperate break from school and just wasn’t feeling it, 2) also wasn’t feeling well because my period was starting soon. 
change your pad/tampon/cup frequently. even if it wasn’t a heavy flow. it’ll make you feel less grimy. 
girl, i respect those who can walk out of the door on their second-third day with full on makeup, a fashionable outfit, and high heels. love me some high heels but i ain’t that strong. and i’m pretty sure the majority of everyone would agree with me when they say that they’d rather stay at home with sweatpants, no makeup, and a blanket crying about otps (i’m looking at you dimya). so just do it. it’s a-ok guys. pour yourself some wine ( @footprintsinthefallingsnow​ bitch i’m still looking for that sangria) and settle in.
 just know you are a woman and you are going through one of the most painful and unpleasant humanly body processes ever. feel free to relax and/or smack down boys who act like pussies. bro you’re literally bleeding for 5-7 days straight. idk about you but i’d respect anyone who goes through that once a month (and also anyone who goes through labor). so give yourself some credit and tell yourself, you deserve this. you deserve a break. maybe one day, political and normal assholes will understand that too.
hi, i’m swe. thanks for listening to my womanly ted talk. hope you have a lovely day everyone! also infinity war people who are also on their period or just infinity war people in general, come cry with me by shooting me a message! 
love y’all xx
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mintyjin · 7 years
GOT7: you’re in pain from period cramps
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girl, I know period pain. I used to vomit every time I had a period! but the doctor said that’s unhealthy so now I take meds for that lmfao
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Mark would immediately know what was wrong as soon as he saw you swaddled in blankets and whimpering into a pillow. He’d plop on the bed next to you, brushing your hair out of your face and shooting you an empathetic smile. “You ok, Y/N?” he’d ask, and wouldn’t flinch if you threw a pillow at him for asking such a stupid question, instead finding it sort of endearing. He’d do anything you asked if it made you feel better- back rubs, cuddles, not talking for the rest of the week, buying $678 worth of takeout- you name it, he’ll do it. 
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Jaebum wouldn’t have much of an outward reaction to finding you whimpering in bed, but he’d figure out the situation pretty quickly, deciding to lie next to you and wrap his arms around you. He’s definitely the type to go out and buy all of your favorite foods and candies and pile them next to you on the bed while he puts on your favorite show. Won’t be offended if you want to be alone, but is also totally down to cuddle with you to help you feel better. If you asked him to buy you tampons or pads, he wouldn't even flinch. He understands that they’re something you need and he would never be embarrassed about helping his girl
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JInyoung would already have an emergency hoard of candy and movies and tampons stashed away somewhere, so when he sees you in pain, he’s prepared for anything. He’d try to comfort you and reassure you that it would all be over soon while holding you until your pain died down a bit. He’d make you drink lots of water and take a painkiller so that you wouldn't suffer as much, checking up on you every hour or so with a comforting smile on his face. 
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At first, Jackson would freak out internally. Not because he’s grossed out by periods or anything, but because he doesn’t know how to go about comforting you. He’d settle for hugging you and telling you he loves you over and over again because in his mind, that makes everything better. If you told him to roll off, he’d do it immediately, cautiously glancing at your face to try and read your mood. He will do whatever you ask him too, ok? He just wants to be able to make you happy and he’s willing to do a lot to reach that end 
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Youngjae, too, would freak out because !! his girlfriend is in pain and what does he do about it? He’d ask you if you were ok what u think and if you wanted him to buy anything for you. If you did, he’d sprint to the store so fast and be back in the blink of an eye like damn son. You’d have to ask him to cuddle you if you wanted him to hold you because he’s so lost and unsure of what to do in the situation, but he’s happy as long as he’s helping you feel better. After many months of dealing with your periods, he’ll be the best at cheering you up, but it’s a process
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BamBam wouldn’t know how to make you feel better other than distracting you from your period pains good luck bro so when he saw you whimpering on the bed, he’d plop down next to you, wrap an arm around you, and tell you bizarre stories about the members. If he saw you were still wincing, he’d get worried and ask if you needed medication or something and does he need to run to the store?? he will run to the store whether you ask him to or not. Like, he’ll literally run because he’s an airhead and buy you all your favorite foods, advil, some movies, and a stuffed animal. When he gets home, he’s going to throw the bag at you, though, so don’t think he’s sweet just yet
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Yugyeom wants to make you feel better, but he also wants to survive the week, so unless you ask him to stick around and talk to you, he’s going to assume you don’t want to see him and will keep a safe distance. He’ll definitely buy you candies and a plushie and present them to you with the biggest, cutest smile in the world, though, because that’s just how he is. If you asked him to cuddle you, he’d rub your back and try to make you laugh in order to take your mind off of your cramps laughing hurts, tho 
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tobeens · 7 years
Sbdndnsj please!!! Take a break if it hurts my bro!!!!!
maria? ilu. im glad u care for me! I took some meds and got a heating pad and I feel better! taking some advil and my nerve pain meds did the trick! (also my fic is wip but… soon… maybe ((senior year is a bitch)))
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